HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-05-20, Page 1I
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;U *,Ants when Yon want them , ��
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MR# and mate for We doo-W
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9mBER that Floor, 00 I - -
uniture, Coverings and WM- .
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mpings are an Import � -
Ant of ,
MW.. We devote the befb�oft
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G us, the measurement OIL 7 4
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!*withthe contract and waL ,MM:
a the Jetterl, and Save you mu*� E
Sbloft --nWil—Lotett
IWT14 not be- keeping, pace- With 041. * ,
VM7Y'Da, &ra well -supplied IA* - ,
- . _ .aia� for the summer.
5`9 to, 1�8 yer:K popular. No fc= -
Mver produced sue4 arylish "Uq,:
1`1 �for as% little Money. . You will, ny; � .
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you see: ttkem. 1�
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th- # wy wtip viou tq -
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. , I the estate of the late 104&-
� arling,. the 1�-
, - trm, contalaW �.
, - was purchased by Mr. _Alwj,
T -r, who. owns, the farm to SU I
jot it and which will stda4 .
- number of his broad ",Pjl� .
� - -
IY� G. W'agh-orn succeeded i14
L -ng la. loon onf- day., last W ""
, , .
�� -
I a spttcim- en of bird which is� I
i 'tre. in this, couiq,try and W_
lira will have it stuffede-
Ir. 3le-Nab and Rev. Mr. B401�-
1. P�
Ovillf church, Brugsels.-OV,�
. ,1� 11ulpits last Sunday,porff-
Ix V._VC"1XJXUr,-,Nfrs. Jag. Peii�*
11 _Ntil, of Edinburgh, arDYBI ,
_;th Mr. David Campbell, ThOY, . �
.. � �
I ot' tht. SLeamShi.p C04r'UtW*-
'fTfirt rather a tedious� VOT:' �
� —0 .
. Rxet,er. I
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.It tit :L Worthy Pioneer. -21- b6f,
I our suit duty to chronirdatb6*-
. I
. at an(% of the pioneers Of. fl* -
Uip,of Usbor_u(�, in tho pel"Z -
it McInrics, who died at EXOtOr.
't.. go
lf�sdV Iwb,t, the 10th i=t-. * 1�.
1 . rn - Qn the island of T!yree, Ar,
I -
,.rf, Scatland, in the YCIAZIS*
;, htu -he� w- as but a few wedi* -
- Partats aud,familY' caln("*, -
.L and st-ttled in the townsbw
housik,, in the, countir of LSIO!" I
Rol roughed i � t the ;Vhila tll,�t -
- ,.re " -
, �
5-;Z1.4 �n a very primitive staft- .
.11 ye-ir 1851 ht- came ',�'-At_314 -
- I I on the Thames YOad in Vo- � :
l I I �
I 4:-, pareriLs a.aa, familY fvl'�� 'r- �
-1, hiM LWo years later., lu 1W -
,:> culiverted under the nliilistrfi. � �
I R v. John Hooper and aii Ofift I
� a mernbvr of the Rible chri",
�Churrh. In 1862 he mairie.4
� Pa.ss-raore, eldest daughter- 't
I at V*-
,.,(. William Passmorer
t_ '
- Ife resiided same year-- DO*X -
'..im, where he occupied MOP) --c
� -
(if cluss 1,eader an I d SabbaA I.,
supf-rindendent at RehObstb�
� Vs-
- - a it �
.. 11,u moved to Exeter ii, 18%
�1'11i-d on Elizabeth strCetJkW-be1*' I
%-_tined unLil death called 11W I
Ife. was U teacher and 0100
�for niany years in c
, -
i fra-, strvel Methodist 011�-Cllr '
:Lf -r. If(- was one. of a fa:�i�
. .
�rtt,*,rt, �hree sons and 01041i. -
, __
zt,r-. Ili- Ieaves an sffootiooi I . I
i,., It.
I 01 . brf;tll(lr and three-"'#'
Iri mourn 11.'s Iojss, Flo I'VO4 '
Itil :rt ih,. hi�-hest SeftsOa4w I '
T, 110i .
, ,
,I usvful citizen, a, 5tau " ,
f,':vrid '-trid a congenial 0�00V,
. Ili! ill-;ith is a distiactloo-
.. �� - ilai .
f-emirm,mily in which ii�-*&-
, 0
() ,;orlgr and where he WaS , ' �
- 04.
-nd set (4-servedly rer,Vc -
. _�__*_ -
L Hugh john Macdonald., 90-4 , .1
L'uld ,,.nd th-eir only, 961t,sok- ,
'tald, It
, -f t Winnipeg fQ;r iry;�o
. ]grml, MAO*, .1
Lad'ana, last week. . �
-and yuung Jack Vrill OW -
. or the Season for the Pur04 - I
, .
litting Master 99CLI'ald,wo'- . I
.& do, ��
re.sent in poor health -f t-0 90 I -
sible booefit by, a oba09t- A � . . . . . __1
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eside. . __ � -1
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WHOLB NUMBER, 2,901 - . i - FRIDAY, MAY 209 1904o -
.- . I .- 9 �
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Fine . I i I - -Wron Teachers in Connci
I FURS East' I tive committee were authorized to vn down about four years agoWiL
Tailoring . � - 7 --- secure a copy of the minutes of the Wall Papers an attack of typhoid f4 -ver, whic
. ario Educational Association for . evious to bi,4 &.1-01, (It
I - I AND A VE, Y SUCCESSFUL GATff ER-. Ont, two dayi pre
. ING, � - each teacher In the Inspectorate; vel,ped into pneunionia, and niakin
and ,;tkene
I ___.� also to act in unison with the exec- ,V Ir rapid progrtss, his already 1-ve
� FURNISH Window Shades ,
readymade I I (Officially Roported.) .utive of the West Huron Teachers' �, constitution could not withstand P
I IX4aS The ' regular annual meeting of Izistitute and if practicable to ar- severe a strain, and he passedpeace
clothing � the E"t Huron Teapberg' institute range for a union meeting of the Ourtain Poles fully away at the ago of 48 years, oil
. I Teachers' Institutes of East and nionth and four days.
. � � , . , I was lifild in the, Seaforth Collegiate West . -'
I . t)n FriPy and Saturday, May 130 .. Huron in Clinton in 1905. Mr. Thomas Oke, who for man
� 1 I . Picture Framing.
�, - h Mr. Rogers took up his paper on , a
0 . he of the Centy,
� a
. I - nd 14*,�th, The first session opened ,, Science Tea,rhing in the Publi I", hotel bar in Exeter, lefi last lxet,fl
3'. Hou , I'VITERv . ngsville, with -a view of ulk
I . W . on Friday at 10 a. ni.,Ahe preside�t, -80110()Is.?P He said we should strive AUX, WE for ki,
� I ston, B. A.,, in the chair, to maki� our teaching follow natur- . 9 ing charge of thr-- King's botel' i)
- .. 11 � . A ally the fren& of the working of tb - a ORTHO that place. I
... . � . opening exercises the following coi�- child's mind boafore he enter,s school. . SEAF ..-E. D. Macpherson, brother of I,'
� . in ore miftees were appointed: He gave a few simple experiments fo Picture fr3ming a Specialty, L. and D. F. Maepberson, of Clinton
. . . Program, Messrs. Musgrave,Lough - - — .
- "goffatt, 11c.solutions, teach dew, fo , rain and wind- Go to --- - -, , ____ was in that town last week, on a vi
,�� . and . ,1�1j-ss
I . , rs. the Woods in the spring with your and Russeldale. Mr. Corry, -who is sit. He was an old Clinton boy ba-cl
. Rogers,' Robb and Scott. Reporters, pupils and lead them to observe a practical railway builder, consid- in the seventies, but is no-mv repre
. . I 11 V##**," . !--- Messrsl Weir and- Haftley, . the roots of plants, the -svork of in- cred the route the most favorable for swntative of a Wisconsin thr"di%.
, I . The, first paper was. one on History ,sects in carrying the pollen dust. fn railway construction he had ever works at ln�dianapolis.
a I ,n I
� I klen y Mr. R. Weir, in which the the fall get eci- goyw over, and said the line should -Miss MeMicking, of Toronto, -
, was concisely opened up for
. s I bje t, ,mens of seedsi anZl teach them bow U built at the minimum of cost, As one time resident of Goderiell, diel
G I : ' i10 , One of the principal fea- seeds disperse themselves so that the
reig -, --,Stew.-art 1 t res as, the special previously stated the, line will be at her home last week after a lojl�
. � .1 I .plants gr6lv I up everywhere they larg-c-.1y independent of (he roadways illness. Miss McMicking was one o,
� � ! atte called to Dr. T. Chisholm's fi,nd suitable� environment. pupils and so constructed as to grades, etc., the first teachers in St. Gi!orje'l
� poetical History of England in one �
should remaij�j in the public schools as to permft of the running of heavy church Sunday school, Godt .'ch.
� hundred lines. The speaker gly ears longer than they fredglIt a. high speed. -Two inmates of the lfou!� of lit.
. . -stron, at least two y
SEAFORTH, ; . e use of notes Ao. Mr. Ro,gors' paper was interest- And now as to St, Joseph. This fuge passed away last wee'r., Davi(
, I : but roco"mmended the thorough ing and instructive. Discussion fo'l- place has been so frequently describ- Otterson and John Daley. Thi- lattei
I � I I teaching' of the leadin'g events of
: ". - i . each period and t lowed by Mr. 1�obb. ed i n the press as to be familiar to came from Wroxeter to whic.1 plac;
, I � he grouping of les- The next paper was taken by Mr. most newspaper readers. �t is a the body was tiken for ints-rnient
� ' I . ser events around these. The RrI10- Loughead, of Plinton Collegiate, He town site on the shore of Lake Hur- He had been a British sol,divr anc',
In' the matter of his. Spring sel ection, we study the man who is to wear 'ipal aim of history is to -create a first gave some ideas along Lbefun- on, dir,GTtly -west of Hensall and Zur- came oift with a regriment when it
. . desire- for historical readings. Spec- damental lines of geometry. Someof i,h, which some seven years ago was stati neR in this country.
-the suit. . 1� ial attention to be given to Ist, the le,ading poInts brought out were - was laid out by Mr. N, ITYL Contin, and -Hotel oGodericb, Gode-rich, will b(
We help him. to a fitting choiceof materials—if he hesitates. . Historical Knowledge; 2nd, Mcihtal Geometric el�ments; a lina should' those associated with him as a opened for the summer season oI
We suggest the style of cost—if he is in doubt, 1 Power; 3rd, Individuality of the have some
Cbil& , connection wi summer resort and seat for certain 1904 by a grand ball on the evenin.,
We put our best thoughts on his individual case. ideas and proo'eed from physical and kindis of manufacturing. Its most of the 24th of b(lay. The manag(-
Mr. Mureb gave a very concise and -real in ,geometrical. Then by illust- striking structure is a mammoth ment are making arrangements for
Jan% it worth something to have the' most careful service of expert clo- interesting account of the 43-d an- I
� , t ratinghe show,edhow todevelop the br�ck hotel, situated on the corner a dance and suppe.r which -it is e-.,-
thien at your disposal, and nothing extra to pay for it 7 n.ual meeting of the Ontario Eldiica- idea a# poinU line and surface ; a of a leading road, 500 yards from the pected will be a most. enjoyable <av-
. The new Spring Suitings and Suits, Top Coate, Hate and Furnishings are tional Association h4ld in Univer§ity lake shore. It has a frontage of ent
a , straight line io that of which every - A five piece orchestra hasbuii
ready for your doming. I . building, Toronto, on April 5tb, 6th. part 130 feei, asion.
� � itb two wings extending engaged for the oce,
- . and 7tb, I . has the ame direction. Mr. . n
. . . Longhead thin worked out very back- 1607feet each, and is three -There died in Winnipeg a short
. - Afternoon 'Session. stoews high. Built on these'gener- time ago, Jennie Wyatt, Avif( 'Ir
. .. I . clearly many I other definitions in ! of N �
I f Wing-
, Miss Ada'Beattie, opened the after- this definition, of a stragiht line ou)5 lines it has spAcious rooms and Joseph Youhill, formerl. L
. ,y of
If e can believe the people noon session with 4 very pleasing Some of thes " were triangles, cir-* stores on the, ground floor, be- ham. Mrs. Youbill has been ill for
� vc
. - I and well rendered recitation en- cles, 6te., Ile showed by illustration sides some 90 bedrooms equipped with se ,ral ' months, and a couA)le of
I - � �� � � titled '11 Kentucky Belle." how 'to prom d in the teaching of every modern convenience. It weeks ag& an operation was per-
, Who have looked around, we are in a position to serve you better than you Mr. Thomas N. Forsyth taught a propositions. e also showed how stands out as alandmark visiblefor formed in the hope of saving her life,
can baserved elsewhere. Our stock is the largest, our stock the choicest, our lesson n linear, surface, board and Pupils could equire a clear -idea of miles around. As yet it is only par- Deceased- was a native of London,
cubic measure, to a class of fiv angI s by e of protractor o by tially completed, though a month's and the remAins were taken to 'that
styles the most stylish, our qualities the besf, ouT prices the lowest—.facts . r, e, e us a r
. I : . girlsi. Py representing linear meas- taking a pen,il and rotating the work should see one section of it city for interment.
which tum the business our way. . I- . i: ure wiith a string; square measure pencil to shovV the size of the ang- ready for occupation. -Miss 06krlotte Earl, youngest
� A number of specials in - every department this week selling away below with 4 sheet ,of paper, and board 1". All the �ntroductory illustrat- pense has been sparge4 in its construc- daughter of Mr. Wm. Earl, a little
the usual price. May be the very thing you're. looking for, and can save a measur� with a foot of, lumber and ions in t fitstinsix books of euclid tion may be judged from the fact south of Winchelsea, -underwent a
� . pubic measure by twelve feet of can be t he that over $100,000 has so far been 'very critical operation for appendi-
. dollar ,Qr tRo � I , aken _ this method in one expended on it. In addition to the citis at the bands of Dr. Wishart, of
. lumber piled upon one another. -Mr, year. The s400l board of Clinton
F( � made the relation among cannot be too highly congratulated hotel there are built on the town London Dr. Rollins, of Exeter, and
1� site a three storey wine factory, Dr. Ferguson. --of Kirkton. The op-
.. I . . ,% � . the m asurements very clean on having, "_a matheina-tical mas- Operated by Mr. Eugene Becigneul, eration was a suce
Miss M. L. Brock vindicated the ter, Mr. Lon4head. ess but very lit-
flu-rluerl impression that she� had left Mr. A. E. Smi1th too� up his subject, a Inanufaetory of organ pipes, and a tle hopes are entertained for her re -
His Wedding Suit. . by her former papers. Miss Brock " What teaph6rs ought to know." brick block of four stores, owned by covery-
I i,ntroduced the paper by defining Reasons wlylteachers fail: Ist, a Mr. 0. Bis.sonette ; a large, brick -Rev. J. C. Dunlop, who for the
� . literature as the spiritual concep- lack of hearl; 2nd, because of the works, operated by the St. Joseph past three and a haltyears hasbeen
. . . Land Im rovement, Company, -which Pas
He has made his chpice--of a wife. She is the best. The day set for ti(oa of the writer in the veD e
- .gA�Wt smallness' f the salary a teacher p tor of the Clinton and baselin
the great event is not far away. In order that he may do justice to th ' language. Th' must striveo 0 obtain some employ- 'has )produced all the bricks used in Baptist churches, has resigned, the
, e occa- I the village, and a saw mill andpla)a . - resignation to take effect at the end
ision, one of the- most important items for consideration is the wedding qu proofs,,of the value of literature in ment durdn �- his spare, time; 3rd, ing factory. In addition to these, of June. Mr. Dunlop is very popular
- it develo�ing tfie intellect, imaginatioa jume are f seve�re at times; 4th,
" 0 bers all 'o
4ad hat, &e. The occasion demands his best efforts. In this particular de- �Lnd ju,dgm-ent. Some of the most imq, ow the pupils or perhaps there are several fine re.9idents oc- among all classes of citizens #nd
- d suits. por.ta 't th _ 'd -ts o influence them too cupied by Dr. Routhier,presidenL of' much regret is expressed at the coin-
, . ' '0�g much in the the company , Mr. 0. Bissonette,Mr. this .zealous min-
,oartment we are specially strong in finb black suitings an hts dwelt on by Miss ,, parea �
' . I BrockcMwere. 1st, Read quietly many �school work ; fth, oth- Becigneul, Mr. Geo. Campbell, Mr. ister
-If nisde to measure, we build � fine twill or fine Cashmere I times 1�110-w�ng the beautiful impre-1- ers push th i pupils forward for of the gospel and his esteemed
. � 'r L. V. Bacchand, private banker, and f am ily. I
. wonted black trousers q gr,ey trousers - 416.00 to $210.00 SiUla 0 s1nk into the mind; 2nd, examination
. . H 7 . Clear eas of True Justi others. Mr. Contin occupies a mod- ---:-Mrs. J�ohn Taylor, of Exeter,met.
P cc; 3rd, The erly'grounde in the work;.6tb,some .1 . I
' 'unexcelled,- use, of lite est, frame bouse opposite the hotel. with rather a serious mishap
If ready to put on fine black T�.,)iil,� OeAmere or Cheviot 10.00 to 12.00 araiture in 'de- 'teachers do ot review enough and. . on
l � - . r veloping expression. In conclusion' are thereforl not thorough enough - The, banks of the lake at this 'Friday night of last week, which
A Hat to match, in soft felt or stiT, the price 1,00 to 3.00 -she sajid her idea in teaching histor� 7th, Jeache'lTs should itr'�'Ive to gej point are not steep, and there is a might have resulted fatally. When
. . wag tq cause right thinking and co t ,; 8thp nice beadli with twenth feet of water tLt supper, and partaking Of some
- I 11� the sympa h� of their pupil5 at a- dista)we of a.bout three hun- canned plums, one of -the stones was
SHIRTS_�4 the whiW) difrerent �ty�em, price 50 to 1,00 sequently right acting, , uJd be punctual; 9tb,
_1 I � . Rew I . Mr U9,dgins gave a,n teachers slip. ldro-4 feet. The Mminjon Govern- aoold-entally, taken in with the food
ow)ra JA t#41 WW my N 164t VA PAPIP . I 00 to 1.0.9 op 1 - I , i)3 t�eA-_ teachens sho#0d �be wide readeins, )Jwat P�a4e ao appro . .
I 444P D -44r4" on 4!, )?,aqi,Q.o,§X", 'The Wqff-e� I - , p,riatio-4 -of ,4�0, - Wad be0a,we 104ed a4r4,io5 ,her throat.
I . s- - ) b,e r,044 of py'r Ag -,W,2 "4, 'Ll" W rt 0 was No kime wag Jigot in V
.. V"MWEAS ig OR JOW -#@00f A nit o to 1109 '.. � - _11 I � . J) t ,990 bgr a -, ba)rt" A pa, _f whwb rocuri4a medl-
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� E it, 1?1�pswn!".§ 1) I. -
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� �f, r"(wow VW4 yp,g.r WiD JrP*9,rk thg P_0§§jb1P to Tf-mopy'e, t)w ,!s"b;sJ1L,#7W,,
1W IWAnt f"W00 M -F frAwortg_- TJW , Were
WN -114 WI&f ff@mp fwlpf MWO &W41yable 1 . ,,-,.J,d�,,4jr",e)-,-1045,,,,,,., Ifiviron W04" gw, it .4 grgnt of f"RA Aft4r -wm* 1AMP, 0mg ireApt WQ'§.g*_-
eyffy , � 0) of A§ wkWwal 199'"j, ungfiWou§ 190 Owir 00MOR 0 W put V44" imt VA Wort) xm VAYJor W4
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W A, fil?
. - 1. ii f 4-§ -, �f� 4 4§ 0MU4 ; Of . �fj� Mr.. jjou.§�,qjj jfj wbi6ij will *HaW fe'-§@14 to hfid Wwne, neatly e-04#§44, IM, PAf .r
A I , . W . f w, @ &d ei�
MMAR m4 OUMf &ff # Ne C,A the *wk* - , 16 to 0 �J - , , , " Md.1yadm, - Pff8-"`#t'§ elARW, '10'Wk 0F96W§ fAWO 9WOWA go Ong "t, - -e-g-ft,
y #*), dup now 4@fkf.* no ,§0jViVV.d0 P .,
11 I § ffowing Ow i§ 1,�,& Nighl.r LL&Jved at j�Afjng it- i1090 *g (
. tip'" 4 1 tu Y&Md of fia,vloatlog, It ii =4104r an Wne.§ t%te*4fng cnwt,
. . - I .. jlhwt., llmt - tosi elly h&, 1§f, V (if 14§ �yyt,&11+-,&tU4J _00nding ,4, 64T JJ&-h9Md M 04f afiff &pyW&&&fiJ,,.§ .�wveygj & ith. ,
� "*�_Adkllfi� "I'll - 111�.tfi`vf* uy W-mve lq§ ,* 1 '§ - �f tlf,4, #.4�- i - 14 Y 'y ymma Mfg ffstifil,
- U W , P, -"M J)VJVd ow�Wfy si§ maoy - �
60#;#r"-,!1�#+ - - �A,,�A�& � - " # OP. I toe 16of to - . fuldo �&fe WfJJ tW ' f "& 6! Mr. Leolie Comos-
who Vil offIr W&filftedf fr&64t. i6o , Id. temill fi,04dly th6t ;VAVfC1,, a§ Ardfike Uodetj6k- gad "&A- ]Wf-f-, of 'WilYgh-v.-W, di -ed ow, T#4Way
, - � - ,- . � odt lawg &.ftd th,& Mr , I & I VFtowaiwitit 106,16wed tO
� - do * Wyafy f(ligiolff, eayf�914&& days ut16'r his fut6ts1l ip, gmiftd,Aure ig flu .tiv6t to fill up q'iter-hooyll May loth, &ged 4 ytars,
r 2nd, b Itowaing d&wft TarArria Ili's addrf- was, Very inferagcing, 4&� C,h"A�,l Ith f"t
- 4 � FILT by mft�' I IWI _1tb("th0,r?,-J5y ftetev_- N6(:Rst4 had bt�Aft cothno"d ,,to her
0 methods- in Our 610tionS, 3rd, by JR� exhorted the tomehers to attend itating frequent dredging, Mr.Cor- home since last fall, Mrg, Co t bie,
B -0 I S_ Sul S I branding all our -exports with tb6 convention4 nt a
. .5 alue of ry considors the providing of this was _the youngest daughter of the
� . . .. Avords "Prom Canada;" 4th, by�be_ cmchernging knowledge obtainedfrom W%arf a necessary part of the elec- late CampbelInHanna, of East Wa-
� . . I I getting in the children love, and loy- experience, VZcbers should not gelt. tric railway Scheme, as it would en- wanasli and had been a resident of
I . I alty to Cfanada, discouraged. W� � uire cultureby able the railway to do a profitable Wingbam and Wawanosh all her life.
4k The 'next talk was given by D. co -
! F acY
. %r,f I ZP Robb) B . A,, on " The New Curri Ming to Ahor, 'ut the best freight business in coal and other She was held in high esteem by a
. -75 i , cu- MO
I I I S U -, to -Ium." The points touched on were: . .eve del * ,we can before tile pulAls in products, large circle of friewLs. Her death
. I ! . . ,ry way;! Mistakes we should Wbilst many people in the vicin leaves only Mrs
� . I
.. I i . hoo ity - A. Young as the
11 I I ; . I . Ss I Libraries; Objections toFree I
., � guard again4t, 1st, grammar; 2nd, in look upon Mr. Contin as a visionary surviving member of the laie Mr.
-1 � eaders; - Neoewjty of Educational 4cabulary; 13rd, pronunciation, I and declure that his investment can Hanna�s family of -seven children,
41 For Boys 4 years, to. P.,c'ys; no need of home wo k -up to The conveption, which was one of never be realized upon,it is Wortby -An enthusiastic meeting of tbose
� I � Thirl Class; moral stories from
,. I Biblelf- Writing a slight slant; the best att � ended and most success-, of 'note that the men at a distaxce interested in bowling took place at
14 %,tears Of age, bint, Com- Association has ever had, -who have invested thousands of dol- O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, last week,
1��- � __ t, o i Ranual Training, Nature Study was brough,lt to a clos& by singing 11 lars in his enterprise have the fullest when a club was organized and the
- .. - t , w' j 11 . be e I and t Book Work; Grammar is not to "God Sav(.- lbe.� King.11 It confidence in his integrity and aims, following, officers elected:
_4xe put on sale, and i ,leared out be. �ken up in Third Class; after 0- 11on.
and are rea47 to subsciibe liberally president., Rev. R. J, M. Perkins ;
.1, Literature, History, Art From Stt'atford to St. Joseph. to Me electric railway. They real- president, L. H. Dickson , vice-
, . , just as quickly as boys 4n get here to fit th "' J year
I I .. , � I 1. .. them, Price will not 'Prevent tbese odd subi I ts, Physiology and Nature From t e Stratford Beacon,) Me that it is a'necessary part of president, B, 8, O'Neil ; secretary-
� - ". 11 r . . -
- - . f I stud . - Lo be ( tl
� . I are, reported by �
- . , ,.."i, , � : suits Moving Out, Jf Your boys want a the- &incipal and inspector as being the whole undertqking,
. -
1, , - . . - The rout� of the proposed Strat- and this treasurer, J. G, Stanbury � ebap-
if _1�1 .1 :i tord-st, Xj'oiteph Electric Railway Iffords grounds for hope that it will lain, Rev. Wm, Martin -, X�anaging
.. I 1: 7 � ; suit, this pile of baigains should have your .satisfactorily taught, but there will
t, 11 I I be gone through with. In fa*or of committee, N. D. Hurdon, J(, eph Da-
_. 11 � � . asses thr,oligh what can safely be )s
� 11, 1. � immediate attention. First coming will be 11� J)ape,rs set at the regular en- P
I i . � � I tranere examination; papers will be. described a$ the finest agricultural this estimate 'of Mr. C=tin's char- vis, E. W. Horne, R. 13. Samuel, W.
� certainly have beat choice. fact that ev- J. Heaman. It was decided to buy
I i . 1, I i set .,Is usual for this examination, as district of ithis con'tinent. There is
- I � foll'o�vs: Reading, written and oral, hardly an �crc of -wastc� or s cry dollar be, has induced parties to new bowl,q and to hav
. ! wamp , nVest
� � Prices for the sin 'or penmanship, spelling, geography, land in thelentire thirty-eight miles, ' I he enter- grounds l once, so that
; I . I prisee and not on himself, an(t what- play may be commenced as soon as
� ! 25 to $2-60 grarnmar, composition and arithm4f The writeri used to think that the
� sizes 4 . —
I I I - I$ I. I tic; the marks alotted to these sub- township d Downie had farm build_ ever may be its outcome it will not the weather permits,
- jects will also be different from liere- ings that o other township could be to his per�sonal enrichment,
- �; for thq luger , -Last -week while draiving hay
� � Prices . tOfc)y(,. In conclusion Mr. Robb ex- surpass,but on the road to St.Joseph The Beacon representative was im- from William SuialldoWs, 12th Con-
� I � sizes 1 $2.00 tO '3.00 borted the teachers, as honeit me pressed with the feasibility of the el- ces.sion of Grey, and -.,vhcn in front of
. l . qP - _11 be found a highe,r average, especial- ctric Tailway enterprise and from Mr. Scbpozk�s, the binder polebrokc
— and -women, to do their very best, ly in residences in the western- town- e
- '
The beat odd Knicker ever shown in - Seaforth at 35c ; only a few dozen ., For thi,st,�a,g�'Tg alone it was worth ships. This is accounted for by the what lie could gather from th� prac- in the-contre and as it was terribly
� � while at n in the convention. - fact,., that these townships are of tical � gentlemen interested in � the windy the load gave a swing and
; I mor� 6C , ttlement and that the ruct- went over into the ditch upsidedown
get a few pai0 i i The At-home, ed. He has to thank Mr. Cout
I ,, %� . 'T 'eulliv:'eas from the log cab' work he believes it will be const
. � I . transitiQ 10,9r. and with such form it drove- the fork
� � On Frida eac e e fine modern ' rs. orge amp e and: Mr. two feet into the ground. J. Brown
We�,, sel I the on ran nic ers, were entertained by the teachers rs and Mrs. 0. BissonettG, for hospital- and James McDonald landlea along-
� Of brick structure, whereas in our old-
, - I the Seaforth Collegiate Institute and er sections the second house was of ity of tho. kindest nature, , � side, the fork keeping the bay off
__ �
� . �
,� BeamS, Tf yqu have never bough public school to an At-home in the I
Double seat'double knee, dou le sewn .L t thie frame, Which is still in too good con- i � thcm but they were sent on their
i Ass�Qmbly Room of the Collegiate. A dition to"be torn down to make, way Huron Notes. ; hanfl,s and knees. James Brown -,*Pot
most I r1p
brand, try t4em ;. cost no mord than other higher g�ade knickers, and wear. ,enjoyable and social time was for a moder brick structure. In tray- tbe SMall bone in his ahkle broken
I -Mr. Edward Anderson, of Dun -
twice the 1.64gth of time, Pride -50c, 65c 75c and 5c. � - spent. Tho following is the pro- elling Wes the modern structure gannon, was successfully overated and it bad to be put in plaster of
Bib Ove�alls for bo�ys fro three years up. , � graftme. Instrumental duet, Mr. makes I its - pearance in numbers in upon at St. Joseph's hospital, in Lon- Paris, Ili, will be laid up for five
- ! . and Miss Livens ;address of welcome, Fullarton t wnsbip and every mile don on Tuesday, for an injury sus- %V(1(1'ks or more. J. McDonald got a
I . � . . . I MW I Mr. �1. Y. McLean; reply to the ad- of the rout, through -Hibbert, Tuck- tained by a fall about a. month ago, era k on -the back of his neck that
__ s I � . drcss� M7 F. H. Cameron; chairm��nls ersinith an Ray it becomes the -The Hui -on Old Boys' Asso�iation kepat kim to the ground for a while.
- addrdss, - Houston, M. A.; recita- rule rather han the exception. The of Toronto, will run their annual ex- The horses did not get away.
l n,
I st tio , AT , Hazel Reid; vocal -solo. roads also i
Yo Raincoa-E ; provc. We had heard cursion to Goderieli and- Lu:r1know -Th,- many friends of Rev. IL
, - Nir. Xct d; violin solo, Miss Daly; "
. - I; � i a great dea I of the splendid gravel this year on Saturday, July 9th, re- Dkwlamm, of Wallact� and formerly
11 now days cannot colivenienfly k i ep P�ee wit -_ addrc,gs, _r, B. 13. Gunn,* vocal ducti county and The fare for of Zurich, will sympathize witlihim
INfait or wopl� r� I * h the ' ob Messi's. - Willis ]Br roads of Huron were, turning on July 11th.
. os.; recitation, prepared to see the leading roads in the- round trip will be only $LK in the loss of his wife, who died at
a t t* Jerived in weari�g of a comfortable Miss L. Best; quartette, 4`0-ssrs, the pink of � condition, but we. found
gation to duty, ,iyjthout the pr ec, ion the
j� -4 _, _ - -31r. Fred Elford, of 11olmAsville, the parsonage, on Sunday, May 81 11,
and neat raineo4. ' Ni r'womant oi girl, or b should be without the Willis Bros., Bright dnd Pl�,,k4rd; has gone to Ottawa to take, tdmpor- in ber 59th year, She bas been Un
� - Y7 i - instr -9 mental duette, Misses Cluff that quality to exist in even the -
I .
Xseful garraentsJ Every one � an afford one. � side lines. ],And this, applies to the .ary charge of tlie Pouiltry ]�(-part- well for tbe past nine years, suffo-r-
i� y 02.50, $5.001 $7,50 and Bright. After this excrellent villages as ivell. Hensall, the most mcnt there, until a successor can ing from heart affection, and grad-
�- I f
1, - I . 11 i musical and literary treat refresh- -important ,�iillage ont he route has b-, appointed to succeed 'Mr. Hare, ually sank until tli<,, end came. , Her
A AAA AAAONIAAA . mcnts werc served, ,
� ---- - __,___.� . '_ only a thojigAnd population but it who has resigned. maiden name was Mary Hoffman,
��'t furday Morning Session.:. has seven miles of granolithic side- -W. Jackson, of Clinton, president She was a native of Hess;, Germany,
. -
. Tli�, following officers wek�, elecL- walks, almost every street in the of the, Western Bowling Club, has and eamp to Canada with her parents
A St ` -
ed for the ensuing year: president, village- being served with it, and decided to offer a handsome prize whom ten years of age. She wa-.5
) .1 . for the best rink of colt bowlers at hirth
Greig P warlt - G. F. Rogers, B. A.; Ist vwie-presl- ,Zurich, a village about half way married to Mr. Dierlamm in N
, I iss X -ock; 2nd vice- blCtWeen Hensall and St. Josoeeph, has fbe big tournament in the last week Eastbope, Perth county, 37 years ago
, ! . de n t, M , , L. Bi
- I -
I � . president, Mr. Robert Weir; secre- a similar quantity. Both are neat, in Ju)Y, - and they had a family of nint,- child-
' f tary-treasurer,, Mr. John Hartley., well built up-to-date villages, fur- -A lovir)g fatlw,r, kind husband ren, all of whom arp living.
Johnson' rids." L 010 Stand, executive committee, Messrs., W. & nish,ud. with , electric light. In the and v,,tlu<,d friend bas been removed -Mr. Ezra Brvnnf,r, eldesL son of
G � ; , t df-atli of William Francis of Mr. JrA4ipli Brpnnt,,r, proprivtor of
.4, mitter of permanent walks and well by tbc
1 14 -r"-.l Lough, J. H. Cameron, W. J.'Mof I P
SMi :FO:RT - fatt, A. Hamilton and J. L. Mo� built streets they set an example, lot 14, conoession 12, Usborno, who the. Grand tend botel, was married
: � , ,
I � Laughlin, Auditors, Kc_jsrs. A. Mun" even to Stratford. pas_*_d away on Wodnesday night o ' f in Exeter last week to Yligs Annie,
The 114gest and best �tocke oth" g Rat and Shirt store yo * d W , Wilson. f � Thc-re is a fall of 578 feet between 1:13t Weak, Born in Fullarton town- Stcnvart, of Usborna. The, ceremony
M I - " 6 tTeasurer read the fil-nancial Strattord and the lake shore, but it ship In the. year 185;51, be shortly took place at the, r"�idente of Mr.
- I I -rw r mr ved i to t b -
I in Westem Ontario I I sta ment, sbowing a balp�nce on is so gradual as to cause little trou- a f to a ds J n 'r to%vnship Htnry Gould i - n Exeter and was per -
I Pro 9 ress
Cloth 9 St
u 2
u 0
i . IV' T, -rr. he has resided eon- form,od by R�
� � , han of $24.49, Th.e report' as. ad- ble in the building of an electile rail- of Lsborne, wb,r v, M.r. Martin. On the,
I p on Motion of M,em=. KUMX�Ovs way, Few bridges or culverts will tinuously ewer since, being one of following morning, thf.- young eoup)-f.,
Highest-Pricos for 'Butt�r and Eggs (al'd Scott. On motion of Me. rg. be required and the only heavy the towns14's best and most pros- together with Mr. and Mrs. Xam,es
6 � is -
I I � I Musgrove and Moffatt the� exeou- jgTades are about 811affa, Cromarty, perous farmers. Deceased wai� tak- Hannon, jr. and daugbter, of Sbipka,
� I
. - I :
I i
__ i
I I I I . � .
----- -- - � I - - _-
WeLBAX BROS., Publishers
! $1 a Tear in Advance.
� - - __
- 7 - , - - � - - I - - __
vOlo Irld ;III -114"I H.1, vv.'4A : -
'Id _! 41 . -�
i 1141111oll be. -n-, �,l -,:.,1-r ol 11'o grwnu,
, 1.
1 dr4we to Luely) T,,��-Ie ;-��, , t� , . �'A; I V-
, !1, I �
; -ain 4,111-oult'. f -T. (; II, -�,.!,urt- il"ev
9 4114"Ild -11411darl" �! f.,-.,. p ,(I, f it-
-I �, -.�, �1 �J-
, . .
'k,01ir'li I hi -Y ,t%;ll �1414. ,�Tx 171AT111
� I �, �.
I I;end, Thi -1. ill lity fl.,I.1141- �,,,,,!., . j�vla 1
1 * � '
I M -My yvwirs cr h-.,jp1,'.,n1,s--� an I 1sq,�J,.,T._ -
i ;;Y.- ; .
- - Whil ni*-,,h3 bi%v ri --- ulliA iii -,
ix-ritius ,,fifi.ir hap1witt,41 nt,.ir %val-
I ehl-N.-I the wber &.IV. 11 a1qt(-_ivW
� Nlr�,- F-w,ni Brown nild Nliss G, ria,
I ,
I Nlillvr v, t-rtt on i heir )V.IV 1JOU14- frfjj�j
i It -V-11 --boall 114jon %L,.,hv;1 111�-� --%�(,:e
I -
I ii -l -L by a rumixv--y tvain o-,%ned 1) ' ��
Nli% Thoinit,on �.mil �111.,arliVil tt)a .st,1�41
ill ill aml 4--hich had 1Wt-ii left stand-
ing on thir- roidside by lbe hired mlan.
ITh<- .,wt -4 drill c4_;l1idv(f with tile
buirgy -ind a ga(-ilufal smashup w -Is
, ` , -
i1114- 1-t-sull. Xxv-;- Drown, was pulled
f)"I 1)V r 112v d-i-,bbo-a-4i and f4-11 to
fl". �rr(;Ilnd v.;Ih inurh force, and
frill -l-'1119 onio I h- lines she was dra"_
vd a ewL�sidvrable distance. ..s =
. , t r-1 n!re
to say both occupants x.-;r..,111.,J wit)i-
out s�'� . ,r;cus injur.y.
-The Goderich ,Sigivil of last week
S.:lYs.- F, Jordan has an Intervsting
Iiieture which - recalls an incidfnt
-t-t-hirch occurred in Goderich in 1858.
At that tijn�r t be squart. lWaN MO 11 (111
drained. and ovi-r on ibe southue,q
sith. uatvr %%.'-� siandill.- 14) the th-pth
.of sevel ' -.11 feel. The council %vould
not do anything and to arouse pub-
lic feelffig in the niativr ITIr. Jfwdan
who -was thvn a ni-w arrival in,town,
and some others hit upon the px1jell-
Jent of getting a boiet, in which Lmo
men rowed about trying Fvrry."
The photograph shows this beat iviqi
thf, two men and a passenger, float- .
ing on the. wide' -waste of water on
%�,Ihat is now our well kt!pt Square.
-Af ti,.r spending a couple, of
months at Sterling Kansas, with
friends, ,Nkfiss Annie Behlen,, of?"foles-
wqrtb. has gone. lo Portland,0regon,
where she will visit her brother,
Lounf,who has been in that tity the
past three years and holds a very I
good p"iflon. Miss Belijen was not
greatly taken up with Kansas not
wishing to remain long in a' country
where town people have their tor-
nado cellars and country peopletbeir
dug outs to f lee to on the approach I
of a cyclone, tornado or sa'nd storm.
While there she saw one sau,& storm.
The air was so full of sand day be-
came ,night, the -wind not abating for
-at. least iwelve
m-ost of the people us& double doors
and windows yet after the storm.
furniture and plotbiog inside their
houses 'was completely satti.rated
with a f ine sand dust..
-4--, .
� Canada� .
� -There was a light fal I of snow .
at Port Arthur on Friday last a -ad at
schrieber,. 140 'miles east of that place
snow fell to thia depth of Over a foot-
-Mr. Arthur Farley, ot Toronto.
well known in temperance cireles
and, a:n active temperance work-er, -
died last week after an illness of a-
bout a year. He wa;s 77 -yean. of
age. . -
-At least 3,500 Italian railway Ia-
borers, thrown out of work by the
mtrPmeLment on the m4lways, .are -
otraAde,-d in Alontrvaj, oleeping in
f1w, oven air and on the, Y&roe of
-Tho OW410)0 hvis") koejwm, ..'-f-e -
gher fmmwls �A� I
KWmo Ow, ofifef of f"IM171 14f4mw� rxsm,
#6�§iovpm 110 4&4W fl.'Pjr Ja0.44V.J.§1(1.�-J4f#
I I for, iw — -4 h ��, f
Ist it! 110 t1el 'k, T4, .k poy �
iq19161clemi- i�� f1w, flaut ftttv�-,t,.bt_,4 by
, lo, towt-Iftiv-,im-TV
hiave, f-." , f. tj . ga-6gf-.
- -WesIZY, the 11 yfar old son of
Thomas kwan..q, a farincr residing
near Jlespeh,r, Waterlo(y c,(
. _)uftty, 1�,3,14
op<,rating d lend Tollt-r a few daye
ago when the horses ran awiy. Tbe
lad's, b<,.ad was ormshed ayPl hj,4 jaw
broken in two plaocs
, ;. TherIV, aro,
only slight -hopes of his recovery-
-Rev. Wm. Walsh, of Brampton.
chaplain of the. Orange Grand Lodg,e,
while, walking along Front street,
near Bay, in Toronto, was struok by
a car, and thrown a distanoe. of 20
feet, He was picked up and taken to
the Queen's 11otel, where Dr. J. B_
Elliott eared for bim. No bonee
were, broken and he .is likely to ru- .
covvr. .
-Mr. .Nelson Pickern. of the town-
SbiP Of Finch, county of Glengarry,
a fA,w days aga walked a distance
of t4,n miles and was quitf-- fresh
after hLs trip, although Im, was 9.5
years of agi- on the 18t of .Njarch last.
Mr. l?1ck(-rn, notwithstanding his
great age, is halt and hearty, He
has lived in thie reign of five sover- '
eigns of the Briiish Empire. lit was '
born in thg-- United 14tatts, but bas �
resided in G,Iengarry county sinteh-fi%
boyhood. I
-The ,awirrt string of thorough.
bred hor.-Aws, some 18 -or 20 in all, the
property of 6e, late Jo.wph Duggan,
owner of the Woodbine race track,
at Toronto, who died recently, are -to
be disposed of by private ,,sale as
Mrs. Dickson, daughter ,of Ilip de-
ceased, and the inheritor -of his es-
tate, does not intend to maintain it
racing string. The de,ceased left an
<tstate valued at about $300,b00,moBt_
ly landed property i -n and around the
city of Tpronto. . -
-An aged lady of jntt-,res;tj,ng his-
tory passed away on Monday at
Whitby in the person of Urs. Win. I
Shaw. She was born in OnvAda couo-
ty;, 'N, Y., in 1814. HA -r fathA,,r, the
Rev, Wm. Jtmningi, a Presbyterian
minister, shortly after hex- birth,
moved to I ' 'anada and si,tiled in
Markham township, b4ting onf, of the
very first ordained clergymen of thta�t
faitb to liv4t in tbat. part of the
provijacxt. Hvr mother was adaugbter
of Dr. Richard Stockton, who was'
one, of tbp s',V,n,-rs of tht- 4ocla.ra- ,
tion (if indcpf-ndence.
-JaTn,(-s Iluir,hinson, a f,jrmf,r of
Westlifirisler lown.-Sbill, Nlifbflr_�-ex. -
comn, ited �5vif,jnv Frid.,y ,.%,i-ning by 4
shriotirig himsolf wi0j ,i revolver.
Iflutt-W,rison was mvalkinv, along tbl"
road in rmirip-jr)y �� wit.11-a w4ghbior. -
;%i,rh4,.,n fie pull. -d a revol-Ver frow h'S
prjr,k(,t and Silo: 1j.inst-41 in the f1rull-
plt-� Ile 'Ve'l 11, ,r:nfly. Ifutellin."'Irl,
who ,�%as -ibow. forty years 0111, bait
bei -n givianol'irily ft)r somp. time. Ile
vv� knom.,ri as a prfY-Perous I-IrMi-t.
He 4own(�d Ifio aoros (it valu-ibM land
in vvestminster, and all his neighbors
consido-red that. ho was one, of the
wo-st- sileex-ssful men JA the district.
He w- as a, singlp- man and livtd alone
on his farm.