HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-25, Page 5- - - - � � I !!!;- i i- I � , .. . 05 1904 I 31ARCII Ow, STORr— . - I ._ ,I---- O,tn-.;:;-.T_._-_" __� ..'Ire..- __ i - � - : - I - I I � I � Xafekiia. - I I 7 ! . I- Nom. -Mrs. Anson Finlay is apmding i I - I � - I'll . low days with her mother, Mrs. Andarso � z � i I "I --- I She is accompanied by her infant - son. f I I � � Oert Read left hare on Monday, boma fe .. . *a far West. We wish bim a plessant so 1 . . kmi-I.-MM -Johillton in visiting he - � . I I - - Bar . . dwa h' , M" Wm. Reed, at L&nes, -j 'of Z, . - . - � I..� i y -bang people from the 12D] - 21=1 load .,4 make it . - . . . . -seneassion had a most, eujoyable tiwe� a :Ould - a point :nevr the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Berb Finlay lea I - A. stock einbMes Q1 I __ .-, . � I Ffldsv craning. -Our worthy townshi . - �aetory "011 -N1440ped � � - . . - - �. . . ­ ejax and bis wife attended a banque men, and we ctuara . .0 r � . � ' 11� .. given Mr. Hugh Chambera last- Tuead&3 �. ' -tee - I ng liaea are � . . . . . . . ivenfag.-The Scotch. concert in Lucknow � aMong . . � see for I I - jut Friday night was simply immense. Th - I yoarself, "I'll � vlolin solve were something towrite horn .� I � . � I 4 -1 . . abOUt- � . --- -_ �4 , I $ 62 ; 30 inch, $2.2-2:5 ; : . , . I . Vaxna. . . . - -Mrs. John Makins, of Exe. _VMY BAD. � - � � ter, cam6 here to wait on her .daughter-in- � inch, $2.60 ; 3,2, '- e,h,, 'L In 11 � - � _. law, Mrs. Wm. Makins, who died last , . , I . . . . . . week, and white here took isick with, pneu- 1� ,� inch, 83.00 ; &D ijaA , - "I . monis, and, after three days illness, died 'on Sunday last. Alre. Makins I I I v,raa about � 4 ��� i ZO yesm of age, and reeided in this Ac- Anity � .� sms. . . L 1. till about a year ago, when she, with her . � I'll, - 'llusband and family. removed to Exeter� I ' '95C ,' 22'irkeh $1,10 . .. "I'll "I .She was muchand deservedly respected by know her. kind a 7 3� .7 I all who as she was a i . f I ; . .. I'll, - hasyriedand good ,iioman. The remains . ., - I were taken to Exeter for interment. Much � i 11 -..-.. . '. I i- I eympathy is felt here for the bereaved fam. I I . a, I- I - ��, ily. We also learn that a daughter of Mrs. - . � J�v PO ectfol th - - � - _�_, � v�. � I � ­_ Makfns is also very -seriously ill from the I Imune disease at her home in Exeter. - i - � I all'by " shDe. for v. omen. ,�, � --- . � - _1� . I Dublin. . � , I .. I ­ - . - . � I ?2 WHO WANTS CALVES. -George Chap. .. - ','"' to Ivith muoh ill- . - .-. I 11 ; . I Of Atwood, will be st Dublin on Tuesday nexi. ceh Mb. At It )!Qlwk IhArp with a load of cho! Ce I trust profjt.�.Njr, " 91 - - - - - � I , ; Olves for "U, $N I � 'troit, mras in tl,P -vil. :7- 4ni��,;-. ��­_- . I visiting hj!�, Inot J�p r -f . Winthrm). i "hite, w -ho -Is�fill. po � � fj� I 114wk,sbaw 19 __, ; - I - :I- . A OUPP99 OAU,-UY& Ste Zen Godkin, of tils Ift 091WN0100 of UO 012 pwod kL-Mi" ek with bpi, 4wpf , . . r Om I ifll,_Xlf', 'j"t#." "11rift= , '';_ _j I ­ ,­ I � ­. � . a OWSY Y"Y 844440Y on Thur sy, 8bg W bom #afor* Irm 1* #?IF f0i Aout � AMs. Unclig,lict.11-, . . wito . - bv§111044 roffege ift �� ­ __ A— 1� -_ . two lw"kff W nothitig W_ IOU# W#§ A-stm, P W, 02i wedn"day fivonifigi how4y,fro 1jP . home for a rl-e - - � - %. days . I . I .1: - . - . ih* OqqjAWj of & "Vem Pals in tho re, � ' I - - - f week—mr-.4, ft -11. * d A p ho 1wri, On Thurtdsy m6raijag . " Xhupen-, �:h ,",1# Inolve- 4 I f : - - � � ,m � f1w &Nbr W" fient for, and proitowd for r . � ;,-!f* and -xffr, rp_qh I - Wit . . I A_ .�_ -:-- 19W � — but Idid not think hat amw *Orfouf, but - .16tit propeftlos wit'h. � �-1 a .r#. ! retnrju�,'d to Kippen. - __k - _��- ._. . & I#w ` M 44 Ottr hfil d6piiatireof iind while d.- L'sat!q her attendant how to pour � . , ag X I rs. smillie We ' _i� " �, ­­. � _. - �__ I - -1 �__ cut th In -0 medfoine, tind while I conversation 1_' Vpshall, ,A - but, ac- �_ - �_. with bar husband, who was staudin ' 01'r 91:fOre, r Kip .. i. . . ..."� she threw up her hands and expired I I - ging tar the stir and., ' _,4 --- I - the doctor, who w6e a t the stable getting . I - � I village, and I i k C. Ra- �� I—- I - � _. bit horse, could be called in, Mrs. Godkin's . .. Or her children woul � A _­ __ - ' lc- . maiden name was Elizabeth Ann Morrison. -1�ed hoke.-The d _­ ­ `��_ 1-1 She was about 64 years of age, and was a I . _efiT_ �ositjor here * last Iveek - - I I � �i I mostworthyand estimable woman,. who . . . ance Was vi-rymueh 4 .� t .. - . - , - --n. was highly respected by all and was much . beloved by many. The funeral takes place 1; - a I ny readers in �;�Vie W �11 "Vic ty.-Aliss flarris .. I . . atone o�olock Saturday, to the Maibland. - V roxeter t.his wc.ei-_:_ I - , � I - bonk,'cemetery. I � ,� � returned Itorne re- � - — . Siting friends in F,,x- .. I . Wroxeter, I 7 I .. Doherty and IS�rs. BmkT.-Rev, J. W, Holmes, of Gorrie, � lin LondGn thii week . � ..... I occupied the pulpit in the Methodist - .. - t,s.-()u;1 'business men __ � ... - - church last Sunday evening..�-W. Leckie 1 mezd4lyfe en - - terprise, _A7 I.- I left.for Coldwater, Michigan, lamb week, I uraulatio.n of ice and - � - 1�f after having spent a couple of months with - . ! sidewalks on. 2irain __ � __ t - � We mother and brothers here. -A load of A H � i ­ Modd aud daught-, fr7 boys, who are euR aged in oleaning the rail- , , it Weduc-sclay to vi .. f. .. - � 11 _. , I road of snow, spent Sunday afternoon at -1 _q- .,I in Lea'mingt I on. -The � - - . _1 , - their vwions homes here. -John Hartley !Pert running pretty . , . L'-: 7. �, took the services in Brussels last - _ Sunday, . j his week up to date 1 4 - -�_ in the absence of Rev. L M. Webb -A ' � 'd our busine_ss xuen I zz to, SOO the freight _� .. - - . , -_ .. ., I Scotch social, under the auspices of the . lAdies'Aid of the Presbyterian church, w I re making their ,-I,p- - Z - i - --.- Will be held in the basement of the church . ;; I Thos. McGre, -,v h,& . 1� GoodFrifty 6vonjug.-G, Town returned , ,,or , I ,, , far,orablY known in ., .. who- has been spe�nd- .. I . - - �� � _w�_ from Seaforth on Saburday.-A meeting of the Lord's Day Alliance, addressed by Rev. A. Moore, To�onto, On 'with his brot.hep. - �,_ , _� of will be held in the Methodist chureh on Friday evening. A �. ; I t on Thursday for, . I . oba, where he a, .� � . I - I union chair will, lead the singing. -Min �2 .ta �4 ,,tives, and- �&jth whom � Wting for .- __ ; �� ­ �'. ��, � - NeOle Ewing, of Teeswxter, spent several � � d&yt last week With her sister, Mrs.' G. - pasit years. �� ,finds that- the air Of i I 11 � -_ Allan. -We have been shut out from the . . outside world for nearly si'm oath, in so far I . ince always does h,iM- 11 � him a safe jaurney ts - � � � I , � L as train, service I is- concerned, bub we are I . lkmlth.- Xr. Alex. HU_ � I ..� � I _. M hoping for a miss of tho blockade soon. * DE&Tn oy MR: WiLLIA,,vi MILLM. -Word I � . London on Tuesd , , ay - �., . I .� S uth-erla �_ � I ., - IT ( bas been, received here df the death, on the I f ' :� � I I F_ 18% lust.f at Prinoe"Albart, N. W. T.,.of I were in Clinton on - - I . - I A� Mr. William Miller, one of -the pioneers of Piting frien&,.7_-Th6 -1 , I 2 that elace, and brother of Mr. J, R, Mil. :. 0 t part of this we*,k I - - Z -- � . , ler, of Jamestown, and Mr. Robert Miller, � aking away a jartgo ,# t : I.- -1 of thisplace. Mr.- Miller 'was the first 9 I 'I- su c - _r I S,Q_Ow��- � V� Us N jVf-i'49 - ��Yha� .- R - white settler in �rincs Albert, outside of 9 I � - -wa's .bom e o -a a - - I - #, � =_ 'tbe Presbyterian missionary, Mr. Nesbit. p � .01'a Tilbury this wet. -k. ; �;,�, - !_L1 . Itisnownearly3l years -since he went ,;,, �Ua,% McLachlan, B., A. , - , - I . t�, - . , West of Lake Superior, having settled. in a . I . Pecte"d to oceapy tile 'L,t 1 14 Fort Garey, now Winnipe�, in the eqir . 1870. lout church on Sabbath -� 'I s Andrew Yo I I h -�. I R" He was there in the. rat Tat fi lei h and went to Prinog Albert ,-Ur, - un'r "_ . I � 3 or I yea�s f . . f here on their wed- � .1, I I g 1 " afterwards, At. that time., he drove his a W Six weeks agw and �: t- team all the way from Wroxeter to Fort m � � tg visiting relativesand ..� - . = I I - I Carey; and later toTrince Albert. There o I'll, .1 � . umber Of places, re- � . L ::::: "I'll", I I are few now living who fieve had experi. I I I . enees to, his. His uesday evenin,X last.. I i ; I similar adventures, if I >1e to get a train -for � - I i . ehronioled, would make .an interesting oWing to the s.now ; ... I � - - - - - � book. He was noted for his generous box- .; ; . ; uOrt-hOrn parts where . 11, 1. , - �� I- pitslity. and his home was like an oasis in Thomas Welsh has � . - � I the desert, where every wayfarer, whether �a � W-e-lling at fl�,o iv,est - �[. . . �, I friend or strauger,was always s -11age to Mr. Pfaff,_ ... �� �­ ., - kindly welcome. He was a leading man in 1 . isi I � - file district, and took an active and inteL 0 . � r grain buyers and : _�!� - Ai ligenbintereatitt all matters iffecting his $ 1 a large quantity of ;# - ,� country, IQ t, iNP.-Mr. Gentles, the� , .. I - . .1 h 1 SO buyer, of Xin.car- � __ . I Londeaboro. $ 0 VillaXO on Wednes- 1 Mulhollapd, who has I I- ­ i.__ - � -11 * TI'M-B, I 1HAsz. � I M PuPt� -Maithew Maines, d Of L011d"boro, has a I , a .number of weeks . , � !. . . * * 13 -now able to get . ... I � . I . purchased quantity of t rook elm trees from. W. Allin, concession 4, Colborne, and bewers- I r . . . � . ; .. Millqr, carriage on last i �, , , - - �_ .. � - are, now getting it d resdY for the Quebso . market. The high p - week on R(-11 . of Ely( It, has � , . � -i price that is paid for that quality of tim. p ber, M -per thousand feet,is a big Induce. . Position as milliner - - I - p Inent to sell. In the early, days $0 was ie. While idiss Edith. I . �� � � considered a high figure foi the settlers. f-ugaged Wi th Yr� J. f. Nofts.-The evangelistic fiervices, which - Large quanfitk-S of . . � - I - hAvabeeneonduoted the p%sb four weeks . ('Ing reveived . at the ­ � - - - Rev. Mr. and Mri. McNair, assisted by B :1 * I --- I 0 Pa4tor, Rev. Mr. Kennedy, will close _ I __� - - 77 - � this week. Sunday even next will be tl iza -__._1_ .� �� I Checker Clu" _. I k, weat I I ..... ...... .111, - �� the laev meeting. There been much at - � gOod accomplished. ane their many friends 8 . P evening recedtly- to ..... I . - . ��� � ��� ... - I will be vorry when Mr, and Mrs. McNair P . .. watch with the Al- ..... �� I . . . I leave our mid&U-Mrs, D ' I avid Floody, o . � , Qut sflooac,5d �; � ley eamo � f ... I'll . . . . . - q Blyth, h' spending this week �Yith her par. tc , 4 IWing 7449 � - . ; . . � ��� - ..... - w. eat .-Mr. T a Johns spent Sunday with ; � � ______ � -- � : friends in bbe village.-Mri?. Richard Brig. fa I �_ . - I .... � bam, of Clinton, is opeuding a few weeks tO - . i , .1 I . I � . . . . . I � � I With friends hare. -The regular mail� are c I � . [Ift', IN I I � I �� I : - . I I _�� - , � � 31112ch apyvreelated in our burff.-Mr J Is Jamieson'l . a at present visiting 9 ' t the h;m; lo 8, . . - -her of his brot . Mr. A� Jamismon. _Mn. 9 - . ; I �� ,_ ­-. I Hugh Radford and family were in Clinton cc I I - . � I � ­ .� I � . - on Saturday, on business, -Mr. Brogden w SPent, Monday -1 - I � � . , . I � � � with friends in Clinton, - Jars, T1 R C Mrs. ft� M r.11 __ , - I . - . I � , -ill and Staples Fire at pres. eat visiting friends In Seaforth.-Mr. Law. $7 11 de - , .- __ .� renoe� who hat spent the lasL two months T 0, - Y w.., - I -:,$ * with friends in Wellandl returned Sabur-fr . .. . ­a �_ --,* day, - P . �­­- , - - � _. - �_ ­ I Ob ------,— farmere in thia.-neikfihor- � ___1111Z_ . ... ... - .. - ,_ --- 4".., . . . st . Zurich. $5 �kifl:. We are glad, too, I- � ­ - Now!Fs, -The last fow days of fine weather to Iturat College, published � i � � - I have made every person look pleasant,- $4 claimed for it'THREX I . - ,- � - I � I . , , s or Cavalier, North! at I 1) find that the bumar - - . .1 I Dakota on Wednesd&y.-Mr. John- Parish sp , . � so fm in advanm- of * � I . �..-k : � left last week for Manitoba, where he has a $5 � � -_ e farm. -Our merchants have tbei� neiw mil. m it it a $I,=jAT,T,V (-g.g. , - �� ..� .. ftery on band, and, as usnal, ate anxious H ' I , to distinguish it. from . I I i tO have all Interested come and' view the 5 tiform, In strength, and I ... � . . latest styles in ladies' head pear, whether Is � they buy or not. -Mr. D. S. Faust has the or E. _­ .. gallery in his store finished. It has made r micro - �� __.. room, and looks up to date. He has Sh also his store lighted by �rder to, tesb, the, Oom- � - - I ­ - I . electric lights. - 15 Mr. J. Creech, from Exeter, hao been with $6 arehised. % quantity. of I - _­ iz �.- . �� Mr.Haman Wall for a -few days. -Mr. $5 , pound. �� . .� 1. , I Preeter and wife went bo Toronbo last $4 - . . f � � 1. � . , � I'll � Weak and intend remaining over in Berlin � to visit friends there.-Tbe directors of bhe I � I � I 0 f -"'N �� . rn Ray Agricultural Society had a meeting on b Mvesday, when #bhey -revised the � � - . � 1, , prize list P for the next fall show, It will be eom. an 11 . I - plated at the next meeting - in june.-Mr. tit Oobn Truemmer left for Dakota Isab � - week.- I Mr- D. 8, Faust has received word that the Ho � I � an Vessel on ,which his brother sailed from ye - � - � 1 , 1 i�3 - __ I I ! I - I I . , I . I X I ! : I I i � — ____ , . , . � - _____ � __ I I THE Hv, RON EXPOSITORs �' — __ — — , - , ; . . . __ � - __ "-- � ­­_­ � _­ -_ 1 5 111' . I . ' --.-.---- ____ ­_ — _� __ Ne� York %% Manh sthi 60 arrived � at n hing doing in oxport eattle, and hardly l' d I I I Corner Main . Th* Largest 1. sais.-Mr. D. S. Faust has a fine dispisy of b that thwasilings of one ol two boats _&_ IN and VY Qload% *Rig - "tiflOist Easter e9g; such #A have never C N . a Funo6l, BOdeim on the 16th Just, an An lik ly to he any this week. owing � to the � - )" U ki - he e been postponed. This aceouate for I AT U"-Kl[ VN' _L & '0� "� 91 Mark*t Sreets Clothing been sna hare bef4re','&nd,whioh areaure to th�re beibg practically I no export cattle 1� . S*Qferth, ."a ... , � 0 _ ring to -day, except a few picked cattle. I X ,a: Ontario. Concorn In t, . Ple the 0 -ye of Q. P i* c k a r d"s " I _�� � :Bij��,T_ M . Four Cau-1--, I ..� __ r �____ . BU hers'-,-o-While trade was slow, there � — _______ -Fire broke VU.6 in MIS I a DelmagMo r6om 0 good market, for choice butchers, eat. ; in the Ward school at' st. Marys one day tl and several good small lots of light ex, � � . L - � U &Oceutly` The fire a supposed tho have poilt butchorol sold ab from $4,60 to $L so, I . . b started IrOm A box OfmStolles, which were Foi average good loads of butchers, eattle 1 MILLINERY .1 - - P in a cupboard, but ib fs not ignown how 'prices were about steady at last week's I M91 I a I — — � t they became ignibid. Fortu"tely the fire quotations, bvt the chApees are that If � I - .&W%k oft MW AWM OBIV01% 0 1 ' a a " AOM416ft r was discovered in time. . ; there had been a heavier run prices would � On and after Friday, March 25bb, we will ba prepared va show ourNew Spring 1 a ll - . E RW P -The death -took place, re " I 'inedfilittle. Rough cattle we're iMillineriin alithelatest Parlmand SawYorketyies inladieli'dress hats,ready-to. 'Intly, at her *haO deal %�� . 'I � .L I I � h0me'In Stratford, of hlri4- Su an Sweeton, easier. , Sheep And Lambs-Wi6h the light wear and outing hats, feathers, flowers, wIng@, plumes, tibbons, velling@, and all the h (3 UL 1 __ I - � trade was brisk and ri so firm latest novelties in trimminge. Now is the time to leave your order for your Easter hat � t5 anemia. Deoessed had been living with T"erything was sold and prospects are I , � ) at the age of 53 Years. Dsath'was due to p c . ivhioh will be trimmed in the latest style'on-Aort nobice by experienced milliners, . her sister. Mary,, in the city, for some good. 'Roge-The market Is easier tbiR The department is under the m&u9AOmOnt Of Miss Ho'd, an experienced milliner. ANW-NO90940 ' e trimmer. I f-- I & I . i . � ago. Before Moving to Stratford she lived I - � A@ has been our custom for the Ilaab few Beasons I , VP ! i in Downie township, F __ - ' e will nob h n) I . I bALE millinery opening this pritig. Our lady: friends are better satiafled to view our grand I � * d '"' 0 Years, her husband, Mr, John Sweeton week at $5 for selects, and $4.50 to $4.75 who comes very highly recommended, afid ably assisted by M'D i6s Moser, an experienced I having Predeceas d her a number of yea;g' for lights and fate. -The 15th annual Meetj ! n MGISTUR. ! a OfIth �_ 11 g of the sub- Millinery display at their leisure than at i crowded millinery opening, and we 'notice -- � - scribero,of the Stratford 6�neral hospital a Friday.March 25th, at I O'cloo'k p.m., any of the old-establiehad reliable houses throughout the country are discontinuing on Lob 23, Concession 3. McKillop, Farm a' ose . - _ EMW=W.­W-%-"� I wan held last week. The manage th penings. A cordial Invitation is'extended to all to come at any time and view . I port increased contributions to th lements and Householdj Furni. i our grand display of Millinery. I a hospital tur . Thomas W. Adams, proprietor ; I I i. I and a widening of the work of the Insti- Th)mas Brown, auctioneer. i , � I tution- I ; The ebb of Winter goods, foreed by the po w-- - I . . . . . - - � On Friday, March 25tb , at I o'clock p.m., . . on Lot 25. Concession 10, Hibbert, Farm � Japanqse Silks, I influence of redneed * � MAR 9:21TS. - Sic ek and Implements. Richard Iffoggarth, I! I ' erfu prices, -continues. Proprietor ;. James JoneF,, auctioneer. Our Ja ese Bilks have arrived, 'We ordered them six months ago direct from - . 81"Gava, Mar. 24, 19% j On Saturday, April 2ad, at I o'clock p �Yokohama blef:rZ the war brr,ke Dub and got them at old prices. They are now worth OYL the other, hand, -the ffood of Spring goods F&II Whe%i(neW),S1&nd&rd_.____ N to 92 . M., at the Co a P? per cent. more, but while they last we will sell them &D old prices. We show a large I - Oats Per bltffh'�' - - - - - - - - -- - 0 81 *0 0 31 mmercial Hotel,_Seaforth, a, I P643 pair bushel - - - - - - - - 1. 0 60 to 0 60 choice dwellinglhouse and four Iota. Mrs. auge of Waah Silks in all colors, black and colored Satins, Tafettas in black and colors, into all departments grows in volume and Bak�ey, per buiftl- _ _ _ _ . molines, Loulaines, Pean do Soie and corded wash silks for waists, BuUer, No, 1. looae - _.. 0 40 to 0 40 RO'hart Coleman, proprietress-'; Thomas �a - I . 13uWr, tub--- - --.,.-. 0 15 to 015 Br6ivn, auctioneer. � - ! . strength every day. Yes, 'Os a great occa- E;p per doz- - _i- - - On Wednesday, March 30bb, at Lo'clock, I C)-A.S:U _A�MWX) OMT -M :PIRIOM I . . FLOur. per 100 1W - - - - - - O' - 0 14 60 0 14 1 .- 2 50 to 2 76 P, ,, on the Charles Wilson farm, !adjoin- .., - . ff* per to" now- - - - - - "'- - 700 to 7 60 in4 ;e%forth, Farm Stock and Impl �menie. I - Skin—" turning of the tid ." I . _� U1112as 0 , - � I e . - . . ,,,,p rk,1,1aO.O..b,q- - "----.--,- 5 0010 b 26 W 9:E.Habkirk, proprietor ,- Thof� rown, , MoKINNON & CO., BLY"T1. I I �_., .. _@9___9@,... I . 0 so to 0 so .notivoser. P 1: - V3, ��', wool__ ­ -.11--" "Apo , - — -_ Vr bow - I . , . I 1. F-340", ­- , . ... � Bills r 1)) Y4 (now),. ..f, - a sD so .00 Q a Tuesday, March 29thq at I i6eIr P. � - _; - I.-. ­ , , - - ___ - Z__ . . - . . - - - - I W _ VOY0004(f Wwol- — ­� 1 25 to 1 25 M, � an Lo t .27, 104npe"I.Q� 2, Rib. , Farm . I ons)��, , " � lm_,#_" 5 00 fm 009 1 -, I W)04 per cold fivhad)�� O' AW " " pol r 0 3 Do 000 Rmpk Plod IMPIOM911O.- J*Jno# Oropan, . U � 0 " FrOrietor ; Thow#w Bro t - C lo - t h 1*.*t - 1 g- - DepartPrient, ist "ir bag" " MW MOT r, sw off " " " on . wo, atowt Met, i wor 6004�, �, *4 m.-isfie " OF " Op Thuroj4ay, April 70h. 40 1 � I - . pw 700- U.- ''P, M10 I FoRwMAL-DER-HYDE . , "#"4::::�M1#VR.rM�,"M tj.' - � � X26 220 . . follow, O" lb on Lot 27, Opiesmon 2, W�y, I ; i soutb � wlmwmaff"�. ft 40 - r W .P1 W ��V�I�W'V�l FOA, M W tZ, 01 Of NOrth b0un&rf, High Gii& Is a i I I - � - V � willl� - - � � - ", of IN AV &r,W,W,W 9 , , . ���­ 1010 11 A ## I U, F@tqo propflowr , 8, � Ok Av . � . jjjP§,,%U&tOn*@F, - . ' � DAirY Aftrkot* - - i -_ -_ -_ �, I IN p --- r I - I . Q - I . 18 OUR SPECIALTY, - 'pring Newness'n Me' F _ T"ONTO Wrah 0.19 I jo le it-, en'.. "" afta-FAWipw � I TV ial of didry raho &wtings jarg@, jW4 �th@rjo j# , Umbst - I . : 96 j,"Y tdft#1 tO- thd merket; ner46, other wlf�"-Ifi 60&04, on USIVA Ith, to Ut" '40d %04-0-%%00--�q-%O�%%A,--%Oq-q-m- qOlv � 0#4444*4_�_ ++++++++4-+444_+ I- I F& OVVNO W&T, a Wfi, . � . t � � I f qU64C1698 Aft twohimged ', &roxtnerk PrIfiltilt N w-Ift 00d&I I j 60 Ulf* 16thi to Mr, Aud ' We buy the verY b69f quidifY that spot emh cv,ft. proattre, and. eell A af, I I Z. 96 to 99i -, sofld# 1# - ' t � it In theNe days whan any one candaim Anj4hing ' " ., to "Od ,- ofialco dair, 0 16 disughtev, In tba nuwspaparo, ' � - f- j � ry I - - IMA "c"O I Wall -margin above exxt, Out of - tho hundred -q d ponda oold laof it Isf i - wnd � OdOlObs 0 Usteh Ifthif M Xf, end I y6ar, 'We Abgalutaly hjp6ratiNd that you 0=6 to th6 Wre f,6 me how hoteg't oft plaims 1 - 0 I � -11 70 ; large dalry rolls, - rt, W)WI trwin, A 06n. tave not beard of a fAngle influre where I 16 to IOU - . a choice dairy tubi, 16 to VI A14-10 Goderfah, on Ranh 166bt to Ar, and it wag naed ��iag to direotions, are. At thestore we will show yoU hundreds of r.ew .0 i I lie ; lu dai t* 14o ; poor dairy is, Barry Videsn, & dou too. . r I . Spring suit,%--taodels . � 13 I MR. JOHN MURRAY, the veteran thresher, whom you all knowt says: developed by th-or finest deaignera in the C unay, Baits whose beauky will 1 � 10,to 12o. he - e stocks here are' PO In Wroxeiar, on Marelth 160, to Mr. and 0 Im- � I 11 Where Fear's Formaldehyde has been uged, I flnd the grain free of smut, medlateely captivate You. At the store You'll sw how is . showing- ` � largefor the local trade, especially -at s, , re. Donald Popq,' a wa, . . Upenor D-ur time so near the arrival of now cheese on i . � . I . - �nd I can heartfly recommend it as the bost formaldehyde on the market," is, and how much better fitting our garments are than the ordinary onea you � . the market. Twine are quoted easy at lin - . mamages. I MR. R, B. NcLEAN, President -of the Farmers' InAitute, says : "I see. A' the store we'll prove to you that our prices are Aaolut,ely It ,he lowtat. arge are unchanged at 10-,L I HUMPHRIES-Ab the residence of �he " per pound. and L HALL - ,bride's parents, Walfou, an March Oth, by Rev, �ested Fear's Formaldehyde last year on my grain, and it gave every satildac- At the store w4l demonstrate to you that we know what we are talking about - to 110. -Eggs—Tte- market is in a nerv- 1, M. Wcbo, lir. John W. Hall. of Gainabora, �ibn; the grain was free of,evaut, and an excellent yield," I when we claim that you can buy wi-th greaWst advantage -at our store. We one state. Eggs are weak and � easy at out- Ashiniboia, to Him Edi th J,, eldest daughter of MR, FRED ECKART, of Brodhagei), says; " ATY oats sud wheat were use facts to gain your trade, not fandful ideas of over_zeg4ous adve- � P Mr. W. H. Humvhric,t, I 0 - ,tising � side points and the recei N here are heavy, Mc1#011DIE-STEPRENS-At Nisgsrs palls, on yery dirty with emut until I used Fear's Formaldehyde tbree ear's ago. writerg, � but the comumption is very large' and, � IMarch 16th, by Rev. J. Walker Shelbon, Ir- . Y priceb are 3hointained at 22c per dozen, Istowart PeYCIVAI momordle, of tho firm a Bince then I have used it every season, and my i i " n, and yields well New suits to haud this week, $8,60 will buy Z Bp6cial imported 1womteid f Boirry I . grain is ciea I � MONTREAL, March 2,9Eggs—New laid, land MeMorrdle, and son of Robert -MeMordle every year. I My it will pay every farmer to use Fear's Formaldehyde on suit, faney stripe, all sizes, 34 to 40 ; $9.75 w buy one of u ng pe . 22 to 24o. Butter—Winter creamery, 194 'Ef q,, Kippen, to Min Edith Wsbel, daughter oi. ill 0 T Spri- F. ciale, J. H, SNObenso Haq., Niagan Falls, A Wh gats, wheat and barley." four patterns, new out, the latest weave of cloth ; $11.40 will buy a fancy to 20c ; newmade, 20..�, to 21c ; full grass, TA L,OR- WDERSON-At the residence of the I , bride's I Words of. pikaige have been showered in ftom all sides, but the above wi I worsted, imported ' full makes, 15j to 211, according to qual- grents on Mareh IM, by Rev. R, W. I 11 goods, two patterns, in fancy stripes, perfect fitting goo&, fifi ; westorn dairy, 15 to 16ja ;- rolls, 16 Rho% le,#. Mr. Pr;ak Taylor, to i1jus Hilda, eld- be enough to convi nsible farmer of the superiority of' Fear's For- - . to 17c ; creamery, IS to 18je. Cheese- est daughter of Ur. Wilson Anderoon, all of I ince any se 00#*#4r*r#+*+ . Ontario, R to loc. , Crediton. I 69ddehyde. Get a bottle early, and treat your grain before the rush of Spring, - HOEWEN-ATTRIDGE-In Grey, on Alarob 16th, Owing begins. The price is the same as last year -35c a pound at I . - by Rev. D, B. ldclgae, Mr, John A Ucgwen,� of I . . � 'Potatoes. MOMO, 0 Miss Q%tharine A H. Attfidg2, Grey? I a U. , IR are ar- March Ifth. by ftev D. B, McRae, U'r. WO, . - ani quotations for Cook, of hforrig, to w ""HING t 0- A t _' R - * UP `__` At "Duart" Farm j1'rey,on ToRONTO, March 22 -Potatoes COOK-:LAMONT v riving now fairly free, I M. EAR'S Drug Storse,Seaforth C .1-i 0 11 0 In Marion J., daughter. of I . � � car lots here are easier at 85c par bag, Car Mr. and Urs. Angus Lsinout, of Grey. � � � FOREST-Coofl]IANF�Af the residimce of the � , ,, --- I - ; of store-atock is quoted unchanged at S1,408 bridc'j father, on Waroh 16th, by Rev, Id, 0. Me. I ' The world loves a lover, We love loVers of good dre8s, 'and tor their to $I.Iry.- Lerman, of Kippen, Mr. J. Cooper Forest, of benefit we W'ish to Aunounce the arrival of our new Spring ,woollen$. Dolet 0 Hoosujaw, Assluibalis, to Miss Mary Oochrane, daughter of Mr. Jamos Cochrane, of Bay. - till You see th 8U' .You admire ' one els&s back. In order to - Poultry� wai'- e it on some . LOGAN-LA IDLAW-At the residence of the bridele TIME -GREAT CASH STORE " I$. ToRoNTO I It retain our "rep as the "home of individuality, we have confincdhour nov- , March 22­�-Good stock contill- Aldrris, on March Oth, by Rev. Dr. I I use in demand. ;C01u,"Irl, InMr. Ww. A, Logan, of Morris, to Miss . I . 1 - Quotations are unchanged ' I elties tO One Suit Of each pattem Suits to order from'$12 UP- I' at 15 to 16o per pound for choice chickens, Kfizabeth B., eldest daughter & thd,l&te Robert 1� i "_�� L i 11 Laidlaw. � - � . __ . . I � . i i 9 to -11o. -for vealded stock, 7 to So for old -_ I . IV - i fowl, and 13' to 14c for turkey gobblers-, . Deaths. . I I . "_4""A"***"""*"*" 1 1 � . . S PI -11 IL N G MILLIN-l"'i Pb Y. . .. � - --i 4- L MoLHLToAN---:Tn Tuckentnith, on Match 29bb, And. . � . . .� See*ds- . few NerAllso er. aled 77 yeam. ' I - � 9 I rM for BLANSUARD-4W WIntfirop McKillop. on March 1 � We will hold our Spring Millinery Openings on' . Sprijag joat, ToRosTo, March 22-Quotatione here are 210, Agnes O"h, wido; of the Isto Hiram i MEN 8 NAULO � my -JE - , unchanged ab $6.25 't�D $5.75 131anshard, Aged 66 Years, 3 wontho And 8 days. I 4 . . I for red clover, MoMANN-In WOR1110P, on March 18th, Morge , March 29 and 30 - . �, 'I'd $6 to'66,35-for extra choice; $3 to ' MeMann, aged 70 years, 4 months and ,112 days. 'IV $4.25 for ordinary alsike, and $5 to $5.25 GODKIN-In MoKillop, dn March 24th Eliza Ann � ' or choice lots ; $1.15 to $1,50 for me. lAorrison, wife of Alr;'Stephan God . Just a moment, please, to remind You that tile new shapes are here. Tf 11 bins -threshed timothy, and $1.7p to 82 for year4 and 9 months. , � Lin, Aged 63 .1, .When will be. Aspl�yed for your inspection the m6st Up-to-date you want,to be in style, you will call for Me of :our hats right away, TherA - HOLLAND -in Ooderiali township, on Varah 1�ih '11. millinery in the market. Miss Morrison, who is so well known a great diversity of new styles—the wide rolling b ` and � ail -thrashed. I . . . JeVhs Holland, age4 69 years and 9 (nonths, # rim e medium turn, . i - - _ I DAVE �In Stephen, on March 12th, Lewis Davey, I to the ladies of B1 th and surrounding country, is again in &Mrge all equally new and correct. . I . - in his 64th year. " ,_ � - 'of the department. Y Ready to we ar Hats now in stock. Don't � - . Grain, - etc. AIKENHEAD-In goderich, on Marok Ifth james I Alkenhead,aged 89 yosma nionthe and k days. �, . e -IP -9- ---f - " I . TORONTo, , March 22 -White wheat, MZLLER-At Prince Albert, l are welcome, Also nbw goods in all depart- I -i I ; 1 ! 16 . I-! ++++,1--1--- 11-14-�` �* � . on Marob. 18ih, William ments, I.. � . 8a ; red, 98a ;- goow, 85 to 860 ; spring, Miller, aged 72 years, a native of Pans, Berwick. I - � . 4jo ; oats,38 to 38jo ;-barley, 48 to 48j ; Shire, Scotland, and formerly of Wroxeter. I eas, 65c. - Hsy-No. I timothy, $11 to —..----- Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Al A M ' 1 12 50 - mixed or clover bay, 87 to $9 ; ,� , I � - . .1. Y I beaf straw,' $10 ; loose straw, $7. Hoge lur � - 1UN11141 MUMX l�- iii��lil�''il�l�43Ei,i�li���l��l��ii�iii[ar�IE?-/TvI CARPET DEPIRTMEN * -Dressed hogs,, light, 'per cwb., $6.76 .. -PICTURE FRMUNG. . I I ' 1: I OK-U.&R-wa . , � � �, I eavy dressed hogs, $6.25 per awb. Mill- I - i - � . ed -Is steady at 617.50 for cars of shorts, We have purchased the entire stock . of s 111TOMA If the largest line of Carpets in this vidnity mealas anythiug ; 4" a Wm- nd $16.50 for brhn in bulk east or west Picture Frames carried b 6 M. McBEATH BLYTH, pleterange in styleand price, from the cheapest to the 'best, is of i�tereat to ' y Mr. Jae. Graves. , Y BLOOKP I � iddle freights. Manitoba millfeed is � I - � teady at $21 for oars of shorts, 9.nd $20 which, with our own complete stock, gives I you, and you want to be sure of getting the beat value for your mone.yj you �� or bran, sacks included, Toronto freights. us the best selection in this county, I Ema= I want to visit the second flat of our North store, devoted exclusively tP Carpets, I I We would be pleased to see all M r. Ift,fill 1111 ,1111 117" Robefts' Drug. Store curtains and house furnishings, and see wbat we have to offer. I* . .' I Giavebl old cuatomera come to us for their ; I i ' '2=30.13 . - 1 Oetpainly . , Horse Market. � picLure framingi We will guarantee batis- World's Fair, St. Louis, April 30 worth your while. - I - ;j TOWNTO,- March 22 -The . following is faction. I . The Morse Electric Belt .t . . ..§.1_l+++� ..;.4- * V * 4 *.A - i � 4 � � . I.H-I&W - I r.+ a' I to Dee. 18t, 1904. , Valter Harl nd Smith's weekly report of - , - I Cures Rheumatism, Paralyeie, Liver and I . . revelling prices : Is roadsters, 15 to I f I Kidney Trouble. Lame Back, Constipation, i - Sing JACKSON BROS., Seaforth. I " 6 hands. $125 to 6215 ; single cobs and � . I - Cost of Exposition -S50,000,000 Stomach and all nervous diseases. A $20 _r ga 11% 1&1% arriage horeep, 15 to 16.1 hands, $150 to - - -_ Sfze of grounde, 1,240 acres, belt for 85 at 1), C; F C -%L r t I t borse#. 15 i MPORMANT NOTICES. ! . 250 ; watched pairs, carriage Dress Goods Mell 16.1 hands, $350 to $60 ; delivery . . , Easter, HoUdays. J. 8, RODURTS, � . orses, 1,100 to It209 paundr, $1.25 to 1PARM TO ]RENT. -To reni for a year or term of I - You may stand on t,he fee all day, and 175 ; general purpose . iind express norneo, 4- yean. Lot 270 Conoession. s, mokillop, con- Return tickets will be issued'at single yeb have warm feef4 if you -wear a pair of � � . uAning 100 40reg. - Good buildings. immediate I r4t.class f re, good going Thursday, March . ,200 to 1,350 pounds, $140 to $185 ; Po"emion. Apply., to W. Govenlock, SeafortIL ,- raugbb horses, .1,350 to 1,750 pounds, 8140 subly Govrm,osx. " In, ay, April 4th, �Vailid raturning' Electric Insoles. - The New Fashions in Dress Goodsq� o $M ; serviceabW second-hand workers, . 1 1898-1 '11-'.'r"b,,�f,-,'r'ecITaeoday, April 5th. I � i UTTERMILK.-Sealed (tenders addressed to the One way special excursion tickets on sale Invaluable for frosted or sweaty feet, sure . � . j 40 to $110 ; serviceable second-hand ' undersigned, Winthrop P. O., for the butter- I I il ,, to points in Montana, Colorado, cure for chilblains. Price, 60c j% pa Foremost in thought during theee ear'y days are, the 'L.Nlovoft4i ' th t rivero, W to $100, The top Price was Pilk from the Winthrop creamery for this oe"on I ir at es , -a sport Co., for a will be received until Monday, April Ub, 1004, aDa � J"t'Z, aid by the Dominion Tran any Information desired can be h" from A. CUT-- . a British Columbia, Washington, J. S. ROBERTS. come from Paris, the daring weavers that 1'iave stopped aside from the beaten . air of bay geldings, 5 mud ; 6 yearn,' 3,200 HIL4 Winthrop. dabs, Oregon, California. track of the dead level of conservatism, and so we have gone 0 th�. French - undo, $440. 1=12 Special sebtlers traint to Canadian North- � . . . . ______ . - ' , rest with colonist sleeping car will leave Roberts' PjjjS men who originate and have gathered likArally of the inany rewarka�]'Q werlVeS I LEARING AUOTIOX SALE OF FARM STOCK � lorouto every Tuosday during March and that this -season bias brought farth over there. i ' - I , � Live Stook Markets. : C AND 111PLEMENTS.-Mr. Th as Brown bas . m On' rongn to . Lpril at 9 p. m, Passengers travelling When you wake up in the morning with received Instructions from Mr. James C � The continued style is towards tba light weight clinging -fabrics. for, - Livmu,00L, Uarch 22-Canadlan cattle sell by, public %notion, on Lot 127, Concession 2, Hilb. ivitbout live stock should take the Pacific a bad taste in your mouth, you know that ' ' bert, on Tuesday March 29th, at I o'clock P. I I Pxpress, leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. in, - Te�is has danged very materially -front the close re quoted at 50d to 5 . following pro V m., the � u" liver is oat of order. Take a does of although the character of the d ' I t. d PeRi 1z - Hortes--Twe beavy horses Robert's Vagetablo Stomach and Live'r of last to the full ski t f the period of 1830, Via savw� gheer, soft � LoxDoi�, England, 2ar,ch 2i -Live eat. 8 vears old, an &red mare In foal, I fifly comin ', For tickets, Pullmam reebrvations and ail Pills. gowns 1 - -_ Igtwo h, improve materials are necessary Ir 11 'DT )st Perfect congtruevIon. Chi u , e steady at 11: to 119c per pound for yeam old, I roadster gelding coming two, I ho&vv thformation, apply to They will cleanse your sto.mac to titei-] We& i favor. draught gelding coming two, 2 firat CIA" rojid : r n ! I . I . eers, (dreamed Weight) ; refrigerato-r beef, i4 your appetite and make you feellik-e a new are voites, , eoliennes, g ,(I- � etamines, Voila illur" - o - and I trot horles 8 years old. .le -Ten first-class inlich rena( 1V 13 �] I j ion : pe de - j to Silo per pound ; sbeep, 13 to 131c per' man. 25o at I cows having I calves or about to alsive, 18 first-c-im ' WM. SOMERVILLE1 chines. . und, gram oattlo, 4 heifers coming 6wo, 4 heifers corning I - : � MONTREAL, March 15 -Trade was good 3 in calf, I Yorkshire breeding 9ow, 6 storo Fi��, Agent � - - Seaforth J - S. ROBERTS' Drug Store. . - . , � �� I I - __ __ . . , , I - � . -day, and prices were steady tofirm hene,turkeye, eave,ete. Im lements--one . I : I X, _ i I P . 6- 1 - I'. 11-- � : - ber wagon i paIr ba-belsighs I covered - Carbolated Glyce i e Je , ' he qiaality of the stock offering iv -1 pretty cutter, I bluder, I mower. I horse rake, I seed drill, ' ' I rill UYS . I I Ir, and the demand J& generally sufficient harrows, plow@, scuffler, etook raok, pulper, grin ' UOTION SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. -Kra, � � / - _.,� A. , . . Q act double harness rakes, shovels, forks and ARO-bertColeman has instructed Mr, Thomss Plapared by J. S. Roberts, to abeo- - absorb it at Bteady'prices. Moeb of the ffiton', 13yown se'l by public auction, Ist the Commercial U I .1 L 4, tttle were of good quality, The demand a lot of small siticies, TLO whole will positively be ,,, alonb, on Oawrday, Aptil 2nd, at 1 o'clock lvttely the best preparation known Ladies" epu-rtm", I I sold witbout reserve as tho proprietor is giving up e pro erty on 1 ?T!? fdr chapped or rough hands, as nu- ! . r them was active. Prices ranged as fol fafming and going 1W. the cattle business, Terms- . �'�', East William otreet, noir Collo ate I - 1; we -aa--Choice butchers', $4. 60 to $5 25 : All sums of St end under, assh ; over thht amount not 11U. consistivg of 5 lots, on which Is ereld A i4ro,ua customers can testify. Try � Vort Is dwelling house, containing 10 roomo. a bottle and if not satisfactory, call Tea dozen ladiej� black roman satin Underakirts, extra widil flounce" ood, $4 -to $4 50 ;1 rhedium, $3,25 to $4 - P .8 wonihs' endif will be 'givep on, furnishing ap- side# Arles, doeew, comens cellar, h4rd And f . I ; proved 6adorBed notes. A dinoubt at the rate of and get your money back. Price trimmed with ruffleg and accordion pleating, apecial at 96 ach, i mmon. $2,50 to $& Calve� 11 -The deman I ws 4, also a good otable at)d good fruit. It ' i ' e d 5 per cent. per Annum will be allowed for cash bee id on emy torms. Key at Mrs, T. E, 25 cents. The original and genuine P .30 to I 1; , credit amounts. JAMES CRONAN, p�opri 0 ThiA week we have on Bale flannelette wrappers. WADrth from I $1. as good, Poor st6ok sold at $1.50 to $5-; etor, rx3ye, 01�posfte. 18931 prepared only at i a THOXAB BROWN, auctioneer. 1893.1 i i cd at 87 to $13 each. 'Sheep and Lamb i I — $1,86t to clear at 81 each. me spring lambs changed hands at $4 to __ I : I lust to hand a sample lot of baviery In cashmere, cotton, lisle,lsilk, ete_ eacb, yearlings being 4 to 4�c. Hogs- I M Ja So ROBE RT'S 1. 1 1 he demand was good, and price' also children�s fancy lw,e and liale suhs at ,opecial pAces. I i � 4 I . Our -stock of ealico wrappers is now con�plete, prim m -n,.,, ng from 900 -to om Q to 6jo. . . I A Word with the elffing MachineS DRUG STORE ' . . .,i � - . - I j j3UFFAW, �hla h - ittle---:Good to I 821.00. 'N - A i oloo 10, b,gbe;!, othtew re stesdy; prime V1 . � . . . de'rs, $5 to $5.25 ; sh�Dlping $4.50 to .. ,.RMERS- 0 r 41_�l �++++++ Our'spring sale of Shirt Waists is now on. i p . .. - . . I New embroijeries, new laces, including heavy 1i'_ L � ; butchers', $4 to 85 ; heiiers, $3,25 1 . . I . q,pn ' rehon insertions, - . . I I i $4,60 ; noms, $3.25 to $4.25 ; bulls, $3 to . WO are overstocked, &Dd for -the also the new �abinet and teneriffe designs to I and, j . . . . . ; . I . . ,251 ; stookers apa feedero, $3 25 to $4.15 ; The long winter in now nearlyover days we will give special bar- NOTIOE6 � _D___r_* i r . ock heifers, 82;25 to $3 .- fresh cows and oind stock will oommen "" "' ' . ' . � .. .+f1141,41 -4+4f4. I ce to - Ack - � We sell 9, Dato'ia, —_ ,_ I � ringers steady ;,.., good to choice, $42 to over their dry febd. Giv,9 them gains the Sterfin 0 I — . i ; medium t - cod, $30 to $40 ; com- someth � � Stanj rd, Empire and the Davis. If you want anything in the line of � bDg to tone the a .� I "/" i on, $20 to , Veals-65-50 to S7. them %gdod condition for the grame. I T ROOFING a : �i MckIdle DePartment I - I, oge-Fairly active ; pigs, steady ; others ,,our own ,, cot be I __ META" . I . . C, ! . to I Oo lower ;I heavy, $5.70 to $5.75, a , excelled. it improves th �, , : - � I METAL SIDING . � i I 0 appetite, i ' I w at $5, 80 ; mixed, 10t. 65 to $5.70 ; York - loosen# the skin and purities tho rurniture of all'KindS, Al RTAL CEILING Just to hand, Spring coats, tailor-made skirts and costumes� ; . : I I � , $5.55 to M60 ; pigs, $5.30 to $5,40; blcM, We guarantee its effeetive. i - HAVETROUGRING I ugho, $4'80 to'S5 ; stage, $4 to S4.50, . . ness-25c a package. I eep and _- Lambs -Sheep steady ; lambs For li I I FURNACE WORK I I %Kcgjaamg����� I ce on cattle and herses, we keep'fremb I I to 200 lower; native lambe, $5 to Undertaking PLUMBING and � ' ' ground insect, powder and bellebore. i � .15 ; western, $5,75 to $6.16, yearlings, A little later we will have a few words to Ti, � G or, 'Eggs xkkoei ST pricats paid for Butt EXERAL TINSMITHING I 111ghe A. vo 1 .25 to S5.60,; wethers, W to $5.30 ; ewes, say about Formaldehyde, the amub ,6s special attention. Night and Get a igure on the same from I � , 60 to$4.75 -, sheep, mixed, $3. �5 to $5, preventative. We keep only one Sun4y 6affi answered et Mr. Knech- I XoRo.N-To March 23 -There. wss a light grade, and that the but we . a n d 1vurool. : . . , . I can pro- tel's tesidence on James street, in rear Fs DWARD LATIM& - : n at the city eattle market to -day. and cure. Give us a call. L minen on I the whole was slow and dull. of Ba�ton & Son's . blacksmith 8hop. I can ,save you money on a flat-olass article — . __ � _____ _ _ I ­___ I �� !q11111 iiiijili;41111 ... till . .-Ice@, however, were just 'about steady, ;lr,lllll!ll,llllll�li��111i;l!��i:llI I . Y. WN, PICKARJ) & Ism . . C*0 DMBC I d firm for extra choice butchers' eat- O.'ABERHART, ' �_ - I . To-dsy's offerings- consisted of 27 DRUGGIST, Kn O'htel if MoKenve - W V lmpokT Ra - kda, with 406 head jof cattle ; 315 sheep . I , I , C&eh's old stand, opposito Royal Hotel . � . R I a `u I I i I th,4'skt, [i 05 ' 1 1 B w I tief I a � I AM". i 11 if I I I I I C r 91 I �4il, — I 111, - - 9 I 1 ""4, P71111 % I rolls 5 Utw """' " 900 I I tIrt,8111 ed m C 'o , t I C, - ._' - d lambs, 773 hogs, j,',and '217 calves and OARDNO'S - . - . BLOOK ' SEAFORTH. -,O,.��_�OC-A_ stables, Oppoidto Town Bultaing, Omar Milu and- Market 9U. 24&� arlings. Exporterwk-T6re -is practically 8- . _3P 0 n 'r ME SEAFORTA - ONT. I 3E3 .AL 853 1 ( � � I � � I I li I . I i - I � � - I . � � . . � - __ 11 , I I I � . � I . � � � . . I . � I . I . . I . . � — I . � .� � . I I , 4 . . I i 01 . . I I . . I - 1 1 . . . . � Iq . - . . . I � � - . I i--- , t . . I - 1i . I - I I . i - I � - . . . . . . T . . � I I I . I I . . . - I I . . . - I I t . - . I . . I � . � � I . .. ... � _. , . � _ - _ ------ - __1--_____ ­ , ­­­ -1�l---�-,-,-,-�,-I�-.�--..�----�z--,-- I.. - . I - I I - I . I- . I . . . - r __ I _________,_____ ___ , __ - 11 . - i I T_ � i . - i � - � . . I . , . I . I __--1__-1_._________ � . i .