HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-11, Page 2f VOOVe, THE HURON EXP SITOR DISTRIOTILAMTERS glop The following is the report of the pupils in sehool section No. 4, McKile lop, for the month of February. ,They are based on regularity, punc- tuality, -good conduct and general proficiency: L Class Senior -Win- . ads ' McIntosh, Georne Lockhart, Charles*Riley. IL Class Junior -And- rew Gritnoldby, Marion Grirnoldby. IT Class Seniord-Archie Diekson, Em- ma Lockhart, Chester Henderson. lil Class Junicir-deetaggie McClay, Elizabeth GrimeIdby, Mary Riley. Class Senior -Minnie Ilabkirk. IV. Class Junior --Rey Dorra.nce, IV, ,Class senior -Alex. Dickson, Eva Lockhart, Ivy Henderson, Ada Hab- kirk. Stareey- &boot Report -The followinn is ,'the February report of school sec- tion NO. 10, Stanley,, based on „gen- eral proficiency, puectuality and regularity of attendance : V. Oass. -Wm, McQueen, Bella Ross, Jtmes Thomson. Senior nd- reer Murdoch, Mack Ross, Tena Fras- er, James O'Neil,tie. Junior IV, -Class. -Harold Campbell, Ernest Mustard, Lizzie Aikenhead. 1111. Class. -Helen Bagger, Mabel Swan,. Nettie _ Fras- er. II. Class. -Frank MeGregor,Flor- ence Makins, Pearl Makin's. Part If. -Tan McKay, Earl 'Kaiser, George pampbell. Part 1.--ausiell Makins. -The February monthly repor t of school section No. 14, Stanley,- is as follows, names in order. of merit: Fifth -A. W. Johnston, F. R. Clegg,. 3a. E. Rathwell. F`ourth-Eleanor A. •-Hood, N. II. jones, J. R. Murdock. Senior Third -Jean Grassiek, Arth- ur Ricker. Junior Third -Etta Jar- rott, Mabel McBeath, Ageie Gem- mel -11. Second -John Kehl, James Geraraill, Oda Mcl3eath. Second Part -Bruce Logan, Arthur Jones, Lola Etathwell. The best spellers in the znonthly spelling matches were: Fifth -Ida 'Dinsdale. Fourth -Elean- or Hood. Senior and Junior Third - Murray Fisher. Second -.Oda Me - Beath. Second Part -Arthur Jones. • Beechwood. (*tended for last week.) Briefs. -Miss Mona Sills, of Sea forth, is the guest of -Mrs. J. one this week. -Our assessor. Mr.W. Evans, has been, unable to make his yearly, visit yet owing to an attack of rheumatism. We sincerelyhope for his speedy recovery.-MissKath- leen Durkin. of London, is holiday- ing with friends in this vicinity. - Miss .L. V, Kennedy, of Seaforth. was a visitor at Mr. J. V. Ryan's over Sunday. -Miss Mae Evans has returned from a six weeks' visit with friends in Hullett.-Miss Mat- thews- is •visiting friends in .Detroit at present. -Mr. T. Ryan was .in Stratford for a few days this week. -Messrs. McGregor are busy beetl- ing materia,1 for a foundation for tneir barn, which they intend rais- ing in the spring. -Me. George Dix- on ealled op old triexide here. lent $eledede-Mr. and gre. -peter Dejan- ley 414 iteenelther Wien 4.eld NT: and UPit IQ'Ponnor bid tertawoll to theirmiiTiftlentie la* *tat* an4 -Jeff ffir Merit- ht9iii.e.e f4.tifoeilliff, iiEffer d pledieelif of ne tom two nionitit*, Tilief Wend npendinef game time in &imago and 0fiti,gf 6.14-ie4 on theit w olittet tettailly tleatinionied tkt iittetidsz fetswitiiitg thefe Yee' d Poe Yeklee -Wd .411615eS4.-- 1110 &tail' *eery visited frietcds itt geaforth reetirtly,-Mise A. Teytieft is visiting in Hittlett at present, - Ne have had a glimpse of the March lion. We wish the lion would re- tire and give the lambthe stage. Don't you? Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both eoev and disinfectant. 34 Treatment for Smut in Oats. (Written for The Expositor.) Many enquiries have been made by Ontario farmers regarding the treatment of smut in oats. Experi- ments have been conducted at the College in order to tmertain the most effectual remedies whieh Cart be used for this pest. Two variet- ies were selected in the spring of 1002, and again in the spring of 1903, and uniform samples from each var- iety were submitted to special treatments with the object of kill- ing" the spores of emut adhering to the grain. The various treatments were as follows: I-fmmereion in hot water. -For this treatment the'grain was plac- ed in a bag, which was then immerg- ed in water af about 115 degrees F. Soon _afterwards it was placed in water which was kept at a temper- atrue between 130 degrees and 135 -deg r ecs Tit e grain was occasion- ally stirred and allowed to remain in the waterfor a period of fifteen minutes. It was then spread o u t on a clean nier to dry, where it was stirred occasiona 2 -Immersion in Milestone solu- tion for five min u t res. -For No. 2 trea ment a strong solution was made by dissolving one pound of Copper Sulphate, (Bluestone) irt one gallon of water, and then immers- ing the oats in the monition for a Period of five minutes, 3 -Immersion in Milestone solu- tion for t welye lion tee -In t his t ref( t in en , the bluest one solu t i on was made by diemoiving one poand of blueei one in '25 gn lions of water, and 1 lie oate were immersed in this solution for a period of twelve hours, 4-14prinklinf wit h bluestone sot- _ tation.-This solution wee made by dissolving one pound or bieegtone itt 1,0 gttlions of eater, ei Moll was use ed for apri cacti n g over the oats until they were thoroughly moist- ened after beine Carefully stirred. 5-f mmubdon in pot a asin in sul- phide solution.—The 1tif se, iun t sul- phide 1 rea t merit eons late ft in son k- in, i he seed for tee hours in a SW tion made by dissolving 8 pounds of potandurn euhatide itt en eallons ur wt 6r, • fie-Immer.sion in diluted formalin (formaldelivdee-The solution of for- inatine for the immersion pro- eess was made. by pourine one hale - pint of the formalin into 21 gallons of water, and the seed oa ts '.v(r( .13n- ersed in t he eof u 1 on fpr t went- y min u t es, ' 7-4p kiine. wit It dilut ed forma- lin. -One half ;Aim or forinalin poured into five gallon.; of writer. The oats lien. then sprinkled with this solution ;Ind carefully stirred 110111 the Zr: in wa .4 thoroughly moistened. More than half the battle in Cleaning greasy dishes is in the Soap you use. If it's .Sunlight Soap , It's the hest; . 8B I 8-tintreate4L-One 1 sample of oats ° of each variety was left ntreated in order that the Influence of the various treatments Might be observ- e& • . Eight lets of oath of eaeh 'Varie- ty were, therefore, need for this ex- } periment, After the treatments had I been, dompleted af few hours, the oats were carefitlln •sown in separ- ate plots; When the oats Were com- ing inter head, the were examined / frequently , and el smutted heads were, removed and arefelly counted from (ley to day.1 The following table gives the teFtal. per oentage of smutted heads of oats from each ' treatment: 1 e Percentage of Treatment. . crop smutted. 1. -Hot Water .0 2. -Bluestone (5 minutes) 1.3 3.-13litestone (12 hours) .3 4.-B1ueatone (wrinkled) 1.4 5.-eltetaesium Sulphide (2 hours) 1.7 6. -Formalin (20 minutes) .0 , 7. -Formalin (sprinkled) .0 8. -Untreated , 4,7 The smut in oath Very frequent- ly causes a groat :reduction in the yield of grain. The treatmentwith hot -Water.. tormalin, and immersion be ,bluestone for tweeve hours have .given the best results at the Col - ego. The formalin is a clear liquid which can be obtained from almost any drugstore. The treatment with formalin is cagily performed, eons- paratively- cheap, nd very effeetu- ual. Farmers would do well to treat their oats before , sowing in the i spring,. • , J•• C. A. Zavitz. Ontarro Agricultural College, Guelph. _______ Cessem„ leeithe Minteenesa and inner threat aihnents are quickly relieved by &ortolan° tablets, ten cents per box. All drtiggists Manitoba Notes. a -Frank Finn, ion of Rev. F. M. Finn, chaplain of the Stoney Moun- tain Penitentiary., is believed to have been lost in *a snew storm in the Moose Mountain country, ,noth- ing having been heard of hilt for several weeks. -Mr. J. H. Agnew, the new Pro- vincial Treasurer of Manitoba, and who represents the constituency of Virden, is a barrister by profession. He studied law in Winnipeg., gradu- ated from Manitoba University, and has been practicing, law in Virden for over eighteen years. He has always taken an active interest in politics and educational matters, being a Medeber of the -University ceupeil, He is a ziewlok)-r ii1 the begisle- tom, i)Agn firet rgtoroo4 tho iz'energi telPeCA9114 1#4 .var, ..="ntot72 i4 nil iielliAtion Among flift ihnikiitotioir* Witted tit the 00010 of itomtierif itfoiidoti theie ateaoreling. to M, 4, Miefinniti, twin," /monk dies/wioi§ OW eity of Winnipeg., it ia Nit it OP f &if 116'0 digtitte tile tam& of the iieukitehoes, but a &aim a- ffivh, ;v011Pktkitt tlie WO/ id Mil the larget eohytty 1E1 tlye vieittity of York ten and Swan River, 1 i News Notes. -Mr. :40 Mrs. David Carpenter of Cornwall, celebrated the fiftieth an- nivereaty of their marriage last week. -It dost the city of Toronto over twenty thousand 'dollars this winter so far, to remove the snow from the street and kee the se I 111 clear. Mrs; Mitchell, wife of John Mit- chell, updertakerintGuelph, expired suddenly in her kitchen on. Sunday morning, while preparing breakfast. -Stratford is to have, the first cadet corps in der the new pro tia.Act. it is to Lo bein connect church. -There is a decrease of ie239,440 iri the amount of building permits is- sued clueing the first two rnontbs• of this year as compared with the same two- manna last year. Does this portend a turf -tin e of the tide? -J. Elms, one 71.1 the sr,i'lciest enein- ersee on 1 he Canadian Pacific, died of teem, diseesee on his eng, ine. A few mornings ago he was coning east on his engine,pulling a passenger train and was -just. about to pull out of Buda when: the fireman noticed his head drop and, found that be bad died at bis poet. lie was taken to Fort William Where, his fatally- resides. drivine to. London a few. days ago Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston, of - London . township, met with a pain- ful aecident. 'Mrs. Johnston. was ae- compartied by her eon and daughter, and thc. three were thrown into •the road through thee cutter upsetting. The aged lady's leg was broken and she was _badly shaken up, but her -companions were not injured. .-The Canadian Pacific steamer, Lake Manitoba, reeently sailed for Canada with over a thousand steer- age paesengere, 700 of whom were cont inenial ern iterents, Italians,aus- t rians, letineariens, Russians and Galiciens. The balance included a hundred young men, emigrating un- der the auspice's of the Canadian Ver- niers' Help Sosiety. —Tho „vastness Of the constituency of Algoma may in sotne manner be judged from the remarks of its re- presentative . in the local Legisla- ture, Mr, W. Ii. Smyth. In a speech recently delivered be said his con- stituency. is four hundred miles one. W ay 11 n (1 . Clod k news how -far the other. way. It is evident from this •that. Mr. Smyth has never made. a personal canvass of his constituenc,v. -The Bran t ford Courier mak'. the following reference to the man who was acquit ted at the assizes t here tor .the -murder of the litele girl, Irene Cole : Joseph Kennedy is one. On Saturday afternoon a closed ca b tlrttvv (0 the Colborne street. station. Arriving there, two men stepped Out, and, though pea Wntild 'he likely to deceive once -of tbent was Joseph Kennedy. Tt was not tjie sarrie1 man that sat in t he* dock' a t t he court house all last week, ; if Was Joseph Kennedy; min us m us ta clic, • with b is fa ee she vete as cleanly as Tossible and his hair cut dose. Yet he could eas- ily enough be recognized. 11 WAS. n I) (103)rquiet ly. A single- t icket • estern Ontario, un- isions of the Mill- e fifty strong, and on with St. James was bought for Chicago, the $.50 train boarded, and as the iron horse steamed out of 'the city, Kennedy went with it. There were -few at the station, and as a result tbe de- parture of the liberated mall was not attended by a demonstration of , any kind. It is hardly necessary to 'say that Kerrnedy; has gone for good. -The Financial News of London, England, says the Grand Trunk Pa - 'riffle scheme exceeds in magnificence even that which excited admiration and skepticism when the C. P. R. was broached. The- Grand Trunk should now be called ' the Little Trunk." There is every reason to be- lieve that tbe' shareholders will heartily support he G. T. P. scheme for the advantages to the G. T. R. far exceed the risks. -The Toronte World says: On Friday evening , last 450 people paid 25 cents admisSion to a meeting at Thornhill to hear R. R. Gamey, M. L. A. Another- big • audience greeted him the fo11owiig night at a meet- ing over the Do4. Toronto Junction Conservatives, vbo had Mr. Gamey address them . a couple di months ago, are havin him again to -mor- row 'night. Mr4 Gamey has more calls to address .4lic meetings than he can satiety. 11 / -The forty dgirls employed at Joseph Taradash s wrapper- fentory, DaYonee, New ersey, decided by a unanimous vote, to conduct thebusi- ness themselves lit allowed to do so Taradash disappeared three weeks ago, owing conSiderable money to them. , A mor gageon the busi- ness is held by he Briron de Efirsch Fund, whieh wIl be -asked to afford the young wo en an opportunity of displaying th ir ability in running the business on a co-operative plan. The girl found that they would have to • et a new boiler, and this thee !Ave arranged to get on credit. -.Mr. and Mr Independence,- 1 seventieth world ng anniversary, and, it is believed, olcl the record for tnarriedrlife in OWa, if not the Un- ited States. M . Proble is 92 years old and big wif is 87. Thu are both in good he ith, and ,Mr. ,Preble •was found split ing wood by friends who called to c ,ngratulate. He reads the newspapersand keeps abreast with the affairs of) the day. Mrs. Preble te quite deg, but otherwise in geed health. Of their long mar- ried Meg; years have been spent in Buohanan County, and forty years in Independence. oth were horn in Vermont. They have had seven chil- dren and three are now living. The aged couple ha e been lifelong mem- bers of the M sthodist churoh4 and they ascribe t eir good health to temperate linin . . -An influent al deputation wait- ed on. Premier p,oss ajew days ago, and pressed for a continuance of the bounty on beet root sugar, which would, under t it present act, dis- appear after t1ZiS season's crop of beets was hand ed. The members of the depuration ointed out that the beet -growing industry has proved a most peofitable one for the farm- ers, and that ie time sugar produc- tion wodid prove a great manufac- turing industry., Up to the pres- ent, however, the initial difficult - tee have' proyed Inch as tes prevent §oioo of Lim featorio.s nvilkin,z AniN fri.eg,,,Oge 4iffletaity waa in wiltr., in fit- 114-iffiekoitly lArge fifeg a begt§r liAl Wfflifi JO fileeferellifitO ree ffeeeft fid ald lertitere heeefiee degoosi ofOm pfofita in Ow&Mit Off?, 4114 IWO in itie tiig.iief fli4f'S3 Olit bott fti-W tifiEl fliftfitiffiteflif@ii protitiel§ die ta11twaya7 Iva 80t1igtifSti Witli lited Sirtift tatilwast§, To (Aire a, Cold in Olio bay, Talc a Le X 4 MVO Brom° gainine Ttsbets. M drueeim in refuel!' the Money if it WM to _cure E. We Grove's eignatnre', is on each box. 25e, 1 Onias Preble, of wa, celebrated their The Beet Sugar Industry. The Salon t o Star eayo : The beet huor induet,y in Ontario is critical htige, Four factorien have be reeted during the pest -two or thr eure—at Wiertoc, Dresden. Berlin, an Wallaeeburg. Two millions of dollars ha eon pat hotolhem, most of the money ha ng come from Michigan, where the indu ry is an extonsitre one. The factory VViarton has fetled ; the one in Dresden ot in operOon ; only two of the four a ontiquing • the effert to establish them elves, and even these .declare that the list give up the fight tiniest) the Gated overnment, eame to their assistance, A he incer,ion of theme faeteries the Logi tere permed an Ace giving thern-a Want r three years of halt a cent a potted -to he first and second yeare,,and a auerter o cent for the third veer. The first yea e , !metier; hmeented to 875,000; th coed year to $71,000. Title ooming year t the Joe qu tater cent rate, will see th mount cat in bale After that, unless th aunty is extended for another term, w e promieed e,omplete collapse, the lots 0 Liege monist of papital, and the dieutp- intment of hopes fur it new source o reperity for our farmers. Uaeepteted diffiSulty bee been experi eed in getting:iti sufficient quantity o tre to supply the plants to their ful parity, At Walliteeburg, for /tritium, O supply hot b'ear wee 20,000 toes heress the capaeity of the factory is 76, 10 tone, A *Wady increase in the *apply no v going on, but it will tske another re,e or four yeors we are toldebefore the ofitahlenees of best-growlog will have at, cued the attentionof it wide enough eir• of fern -tern. Ab .ut the induatryle value the femora there can be no quettion. bas been (Immo t• atkd that Oatario .eari ow beets ae good as any other pin, of the rid. in from aniong the bundle of per. al testimonlee we ;select one to illuatrate profit deleness of beet -growing under ad conditione, Mr, W. J. Deleon, near alt ham. planted 912 acres last summer, m which he sold 189 tons of beets, iob, after deducting freight and cost of d, norted &mm e822.86. Moreover, in nectirn with this point of its value to iced t tire it is elatimed for tho industry t, in addth addition to,e first profit received m the fautery, the pu'p of the beets er the factory is through with them' fur - 11,1; excellent and cheap ftdder, making he beet eager factory an auxiliary t3 dairying inter -eat, faetpry is now being pro -noted in erhoro. and if the Government can be suaded to extend the bounty it it, likely t the Dresdeu plant will be moved down e. Meanwhile evere Jibing itS in Aue- to. Tbe futare tie said to depend upoe Legislature. Evt ryloly unitee in the industry is in a tight place, '1'n'e r refintries in Nlontreal and the Meri- Provinces have natur illy given it ail trrouble and opp eition possible. Tneir .ois plain. They are importing thing like $7.i 00,000 worth at beet r from Germany annually to refine it he Cetsdian market. This teeineret be taken from them and their do tre 'ti if Ontario fitt'InPrn kand faetories A UA - in supplying Canada with sugar. r factories ar ng the Roger a se. Of the pr r part. The ol at An CO CI VC V. 5. is re 9. e t, 43 le fa th PO a a Sr po 11 en be et th der tier ele to it grwo son 'the go fro wh see eon agr tba fro aft ft t the A Pt tha ther pen ths ing suga time the purrot sem suga for 1 will clos eeed Suga mai proee loose themselves re6otriee, d rtfioiog all in nne oese, the refining ir the refineries only put $5 You can't cure a cough or cold, from the outside. You nust cure it through the bloo Shiloh's Consump4on Cure The Lung Tonic is the only remedy rat will do this, _ It gets right to the root f the trouble. It is guaraeteed to cure. Prices 25c., 60c. and 1,00 S. C. WELLS 86 CO. Toronto, Can, LeRoy, N.Y. "Lb 1111011111111M, wee,* of labor upon a ten of im rted Ger- man sugar, wherees factories mu h as those at Wallsemburg and Berlin ere instrumen. tel in putting 170 worth of Can in labor neon eareh ton. According to the prinolple oi whioh Rabelais lire advocated the beet auger men hose a enventable ease, Veen hose of us who look /whence upon subsidle mutt et lout have,feellogs of sympathy for on in- dtntry whioh, heviag ' miecelcaleted ite difficulties, is threatened with -disaster. lXLL BEAar YES Tbee*Dyes will dye Woal, C ttoo, Silk, Jute Ur Mixed Cloods in one bet -they are the fittest and most improved Dye iu the world. Trpi owkage. If yoUr druggist hasn't then) send direct to Rexall Chemical Co., 60 Adelaide.St., East Tomato. lete.52 II Willlam Shafferosbrairemen o Dennieon, Ohio, was confined tci his had for eevers1 weeks with inflenimatory rheumatism. "1 used many remedies,". be says. Finally I aenteto .1do0aw'l drug store for a bottle of Chamberlain's Pan Balm, at whioh time I was'amible to use hand or foot, and in one week's time Was able to go to work as happy as et dein." Fn. sale by ALEX, WIL- SON. Druggist, Seeforth. • Grippe Headache. o. Angleton, Whitewood. 1:1 T., writes " Milbernei Ifeadeohe kowde have given me great relief front the terrible pains of La Grippe In iny head and through my back." Price 10c and Masai! dealers." 111•11101,1111111a. Maple Syrup Sap Pans, Bucke s and Spites. mime .•••••• Now is the time to prepare your sugar. making outfit for the epring. Galvan. ized sap pails of every deserip ion made to order. Tree Pruners .44.4 4WO, ifyon #xyggt yout kw goo r***ita DOA* apckod; ma mow& prttsing goo * long ity*y Ati# argait4watk We fiewe Jot feeeived hipewki& tileera ga6tia, svidet efe #11ig**Sy lye. Iw fegttleif oleo, NU hi Ord 'elearriffie for youiseil and be cenviaeed, Sills &M rdie HARDWAR SZA..13101Z MEC .s cost more—yield mor' nye aft experlotentln save 4leappointments.1 years the Standeed . Sold by all deatere. 904 Seed Annual postpaid free, to ell smokes:1m D. M. rEJLEY. at Windeori 0 Prize Winning Short Horns for Sale. night young Scotch Short Horn ells, trent im- ported and home bred wee, got by tiuported eull, also young eow, eith gaff • foot or itt cell to :Ine, potted bali, aim a number of kite e of breeding agemid younger, Ale° • lot of et ed peso allele eerie thing variety, it medium eizd white pea, Envie front feed got near North 1ay hurt year, Tbeersreleitted over 87 bushele per .cni end not bug in them. Priam very modera, DAVID MILNE BON, Ethel Ont, 18.404, f, THE HURON HOTEL, GODER1011, • ONT. eTeD. ial 41, Formerly t.pf tbCominolsigAforth, ee• f ibi tandem cordisi Invite -We to ref 'hie Oki Invade and petroze. when visiting Oaderiob, to become gueste of tbe ninon Hotel, nerbie hotel le Bret•ohme in Termyermeeposeensteice,nd,,e11will .bo made eemfeetebte, 181I041 J, D. ELLIS, Proprietor. oargiwip*ra. STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Body Toned • up and invigorated by Mr, r. W. Meyers, King St, E. Berlin, Ont„, says : "1 sefIcred for fiVe years with palpitation, shortness of breath, sleepletemess and pain in the heart, but one box of Milburn's llesed and N-erve coropletelY rernovhd all these dis- tressing symptetos. I have not suffered since taking Vieth, and now sleet) well and feel strong and vigorous!' Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills cars aM dioceses arising from weak heart, worn out nerve tissues, or watery bleed- ereenellie GETTING IN THE WALNUTS. An ladtattirr That Coxes California Conwtry Selloole. The...first English walnut orchard la Canfernirt was_pianted with seed from the ties Angeleasilasion,gtqdeASew4re the padres had started a Ow trees With nuts brought with them from Spain. The undertaking was a filleCOSS from the first, and the acreage of walnuts has steadily increased. The walnut treo's early age of bearing, its long life and the steady demand for its product tend to make the enterprise deservedly popular. The walnut tree begins to bear when six or seven years old, and nothing is known- definitely of its age limit of bearing. Fabulous stories are told 'of trees' in Spain one or two centuries old bearing enormous crops. The oldest trees. in California are still bearing, but deductions from the short history al- ready niade show that the tree is in its prime from its twenty-fifth to its thir- tieth year. Fifteen hundred pounds of nuts to the are is a good average yield, making seventy-five pounds the average. weight from one tree. The harvest time begins about the middle of September and lasts nearly six weeks, The nuts begin to fill with the leaves, and the perfect cultivation under the trees leaves an chance for them to law themselves among clods or weeds. The brown /lead leaves alone hide the*nuts, Under normal easel ditions they drop free from the outer husk, or hull, through its irregtilar bursting, and getting .tbe 'into pleked up is I -simple matter, Sometimes tl2e trees are 'well irrigated just before kar- vest time to insure the -clean dropping of the mats. Boys and girls, men and women, Jap- anese and Chinese, are all pressed into service, and on hands and knees the great orchards are gone over, net once, but several times, on account of the ir- regular 'timing at the nuts. The trees are occasionally shaken during the sett son to loosen, the nuts, and before the last gleaning tkey are "poled" to start the very tardy ones. This Is done by • long, coarse_ bamboo poles, whose light weight makes them &telly handled. In certain rural districts the public schools close' regularly for a "walstri vacation." The help of the children A needed, and the children are nothing loath to replenieh their .ditninisherl .purses. Pails, cans and gunnysacks are scattered among the pickers, and wheti. the bags are full they are carried to the drying grounds, where they ard spread out ea slat trays to dry,-Be4 view of Reviews. THE EVERGREENS. White ?inc.-Five needles in a bun- dle; scales of coue thickened at the top. Scotch Pine. -Two bluish green, short nefedles in a bundle. Fin -Erect eene; at, spreading nee- dles scattered singly. Austrian Fine, -'Iwo long, dark green needles 1P. a bundle. Tiorwsy Swum - Lop ***Om teinmow oggiter. O'fier4les• p#Jpt flWW1 Noising onto; 1st sloVi eiee4lt4 1s * el*t/411 fij ofit 'WC; 41.#4 btenktg; iitigaf OW, Arlio 1f1ttetiteittis; efise* few oiled, snit est, 1Wee deeted6 Meer: eaeli, White Cedar. ---Cones roundish, with four to eight seeds under each. Pitch Plne.-Dark stiff needles a_ ranged in trees. Disetenetent With work. That there fa much diecontent Witdd work among the so called middle classes fa America is duo in large peel to the pampering a children, to Ai, supplying ef their 'natural and artiacial wants and. to the eentimentalldea thee "their day of toil Will come soon enough." In general, wotk is not a curse, but a bicsing-ii. -positive meas 1 of grace. One can hardly begin. tee early to Imnress upon chlKrenelentent of self belp by tash..5 appropriate'to their age and forces and le beget ha them scorn of kllenose and of depend- ence en others, To do this Le to mak* them happy through the Self rmieet that c0111eS with the realisation of,pow- and thus to approximate Tennyseten goal of Man, "Self reverence, self knowledge, self control." -Century. Do It Now. The rollovring sentiment has been variously attributed to Stel?ben Grei- et, Sir Rowland Bill, EdwArd Courte- nay and the Earl of Devon, and Is said to have been inscribed upon' the tombstone of the latter: "I or.peet to pass through Ms world but one. If, therefore, there be any kindness' 1 can show or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let inc do it now, 'Let as not defer it nor neglect It, for I shall not pess ties way again." Premett ore yetia-ne. Wealthy •A mere ean Father -in -Jaw -- Look here, count! I'm Kett/0,T tired of paying your dente. Count Roylon 4. B a k ko v I Pi tie k-tio soon? Sere, you bat not paid ze half of ne debts yet! Moat Go Abroaa. "Whitt MA kes you think they are riett A Inoriett us?" "Because thee- know so much more about other eountries than their own." lent In Ills Lime. Empleyer- -You don't seem to be able to du anything. New Clerk --Well, I al- leoiys had a politleal job until I struck this one. There have undoubtedly been bad ereat men. but inasmuch as they were had they were not great. MARCH 11 1904 we Back for Fibur Months. Was nable to Turn in Bed Without Help. Plaisters and Liniments No Good. •••••••YO.101•1.0.. This WAN th* sexpeetieenote of Mr.Bete amiss St•werr, ZoiWfl1., NIL ginalgemalaWINIII/11 ItO.THIRDS OP A BOX or D °eat s kidney Pills CURED .HIM. fie tells of his experience in the fano*. ing words: ‘‘For four menthol was troubled whir a lame back and all this time was un. able to turn in bed without help. I tried plasters and linirnentri of all kinds leutwith no effect. At bet I was induced to try Doan's Kidney Pills, and by the time I had used two-thirds of& box my back was as well and as strong as ever and has kepi eo ever since." Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty, Cloudy,Thlek orilighly Colored Urine, Puffing under the Eyes, Swelling of the Feet and Ankles, are altsymptonu of kidney trouble that Doen's_Kidnen Pills will cure. Price so cts. per box or 3 for St..sS, *1 deale_rs, or THE DOAN KIDNEY PILL CO, TORONTO, OK?. Money to Loan. The Corporation of Tuekeremith Lave $8,700 of 'wheel fund monies on hand to Loan on good term iteetnitteo at ourreut rates of interest. Parties re- quiring such should apply to G. S. Turner, tree.urer, °lintels P, O., or to A. G. Smielle, clerk, Hen - *11 P, 0,e or to the undersigned, G,S. Black, Reeve, Seeforth P. 0, 1. -1-t1 INTC:k - Notice ie hereby given that a by-law was passed by *be C0ilf3eil of the Townehip of MeHillop, oath° 181h Day 'Of February, A. , 1904, p melding for the tune (*.debentures to the . amount of te0,000, for the purpose of a bonus to the Guelph junotion Belt- way, to pay for the right of way, and that eueh by- law vral registered in the registry office of Ciode- eel, in the county of Huron, on the 20th Day of February, A, D.,1934. Any niCtline 110 queen or set toside the ewe or any,pArt thereof mut be Riede within tierce months -after the publication of by- law, on the 261h, of February, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 28Lh Day of February. 1904. JOHN 3. MORRISON, Clerk. 1800-8 LN ;FOR Spralan Straiel, Clete, 177cuezie tilerroo Open Sores, Breeze. Sfaf Joie% Infra and Sting g of 'elate Coogres, Coatracted CordRheumatism, lkleora'elia, Stone/init.. Croup, Sore Throat; QuCtroey, Whoopitte Cough s.sti all Pahlitti Sentiogs. h. l'ele.ROE 13 -`'T -i 250, L.L1 mber Lath, Shingles Mouirlin ash and Doors. N. CLUFF & SOW SE AFORTH. Burdock Blood Bitters holds a poeitIola unrivalled by any ode* blood mdicjn.e as a cure for DYSPEPSIA, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION, HEADAC SALT RHEUM, SCROFU/sA, HEARTBURN, SOUR STOMACH, DIZZINESS, DROPSY, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, RMPLES, RIaGWORM, er any dinsa,ss trilling from s, dilordered state of the Stentsch, Liver, Bowels or Zioed. When you require a good blood medicine get RURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Directory for 1903. MICHAEL MURD itetve, Winthrop P, 0. JOHN S. BROWN, Couneillor, &littoral P. 0. CHARLES LITTLE, Councillonthroi r, Wip P. O.: JOHN MURRAY, Coot/eater, Beecerwo. O. JOHN Al, oovemACK. Conneinor, Winthrop P.O. JOHN 0, MORR18./N, Clerk, Winthrop f•-• DAVID M. ROiei, Treaourer, Winthrele P 401,01014 SHANNON, J. P., asoitstr laved°, wietbrep P 0 le AUCTIONEERS, fl'LIOMtH BROWN: Mcleod Asetioneer for the 1. Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Ceaupbeties implement ivArfirOo,218, Soaf0 or Trite Nieroteree Offt.10, Will Wei prompt Atte - etlefeeetion glearanteo4 or no ob;rge, le Tettes0 ItiolpfiCHARI., lhteused auctioneer ice ty the ()minty of Hurongees s.tteneled to in any pert et the county at moderate rates, and satiefadeoe guaranteed, Orders lett at the Seaforth Pot *left or at Lot 2. Coneeseion 2, Bellett, wUlreoeive prompt attention, mut A U&IONEERIN0,--111. 6, Phillip', 7.,inee4 Auellotteer for the ocrenthe of Huron em Perth. Being a erettivii fumes and the:m.44 -understanding the valeta of farmseock and lute 'Dente, places tne la a better position tor:meet gol. priooe Charges moderate. 8&t1ifact1nguarentee4 or Dopey.. Allorderslefli at fleneAll pola eteee at Lot ell, (3onomelon 2, Hay, will be proteptlyl Minded to, neett -- TAMES A. SMITH, licensed audioneer for the counth of Heron, Sales promptly attendee to In any part of the county and satiefeotion puree. teed. Address Winthrop P.O. lfe-liett IMIIORTANT NOTICES. rI10 PIG BREEDER/J.-The undersigned wjjj k /or service the pure bred Terketere -etre, toe efernelon, reoentiv purcheeed from the w eIl biome leerd of 3 rethour. Burford, Ontario, sea bred -bon grime of hie beet stock, Me sire being the ehampion,stthe Pon American. Terme SI. A. O. Tockenneltb. 1674 -it NX ONE wishing to buy or sell Winnipeg eity pr, perty, et _farm lands in tbe Provbele atilNeba or the Territerica, your corrospandenee with us is soil Ited, and full Inform:talon gives. Please call onor addreee /I eRE LA.NDS139401.1011 NO, 527 Main street, ihinuipeg, Meoltabl, teeteet DIG FOR SALE AND FOR SERVICE—For fele, a nom bred Yorkelsfre pig, twowod•a•hill yeere *Id. I have Witten as a stook pig In my herd for two years and ean auerantee hint OttinfaerlFy ip ery tesoece and a tot, etas; gook getter. I have leo purehmed a ycrang pig of the same breed emu Wro, Dome, of North Deuce, end to which feel As. MO *limited number el sowet the ovine terms, Mir 14 an exceptionelly good pig. On Let tit, ewe. Oeseion 1, Huron news, Tuckersmith. J. B Here demo. le.88u A UOTION SALE- OF FA.RM ?boa jj leerelok has instructed irr Thomas Catneree to mil by poblio suction, on wage part of lot 1 and eeeeemr ee 2, Trokeremith. reo Feetlev, March 18th, at 1 °Polack sharp, the following property Eforeee—One goldfog wit rising 2 yesrs old. 1 colt 7 tnoothe old, beth sired ,by Intoden n, Winto. Cattle -Five oows Clilf.1 natters dee eel 43111VO in October. Plget-Two well bred Chewier White sows with iitter at foot, 1 Torkehire flow elan lleteratefoote litters from 4 ta.6 weeks old at genteel mle. <The -above will be sold without re• mire., as the pr prletor is overstocked. Terme- A11 stuns of el and under °ash, aver that Amount/ 8 months' credit will be given on furelehleg approved joint notes. A dlecenzel of '5 per cent. pet Idiffiuo. will be Allowed for eesh on credit atneunte. T1103. ICERNICK, proprietor ; THOMAS CAMERON, mice Marmot. 18004 FOR SALE. DOR SALE.-Ionnediately. on Lot 16, Cnoe.eim U 3, lidcle1Pop, a number of brood alive. TH03. F. RYAN, Proprietor- 1890'2 ULLS FOR SALE. --The undersIgnee have for sale too thorouelibred Duthene Belle, One 14 months and the other 16 months old, vise red, the other men, both eligible for regietretion. Can be seen on Let 21, Orneeeslon 4, 11. IL S., Tuekermeite. A. sud RROADFOOT, Seaforth P. 0. ISSietf f.riCESTICR SHEEP AND SetieRTHOHN GAITLE FOR 5A11& -The uudretigned has for sale mv. era' thoroughbred Leleeetee Sheep And Durban Csttle of both eexee. Addrees EgniondeMe P.O. or aunty at farm, 11111 Road, Tuckeremith. ROBERT CHARTERS. & SONS. •- 13724t - VARM FOR SALE. --South half of lot 31, toneeo elon 16. Goderich township, 40 urea, good *teley loam, eacres int wheal, gocd frame house aed kitchen, A Rood oellereseftwed herd weter, barn, 2 frame stables, sheep home and plg pens. A good never•fallieg spring preek rune through the lot. To be seldom elle proprietor is not 4b1e to work it. It le A quarter of a .mlle from a fano' and two miles from Clinton, Apply to WALTON DODSWORTH, on the pew:altos, or ClintonisP9.00t..1. CIHOUTHORN DURHAM BULLS FOR SALE The undersigned:bee for wile 6 purobred Due ewe hulls whet peeigreee or ,elegible for rogie,r4Pion, 0$13.4 WA, 4o t theaire of On otttoi, j ii. recie4h '4t offorlog ao4 heee -prove0 Monett p, rers .ffe wee tenni PY feeeeeeelede $9.94#64feefile: toile M44.0444 0,4 ei!, eene4 ime44 §941, At t et &sates Memel #44 seie p en Let 14 Application§ for Co Applications for Abe mitten cd oetziabse oenootot toommnoo loi ebb yr 10O4 will he ne eeived at the elerk's oifiee, feeeforth, until the Pik 4flibitra arid. Safety $600 per annum, to be monthly. The accepted appbeant to &welsh en* tem Oenneil a bond in two 'toilettes of 150 &Mee moh. WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk. 13874 Cook s Quell Root Co. 41 r; leudeoese rewFi Is the only FAS", r :0 regulator on. wbie veel 1 a can depend t and tirno 01need." Prepared in two strength. No. 1 ash; e.s. No. 1. -Por oreli y ; r:4- Is by far tho 4:. • `he medielr.e kroten. 2 --Por special cast.:: --11 i; 1 aenger--three dollars per bon. leadiefe—ask your drugolet fer Cope Cotton Moot °nem' (peseta. 'Pete, 11,1 Ss all pills, mixtures and twee e -es 3 dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 er .." 1 recommended by- an drag -Alen; i minion of e_aneela. 'Mailed to le eter on receipt a_211ce a33:1 four 2-fe h, L4 • 4. gta,WPS, ;roe Cook Preoneenny„ Niiineeee, No, 1 and No. 2 are sold in Se:forth by J. S. Bob erte, Alex. Wile," C. Abernart And 1. V. Feta, Om - gate. What Exhibitors Say SOpor cent of Fat Cattle exhibited at Provineiel iar, 1003, were led with Fton's Canadian Stock Tonic PLtS fere, We have been feeding your Stole Feed to nettle for Detre time, and find 14 10 tee an exoelleet Melte We heveneeo fed It Whom:el sud pig*, arid MC +lige tare It le the beet peewit -food we have ever tried, Our prize winnine eattle al the Proven:lel wie•re Fair, 1903, were fai Worthingteeee Steck LESLIE * PEAREN. • Breeder Shorthorn Catae, Actoe, • I, DEAR 8810:- 1 finclyOUr Sleek Food le et gory excellent Ter& for cattle, giving them a 1, oOd Appetite and iseepieed their digestive worse la a health), working Poodi• tion. Tito steer e' Scottie," exhrette at Wioter Fair. weighed at birth 80 pouude, et .75 menthe 21,8 pouride, making a gain of 65 wields per recede. It pie e to feed Worthing -0;1e5 Stock Food ANDREW RICHARDSON, Breeder Shorthorn Cattle, Peepebuo, One Gentlemen - I have beet) Indlap,' ;your Stock Food for the teed two montbe with seteeishing results. Hese wed 60 counee, and want 50 punts more. I tied* great seeing of Grain by feeding it, And 1 nem taa my *Sock looking, a* well. Yb. 111, 1904. WM. ISINCLAIRe Tuckereteith, Oho -Manufactii.Od by THE WORTHINGTON DRUG CO., • Guelph, Par solo by Hamilton ee Nelrelatte, Sealer* Meitletid, Clinton W J. Levy, Itliechell ; COOK Son. Henson; Nebo' Gerry,Blyth. 15947 4 1 le Ilse tegire tiaSS has Mood tho teat of tiEtral THE PAGE WIRE PENCE 00. LIMITED, werkervilie, oat, metres', sine. at. Johne CHARLES LAYTON SEA FORTH, iNTARIO, AGENT. esigme-etands the heavieet n -never meetainnuti, the world over. Order thronea on: Local agent or tire"' from 1