HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-04-08, Page 2THE
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Four Months.
Was Ustable toTurn in fled
Without Help.
P asters and Liniments
Thieweetho oxsieritinese of 91r. Beniarnin
Stewart, Manville, ILA,
Ifildney P�ls
He tells of his experience in the follow -
leg words: "For four months 1 was troubled
with a lame back and all this time was un -
Able to turn in bed without help. I tried
plasters and liniments' of all kinds but with
tut effect. At last I was induced to try
Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time 1 had
used two-thirds of a box my back was en
well and as strong as ever and has kepi
au ever since."
Baolr.ache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty,
Cloudy,Thiek orllighly Colored Urine,
Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling ol
the•Feet and Ankles, are all symptomz
of kidney trouble that Doart's Kadu
Fine will cure,
Price sa etre per box or 3 for th.es, al
dealers, or
1011.011TO. 0111Z
V.S., boner stadeste ot Ontario
Velierfnary &liege. A .fdiseases of Domosti
tresiad. 011110 promptly attended to so
tent.tallee Veterinary Denitrify a specialty.
sad renitence on Codsriob Oran, one door
Of Dr fleofili oleos, Sestorik.
HARBUSN V it, -Honorary graduate at ibe
Ontario Veterinary College and Honorary Item,
of the Maned Asenistion of the Ontario Fetes
College. Treats diseases of an donseetic animals
by tee moss modern principle&- Dentistry and *ilk
ever e PPreihtlY- OMNI OP3OSK4 Dick's Hotel.
Street, Sadortb, All orders lett et the hotel
naive prompt attention, engin cane rereived
Aloe. 187142
Adel mama, conveyingef anti Notary
, Meomy to loan. Delos Ovinr eickard'e store
!Ws Oren Seaforth, 16
Illirlatar. Solicitor, Conveyer/en and Notary Public.
for the Dominion Beek, onioe-in rear ot
Nene, &Worth. Money tea loan, 1235
M. BIM, Buttner, Solicitor, Cenveyanose
• Notary IMbile. Ofi10.11 up Oafs". over C. W.
bookolon, Main Strut, eestorth, ontsrio.
BOU1MBD, suousaor to the lees drez et
liktilangbey k ifohnesied, earrieter, aolicitor
•111100r. and Ninety Solicitor for the Con
grAit of °moment.. Money in lend, Fans
-at& Onto* in iloott's Block, Main Street,
ICKINSON AND GAMOW, Barristers, &Helt-
on, eta., Ooderich, Onterio.
soduste alloyal College of Dental Surgeons of On
illido. Post graduate vourge in crown- and bride work
HaskelVe elehool, Chicago. Local ansethetion leir
i4n1es extraction of teeth, CeBee-Over A. Young
doze, Sesfortb. 1764
Dr. John McGinnis,
Smatadum. Loudon Wesiern 17n1versity, member _
Ontario College of Physicist's and Surgeon&
asdNesennes—Yormiely onnoted by Mr. Wm.
Viotorialteen, next to the Catholic Church
•arils Minded promptly, linen
sduate of University of Toronto Faculty' of Medi
. number of Cofte of Physicians and Stir-
e.casof Ontario ; pars graduate courses Chicago
folealehool, McGee ; Royal Ophthalmic Hoepi-
leirden, England; University College Hospital,
adon„Kngland, Office -Oyer Stewart's
re Hain Street, Sesforth. 'Pb.e • o. 5. Night
ails soinvered,fioni residence on obn street. 1890
011. F. J. BUR OW8,
and Heedeuce--ooderich c reek east ;,of the
Towne:ex No, 46
for the County of Hump.
OR& scar -r & acKAy,
ch eoet, opposite MethedistIchurch,Seaforth
• . SCOTT, gradmas Victoria and Ann Arbor, and
iambi/ Ontario College of Physicians and
Someone. Cer0Ber for Comity Of Huron.
KAT, honor graduate Trinity Unieenolly,
sold medallist Trinity Medield College. member
CAlege of Physiciaato and ihugeotis, Ontario.
, 14132
H)AS BROWN, Licensed Aunioneer for the
C.-eiunties of Huron and Perth.! Ord-ers left at
Camphell'e implemorne wareroo1e, Seaforth, or
ger mica Office, will receive pt atter Lion,
n guaranteed or no charge,. 1708-tt
ZS 0. MeMICHAEle licensed auctioneer for
the eounty of Huron, 8.eles atteed lo any
of the emote' at moderate ratesi and satisfaction
rantend. Orders left at the Seaforth poet offlPe
o. t Lot 2, Cormersion 2, Mullett, Rill receive
attention, 183241
UCTIHONEERING.-B. 8. Phillip, Lieeneed
Auctioneer for Mee eountlee of Huron and
a do Being a practical farmer and thormighly
entending the valae of hum neck and Maple-
* places me In a better position to realize :Pod
. Charges is:tolerate: Satisfaction guaranteed
-or •
tospay5.3, AcolInce_ortroaniefkanst Hys,naaw11111 postbe pofillronmee..voistr
ed to.
Es A. SMITH, licenred auetioneer foir the
oeunth of Huron. Sales promptly *Model to
y part of the ceonty and eatinatotion guaran-
Addrese Winthrop P, 0. 1505-0
11 sing bought out the filtered of the dyeinz
nea from Ilre. Iliekel of her late husband. Henry
.141c le, formerly of Seaforth, 1 am pr .'pared to do a I
kine of dveing, cleaning and preeeing. All work
don4i on sfiort notice. J. T. SKWABD, Victoria et.,
a fc doors south of the G. T. It, Clinton, Ont.
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY April 8,1904.
Editorial Notes and Comments.
The Hamilton Times announces a
truism _which some people now-aedaes
are too apt to forget. It says; Pub-
lic ownership and contrel of street
railways, as and electric light Iran -
(ibises does not necessarily mean that
the public must undertake the build-
ing and operation. of the plants.
Publie control of natural monopolies
is praeticable without adopting state
During the recent all night sitting
of the Provincial Legislature, the
time consumed by the various Gov-
ernment speakers was as follows:
Davis, 2 hours ; Pettipieee, 20 min-
utes ; Graham, one hour and 50 min-
utes ; gross, one hour and 15 min-
utes ; Conmee, three hours and 20
minutes ; Thompson,. 45 minutes ;
McKay, two hours and 55 minutes.
Mr. Connie°, thcirefore; bears the
palm for wind.
The next general election cannot be
discussed, or rather is never discuss-
ed without reference to Sir Wilfred
Laurier. He , became leader of the
Liberal party of Canada in 1886 on
the nomination of Sir Richard Gait-
wright :and, Hon. David Mille. He lost
two generil elections after that and
won two. By virtue of the popu'ar
suffrage he, a French-Canadien,, be-
came Prime Minister of the Dentin -
ion, He oecupied an unassailable po-
sition as an acknewledged loader in
Mel ; in 1896 that position was en-
hanced by the prestige of victory.
Sir John Macdonald won five gen-
eral elections after ,. the Confedera-
tion. If Sir Wilfred Laurier wins the
approaching contest he will be well
on the way towards -repeating the re-
cord of Canada's first and in some
way greategt , premier.
The resolution introduced by Mr.
Maclaren,of -Huntingdon, to prohibit
the manufacture, importation and
sale of cigarettes was supported by
an. admirable address on the subject
by the honorable gentleman. Prob-
ably no.one in the House could have
handled it as well as Mr. Maclaren.
After all, although few cared to ex-
press an . opinion, the sense of the
House seemed to be against any in-
terference with the liberty of an ad-
ult to smoke cigarettes. At the same
time there is an overwhelming op-
inion that I the law forbidding the
sale of cigarettes to boys should be.
strictly enforced, One important aid
to this was disclosed during the dis-
cussion, that business men will not
employ boys who smoke eigaret tes.
The resolution did not reach a vote
•and the probability is that we have
heard the last of it for this session.
A wag suggets that a good stout
shingle, wielded vigorously by t be
hand of a parent, would have a much
greater deterring influence on the
youthful cigarette smokers than the
most stringent haws the Dominion
Parliament an ass.
At the opening of Parliament la
year the official who had the arran
in of the seats, presumably trie late
Meek Rod, seated the judges of the
Supreme Court at the foot of the
Clerk's table in the Senate Chamber.
if had been usual to seat them be-
tween .the table and the throne. The
judges resented this and refused to
attend the opening this year on that
account. This year the bench for the
judges was replaced in its old posi-
tion showing that the arrangement
1. last year was probably an oversight
on the part of a new official. One
iwould thirik that the judges of the
Supreme Court •of- Canada had SOnee-
thing better to do throe display pet-
lifence over a little thing like that.
If it hadn't been for the newspapers
very few -persons would have known
that the judges had stayed away and
:even as it was the throne did not
totter on its foundations and par-
liament was duly,opened. Bit, even
great and good men will do very
silly things at times and the Judges
of the Supreme Court seem not to
be exceptional in this respect.
••••••esseneume. .
Health and Success.
wesk.Aus and digests, et•tfln iffsczoirazemenn fail-
ure and unhappiness. bort with the nee of Dr. Cheere'e
Nerve Food throe comes msw ViiOr land enemy, new
bop r9 ne.V,e*nfili..nee; atronger d-tetrolistion
sueeePd and toe i fifty to spelt, one'', relf moot-
slly and plo venial! y. 1Thil1th aid s' mita,' h no 1 n
hand. fly restoring- cored h#j-ItO. Dr, COaii'e Nerve
Food helps to sumo, and hapninese.
.13rief 13 i ts-efiss Ethel Treleaven
spent last week visiting friends at
Lanes. -Mrs. Kilpatrick and Mrs. Tre-
leaven are waiting on their sister -in
law, Mrs. Samuel Treleavena-Builde
in operations have begun at Haw-
thorn Bank, Dame Rumor says that
the rose that will be transplanted
there is one of the fairest of the
fair. -The_. congregation at 'Blake's
church Sunday niteht was not so
large as it usually is, owing to the
almost impaesable condition of the
roads. Mr. S. Smith spoke in his
usual masterly way and those who
were there enteyed a fine discouree.
Lever's le -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant
Soap Powder dusted in the bath, sofens
the water and dieinfects. 38
.3' •
Hullett. •
Bonus • By -la w. --The Elulief t
-ounCil "met on the lith of March
purposely for considering a numer-
onsly signed petition asking for a
bonus - to aid the extension of the.
Guelph Junct ion Railway Ln G od e -
rich. A large number of prominent
ratepayers of the- distriot- interested
were p resent , all. ofthem very much
in 'favor of the petition' and the pro-
posed extension. The couneil grant-
ed their petition and passed a reso-
lution instructing the clerk to have
a by-law 'prepared it/ accordance with
the.said petition t� be introduced and
considered at a meeting be be held
Match 2611). The bee -law among oth-
er things provides as follows: That
a straight bonus of $4,000 be given
to the Guelph Junction Railway Co.
to he p4id over in one sum as soon
as the road is.finished and ready for
operation. That station houses be
erected and maintained at or near
the vill:Grvs lf. Manchester, Blyth,
and -Walton. That during the cur- ,
rency of the debenteres. there shall
be raised annually the sum of $294.33
by sperdal rate Upon the property de-
scribed in the petition, being all of
ConeessIOILS 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,- 13 and 14
The satifaction of h ving the
washing done early in the day,
and well done, belongs o every
user of Sunlight Soap. les
and also that part of the township
known as the Maitland bicrek. That
the votes of the electors of the said
portion of the township hall be tak-
en on thie by-law at tl4e following
times and places, that i to say on
Friday, the 20th day of , April, 1904,
at polling division No.12,1Harlock,
James Watt, D. R. 0.; PoHing div-
ision No, 4, at Forester'S hall, Lon-
desboro, R. Adams, D, M 0, ; polling
division No. 6, including (hat part of
division No. 5, from lots 26, conces-
sions 8 and 9, to lots 35 inclusive,
at the townehip hall, M. Braithwaite
D. R. 0,; polling division No. '7- at
school house No. 9, John Pingland,
D. R. 0. James Campbell, Clerk.
Coughs, cola. Mumma, and anger threat
ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene
tablet, ten cents per box. AU druggists .
• ;
E e eter
(Intended for last week.)
Notes. -Miss Champion, of Brant-
ford,' who has been visiting ber
friend, Miss, Amy John, returned
home on, Tueeday.-Mr. Wm. Bearden
started for the old country this
week, but returned, as he had misit-
ed connections. He willtry again
, u
this week. -1. G. Stanbuyir was at; the
county town, on legalsiness, on
Friday laste-t, P. Sayder, inspector '
of the Sovereign Bank, Was here this
week, and he, found eve ything in a
flourishing condition.-- r. ,Rowe,
druggist, ha e opened a ne store next
to the post office. This makes three
drug stores 'for Exeter.-eF, W. Mad-
man was in Toronto thie week, con-
dacting it ease at Osgoode Hall. -
George Hatton, wife and family have
left for Manitoba, where they will
take up faeming.-Miss Eastwood,
daughter of 1 br. Eastwood, of Clare-
mont,' is visiting her went, Mrs. J.,
G. Stanbury:-Exeter public school
was closed this week, until after Eas-
ter, on account of a case of scarlet
fever. There appears, however, to
be no danget of the disease spreading
at present. -La(. Friday night the
river rose higher than it has been
for many years, completely covering
the floor of the bridge on the lake
road. Many cellars were flooded for
a time, but not much damage is re
Wh.t treasure on earth is more to he
priztrl hen bright, active, healthy play-
ful chic!? In homes where1134by's Own
Cabbies are Ord you never find eiekly,
crows. eletoleteichildren ; if the little one
is ill the T*bIi ic will promeitly make it
vets/I.-Ails an mrther who bits used the
Tablets etei oh will tell you teat ehis ie
aloolntely t rue Plie will tell you the Tab-
tielway d ood, and never do berm.
You ears giVe t gm to a child just born with.
perfeet eafety, ind they are equ dly as good
for well gowi children. itire. Miry -
lore, or He orth, Qu'., stye My
baby hag! nano been shin owe 1 began giv-
ing ht r Bebyei Oen Tehlets, They are a
real Ineieeng to both nuther aod child, and
1 would t be without them."
0 in% let te ar And stain and don't dose
it with sir ni ius or m d eine containiog
opiatee. Give Beby's 04rn Taiblete, which
you min get froth ony druggete or by
41.25 cent" a I box, by writing the Dr.
Willi/eine Medicine Co,, BrodkviLle, Ont,
The Late Dr.Lainbiee-Theelollowing
which we tae from the Coldwater
Reporter, ha reference to Dr. Lam-
bie, a brothe of Mrs. Thomas Mc-
Faclzean, of Grey township: "Dr.
Lambie is cad. The news spread
rapidly this horning, March 4tleand
scarcely one heard it who failed to
express a wo d of sorrow. The great
bite good na ured veterinarian, was
a friend to ev rybody who knew him;
always jolly, honorable zand upright,
Dr. Lambie was welcomed every=
• where James Lambie was born in
the parish p1 Tarbolton, Ayrshire)
Scotland, Oct leer 4th, 1836 and was.
therefore, 67 year hi and five months
of ego. He e me to Canada. with his
first wife in 1859. but returned to
Scotland the °Bowing year, In 1869
he came back to Canada and settled
in Searbora, where he engaged in
farming, but made veterinary work
his occupatio •part of the time. In
1880 Dr. Lambie gave up farming to
follow his profession and came to
this county, eettling in Atlen, from
where he moved to Quincy, which
was his home for several years, On
June 4th, 1891,, his first wife having
died some years previously, he was
married to Mrs. Rosetta Shook and
they took up their abode in Cold-
water, Michigan, which has since
been their home. Hie practice here;
has been a very extensive one. in
addition to bis wife and hosts of
frie,nds,Dr. Lambie leaves one daugh-
ter, Mrs. Robert French, of 'Union-
ville, On tariod'
1 40
How it Spreads.
The first. peck ge ni Hem-Roid (the (etin-
fallible Pile re) that, was not out went
to a small town 1 the State o'i Nebraeirat
It made the cuiie of a ease of Piles that
was considered h/neleas,
The news eprea 1 and olthough tide was
only two years oe0 , the demand prompted
De J. 8, leonhaedt. of Lincoln, Nebraoka,
the diocoverer, SO; pripare it for general
use. Now it is being sent to all parts ef
the wcrld.
It will cure any ease of Piles. There is
a month's treatment in each box.
Field for $1,00, with absolute guarantee.
It it for site by dreggiste.
' Grey.
• Cot:NUL, the last meeting' of the
Grey council it was moved by Mr. Turn-
bull, oecordtd by Mr. Fraser, that by-law
No. 212, linnen as the Guelph Juncticm
Railway By -1,1w. having received the as-
sent of the qualified electors that said by-
law be reia a third time and finally passed.
-Carried. Moved by Mr. Fraser, second-
ed by Mr. Turnbull, that the clerk have
bytlaw No 212, promelgated (be regeisite
numbte of throe in the nevsopeper called
The Brunets Poet, an ri gaited by low. -
Carried, Muted by Mr. Fraser, Newt:led
by Mr. Griefs that the court of revision on
the assessment of the 6th concession metal-
cipal drain by-law be edottrJed trill Men -
day, the 18th day of April, at 10 o'clock
a. m, -Carried. Moved by Mr. Grant,
neeonded by Mr. Frain, tene.t the clerk
write the engineer to find out if a the dra a
ean be made out o a portion of the 6h
' erTiCeleion Oahe emu; parts of lo e No,
25 and 26, lo the ebei nonunion, -Cerra d.
Meve4 t by Mr. Frain, Wended by Mr.
Tuiribull, that from lots 14 to 19 ioolortivu,
la WO lath and 14 h 00110eSSiOnSt be flinde
id° o e wee divisiou for Statute Labor,
C.arel d. Moeed by Mr. Turnbull, oeeonied
lir M. Frain, that from lot; 19 to 24 ito
e usiv , in the 7th and g',h eoneennione, be
made lato one road division for Statute
Leber -Carried, Tenders for the con
struot on of the Whitfield Mociolpel Drain
were zce1vod from the follewing °entree,
tars i 1 Crowley it MoDonsad, $1,326 ; John
A. Nicholson, *1,205; Level' Rohl, $1,-
290 ; Yonnelly & Weeere, $1.295, The f n-
glner io estimate on edit drank was SI,.
151 4. Moved by Mr, Freterosectinded bv
Mr. 0 ant, that the tender of Conoelly. &
Watel s be aceepted, they to give isecaulty
satisf etory te the et linen for the com.
plait) oi artist contreet.-Cerrierl. The
by -lase appotritIng pathrnoseero vviso peened.
The nix& meeting of Db6 conuoil is c n April
1811s, t 10 o'elock a, m,
School Reporte-T he following re
port shows rho standing of the pupils
in the school in section No. 1, Tuck-
ersmith, for the term ending at Eas-
ter. The names appear in Order of
metitl; Claes V,—John I3uchanan,
Mary Buohenen, Austin Dilling,Ethel
Caldwell, Wm. MeLaren. Class IV,
sr. -John McLaren, Laura Dilline,
Roy Trequair, Wilfred Buchanan.
Class IV, Ste -Sadie Caldwell, Jessie
Buchatian, e1vi11e Trequair,Maggie
Buchanan. Class III -Cecil Dining,
Leolla Boa, Class II -Albert Tre-
quair, Wed Buchanan,Andrew Boa,
Jonniol Buchanan. Class I, Part 11-
Wi1bi t Minas Lily Trequair. 1.
M. Aii chime, teacherl
Not .-Mrs. Wm. Bell- moved to
Mitche 1 last week. -The literary SO -
clay re making arrangements for
their beg concert, while will be held
en April 29th. -The W0010.101 Insti-
tute met on Saturday, at Mrs. F.D.
Hutchieon's. Tbe subject discus-
sed was "Bread making and, meart
curing." Two very useful wont-
plishtn ts.-Another of the first
settler of this township, Mrs.
Roderi k Xennedeeste,passed aWay on
Saturd y, the 26th ult., at the great
Age of 7 years and 2 naoeths, Up to
about 1 week; previouts to her death,
decease 1 was in her usual health.
She was of a• contented and lovable
disposit on, and was highly re pea -
ed by a1 who knew her, for her ster-
lantily of sons and daughters to
quShe leaves a large
mourn her loss. Her remainwere
intorro4 in Staffa cemetery, -An-
other arning to parents of the dan-
ger of eaving poisonous drugs with-
in rem, _ of children, was exemplified
at \Ref a, on ,Monday of last week,
The two year old daughter of Wm.
Sadler got possession of a bottle,
of carbolic acid, and in her baby in-
nocen.se ut it to her mouth and swal-
lowed a small quantity. The. little
one w s takenviolently ill and a
doctor was at once called. She is
now on be road to recoverynbut for
some ho rs she hovered between life
and dea b.
-Theft 9 alkerville Wagon Company, one
of the larg et indnetries in Walkerville, bas
dosed jt e oora. The plant was taken over
by the We t Lorne Wages Company some
time ago, od wilt shortly .be moved to
West Ler r.
-John nd Wm. N. rile, brothers, aged
25. and 30' ears reopectively, whir were liv-
ingtogeth r at their homestead, _about 18
miles sont east of Regina, N. W. T., were
found dead in their bed last week, It is
reported that one brother was iu bed and
the other wee pertly uadreesed. The cause
of tee double ideality is not known.
-As an evidence of ehe condition of the
tenth country during Ole past winter, we
give the following from it traveller who bus
been over t e road, lie says ; "In driv-
ing from Fergus to Arthur, along ctusider•
able stretch s of the roadway, the traek ie
1 hree feet a ova the level of the old-fash-
ioned stake1s,nd rider fences, At one point
the cutter eras about on the level of the
tipper bedroom windows of a wayside tav-
ern, and at another on a level with the roof
of a Macke ith's shop. A canal was out
thrtugh the nnow from a cottage. 13y
standing u one could see the top of a
pump bolo the level of the eating. Oae
cottage could be entered only by the back
door. All venues were closed by huge
snow banks In the towns of Bruce county
all conveys ces had to travel on the side-
walks, the road beingfilled with snow,
-sometimes 1 the height of 12 to 15 feet."
-In a let r reeeivetill by R. Joilin, of
Toronto, fr his brother, S. Joslin, of
White Rive Algoma, and bearing date of
March 23r., the writer states that the
temperatur there during the winter was
76.below ze o. Wolveswere more than
ordinary n mucus, no I doubt driven from
their hewn by the extreme severity of the
winter, 97 fleeing been killed during the
put throe sake within In radius of from 1
to 5 miles o White Riser. Mr. Joslio, on
measuring o teed these animels, found It,
to meeoure feet 5 invitee in height, end 6
feet 7 Inane from tip • to tie. On Meroh
23rd. the ay in which-l'ha letter was
written, the thermometer regietered 31 be-
low ZgrO. r. JObriin is in the employ of
the C. P. R
Gold belt
iluee gold
must, be l•
Ellice the t
leaf is eo
that oue of
tie in gild!,
Solid gold.
formed in
occupy the
common p
of an inch
pages as t
library of 1
In each.
Geld Beater* Can De.
(.114; by iiiiiinnering, can re -
so thin that e82,000
Id upon each other to pro-
leitnees of an inch; yet each
ierfeet and e free from holes
them laid upon any eurfaoe,
ig, gives the appearance of
They are so thin that If
a book 1,500 would only
space of a single leaf of
per, and an octavo volume
thick wouldhave as many
e books of a well stocked
,500 volumes with 200tpages
Is it our
smoke all
riageti wit
dances at a ball? Men of the old sehool
-.---there are a few left --of the fine old
type t11at 4bserves the, rules of cour-
tesy her women are concerned,
:would not dream of asking a girl to
dance while sheddlhgi around, them
odors of whisky and tebaceo. But the
young men of the day, with a few de-
lightful e.(- ptions, make it their con-
stant praeti a -London- Truth,
yerlsorting Smokers.
own Paul( that men now
ver the houree, in close car -
ladles and between the
at er Clocks.
mong 1113 curious feature of au -
f '1(414, Trlied which unfortunately re -
mein ne ion ,er ev ere water cloeke, (Ir' -
.'fl by a Nooreth gonielo B;1111(pi
1)1:1(151 on lb- leonlo4
(Ir t:1(' Tagil 111:11 UP' VIM 1i1
Th -y were run ily Vu
ter , power :11d were so famous that
I iseeel tier!: a an 1ngIis1i aslemionier,
all the way from Oxford in 1 ll'ot7)
to ntuey the e. •
I Those whom neglected coughs I1 SPECIAL
, have killed were cnce as healthy i
I and robust asiyou.
I Don't follow in their paths of
neglect Take
Cure Rilil-un4
• right now.
It is guaranteed to cure.
It has cured many thousands.
Prices 25c„ 50c. end $1.00
5, C. WELLS fe CO.
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y.
Unripe Jewelg,
There was at one lime a wonderful
emerald extant with *bite corners,
while all the rest of theistone was of
its proper velvety dark green hue. This
genie was used as an illiestrative proof
that emeralds were born white, bet
ripened into the riglitcolor In the mine,
time working onc of it usual 'mira-
cles on the crystal. Indeed, beryl, that
pale green stone exactly like the emer-
ald in all essentials save color, has
often fieen called the mother of emer-
ald. -
A.quaniarine is II beryl- ei other
words, an unripe---finerald, not yet rna-
eured into the proper tint, and of this
t • commoner varieties alre by no
t leans rare. Yet it 16 to. be doubted
weedier these unripe stones would
ever mature into the true and lawful
lustrous emerald, -J -London Queen,
ilia Little Joke on the iOnefolO
"Doetor." saki the patient, after pay-
ing his bill, "if there le anything in the
theory of the trunsmigration of souls
you'll be a war horse after death,"
"That sounds rather nattering," re-
marked Dr. Price -Price,
"Yes, you're such a splendid charger,"
• Tin pe rt iuent.
Mrn. Ntlrita-1. want to get a pair of
qweil white gloves to wear to a ball,
teerk-:-Yeiene How long do you want
110111? Mrs. Nurlt eh—See here, young
I talkitr about rentin"em.
I want to buy 'ern.
A Rejected ;Recipe.
Edit think; Here's a thought
fi*:04q. V:130 IP:1010; that one can be-
:11:1:11:1111:by pereistently thinking
Irene -Oh, pshawi
l'ee voted point .out so many instances
• Cold seems to catch the kidneys more
quickly than any other vital part of the
body. Situated in the srnall of the back,
near the surface of the body, they are
readily affected.
Terrible pain and soreness in the back,
thick, scanty urine, patithil in passage and
too frequent, sometimes _puffiness under
the eyes ind swelling of the ankles, head-
ache and disturbed digestion, are sorne of
the symptoms following cold striking the
It is not wise in these eases to delay
treatment. A prompateffective remedy is
needed, and the only one that can be de-
pended on to quickly correct the trouble is
rhey are incomparable for all forms of
kidney, bladder and urinary troubles, as
the following statement convincingly
Mr, Chas. Rice, Welland, Ont., writes:
"My work, constantly riding on a Wag-
gon and exposed to all kinds of weather,
brought on a severe attack of backache
and kidney trouble, front which, though I
tried other medicines, 1 got no relief. 1
procured a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Back -
sae -Kidney Tablets and they fixed me up
in good shape. The back is all right now,
and the kidney complaint a thing of tbe
Dr, Pitcher's B. -K. Teblets are socea.
bottle, Or 3 for $i,25, atdruggists or by
mail. The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto,
For sale by 3.8. Roberts, druggist, Seisforth
000ER1CH, - ONT.
6.1.•••••••••• ef.t.1
3'. T. ELLIS,
Formerly of the Corenterelel Hotel, Seaforth, ex-
tande Millet invitation to all ,his old Mende and
patrano, when vieitieg Goderich, to become gueets
of the Thum Hotel re/Orbit) hotel to first -elan in
every respect, and all will be made comforteble.
Terme moderate.
1e90-tf J. T. ELLIS,- Proprietor,
The McKillop Mutual Fire
Insurance Oom.pany.
• 000=9•0•••••••••
J, 10, McLean, Prendeno, Kineen P. ; Thorne*
truer, rice -president, Brueufield F, 0.; Tboulas E,
Up, fileay-Treaa &Mord) P. 0-
Wftllam Chesney Sigma ; John 0, eve, Win,
tamp ; George Dale, Seefortb ; John 1noac,,
Dublin; James Evsne, keeehwood ; 'Oho Welt',
Unlock; Thamne kno.oner Brantleid ; Jahr, P.;
Lain, Kippen ; James Ocinnolly, Clinton,
Raid. Smith. Hancock ; E. flinnhtey, Seaforth ;
ranee Cumming Egmoodv e • J. W,ei,
vilbe P, 0,; George Murdle sod John C.''Merio-19f.,
Periles desirous lo eZect leeureocoe or tie ot
vet othe. boldness will be pro-opely titter lee
pplinattee to any of the ;wove ofileere. toleieeeeot
h -(r cesmeettee nor* onne•
On Saturday rooming, January 2nd, we Inatigeiratect our armlet ;Hoc \
taking Bale in onr four departms ts, We place on our tables for this sale
„ One hundred Men's Suits, all wool, splendidly tailored, regtilat. .137„
sale price $4,75.
All wool -Underwear, shirt and drawers, regular el, sale price '38c a suit,
Fifty pieces imported FlauMtlette, 36 inches wide, regular 12c, for jog
per yard.
Ladies' Cashmere !foie, reealar 40c,fer 2 5e a pair.
Fifty pairs Wool Blankets, largest made, regular $3,75, for 82 93 a pair.
We have no hesitation in laying that we have the best 25e Japan tea iu
the trade. Try it and be convinced.
Dinner and Tea Seth at speeiSI prices.
Come with the crowds to Gunn's.
B. B. G Ui N N Seafor h.
Sprain', Strains, Cuts, Wounds, ILrIctrs,
On Sorts, Bruises, Stiff joints, B1t4 and
Stings of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Con cted
Cords, Rbetsmatisrn, Neuralgia, Broneletis,
Czotsp, Sou ll:root Quinsey, WhOoping
Coisgis and all Painful Swellings.
Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale.
Efght young flcoteh Short Horn from im-
ported and berme bred was, got by imported boll,
Mao young cow e wIth calf s foot or in nit to im-
ported bull, &leo & number of heifers of breeding
age sod younger. Also & lot of teed pees of the
early June Variety,* medium sized white pes,
grown from seed oot near North Bey 'bid year.
They yielded over 37 bushels per sere and not a hug
in thew. Prices very moderate. DAVID MILNK 1
80N, Ethel Onr, ,18.4
COoli'i Cotton Root Comp° ii/A.
lAsillea* Favor e,
Is the only ear°, re table
regulator on which worien:
can depend "in the raour
and time of need.'
Prepared in two (law 04 Or
• 'strength. No. 1 and No. :3.
INo, 1. -For ordinary ittees
Is by far the beet deear
; medicine known. .
No, • 2 -Tor special casss-10 dtrees
Ittrorater—three dollars per box.
Indies -cask your druggiet tor C1 e,Ie're
Cotton Root Compoun. Take mi ,tli
as all pills, !mixtures and ltatiete an'
dangerous, No. 1 and No, 2 are leile are:
reeotranended by all druggist:, in tin Do-
minion of Cenaft. Mailed to any tie hag,
on receipt oUtice and four 2 -rent pee,s,e,
stamps. wzie cook company
1,P.an/i.-1,-.1c, Ind-.
No. I and No, 2 are sold in Seeforth by J. 8,1 Bob
erte, Alex, Wilton, C. Abernart and I. V, Fear, drug-
gists. DS59
Maple Syrup
Sap Pans, Buckets and
Now le the time to prepare your sugar-
miskitig out fit _for the epring. Galetin-
\:zed sap pails geevery description made to
Tree PFuners and Saws.
If you expeeit your „fruit trees to e
gaol results a little attention as rage
pruning goof along way towards, this
We have juet received a shipment of
theee goods, wbich we are eelling away be-
low regular prier. CaH in and exam!
for yournelf un4t be cetivlaced.
Sills & Murdse
Every Organ of the Body Toni‘d
up at invigorated by,
Mr. F. W.
Ont., says:
with palpitat
sleeplessness aii
one box of Mi
Pills completel
tressing sympte
i. since taking efie
feel strong and
Afilburnei He
all diseases aris
out nerve tissue
yers, King St. E., Berlin,
Buffered for file yeere
n, shortness of breath,
pain in the heart, but
lourrds Heart and Nerve
removed all these 'dis-
tils. I hives not suffered --
n, and now sleep well atid
igoroue, '
rt and Nerve Pills otrib
ng from weak heart, Ivoga
, or watery blood.
IVO PIO BREEDERS. -The undersioned sill ken/
je foe eardee the pure bred Yorkehire sire, ote
Lodge Martmion, recently pearchaeed from the e
known herd of J E. Brahmin Burford, Ontario, Aso
bred from num of his best stock, his etre bfg
chemplan at the Pen American. Terms fl. AGo
1111ILLIE, Tockeremelth IS7446
A NY ONE wishing to buy or sell Winnipe,e toy
„tie preperty, or farm lands in toe Provinn of
Manitoba or the Territotits, your aorrespendenze
With WI fa noli.itod, and dull information glen%
Pleasecall on or address IIARE LANDSB0ROUGH
Net• 527 Main street, ieinnipeg, Msniteba. leeeee
BULLS FOR 8AL1L-The undersigned have fot-
asle two thoroughbred Derhana Boils, one /4
month* and the other 16 mooths‘dd, one fed, tar
other roan, teeth eligible for registrnion, Cam be
seen on Lot 21, COneaaglOo 4, M. 5.5,, Tuchereniik
A. and J. BROADFOOT, Seaforth ISS841
Li FOR SAL. -The undentigned has for tele as
end thoroughbred Insioester Sheep and Durhen
Cottle of both -texts. Address Egmondville P,
*ppiy st farm Mill Road, Tuckereneith. ROBEPT
1,001ILLS FOR SALE.--Thc undersigned hie ler
II sale two thoroughbred Shorthorn hulls,
gibbn for registsetIon, aged 18 and 12 month,. On
red sed the other white, Apply to JOHN Me-
NEVIN, Kippene WWI
The underelgned ;bee for sale 6 pure bred Mee
ham bulls wfth p4frece or eligible for regietraVon,
eluded lo the cfferiug and has peeved himself *Ore My aged bull, which the sire of the *then, ie.
stock getter. Ho wee eked by Rivereide 8fosero
which did reach good Servile in tee herd of J. and W
B, Watt, of Sakai, r.nd c a Ulf brother to Star of
fifolitinge recently owned by Jornes 8nell, of Kole
lett, whfoh took not prize at Lendoo fair end nide
at bit diemelon sale fen f400. Apply ori Let
CooPenlon '2, flay, or JOHN ELDER, Benoit P.O.,
rope rliore has cetolellnleed it on
it race f-lold by all flelivre.. Yto
JI eow-ibley grow. 45e,4 Sezd
Aunsral pompaid free w ‘11
Money In loan at lowest rat -reef ,sterert en turd .
farm socurisy, Apply to JAS.; L. KILLORAX
Barrhter, 111241
3rand Trunk Ra
Railway Tinter Table,
Trains leave Seaford) as follows :
9.50 a. m. For Clintoe, Goderieb
12,40 p. m. For Clinton and On:leech.
6.15 p. ne. For Clinton. Winglesm and Ninon -
10,18 p. m. For Clinton and Gederith.
7.53 a. tn. For Stratford, eluelVe, Torowto,
Ori ,Ills North Bay and painte wen;
Belleville and Peterboro and pine
3.37 p. no For Strafford, Ceselph, Torooto, Mon-
treal and points nek
5.33 p, tn. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
Palmerston and Kincardine.
mite Nosrn. Fine. Mixed, Mixed
- 7.30 pin. 12.20 p.m 8.45 fEtheL ere
- &07 1.07 2.40
Brunets.... .. - 5.7 1.10 10,00
9.27 2.80 10,20
WIrdebine•• 8.88 1.36 10,60
Gam Boone. Paso, Mixed. Pen,
Winghsm.e .„... 6 68 so 106 pee
. 742 9.17 8.13
Brunets- 7.18 10.00 820
Ethel 7.28 1015 8.95
merinos,. , 8,20 11_30 4.10
London, Rua-- a
&Leger a* •
Eleneell ..mr • • so, • • • *I *0 • • *.• +IP
Kippen_...... • 0 • ** • • • • 1. •
BrUMUla am, 00 *0 *4 ,, "
Myth- - ••
Belirreve- *a OAP *0 o .111••
Win h 5.2" EA V. I • a. • I
C1110 eiNITE9999.
Winghern, depor8..-
Beigravee. • • ... • Or • *0
flneth. . . .. 4.•••ar,
Clititen .. ir NV Or 04
dno. • ••• •
Exeter -
Ceetrodhe... -
• • • •
nd Bruce.
8.L5 elniene
9,80 6.07
.9.04 6,18
9.60 5.20
9.68 53
10,16 6.01
10.80 7.12
10.88 7.e6
1040 7i3
11.00 7.00
6.604.m. 5.10 r.
7.01 9.21
7.14 Ott
le 25
2.0 A.
• 6.20
Lath, Shingle
Sash and Doorse
E HNC S Wear esi
Rip: gx4
mage—the standard the world over. ser through our local *tenter direct from as.
I. Is the (woe that haa stood She Of tints—steads the heaviest strain—never
THE PAGE WIRE FENCE 00. LIMITED, WalkervIlle,ent. Mentrealf tine, St. John, LE. w