HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-02-05, Page 2t.
, • _
FEBRUARY 5. 1904
terms for the same offence. Parsons
Ton vosilor was brOught to London from Denver, i.e..,
Coloradh, by Provincial Detective Iti.t.91
Rogerse On account of previous good
eharacter and naving confessed his
guilt, Parsons' sentence was made
lighter than it would otherwise heve
Masking. been.
Notes. -Owing to the stormy wea-
ther on Sunday taste the annual mis-
sionery sermon and collection had
to be postponed for the third time.
However, our pastor, Mr. Smithehas
not yet given up hope of having it
at a future dite.-Although the wea-
ther has been so inelement and the
Wm. Kilpatrick left here last week
to attend the Central Business Col-
lege. Toronto. -Some -of our people
were startled. Friday night by a fire
out to the Northwest of here. It
proved to be the barn of John Len-
in'', Lanes. Great sympathy is felt
for Jaen here as be is almost as well
known here as at Lanes. -Some of
the young people at Crewe, met their
friends here and spent a good time
at the home of Natty Sanders, Fri-
day night. Natty is a most jovial
host. -J. C. Stothers, who is attend-
ing the Goderieh Collegiate Insti-
tute, spent Sunday at home here.
- --e-
TheikElowiek Insurance Company.
roads so bad, our mail service has
been exceptionally good all winter. -
The annual financial 'statement of
the Howiek Mutual Fire Insurance
Co. has been issued. The company
had a very suecessfut year during
1903. The number of policiee issued
during the past year was 1295 and
the number in _force at the end of
the year, 3672, being an increase of
202 polieies. The amount of insur-
ance written $2,061,313, the amount
cancelled and expired $1,600,355, leav-
ing the net ,mount in force at the
dose of the year $5,681,393, being an
increase for the yearof $460,958 in
the amount at risk. The premium
notes held by the company amount
to $284,069.65 and the amount avail-
able on said notes $258,938.85. The
assets amount to $272,198.76. The an-
nual meeting, of the company will be
held in the township hall at Gorrie,
on Friday afternoon, February 5th.
The directors of the company are as
follows: John R. Miller, Jamestown,
president; Edward Bryans, James-
town, yice-president ; Robert Scott,
Fulton's Mills ; James Edgar, Gorrie ;
James Wylie, Glertfarrovv- ; W. S. Me-
Kercher, Wroxeter, secretary -treas-
Royal Tenotplars.
The annual meeting pf the D-istrict
Council Royal Tempters of Temper-
ance was held in Seaforth, there be-
ing a fair attendance, considering
the weather. Mr. Naftel, Goderieh,
reported on the membership of the
different lodges in the district as
fellows: Clinton, 84; Seaforth, 52;
Exeter, 33; Londesboro, 30; poderich
45; Wingham, 60. Mr. Elliott, Gode-
rich, said there should be an account
.of eaoh lodge rendered. This would
encourage others. He said Goderieh
lodge was almost dead, but of late -
new members had come in and it is
once more alive and prosperous.
John Cooper reported that Clinton
was malting progress and it has now
the largest membership in the dis-
triet ; it ,shows what a few active
workers can do. Mr. Johnston, of
Varna, could not speak so encourage-
ingly of that lodge, which is only
kept alive by the select degree;
the prospects ern not very bright.
Mr. Neelin represented Seaforth
lodge, one of the- oldest in the dis-
trict. Ide was a schoolmate of W,
W. Buehannan, the prohibition war
horse, and it is only of late years
that he has taken an active part in
the society. He thought temperance
men should be pushed to the front in
municipal iffatrs. He believes in a
membership contest and in the em-
ployment of an organizer.
The next district meeting will b
held in Clinton.
The following are the officers el-
ected: Select Councillor, F. G. Neel -
in, Seaforth; vie couneillor, Mies
Burnett, Minton, chaplain, N. Cluff,
Seaforth-; secretaries, Mrs. Critten-
don, Mrs. F. W. Watts, Clinton;
treasurer, W. J. Johnston, Varna;
herald, G. M. Elliott, Goderieh ;sen-
tinel, 3. Cooper, Clinton ; press re-
porter, F. G. Neelin, Seaforth I -trus-
tees, Naftel, Beatty and Spading.
Wash greasy dishes, pets or pans with
Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will re-
move the grease with the greatest ease. 36
News Notes.
-la fulfilment of a bet • made on
the North Oxford election, William
Bradt, a Hamilton Conservative,
wheeled Charles Schwenger, hotel -
keeper, in a wheelbarrow from hi,:
hotel on Macnab street north to the
City Hall and back.
-The Freeman's Journal quotes
Lord Mayor of London as saying that
if Canadian store cattle were admit-
ted to the English market they
might all take third class tickets to
Holyhead at once; he himself would
fight till he died to prevent it.
-While passing over the " long
bridge" at Stratford a few days ago,
Hr. John Idington, K. C., saw the
form of a little girl clinging to an ice
block where the White Pork Packing
Co. are cutting ice in Lake Victoria.
Mr, Alex. Easson event to the rescue
and. pulled the child to safety. She
would_have perished in a few mom-
ents. The ice gavie way with her at
a _treacherous spot under the snow.
-At the inquest on the death of
Fireman Albert ,Johnson, killed in
, the smashup at Sarnia on the 20th
inf., Wm. Kerr, first engineer of the
train doing the damage, admitted
that he was asleep in his cab until
within 150 yards of the other train,
and did not notice the signals set a-
gainst him. Ile had been on duty
25 hours continuously-, having had
but seven hours' steep previous to
being called.
-Messrs. John McIntosh &Sons, of
Maplewood, Zora tovenship, Oxford
county, heve sold their champion
heavy draught team to Mr, B. Trot-
ter, of Brandon, Manitoba, for the
eanye price of $600, Mr. Trotter leis
bought them for the express purpose
of exhihiting thew at the Winnipeg
and Brandon exhibitions. The team
is without doubt one of the best
Clydesdale teams in Canada, and had
already, while in Mr. McIntosh,n
possession won the first prize at the'
London exhibition, besides sweeping
everything in their line at local
-Judge Edward Elliott, of Lon-
don, sentenced .-Fred Persons, the
MiddIeeex cattle - thief, to three
year% in the Kingston Penitentiary
for cattle stealing. When Parsons
admitted his guilt in court his aged
father, who was present; completely
broke down. Parsons cnmmitted the
offence in Caradoc in 1902. His com-
panions. Connell. Kalaetine, Butler
and Mitchell, who 'were arrested by
tective Nortlagraves, are serving
How TO Keep Out Bronchos.
The ,Toronto Weekly Sun says:
That the bringing in of Western
broncho e is causing injury to the
horse industry of Canada is beyond
question. That this industry is be-
ing injured to an equal extent by
the breeding of ae fresh lot of small
animals, of unknown ancestry, frotn
native stock, is equally certain. The
South African war gave a pretty
thorough cleaning out of this claes
of stock, and once rid of the nseless
truck We should have remained rid
of it.
How are we to prevent tlie renewal
of an evil from which we werellarge-
ly :relieved by the late war? We can,
very largely, ,at all events, prevent
both, the invasion and the injury
from within through the Farmers'
Institute. As Hon. John Dryden told
the dairymen at St. Thomas, we have
revolutionized our whole hog indus-
try, within four years, so e y
means of the educational work car-
ried on 'through this organization.
We can revolutionize the horse busi-
ness in the same way.- Let every. In-
stitute platform throughout the Pro-
vince, for the rest of the winter, be
made the basis of a crusade aeainst
scrub horses, and the effect will be
irpmediate and pronounced. '
Let Every Tub Stand .on its
1 •
Own Bottom
The Farmers' Sun puts the case
very plainly, and correctly when it
. s t
The President of , the Shorthorn
Breeders' Association in his annual
address, 'suggests that public money
be experid_ed in the pure ase of good
bulls to be distributed 0 r theicoun-
try for tbe purpose of i proving the
average Of our beef math. The Pres-
ident say -a Parliament which ,votes
$3,200 per mile towards assisting the
building Of railweys should not hesi-
tate to spend a few thousands in im-
proving the live stock. industry.
There is at least one cause of atis-
faction i ,t1le remarks referr d to.
What ha en said by the,President
of the SYiorthorn Breeders , indicates
that far ers are beginning to recog-
nize the rnjustice of a syetem Under
which railway promoters, , dry dock
builders, ;and iron smelterare eided
at the public expense while similar
aid is not 'given agrieulture. Farmers
will not, however, adopt the hest
course in asking for a share ..in the
general plunder. If all industries are
to be bonused, we shall be taxing
farmers to help railway promoters,
taxing iron smelters to help farmers
and: the ultimate effect will be to
place ourSelvee in the Position of the
man who, tried to lift -himself by the
boot straps. Farmers have got alorge
'very well: without the aid of grants
from the public!. treasury such as
those engaged in some other lines of
industry received. Instead of aeking
for a share in the common plunder,
they should insist that plunder shall
no longen be handed out to those
who receive it. Let each tub tand
on its own bottom. Let there be no
special fanors to any one industry or
any xi -timber of industries.
Teachers In West Huron.
,,The following is a list of teaphers
in the inspectorate of West Huron,
with their post office, as furnished
by Inspector Tom:
, Township of Ashfield, -S. S. No. 1,
Robert Be Anderson, Port Albert;
3, Wm. A. Cowan, Kintail ; 4, Frd
Ross. Lochalsh; 5, Flora Buchanan,
Lueknow ; 6, Nina Kilpatrick, M-afe-
king ; 7, Tena MeEwan, Lucknow;
8, Thornae G. Allen, Dungannon;
Kathleen ISwan, Dungannon; 9,Wal-
ter B. Hawkins, Mafeking ; 10, Wal-
tle r; L. Hackett. Lanes; 11, Term M.
Gordon, Sheppardton ; 12, Edward
Hanna, Laurie -r; 13, George Buchan-
an, Belfast; 15, Donald Matheson,
Lochalsh; 16, Wm. N. Courtice,
Crewe; 17, 1,.Lieuetta Cunningham,
Port Albert.
Township of Colborne,-No.1, Fran-
cis E. McLean, Carlow ;. 2, Herrn R.
Long, Benmiller ; 3, Ella Pattereon,
Auburn; 4, Edward Stewart, Ben -
miller; 5; Lillian Blatchford, Dun-
lop; 6, George Si Woods, Goderich ;
7, Melburn McDoWell, I3enmiller ; 8,
Tena M. johnstoin Carlow; 9, Lof-
tus L. Knesx, Dunlop ; 1, (Union) Jean
McIntosh, Nile.
Township of Goderich,-No. 1, eon,
stance E. Le Tousel, Goderich
Sarah J. Bell, Goderich ; 3, Nels3n
N. Trewartha, Holmesville ; 4, Jehn
11. Lowery, Summerhill; 5, Eva Coop-
er, Porter's Hill; p, Wilfred H. Bell,
Goderich; 8, Lottie L. Mchlath, Por-
ter's Hill ; 9, Wm. Janfott, Clinton;
10, -Edwin McGavin, Clinton; 11, E.
A. McEwen, qlinton.
Township of Hay, -2, G. Maweon,
Hay; 3, J. W. Ilfogarth, Hills Green;
4, Margartt McDonald, Zurich; 6,
Violet Whitesieles, Zurich; 7, R. F.
Stelek, Zurich, Nate Hart, Zurich,
Pearl L. Nicholson, Zurich; 8, Annie
Murray, Dashwood ; 10, Amarantha
McGregor; Ilensall ; p, Rebecca Car-
ter, St. Joseph; 12, Ednaund,,Gger,
Zurich; 14, Thomas H. Brownlee,
Hensall ; In, Edith M. Taylor, Brew-
Township of S tanley, -1, George
Baird, Clinton ; (1. Union) Isabel
Thompson; Blake : 3, Marie Dalrym-
ple, Bayfield; 4, Alex. McLeod, Bay-
field, :Jessie Sterling, Bayfield; 5,
Fawcett Sturdy, Zurich ; -6, George
W. Shore Varna; 7, Annie E. Con -
sift, Hills Green; 9 George Howard,
Blake; 10, :Jean Mustard, Brucefield ;
13, Gertrude Graham, Varna; 14, W.
If. Johnsten, Kippen.
Township of Steplien,-1, john A.
MoNaughtim, Centralia, Nellie Run-
iannCentralia; 2, Mary A. Robert-
son,Crediton ; 3, -Fred J. Sanders,
Exeter 4; George Lawson, Exeter;
5, Claud Biuett, Crediton, Sara Saul -
ter, _Crediton, Edith Robson, Credi-
ton ;-6, Olive Turner, Khiva ; ;7, .Wm.
Gillespie, Shieka ; 8, Nellie Cunning-
ham, Grand Bend ; 10, Phoebe11.
Tufts, Greenway; 11, May liongins,
Dashwood 12, Rose Smith;. Grand
Bend ; 13, May R. Hogg, Ilay ; 16,
Wm. Geiger, Daehwood, Mabel jere
nison, Dashwood, Dorothy M. Larne -
worthy; •
Township of I'sborne,--1, Maud
Horton,* Huromiale ; 2. Jessie A.
Hamilton, Farqukar ; 3, Fred Swmt,
Farquhar; 4, R. J. Hamilton; Oen,
trona; 5, Peter Gowans, Exeter ;
Duncan MoDougall, Winchelsea, -An-
na Mar( -in, Winchelsea ; 7, Hueh
Kirk. Winchelsea; 10, Myrtle Madge,
Lumley; 12, John M. Tereance, Wha-
len. 3
Toweship of West Wawanosh,-2,
Mabel Bailie, Prosperity; 3, Wm. J.
Taylor, St Helens; 4, Alex: F. Mc-
Donald, St. Helens; 7, Sylvia Seel,
Ford3rce ; 12, Mary I. Clark, Fordyce ;
ere are very fe
ing operations in whic
Soap cannot be used
age. It makes the h
and clkan.
cleans -
o ad vant.
me bright
_14, Alice If. Peterson, W
15, Minnie L. 'Kerr,- We
.01i er :Helyar,' Dungannpn
wnship of East Wa
Ireie Woods; Blyth; 6, 11
rislj, Westfield; 8, Lizzie
hana, flelgrave; 9, Alice D
ham ; Winnie Thomps
11, Linda Milne, Winghani
ence Graham, Belgrave;
Robinson, Auburn; (11 it
E. Glazier, Blyth.
Village of Bayfield, -W
inson, Flerella Stanbury.
Village of Hcnsall,-Wij
Mina. ,Doan, Flora Rep" id
Village of Exeter,-ot
ing, Annie Dorrington, la
Helen E. Walrond, 11 le
Evelyn Carling, Elsie Tfc
J. Irwin.
Town of Goderich,-Jem
ert, Isabel Sharman, I F
Balt, Helen Stewart, '
Ball, Mary McIver, Ada
Ves' a Watson, Kate Wet
Par ops, Edith Wiggins,
itechurch ;
tfield; 17,
enry Mor-
ff, Wing -
n, Blyth;
; '13, Flor-
6, Lillian
ion) Mary
. Rob-
. McKay,
ise Flem-
a Vosper,
allum, S.
s H. Tig-
lorence E.
Win nifrede
Bnrrit t,
n, Marion
Tie" -fact that eo-called. moo hing medi-
cines put children to sleep is n. sign that
tiny are helpful. On the ern trary they
are d ngerous and dittinctly h rmful-the
little one has been merely dr gged into
temp rary inieneibility, the eat of the
trouble has not been reachee, ever give
a child an ovate exoept utder t e watetifiil
inn that all " soothiug " medioi • es contain
eye -o a competent physician, a d remem-
opiates. When your little one 3 nee well,
whentit has any little stomse er bowel
treuble, Or any of the minor silm..nte of
littlle ones, give it Baby's Own ablets and
it wil he safe. This medicine Deord uuder
a gut' entee that it contain) n innate or
berrnflui drug. Ask any motile who has
used. ehis medicine and she wi 1 toll you
bow 'sr little one has thrived d grown
well and strong after taking Jtso Tablets,
Mr. . B. Miteihell, th" well-kn wn drug-
gict, shawa. Ont., Pays :-" I an sagely
recom end Baby's Own Tablet from ehe
aplen id results ehey have give my eue-
tomer', end from hexing u eel ;eh m m our
teen home," You clan get the7 blete from
brig druggist, or L by mail tri The Dr.
Minivan' Medicioe Co., Bro k ille, Oat,
at 25 emits a box,.
.A Natural Carleolty Wasiak F. di I 1.
plain Biblical Birtaisl
Kew gardens, London's! ..lebrated
horti;new plant which is al uultural grounds on the Thames,
mon , interest , because of se light
'which it seems to throw n one of
the most famous of the 0 d Testa-
ment miracles. This plant has jot
been brought from the Ar : • Ian de-
sert, and numerous scienti. dealers;
i.t to be identical with the "burning
bush" which Moses saw b at into
flame at his approach and laze for,
some time without being c nsumede
The plant at Kew, which owe to
the height of five or six t, pos-
sesses the remarkable prope ty of ex-
haling an inflammable gas rom its
Bowers, which, on being ate proached
by a light, takes fire ad burns
brightly for a few momen Tho
plant in the meanwhile re., ins un-
injured owing to its sap.
In the hot deserts of Arabia, where
the pliant • naturally grows $. ore vig-
orously than at Kew, a 1 er _quart -
and it
Lys of
to take
the &e-
to the
e story,
ded as
tity f_ this gas is exhaled,
is pr belga that the fierce
the sin frequently cauhe it
fire. It cannot be said that
coVery of .this planh and it
char teristics -adds great I
tmresivene.eg of the Bib
but it is, to be rega
yeti rleae. -
in ppearance the -"burn.' g •bush"
plant suggests an arid, s.ter le habi-
tat: Its leaves are of a ull- sags
green color, and the gas ex -haling
bioss 1718 are pale pink.
It is not generally los wn that
numerous flowers give forth gases in
a small degree, notably the lily of
1 he valley and the meadoe sweet.
The 1 lossoms of both the. 0 plants
exhale the fumes of deadly prussic
acid by night, and all nowt, 's throw
uf coneiderable quantities of earboniC
need gar, in the darkness, 1 his beinn
',thy it..is unhealthy_ to keep flowers
in a beciro.om:
tstneete 'whiskerRemedy.
• Why use a razor? Why pay the
barber 15 cents for a shatand 10
rents eetra for not cutting your
throat'? The answer ien't yoUr
whiskers grow" either, for ler. Wolf-
ram J. innyfus, chief ehennit of the
:tow York city department of char -
i ries, has commanded a little mixtinee
which if runbiel 0" er the face will
do the trick as quickly and as well
as- the finest *Sheffield razor. This
is the wonder working compound:
Ilarii sulphidi, 25 inuns; saponia pul-
vis, Z parts; talei veneti p lvis, 35
!nuts; tritei farina°, 85 pa to; ben-
zahleh vdn. as much as neeees -y.
ler. Dreyfus has been worki g for a
long i ime on thise dopilator-
i us,- or shaving powder, a d after
many 'experiments he says that hd
has found moinething that s stale -
factor e and harmless.
'rho several ingredients mentioned
abole when mixed togethelir make a
powdcr. For the .new scientific raze
oriess shave Yoe take one teaspoon-
ful of the powder' and nillx it with
1 h roo teaspoonfuls of watee, making
a poet e which you apply to the face
in a. reoderately thick and cyan lay-
er with a brush from your plibeerfour discarded shaving outfit,
or five minutee moisten the_ lather
"vitn h. sponge and in flsle Iminutes
more you can wash the en Xture off,
entente- a beardless, gashle sace.
The new hair rows- in u 'fhmore
slowly, but ot erwise th effect is
the same ale thee, of a raz.or shave,'
except the COFit_. of the new process,
which is hardly Worth consid ring.
To Cure a Col ld in One ay. TM
Take Laxative Brom° Qaini e Tablets.
-Ab druggi.ts eefund the money if gt fails to
cure. . W. Grove's signature i on each
Deranged Nerves
Weak Spells.
Mr. R.H. Sampson's,Sydney,N.S.
Advice to all Sufferers from
Nerve Trouble Is
He says t "I have been ailing for about
a year from neranged nerves, and very
often weak spells would come me and
be so bad that I sometimes thought I
would-be unable to survive them. I have
been treated by doctors arid have taken
numerous preparations but none of them
helped me in the least. I finally: got a box
of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Before
taking them I did not feel able to do any
work, but now I can work as well as ever,
thanks to one box of your pills. They
have made a new man of me, and nty
Advice to any person troubled as I was, us
to get a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve
'Price so cts. per box, or 3 for $nes, all
dealers, or
THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited,
Money To Loan.
Any amount of Private or Company funds to loan
at lowest rates of interest and on advantageous tennis
of repayment. Apply to R. 13. , HAYS, Donsinion
Bank Building, Seaforth, Ontario. , 1872 16
Dr. Wood's
Norway ''ino
Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchlthee
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma,
Pain or Tightness in the
Chest, Eto.
It stops that tickling,in the throat, hi
pleasant to take and soothing and heal-
ing to the lungs. Mr. E. 13ishop Brandt_
the well-known Galt gardener, sveitee:-
I had a very severe attack of sore
throat and tightness in the chest. Some
times when I wanted to cough and could
not I would almost choke to death. My
wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S
NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur-
prise I found speed7 relief. I would
not be without it if it cost $1,00 a bot-
tle, and I can recommend it to everyons
bothered with a cough or cold.
Price 26 Ces ate.
Lath, Shingles
Sash andi Doors.
Eating Became a Dread.
szuousrass, SOUR, WEAK AND
Mr. J. G. Minis, Barney's River„
N.S., tells of what this wonderful :rem-
edy has done for him: --It is with grad.
tuds that I can testify to tbe wonderful
curative powers of B.B.B. I was so badly
troubled with indigestion that whatever
I ate caused me so much torture that
eating became a , dread to me. I tried
numerous physicians, but their medicines
seemed to make me worse. I thought I
would try B.B.B., so got a bottle, and
after taking a few doses felt s. lot better.
- By the time I had taken the last of two
bottles I was as well as ever, and have
had no return of the trouble since. 2
recommend your medicine -t�the highest
dims. B.B.B. is for sale at all dealm.
All parties having buggies that require
painting, would do well to bring thon in
now, in order to have them in good shape
by the time wheeling begins.
, Seaforth Carriage Works.
Geese Wanted.
h. ,..inted, far %him from gs entiti-pi be psid to
ver at the Scrap Iron Yards, south side
o es lway teat*, and immediately opposite the elev.
.trical works, Seaforth.' ..1
afie MAX SHER. No one ean give anything and keep it
Th. Pleasures of Visiting and the
D ties of the Visitor.
It is a p easing sensation to wake up
in the morning and feel that one is a
guest Str nge wail papers and strange)
furniture urround one's bed, and there
is a stran e view out of the window.
All the jo tling demons of worry, anx-
iety and r ponsibility, whether domes-
tic or pro essional, who stand ready to
crowd Iipin our consciousness vanish
in the uefamillar .environrnent We
have got Sway out of the cla-ws of the
usual and lie blissfully waiting for a
knock at the door which shall have an
unfamllla4 sound.
Downst irs we find new faces, new
pictures, trange books, a fresh stand-
point Lif has a new savor. We taste
it everywhere -in the' atmosphere and
in the conversation, even in the bread
and the salt. Our first sensation is that
everything depends upon somebody
else. It is -nothing to do with us what-
ever happens. But presently the old
truism of bur childhood, that every sit-
uation in life has its duties, comes back
to our mind, and though with our wak-
ing thoughts we cast off those of the
home dweller we must immediately
prepare to take on those of a guest, at
least if we are constitutionally con-
scientious, which, alas, all guests are
not. They may indeed be divided by
this conscience test into visiting sheep
and visiting goats.
The motto of the conscientious guest
18 ,Mme. Mehl's; well known saying. "It
Is a shame to eat another man's bread
and give him nothing in return!" Such
a one shohld be a joy to his hostess,
but in the holiday world of hosts and
guests, as in workaday life, good inten-
tions do not always instil.° success. The
conscientiohs sometimes fall where the
unconscientious succeed. -London Spec-
tator. 1
The Aborlrgines of Perla Have Bevel-
opied It Wonderfully.
How infinitely minute must be the
particles that emanate from the object
which the dog is tracking, says the
London Mail. Yet the matter is ex-
tremely divisible. The tenth part of a
grain of musk will continue for years
to fill a room with its odoriferous par-
ticles and et the end of that time will
not be appreciably diminished in
weight by the finest balance. A cubic
Inch of air , rising from the flame of a
Bunsen burner has been found to con-
tain no fewer than 489,000,000 dust par-
ticles. A drop of blood which might be
suspended from the point Of a needle.
contains about st million of red flat-
tened corpuscles. Still, though matter
is so marvelously divisible, the olfac-
tory nerves are infinitely more send-
tive. Much has yet to be investigated
with regard to the differentiation of
the points in these nerves so that they
may dlserheinate with such apparent-
ly miraculous accuracy. Yet even the
results in the scent of dogs show how
marvelously fine is their discriminating
power. Our sense of smell, unless in
the trained chemist, is not even so
acute as that of the semisavage. The
aborigines of Peru can in the darkest
night and in the thickeat woods distin-
guish respectively a white man, a ne-
gro and one of their own race by the
smell. Much we have gained by civili-
zation, but not without some loss to our
bodily energies and senses. Man's re-
cuperative power after an injury is In
the inverse ratio to his social advance-
ment. Similarly he seems to become
less acute and delicate in the sense of
smell as he fares better and lives more
comfortably. The faithful dog puts
him to shame.
Greek if ogee.
We learn that the nose of Socrates
was not Greek, but smell as Greek art-
ists usually assigned to satyrs. Occa-
sionally, as in a beautiful group of a
satyr playing dice with a nymph on a
bronze mirror, they gave satyrs anoth-
er kind of nose. The noses of the la-
dies in the Tanagra terra cotta are of
all agreeable orders of nose, not mates -
eerily Greek. The chances are that the
Greeks varied as much as we do in
their neses, while the tradition of their
art preferred the conventional straight
nose. In the same way the kind of Ro-
mans who had their portraits done on
collie and gems were just the sort of
energetic. conquering people who have
Roman noses everywhere, like Wiliam
of Orange and the Duke of Wellington.
-London Saturday Review,
The Letters Came Bek.
A circumstantial fish story is told by
the London News. The captain of the
steamer Benalder of Leith, on a voyage
to China. threw a bundle of old letters
Overboard in the Mediterranean. Some
Spanish fishermen of Aguilas, near
en rtagena. later caught a large tish
• sad on opening it found a bundle of
letters Inside. They took this to the
nutyor, who managed to decipher in
one the mime and nddress of the super-
intendent of the steamship line in Lou-
don and thus to restore the letters to
their owner.
Quiet I
Mrs. Patty -Do you really think Dr.
Duck:Penn is a skillful physician?
Mrs. (Win (Ilse patient) - I don't
know so much about that. But be.has
such a quieting way with him! When
I said I hoped I shouldn't be buried
alive he said he'd look out for that.
Wasn't that thoughtful of him?
In a Da& Way.
Mnry-Pn3 eorry to henr thee you've
not been feelingwell. What seems to
he the matter?
Jane - I suppose i am run town.
Why. for the last month I haven't1 been -
able to put any heart even int4 my
. --exceot 8 DeOlellfee.
irlHOilAS BROWN, IMenited Auctioneer for the
1. Counties of Huron and Perth. - Orders left at
A. M. Campbelre implement wereroeme, Seaforth, or
Tun Ezroatron °Bloc will receive prompt atteetion,
atisfaotion guaranteed or so charge, 170641
TAMES 0, lifoIllOHAEL, licensed auctioneer for
eI the county of Huron. egos attended to in any
part of the county at moderate rates, and satisfaction
guaranteed. Orders eft at the fleaforth post offift
or at Lot 2, Concessive 2, Hullett, sill TedelVO
prompt attention. 188241
A UCTIONEERING.-B. IL Phillip', Manse
Anotioneer torthe mantles of Huron and
Perth. 'Being a practicel fanner and thoroughly
understanding the ridge of farm stook and Ina*.
mints, places me in a better papition to realize good
price", Charges moderate, Setisfaction amain -kW
or no pity. All order's left at Ifensall potA ofiloe or
at Lot IS, Conceselon 2, Hay, will be pnereptly
*tended to. 17004f
TAMES A. SMITH, licensed auctioneer. for the
ee veldts of Huron. Sales promptly attended to
In any part of the enuoty and eatisfaction plants.
teed, Address WinthropP, 0. 1€6541
VARY. TO RENT. -A gocd 100 acre farm in Stn
r ley to rent for a term of years. Within two
miles of Brneefield stationoocd building" and
about 70 acres cleared, well fenced and in a good
state of oullivation. A good orchstd and plenty of
water. Apply to W. SCOTT, Bruoefield. 1886.tf
MO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned will keep
1_ for service the pure bred Yorkshire sire, Oak
Lodge Menden, recently purchased from the wail
known herd of J E. Brethour, Burford, Ontario, and
bred from some of his best stock, hie lire being the
champion at the Pan American. Terms el. O.
MOLLIE, Tuekeremith. 1217114f
MENDERS WANTED.-Setled tender, for th e
1. erection of a brick sehool, nijoining the vil-
lage di Verde, will be recteived by the undersigned
upt7 the -18th day of February. 1901. Plans and
specifications to be seen at my residence. Th Inv-
est or any tender not necessarily aeciept.d. JOHN
BEATTY, Secretary•Treaturer School Sez.tion No, 6,
Stanley. i285.8
TEACHER WANTED. -For ktoak Lake School
Blend : drat or eaciond cleze ; school to open
on the 14th of March if passible, and cloge on the
2Srd of December, with twe weeks holideys in July.
Applications reoeived until February 2/th. stating
quslificetion and (teeny expected, Apply $e JAMES
A. FOWLES, Mather P. 0, Manitoba. 1885x2
ek/CYTICE,-The annual meeting of the members
IN of the Mamma and Hibbert Partnere Mutual
Fire Ineurance Conn:eon wet be held in the Public
Hell, Farquhar, on Monday. the let of February,
1004, at t o'clock p. m. Buelneee-Receiving the
Directors'. Secretary•Treesureris anti auditors' re.
ports; the election of directors and auditors. and
any other basineesthist may be deemed neoes•
spay in the interest ot the Company. THOMAS
RYAN, President: THOS. CAMERON, Secretary.
11ORSE FOR SALE. -A bay gelding, with black
paints, rising 2 yeari o11, mired by impeded
Ciyaloidale Flaehwood. Apply to T, DICKSON,
nnokenoilth, 188.8
FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for sale sev-
eral thoroughbred Leloester Sheep and Durham
Cattle of both mss en. AddreEgli:modal° P. 0. or
apply at farm, Mill Road, Tuckeremith. ROBERT
nitlftliAll BULLS FOR SALE. ---The undarelia.
ed has far sale three thoroughbred bulls,
aged trowel to 22 months Two of these are dark
In eeloe and steed by imported Royal Don and im-
puted Fan qy Pride. The other is a roan sired by
New Year's MD, Apply to GIFFORD cams, Lot
90, cemoesesion 2, Tueltersinith. 11332 -If
WOOD LOT FOR RALE. -For eel° Lot 6, Cid-
°mien 8, Stanley, containing 100 scree all
timbered except about 10 acres. The timber con-
tests of pine, sett maple, eon elm and tamarack. It.
Is situated within seven miles of a railway 'melon.
Tema liberal. There is wood enough on tbe farm
to pay for it. Also a bouse and lot in Varna. The
house is 2 etory and there is eh!, a good stable and
driving house. The lot is well pleated with VATI011e
kinds of bearing fruit tress. It le a very desirable
pro erty and will be sold cheap, JOsEPLI FOS-
TER, Yirne, 1863.41
Cy The undersigned ;has for sale 6 pure bred Dia.
ham bulls with pedigrees or eligible for registration.
My aged bull, which is the elm of the others, is in.
eluded le the effeting and has proved himself a sure
stock getter. He was sires! by Riverside Stamp,
which did such good eeti7.120 in the herd of J. and W.
IL Watt, of Salem, and is a half brother to Star of
Mottilne, rerently owned by Janice. Snell, of Hui.
lett, which took firet prise at London fair snd sold
at his dispersion sale for 8400. Apply on Int 16,
Concession 2, Hay, or JOHN ELDEReldensell P. O.
1871 -ti
dt , d-
eel •
eeen ,
efttif.d41* fit
. 0' f I. ;1 I', 4,
,„,), 't ' itlf:1:‘,:. • 'iff, ,'.
Wiltre^ 4 =-' .y.ri, sa. .: •
) :• .-,,z4.4,„ ,4,,.,
ie -if'
DR. IncenflEY'S ,,,nr nr.1,11-frtfr,t61
fli fi 1 iiir.11:::::
eavl, Cure :::....,:::::::„.1:::::!..„11.
,H.,,‘„,,, 1„.,,plue in
S be 44.,r1.1 i 1 at u ; :1,
,:tly,t,I;1 tir..v1:11 ri,i, et: 4)"1.1.:411
e•!-• Z i }:
ft.. ,;,..,..................... - ,,o,
/.;, •"j e,,,efy
. - ,
.1... ..' Konuptvills, um,.
ligun.lxv: et, ,
rue Ira men etre
eleOnheyes Condition Blood Tablets and Powders
for seek Cattle and Horses, 26e, Sold by J. S. Rob.
arta, Drutmlex, Seaforth. 1842.52
A Good Chance for a Good
Business Man. -
For silo, in good farmirg community; general
store tieing hu site's of 07,5t0 per annurn. The pre-
p:qt.), eon tains one frame store and dwelling com-
bined, telegreph Oiler and post cIfiee, wbich has
dolly mali ; aloe -all buildings suitable for general
store business -ono large werehouse, one oil house,
one good florae etehle with accommodation for two
hones, an d driving house combined, arid other out-
buildings eui41,le to vintage property. This pre.
party la in goers lepsis'; the preprieter wishee to go
Weil* fer his health. For further particulars, apply
to Brum; Exrwirroit, eche:nth. 1853-tf
flhatiExhibitors Say
F.0 per (lent of Fat Csttle exhibtted at Provineial
Winter Fair, 1003, were fed with
Worthington's Canadian Stock Tonic
We have been feeding vour Stolk Feud to cattle
for *ionic time, and find it to be an excellent leek,
We have ale* fed it to horses sad pi" and are quite
@ire lib the beet inock food we have over trikd,
Our prize winning cattle at the Pr rvineisi Winter
Fair, 194, were foe ity Wortbingtonet Stsek Tonle,
Breeder Shorthorn (Utile,
Acton, Ont,
Due 8111e :-
I Indyour Stook Food is i eery excellent Teal°
for cattle, giving them a eood appetite and keeping
their digestive organs le • hesish7 working condi-
tion The steer "Seethe," exhibited at Winter
weighed at birth 80 pounds, at 35 menthe e00
pounds. malting a teen of 55 pellicle per month, it
pays to feed Wortbingteres Stock Food
Breeder Shorthorn Cattle,
Peetiabun, Out
Dena etas :-
We have uteri your Stork Food for both oattle
and hogs, and find le sleets good astiefesetion :Several
of cur cattle have shown a gain of 100 pound, cs
month while feeding le
Breeders of Shorthero Coale and Yorkshire Hoge
Fergus, Out
Note the Price:
10 lb. box, 200 feed., See. ; 50 lb, seek $2.
lisanifactu.ed by
Guelph, Oat.
For eale by Hamilton & Retelake, Seaforth; P.
Maitland, Clinton : W. .1. Levy, Mitchell C.oek &
Sae, Hensalle Nelson Oerry,Blyth, 1e79.17
3 feet wide, 4 feet high, including hinges and latch
10 feet wide, 4 feet high, including hinges and lateb.
Other sizes in proportion.
• 5.75 by un or
local dealer.
Wainerville, Montreal, Winnipeg, St. -John
By -Law No.
10 A,
--OF THE -
A By -Law to raise by way of loan the sum
big certain drains in the Town of Sea_
of $4,000, for the purpose of -construct-
$1A34ef 23 to
011 tree raisc,isistd rn2.; r brequire -the
ehpe e
for the payment of tile debr, -as hereinafter
And, whereao, it will require the BUM of
$160 to Ise raised annually for the ps,yment
of the interest, as hereinafter mentioned„
And, whereas, the *hole rateable property
of the Town of &sleuth, itreepective of any
increase in the r nal are of toile -interests,
dividends, rents or fees from the said pro-
perty, and also irreepective of any increase
derived from the temporary inveettnent of
the staking fund, or any ptrt, thereof, accord-
ing to the lase revised abasement roll of the
said town, being for the year 1903, is the
And.wh, the existing debenture debt
of the Town of Seaforth is as follows
$5,500 berrowed landed- the authority of
By -Law No. 2, of the Then of Seaton)), for
88:661000 Ivrrowed under the authority of
By Law No. 3; of the Town of Seaforth„ for
$2,500 borrowed under the authority of
By -Law Nn. 8, of the TOWU nf Seaforth, fer
1.000 borrowed under the authority of
By -Law No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for
$3,500 borrowed under- the authority of
By -Lew 25 B, of the town of &Mortis.
$17,000 borrowed under the authority of
13y Law No. 5, of the Town of Seaforth, for
$1,500 borrowed under the authority of
By -Law No. 28, of the Town of Seaforth, for
$8,000 borrowed under the authority of
By -Law No. 20 (LoOal Improvement) of the
Town of Seaforth, for 1901.
$3 700 borrowed -under the authority of
By -Law No. 2 (Local Improvement) for 1902.
$7,889 20 borrowed Under the authority of
By Lew No. 24 A, of the TOW4 of Seaforth,
for 1902.
$1,500 borrowed under the authority of
By Law No, 2 (Local Improvement) of the
Town of Seaforth, for 1903
$10,000 borrowed under the authority of
By Law No 8, of the Town of Sertforte, for
$1,000 borrowed tinter the authority of
By -Law No. 7, of the Town of Seaforth, for
And there IS nothing in arrears either for
principal or interest.
And whereae it ie made necessary to ap-
point the time and placer' for taking the
votes of the duly queldied electors and for
appointing deputy returning effieere to teke
tbe votes of the duly qutlified eleetors at the
Be iD therefore enected by the municipal.
council, of the town of Seaforth.
-1. That it shall be lawful for the mayor
of the said corporation to raise by way of loan
from any person, body, or bodies eorporate
who may be willing to advanee the Beene up-
on the credit of the debentures hereinafter
mentioned, a sum of money not exceedieg in
ggregate the sum of four thousand tied-
. _That it shall be lawful thr she Mayor to
ea se any number of debentures to be made
for such sums of money as may be required,
no less than one hundred dollen each and
no exceeding in the aggregate the sum of
fo r thousand dollars, and that the said de -
be tures shall be sealed with the seal of the
sal corporation and signed by the Mayor
an the Treasurer' thereof.
That said debentures shall bear interest
at zel after the rate of four per cent per an
nu from the day mentioned for this by-law
to ake effect, which intereet shall be pay-
abl annually en the eighteenth day of Jan-
uar in emoh and every year, at the office of
the Treasurer of the said municipality of the
to n of Seaton!).
4 That said debentures shall be made
pa able at the expiraeion of twenty years,
fro the date mentioned for tbis by-law to
tak: effect at the ernes of tbe Treasurer of
the esid municipality of the town of See -
forth and shall have attached to them cou-
pons for the payment of interest.
5, That teethe purpose of forming a sink-
ing fund for the payment of the Plaid &then.
tures an Legal annual sum 4:0134.33 shall in
addition to all other rater, be leased, levied
and collected by special rate upon all the
rateable property in the said corporation
during the currency of the said debentures,
or any of them, and for the purpose of pay.
ing ths interest on the paid debentures an
equal annual suns of $160 shall, in addition
to all other rates,
be raised, levihd and eol-
lected-upon all thee rateable property of the
iaid corporatirn during the currency of the
said debentures or any of them.
6.j That ic shall be lawful for the said
Cor ration of the Town of Seaforth to ex-
pen1 the said sum of $4000 in the construct-
ion f drains according to estimates and
spe ifications prepared by the street com-
mit e and in conformity with Be- Law No.
-10, f the Town of Seaforth for 1903. .
7. That the votes of the duly qualified
elector. shall be taken Mondayolarmary 4th,
1904, between the hours of 9 a. tn. and 5
p, m., at the following platen- :
Polling Subdivisioo No. 1, at Mr4
inpa;ho'ffis cse.torre ; R. Lumsden, Deputy Return -
Polling Subdivision No. 2, at the Couneil
ottlooemr;. William Elliott, Deputy 'Returning
Polling Subdivision No. 3, at �»c.; Wil-
son's store. H. J. Panchard, Deputy Return-
ing Officer.
8 That the Mayor of the said Municipal
-Corporation AO attend at the Conoeil
Room on WecInesday,Deeember 300,1903, at
two o'clock p. m. for the purposee of appoint-
ing psreons to attend at the verione Polling
places aforeetaid, and summing pp of Vateil
respectively on behalf of per&O/38 interested
in and promoting or opposiug the By -Law
respectively. 7.1,1, e
9. That the Clerk of the Muth:thud Cor-
poration ehell; at theifour of .12 ontloolnuoon,
on Tuesday, January 5111, 1904, at the
Town Hall, sum up the votes given for and
against the 13y -Law and grant the requisite
certificates thereunder.
10. This By -Law, if carried by the votes
of the electors, shaletake effect on and from
the date of the pasiiog thereof.
aranPraredy; Ain. Do.pr904C.ouncil this 18th day of
N. CLUFF, Mayor.
T e above is a true and correct copy of a
By -Law passed by the Municipal Council
of the Town ot Seaforth on the 18th day
of J Duarte A. D. 1904, and all persons are
here y required to tako notice that any One
deeillJua of applying -to have each by-law,
or apy part thereofuashed, must make
hie rn,pplieation , for that purpoee to the
Hig Court at Toronto within three months
afte ithe publioatiott of this notice, ones a
week, for three enooessive weeks, in the
newdPaPer called Tux MYRON EXPOSITOR,
or he will be too late to be heard in that,
behalf. '
bnost rxtv
Poor Biooc
jf yeUr hos -
however sight,
yen. Ask any
thsit molt of the
sed wdmena
due toewu
eho serve toms
' may onlj. be me
413 a tire o feelin
gestien, perha
Jr, feeding of nt"
see too often Jot
gewo 0 r the he
o inediejUet wh-
and strength an
Pink Pills, Th
leen 'eta wrim
beel-th tad lucre
eine. These pe
aka, and rento
is the whole se
cess of Dr. Wel
bit of teeing pe
atee Boaters, 04
gene deal from
rheumatism, lir
rhe rear; all
thorough nee of
cured me, and n
ears, ail aches
am enjoying t
the verdict of al
pink Pins a trie
genuine With
Bents' Pink Pills
wrapper al 011131:1
direct to the Dr
Brookville. Ont.
ed post paid at
Lox $2150-
Hew Is the
kohl& e'' itkea
brother who by
Vet eenivereary
I'm getting alon
rather discourse
with au air of d
any religion oat
it Or won't
‘1 No, it feet t
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eng and preening.
there -were two
road, and every
When the bloed
fob glow to the oo
vigor and %44ty el
derteld erey fer
of herldi than by 11
Nerve f4c-d, Mar
zireb, red blood and
Courage 0
I 'think in zmg
the opinion of re
or women have t
moral courage.
work say, in the
been hunch wt
amcng men,
alone but wee!
or wrongly will
emetue In reli
is much the sane
leader, and ore
is wily proved
of admiretion vt
of a man who si
in acting, not w
be underattod,
bravest patients
further 7 Alan
as en attribute
M. J. S.
Conutry life
what it ueed to
tripe "*0 't,own,
the farmer in te
As the presider'
neat meesege,
taken in totem
the bicycle end
much toward
farm life and
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quickly created
better. In Son
Imps -rate dppli
chises were mad
linea ti, run fro
likely that eaten
covers ti with
ments are takiie
State, and veer
revolution in,th
Mrs. Thos.
While Bright's
lte terrible clew
atm ng ber eiti
- dread disease in
is t. -day a heal
Thonuos Adams
an interview re
' " I moved he
• two years ago.
with a pain iu
woree, lid 18 le
}selfless, and
Brighee Diseaa
nie. A friend
to try Dreid's
ee me relief 11 0211
three boxes I w
have had no
When eriem
eleknese falls"
is dark and che
tree friendthip.
scene of dietree
preve that Jett
you have a fi le
Btn-died your i
Sure to sue Lein
feel tbet bia for
Peel that his to
Real ndelity in
the hear 4. W
peeve. r Thev