HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-03-04, Page 2PRE HURON plE.POSITOR ron sgolator What Shrunk your woolens? Why do hole's wear so soon? You used common soap. MATTERS. Staffa. (inLendcd for last week.Y. Dots, -Miss Lucy Jeffrey, a Buf- falo, is f he ,euest a her brother and Arehie. Bare On and Miss Agnes Barton, of Seaforth, - spent Sunday at Mr, Will Jeffrey's. -Mr. Charlie Melly rweived a kiko in the face from a colt. -Mrs. Mole - Ie, accompanied by ber son Willie, spent o few days ties week with be Hist era in this village. -Mr. Wria Golding, of Seaforth, spent a to days with• his parents this week. Mr, and Mrs. 1?,dward Drake celebra ted the 30th anniversary of thei marriage on Friday everting of les -week, in their beau Urn] 1101110 when, :about sevent tr.leSth from ilensalle Kirkton, obeli, Mani t oba, tritford, Fa rqu bar and other places assembled to do honor to the oecasion. The table were spread in the spacious dinin room and at 7 p, m. all sat dow to a anis t sumptuous repast. Afte the wants a the inner man were sat isfied the rest or the evening wa spent in various garOes and amuse meats 'until the wee arnat houTs when all repaired to their homes after wishing' their kind bast an hostess many years . of Corti blued prosperity and happiness. REDUCES EXPENSE Ash tor She octagon Bow . *es r esemeeemeeem,e,,,,,aee,...eepeeree w her made thefeaeure of his speech prOtest against the unfair diecrim- _ inalion practised by the railways to r the detriment of farmers living on t branch linee. The =London, Huron 4 n Bruce Railway lied received a sub-" 3; sidy --Pt-4;268,000 from the province, e besides aid from ' the municipalities,- _ and the people got no prote,dtion, Altiniugh there was a clause. in the s company" charter providing- that the ;"4 tolls Charged must he approved by n the Government, the government had ✓ not attempted to secure fair play for _ t he farmers. Mr, Eilber 'spoke of a s fariner in his county being refused e haulage on a car load of cattle, and had to send to Chicago for cattle to fill the space engaged on a steamer. d Mr: Either regaled the .house with the reading German nape whieh twO at least' r Gman extraet from Exeter • (Intended for last week.) Briefs. -Miss H. Pringle, late o of the merabers understood. „ Use Lever's Dry Soap (a Powder) to wash woolens and flannels, -you'll like f exublic •eschool staff, in tends having a rest at her home, in Staffa, before taking another position. -Mr. Thos Warton, of the London road, who is giving up farming, had a. very suc- cessful sale one day hist week.- -Mies Motile Hyttenranch, of Lon- don, who has been. visitin4 Miss Stella Spackman, returned home on Wedneeday. -4 Mrs. J. G. ,Stanbury left on Wednesday to visit at. her home in Whitby. -Miss Fawell went to Woodstock thie week, where she will visit for a month. -Mrs. Ross, of Livingstone,- Montana, who •has beim on a lengthy visit to her sis- ter, Mrs, R. H. Collins, left for her home on Wednesday; - Miss Rita Young, of Seaforth, spent several days last week, the-gueA ;of Mrs. Collins. -Mr. William Smith, of An- drew street, died at bis residence on Tuesday evening. His trouble was asthma, made acute by a se- vere attack of grip. He and a sis- ter, Miss Smith, lived together and the latter is now laid up with eon- gestion of the lungs and seriously J. Spackman is attending the millinery openings at Toronto this week.-IVIueh sympathy is express- ed for Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Arm- strong and their daughter, 'Miss May, who had the misforuthe to be run over by a train at Londen, on Monday, whereby she lost her right leg-. above- the knee. -On Wednesday of last week Mrs, R. couins and Miss flonthron entertained in honor of their sister Mrs. Ross, of Living- stone, Montana. -Mrs. Johns is vis- iting her duaghter, Mrs. W. T. Good - ism, of Sarnia,- and the Misses Johns are visiting friends in Paris.-Mre. Stewart, Mrs. Collins and Miss Bon - t hron attended the funeral of James Shirrah, at Hensel!, on Wednesday. -Messrsliandford and Elliott have purchased from Mr. M. Thomp- son, on the. boundary be !lib - bort and Usborne, a hay ip;lding- years old, which weialis 1,850 pounds, the price paid being $240, -He was ehipped along with a car ?bad of other horses for the Northwest. They also purchased Mr. John Deck- er's span of fancy horses for $375. Mr, Decker lives in Hay, near Zur- ich. it 32 . 1 t Neher-is Notes. . . : : -Mr. It. Hamilton, science mast- er at the BrantfOrd eollegiate In- ' stitute, ' has tendered hisresigna- tion, to take effect after Easter. Ile intends to go 'to the Northwest. -For the , capture of the famous , hoetile. Sittina Blip 25 - years ago ' jean Louis Lr'ega.re, ..Frennh-Canadi_ , an trader, wilt) -resides at • Wood Mo-untain, N. We're has been grant: - ed $8,,000 by the _United States Sen - ';ate as recompense for time and '. money; expended ir the '.capture. i -The other day W. -M. Bolton,near : Winchester, . blinds county, lost . c 0, beheaded,end t two $1 bills, and soon came across : a ben trying to sikt Hew one of -them. The hen was aptu ' her- crop opened.' 4nside, rolled up like a pellee, was ithe other bill in good conaition. No, wonder, eggs are . dear, when' hens are living so high: -It. is 'stated-- that thOC. P. R. steamship Lake Michigan, from St. John and 'Halifax, ashore off the ,En-- glish coast is in a bad way. Rough weal her has 'beetle. encountered ever since the St ea msb ittiwas I owed ashore. The value of the Ship- and cargo is ' estimated at abO,ut. a million dollars. • There are all told '447 head of cattle on board. No less I than fifty-three shippers had apples on board, the to- tal cargo of this fruit being 4314 barrels, being, practically all Mara - time Province firms and individuals. -Mr. Abner Humphrey, a Bever- ley farmer, living . about .'even miles from Galt, was: killed' while going to that town last .wee.k with a load of wood. When near Sheffield the load upset, as he was walking beside it.. His neck was broken, . his head being forced into the snow by the weight , of the wood, Robert Hat - trick noticed' the teem standing for some timo on the roadway opposil e to his house and going to investigate he found the load upset and the driv- er beneath it. Deceased- was fifty- one years of use and leaves a widow and seven children. Thi S is the isec- Ond fatal rieeident that has taken place near- Galt this winter owing to the bad 'condition of the roade, -Dr. W. N. Robertson, Qf Strat- ford advocate.for Sanitary reasons a seperate drinking cup and towel for each pupil in the Schools. This caus- es the Tavistock; Gazette, to say : This sort of talk makes . a fellow tired. A day:44eou1dn't pass before the boys would be trading. aupe. An- other boy might set up the claim that his . towelezis. just a title finer than that of any Other pupil ; and every boy in -the school would be tryine, t hat ton.el. If some Of our NT: D's. had their way it is likely that every pupil would be pladed in a glass case and surrounded Wit h steee Bind air. - -A peculiar accident occurred an t he Durharn. branch' of t he Gra nd Trunk Railway. last Nt eek during the Nnow'blockado. The train With three engines and a .snow plow attempted to open the branch; The train left Palmerston at 9 ;a.m. and reached Holstein, a distance ,of :20 miles, at 6 p. rn. After reaching‘Holstein they proceeded -on to Durham, and. when about a mile distant froin Holstein they ran into a large drift of snow. A snow plow and two engines were derailed, elle engine going int o 1 he field and. another engfpe and snow plow into the field across. The G. T.'11. at once sent 35 of their crew to work, 'which were aboard the train. The passengers engaged a team to drive therwback tp Mount Forest. Fort une tely there' was no one hurt in the accident. , .. . . -Art aged couple, Mr. and Mrs. A. Balmer, were. found- dead in bed a few mornings -ago in their house in the enSt end of Whitby, as theyesult of eecaeing coal gas. They were last se.en by neighbors on Monday night. Tuesday it was remarkedthat for the first time this winter the snow had not been removed from the st.ide- wit lk in front of therr house. When it was in the same 0010410n tliiiii morning, 'etiquirieS began to be made and an en( ranee waS effected into the house through a window: The old people vere dieciovered dead. it is thou,:hi they must have died Mon- day ni Tilt. There was- no evidence of a Nt rumle on their part. Mi. Bal- mer was a retired farmer in coin - fork! hie cirtuntstatices and both he and bie a ire were highty respected. -A large &put a tibia represent ing- many of the County Cotincils of the Province,. wait ed on .t he Ontario Gov- ernment last Nveek to ask t ha 1 the Count y Council bill paseed last ses- sion, - ht.' nth la,:'illit it'd to ,ZO. int. (worn: itill, Tiii.: hill pc )% tiles for the loin.4 .:i way' or court ty Councik as ( hey now exist, provided I hat n tnajorit y of the thunicii al eovn- ' rile p tee resolutions to that eff.'re • and having ( he' counts councils com- posed of the yeeve e of 10\1 nships ;Ind N-illn.res :111d the. mavors Of tow ns. The premier replying' t 6 litir depu- I et ion se id 1 ba I the Government i hoteelli id- chengiing the bill so 1 hat it efalld not he brood:lit in 1 0" rOree ItiVrvir ont 110 Voto of the munieipal eolleeils, Hot on t1*e. votes of t be el- ert e re t h tense! yes. 1 he vote to he taken on a by-law submitted by each emmeil. The deputation heart - ”1 i Iy applauded thiS an tnouncement. his chang.e, said the pre/tiler, would Manitoba Notes. -A lamp exploded in the -Presby- terian church at Stonewall, v1uniLo- ha, evening, and Rev, Mr. McLean, the pastor, was burned a- bout the face and hands. The church f urn is h n gs <here dam it feed to the e tent of $50. ' -Mrs. Cyrus .,Daviee, Beresford District, near Brandon, suddenly ex- pired while driving homein a sleigh witlieher husband on Friday. Davies raced his horses for medical aid, but -was too late. 7 -Charles Kerr, wbo with two com- panions, named Miller and Clerk,was driving home from Moosomin to their farms recently, was found frozen to death in the sleigh when the party stopped to get warm at W. Smith's house, ten miles out. -While driving home Saturday night, the cutter occupied by David and James Underwood, of Winnipeg, t rain near Rokeby station On I bn w as struck by a delayed C. P. R. Yorkt on branch. David was inst ant: ly killed and James so seriously in- jured that he is not expected to re - gayer. It is supposed the brothers were driving ahead of t he train, and were turtling off the track to go to their ho -use when t he accident hap- pened. -Estimates for the public schools of Winnipee. provide for an expendi- ture of $207,232. Mr. EiIber's Speech The followinrs, i 1 he reference by -I he Mail and Empire to ib:' speech delivered by Mr. Either, M. P. P. Lot Sow h Huron, in the Ontario Le 1 - la tore Iast week: Mr. Eilber declared amid applause that the more the Government at- tempted to justify themselvee for t heir unooflStjtti t iortal conduct in ealli•ng the Legislature together at a few days' notice, the inor' ridicul- ous t hey made themselves t he. eyes of t he people. There was not a read- ing person who did not know that the House had been °ailed together for 1 he purpose of heading off the el- ect ion prolesta. A complaint- was else lod zed by Mr. Eilber against some of the braneh railway lines of the provirfee, who unfairly discrini ina t ('ti a get iitt ihe; farmers of the province in he mat- ter of freight rates, and in ot her WttYi.4. T1W GOVernoWn 1, if they had the true interests of the farmer at heart, would endeavor to do some.- hing for them in t his direction. The methods adopted by t he Liber- ia sUptror it'r14 10 (I ef'Vat him et the last election, and failing that to un- seat hint, w ere next referred to by Mr. Eilber. An at tempt was made 10 ind r men to Mi e r 11tat they had been bribed to vote Coney nen t fort Una tviy mit' of 1110,;(' apprOnehoil gave aw,,y t1it ii!•;11, and it great deal ' of harm w as t bus prevented. Fi 00 school books found a M arrn champion in Mr. Either, t ho briefly crit icized the manner in ee inch the educational system of the pro- vince was administered. The `Form t o World says : Mr. Ell- neeesse f ate I be postponement of the Opettiti0.0. Of the Act for a year at least. The bill of last year will re- -main on the statutes, and, the elec- tors of the various councile will have a local option as to which they pre- fer. ThePremier also intimated that . there would be some changes in last -year's bill with regard espeeially to the equalization of aseesstnent, of which complaint had been 'nude., 1 -Wheat is now at the highest point touched in seven years. All the wheat markets of the world are beginning to feel the effects of the struggle started in the far east, and are busily engaged speculating as to the complication that in,ight ensue Should others than the two nations become involved. In many of the American markets cash wheat and speculative futures advancoed from 7.to 10 cents during last week, For- eign markets also experienced some " of the boom in this cereal, and the Russian quot Itions ranged from 12 10 15. oen ts a bushel higher than they. did • three weeks ago. While much of the advance at Chicago and other American grain boards is due to a heavy speculative bUying that has :set In, Cate bulls have been con- siderably helped by the Strength in cash wheat. Miliers are said to be experiencing a difficulty in securing good milling grades, and lave had to advense their bids to induce deliv- eries. , -The -Chicago Inter-Oicean says : Mane. Eleanore Petrelli, °Ince a world eyenOwned opera singer, and widow of ; Prince von Petroff, of Russia, h i died in an 'obscure hotel in Chictig alone and in want, save for the cha ity of strangers. Daughter and heir- ts le as o, r- ess of one of the wealttiest coun of $candinavia, this wonderful wo- mak lived to hee twe great fortunes temell away, end to have her tit s - h: he ay at -g, an en es as at ad e. nt er ni one , time the most noted man in Scandinavia, ' What About Soft Cos1- .A Pittsburg' despatch says that unless the United Mine irvrorkers of America and the coal operators of PittSburge Ohio, Indiana and Illin- ois can reach, -an agreement on a wage scale for 1904 the- biggest shut dowp in the history of the coal in- dustry will take place after April 1. Committees from each of the con- tending parties will meet next SAM - day.B ; oth are firm. :Patrick Dolan, President of the Mine Workers in the Pittsburg district, says: If a suspension or a shrike take placin the bituminous Tal reions s of the competitive distri ts, it will e g involve 42,000 'men in Illinois, 13,- 000 men in Indiana, 32,500 men in Ohio, and ,abotit '55,000 men in the Pit tsburg disrict. If t he Central Pennsylvania istrict - drawn in- to the conflicit, about 36,000 more men will be itil!e. This e ill be tetot- ill of 178,500 coal miners. A month would mean a lois to the cog) Operators about as fellows : 11- linoiS operators about $2,309,000, and a production of x'bout 2,300,000 tons of coo 1 ; :Indiana operators, about $584,000 and a production of 583,- 000 tons : Ohio , operators, *1,766,000 and .itS many tens of coal, and Pitts- burg, operators, about $4,160,000 end 4,000;000 tons of coel. This would make a grand total of $P,879,000 and R,649,000 ons of coal lost to the op- erators. -- In 'view .of this state Of affairs, soft coal ut.ers, will do well to get a year's -supply' in without delay. t sityl to sing. for a live ihood wi t , aken from her. Driver by nece the Royal Opera _Companies on t • t Poniinent the singer wen her- w upWard in 'the profession, until the ;Russian court in St. • 'etersbur she !became the wife of 'rime. Iv Pertroff,, a royal noble an. Th _began the series of misfortun whioh eventually left her adrift a peor music- teacher in Chicago the Age of 87 Years. Thei singer It , won fame under the nathe of Min Petrelli, in three Royal Opera Com .paniee. Her father wag the Cou Wiegent 'of Sweden. Her moth was the Countess Von Schaerin. Sb was :descended in a direct line fro the Grand Duke of .Me.cklenburg, an the Rev. Dr. Count Von Schwerin t Why Farm' Labor is Scarce. There n yeily great deal of truth in t he ft -Ito -wine from. the Weekly Fii rut t. re,' Sun. 3i says : Farm labor in Ontario Was more costly last year ;than itt any previous year in the histbry of t he Province, and even with Wages at high-water t he supply- w es not , equal t o t he demand. Thl," si 1 mit ion- for the corning season promiees to be quite as difficult as- ir was last. As a. means of ,relief, t he Dominion and Provincial governments are be- ing' urged to take- measures Nvith a view iof seCuring a supply of farm laborers from Great Britain. Are such meiteureslikely to remove the difficulty?-. Hardly. Sufficient la- bor is 'produced on the farm to meet wants of the farm. But it does not stay 1 here.- hy? Because M have by legislat ion raised wages so high in other callings, Chat farmers cannot. meet (ht'. com Pet. it i on . We give railway promoter's a sufficient bonus to Pay the entiro cost 6! labor in building 1 heir line.N ; we give iron and steel makers bounties equal to t he wage- bills of t heir est a blish- in en Is ; . we protect manufacturers of _rricu It u ral implemen le by a dUt y of 20 to 50 per • ecu t. egainst foreign COInkl 111011, and bus put i hem in n posit ion to chat ge a price for their product s over end above itS actual hich I1 ehme eilses is more t hart sufficient lo meet t he outlay for labor ompio} fel. in manufacturing:. And then we expect farmers, who re- ceive, no bonuses oz. bounties, to com- pete in the lahorentarkete of the eolln- t ry . against einployiet's 011ie aided. The bringing in of a lot of immi- grants froin Britain will 1101 relieve a sit 00 (ion such a 1 hat M hie)) at Preset') 1 (Ai...Al.., 'I Itt• i nen late, nt s will eiroply, f few 1 be veninple set by 1111' boys raised on t fa rin, and rush to t he employers w hom (lit' Government It.o.; placett. in a posit ion I o paV Wagt•••1 11, it, f..returs can afford to love 'Cho it mg dy ie to eletnetio the un- fair erottlit ion.: now existing -to le helieliprot etion, (110 out;I ttd bonus -'s bountiee, end thereby put alt employer-, tat 1 ime equal foot- ing. Si•dre-, hrekernau of D -nion, Obit''w .4; t. }1,4 :hed for weAt14'vrl'h flimma*^ry h-ntnit'qm. I 'en tratr;:rna ';‘'hei"::ht s*vtt. Frrediv :7_, to ore ler r* het t144 of Ghambrr'aia% l3tirn,et et hieh timn I WOR en ill's 6-4 n4P:4 han 1 cr ft*',end in 0 le week's; t if00 WA° abi. to co n tent* ee hAPpr ARa clam." F .r sale• hy .a tee\ WIL- SON. Di' :gg4 t, S•=aforth. ahmell,att Leteozes. otteri i. Gout ere Alt en011.10,4( ly :erne! O. R.'1' mai(' P 1., 11,, ittkt ape^!ae nea tele retnetie . Price 50 a en\ at a 1 dealers. 1 . Do you catch cold easily? Does the cold hang on? Try Shiloh's Consumption, Cure The Lung Tonic It cures the MOST stubborn kind of coughs and colds. If it doesn't cure you, your money will be reihnded. - Prices 2-5c, 50c. and $1.00 a C. WELLS & cd. Toronto4Care LeRoy, N.Y. I 7 ' A UCTIO SALES, A UoTion SALE OF FARM STOrK AND tie FAEM.-Thomas Howson has instru 'ted Mr. Thomas Browe to 841 by publin aeration. Oil Lot is,. Concession 9, Babylon Hee, Starrier, on Frodey. March llth, at 1 Wok ok p. m., the fon string' Valli.. eble property, viz : Horses -One driving mare earning 5 3 ears old, 1 driving mare 6 to ra eld in foal to Azsel, 1 driving fille corning 8, well broke to harness ; 1 heavy draught geldieg coming 0, 1 bleed oolt canting one. CAttlt -One OrAV to calve in May, 2 -newly calved cows, 1 dry cow, 4 Foots coming tbree, in coed shape fir grew ; 3 lat ifers corning two, 4 yearling litters, 1.1 young heifer oaf: also one breeding New to pie in March seri about 40 hens. itnplemente, etre-One set teem harmer nearly new, 1 rtheelbnrociw, e lot of hay er ri straw in the barn ar.d 'a lot of smelt ertielee. There will positively be no reserve as the proprietor ie ',raving tbo farm. Terms -All sums of $5 and tinder. eieti ; over that amctunt 8 months' credit will be given on furniehing approved joint oder. A discount of 0 per cent. per annum will be allowed for ceeh on credit amounte. The Error -The farm, oonsistino of 50 sores, with gond neW residener and rood out- building, will latter be offered for isle at the risme time and place. Terms made known on dey of sale. THOMAS DOWSON, Proprietor; THOS. BROWN, Anetbneer. 1889.3 AUCTION 'SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IM. PLEMENTS. —Mr. Thomas Bro en has been instructed by Mr. Edward Celdwell to *ell by pub- lic auceion on Lot 26, Concesidon 8, L. R. 8., entmIth, on Tuesdey, March 81.h, 1904 at 12 &clock, thane tele renewing valusble property. viz.: Howe —One draught more 10 year, old,On foal to an into ported hope; 1 general purpose mare 8 tiers old, 8 draug'ht 011,es rieing 8 yeure old, 1 draught geld- ing rising 8 years old, 1 readeter mare rising five, 1 roadster dst-tg Cuero 1 drIving colt tieing three. broken to barna'. ()Attie, &c. -One oow with oalf at foot, 7 cows superised to be In ealf, t thoro'bred Jersey cow oalf 4 fait steers rising 8 ,vears old. 2 eteers rising 2 yeare old, Shelters rising 2 years old, 5 heifer 'eaves 10 t000the old, 1 grede bull rising 2 years old, also 2 large broad sews with pig, and ten *tore pigs IMPLEMENTS. -One lumber wagon, 1 farm truck wagon, 1 top bug almost new. one Maseey-Harrie binder complc'c lt3i carrier. 1 Deer - ivy mower almet new, 1 gas*, -11arrie steel reke, oce 9 -foot ettel roller. 1 spade h now, 1 comblued Matesey-Harrie at ed drill 2 tete diamond harrows, 1 hay hook, 1 gravel hex, 1 Ohs ham fanning mill, with bserger attaehed ; 1 set pi° form treater, eapao- ity 2,000 lbs.; 2 single plows, 1 gung plow, one lam water taek, hew act heavy d ublo harness, one sec: nd bend set heavy double he oesieime set single barneee, ono set plew harm se, one deley oburo, also forks bhovele, hoes, (Tow bare, weiffletreee, neck - yokes and other renal *reeler!, all of whioh will be sold, as the proprieber hes rented the farm. Terms All MIMI or et and under, cash ; over that amount 9 menthe' riredit will be git on on furniebing approv- ed joint notes. A. discount at tht, rate of 4 emits 073 the dollar will he allewed tor *Ash on °relit &menet,. EDWARD CALDWELL, preprietor ; TROIKAS BROWN, audio:Jeer. 18832 CliZARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND flit PLEM ENT& -Mr. Thomas Bro hit been instructel by tete Wm. Beholz to will by pub- lic auction, on Let 25, Conceseit 6. McKillop, ad. j doing Grieve's bridge, north gr vel root, on Mon- day, March 71h at I o'clock p. M„ the following property : 11 rtes-Onft epee cf pineal purples 11%10410 and 12 years old, 1 gas:oral purpose geld- ine riming 8 y ewe old, worked all last summer, one well-bred driving mare 9 years old. Caotle-Six nowe +o calve this string, 8 eoeVe with calves at feet, 2 epringe-e, 8 stt ere risittg 8 yearell, four heifer* Agog three ¶ ears old. 2 ricers rising 2 piers old, 6 heifere oaring 2 years old, 10 last yerrs rah es and 4 steneepize,- Implemente-Three gnod tru .k wagons, 1 Dtmocrat wagon, 1 set bobs eighs, one cutter, t huggee one 5,foot Deering mower, one 30 foot stew rake, 1 sharp rake, 0043 12 hoe awn bleed �d dril,. 4 walkieg plowe, 1 large Fleury pee plow, 1 • t 4 section diamend herrows, 000 fir.lielef. 1 etone boat, 1 water troueh, 1 patent grain end etook re large wagon hex with pig reek, 1 t'lintin fanning mill Ike good as new, 2 'tete douhle hareese 1 ilet single Nonni!, 1,000 lb. pat- ,. ha fleslo, 1 f-harples cream eeplraror, a number of grain begs, and a Int of other articles usuelly found about a farm. The tnejority of the ituple. ro heve loco used only two seasene. There id o about 15 t0/111 of ; clover and timothy hay in the b in and shout 300 leushele of roots. Terme-All sone of $5 and nd* r, coot; ; over Mott amount 7 In Was credit will bi giveu on furnishing approved Jo nt notear A climo ef 0 percent. per annum w !1 be aliolved for cash on orelit atnounts. WM. B1YBOL'., pioprietor ; THOS. BROWN, auctioneer. ltsb9-2 varioN SALE OF THOROUGHBRED AND G1IADE CATTLE AND OTHER F eRM i'TuCK, IMP hEMENTS AND HOUSEHOLD FUR - DI TURK -M r, Thomas Browo h .been instructed hy Mr. Maleolm 11 Key, to seIlby public &fiction on Lr`L ZS, donceesion 6, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, . on Thureiday, mareh lOth. at 1 o'clock sharp, the Soh loWing va liable property, viz : Borate -one owed mire, 1 mere 10 years old, 1 driving mare 9 ears old, 1 gelding 'rising, four, 1 filly slating three, one ge'ding 1111. 1) whelp Cati1e-Three Durham °owe with calyee at rade (rbm imported bull, 1 heifer els. ing three supposed to be with calf. 1 bull 14 months old e-eall registered Grade Cattle, etc. - Two grade owe suopoeed to be with calf, 1 30W due to calve in ATM,- one mlleh vow, three 8-yeer-ol4 steers and ono 8-veeteeld hePer, fat and reedy for ehipping ; 8 steers r sing two, 1 heifer tieing two suppotod to be with two calves, filo 1 brood Berkshire sew, 5 pigs 8 months old and about 60 bens. Loplements.--One Mame-Barrie, Wader, I new Maseeyeilarrie No. 7 mower, 1 Froth & Wood eulky rake, 1 hay Joader, 1 hay fork, ear, repeal and pullees ; 1 Wisner ooect drill, 1 !analog mill, ono thittet tire wazon nearly new with box and seat, 1 iron axl wagon, 1 top tengey, 1 democrat with , pole and sheltie 1 road cart, I set bobsleighe, ono AoLaughlin (natter rearty new, 2 goat robes, Ger- nev-Wate ecales, 2,00q; 1 gravel box, 1 hay- reek, 1 No, 7 Verity walking 1 plow, one 2 -furrow kangaroo plow. 1 double tabu d board drill plow, 1 root muffler nearty new, 11 color:Ilan land roller, 1 tot of harrows, 1 Empire ere tn etwaretor and now raver- ite churn, 1 fer ce e4vtng ieschise with winalees and stretcher, 1 eat t4aw turners, 1 Rik plo v her - neer, 2 8014 t n. le ha *ewe whiftletre-“, neckyokee, eh "vele, ferks. 'sec ; l8boat 10 tOr/4 hay in barn. llontehold Effecte- e puler suite, 2 parlor hablee, 1 Wheel] su1e, 2 bureaus, 1 *teeing ma- chine. bedsteads and prin., chairia, 1 dining room table, 1 .unge, 1 ceok stove with pipes end drum, 1 parlor Wye wite pipes and drum, 1 clothee wringer, about 25 ya de of tapestry carpet and a ler etoif to nigi carpetjn,and dither small artiel e too num. ou The whole will positively re field without reserve as the prorrtetor Mae sold his him. Terms -All gurus of iffr ar d tabler, meals ; over that amen, t 9 menthe' credit will he given on furohhing approved Nee notes A discon t of 4 rer Cent per ennum min be ollowed tor eleh on -credit itinerants. M. elEAY, Proprietor ; THOS. BROWN, Auetioneer ISE* 2 Trollbica it Kidnef Trouble for S# Meth Many Men and Women Are Troubled With Kidncy Trouble, Some For Less Time, Some For Longer -No Need To Be Troubled Fo Any Length Of Time, It They Only Knew Of The Cures Being Made By DOAN'S K Backache Is The Trouble -Then Of A More DNEY PILLS. irst Sign Of Kidney ome Con:plicatioas erious nature, DOAN'S K DNEY PILLS TAKEN .A.T TH FIRST SIGN OP BACKACHE WILL SAVE YOU YEARS OF Mrs William IL Banks, Torbrook Mines, 4.S., tells the pub- lic about the pereatO 'qualities of Doan's Kidney Pills in th.-j following words -3 Wes troubled.with 1 idney trouble for six, montbs, :and hal ,s:1,..h terrible pante aerees ray kidneys ell the time that I coeld hardly get around. After taking one box of Doan's kidney Pills I began to feel better, and by the time I had taken three boxes 1 was completely culr'er'ile*C 50e, per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all dealers 'or The Doan Kidney Pill Co, Toronto, Ont. GETTING IN THE WALNUTS. - Au lerdeastry Thu( Closes California Country Behools. The first English walnut orchard in California was planted with seed from the Los Angeles 1111881013 gardens, where the padres bad started a few trees with nuts brought with them from 'Spell!. The .undertaking was a suceess from thp Arst, and the acreage of walnuts has Steadily increased. The walnut treed early age of bearing, its long life and the steady demand for its produet tend to make the enterprise deservedly popr. Th walnut tree begins lo bear when six or seven years old, and nothing is known definitely of its age limit of hearibg. Fabulous stories are fold of trees in Spain one or two centuries old hearing enormous crops. Tbe oldest trees in California are still bearing, but deductions- from the short history al- ready made show that the tree IS in itS prime from its tiventy-efth M itS thir- tieth year. Fifteen hundred pounds of nuts to the acre is a good average yield, making seventy-Sve pounds the average weight from one tree. The harvest time begins about the middle of September and lasts nearly FIX Weeks. The nuts begin to fall with I. the leaves, and the effect eultivation widerthe trees leav s no chance for them to lose tbemseIves among clods or weeds. The brown dead, leaves alone hide the nuts. Vnder normal con- ditions they -drop frcie from Ile outer husk, or hull, throtigh its irregular bursting,. and gettin, the nuts picked up la a simple utatte . Sometimes the trees ere well irrigat just before ha: - vest time to insure t e clean dropping of the nuts. Boys and girls, men and women, Jap- anese and Chinese, a 11 pressed into serriee, and on ham s nd knees ties grest orchards are gone ver, not one. but several times, on account of the ir- regular ripening of the nuts. The treett are oecasfonally sleek n during the sea- son to loosen the nu s, and before the last gleaning they ar "poled" to start the very tardy ones. This is dime by Jong, coarse bamboo • ales, whose light weight makes them easily handled. In certain rural dligricts the public schools close regularly for a "walnut ti. th vacation." The help f e children ia needed; and. the chil en are nothing loath to replenish heir diminished purses. Palls, cans and gunnysacks are scattered_among the Ilickers, and whims the bags are full thOy are carried its the drying grounds, where they irel spread. out on slat tku ays to d.- s.: view of Reviews. • THE EVER REENS. 1 White Pine. -Five r.eedies in, a• bun - die; scales of cone thickened at the top. Scotch Pine. -Two Iti.ish green, short needles in a bundle. Fir. -Erect cone; fla , spreading nee- dles scattered singly. Austrian Pine. -Two long, dark green needles in a bundle. Norway Spruce.- Large hanging toue.e; scattered needles point all Ilays. Hemlock. --Small hanging cones; flat spray. 1 Larch. -Many needles in a cluster;" fall off each year; erect cones. Bed Cotten -Bluish berries; sbarp prickly spray. Arbor Vitm.-Flat branches; cones few scaled, and only .two seeds under each. 1 White Cedar. -Cones i roundish, with' four to eight seeds under each. Pitch Pine. -Dark stiff needles ar- ranged in threes. Dieeontent 'with Work. That there is much discontent wills work among the sO called middle classes in America is dueitt large part to the pampering of children, to the supplying of their natural and artificial wants and to the sentimental idea thiq "their day of toll will come soon enough." In general, work is not a curse, but a blessing -a positive mean.; of grace. One can hardly begin foe early to impress upon children lesson, of self help by tasks appropriate to their age and forces a d to beget in them scorn of idleness nd of depend- ence on others. To do lois is to make them happy through t e self respect that comes with the real zration of 1301c- er and thus to approxim te TennYson'S goal of *Man, "Self verence, self knowledge, self eontrol." Century. Do It Now. The following sentiment bait been variou-dy al:ributed to tephen Grel- let. Sir Itnwhind Hill, Edward Courte- nay and the Earl ofi Devon, and is seld to have been insettlbed upon the tombstone of the lettere "I expect to pee.; throng -1i this world but once. If, therefore, there be any 1induess 1 csn sioest or any good thing Lean do to say fellow being, let Inc (10 It now. Let me not derer it nor neglect It, for I shall not tin• -.-t this wny again. Prernat nro Patletse. W en 11 hy A merienn t her -in-law -- Look here, count: I'm getting tired of jivhiz yi,iir deilt Count lloylon do 11::1.1.oe soon? Sart', you her not reti,1 ee half of ze debts yet! Muer Go Abrood. "What inekes yon think they are rich upilea tisr "Ite(-:ar‘te they know se ninth more about other eountries than their own." .Not In Hie Line, Employer Yoll don't seem to be able te do enylliing. New Clerk -Well, I al - way. -1.1';(1 politieal job nn -til I struck r k 111:S (111% ARCH 4 1904 Deranged Nerves ARO Weak Spells. r.R.H. Sampson's,Sydney,111.S., Advice to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble is "GET A BOX OF • MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS." IHe says "I have been ailingfor about a year from derawd nerves, and very ' often weak spells would come overmeand be so bad that 1 Sometimes thought I would be unable to survive them, I have been treated by -doctors and have taken numerous preparations but none of then helped erre in the least. 1 finally got a boa of Milburn's Heart amid Nerve 15111s. Beier* taking them I did not feel able to do any work, but now I can work as well as ever, thanks to one box of your pills. They have made a new man of me, and my advice to any person troubled as I was, hi to get a box or 11,1ilburnis Heart and Nerve Pills." Price dea:ers, 50 01" cts. per box, or 3 for $1.25, all rwz T. fall -BURN CO., Limited, ToltOSTII, OliTe Money to Loan. The Corporation of Twokerminith have $8,700 of sehool futid armlet, on bend to ioau on good farm securities at curreet rates of interest. Pieties re- quiring leach should apply to G. N. Turoe-, tress- urer, Clinton P. O., or to A. G. Smidle, Clerit;Hoo- sail P. 0, or to the uederrigned, G.S. Black. Reeve, Seatorth P. G. 1866-tf Applications for Constable. Appliostioes for the poeition of onneteble and collector (combieed,) for the year 1.9O1 will he re. calved at the claret ofFee, Seaforth, until the Dith of March next. Salary to he paid monthly. Wel ELLIOTT. Clerk. - 18874 Dr. Woota s r "3frobi 34iorway Pine Syrup 'Cures Coughs, Colds, Brer.chitiz, Hoerserias; Croup, iisthma, Pain or Tightness in the Cbisst, Etc. It stops that t!ck!ing in t11e throat, pleasant to ta:r::: and soot:al-4;anil•raI- ing to the ltir.g.a. Mr. F. Bisbee thane, the well-known garl,•rie-. write -4.- 1 had a, ;0 -Ey ;;.v,Are :ha' eof arn throat and li..71,to •-41 in the el..cst. Seene time when 1 '1 to pne7:1,ttnd cxfuld not I would ;lin- ehoke to death, wife got !TIP a 'tottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE STRUP,puil to nro sur- prise I foe:11 speedy reliPf, not be wialieet j.t. if it coot ZIA abet- tle,. and T ran reeetseeend it to everyoUS bothered with a e,111(111 nr dd. ti Cekts; Lumber Lath, Shingles Mouldings Sash and Doors. N. CLUFF & SONS. SE A F ORTH Eating Became a Dread • i HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE ALMOST i AFRAID TO SIT DOWN TO i THEIR MEALS ? YOU MAY BE ONE OF TUN. IF YOU ARFA THERE IS _ A CURE FOR you. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURES INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA; BILIOUSNESS, SOUR, wEAK AND ALL ST0StACH TROUBLES. Mr. .1. G. Clenis, Barney's River, N.S., tell, of what this wonderful rem- edy hal done for him --It is with grati- tude that / can iPstify to the wonderful curative powers .Of B.B.B. I was so badly troubled with indigestion that whatever, I ate crania me so much torten, that eating beesme it dread to me. I tried numerous physicians, but their medicines seemed to make :1)0 eremite. 1 thOnght =I would try B.Iell.. so got a 'bottle a.nd after t4tkilig it 14.1V 4)4)4Pii felt a, lot better. By the tithe I had tak*n the bat of two hAtles 1 wa as c1 as ever, iind have had no return of tie- tronhle since. reeommend your medi^ine to the highest degree, 0.13.13. is for aals at all dealers. -- There have undoubtedly been bad weer 1 Inen, hut iliannettela as they were had they were not great. Directory for 1.D03. 8 ticaFINsAfERLM4R. Ec.,Hunecievi..47antopfrrItCpb p, 0 P.0. a . ;HARLAN LITTLE, Cele etlior, Winthrop P. 0 ; JOHN MURRAY, Cotreellier. :Goethe nod 1'. 0. *if)1.0• ii(),N .1. SHANNON. J. P.. ateterr lisipootot Thar.iu71%.:.:7; it,inIllherrir,01N-Pio71.rop P.o Joll'O mORRIsON, Cler:., Winthrop P.0 GE "AC 150 -foot roll, 4 feet high 44.40 150 -foot roll, 5 feet high 150 -foot roll, 0 feet high 5.10 . 6.00 CHARLES LAY The Y Milo Insurance Company. FARM AM ISOLATEC TOW& PROPERTY ONLY INSURED g 1! omosas. A. Me ri*ent, Krpron P. 0. ; Thomrat , Brueefield P. 0. ; Then.at E. Yo, 810Y- ferth P onteiorcor.. williarn Chesney Broder-toe John G. Grieve, Who- sarop ; George Dale, Seefo'rth. : John Bermeerelo, Dublin; James Everts, Deed:wool ; Jtihn Watt, Harlot*, Thomas Fralear, Bru'wfl d; Jonn Leen, Kippen ; Jamoe Connolly, canton, acranse. Belk Smith. Harlook ;13. Hinge:110y, gesoeroo scram thimmliw• Itgrziondo e;J t. rwts" rine P.0.1 George Murdie and job; C. If oseisen anditoire Parties deer:our 0 eVeok tree," eater/thee imeireere sill be proetreoe eche/ere: ee pplicaticer to arty 61 the abtrre eVI'.ers lidor..e4ed heir reepsethre trod ogees AUCTIONEERS. Offloe. will receive prompt Ea rpHOMN AB BROW, Liceneed Auetioneee toitiI 1 Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders le -ft L 5L Campbell's implement warerrreaes rf7X a-mantr , SeatorM, atialaction, guaranteed or no charge. TANKS G. MoVICHAEL, licensed suotione!r ler ej -the county tel Huron. Bales attended to in arty • part of the county at moderate- retee„andratietaction guaranteed. -Orders left at the Seaforth poet arose or at let-‘) Oeneessioh 2, Eullett, evereee prompt etthltien. tf UCTIONEERING.-13, B, Phillips, Lleeneee Auctioneer for the wordier, of Huron end Perth. Being s practicell ti..rnser rand thoroughly understanding the /lane of tar= Mock and innate - teen* places zne in a better poeition tory:Mize gond prices: Charges moderete, liatisdaction eolararite.,11 Or 710 pay,. All -ordure left at Beeman post offiep at Lot means:wagon 2, Hay, will 'be preeptio ttended to. 176541 TAMES A. SMITH, lioeneed suctioneer ter the 0„unth of Huron. Sales pre mptly st.ende 1 to in aey part ottbe emunty arid tatistaetion enterer, - teed, Address Winthrop P. 0. 'IMPORTANT NOTICES. fllO PIG BREEDERS. -The unde,sigoed will iip for -service the pure bred Yorkehire ere, Oak Lodge Matertion, recentio pureheosed frOM the well knewo _herd of J E. Brethoure Burford. Onterto, end bred Pont wane of hlc beet stook, bit sire bolug the oho/Thin at the Pan American. Terme $i. A :G. SKILL/IA Tuckerernitb. 1S74-tf A -NY ONE wishing to buy or sell Winuip ceta XV, pie party, cr farm Janda; In the Proviaee of Islanitobe or,the Unit-v.4e, your ea:respond/el re ith us la ited, and mil informaelen ri4e. Plesseeall on or addrese 11 ilLE LeNDOB Plot.7911 No. 527 Main eoreeti Vtiuupeg, Ofeeitoba- lese 'DIG FOR SALE AND FOR OERVIn -For :sale. a .1. rboro bred Yorkehire pig, twe-and-a heat e -etre old, I havebad him as* eto-k pig in ley h two yeare and cae guarantee him exeisfaero-y every respect and a Bad -cheer stack getter. I taee 111140 perch esod a youne pie of the same breed trete Wm. Horne, ef North Reneeand to white) Loa) el. nett a limited number cf 40w4 at the tte oil tenni. This 1 txceptioo .11g. gorei pig_ On Let 21, c neetion 1, Huron Road, Tockereenith. 3. 11 He a- derson. 11,:StA4 FOR SALE DULLS FOR SALE --The undereignel bete fee 11 tele two there u lib ed Durham Butts, me le menthe and the other 16 menthe old, one reel. Ple other roan, both teigit le for Into:eaten] Cam be teen on Let 21, Orneeesion 4. H. R. O., Teel, nen:rite. A. aud 3. BROADFOOT, Seeder& P.O. 183e ti LEICKSTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN CATTLE FOIL BALE. -The undersigned heefor PAie ere- erat thoroughbred loiceeter Sheep and Durbere Caltle of hnth resell. Address Rgenondeille P. O. or timely at farm, Kill Road, Tuekesemith. ROBERT CHARTERS & SONS, 1872.11 VITOOD LOT FOR SALE. -For Bale Let 0, C ot- Y$ cessien 8 Staeleer, c'a ttIng 10) rt timbered exoerie about to ahrem. The t.eneet- roe - Mete of pine, s ft maple, so telm And tameraek It le situated within seven utibee of a railway etati,D. Terme liberal, Thereto wood 'enough oi the term to pay tor it. A4soabonee and lot in Varna. The house lelettory aod there lea's a good stabl and driving bonne. The 111, le welt plaeted with rxriouti Whittle bearing fruit trees very deeir.able Iwo erty mat will be mold cheap. J0.3E1'II 00e. XBIL, Horruonx DURHAM ntILLS Yon 11:1-•:1- Tb' t under -signed .has ler elle -6 pule bred Der. Um bulls with po:.igrees or eligible for regied,raloe My sp,d hull, which is thesis's of the others,itt in• chided In the cif:ring arid /me orove,1 himself a pure atoek getter. lie tai eired by Itivertide Sterner, which did suet) good beret e tetbetierd of 3. and W 13, wrist, a Salem, end is a half brother- to Soo-- el Morninr, rerently owned by James Snell. Li Mil. lett, which took lira prize at L.ndon fair and Beet at his dispersion male lir 8400. Apply on 1, t 16, 0000014100 2, Hay, or .101ifi ELDER, Henkel] h lo71-tf _ — apples Cotton Rot COCot:17.'", Indies, .rurtt't..tf...-,, Isreguilliaetoornoir1 vvs.,Ifii.,-...., 1, - eau tlt-penii 'in 11, and tiro4-- of to,- .1. - Prepared in tu . if.. strength. -:%:.o. : .I., -., . grtaonger_tb. i reele:::::-rsl. 17..tpre -,. I.° lbh: ::, ' I', : . :.: •;. *vs, Altx., Wileon, C. Abernart and 1, V. Fear, erne- , 3 ang erous. 11o. 1 and :',,Zo. .2 vr • Cotton Root Compound. Ira? minion of Canada. '.74a!it.ti to An_ . gli).Ntarorem. tirj'eaeriii: tNco7W2Ifirteceseollifoilln foSele,t1(3::tro:rt:3.hi;':..tb::dy'*'1r7.J.:.' ::,111::h as all pills, mixtures and iro!toi-. - • . tttearattlierlded by aIl drut.-gisli.,, 't Ladles -ask your dru,rgist for yo No. 2 -Por special ease- :1 ,.-. . =edict -fie Itrr.v..n. „., ibbn What Exhibitors Say 50 per runt of Fat Cattle exhibited at Prot .1,, 1*1 Winter Fair, Ift03, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic D11,01. . IS1twi e heen feeding your Stn.* root to 'toile tor 0ii i 7103.. KA,1 tind it to lot .an =excellent oleo., We halo, alie led :t t hor sod pie, and ar, *Art ft 101fittwit. vroll -foo3 we ha% e eco trthd. Our priee meter caltle at the Pr ie neild iv; Far, -.1 3, 144 f,1 tv.-• ,na$1 r.k 1'0 it', LESLIE & PEAR Brt edtr She reborn (7,,t•1. oet, %it 'MI, • - 1 Strsi.47 P od is ar (pry exeell -tit T eereoatt_ileet totreng them4 .pood appeti41; -and d'114h.: 111:41:44?: C.12"1.1:17-17:rifir ?air, unixt.cl at birth 80 pounde, at ai 43414134 200 psat.od., a gAin 0fb3pUI4lp.0 eriore..5 pet to ft tel *erne:note-Ws Stoek Frytd ;ANuBEw RICHARDSO.N, Breed( r Shorthorn Cettle, Peeplabun, 014 D . : lut.e e- your Stoek Food for bath erattle d hero, and lied Riles gold eatiefaeteen Several °frit Ca444 hAV.I•ettoan it gain of 100 pound Dir.13113 !able friling it ,0- & 80.1sd. Br di reef lorcrth ern Cattle and Yorkshire 13 u 1. Otee lei 3s, aof.. ; 1h. tochrersg:6. 4) PrItic 101 Margefae'uosti by 1111. olITEINC.TON D111.70 CO Guelph, Got 1 or' vide h- Hamilton & Kerslake, See forth M altised, Ceetee . W .1. Lee v. Mitiehed • Cane * San, 11(11.1.... titc1,on Gurrf.Bkfth- e79-37 Fur poultry and gar.len. Beller than old siyle. (of -c,zi &elder nr us. 'Freight paid. THE PACE WFRE FENCE CO. LIMITED 204 Montreal Winnipeg St. John SEAFORTI1, ONTAItIO, AGENT. v• rilute by , tom) l'adi • 404: to It of the the surn edtwhic ed to be oevis of to the oafa debl the lariat tbereonk 10 if And - by the by epee seal Tom frig then providt4 And ig rateable gillOp al iicnt rol tbe wtic perli0P 1 t be last deltIl $851S.:68 or int -ere Therel Gerparal enacts at Ai 000 . n tke u ail of ti of aseistl said To1 taid porj t Tattnalf $441.51 day of tures abi thereof," , 3 or 1 jaw thereof, the -oor Ever Mood Bomete all corn no MIA it hard nudism of bad Bat tb tiae fae fitt'ilen nee 4 en c di* their to bla and re in the Dr. W- m wo- .s. Every veins strikes - braces Pili int tan b that soothe' glow it special and t woxid rti t ;80-rg thel to for to