HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-25, Page 5- - - - �
� I !!!;- i
i- I
. 05 1904
STORr— .
I ._ ,I----
O,tn-.;:;-.T_._-_" __� ..'Ire..- __
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I -
I �
Xafekiia. -
I I 7
! .
Nom. -Mrs. Anson Finlay is apmding
I - I
- I'll
low days with her mother, Mrs. Andarso
� z
i I
"I ---
I She is accompanied by her infant - son.
I �
Oert Read left hare on Monday, boma fe
. *a far West. We wish bim a plessant so
. . kmi-I.-MM -Johillton in visiting he
- � .
- -
Bar . .
dwa h' , M" Wm. Reed, at L&nes, -j
Z, .
- .
� I..�
i y -bang people from the 12D]
- 21=1 load
make it
. -
. .
. -seneassion had a most, eujoyable tiwe� a
:Ould - a point
the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Berb Finlay lea
I -
A. stock einbMes Q1
I __
I Ffldsv craning. -Our worthy townshi
. -
�aetory "011 -N1440ped
� � - .
. -
- �.
. .
ejax and bis wife attended a banque
men, and we ctuara
. .0 r
� .
' 11�
.. given Mr. Hugh Chambera last- Tuead&3
�. ' -tee
I ng liaea are
� . . . . . . .
ivenfag.-The Scotch. concert in Lucknow
� aMong
. � see for
I I -
jut Friday night was simply immense. Th
- I yoarself, "I'll
vlolin solve were something towrite horn
I � .
� I
. abOUt- � .
--- -_
�4 ,
I $ 62 ; 30 inch, $2.2-2:5 ;
. I . Vaxna. . .
- -Mrs. John Makins, of Exe.
� -
� ter, cam6 here to wait on her .daughter-in-
� inch, $2.60 ; 3,2, '- e,h,,
'L In
11 � -
� _.
law, Mrs. Wm. Makins, who died last
. . . . . .
week, and white here took isick with, pneu-
,� inch, 83.00 ; &D ijaA
, - "I
monis, and, after three days illness, died
'on Sunday last. Alre. Makins
v,raa about
ZO yesm of age, and reeided in this Ac-
.� sms.
. .
till about a year ago, when she, with her
I'll, -
'llusband and family. removed to Exeter�
'95C ,' 22'irkeh
$1,10 .
.She was muchand deservedly respected by
know her. kind
a 7 3�
all who as she was a
; .
.. I'll,
hasyriedand good ,iioman. The remains
., -
I were taken to Exeter for interment. Much
. '. I
I eympathy is felt here for the bereaved fam.
I .
I - ��,
ily. We also learn that a daughter of Mrs.
J�v PO
ectfol th
- �
� v�.
I �
Makfns is also very -seriously ill from the
I Imune disease at her home in Exeter.
� I
all'by " shDe. for v. omen.
� ---
. � - _1�
. I
Dublin. .
, I .. I -
. -
. �
I ?2
.. -
','"' to Ivith muoh ill-
- .-.
I 11 ;
. I Of Atwood, will be st Dublin on Tuesday nexi.
ceh Mb. At It )!Qlwk IhArp with a load of cho! Ce
trust profjt.�.Njr,
" 91
- -
- -
I ,
; Olves for "U, $N I
'troit, mras in tl,P -vil.
4ni��,;-. ��_- . I
visiting hj!�, Inot J�p r -f
i "hite, w -ho -Is�fill. po
� � fj�
114wk,sbaw 19
; -
I -
. A OUPP99 OAU,-UY& Ste
Zen Godkin,
of tils Ift 091WN0100 of UO 012 pwod
ek with bpi, 4wpf
, . . r
I ifll,_Xlf', 'j"t#."
, '';_
. a
OWSY Y"Y 844440Y on Thur sy, 8bg
W bom #afor* Irm 1* #?IF f0i Aout
� AMs. Unclig,lict.11-,
. . wito
- bv§111044 roffege ift
. two lw"kff W nothitig W_ IOU# W#§ A-stm,
P W, 02i wedn"day fivonifigi how4y,fro
home for a rl-e -
- � - %. days
. I
. I
. -
. ih* OqqjAWj of & "Vem Pals in tho re,
I - - -
f week—mr-.4, ft -11.
d A
p ho 1wri, On Thurtdsy m6raijag
" Xhupen-, �:h ,",1# Inolve-
I f
: - -
� �
f1w &Nbr W" fient for, and proitowd for
r . �
;,-!f* and -xffr, rp_qh
I - Wit
. .
I A_
19W �
— but Idid not think hat amw *Orfouf, but
propeftlos wit'h. �
a .r#.
! retnrju�,'d to Kippen.
- __k
- _��-
& I#w `
M 44 Ottr hfil d6piiatireof iind
while d.-
L'sat!q her attendant how to pour
� . ,
ag X
I rs. smillie We
' _i� "
�, .
- �__
I -
cut th In
-0 medfoine, tind while I conversation
1_' Vpshall,
,A - but, ac-
- �_.
with bar husband, who was staudin
' 01'r
r Kip
. . ..."�
she threw up her hands and expired
- ging tar the stir and.,
_,4 ---
I -
the doctor, who w6e a t the stable getting
I -
I village, and I i k C. Ra-
I - � _.
bit horse, could be called in, Mrs. Godkin's
.. Or her children woul
� A
- ' lc-
maiden name was Elizabeth Ann Morrison.
-1�ed hoke.-The d
She was about 64 years of age, and was a
I . _efiT_
�ositjor here * last Iveek
- - I
I �
�i I
mostworthyand estimable woman,. who
. .
. ance Was vi-rymueh
4 .� t ..
- ,
was highly respected by all and was much
. beloved by many. The funeral takes place
1; - a
I ny readers in
�;�Vie W
�11 "Vic ty.-Aliss flarris
.. I .
. atone o�olock Saturday, to the Maibland.
- V roxeter t.his wc.ei-_:_
, � I
- bonk,'cemetery. I �
,� � returned Itorne re-
. Siting friends in F,,x-
I .
I .. Doherty and IS�rs.
BmkT.-Rev, J. W, Holmes, of Gorrie,
� lin LondGn thii week
. �
I occupied the pulpit in the Methodist
.. -
t,s.-()u;1 'business men __
� ... -
church last Sunday evening..�-W. Leckie
1 mezd4lyfe en
- terprise,
I left.for Coldwater, Michigan, lamb week,
I uraulatio.n of ice and -
- 1�f
after having spent a couple of months with
! sidewalks on. 2irain
� __
t -
We mother and brothers here. -A load of
� i Modd aud daught-,
boys, who are euR aged in oleaning the rail-
, it Weduc-sclay to vi
.. f.
� 11 _.
I road of snow, spent Sunday afternoon at
-1 _q-
.,I in Lea'mingt
I on. -The
� -
. _1
, -
their vwions homes here. -John Hartley
!Pert running pretty
. L'-:
took the services in Brussels last
- _ Sunday,
j his week up to date
1 4
in the absence of Rev. L M. Webb -A
'd our busine_ss xuen
zz to, SOO the freight
_� ..
- - . ,
.. .,
I Scotch social, under the auspices of the
. lAdies'Aid of the Presbyterian church,
I re making their ,-I,p-
Z - i -
Will be held in the basement of the church
;; I Thos. McGre, -,v h,&
. 1�
GoodFrifty 6vonjug.-G, Town returned
, ,,or ,
I ,,
, far,orablY known in
., .. who- has been spe�nd-
.. I
- -
� _w�_
from Seaforth on Saburday.-A meeting of
the Lord's Day Alliance, addressed by Rev.
A. Moore, To�onto,
On 'with his brot.hep.
�,_ ,
of will be held in the
Methodist chureh on Friday evening. A
; I
t on Thursday for, .
I . oba, where he a,
.� �
. I -
union chair will, lead the singing. -Min
�2 .ta �4
,,tives, and- �&jth whom
Wting for
__ ; ��
� -
NeOle Ewing, of Teeswxter, spent several
� d&yt last week With her sister, Mrs.' G.
- pasit years.
,finds that- the air Of
� -_
Allan. -We have been shut out from the
. .
outside world for nearly si'm oath, in so far
I . ince always does h,iM-
11 � him a safe jaurney
ts -
� � I
, �
as train, service I is- concerned, bub we are
I .
lkmlth.- Xr. Alex. HU_
� I
� I
hoping for a miss of tho blockade soon.
DE&Tn oy MR: WiLLIA,,vi MILLM. -Word I
� . London on Tuesd
, , ay -
. I
.� S uth-erla
�_ �
., -
bas been, received here df the death, on the
I f
:� � I
18% lust.f at Prinoe"Albart, N. W. T.,.of
I were in Clinton on -
I .
I A�
Mr. William Miller, one of -the pioneers of
Piting frien&,.7_-Th6
-1 ,
I 2
that elace, and brother of Mr. J, R, Mil. :.
0 t part of this we*,k
I -
Z --
. ,
ler, of Jamestown, and Mr. Robert Miller,
� aking away a jartgo
,# t
: I.-
of thisplace. Mr.- Miller 'was the first 9
'I- su
c - _r I S,Q_Ow��-
� V� Us
N jVf-i'49 -
white settler in �rincs Albert, outside of 9
� -
-wa's .bom e o -a a
I - #, �
'tbe Presbyterian missionary, Mr. Nesbit. p
.01'a Tilbury this wet. -k.
; �;,�,
!_L1 .
Itisnownearly3l years -since he went ,;,,
�Ua,% McLachlan, B., A.
, - ,
- I
. ,
West of Lake Superior, having settled. in a
. I
. Pecte"d to oceapy tile
Fort Garey, now Winnipe�, in the eqir
1870. lout
church on Sabbath
-� 'I s Andrew Yo
-�. I
He was there in the. rat Tat
fi lei h
and went to Prinog Albert
,-Ur, - un'r
I �
3 or I yea�s f
. . f here on their wed-
1 "
afterwards, At. that time., he drove his a
W Six weeks agw and
�: t-
team all the way from Wroxeter to Fort m
tg visiting relativesand
..� -
I I -
Carey; and later toTrince Albert. There o
.1 � . umber Of places, re-
::::: "I'll",
are few now living who fieve had experi. I
I . enees to, his. His
uesday evenin,X last.. I
i ; I
similar adventures, if
I >1e to get a train -for
I i
ehronioled, would make .an interesting
oWing to the s.now
; ... I
� - - - - -
book. He was noted for his generous box-
; uOrt-hOrn parts where
. 11,
, -
�� I-
pitslity. and his home was like an oasis in
Thomas Welsh has �
. - � I
the desert, where every wayfarer, whether
� W-e-lling at fl�,o iv,est -
. �, I
friend or strauger,was always s
-11age to Mr. Pfaff,_
�� � ., -
kindly welcome. He was a leading man in 1
. isi
file district, and took an active and inteL 0
. � r grain buyers and
- Ai
ligenbintereatitt all matters iffecting his $
1 a large quantity of
- ,�
country, IQ t,
iNP.-Mr. Gentles, the�
.. I
. .1 h
1 SO buyer, of Xin.car-
. I
Londeaboro. $
0 VillaXO on Wednes-
1 Mulhollapd, who has
i.__ -
� -11
TI'M-B, I 1HAsz. � I
M PuPt� -Maithew Maines, d
Of L011d"boro, has a
I , a .number of weeks . ,
� !. . .
* * 13 -now able to get
. ... I
� . I
purchased quantity of t
rook elm trees from. W. Allin, concession
4, Colborne, and bewers-
I r
. � . ; .. Millqr, carriage
on last
i �,
- -
�_ .. � -
are, now getting it d
resdY for the Quebso . market. The high p
- week on
R(-11 . of Ely( It, has
� , .
� -i
price that is paid for that quality of tim. p
ber, M -per thousand feet,is a big Induce.
. Position as milliner
- - I -
Inent to sell. In the early, days $0 was
ie. While idiss Edith.
. ��
considered a high figure foi the settlers.
f-ugaged Wi th Yr� J.
Nofts.-The evangelistic fiervices, which
Large quanfitk-S of
. . � -
I -
hAvabeeneonduoted the p%sb four weeks
('Ing reveived . at the
- - -
Rev. Mr. and Mri. McNair, assisted by B
:1 *
I 0 Pa4tor, Rev. Mr. Kennedy, will close
I __�
77 - �
this week. Sunday even next will be tl
.� ��
I Checker Clu"
_. I k, weat
..... ...... .111, -
the laev meeting. There been much at
� gOod accomplished. ane their many friends 8
. P evening recedtly- to .....
I . -
��� � ��� ...
I will be vorry when Mr, and Mrs. McNair P
.. watch with the Al-
..... ��
. . .
I leave our mid&U-Mrs, D ' I
avid Floody, o
. �
, Qut sflooac,5d
� ley eamo �
f ...
I'll . . . . .
q Blyth, h' spending this week �Yith her par. tc
4 IWing 7449 � - .
; . .
� ��� -
w. eat .-Mr. T
a Johns spent Sunday with
; �
� ______
-- �
: friends in bbe village.-Mri?. Richard Brig. fa
I �_
. -
bam, of Clinton, is opeuding a few weeks tO
- .
i , .1
I .
� . . . . . I � �
With friends hare. -The regular mail� are c
I � .
� I
: - .
I I _��
- , �
31112ch apyvreelated in our burff.-Mr J Is
Jamieson'l .
a at present visiting 9 '
t the h;m; lo
. -
of his brot . Mr. A� Jamismon. _Mn. 9
- .
; I
�� ,_
-. I
Hugh Radford and family were in Clinton cc
- .
� I �
.� I
� .
- on Saturday, on business, -Mr. Brogden w
SPent, Monday
-1 -
I � � .
, . I
� �
with friends in Clinton, -
Jars, T1 R C
ft� M
__ , - I
. - . I
� , -ill and Staples Fire at pres.
eat visiting friends In Seaforth.-Mr. Law. $7
11 de
- , .- __ .�
renoe� who hat spent the lasL two months T
0, -
Y w..,
- I
with friends in Wellandl returned Sabur-fr
. ..
. a
�_ --,*
day, -
P .
�- ,
- -
� _.
- �_
I Ob
farmere in thia.-neikfihor-
� ___1111Z_ .
... ... -
- ,_ --- 4"..,
. . st
. Zurich. $5
�kifl:. We are glad, too,
I- � -
Now!Fs, -The last fow days of fine weather to
Iturat College, published �
i �
� -
have made every person look pleasant,- $4
claimed for it'THREX I .
� -
I �
I . ,
, s or Cavalier, North! at
1) find that the bumar -
- .
.1 I
Dakota on Wednesd&y.-Mr. John- Parish sp
, .
� so fm in advanm- of *
. �..-k :
left last week for Manitoba, where he has a $5
� � -_
farm. -Our merchants have tbei� neiw mil. m
it it a $I,=jAT,T,V (-g.g. ,
- �� ..�
ftery on band, and, as usnal, ate anxious H
, to distinguish it. from
. I I
tO have all Interested come and' view the 5
tiform, In strength, and
I ...
. latest styles in ladies' head pear, whether Is
they buy or not. -Mr. D. S. Faust has the or
gallery in his store finished. It has made r
- ��
room, and looks up to date. He has Sh
also his store lighted by
�rder to, tesb, the, Oom-
� - - I
- I
. electric lights. - 15
Mr. J. Creech, from Exeter, hao been with $6
arehised. % quantity. of
I -
iz �.-
. ��
Mr.Haman Wall for a -few days. -Mr. $5
, pound.
�� .
.� 1. ,
I Preeter and wife went bo Toronbo last $4
- . .
� �
1. �
. , � I'll
Weak and intend remaining over in Berlin
to visit friends there.-Tbe directors of bhe
� I �
I 0
f -"'N
Ray Agricultural Society had a meeting on b
Mvesday, when #bhey -revised the
� �
- .
� 1,
prize list P
for the next fall show, It will be eom. an
11 . I
plated at the next meeting - in june.-Mr. tit
Oobn Truemmer left for Dakota Isab
week.- I
Mr- D. 8, Faust has received word that the
Vessel on ,which his brother sailed from ye
- �
� 1
, 1 i�3
__ I I ! I - I I
. , I .
I X I !
: I I i
— ____ , . , . � -
_____ � __ I I THE Hv, RON EXPOSITORs �'
— __ — — , - , ; .
__ � - __ "-- � _ � _ -_ 1 5
111' . I . ' --.-.---- ____ _ — _� __
Ne� York %% Manh sthi 60 arrived � at n hing doing in oxport eattle, and hardly l'
d I I I Corner Main . Th* Largest
1. sais.-Mr. D. S. Faust has a fine dispisy of b that thwasilings of one ol two boats _&_ IN and VY Qload% *Rig
- "tiflOist Easter e9g; such #A have never C N
a Funo6l, BOdeim on the 16th Just, an An lik ly to he any this week. owing � to the � - )" U ki
- he e been postponed. This aceouate for I AT U"-Kl[ VN' _L & '0� "� 91 Mark*t Sreets Clothing
been sna hare bef4re','&nd,whioh areaure to th�re beibg practically I no export cattle 1� . S*Qferth,
."a ... , � 0 _ ring to -day, except a few picked cattle. I X ,a: Ontario. Concorn In t,
. Ple the 0 -ye of Q. P i* c k a r d"s "
I _�� � :Bij��,T_ M . Four Cau-1--,
I ..� __
r �____ . BU hers'-,-o-While trade was slow, there � — _______
-Fire broke VU.6 in MIS I
a DelmagMo r6om 0 good market, for choice butchers, eat. ;
in the Ward school at' st. Marys one day tl and several good small lots of light ex, �
� . L
- �
U &Oceutly` The fire a supposed tho have poilt butchorol sold ab from $4,60 to $L so, I .
b started IrOm A box OfmStolles, which were Foi average good loads of butchers, eattle 1 MILLINERY .1 - -
P in a cupboard, but ib fs not ignown how 'prices were about steady at last week's I M91 I a I — — �
t they became ignibid. Fortu"tely the fire quotations, bvt the chApees are that If � I - .&W%k oft MW AWM OBIV01% 0
1 ' a a " AOM416ft
was discovered in time. . ; there had been a heavier run prices would � On and after Friday, March 25bb, we will ba prepared va show ourNew Spring 1 a ll - . E RW
P -The death -took place, re " I 'inedfilittle. Rough cattle we're iMillineriin alithelatest Parlmand SawYorketyies inladieli'dress hats,ready-to.
'Intly, at her *haO deal %��
'I � .L I I
� h0me'In Stratford, of hlri4- Su an Sweeton, easier. , Sheep And Lambs-Wi6h the light wear and outing hats, feathers, flowers, wIng@, plumes, tibbons, velling@, and all the h (3 UL 1 __ I -
� trade was brisk and ri so firm latest novelties in trimminge. Now is the time to leave your order for your Easter hat � t5
anemia. Deoessed had been living with T"erything was sold and prospects are I , �
) at the age of 53 Years. Dsath'was due to p c .
ivhioh will be trimmed in the latest style'on-Aort nobice by experienced milliners, .
her sister. Mary,, in the city, for some good. 'Roge-The market Is easier tbiR The department is under the m&u9AOmOnt Of Miss Ho'd, an experienced milliner. ANW-NO90940 '
e trimmer. I f-- I & I
. i . �
ago. Before Moving to Stratford she lived I - � A@ has been our custom for the Ilaab few Beasons I , VP !
in Downie township, F __ - ' e will nob h n)
. I
bALE millinery opening this pritig. Our lady: friends are better satiafled to view our grand I � * d '"' 0
Years, her husband, Mr, John Sweeton week at $5 for selects, and $4.50 to $4.75 who comes very highly recommended, afid ably assisted by M'D i6s Moser, an experienced I
having Predeceas d her a number of yea;g' for lights and fate.
-The 15th annual Meetj ! n MGISTUR. ! a OfIth �_ 11
g of the sub- Millinery display at their leisure than at i crowded millinery opening, and we 'notice -- � -
scribero,of the Stratford 6�neral hospital a Friday.March 25th, at I O'cloo'k p.m., any of the old-establiehad reliable houses throughout the country are discontinuing
on Lob 23, Concession 3. McKillop, Farm a' ose . - _ EMW=W.W-%-"� I
wan held last week. The manage th penings. A cordial Invitation is'extended to all to come at any time and view . I
port increased contributions to th lements and Householdj Furni. i our grand display of Millinery. I
a hospital tur . Thomas W. Adams, proprietor ; I I i. I
and a widening of the work of the Insti- Th)mas Brown, auctioneer. i , � I
tution- I ; The ebb of Winter goods, foreed by the po w-- - I
. . . .
- � On Friday, March 25tb , at I o'clock p.m., .
. on Lot 25. Concession 10, Hibbert, Farm � Japanqse Silks, I influence of redneed *
� MAR 9:21TS. - Sic ek and Implements. Richard Iffoggarth, I! I ' erfu prices, -continues.
Proprietor ;. James JoneF,, auctioneer. Our Ja ese Bilks have arrived, 'We ordered them six months ago direct from - .
81"Gava, Mar. 24, 19% j On Saturday, April 2ad, at I o'clock p �Yokohama blef:rZ the war brr,ke Dub and got them at old prices. They are now worth OYL the other, hand, -the ffood of Spring goods
F&II Whe%i(neW),S1&nd&rd_.____ N to 92 . M., at the Co a P? per cent. more, but while they last we will sell them &D old prices. We show a large I -
Oats Per bltffh'�' - - - - - - - - -- - 0 81 *0 0 31 mmercial Hotel,_Seaforth, a, I
P643 pair bushel - - - - - - - - 1. 0 60 to 0 60 choice dwellinglhouse and four Iota. Mrs. auge of Waah Silks in all colors, black and colored Satins, Tafettas in black and colors, into all departments grows in volume and
Bak�ey, per buiftl- _ _ _ _ . molines, Loulaines, Pean do Soie and corded wash silks for waists,
BuUer, No, 1. looae - _.. 0 40 to 0 40 RO'hart Coleman, proprietress-'; Thomas �a - I .
13uWr, tub--- - --.,.-. 0 15 to 015 Br6ivn, auctioneer. � - ! . strength every day. Yes, 'Os a great occa-
E;p per doz- - _i- - - On Wednesday, March 30bb, at Lo'clock, I C)-A.S:U _A�MWX) OMT -M :PIRIOM I .
. FLOur. per 100 1W - - - - - - O' - 0 14 60 0 14 1
.- 2 50 to 2 76 P, ,, on the Charles Wilson farm, !adjoin- .., - .
ff* per to" now- - - - - - "'- - 700 to 7 60 in4 ;e%forth, Farm Stock and Impl �menie. I - Skin—" turning of the tid ." I . _�
U1112as 0 , - � I e . -
. .
,,,,p rk,1,1aO.O..b,q- - "----.--,- 5 0010 b 26 W 9:E.Habkirk, proprietor ,- Thof� rown, , MoKINNON & CO., BLY"T1. I I �_.,
.. _@9___9@,... I
. 0 so to 0 so .notivoser. P 1: - V3, ��',
wool__ -.11--" "Apo , - — -_
Vr bow - I . , . I 1.
F-340", - , . ... �
Bills r 1)) Y4 (now),. ..f, - a sD so .00 Q a Tuesday, March 29thq at I i6eIr P. � - _; - I.-. , , - - ___ - Z__ . . - . . -
- - - I
W _ VOY0004(f Wwol- — � 1 25 to 1 25 M, � an Lo t .27, 104npe"I.Q� 2, Rib. , Farm . I
ons)��, , " � lm_,#_" 5 00 fm 009 1 -, I
W)04 per cold fivhad)�� O' AW " " pol r 0 3 Do 000 Rmpk Plod IMPIOM911O.- J*Jno# Oropan, .
U � 0 " FrOrietor ; Thow#w Bro t - C lo - t h 1*.*t - 1 g- - DepartPrient,
ist "ir bag" " MW MOT r, sw off " " " on . wo, atowt Met, i
wor 6004�, �, *4 m.-isfie " OF " Op Thuroj4ay, April 70h. 40 1 � I - .
pw 700- U.- ''P, M10 I FoRwMAL-DER-HYDE .
, "#"4::::�M1#VR.rM�,"M tj.' - � �
X26 220 . .
follow, O" lb on Lot 27, Opiesmon 2, W�y, I ; i soutb �
wlmwmaff"�. ft 40 - r W .P1 W ��V�I�W'V�l
FOA, M W tZ, 01 Of NOrth b0un&rf, High Gii& Is a i I I - � - V � willl� - - � �
- ", of IN AV &r,W,W,W 9 , ,
. ��� 1010 11 A ## I U, F@tqo propflowr , 8, � Ok Av
. � . jjjP§,,%U&tOn*@F, - . '
� DAirY Aftrkot* - - i -_ -_ -_ �, I IN p --- r
I - I . Q
I . 18 OUR SPECIALTY, - 'pring Newness'n Me' F _
T"ONTO Wrah 0.19 I jo le it-, en'.. ""
afta-FAWipw � I TV ial
of didry raho &wtings jarg@, jW4 �th@rjo j# , Umbst - I . :
96 j,"Y tdft#1 tO- thd merket; ner46, other wlf�"-Ifi 60&04, on USIVA Ith, to Ut" '40d %04-0-%%00--�q-%O�%%A,--%Oq-q-m- qOlv � 0#4444*4_�_ ++++++++4-+444_+ I- I
F& OVVNO W&T, a Wfi, . � . t
� � I f
qU64C1698 Aft twohimged ', &roxtnerk PrIfiltilt N w-Ift 00d&I I j 60 Ulf* 16thi to Mr, Aud ' We buy the verY b69f quidifY that spot emh cv,ft. proattre, and. eell A af, I I Z.
96 to 99i -, sofld# 1# - ' t � it In theNe days whan any one candaim Anj4hing ' "
., to "Od ,- ofialco dair, 0 16 disughtev, In tba nuwspaparo, ' �
- f- j � ry I - - IMA "c"O I Wall -margin above exxt, Out of - tho hundred -q d ponda oold laof it Isf i
- wnd � OdOlObs 0 Usteh Ifthif M Xf, end I y6ar, 'We Abgalutaly hjp6ratiNd that you 0=6 to th6 Wre f,6 me how hoteg't oft plaims 1 -
0 I � -11 70 ; large dalry rolls, - rt, W)WI trwin, A 06n. tave not beard of a fAngle influre where I
16 to IOU - . a choice dairy tubi, 16 to VI A14-10 Goderfah, on Ranh 166bt to Ar, and it wag naed ��iag to direotions, are. At thestore we will show yoU hundreds of r.ew .0 i I
lie ; lu dai t* 14o ; poor dairy is, Barry Videsn, & dou too. . r I . Spring suit,%--taodels .
� 13 I MR. JOHN MURRAY, the veteran thresher, whom you all knowt says: developed by th-or finest deaignera in the C unay, Baits whose beauky will 1 �
10,to 12o. he - e stocks here are' PO In Wroxeiar, on Marelth 160, to Mr. and 0 Im-
� I 11 Where Fear's Formaldehyde has been uged, I flnd the grain free of smut, medlateely captivate You. At the store You'll sw how is . showing- ` �
largefor the local trade, especially -at s, , re. Donald Popq,' a wa, . . Upenor D-ur
time so near the arrival of now cheese on i . � . I . - �nd I can heartfly recommend it as the bost formaldehyde on the market," is, and how much better fitting our garments are than the ordinary onea you
the market. Twine are quoted easy at lin - . mamages. I MR. R, B. NcLEAN, President -of the Farmers' InAitute, says : "I see. A' the store we'll prove to you that our prices are Aaolut,ely It ,he lowtat.
arge are unchanged at 10-,L I HUMPHRIES-Ab the residence of �he "
per pound. and L HALL -
,bride's parents, Walfou, an March Oth, by Rev, �ested Fear's Formaldehyde last year on my grain, and it gave every satildac- At the store w4l demonstrate to you that we know what we are talking about -
to 110. -Eggs—Tte- market is in a nerv- 1, M. Wcbo, lir. John W. Hall. of Gainabora, �ibn; the grain was free of,evaut, and an excellent yield," I when we claim that you can buy wi-th greaWst advantage -at our store. We
one state. Eggs are weak and � easy at out- Ashiniboia, to Him Edi th J,, eldest daughter of MR, FRED ECKART, of Brodhagei), says; " ATY oats sud wheat were use facts to gain your trade, not fandful ideas of over_zeg4ous adve-
� P Mr. W. H. Humvhric,t, I 0 - ,tising �
side points and the recei N here are heavy, Mc1#011DIE-STEPRENS-At Nisgsrs palls, on yery dirty with emut until I used Fear's Formaldehyde tbree ear's ago. writerg, �
but the comumption is very large' and, � IMarch 16th, by Rev. J. Walker Shelbon, Ir- . Y
priceb are 3hointained at 22c per dozen, Istowart PeYCIVAI momordle, of tho firm a Bince then I have used it every season, and my i i " n, and yields well New suits to haud this week, $8,60 will buy Z Bp6cial imported 1womteid
f Boirry I . grain is ciea
� MONTREAL, March 2,9Eggs—New laid, land MeMorrdle, and son of Robert -MeMordle every year. I My it will pay every farmer to use Fear's Formaldehyde on suit, faney stripe, all sizes, 34 to 40 ; $9.75 w buy one of u ng pe .
22 to 24o. Butter—Winter creamery, 194 'Ef q,, Kippen, to Min Edith Wsbel, daughter oi. ill 0 T Spri- F. ciale,
J. H, SNObenso Haq., Niagan Falls, A Wh gats, wheat and barley." four patterns, new out, the latest weave of cloth ; $11.40 will buy a fancy
to 20c ; newmade, 20..�, to 21c ; full grass, TA L,OR- WDERSON-At the residence of the I ,
bride's I Words of. pikaige have been showered in ftom all sides, but the above wi I worsted, imported '
full makes, 15j to 211, according to qual- grents on Mareh IM, by Rev. R, W. I 11 goods, two patterns, in fancy stripes, perfect fitting goo&,
fifi ; westorn dairy, 15 to 16ja ;- rolls, 16 Rho% le,#. Mr. Pr;ak Taylor, to i1jus Hilda, eld- be enough to convi nsible farmer of the superiority of' Fear's For- -
to 17c ; creamery, IS to 18je. Cheese- est daughter of Ur. Wilson Anderoon, all of I ince any se 00#*#4r*r#+*+ .
Ontario, R to loc. , Crediton. I 69ddehyde. Get a bottle early, and treat your grain before the rush of Spring, -
HOEWEN-ATTRIDGE-In Grey, on Alarob 16th, Owing begins. The price is the same as last year -35c a pound at I
. - by Rev. D, B. ldclgae, Mr, John A Ucgwen,� of I . .
� 'Potatoes. MOMO, 0 Miss Q%tharine A H. Attfidg2, Grey? I a U. , IR
are ar- March Ifth. by ftev D. B, McRae, U'r. WO, . -
ani quotations for Cook, of hforrig, to w ""HING t 0- A t _' R - * UP `__`
At "Duart" Farm j1'rey,on
ToRONTO, March 22 -Potatoes COOK-:LAMONT v
riving now fairly free, I M. EAR'S Drug Storse,Seaforth C .1-i 0 11 0
In Marion J., daughter. of I . � �
car lots here are easier at 85c par bag, Car Mr. and Urs. Angus Lsinout, of Grey. � � �
FOREST-Coofl]IANF�Af the residimce of the � , ,, --- I - ;
of store-atock is quoted unchanged at S1,408 bridc'j father, on Waroh 16th, by Rev, Id, 0. Me. I ' The world loves a lover, We love loVers of good dre8s, 'and tor their
to $I.Iry.- Lerman, of Kippen, Mr. J. Cooper Forest, of benefit we W'ish to Aunounce the arrival of our new Spring ,woollen$. Dolet
0 Hoosujaw, Assluibalis, to Miss Mary Oochrane,
daughter of Mr. Jamos Cochrane, of Bay. - till You see th 8U' .You admire ' one els&s back. In order to -
Poultry� wai'- e it on some
LOGAN-LA IDLAW-At the residence of the bridele TIME -GREAT CASH STORE " I$.
ToRoNTO I It retain our "rep as the "home of individuality, we have confincdhour nov-
, March 22�-Good stock contill- Aldrris, on March Oth, by Rev. Dr. I I
use in demand. ;C01u,"Irl, InMr. Ww. A, Logan, of Morris, to Miss . I . 1
Quotations are unchanged ' I elties tO One Suit Of each pattem Suits to order from'$12 UP- I'
at 15 to 16o per pound for choice chickens, Kfizabeth B., eldest daughter & thd,l&te Robert 1� i "_�� L i 11
Laidlaw. � - � .
__ . . I � . i i
9 to -11o. -for vealded stock, 7 to So for old -_ I . IV - i
fowl, and 13' to 14c for turkey gobblers-, . Deaths. . I I . "_4""A"***"""*"*" 1
1 �
. . S PI -11 IL N G MILLIN-l"'i Pb Y. . .. �
- --i 4- L MoLHLToAN---:Tn Tuckentnith, on Match 29bb, And. . � .
. .� See*ds- . few NerAllso er. aled 77 yeam. ' I - � 9 I rM for
BLANSUARD-4W WIntfirop McKillop. on March 1 � We will hold our Spring Millinery Openings on' . Sprijag joat,
ToRosTo, March 22-Quotatione here are 210, Agnes O"h, wido; of the Isto Hiram i MEN 8 NAULO � my -JE -
unchanged ab $6.25 't�D $5.75 131anshard, Aged 66 Years, 3 wontho And 8 days. I 4 .
. I
for red clover, MoMANN-In WOR1110P, on March 18th, Morge , March 29 and 30 - . �,
'I'd $6 to'66,35-for extra choice; $3 to ' MeMann, aged 70 years, 4 months and ,112 days. 'IV
$4.25 for ordinary alsike, and $5 to $5.25 GODKIN-In MoKillop, dn March 24th Eliza Ann � '
or choice lots ; $1.15 to $1,50 for me. lAorrison, wife of Alr;'Stephan God . Just a moment, please, to remind You that tile new shapes are here. Tf
bins -threshed timothy, and $1.7p to 82 for year4 and 9 months. , � Lin, Aged 63 .1, .When will be. Aspl�yed for your inspection the m6st Up-to-date you want,to be in style, you will call for Me of :our hats right away, TherA
- HOLLAND -in Ooderiali township, on Varah 1�ih '11. millinery in the market. Miss Morrison, who is so well known a great diversity of new styles—the wide rolling b ` and �
ail -thrashed. I . . . JeVhs Holland, age4 69 years and 9 (nonths, # rim e medium turn,
i - - _ I
DAVE �In Stephen, on March 12th, Lewis Davey, I to the ladies of B1 th and surrounding country, is again in &Mrge all equally new and correct. .
. - in his 64th year. " ,_ � - 'of the department. Y Ready to we ar Hats now in stock. Don't � -
. Grain, - etc. AIKENHEAD-In goderich, on Marok Ifth james I
Alkenhead,aged 89 yosma nionthe and k days. �, . e -IP -9- ---f -
" I
. TORONTo, , March 22 -White wheat, MZLLER-At Prince Albert, l are welcome, Also nbw goods in all depart- I -i I ; 1 ! 16 . I-! ++++,1--1--- 11-14-�` �* � .
on Marob. 18ih, William ments, I.. � .
8a ; red, 98a ;- goow, 85 to 860 ; spring, Miller, aged 72 years, a native of Pans, Berwick. I - � .
4jo ; oats,38 to 38jo ;-barley, 48 to 48j ; Shire, Scotland, and formerly of Wroxeter. I
eas, 65c. - Hsy-No. I timothy, $11 to —..----- Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Al A M ' 1
12 50 - mixed or clover bay, 87 to $9 ; ,� , I � - . .1.
beaf straw,' $10 ; loose straw, $7. Hoge lur � - 1UN11141 MUMX l�- iii��lil�''il�l�43Ei,i�li���l��l��ii�iii[ar�IE?-/TvI CARPET DEPIRTMEN *
-Dressed hogs,, light, 'per cwb., $6.76 .. -PICTURE FRMUNG. . I I ' 1: I OK-U.&R-wa . , � � �, I
eavy dressed hogs, $6.25 per awb. Mill- I - i - � .
ed -Is steady at 617.50 for cars of shorts, We have purchased the entire stock . of s 111TOMA If the largest line of Carpets in this vidnity mealas anythiug ; 4" a Wm-
nd $16.50 for brhn in bulk east or west Picture Frames carried b 6 M. McBEATH BLYTH, pleterange in styleand price, from the cheapest to the 'best, is of i�tereat to '
y Mr. Jae. Graves. , Y BLOOKP I
iddle freights. Manitoba millfeed is � I - �
teady at $21 for oars of shorts, 9.nd $20 which, with our own complete stock, gives I you, and you want to be sure of getting the beat value for your mone.yj you
or bran, sacks included, Toronto freights. us the best selection in this county, I Ema= I want to visit the second flat of our North store, devoted exclusively tP Carpets,
I I We would be pleased to see all M r. Ift,fill 1111 ,1111 117" Robefts' Drug. Store curtains and house furnishings, and see wbat we have to offer. I*
. .' I Giavebl old cuatomera come to us for their ; I i ' '2=30.13 . - 1 Oetpainly . ,
Horse Market. � picLure framingi We will guarantee batis- World's Fair, St. Louis, April 30 worth your while. - I - ;j
TOWNTO,- March 22 -The . following is faction. I . The Morse Electric Belt .t . .
..§.1_l+++� ..;.4- * V * 4 *.A -
i �
4 � � . I.H-I&W -
I r.+
a' I to Dee. 18t, 1904. ,
Valter Harl nd Smith's weekly report of - , - I Cures Rheumatism, Paralyeie, Liver and I . .
revelling prices : Is roadsters, 15 to I
f I Kidney Trouble. Lame Back, Constipation, i -
Sing JACKSON BROS., Seaforth. I
6 hands. $125 to 6215 ; single cobs and � . I - Cost of Exposition -S50,000,000 Stomach and all nervous diseases. A $20 _r ga 11% 1&1%
arriage horeep, 15 to 16.1 hands, $150 to - - -_ Sfze of grounde, 1,240 acres, belt for 85 at 1), C; F C -%L r t I t
borse#. 15 i MPORMANT NOTICES. ! .
250 ; watched pairs, carriage Dress Goods Mell
16.1 hands, $350 to $60 ; delivery . . , Easter, HoUdays. J. 8, RODURTS, � .
orses, 1,100 to It209 paundr, $1.25 to 1PARM TO ]RENT. -To reni for a year or term of I - You may stand on t,he fee all day, and
175 ; general purpose . iind express norneo, 4- yean. Lot 270 Conoession. s, mokillop, con- Return tickets will be issued'at single yeb have warm feef4 if you -wear a pair of �
� .
uAning 100 40reg. - Good buildings. immediate I r4t.class f re, good going Thursday, March .
,200 to 1,350 pounds, $140 to $185 ; Po"emion. Apply., to W. Govenlock, SeafortIL
raugbb horses, .1,350 to 1,750 pounds, 8140 subly Govrm,osx. " In, ay, April 4th, �Vailid raturning' Electric Insoles. - The New Fashions in Dress Goodsq�
o $M ; serviceabW second-hand workers, . 1 1898-1 '11-'.'r"b,,�f,-,'r'ecITaeoday, April 5th. I �
UTTERMILK.-Sealed (tenders addressed to the One way special excursion tickets on sale Invaluable for frosted or sweaty feet, sure . � . j
40 to $110 ; serviceable second-hand ' undersigned, Winthrop P. O., for the butter- I I il ,, to points in Montana, Colorado, cure for chilblains. Price, 60c j% pa Foremost in thought during theee ear'y days are, the 'L.Nlovoft4i ' th t
rivero, W to $100, The top Price was Pilk from the Winthrop creamery for this oe"on I ir at es , -a
sport Co., for a will be received until Monday, April Ub, 1004, aDa � J"t'Z,
aid by the Dominion Tran any Information desired can be h" from A. CUT-- . a British Columbia, Washington, J. S. ROBERTS. come from Paris, the daring weavers that 1'iave stopped aside from the beaten
air of bay geldings, 5 mud ; 6 yearn,' 3,200 HIL4 Winthrop. dabs, Oregon, California. track of the dead level of conservatism, and so we have gone 0 th�. French -
undo, $440. 1=12 Special sebtlers traint to Canadian North- �
. . . . ______ . - ' , rest with colonist sleeping car will leave Roberts' PjjjS men who originate and have gathered likArally of the inany rewarka�]'Q werlVeS I
LEARING AUOTIOX SALE OF FARM STOCK � lorouto every Tuosday during March and that this -season bias brought farth over there. i
' -
I , �
Live Stook Markets. : C AND 111PLEMENTS.-Mr. Th as Brown bas . m
On' rongn to . Lpril at 9 p. m, Passengers travelling When you wake up in the morning with
received Instructions from Mr. James C � The continued style is towards tba light weight clinging -fabrics. for, -
Livmu,00L, Uarch 22-Canadlan cattle sell by, public %notion, on Lot 127, Concession 2, Hilb. ivitbout live stock should take the Pacific a bad taste in your mouth, you know that ' '
bert, on Tuesday March 29th, at I o'clock P. I I Pxpress, leaving Toronto at 1.45 p. in, - Te�is has danged very materially -front the close
re quoted at 50d to 5 . following pro V m., the � u" liver is oat of order. Take a does of although the character of the d ' I
t. d PeRi 1z - Hortes--Twe beavy horses Robert's Vagetablo Stomach and Live'r of last to the full ski t f the period of 1830, Via savw� gheer, soft �
LoxDoi�, England, 2ar,ch 2i -Live eat. 8 vears old, an &red mare In foal, I fifly comin ', For tickets, Pullmam reebrvations and ail Pills. gowns 1 - -_
Igtwo h, improve materials are necessary Ir 11 'DT )st Perfect congtruevIon. Chi u ,
e steady at 11: to 119c per pound for yeam old, I roadster gelding coming two, I ho&vv thformation, apply to They will cleanse your sto.mac to titei-] We& i favor.
draught gelding coming two, 2 firat CIA" rojid : r n !
I . I
eers, (dreamed Weight) ; refrigerato-r beef, i4 your appetite and make you feellik-e a new are voites, , eoliennes, g ,(I- � etamines, Voila illur" - o - and I trot
horles 8 years old. .le -Ten first-class inlich rena( 1V 13
�] I j ion : pe de -
j to Silo per pound ; sbeep, 13 to 131c per' man. 25o at I
cows having I calves or about to alsive, 18 first-c-im ' WM. SOMERVILLE1 chines. .
und, gram oattlo, 4 heifers coming 6wo, 4 heifers corning I - : �
MONTREAL, March 15 -Trade was good 3 in calf, I Yorkshire breeding 9ow, 6 storo Fi��, Agent � - - Seaforth J - S. ROBERTS' Drug Store. . - . , � �� I I - __ __ . .
, , I
- � .
-day, and prices were steady tofirm hene,turkeye, eave,ete. Im lements--one . I : I X, _ i I
P . 6- 1 - I'. 11-- � :
- ber wagon i paIr ba-belsighs I covered - Carbolated Glyce i e Je , '
he qiaality of the stock offering iv -1 pretty cutter, I bluder, I mower. I horse rake, I seed drill, ' ' I rill UYS . I I
Ir, and the demand J& generally sufficient harrows, plow@, scuffler, etook raok, pulper, grin ' UOTION SALE OF TOWN PROPERTY. -Kra, � � / - _.,� A. , . .
Q act double harness rakes, shovels, forks and ARO-bertColeman has instructed Mr, Thomss Plapared by J. S. Roberts, to abeo- -
absorb it at Bteady'prices. Moeb of the ffiton', 13yown se'l by public auction, Ist the Commercial U I .1 L 4,
tttle were of good quality, The demand a lot of small siticies, TLO whole will positively be ,,, alonb, on Oawrday, Aptil 2nd, at 1 o'clock lvttely the best preparation known Ladies" epu-rtm", I I
sold witbout reserve as tho proprietor is giving up e pro erty on 1
?T!? fdr chapped or rough hands, as nu- ! .
r them was active. Prices ranged as fol fafming and going 1W. the cattle business, Terms- . �'�', East William otreet, noir Collo ate I - 1;
we -aa--Choice butchers', $4. 60 to $5 25 : All sums of St end under, assh ; over thht amount not 11U. consistivg of 5 lots, on which Is ereld A i4ro,ua customers can testify. Try
� Vort Is dwelling house, containing 10 roomo. a bottle and if not satisfactory, call Tea dozen ladiej� black roman satin Underakirts, extra widil flounce"
ood, $4 -to $4 50 ;1 rhedium, $3,25 to $4 - P .8 wonihs' endif will be 'givep on, furnishing ap- side# Arles, doeew, comens cellar, h4rd And f . I
; proved 6adorBed notes. A dinoubt at the rate of and get your money back. Price trimmed with ruffleg and accordion pleating, apecial at 96 ach, i
mmon. $2,50 to $& Calve� 11 -The deman I ws 4, also a good otable at)d good fruit. It ' i
' e
d 5 per cent. per Annum will be allowed for cash bee id on emy torms. Key at Mrs, T. E, 25 cents. The original and genuine P .30 to
I 1;
, credit amounts. JAMES CRONAN, p�opri 0 ThiA week we have on Bale flannelette wrappers. WADrth from I $1.
as good, Poor st6ok sold at $1.50 to $5-; etor, rx3ye, 01�posfte. 18931 prepared only at i
a THOXAB BROWN, auctioneer. 1893.1 i i
cd at 87 to $13 each. 'Sheep and Lamb i I — $1,86t to clear at 81 each.
me spring lambs changed hands at $4 to __ I :
I lust to hand a sample lot of baviery In cashmere, cotton, lisle,lsilk, ete_
eacb, yearlings being 4 to 4�c. Hogs- I M Ja So ROBE RT'S 1. 1 1
he demand was good, and price' also children�s fancy lw,e and liale suhs at ,opecial pAces. I i �
. Our -stock of ealico wrappers is now con�plete, prim m -n,.,, ng from 900 -to
om Q to 6jo. . . I A Word with the elffing MachineS DRUG STORE ' . . .,i � -
. -
I j
j3UFFAW, �hla h - ittle---:Good to I 821.00. 'N - A
oloo 10, b,gbe;!, othtew re stesdy; prime V1 . � . . .
de'rs, $5 to $5.25 ; sh�Dlping $4.50 to .. ,.RMERS- 0 r 41_�l �++++++ Our'spring sale of Shirt Waists is now on. i
p . .. - . . I New embroijeries, new laces, including heavy 1i'_ L �
; butchers', $4 to 85 ; heiiers, $3,25 1 . . I . q,pn ' rehon insertions,
- . . I I i
$4,60 ; noms, $3.25 to $4.25 ; bulls, $3 to . WO are overstocked, &Dd for -the also the new �abinet and teneriffe designs to I and, j . .
. . . ;
. .
,251 ; stookers apa feedero, $3 25 to $4.15 ; The long winter in now nearlyover days we will give special bar- NOTIOE6 � _D___r_* i r
ock heifers, 82;25 to $3 .- fresh cows and oind stock will oommen "" "' ' . ' . � .. .+f1141,41 -4+4f4. I
ce to - Ack - � We sell 9, Dato'ia, —_ ,_ I �
ringers steady ;,.., good to choice, $42 to over their dry febd. Giv,9 them gains the Sterfin 0 I — . i
; medium t - cod, $30 to $40 ; com- someth � � Stanj rd, Empire and the Davis. If you want anything in the line of �
bDg to tone the a .� I "/" i
on, $20 to , Veals-65-50 to S7. them %gdod condition for the grame. I T ROOFING a :
�i MckIdle DePartment I - I,
oge-Fairly active ; pigs, steady ; others ,,our own ,, cot be I __ META" . I . . C,
! .
to I Oo lower ;I heavy, $5.70 to $5.75, a , excelled. it improves th �, , : - � I METAL SIDING . � i I
0 appetite, i
w at $5, 80 ; mixed, 10t. 65 to $5.70 ; York - loosen# the skin and purities tho rurniture of all'KindS, Al RTAL CEILING Just to hand, Spring coats, tailor-made skirts and costumes� ;
: I I
, $5.55 to M60 ; pigs, $5.30 to $5,40; blcM, We guarantee its effeetive. i - HAVETROUGRING I
ugho, $4'80 to'S5 ; stage, $4 to S4.50, . . ness-25c a package. I
eep and _- Lambs -Sheep steady ; lambs For li I I FURNACE WORK I I %Kcgjaamg����� I
ce on cattle and herses, we keep'fremb I I
to 200 lower; native lambe, $5 to Undertaking PLUMBING and �
ground insect, powder and bellebore. i �
.15 ; western, $5,75 to $6.16, yearlings, A little later we will have a few words to Ti, � G or, 'Eggs
xkkoei ST pricats paid for Butt
.25 to S5.60,; wethers, W to $5.30 ; ewes, say about Formaldehyde, the amub ,6s special attention. Night and Get a igure on the same from I �
, 60 to$4.75 -, sheep, mixed, $3. �5 to $5, preventative. We keep only one Sun4y 6affi answered et Mr. Knech- I
XoRo.N-To March 23 -There. wss a light grade, and that the but we . a n d 1vurool. : . .
, . I can pro- tel's tesidence on James street, in rear Fs DWARD LATIM& - :
n at the city eattle market to -day. and cure. Give us a call. L
minen on I the whole was slow and dull. of Ba�ton & Son's . blacksmith 8hop. I can ,save you money on a flat-olass article — . __ � _____ _ _ I ___ I
�� !q11111 iiiijili;41111 ... till .
.-Ice@, however, were just 'about steady, ;lr,lllll!ll,llllll�li��111i;l!��i:llI I . Y. WN, PICKARJ) & Ism
. . C*0 DMBC I
d firm for extra choice butchers' eat- O.'ABERHART, ' �_ - I
. To-dsy's offerings- consisted of 27 DRUGGIST, Kn O'htel if MoKenve - W V lmpokT Ra -
kda, with 406 head jof cattle ; 315 sheep . I , I , C&eh's old stand, opposito Royal Hotel . � . R
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d lambs, 773 hogs, j,',and '217 calves and OARDNO'S - . - . BLOOK ' SEAFORTH. -,O,.��_�OC-A_ stables, Oppoidto Town Bultaing, Omar Milu and- Market 9U. 24&�
arlings. Exporterwk-T6re -is practically 8- . _3P 0 n 'r ME SEAFORTA - ONT.
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