HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-25, Page 6I , _ , r � � L I I , . I �t -f V Or - -I- - � . - � � I . . � I * I � I � : , � , 0 - I � . I'll, I - � I , " I - . . I - I , , , I � ­� � � . ; I ., - - , . I - ; . . I . 7 ; . . . - - � I I . I ­ - . . - I . � - . I � I I I . �. :, I � � . F� __. Kii ­ � . I . . I . � � , 41904 ­ - I __ _­ ! . . - MARCH 20 . . - , - I I - I ­ I - �­ I � In - -_ - � - I ' -_ - �.. I . -_ ­ ,� I 11 . - I., !! -00 .. I I THE HURON EXP ,081TO-H -_ - � I , I I --- I I - BALM, - I __ ____ -------- _. M I __ — , , - I AUCTION ­­ F .1 _-� 1, I ..� �, 4; , I I- - . I — - __ . - 'T" � 11 — _�_- ____ ­­­ .. . , "_V" , , r i .. 'Woulct sing V110 I . r_0 I . C-nON SALE OVG FARM STOOK AND -IN. I � - � �. � __ " I each 00mmancled by Zmair nugers. and I a . P . rLMENTS.-Mr. Win. Htbklrk b" inatmd, - ­ T1*_F I . into tnroe parts, the &mbulance corps, I . I A �_ __ - . __ �_ . ff,ft ko%& Dirn i 0, - . 0iiESS Of ,s, . I ed Mr. Thowas Brawn to gell bypublijametion od . I _r ! major -general ­ I tbe Charles WINUOD farm, "'J"Ining SeafOrth:-011 .- . r ' I N Sa I _.nu_ ."h n"ll locum had respect- 0 , I I . . .1 � ISMAL k"TATS IM 9"N' . XTI tn Generals Schofield, f the soldie. 8 who acted a$ rimrse � , " I f = I ; . I PaRRI. 't-4-1, +.hn+. in I Sir _U 01141- .4� I W^lAnk � +U- � M AL xo� st;op Lo t wadnmusy. If # Y. It 4ul. in fan" 14 I ive V -Wing, the - Did Y011 ever &Uft . . . . . - tro *, - - I -,-!UuU8 TOR a&M-Ram burg" ,ly cha;ge of the right � ateo, from the 1 At- I f lowing uropert " viz,: Jlorees--Throe aged dr I -- .11-40614 14 �h7o. �j4b4* of aU-HOW VOrlif, Mud Ws**. I f that all; the. Unilted St is I not r 6 I.. ! � 11 linfO,gjt.OJOCAticiexson-;Idmu,zbtg.tid � --- -_ _ X _ - I'm I � 0 1 W&I-esp ­ __ V, � : centro and the left Wing pacilic, there . I I 0 of noron. Inquirs ai onoe. I la -flc to;- the I old. Cattle -Nine MI wive 4 to 1MV,e .-.- lw� 1,17441 - , Then each wing and - . centre I pLument ereoted sale ; s x 2 -year -o d Ate;;, 4two f - 0"ab CARM myth, ont. - H E I army. under 21� "not 4,jen one, mo I I =Imo of r YOU �__ I I C WILL ENDURE H SS TO T on , * � 1 1174 ­ 1ARDNE were again divided into corps, 't on? Many nk,axl- I old beffe", 5 ) earlinghellers, 3 yearling Ateers I � .__-"__� , � I fourser"Of land., The END AND WIrN cROWN OF LIFE. I such leaders as Clenerals Logan to 'an army surge months � V, qA-f V! 1103me WA water � P I n and -I-ther- I . summer c&lv,es, 1 fat cow, I fat k Mr. I call 2 . � ins gig Name, hard and soft . these ori�,l stones for Xr,Phorso -_ aid, ImPlemenU--Ove ,VrONt & Wood binder. m4 I � - - Fu . . -111 '-- I ward and Kirkpatrick. T hen �1' to " -;-- - /_ 01 bay rj&jW' I ,rnlD - Inidtoban fins class ecuar 5"U v1VUV ---------. . I Ho . I goed drill, I hf000rml* ,ete , .t� � � VW stabl'o and rultry' 1101110 alto jOuD9 %�'�'ng s were agrain subdivided into di- 1 man, 0, magn'ficent r*me--'- - sourlier, a gilig!e plows, 2 twin plows, I lumber w - I 1 Corp I - 6., Monument I for - * 49- . _ , , I F_ ' ' I . . AC I pair boboleighg. - . Qrr, UL . _ .- - I � � EXpO5110F ��jj..'fij I '! r I 'd dd6rl% - - � - r I K ,* � __ I visions, and 'these divi-sion:9 again Grant, but not _,r on.1pairtrucks,% wagon r 4 - i:�_ -8. I grain � r - Ore-ard-1. I Avry, ___� For nle or 111S IDEAL CHARACTERISTICS I brigades and these brigades in- One surgeon, In all the Unite , tat I I set diamond U&rYAOW t V 'gAL . . Into nt - erecte � I � lr�­ 011 -g OR to BENT.- ! � h I pulper, 2 fanAng =111", im Z;�;; 0 -ft I oull I I . M MA - � gravel1w I - reat after May 10 dr at 4 a quantJ4, of b-sy r- . t,tb# comfortable Feel- . — to regiments and these, regiments _Teen, I wt team bame . main oft . - Must --o I m the barn, wme hens, I - I , R ItU ftimi who. StaYc % .tr , va, one �'No. 3 I de,30e ol mr. aiv'xan4tr Stoble, Mill - to companies, and eatch PriVa,te Sol aring : - I 901 LW4. r , � r , f War fill the ranks. Not 011e� In _buy - well!, 12UT Wh I Pat J300 I Oil V19109yeA 00. S - � er oburn, I dash re 0� 40 I . r - eafortb , conUing 0 1roms ; there Is 0 XANDER itov. Dr. Talmiage's, ReAuRcistIOR 0 dier was assigned to a diqtinct com- home to erect- . 11, . I'D lei s too numer. ! f:j I Apply 0 A . . rr fork,g,abovela,and-aloto the a I - Will be sold On e2li'terms With Intemov mark- all thp linited State 11 I . -a one to mention. Zvcrything �' 11 be sold, all - , - � . STOBJE, ftaforw, - . 1891-tf j -A T,hinx to so U1001L pany, the letter of which was oters 'Who - U - plietor Is.leavIng t I b � a falruL : Torms-All $unleat �_ .1� ! - - � V - - &I Gursia Tbat the number of the ed to thO faithful Payma I � -1 jr I _ I I Rats*&- -:An InsarastAox ed on his hat and . � as of land ' - , � I 8 � . ­ " . OR SALE CHEA-P.-A Pon the lapel of . cajirj e So 0SSWt_ and under, o"h ; over that' - � -r_ klmoss two � so - of the . We regiment marked u , . f the soldiers" - W, will be given on Alw4ved oint Dotes. A dilp. . I - ' - - with dwellift hog", *ftsted South W* Sw6uld"rray tho prings of res . - ,aIt -to the support 0, . credit 1 �� - Ic - F on jj,I,rgfr,* &$f0jW' lbelrd &rotor , 1. . - I count of 4 cents on the doll" .1twed for cash Vis - , . -U...., r J4� iall. - Antipatky to.' - his coat. home, ,And yet th080 fast is a healtliy one, . 4W -41-1 " � ways , both't ld 134 fat water pad fruit ' to ,Gj 0 Va'arsister I . credit amounts. WM, HASHIM, pk0prietar -, ja the Prelate"" & . . : Each American soldier -always had Children at oes of .the 71ishman's idea of break ' S , 106 W _J� i - - - - .,tit u"Ordisluey. For Par- I -. V. I . esery d in a * rjacing deeds of the her � The Eng gn I M 2 &rA4 1 C irtA slid she Wif Is *19 e for him ac p mebbe—just eftotl -11 food for the THOMAS BROWN, hluctlmecy� - Wgr_ 7 , ,j, ,t&trd or to R. 8, Xnl,ored&e6ordWq&oAor,6f Parijilmont-of Can- a distinct plaze r le for their and tea—a cho QA;q tim"M Agly to MRS, W -- or made it p000ib Toast, jam, -1, AV 6 TV. ­ OFOC � , I$Wtf _ada, in jbe,y - �y WililaUl AiA9,11Y, OfTO ther . ranks where he rWa LF,AR qG SAL& OF FARM STOCK - , . ,of, Seatodbi, ,Qarr IWI d in gray to _.rly—the warmth of the tea to draw � . +t iu blue an � - b,c L Hays, go) I lisp'(, 4,�t A&grj0ULj,Urs, U&LSWIL e an Amer- - brothers r pL,SX W�-jq,_j=-cs Jones bus received III,. ,jwr4y Tr, runw. at; Lh� . a tile stomach to assimilate prop� � __­� I fight, Soinetimes in battl and' jaght 0 ­ C to Lee - ,- r I parated ! stay at the front and assist digestion. structicne from lit. Richard lloga&rth, �11 b . - . 4wisletflivie r - 'FARK FOR SALS.:-Pouth half of W 80, coam - . Val March 20, -In . Jean itoldler might .get- Be . the blood r � public auction, on rAt 95, concession 10 Hfb'b'o" I I - ar!y Goderl& j"osbip. 4o acres, good I d crispiest leaveS 01 th'm 4 **$,fo Loa Anaol", - , . - - iL 514026, , - wheat, go -I frame house And ' , from his COmPanY. I)uring the two I picket IWO, rs, who are the Blue Ribbon Tea is the daintie.st an . on Friday, ld ArCh IZ0, Lst I o'clock sharp ih; follow. * I . , _ _C,T17 lo#w, 5 to of to 4K ,, &he.w tilues of . worldwide ,military I Christian soldio " . 8 years old got b - r iscwicital . ight I r T I - - Ing before. Santiago an log .. one general parposs ra"s I - otlw,go#s *a4 hard water, f"Wr r days' f I I have recounted I i to &heavy hats* ; I gener.-A tack F! kitchen, a SVOd - g polls. A - activity colored stay at homes? teaplant ' Glasnick, in Rat - put- I I- -.. .. and when, soldierly qualities American lieutcDan*t s&W 4 - - q 't !r* 6 @beep home and - I .recognized her- PM mare 0 years old, I d ga r 'W". . we gables I -appetizing and nutritious. filly r1sinsr 2 years ol , V barn, 2 I V da of the un, a—frec of tannin- � - : . r ,lipfidling #pr" creek runs t tough ohs PC he Tenth Cavalry jaght- these deo In call, I __ . - ood vin he prWrletor is not able to are j, -v rywhere dlscus�ed this Sermon troo r of t It is pure te oy Tyrone, 4 LWwr, suppoud to be Ismew - "I -lot -9 !af, To W� SOW, 04 $ of & Mile from a felloo' .e - I purpose, I want to your breakfast. - oow,2steers 2yel6=ojd,3 fit"751 yestold, t" 1�_ � - ­ I I Work ij, JJL j@ a qukrW I woldier is pe- Ing by the side of his whitA3 men, oes of war for & ordinary dut- Try the Red Label . heifers I year old, a calves, 1 brood SOW with 44# - it-, h - I ar Item. Apply WALTON on the ideal. Christktu he lieutei�ant asked'L-the black encourage You in your �.. .. r , A two wilea from Vir When t possible for small pigs by her side, about 80 bens, I lzowg, I . . - . 0; . . I . 3)6MWORTH, on tba preffau-8, Or clirlon r. o. cullarly appropriate. The preacher Mail why he wag there he replied, - "I jes of life, It Is nOt ­ - re- I cc V& � . -, � - 18Wt1f. I . . 4 G-hinese- one -seeder and drill . nihined, one horse V ; fiv � ou. r 1� my command and. So, Sir,. every ChriSt IR b I wagon, i pair bolWelghV, I plow. I ffet ifon bat. - ,� - , R � , chooses as hit; text 11. Timothy A., have lost P 0, 0, 0. , et, - .- � I '' I I v0p. SAL& -Farm in Stsulv I or sale, 14t , if you will, I would like to fight in Gordon or 0, Havelock or ro.0,j.gwInganjr Vlow,1topbuggy1l newcut . _k - _600=CT � RX acres. All 3, -Endure hardness as a good SOL- newall Jaokson, bon I land roller, I pulper, I fanulhg ruill ,and bauttj -_ L . 11 4 29,'��cesgon­% confainian . I your company." The permission was Howard ' rrr I �'. r og 100 is in a good s . it is not possible for all Christian hand straw cutler, grain bao, hay rack, I ,A � = ,, r Mall_ I -set sink.le barnee # 1 gwrot I I . bTjj 15 SOM of h%rdwood bus - It Christ." I Xon. Wait fenced " undardrained. dier of Jesu giverr, That night, whon the colored onspicuous . double wain barne", Pulleys, alfrim. eti.,vm jjo*�* th t. state of oultiva ) bornll, with dabli , and a What iv-�W�r? W soldier was about to hullt up his soldiers to stand in the c - box, I hay car with TOP03, - � m twi a . the I ar kettfe I eresm sepzmtor, I - wthrud There Ison the far sf� dits of grin * is conveniently a tuated, nation says to a. na;­ - d, he asked the lieutenant to places and win -the plau -ding stone, sug -00 r 1grge dwelling house- I . mile jrom Baird's sollool. � gral)Ple. wht'R comman . . er that chalas, forks, 18hovels, whtffl -tves, necllyokeq� a � - I -know nallea from MUD-&" . canliot 0 his captain to Christian world, B -at rememb . a2 qualatitY or fbayaualoote.j. (sisychuto,andol � I - , ?6ai.q McGUFAOR, 00 the taoa, "My quarre-1 with you give him: a note t _ jnr W_ . Addroteall inquiriesto , in Christ's army I ,"A 927 it j , - , 2nd GOD0641013, be gettlipd but bY fightIng, &11(i n0w prove that he had been In battle and the humble private . e - on lionschold 060U, TOM11-- I 0 SUWG Of $51914' . . � aV4 . emis" or MRS, D. MOOMWO13 01.76841 living In the . . . under, cash ; over th int 9 months! creA. ja 11) � 01-aftla,itb, Seftforth; OP16 wt. -she who as a, mother , will are which Qt us two has th" hot skulking 'M Is joint bake, - I , the rear. The next wis Ing Approved .. r er," and then ver the field hunt, , home, as a sister working behind the I A,slc for tTM* Will be given on In r !$SO ' 3 per Cent, ofifor M r No r& - -, I N _ P 'Aftb�ojj r . day,. When groing o V 're'llt amounts, - W - . i," x'sbal - , I i -eel i ,SM _yOR - offers big I fivid this counter, as - & daughter teaching 33IL&C11, ML19041 * Irlitr j,orva &@the fArmis sold RW,HARD.HOQGARM I - SALs.--no nuderai.ned 4on12 VICY put�ihvlr drinlas ill 014- s.dead and wotinded, Or"M 40c "'Ou"A be ========= . -IM& of boyl r - ing'for hi ' parent or COVIAPU rroprictor; JAMES JoRE8,1Auctioncor for Pm* . - ­ . farni, sq, Ut a and South halt 10, conces Ill oue 'altothe'r. same lieutenant found . .upon the school to support an aged . f I and Huron. ,0! 'ir "eg,jol 64a on remnable comMission'.4 to k IM2 , mce � MMett, fj 4 100 VA - . i. - I a tg a story and a halt frame ich dlig r WiLh bloody field the same colored -troop- to give an education to a young - - ,,,� br, - 1. terms n the War is a 0,-aVu tr(," - I 11 ­ FjRV STOCK AND, ' - - I ; bon" with done o9mar ; . I great army, . ZNtgAmWo SALZ OF � -=I V and sit neceggaryoutbutW1096,0118 11m] essentials for his k's ep, -_ � — I - - . drivinghOulle, barns, sheds 8 O."G. most er, mortally wounded, The colored 0 of �_ oil orchard, bayonetm, . W&r' It I most ,� brother -is in God's sight on - I %j THRESHING OUTVrZ.-'JA0eg "ace has M � ore0k " nevor failing Wall, 'most fiendioll, soldier -beckoned to ' 0 lieutOnalat tO 'the Sle . Vvillism Drager to*A : J)rutal, the -the - th celved inatrucuoug from Mr. � =Vey failing opting '80 loan ove - 0 power behind the Maill I I . I by public tualon, 03 Lot 6. 1P I - ! - . )0 ACV him. Then the dying man V6 � -_ ols"ra, " % 0 ared, to zeros bush. One WHO terrille, the most, blast,1119 cul Of , u are th I 86 mcession n, 'MCKU. .1 : school and rot office. . I other � I tbo folloieNSTV. . and 6, go churob, X - give 0 1 � I lop 4b, � . airtor from the ages, We hav(,, the, right to hate, whispered: "Take that note and Une, making it possible for I -0 I - For fall Psyticulurs, apply ia R's, KIM Blyth, , . troop, Tenth 4abjistian soldiers 1A the . vibleproperty 1.1%; .me 141horge-power UWY'6-. 1 r - - r - 1 4 ont4e.01- � It with an,intonso rid to it to the cap - dKer tLOPST404 12JOH- I - 18_�ft4ftf , Aaf,rCU a tain of L to light e usaf -,,,,,O- rp, __ . 1 and tell ng, to the soldier I ,,y engint, and belt, I D, � - - . - ___ that the , Prijic� of I"CaO.' may - Cavalryl .Lawton's division, I 1)?91ul is sayi - r etto gr1nder, 2 Sawing -Machirles.1 ondle" 10 - r - . _,_ , open . ur-,V �0, M , N S)9AV,ORTH pray I . - � �� j 4,1,01ifFORTABLO RESIDENCE L Jarvis give us more antipaithy to- jU and a bin, that I[ tried MY r as W tile front, ) . 4% EsWlished ,�-079 16 inc-h belt 70 feet tent, I vW,!2 tanks, -ConditlAns � X . . Ili be mado Down on -day o! sale 'W- - tro"A ,Pj FOR SALM,-LOU 10111r.bets 126 on awful CO - t could no find him, as the I of sale w, 7 - ­ strgei,jud % an Slizabeft stfeit at@ offored tat more int�-nso horrar of the mpa b to the inwnspicuo 4 threshing oulfit. One a2ed boree, I Aged mile, I . � I _,"�i "I - r_ I lots a comfortable dwelling . ,n,�, tM paper and say that.- alika, I 'Endure Whooping C6Ugrh, Croup by Playwarden, I r _r � � sale. There Is 01him 7, d ideatb that it entalls. Give I . if conspicuous soldier - I mire 341singfift Tears -old, gnt I - . - *&d,jT"_ I house containtax � roo�%, cloWes close* rntr suffering an awful, inter- Willi - t a coward , Ah, - oldi6r of Jesus . . . Marc 6 3 eal a -old got b.,,�t )ferty Prince, I borse lot -m: . 4iftloo , - ; WT# if a _f,food well and teligr uv,der the But though war is an amg was 110 hardness as I ,etc, Ti r I is�true�! A soldier always has : �, / Bronchitis. Cough.) (jr1pT Oars old got by Slewskirk, 31 Ally three yearx old.jot i I whole louse with brt* foundation. This If 4 - national curse there have been occu- - y(, -s, 't Christ." - _­ i , - ' Morning Star, 2 c0ltf Ylbin� I Year old got b - A . y - - I SAM- B . 11 I ad comfortable boult Mud will , sions when nien have entered tho an individual place reserved for him . we C , , , 4, jefir 0, W.bk F ow -&-w 7 - teaskintly situited 's . And why should , all endure t - alog "We : r . � ldher kulm a ly to � is expected to rs of Jesus . ,�19 _ � Lord Ferguson, I 001 *1 ' . 9 sold chvsp� TON' It or tof army and have gone to tho btattlt- in the. ranks where he AsthMra ia � Raftetwer, Beat odr" hardness .-gvs good soldie k , Diphtheri Glendler Prince, a driver to years *Idl, 4 cow I'me- -1 tpiwa*o " . jAXyA U IMLONAN, I . posed to be In calf, I farrow dOw %2 usife" firms- � � 1�: - . 28024f I conscientious Ulbtjvf'b� be and expected to fight. - . ' s. First, be- IWY I 11m.s. .soft# MXt door. .- �. field from Christ? Vor -two re�tsou : � -to old, withpAlv?s rjy their sideq, 4 beffers Ask . j"Ibe U � . - is possible for every Priva-te CPESOLENE IS A sGON TO ASTHMATICS ye. 3 �* Y -Stu The soldier must be able to an- cause it icatod. it syears-old, -btp.erorlsi,,gsyesLr;s�(;Id,filugenrii- . Thr e een ver . tbb diseases Ind _: - � jpe9 Lroyssle,w"i ballot LoI12 . � re- , riffle. . ism -]. S, when it ht,8 swer roll call in a certai.in companyi as well - as Christanr officer to C2ZWLZNX is a long egablished and standard remedy for - lv)g 2 yeav* old. 7 calvw q ono year-old I brood T SAIRStrook $ ["A OAM ,r the diseased surfaces . I r hatto, L413,onthollth coaDenjon dent of,history know ss Won& eld i � - FA .20 ONO 76 r AMPt in gwd date of become a, saared duty for t)i(.- m-dre. of a cegtain regiment, �f a cortain Ive the highest of � all soldier's ro­ curesbocause the air.rendered strongly antizelltio is carried OV4, 1 constant treatment. &OW, 9 pip 4 month6tid, 6 pigs two . I I ;sVf*0d"Pj . of Noinji6p, wabMAng r. . cc 0 bronchitis, find Immediate I well brwl �ewM I lamb.'s ijumber of bens, - fte .. Asesac- of the broncWal tubes witb every byeatb, giving PrOlOuged an( tand tusdardmIlUd. TIMM r the, defen cc of tho 1)rigade, of a ;��rtaln d&jslon, of & hattis .the highest? Yes, or sufferers from �hront I outtlyalbu. well tonolk of wrong or fo .. 11 wards, W I Those ofg, congumptlye tendency, : W$Sey-Haftl4r6lo6tbindetoeAfiyuew�t One 6 -foot . .�_ I � U, i I -W 6t -clan beaX lam, wt* gtone slab- home for the lyatrlotiO Citiv(% - t') certain corps. So the, gospel sol4fer the very highest? We ba,ve read how . relief from coughs or inflamed conditions Of the throat. Descriptive bookletirm . I X,asey,ijarrie mower, I Xicxon -combined emin - ­_� 4 , house, I Alling . . ' - 'd sud a never I bit, nod hearing jiofiar k lents� and drill, I horse Take I d4e burow� 2 left 1= � . - I 'j, . . � orth and -M, take up aTmo. Christ hintself rveog- ,,just have a distinct P14ce in which thf, )Duke of X*rlborough was hongr- Co.. _165], N , . . . a Itis- withing allispot Bog - , . otre Dume St., Montreali, Caundlan AU L iWID g-wr 1.4ow, i land xollet� IL spring. a duke, ZZILMING, MILVA a . harrows, 2 PlOwfi, � I Venfei-st - ThU nized the fact wbon ho said "I catTle he has his name upon the muster . I - . :fanning mill, I pulper, 2 gravel b .xes, I pig tack, 1 1 . �_ I 1. ... � . � woehool and other 0011villiOn"s " * ed, Not only was he created 1. � to ral will bollo not to Send puact! ort tho earth-, but roll of the church militant. There - of -the Blenheim vic- _ . rld cheap'n order' to windup the . - -,jtvj,20o--)dvd# 1 usgon*A . r .i r i the loth of A M11- be - �bOX.2palrotraelf I id"Inq , ' 4 _;1 .. 9If not Vot(t hQ I . platf.)rxn scale,, dsp%� � orat i road =4 eirtate, i0ate ,.z,,,, plul; r a sword." So it hus col'W U) 13ass should be no "free lanm6" in the to ,*VarliamentvOted him,the mag- dinolvea in tile mouth are effective and sifO fOr . -_S, . 41dW A I . rafts bob-lelzbs,'I. now. 3 wuOd rieks, 12 bay raAm , ,j lren",� I 'bands, ry 164 ­ -*"F-- I ,unnit 006*,sedorth. WSW ck and his Cresolene . . that his followurr.,4 have at thnus, , !gosl)el army, no guerrilla mcent manor of Woodsto coughs slid irrit4tion of the tbroat, ae&jIY rnew. a sets of heavy'tvam hirl'W", T - , A�&,;L. ... 'A : . .- . I _ 11�012 2 .- . . .,- __ - — ith sore reluctaftee, but -under a (,1o,,-rrilla ranks are filled up -fbr the I im $1,000,000, - fill gle barness new I 101114 V p4tform, = A ­ � 1. � ­ . . . P.Z9DLV0E I W I . royal mistress -ga,%re h 134 � , r _�� , t . 1111011-, . . ift a box. ALL oar"ISTS I I k - !�_ ARM& FOIL with iconoclasts and an- , rthur' Wellesley Antiseptic Tablets in bags, I ffu_gxrkctt1e, I bairtruck, fh"#'1TARv I I � I - � . . I ad stern senSc oi duty, engaged ill war. njost part e read how A — Lmovej#, i�b filetreea, ne __ - Ace zrow�bxr, I . � f, . . Y. -.;.The underst#n . ­ � - � of SZAFoRTj1,_ONTAFJ( . 1. . a0w � F ' q I ­ Also * ., , - - e r,or ObOW fa.rnis In this A y archifits and ,cutthroats, But the ' we hav - I - � I � b". for sale & numbei "It Unhappily; too, Lli('!Y' .ha-%'(,- Ww" foiind ,e L was raised to be DUka of Waterloo. = '' Out @%W And Z qUaf) J'Yaf th r article#, . 71 � - Voryingrimpro �Weflts. Oue - -&-p :S;&JO At *0t - _-*__.I�w­ " . I - I I cbm land@ With vie I gospf�l sold r must be s' regularly' I Ilk rap@. ed � * . www*_ * �m � An 1110 . I - in hostile camp.q, as ill our OwO Civ- rtS, recently the Command- quantity of bay,:wi '74 - farm,. riontyofmanOY"llbe. . Lord Robe 1 7 . gba",. T,erms.-A1I#um#Vf 46 sod under, M f jgpod 2W WIG gram j I work to r-* � ***or for � '. - I I - - il war - When K(.)-j(l Christian I -P-11 enti,sted. man, detailed for British forces, and Vis - I =_ I trouble, simply bar � over that Jim 1 9 mo.i. hs'�omldit WM be given as - 4 - ut�of this and with MO � ' � er of the cunt s 1 28--- * . - - . i - � nisda O I I � . th6ul for the SM- 14 raised to the - , Of -4 Z . � . coliSclerttiou.sly followvd ihe Colifed- go nil one Bible Clal 8, to some One count ]Kitchener were _­,� . � his GO�ODSS i tuMI0b1nY&,VproTtAdj)1ntn4VM AdISCOnOteA � , Ing OlUld Ift." 01PAnK, 0"'OK - f 11 � I � t wt this place ,4Linday school, to some one pray r . ., 7 -amounts, A* few"'t . - 6 � - Met, .A -lh%fn the f4l, ta fl � , e exidered, SPRING , , ; . , r aild so -ate gag, as, others eqUally Conkif;i(ltl- 901-VICCO r . . per reent ,elf for t"h -oftradit - � - it. Ilm - X , : . - I � . tbi# way, 4wevy'rear for the put el � peerage for their . * - - __ . .Y .- * . m the farm Is gold. usy, c1asb . No �OuWde aot - - I Made money , hurM A gos- own. ]But all these . I I � , SAW -Y I— , inveting, W Some one c . _ __ _. - -1 . twity years. , [nj r"dance in &sforth. Wish ti.otts, followed the Union Iflag, - , to the 13ritfsh Or I allowed on the prembes to be oftred tn ale as - - � � - A _3100k q ' � .1 i � - - . � i Alacre 9 and plegsure - I - N6 � WM. I)ILAGElt, FrOV90UY* JAM , ift- -01 I I wlw---- aboye, . I . � about 4 geree of OrChard,, g4fdells It is proper and right at C.-rtaill vel 'soldier is a Christian A-.- - -- A A A A A A A A A FW%AOWVVV � I T - � . I . - = I a to be'hsd at a -'bargain, Terrus reA400able. i ' ' offerings and honors ' these dignities d&W. � I - . . d I 0 � a grateful coun- : -JONES. Auetto I j. 44� 91FOun, UK, 1jeatorth. times and, seasojis for go d mi% t0 orders. J-1ow can you obey Christ's j near for Vertb *rid Hurov. I - � I - - U�, � iven by . : I . .1 - �­ I . ! '. Z. a I'll Ii. . . Tor V raculf" apply to W"GOVENIA101 taken your and famet 9 we will Simply zat the price loose on . 11 . IS924 1 , � I- I .�. : I . . 182&tf go to war;. if thVy ko with the right orrl�rs unless you have will be as uoth- t19j —, - I t I __ �, . try to faithful sons, To stp�jt Spring gOOds MOvi - —_ - 4 �!. I YOU . 'M - M � I ­ I - - . — � AND lif- . - � � "he:qualities. w d .to th a gre , . � tive, IJ hich go ts) llldi�ridtiaj place in the gospel ranks . W COj)1paVe atest gift of March-, so sliop early if I � ,�i�i MO - , everything in our 140 -re through the month I VOTION SALE F FARX STOCK I - . - . - ` . Concession I � tna 1� ,j . -1 - p, 8 &L-9,_P6r sale, tOt 24. , -,V,,T-ho as W.Adsmsbpfc. - I V .1 - �. soldie" of Christ's great army, call(, to v, Christian I j , : t, d the ln� 301- i -Ii : .- . : Rif Val - make up .a good and a bra-va � � - I s . A vNiNTs, , � . -1 zo -q,-If by publIte s"ao, . ; I - ­,� I A_.� - ­ I &,- TiDwatbi '61 M091110p, containing 100 acres -act (wiye -ch? which given want on1s, ; � I strueW Mr. Thom" Br,)wo I I Amp #&; ,D� I . , �: t, 1. ­ _r those which should chaj ehW The - I �i- "I _.., , sit"ted 2 miles from the town of are . , gift which is, tho 0113110 Of 8. Mcnillop. 17 - - M_w I ___ t landr � � lWays dier, tion On L56-23. Cone-3-41m,a - on Fliday � -e ; , - - ., j -; � �, 1". -11 There a good Christian. I'll(,- courage 0.1 I I , : milk -*, I --­ E" of emiliml U l. sif Tl'P true -gospel soldier a & lovlug uivine I 1:P]]aC)3: - following V10- I . � �­­ �t I r;e&fbrth ODO Into ffOW C uppj*obation froni .A_1_j S __ jfarch 261h, at I o'clock V,: ju , tbt . :. i!� r __.. d. F I S - . .. i . ., �� rame barn and outbuil .the ,rrh ,,Wt.11 don i . ON - *.� . M, � __ self-sacrifice and devoLion to Lt. r igh ( - - eon�iders the posts of danger - el perty, viz : Horses -Ode Forid working DAN "i ­ I , - . � I - . . . - I � : �- , N" 11 41, well fenced and Commander. , 6 . I gena;z paw - � . - - . � : a ladin' - -_ H� ; -r, ...F,. ­ ­- ­ -- - - I- -, hotve 1)(,(.Il dis'll 1 o y - pofsts of honor. He wants to bear I � general purpose swure 5 yews t,l& ont 'OIL , 1. Z - I 1, which goes to tile Christian hero of 411;. �z � � T - underdreAnwi S....Of-'exxiellent hardwood bugh. cous cau4(* which I I I 60cj for 25a a yard. pm horse 63 yearjo old. tmo Wt I luoilths --- mg, ttd - . it . I - I been all ed in the fiald are ji�(-adcd in - the thalsinging 'of the shells, -even'though The s Goods, worth 50c and - I I - -,_­:� is Um. ejmllent condition as It hA4 ; I f Adouiram Judson. Fif pieces of fine Dres olve In Apn- , V. This figm . Cattle, eta ---One oOW Vj cs , _ 4 ,1m, -w * '� _! I - - � . - orchard. of . the name 0 tj . '. 0viin Xay*4 _V" ; Ml! ZZ"It-. 1W (., Tileruror'. tb4 martial,song may have to be ,, calvaAbout timeof sale -0 . . - 1 is given to the togoat 19c a yard. cow to -0 . � I - -, . ,edid to. "L for a numbor of Years' intently situ- C- bIristian's -daily Iff : � 4 �J, i. �� �;, t tra , . -Ybich K Three, 3 Vjeas 1111w, � _,_­_� , .1 ,- Well donel" I All 1.5o &ad 40a Dress GooO L w.- � - _', dwice fru t tree& This Is a most conve ath * rat- the 46 forrow cows, 4 belfet,4 rieln - : ifil _1 - . �r _.- � - sted (as , r 00k, 131aul aptly and powerfully tisms tho acepiripanied ,by his own de and to two, 2 heifers two, 3 y8tA � - . . , 'r- To and guit%bI n-0 I Chester -1 I - ��_I: . ':'to Oneafath hurnlele' Servant girl ' at 50c a yarl rising I -I �_, � I Ive ceu tolitterjo:Apyl I VvUi but. AX , � - . 71-1 � A IV on the prem4es figure of my text foi' a 90,91)el eQW- t1e., d .tqp the humbI6 --- Seve aty1f t Silks, new, for 8pting ; See them , ­ - ., Z, - Terms easy, -1 l M2-tt humbI0 clerk au brood sow , - I . - 11- ; : �1. -turkeys frA -1 � �� --f 11, P. 0. .TAAU XHA&T. - . Yer and difficulty are 6) hem. two �, -1A., . IN I . parb,son'. Ile is Practically saYint14' to Posts of dang ble missionary. - ear Shirts, wotth $4.50 and Or to be sold for 82.75, pip a inontbe fold, about # - 1. ! 1i Z _,�� . ­ I � . uurokq and to the hum Lsdi�,-,s' ready -to -w . imio gobbler. Implemont*--toDo MeCormick binder, I I . - ; , - I _� . I . always posts of honor in the army, -Mdk - I . - � if_ young Timothy— "Look ulion y,)tjr why, again, should we all On- a toot out with trackt and r.h­at carster ; I F . * , � j ­_ �,�_ [a 0 - . Sut I F. , .. 5.�­ ­ � OR SALZ OR TO RZNJ�--Ttmt dftlrsbl pieces of 170c aud 1210 Embroidery, to be sold st 5c a yard. -_ �- .,� ,� .-I . - , )eetead, In 9Xr. Christ - a great Inader 'ajid gent -r- A nti yet to hear some Ohristf4n, Hol- I . I ­ z �� rj ,o bon as I' ood soldiers of F t � I ybx6b book . I - : , ''! -. I Wood mower 6 fo� t out, I hay jake, I N � I— � , ��­I'i__,___, - FpwA ,Down, 1W the Cl I dure hardness afl 9 or I I �Oultivatkoor, ant -1 I � yk I I i �- I ndvjllv� This pr 06Y consists of 8 sereq of al. Trinlist in his fwrvicv. ImIllivil IV diers talk you would suppose that doing owellingo for 5C a yard.: ler comblued drill, I sprfn4 to,Al - I . ­_ - � . wo 0hrist? DOC9.11.90 in 60 T . I �., - �­ .- : Xd a, corof4it.4blo frame houw, . - Jesus r I is"d roller, I Set fronw, 2011hiu Of I � t � i,!,::-�Z7 �'; , land on which i; ere obey his orders. Charge in Chrii,t's ' th(_� posts in Christ's arrn-V where fgllowitig Tajo blessed examPlO. Ten nt I wide tooth cultivato !,plows, I fi-auffle . fl- � 11 good Asible, which bm been th0VOdghIY Over' f we are � SixtFen't Table Linens for 35e a yard. rows, I gangplow, 2 ttm*la, I r. I lwn� �. � I � b ,% o - sleo a or and jo cow ail vood go now. narne. if tbe'order is given -yoll ti) there are difficultios are the posts t t out- _ 't *ck wag4m. 1 jral� bob- I 05-0404-sn Z_ - . r 1. . . - 0 . her wAgon, I ,wW,o tired 111is 1 1� --- � bauled this psat summ � ge who Spared not himself, bu . ItZI&O. i �1, - - Id ruake a comfortable 110mv fOf A charge, I)o osentjnri duty a"(f tr1.'(19-,' be avoided or deserted, ]@van some doing just as we adVOrtisO. .1 top buggy. I open j buggy. I hay tack, zj* �� I � , t ; _. ­'. Thig PrAverty won . I come power Wft vhbw Artra �. 1�1� �� 1, 1. . I ewy fered frdelY for us, has ths right tO &Ud Bee for yourself, we are sleighs, I 11; wilt lie w1d c ministers of Jesus ; gmvel box, 1 fanning mil),ont. 12-13,000 I . retired fannor. weary -marebes it tbat is yaqr orill-l'. of the ordained J?Irom none I � PUN-YAGre, � I q r . ., � .. ply so WhI. AIWRHART, . ovect. fortitudo from us. &rms&ndrods,lbev4,lj,%ok,?% strobwoutW2,19FAft — � i� ,;_ I I ­ I .1 - "­_­ torrJ30 POT VUtSCU14r9aP I tKI-if Be ready 1�a fight on battl(-fivid, or (,*11trist feel that way, "Oh," says a - . - . !. I __ , i I ho . *WV", x Wb4eTbA-'"w,a`* z .11,. � ..� r4mondville, f us does he ask such wrvice 2.1; crusher and belt I to it + 'Ile * I ... . - - ­� � - - - I __ I gAu4bume, T-T-Veu,_.dr=-*N , I 11 . - �_ — .h, or sliffer. ill h6wfii- Viffl(hig clargyman, "I am fie dis- 0 � gb,lb4y f0,Vk,rdF,jr,, - I . ­ starve In trene C009 water trirfv_ ,,,,, k Y'rpo and .e�# � -i-nARIE IN GBE r ogle, a good tal, as duty may cominand." Ail 'raged. Why, there has bewn i)vtlj_ himself rendered to us, When the LEAROYDe & . 1wt*ll5P,1s '10,1 1. I I . � t �Y FOR SALX-Foj cou . art plow havojass 1 0 -a lt�- I . I I L4' form, fAng coampo" of lot 0, concel"1011 12, le are delighted ' with a big but friction and trouble in y . ariny of Alexander the Great was I I "t texal harneve. I I ;'.-;e#, I nnak, *.A— I of Cranbrook, It contAins YOu-ng POOP notall ,mountain paga the harness, 4 home 4allara, 4 *a" double I , _. . oreyo near the Village well watsiod and milittary 'parade, . Let me ,in thif4 cht�rch ever since 3: came to it, Ae scaling AL I . SBAFORTH. ,oke Bladders, obala,4 10A.4. -bys,tls,bool, vlj_",� '01, 163 acres of d"t cla'so find slid to I of tho soldiers beCMMO eX- CARDWO BLOOK, - ' ' 119Y of hay Sud f0ctf beautifully &Ituated on tho bank of 0a riverA Thors serrijon, recount Jor you how a gus- pt.�plq have fought, and ' misrepre- I strength �L, , tap: I cider barrel, h qati� � I S'"rul" , � . ,on tible, I bwUNA , '..: - - If 4flaral ng which foi 1qvzla*#1a, ug-fle te hausted. - jj&ny throw themselves Household 1ffft,Yj--0ao kiwb � 1- an the farm a 0- st'll, tion, is well fend5d, pel s obey Chri.st's b 1 W,14,4 (,very minister who over oc- is, rMe grsa� I I atove. two dozen cb,4frd, L Wslilling mAdhille 089 - * 4walo � -, . .: - - , I& I# In a goad state of c" tivsm I 1 _;�,.�If__,.�% an I . I this pulpit, and th 'V ,, � churn, milk pan$, and. pil S. Tbo Whjje ,� �­., o on Is a frame house, back call, '.. ey - have � ­ � � , _q, 7 % _ _ � �.;.X , ­ . � cur�oed saw the condition. He 11 - -.,,, .&L.�-��­_ ..%,.- - . _;WU bo W-- 10 - underdafhed and ho A � j1dai'l --V.t , - k I— - , zot I I I . . gold *Ithout reserve As th� propriOW 11" 402 h � ­ - - 004h' _ WAXi�z ­ . dthinor #bed. It - , commander I'll _ . � bara *nd is cOu"nientto n'srke* , 'What does It mean to be. a go -SP -4 belln finding fault with and misrepre pbraid, He quiet- , j,.t.. #uum of $5 a *14 undor . L - ij#,� � t office and etrurohes, 16 is ' did not curse or ul I I .1p _ I a - , farm. TermL-All : -___ � �, ' 8 = ;r4 a - � = j a and will be wild c,ha*P �, � 4, ­ �,o "A !0 ; "I 01 � over that itmoutit 8=;r4 iuod.t. Vrin be ;�Vea 4 -i . - a most do- , - . � ^ V -7- - and on e"y Soldier? First and for(!Tnvt;t, to taku I , .� I, I -e ,� " _1? �: it On P, f 1-11 '. " - -j . co y dialnounted , - 6 J�; a 1,ro ,, -0 (; � I ', -'; '.4 t ,.� , � s,aitfug me.. I ain fie discouraged.- , from .hiij war charger, Lal r"t x t4lals, as th& owoof is sbxtous to rftlre. Apply on mt. The (jj(Tj..lTtjCc , ' h I Ult '-*'4� V. ., ,W,0� - - ��,? - 1� - I �. _ w,t,t Adlecount*41116 tbe oath of enlistme w�.4 (Jed would find me- another. 11,'0$/j Z / . ') -;j ,4 furnishing AppyovadjdInt � I Ill* thrgw aside his heavy cloak, � , 1 'J �i . . ,.r Imi I � � OW c- 01 MRS, . .1 ) - rate of 4 per cent. num wits be allowed As ��4 - : tb oleallsog or siddy"s OUA,N�MWK P, between an army and a ujob, thr, )Iace,11 Wall,, my brother, I confess � - * 'I p I I � - :11 - . . f .11q 411, . I ..., ­-.Il.�- 4-. .,-; .1. I Cub on credit amown& T. W. ADAXi, PrOPIL I - L ' 1W,tf . i - 1". & private soldier's PiZ1CaX6, 'i I" tot ; TILOMAS I - THOMAS VALDIR. _ difference between a collection O( Irwat yol-, are having .a hard time of it. ..% i mom v vil-1 i o Bitows'.4.40tioneer. = � - . ,'---- — . IF R . theii vicerously went to ,work dig- . A '"ni),--i r 1-1-oli" WV- j-1-1- , 19M I *ft Alevib . Li.rf'..-, or ul . 1� ?. I i , . 7. I �ft '� '' ,,, 4 1:v-, I.I.J."_.. ji­1j, .. i I IV. . f - sm rches have x P inore'a..Lf., thav'r-o.-, 17-.;.l)1;*L.4, . �., - -_ . I CTOUSZ ANly LOT- ron BALE.-IFor sale, Lot, 28, govi-rned I)y one brain, ruled fly orle &Way at the Ice, 11jo soldiers So � - � . I __ _­ ,�. �, � -6 ! . . &-b 4 � � q � LM Jarvis atteati, 000for,th, comprild one fifth Vol(, , directed by one 'oreer, I and a bad record. I know of one church 9in11 I 4 .. 4 1�_ 1_��- K on whion at# a. *stable and %rlgo�yo con- him, They knew he wall its tired _' i Himild Inult.-,"t"'Ild. -fill tll-t 111trivacie-i (:f fill-Ine"I'l; Im ,-.,- bow * ulx'm . I- 1. of an acre, - lot of men ritlining -hitber ajal tbft,b- that for forty years ha saw , . .Auction Sale ,of ,iValuable FarM - -U6- ­ raj I . 8 made itf; I . ' . �� 0M 1 7 . jumped to their .r!IN. . hitel-L."A and (b.icoal't-, k�,�(-p L L . I - - I �_s tzinius, nine rooml, a projor,Aluirs room, four bed &g t .', Then they .4, to ("ItiII1141ti, "Cel. It Work (",!t _ *0 . . �� I � and - . , own I ­� - 1'li -closet, obina ( let- lilre a if OP- , _. . I - _ Z � .. I I - .. ­ � . room, olotW 4008t, kitchen flock of %beep, ,or frig'bton- chief [&me on breakjng down 'Its d 1147 . In McKil I . ­-, . . I - - By the power of a brave 6X- - - . - m , I 4aws"Wer ­ I -9��F , d ad _____ boulis, etc, . I .1 I I. � .1 ­hgjj,� Thope is & p",,lry off the kitchen an 6 V -d. stampeding cattle, doing 1`111 th(T ferent ininisters., . I - - r � , - - .. , , q - It, - one pastdr after gain to ; -­" tl­ - V ,t . I . eni 9X I 'r , T r, , a rondah along, the whole they aroso and w I pursuant to the p-iw.,rs sl.est;ed Lin the undersignot . - -�-. i I coijarunderneath, and va * 4 ­ s"d ; saig water will, is the Aifforeuce bvt,w(-i,nL the ample 1, . �1�1- -.,-,F7 r I ,gu- I ano�her has been destroyed in re again- won a ,new victory., A counie ij) 11.1je Forevt Ci�v Bu%illes.; V-1111111,hortbitiol (k,11fige : j ". - _ . front of the house, &a4 both hard . work, and I S . " XXV--utors Of Ure W! I ot iew-pil 0"Kinny, deftw 00.1 - , � - -:�`#L, # . 0 ISL Well. 1,larited with fruit tree' oatli of enjist,mbnt and no oj�jjj. I'$;- ' . I chy public sue%* �. L - --A "I . - arson- I .� -;�,L�� Inloort. Tharylac a far order as he calne to its P where�rer we 0 ellides all flunie ritildio-s­ arc taurglit I)-, a thorou,,M--, co-ilp6tellt 1, there will be offerA. fo� rkl : 11��, =d iWarything Is In 1148kh" r Christian soldiers, "I b3i J I- . - ot I , - , t.lj ,:� *A and barry bushee, j Yont, a nian ta�kes thp, ogLth of enlisf - a I One min.ister was so tantalived at the i . fs� t fl i �t t -,t , V - P', - pair. k;r fusther pAttl6uldw apply to gas, JOHN jont be In 4 free man. A fter 11*e ge that under -the p6r- WO can find our Divine Lealer stAff of experieticed teachers. � - COMMERCIAL 907"EL. In, the town of 99ATOU11 . . .1 I I : __ - .. .1� t, �-v-i - . DO.W!,- MY, OnL tiW'pfeWs0ff, Qf ro J,L.. ILLORAN, D . aT)4 . ]*attacked . e0m_ &hm4, Our backs -may ache, but 120 .L ' o 'T on HATURD-4T, KA#011 %I 19041-st . - , 4*6404 I � IF . 1801-4 takes the oat,h - of enlistyrient h i . k 'L :r: - - �L - � jjarriskr, SeAforth. . __ .� . (11 j a SeCUtiou of., Its membons lib Ing our burden of sin, Our Every studvitt- niuyt paw; all examinatiin, Vrej)ar d bY a Sta, 2e,otook p, law. by J%med, Jai?es, zuetioneV4 00 , , # llw� , l� I., ­ I - F I -, ------- __. , - no - is c&rry iors beforu reeciving Ilis Or lj(-.r Diploma. Ifollowig'-property ;�.Z-._�hr, Wt -A half al 1A .L - j , �. 4 - 11 . - . longer an bidependent individual wil,ted suicide, Butj tell mo, You - - -_ ­ � L I __ � . -For sale, 14t 82� Conceits! � I grow tired, but from his qualified fixurnh rly onavtW -d of � L�._ �'. ". 9 SAL9. On . test may. C) 2, and the Dwrtv - .the SonthbA V! . 1", I q 1; 4 I 'L�;. 4 B., Tuckeremith, cOntAID109 100 seref ity, He ils a soldiol", slibject to the who have been bavjj)g a bard time I -­ L : � a a ! os�ts, ete., i -rimy. for a poat-Al. Lot .3 both In the 130h C00c.�"Ian of the `t*VV,%* . . ,� - L I � I . ­ - - ordars, and is lialyle to 110 and h . la' , . .�. . ,, hink f80t In L Booklet fully On ),is courses, c of flur m, a ­ L _ � LY - . �._� � : -11 . EMI Aeared and in a good #4t# of oulti- solole-i't in that church, do you not t of .V�lilllop In the Qoun Mwill"s 0- . ., . _� . �� 1�1 311 feuca., and uoderdr)4neo,. There ij 4ot if %6 deser04 or disobe.64 his .qu- are idowing stresms Of blood- reis nloro or "5 Upon I preww* .� v - . . , � vatloo %u4 w4 I I ng along there as well I gather I(* acres, nlora or � -tw - . 11: k: �- - foo� stone wall ,Vf)(t are.gettl fer was said to - I � . . L L I � �. ;j, � I a gcod, bion. SOY50 feet with AD pvri(jr offle'�rsl Thi� oath Of enlist- -Ise could? 110h, "yes"' o1dan tim OEM are a go -d frAme haira,& I g hm 0 sod *u ;roh" � aw, � 1. L. . I �, , wo irophnuent hout and two as'any one i tinx . ttw I , , ;g .".4 !� , undorneath, T1 . I - 'n have Catherod,4n. armful of Poin - About 40 act" of the I indi an alowed and - � ­ _� ., -tically says: "I will, if Jai- I d Me bftlao(w ikelf 14mbe-o& 06 - , , house � I 1 : - towestableo, Therels also a , mi,jit prat J-.o�j arswf,r, "l 'know I ain. his � - 0 Co MR* - co Cultivation an M . ; � - 11��_ . - W161i kitchen and woodshrid, The h to te 4ted- I . pears, and pressed them into 0#10 I L Property is wrellsitu4t 140) A y . jb7A s . I r . c, %.qal-y, It -t otht rs do irly thinking, fbalking elders and 6,' *Qft It , a - f4s. of three .. top . IL'. � W"$, This C goeitont L t&IM 19 tUSted 01) . .41) 1 1,9t, that over his prostrate Tj go 6 sod,,ow 1 . I— ,� �� I .- stinate, fault, findin trus- Own Y. M - C. A. BwLai 0 1 Du1A;nsn,i __(W - I . two ob. brof riG,,LONDON, miles north of tbg A - I . . . , =m�rosd, one wilt from B11100 Id where J w i I I- go lvbvre ,I airl tojfj to go, 9 ' I I WESTERVELT, Pytim. half tnif6a EwA of Lt, � To of .. . I 1 ,4 f - . taki"'g ill new rxwrn�' des might find a - . lk so M. I !� AseverYconvanleace. Alsoomleo I�Foln"e*' al)(I (If.) -%V6jjX f afri Lold to do The body his' c0m&r * urcho", njo 0 U-) A, d 064W I � -m - are I 1b of The V L y . � � , ��_ tiler, house On tt f, L tt .4,, we kS nd - � & — ten I 11 , . -I* . , 10110b" � 11� � forW., ThefOLIS * school 16c, toot of the outh offelillsilnel)t is inoro bindkiq- . ,)(. � - -ne, Never in i 1) (,- brtbach in the enamy s ran -a __ - ___ nFARJE0,11111- otsale And The balance In 00 d , � . Awi;;6 - 1. I., �11- -1 all the 7 to -TtyWiLIJ&,Ofef'-�dia�OA]t;Wbjet*;to�AkvnjowiD� 4 I I _'�. . . firm, posonw1oll ezo behad throe . ko after - ,Wel .. 1. tji So over Ct-rist'o I - - . . mmaalmw , .1 � _ � I L � APPI r to OHAS. 02.6 Iiiinds'.of r, - I charge to victory, . I PC . I - Y '. ,� L., .; 1 purcrif"er, Forfurther particulate. , 11iijit. i,g true in reference. -to tht- . chlirch's histor in- body we i , And I I . - IrT Fooression cam h6 givt n at 'YovAt. i fWVW I AUA". # �_ - :� . 18914f L y hao it boei) doing so ! - � ___ I - , I'll sa* .L . I Wd-ftrd . - --- L 40' :i 4. I MASON, Bruceflaid, L nu�h good." The, my brother, * - w .- ­ I ­ � - � . laf-1005 ef Is le U . -_ . - L 1: - _ upon the -foundation � I ., _­ jmrtilcularo and cor -4, � 7 �. ; � ­­­ -.,.-----. I _­­ , - 10 a U, - I I . 1,11"d-sh sojdjl'�r . oi- tbe 1'rellch Sol- 0 0 aww� . '� - l 26, In the lot stead of coloplaining about your I t here and now jonear or t* Dgj*4T & TMON P,10A N I—. . . I I I AUX FOR SALM-For safe, Lot, L f a ChrIA"s mausole,11131, WaY 0 . cbell, ontada, ' �''_. I i F covVession of the town,-vilip of hay Floondon dior or tbe American sold'or, 1�s, true i ) - D."jVarell W.b, 29C4 t I .0 i 'yoll sboul(i I)n ,' c(mgratulated. (1, OtODC9 0 ;$Wt-jt(j temple Of . Vol -3 . ===::� I ­� Road, apiltbeoauth er.at part at Lo427, adjoining, -(If 1:11-, Y(pl � eatmot . (.,, (j (I 110,; we build the, great - ­ .1 1. I I � . I - I . j,,()jqjj,.l soldier, alloid and do your work, ' I - . � - - ' - __ - lcrlflz(l',� Mt mWilater Weather* . �� i. I marecrlaid, The pro- I -1 - I- . V _. J, I conviinio-jr In all 126 acres, (10 f,fl*-(-[h,C, srvrvi�.e its a Poldiel, of I ,, &'Ohristian soldier's ,,I', . L i . - i ,you 'above all othl-j"j, f , , . . L I WilatEXhi " L . I �2 I ed and dr,ofrud and well seeded bolmrt,id � ism I I _ -1 er-y Is alt well foric ill-ist unloss yoll publiely I . . I - ____� I 11 . . . ­ I � . . . - moret; under '11-s'..'; '(' I rs UY , . . - . : - . Now"With thoexceptior, otabout1b . , hah put you ill it difficift, ljosition, * . bito - I � . I AS . - ones and barn frit s. t(�.fjjrtl y0fil, r,,I.tli of -onlisIt till -tit, Hope, deL,elfful nR It Is, Pirrieq US __ I., I -, � - . . , . : ! . . ____- . ­ . ", 8 There is & f raraft d welling 11 _ 'u'lly . . Z4 11 .� wood a .I)t)S,t of Wille 1111vay.4 post of . ! � L, . _ *M L � houve,. dtivinghoute,atable and larIg AJIA '�'Vl."11 yolt ("11(le-do gite that . I zgrOeably 1hrougb life. -La Rt�e.hin'ot,,;! . I I -I I " , 1000i Cow , i . .. Omni* I ­. 1. I .. , - . . ­ I . . I . . � .1 ; . .- .. �� . � �'..' #bed f,ver I , 60 feet long, Two splendid well#, good bonor, � -that is, the tiiidjit -of winter,— 11 . -_ IV - 1: � - -P no Jow,rvr I - . . I " We are right in the midst of it� I *2� . . L L " � -, 1 � DOW Wind frill, P=,Oe and Pbundance of water. . oaf It (1)(,11 yoif '11 yom , ,'-kinday school j.(qjCbj,r � , fll�CJL 'S & -'fi t�jll_ ­ *I � I - . . 1. - _.. ILL . ­ rostly Northern " I " w�, ! I . � and by this time you will hav cold spots in your - 9 : � . Tbt,v are also two good Orchards n . , usfor.-' Whon yoii - 1wrome a - I e found 'the . - ..___ L V .1 . I YWI hfj� I. 'YOU - I __-� . . i . , . , : ' t6qgyj class ,of I)OYS ,� - , 1Z - I � . � � I ` . - I i. $pie,. This fine farm proPcktY is Wif.hin 1j miles of (1,.­st'im -,(,1ji.,r (,r -a Chr-W;lill . Rates Reduced, - I osed' up -the results _LL .�, G.. - 1. . . I 1. - . - : - . .11' HoruAl and the sa � di,tauee front jlippeb and 19 I , I e oths-1- duy N."ith tiars clothing. Don't delay getting them cl I I - . .4 j e - .. - L - I . I . . . IM This'land is.No, I and Will Ua -stiilor voll inflFt r, I's f 1* IaLv r cal,lit, to 111c th - . . SMU11,010thing bill thau a .a- p P. ; L � . .� . or, the London road. ' . I yult lit �yol,r vyvs, ,somi, pf'olAn. 111ay Tho Queen's Hotel, Torcj4o. Rltffj . =ight be Serious. Better -far have a - . VIA*1he . rMe So the --(). .' 1* :"'ll "�'q4k lilvn t, -,.)11(1 .11 a1w;I.-v3 . . - . . _.�:;, ­ aoldcheapand on loworable to! pro' .�L- I' 0 . I The u4ink Vain tajLkjjjq.A1)()ljt. jal) j"lagi- from$2.50 per day', '"ilh bath from$300 i r'sbill. Weean�rescrihefor YLOUILan4 flit the pros- r,0 per ,_,n at rovinew -. . ro* VarticulArg lo I i; of Fat cetili- (oolib-tta -L �, I.. I 11-11;1� 01(ts, '111 11w r)(1 I W�nter Fair, 110p, wtre fk,l %fth -_ �:. 7 �­ I ". I ' *At 1. prietor. Intends giving up the fatrr. ],(, "vtzi, ­ .11, . b- " : big docto � k�j . 11 . apply to QEOtLG E RgTrY, fir., Ile Or to 0- J- [`11L1*Y t-wir., btit y()IJ �-JJMV 1 41111 not. I � er. Drop in and see Some of ,Qur man.v ; . . - L4 - . . , _ sell, d 1) � I per day. 1884-9 ! he very lett . , -, - -Stock T-OrlikC .1 _� , St]TU.CRLA.N�f),iaot,voYanOcr,,Ilo;n It. .180-tt -Ili(,' (.-�,!, r-11 .1j".1 , an y th" I.,11.0t. of r ilm.4 poste.l. ,yoil so . i cription. to t Worthington's Ca' adlan . 1. __ - I � ii I . It. t ( � I I I 11 tl4t , - ��, .J-11,ol". boys r1f, ( . I i __1A 11-9 I r - - L L' __ � '.., - � - . I- - ­_­_­ I ­ �11 .1 . tOM11111-111011 .1�0 � I i ;, . I -11 I 11a t You 1W V(* half - 111ado 111) ---,-"--flr--- 7 _ __. . .--- _ � CAD, I . I . . I I DF.Ap. Sim :�-- t � .4 I - ji 11, --17- .. I 11 . I . , - 4001 1 A&W -011. 8A,LLP,-Park D. in tile "V11181,10 of Blyth, con- t, ' ', ,.) py , () i ,, o 1, r - I I I I 1-1 I ().,;I - t () W I Y_ , up Iliv clit,..-4, 1) ,��W�-_ - '7 - -4 k Flo A to , of land. Tbere ia on the p1we Inifill to ;ril'i We b%vt be�c-u fetdi,ng �nur, **, i - 1. - I t4j"I"g, 10 acres rv.,v;or .,..orr kvill 10' OW�-DiV;11(1 10H �'*: " " (I " j, 'I'li(I't, 1j1j".LU ljj,jy� ", i(fl, rM W - If ; *. a,jei fini it to b- an I xmllejA 10064 I -11- - F 29%45 feet with win I _. . I i . for mirc Owe , A bw ddome brick replda6ou Iv f . .. 4% 4 . I . I I. ` S- WON VU&S c n- Fire , & 4 - L �, I 4 _&� �u I&SI fftt, 2 btOry, et!fMt bd6k-WAll with sliste roo , Yto " J!"17 -t $`;J."... " f Ion rewly'. . () We bAvo algo led it t � be,M-N 414 00 a*4 TO dje`� 11 1. , lrr"� I - fVVfS flit I -0 bav& 0et . - - Ph I with sliste roo . t I �1) oarl-" oth'.1% '1114-Y Irlay Sam It Ir tile br-It evir k 1�r, . d W - .. I bay Windows, 3 (­V.-j'!,.f, !,o (it) X.."ll-of thou wilt. have I f�r _VjVC '* The bouse cOntai'16 (A(;V0V WOM0,;3 . . OurprilewinninzpWile.aA Its, - .W Vkda � __ I frcc-s, '111(y . L � (-,,tll4# to r:u";8 "01th dirly . 'T . ., nnsibs, good stone collar full size of buildin I . I � Allft- - V(lr,s go 111:�*t') 'Lit$, mw[ !,., will,ro thou Cl)(11- yajr� l,jj3, were i.11 ja� W,jepj. ­�,,i'3 ,,3t; --k VX* j* TA -67, L frim., Idtoben Arid woodobod Igx24 feet, There are I'le.1,11"'t.L Iry to po", j To'..jy �-#,..I,v I o 4" w" ri,16111. But re- with Eczema I-GHT BROS., " 'N , I., U. -i w hand and Hoft water In the buflUrig find a good fur- , . - I .011 LES1,18 & PEAR&Y, i 46�dlo, e - 4 - IPS IffJoll" oll, ( 11fili.-Wi:1, soldif.r. if 5 - .8horthoto LCW_% � j . �_ - nace. There ia also a brick dri'ving bout e and stabl . Mlo I'lol'S it 111"'Ill to be a gmq)l I ,* 'a IVILVP For twelve years a drcs4ffut sufferer, but j- _a Uri,edtr . ___ 2tx*,22foe4 witi. franx ad,401on 113v.28 feet, The F.(* I .11" - 'Yo lit, itl-slgrl 1")Ine (I. -f;'.1,1 .v.),11, 1111SI lit)" - j1d - I - 'IbRX48-HE-P&LIS) &E"01?1r_" � A -,4,w, 0* , - �Uvi-A . Krowj is are beautiful, ootn�nodloue lawn, 'ornamen. T, i, . I - r�([ f 0 . I f!i-so I #):_- I b(ty N� III Tiot (,Ij(!,V- till, novv, entirely cared by Dr. Chaoc's ! I i , . I - - , I 1,:Irt ()Ff �%011.1' (jj%'ilj('t Coll).- I * L I =1 - ftu4b , , - U-1 tr4-.s, shrub# and floweiv In front, 16190orcIlard * �'. . � DrAn Fm!s :- . , , L di: t i -l" . ­ L - `411�* - V441 , I of riAttreeg IMMY13 200tre-es of al �VIOH, pejar@, T11_111L � ij:fj - �0-4, of "1:,()l 1.0, 14,;1riler, Th"y will olutinent, . . - - J I find your stocu F.forl 1!� t -fl, jexedkvt 'A -, - r- � Ch-f,jeh f L - I . tho gteztt ,Chrj,.4Lian army, 16-wri'll ,it 1111, You Eczema�;; itch is torture the Skin seem on " ' . I - , , P, G &a IMOW - ; , AAMr On-114y'llerAeO ej�. Will be sold ati# bargain 'I . - (.,4 ('011o, I 1, ) lorilattle,gii,ir,g&ou.faaf-l..,*;,Pi)-"it� , � ­ - �,r I I' rolj(mioir Ow stombirds of , Jostliq , .! . " L , I t I I'll . --8tJves)r.(Aj4i a ll­lf)YworklaX�� !- :::Z� � , vartjc�%rql sce the Proprietnesq, on th 3 (� !_f. 4. I ! lf,(U, l#(1%S-'Ajj,11 IW, 9% I fire with the buming, stinging.blinlor; at . I ftreIr4t,,c .. .?,�,- WW . 1$48 ; , luon, To-) ote", 11�3 " extu 1'el at - I ph�fn, of 0. HAMILTON, 4 Blvtb. _tf hr'st. 'To ,have im fnill-vidual pluee I .1 . �5 MOOM 10 - . , times it becomes almost unbearable, and in L � 11"p."., t."o, i 4 .1 I I I 11!. I -oli(1611 nows- I pair, weighed Atblwth 91) p-_01 go. it -4 - - . - .— i 4 - 's , 1 3 to pieces, I - I pounds,makin I g AV ja of 51, V�,a -ft ; I ___ ___ . , rv,�-r, d -for ywt in Lbe gc)spol ra-nk ,,L L I I L A . ,:-_-_ _1 � . — - I , LEI'd ( �, .."..1; X, Unt 0-ritim is to i desperation you could tear the Ail S 1 ASON E a- - lAverwoo - ,V!-.,-ry y0ll "11%. to � t � ag rav ng I -t -4 F* A I __ 11 fj­ht for the, " � F;0j-,-,.,,... �'j-itli-nL(ju. inis.-ions, YOif dare not e:rxrcise for fear of g #i 4 pays to1jeed Plorthingl- ri'm � . I I !� -__f__q 9- f- I- V -f-- I � � - �, __ "-.-., - ft_�,, (L-1 * & -4-4�-# ill 40 1 1 V, . - L it Pa To � I I i.!ich inil.ittant, its eaCh- private I ­ I the itching, hefth�_r can you sleep, for no +-I+ �4 �1_ 4-1-4-1 � _A_Xj)ft1X RTMIA,RD-A)2 I Z*0 � I I I . ., .. . � � 1_A-;.writ%1' ng C.J,,,, i 1 . .Th6 gknspl-1 ImWoes- of ilx- Pa1`0 bave - . i* � , , - . .. � n gol(livr�. duri the sooner does the bc�y become warm: than the . . - . . ,Urcedtr .tbora,=-O �-, � _11 � �� . r__ L 4 . - I _. ' hand. The quantit), - 4 at _ 1. //_�) - I It.11. had a plai-o rt'servf-d for hini givon UPJ110117-all to *"Ih "_-'_-'�' ',*it'- trouble begins, -and instead of restful refreshing � ]!he geasoja for the looking. about for Fumiture is at ptepabus, Od __ _ . __ 11 ,. , - _ 4ft L 4 q' ' S NY U S A ua Ge. e a I . I I I ! 11 I ht- r. n k'S', i� hol !�, -r lie belonged to turic.". They lat)(1,1-vd, Llj(-3 :,j.t- vd, , it is scratch, scratch). scnitch all n ny q utity tl MCI),- ** � I ' they sacrificed t11t.11lhv1v(.3 U1110lig'tht' I � 'ght dos n!t mattert but the. quality is everything, , - e ca ell you � V* *hw� -4 - tj.j. c -,Iv IrN, ( t1jv ztrtfllery, the. fn- I q'" . I I tmv4, been i.;slng your 9to4,1: VO4 for tU 0 I - - ( . I It . )r - . I I I long� ity - LA L L I I :,- , . .1 / I I -ory or the (-n�zrin­vri . ngr corps, As outcasts. "Oo tllt�u "kLd do fike- I . but only oU6 qual ., and that is the best. . . - - twornontlawitti �XVt#-TjI-h;04 TArWw Hi" ip , I . eniefit, - -r 110-t - *-- �� I . - . .fill . L /P I . L I L a ual pleasure and b -a, -A E0 re , ,;� MR, ALEX, 'McDovGALL, postmaster, ock woull prove a mut . P is" = . , f!-;- 6_1 1.9 * W .Q. I I A,U insPectiOn Of our at I - 50 pounda, ald � ,�� I r � .) - a military organi/ation of a- gro,-jt is . � f . ,ever W . I , ation 1. ' herov., ur tj,,t I Broad Cdve Marsh, N.S., writesi-"For . great jk.VLjng of GrAn b� feedmg it. . �� - .00 - -Tho unreco-nized ­_ -_ ­__ - � L 1\ "'j& Aw.__ � I I r Indiviclija q, go t1w Z> Ic looking as wegi- I f,e��!,(.,r L or . stoe 0 I '' ",^Kf -;) F IISS of I Tle .irtriv dvjj(,nd-, 1.111()], civil wax have ijot- had t1wir tiqe, I twelve years I was a grCat sufferer from . I . . MY WILI. *INNIA114 t, itime ter. The Jacuar) rush R! I (4( I I kg, There was a - - A � NOW is the bee �Vjj() L , ith, *Ok to nc-w over. The beginn re are well started In their th,ttL military organl7ation heing e;*,- The generals and the In* -s eczema on the ini'Meof th( -r-.%T C'. :1 Tac-kvram . � �hcrg VaD, therefore. give more, time �di% ids -(l fought at the frollt jlLtv(� L)1,#.jl I,(,,,- raw patch of fl( -,A about three inches sq=e, 1\T I D 1 1 n T ?, rX A ..a- 1% Feb. I6, 1%,C I . work, and tow vidt�.l and sill)divided and 1. _P_j . L . - lija now crurrent tAlk throughout ... mid the itching wa, something fearful, Dr. . I Xannfas!ux 1 by I IR to n -w studautp- ,lVam by. orderly arrangement. The ored as they deserved, but wh-) hits I � #V the ;ountrry that the et---., I -. f G who I ntendo to take a i * _ , - - tely cured rae, took I thebest- goods, Shd vir, wou'raiNaT-0.,; rolvp Co" . chz&t"s Ointment comple . I , buaincoil or shorthand coaote, and wants to b -or, must ' had & tribute of pralse to givi, to I 1.,aled up the So This department b coinplete with a large selection of I - . s Individual, the privat6 soldt away the itching "IrA Gatiph, CW- I plu ... A In a sylog Place k )j gradustad, ehould his distinct Place Just as, the the self sacrificing teen wbo llrtlb- it L , this branch of the businem. * �. 91. 1 , -813A W. &rwada, RUAT Ov'llege, Chatham, Ont. have t.() ha-ve no baits�iiun in recommending it as a obli g fiftantion given to enilake, selfox � A , * possible for the fighting soldj4-1'!� tended to by o�u Undertaker, Mr. 8, 17, HI-01mW For ztla by Hamilton & X � I I w I , . Students of 1"t ye3r airc 44 eArjulug over OLOW par general or the I . or Rc ingsl�injdismse," -d1s proml)MY at .4nd, clinton -. Vir j. LPVY Aiw-hell ; 4 - tolonel or the naltior I wonderful care f Ight e 31aftl Gerry'Bly.1h. U_ - fin t - annum, 846 pl=cd in 11 , othd. Do you know of . L � live and 41a at tile frorit? I uuuld , . � ", or the,captain has his place. I . I - __� N - bo,, t I - ­ . . W_ g fting such resnIts ? We ws, , as Goderilen sureet, Sieafo4 opposite the Metbodiatt church, Son, Hensall ; Nelson any other business ,ge.boo' Lot jig; 'study for a moment the - sing the praises of the UtI114-0.4 I Dr. Chases Ointment, 60 cents a r I I : t . I - Day your railway a e. ,R Lye you ever seen our ConStrUetion of a- d 'f L I _�_ . � . infalogues Ifuot,Writt-foltandenternow. Ado ; an American army, I would sing the praises of Ov arla-.v all dealers, or Ydmanson-j, Bates -1 a Im M1 XA I MONEY I 10 LOAN I the sh-m- and Toronto, To protect you against hni.-g!"... LIU ., : f F.!Ea ,-, - illustration, that which officers who bought ]ROAjaF00 I I BOX f" COM� . I , . I drem I � A Take, fo� the stockings and the trom,wrs and the portmit and signature of Dr, A, W, Chue. i B r--" --V--V­ money to loon at lowe-st rat" of if-, krett oft Y � . 4� I L. jwvz tuy . .Wn . D. McLACHIL, N' & 00-P -' followed I She�man to the: sea. Thodre -m *Mwlty. Apply ia JAN. - . I I'll. .- wero la: i thO host abouf ona- ,hun- the coats and the hats and the thef=Ousreceipi�k auther, are on evoy wl::5 1q 0_" - no f" 3"iorth in" X . � ' I Bar-dof-Ars . L . Ont . - , � Ch a t h % at, , I b= I I I ets and forwarded them and F; I � I ,� I . . I . a f drid t&gu#a_ - men were %UyideA ArAt I ROT" IPA A-415TItAllat 49R&- fflt44 to- I �; - L . , - I I - - I - . 1� - � . . I I - � - 11 I I I ' _� - ; . i - I- �� rI � � - ­ - ­ --- - I I I - � � - I � - � . . I - L - � : I L I . . I ­ _-, . A , - i I : . L . I . I - . I I V � 1. , - . . � . . i . - � . � . I � I � - I 1. - ;1- - 1� . . � I ; � - I -1- I . I I ; . I �, I . : . I , � - . � ! f � . . I - � i -� � I I , � , - - . I . . I . _1 ��_ . . . i . tP_ I . I . 2=_ - . . 7 T- .... � I i . . �=_ I'll ­ 11 1- � � 1; . ­ - - . ­ ­ -1 � 1_-__--_.___, ________­ -- - ---- __1_____...___-_____ ____ I I ­­ __��__. � - ­­_ - �_­_ - . - � .... .. - - _­ .._._...__1_..__ -------- ___.__.____._._________