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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-25, Page 4­-----­---­-- - . I -1 - ---1 - -i-----��-mm�.�----.--�----,-----, r ­­­­ - , . . .... . - - ­,,��­ ---.------I-- ­­ -­-�M­ -­­ . L � --- - ­­ - - ­- �---­ -- ­ -- � . ­- �­­­;;­- --�­ -1�,�­, . L - I . I � ­­-­-­--­-.-,­ -11---- ­ I �1­ -- ­­- � . - . I I - I - - . � I .� . . - r j - . I I � I %� � . . - - � . . - . i I I , - - . � - . - - � ; . . . . . t . : . . �- - � I i � I I I . I I . I I � . - i � . ! I . . .� � . � I I I. � � . - 71 %, . I � . I . I - . . i . . I . , � . . . - . . �� I � - - � I . . � � - . - I I � � I � " -,, , . � . - I- � : - ��. I I ­ � I I � � I . . I I I ; . . . i I . � . - � -- ; I � . � - I . � . ; . -- -1 � . � I . t . . I . I . t . I 11 I . I . I I � I . - � � 1. ­ ; , � 1. i � . . i I . � � � � z . . . . 1, . . . . I � . I - I . I I - : - , - - - f, - � - - � - � - ! � . . i . 4 � � � 1 ­4�­ -- r 11 � - - ­. - . � . .1 . I � - I - I . . i ­ .i I - . ,,,� ,- �� ", , -- , , , . � ­ -� - - � � . I - - I— � - .. i % - - - ­ - � -- - -- . - � I . . . I . . . -, - I I - - -11 t I - I � I - . -, ­­, � ­,­ �, � I � . .1 -, - - � . , � I �­j"� �, � ;�", - . _.: �, - ­- sio �­ �7�--­ - to - ­- ,­L�� - I - '"--00 I : . - �. � � . � . - .,. . I I , . � � , I I - - . i . , ,� . - . *-AO-Oft- %%-R&'W,4-, �--- , - - 7 ook""" - - I . I , - I - I � , , ­ : , . I . - . I I I- � I ��� - - . � - w I I ,. - i . - � I I . - - � --- --`­ - - - 7 ­ ------ " - -- ' - - �� ; - � - ,I I I - I ­ - - � .. - � - ­ - I 1� -.i� - � .1 - I - . �: I . . I . � - -s - ,- , � -!-- -, -- -.: T ­­.- i -- , � . I . � . � � . I . �. 1. , � � I I � . � , - - I I : � .- . - - I . � �� I � , - - . t I . - - TI � - I- � - I - . - - - I . T - .1 � . - I . I - ... , T " ­ I . . � - 1.�. �.­­ , I � � - � � I I . . . � . I . I � � ­ I - . . I . � - I �!- . � I - I . .., . �� . I � . � 11 - . . � � . � - . . .- � I - ., � � I . I I � - .- w I . . . I . : � � I . . I i * I I +1 - L. I -� - . � . I � . , . �� . � ; I I I I . . . . - � � . . . . - . I - - . I i � I q 1-11 1. I - f -11 I . . I I I ---�., I I � , I.. � . lffRoi - �.E . PORTOR � . . - I . . 7 . � . � 1 � . . � 11 I ! 1 .. � .- - 1 ; - � . - 1-. ­ �r T -- --- � . , , , - I - . . i- i I . . 1 14 '' � ­ �� I , ­ I - - Ht NO �111 I - I =-- -- - � I . I wwwmm� � - � . I - I I ­ - I ­ . ­ . . - - . - - I � - , � I � 1 4 I—— � --- - . � 11 �- . . 11 I I- . � � �.. . , I . I - � ­ I ill .1 1 I i . , Z. . . i . . � . I 1. . I . . I I �, I - . � . � . - iI - .- - � ­ m on - I in'sisted on ' - - from'put in - .at �w Aubount next Mond , I - . - - Ott b t Mr, 1061ift Ithe Government. Buto ay aning,- Perth Mutual Fire% Insurance Co,, 1 � 0 . - _ � -. - . . I I . praising i I --motion to it division.. 1poriepce there is not inuo to to The men who have been, 9"ovoling and St. AnAraw"s. congregation, and .. � I � 1, MARCHIP 1904 - . 5 -. - I : � � .1 I .. - � � I - ---- - - Juot abo , dpis - time ihoped for in* thf�i direct' . he la 0 snow on th' railway u . - 4. 7 --- ­ . .. 11 ... I I , . . , the Govern- I . Ion a p are nd Rip;, i now we are ple"ed to .-raport that I -. � i - - - they were in Ishould be qmonded ,";Itho t dola r. ley returned home list Sat day,bav- just live days if tw such settlement z . . Is men 7, dis, aked that, ' . , - I , . I - - . �.. . I .1 . 0 X- T , 'W T F I. a m nor! ty & the House and in the I Th line opened., , Mor'. was agreed upon, a aboqga for $900 � - � - � . . 11 .p decision of amajorit! of 0. 0 Ing got the - . � _ - I I- ' king ip Brum- was in, the bands of the trustees. - I � I I - � .-.M. - --- -, ---Q, ,""-- . evem t of v ivision, the' w6 v . I - I . - y uld, be I Commission - should pro ail, � subjec ", igan, who has been w - I i �� � - : 3 4 � & deit - ­ solo Is at present visitig; filelids Ill Forestbrs" Concert. -The ooncert � OF � .O.t to& - �**#*- � I . 2 su a tied. hey protested � against fof course to appeal to the Govert r . I , ..... -111, I - ' ondt c on the part of the OP -1. ment. - If - this is not done It is a - t6wn.-1)r. Long was visiting ftionds in the publio'hall he)re, on Friday . I 11 � . 6 � 7 8 � 1 U . ol'. condii i . I - -- . I - I H . ­ - pesnion in low of the understand--� fitirce to have the Commission abw,- in Brussels last Wedngsday.-Q1iiU, it evening last, under the auspicies ol � - . . r- - '13 14 15 -16 17 19 191. ing said to, '*. , but'the ardpnt doe' p 'ad of thicie members. It may as mumber from here attended be dance, the Kippen lodge of Indepiondent or- , . I- �S � 3 :. I 09 , � t i � � - , = � I 'I 20. 21 12 23 - 'L 24, 25 -28 ter Was inexorable,and still press- well ' be composed of one man at d , at Mr. D. Nicbo][s last 'W edn day ev- der 6f Foresters, was a decided sue 100. I . I 1 , 0 31 ­. i � .....1. ��.isioh. Mr. Whitn wa � time.--;� oess. Despite unfavorable weather � 27 28 1 29.1 3 -' I )or a d I ey, 9 save tbe, salaries of.the. other twu.� oning and bad an enjoyabl- . I I 11 .1 . . � - . . -.1 a pelked to, but bo said it was the, . � W%� . Watson and Bifilgli drove .r.oads thio ball was fairly T . . Messrs. 1 . f,- - , & i ap- . - . - --;W-- I 7- I I �#i,,.#�.�t..**.I.�'I'l...."if"#.*.O.tI *...J...# - . - I I . . I -- 1, , 11 .. right of 0- rary moidbor to claim a car lead, of cattle to Cli ton last well fIlled. but anylack in .numberm f., - ­ � . . - �� - . division 00 #ny motionif .he so de- I - . . MoKillop - . Friday and I oaded *tliam in 4 cAr, was fiaore than made: up by -the an- . NEW ADVERTISEMENT8. sired -and lie could not interfere with A School Difficulty, -There i3con- - they not being able .to sbip,from here tbushasm of the audience. The chair I . I - - . It 0 siderable trouble in school section I f akf - I .- . webotween fto parenthow after ON& bis'obdurw a fell war, -The ,Whips No. 4, and has boon foit! sever Ll . on account of the line being blocked. was t ,n by Mr. Ricker, a pool . . .. I A���� Ar2" roe oil the PA#ff an whieh too were- set t,o wor1r and. they'found � . , -Mr. Morley Davidson, of Lucknow, tion he filled - admirably, On ad- ! . � , . IF W�, �, bula 1, of ,the niembers had not months, between teacher has' taken charge of the barber shop count of the snow blockado, Mr. � - ----&.�. that Same and sobt 1� - . � 1 I ­­­­��, I h they were pre. ars, and matters do not seem, to baye . i . T - refor & Stewart -1 � left the city altboug. improved since the New Year. Some I formerly occupied of Lucknow, was unable 11 - S. -L V, F"r­5 . -- paring to do so and some of them - . ald and Mr. Dave Voz;s Ups secur- to ,get here but his place was taken A- 1 1 were int-dreepted t tbe rdilwaystal. of the scholars have been sent home ad' a position in Lucktiow,l workirix by Rev. Mr. McLennan, �wbo, in a � � Swinl4eu Inery-D. M. MeBeath-5 . I � . --& wifliff & 8 o -n-4, . . tion. The mey bers in the House, .Several times,- and now one is ex- ,, =1- . Lit, I ' at the barborinq."Mosars T. Wat- short �and witty speech, slowed the . a , I I � ­ I Miftwy-KoKinuon & Co -0 " kept' up -ti diecussion and staved off polled, and he claims, thrown a it sod and Mr. - Davidson,' of ucknow, 'bantfits of belonging to such an or- . I . . I 11 ... - Zmitw OLWaing-B. Morkul 00-8 I,- division until the absent members of school by the teacher, while She were visiting friends in L�,vvn last der as the Independent Foresters. I -s, o f The Sollery, Trott and lancastex , -him by t ]a Thursday. -Mr,' and Mrs. 4ame I ad the faithful majority of says sho.only caught I � I . S111111 I - NOtift-IL lAtill1fir-5 � I I arrived a I - . ' * three were once more with'n the gac- Brussels, were visi ing company, from H4ns I w; - i I - I ... �� - Ths Best-Howiltoa & Kerslake-$ coat dollar and �gavo him a slig it t friends in musical . all, de. . I I -�. I * rr � : �-- . iwe!d pr an't push. There . was a meeting FridjLy town last- week. . I . lighted all With their �elaetions, � . -- Auogoiii &&i--J&mw bronson-5 I I ecincts. of the Parliain - , I . j . . . I ... felt afternoon of the teacher, the. trui- . 1. ; . I --------- i -- while the vocaLsolos by Dr. Sellery : I . a . � Nuttqxqn-lk­A� Cuthill -5 . i buildings and the Government . I - � . - I - 5 . i . . child's father. He was - I 0 �& Astotloa Saler-Mrs. P. Coleman- [ -11 . and wer thoroughly enjoyed. � r. Thos. z - To ic,ved, the erisis'was over ter _an . = . . . d Grand Bond. I � . I -, Mointry Openivg-W. Mokoid & Co -8 i the Houso adjourned in due- form. , Co bring his children to Ve - . Murdock, of Honsall, thd old time . . . ; .. - I 1� to pro I - S- - _ . - I � - n . w � � i They -bad, :however . � a very -uneagy their statein h t -he ,in Dots. -Mr. Bert Holt is doing nice favorite, with his violin, ucompan, . � W"ted-�-Mrs, 0. E. Porkes-8 � ly and will soon be out again af ter 1� I . t -W. J. Elliott -8, . I - hour., This '�e a lesson to but they , were not allowed to :)a I I . , . Bduft-tiloo I . should � ied on the organ by blis daughter, 2 1 � . having a,severe pain I tbo- head . f � . � I ..... - .EssUr Hblidoya-Wm. Somerville -.5 . � the Gove'rnment 6 t s to' keep. prese,nt to have a chance of provii ig I was cotbusiastically iecalled 'on ' - r now obe.-Mrs. )A'ner Mol- � Usehines to busim - . �� each occasion. Mr. Crawfcir&ssong� � I --Knoolitot & MoK-5 � close " . "%Pa,r'a'nge, to lot I 111111 caused by car a I ; HOW189 I : �ss . tberir Statement. As the matter lard bas boon a few da � it 11 ,Mrs. I � I if acto -y, � � ' rests it is as far from a satiE i -0. Ohapmaon-s home get aloijg, N itbout theln until � surg were alsa well received and,. heartily c 19 WhozWouts AD&Ives ? - � . J' Brophy, -wbo is _rin f rom a � � . , nolusion as bofor6 the mcediag. Sz , � . the -close of the sesion. . , and Mr. � i'l Boots and Sboeeo-3-W. H. willis-.8 : co encored, while Mr, Crawforo ; P I . . -Mrs, T I . I . . vere at tack 'pf pricumonia. � ,I geeds.­A* Young -8 - . 4ome say -that this was a pre-'aj- -Cam. - . � . James McLean -gave, aal excellent i - Joe Oliver is ojv the sick lisi. We .. i I - rwm to 1kn"448:'Govenlock-5 � i raniged scheme by the Opposition The Doings 'of the Council. -The Cluct. Miss W.coodly rvnderled,�an ex- . - --- , 1 . hope so overy.- , �� I a f I -' council � met in the house' of . cellont instrumental solo. Mr. J. I I Boy: Wanted -Expositor Offloe-8 and that' it was arranged Rt. a emu . Christo- V , � . F I orr"hohyde­-L V. Fear -S - ous lield that nwrning. Others say pher White, on Tuesday, of lost Mr. N. Grattan is moving to his new W. McLean with hi;s gramapbone was � I I , I - .1 4 . s week. We wish him sue-, - 11 � , - I - - I � . I Orb Wanud-Mm. Attrill-8 , it was the'work of Dr. Beattie Nes- w6ek. All the members were, pr(3- I . - a host in' a a r . . � .himself ad tb :selections . - � � t- Goss. -Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson f ; � . �- I Reduced Priew.-Cliesney & Sinilay-8 bit himself. and that his'actioji was ent. A by-law was,passed appoir ' from this wonder ul instrument went I , . I . . I . -­ spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilson's I � . ' -1 . f - - I - taken without the knowle#Ze or Ing poundkeepers, patbmasters a id a long way towards making the an- � I I 11 . ' - - . motber.-Mr. W. Devire xports'a, t I fence viewers for the current year. � � . I ever .1crtain a -t a success, At the close � t � ` : SlIt 44r,[� . consent. of his leader. But hi6w team of bronobos.-Mrs. Stephen f 7 I .- : - ,a I I A- , - - I - Those needing belp from these coffi m�r%r I z 4 this is, -it is not likely the Gpvern he o - I i Webb is on the sick list at pregen't - 0 t mine,, a hearty -vote of I - L- � . � f I pin' in a cials should bear the folltowing na= es thanks to those- who had- taken"part i ­ 3 ment will be caught nap 9 Mr. Joe DesJardina wears a smifo,­ i I : � . � - . ­ - in remembrancei Poundkeepers, I � i.-., . z 1 similar manner during the remaind in Via p;rogramme was moved by Mr. �-- , �. I X . � i �- [: 4 AyoRTH, FRIDAY,. Mar.'25, 190'i ,or of this session Maloney, TimAbk Rjan, Conrad Ec - I t. is a boy. -Mr. M. Grattan wearls' John MeNevin and seconded by, Mr. � - . � . i Y,� . � �. I I . � tt - other smile, it is a girl. : - t , I I I - I �- � hert, _Thomas Davidson, James D - Clcgg.� This brought -to a close a !- �., - . .. � I , � ��- � I - . . .--., . . f � I I I . fance, George A. Gray, George 0 - � - I I I � -- . t *. pleasant an& entertaining ev- I li- I - f- Straggling L mos � il Thorp is still a sort a The Railway Commission ; Kee, John, Balfour. Fencoviewers, 1. . ; I - I . i . - I � St. Columban. aning, one of which the Foresters of i - . � I . 11 I skirmislb kept up between the Japan- - The newly agpointed, railway co 1�- � i. -- . . -Bernard O'Connell, Archibald Far- - ; I . t I . Obituary. -It is our sad duty this Kippen have every reasan to be � ! !.- . . � . . E ego and Russian.4. Fort Arthur is -mission have. had their first c ise guescon, James Davidson, Michael O'- W ek to record the death of one, of proud. , � a � 1. I � . I - I . � � ' � � � - Laughlin,' Alex. Kerr, John MoDolv- our most respected citizens, in the ------ . -- 17, i .17 1 dentre of attraction and and have giveii their first dccisi�n. , I � � the mein .1 . ; ) : :_� - - ell, William WGavin and Mich person- of Mr James Atkinson, at ,�' -' ' i � ­ . the Japartelse ,war ships take an oc- We are sorry to notice that this :le- RZowland. The liathinasters are I Hibbeit, - � � , . � I I � . . . :, z . . � , nea r- the early age of 43 y c4rs. Al th ug 1.6 ' - -1 - . �- 0 1 - i -f . -ioasional., f urn, a,t bombarding that oisida� � is not as. satisfactory, from ly ,6very fourth man in the tow: -t- _ . Good Cattle,-Xr. Peter Jordafi de, ;. � . - � in poor health for a.11ong time, yet -� �; - - . ! i j. 6 t . y, but the Russians say, they wast3 . -ship and are �too numerous to me: i- it was only law I I 11, 10,11t - any 'standpoint 4� most of u a livered -a fine lot of cattle In Dub- � � . k; I : . I ' � � 1. � . g wl�o ere- ,it"- to his death is s became ­ � - things Lion. The reeve and clerk w ,,,at ,1;wt1l.nes P"'io' tin on Friday of last week. There �. � -, T : amunition, wk6ok their ships 9 I I � ­ I � their have b6dn expecting odd � I . thorized to sign a petition -to t, serious. He leaves' a wife and three were fifteen steers aver ' � t be - ­ I I aging 11350 i I ��: . -:- bat do-not'do.mueh harm. re- from the commission would. like. It Ontario Legislature praying for t' children -to . � -each and they netted him the � . - I � - lz� , . . . he ivm - I . . �le small , loss pounds 1�- . � i.- . . - � - -tinuance and. operation of t'. m of $97 �­ � . parted that the harbor of Port Ar- seems tbaf the towns of Port Arthur con ]a of an affectionato husband and kind� S u 4 1 t I 'Xbe�dattla were pur- ; z��. � - . ; C j 1, - : I .. . ... � . thur bas boon closed and the Russian afid, .Fort William bav . ---h estab act passed last session respecting father, His funetat.was fargely at-- chased by I . owne$ and were � � . i � �j I . . � � a ,e - , *. it, I - I __: ! : i I the reconstruction of county. cou 'j�, � a fine lot of an In S. : � �- T fleet there bottled up, but this re- - lished a municipal syst�,m of Late-- tead�d. The sobiety of the C. � . - I a- .1 I . . - -- � ; 41, 'oils. Accounts amounting to $ B. A., of 'which he was a member' � I � I , � - � - � I Port still - lacks confirmation, There phone'. Those towns desire lo have � -were pa and ordered to be pa:: " . � I � ­ I , . z- - ! -L � � I ssod , . t irned out in a body and Marched : . - � . �-, �� r has been na land engagement Yet;` permission- to instal -their . - . - 7I ' Bardeld. � . I .- ,telephones 'The next meeting of council will in procession to the church, where � I � i i .1 ; -- ! . . - - - - I � i� -, ..- . I . -- I .Jn the"stations- of the Canadian. Pa- �at Christopher Whitels, Leadbu , , the funeral obac4ules were perform- COTTO-,fs.-AR you all krow. there has � �t� I .: . � - I co'clo, b on laree ineresol" in the PrIc". of cotton I I I ­- , . on Thursday, April .14th, at 00:8 �, � I . � -! � � . ad by Rev, Father McKeon, -who de- e . i �. z I - C 1 . The Farfiaments. � cific, Railway, at Port Arthur, and I Fortunatolywe baidswood tupoly before it, d. " Z, . I , , , P. M. -John C. Morrison, Clerk. . livered a touching and patbetieser- vanee, and have opeolal VAluill in and white � - �.� - � I I �� I . . � . , rt Willffim. This permission the- � The Winth�op Creamery. -A race t- cottonif and fi-innelettoo. A & Rd : ' is' . -V .. � - Business - being pushed . man on the uncertainty of Iiie and � � � 11 . ahead Pa . ,g,r,od,. ,,,,-, � - t I . �, ­ � . railway company ,refuses to give on 'Ing of the'lpatrons of the Winthrop I - �� -^ � with unusual rapidity at Ottawajand - the I necessity of always being pre- . Breezes. -Reay. E. C. Sennings was ' . - � - . i t .- . . . � ., . butter factory ,was he,la In -Wintbrop . , . . � ­­ - � . � ! . fhe grounds that ntered I pared! to dip. . , at -Parkhill a few days this WeAllk. � . . 11E : it* is, ev ently, the intention. oft,be ; . . - I I r. - I � � � � � Bell Tel- �on Monday last. The following We 0 1 .! � -�� . session, 'Into an agreement With the-' ' ' 4-- c at failing i t 11 Short . � � . A -too of manage- , �� I I - � -- Goverriffitat to have a - . appointed commit , - ' � 1 I I . health has incapacitated him from � - r - .1 Waltdn. ' I ,. I - ,e p I I . f .. I phone" Cam any giving that cam- ment : � - 41 �� I � if possible. The debate on the. Ad- . , Archibald Scott, Luke For- - continuing his ministerial duties for � , I � .t ., .. . Mat.rimonial.-A clixiet but i)retty 1. � f - ,-dress was con i�y exclusive rights- to establish. ;ltune, S. J. Shannon, jr.-,Thai;. Dic - his physician has ad- � ;­ .. c,luded, J�st week. The' pa . - some time apd, � - � I ki n Wo i 11i - - I - P - -1 - F'p dding took place at the re-iidence. � . . their 'instruments 'in, the railwcLysta .. � - ; 'i I opposition would fain have prolong-. . : � . Ison, Win. Trewartha,, James.3arr of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Humphries, vised an oecan voyage. He expects I, - I I John Cuthkll, John Murray, Robert - i � � - . em, an ; . � I . Lions throughout their syst to leave early in April. During his ! d on Wednesday of last week, when ; : I !- - - t . 11 11 1. ed A, but the Gcivernmen '. A-robibald, Win. Smith anil Them is - absence the work here m�ill be at- , � �� � .. ,'I -1 � I � that C'onsequl ently did they give Port 6 their Oldest daughter, Edith was , � . I ''I � ­ -to continue f6lki I . , student from I � - I ers declined' ng �nd Ml?adzean. Mr. Alex. 'Cuthill, m r - F . 1 - - -1 , ' . Led st c- united in matrimony to Mr. John W.. I �, - chant, throp, was appoin i , .. ­ zlArthur.a�nd-Fo*rrt W'ilIP&m what- they Win London, -Mrs. Green is visiting her �, i - , Ahe- Opposition thus -left to them- I � I . . Hall, &L Gainsboro, Assiniboia. The . � � - te tary- treasurer �alcsman. The ; I � - 1� [ demanded, they- would be violati and son at Mooref I eld. -Miss aggle � . � . t I 11 -- solves soon -grew tired of pouring 0 b Ing managing committee will have the twain -were ;nade, one by. the R6v, Mr. Ing � f % .. �� � I � I I , I � I.. -�� .I- . forth words When there',was no re- oversight of the business in t , Webb and k1he interesting ceremony ber sister, Mrs. T. King. -There as ­ I .. . . theiir ' 11 Yanstone, of Bonmillc:r, is visit' ! I I I . agreement wit the Be Tole - I .1 lie I I:- � , . phohe Company. Tl;ese towns, there - I . I . I i I - was witri6sso,d by a goodly number of ; � ­ , - tore,sts of the patr9m. They w.11 . w E , . i -1 ,- � [ ply from� the opposing side and the for appealed to the Railway Cam- no service tit Winity, church last I _ _ � :� z I I I - � friends g couple. . ! � 1 1 , 1i - have the privilege of examining the ' 6 I'll - - Mission.' . . Thd' a mJ able young bride was one f Sunday as no train -came fro Lon- . � � - . 11 - -4-. 1 1 . debate closed, being one of the short Mr. Blair, the ohairm ' beaks and the working of the far.� i don Saturday. If nothi g pxevents I i 1, -- ' an of the ' 0 in I ;- - - .. E . I - I k , - . I - T, est on record --in recent years, Shice Lary hi general, and it will also be qur most popular young ladies arid - i ��., Commission, held that the agreement 0 . there will be regular service harp -- i .- - - I h il, - I ! I t: � - their duty to consult with. and- a I- while many1will regret her removal - , ; �� I A ­ I then the House has been busy with between the telephone and railW& after. -P. Parker and David Leitch F� 7 - .11 . .. . .companies for exclusive I Y -.- I- from here dIll will unite in wishiag � - v0se tho salesman and any other bu 0 . . -1 I . 'r i- �- the estimates and with some private I " right of the her happiness in her new relations lef t on Tuesday . f o seek thel for- : ,� - ! -- , t 't . -� 4 -stations is mutually binding and that ness they may deeni necessary in the tunes in Dakota. Both youn men r I LL� ­ . islation. It is I kely the Finance � and home. Mr. and Mrs., Hall lef L i . !4, �� , 109 , . .i . . etic and wish � -,, 'erfered. with Messer$. on -Tuc,sday %or Gainsboro, where M, ' r i �, I - it should not be iht interests of the patrons. are strong and energ i � - his r. i : I Minister will deliver� budg(A prietors of this factory, them a - � � T...- ­ I without provision* being made; to safe jou,rney and ab � �'. , .- 1� V . Hall has 'a comfortable. bome ,, - � J N�`-- ­ speech next week and as soon as the Robert Scarlott and A. G. COder, . t � - - compensate them for tLe loss they . - I . � 31. -1, . � ' . successl-Mis4 Jes'sie Smith- O Bar- :- � I.- , ng 1. , I, - men who -are well and -fa . I & .-.; - are gentle 17- - - waiti his bride. The Expoistor , ie, is � � . ..12- 'i - viola- ., Dr. i :LTF dise-ussion on the Budget is closed ,might. sustain through the joins with their numerous friends in visiting her brailie - I . , �&- - �v ple fn the, dis- � , � i;,: - � orably know to the p6o* Smith.-Mliss Ada Rouatt is v siting -1 ,.f � 'the main business for which the ses- tion of the agreement. He ordered ; �� � i ip�.! ,�.4�, . . wishing . them a long, happ . � I r ,fore, . that 0 , trict which will be served by this Y and I i i,41-1-- , . j- sion -was called, the, passag6- Of the there the municipa1R,;,,..3 - - . � friends in Stanley. -T. J. Ma-kS is . ,,A- i ­ 1. , 11 ­ I . LJ tj 1 1� - ;�, fa�tory and evaryperson kn oronS life. . . ' ; - - named should be permit�ed-to place ws tb el 11 rr" .. : - --- �- , 1-1 amendments to the Grand Trunk Pa 0 1 home from a pleasant trip to Kansas ,;.,:; �'.7 . . �---- --=I' . ,: � - I " . �- 1 1 ' their telephones in the station build- .. . i ; Ld be careful and trustwortby and � 1 � �i �x `�-­ 1 , . �­ �­ cifie bill, will be ceeded with. and Colorado, -M. Ross, -who has been i I ... t P . �E I � 11 .- - . Pre they ato determined to leave noth 1. � Thames Road. ­� 11 . . " z I - ­� ! .111 1�. I -. nothing special to note ings �of the railway, but they must - f ishing at Stokes Bay was berne a - . , ., I i � i I , ''. !�. ing undone to make it a successar d - -- � I n d I �­ I Z- .e � J . � from the 'Logisla.ture aside from thd -first pompen.9ate the companies for Not s. -There died at her home in few d�ys this week.�Mr. a Mrs. I ., 1! ­ . , ! � ; � 1, � thus profitable to' I �, 1� � - 11 � I episode to which we refer elsio,where. the- r6ss they susfain' t1iiaugh, the themselves at d Buf f ale, on Thursday, March 10th, Charlc� Biggart, of Mount Forest,are ., � . .r, I � , . - i I - 11 .---- 11" - . beneficial to the township. ' PkF Mrs. Andrew Culver, nee Miss KaLie visitin'g' - rel4tives here Miss Maud i i , ­ IPI i A good, deal of committae. work has breaking af their monopoly. � -1--r'. I , i I .also, placing it in first class sha. '- - � U - 11 I t 1� .- �-.- with arx-d several- Mr. Bernier, the second member of . , only child of Mr. J. Bed- rollook is at London. -We extend I . ­ 1. -, � i 1. . - - - ' ' ,,,tnd will be in a posiLion to turn � � , i ­ - �, � i good, of London, Deceased'had OnI con gratulai ions to Mr. D. C, Gal- , I I - I �� - . �� -- �11 i private bills have been discussed and the Commission admitted that the . -butter . ­ i� -tween- the compani 1. - - I I . no as-# gut the very best quality of I F� I il - advanced during the week, but no agreement be , beqn Ailing oleven weeks. She toX braith on the occasion of his mar- �- I 1�--..- .,,� $o*it -,%,ill se:ou're the very' h ighost ,a -tack of la grippe which riage to Miss Caldwell, of Goleri h t ,�-,:�--- - I �, - - whi,ch practically, creates a in - I , 0 ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ , ­ ­ of the important Governipent itteas . onop e at: I - _-t i I . seveir �, � price the market will affora. T i , P­� 4C.; I I - ,­: - � �.,-:!- -Urft.3 Which are attrattIg so muoll oly in favor of the Bell Company, is .i: o settled in the tubes leading to the to,wnship.! The wedding took place � -- � - I �.. ... I 1!� " . . U%- - at 'like binding -on both,but he thought , , ' on Tuesday. -John ,� , . ,I 1. , , factory, also- will be a permaner t I It-� " - tention, have yet been disposeA of. a . , , throat, resulting in tuberculosis, . Davidson, of Elie ,-­ � - . � ­ � �� 1-7- - fl, � � I . The instit-tition'if the poople, iv � � v :- '' �.'.' now Assessment Act has been that an agreement made between the . 9 (`­ itAlic from which she never recovered. She Goshen line, had a 'Sale on Tuesday, F - i '. �.� - A" �- - uld do, so that n: - I . � J-� -, " - i ,-.: -� partially consid6red and it is said -two companies should not be allowe 0 had only'been Married to her bereav- T-16 reoently.sold his farm to WM.. .: I * - I o ,-� --. 1­1,� I farmer need have any fea,r in ,I - ' - � �� 1 ;-- I - . . I ­ � I ' 3 � - I �, ", that the Pettypicee bill for the as- to preclude the municipal telephone � ed husband about 21 rnonths� and was Rathwell and purposes going to Da- ", � - I . I f i 0'reasing his stock of cows. There a about 23 years old. This estlinable kota sboifly. I � ir --; ` � "mept of. railway properties will system frpm r.P,A.chin',g arailwaysta- ' I � k1-:.. ­T or a - - i - .- t�.. , , - be ,9 iveip a - -whirl and Will then be tion and that all the owners of Of", not a district in Canada bett young lady, was the grand child of . �­ ", r . -.,.--- i , �,,- em should. be req'uired apLed for successful dairying than the late Mr. and Mrs. John Fyfe, and 1 - I A withdrawn. TIm bill guaranteeing a municip I . ' I . i"', �, � I Hfl1s Green. i 3 � - tributary to this f ctory, aild k Z�. 0 the, - , that a , - . - � . , t, loan of two million dollars. t to- pay. would be, for the cost of in -niece of Mrs. A.,Neil, of here. It rally . , r , �. I goo Company will likely be disposed sEalling we are sure the farmers will find it truly be said that fione, knewilier but Wedding Bells. -An interesti ig ev- . , . the instriuments and the costL; 4 � t I � . - -; ­ , I � of this week. Present appearances of working them'. He disagreed with largely to their advantage- to patroo- to love her or named: her but to ent 04 place at'the residence of �. -1 � ize it liberally. The prospects ake praise,�- Mr. James Cochrane sr., of Hay, 4 I_- measure will bcs, Mr. Blair in the opinion that. the, . The many friends of Mr. A. 5� � ­ , . # I - � .- o y the Opposition. companies should beallowed-remun- that there. will be. a lively domazi a Cala, of this place, will be sorry to on Wed4esday, of. last week, when I . . : . I t I ,E I .. � :�t in the old country this comin � his daughter Mary. was unit i - . . - The main base of their attack is like-. oration for the faking aw- ,As the I ad in .. .1 . . ­ . ay of their 9 -9 611 - Icain of his sever6 illness, . I . I I -hat �old gentleman iis past � the meridian , I ea t, i �, . 1v to be the imp utation' that two of monopolistic privileges, as a rail -a ;son for Canadian butter and t marriage" to Mr. J. b6oper For i I 1- ­ ' " -prices 1vill rulb through the son- I - . - i I �& ­ , .the supporters of the Government, - Way -station is a place of public busi- Igood of life, it Will likely go hard with of Moose Jaw, N. W. T. The'cere­ I . - , j �-= - ­ . Iscon Parties patronizing the( cream'- him. -Mrs. A. Neil attended the fun- many W ' L N -�-* - as performed by Rov.,M.C. I 11 F LA­-� - - - Messrs. Conmee and Bowman, have ness and no person -should be exclud- ' ' ! . - 1,- ;- It -­�� I. � � - . cry will be -able to make mor McLennan, of Kippen, and was! wit- , - - -- -1-1- ­ � u judgment against the company for ad from it. . . ar- niece in Lon1don last 1. -- - uri b wock.-Mrs. G. Kerslake, of the "Ossed by a number of - a -bout $400,000 and are, consequently, Dr. Mills,- the third Commissiori6r,, 'B of their cows d ng 6, the rel tives I 11 � personally interalsfed in the logisla- even Went a good deal further than sciason than if they made the butt6r boundary, is suffering from ase.vere and friends of. the young coup�q, Mr. , I 0 ,d that the - we I attack of la ,grippe. -The family of . tion. - Under these'eirennistan (,.s it is Mr. Bernier. He declare at hom6 and will sdve all the i Forest is one of those who is pro- , anufactur . .1 . . clairned, that thos6 members should cxr-luS1*R privilege in the. agreemerit connected, with home m, ,� Mr, M. Miller -are afflicted with FressIng in the west, while thebride � I , - ...- not Vote on the zheasure. if these botwec,n t We hope the Winthrop creamery un - . . I . he C.'P..-R. and We Bell to].- . diphtheria. . . is one of the most., ,pppular 'young . I Men do not vote, the majority of the ophone Company aimed at creatin- der the proprietorship of Messr , . ladies in this. n0gliborhood. 'Their . - .1. - I . 4 a, Scarlett & Calder wV1 become a --. xionds will wish them all .. , . Government will be reducad to one Man-OPOlY, Was intended to _ I ­ . . 1. � hosts of f ­ por . 1. �, and there may,be a chance of wiping competition in the telephone busi-, manent and prosperous institu. I &tppen. possible happiness and prosper ty in � � . � . 0 , I - 411: I- ` . Out, that one. This, 'no doubt, is the noss, interfered- with the public in-' tion and 1 - f it does- nono will profit D. Hay, Contmilff.fianer and (11cotiveyiw6w. tb ir home in the west, In tt e. ev- : - . ': � -- ; � moripgoo and deeds -drawn up. Moneylannod .. hich . � - . ih ! �, �,­ ­ � Mainspring of the Opposition's ob- te-rest, was against public policy,and ha the farm*ers in the viciA' wills oning a reception was' held at ' -, I . ,� jections to the legislafion. It is also in consequence ity -wbo patronize it. i st Zbo 10 wist faten of Intersiot, 1740.6 ' t b, . � I- �. � I debarred the con- a. real pod time was open y .111, .! � ' I - w- ­� hinted that there Nvila not be, any contrifeting parties from' all'olaims . . --­­-- , , Not6s.-Mr. Joi-in Robertson, nier- Notc&�-,Mr- William Coobrane;wbo .! .. .� . , . � chant, of near Montreal, is spendin; -me train Dakota for the . . I � � I I - this session. I - I . temperance legislation' . for compensation. Reason has been bo' � �, � . �a able cow" � . ­ I �-, I The fact is, that -the Governme . pOnsation ought too be granted to the, . a few weeks with h -is brother, Mr. ivinter., 'Intends leavinx for his home, , . - :;4 . - nt ate , . Briefs. -Mr. Jamei Leedli, who h;i� Thomas Robertson, of Tuckersmith. there on Monday if the trains are - * . . t 4 . so hampered and cramped by 0 . ie C. P. R. for the use of their prem- been working in Mi tobell for the pa.4t -Mrs. T. McClymont, of the village, running. -Mrs, James Turner*is on - 1. 11. -; - - � small majoirty by Which they a q i-ses by Port Arthur rind th' 'xPp was this week attending [lie funeral i ­ . � ­- e `e -asp- few months, returned to town on � � - .P4 S­� supported that they are afraid 0 of operating the telephonp.A at their the ,Sick list at.present. She IS un- -t. I- - . I Friday to resume, charge of Mr. Wm�. of her daugliter-in-law, Mrs, WM. der the care, of i . . � I Dr. Cam�obell, of Zur- i ; - make. any imporEant move lest th y stations. . . .. 6 . Robertson's bakery. He intends mo,�,- MoClYmoat, of the village of King, ich, and her zn�ny frion 1 71 may come to grief. The sooner t � is It Seems to us that DrJ Mills is ds hopt- for : .: - ing his family as soon us he can g(# near Toronto. -Mr.. Ifugh MCCOPY164 her a speedy reoovery.--Mr. C.Troy- I ; . I unsatisfactory state of affairs .is nearer the', 'right* of the 4 question liouse.-The trains are 'getting moJ6 who has been -vd y ill for some i . � I � � I ­ - a , L I � � - I anded the better for all- concerned. than either of the, other two. But Ir er captured a Imink the otber day , . - I . . I I . I - . � - ; - -1 I it U regular again although still ver� weeks with priouponia, has taken it and disposed of ihe skin to Air, John . � . Y . - . �; . It is stated that the Government - Poe'liat 'matter in connection late. Sunday there, Nvas a oloal train change, for the better, and his friends McDonald, of� Hensall. 0 iaI . . . I - � . � I �� I ,.1 � - .� . -11 bavo� decided. to continue. aid to trip, 'with tbo law constituting the Cam. passed th -zh billed for Kincai. hope for his spoe-dy restoration 0 postmaster see . I . � ­ I � . .rou , . 1. beet sugar sion is,, 'that on in ee ming . I -... .. I manufacturers -for tiro MIS .a question Of dine,; th havinx at -last got th - health. -Mr. It. Clogg bad Ow Ini-s- quite an expert and successful hunts- , � I - I .. � � . I , . . . ­ � � years longer. This proposition N011 this kind the opinion pf the two com..� , h,. I -- - I . . - . lin, cope ZVI ugh to that t . or une to loselit.'good cow one (lay . i not likely meet wi tb opposition f ro rn missioh0r. . man. More power to him, none are . - - �- I I . 9 counts for nothing a� Mr.- James Denholm retur ad t recently. 118 had given the animal. 'more, deserving e/ F I . . either side. . glainst the opinion of, the chairman. 'A ' . of success-iri any Ie I - I T anit0a on Monday where h �has i . some, hay that was lef t in the bat - L . . -. I c - . J . � - - ----,. - I . -It gee -mg 4the railway act provides good positioni-Mr. John Hen%ersox LOM. of a cit. ! r, and'it is thought tliaL line lie, -4inder.ta ... es. . . . A Bad Scare. that the chief Commission0's vie" and family are. at present visitini some, poisoni must ba ve been con tain- � . I . t sball prev,iij tipan any quesLio , ' . . The Ontario Government and . I I . . tla a relatives.. and friends at Wroxctei cd in the feed. -The egg wagons are L bury, I ­ - . . 11 whioli in The opinion of the, Commi.3- L : I . � sup and vic�pity.-The Methodist youni on their rounds again, the huns'hav- Bia bargaium In ladion' buttoned boote - a ,porters .in the Legislature s is- a,, question of law, Nehrly people. lave having a Chinese tea tbL ing begun to lay.and the robbiris nOxI , � " I . I . .got a -sioner, .1 . i � f : bad Scare on Friday lasti Itj has bei � � . . �, Frldz.�`and Satur ay only, Regular 01.60 and .- � Vvery question that comes before the Friday, evening, which we have ry ha,�e made their appuarance, so that only, "Ameles to north lodow W. H, Willis, sole ; - � - ,41 1 ­ I I - $2, for 48a per p4r. elzoi; 4Lf 2 1.2.3 and 8 -1*2 z I � � E �. 'Iyeen t . can I 1� , I I Commission- be construed into ' doubt will be very Interesting an( spring can surely not be far off.- ap , H ; a tacit understaading be� lie ,L . ; � - quest! Lporotb3r IDC d Phoes for ladies and Goo. A. - � - %7 . on of law. This, corta � . � I whips on both Sides,' it not bet -,we � inly, is if the weather is suitable, there wil bir. Robert Murray, of Gorrie, is Slater shoos for men, caforth. 18M.1 . � �- � : I � � -- . � . . . . - -1. I I a a remarkable provision to'bave in be a good turnout, -The bacbelorl paying a visit to his ol,d friendsand . Dots. -Miss Hackwell and � � T �-- � the leaders, that no subject of the- law. It Practically place,s. t - .1 Mina I " -., I 1. . nature ld be broug A - he and 'benodWs held their ball last noighbors hore.-.Mr. and Mrs, Jame -s � Miss Jackson h ve been around ool- '. - I - - . contentious wou t whqle power in tbe hands of the Friday -eveningi- but con'account 0 Fowler have taken up their rcsid(mee ' lecting aid -of Me.thodist � a ... I I -I- ; Up; on Fridays and Mondays. T1 chairmarf-of the Commission and the the' � blockade on the railway th� in our villhgo in Mr. Blair's house.- , missions nd .- other .6embo'n vis ve met With good . . . � .5 have only ad OrY harpers were unable, to get here, al Mr. John Tough, the old "and reliable,­b�.J ry E. Swith,'who . .. � -� I � arrangement Vermitted -nit-gubors n powers hich pount for nothing with igs . .. . . - 7 those inviteA from other places. But assessor of Stanley, was in our Vil- was -on a nice ong visit l both sides to get to their _ homes (on a man '" f en (is ... I i I - flt'kc Mr. BULir, Lrnder tbase I he Allan!s f urnighed splendid music. lage- the past weak, making his an-: at Staffa, and otheT poin�os tr�' th, I - - .1 . - I . . - F 11 I . c I I gain (in . - - : . Friday lovening and back a I ircumstanoes the decision of Mr. All those who attended speak very nual round. Mr. Tough has beel : south of here, as returned balm" I . -- I I I I . �. ' The' ,M r, John Muldoon, a prom�nenit f lir- . � . . I 'Blair in this instaric prevails -and-, highly of tbem.-Th� invitatiolis arq. Sesser of Stanley for 22 years. - I I I . Monday. As a, consequoifee the ,11t -t Q( , i usi. 1 4 � tbe corporations of, 'Port Arthur rind out for' the Cliina-weddinx, cefebrat trains on this line are running again. mer of. Lauder anitoba, Was visit- ,-. I lendance of Members oii these da)s, Fort William will not be allowed Lo tion of Mr. and Mrs. Carter at thL�IiC -Mr.' and Mrs. - R I . I 11 . obert MoMordio ing friends on the Leadbury line cast- -- � especially on Friday, 'has aiwa�s place their telephones in the st;Ition residence on Diiiiilcy street next were at Niagara Falls last week at- last week. He intends returning to � . - � � I been Small. On Friday last houses , u I I � � I the 0 ntil they recompense the Tuesday evening., W,e have n d b fandin� the marriage of their son, the west soon;-rhere is a fuel fain- . ' J , �- � ­, c d�- Bell Telephone Company and therail there wiH--be a big turnout andouall Mr. Stewart - k . I position,who have been extrem ly - P, MeM.ordie, of the ine in some quarters, out our way. �, - olle during -the present sessio: I 'Way company for the loss they may who attend will, we are Sure bavi firm of Barrey & MoMordie, who -wa.; Many people M13.0 0 - . . � I I , sustain throxigh th' hav wood piles 7 , e abrogation of a an enjoyable time.-Tbe Methodist married in that place on Wedne.4day' cannot loo -ate t I orn. In many I places - I . . sprung a game on their copponentl- monopolistic contract. - In other' i - I � choir, with a number 02 their f riendA - of last week to one of the fairest tlj(,. snow drifts are five or Six I I . Dr Beivttiei Nesbit, one of the To -- 'Words, the debisiori practically - � . f Cot d I . I I I onio - members, -who aspires to o, �- f. con spent a pleasant evening at Mr daughters of the l8order City, in the deep on top Of Ole piles. -David Of- , � . irms amost objection able monopoly, , Jacob Hamilton's residence, in Wa- person of Miss Edi-th-Mabol, daugh- tansf)n, ,,in ol . I - � cupy Wk. Whitney's shoes When le This is not; a very S I d man who lives alo.11p, I I atisfactory deF, wanosh, , last Wednesday ovenina.- ter of Mr. and Mrs, J. B.' Stewart, i.s very- ill. It lic would only cojuwnt 1. . In e oisian for'tb6 vast majorit 2 � ( 0 � . . I I casts them off made a oticin to t� I � I '­ effect that the islands in �ake T . Y Of tile, Mr. George Reighling left on Mon. The happy couple are spending Lbeir to be roinoved to the House of It(,r- . � . I �. - '1: PoOP16 Of This 'country and they- had day .cof this week to resume his po.. honey moon in New York. The many oge it would bo,the proper 0 ; I mdgami should not be sold but � I . I& good reasati to,expect� betfor place f r � I ; - ad to intending residents, dud t hi - from sition in Manitoba' -Mr. Rollie Cook friends of the groom bej!c will ex- 11,im.-Little social parties havabeen � . I . - . . the Commission, altbough per.haps is at present suffe '-- from a sevore tend the I I hese parts for some . I � ring . �' Ir. 'I aftack lof la* grippe. -Rev. Dr. Me. tions on this happy oacasion.-Last time bac� ng read the Expos - only one"island should be leased t10 Vat from Mr. Ble . most cordial congratula- the whole go ) I . . - each person. For some reaso The law- provides for an appeal to Lean and the Presbyterian choir are, week we -announced thab a settle- ftor edit( . I � a cir s ' - L . . � . � , I I .i , ", "' ' 0 . , - [", I -, i' 0 � - eF. L$1ttrJdn . " _ r� A .� . "I, ..; , .. b., ., .. 1( ... .. I , , �-" � r. I ,.- . � . i other -tho Government resisted th� I the'GOvCinOT in Courlefliwhich mean3 assisting their Presb );iY ing the three Gov- . � . 1, I yterian friendi ment had b"n made betWeen the ernment propps tions dealina with I . . , .- . � � -: � . . . .1 I � I I . I I I - . . I i . 1� � I . I t : � i I . I I - ; . . . - . I I � I . - � I -- . I . . - I I I I . , . I . . I . ��,� . . I -- � I - . � - 4 . �� . , . I i : I I . I . I � . i � 11 I . I I . . P ! I , I- I - , , - . , 0, , 4 � - -i �,4 f., , ,4, ­ i ­- ..- i - �&. - , Z. � i4o - . . . I . I I I . I . � I � - . . � . - 1 - � I � . . --------­- -I I � . - � euxw 1W JF& I - � - I -- ­ . 1. MARCH Xbo JLV04 .-:-- �� � I . . - � � - --- . .. . .. - - . I 3f -- . � I - - I I � .. . I I . . I . . W­io� � . ; ­­ � � SEAFORTH'S LEADINO SHOIE STORE, , - � � MMOMMONK10001in. I - . �� ' - I � I - I . I No= Tr'unks and Valises I . -- - tow "31 - � ... I � Sbo fs 1 - � - . . . I I . . . . . � ;U . -- - Nd I .. . .. *16 It" � at towest Prices. - - � I --.- Plum.-- = � � - I - i - A"L&u , I - * : I � !KiiiiKiff I . .� - , . , - - - 004ft b - . I . � . -11 -- W I I - I - ... . Fattios intanding going out Wezt this Spring, ,ehould nmke it a point - - - I I - - yw"Y to- get Our pnm ,on Trunks and Valisez, Oar new stook embrwes all � 4ork, w - . tile leadmig lines and different duos of a trunk fa. -tory well equippeA., Oven N with the most modern fadfities aud expert workmen, and we gualan ' . . . - - . bm . � I - . . I i"alww our priees at all times -the )owest. The foll,ming lines are aa,long , 1wit Fru our best sellers, �,ompare the prim, then comoi and Bee for yourself. i. I Tioun A� W - Avul I I rT-1=?,-U1q73K:8- . ..� I . - 1 2�'.)- � igarbleized likin, oval topio tray with hat box ; -08 inch, $2 ; 30 in, ch, .1 _4 * t twi 32 inch, $2 60 ; ,34 inch, $3. 00. I -1 W��# C-= . - ?A Embossed metal, trV and hat box -28 inch, $2,35 ; 30 inch, V.60 ; 39 inch) - i*wt - � ., w0ex, -W $3.00 ; 34 inch,4&25, - . .1. - I -- I , sagnm- Marbleized Iron Trunk, iron bottom, strap binges --28 in.4 $3.00 ; 30 in4h) - - I . �bo Stmd - $3,26 ; 32 inch, $3.50 ; 34 inch, $3.75. � � . . 56 Y10" I . - - I tm li'm rT`.'F0Z.sM38C:0JPM -V-AMISMS. , ;� � hustaw-, , I " � I - . -$be W&A 1 14 inoh,*50e; .16 inch, 65c ; 18 inch, 75c ; 20 inch, 95e-; 22 inch; -I'll) ji 44-: wb-- . 24 inch, $1 20 ; 26 inch, $1.35, � bosr'wd , I � ui I Club 13ags and Suit Ca�es at the -'same reasonable Prices. w9re ++ . . I In 0 - � I . X- Paw 1iI �- 44 � Uy - 1. I i I 11,11 I i i i -1-4 14 i I i I f xxviiis: ' I I'll, � Re.. wwfw ILL18- & SON,'S-eaforth, - ------ . "'11 . Sole agentcftior the Slater Shoe for men, smd the *I Qaeen Quiality " shoe,,,for vporne]L I . . � WHO 9 I I zmw� of A . . I - - the liquor license question and tem- . man was list -one_ -d to wilb Muth - � xa�ah -..� in. 4MITat for � perance, we believe we have a still tcre*t and wi3 trust profjt.-.,N1r. S. , I I better -one and one which will re- - White, of Detroit, was in ,be v . f , . il- y - quire no legislation to put into oper-L 1 lage thLi iv( -,k visiting his inothpr, . I stion. It is this., For -no hotel Mrs. James Ml'bite, wbo still , . cen- A Sri I 4 the �v keeper nor liquor dealer to sell to a -- tinues very ill. -Mi& -3 Hawkshaw is , I . , young fellow until he is grown -up, � spending a zweek with � ber ,sister. jaway V4. nor -to anyone who habitually abus C W,been . es ', Mrs, F. T - MoDOnell-Mr. Bucban- - - z . I liquor, zor to tbe tough whose pro- ', an, -son Of Mr. Alex. Buchan.,1p, who I t*o wee . faulty and obsenity and otherwise is attendinz- the business colloge in 11 rze& � vile proclivities,, the use of Iiijuar 'London, was home for a few Aayls - &OAMMI � - 1-liglou a .� , �� . . will bring to the surface'.- If this during the past -woek-.-Mrs. ftf-l- - were done there would be but little . lie, recently of Kippen, has movea ike dd#� -ko.r but- I more -required. into aur- village -and Mr. Upsh;r1l, , � . . � a tow = � 4 . -� h with --,�rr­q I . - . . I -Smillie, has returned to Kipp, wwadh . I I en, 11 Bwchwood. - , Wbile welcoming' Mrs. smillif�, wo � act the I I - with h" � Big bargains in 1[adieV buttowd boots, regret losing Mr. Upsh�rfll,-]Iut, ae- �� As thre, next Friday and 04turdsoy only. ftvlar SIAO and cording to your Kippeti'correspond- ­ t 12:, for 48C rpair, in sizes of 2 V2, 3 ond 3 1.2 ent, he was longing for the Stir aud U doob only, sampres, In north window. W. 9. WIllie, Sole . t& hozw a art for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladiesand Goo. A. bustle of that village, a;nd li�j-e Ra_ , . . maiden I q 89fer oboes for men, Beaforth. isos-1 , chael w.eeping for her thildren,would ' - �Mte �r� � I I . . . Dots. -A large number from here not be comforted her,e.-The delly- � - imAt Wo I I attended a -box social at St. Colum- PrY of The Expositor here Irast week . ���� wjwh,- b by special conveyance Nvas v�lry mucW �� � ban on the'17tb. They report having � - I I 11 L reciated by its Many r,�&dprs - bad a most -,enjoyable Iiine.-Mr. T. "PP . in - - � *t; one eA Ryan visited friends in Seaforth on -Hansall and- vicinity. -Miss 11arris � -� unk,'.pen Sunday last. -Miss K. Evans has been returned :to Wroxeler this week,- - I ' 14i I . visiting friends, in Dublin f or tbe I ss Shepherd returned homt re- � past couple of weeks. -Mr. Will.&- cently from visiting friends in F,X- I Hibbert, speni a later. -Rev. W. J. Doherty -an,) 'Mrs. ' .- - 13,Rm" Connor, of ­ week i . with his sister, Mrs. P.- Eckert, re- Doherty were in London this w,,*k � voomow 4 contly.-Miss Annie Lynch has re- o bu-siness men- .... I .... I iiv��& I, I turned from . a month's *sit with are,, with commend-a4le ,�rprlse, ..... - WV -for A .-Mr. John Flan- , getting the accumulation of ice and � sito hav friends In Hullett r: I -5 moth, nigan delighted the audience at the snow Off the sidewallos On Main . I'LL �n , . ,social on the 17tb with several new stree , t. -Mrs. E� Nedd and 4ought, � i Uri wh . . I - er J 4 . . *oid of a comic songs, which he renaered In � osic left on Wednesdzty 1-1) V)s- , -. -� . twir VM his usual � leasing style. -S. -J. Hol- t it- her sister in Leamington. -The -.1 p - trains have been rUnlailng prptty . 44&148� land, of S t. Colun�:ban, -called an . hi tbo &b . Doug,,�J, last weak. " Mr. Thomas well -on timic! this week up lo ,date . .- �� $Mtob vc Flannigan, sr., feel- of writirIg and our business wtu ]Adite A . - � wero rejoied to see t), freight will bebi 4ince the box social' I wonder Why I . M I trains once in -ore making their ap- I -Mr. Finlay -McKerojier called on � ­ IG"d Fri, friends in Tuckersmith receritly.- Pe-arance-Mr. Thas. McGri-gor, who - I IW.0 8'" We have been wondering it Mr. Vin- is so well ,and favorably known fil . ��� -1 the tord. � 4ont. ever received the parcel khat this See.tion and who has been spend' - � A. NoW was lef t for 'him at St. Columban Ing the �past month ,with his broithor, ld$*Odfi . last Friday. Information' wq,rkted on John, here., I -oft on Thursday for - ' � vnion idbl I Carberry, Manitoba, wh ,' that subject. I cre, he ha.,- a x4ed R . � number of relatives, and witb whom -- �14 � - - . . he has been visiting for past years, I . - 1. I Hensall, Mr. McGregor finds that the air of - I . - enuide, V I Gladman & Sbanburv. barristers, at Hen. the Prairie Province alway's does him W tridi- I . sall Tuesday, Thursday ana Saturdoys. IS 6:7, - t I good and we wish him a safejourney. L I booing fo I Shops For Ssh,.-The HenRall foutodry and renewed health. -Mr. Alex. 13-a- . - D]UTIX and.machine shopit with the [ands b6loo . ging to the chanan was in Landon on Twesdajr "I L � Inobbew , -- Mine, Int sale Cho For psttioulAre apply to 141st. -Mrs. J. Sutherland -,Ind Miss I I" inst lea . Robert Bell, Sestotth!, . 1863-tf. H. Sutherland were in­:Cl1n,to)a' on "I'll I Mr. Will G. J. Subberlaud, notarypublic, conimls- Wednesday visiting friends. -The . �"t V � 40 inner, conveyancer, Ore and 11fa Insurance agento thaw of the first part of this week Ur.# of Ja and issuer of warringe peenses, Deedo.'mcorUrsgeir, 'was most rapid, taki g a - a arge - leaoes and wills earefUlly LdYAWLn up awording to, n way I ­ : 9f this P! lawaltoxiso-iiiible ratea. Private fands.also loan quantity of our su pi no ; . white,14 coinpany'ast lowest rite of Irterest, Farm and '� r us S 1V ­V1 -9s - -1 .. Mary Hagan who wa,,g home on a , the PM1 village -iroporties for eate. Offico at the Post Office, Visit L , 1883 tf return( -d to Tilbury th-iS Nveek. -L 11 : 1� - It U� ftow, L The Sover,dgn B,*nk of Camad*, Han-� -The Rev. Thomas -XoLa-r,hlan,, 13. A�'- 'Woob of I Pall, Ontario, Head Offloa, Toronto � Executive of. of Bolton is expected to Occupy t1le . 1JUlpit or C. 1. - . - ,- Fort Gar flee, Noutrapt. A general banking usiness transt armel church -on Sabbath -1 1100. 'B acted. Savinirs bankdopar, - .MontL: Speoi&i induce- nfkxt.-M,r. and Mrs. Andrp,w Y-Oung- I I and went � L , ... monts offered In this deourtment. One dollar OPon� blut, who left, hp,re on their wed_ aftrwsrl tin awbunt, Interest allovitod (ram date of deposit. - - L - If. Arnold, Hamager, . 1886 -if ding trip some six weeks a -go and tegut'all � who have been visiting relalivo,.s.-cand ,-- '' , 4Afty, . i A Good Sale.-Oia-e of the most sue � # . - f riend-s 4n a number of places, 3-o,- in faw in oessful sales ever held in LWs dis- . , - ' turned bome, on Tuesday evening Inst. . - 11 - Mweidim , 4* 6 ,trict was thdt,conduoted by Mr. B'. They were, unijbl-e toget a train for I � L Wnfol ' S. Phillip,,$, auctioneer, on Tuesday of .Several weeks owing to the, sno,jy . - t000k. ; 1 last week, for Mr. August Ehnes, on -blockade in the northern parts where I - vit#111t Tv - . I the Zurich road, west of this villago. - � the I they were Mr. Thomas Welsh has . . dollar There was a large crowd presenLt,_ sold his * . friend 61 1 bidding was briii � k and Mr. Phillips new dvi'relring at the, vv, --qt - - Aiadly w I took the IaSt end' of the village to Mr. Pfaff.- L tU distri ' out- of each bid- Miss Prior, of Exeter, is vi.siting b-er . I eett friends here. -Our grain buyers and ' � der. The whole. ale realized $1,900.1 1 fAt na f r. I . A. team of working hoises sold for millers ba-va a large quanfity of L .. 0=11try, 1 $356; cows averaged $50 each; peven produce to ship. -Mr. Gentles, the -L . . 2 year old steer$ aveiaged $58.50 well known, horse buyer, of Kin -oar - each. Mr.L Eh.nes says: he L9 more . vill., - on We4ap- � I dine, was in the age 'S. than pleased with the way the sale TnMBE-7 d,ay.-Mr. W ' -1 m. Mulholland, who bali- of Lm" i I , was condneted and the zood prices been suffering for a number of weeks I zftk 01111 realised. Mr, Uhnes intenits 'going to from a Sore foot, is now able to get � . I . - - I Zurich. Mr. Phillips will conduct 1% dround.-Mr. W. X. Millex, carHaga .1 41 Colb" , sale for Mr. S. H, Pett;y on the 2nd L Xa . - rudy 1 -VA ak0r, was in London last ,.veek on W ��t . . J130 - concession of Hay on April 7th. business.-Mi.s,; Bell of Bjyij,,, ling I lwot4 Brief I . .4,_Afr. H J. D. Cooke bas resum,ed her position as mil1liner . I AMMb "t*4 L " . I :4 . Sufficiently reeo�ered from his re- with E. Rannie, while )Us,.% Edith - - Armia; - , cont, Serious illness to permit of his Stoneman has ejugaged with y.r. J4 ftIrm, ------ "I I I L � I appearing on our Streets ag,%in.- W, Ortwein.-Laige quantities of , , .have bee� L .� - �� .. Mr. Tbomms Dnyman has moved in- - freight arn bein -9 received at . the , . � -by Rev,. -1 to Mr. Robt. Carlisle's d-welli,119 at station. - � ' the west end of our village. -Mr. . I . . U? phow L Thomas 10. Eyre was in London on L"�­ ! I this lw�A . --.r L '" business last we�k.-Rev. br. Xedd -The Mitvhe�l Checker Club went I 1:1111, ** -I"t 1.1 11 igoodacot � h VeLeial sermon on the to Ru-sseldaleom evening recently to �- Wm- too *� 9, I sin of garabling, ba the Methodist play the return m.a e �� .. I teh with theftl- - . ­ ' 1610'Ve OUT church. on Sunday evening. Th�&re larton club. They cam. le ut second .. Blyth. ij� xe al.tandance aa,d the qor- best, thftL '-qe , -- - . , . . ore bving 74- X I � e0te.-Mc � .- -I. - L. . - -ftlends .., UM' 0 L - . . . � , . 11 � 4 � i 'BL Much � - Jamift .1 BEAVER � RAND, *f big 3. ., . .. h I i. I L . . - L �, Hat 7 1 1 .1 - at� I . I I - 401111 43 , . . � . I—- - 1. ­­ - , "t mi . I � - - , . ' " : - Mrs. To, - I - Lftt Vifi-.11_ - I I , For=L a:1=de=hyd,e I - rftft �, I � 0 vithf,U I . I i - . L 41113r. : ; I i 44+4446 41 -P-10 i i F i §-" i i i i i it F . ; . i �� . . . j ... I I ,:� 11 . - LL : - i, i � � Tbis is the article that h" proved beyond doubt to the farmers in tbis'neighborm - � hood the value of Formaldehyde aaa. preventStiVe LQf AMUt ingrain . We are gbA 4,00 I � , - I that tbe letoter from Prof. U. A. Zavitz, ot fhe Guelph Agricultural Colleg - e, P Y # . � NOVEN . . uMisbod ­ � _ - -al thot r - ,We 01SInied for itL THP .P 'JR - '. , on the 2ad:page of lost weeles EXPOSITOn, besirs out all -A W �r,m- YEARS AGO, &n4 It is. cortailmly. a source of ntisf"floh to find that the bapnw - , - . County of HL - 1-1* iliskiotZ( - uron has beeii resping the benefit of this knowledge so far in 'advanoe, of, , z �� lett liswt � mWny other parts -of Lthe Country. - 1, - I � . 4. � - . ' I . , farm -f 11 Beaver Brand 11 Formaldehyde is not b6ttled by me, but:; iG A SPECIALLY -00-,4- - b I . 0-. . - - "- . (131INTRATRID l0lution pub up for tne. under this copyrigbted label, to distingalih it from I . ta. bive, the solutions sold in bulk. It can always be depended on as uniform in . atre-ngth, sud . -- wvast st7 cortain, to do the work expeoted � of li. . - - they I Ion L I - . PRICZ'35C and 600 A BOTTLZ. 7 Z- W-fery 1 .- U10're . 1 34140 his L However, to those who may wa-at s lower priced srtl3le, and In order to testi the com- --L - r. J. I parative value of tho ordinary bulk s,.);as, I have this year purehased s quantity Of _ - � Ur. n. L I .. I the best make Procurable, and will retail ib at the rateof 35o per pound, . 1 44. P�l . L � - W]:T 10-1%- -N - Wftk " - - %.Vial _ L .b . ­ a . LT 'T _ _J S &� - a,-_ IF - ALEX. ( ) ­ - �� M14 1 � I r I �, - I I fort I IDIR U (23drO-Isr.r I I - I I- . .; . ' 02 . 1 0*44P at La a P-1 F. - - � IrTRST DOOR NORTH 1). , OF PICKARD'S, SEAFORTM, T -- on . - - � . I - - � . - ; ; - I . 2 � . . . . � . � - I I - - . L �