HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-04-01, Page 5IL L 1904
of Seaforth and Our -
et and Summer stock of
r weeks we have bee
(shoes for Spring, and
selected stock of Mersa,
?ver filed the shelves of
e -t American and Can-
adabIe and dueabk foot -
prices within reach of
we told you someth
Week our remarks will
we handle.
• The
made in Cloado,"---THE
'Made in the largest factory
e, batten 00E1 lasse-na e4),
re we show a greet range at
of le en we hatiei so
e comfort really miJ
a pair.
ed shoe in box calf
t of lower priced
ou a Strictly up trr-
rem don't take any chances.
Interne where hundreds of
• always fittel here the
.or woine2.
d hie 100 acre lam-
a near Crediton,
r, Essery intends re-
stal City, Manitoba,
are pleased to leara
Ly Armstrong, whe was
injured in London a
is recovering rapid -
t the hospital and if
progress it is hoped
e able to come home.
year several farm-
ity had their land
ed. -Brock Erof.
of t boronhbrc.d ,tock,
week was a success.
soffered were geld for
wile realized about
John Ford, jr., Ito has
rt of Sodom for a num-
, has raoved with his
ne house at the cemet-
vacated by Mr, D. At-
las Stardake, sr, has
Wm. Chin' s farm
vinn onto it sbortly.
ends moving to the
ro Ching and • family
I lily missed in Sodom.-
itanlake lie visiting in
nest of Mrs. Leathern.
'McDonald, jr, is very
witb pneumonia. -Mr.
confined to his bed
-Our school teachere
mo has been ill, bas re-
ally to resume her
ta--The - entre road,
plata WaS rendered very
(Thus for travel the Iat-
et week. On Friday the
owed the road and the
a carrier was unable to
t with his rig. He,how-
, horse at a farm house
Aide of the stream and
the post office here,
- through the fields,
letters with hint but
take the papers so
Jere of The Expoei
• arty and Farqu-
t their papers nut 11
the flood had suffi-
nid to permit a free pas -
On Friday evening, as
Tone', of Mitchell, the
uctioneer, was on hie
it way from a sale in
ad a somewhat reueh
ten coining through
e road at the creek
eped on a piece a ice
.lown under it and the
F‘ containing Mr. Jones
t•rited into the deep
• atele- neither Iore
injured further than
.ry Uii1;ti cOid
anir on here and got
almost a miracle,
both r1r. jonee and
trteed ars well as they
, w t er was very deep
net ebout as dangerous
-man would want to be
Jones kte.pe a level
hie to this and Ws
t hat he eseaped
Theedore Holland has
, west of Wal -
1 /I' Jackson of Mor-
eente ins 100 a ereN of
sot hts on it no -out-
• lotting been burnt a
M. Jackson has
• tit .:qarchall, of
ne-The Walton saw
'1 f( the season's- cut
• r rt ere oft of work-
ieo rgo: in quite a large
leeidint during the
el e e Wilson, a
w:titun rrie.ndsi,
Iv! Sholdioe.-
"1 ftrn of Wai-
1w jr'' acquaintfincee
Y, ---The Messrs. ]C- -
WIU312Ip, lost a val-
ee Saturday of laet
sinq;ic and myster-
; Whth, drivine a team
iin lad flooded with
beriten track, by
• he previous day, -
rick being somewhat
lairses crowded
P road and it f ell
eith horses became
he mess and despite
!'rt ;ortg- to ex I- ra cate
pori 1 ous 05r 012,
K7rici drowned in about
=sv:r ter. The horse Nva5
ming ono and at this
rear the loss is a heavy,
leCaIl.-Mr. 8. Bolger
E of this week with,
ernes for Manitoba and
ApRiT 19 1904
I., -.*••••••0•••
'e --
Notcs.-Mr. McGuigan, who was
here once before this winter, is
back to town and is holding meet-
ings in Hartleib's hall. -On Sunday
last. confirmation Services were
conducted in the ,Lutheran church,
by the ROV. R. Eifert, pastor. The
nervices were very impressive, and
the close of twelve acquitted' thorn-
-seives admirably. -School closed for
the Easter bolidays on Thursday. -
Miss 0. M. Larkworthy, who bas
Wen the efficient teacher in the in-
termediate division of the public
school has resigned her position,
.which she has held for nearly two
sears. During that time she has
ettade many friends. She is a favor-
ite with both 'parents and pupils and
her many friends wish ber Godspeed
in Whatever she may undertake, -
'On Monday, March 21st, the Rev. R.
Eitert,pastor of the Lutheran church
laid a charge before Fred Hess, sr.,
J. P.. of Zurich, charging Mies M.
rfaff with using insulting language
not only against the pastor but also
against the members of bis family,
tor- months past whenever site met
them and when she met the reverend
gentleman on March 19tIn she did so
again, and he, in the interests of
Veace, laid the matter before the
enagistrate. The case was to have
-come off on Monday, 28t12inst., but
on the 25th, Miss Pfaff went to Mr.
Hess and mado. an lie4o1ogy and 'Drone-
ised never to do So again. The case
-was accordingly dropped.
That School Came Again. -In the
'March llth issue of this paper WC
Rains that a .correspondent writes
what he tries to make the readers of
your valuable paper helieve to be the
true version of the ease of HartIeib
vs. Geiger. We are indeed sorry that
such a fabricator exists in this vil-
lage as he is. We don't want to go
into details but tine thing 'will suf-
fice; Ile tries to make the readers
- of this valuable paper believe that
the teacher used a strap 30 inches
long. Now your correspondent took
the trouble of visiting the school
and measured the strap and it meas-
ures exactly 19 and one eighth inehen
His other statements of the cage are
on a parallel with the above and it
seems to have beers evolved ley "Silly
Jones," We trust the public willsee
from the above that the report ae
publisbed in tbe Godericb, Seaforth
and Exeter papers simulteneously is
the correct one. Who the correspon-
dents of the varios papers are is un-
known to me but any person will
know that they were not written by
one pereon and it is very strange
that they should all agree and only
-one disagree. -Com,
Hills Green.
Ladies, do not bay your Spring times un
tli you See the femme Derothy "Mid, fines* in Ann
ssrica„ Samples he notio ewindow. W, IL Willie,
vole Agent for &aim th.' - 1894-1
HappOriingS.--Mr, Wm, -Tarnot, has
returned frora hie school in Genie-
rieh township for the Easter boll -
days. -Mr, J. W. Hoggarth, teacher,
got a rather painful, upset the other
day. -E, T. Troyer delivered a hand-
some mate/Led team of grey geld-
ings to the Messrs. Handford and
Elliott of Exeter, on Monday. -Mr.
Wm. Love sold a fine five year old
!gelding to T. S. Berry, of Hensalin
at a handsome figure. -The funeral
of the late Wilson McShirrays was
fairly well attended, on Saturday
last, considering, the condition of
the roads. -James Hagan sold a four
year oicl gelding to T. 3. Berry for°
$190. -Mr. Edmund Troyer sold three
handsdrae geldings to Handford and
Elliott, of Exeter. The price is in
the neighborhood of $750, Thesegen-
Vernon buy nothing but the best and
they know that they can be found in
Mr. Troyer's stables. Mr. Troyer
has purchased a matched team of
bay 'geldings rising three years old,
which tip the beam at 3,200t pounds,
also an equally fine grey geldinge-
M „Robert Love has sold eleven fat
st rs to Mr. P. Lamont.
rieseux WED. -The home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Delbridge, near Wincheleia,
was the scene of a very pretty event on
Wedneaday. March 23rd, wben hie eldest
daughter, Miss Enema, was united, in the
holy bon& of matrimony with Mr. James
Brooke, a prooperous young farmer of thia
eieinity. As the wedding maroh was being
played by Mrs. Thomas Oke. of Exeter, the
bride appearen. leaning en the arm of her
father. She leaked charming in a dress of
svhite lustre trimmed with white applique
and carried a bouquet of earnetione. After
the ceremony and the lima congratulations
all repaired to the dining room, where a
sumptuous wedding dinner had been pre-
pared by the hottevie The table was laden
with so many geed thiogs that all were soon
Supplied and retired te the parlor. Here it
WaS soon found Gnat a treat was in atore
and a programme, consieting of speeohes,
reoitations and tionge wag rendered.
Among those who took pie. were Mies
'detain, teacher, of Wineheleia ; Mr. and
Mrs. Oke and tdre. Belmau, of Exeter, and
Mr, Delbridge, the host, John Delbridge,
unele of the bride, W. Prielham, ex M. P.,
3. G. Jones and othere. Vac bride received
many costly and useful presents inducing
$50 in gold from her parents, with a nice
crisp bank note from the groom. The
young &mine will reeide on the 5th concess-
ion of Ueborne and rnay Mr. and Mrs.
Brooks long be spared to spiny life to.
SusreaTire Mai. 31, 1904
Fail Wheat(nes4,13tanderd....... 90 to 02
Oatt per bus:late,- - 0 31 10 0 31
Foes per bushel.. 0 60 1,c, 0 60
Ber:oy per hotel- - --,., "0 40 to , 0 40
Entior,No. 1, kfor.3 0 16 to 0 16
Butter, tub- -. 0 15 to 0 16
Ens por doe- - - 0 14 te 0 14
Ewer, poi 100 ite_ . 2 60 ta 2 75
ihyPe2 tOn ara7 00 to 7 50
Hideo per100 . . 6 00 te 6 25
Sheer akin's.. • • ... os •i • • 0 80 to 0 86
0 16 to 0 10
Fotatess per tag (new),- _ 0 Se to 90
Salt (retail) jrr beter!.., „. 1 25 to 1 26
Wood per (ford Cr , 6 00 te 8 08
Woodper cerd (ohoet) . 13 00 to 3 60
A las per bag 0 26 le 0 50
ter kited- - 0 00 to 7 00
Timothy Seed- . 1 25 to 2 25
Vallee", par _ „. „ „ _ tr 03
Pork, per 100 . 7 1,0 te 00
Tottoneo, Mareh 29 -Trade isontinuea
ligh,tvith-quotatione unehanged at 15 to leo
per pound for (+oleo chickens, 9 to 110 for
/melded stock, 7 to Se for old cowl., and 13
to 14c for turkey gobblers.
.Tottoeeo, Marcel 29 -The local demand
continues far, (looter icing here are
unchanged e31 $5,26 to $5.75 for red clover,
and ItO to $6.35 for extra choice; $3 to
$4.26 for ordinazy alsike, and $5 to $-5.25
for .choico lots ; $1.15 to $1 50 for ma.
ehine.threshed time_ thy.„, and $1.75 to $2 for
faint hrtuthed.
TORONTO, March 29-Britter-Receipte
continue large and the trade has an eaey
tene. Quotations all round are about
steady. Creansery printe,20 to 2o ; solids,
19 to 20o; choice 4airy pound rolls, 15
to 16e ; aarge dairy rolls, 14 to 16o ; good
to choice dairy tubs, 15 to 160; medium
dairy, 13 to 14e
Obeess-.Ths mar
quotations as us
for twins. and 1
To-ds,y's receipts
ilght, while ths
we, and was
au say this impr
Sty, aud that sae
earlier in the w
situation dose
()hangs from the
nese continues qui
market ie steady,
to 10Io for white,
ed. - Butter --The
unehanged, with
gutty reported.
straight lots, was
while held crea
to 20ic,
Poor dairy, 10 to 120.
et heti' staady, and
ged at llo per nd
to llo for large.
were disappoint ugly
nd became very &o-
at 200 per dozen. Deal -
rimiest is only temper -
figures may be expected
h 29 -Cheese -The local
t show any material
d of last week. Bul-
b, and the tone of the
The range 1111 about 10
nd 101 to 10ie for color -
butter market continues
fair local fobbing ih.
resh-Anade creamery in
quoted at '21 to 21ie,
ry was unchanged at 19
98 to 98ie red 9
87-�; • ring, 93o
lev, 48 o ; pesta,
$12 to $14
$10 ; sheaf straw
Hogs -Dressed h
$6.75; heavy dreg
Millfeed-le ate
shorts, and. $16,
or west middle 1
feed fa steady et
end $20 for bran,
oh 29 -White wheat,
to 08o; goose. so to
; oats, 3812 to 40�; bar -
65c, Hay -No. 1 tim.
; mixed or clover hay,
$11 ; loose straw„ $7,
g., light, per ova,
red bop, 18,25 per owb.
y at 617.50 for oars of
for bran in balk east
eights. Manitoba mill -
321 for care of shorts,
salts included, Toronto
• Laive
LONDON, !Engin
tls steady ati 11-1
lovers, (dressed w
to 8to per poun
levenroore Ma eh 29 -Canadian cattle
are'-ciuoted at 5d 51d.
Moterneeo, M rob 29 -Trade Wass fair
to -day, and pri • were on the firm side,
owing to the nes see of Easter, Cattle -
Nicht of the cattle were of 'extra quality.
The demand for t em was fair,and at noon
fifty remained tun Id, Prices ranged as fol-
lows :-Ohoiee b Where, to 5,ko;
good,. n to 4; edium, 3 to 3ile ; com-
mon. 2 to 2no. Shine fancy nook was
reported at 50 to a shade higher, Calves
-1he demand Wa slow and at noon none
reinained untold. Poor stock eold. at $4 to
85; good at $7 $12 each. Sheep and
Lambs --The slsee brought from 3 to no ;
yearlings at 4 to c ; demand good '• sev-
eral !spring lambs hanged hands at $4 to
18 eacb, Hogs- be demand was good
and prices range from 54 to 5/jc,
BUFFALO, Marsh 29 -Cattle -Heavy
gradea active and higher ; others opened
ateady to strong, closing easier ; prime
steer, $5.25 to $5 50; shipping, $4,75 to
85 15 ; butchers', .25 to 85.10. neitere,
$3,50 to $4 65; c ws, a3 to. $4,25 btock-
ers and feeders, $3 50 to $4 25 ; stook heif-
ers, $2 25 to $3 ; f eeh cows and springers,
$2 to $3 higher; ood to choice, 645 to
155; medium to ood, $35 to 342; com-
mon, $20 to $32, Hoge -Active ; pig, 35
to 50o hieher ; hea y mixed yorkera, $6 to
$6.05; pigv, $6 ; •oughe, $5,10 to 15.30;
stags, $4 to $4. Sheep and Lambe -
Active ; 15 to o higher; Iambs, $5 to
36,65, a few rib $6, 5 ; yearlings, $5,50 to
86 ; wethers; $5. to 85:60 ; ewee, $5 to
$5 25; sheep, mixed, $3.26 to $5,25,
TORONTO, March 30-Cettle-Exporb-
ers-Bett loads of exporters sold at $4.60
to $4.90 per owt Export Bulls -Choice
quality bulls are worth $3 50 to $3,75
per owt. Export Cows -Export cows are
worth 83 50 to 3175 per -owt. Butchers'
Oattle-Choios p oked lots of butchers'
cattle, weighing from 1,000 to 1,150
pounds each, egiaa in quality to the best
exporters, are worth $4.40 to 84.60;
loads of good butts ere' sold at -$4 to 34.30;
fair to good, 3360 to $3.85 ; common,
$3.25 to 33.50; rough to inferior, 33;
canners, $2,60 to $2,75. Feeders -Steers
of good quality,weighing from 1,050 to
1,150 pounds ea° , at $3,75 to $4,121 per
owt. Stookers-0 e year to two-year-old
steers, 400 to 711 pounds each, are worth
$3 to $3,50 per ; off -colors and of
poor breeding qua ity of the same weights
are worth $2.50 $3 per owt. Milch
Cows--Miloh cow andspringers are worth
from $32 to •$5 eaoh. Calves -Calves
'told at $2 to $1 each, or from $4 50 to
$6 per mit. 8. eep-Prioes at $3:75 per
cwt. for ewes, and bucks lea • $3 to
$3.50. Yearling La be -Prices for grain -fed
choice ewes and ethers tor export, $5,60
to $6,10.;' barn- tad Iambs, $4.50 to
$5,50. Spring La bs.--:Good opting lamba
are worth $5 to $ each, Hogs -Straight
loads of hogs, 150 o 200 pounds in weight,
were sold at $4 80 to $4.90 Per cwt„ fed
and watered,
k Markets.
d, March 29 -Live cat -
to 11no per pound for
ight) ; refrigerator beef,
; sheep, 13 to Ina per
On Saturday, A.
m., at the Comm
choice dwelling ho
Robert Coleman,
Brown, auceioneer
On Thureday, A
on Lot 27, Conrail
of North bounder
Pigs. J. H. Pe
Philips, isuctionee
On Tuesday, Ap
m,, at the reside
Harpurhey, House
effectt. James G.
Oa Thursday, A
in., at the Uterus,
forth, Stock Ste
calved Cows and
van, proprietor;
On Wedneeday,
p, no, on lot 32, o
Tuckersmith, Far
F. W. Crioh, pro
On Tuesday,
p. m., on the Hur
Columban, Farm
H. J. Downey, pr
On Tuerday, A
p. m., on Lot 28,
Yam Stock. W
prietora ; F. S.113
ril 2ad, at 1- o'elisok p.
refs, Hotel, Seaforth,
se and four Iota. - Mrs.
proprietress; Thomas
ril 7th, at 1.20 p. m.,
ion 2. Hay, 1 mile eotith
High Grade Cattle and
by, proprietor; B, S.
11 12th, at 1 ,o'oloelt p,
ce of Mrs. S. P. Brine,
oid Furniture and other
McMichael, auctioiseer.
ril 14th, at / o'clock p,
ional Stook Yards; Sea.
re and Heifers, newly
pringere. P. A. O'Sulli-
Thdmas Brown, auc-
April 13th, at 1 o'clock
mieseion 2, 11, R. S.,
Stook and Implements.
rioter ; Thomas Brown
• pril 12th, at 1 o'olook
n Road, Hibbert, at St.
took and Implements!,
prietor ; Thomas Brown,
sit 12th, at two o'clock
'oncession 13, M.oKillop,
, Pollard & Son, Pro-
otte Auctioneer.
and- Mrs. John
MOU8S0-In Hay, on
John Mouaso. a s
SAMPLE -In Detroit,
Mee. Walter Sam
DEri011IE--On Mare
Mr. and Mrs. Nel
ORTWElfe- ln the
on March 10th, to
s daughter.
LEE -In Goderfoh, on
Chaska C. Leo, a
WYATT-In Ooderich
Mrs, Thomas Wye
end Isfro. Prod Liv
111001E8 -1n Dodd ri
to, Mr. and Mrs,
• inns.
lep, on March 20th, to Mr
urke, a son,
March 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs.
on March 28th, to Mr. and
e, a daughter.
121h, on the Bronson lino, to
on 'Dimond°, a son.
ronson line, Hay township,
Mr. ¶nd Mrs. Jacob Ortwoin,
Mar4h 24th, to Mr, and Mrs.
aug ter.
, on March 23rd, to' Mr. and
1, aOcin,
ton, bn March 21st, to Mr.
ermore,a HOD,
h township, on March 20tio,
ohn Blaine, a daughter.
STOBIE-In Seaforth on March 28th, Gray, young.
est on of Mr. A. W. Stoble, aged 10 years and
2 months.
PARSONS -In Stephe n, on liarch_18bh, Jane Par-
sons, widow of t a late Wm. Parsons, aged 80
ears, 6 monthselnd 6 days,
WE II -In Exeter, 4n March 19th, Wm. Welsh,
aged 80 years ac4 2 months.
B10E.-In MeGlilivra 0 on Maren 21,st, Mrs. W oloy
GORDON-lu Denver, Colorado, on Iderch 19th,
Roland G. Gor don, eldest son of Mr, arid Mrs,
D. M. Gordon, of Winghstn, In his Beth year.
lioQUARRIE-In Colborne. on March 20th, Sarah
MeQ,uarrio, efr ed 94 years,
11AKINS-In Exe ter, on March 19th, Sarah Troyer,
%%rife of Mr. He nry Makins, aged 61 years.
1 ,CLAYDON-1n Roeswood, Manitoba, on March 19eb, Allele Kruse, wife of Mr. Charier' Claydon,
and daughter of lir. and hire. Claus Kruse, of
Egmorelville, aged 46 yeer0 and 5 months.
PALSIER-BRAT-M the peronismo, Ethel, on
March 28d, by Rev. 0, P. Wells, Win. J.
Palmer, ef Perry Bound District, to Miss Mary
A. Bay, of Grey township,
01030N-MITOHELL--M ()remedy, on Much
23rd4 Mr. Andrew Gibson, of Tiunnel Iteesd, to
• nen A. Mitchell, of Oromarty.
BROOKS-DIBLBRIDGE-At the residence of the
bride's perents, on March 23rd, by Rev. Mr-
Zooper, lir, James Brooks to Mise Emma., eld.
est daughter of Mr.W.H. Delbridge, of Ushorne.
HIGGINB-FICKELL-Ai the reskienoc of the
bride's meats. on March 28rd, by Rev, W.
Godwin, Mr, Thomas Higgins, to Mitto Katie
May, daughter of Mr. John Flokell, all of
residence of the bridee father. by Rev. Dr,
Hannon, Mr. Reber; Forney, of Unborn°, to
• Mige Alice M., second daughter of Mr, John
MILLER-CANTU:HI-At the home of the bride's
hither, Ethel, on Minh 28r4, by Rev, T. W,
Cogent, of Brawls, Mr, George Miller, of Owe-
sels, to Kiss Mary Caption, or Ethel.
LANE-SAYNHAM-M Centralia, on March 16:14
by Rev, 13 L,Mr Frederick Lane, to
Viso Maud Baynham, all of Centralist.
residence of the late John Weir le for ,eale, It
a two *foray eolkl briek, containing parlor, din-
ing room and kitchen, also four bed rooms stud
bath room end enneervatcry. Also about two lots
and 6plend1d stable, The residence hes all modern
conveniences, and is one of the most complete and
most plegsantly 'situated in Seaforth, Apply on the
promisee to Mrs. Weir, or to F. W. TWEDDLE, Est -
ceder, 1894-t,f,
DARN FOR BALE OR RENT. -Being West half of
r Lot 15, on the 2nd Concession of "Jibbed, con-
taining 50 acres and the balance baing Lot 16, on
the Ent Concession adjoloing the rallwey, contain-
ing 86 scree in all. The land is all first class, is
well fenced and undererained and well watered, a
opting creek running through part of it, and is in a
good state of cultivation and all oceded to greet
There are on the premises, a barn, 00x40, a shed,
60%24, another shed, 60x24. Ali these buildings, ere
en geed cement foundation's and are newly shinel
and in a good state of repair. The new Dub!
Catholic church is balit on the eenler 01 the fa
If not sold will be rented, Terms liberal, For
ther pettleulars apply to JOHN AleCONNELL, D
lin P, 0, 1894-
waitron by public auction for Mre, J 1',
Brino, at her residence in Harphurbay, on Tuesday,
April 120, at 1 o'clock p.m., the following property
viz 2 bed room suites, 6 dining room chafre, 6 kit -
Mon chair", 1 sideboard, 1 kitchen table, 1 kitehso
cupboard, 1 (White) sewing machine 2 hanging
lamps, 1 parlor wood stove, 1 coal rlove, eracke,
milk pans, milk pail lawn mower, washing machine
1 cutter, one top Imegy, 1 set (Angle harness, 1 one
horn plove rakes, folks', epodes and other things
too numerous to mention, The what will positiv,
ely be fold without mem. Ternss,-Ali sumo ar
friu and under, cash ; over that amount,eix cr.onths'
credit will he given on furnlibing approved point
notes. JAB, G. MoMICHAEL,Aucticieser, 1894.2.
Thoroughbred Shorthorns
• For Sale.
For eaketwo Shoithorn Bulle, both of them broth.!
era to imperted " fleotehman" now stook bull et the
Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph.' Also a num-
ber of females, All must bo sold as the owner has
sold his elem. They ran be seen at Riverside Farm
and at Exeter. Fartfes calling on me at Exeter will
be driven to the farm, Apply to, or address
We have purohaeed the entire stook of
Pieture Frames carried by Mr. Jae, Graven.
whieli, with our own complete stook, gives
um the best selection in thie county.
We would be pleased to see all Mr.
Graves' old customers come to us for their
picture framing. We will guarantee oath -
JACKSON B7? -08., Seaforth.
/TO Contractors.
Tenders will be received hy the undersigned en
behey of the Tuckeromith Council, until Friday,
April 29111, addreered to Renal' P. 0„ for cleaning
out the big drain on Concession 6, 7 and 8, H. R, 8.,
Tuokersmith, according to Flans and specifications
to be seen et the office of the Clerk. A,0,81‘ILLIE,'
Clerk, Hensall P, Of 1694-4
Roberts' Drug Store
• The Morse Electric Belt
Cures Rheumatism, Peralyeir, Liver and
Kidney Trouble. Lame Back, Conetipation,
Stomach and all nervous dieeeses. A $20
belt for $5 at
You may stand on tihe ice all day, and
yet have warm feet, if you wear a pair of
Electric Insoles.
invaluable for frosted or (meaty feet, euro
cure for chilblains. Price, 50e a pair at
• Roberts' Pills _
When you wake up in the morning with
a bad taste in your mouth, you know thab
your livee is- out of order. Take a dose of
Robert's Vegetable Stomach and Liver Pills.
They will. cleanse your etemaoh, improve
your appetite and make you feel like a now
man. 25c at .
J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
- Carbolated Glycerine Jelly,
Prepare by it , S. Roberts, Ls abso-
lutely th best preparation known
• for chap ed or rough hands, as nu-
merous oustomere can testify. Try
a bottle, and if not satisfactory, call
and got your money back. Price
25 cents, The original and genuine
prepared only at
The Seaforth
Tea Store
le giving great bargains for 15 days, to
clear out some of my (nook. Green,
black and Japan tea, regular price 40e
per In, now selling at 33o a lb.; best
• blend of Java and Mocha coffee rout.
ed, regular price 40o, now 30e; green
Rio coffee, nice sample, 10o a lb.; best
lard 10o a lb., best maple syrup 2.5o a
quart, two lbs. of evaporated peachee
for 25c two lbe. of apricots for 25c,
lbe,I beet selected raisins for 25c,
3t lbs, tinned curranta for 25o, mixed
oranges oitron and lemon candied peels
15c a lb,, 7 Ibft, fresh figs for 250, three
lbs, honey for 25o, 10 lbs. glober salts
for 25o,J beet table syrup in two gallon
pails fok $1, three tine salmon for 25o,
'rests genion seeds, seed onions, clover
seed ad timothy teed, best Alsike
clover Reed; all varieties of mangold
needs, good seed potatoes, salt by the
barrel, molted hams, rolled meat,
dry bacoo, Tilleon's pan dried roll-
ed oatmeal in bulk.
Wanted, good fresh butter and egos, for
which the highest market price will be
Opening New Goods.
New good.s are coming every day now, full of enthusiasm of Easter and
Spring. We've been here long enough to know your needo, what to buy and
what,to let alone. We've bought this season to better advantage than ever
before, with the chances all in favor of those who spend their money here,
Opening up the new means crowding out the old, and between the two we're
having all we can do. There's encouragement enough for quick business in
such bargains as these :
Linen towelling, good width, good value at 70, for 5o, Table linen, 1 yards
wide, half bleach, very special 25e, Rockiest drill shirting, now worth 17e, tor Mc.
Grey cotton at old prices while they last -5o, 7o, 8e and 10o. Coteonades aud moleskins
will be sold at old prides while they last -now worth 20s, 25e and 30o, for 15o, 20a and
25e. LAW eilk stook collate, in few &lips in all colors, with gold trimming, at 25e,
35e, 50o, 75o and 95e. Ladies' large silk collars sometinue new, at 50e, 75e and $1.
Ladies' new kid gloves, in all shades, at 85c, and $1,25. Ladies' lace collate, jet
trimming, at 50, 750 and V..
Don't forget the new things. Make it al point to eee them next time you
are in the store. No trouble to show goods, land no obligation to buy unless
you want to,
0.A.SIEC ..e.avn Q1\1-711 Fzuom
We buy the very best quality that spot cash can procure, and i5e11 it at a
small margin above cost. Out of the hundreds of povnds sold last year, we
have not heard of a eingle failure where it was used according to directions,
MR, JOHN MURRAY, the veteran thresher, whom you all know, says :
"Where Fear's Formaldehyde has been treed, I find the grain free of smut,
and I can heartily recommend it as the bast formaldehyde on the market,"
MR. R. B. McLEAN, President of the • Farmers' Institute, says "1
tested Fear's Formaldehyde lad year on 111y grain, and it gave every 'satisfac-
tion; the grain was free of smut, and an excellent yield,"
MR, FRED EOKART, of Brodhagen, says: "My oats arid wheat were
very dirty with smut until 1 used Fear's Formaldehyde three year's ago.
Sine then I have used it every Beeson, and my grain is clean, and yiehht well
every year. I say it will pay every farmer to use Fear's Formaldehyde on
both oats wheat and barley.'
Worlis of praise have been showered in from all sides, but the above will
be enough to convince any sensible farmer of the superiority of Fear's For-
maldehyde, Get a bottle early, and treat your grain before the ruela of Spring
sowing begins. The price is the same as last year -35c a pound at
FEAR'S Drug Store,Seaforth
Just received a large consignMent of Ladies Fancy Blouses in the latest
New York styles and newest matetials.
rn our Dress Goods and Print department, we are showing sOme excel-
lent values, as these goods were all bought before the rise in prices,
Our Millinery Department is just loaded with the lett* novelties in
Ladies', Men's and Children's Headwear, All orders promptly attended to.
Just received two large consignments of Men's and Boys' Spring Hats.
We can save you money in this line.
Just to hand a very large range of Suits for Men and Boys, also e nice
range of Men's Spring Overcoat& ,
Never before have we shown such a large assortment in the Boot and
Shoe department as we are showing at the present time. It will pay you to
do your buying hew., ,
Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods.
. ST E
World's Fair, St Louis, April 30
to Dec. lst, 1904.
Cost of Exposition -$50,000,000
Size of groundee 1,240 acres.
Easter Holidays.
Return tickets will be Wetted at eingle
firenclaes fare, good going Thursday, March
3tst to Monday, April 4th, valid returning
on or before Tuesday, April 5th,
lOne way epochal excursion tiekete on sale
dilly, to pointe in Montana Colorado,
Utah, British Columbia, Montana,
Idaho, Oregon, California.
Special Bottlers traine to Canadian North.
weet with coloniet bleeping oar will leave
Toronto every Tuesday during March and
April at 9 p, m. Passengers travelling
Without live Mock should take the Pacific
Excretes, leaving Toronto at 1,45 p.
For tiokets, Pulltna,m reservationa and all
information, apply to
Agent -
A Word with the
The long winter is now nearly over
• and stock will commence to pick
over their dry feed. Give them
something to tone them up, and put
them in good condition for the green
"Our Own" Condition Powder cannot be
excelled. It improves the appetite,
loosens the skin and purifies the
• blood, We guarantee ins effective.
nese-25c a package.
For Hoe on cattle and horse', we keep fresh
• ground insect powder and hellebore.
A little later we will have a few words to
sey.- about Formaldehyde, the smut
preventative. We keep only one
grade, and that the beat we can pro-
cure. Oive us a call.
..170, H' 0 P. TO 7:I
10,000 • ROLLS
Amasa..-SPkCIAL •
• All paper purehaeed from Imo between now and Monday, April llth next, I will
guarantee to have hung by an experienced paper hanger for 60 per roll.
TERME -Onehalf the cost of paper when selected ; balance, with coat of hang-
ing, when job ie completed. Or, if you wieh tc hang it youraolf, we will allow 10 per
cent. off for mob,
All paper trimmed -free if desired, Meeeure your rooms, nelect your paper, and
fix date when you want it hung.
COMO? Mein
Market Srosts
Picka d s
1ili. Larnsirt
Deli Goods yea
• Cielhing
Con no eta 1 te
Four Counties";
•••••••••••••• •••••••• um, ••••-••-.....,4••••••.y.
The Turning
of the Tide
The ebb of Winter goo s, forced by the pow-
erful influence of red ced prices, continues.
On the other hand, the jfiood of Spring goods
into all departments rows in volume .,-nd.
strength 'every day. Yds, 'tis a great . 000a-
sion-" turning of the tide."
Clothing Department.
Spring Newness in
In these 'days when any one can claim anything in the ncwpaprs, *t., is
absolutely imperative that yon come to the store to see how honed! our 131am18
are, At the store we will show you hundreds of DOW Spring suits -xnodebj
developed by the finest designer's in the country, suits who beauty will im-
mediately captivate you. At the store you'll see how "superior our Showing
is, and how much better fitting our garments are than the ordfuary one you
.see. At the store we'll prove to you that our prices are absolatiily the lowest.
At the store we'll demonstrate to you that we know what we are talking about
when we claim that you can buy with greatest advantage at our store. We
use facts to gain your trade, not fanciful ideas of over-zea'ous advertising
New suits to hand this week. $8,50 will buy_ a special imported worsted
suit, fancy stripe, all size's, 34 to 40, 39.75 will buy one of our Spring special,
four patterns, new cut, the latest weave of cloth; $11.40 'will buy a fancy
worsted, imported good"), two patterns, ii fancy stripes, perfect fitting goods.
The world loves a lover. We love lovers of good dress, and for their
benefit we wish to announce the arrival of our new Spring woollens Don't
wait till you see the suit you admire on some one else's back. In order to
retain our "rep" as the "home of individuality," we have confined our nov-
elties to one suit of each pattern. Suits;to order from $12 up.
HEN'S HITS for Spring, 1904
Just a -moment, please, to remind you, that the new shaper' are here. H
you want to be in style, you will call for one of our hats right away, There's
a groat diversity of new styles -the wide rolling brini and the mediura turn,
all equally new and coned.
Heledeinleinist÷h44e. niH
If the largest line of Carpets in thiS vicinity means anything ; if a com-
plete range in style -and price, from the cheapest to the best, is of interest to
you, and you want to be sithi of getting the best value for your money, you
want to visit the seeond flat of our Nort i doze, devoted exclusively to carpets,
curtains and house furnishings, and see what we have to offer. We eertainly
worth your while.
Dress Goods
The New Fashion
in Dress Goods
Fore -most in thought during then eetly days are the .Noveiters " that
come from Paris, the daring weavers that have stepped aside from the beaten
track of the dead level of conserved"; , and so we have gone to the French-
men who originate and have gathered Jb1ra11y of the many remarkable weaves -
that this season has brought forth over there.
The continued style is = towards tIte light weight irginot fabrics, for,
although the character of the dress haFechenged veiy materially from the elm
gowns of last to the full skirts of the ieriod of 1K30, the :same eheer, • soft
materials are necetsary to their most p rfect conetruction. Ohiefest in favor
are voiles, eoliennes, grenadine, cia1nia('s, ,iie illusions and crepe 41e
Ladies'• D'epar men
Ten dozen ladiess' blaek roman uat.in Underek i extra
trimmed with ruffles and accordion plOting, esecial at 95c each.
This week we have on sale flannelette wrappers, worth from.
$1,85, to clear at $1 each.
'het to hand a sample lot of limits «y in caelneerts, cotton, isehs, "silk, etc,
also children's fancy lace and lisle mash at special pricee.
Our stock of calico wrappers is now complete, prietes ranging fro" )Oo to
Our spring sale of Shirt Wait e ie ow n
New embroideries, new lace, in'! urling hoavy lincit tirn ineertion
also the new cabinet and teneriffe deeis 8 tO 1 arid,
i 30 to
1 •
MDantte e artrdent,
Just to hand, Spring coats, taller- e ekirte ani e-i11r1e3.
Highest prices paid for Butter,
and Woofs
Opposite Town Building, 001110V Main and 10 erset Ste. Seaforth.