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The Huron Expositor, 1904-02-19, Page 5
e have oId ' p. Dght irons us Wal nch lourfigures'. Wing us to start ror an unneTully wa let of Mares try 20th, We i11. troweled with a trifling coek highly -r popular at many frien.. wishing them appiness through- number of el - a d ettance were ent owing to the he train:rvice. nt, however, we Bowing ; Mr. M,, eetan ; Mr Gill, smart, of Bret_ Mager, of Znr_ ante,, of Clinton, Miss Iernphiil, ne return hock - the rink on mon, tween Exeter rmer won by g of London, has past week or sir Rev. W 3. Doh_ church.- Rv,Hr; ru en Wednesday.. Mfr_ James Shir- e seriously be pleased to ewhat improv ill and week. ✓ curlers left air far St. Marys, d playing in the 'd competet on. players were king part owing `ass eugagemente of Wroxeter„' C. Coo :..._Our ade somewhat bad road's.. -At meeting of the Monday afters ¥edd _ received pressing invite- pastorate for evidences the 4cient services he the past. -Mr. G. confused to 1 ast week throng s been consi ler nsall and vicinity Hoek €)r seefrom M . E. Troy r, r ee . from Seaforth,- visiting her es Wright. --Mr_ 4 Mr. Alex. Smith hogs during the e greatly incon-- as losers owing not running the hogs were left last week .eery openings at 1IIto. `rrrhants -oleo-need the cora ht trains last week et of over three bIocltades.-Mrs.. -v ghter, Tent, have during the past very critical ill- ay's son, James. ;as in Toronto deer- or so visiting her. oseph Case. -yrs. d by her husband nts Mr. and Piersr of the London !R'am's team: tools own account last .eel! Mills, around east of the vile and out of a gravel without doing the e#nselven err the out- Graig bas :been Hensel.' during Richard Davis ern recently in spent last week ing relatives and t 1iug in their -home nite with their }g there continued Ethel Calwell is at- Fopenings at Lond- nMorran is visiting now and Ripley.. r in left home ,thigr r d= being called the illness of her 13ucharzars has se- in a printing of Hfr. D. W. Foss iii' during the past .lthoulder dislocated of putting in 4OIUe wood in his bakery f'. SAL 12sua1 stock - Es dor this; sale regular $7.6es stag 8So a shit. War '1 for 100 for 2 95 a parr. et 26c Japan tea In )rth. • RITARY 9, 1904 On Tharsdev, March 3rd, at 1 o'clock en Lo 20. Concession 14, McKillop, Stock and Imptoments. Jain Stat. oprietor ; Thos. Brown, auctioneer, edeaiesdes, Fsbauary 24th, st one rrh n., oo Lot 3, Concession 12, Mc - Faun Stook and Iry mews. 8, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, anot- {hi Toning, March lot, rat one ©'clock of Let 9, Oon ssio i 8, Tuokeremitb-, and itnpleniente Peter Me - proprietor ; Th ,mss Brown, T ay, FFhroary 23rd, at 1 o'clock Lot 1, Concersiort 4, Town Lin, Ferro Stook, Implements and d Fsereitnre. Woo M(33422661, ; Jfautes G. 1139Miehsel, atae- urrlay, lrebrusry 27th, at 2 o'clock m., at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforrh, 180 sere form iia Tookerarnith. Wi:lla€r► Midden proprietor ; Themes Brown, ane- tiacater.1 S'sciheaeay, Minch 2nd, at two oh • k p, aro, on the prernleea of the Currie $owistesd, beivg lit 8, and South half of lot 9,. Concession 11,Towrrh,p of Hthbett, aentsinirrg 150 sores. Thomas Ciineroa, sactioaeer. Oa Thursday, March 10cb, at ono o'clock It, m, sharp, Thorn bred and Cattle and other Fara Stook, Implements and Household Furniture, oa Lot, 28, Conree- tor 5, L, B. S., Tuckeremith, M. 11/41c - Foy, proprietor ; Th ass Browv, au.cteon- eer, OnTgeaday. March 15th, at one o'cflook p,::u, sharp, on Lot 21, Cosroe.aies: 6, Nay, taro miles west of Hensail. Farm 8 ook sed implement', ,&agues Ebner, prop.; B. S. Phillips, auctioneer. Oa Friday, Fnbrnsry 28.b, atone o'clock p, ro., on t 28, Concession 4, McKillop, Horses stud cattle. James Henderson and Jame Hogg, propriet,ore ; Thomas Browv, eoetioceer, Ort Tuesday, March 8th, at 12 o'©Iook, woo, on Lot 25, Conces,ism 3, L. R. 8., Turakeremitb, Farm Stack and Implements, Edwwd' Idwell, proprds ,r-; Tlsomsg Stein',,, auctioneer. • & turd.ey, February 27rb, at the Commercial Hotel, Seafortb, at 2 o'clock m., the residence and grounds belong - to Mrs. Robert Coleman, in 8eaforth. mai Brown, auctioneer, saaseara, Feb. 18, 1904 !set Wbattn eve,$tandrri.......... tin 5 to So 87 Bets Patepit r hal _�.. 666;6. 0 6 ' 0 30 00 aseeyperbetrA -., 0' 3s as 0 38 apnea Ns, i, iota 016 lvr .S 16 mer, tub- .._M... I/ glir MI, .. 0 16 to . 0 16 dr.,zN•.► 664,6 .. -.:... 0 20- to 0 20,. let.) ... e 2 26 k, S 59 f par ton iww__ . -nee--. 6 5e to 700 vow per 19e non ... �..Po' ,...6 6 Oa se 5 25 !1' Slone.►.. -. ee nee --ono.. 0 S4 to 26 Potatoes per �sg (newL� ' f' 0 . $ 0 90 .., - 1 90 go (r ail] pas beenn - .� 8 0 8.... 1 25 k 1 25 Weed Per cord (I ;n.cj. + _ _ +- 4 00 to4 50 Weed peraorrl (shore) , 200 to 269 per ba;; .0.......... 0 26 *0 0 60 rr ....- _...•__. tet..... 5 09 k- 6 00 " "My Seed—., . , ..., 3 25 to 225 roe", ear itr- °6 en 03 Pork, per 100 '.bs_, s...,. 7 do to Horn itiarkef`. T !rico, February 17 -There vita a big salt et the Repository to Toronto to d9, T offarioge coasiat ng of 100 workers. neve Weis a wide range in ---the quality of e animal', running from 1,100 to 1,500 pounds in weight, from five to away up in years, and from serviceably sound to guar- anteed. The prices ranged from about $80 to $200 each, acaordrng to the quality of the individuals. Gram, etc. TORONTO, February 17 -Wheat is firm at ':• to 890 for No. 2 red and white east and middle freights, Goose is steady at 75 to '76o for No. 2 east. Spring is steady at 80a for No. 2 out, • Manitoba wbest is firm at 970 for No 1 northern, 94o for No. 2 northern, and 910 for No. 3 northern at Georgian Bay ports, and Oc more grinding in transit. Millfeed-Is firm at $17 to $17.50 for carr of aborta, and $15 for bran in bulk east or middle freights. Manitoba rnillieed its firm at $21 for oars of shorts, - and $20 for bran, seeks included, Tor- onto freights, Hay --Receipts amounted to M load*, No. 1 timothy sold at $9 to $1O.50 per ton,and mixed and clover at $6 to $8,50. Straw --Two Ioads of sheaf straw sold at $9 to $10 per ten, and one load of loose sold at $6 per ton, Dressed Hogs -- Deliveries were fight and quotations are unchanged at $6 75 to $7 per owt for - light weighty, and $8 to '. 25 for heavies. Dairy Markets. TORONTO, February 17--Batter-Plenty, of dairy rolls are coming forward. Cream- ery butters are- offering fairly freely, and the demand for all -kinds coetinuea active. Quotations all round are unchanged. Cream- ery prints, 20 to 22a ; so,iide, 16i to 20o ; choice dairy polled rolls, 15 to 17e ; large dairy rolls, 15 to 16c ; good to oboice dairy tubs, 15 to 17o ; medium dairy, 13 to 14o ; poor deity, 10 to:.12o. Cheese -The mar, ret here continues steady and the demand fair, Quotations are unchanged at 11c per 0ond for twine, and 10go per pound for arge cbee.e. Eggs -The market le steady and quotations are firmly held at 33 to 35o ear dozen for new laid, and 12 to 33o for fresh gathered, cold storage and limed.! MINT L, 'ebruary 17--Eggs-Neer laid 38 to 400 ; eandled selected, 34 to 35o ; Montreal timed, 20 t0 32o ; refrigerstor, 20c, Butter -Winter cresmery, 19,j to 20e ; fall green, 210 ; western dairy, 15 to 35 ; rolls 16 to 3,Sxo, Cbeeee-Ontario, 11 to Iljo ; townships, 10- to IN?. Poultry. T©Ronro,February 17 --Receipts of choice stook are light, and the demand for young turkeys and chickens continue good, Chivk- ees f are quoted 88o a d to t 5n t� 6o Seeds. ToB0NT0, February 17 -Trade continues ratter quiet, and quotations are unohanged; as follows : Red clover, 35.25 to $5,75 for ordinary es` and $e to $6.35 for choice to fuse e s!rike at $4,25 to $6, and timothy at $I.15 to $1.60, end flail -threshed set 31,75 to $2 all per bushel. Live Stock ffiarketa. LONDON, England, February 17 -Live cattle steady at 10i to 14,o per pound for American steers, (dressed weight) ; t insd- fin steers, 10 to ll0 ;per pound ; refriger- ator beef, 71 to 82 pir pound, Sheep, 11 to IIi° per pound. Larne!, 14 to 14L3 (dressed weight). 1 Tonoeee, February 17---Oat+I4---Export• Best loads of exporters sold at 14.60 per osrt ; medium to good at about 42 tar $4,40 per owe, Export Bulls --Choice y bulls are worth $3.75 to $3.85 ; medium bulls sold at $.3.25 to $3,50 ; cwt. Export Coble -Export cows are worth $3.40 to $3.85 per owt, Butchers' `Cs --Choles picked lots of batebere' e'sttle, weighing from 1,100 to 1,175 p's mob, equal in quality to the best ikPerterso ere worth 34.30 to $4,40 ; oeds of fs goodbutchers' sold at $4 to $4,30 ; 113•20- to good, 33.50 to $3,85 ; common, $4.25 ; rough to inferior, $3 ; °moonlit 12,50 to $2.75. Feeders --Steers IA cod quality, weighing from 1,050 to ds each, at 33.75 to $4 per to ere -One year to two-year-old otoideo 00 to 700 pounds each, are worth $3 to $3.50 per cwt ; off -mime end Poor breeding quality ofthe sante weigh acme 'Worth $2 j to $3 per cob. i Cows --bitch ()owe and springers , wo from 133 to $66 earth. • Cslves-�-Cal sold at $3 to $12 each, or from $4.50 X8,50 per cwt, . Shee Prices 34.25 cwt, for ewe, and backs • 33to 25. Lambs -Prices for graici- choice ewes and wethsss for export, $5 to ' ' •75 ; barn -yard lambs, $4.60 to Roge-l. t eeieet boons bogs, nob lee 60 Pounds, nor score than 26 ponnds each, fed and watered, are wort 54 5�s cwt ; lights lied fate at $4 50 sows' 13.26 to 33 50 per owt., and eta al $2 he112.50per oft, - M4�•, February l6--Cattle--.True was good and the prices firm at 4f to 63 pe pound for prune cantle, good mediums a 41 to 4ijo, ordinary medium' at to 4e, an the common stook at 24 to o per pound Calves sold at $3 to $7 eseb, or from 3 die per pound, There were no good ghee on the market. Two of the best milk cow were sold for $120. 8eaere,l other sale were made at from $30 to $55 each, Bu manyof the cows will not be sold today Good lots of fat hogs sold at 5-1 to b a pe pound, B�a'Aro, February 16--Cattle-Ac*av and strong ; prime eteerM, $5 to $5.25 shippingrteers, 34.50 to $4 85 buteherd suers, 80 to $4 90 ; heifers, $3.25 t $4.50 ; cow., $3 :o $4 10 ; bulls, 12 75 t $4.25 ; stockers and feeders, $3_to $3 25 stock heifers, $2 50 to ;3 ; . fresh cows and springers, steady ; good to choice, $4. to $55 ; medium togood, $35 to $42 ; common, $18 to $28. ogs-Active ; 10 to 15o lower ; heavy, $6„60 to $,5 60 ; rreix- $5 45 to $5 50 ; Yorker*, $535 to $5 45 ; pigs. $5 ; rouging, $4.50 to , $4.75 ; stage, $3 to $3.75, Sheep and Lamb* -Ewes and mixed sheep, steady ; others 10 to 15e higher ; latnbe, to $6.55, a few at $6.60 ; yearliagw, $5.25 to ,35,66 ; ',ethers, $4.65 to $4.90 ; ewes, - $4.25 to $4.50 ; rbeep, mixed, $2.50 to $4.50 TORONTO JurranoN, February 17-Cattle -Exportera sold all the way from 54.50 to $4.85 per owt., with only one load at the latter price. The bulk of exporters sold at $4.65 to $4 75 per owt. Batches' cattle sold at 33,85 for good to -$4,30 per cwt for the best lots. Rough cow. and mixed lets sold all the way from $2 75 to $3.50 per cwt. Export balls sold from . $3 65 to $4.121 per owt. Wm I vice bought 300 cattle ail told at $4.50 to $4,85 per owt, for exporters and butcher! ; $3.85 to $4.30 for. good to oboice, and $2 75 to $3,'50 for rough to common- tote. R. Weirton, , Blyth, sold one load of butcher', 1,092 kends each, at $4.25 per cwt. E. Sell bought throe loads of exporters, 1,300 pounds eaan, at 34.30 to $4 76 per cwt. McDonald and Maybe° Cnrtrpan sold 23 t utofrera St $3.90 per ewt, and one veal calf at $6,50 per cwt. Many of the. drovers complained of baviog loot money, Norse of there stating that t!iey could not obtain prices paid in the country,. to slay nothing of time acted expenses Loewe red in purchasing and tranrperting them to m HURON . EXPOSITOR. of 1�11b rth vee to t4 at !ed 30 �; 0h ga e r t d to s t r 0 0 arket. TRILL -4n McKillop, on February 141h, to Itr. and Mrs John Cuthill, *son. McCUTOHEON--I0 Morris, on February 3rd, to Kr. and Mn. W. H. lecCutcheon, a dsugbter. DUPEE-In Brussels, on February Iotb, to Hr. cad Mrs. Daniel Dupes, a daughter. TAYLOR -In Grey, on taebruary bth, to Mr, and Mrs. Ira Taylor, a dsc(ghter. HARTLg1B-I8 Zurich, en Fcbrusry Stb, to ler. and Yrs_ Chsr.es Hartleib, a dsughter. A13M€FI eeN(1-In Reetev, on February 8-th, to Hr. and Mrs. Wesley Armstrong, a daughter. SHAW -Ire Grey, on February 6th, to Mr, and Ere. Joseph sekaw, a son. WRAY—In Tornierry, on February 8th; to lir, and Idre. Jame' stray. a ton. LAN'DSROBOUGH-ln Park River, North Dakota, to Mr. and Mrs, 6, H. Landeborougb, s son. p - POR@A -NORMS. TW1 FO11 SALE AND FOR SERVICE, -For tele, a there bred Yorkshire pig, two-and,a hell year! old. I have bad bins as s !toast pig in my herd for two years and can guarantee Inns satisfactory in every respect andyya first orae stook getter. I e breed.have from We , Hornne, of BNorth L rru pig ,f and to whichh IwJU ad. met s'limited number of Nowt at the usual terns, This it an exoeption9fly good pig, On Lot 21, con- cession 1, Huron Road, Tuelteremlib. J, B. Hen. demon. 1888x4 A UOTJON SALE OY FARM ®TOOK. -gr, Tool. 11 Brown bas been instructed by J. OE Header. eon and Joseph Hogg, to sell by public auction on Lot 2d, Concession 4, MaKntop, on Friday, Febru- ary 2tuh, at 1 oWeek p. rrr. be following valuable property, viz ; Horses -ons draught bone 4 nests old, 1 driving hone 4 dears old, 1 draught brood mere,-Cottte-•Fou, cows supposed to be in Of sir a th,routrbbred bull, 3 farrow cows, 3 steers rising S years old, 6 bciters rising 3 years old 8 steers rising two ytara old, 10 yearling boiler, 6 yearling steers, 9 spring calves, !Terms -Ten womb,' credit on furniehlo approved j Sint tinkle, A dkcount of 4 oente on the dollar will be allowed far ostb, J, 0. HENDERSOg JOSEPH HOGG, Proprietors ; THOMAS BROWN', Auctioneer.. 1888-2 UCTION SALE OF HIGH GftADfi . CATTLE AND OTHER PARIS STOCK AND Di`PLE. oEIIT3.--Mr, Jobs, Safford ba inntruceed 'Mr, Tbom,v Brown to sell by public suction ou Lot 20, 0 nc.sfon 14, lteleillop, on the farmed Mr Wm. Knechtet, on LTbnrsday, March Srd, at 1 o'clock p m., the following property, viz ; Horses -One heavy dr,ught colt coming Iwa,1 heavy dreient tum rising five years old, Cattle -tine Hereford cow supposed to be :in coif, 6 grade eowa euppossd to to 1n mill, 4 steer_ ____ l- - . heifer, InCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND 10- PLEIIENTS.-Mr. Mimeo Brown has been lostrac:ed by Mr. Peter McLachlan, to sell oy pub. lie auction on Lot 0, Coneevelon 8, Timken:fifth, on Tuesda ellarob 1st, at 1 eeeloek p. m„ the following driviog mare rising nine. Cattle, ete,—Two fat mare, 1 teem of aged general purpose heron, ono °owe, 2 coos newly cilved, 4 cows in calf, 1 farrow cow, 3 steer" rising 2 e esns old, 4 helfere riling two yesse old, 2 sfeere defog 1 year old, 3 heifers rising 1 year oid, 1 brood sow supposed to be en pig, 10 Inge obout 3 month. old and *belie 50 bent. Inn plerneon-One Frost a Wood binder nearly n , 1 mower, 1 bone rake, 1 root pulper, 1 geed drill 2 single plow 1 two,furrowed plow, 1 miner, ono buggy, 1 roller, .I. 'tinning mill; 1 set scale, 900 lbs. double harnensi, 1 ealotse cream separator, one shovels, forks, eke The whcle of the above will positively be gold without reserve as the pro- prietor hal fold hie fariv, Terms --All ems of 66 and under, cash ; over that ansonnt 9 months' crecirt will be given on furniehing approved joint notes, 4 discouni at the rwe 014 ante on the dont, will be allowed for nob on credie ausounts, PETER MeLACHLAN, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auationeer, 1888-2 A IJCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IV - A, PLEMENTS,-Mr, Wm, McEicbael hoe in- structed Mr. James G. Mel/lobate to tell by public Amnon on Lot 1, Cononstion 4, town line, frullette follwiog property, viz ; Horsee-One aged Grit mare, I filly emnirig 3, got by " Sidney," and o rider of Sidney Pointer. Cattle—One cow calved at New Yrenne 4 cows in tan to a thoroughbred bull, 1 farrow cow, 2 dry cows, 5 steers rising three, nye steers rising two, 1 yeerling Durham bull, 2 heifers rising three, iu calf • 3 beders rising twa, 2 yearliog heifers, 10 calves, 3'tore pigs, 8 well bred Leicester 6W MI) 1 Leieettar ram and about SO bens. Imple- mentsen-Massey-Ilarrie binder and 1:1117WOr, nearly new, lumber wagon, pair bobsleinbe nearly new, spriog toothed cultivator, walking plow, sulky plow, Idaesey-Hartie ten foot steel horse rake near. ly new, root waffler, set diranood harrows, root eutter, fanning mei, hay rack. gravel box, grind Ptone, sugar kettle, set double team harnese near- ly new, set single rbsrvean and other SII3611 articles too nt-merous to mention. Also about 160 bushels Karesurie seed batley and 4 lot of good hay in tho ureaua, cook stove, parlor etove, churn, milk box, sap ean end 125 bucket* and other articles. The whole will positively tse Bold withont reserve as eke roprietor le retinn from the farm Terms An .111 Marriages- REYNOLDS-LAI1B-In St. JIIII1433' church, Sear forth, on Tuescley, January 16th, by Rev, Father Corcoran, lilr James neynolds, of *Jul- iette to Miss Mary, daugh ter of kir. tetepheu Lamb, of Sesforth. February 18th at die residence of the bridles brother, &Worth, by Rev. Rural Dean Hedging, Mr. Brant C. Penharwood, of Seult Ste. Marie, to Mies Alice Rare Edge, also of the Soo, but CRnIGHTON-MARTIN-At the borne of the bride's brotber in-law Mr, J. A. Fleming, of Hamilton, North 1:1;kota, on, February 3rd, by Rev, T. ET. Richmond, Mr. John 1. nanigh- ton, of Glanton, North Dakota, to litay Mary Louise Martin, ex -teacher of Glaeston public school, and third daughter of Mr. James Mar- tin, of Wbitechurch. Ontario. MoCoNNELL-BUSOnERT-At the residence of the bride's parents, Howloir, on February .2nd, MeCentrell, of -Manitoba, to Wee Tillie Buschert MciILLON-SEIAW-At the residence of the btidees brother -ha -law, Mr L W Hanson, Wing - ham, on Februeny 4sb, by Rev Wm Lowe, Mr George of High Rirer, Alberta, to Min Adelina Shaw, of Wingharn STEPHENSON-FLATT--On February 10th, Mr Wm Stephenson, of Grey, to Mies Flora Flett, daughter of Er and Mrs N Finn of Monis FISCHICR-SMALLDON-In • the Presbyterian church, St Thorns', on February 3rd, Mr Chas Mother, of St Thomas, to Miss Minnie &standee, of Cranbrook LIJOAS-BEIRNKS-At the manse, Cranbrook, on February 10th, by Rev D B Meas., Kr Thomas Lucas to Miss Kate Bohlen, both of Grey JOHNS -COOK -In Hansen, on February 9the the reeldenoe of the bride's wenn. Kr and lin Henry Cook, by Rev Dr Medd, Mr Herbert Johns, of Guelph, to Mies Leyina Cook, of lienaall Keg RATII-In SI. Joseph's Convent, Toronto, on February 10th, Sister M. Prexeedes. daughter of Mr and Mrs MeOratb,of High streenseeneno, HARVEY -In letephee, on February gun gosan Seunders, wife of Mr Jameo H.41170y, aged 6,8 years, 9 writhe and 20 days KNIGHTON-At ,be Reuse of Refuge, Mann, on February 7th, Jebn Knighton, femme of Stephen township, aged 80_yeen beth Konslow, relict of _She lan Morena non. nel, aged 74 years HAY -In Goderbein on February lltb, Annie, daughter of the late James Hay Jape, daughter of tbe ista Michael Conneinagea 41 yang and 8 months , Goderieb, on February 6thnJorenolah Gritnn, aged 86 years Jooephine Willienn, wife of John Malley • Butledge,'relkit of the late W Karin, aged 82 years - Wood, relict of the Ian Wm Goodrich, former- ny of Minton, aced 93 years and 3 months Joao Elliott, ranee rf the lato Wm McLean, Godenoh, aged e6 years AIREXHKeD-In Stankry, on February 18th. Jima' Alkenheed, iged 60 yearn and 4 mouths, This in the Season to. have your Horne PHOTOGRAPHED Ail kinds of Photo Work PROMPTLY DONE Picture Fre, a made while you wait JACKSON BROS., Seaforth. Notice to Creditors. In the entate of Stephen Downey, late of the township __ of MoKillop, in the County of Huron, farmer, deceased. Notioe le hereby giros pursuant to the plaints in Mat behalf that an person* baring claims ageing* tte ornate of the old Stephon Downey, who "diod on the. Sth day of Deeember, 1903, aro required on or before the , 15tb day of Mama. 1904, to nod by prepaid or doling to J. L. Kilburn, Seaforth, aerie, foil/Mot far Rev. Dennis Downey and Ws% Devereux, exeartore of Ike deeseasd, their name, and addresses; . full partioulare of their alaitase and the nature of Kw sectmity, 0 any, belt, by them, and that altoi *Id date the said ematulors wilissra; coed to distribute Ss soots of the laid among the persons ostithad tborgrio, haring regard to the clams of winds they shall then have Solicitor for tho Esoestora. Dated leth day of February,0101. 1 -3 sums o 55 and un er, cash ; over that amount 9 months' credit wili be given on furnishing approved joint notes. A discount of 4 center on Mee dollar will be allowed for cash on credit amounts, W1L PLEMEMT3.-Mr. Thole Brown hag been in- atruoted by Solomon J, Bell io son by public auc- tion on Lot 3, Concession 12, MoKillog„ on Wednee• day, February 24th. at one o'clock p, na., the follow- ing properiy, naurely.---One mare 11 years old, one aged hone, 1 mare 6 years old suppoeed to be in foe!, 8 cow. eupposed to be in calf, two 2 year old heifers, 1 yesrling heifer, 2 yearling steers, I brood sow, 4 sheep, 3 dozen hens, 3 ducks, 2 gene heavy Mansell, 1 nearly new; 1 set belief° lumen new, 1 string of bells, about fix tone of timothy hay and the same of clover hay, 1 truck wagon, 1 top buggy, I pair beery bobeleighs, 1 pair light imbeleighs, tongue and drafts, 1 cutter, 1 spring torah cultivat- or, 2 Listowel plow, 1 set harrows, 1 terming mill with bagger, 1 wheel barrow. one 28 foot ladder, 1 grind atone, 1 No. 3 daisy churne lumber for hay rack, 1 iron kettle, 1 barrel salt, grinning hook, 1 gravel box. 1 wood rack, 1 calf trough. 3 do4eu nevi and numerous other articles. Aloe some cedar posts The whole will positively be sold as the proprietor has sold ,hie farm; Tann. -An gums of .6 and un. der sloth; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing spproved Joint notes. A die. count At the nits of 4 per cent per annum will be *f- lowed for cash on credit amounts. 13. J.- BELL, Proprietor; T. BROWN, Auctioneer. 18874 IF IT'S FROM ABE R HART'S IT'S GOOD That's what peeple say of the -goods we eell, and it Is is great satisfaction to Us to know our efforts Go •sell only pure, fresh drugs, at right prices, are being Are You a CtuIsterner of Ours ? If not, why not ? We wont at least) a portion of your trisde. We want you to learn 10 is wOrth yonr while to come here -to becorhe a regular customer, Perhaps theft Items will help to puede you : Pure fresh ground hellebore 30o lb Itiseet Powder, for liee on cattle, o_ never fails 50o lb " Never Fail " corn cure, areal cure for corns 10o box Chlorodyne Cough Cure, pleasaut to take, effective 25o bottle " Chu. Own " Condition Powder,. Per - 0. ABERHART, MI R 111 Er GRAND TRUNK fds Isi_TWE World's Fair, St. Louis, April 30 to Dec. 1st, 1904. Cost of Expoeition-$50,000,000 Size of grounds, 1,240 Berm CAUFORNIA, MEXICO, FLORIDA One way and round trip Tourist tiekete are ma male daily. Cholas of routes and stop- over privileges at principel points. Grand Tmak trains make direct connec- tion at Chieago with all railways for the 'among winter resort*. For ticket*, Pulltnam reservations arid a information, apply to WM. SOMERVILLE, esarner Main * a Market Smote There is no Eloquence Quite so convincing as the eloquence of good old-fashioned common sense, Suppoae we offer you an article that's honestly worth one -dollar for 76 cents, that's a bargain in the best sense, isn't it '? Suppose we have a valid reason. for offering this article at a profitless price. If you can use the goods thus reduced, don't you thiok it would be the beet kind of economy to buy tliem ? We are clearing the decks for Spring businese, and. instead of carrying goods over which we have no room for and paying ineurauce, we prefer to let you have a chance -at them. Here's a small list : Flannelette Shirt Waists, latency stripes, mercerized strapping fsnoy buttons, detached collar, worth $1, for 75o70 Odd lines and sizes in print and tdannelette wrap- pers, worth up to $1 26, your choke for 76o, Flannelette wrappers in blue and white oral designs, plain blue yoke, fanoy trimming and deep flounce worth $1,25, for $1. Ladies' Astrachan Jacket', fine glossy curl, worth $30, for $25', Men's prairie wolf coats, with dark fur collars, worth $15, for $11.50. Men's Siberian dog coats, fine glossy fur, whirth $22, for 318, Men's wool lined kid and mocha gloves, worth 75e, for 50e, Men's for cape, In medium and clork fur, worth $3, for $2.25. SPRING 0091:0Sg week we have received several eases of lady Spring goods in drub YOUNG MEN Are invited are nobby, to call and inspect Our new styles in our new styles of Felt Hate for Spring. They Fancy Shirts for Spring are here. After 20 Years More Popular than Ever. Others come and ge, by seductive edvertieing they attract a little attention for a time, but unless possessing real meirit, thif quickly eubeldee; !loyal Oka/rated Balsam, of ,1:ir Combines -the heeling and soothing properties of Glycerine with the ilrell-knOwn vietuog seed by Fir (Balsam, for allayieg any catarrhs! inflemmatiou of the mums mem- ane, and people are learning not to be put off with substitute*, said to be 4' just ao good as Balsam of Fir." If you hive soreness in the throet, chest or bronchial tubes, or a cough, no matter how bad or bow long standing, get a beta* of BaS011/1 of Fir, It has made many surprising cures with others. If it had not superior merits, we would not be getting mai lettere as timed : " Send me two bottles of the eld reliable," David toloDenald, Detroit, Miob. "A zumber of year. ago purchased of you * bottle of Royal Glyeerated Balsam of Fire I am unable to obtain it here, If you *WI handle it, 1 would order one dozen bottles." D. J. Cremin, Detroit. " Send us six dozen Balsam of Fir by entrees," Kerry Wateon & Co., London, We could print dozens ouch as these. Uee Royal Glyeareted Balsam of Fir f or the Imposes for which only it is recommended, and you will not be disappointed, 25o and 50o per bottle by all dealers, or wholesale and retail by the sole msnufseturer, ALEX. WILSON, FIRST DOOR NORTH SEAFORTHs OF .1101iARD'S, Prices Cut Loose. We will simply cut the price louse on everything in our store. We 121 118t have the cash within the next two weeks, and if low prices will bring it, here goes for the biggest cutting of iprices ever given. Just a few cut prices, but come and see we are doing just as we advertise: Frfty pieces fine Dress Gdods, worth 50c and 60c, for 25c per yard, Thirty-five cent Dress GoOds to go at 19c per yard. Ten and 12ic fine Embroideries for 5c, See our , 5c table --dress ginghams, wide flannelette, wrapperettes, al worth 10c and 12ic. We simprly must raise the money. Ten cent Roller Towelling for 5c per yard. A Sateens for 10e per yard, worth 20c. C. me quickly you want snaps, CARDNO BLOCK, Above is a out of the Ring WaShing Ma. chine, a trial of which will connionle you of ito superior qualitlem. Both the mechanism and price are right, Call and see the Sing before Purebasing. For sale by ' Seaforth, Furniture of all kinds, also Sew- ing Machines. Upholstering our Specialty. We will be pleased to do your upholster- ing before the rash of spring business #ndertal#ng And Embalming &wives our -prompt and cerefol attention. Night eat. answered at Mr, Km:label's reel - &nee aeoond house west of Barton & Son's blaekirmith shop. Knechtel McKenzie SEAFORTH. 'DOR liALZ CliftAP.—Almoti two acres of land E with dwelling howl, eltuated south of the railway; on Main skeet, /Interne. There aro, es the proofs* both bard and soft grater. good frult t rots and Ulf land fo wolf uodeedrained. For pas. lifoUlaril &piny to 11128. LAIRD or to B. th HAYS, Solietton Seatorth. 11e8.4 1 Roberts' Drug Store The Morse Electric Belt Cures Rheumatism Paralysie Liver and Kidney Trouble. le'ime Back, bonstipetion, Stomaeh and all nervous diseases, A $20 belt for $5 at You may stand on the ice all day, and yeti have warm feet, if you weat a pair of Electric Insoles. n vsluable for frosted or sweaty feet, eure cure for ohilblaine. Price, 50e a palr at Roberts' Pills When you waits 'np in the morning with a bad testa in yoor mouth, you know tbst your/Pieria out of order. Take a dose of R. oberesliolgetible Stomaeh and Liver Pills. TheY will cleanse your stomach, improve your appetite and make you feel like a new man, -25e at . 8. 13.0BERTS' Drug Store, Oarbolated Glycerine Jelly, Prepared by 3. S. Roberto, is tebee- lutely the hest preparation known for chapped or rough hands, se nu. merous customer, can testify. Try and get your raoney, back. Price 25 cent*. The originel and gamine Fevered only at a S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE, sEAFORTH Pickard's T 0 AXING CLEARING SALE The Largest Dry Goods veto Chathlee Concern In The Lowest of Lowest Prices. This is the week when prices reach the' io, es level at this establishment, for it is practically the end of the winter selling season, and we make the most of the last opportunity to be rid of the sea- son's remaining stock, Besides, it is just the week before we take inventory, and it is necessary for every department to have as little stock as possible, Thus you see there is every reason for inducing you to buy now. Every day odd lots, ends, rem- nts, etc., will be brought cut and placed on sale at clearing prices. Bargains in every departmeme bargains unusual, bargains galore. Ladies' Depa tine A elearing lot of ladies' flannelette hig,ht go at 50C eac Black sateen waiete, regular $1,25, f1.50 and $2 eaoh., to clear at 75c 1 each, special prices. Ladies' and children's winter underwezr, 15 pe Belli. 0 I ly Ten pieces of cretonne, worth t4c and 10c a yard, to clear at lic a A table of ladies' cloth jackets going at $1 each. A table of ladies' skirts, regular prices from $2.50 to $4,75, to Winter Sale of whitewear and embroideries. Just the simple announce- ment is enough for ladies who know the store and the white goods sales of past winters. clear Fur De artment. Clearance of all furs and fur garments in this sale, Ali furs must go now. The entire stock has been gone over thoroughly, anctis now re-arraigeg and remarked to the lowest pessible prices. Our stock is the largest ,in vicinity to select from—too large for this time of the year, and for that reason tliey are marked at the following prices : Eight raen's coon coats, worth 665, to clear during this male at $43. Ten inen's coon coats, woith $70, to clear during this sale at $48. Four telen'S CO011 coat; worth $75, to clear during this sale at $53. Fifteen black Siberian calf coats, worth $32, to clear during this sale at Black and brown dog coats, worth from $15 to $20, to clear du sale from $12 to $15. Special prices on all wallaby and wombat coats. Special clearing pricee on all ladies' Aetrachan coats, Twenty-five per cent. off all collarettee, caperin ruffs and 11111/t3, Our unqualified guarantee covers all points in regard to the quality of the furs sold by us. Clothing Depa talent. On Friday; February 5th, We begin one of the most daring and seneational cut price salee ever attempt- ed by any clothing store in this vicinity. Within ten days from 1101/1 we viola th convert $3,000 worth of strictly reliable, high cla_ss clothing into cash. - We propose to cut our regular pricei3, on many lines of goods, right in two, thus affording the people of Seaforth and vicinity the greatest buying oppor- tunity of their livte, You cannot afford to miss this chance, For example : Men's suits and overcoats sold in the regular way for $10, eoldby us at Dress GoocIs Department These redactions on dress goode should be of interest to you. Still ham- mering away on the dress goods stock. The price cutting process still goes on, A pile of silks, plain and fancy patterne, worth.50c and 76G, hr 5c a A table ef velveteens, regular prices 30c to 35c a yard, sale price 15e, All wool homespums, 56 inch wide, regular price $1, to clear at 36c, - One piece only homeepun, 5; inch wide, regular price 50c, to Clear for 25 ciente, A table of dress remnants to clear at half price, A lot of dreas linings, double fold, tii clear at 5c a yard, INPAININgimmmungollairinl Highest prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wools Sell Quick for Cash. plc oan gulohly tell for oath, without ickaal pub. 1 Hefty, you budneor, real estate et ;pad soroblp- 1111104•7 Wks:, Iodated. fiend me MI 'OW, CHARLES lk POWELL, 10 W. Me* awk Skeet, Beak, N. Y. 18ead Opposite Tom Bn D TivtDpillECT 0 RTE