HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-04-08, Page 4to -APRIL 1904: K T WT *IN.. •••••••••PIOR mmets... ....0,..... ame,.......• 3 . 4 -5 6 . 7 8 .9. - . 10 11 12 13 1,4 15 16 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23 . 24 10 26 21 28 29 30 NEW VERTISEMENTS firThe igerenstweee the sarenthesee aftsr elieh ewe stseetist the page of the paper . es which the eivesiteissest*III hi fount The Attvertideft MAD -E. Mama Co. -8 ftmluit at Iast-Bright Bros. -5 New for Budnees-McKtnnon & Co. -5 ifermaidehede-Alvx. Wilton -5 - A Sprits Wiodo-Wm: Pickerd & Co -5 Seaforth's Shoe Stoee-R.- Ws' is & Son -4 Strietly Confideetiel-0reig& watt -1 Auction Sile-Wm. Cereoehan -- High Court of Justice -Mrs. lid -5 For Sale -Dowd& Mitehell-5 TO Rent -Albert, Neil -5 8 rime -Rob rclion & MeIoni 5 orid'eFair-Wne Somervil - Herrews- for sale-Gto-geSteera Seed Petatoas-J. 8. Snsith-5 Want el --Stratford Clothing Co -8 Liquor-Leaea e A t Balla tae -5 Cedar Pomo-N. Calif &Sons,- ' Auctiott flale.--leines, Jordon. - Sale ot Calves -le 0. Parseno -8 Wall Paper -2-J. Oravee &Co. -8 „ Spring Footwear -4-W. H Csrd of -Thank.s.-eA. B. Seth. land.- 8 Minstrel Show- 5-Beeeer Lin CiOb-8 'JAWS Giant -Hamilton &tier e.-8 Neweaciode.-F. Edwards Leeture:-Wm. Hartry.-5 sag gum expoita. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY April 8, 1904. The Japanese have occupied Wiju, -on, the southern bank of the Yuba and the two opposing forces are now only divided -by that stream, The Rtiettiftne heve Ma4e 'their eeneorehip almeetii etsiet WI that of ithe jape snoso, snit eorefeertiently it le not likely that there will he inteeh real Was naive until the ootual' oligb of Arno 06600.1W8idi MAY 118 ant day new, although the. litteelan4 will des for It it* long as they daft; PArlfeeifellts; The Dominion Parliament met at= ter the Easter heliday's on' Tuesday and proceeded promptly to business. The bill amending the • agreement with the Geaud Trunk Pacific Rail- way Company was the first order. The Premier introduced the hill in a short speech. Mr. Borde , leader_ Of. the Opposition, made fierce attack 'oa the bill, conten ing that . the concessions given ti e company ire excessive and that t e proposed expenditure is eit I irely o u t of keeping -with, the resources 'Of the country and is really unneces- sary to secure the object sought, an outlet for thettraffic. of the great and -growing Northwest. He con- cluded by moving an amendment em- bodying the policy of the Opposi- tion, ,which is along precisely the 'same Imes as the resolution moved by Mr. Borden last sessien. The discussion is still in progress and will likely be dentinued for- sever- al days. This question, it would see,m, is likely to form the main is- sue between the two parties at.the next eleetion, The Ontario Legislature also re- sumed. on Tuesday and proceeded promptly to business. The new as- sessnaent act was considered and sev- eral deems of it passed in commit- - tee. The Petty -piece bill got an --air- . ing last wee1 . and was referred to a special committee for considera- tion, which is genteel way of lay- ing it on the shelf for this session, as the Government will take good eare that it does not come .to the surface again this session. The bill of the Premier for the taxation of railways will take the place of the Pettypiehe bill. It provides a tax of $30 a mile on all railways in the Province, over 100 miles in length, andean additional tax of $10 per mile on a seeond or double track. On railways' of less than one hundred miles in length the tax will be $15 per mile for one track and $5 per mile for a second track. The exist- ing tax is $5 per mile all round. The tax last year amounted to about thirty-five thousand dollars. Under the new rate it will realize to the treasury over two hundred thousand dollars. It seeras to us a much simp- ler and. less expensive method than tbat proposed by Mr. Pettypiece and equally effective. The principal dif- ference being that the whole of the , additional revenue goes into the pro- ' vincial treasury, whereas Mr. Petty - piece proposes the larger percentage of the additional tax will go to the municipalities. We do not know what position the Opposition will take in reference to this measure, but there is little doubt but it be carried. A few days ago a large number of prominent members of the • Methodist l'ind Baptist churches w ed on the Premier to urge upon him the desirability of passing such leg- islation as will effectually do away with the drinking bars and the, treat- ing practises, in accordance with pledges formerly- given the temper- ance people. by the Government. The Premier said he would reply in writing within forty-eight hour's, giving fully and explieitly the course, the Government tntend to pursue on this all importa-nt subject.- At the present writing this reply- has not been •made public. rt need scarcely be said, it is being 'awaited with a good deal of curiosity by some and anxiety by others. "on a special I train Tuesday morn- " Wein tittle far the vote in the Leg- islature" 1 , The secret at all this attention, which WO haVO no doubt is not ov- or1r agreeable to the worthy recipi- ent. is that Mr. Stook was one of th three members of the Legasia- tuito who happened to be absent last we k on the occaeion of the all night ,sesaion when the Government wee° lighting off a 'division on Dr.. Beettie Nesbit's two cent a mile fare rerlution. He had gone to. his hom in Tavistock the previous Shturday and did not get back to his legislative duties in time for the session on the following Monday and on Monday evening, when the Governreent were- in distress, it seems a special train was despatch- ed froth Toronta for him and it , brought him to the citya few min- utes in advance of the regular train, he ce all this notoriety. The fol- 1o' lo ing dialogue in reference to the m tter took place in the House be - tote the Easter adjournment: In the Legislature on Friday the' lerer of the Opposition asked the G vernment tJ if it Was true that a special. trainbad been sent up to Ttfristocke for Mr. Valentine Steck, the member for South Perth, on I new it was irragular to ask the T;esday morning. Mr. Whitney said i k question -without notice, but he thought the Government would not object to clear the matter up. The ' Premier did not know tb t Mr. Stock had come cloven by speoi 1 tail'. i Then Mr. Whitney otked Mr. Sto k if he could enlighten the House, but the member for South Perth kept silence, and the Attorney -General beeke in with the remark, very tart- ly; "This is not regular." Mr. Whitney -I know it is -not reg- ular, and I said so at first, but the House would like to get the inforina- tion, and it will save putting a for- mal question. Some people say it wr its a• ' stock " treinl the hon, gen- tleman cameitdown on. ,The Premier who had been posted bY Mr, a x Bowman, the chief Gov- ettenient whip, Mid he now under, etood Mr, Stook did eome down on it eneeisil train, 10, St, iJoin-At the Government expense f lion, Mr, Hose -That ie oll I know aheut 10 tiff§ ie the lint I have ineted about ft, Ilon, M -ii, a9i§0.11 Itiettilmi in a eeernful tone . if the Opposition thought that Mi, Steele woo going to Walk all the wtty to Tofonto, r" 1 Wiali to sey tnot 1 myself. or. renged for that special train in order te get Mr. Stock here," said Mr, Bowman. Getting Notoriety. Some men seek notoeiety while other men have notoriety thrust up- on them. Mr. Valentine Stock, the genial but retiring member for South Perth in the Ontario Legisla- ture, seems to be of the latter class. He has gained considerable notori- ety lately and has Veen the subject of editorial reference in several Tory papers. Eve a some of the Reforra papers have also paid their corapli- lrItirltS to Mr. Stock, as evidenced by • Elie following pun which we take from the Toronto Star. It says: That was a highly valuable co - 1 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, good Wiehee for a very frosperotts future in the west. --It is with sol" TOW WO this week reacted the -death of Mr. Wee. Lawrence of typhotd lever in a hospital at Denver, Co)- orado, where he had been spending the winter for his' health and where he had so far recovered that be in- tended very soon to return home, when he was stricken with the fe- ver. His body was brought to .-13e1- grave, accompanied by his wife, sit- ter and two brothers, James and Charles. fell one day last week and broke her hip, AS Mrs. McAllister is an old lady, it, is apt to prove serious. - The annual meeting of the 131ttevale Flax J Manufacturing Qempany was 'held' an Saturday afternoon in the aeoresters" hall, A dividend of $2.50 per share of $20 was paid to Me stook holders. A new board of dir- ectors was elected as follows: Tbos. Stewart, John McCracken, George Turvey, WmMesser and Henry Di- mwit. Mr. Thos. Stewart was moot- ed president of the board. An effort to SOW will be made to rent land . Beachwood. flax. 'Noes. -Miss Mary Evans, of Dub - is visiting friends here. -We are very sorry to hear of the illnees of _Mrs. Jahn Horan. We hope 4. soon hear of her complete recoitery.-A very happy looking quartette walk- ed in from St. Columban, to visit friends here one evening this week. What won't we do when eve are Young 1 -Nr. E. Flannery visited friends in Walton recently.--Mr.jos. O'Rourke visited 'friends in iHibbert on Sunday last. -Genial Pat O'Neil called on friends here en route from California, where he spent the win- ter. Very Disgracefnl. The Toronto World of a recent date directs attention to a state of affairs in the Ontario Legislature which, to say the least, is very dis- graceful and is not creditable either to that body or to the Pro- vince. If the Zondition of affairs is as the World points ieut, it deserves credit for its courage in directing at- tention to a most abominable abuse a d one which, for the credit of all' c ncerned, should at once b -stopped. bp practise too, is ell the- ore re- rkable . as -there is not, an ins. er been in ernneotion with the ne Leeislature • a bar where in- toxicating liquors are dispensed. There is just one omission in the World's statement. It sbould have given the names of the members who so far forget themselves as to trans- gress the bounds of decency. It is hoped that now attention has been directed thus publicly to the matter the transgressors will amend their ways and cease to disgrace them- selves, their constituents and the body of which they are members. The World says: "The Ontario Legis• lature is not free, from the influence of liquor as di- rectly exerted for the purpose of ser- ving both political and private intek- eats. It is a notorious fact that the enormous railway subsidies voted at a resent session cif the legislat were carried through in an all-night session, in which liquor flowed in eopious quantities. It is no secret that the meoabers- of the legislature have been deliberttely incapacitated wiLli liquor in order to keep them a- way from a eritical party division in the bouee, or to exclude them film a vitteen a conaraittee in which heavy corparate interests were at stake. These practise e are, no stran- ger to e the present session of the Ontario legislature. The party has its tool and the corporation has its agent to affect with alcoholic stim- ulant what, they could not secure if every m.embee registered his vote in strict sobriety. ,! "That the members who have thus - been used represent • only a smail fraction of the strength of the house it is needless to explain. The evil is nevertheless glaring and potent. One member incapacitated for -his legis- lative duties may be the means of turning an issue agaiest the inter- ests of the people. . "There have been at the present session of -the legislature 'members too intoxicated to attend divisions. Members sitting on the floor of ' the house, too obviously the worse of liquor to be ad.mitted to 'a reputable assembly. Members whose atteed- ance at important committee meet- ings was prevented by a free admin- istration- of stimulant. " What do these members think of themselves? Do they- think that they are honorably discharging their duties of free and, independent mem- bers of parliament ? Do they tbink they are fair to the honest, earnest electors who- worked for them night and day in their constitueneies, and rejoiced in their victories. It is a delieate question, but it is one with which the -public interest is too' closely idenified to be tuppressed on grounds of delicacy." • Belgrave Notes. -Miss- Jean ;Stewart, of Grey was the guest of liar uncle; Mr. D. Sproat last week. -The bachelors ball last Thursday evening was well at- tended- and a very enjoyable time was spent at the favorite pastime ot_ our day. -A few of the many friends of Mr. Walter Allison raet at his home one evening last weak and presented him with a beautiful gold watch as a token of the esteem in which he is held - here. Mr. Alli- son will soon start for his new home in the West. He goes with the bist wishes of all who know him. Mr. U. Dodsworth was -aLso kindly re- membered before leaving our vil- lage by his many friends among the eneung men and. made happy With a " signment of Stock that eame fine meerchaum pipe andmouch and Hibbert. Departed. -It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of an esteemed resident in the person of Mrs. Jos. Nagle, nee Annie Bewley, which sad event came as a shock to her many friends,mn Tuesday, March 29th. The deceased was a friend to all who knew her, and to know her was to love he,r, as she was generous, lov- ing, kind and.very good natured. Her sufferings f r months were borne: with christi n. fortitude. A few days before herr death pneumon- ia set in and clainied her as a vic- tim. Tuesday nooh the nurse notic- ed her. gradually sinking. Drs. Mi- -ellen and . Smith were called for a consultation andl everything in their power was done, but God will- ed it otherwise. Father Noonan was also called, when 1 she received all the rites of the oh rob and the hies - sad sacrament, he wee fully pre.. are& She prayed "God te to r from hor /Ulf Tinge, if it Le thy will," She wee jiHi resigned to plage /wear in rather'e hande, Sim grodoolly gr@Iff Waii-lor until 0'6100k hi file itli ehe peleeol from dontl wit° I1(0 i A huebasid, tam - fly and 11111 11y fiiientle are, left to Mourn her Mos, 0114 ft baby hoy te 60enfoet the living, There wee a lar &twat, notwithettindiog the bat roads, Wb(h took place froitt Mr1'qidenea, on oonots, slOn 2, Wilbert, on, Thuredey of laet week for Dublin c metery. All feel the loss of a lovin friend. We ex- tend , our deepest sympathy to the bereaved husband and three mother- less babes in their , sad affliction. - (tom. - Varna. Notes. -Misses • Mary and' Sadie, Dowson, w o bavebeen visiting in Clinton, h ve retuatied home. -Mr. A. C. Barol y, of Huron college, Lon- don, preac tcd ip Ste John's church on Sunday. Messrs. V" Sparrow and M. MoNau hton left for the west on Monday with two cars of horses, -Miss Josi Foster and Mr. Charlie Moore, of 1 ondon'spent 'Easter with' the former s brother, Mr. Will Fos- ter. LeadbUry. Doings. -The sale of Wm. Drager was well attended and stook brought a high figure.' Mr. James Jones,: of Mitchell, conducted the sale.-341,en Story has bought a barn from Dav- id McCutcheon. It was built on the old Phair 50 acre _term, which Mr. McCutcheon purchased some thee ago. -T. Barrow and wife left for Manitoba last week, where they it" - tend to make their home.-Tbe fall wheat has come out from under its heavy blanket of snow looking pret- ty well. -Miss Rose Smith, who is teaching school near Grand Bend, is home .for the Easter holidays. -Miss Mary Fe Hackwell has -been on a pleasant visit with friends to the south of Dublin. -County councillore admit that they have but little work to do and yet there are Mose people who would like to inerea.se their numbers, which would be a foolish caper indeed. t The representatives from each division represent the whole division instead of a part, and it does not matter in the least ivhere they reside. The people of this Province are already groaning under a burden and dead weight of paid officials and while it will be difficult to reduce the nuinber, the idea of an inerease should -not be tolerated for a inoment.-It ie to be hoped that the municipalities .which have yet to vote money to buy right of way for the proposed railway from Guelph to Goderich will do the clev- er thing and come out and support the measure. It will be admitted hy every thoughtful and intelligent person that competing lines of rail- way will be a great advantage to the People of Huron, while the cost will only be a mere trifle annually. Why then should any of the people want to sponge the good things of life or have them provided at the ex- pense of surrounding municipalities, a proceeding which would be little short .of beggarly. In view of these things, we trust that the men of Morris, Hullett and Wawanosh will giVC a good account of themselves. , Bluevale. Jottings. -Mr. and Mks. John llaby visited at Porf 'Dover this week. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Menzie visited friends at Stratford. -Henry Merfardy spent a few days in Godericle-Mr. McKenzie Messer, druggist, of Chatham, is holidaying .at horn. -Misses Annie and Belle Richardson, of Brussels, visited in Bluevale this week. -Miss Cora Meseer and Will Elliott are home from Listowel high school for vacation. -Miss Mary Scott is visit- ing relatives at Seafortle-Oliver Mills was holidaying at plinton.- Wesley- Cornell visited friends at Ifespelea-Mrs. Morrow is ,visiting relatives at Listowel. -Miss Annie Swan and Clifford Pugh, of God.erich Collegiate Institute, are home. -Miss ,Kathleen Swanniie spending elm holi- days at home. -Mr. George Raney is visiting friends at To ro n to. -Mrs. llobert Ring, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, Mrs, Andmw Hohnesee Wesley Denthen, of Grand Valley, is visiting at his home here.1-Mr. Fred Johnson, of Brantford, spent Easter Sunday at heme.-Bert Miley, of Owen Sound I business college, is spending the vaeation at home. -Ma Chester Pugh, pf Palmerston, spent Easter .Sunday lt horne.-Miss Aggie Smillie, of London Normal School, Ls holidaying at h.ome.-Miss May Davidson, 'of Wroxeter, was visiting her cousin, Mrs. Peter Fowler, of the- 13luevale road. -Mr. James Bur - 'gess, instructor in the Strathroy dairy school, spent a few days at home. -Miss Belle Fowler, of the, Bluevale road, visited at Stratford during the holidays. -Mrs C. R.Brio- ker and children are spending the holidays in Michigan. -Miss Maggie Jermyn has returned to Toronto af- ter a two- weeks' visit at home. - Master Thyme Ray, of. Belgrave, vis- ited his aunt, Mrs. Bailey, this week. -Miss Alice Duff is spending the holidays at home. -Mrs. G. Gannett and George Greenway visited Guelph. -Mrs. McAllister, -who resides with her daughter, Mrs. James Messer, Hullett. Gated Cat le, -Mr. °aeries Reid,the well known cattle buyer shipped two oar load.s o.I export cattle from Clin-• ton on Sat rday last. They were all fine. cattle, not one mill in it be lot, In the ship vi ent were nine extra' fine ones pure I ased from Mr. Thomas Livingston, a, pair of which tipped the scales t 3,030 pounds. Six more were pure ased from Mr. Richard Tasker, o e pair of which weighed. 2,950 pou ds, The two car loads would aver go 1,400 pounds each. The 13y- aw Voting. -As will be seen by tee report of the council proceeding on another nage, the voting on the by-law to grant a bonus to t e Guelph Junction Raile way will ake place on April 2911i. Last week we made a' note of this but in so. e way made the error of giving the date as the 28th of April. The rate p yers interested should be sure of he right date. It is the 29th of A ril, sappgn, .,2, freY, tommiolfteer end Coovoy6oror, en4 4§.44 olows up, %WY 1044)e4,. a'a@t9,01 of inter et, t'14041 Bride,- r.n, J, Balfetir eeent Baker het May§ With lier Meier/Mile IWO Mdfilibeill Of -Alim le Win, Arinetreng, of Oludforo, who 1§ nit oht Kippen boy, elteht Ye& tor with Mende otir wffi, 1416 tumid, the poet week die- poeed of hie fine ma tehed team of Itoreee to a buyer in Exeter, ere have not learn d the prite, but judging by Ilia qua ity of the team sold, the price wil be a good one. Mr. Mo - Donald has since .purchased another span fr m Mr. :3-ames Smillie, of Lambton - Amon; those noticed home for Easter We may mention Mr. Wm. Mc lymont, of King; Mr. Alex. McNevin, of Alviston ; Mish M. Me- Mordie a d Miss Maggie McClymont, of Lend iht-Mr. Squires, of this vil- lage, w io for some time has been very p orly, has sufficiently im- proved o be able to go around gain.- iany are now engaged mak- ing syr and the eating people tire cnjoyin the taffy pulls. ...,•••••••••••••••Wo.000..... a change for the better.--Bolrert Denbove has disposed of his teamster business. to Daniel Denman, of town, Mr. Denhowetalks of going to Mani- tobae-This week Wm. MeFarlane,the new &imager of the Standard Bank arried here. Mr. Gray will leave shortly for StoulivIlle. • iallamineelaM11.11.1.11 Stanley. Walketz aiid PO's* shone for men are very swill. Look at sampIes in south whitlow, Iota more inside, W. 0, Wfhig, sweet for George A. Sister, Walken and P rins shoes tor men, eestorsh. Notes. -Mr. Alex. MoBeatlat the well known sawmill matt and con- tractor, of this township, last iveek shipped his last summer's cut of lumber to the Massey -Harris Com- pany, Toronto. Mr. Melieatli ship- ped nine carloads from Kippen sta- tion and abciue six from Beucefield. He also has about eight cars of cord wood at the latter station for ship- ment to London, where be has Sold it. -The large truss bridge, which -Crosses. the river near Baird's cem- etery was carried away by the fresh- et last. Thursday evening. It is we believe, a complete wreck . and the council will have to erect a new one there during the coming sum- mer. This will make three bridges the township will have to erect this season. Wroxeter Notes. Mrs. Ewing, of TCOSWai is visit' g her daughter, Mrs. G. Allen.- r. Thomas Sanderson left for the west 4n Monday. -Mr. arid Mrs. C. thwart, of Arthur, returned here on Saturday. -Austin Morris, of. Markda e, spent a ;few days under the p rental roof -Mr. , Norman Cook, oi Hensall, spetet a few days et Mr. Ge rge Harris '.. -Mr. George E. Dane, 1 Hamilton, located up old friends for. a few days this week, - Mr. W ite, of Harriston, spent Sue - day wit i his brother, Mr. Neil White of -thie village. -Henry Armstrong receive a oar of Tudhope buggies on Good F iday.-A .A. Esty is having some i. provernents made in the bar room o his house. -James McEwen, of Gode ich, is spendang his vacation at his •ome here. -Mr. S. M. Robert- son, of Wingham, spent Sunday un- der (hi home roof. -The Scotch ted held in the Presbyterian church On Friday ight last was a decided suc- cess, fi ancially and otherwise,, -Mies Wellw od is spending her vacation at her h me in Oakville. -Mrs. and Mr G. Town are visiting in To- ronto. John Browo, of Tavistock, spent unday with his parents here. Herrna Morrison, of Fleshertonavas in the village Good Friday.-rfamil- ton an Robertson shipped a ea r - load of cattle on Monday. Brussels. . Brief'. -H. A. Matchett, who has conduc ed a dry goens business in the G rfield house fot the past year and a'alt, moved out this.week, go- ing to Tweed, Ontario. -The ice on the int 1 dam broke up on Wednesday of this week and a large flow of ice passed down the river, relit year 'it broke p on the 10th of March.-Tbe bridge on the 10theoncession of Grey was arried away by the flood on Saturf ay last and the one on the 12th concessiont known MS Calder's bridge shifted so as to make it.un- safe 1 pass over. -An incipient fire was nipped in the bud at the Central hotel on Saturday afternoon last. About four o'clock considerable smoke was notioed in tbe house and on in estiaation fire was discovered in a lothes closet upstairs. The, fire was peedily extinguished but not. before the greater portion of the conte ts of tlie closet were destroy- ed. TIhc loss s covered by insuranee. -Wm. Stret on left on Monday of this N eek for Schrieber, to resume his position as engineer on the C. P. B. Mr. Stretten has quite recovered from the accident ethich beeel him several months ago and whioh corn - polled him to take the long rest._. Miss Nina Rogers, of Mount Forest, spent Easterat her home here. -At. the council meeting on Monday night a report was 'handed in by an expert stating tha1 the wtIls of the 'Mc- Caughey bloc , recently destroyed by fire, were h an unsefe condition. A resolution jwas passed to that ef- fect and. forvarded to R. Sm.art, at Grand Valle , asking him to have the placeirepaired or the walls taken down at once. -Robert Ross, of Guelph, a one time resident of Brus- sels, was renewing old aequaintandes in town overi Hester. it is about 17 years since, Mr. Ross left Brussels and Ms Wit iliS first trip back.- Charles Tiroa,i, foot, of the American hotel, is confined at his home in Sea - forth, wbereJhe went to spend East- er. Tonsilitis is the trouble,-Coan- ly Treasurer Holmes, of Goderich, was fn toen on Tuesday.-" Jerry from Kerry" will be -p resen t edl in the town hall here on Saturday night. -We are sorry to hear of the very serious illness of Rev. Mr. Webb, who is now in the hospital in London, and ljiopc there will so -on be Zteriele. Notes. -The male members of the Evangelical congregation here held the annual meeting last week A lot of business was transacted.. Mr. C. R. Wagner was re-eleCted 'trustee for three years. -Rev. E. Schuette had'confjrmation services Sueday be- fore last. A large class were con- firmed. -There was service in the several churches here on Good Fri- day. -Mr. H. Wesloh, sr., has- come to reside with his son Jobia-Mr. August Ehnes has new got comfort- ably settled here_in the residence which he „recently purchased. Mr.' Ehnes is no stranger here as he was for a good - many years one of our prominent business men be -fore he went into farthing, But we are all pleased to have him back again and we hope he will remain with. ust this ime,eeMr, fIseiry Weeloh, jr,-, hag „Wilmot into- hie father'e residence :Ore, which- he r000ntly purchened, -Mr, I), 0, :Pewit and Mr, g, r, Tofere tier bad their minium ononIngo on Setueday, nay eaeli had gory fine &play And the Pollee had ft groat time fetifiting their eye§ on ond admiring the 1416 had Ow for thie cetieon, The only draisf beck woe the dhorgreedhle 1 -weather and ittw. pie do not feel mtielt flke iprifeeting in spring millinery when the snow is on the ground, Itut the early bird always gets the best chalice and the time when the pretty het will be in vogue cannot be more than a few days hence, (From an occasional correspondent.) Notes. -Mr. Sam Faust took a trip during vacation days, -Miss Fisher, of Exeter, visited her cousins, the 'Misses Steinback, during Easter. - Miss' Nicholson, of the public school staff, had been detained from her duties for, a few days before vaca- tion began, the trouble being a sev- ere cold and a threatening of fev- er. We. hope to see the young 'lady back again in her usual health, and in the meantime extead our sincer- est sympathy. Miss E. Williams spent a few days in London last week -Miss Kathleen Hartt is this week at her home in Brucefield for vacation. -Mr. 11. Little has engag- ed with our livery man ,for the sum- mer and began duties this week. We will be pleased to meet Holly's smiles in this popular establishment. Hensel'. Gladmen & Sbanbury, barristers, at•Ren. esti Tuesday, Thursday and Saturda3s. 11/6?.44 Shops For &OP. -The Hensel] foundry and machine shops with the lands betcoging to the same, for Late cheap. For particulars apply to Robert 13e11, deaforth, 180341- 0 J. Suoherlard. notary publie, commis - loner, conveyane,cr, fire eni life insurance spot and issuer of marriage licenses. Deeds, mertgages, learns and wills carefully drawn up according to law at !emceed*" rates. Private funds, also loan company's st lowest rate of interest, Farm and village properties for dale, office at the POO MICA. 3883t1 The Sever, ign- Rank -of- Cansd4, Hen - pan, Ontario, Head Office,Toronto; Executive Of- fice, Montrrol, A general banking business twist seed. Ravings ;bank depar ment Speoial inlucu moots offered in this department. Ove dollar open - an oceount, Intereit adowed Item date of deposit If. Arnold, lionager. 1886.tt APRIL 8, 1904 SEAFORTF4'S LEADING SHOE STORE. Genuine Patent Colt hoe:for $3.50. ++44+444444-1-14444++++++++ We have recently received, direct from New York, a new fame for men, viz.: "-THE TUTTLEs” The " Tad% " shoe is made of genuine Patent Colt, in all the latest shapes and styles. It has_ Goodyear welted soles, and Sells for the popular price of $3.50 a pair. The " Tads.'" shoe is essentially a young man's dress shoe, and is the best value we have ever given in , patent leather iut he.rsthicoshoe shoes. Semplesao; ‘T 4444+44444144+++++444.4-4-4-4- are now shown in our South window. Briers. -Mr. Thos. F. Eyre, who bile been residing in Hensel], since re- tiring from business in Chiselhurst, has decided to locate in Detroit, whereehe has good chances to accept a situation or engage in bgsiness.-" Miss Maggie Charters, of the Mill road, Tuokersmith, was here last week visiting Miss Belle Chesney. - Mr. 11. Phillips, of Hamburg, is here visiting Mr. J. W. Ortwein and. lam- ily.-Mr. James Bonthron, of De- troit, spent the past week with his parents. -Mr, Oliver Geiger, of the Moisons Bank, Toronto, and Mr. M. Brown, of the same city, spant the Easter vacation leitb their parents. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Wren, efLucan, have been in the village during the past week, spending- vacation with relatives and friends. -Vie a.re pleas- ed to see that Mr. Walter I.,anoaster has sufficiently recovered' from his recent operation at Vittoria Hospi- tal, London, to permit of leis return- ing to our village. -Mr. Wm. Phil- lips, of Seaforth, was here during the past week visiting his parents. -Miss 13. Lynch, of London, is the guest of Mrs, C. A. MeDonald.-The friends of Mr. John Blatchford will be pleased to learn that he is recovering nice- ly from les very criticiel Melees and hope soon to see him in the enjoy- ment of his accustomed good healtb. -Miss Ellen Swan was in Toronto during the past week visiting her sister, Miss Tena Swan. -Mr. Arthur -McAllister, of Cormtimce, spent the ,Easter holidays with his mother and sister here. -Mr. Writ' Harbourn, of the Hensell greenhouse, has a very fine display of flowers, and all he wants now is more sunshine .to make his greenhouses look their very best .-Miss Whitesides, who lis teach- ing on the. 13abylon line wits home for the Easter holidays and aLeo ited in London. --Mr. J. W. ;Ortwein *-yeeently made a very large ship- ment of onions. -Miss Mettle Ellis, who is attending the Norn3al at Lon- don is home spending Easter holi- days. -Miss Dora Weber is home from London on a visit, -Mr. and Mrs. W, Wood, of London, spent the past week with their relatives and friends in Ifensall and vicinity. -The friends of Mrs. Manns, sr„ will rezret ie learn ilea she is quite 111.--a1iss 11. Sutherland sponi _pun of Lilo vteek and this with Dontor end Mrs. Lind- , of Blythe -The friend of .1. E. 131ae,kall, of the Queen', hotel, ! regret to learn that she is very ill from a severe attaok of inflam- • ma tory rheumatism. -Mrs. and Miss 1 Billings were recently in London, - MRS Lille Moir was at Toronto part R. WILLIS & SON, Seaforthp Sole agents for the Slater Shoe for men and the 4" QaenQuslit shoe for women„ of last 'week and this visiting her sister, Mrs. J. S. Case. -Mrs. C. Stoneman has returned from Lam- beth eethere she had been visiting het parents. -Our hardware merchants hre busy delivering coal, everyone being determined tit lay in a good store whenit is to be had. -Mrs. T. Neelands is hc,west of the post of- Marys, living in Mr.J.C. Petty's block fice.-Mrs. Aisthorp, of St. who was here visiting her daughter, ltfrs. J. R. Beek, has returned home. -The Rev: W. T. Doherty conducted service in St. Paul's church on Good Fiiday evening deliveripg a very able and appropriate sermon -Dr. Set- lery was in Toronto clueing -the past week visiting friends. -Rev. Mr. An- derson, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, is ex- pected to occupy the pulpit of Car- mel church on Sabbath next. -Miss Sturgeon has moved into the dwel- ling she recently purchased, nearly' opposite the post office. -Mr. McDougall, who has been visiting in Toronto during- the past winter, re- turned home on Monday last, Mrs, 'XeDongall and her dengbter, Mies r- oggPePl "• W"ithb-Mtierge#4114nrAW:Adfnectill NADOOTTAirti Ian daughter, go, GUM of Toronto, Their man &ion& aro gleaned to gee them boo to IfenoaI3,-Mr, Wm, Kemp woo here from tienforth thin week on tI -Viglii-tfift &Mild 1tlile.Y4 he§ re. covered nfecly from ti severe tack of tirunipe,.The Miseee Cooper, of Kipper', were here bet week vieits ing their eotosine, the Mieeee Bell, of tins London road. -Mr. Robert Pot. terfield, of Clifford, whip recently purchased Mr, August 15hnes' fine farm three miles west of our vil- lage, has moved in and, is a highly respected, and progressive farmer. - Mr Thomas Murray, of On Soared, is spending the Easter vacation with his father, Mr. James Murrav.-Mrs. George Trott returned this Week from Stratford, her former home, where she has been on a visit. -Mr. Thomas Pahner has put in a fine, large electric light in the front part of his store in Bell's block and we believe intends adding another at equal brilliancy in his ice cream par- lor and is bound to have everything in city tityle.-Miss Annie Beek, of Lon -don was home this week on a visit. -Mrs. J., S. Cook, of Clinton, was in the village renewing ac- quaintanceS.-Mrs. EL E. Johns, of Guelph, is spending a week or two with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Cook, of this villaem-Mr. IL E. johns, of Guelph, spene't Easter holi- days with Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook. Mrs. EL Hurneeton and daughter, re- cently returned from Exeter where they had been spending a, number of 'weeks with Mrs, Higgins, Mrs. Humest on's daughter. -Mrs. James Coxworth was in London last week, having accompanied her daughter, lVfiss Francis, who was here on a vis- it -Mr iYfcD ono Id, of Kincardine, was here last. week visitteg her sis- ter, Das. Wm. Buebanan.-Mrsailow- bray, sr„ returned this -week to Whitechurch after a pleasant visit With relatives here -O Wednesday as Mr. Samuel Smilliti was assistime in raising som.e timber at the Car- mel church sheds, a heavy piece of thnher slipped end falling struck him on thelea causing a severe fracture, wbieli will lay him up for some time. Lakelet Breezes. -Ar, P. Brow3a, our saw mill man, sawed all the maple logs he had. in the yard into blocks and now is at WOlic in the Clifford mill. It will be a difficult matter to get the blocks from here out to Clif- ford as the roads now -are quite im- passable and will be bad for weeks to come. --Miss thimeron, of Kippen, teacher in our school, is spending the Easter holidays with her rela- tives in that vicinity. -Mr. Bush - field, our mercbant, was in Kincar- dine on latesiness on Friday. He has again taken out a license and will keep the wagon on the road six days of the week. -Mr. John Scott, of Clifford, proprietor of the woollen mills there, died rather suddenly on Wednesday. He bad been sick but a short time. He was a brother of R. Scott, license inspector for West Wellingtom-Mr. Jas. Horton, div- inity student, of London, is spend- ing the holidays with his parents 1 the burg. He took the servmes at Brussels and Walton on Sunday, - Miss Eva Nay, dan,ghter of the late George Nay, was seriously re- cently. She was threatened with appendicitis but careful nursine had the effect of warding it eff, She is improving slowly. -Our thop- ping inill is having a slack time of it at present. It is impossible to get on the roads with two horses and very slow and dangerous going with one. -Many from this vicinity were forced to draw their hogs to Harrist on factory durina thc past weeks as the railways would net car- ry them. 'Now the railways are run- ning on ,fairly good time, but the farraers cannot get them to Ford- wich, Clifford or Gorrie.-The sales held lately at Mr. Halircian's and the St. Mary Broswere without exeep- tion the largest ever held in this township. -Mr. Hallman's amounted to $3,400 and the St. Mary's $4,100. - Auctioneer Torrance, of Clifford, con duc fed both Sucee4sfullas-wa- ist Ireland, of Harriston, puts in a imey eay Clifford the41-m- 4 and Ja4t Monday of eaeh month, -He 18g, subnoribor to no 74.xpo4itor and liko tho rent of 1111onjoyo 1000714 hamen§ely,.Wff, 101/40.61 Mo. h004? W130 1144 14/1 uttock of wend- feiti§ In Toronto, to now 11lino4t tort. Moment, Je expecie4 Mono pretty goon, --Mr, Adam tthisoid fine young horgi to Mr, 0, Weak, of Carrick, hilt week, -Me sgrs, Willie Scott end Arehle Stewart left the other day for New Ontario, where they purpose nialiing their future homee-Those people who were here from the west this winter will not want to visit Ontario again, as 1 hey were detained altogether too long here, Londesboro. EAsrEn Visriose -Miss Lawday Young, of the Forest Oity Business College. spent Easter at her home. Mr. /leery Riley, et London, is *pending his holidays her Mr. T. Manning went to Wrath's -4 on Saturday, to visit fitends. Then 3 McLaughlin viiit- ed friends here this week. Mies MeCourt, of Clinton, called on friends here OD Mon- day. Mr, Archie Roberts has been visit- ing friends bore. Miss Grace Radford hae- been the guest of Miss Raeloel Young. Miss Olvetta Biigham spent Hester with her brother in London., Mrs, Whitely spent Easter with her daughter in London. Miss Rose Riley spent the holidays at her tome, Mr. Charles Merry arid Mr. WiTh WtOIDCO. of Hamilton, spent Hester here. Mr, George Bradford was in Stretford on business on Tueedey last, Miss Sarah Barr epent Hatter vecatien in Toronto. rebortie. THAMES ROAD NOTES. -MT, Will Sim, meek of the boundary, has rented fa form in Tuelserscuith. We wish him every sue - ceps in his venture -Mrs -G. Kerslake, who bay been very ill with a severe at,tack of la grippe, is improving slowly. -The family of Mr. M. Miller have all recovered from that dread denies°, diphtheria -Mee, ter Walker Kerelake and Mr. Thomm Slavin and family leave this week for the North Wert -House -cleaning and syrup making are the older thaw days. -Mr. R. J. Ellerington, nf Toronto, imene Easter et borne, also Mr. Bert Passmore, of Stratford, -Mien Olive Cann, of this, place, is home on a visit having spent the bast few nionths with relatives in the Forest City. -Matter Wesley Johns, who has been laid up for six weeks with appendicitis, Is so for recovered as to be ekle to sit up a little -While en the way to the funeral of the late Mr. A. Cole lest Thursday, Mrs. George Cowar3 had the misfortune to be thrown from the butter, alighting- on her shoulder, cauving.„_ severe pain although no bones were breken„, -There passed away to his long home, en Tuesday evening of last week, Mr. A. Cole, of thin place, He had reached the ogee!. 69 years and 7 months, and had only been seriouelyilla short time. Deceased bad always been a hard working man, sad ot one time lived on the Thames Road, near Farquhar. He came from England when a young mon, and was one of -the pioneers of this county. He leaves behind to MODID his loss a widow and two sons, Johrion the homestead and Robert) in Hay. Hie re- -maims were interred in the MeTegprt cemetery on Thuraday. The funeral was large, considering the bad roads, ehowine., the esteem and respect for the *relived amily.,-Mr. Thomas Pmemore latent e week in Toronto letely, as a delegate for . Ithe -Canadian Order ef Chosen Friends, of 'Elinaville lodge. 1010~11010~A01010~0~40101Aitt This is the article thritluer proved beyond doubt to the 'Armen in this neighbor- hood the value of-Formeklehyde as a preventative ef smut in grain. We are glad, too, that the letter from Prof, C. A. Zsvitz, of the Guelph Agfieultural College, published in a late lame of THE gaTOSITOR, beara out all that we elanned for it THREE YEARfi Huron has been reaping the benefit of ehis knowledge so far in advanee of many other AGO, and ib be certainly, a souree of eatisfaution to Lind that the banner County of parte of Bt hoes:MI d 0 Formaldehyde is not bottled by me, but is a SPECIALLY -005' EENTILAVID solution put up for me, under this copyrighted label, to diseingnish is from the solutions sold in bulk. It Oesti always be depended on as uniform in etrersgth, and Often to do the work expected of it. PRICE, 350 and 60c A BOTTLE. It cost me a lot of time and mohey to spread this information, and arrange for the supply and distribution of "Beaver Brand," not to mention the matter of ropy- riehtiog the label, quite on unnecessary expenee in most communitier, but 1 took advan- i tsoe of this provisien of tho 0)veromet:t-which mutt be nometiams neeessary---se that 1 the T.uliui, no matter where they purer a :9 it, if it hes the " Beave,r Brand" label cm I it is I he same, , LEX17WILSON zo:RT-0-G-7-111, OF PICKARD'S, SEAFORTH i FIRST DOOR NORTH , I I - at the- IRetina van na lel tiled LO her le end Mei Weeki handt intre acre