The Huron Expositor, 1904-01-29, Page 7JANUARY , 429t 19040 (1 P9SITOR 6 By -Law No. 60 -OF THE- eerWNSW OF Mall5LOP, ?Theme a petition signs' hy '60 losnt 50 erg, resident in eat portion of the hip of McKillep, in the County hereinafter doe -rated pooh pe- , being duly ginitifitd views under 4'00asoli4ated htunimpet A e. 1903, Presented o Pi Coneoll ot *aid Tow-gabip, praying that a Bi tee. be Putt 0104d for the assent eir t'f qse ifi d rate- payers of such portionof nett r•wn hip, ntioga bonus not to exo r.ta- iunt of ie00,00 in aid of the nuelee junction Beihrey, provided the saie a el w*, be einetraoted on what ie knowtt es he central tooteby way of Monkten village sue Wail - .and£ stotion be built not mo e then se Vetter of a mile from • e Welton ;office, and a siding, rine fi g staticui lifer neer half «ay betwyeo WI nn one • lienkton, Ana, whereas, it is advisable that the theied4 portion of the said Town hip of eioNinop should grant the • aie bonus, siet exceeding the sum of $6,000 to the said Railway Compeny, and t. r ler hr. juJ1 be roceseary to. Ural d4nonstir4i 'ef the Township of Mc:Sinop ti riles the stun of $6 000 ae hereinefter provide ad (which is the amount, of the i(ht mega. ed to be masted by this by -Jew) the pro. coeds of the "aid debenturen to be applied te thateld eurpoee said tone eteer, whereas, iti is desirable to issue the mid debentures• at one time, and to Make tbe principal of the said debt, sod intereit tame" inatile by poorly same during the pie.o4f of twenty years being the =rainy• of said debetiruese, said yearly sums being of such respective oniounitt thee thee aggregate amounts ipayable in each year for principal and in- terest in retsina of the said debt shall be, as nearly se possible, equal to the amount jo priyable in oath of the other nineteen yew ot the said period. And whereas, the total amount required ty the Munielps1 Ael to be raised atinually eyepecial rate upon the said portion of the esidTownship hereiaafter defined for pay, figthe said debt and intereet as hereinafter provided le $441.51. Aid whereas, the amountof the wliole rsteable property of the Township of Mei rejep eeedielhet to the last revised sesame • mane roll le $2,018,800, and the amount of the whole rateable property of the said preload the said Townebip accoreling to the last revised aesessnient roll is $966,500. I Aad Whereas, the amount of the teddies debenture debt of the said Municipiiiity i. 18518,68, of which no port of the principal • 'or interest is in arrear. Therefore the municipal (mantel of the sOorporation of the Township of MoKillop enacts as follows A bonus not exceeding the sum of • PAO ie hereby granted by the said of the said Township of Mc - Which is hereinafter defined to Ike Guelph Junction.Reilway Company in t aid of the geld Rsilway and for the purpose of **misting the extol:felon thereof to the saki Towne/ Goclerich through or near the t Mid portion of the said Township, 2. For the purpose of raising the said sum, with interest 20 debentures oathe said Teenthip of Meldillop te the amouot of 4141,51 each, shall be issued oa the first idey of July 1904each of which deben- tarot shall he dated on the day of the issue die/tide and obeli be payable in consecutive k, pare within t,wenty years thereafter at t ehe Canadien Beek of Commerce in the d Town of Seaforth, 3. Itich of the said debentures shall be t, signed by the Reeve of the geld Township • or he some °the petioa authonzed by by- law to sign the awns, and by the- Treissurer thereof, and the Clerk Phan attach thereto w the corporate seal of the Municipality. 4, Daring the cureeney of the said de.l. bentures there shall be raised sunnally by . Jetted rate upou t he rateable propergl lying within the portion of the Municipal: e et ve b ens reetaria boot sted own- IndOk Wain! ; - f.6.c.r...e W015 Anne Knew hoinise, an as well ; WS: ov d done itt teilin Pe." Th hope appllerej toet hime r see. that, Isewhere. -el Lady art; by see her. as enough euterrow." Ire shouid .f.lray to •141U;(1 e4Sed or not hhould utts Fnght only of •httdd be wit iaOrrting- he s He had no is had a tittle k with him :ichohe had bro 1. He felt tome' heart w er little daeigh it heart /Med -Oil he reached 4/111 - reeked the nervai auimmons it at home. Ile .teelet never seen nor had ho oine.1- reca nue, What w�uj or !he like? . at rt ping 'in'• he had aeIdeer Fervent as.% - wild give, should prefrr . as Lady P ,ech him. Ile W ;iwinie room, wit- itf leir ladyship** piano was opened wart sOngft Sinit hie! wast u• hi e _ book lay ono had jest inite d San near it, 'I all of theta, uc# to him. ,te glove; it *hoult the filagree bus • .„ most t raft of , ono of t 4, Sir Kuzi looking At ivai is; death, uTIy wish 1- birxi back to I t. Ile lty for the ellelal happinese f my heart "his child 'Shen as my e-rieene door opened up with a retriai e. ' trembled eneins eyes Shesaid - face he loved so ' When tile iI0Or that. he never ained ao her a 01P.D f magniticeat ow fultilledi rihrien on the gold- ' the lovely .ore art expres-- -hoe the contest, - of thought --'-and va'*: fully dew/tint' -f w seconde ifi oL ognizingtu before her into fr- ight, an et spread Le . turd the 'nee th hands Nitert • est. greteittee - rind f as sw roe •af-esi to hmt rca ni tier tare. it gatee of Vase 'ea le; les Parte- ' colieeeine ine il oud that ite Lee hear ir; hie easps, and ee as ehough kr: tro. a shipevrei merely react- ieist in. a lOir• 14•-repiied; 1, irviiecked," cried; ' and -reeked when tooeli land onez- mu are looking,. 'The name scezu- 'ith difficulty. "1. ointr-you searn were, and art ever." 1 from. his clasPe, 'Wee finger irk ter me, edn :at ifelectrie thelcause eness for two eta license eorernies re: F. Regally, fiLogser Elenebard. See' ity described ae follows, namely. Lots ono to eigbteen batistes in the eighth -pi ninth,total, cloven* tiVelieh• 4hirtielliteek- and fourteeoth coneesseame of the Towmhip, and tote numieere nineteen to -1 wity-hgg include* in the ninth, tenth, eleveuthi twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth •conerevions a the meld Townehipe the gum of $441.51 for toe purpose of , ying the amount due in each bf the 'aid ears for dperitibb.cipal and interest in respect o the said 5. The Courreil of,the said Municipalit shall pay to the said Company, by way o at, equal to six eleveoths o ight of way across; the ad pe, for a distance ;equal t he teernship of MoKillop greued et Walton, not ex eatun of $6,000, hide of ,th oon as the right of we tee said portion of the sal 'rally purchased; and 'station near Waken, , and ellei - cation at armlet hill way and hionkton, the -Wane* witeetn; the rails sire laidein 0 r bperstion, the whole sok to exceed two years w shell takes nob on the sio of this 1 Jaw. . day of the pew lig thereof. t - 7.1 Tim vote' of th sleeken' of he said portion of the stud T mishit, of oKillop shall he tskeo tin th by-law at th follow idg thins and please that - is to say, on Monday, the 15ch-of February, 1904, 90111• mooing at the hour f nine o'clock - lin •the forenoon and cantina ug till five o! look in thosifternoon of thet me &eh. by . the •fol. • lowing Deputy Returning Officers Polling division No. 3, at mos .tdareild house, : lot 11, eoneess.paill; by Jainee, video°, Deputy Returning 0 aer ; polling division, No. 4, at °brie Vier White's house, Leede :to bury, lot 25, oessien 13, by Ch stopher White, Dope Returning Officer. • 8. On eletu ay, the 13th of F lesriiern. J 1904,the Reeve 01 said Towne* shell attend at the Clerk's residence of the laid ainship; at 10 eclat& in the forenoon to sp int per-. 'Quote attend at the vedette poili placer aforessid and at the fioal summing plot the votes by the °leek on behelf of the persons interested in and Promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law respectively. I The Clerk of thevaid Township of MC- Killop shall attend at the sai Clerk'. office at 10otelook in phe for anon tTueliday,the iv 16th day of Fetinutryi 1904, nuns up the. meiteber of votes given; for an against -this by-law. JAW. -- ..)dt Dated at the Caine room in the Town- ship of MoKillop tie llth day of January, el, D 1904. I011A.EL U tri4DIB,- Heave.' • 180111.3 a N 0, Mohnisoef, Clerk. bonus, amo the cost of the joining tosensh the width of and the statio ceeding in all t said bonus so through or nea Township is so looted se alike siding and flag between Waite of the said boo the. Railway te period, howev from the final 6. This by - Take notice t et therebove is true oopy of a proposed b law which has been telten into ooneiderati and which 'will be 'finally pateedeby the unicipal Couneit the event of t the of the Said portion of t -geld tfuoidpelitly being obtsined theta° after onamonth from the fireepublication, n TUB HDRON Exrosixon, he date of whie firet publieation was the 5th day of I uery, 1904, and that the votes of the else re of the said portion of he said Munioi 0114,4111 be taken thereon n the day and t the boar and piece there - O fixed. Deted this ileb January, no,4. JoiRi- Monnisoid, Clerk, rill 79 "4 NOTICE, The above is s true copy of a By-law send 1,ey the -Municipal Ointocil of tho ownahip of McKillop, on the llth day of sneerer, A. D., 1004, And all persons are hereby required to eke notice that aoyone desirous , of apply - ng to have soon By -how or any peer there-, f quashed, mustmake his applioatiott for ha& pummel to the High Court of Juetiee ithin three -months next after the publics. ion of this, posies once a week e for three aetiologies Week ee in the newspaper called THE librItON EXPOSITOR, or he will be too, ave to be beard in ;hot behalf. Janet 0, Mourirsoe, Citrk. I RbSTLESS AND CROSS. When infanta and young children are restless and arose or peevish it. ie a very entail) sign thee they ore no well. The nether -may not know just whet the tom- tits ie, but the can depend upon it the treubledexists. Give th littl n e Baby's On Tablets, see how promptly it, will be ehseged into a happy, smiling got d -natured -child. The little one will bleep sett:idly andoiturelly, and the mother will also ob- tain her much needed rest, Eft re is the proof elven by Mrr. John E. Ramsay, of Poet Hilt, Pe B 4 who says i -et Ma Nig woe cries, reagent and die not sleep well, but after giving him Beby's Own Tablas be became better natured, Metope well sni in growing finely. Tile Toblete tinhorn a great blerteiag to both baby led myseif " The Tablets are a prompt and certain -cure for sneh troublee es indigestion, sour siensiseh, oolic, conatipatioo, diarrhoea, eisple !evert and ether minor ailments, !ley alwaye do good and cement possibly bluetit) meet deticete child. You can get the Tablet, from sny medieine dealer, or they will be mem by mail at eid eente a hex be writing The Dr. Williams' Medi. •ciae Co., Brockville, Oct. • The Best Laid Plans A tory i.4 being told in London about a intalneelinenten publio life, which illus- trates the ineeenney of human preper- Atifteetleys Tit -Bits. He was planolog an latertalanisnt on an elaborate sceae# to be 1V! to variOUR frit nda in the ceighbor- Lieedef eutiotry seat. Uotortunately, nesiest neighbor, a °lobe relative, a tencongebial to himself and hie ire arid hart:heti hie brains to devise a • t -T *bkh he might avoid the nem- . iting the it :desirable °Pavia to bM gnet.te, eerts te' he announced to his wife et break:eat on the morning of the event. "111-24ini hirn some tickets for the ploy tieskeht, in town, Of cc nem he'll be. de. 11. ht3d, ha he eddies) has an opportuuity -of gein to die thestrd," Th4itteartte were act. o tngly at,. • and L e *Mitt:, an easy console nco, procee4. fairly the company of hie friende, litt hie astinfaction was of short duration, •At the height of the feitivitiesitt welked ' dze objectiobable neish13or. roupid mettake you Made," he ,geneenced, as he approached hie cousin, se sons as I heard shout your part f I OW that you most heye soot ate the {elute for the wroug night, so 1 g t theta changed for to -morrow evening. and came -right over here Da mom an I could." Not My Will.. • I will **elk . in the fieldsdt God maid, ei Nave walk in the town," I said, " Thrre are uo flowers there." Ile bale, "No fiewers, but a crown." I said, "But the frog t are thick and clouds Are voillog tho eine" He *steered, " But hearts are sick and DOWD Ia the dark tuidona" I Pala, "Bat the skies, are black ; there la Nothing Lur, noise and. Aril be wept, as He led me beek- " These is more," He weld "There ie I eaid. " I shall mite the Ifebt, ard Mende Mite rrivii r:tihey sayer He answered, " Chione ye tonight if I mast Miss you, or they.' I plesded for time to be given.. He said "1r ie hard to decide ? Jr, ',111 not seem hard in Heaven lo hove Follow( d the stens of your Guide." -By Georg 'MacDonald. 6•••••••••••sr. A Vet's' Oood Rule. J'. IN well limo) ihseithe mai IritY o1 .buteau hie arise froko donstipatipp of the bowsee, awl on thie, aoccunt many Peopliernake it a rule, 10 tee that the- bowela Move once every day,- If you orc,subject to onetinanoo you ean be cured by the eieeol Dr. Choro'a Kidney -Over! PHIS, Ting P4116 DDt cty reske the bowels aotive, but bv the'r mittenon the Byer e0811170- it resettle 11:ov of, bile; netore'e own esihorpio,and frOIDOVC th0,04U;Cot eirious elsease - William H. stewart, u extentlee ranchereof felialead to the C.P,R. city. ,l0k0.0mOf Lfldir. Thome,. ror MOB- day,lerinaey Ilth, Mr. Staverbewsis sc. crempenied by, his •wife.... and -Six-Iyasivold boy, und were on their way from visiting, relative* in Rideetawe, to *visit frientie at Galt en 0 uttiipb, fie had wmplained of a pain itt his eheat 134(ore leaving Ridgetowo, arid 54go.;r1 iu the 0, la Re office, where he had gone to send a teeepateh to Galt. While .writing the latter, he tell to the • ,•••••••••••...4.1P HALF CUitE IS DANGERPUS., When yea get a Cold, La Grinpe,Inf ammo, do not be satisfied with something eheek ft. The greateet eangcr fe in the liugerieg re -milts of a half mere, • ;any 1:rhory wor.:(1 read tiff:arena.; Ito-eley If 1.1•Lat- severe attack of Cold anti La Crier° had been properly handled. A bard void ;:i setele fat lie I./cal:- est pert, ANTI-Prtm sots on the entire mucous Ttionbrane of the body -relietiesCoet gesfion -cures Constipa- tion, Biliousness, aod Dye. pepsia -every largr Vaud of the body is brought under its influence, and •a clogr-ona euro eoutbilitlied with a medicine perfectly harmless to Mau, promnat, or c h 1 id 0 cuts 01 ilealere, or by addressing Vettetes-F ten Co., :gingers Falls, 0112.110. Free item - pie to any address.' For sale by!. S. Roberts, druggist, Seaforth. roi , FIBR ID TUM NI% yes' First ing to' Mrs. Pi 4$ DEAR MRS. PIS under ,Boston dodo lteorigniteirni eitutwveitabolefibtros not sit dawn withotit the soreness extendl, have bearing -down- • and front. My abd and I hatie had fiowi • years. My appetiteie not want or be on ,. length of time. ' ' The symptoms of Riven in your little 2512 D,. a (Roxb ' ts deseribwin ease, so I advice. ignecl)M udley • Mrs. Ilayesi See 41 DEAR Mje,PINKmAke beng my syrup - ice. • You re - *11 your diree- y I am a well •CURED. • Help.: tter A!eAppeal..am forel m-1-1 helve Vette treatment for ve k relief. Their - tumor. ;1 ean- great` pain, and p.my-spine.' ins_ both back tr - is swollen, spells for three ot good, I eas- y feet for any Fibroid Tumor ook aceurately rite to yore for . E. .F. HAYES, ;), Boston, Mass. 'rid Letter: ago I wrote to you toxns and asked your plied, and I followed tions ear.efully, and woman. • "The use of Lydia Vegetable Cotnpo pelled the tumor and -s whole system. I can 6.6I4ytt in' E. Pink table Compound is larsia drop. .1 advise are afflicted with- t trouble of any -kind to - (Signed) Mew . Plukhamlf • entirely ex- terigthened my alk miles now., am's Vege- worth Ave dole 11 women who rs or female ive it a faithful E. F.. HAYES? ; 252 Dudley St. (Roxleu ), .Boston Mann. -•••• $50ffrfarfatt11orlphsal'el above letters oroviall gentiltroriete eismiabe pride` iloor, and though medical Mindanao was . Lw on band, he vise dead within a Le ir minutes. The decree d had several Timid" of henget from b Western ninety 'hipped to Geln and wa. o his way to the latter place to disposl of them. Hearb failure «Ss the came of hateleath. I Not Afraid to Endorse It. People hsve learned to hive nab confidence en Dr. Chase's Ointment as a cure tor every form of piles thst they 40 not heaitate Ito endorse it at every opportunity, As a result Bra Cherse's Ointment IS probably recemmended hymen persona than any , preparation on the market today. There le no be* work about its effeete-rolief Is prompt and cure eattain, nsesess New NOtelein --lb is deist that (deigns aggregating over 810,000 will be flied view the Gov- ernment, for loam of express and mail package., which were in the Ottawa pint office building at the tinse;of the fire. -The residence of Mr. Wm, Spurbeckt in Duonville, vras •destroyed by fire at an earlyilieur on Tuesday morning, January 1211. Mr. Spurbeok perished in tbe fiamea, and his wife wee badly burned. They were the only °rampants of the nouse• which was on the outekirte of 'hi town. The fire Wee discovered only wh n tho bed on oh•ell they slept dealt petty burned! Mr. Spit, Wok helpA hai 'wife oub of the upstairs window, but wee overcome himself by the moire Areietervei 'wen too laee, rbo moo of t h fiee is mein Iwo. -At the totem' meetine of the Shed. horn Brio deed Aesoolation, held in Tot o 0 t o - !see week, the question .01 greats to the various extibiters througheur, the Domin• ion oval taken up, anti reatered as follows : To winter faint at Guelph see Ostawa, $500 earth; to the wino r fair se Amhereti NA, $1.00; io litew Westmini 0„ 8100 ; •t VietoriA,, B. O., $10); 0 Sherbrooke. Quebec, '00;$to Frinieren 0. N $ , $100 tci Halitioe, 8100; to Merle tolown. $100 ; 16 OetaW0, $100 , and to L odor), 820. -Al a result of an , Meru on the Grand Tivak Beltway, 'b meets Elmira and Beebe, by which deceit . • Speen:, of Owen Sou id, received Juju les retaining in his death mix months late, the railway company mast pay hie repreeentstivee 86,000. Thie amount Ind des judgitionts in two within?, a $1,000 nor ice in an ac- tion 'neve tired bv Mr, See re himself ha damagee, and a 85 000 vgra. t In an aetion brought by hie exeeutore, Jfu, $5,000 will be divided se follewe I abate Speere. widow, $3 000; Annie W, Spoors, $500; D. t3peers, $500 ; :retest March, 8500; Ira lehtroh, $500. Th h oilier amount goes to tee heifer in the n. u I course, -The will of t he late Min Elizi Duncan, a wealthy MOW nal lady, w o died recent- ly, hat been admiticd to pr, bate, Tile es- tate is valued at between to and three million defiers. Tne will akes a large nember of bequests to friend and eherieiem. Arrionest those who beriefit 'ythe will ore Wm. Paterson and wife, of Toronto, who are left $5,000 eaTh • Mrs. J eeph Stewart, Kingston. $10 000 ; Mrs. Mi ,11101 Leouard (elation Peforroe), $10,000 ; Heim] Mae- fdohon, $10 000. The will aloe makes a number of biqueete Vo looal, haritiee. The melee of the eatate is left o Mrs. Limit, of M on treat, Lever's (Wise Hea Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than tiler powders, as it is both tioeri and disinfectant. 34 • Pills and s. A prolific mote of Holt the tee of ()ethernet, and pills of a cinstic, violent nat nrei, Followed be t reaolibn r,n neocuot of the reideous, drying properties hey cobtain. • There are ether mime, hut no matter what tee couts or what the I kind of Net, Dr. Leentierdde Ilene Bald can be relied upon to eure-tedtay cured{ •Ids an into/lei 'remedy tIat removes the causes; of „Dating, Blind, Bieediug or Sup. purating, Pater. A gearaotee ,go is with 'each pekoe° containing a month'n tre,*tn,e$t. It can be obteieed for $1. at druggists. PIONEgE TALKS. Tells How Dodd's kidney Pills Drove Away His Troubles and Map Him Feel Young Again •••-•-• RAT PORTA< :E, Jan. 25th-(SpeAel)- Nighty years of age, but hale and hearty, - IL 8. Barnes,. fattier of a former. Mayor, it well fitted to speak of /WV tit n4 that con. Cej94110 ,welforfit of Rat ! Portage - And _nothing co:laver a muololualittgitioie than the heeleh 01;10 people. /remit!, own experience, MieBarnie,peiye „ei f tornblOe troulilide With Kiang, Clomeilaine, 1 nuffered severely with, paini across Injy, look wnj» heti log 0:emotion; when et inatiug, 1)oddhelfAine7 Pine these troubles away, 'Oft le b feel' g yeouger,and.in teethe hegth. , v been in years.' y irleee Cduiplaot completely cured by Mckl's !Olney. Pi , !! Perth 'Notes -Wbiloernp1u4uhs. tte-ev Y,11,CLA, hai/dine, in Stretford, info fifq rd,c4ntly, the bricklayere saw a robin fiy over th4 next) roof. reef of a big stable belouging tn Mr. EMOne of Stratford collapied one day reoently, owing to the weight of OnOW on it, -Dr, 'Eebert wen tenderee banquet by: th; teha i,,r toiv eves2Er wsan 4tr iimi,ton,rperior jt,somhe.T i. !eener: in ranee was appointed oltairrnin, fand apsHchen were delivered by A. F. Manatees), M. P. ; ,John Brown, M. P. le, any mony ovh. ri. -Sylvester Cogh lin, sou of Mr. and Mee. N. Coglin, of Atwood, was burned to dtaih recently, in Ni. to, Manitoba, ith .re he had been living some thnee The youog man was carrying a pee of boiling oil when his clothes caught, fire and he died after ton day. of extreme euffering. -A pretty hom- wedlinl took place at the reslitincit of Mr. and Mrs. Clerk, St. Marys on Towed.' evening,' January 12,11.; wheu Attie daughter, Mies Ad.., wail tented' inmarriage to Mr. W. A. Flews, of Tor- onto, the aeremony was performed by Rev.; W. U. Clarke of Brampton. - I -Mhs Lenin of Hamilton; hes been en.' gaged.. testifier of the donearic science; Behold, Steatite& 46 succeed jMies Hultand who regained; to accept s position on the staff of the Mkedonsid Training School he connection wrch the Agrioniturel College, Guelphi - -Oa VVed esday, January 13011. a very, pretty sbeddi g took place at the home of Mr. anci Mr.J Alex, Glenn, Of Cartbsgei when their nly daughter, •Mie. Mabel; was married to Mr, John Turnbull. The aeremody.wae performed by Rev, J. Vfii Cameron), of North Mornington. -The contest for the reevethip in the townshipat Ellice remelted in a tie between the former reeve, Mr. &viva, and Mr George Gastz The oletk, Mr - Kreuteri . gave his casting vote for Mn Schenck, thue sleeting him., Mr. Geete was the Reform candidete.in Nortb Perth at the het Do- minion election, ' ' , -Mrs. Andrew Grey, of Lietowel, died on Sunday, January 100. ahe heal been a, sufferer from inonohnis, but was not gen- erally thought to be deogerously ill. The deceased was is daughter of Mr. J. B. Jade. son, formerly of Elms,' and was married at Trowbridge, to Mr. Grey, when he resided there, removing to Lonowel shortly after. ward, where they hove sinoe resided. -The rocd of the Daley block, almost in the centrepf the business portion of &rat. ford, conspired fromithe . weight of snow that had sconmulated on it, about ten otilook Friday forenoon, This block is one of the old land maks of the city. It was ono@ the residenee of the late T. M. Daly, and many a hellfire bas blezed ;in front of It at election eimee. It is constructed of field stone, and_has of late years been iu eepite a deliiiiidated oondition: Dennis Morrison, the eenanti was not injured. -The innUel meeting of the South Perth Farmers' Institute was held in the torten hall, Mitchell, on Friday, January Sth, and was not very largely ettended,ow- inee no doube, to the shocking state of. the country roads, President Stewart, of taus. seldeleijeresided in his usual happy, num- nen The speaker. were: Ur. Fratter' 1 Bradford.; Mr. Ley, Stoney Creek; Miss , Rose, of the Agricultural College, Gaelph •, ; and Mr. Johnson, of tit, fancy', who all gave instructive and entertaining addresses, especially Miss Roes, Quite a Duman of 1 new members added their 'names to the, membership li. t. , 11 -The annual meeting of the Fallen= and Logan A.grioultural Society was held in the couneil r om, Mitchell, on Wednesday afternoon, Jennary 13th. • The euditois' tatemeet showed on indebtedness of 56 02, The eleetioa of aliens reiutted al ! ollows : Jobn Broderiok.preeident ; Won I Roy, 1st vice preeident ; J. W. Walkom, ; ad vice president, ; incept's. D. Malcolm 1 lecher, If, Hankie, D. Douglas. T. Gem, I t.c) Oily G. Kroernyer, 11 . : Wright, Jos. Jeck I nd W. R. Dsvis ; secretary -treasurer, J , araett ; auditors,:e., Barritt and G. L.1 Money. September 20th and 21ot were all fair, hosen ati the days on which to . hold the -"The "S. retford Bliacon says : ".The idows of the three notion men. Neil Me- agre. of Perkbill, and Harry Helmer; and alcolm Meledur, of AdeD Ades °rale, WO were illed at the Johu ett eta bridgr, Stratford, a September 30th last, in a collision be- tween on expreeTi 1 ref° aud two hand ears, aye rielde a renter/lett vi ith the Grind rundiltailway, Mre, McLean, who bee o chiMren, will get 8850; Moe Helmer, ho hes threw minor children, 8900; Mrs, eIntyre, with five minor children, $950. he amount of Lusa:eine° In the railway ropily cn esob of the thee men was 250, which their widows were asked by a compsny to I accept in full lieu of all aims spinet them. They refused, seed esdarnes McInthre and Holmes eetered non against ;the tiempiny for $10,000 piece., Tne cotes were elated for _trial at e London aiNizes. However, the DOM. auy agree to Petrie, and they have been weed hole the dooket." -Ose of the olcieet 'and most reopected siderite of Avonbank, in the person of r. Hugh Fergusea, died en Friday, Joon-. y 8th, after a protrareed illness from terial peralysie. Mr, fiergition was well d faverebly known over a liwge area, snd e death will be univereally regretted. He as the fourth and lost surviving nen of the to Thomas and Cetherine Ferguioe, oho me from Ayreshire, Scotland, in 1818, ii pettier) shorely afterwarde iti Kings wneelp, York aunty, then known to the ome Dittriet, Canticle West, where Mr. Nilson was here on September Ile h, 28 On Januery Mit, liiii4, he married izibeth, daughter of the late John right, of King. Early in 1863 he remote to the treonohip of Downie, arid bougbt c farm on which he has since melded. He e a Reformer and a member of the ii tea - too Ian church, His widow, four (laugh- s and ten sone eurvive ham to THE MOST NUTRITIOUS Epps's Cocoa Au admirable food, with all lir. tural qualivies • iutact, fitted to build up aud maintain robuov health, and to resist wintetes ex- treme cold-, Sold in einarter-ponnd tins, labelled JAMES EPPS &CO., Jaunted, Hoieurepathio Chemists, London, England. Epps's' Cocoa GIVING STRENGTH AND VIGOR, 1876-26 the it: Cklop gutual Insurance Company. FARM Af4D ISOLATED Tomo, PROPERTY IONLY oNsuRED • Otte01101, J. B. McLean, Presid.ml,, Eeppen P. O. •, Thomas Crider, vice-president, tiOeideld PTh . 0. ; omas Z. 'We, Sixry-Trenik Sestforth P. a. --; ' , ' Eamoreee.:- wimam cloonex*efilerie$ "dna 0, Grive,,arbp '440nwketini : (ho.PlIvall,"Lif°4ilIedie1twil ItX14j()•)114'7oahenag°1;itels*: • liselock ; Thernsell'Faieln eronetaki% Jetta B. Ito 4 i'lall'801,1,KIPPeiZish,"IN: {70' if:111,1.11'111Cinlillehts°1:let:, Seated' la -, alliaa onnuning legissadv 1. ; L W. Yo, Whiles vtlkvE 04 Ocorge:tiluirlile and 'Pita 0, Norsitoa •itidllierti_ n - 4,-. ,, 44- d r* 17' id 'id ,trill neersetima ei 0a. is any alba ober* Islasra, sdatosted410 If tif Pr lo __Orb' eikenefed'eif t eeellettee este slow r , • 0.00.80•00. fieglect 0, cough an& contract consumption. hilob.'s onsu ption ure The Lung Tonic cure hut don Your, mo consumption - t leave it too long, Ery it now. ey back if it doesn't benefit' yoto Prices 2$c., 60c., and $1,00 S. e.'WE•LLS it CO. Toronto, Can, LeRoy, N.Y, ‘1.1.1•••••••••11•1•15, Furniture and Undertaking. If yOu went a comfortable and thorough- ly reliable sanitary mattress, we have it. There is nothing ike the Marshall, Bed- ridden patients b found their bed sores heal up onithis malttreus. is mewing machine, and We alto remir you that we sell the vertical feed De honestly believe t at it bee no equal in the country. It has the latest attachment*, and, not needing to take off the presser - foot to place them they can be put on in n few seconds. Before purchasing, call and see the Davis. We have other :sewing ma- chines, cheap in Ow, but good in quality. All kinds of /ruminate and House Fur- nishing'. Upholstering-oNow and repair work carefully demi. ; Undartaking And Ensb,lining Receivesiouleprompt and careful attention. Night calls answered at Mr. Knechtel's resi- dence, second house west of Berton & Son's blacksmith shop. Kneohtel i Mckenzie SEAFORTH, 18,58 MILI3V11,WS Aro a combination of the active prineirlee 4f the most vahiablo yegetable remedies for die- einiee aieldleorders of the IAver, Stomach ead Bowel, ; Sick UmaducIie Jaundice, heated - buten, Catarrh of thei Stornaele, Dizzi- ness, Blotcheng arid FIMPICIII, • Derenotenia, eche thtotnaoh, Mentor Erman, Liver Complaint, Ballow or Muddy Complexion, Sweeten the breath and emir away all waete and poisonone matter frout the mystrun. Priee 260. a bottle or for 151.00, All dealers or Tug T.; Iduannor Cu., limited, Toronto, One SIGN OF THE 'Zy..,4-7 SAW elm re, t:0 et) II g,) A., ew, *4.1 CD (7° ca..) 0 CD • p,74 0.0 0=0 h=d 4° hit tea tied eel • ed tele ore t ea_ =,:ga Owi " ;"g go2 dd° 'kill 4100 76"' km -3 Ae = r..0 .001 tewl 5.01 • akinO1,i Vireo !turn. Much work is done in New York city ix the reproduction of coloolul English furniture. but the best of it e-ts more to do here tban it dor-!; abroad. Large quantities of modern "antiques" are also made in Philadel- phia and are extensively Rohl as genie, ine, The cleverest reprodueers In the World are the French, who copy the mineteet details with perfect accuracy. 1 Old wood from sheds and barns Is used for,the backs and interior of articles of furniture, and imitations of old fash- ioned looks are soaked in water and made to be thickly covered with rust. Bird shot is fired into the reproduc- tions to make them appear worm eat- en, and an ancient look is imparted to wohel by prolonged polishing and hand rubbing. :How to Save Gas B1118, A North Broad street man who has a passion for reading the out of town newepapers and also for answering Many of the advertisements he finds intthem tells this on himself: The other day he answered an ad- vertisement in one of the New York papers stating that for $1. a method fer saving gas bills would be sena In two days he received a printed slip by mail which read, "Paste them I in a scrapbook." The Sort Anewer, Mrs. Enpeck-Oh, you needn't talk! You're not quite perfection yourself, I would have you know. Enpeek -No, my dear, but when you're around I'm mighty near perfec- tion. Ws. Enpeek-Oh. Ile ' Educational Item. "Have you heard the attest edneatIon. al item?" asked Biggs. "No," replied Wiggs. '"What It is?" "They Ilave jlifit decided." said Biggs, "to rewrite the primer in words of fire syllables for Poston children." Heroism is simpli?, and yet it is rare. Every one who doel the best he can do Is n hero. --Josh Billings. The Kaffir ideal. The Ideal of a Kailir Is to have sev- eral Whiefe, who work for him While he loafs. The desire .to earn 11)4 money necteesary to buy wives hi what make him keep at work in the South African nritnna e Steno:4 Ton. 0 -re Co-I/Willem silirtieh bi woife yisx!•:,"y. elele:lette-1 1In li Jail? Oaesiele-Nnw: beet in th' bospittiel--g B Wee .t Merl:14OG Sa•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,d1 REXALL 1110 DYES These Dyes will dye Wool, Cottoe, Silk, Jute or Mtxed Goodsen one bath -they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world, Try a package. If your druggist hasn't' them send direct to -Roxall Chemical Co., 60:Adelaide St„ East Toronto. 11056.62 AUCTIONEERS. riniomits anoww, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Baron and Perth. Orden lett at A. Y.t Campbell's impleruent Wfiref0D4131, Seaforth, or Tnt EXPONfOn O�bcc will reocieo prompt stterelon. • stiefaction guaranteed or no drove, 1708.t TAMES 0 MeMICBAEL, Hemmed auctioneer for tf the county et Huron. Sales attended to in say part of the coupty at moderate/Armand atitisfaeflon letterer tried. Orders eft st the Beef/tilt poet office or at Lot 2, ec,neetteion 2, 11004 Aiil receive prompt atteetion. 18324 A UCIIONEERING.-B, 8, PhilIps, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties DT .130/041 and Penh. Being a practiced fanner and tkoroughly understanding the valise of farm dock and Imple- made, places me in s better petition to utilize good Pried. C11/11gef Diederate0. Betiefsetion guMantoed or no pay. MI orders lel at Hensel! po.t office or et Lot 93, Coneeesion 2, Hay, will be peomptly ttended to, 1700•11 TAMES en SMITH, licensed auntioneer for the ceunth of Iluron. fisies pre/fierily attended to in any part of the county and eetlidaetion guaran- teed. Address Winthrop P. 0, 1E05-tf IMPORTANT NOTICES, FARIO TO 11ENT,-A good 1CO acre farm In Sten ley to rent for as term of velars. Within two miles of Bruce -field elation. Good buildings and about 70 sere§ cleared, cil fenced end in a good elate of cultivation, A good orchard and plenty of water, Apply to W. B OTT, Bruceileld, /Wit, TflO 1,10 13nkg1/ER8,..-The undersigned will keep for eervlee the pore brb Yorkshire Elea, Oak Lodgo Mannion, recently pi d from the well known te rd of 3 E, Brethau ord, Ontario and bred eem throb of his boat mtoek, bi. mire being thc champion at tbe Pen American, Terms SI. A, 0, SMILnIE, TuckerscnIth, 18744f OTICE.--The annual meeting of tho members of the tinhorns) and rilbbert Ferment' Mutual Piro Berteranco Comrae, ny, will be held In the Public Bail, Farquhar, en Monday. the, 1et of February, 1004, et 1 o'clenk p, Bufirees-ltecetving the Direetoree St cretery,Treesurer's and eudItene' re. port.; ttc election of direttote sed auditors. and eny other ,bnelnees that inoy bo (honed roues - fiery In the /Dtervnt cf the (Jcmperty, THOMAS 1.1YAII, President : TIlUS, CAMERON, Sec, (eery. 1tielx3 FOR SALE, LEICEATEP. SHEEP ANY) SHORTHORN werrriu FOP. SA anciamIgned has for male (we. era -i thoroughbred Lelcoder leheep sled Durbern Cattle of both sexes', Addrreg Eemor4e1110 P. O. or epply et feral, Mill flood, Timkorartiltb, RORKIIT CHARTERS a ROSS, 11372-11 DURHAM BULLS P011 RALE. -The underei4n- rd bac for rAle three thoroughbred bulls, Aged 'retreat to 22 months. Two of thaw aro dere In color and stud by impoited Royal Don end im• pelted Fan cil• Nide, - The other is a seen eired by Now Year's Ont, Apply to GIFFORD MUCH, Let eO, Coneers ion 2, Tueheremith. fibeetf OUSE AND LOT eon SALE. -For rale, e . bonus and one /platter of an sere of hod io the village of Winthrop. The hOt1F.1 is a good fren.e one, watin and cernforfable end CODWO4 70-01DP, with woodshed. Lota of good water, :here is alms good stable tex22 tea. This le a eplendel prop2rty and witi be told cheap, MRS, T, BILOOM, Winthrop. la83x4 fl7oOD LOT FOR SALE -For ealo lot 6, Con - VV cession 8, Stay ley, emstaieing 102 *nes alt timbered except about 10 wee. The timer eon - elate of pine, ft maple, eo f, rim and tamarack. It le situated within seven tuiloe of a railway rtation. Tennd liberal. There Is e,•ood enough me the Nun to, Pay for it- /deo house, and lot in Verna, The bouto is ;dory and there is ale, a good stable and driving bovee. The Lit !a well !fleeted with various kinds of belling fruit trees. It iii a very detirrible pro -este arid will be sold cheep. JOsEPli FOS- TER, V.I.os. 18$341 OUORTIIORN DtiftflAlf BMA FOR SALE- RTee anderaigned ,b4e fir sale 6 ;fore bred Deo hem bulls 0-1113 pedigrees or eligible tor reelattailee, lily aromi bull, whleh le tbeelre ol the where, le la, wined 14 the cffering and hal proved himeelf a vitro node eette.r. llo wee ihol by Riveraide Stamp, whieh did snob good 0313106 in tee here al J. lug AV, B. Watt, Of ribleriD, sod is& half brother 41 Sr Morning, recently owned by JAMOP $peIl,01 no, which took tint prize et London fair and Sold ot his dispersion tale fee' efue, Apply on tot 10, Concession 2, Hey, or JOI1N ELDER, Ileneall P. 0. Ian*. MONEY TO LOAN Maceorto'leen et kora* riees of interests nu geed lawn eentaiy. 'eerie ets yenta.: L. eILLOP.Alle liffifrillter. letter* .. 3rand Trunk Railway S..Rrs eil p itegpria Railway Time Table, 'reline leave seefortb as follows : 9.50 a. m. For Clinton, Goderich Winghain and 6.16 p. m. For Clinton, Winghara and Kincar- 17,40 p. m. For Minton end Godcrieo. dKiinnees,rdine. 10.18 p. tu. For Clinton and aederich. 7.08 a. ni. For Stratford. Gtulph, Toronto, Didills, North Bay and pobrie wed ; Belleville, and Peterbere and points cod. 3.37 p. in, tFresoriSantradtpcafordnu, GettsestIpb, Tomato, leon- 5.33 p, ne For Stretford, Guelph and Tomedo, • — ms . . Palmerston and Kincardine. GeNODT11 Palmerston. Pass. Nixed. Mixed 7.30 p.m, 12.2Ctp.m MS a.m 8.07 1.07 940 8.17 1.10 10.00 Blufrgbalm.. .... -8 e 8.38 27 1.30 • 10.20 Wi L26 10.20 Gotso SOUTH. Pans. Mixed. Pest. Winghern.. .. .. .. ei 53 cre 0 e.m 3.05 p.m se-. - 7 ... 7.-16.28 Ethel 9.17 •3,13 Brusls teelaierekm .... .. 7.21 10.00 ft IA 3.35 8 1110105 420 London, Huron and 13rnoe. once Norm - London, depart - Centralia IKetera. •••• .61/...... : 7.7,:„: Hensalial• • • NW *a -0.0 400 0 0.. Killnien.0 OP .11•,0 .0 0 0.00 0 It #0 Ber#00field•l• 0 • • a •••• •.• • • • • • • •••1010ed bora •.• ••• ...• lam MN, ainianee a. MO .. .• .0 .• • . ••• a a BeWhegliamtgrave". —asererre .7.... • a Blifilb.. ••• MN ill. .1 • • 11 601110 13017TY, Winghani• dePint•••• Passenger. 8.15 A.X. 4,50 rail 9.18 5.65 92,0 0.07 9.44 039 9.50 0.25 9.68 6.28 to.ie a55 10,80 7.1 . 2 7.20 10.60 7,P3 11.00 7.65 Pm/wager. 8.50 eete. 2.10 le re Belgrave.... • • am • • • • a* -ma 2.01 1,22 B,117th- 7.14 •5.15 ameatiarb;;;..,.•••••,.. • -0 7.22 3.45 Cllnton_••••••.vamp • .. 7.47 416 ihneefialdr••••••••••••*4 a am •-• •-0 8.06 4.40 Kippen 0.1. • • 1•0/ . 8.15 4.50 Henab/1.... ••• -••• •• re • • me 8.22 4.56 Exeter- — 8,36 6.10 • •••••••91.•8.46 6.20 Loudon. 9454. Z. 0.20 Sick Headache - nitre Joseph Wordwortb., Ohlo, U. 8., asp 1 have heen troubbx1 with Nick headeehe for °veva, year, Lately I eterted teeing Lex; Liver Pills, end they did me a world of goad, actin without wen or griping. Ai thin nine of the year, whea sore throat. psis' ID the chest, rheumatic pains and aches ere so prev- alent, 11 would be wiee to keep on bud s Whin of Hagyard's Yellow (.111. It Lss porfeet medicine chest. Price 26c. Hoarseness, 7317371577si'orias For4';rriteiTT-1rX few months ago'1 bid * severe sold In rny throat and chest and beesme quite beers*. A bottle of Dr, Woodet Norway Pine Syrup Edon relieved the Hoarsened and cured the cold." • • -.0•11a. Woetor Oil or other cathartic, is not needed after giving Dr. Low's Pleasset Worm Syrup, This rem- edyeoutains its own purgative, and not only de- stroys bqt ettrriee 00 be worm, rein 25o. v,.143 'L.; Grippe Heaciachel NI; tgliTIrrr3preton," Whitewoml, N. W. T,, writes; Sterling Headache Powders have -Oven me greet roliof from the terrible pains of La Grippe in my head and through my back," Price 10c and 26o as all_ dealers," denumesiemems BUGGIES PAINTED. 0••••••••••••••..... All par Ise ',evict; buggieg t bet require painting, would eo well to briag them in now, in order to have them in good shape by the time wheeling begine. R. DEVEREUX, Seaforth Carriage Wu:1m '38E4-2, Itlegillop Directory for 1303. mospin, Were, Wintbrup e. 0. JOHN ff. BRAWK, Counoillor, Bestorth r, OH4titsee LITTLE, -00u nein P,O,' JOHN MURBAY, Orisrseillor, Reeebivold f). o. JOHN 111. 00VENL,OCR, Winahrep P.O. JOHN 0, MORRISON, dierk, WhArrrop V. 0 aVrn5 nORS, vrinomm p 0. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J, P,, Sanitary tamperior Winthrop P. O. Seaforth Horticultural Society. • Any parson wishing to j An Ma Society in dosn by applying to the Secretary or any 01 the following ,directors,,Viz,; 1 Larigrtrath 1 Or oi 3 wls, JiAilab Tv-ermine1 si COPP# A. Hole, 11. W. brown, Vini, W HInchlev -and Wm, Ba1lari4)' n.6 Fel-annum, which entitientbe metritt r to -tbe Can ndban tfortioulterlet :(meethi)), the amnia reperb of the Fruit Gra/fere A•Di ilation, and abrOictrinsi -1130 cf The year comminute with tbe January tirliber of tbo map:bine. ELLIOTT,WLL B.T.;Treaff. 1E84. Wooers 13hospliodiate. The Grea EcArA *Mile an al, won eintabi, Whorl and relieble vroparnt-Lou, Hag Nen Sire*eribed, and ry_&5d oyer 40 yearn. AU drag. gists tri tiSO DOMin1-013 01 Canada tail end „commend as Nees 11(5 onle modem,* 134 its Irina that enresend ergo univercal satisfaction. it proxriptlySsod peruumently cares all forms of .iihrvotts *J..-t- Itess, Jemioions, fiperpititorrhop, Impotency, and all effete of abut% or exceeds the excessive nee of Tobween, Opium or Btinadanfo, Mental and Brain Worry, all &which Inad to Infirmity, Insanity, Coneumption end an Grave. Price ri leer peckeee"or six for V.One will piersse, w112 'ire. Mailed prompt7 ooro- Ceipt 01PACO. Seed for irne toonplitet. Address The Weed :ovulate -le Wd wr, One, Canada, Word'epbin.h01in0 k Join in eeeortis bye Aber.. hart, I, V F sr; .1. 8. itoborol fold di uggeete, p 11.V3 „Tiefore and What Exhibitors Say e0 per Pent fd rat CV.tie r-Thiti.ted 4 '(.Yfl Wioter Fair, ion, were fed with Worthington's Canadian Stock Toole MAD FIRS We have been feeding vour Ste* Palle to (fettle for peeve: time, and find be an to Neb.-of-, tonic, We bave also fed It eo horses sod pee, and me spite sare it ie the be. sleek food we have ever tried, Otte prize winning cattle at the Peevinolet Winter Fair, 194, were fe 1 by Worthington'. eiLfee Toni J. LESLIE & PEABEN. Breeder neither° '7:stile. At:on, Got, Meg *515 :- 5 tied yoniStock Food ii 0 q Iry .14 Tenio ler dein°. uMng then a knad appetm and i:esping their digestive 0G,01141. ie a h erslihy working noodi- tion, The steer " 800'be." exhi )!:!1 at Winter Fair, welebed at birth 80 peunde, at 35 month" 200 pad fele making a gita of 6p0u sde p4r month. Lt. pas to fe3d Worthington's Stock Food ANDREW RICIIARDSOld, Breeder Shortborn teettle, Peepelnue emt Dydra• cir.3 We 'have wed you* Ntoolc Flad for peh sod hoes, and fled 1 ry:d satiefectlau rival of Filf casein h bre ahown a gain of 10i1 pourkle a month while keding if •J AP WIL8901 1, WINS, Bo:Ai:to of Shntiorn Ca:tie and Yet k kite Hap Cer; as, WA. Note tb3 Pri3e IOIb. box, 200 fee3s, hfle ; 50 lb. seek tit. Manufactu.ed by TJIZ WOUTBINGTON DRexi fla„ oinapb, Oat, For Bald by Hamilton it Kerslake, Seeforth '- P. Maitland, Clinton : W 3. Levy, ilit21/C. 1 ' Cook & SDSon,Henni/1 j Nelson Gerry,Blyth. 1879-17