HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-02-05, Page 3die 190-1 ,eieh"dmemeitieemeee. e WOE he sum or.struct- nf -Sea. FEBRUARY 5 1904 THE ON EXPOSITOR. re the sum et iy by apenial rem aa hereinafter Intro the awn of to*'the Pereent re. mentioned. ,ese• seaute property respective of any totts, inieerestee m the laid proe ef. any increase veimment of areal, ripcord- rnzir 11 of the a 1903, it the • k debenture debt ia follows : rim authority of of Seaforth, for mutt oriey of Seaforth, for he authority of of Seaforth, fer *Authority of hot Seaforth, for 1he authority of if &Moab. he authority ei Qf Sileforth, for he antbority I of of Seaforth, for authority of mente of the he authority of rowel:it) for 1902. e authority es. evn of Seaforth, authority of reeMent) of the he anthority of of Seafortm, for re authority of f Seaforth, for re either for oesary to ap- fot the• e1etor and for - cent to take d P.:teeters at the tbe municipal. rth. ler the mayor way of loan es corporate ee the aurae ap- nea hereinafter RA exceeding in thousand (Wi- rer ehe Mayor to ta be made ay be required, allele each and ate the surn of at the asid de - the seal of the y the Mayor all bear interest rer cent per an for this_ liyeaw shalt be pay - eh day of Jan - at. the office of 'panty of the shell be made tmerety years, thief by-law to Treestirer of tewn of See - to' them cot'. esti Fcrming a sink - he said tiehen- P134.= shall in rOsed, levied tpon all the id corporation lid &bens urea, tiroose f pay. dibentures an 0, in addition Aevied and col- eoperty of the tirreDey of the n. or the said geaforth to ex - the eonetruet- timatea and street emu- Br- Law No. 903. qualified nuery 4th, rin laid 5 a, F at hire. M. einter Return - t the Connell ty Returning � a W11- . epaty Rouen- , hid Municipal r the onoeil' • 20th,1003. at ne of appoiat- arious Polling up of vouis interested the By -Law urticiind Oar- ohilook,noon, 904, at the iivert for Bad .the requieite by the votes on and from h day of ' Mayor. copy of a. ipel Council I:te /Sth day pereone are hi0 any one ueh eryelaw, rnnst frisk° to the ret months vle once a: in the Exerestrints tat In that Clerk • EVBRYDAY AILMENTS. ••••••••••••"••••••60 Almost Invariably the Result of Poor Blood or Weak- Nerves, •••••• safareGILOOIItli If your health is impeired in any way, however alight, tbia article eitonid intereat you. Ask any dotter and he will tell you that mose of the ailments from which men and women of the present day suffer. are, due to weak, watery blooe,.or discrders of: the nerve forces. In ytur mile the trouble I may only be making a start -showing itself 1 in a tired feeling, a derangemeet of the di- 1 gestlen, perhape an °condoned headache or a feeling of nervotemes.e. These symptoms are too often followed by a complete break- down of the health. In tuella owes there is no medicine which will bring back health and strength as quickly as Dr. William' Pink Pills, Theusande of weak and weary men ard women owe deer prearnt good health end increased vitality to this medi- cine. These pills make new, reale, red blood, and restore thettered nerves. Tnis IA the whole secret of the wonderful MO- oees of Dr. Willtarme Pink Pills.. Here is a bit of etrong proof. hire. W. J. ellark, sr., Boston, Oat, says :-" I tuffered a great deal from a complication of troubles; rheumatism, liver trouble and pains about rho Leart, all addivg to my misery. A thorough tlee of Dr. William' Pink Pills cured me, and now, at the age of fifty-two, puma, all aches and pains have left me, and I am evjoying the beat of health. Thie is the vertilot of all*who give Dr. Williams' Pink Pint a trial. Bub you must ,get the genuine with the full name, "Dr. Wil- liamsPink Pills for Pale People" on the Wrapper around the box, If in doubt send direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ce, Brockville, Ont,. and the pills will be maie ed post paid 0150 cents a bex or six boxes for $2.50. They Skipped. How is the work progressing in Da- kota ?'' rake a Boston ministerof a good brother ivlso lives in Dakota, at the Brip- tist atnivemery the other day-. "Well, I'm getting along pretty well, but still it's rather discouraging," replied the old man, with an afr of despondence,. "Isn't there any religion ant there ? Can't you sleeken it ? Or to/0dt they come to church?" No, it isn't that, The.flret week I went there I had big oongregatione. One day there were 150 down on their knees weep- ing and praying. A MO Items in and said there were two detectives earning down the road, and every blessed person got up and skipped." " ....••••••••••••••• The Glow of Health. When the blood is rich and eure,therte is *health ful glow to the complexion which spooks of the vigor end vitality of the eydero. There is no more certain way for pale, weak people to attars the glow of health then by the persistent uao of Dr. Inhume Nellie Food, thereat food cure welch forms new, rich, red blood and art Woe 230../ nerve force. Courage of Men and Women - 1 think ib might be interesting to hear the opinion of readers as to whether meo or wornen have the moat courege, especially moral eotirage. Any one who has done work say, in the political field, must have been hunch with the want of individuality ameng men. They can -seldom etend alone, but must know what their fellows think. Wconan, on the ether band, rightly or wrongly will say atraight out what she thinks. In religious and soeial matters it is much the awe. Men prefer to follow a leader, and are terrified of criticism. This is family proved by the exceptional feeling of admiration wheel we feel if ever we hear of a Matt who simply defies public opinion in aoting„ not ivrougly, but whore he might be understeod. As to nhyeical courage, an eminent dentist assurcd the writer that hie braveert patients are women. Could I go furcher 7 Aloe, 1 fere that moral courage as an attribute of !nazi is on the wane. - M. J. S. • Telephones on the Farms. Country life will soon be dtfforent from whist it used to be when only infrequent trips to town," or a casual visitor, put the farmer in toueh with the world outside. A.* the president well remarked in his an- ' ulna mean°, the "rural iree-delivery, taken in connotation with the telephone, the bioyole and the trolley, accomplishes mach toward lessening the isolation of farrn life end making it brighter and more attractive." In. California says The Ar- gonazt, the barbedwire, telephone has quickly created a demand for eomething better. In Sonoma- connty, recettly, two separate applications; for telephone fran- chisee were made by email companies, for linea te run from farm to farm, and it is Likely that mon the county will be well coverlet with wires. The same develop- ments are taking plaoe elsewhere in the State, and working quiet, but profound, revolution inithe conditions of rural life, ewer who have pever loved a fried, or altered to make a friend happy. The good and the kind, tbe affectionate and l the virtuous, see and feel the heavenly princi- ple. 'rimy would sacrifiee wealth and honor to promote the bsppiness of ethers, and in return, they receive the rewired of their love by symperthieing heurte end countless favors, when they have been brought low by disease or adeetereity. 5 -- Liked the Title -tie. Siugleten, Dann & Co., of GleA.gow,ISeot- land, bave received the following interest- ing letter from a eorrespondent i the I United State., at whose request the firm recently forwarded a silver Sootoh tb stile : ! -Referring to the oilier Scotch histle ! which eau so kiedlye sent tie, the titer i thinks yon would be pleased to kno the eircurnbtaticen which are briefly as fol owe : , -One of our clerks knew. an old 8 (itch - i 7man-very well, who, although he h been I about forty yeers abseut from the 4 land of Burne" has a loyal Scotch beset b ating ia hie beirom. The old man who in - etting on fcr eighty yea& of age, 14es often alked about his national emblem and its c !mo- tion with the Scotch hottest, and w have tried both here and in Boston to get ome- thing of the sorb as a surprise f him. When the thistle was handed to 1 he stepped to a window to get all th light possible for his failing eyesight. W n he realized what it was he hugged it, kited it, and, with tears rolling down is old • cheeky, could enly mutter " a-th stle, a thistle." Then he bunted up an old &mob woman, Who lives in the same villa e, and fit4Ily gave order* that wben he d ed be was to be buried in his Scotch bonne with this famous thistle adorning It • Let Others Experimen •Ther0 Is always something new in th medical treatment, and you are constantly 1 try new-fangled, unproven remedies. Let o pe meal and so risk health and lose ti Ct4uea Kidney -Liver Pills have been tri Or ibis of time. won the improve"! of ;Mali 'nd dernmatrated their right to a place ho e as a family medicine. , ' • way of vited to br-re ex- o.- Dr. In the orlon every to A Broad Statement. This announcement is made,' with u any qualifications, Hein -Reid isthe n pre- paration in the world that guirante s t, Hem Reid will cure any ease of Pi Oa, It Is in the form of tablet. It is the only Pile remedy use inter- , It is impossible to cure an est blished mote of Piles with ointments, suppo itories, injections or outward Appliances. A guarantee is isened eeith every package of Hem Reid, which coutains A month's treatment. Go and talk to 'your druggist about it. . A Boy's Diplomacy. _qui, a youngster of ten maim° te had been put to bed immediately sfterj lunch- eon, and had been told tied he mu4 remain" there all afternoon, doing penanc for a misdemeanor of which be had beei gudty. lite is very fond of having.hie mo' er read - to bine when in exile of this sort, but the offeube of which he had been guiltenon this pertioular °cession was so grave that he hesitated about asking Ilia mother to lemon • the punishmeot by reading to him,. Fatally be called An ceder sister into ,the room, and prevailed upon her to carry a card to their Oil I the o rd was written : • MASTER CARL BLANK. A r HOME WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY SIX n, THREE To SIX. MRS. BLANK WILL READ. 5---- Gripp4s Headache. !dn. C. Appleton, Whitowood. N. W. T„ writes: " Milburres 8tealing Heedlehe Powders Lave given me great relief from tbe terrible pains of -a Grippe In my besd and through riny hock." Price 10c and • 25o as all dealers." ' STARTLINist STORY. • Mrs. Thos. Adams had Bright's Disease-Dodd's Kidney Pills • Cured Here Coaeteuwoon, Ont., Feb. 1 -(Special) - While Bright's Disease le daily adding to its terrible dem h let, Collingwecd numbers arm ng her Citizens one who has had the dread disease in its worse stages, ad ' who is eeday a healthy, hearty woman. Mrs. Thomas Adams is the lady's mane, and in an interview regarding her cure eke says : I moved here from Burker Falls nearly two years ago. I had euff.red for yeare with a pain iu my back that gradually grew worse, rill in Mamie 1900, I was utterly helphse, aud the doctor told me I had Brighter Demme. He could do nothing ler me. A friepd of my busboy] induced me to try Dcdd'a Kidney Pills. They brought me relief from the first, ard after using three boxes I war able to do my own work. I have had no return ofehe trouble since." --e- Never Forsake a Friend. When enemies gather wound -when sickness NU on the heart -when the, world is dark and cheerless -is the time to try true friende hip. They who turn from the scene of dietress betray their hypocrismand peeve that int rest only moves them, If you have a frierel who loves you -who hai• r readied your interest and happ!ness-be sure to sue min him in adversity. Let him feel that his former kindnese is appreciated, prut that his love was not thrown away. Relit fidelity may be rare, but it exists -in the heart. Who hes nat seen eind felb its power ? They only deny its worth and A Modest Request The wit of the Irieh is proverbial, end inetancesi are not waritiog to show that they have all their wits about them in time of danger, says the Youth's Companion. An Midi ewitchnlau, employed in the freight yarcle of a iNestetn city, was un- lucky encugh one day to get hie left foot -fastened be., bhat death trap knorn as a "frog." A vigorous effort to free himeelf faileo. A ereight train was backing down upon him, not more than forty feat away. Quick as a thought he whipped h s knife out of his pocket, opened it, cut tbe folds of his ehoestting with ons' sweep ' of the blade, jerked hie foot -out of his shoe, leav- ing the latter in the frog, snd jumped to one side. He escaped death by a vaargin Of less than a seeovd. The ireight superintendent, hearing of his narrow escape, called him into his office the riext day. "Larry," he eaid, "yon showed wen• tierful presence of mind in an enaergenoy yesterday. I should like ter do sotnething for you to show my appreciatiop of ita What shall it be ?" i ! 4' Well, Nor," -responded Garry, watch- ing his head, " the shoe is as good as iver, but the E tcing's no good at all now. Ye might give me an ordher ior a new pair ay shoesthrings, sore" • Sick Headache. Joseph Wordworth. Ohio, V. 8 , say: " I have hoen troubled with silk headaehe for over a year. lately I started taking Lax% Liver Pille, and they did me a world of good, acting without pain or griping. Premiers and Their Riches. It le eomewhat of a coinoidenee that Lord Saliebury'd will should disolose an es- tate within a couple of thousatds or so of his father's, whioh was proved, (3.5 years ago, at just .opo„oco, says Men and Wm men. Mr, Balfour is much wealthitr than was his uncle, the Promiel'e income, it is ?raid, being about £70,000 a year. The money came from his grandfather, who earned a vast !ultimo in India at the be giunine of last century by contracting for the navy, making as much as £300,000 in four years. When the inuome tax stood so high durin.s. the Boer war, it was stated that Mr, Balfour handed over to the Inland Revenue an amounts -equal to hfs losiary as Prime hliniater. Lint Rombury is another exceedingly wealthy man who had been Premier. Mr, Gladstone, on the other hand, was a comparatively poo4 man, ai. though so skilled at finances. 1s wise fair- ly wealthy at MO time, but uef re twine in - I• vestments in mines reduce tt IhLs capital very much. At Hawarden an wae merely a tenant for lifetibe prepi my lhelooglng to THE MIRROR TELLS 'nit STORY. • ANTI -PLL REMOVES THE CAUSE. When the tongue is _coated. or t h e bre a th Tointed, at- hen an out -of - foots feelltne, as ef leurnIin; or leveret' etomach, dell- neis and aching of Leek or hips, there is trouble in the stomach which may develop in nolalaria or other severe sickness. If you lieve Dr, Leonhardt's Ari - PILL athhanfl, one at night For sale by J. S. Roberts, druggist, and one in the morning will remove the trouble -- It is the world's gfeatetl. sysf em treatment. It Is a gun:anted eure fOotlyOpep- eht, bilioriettess; or coma i - petiole If you want 16 prove its merit, 'write Wir - SON -FYLE Co., Niagara Fella Ont., for free sam- ple. Sold by druggists, 50 cents per box.- Seaforth. turiank, , Miss M. Cartledge gives some helriful advice to young girls. tier letter is but one of thou- sands which prove that nothing is so helpful to young girls who are just arriving at the period Of womanhood as Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. Five Pounds for Pilgrim's Progress " Eh, my lord, it's terrible coon° Ian', an' grows naethieg but meth (charlook) 1" e After some yearnehowever, a new letri arose ab Haddo House who knew not Sandy, and that was the canoe of our hero's undoing. The new earl presented each of his te limits with a handsome copy of "The Pilgrim's Progress," but Sandy, whose name was not on the estate rent -roll, re- ceived nothing. This • was more than he could stand, and, staff in hand, he proem d• ed to Haddo Hones to interview the laird. "1 cannot underrtatd," raid his lord. ship, " why you have not received a copy ; I gave explicit orders thab all my tenante were to receive oar: I /shall make iequire ISA.', A few days later, much to Sandy's joy, he received the coveted volume, but hie cup of happiness was 'speedily dashed to the ground, for next day he had official notice from the estate officer to say that henceforth his rest would be £5 per annum! Inhis declinieg year, the old worthy, who was rot above alloying s joke, need to show the volume to visitore, ra wager," he would say, "that's the dearest copy o' the Pilgrim's Progress ' ye ever saw. I pay five rounds i' the 'ear for't." "DEAR M48. PERMIAN -I cannot praise Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound too highly, for it is the only medicine I ever tried wbieh cured. me. I suffered much from any first menstrual -period, I felt so weak and -dizzy at times I could not pursue my studies with the usual interest. 7.ly thoughts became sluggish, I had headaches,. backaches andsinking spells, also pains in the back and lower limbs. In fact, I was sick all over. Filially, after many other remedies had been tried, we were advised to get Lydia E. Pinitham's Vegetable Compound., and I am pleased to say that after tale :. it onlyetwo weeks, a wonderful chan for the better took < place, and in a short time I was in perfect health. I felt buoyant, full of life, and found 11 work a pastime. I am indeed glad to tell mylexperience with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table COmpo « i for it made a dif- ferent girl of " • Yours very truly, Miss M. C s :it, 533 Whitehall Ste • Atlanta, Gs." -0000 forfisft If WOW of above, litter prefolng pinulneesucannot bfrproducem his grandson. Lord Beacooefield never had nitwit money of his otvh, although his nom el", it is well known, brought him la big sumo. He had expensive habits', and the fottune widish his wife brought him was More than welcome. ° •--- Hoarseness. Helen Decker, eoresp Ferry, N 8 writes •. "A few months ago I had a severe oold in my th roat and obeet and became quite hoarse. A bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Ploo Syrup soon relieved the Hoarseness and cured he odd." • ese-•so• THE MOST NUTRITIOUS Epps's Cocoa din admirable food, with all -its na- tural qualities bated, fitted to build up and Maintain robust health, and so resist, winter's ex- treme cold. Sold in quarter -pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & CO., Limited, Homeopathic Chemists, Iendon, England. E:pp$'s Cocoa GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR. 1876.26 .3rand Trunk Railway System. Railv/1* Time Table. Trine leve Seafo b as follows : 0.50 a. m. For ClInt.on, Goderioh Winghem and Kincardine. 12.40 p. m. For Clinton and Godericla 0„15m. For Mtn, Wingham arid Kintar- , dine, ' 10.18,r. m. For Clinton and Gederloh. ' 7.63 th. no For OiTtratford, Guelph, Toronto, 0414,1 North Bay rain points west; Belleoille and Peterboro and points eaet, 3.37 Ip. m. •For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Moro itreal Ind points east. 5.38 at. m. !For $lpatford. Guelph and Toronto. i'inaerstd and Kincardine. GOING NORTH. iae. Mixecil• Mixed Palreerstoo. 7.80 p.m. 12.20 p.m 8,45 a.m 1,07 9.40 Ethel. 8.07 1,10 10,00 BIBrourallee• • • • • :: 98:2717 1,80 10.20 Wingbarn., 8.88 1.85 10.30 Gem Som. Pass. Mixed. Pao. 9 a.m. 8.05 p.m 9,17 3.18 10.00 • 825 10.15 8.85 11.30 COO fringham.. 6 58 8.m 3luevale ...... , 7,92 Sruseelo.„.. 7.18 Ethel • 7.28 Paimeroton 8,20 London, Huron and Bruce. iflO NOR111-- London, depart CentrOlia.. - • • - - • ... Exeter-. - Henson- FEPOPee- •• • • Srueefield- 9.58 10.15 Londeeboro 10,80 10. Beigrave- • 10.50 Wingbien arrive..... .. 11.00 Peasenger. 6.60 a.m. 8.10 r. 7.01 8.23 7.14 11.36 7.22 13.46 7.47 4.15 13.0 4.40 8.15 4.50 8.22 4.55 Exeter- - 8.85 8.10 Oentealla.. . .... - 8.40 1.20London, (al:rive)- 0.45 A. M. 6.e0 Pleeee ger. 8.15 A.M. 4.50 8.18 5.05 - 9.80 6.07 9.44 6.18 9.50 6,26 CBS 0.55 7.12 7.20 7.118 7.55 01531012.... ANN OS ON Or •••• • ••• 0 • 401ING StiVER- ViTinghern, depart.. - Belgrave •• • • Blyth Lent:weber° •• Bnuterield...., -.•••• Kippen .• aensail....• • 6 ma dr • • aao • • .6 MoginopDirecUry for 1903. 11011AEL MURDIE, Reeve. Winthrop P. 0. JOHN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seaforth P. 0. CHARLiOn LITTLE, Councillor, Winthrop P, 0,: JOHN MURRAY, Councillor, Beeehwooi P. 0. JOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Councillor, Winthrop P.O. JOHN C. MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0 DAVID M. ROSS, Treseurer, winthroo P 0, BOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P., Sanitary Inspect°, Winthrop P. 0. Ali • 10, - ?he 6op Mutual in hour ce Company. ca••••••••••••• FARM AN ISOLATED TOWN PROPER Y ONLY INSURED a, B. McLean, 1' reme vice-presid clays, Secy-Treas. William Cheeuey temp ; George D Oobfln; Jernes flarloc' k • Thome. Leen. EllOPen ; Bob*. Smith. Mee Cumming vtUaP. 0.; Geo audllon Hee &eine • otiose brielne io so lespeueve ••••••••••••••••• • Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, and Gout are all completely cured by Milburn's Rheu- natio Pills, the groat specific rheumatic remedy. 'Pries 6too a box at all dealers. • -Edward Green, a farmer, residing near Westport, in the Brockville db trice was found Monday lying deed in .a ditch, hell a. mile from his home, aud his horse also dead beside him. His lace was out and he bad several ribs' broken. Green, on Sunday morning erove to tbe residence of bia brother, some. three mike, and left again foe home mu ly in the afternoon. His wife did not become anxious, thhilting he had remained over night. The next heard of him wse on -Monday, when his dead body was found. The suppmition is that the holes fell in the deep 'now, and that Green, in his efforts 10 extricate the ani- mal, was kieked sed rendered unecnecious, eventually succumbing from exposure. De- ceased, who was about 35 years of age, Leaves a widow and family of two children. • REXALL 10- DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath-zhey are the lateet and most improved Dye in the world. Try a package. If your druggist hese% them send direot to Rexall Chemical Co., 60 Adelaide Ste, East Toronto, 118,56-52 °gator 011 or other Cathartic is not needed after giving Dr, Low's Pleseant Worm Syrup. This rem- edy oontaine ita own purgative, and no* only de- stroys but Carrie, if the worms. Prioe 25e. THE DEATH CUP. This Deadly Fungus Hexembloos Bev- eral Edible Duel) rooms. Perhaps the met theittly of the poi- sonous fungi of otir woods and fields Is the falriy well linown death cup (Amanita plialloides). particularly dan- gerous from its resemblance to several of the .edible innehroorus. though gath- ering fungi for the table should be undertaken by trope save those thor- Mighty acquainted with the different species. as it le A Rogether too easy for the ignorant enthusiast to make an er- ror whicii may prove _ fatal to his friends. ' The death cup refer4.k1 to has a round Cap. white. yellowish or green- , Wit In color, and the stem bas a swollen beimeuryound6d by an envelope,. or veil, of a white filmy substance, whicb parts as the stalk exteuds upward. Thls stalk is pithy when young. but hollow at maturity, and the gills of tbe cap, which in the meadow mushrooms are pink or brown, are white In the deadly variety, as are also the spores, wheel can be plainly seen if tl e cap is laid, gills downward, on a ee.ece of colored paper for a few hours. The swollen, or bulbous, base Is a distin- guishing characteristic, and no fungus of that appearance should be gathered for cooking. One of the liabilities Is that these caps may be -broken off without due observance of Its base, which Is often covered with earth or dead grasses, hence not distinguished • from some of the lepiotas, nitride how- ever, are never surrounded with the filmy veil of the death cup. The poisonous property of title fungus le largely the same as that found In the venom .,of a rattlesnake and also in • cholera ane diphtheria, and so far sci- euce is unable to produce any satisfac- tory antidote, atropine, the stomach pump and oil purgativee being about the only resources. eeiTir(17,3115K.1ppen P. 0. ; Thome, It, Brneefield P. 0. ; Tbomao E. eaforth P. 0.. Sealorth ; John G. Grieve, Wiro e, Seaforth ; John Bennewele, fine, Beechwood ; John Watt, Frame:, Brumfield : ibbn B. lio es Connolly, Clinton. /.0111711. toilet*; E. Hinehley, Seaforth ; ondv ; 3, W. Yeo. Rohm. urdie anti John 0, Mordeori sto'espromeot lneuranerdedor 14.67 will beoiTitsns of the *bare acne, etifireeestl *feces. A KOREAN CINDERELLA. Coughing is the outward sign - of inward disease. Cure the disease with Shiloh's Consum tion CUrk The Lung Tor ic and the cough will stop. Try it to -night. If it doesn't benefit you we'll give your money back. Prices 26e., 50e. and $1.00 S. C. WELLS & CO, Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. CENTRAL Hardware ,Store. A Completb Stock of Sleigh Bells CrOBB allt Saws Chopping Axes & Handles Hockey and Spring Skates Ixamine our new pattern nickle tea pots. The best goods in the Mar- ket. Makes a nice Christmas present. Prices right, Give us a call. ilm•••• •••••II Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, EgELA.FCDIVTIEE DYE WORKS. Having bought out the interest of the dyeing bum- Defao-from Una Nickel of her late husban • Henry Motile, formibod formerly of ooth, I am prepared to do al kinds of dyeing, cleaning and pressing, All work done on short notice, J. T. SEWARD, Victoria O., a few doors south of the G. T. R., Clinton. Ont. 1868-tf The Slualret Story of Pena* Blossom, the Family Drudge. In Korea the people tell a Cinderella story that Is much more ancient than that familiar to western people. The key of the latter story Is the slipper, but not so theirs. Peach Blossom, the Korean Cinderella's name. was the family drudge. One day as the tnothi er was ;darting off with the favorite daughter to a picnic slur said to Peach Blossom, "You roust not leave until you have bulled it bagful of rico and filled tbe broken crock with water." While sitting there 'bemoaning her hard lot she heard a twittering and a flut- tering of wings. Looking up, she saw a flock of sparrows pecking the hulls off tbe r rice. Before recovering from her surprise a little imp jumped out of the fireplace and so skillfully re- paired the crock that but a few min- utea of work was required to fill it with water. Then she went to the plc - BIC and bad a royal time. . On another occasion the inother said, "You must .stay until you have pulled up all the weeds in the field." This time a cow came out of tbe forest and ate up the woods in ten mouthfuls. - Peach Blossom followed. the cow into the woods and was led to where there was an abundance of ripe, Inscioul fruit, Gathering a large quitutity, she went to the fete and was the most wel- come guest. Her jealous sister asked about it and, on being told, determined she would get some of this fruit for herself. When the next gala day came the sister stayed at home and let Peach Blasom go. The cow came out of the woods as before, and the sister follow- ed it through tangled brier and thorn '1 bushes, with the result that ker !us I was muck scratched and. her skin deep i beauty all gone. -Exchange. ..........-.....--0.---,--. 1 A i tills time ol the Yes?, when sore throat, pain In the chest, rheurnetio palm, sod scbee are eo prey- •alen$, ft would be wise to keep on hand a bottle of ilsgyard's Yellow Oil. It ie a perfect medioine i dust. Price 25e. Troublur with Kidney Trduble , for Six Ifloliths. illeny Men and -Women Are Troubles ,With Kidney Trouble, Some For Lew/ Time, Some For Longer -No Need To Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time, If They Only Knew Of The Cures teing Made By DOAN'S, MONEY PILLS. sickade Is The First Sign Of Kidney Trouble -Then Come Complicatteme • Of A More Salons Nature., DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS TAKEN AT THE FIRST SION OF BACKACHE WILL SAVE YOU YEARS OF MISERY. Mrs, William H. Banks, Torbrook Mines, NS., tells the pub - He about the great qualities of Doan's Kidney Pills in the following words :-I was treubled with kidney trouble for six month , and had such terrible pains across my kideeys all the time that I could ardly get around. After, taking one bo of Don's Kidney Pills I began to fee better, and by the time I bad taken three 'Loxes 1 was completely cured. Pric 50c. per box, or 3 boxes for $1.25; all des ere or The Doan Kidney Pill Coq Toronto, Ont, SIGN OF THE OINCOLAP SAW 1:1 tt .CD • 2b, =a Ali 744 -4110 tke immf • 1.14 C7' lot 0.11 neat e• t" 41 M 0 t.„ r;* -4 O oil g ;7. C) P-4 1"13 Salmi 0-• gLi cor WO* 1.0 ofbiij M gal; 117? fisPi• PE: 0 trig • tat ' I 4, • D. SlAkUM, the eminent Lung Specialist MY SYSTEM OF TREATMENT CURES C NS PTION A System of Complete rledicinal and Tonic -Food Treatment. To all Sufferers with Throat and Lung Troubles1 Offer My RIZ TRLL TTETMENT (A large sample sot o2 the Slocum series of Rezriedies) ($1.25 cents worth of :Medicine Free.) I offer you something different, something Letter than the conunon "cure-alls." .A series of standard specifics, which when taken together, and according to my .directions, bring about a permanent and radical cure of Consumption in all its varied forms, by eradicat- ing the Tuberculosis germs and poison, from tbe system and building up weak and wasted bodies with healthy tissue. A system of treatment that does more then any one remedy can ever do. - My Free Trial Treatment is worth $x.2.5 cents, and I offer it as a test of rny skill obtained through years of study and expeiiment. You are thus at liberty to test the skill of the eminent Lung Specialist, as embodied in his system of Home 'Treatment, and no doubt you recognize that the Lungs or any of the vital orgaus which are diseased and weakened .require the most expert treatment. Have you any of these symptoms which quickly lead to La Grippe, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Consumption? An Obstinato Cough? 'Night Sweats? PLurisy Afternoon Chitis and raver ? Do You Spit Blood or l'hiegm D.:Moult Breathing? Pains in the Lungs? Xidney Trouble ? Aro You Palo and .7 hin ? Pains Below the Collar "Bone 7 LOS5 Flesh ? Sore Inftamed Throat? Indigestion 7 Hetreorrha gee ? W eakened Voice? Catart hal Affections? Firkin Appetite ? Catch Cold Easily? Accept Dr. Slocum's Free Trial Treatment and thoroughly test these four great speci. fiss which when taken according to directions, will start you on the high road, to health, and your continuance in the treatment for a short time, will mean your permanent cum. Many eminent physicians are amazed at the cures effected through Dr. Slocum's System ef Treatment, while others plice their patients under Dr. Slocum's Treatment. CAST ASIDE ALL OTHER MEDICINES and bury prejudice kr g enough to test the remedy; as its' effects for good will positively fol- low if directions are nattered to. Simply write, mentioning your druggist's name, to i» T. A. Slocutn, Limited, eye King St. West, Toronto, Can. Pereoits seeing Dr. Slocum's Free Offer in American Papers, send fur Treatment to Toronto. ManTion this paper. hex centaining the Free Trial Treatment -cannot be mailed, we ask year te ply tepees cis trges am000ling to 25c upon the delivery of the box to your neareit express Lecke. Or you can remit -us 250 and the box will be sent prepaid. TIE GREAT CASH. STORE te.21-Mrie- This Big January Sale Sweeps forward with greater force than ever; every dspartment has caught the contagion of cut prices, and crowds are taking advantage of 'this big sale. It will pay you to visit this centre of business, as thousands of dollars' worth of goods will be rushed out during sale days. Everythieg in the line of winter goods must go regardless of price. It will surprise you how fat you can make a dollar go here these days. Ladies' Dress Skirts, Ladies' Coats of the latest style, Ladies' Undeiskitts Ladies' Wrappers and Blouses and Night Gowns at sweeping reductions. All Furs will be cleared out regardless of coat. Military Flannel, Grey Flannel and Underwear at clearing prices. Men's and BOIS? Overcoats and Suits at less than manufacturers' prices. A snap in large heavy Robes. Several hundred pairs of Boots and Shoes to be sold at tremendous re- • a ductions. A snap in Lamp Glasses, and fresh groceries always on hand. Any quantity of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. imitaiate_ Clite he I D. M. McBEATH,PRETOBLOCK, bLYTH. RIA iPa WOCHrfil Phosphoditeef TIN Oren Parikk beefy, is an old, well eatab' lished and reliable preparation. Rae beau proscribed and need aver 40 Years. All drug. OAS In the Dominion of Canada sell and recommend as being the cede medicine of ite kind that cures wad gives univereal satisfaction. ltproniptly and permanently cures all forms of .7fervour Weak, nom ,Emiartions, fipermatorrhcra, Impotenotib and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium or Siinnatints, Mental and 'Brain -Worry, allot' which lead to Infirmity, insanity, Consumption and Rh Esrey Grave. Price $1 per package or six for a. One teal please. six wilt awe. Mailed promety on re - o! prim. Send for free peenphlet, Address The Wood Company, Windsor, Oar, Canada, Wood'e Phosphodine is sole in Seaforth bye Ala -ta- bula I. V. Fr, J. 8. Roberts Alex. Wilf n and drnggiete. 19 Before and After, LOGS WANTED. The underoigned is prepared to pay tbe highest Carib mice for an unlimited quantity of flrateolaaa Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Ba.ssenoil, Maple, Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Logs Delivered at the Senforth Saw and Stave Rill, Logs to r c cut an even length, except Soft Rho. Soft Elm to be cut 11, 13 and 16 fee . Will also buy Besewood Heading Bolts, 40 inct es long, at $3.50 per cord, delivered. Will aWo buy timber by meaaurement or by bulk in boob. Special attention paid to engem sawing, and tatiefecti.n guaranteed. WM. AM ENT. 1878 Spec!nl Attention co Horseehoelng and General job Goderioh street, Robert To all Whom it may -Concern Ae _Executor of the eatate of the late A. A. FiimL of tbe Town of Seaforth, I desire all who have chime Oh gold fotate to send nie, on el, harm March 1st, 1904, an item- ized etaaerneit of their clams, if any. Moo any owing add estate, to send fres the acnouot due on r befole the above mentionod date, as after that date, as soon as possible, 1 nil take steps to admin- ister the estato according t3 the te.ms of the last will and testament, made April 161b, 1902, in my possession. Signed -JAMES D. NICOL, Sole Ex - °rotor. Dated at Lauder, Manitoba, January 18t1z, 1904. I -4 MONEY TO LOAN Mows to loan at fewest rates of itaterest on good farm ffeeurity. Apply so JAS.; I. KILLORA.N, , Wollner, Seafertb 171241 Furn ture a..d Undertaking. newasearesseesesee If you want a comfortable and thorough' ly reliable sanitery mattress we have jtt There Is nothing like the biarshall. Bed'. ridden paeients have found their tied sores heal up on this mettreem. We also remind yen that we sell the vertical feed Davis sewing machine, and honeetly believe that it has no equal in the couotry. Ie hes all the hetet attachment", and, not receding to take off the premer- foot to place them, they can be put on in a few seconds. Before purehming, call and ace the Davis. We have otber sewing ma- chine', cheap in price, but good in quality. Devereux nishings. All kinds of Furniture and House Fur - BLACKSMITH And Upholstering -New and repair work carefully done. CARRIACE MAKER 17:teer Undertaking 016••••••••• • • Seaforth Thoroughbred Shorthorns For Sale I For sale, six Shorthorn Bulls, two of them broth- ers to imported " 800tehman" now stook bull at the Ontario Agricultural OoltegeGuelph. 1,17o a num. 1 her of females. All must be.eold as the owner bee I sold bio farm. They can be seen at Riverside norm 'I and at Exeter. Parties calling on me at Exeter will , be driven to the farm. Apply,to, or address Tfl0alA8,1tU88EL1i, Extt2r. 188441 And Embalming Receiver, cur peompt and careful attention. Night ealle answered at Mr. leteactitelie resi- dence, sewed house wet of letzten & Son's blacksmith shop. Kneohtei & McKenzie, SE FORTH. 1KS