HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-01-29, Page 5I - - - � - - � I W * . - . . . � � - I - I lub&-M Heavy Sox, Ov.r - � I 36m for new Spring Gooda. - � A . on all Winter FootweA. � , , - , - ar-stme, duting this FIZZ _�_�. � � 'M drive milea throuall .__ ag lines go on 0 t4o - _- , �_- � ode tile A I - fird '�_�_, Z - , I - I I , .1 �- . t- - I __ � - - Z : rrioe 25a a pair. 11 __ . --.45a, t=l prios 75a a pair. � - rim fl, aalt� priez 75o a pair '_-_ � - �, �25. a . aht urlow $t V, pM . _. I r. ` �& Pali �. A . . , a Vair. , -4 4M"' #; 0 ; 1, ,1 7a, , d price r-.25 S pjjr ... - 11 11 . �ember the Openinct I)av, �_ 0 � � I 1. �, - I . - - I I ­.. I - . - . I - - I � al"Vilk I-* , I . � ,%'111$eaforth - 1 7. - I _-. - - I - , - , � , - - - __ - - _._ v gaallity " shoe for women, ��,_=r � - w � . - . 7 I - - . A � - I � - � I . __ _ - ' I � __ &WWterick 19niVersity Thla. , - t � � . . _.� aftll� is in the Peotone hiab�, - � 1� - - � Only survi Vin Vi ,'- her � - - ,,d rot -_ - - . - 14ott, a me i .r of the�. Z . '_ �, 'r4 I � - & Elliott. Two sistleri; .. -3 -, beieldor, Mrs. 0. F- JID - - 1. . ­ . 011A , - � onary in -_ � I - China. . Tile � �., . r. ,,Mrs. -Charles Bo iDine, - I'm � V"Yoming, ' �_ _. Vila. and was: �i4e` of the deceased at his, - ; . - . - : ! . � . ; , - Lt -1 was called from carth _. f .k _: -, t 'of a busy career at thj[� � �' me , - W' 4 n 11-0 was of greateat I F_ M-ily a_ -44 to UA -1 0-014- , � � ,g I _IX I �Ixfls f"t, tootuer wit -k Z_ � 0- are , _ s c4 ,, - nging his & -1 , I tu I - W- �l - I - , � - ­ 44 ".- I - VMpul* of the, mt � 19"W out, to Ow bokmA I 1. YP4 1 1 � � I __ , I lawl-0- V� - - ------,- - --- - I - I I I For- Fams, I LL_ >m ts for a hw4fy -7 hwifti. __ , ta �ftt labwelrq tio oat affo. .- L- .. �_" 4 th�* *_-&96-ft ,4]t(. - ref -a - - th I. collortiza,tion Dtort. , - I a:% �, as �, as �, -my bright, iKr, Thomas � , , � , �, 1 Dirictor of the Rut;- � li�t the arrivaL4 so far � =ekin merous than. lost sc-a� , ' - ninetY men came, hai; been received of firty , , Y _ _p , Tilt., - . acted this wodk, if �ifarm, laborers and men - �id work on farnm tmt of - � ; I - , lahlber of immigrants is � I ; � � hast year. The depi, . I ,D�iv4ral means of reaching I . � etass in the British Isles * 11 .�, I I . . , 4 the Ontario im 117 - - _ I r14% I : ]Kr. Thomas Byrne, at __ Nti. H. E� Kelly, of Oak- , �_ luv'er bY the department I :' - the Domin_- - ,this work. Alon offlows', and three z late agencies. The work, 'r4nged than ever before � a#mant expect to secure. - -1 I Ls.� � More farmer-, t hija � " plying for men, to wark " - -1 ear round, and mare are � * -1 lo#ages, in which hired - - A - 40 married may live. . -4 igh as I . aSt '�_ 11 -1 E�l is desirOUS �, - i in as early - A � � _ I I � , I .- : � � - " . - . j _­ � -1 — _��_ -1 . � . I � � ftfth on Colonies � : � � I m1th, ' -4 I . in Canadian XXa,;,4,a,V , 1-1 ��olbf that disrejar'd of �,Ih -. _4 .jj � �_ ­ �. � , i no"t prevail in the - e,irc � I . . . .� . A n, : . = xd,��Cobd,e;jjpit ' ­ � . may bo m 0 . I � I �,_,it, was owing. to, the � , .e a f , - iati circle thai notice - - I � ,_ . j � time taken of the cal - 4 i hare -fg e4n's SpeeoE. Some t on - 13 % I � - , - awoug strong Conserva- . _� .1 inz private at lea.4t, took- �� .. I I 1. . -to a union of the whole - . race upon this I � - - A jannUm of Canada A , Jn�ted State& Nqr wits - � �tv- � j � ; alien to the thoughts A -- �i "bile, - who suggesteft zis - -A . if 'ithe question between - ma the South, that the -1 d. ' ,Jet the South go and � A , iffic � 'inada. It is di cu . � C. .It - I I i-Tt * this there was any - r 01111a r . -tural or disloyal A 41. I �,%; in the pr pvg -,al., now . 7 � - - 0 -b ­ - �ue, for the combination I - . __Z iititip and bor coloaie� " j I I -105 - - - - 4 _ . ��tqd States in an An,glo_ --- - — � �ermtloa for the purpose . I . . I �, ! . I. I , peace upon tbc. world." T - L ly __ 'a inlPlieS a fUSiOn'dt. . I - i , and forcea of Canada 1. � 1� A ' r of the Empire witli i �, cl -4 j � . - [Vnited Stat".. � __ .-.,A . , W � . � I ­ -_ .� I -11.1 I - :: for Al"ka. �. �.!� z� . -1 ; iz&tipu known as the- � __ . I Company has lbeen �-� ",� � - , � L sive investigatilorn.s aS . - I- __.,� �Ud proiluets, of Alas -1 . kalp _­ -. j7 . � . � t � . 1. t. , � I a loca. Ing a oalony of - Al I - I : tVrritory- It Uas beo,a ,1-4 . I . soff and agricultural ; :--,A �, I .re greatly superior to � � abld, whi,ji fhf-. Fi-nns �* , � I - h�, chaji&F-� well, b - - , - eing , Ooming from. t lie ev- _ �,_ - �af Zur�po, with a. lat� . I . I , � . � I t T ' I I ,.e conditions very -qjn- I � - f - ku�hfast of- Alaska. - J�01 - . _Y loving 1-,eople. - � . w r , 11b_-rf - to", Imperial rule - under) - . il * live. The Vin" make- - I - 4 - � �- e h _q, bein- industrilgao, " IG I while tr' w,D.m(.- i �: 1 , he fl are I � I � �__ , I i- 4 11 � J . V SALE, � __1 I � . , I ­ . - . . . - � - . I_ _. A 1:7�0­%& . ,� I 'A 1 46._'11 1 1 .. "ONE I Z - ft6 . : . - 1*0..� . I : .tl .�,, ell r - � . , I ; �+�11 - -11 . I ­ � . . , � . ­ � ,A ;Ate, 01W annual stock— � ­ � - - it4bles, for this sale � I W10r4 regular $7.50� � -' �_ - i, . .- I � . I I � ; , , �-, sole price 880 a suit. I I - � m . . regular 12P.., for 10e . , - - 2 � - , I F I ; .- - - r, 11 � 2't.75, fo! $2 95 a pair. - I I � L.O_Iest 25c Japan tea in -' � . - fforth., -1 . I � , i . . I �, I L 7 : . I . I . f . L , I I . L : I � A . - �­ - -1 __ ­-, 1 ----7 �- L i I . . . . . � . I I I ,� . ! L . � - ; . : . . - . . . - . . I . : . ! � . � I - � I . . . t � . i . I , . ! I I � - � . . - , ! : I � . . . L - __ i . . I � . � � . . � ;i 11 I , I . - I . L . � . I ;� � ; . - . I I � I 1. . -1 , . � - -4 . ,� i � . - I . . . - 4 . - I � . - � I L I . i � , . i . �� I I i . , � I . . i - . . . . - I - � .� 11 I " . � - I ., - � L I �_ I I 71 I I -1 ! I � . . -_ - - 11--, � � . � � - - L � � ! '. - - � ­ _ . I I ,I-- - - �- ­'- T- -- ,�_ -L - __ _. ­­ __ _. --* ­_­_­­_. - _­ I 71- 1: __ - -- � - � - - - -;- .,- � I - -- --I------ _ _ � ,, _ ­_­ - - _­_ _­, _­ _ ­ ­­ I— �___ . � L_ I - -. - � - - � - - � , � . - I - t I . . , . - ", __ I I I ­ - - L. � � ­ �� - - - I - - 117 . - _. L -_ - . , , t I _�, - � w-, ­­.- � - , , � ��,­ ­­�,_ ­ I I - . ­ . ­ L 6 _� � 1i i I - I - I . , I - ' L -1 I I- . . I . L . . . I - L L I � - , . : 1 � . �: . :, � . - - � I , . ; 'L ': ' . , � I . . I L - L .1 . ; � L � . I - . L . . - . . I . I - I I I � I �., , ,� � - - , _ I I � L� .. i , . � 1 L - , L ; _ _ - . � L - - . L - I L . - - - , I . L I - . - _ I - 1 I . . I � . . � . � I . � 1;_., I - , - . L � I . I - 1. 1. �� L , t - � ; i - - � i . L . I I I . . I � I . L 4 1 � L . : ' L I - - . L . I . I I . LL , . - I - � , � , . - � 1 L : ' , � ; L 7 I L I I I I � I I i I L I i . : . I L 0 1 L , I I I 1. � i . . I . I . I : - . t . I i . . I - X I I I 1 - j I � , � I I . 10 . , - ; . � I z , 0 - i I I I . I I I . . I � . I 11 I ! . I I � - . I � . � i, - - . I . . I � . - : � . ; . ! I . 1. L � . - I . � I I � I I . , , , . I I I . . . . � , . - . . ! I JA_-AZU-ARY 29' 1904;' - ! � et.- -91 I I . I A I __ I; -1 '� � - � . .0 -_ � I ... L _ __ - __ I I I 11'. L' RUR� * FAPOSff 0% . 4 1 ; --- � .— __ ____ I- W� -M - - , I 40 . � I 71 I . 11111111111111111 I - I ; ­ - I 11" —0. ; - e -1 _ - "­­.­.....,..., - - . - . . .. I ­ I . . . . I 1. i� . ­ L. I —1-1, R io - - - . . - - . � 7 t 1� . . L. - . Perth Ndt4W � I Mr. D. P. -,Rj"iX&n, a" two. handimme . . , , I , 11 _L� — I - � - I I I Deaths. ' ;ift -41-49 .0-%, . � � I Air IF AV 111L I 6, 11 I obairs. The occasion of cisirner Malls ; tf) , I 1U�__ T 00t ; _Min ffetheL. I ft 00 I WOO PICKARD At Ujw4oq, on Iff I � I ft -W Lam ;. nVislion. Of Soatk. mpg. - , * 1, I I 1"I" 2211 LL and - I , Dry -0 . . � , , on 000unt of, , ir. Foley I s1deet daughter M., Qwc�ds V* I I V, W& of V14 0 1 � . - I . I *b,4 is visiting in Mil oliell. I" . M 4 . INN 0 N %.JV kJ"61 markot Sro*ft ' : Movffi 0ity to reside. aftar bift dry V sthmembsuAl sworth; aged 2%5' I I cle-thilng ? _Xto t , 40d7 0 1 .UM Carolina abws� who h, 6 . I . , � Senterth , t " bes" for 40 years &,resident of � EUjoj,L I- Mr. � EjAM T Pickard 8 I I living in hitobvill, with Mr. 0*&" Rok. I dRA 'n . Lo - 76, Jobn a" - - I onftrie. . - 1- r . cancem In ' Fall 1044 oj% of -the ahlef *Porlr4v - fb the bun, I i � Four CourstjoC �' =qw, died on Sstnr&y. Jannary Ift, from jD. .91 o0ibbj:,u,',';j ... years) and ]BI j on - . I I ­ — agnaff Of the st,math. , . L :1. B.A. t6re, having been the- firob 9 Mon 1, I I - � I I . I I .---- - . , President of 'the branch and r r 11MLY-to ,ftdadoh, op .Tani ; . 4ow.0ocupying Wy Igo Noyaj, . � ' - �, -Mm Beitober, formerlyof MitchelL ' Lundmiq ren, wlie of the late Tbiniss irriv, _�V lu -,--% A IN I the position of olionaellor of the 'society. t I; I I NEW SPItING PRINTSx' former rt-sident of Fullartcii,l - died in 64P.Mse to the. - presenUtjono,he,made a a Colborne- township, on January 16ib ! 110[,~_ *11&1-& U - , very tbri f 'b' Almira MiddRugh,wife of the 1%te John Xophee�ll ' R may seem like forcing th I - 1.0 ut suitable rie$dy. The - re- ,,� e season to show new Spring Prints iu Jiiin- - - and daughter of Mr. George Johnson, a In r . 16AM I Ulu - St"-,ek Uh--"m,1k KUPW I � Bojewein, Unnitobis, on janually 14tb. Mau Agw as years., � when the Vnermon eter is ton below zero, butrour customers like to take . al U V(XjF -A very distressiog A-&, UA.ftv%&"&A . der of the evening was plessalutly M,,jV0R-jftl*God@d0h, on January _13fh* collo Ma- Ory, - speubby the guest4 in different almase. I 0018 . . . 'one Afj*rnftU recently, when 1i; r I - � � I � time by the forelock, and got their Printsi Shirtings and cotton gooda early, . I * R-*-.,& P'. ibell— . r "! fzh tiowatflip, on januaryli � N � tA- - ' �� McFaddentof St Muys, had one her I 000K .i:4, SO and have them made up before thb Spring work begin& We ordered o�r . __11L Z--,& � -OnShuday morningof loobweek, the . Thomas .Cook,swof mt. H. O.Oook, t - tam broken by' slipping oubbe sidewolk, Mr. IAM�houll of Stratfor(L were 40 y . I . prints some months ago, before the advance in cottons, which enables w to Ila, ---Z Nalut, r - a visiting friends, Ism" 7 - CANTLO is Ashfold, on J = 18th, joim - Ithbugh they are now worth from 10 to 10 per WTH , startwb a crash which was plaiqly . ged So years and 7 . sell them at LiA year's prices, a I 9 I -Mr. James Jack#= boa given up his 4eard Al over the nei0borhood, 'The eum. 11UN No I � TAIF V__V_V__V__f__e_ I I . 00 "Duafy 1fth, Wet cent..morel, We will be pleased W*have you call and examine our new prints, "'" L r Don , nly * Peter R. &ad Mania Nun r POP" . 18 Field BrO4- bwdw&m 01to"t wor kitelien hail KIM -.--a . 4- .-,. A . . . 0 0 . �V Mon son e -E-H-H--r-++-Iz�-si2..f-.4-.,-,�,z��-- I 9 monlk@ a i loollaFsed, owing to'the I I , and 4 days. 1; whether you re prepared to buy or not, Below we quote a few prices ; � � . - - I I , mwhell, a position which he has held for tremendous weight of snow on ihe ,roof, ST - a I - . had 1"er, in on J&nu%YV 22nd, Muy A.i. � 0 0 some yearo, and has sooepted a pituatflon Mr. Unnon n this kitchen it a Wl;74 Of I el DUO. aged 48 years. Crumla celebrated English Prints, wide width, soft finish, guaranteed fast oolorm� as& - with -a wholesale bgrdwaxe firm lon London# - Pump there but a few minutes before, and DEVXR� In Tuckerstalth, on January 26ib, now worth 160, for 1210. (janadian ponts, wide width, �eary. aud light weights, lost) C*Nj mell 01mg Fridav, Janawy. ,.. -Mr. F. A. Gamley. -principQ of the -the ,scoideat, ' oath Sh"noo, wife of Mr Bobs.- Deverewi, colors, in now patterne, now worth 12p, for 103. Engl an and Canadian prints, now - - . mfghb have been killeS haid asted 62 ears aad 6 month#. I i ey public school at R-dDy River, and a for, occurred at that time. As it wiw,, SPARLIN a Toronto, on Jauna 25tb, Isabellal worth 8o, for 5o. , I . . I roo rds, thei oldewalls were, forced FAtber, toofMr.Albeirt W, afling,r4cd40' I I . - i - 1, I . 11is pupile with a Dicv l"Air writing ow, y"to, 7.. oaths and 7 days. ' ; �� - , sth 1904# 1 -r=er Bibbort, boy, Was lately Presented bV r , fall iDWS, � the Z 1 4F outwards � . I -and *Dow howped live feet high � -1, - low"Now I WINTEZA GOODS, 1 9 . I I _. . . " a Wight appreciation of his semoes as in the oentr&of the killoben. ! I -teacher. . . . , I I I � . I I . ' . I . I .... . � -Dr. Duman Firesel, brother of Dr. D. , - , - 111111011111 , - - I -- We are running off our wintek goods at slaughter prices to -clear. Drop' . bALE REGISTER. , i ion i in and see the bargains we are giviDg in wrapperettesi flannelettes, wool blank- I � � - - - . . B. F-rpmr, of Stratford. and a native of I - I .ond't' * " - You remember *6dt'saI6 of a year ago. This year we will reveal values . North Eanthope, died at his home in Oa Thursday. March 3rd," at I o'clock , ii ets, Alannelette blankets, ladies' cloth coats, ladies' fur jackete, men�s such as were never approached by us beflom Blany of the best off Peterboro Imt we*k, after a � short illuess M,, m. ,`lon Lot,20, cone 4sion 14, McKillop, 1 fur coatN, men's beaver and cheviot overcoats, men's stub proof rubbers, them do not appear in print. It will be necessary for you to- --Viait) � af�,'M pleura pneumonia. Parm Stock and Impiementa. j(,hs, Stai- Pow.,de'r. I men's homt-ma& mitts Box, sh;r6 and dmwers, laiies' fur caper- . � . , , - _Min Editt Sophis, Bamadale, sealand 'ford, proprietor ; Tbos. Brown, auctioneer, ' I . ! - * heavy wool . ' the store to fully realize the great- money-saviny opportunielies. Many daughter of Mr. sad Mrs. E. K. Barns- I . I I I ,ines, raffs, stolei, capq, nauffs, etc. If you need anything in winter goods, you goods will be sacrificed during this sale at less than WIf price. dalN of Stratford, died on Thwaday, Jan- - - . I A man dropped into our store the otherl should not miss this chance. ..'' � This is a genuine'stock clearing sale. Below is a partial 171st: I � � day and asked u3 for a 0budition Powderl � � . - � � I nary 1C Shelf144 been in poor health for , , . - 1.�, I WAIR.KRT�3. for his st*3k. andb vve:-ishowed him 110ur� , . some time, suffering from lung trouble- and I . : 1, I I � I- I � . - - __ . . . bar death was not anexplootAd. I . -_ . — .- I Own." Toldhim we believ�dft the bebt� 0.&83M -&IVID C)MWJM Z2=01_m�. - . . . � I � I I SXAFOZTE� JaD. 21, IN4 one made. He bought a oackage, came . I I - - � . I -Roberb Kay, who some years ago Fall WhOltill9wh8hadArd— - -.'. 90 77. to 80 77 baek in tex 4ays and bought five packages;i � Ir 101% " ; 1 033 -------.,.- 29 m1a . V I . I . n0d it was the besb he had ever used. He's i - ViRTIN - I . � U: . . i -,--. ---.! 0 67 , , LIE, ' ; Tied aii a- jewelry store in Mitchell, died oat t pair bushal _' .1 0 29�-r I , 0 , � in Winnipeg. on January 12-h. Mr. Kay V063 PO"whel— - 057 XCKINNO]Nr & CO.s BrM STAP DIR& Lx , , EN' � . . z , , lay perbushol- - _ _ _ _.... I 0 aKio -0 88 . telling his iriends, a,nd we"re aelling lots of -1 . � I . � . to * " . has had several important ploaftJons; on the . Butter, me- It 10 - - - * - _.... 0 15 to 016 i . . � � . . - - � ow it. * Here is vihat we claim for it - � - - . . I . . " I . I � I : - I ; ,C. P. R., and was latterly assistant pay- '' Busior, ftb.� -- - - _,o 15 40 026 : . . � ---.--- - I q . , I I I - . q . - . . ' . I � ' master,"d o"hier. He leaves a wife and- - X494 Per'doz— __ - - _!­ -;i 0 20 10 'O 22 . For,hormes, ib 'is qspenially ,useful in � Foui piwes only Of leather ticking, regular -20c,-sale price 14c. 1 ' - I Flour, SKI M-20— -, - - _.. , 12 00 66 225 1 :. ff-w`% ILIr . ... I four dauglitere. . r . I curing coughs, inflamed lungs, dietem- � . - . . Kay Per tQ1jQn47n- - ----- - 6 50 to 7 00 . �, ; 9j: -m 8"' I - . Fifteen pairs'of vilifte flannelette blankets to clear at 5,5c' - . � -Widle Mr. Samuel Coppin, and Mr. � TIE LAT.01 1: -N . : Ides ZC_,_. __..... 5 00 to 5 26 lHir, kidqey and bladder troubles, and, I : Fic'ed Vipoi3d. of Mitchefl, ,were felling She' Cdhjv'0,.8".,­ _d,ft­'V00'_ 0 SO to 0 so giV*S thOM Q DiCO, 911100th, g1Q89Y Coat. i I . . Fifteen paits lar,ge size grey flannelette blankets to clear at 90c a pair.- ; . � .:;.,. . ; 51, 'If I __ . sre,es in the- bu4b one day fast week, one WOM _";;."-_____-.0. 0 15 to 0 10 In the treatment of oattle, it iq us -ed I Five pieces of table llinen,* worth 30c, for 19c, . - ' k3utoes pair beg (now),- .,.. - 60 . I - . .0 bo to - � - . . of the tre" In failing struck Mr. Co * ' I . . Six pieces of table linen, re . PPID 011 9sh (retoll) - barrel with remarkable succens in ouring i . .. *.o,p I M SO 1 25 i -gular 35�, for 25e. - � : I � ; � the head, rendering him unoonsoiouni It W wd per =,Ulo-Z. - - - of- 4 00 to 4 50, . Jaundice, Yever, Diminished - Milk a6d; It - Four piecei of- tp�bh aen, regular 45c, -for 35c. ; ­____ � Populaa,a Pekfnmery I W&S owing to thp depth of snow j1pon W)bd iper card. (oftri). . - - � p _.. 20060 2 b9 speedy souring of milk. Hois that are i� - o ,__� ?LF . - I I I I � ' ' ; A , riso = _- --�_ - �..6 - - **.& 0261* 0 50 I I 1� . . - Two �Iec�s� of table linen, regular 65c, for 49c. I I � � ': which he was stan4iog that his life *68 V . 0 6 00 60 6 00 given an occasional dose, will no� coD- , I - . - Besides,* brillsed, bead he bad five � r . I I . � . � One, piqce-0,creaw Canton flannel, worth 12*0 sale price 9c, I .: , 4 . 8&ved, � I - "' r 26 $9 2 . tract 10$ 013010rA, ,Given. to , - ) y sw wok , ioat. - it . � 7 . _hk � 04 9.5 40 q9 fincre � the #gg. PIP40000% It Fourt"A pioo" of Oxford ohirting, worth 12p, for 7X.c . � , - , -1 I 00 � . bone, it Lazell's Golden- Ohrysanthem'um _ I � to - ' _�Thq h0=9 iA X r, .40 mm, MDKD*bvp ir .- 709009 ` , just' - Wak to Poo your boym ho -0 � . Fifteen piep � : I I , e ,,s of, Aa.ur,ejottq� all oolo '5 price -6,� , ; $t,,UVY#j W" gw #Mo of 0 qR14 *44, �,,,� I I . - , rs, worth �o. ,ale ;4 ,e, I , . - 4 Al ; I I � . 'Unup) L wiwh 7go saile prjoo 0 1 : . Al � Tim VWxo of j OW, 1 V4 0". #V"kj" U4 W"k W"n tbor . Vairy XWksto, * /lop %Q4, or tjv# for 41, we ?. �, 6f I iel � p X*jh* ft* . - * Fifty Vim" of puro Un -m- towf4g, W01 t. Pfw' . '" Tricarno * 2U- -at , -1-4v 4 _*W "of mr, ' rt � R � -*-/ ,,, � __W . I -41 bw I # 0# - - I = I ; AN$ R mmu"'. As Wo k"WA *1 TONOW, Jonsmy 27 -ft"*j?__U* 4@1 V111, 4 yar mmmy j( YO -14 are " SOW I a . I � . � . mom im 7dV=" 40 @WjY Awmim b Aw 0m.ft"If, Fifty of hion towolsf wonh wep #,41# Prim loe, ; I OF "�~, Rov� A Ota" A@Je r -Y 08 M � . 41 I of Turkuk i0weJUDr, wonh -Ple" mlo prw� Me, � ; 0 "4 in"s wom mwy 0 &W 86*4 "001, WON Alow HR ab"aff $ oi"ffll 1 64 V ,- -V4 r, I . - � my #Osm# 20 to 2& -low@$ - Carnation Pin k., An PWIM of dodbl@ fold bunting; "I", ;4ke SN,� I Vaw-mt, U "&# '14 0. ABERHARTt,4 � 1 dowly V6" -d tau ,to I& kw d0by - . Y- VA Pp"'O.Mf Iffa-16 rw 6y, I - r" MW, JA to I& s. " luk 0170, . . . - ­ - U- M@ difwofi- d iho R man* - Y U76, - J Twout 4 � piew of Araftolftmn !"t 1W 02 C4*k Iffil 4 it@ and ema Awm,**�, q811V VfVA - 0a, * of *006id# ; DRU"ISTO A o' Fiva pmem - Wh I � / I I . - � &"' 'N itdwl wo 00form; � 140, . AM* lon the a4king at � - Ow "dwood Wb" , , MO tr PM 7 - _,W I", ;"b"* a ok"01-D"Iff# owt 0 - if , lo 86, &&- View 1%, #dft W*w"olwM W#Wwk* 0 Aqw- - 0ARDWS - - W spee&l ling'af gim f#wftffill -, I - IF # " 11�-_ is nowt& MIN& 7, ftoiet k "d fimp TIW# to * ffid&r4" vomaw of 1 gaven ple4o a ro-1110f i6w,effirig, mg,ufar 5e, sole pnfe,-, 31a, . ­ - . 2 � . I 1"git dh~o Ile, " fr vouiff *W- _& Alwo I --I-d . � ' I UVL a . Irma". I - . . � 9 IL K � fwv� U W, ' ' b'' at .1 , . Pi I -1 I ' ( - Table olf cloths, regular 25e, to dear 1' I 8c, fi, 0F,ngt*016v&1 4, Zvougolf"I , aw - 1 -ggi d . �'� A t4hile C4 wrapperatta to alear if, 4:X -o a y4%rd, - 1, 14tw D16Y Saint 1. twift Ab tf4o, . g _-�Xew 118ifilf 90 to _ __ _ 114 1 . Aj-jp; I . - 35a V" domno "llsifi 28 W 290, cold swr- -_ - �� X* _lj 8 )-LN W � U�," It biW 8 MA. V 0 n W 1-1 Mo Aef Npiewpollan, Iftdar the list with 17 W N t6'97o, and limed at 29 to 25o, . I X(MOBS . � 9 � I � . . # . I � marri". �. . I . I .. I - - k � . -The Young Liberal club, of Stratfordo - - I TYORSE FO: It BALF. -A bay gelding, with blaek . � I 40#41-0_404#1P+4�+41____ #4-- � . � I JEJ Volnif,.i Ising 2 ye3r# old, sired by imported - � I i -I WAS re -organized one evening last week, - It . , Poultry. 1 :0_�R C 3 � C f"'r: E S rX , r I i Clydesdal Fluhwood.- ApplytoJ;TiDl .17 1. � wals a moat enthusioptie meeting awd the, . � . . ToRoNTo,"'Anuary 27-TbeI demand is Tuckermlem . 01, X . �, . I I - � idenk � varieties, Prides show go, - ..---.---- -..-,-----. --.I- � � . � following were- alecud r-fficers : Pro& fair for all , .-....-- - I I . � . I t uoted 'at 12 to 146 VARTED.-Sealod tenders, for the _*4 I otho D e% v a r t m u--% ]_,-a' * . D. M. Ferguson ; Ist vica,president, Thos. ENDERS � 188% - - FIRST DO - OF. NORTH . C ing u 1 I Trow; -2ad vice-president. � Walter P. change. ''Chickens are 9. TefeQUOU Df la'brick school, adjoining the vil. ' OF PIOKARD08, SEAFORTHo I I I I .1 . - . w (Noney; sea"tary, RoyalBurritt; �rew per Pound, for' fresh -killed young stock, lage of Verna, will be remlved by the unde . . . ' �� I 1. . . X I - 1, I - and 10 th'lle for th olorer grades. Tur- uptotbelfthdo,yof February, V01. Pis= I — ____ - urer, George H, lAugan. key@ are quoted at '1021 Zealflestions lo be seen at my residence. Th law� - -_ . - . -Rev. Ohrist% � �h#ir Hanillbon, -at to 14c per pound, 6Y anv ten� or not incoessatfly aoceWd, JOHN I Fifty men's overc.oafa, 411 sizes ; we clear this lot at half regular prioe. - . one geese pit lOrbo Ile, and duokg ab 9 to Ile. BEATTY, fter, atarpTreasurar School Seation No a - ' Fifty men's suits to clear at 85 - . , I time pastor of the blethodiab church, Mil- I aftValay. I I 1� .1 � LER I ; ve a . . . . , 5-il ' ! fWU W I Men's heavy winter pante, worth fr6m $1.10 to ,$2, sale price $t per pitir . rbon, and father of Mrs. Wm. Irwin. of Grian, etc. , - ' I I . I . Stmtford, died'in Toronto lost week, Mr. EACHER IVANTED,-For Rook Like Sobool - A Min GREIT CIS N - STROPRE Xen?s leather coatq, tweed lialed, regular 06, sale price $41.50. �1, � - - , . ToRo.,iTo, J&Pusry 27 -White wheat, 10 I I I HAMilton was one of i he, pw"neeir minittere g5 t TDIsirict: first or tecond class; school to open , A pile of men's pea jacketa, worth 64- ewh to clew,,, at $2,50, . o 86c ; - red, 8%c ; goon, 75 to 76o,; on the 14th of arch. If pas9ble, and olose on the � , . I - rM i 093MMOVORM979aw"i � i - I of the Methodist charoh, and his &mt mpring. 83o ; barley.. 46 to 47-2�a'; oj%tfj, 23rd ot.Deoam or, w1th two weeks holidayis in July. � I I Men's rabber lined pea jackets, worCh $7, sale price $4.75. 1 - obarea we I re in Wastern Ontario. 1119 33 to .W,,o ; peat, 691o. I I-ApplfeWons j ecalved until February 27th. stauniz . . . r - I - , � . ' - Men's underwear, odd shirts and drawers, worth from ZOa 4-o 75c, cl wasin tbe-Fenlan raid. Mr. Hismilf"flin .11 . r I'* quaifflontlon si d 951arY expileta, Apply to JAKE9 I . . I 1. q .11 to Year . . A. FOWLE19, I fathor P. 0, Manitoba, 188W, 1 al, 05c each, . . I 16ava a widow and a family of nice child- - .­ Th mis Blig January Sale , 4 � , � t� I . . Seeds. __­ � .. ...--.-- - . I _2 - . - ' . rM , ARM IN G IREY FOR RAL� -For "is, a good. . . � I Heavy unshrinkable underwear, regulat $1; sale price '000 eacL I I . -A very pretty houge wedding was To,wN-To. Januar? 27�Aleike is cjuo�ted , �. . . a F farm, bob g composed of lot 9, waost ; � - i ' .,,#ou 12, : Sweaps forward with &tester force than ever - every department. has caught Special clearing prices on mea�s cave, also man lines, of ,men`swVW_r6 too � celebrated at the beautiful home of MT - jo 84 to 15 50, red clover at $6.50 fe $6, or,y. near tbc! Viluge of Craa�brook. It loon . � I Y_ q - . � . talus 1 . He, on and timothy at $1.75 per busbel. all at out- us aores of '41 t clan hind and. it well watered and I the cont" 'on of out prices, and crov6& are i. zL-t;s cleating at half price. - . I - iind Mrp. John Bnpeb, of Sebringvi . a9l, tak;ng advantage .of this big sale - . .. - . i I - I . . eautitully sitt sted on the bank of tho river. There I , - Tuesday, January 12,h. The happy 0 si" .points, � atild ,sliglitly 1�tter prico b' ,It will pay Ion to visit this centle �i business, w thousands of dollars' wofl- Mon's Cardigan jackets, imported direct from Glasgow, t cleari,Ag at less; vent Is on the form Inineral hich Is invaluable..'. - 411 .- I - . � � . wsw a double affair, the .would bepaid fl�r extra choice 4amplem. . n7tilagU13, to well 400094, of goods will be rushled out during sale days. Evwt than half regular price. � � . � contracting parties I$ is i lood of C . � ,., thing in the U4@ off winter I -_ .6 as' 0 - - I being Mr, J'bbv Busch,, jr,t and Miss Ids I " I - . I underldruafnIod d has on it a frame house bwk- . 4 # regardles"f',' - It will, surprise you� how far you can make . what kind of for coat. you are i - 'jeed of, ; i . . barnanddrivi shed, it to convenient 6 waikety, goods m&fVjz . price L, , . No matter i a We can save ye -a Wagner,of Phillijiburg'and Mr, Frank lAve Stock Wwk�ta. , - . I . � . schools, Ins% o e and -churches. � 1P is a most de- a dollar,go -bere these days,' I money on it, . Staer juid Mips Kate Busch. The cere- LoN.-DoN, Fug)%nd, Januari 26r --Live' v fisco a will be sold obeap .and on emy - I . . � I I I � � mony was pedormed by Rev. W, Wain- cattle -steady at 11 to lljo�pe� pound for .= the 0 or Is anxiotiq to retire, A I . / 1 1 Special price?, on all makes of robes. . . . � pply op I - -' Lalai&' Dress'Skirts, Wies, - I � : . , ' � I Coats of the- latest style, Ladies' Underskirtt-,, % Americab'oteers (diessed weight) - the promises n addr"s CUANBROOK P. 0. MR1 - I bech. . . Canad- . �, 7 � 9 � 2 . THOMASCAL ZU, im-ti 'Laldies'Mrappers and Bloutes and 14i:Yhb'Gown9 at sweeping re'-ftt-ons, � i � -Three yozing menon their way to' isn steam lot to 11jo Fwr"pon�d;; ilefriger. - I . I 0 A I I . V . _01?__V__,_2 a a � . — I . � - . -1%_f1_"_g,2;i'—Hr+!- I �H. P I A,!-1,M2rl1Kn&0*V1 ft 0 0 0 &_ � i . � . ) 4tor beef, 7# to 7J3 'per pound.! Sheep, 12 � - . � I � z danoe entered the promises of 'A. Mo— 0 I ll ed t re&xUess of cost. I I - . 2 . - I . ­ . � . . li, jr., of Motherwell, one evening not - , to 12jo per- pound. Lambe, r Bell Engine and Thresher 11 , � . I Intel , . 1114 to 14io The 113be I . . � The (dreseed Weight), � . I - , 9 isgo, and took away'some hides. . . F I . � y T -1r, It, . . Military Flannel, Gre " Flannel and Jnderwear at clearina Priem. -4 . ! C ,, S"forth, ant. � � 0 I 1029 % . . ' c1t : men InteDded it w a joke, bilt the, NONTREAI�Jauti&4 2&-Cattlo--The but- . : � � . . �; ; I � ; � Y0=9 I . -dts at less than maniAeturera� prica-3, ress U Z !Je.. artme. L - - ; ok a more serious view of I he chars were out a andAhe was fair Men's and Boys' Overco' ate and Si 1,D ood hn � owner to, . . r1le Notice Is boil y given, that a dividand, palculated i I I - . - and had them arrested for theft. trade with COD191=y higher priest; paid all the rate of I per cent per annum upon thoesplial - F �1. prank � �, - i A snap in large heavy Robe& . I 2 The magistrates took a lenient view of the for the esttle than were paid on I 1"t week's stock of the Company, which w'" fully paid up and I � . ; 1. ! . I' ' � . D Tewrd on liovember 31st, IM and the same Fifteen piecees. 11 -wool homespun, 56 incheg wide. regular price $1, sale _. case and gave the young men a severe re. markets. . Some of the cattlor were of bet.' ' ! ' a �. I -_ . �e 1. . Ill � )f ihe Company on - s of Boots and Shoes to bo sold at treMend,DUS Jt I - . � I ' wyable at the offloe ( - � primand and let thein go under si"ended ter quality than 'any offered here lately. g,w d the fiv A day of February ngxb I I- Price 35c, � __ ns, . I . I � ftntence subject to jgood behaviow'i'PeDd - Prime beeves told at 4115� to pe� pound ; The annual general meeting of the sharehold.,e 1 ftet'o One piece only of navy blae homenj un, 56 inches wia'eq -yegular 50ci ftle . � � -_0 - - d . 'F . I - good medium , 4 to 446 ; orAinary medium will be hdd in' the office al the Company on the ! ' _ I 1 �7 � . -Menm. 1-Vm. Profton and George Mo. thfrd WedneEAIY in the month Of Fabmvy, at two � . A snap in Lamp Glasses, and fresh, groceries alw ays on haAd- , , price 35c. 1 - _. - _� .- about 310, mod the common etobk ibl;24to - Wolock By cider ofAhe Board I i 1- § . � _fAg" of &,?Stford ; low Hord, of Mit- � I � I - -1 - - . I I .rwetve piev,es all wool, donblo fold dress goods, regular 26e. "lle , , - � - - 9 31b per pound. , Tha calves Pold ab from Any quantity. of Butter and Eggs taken in exchange f6r,goods.. Y rl,3� A 3.40 - chell ; and R. L. Ries and R W. Dillon, 0, 50 to - ' U OBERT BELL, Managing Director __ , � . . I . Navy blue, blwk, grey friezes and homespunas at 26 pef c=L off the - $10 e"b,. or from 3i to 410 e r 1882-4 1 � . I 'V - � - . . _. of Br. Marys, have rooelved a. bronze modal pound. The sheep and lambe wore wratEer — — - � -1 � I .- - I jj I I � - I .." I I . I . regular price, . I - . . � I .; each as souvenirs of their trip to Montrea poor mixed lot, sjud,,wera houghb by a job- warribm, . CH ­ li hwt summer to nittend the Chambers of I . - - One pile of Wiet? suiting clolffi, regular 36c, sale price 19c W I=!, . ;. A I . I ld ,V ber at 4o per pound.' Fab hogs sold at � . � ,ommerce of the Empire.- On e"h medal from 5 to 5jo per pound, About 25 milch To all Whom it may Concern : A@ Exaoulor of 1 Mw M OEATH - "ToRu &w,t Tmw . A� table of dress gloods ren=n.n to clear at from, half to ormartm off re- I . ,I Is the inscription, 11 To emmamte the 5th the eetw bf th 4 late A. & Nicol. of the Town of I � C.. BE " "a � . � j . Congress of tbo Chambers of Commercle of cows and spriagers were an the market, "orib, I desh e all'who hwie clai me on sed estalle 1 . . 1. , gular prM. il " -4 . _. but there seamed to be little - . .� - ­_ A pi - -.1 I the Empire, Montreal August 176h to 2fth � ,emand for to isand me, ow or before -March let, ION, an — --- - - . le of plain colored sateem, regular 12 -.,Lc, We price 9c. 0 A .1 9 them. I lzed slatemeat ct their claim@, it any. 'AUo any I - i I I -1 . ' A lot of dr"- linings, double fold, worth from So to 10c$ for 5c pr yard. . 1 190.1' - On ibe obverse si4e in a picture of sen fte amount due'on . i BMIFALO, Jannazy 28-Cattle--Caftle are owing 50'd edste, i* d me li li Montreal board of trade building and a or before the jbtvo imentfoned data, as after Oat .1 - 4 . - S" b, A pile of silks, plain and fancy patterns, worth from 506 to- '75c, aade i , active ; shipping stef ra,ste '15 a ,w Prices that are bound to'. bring � I .border of maple leav". . dY ; lothOn daie ad soon . Ill take sisps to iadmin- 1. ,�; - I 11 to 25o higher ;� obippivg steere� $4.75 to- i;wtbe estAte according to the terms of libe last I - ., - I I � I , price 350, . I -Mr. Janiaq joney, one of the oldest ' will and testandent, made April lee, )W% In . 4 in j $5.15 ; prime steer4, $5. Z to $5.50 ; btit. ,g I A table of velveteens. in a range of colors, regular 300 to 35ej mle price 19e I I on. 916ned-JAMES D, NICOLy'liale I , * I � I : passenget erigineera on the Grand Trunk chars' steers, $4 to $5 ; heifers;, $3 25 to I I I ="Or!i i)sl�j at L4udlr, Manitoba, January lath, � the trade even, th rough* I Seven only ladiei' plaid sh%wls, regm1ar $2, salle pelce 95c, . Railway, and formerly of Stratford, died $4.15 ; cows. $3 � �to $4. 10 ; btilla, $3 to 1904. 1i . 1985-4 -1 - � . I - suddenly Wt week in Toronto. Death was - $4.2,5 .f4ockern .and -feedem, V. 75 to $4 ; All, other Bhawls at- quarter off reguLv i � r - I , price, i � . I I li , !� ) � . - i I caused by besn�b trouble. from which dd- stock heifers, $2 50 Ito ,$3,25 ; fresh cows I A Goo Chance for a Good � . " Aftm ' ' . - ______0 I I - 11 I -eased we# affectel -for some time pent. ,He and springerm, $3 to 05 per be d higher , I I I the Storill, I I .,------ . I ,,entered the employ of the Grand Trunk 44 good - to choice, W, to , . . Usinoss Man. I I i , so% odium to - - I . � � I - 1. 9 -F--% i � -_ I � . . ..04104* -------- + . f ff Yt , I Yews ago, in the 4ays., of t6 narrow pugs pood, $35 ,to $40 ; common, W. ­ -,&^ i � I 4 0 0 0 0 *,# 4 4�4 'W i I , For imle, juji,od taming community,'&eral i dare doing b cris of 07,00 per ansum.. . -a 'i 'I. -her ; 86 . I V tnwks when wood w" used for fuel. For Veal@-Reoeipt,@ 350 bead ; hipto : pro-, Ladies* F/2 or LJ a -11mveA" t. I �j the last 38 years he was on the Passenger to $8 each. Hogp-Active ; pigs 0a and. -= oontsins,o� is frame stalre and. dwelling com- . We are eartainly'going to cut the prielea. Now is your chance justl �, . � ran from Toronto to the St. Clair " tonnel. others 15 to 30c higher ; heavy, medium, 0 telebA offlos and post offide, Woh has ' He Is survived by two sonall. D. L and J. 9" dMI 1; a 11 buildings sultable forgealeral before entering stock, to got the best bargains ever given in this awn'ty, Thirty Callarettes and caperines, in all kirils of far., from $2 to $20, to . and Yorkero,$5 50 to $5 55 ; Pf I , $5.50 to = I no large warchonw, one- oil house, I . 10 0 1 -hams, worth from cle 25 -- . *& j.. of Depot Harbour, And One dAugh- $5.60 ; roughs, $4.40 to S4,60;; stage, $3 one g 0 ble with acoommodstlon for two -"()ne larae table ofA� wrap'perettes, flannelettes *and ging ar at .peT cent. off regular price. I ter� Mrs. Charles S. Wright, of Obtaws. to $3.75. Sheep sad Lambs- otive ; 25 , and Of g house combinod, and other out- 8a. 0 121,A to goat 4a a yard, . I . Twenty-five ladies' ruffi at one-quartie-r off regular prim -A young lady walking along � Downie -to 40c higher ;,lambp, $5 to $6,65 ;- year- buildings 15U t4l a to village proporty. This pra- . ��7 i - I A Is In Y pair; the proprietor wishes to Iro : T-len,pieces of heavy 2�c cottonade to go at 19c a yard. . Astrachan, grey lamb, i'Dersian lamb and electrie seal gaunn' dets at ono- straelt, Stri'dord, had I a narrow escape lingo, $5.25 to $5.76; wethers, $4.60 N3 for h 6 , For further,partloulafe I !_ : - I . I -71- I 1roni death Wednesday aftiernoon: of lut ; owes, $4.50 to $L75 ; ahee , mixedy to umox gxplf ,Ton, sestorth. laprfly � .. 4uarter off, regalsir price. . f I . . lFifty pieces 'of dress goods, sold at 50c and, 160c, just imagine -this cut I ' � I . I I week. She bad reaebed the cmgdng over V-50 to S4,75- -, I I - pricp �.% a yard, . An muffs at one-quarWr off regular price, __ - . the siding from the 'Grand Trunk 1W. TORONTO, January 27-Catth -Export- � '. , � ­ . . Six only fur capes at one-quarter off regular- price. . ,7myjehops, when an engine "Me Along. ere were in keen demand, but very few . g - Story 31'ev's 50c underwear must go at 25c ea,ch, . Also, special prices on all Ladies' fur jacketz, . . She had not noticed its approsoh and b were on male, Dealers could hav) handled Roberts"Dru . � - top priol � reported - - I I � )15c ties, four -in -land, fo � was ouite close when she did we It. Theo _�suy loads more. The � . 11. I I 0eists' 2 i 10c euh. " she started to retrace her step. bub sur w" $4.90 per cwt. Butcherni' , a w" j Yolande ! Ail ladjee ready-to-wear hatfi, and all millinery, at exActly haIf price. � . � I , . V on the tail and f611 directly - across it, good, but little stock was in the' Yams. ! MO. in L%* curtaim at 25 per celit, discount. I ' . I ndoubtied. The tops sold ab $4 60 ,,per ow) ; fair 0 Is the naiiie of our now perfu : - C;, V-1; � I , seeking a per] ume wortby of our moeb ex- I' i, -' Department. 2 � e wheels of the engine would u I ly have passed over bar bub for the timely good at $4.15 to $4.35, and comn4on to fair' ! One hundred and twobty ladiea' skirts inust be cleared beforp- entering . Lad' .q � - � 1pmence of a passer-by, who seized the at $3 to $4. 0. Maybee sold' a load of sating: patrons, we have found Yo . � � : � lands, I . - ,� ' stock, worth $5.00 .h. I , , for $2.98 eac I ,,young lady and pulled her into safety just rough cows, 900 pounds, at V per owt, which is positively exquisite. 'Y'�`Tils not I , . . . , ' , in the nick of time. , � and7 bought ten butcharje, 90 to I 000 enough for u6 to believe this-wo wish to Come to our store for genuine snAps, A clearina lot of black sateen waists, regular $1.50, 42. and $2.^ sale ; I _ 0 ? 1. . . 0 1 1 . I ; � I - I I - Goo r a Donn - i P0 emy " - (. i . ' - c nee you. No' way, #I for 1 Price V -The annual congregational meetiva of fOuDdO, at $3.75 -'to $4 Qnvf on . . I I i - ­ j 'bbo A elearing lot of colored and black winter waists, Roman &-din, ftunel, Knox church, Mitchell, was held on ]Woc-� I)ought twenty-tbree' butoh=., 1,030 ynn to ask no! ab Yblandi' "xb , 'time Y : I i ,day evening of last week, with a better at- poundr, at $3.20 par owt ; 21 butchers' ' are in our store. It will W a reielation to jelvets, etc., to clear at 75co � � tendanos and greater- interest manifieted' 1,050 pounds, at $3 25. and . qold 20 but. you for Y61aude Is Widith knowing about. LEAROYD * C009 Seafortk. A line of kid s, cleanna a . I than for some years past. The ft* chars', 1,000 pounds at $3 25. W. H, A handsome DuogY&ph' 'given'wlth esich I gloves, in, all shade ' * t 6ft r � � repo � . . IN nelette gowns, cormiet covem, drawers,oetc.. at 10 per cent. ofE . from the varions organizations shows&-thab Maybee sold a I;Wd of morters, Luo ounce of perfu Price 500 per ounce. 1- .- . . - Lft-D . . ; . i � nounds, at $4 80 0-1 fiva choice butobers.' I . Ladies' and el-4101ren's winter underwew� 15 per cant, oT .good work was being done, The business At J. ZOIROBERTS' Drug,Store. . ' . __ P I - part of the meeting was presided over by 61fe;s, 1,0Z pounds, at $4,60, mid ton 4px.. � ; � I . . . I I �� _____ . 'Ar. David MolAllan, chairnm of the man- porWro, 1,300 pounds, at �84'M. Sheep . . . Roberts' Pills 10 0 jeolearming --- _____ � . .. seegboard,in sereditable manner. An andlAmbs-The sheep market was firm, I In a" . � . I -4proprfation of SM) was made for organ- . and prospects -were reported to indicate . When you wake uj� 6'the. m4niiig with WOW$ ftko St'LOW& AFfl 30 - I , jWs halary for 1904. The "tiring MGM- higher, prices. - , RX rt owes, & bed teat4 in ur mouth, you know that � I . r De -Qu6tailptis I I �Sales Mantle ,P,qrtment, ben of the board of managers were all to. $3,50 to $4 per owt ; bmks, $2, to $3 your liver 'is of order. Take a dose of I I , I , . . . I 1. I I . -:; I I ­ 9 Lobe Ll . '8180156d unanimously. per ovrt 0ambe, $4.50 to $5,40 1 ,0" * F rVa VeQkja S�omach sn& ver Pills. � ,, to Dee. isk 11W - . . . I � - adved, sa.50 to;06 per owt, and o to $10 The . Y�pk I � I , , - I __ , . Twenty-�ve per cmt, off our already'redr-eved pria-ee of la&ee and chil, , , -M M Wm. !Robb, of lot 21, - eow"Won nd o ,Y will of 1t,6;3Wh; Improve i I cost, Of mposition-460M%M � - . . - 10, each. Hl6gc�-There- were n�a 'in youi appotiti- m#0 , f feel ]file 'a now . I - drees cloth j4ekets; Elmk died at the Stratford. hospital , YOU - I We have pnb the knife into prices and sre ', one day'last week. ffiKirfly before Thinks - - the prices -of bogs.., �Tba tons -we's sto&4;* 5� : TrO6 at - I i ,91ze of grounds, 1,240 acres. clearing -out allour Winter Goods Twenty-five per eon' of fur lined and fue tn*mmed and cloth cape& - - . - � .1 - I , I" . to and theran was-lighL.Selooto sold , at -, ,. . ''; 1. I 1, . I I -regardless of mt. - We. have a A clearing lot oi ready-to-wear cloth skirts, woWh from $2.60 to $5 em,h, 9i Day hin, Robb. had,been brought $5.12i per, owt, and lights and fate ab - , 1 , - J. 3. ROBERTS"Dinig Store. . I , , , . ') � Mh a - $4.871. - ' � I I , I � . . I . . I I larga stock of . to clear for $1.75. 1 1 . ' ' 1 , MM FLORIDA to , disorder. The operation proveil Ap- ' � CALJFORbRA, MF . patently successful, and the wss moved to . . Wbolated GIY.ee&e MY, � I I FxLT i0on A -N -D SHOI?S-LEGGINGS . the home of a, friend in the city to reouper- Buttla. I I ; , - I - I ( I )as way and relund trip Tionrist tickets are RUBBERS A11D SOCKS V= - . I - VY - . . ste. There #be wasseized withs, severe MCIDUKALD-In Grey, On Dsftmbel %01� tbawlto Prepared ' 3 S Roberts. is &boo- -1 on A&le &Wy. Choice of routes and stop, 0I ,RSHOES ..;- ASU - RUBBERS � I , I of Mr, RoberiNeVonald, of a NMI bom. I - ie L� p;�parstion know' pal points. i �' ; attack of typhoid fever, and in spite of her , �ajuw Intel tb n over privileges at prind � : I � I - 1.8&&1.l&A_ '084kened fmineg fought it encoessfully for - BADGELY 4n GM'f on- J M, tilie wife of - , I I ­ -6 whilob must C. AW ZLWJIWW I jw�� VT f VF � for Zapps I ar.rough Unds, as nu. of every d 0* Nighest prices M101 fat My. D, Baftely, of a jeiughter. . 0 almost 30 &ys. Then her old trouble moijo-In wffigham, on Jaduw hi the wila of merous om iiomers can teetify, Try .Trunk trains make dir . . 1% _ _ Grmd Got oonsio- be sold beforfoi -9 111004013 Is onto Adk began to return, and the two eowbined Mr. 01,wl" W.- Isille, of a d"OSO. . a bottle, ob A if not satisfactory, call t4on at Chisisgo with all rallways foz the Sales must be m"o vind the price and uwlemuIdl 1, .. I I 1. I Provad too muoh for a loonstitution that I and gat your money ba4.. Mee famo= wfnter raeorbL . is V,w& low to oker ant Ovary Une -f . I I � � I I 39wrl"". � . I_ -I--:--, : ­­ --,--.---------- '! --- -_ hQborne somuch. The remalne were 1 25 cents. 'The original and genuine it 4hort order. Call' emly bef6re I - � — _;r �__ 1�t�t—__� ,-.--, x , - � Flertwketeopullinam roxvirvationa and a I.. � � taken to Donegal for intermeab. VoEmmEW-MASON-At the residea" of *0 I preps"d ( nly at , , . - � sizes get broken up, VOL Ah - � � WWW, f,ih,,r, on J#nvW 12W bi Us John I I 111form" APPW. ,to , a AVA I -The Stratford Herald, of last week . %W U11JAU ARD 'L . Sava " Ike" Ky. U*h U*Z"bat4l of 96Z Alberta * ob M � � "On Thursday evening friends elf 'Normwest"ferdt"Y" to Kim j 1, _. . � sonwff- jmj-e -A . . _il - .--.-.— � _,);;i_� 'In v r rolev. of Sui , WW . - - I RichaM _s VW0 IMP 0 1 M is S. .OBERrs W 11 NAMM I - SW Mrs. Henry 11 00. prin. of ,- . - I � I - I - -, I RTIPW I - - .V� : � I I . . jTZI "' ""' �'_,UM6' WK SOMERVILLEv I I I OiPal Members of branch 175, QX V. A. PO I I I- . - 01. I . . � , Sole Agentst - Seafook . � . : . . Kinkers, called at their home. near Ptoe- O_ w_t #Of by RAW' DR G 87001RE9 i , i - � N 10 U46 . I A. V I Opposho Town Bull&46 MM" ?A" slad Mjkrkn Rict Rftf,044 4 I ,,, ir. L tock, and snaldo them the recipients of a Dorthy of Mr. Um in. r MCA'. I ftent - - - Sftfofth 7 -Tor fioverefign and HageOr ShM . .. - I OmOmentary ad&ew, whi-ch was rnll by H", of Gfffy.� I I � S A -FORTH .1 f I .- - I . I 9 . I I . ! � . I - I . � � . ' 14 )' � 7 � "' I � , � �, I . . - . ; . I I . - . ... I . . V 1_ . - . I . . � I . . I S . . . I : . 1 . i . " — I I I � , � . i � t , r . . i . . I I ! . I . .. A I . 1. � . � � . . ; . I . I i I - ; . � - I I ; n" I I , - I- 4 � .I . W 14 rQK& _ to 14W6044i Ro"W. -1 Is " 'al Yeatill hill , I'm oil k - list att�Tn, I , I I I I I I , � I I I I - - W - i 1. I I I ' , d to h ,� 6h, , (!'D , � wil , or "dj , ZU, I I - I + - , I I �,ed 25c -nhl - Mai I 11 bw It n( ood rae IrIVI g ft4b a I good re , to boa th I I I � 'r, "' 0 ���� I to �. Lp"'M I ' 0"' ' c' a b �l le 14 6� a ; 0 � id a d � I Ting I g1ty 11 I ft -9 � �,= 4 * Yeddow , I I IL =YZ M, :="@w.J. xbm#� I I I ter ". .7 , j , . I . � . I . � I _�� � I I - . . . � I � . \1k � . J . ; � . .1 . I . i It � i I - . I � I I - — .; ,� - _'__-'�_____-_+A . I . ; 1. � . I : � ! I �� ! I � I I f � � - L I I � I I ­ - I i I - . - L I I . . � i It -, S _1 --�.-,�--"-..,-.-�.--.�--.�.---.-,�".�.-------�.-,-�.�----��---,---�--.-Z-.---- - _­�Ilj­­­:11. I -1_-_-___________.. __________,______ - , _-, - ­_­ I—— __ ­ ------- ­ I - I-_ _�_�_,­.��__sifiwmm� ­