HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-01-15, Page 8WE -NA ASSOR .• :rota SOISS TABL OAR E A SPLENDID MENT OF--assma." T CUTLERY ourimuy Riel IN OASES GIVE LIS A CALL FOR•., ICOR SLEI CATT STAL LAN SNQS BLANKETS H BELLS g CHAINS FIXTURES ERNS SHOVELS You will find our prices right on the above lines. CHESNEY sramitY, SEAFORTH, Hardware, Stoves, Etc. DOMINION BANK. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. E. B. OSIER, M, P. T. G. BROUGH a President General Manage Capital, Fully Paid Up—$2,983,865 0 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,337,220 4 Deposits by Public $ 23,389,680 7 Total AsSete $ 33,791,703 3 SEAFORTH BRANCH M. lEitreet, Seaforth. Every facility for the transacting of general banking business. i0oLtet.mit& en all points in Caned and abro 'Advine a made to Farmers. Special a testi= p id to the collection of Sale, Notes SAVIN S DEPARTMENT. -Deposit received of One Dollar and HOWartia Interest allowed at highest rate an cornpou ded half YearlY- R, S. ATS, W. K. PEARCE, Bolter Manager. Se ing Machines. ANSON, North Main Street, SEAPORTS. — DBALER IN — First else family and ;manufacturing Sewing ¥11 ohinee.--LW ITE AND ItAYMOND—All nmehine guaranteed and price* right, ranging from $S up Needles, oil ao4 owing machine repairs in stook. Mao gen est Fire, LAM sod Accident Insnran Agent, R14k0 effected cm all Wade of property a lowest rale 0 enema Fir in . W.A.T11301V Tan MAIN fiT , SEAPORTS. ' and Life Insurance Agent, and deal wing Machines and Bicycles. -1 1080 r Robes. Call and e amine our iitook of North We Gallo ay Robes, Imitation Buffet Bobe, the Bishop Robe, Gray an Black Goat Robes,. Horse Blankets. Jtte, 1Ine and unlined; Kersey, with wltboit stay on .trap; all wool blan ets shaped and omens, 80, 90 _end I Wine. Belk. of alt undo of the best quality. The largeet stook of haraess gooda in t county, at BRODERICK'S \ Harmed Shop Cadris Bloom. SEAFORTH. RO±AL HOTE SEAFORTH: da• •,••••••••••• Most IVIodern Hotel in seafort Fully equipped with hot and ciold water bath, Ladies' Toilet Rooms' stet Every attention paid topresto. Good Stable in Connection, D. T. PINIENEY, Prop. 187,5-tf STRATFORD, ONTARIO. is now enjoying a reputstion for Severna Br;E, TRA iNING 911011 se 111111C/reds business colleges would like to possess b do not. Studente ribould enter this mont Ca telogne free. W. j, iLIOTT, Prinoipsi This in the Season to have your Home P H OT OGR APHE All kinds of Photo Work PROMPTLY DONE Picture Frarnes made while you wa t JACKSON 8R08., 8eafort The Canadian Ban OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTd. Capital (paid up) I $ 8,700,00q, Reserve Fiutd - $ 3,000,004 Aggregate Resources - $83,000,000 over - Hon. Go A. Cox, President, -B. E. Watker, Generlai Manager. London, England, Office, @hi LOMBARD STREET, E. C. ...wmaratimmelmm.if SEAFORTH BRANCH. A genera', Biteritierg busineeeltran footed. Farmers' end Granierat Notes die awaited, and araidalai •ftention oleo to the anlinetion of Salo Notes, etc SAV1 NGS SA N K. - 1 merest eilasved �n deposits eif andiunwardeintorest is credited t accounts on tit* 31st of May and th 30th of Noiremane in (Huh year. The Bank has 100 brsnebee extending throughon Ontario, Quebec,- lisnitobs, Northwest Territories, Detitih Columbia, Yukon District, Maritime Pro. 'armee and the United States. \ • 0. L. Manager, 1614 110TAMITED, twon Finger DISTRICT MATTERS. COMPLIMENTARi BANQUET,.h-A compli- mentary hanquet is to be tendered Mr. W. K. Pearce, late manager of the Domin- ion Bank here, at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on rriday evening, January 22nd. A general invitation is eXtende4 to all friends of Mr. W. K. Pearce. Itvitationt will be issued to all Ithose desiroue of at- tending, if they will kindly hand their name, either by letter or personally, to Mr. VG'', D. B1'311064, EXPOSITOR Office, Sea - forth, at as early a date as possible. Beano o EXAtMINERS.—The , Board of Examiners Ibr thecounty of Huron, at its last meeting in Seaforth, reiolved to grant renewals of third class certificates for three years to thcoe who take the fall model school course and moms the model school examination. It was also resolved that the modelites who had pained, but were under legal age, ehould twit receive their certificates till they were oighteen.—Geo. BAIRD, Secretary . - Tine New Coinetero—The new Seaforth 0011110i1 met on Monday forenoon'at eleven o'clock, as required by etatute, Mayor Cluff was in the chair, and ll the members were present. Each merriber made the necessary declaration of office and qualifi- cation. Mr. Wm. Elliott was re -appointed clerk and treaeureri at the same salary as last year. 'Mean. Wm. Somerville and john Rankin were re -appointed auditors. The mayor and Councillors McLean and Hamilton were appointed n committee to select the standing committees for the year, aid to report at the next meeting of the council. •The council, adjourned mall next Monday evening. ' Mm.•10•1•••••••IIIirl - Maw oe Ariz NORPER, —The gentle- man referred to in the following paragraph, which svietake from the Stratford Beacon of last week, will he remembered by many of our readers. :He was a resident of Sea - forth some years ago, ' being employed in the foundey her with his tether, Mr. John NoppPr. The Bea0011 111111 "The re- mains of the late 'Alfred Nopper,whose death took place in`Londori, errived. in the oity yesterday, andthe remains were inter- red in Avondale cemetery this afternoon. He was born in Stratford 51 years ago, and spent the greater part of hie life here. He was a machinist by trade, and rocked in the G. T. R. shops previout -to his removal to London. His widow, bat no family,sur- viva him. He was a member of Qt. Jamie? church, and the funeral servienewere con- ducted by Rev. Archeleacore Williams. • CHRISTMAS EXAMINATIO .—The publish- ed report of the standing the pupils st the Seaforth Collegiate Ins itute Christmas Exams Wan based on the In rks obtained in the different subjects and s marks 'given as a bonus' ter regular at endan�e during the fall term. The following is a list, in order of merit, of those who obtained first class boners on the examination au Needs alone; Form IV, 0. Knight, H. Kelly, A. McLean, it A, Dorrencie ; Form III B., L. Burke, C. Alexander, 0, Watson, 15, Arch- ibald; Form III A, 0 Jackson, L. Norris, R. NAP, E. Robb; Form IT, M. MAW - nay, D. HO, A. Petrie R. Hartry, A. Mo - Gavin; Form I, D. doubtable, E, Whit- taker, A. Soole. S. Hays; Commercial form, G. Abell, F. McLeod, E. Gottschalk, H. Smith. • MAnnizo IN towo.—The many friends of Mr. Alex, Broadfcon formerly of Tacker - smith, will be pleased to leaned the mer- -flags of hie daughter, Maggie, whioh took place at the home of the bride, 811 Mul- berry street, Atlantic, Iowa, at high noon on New Year's des,. The parlor', were beautifully dimwitted for the occasion and the ceremony weir performed by Rev. John F. Lendsborough, an old time friend of the family, of Bear Grovel congregational church. The bride was hendisomely attired in Royal blue silk and was the recipient Of many beautiful and costly presents! The groom, Mr. B. L. Butler, il a rising busi- MU MR in the flourishing city of Aden*. The young couple were very feelingly con- gratulated and complimented and enter their, new relationehip and new home under ohe most favorable circumstances: • Bummer OF OFFICERS —At a regular meeting of Lady Nairn Camp, Sons of &O- land, held last week in their lodge rem!), the following armors were elected for the current year: Chief. Wm. 'Ballantyne; eldeftain, R. L. Smith n chaplain, James McMichael; recording and financial semi - Miry, John Rankin • treasurer, Thonias Richardson; marshal, A. Stehle ; stand- ard-bearer,Alex. Sutherland ; senior guard, Wm.- MoLeod ; junior peed, Robert Steel; gawp physician, D. McKay. This canip has a membership of about eighty, and the membership is gradually growing larger. It is in a most fioudshing condition, finan- cially and otherwise. Tiler mooting', also, are always well attended, ind the members take a praiseworthy interest in their camp. It is doing a good work, and, both in a too- ial and pecuniary sense, if deserving' of every encouragement, and ta person can ants make a mistake in becoming a member. • Menem 1:% BROOICINN,HAll the parties mentioned in the foliating paragraph, which we take from the GOderich Sigord of last week, are well known to our Seaforth readers, who will unite with THIS EXPOSL- TOIt in extendiog the warmest congratula- tions to the happy young couple. The Signal says " Thomas Gundry was out of town last week, and on his retain on New Yeses night, he brought with Mtn e bride. " Tom " is not given to adverthej lug his intentions beforehand, but the townspeople had seen hint for so many years in the 'tate of single loneliness diet they were not prepared fo so sudden a de - imbue from his accustom d state. How- ever, they quickly recover4d from the sur- prise, and congratulations Iinve been pour- ing in upon the happy groom. The bride was Miss Emma Lsird. She is the young- est daughter of Mr. John iLaird, of Sea - forth, and for name timo she has been re- siding at Brooklyn, N. Y.,where the wed- ding took place on December 30th. The ceremony was performed Very quietly, at the residence of Dr. Charles Campbell, ; a cousin of the bride, by Ewa. Thomas Camp- bell. The bride has received many hand- some wedding gifts, including a large amount of out glass and silverware from Now York and Goderich friende." • TI1E LATE MRS. LIVINCISTONE. Th001118 Livingetone, of Hullett, near Alma doper ted this life on Tumidity last, having attained the good age of 77 years end three months, Mrs. Livingstone was born in oounty Ferrnanab, Ireland., Had she lived until April next, herself and her aged part- ner, who surviveher, would have mile- brated the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage. Soon after their marriage they left the old land and emigeated to Canada, settling in Hullette on the form where the deceased had resided for 58 yean. Her- self and her husband bravely strove with the bardehips and privations of pioneer life and were spared to Me the fruits of aid:labors in a comfortable homesteed and a large family well provided for. Be- sides her aged husband Mrs. Livingstone leave/ a family of four sons and six daugh- ters, one daughter having predeceased her some years. And, strange to say, her own death was the first) on the family home- stead. Two cif the eons, John and Robed, are medical practitioners in Texas, and one THE HURON EXPOSITOR goi, Thom., is at home on this homestead. Ail the daughters with the exceptionof Mise Livingstone, are nrarried. . Mrs. Livingabone bad not suffered from any pa?? o tictilr disease,but graduelly gave way -before natural decay, and until about five weeks befOraher death Wee able to be aroma ate, tending to her household duties. She as a moat Aernplary woman in every respect and her warm hearted generosity made her a univereal avorite with all who knew her. .. ANNUAL MEETING.—The annual meeting of the Ladi s' Aid Society of the Presbyter - wit) ian church was held Wednesday afternoon The folio " g officers were elected.: lidm. S. Dickson, president; Mrs. Larkin and Mrs. A. McLean, vice-presidents; Mrs. W. Somerville, treasurer; Mrs. Jas. Watson, secretary. The society clines the year with a surplus of over $1,200 to its credit in the bank. They also decided to givii a Seek& supper and a musical programme lin Cardn'e hail on the evenirg of Burn'a aunt- versery, January 25th, Fuller particulars of this 1 tter event will be given nit, week. • • , . I tar. THAAS CHURCH NOTES.—Rev. J. Cooper Ro Innen, miesionary on furlough from JapM2, will preach in behalf of filie General nieIons bOAIld of the church :of England, i SC Thorns church next Sun- day morni ' .—A me dog of the deanery chapter of Huron will be held in St. Paul's churoh,, Ci uteri, on Tuesday next, January 19th, tit I Vti! a. m.—The omens' Missionary Astocietio of St. Then* church, held their ani ual meeting On Tuesday and elected th following offioera for 1904: President, Mrs. Hodgin ; let vice.presi- dent, Mra. Kemp ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Lyn& ; secretary Mrs. Peters ; treasurer, Mrs. Gales - 11eetinge are held every Tueidsy afternoon. —... A Sueogeseun STUDEN .—In the report of success ul candidates in the recent eX2 amination at Toronto Univermity, we not- ice that F ed. Fowler has passed hie first examinatiOn in the theory of magi° with first class honor standing This is credit- able to Mr. Fowler as he has been teaching so had not muoh r the met eight s taught in ' his alt, but resigned give more atten- lly to music. He ellent teacher apd be last day of lligent ratepayers a token of rine int gifts together nt. Mr. Fowler ies at, home for at Toronto, cs school foe many years an time for extra work, and one half Years he h hOme school,' No. 1, Hul et New Years in order to don to his studies, aped has proved himself an ex is much eiteemed. On school the pupils and in and parents gave him, al pot, many pretty and na with a liberal cub pre intends pursuing his et some time and afterward • Bitteroranges for armalade at A. mute% pester*. 18138-1 . Now is your Mance.— e have on hand a few nearly new wood cook s eves, square and with reservoir, that will beljeold t a bargain 'before steciptaking •, A1110 a few coal nd wood heaters that we will cioar out at bargain deco, at Chesney and Smiley% Seeforth - 18624 Wanted— All kinds of trade—Dried apples fic,Itrirkeys 16e, fresh go 20e, etc, No, 1 prime fox186 cash. O. E. King Wingham. 18824f 'The aenual meeting Of the Seaforth Turf Club will ,be held on Mond, January the 26th, at 8 °Week p. m„ at the al Hotel. M. Broder- ick, Secretary. 11188•2 Coten''Fon- SAM —Fo• r cows for side, api ply to Aierritia FORBES, Saab h. 1883-t ti,,, 1 __ O3reieereeTellee—W following frorn our old ander McKenzie'of Lin sort of ehing whion che bright* the eomewhe "Ye" editor. We very MoKeezie's good opinio be Our effort to merit th such as. he. Ra says:: and myself are both ' o having lived priotioally grand old county, we n have the news of our old medium of the best local Ontario, Your !eerie' questions of 1ml:corbel* criticisem of those who from you, renders your one, well deserving of t of the reading .miblio. have increasing prosped the conpliments of the yours et o." 1 have received the' friend, Mr, Alex - say. This is the • the' heart and thorny path of highly prize Mr, and it will alwayi approval of all " We; McKenzie d Huronitee, and 11 our lives in the turally desire 'to home through the paper in Western attitude on all and your kindlY ay at times differ aper an invaluable a general support rusting you may y and wishing you season, 1 remain, DEATl 01' AN OLD Ho of:Mr. Robert Traquair, at his residence "The wyn, Msnabola, on D MOVel f rom that district and a " Soot Abroad," shire, &Oland, in 18 through most of the 190 nessed the dawn of tbe t to the lest, altheugh be a thormigh Scot of the terian Ui religion, Liber conservative in all his years of his married lif businesein the beautiful ive coteritry. Removing he settled near Blythe° be againlremoved with h wyn district. He and %Ives hi five yea then lir howeve though of late years he In publio affairs, he -Teta -I the last, and took it kee questions of the day, on opinions. • , oekbrated tIU s ago. The g with or nes , has (since pr 110111100 $1,OCH daemon Victor' ethe—The death which took place ermitage," Wel- cetnber 18th re. a pioneer settler. Born in Peebles 2, he had lived century reed wit- • enbieth ; and was had wandered -far, d school. Presby - 1 in polities and aye. The first 25 were passed capital of • his vet- te Canada in 1873, tario ; but in 1883 s filthily to Wel- ls wife, who sur- ir golden wedding hole family were him, One an, seetased him. Al- ok no active part ed his faculties to interest in all the which he held pro- REWA RD.—The appeared in th , British Ooltun "1 will give $1,000 to a e) , or the unde who will furnish inform Forgiv lead to the finding ' of dead or alive, who was Domielod Hotel, Viet 19th, i933." This node chief of o11ce of Victor that Mr 1 Ferguson is n offence. ' The advertise excellen 'likenes of the Fergus a1011 0 Grand Moore, British extensively engaged in visited tik nude ben ab this win ' r. On Monde calved a J telegram from one he hd sent, saying him had yet been recede that be vae a victim of f ul play. He was a steady ; well doing yonng man and was unmarried. TUE EW MANAUER, The Wingharn advance 01 last week, m kes the following reference to the new manager of the Sea - forth age cy of the Dominion bank, We ii have pleieare in welcoming Mr. Gibson to Seaforth, and we will all try to be good to hint. • His predeceesor, Mr. W. K. Pearce, who was with us for ten years, was very loathe to leave Seaforth and we hope to make Mr. Gibeon's residence with us as long and Se pleasant. Th Advance " Mr, A, E. Gibson, m ager of the Dom- inion bank in Winghem, has reoeived notice of 'his appointment as manager of the bran& at Seaforth. As the Seaforth branch has been longer entabliehed and has &larger hulloes,, thisa distinct pro- ris motion for Mr, Gibson, o which he is oon. gratulated, During his Nonce in Wing. ham, Mr. Gibson, has, 1 by his bush nesstaot and gentlemanly manner, made many friends, who sincerely regret his de- parture, hut, who nevertheless realize that his removal will be a personal advance - went, The new manager Will be Mr, D. T, following silver - Daily Colonist, of , of Januar, 5: y party or parties talon to, Andrew signed, that will David Fergusov, lest seen at the ries, on December is signed by the a, and it is added t wanted for any anti also hes an oung man. Mr, dna native of this county, being Mr. Malcolm Ferguaon, late of end, and a nepl4ew of Mr. David Egmondville. 1 He bad been in lumbia for sone time and was ining there. lie ut two years ago Mr. Moore re - here in reply to bat n9 tidings .01 (1. It is feared FLAXSEED, Insect DestrGyer • Salts and Sulphur Oyster Bhellt and Grit Barrel Salt and Grain Bags Linseed Meal nd Oilcake. Get Our rices. IiAMILTON 86 ERSLAK• E Seed Merchants - `Seaforth. Hepburn, new* of Orilli .. He comes well recommended, and is xpeeted here thie week} The citizens of Wingham regret losing Mr. and Mrs. GIson, but will 11- wayldbe pleased to hear of their welfare.' Tilt LATE MPS. DOW EL—The Muske- gon, Michigan, News, of January 9th, makes the following ref renoe to the de. mile of a once respected resident of Sea - forth. It says ; "The death of Ma. Thome Downey occurred yesterday after- noon, at 2 o'clock -at the residence of her daughter, Mra, John Keeirnan, 251 W. Webster avenue, after it illness of three months. Mrs. Downey was 75 years of age. She was born in Limerick, Ireland, and O&M to Canada at the age of thirteen. She later moved to Ohio go, where she and her husband, Alri Thor as Downey, cele- brated their golden i dding two years ago. Late last Ootober Mrs. Downey re- moved with her busb nclo to Muskegon, where a home was already awaiting them. Her health fail ng No rapidly, s e made her home with her daughter and sen-in.law, Mrs. McI eanan and John McKearnan, t Mra. Do nay hadbeen a most devout member of he Chaotic church and et her death she w a a member of St. Anne's; society of St. Bernard's church, Chicago. It had been her custom for 50 years of her later life t attend mass daily when her health psrmi ted. Those who survive Mrs. Downey b sides her hualian 1, Thomas Downey, are : tr.. John MoKe r - nen, D. J. Downey, a eon, an attorney of Chicago; two listen, Ir.. John Wlnb r, of Chicago and Mrs. illiam Nash.. of Bozeman, Monter:A ; a brother, . Pel r O'Sullivan, Canada. i er son -In-law, Jo n MoKearnan, moved to e uskegon quite - Gently and is the mates er of the Superirr Manufsoturing company" LOCAL )31111WS,—We eve an interest' g letter from Mr. Jacob cGee, of Egmond- ville, oh iiiVhe Age o Man," whioh one shisltpubliih next week. Mr. Mestee, id - though oviir eighty yea 's of age, seems to be as intellectually bri bt as most of his fellows in the very rime of ,life.—Mr. Thomas Brown has bee elected a t • tee of the Seaforth &pa ate school.— ire teachers of the, Su day school d the members of th ohoir of t. Thomas' church., we a entertained t the rectory on Tasted y evening of et week. A very please t time was s t until after the lights we t out,—Mr. McKay,- of Casselton, Dakota, allele of Messrs. James and Ar bibald &mere' I e of McKillop, and W. tomerville, of &- forth, has been in this v °laity for a co e of weeks, visiting old friends. Mr. c. Kay was one of the ioneer residen of il. this vicinity. He is a o rpenter and b il - sr by trade, and about • elf a century a o be built the frame store b Roxboro, w i h was for long one of die id land mark Iof that vicinity. He mo ed from here Ito Kincardine, but ha o bee in, North Da - cta for twenty-one years. : e was wow led to to Ontario by Mrs. McKay, who e - mined with friends flOf r St. Marys, r. bleKay is still an active man, and look as if he mighb livoto see n any winter' ye Many of our readers wi I regret to dear of the death ofMrs. Thom i Downey, f r erly of Seaford). We nderstand- she. h been ill for some time, nd the death cl- eared at her hems in anistee, Wahl n, on Friday. The remit' i were broug • t to Ontario, and were inter ad in St. Colu n cemetery on Tuesday. Mr. R. N, r tb bits just shown us the ling of two w te foxes which he had ten ed. They be tr Mr. JohnRankin, and were sent to from Siben by his brother. They are b tiful furs and were tanned So only Mr.:r t can do it.—Mr. Alex. -Ross, of Mont ota formerly Miss Bonthron, was in WWII a SF days ago, calling 'on friends here.—T o rinks of the Seaforth curlers went to 0 It on Tuesdey, to take par b in the bonspeil in that town.—The accumulation of snow a 4 very troublesome thie season, but the vit (irk ios on the raohrof many houses has apt of cleaning off the roof. has tarnished e ployment to a good many men.—Our teemed and vereatile Leadbury oorres0) d- ent, Mr. J. J. Irvine, went to Toro to on Wedneeday last, in order to bePr s- , mit at the opening of the Ontario Legs s- tare on the following day. Mr. Irwin is one of those who heel to ne for hi s If how the business of the country is n- •duoted and we hope he will let our rea rs know what he thinks °lb.—The MOK 11 p railway bonus by-law will be found on e 7th page of this issue.—Mr, Arohi Id Scott, of the lirm of Scott Brother, been confined to his residence by ilia for over a week.—Mies Janet Goven1 who has ,been in Dakota for . four or fi year., is home on a vielt to her moth tdrs, A. Govehlook, of Winthrop and ot friends,—Mr, John P.obertsont son of t U. • as 1 k, e r, er e lett M. Robertson, is here from Vancou- ver; British Columbia,— Messrs. Robert and George Campbell, sons of Mr, Robeita Campbell, of Seaford), are here Ona visit) Ito friends, The Menne Campbell are prim - porous farmere in Manitoba.—There is a 600d deal of sickness in town and count y instdow and the dootors are having a h r. vest. Le grippe is the fashionable m 1- adyt—tifte Wm. Cudmore, of the firm of Archibald & Cudmore, has been in Sudbn for several weeks disposing of a lot 3,1 horses.—Miss Hutchineon, who has ben visiting friends here for a couple of weeke, returned to her home in Toronto on Tues• day.—The express train from the east ar- rived here 013 time ou Wednesday after- noon, --Mr. A. James Callender, of Hart-, nog, Manitoba. arrived here last. &turd y on e visit to his friends and relatives In Seaforth, Clinton and Loodesbore. It is twelve years since Mr. Callender went west keel Londesbero, and this is his first vi4it back. He is a sonl•law of MrsJohn .Crich, of Jarvis stree .—Miss Martie , Constable has interned from London for her holidays,—The Wonien's Foreign Mii- sionary Society of the Egmondville Presby- terien church, held their regular monthly meeting at the manse last Friday aftei noon, and, after the meeting the members of the eociety, together with the members of the Ladies' Aid Soeiety, were hospitably enter- tained by the hostess, end a sumptuous tea ws,s served and a very eujoyable time spent.—Mise ni. M. Carrie, of Brussele, is waiting on her sister, Mrs. Or, F. Eddie., who is 111.—Mr. and Itirsi McKearnan and Mr. Thomas Downey, of ' Muskegan, Mich!, gan, were here this week. They accom- panied the remains of Mrs. Downey.—Mr. J. J. Ryan and Mr. T. J. Ryan left on Thureday for Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. where Mr. J. d, Ryan is to be married hext Tuesday,—The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church will have a Scotch "upper and all thantbab iinplies,in Cardno's hall, en Monday evening, January 25th, the anniversary of Robbie Burns.—Mrs. Jameg Kelm' returoed home on Monday last,efte a lengthened visit to Toledo. She was no. companied by her daughter Maggie wb has been very sick, but we are plesied to hear that she is improving nicely.—Mrt Sim. Neely, the OnoW plow conductor, li JANUARY 15.. 1904 confined 'at hie house by illness.—The mem- ders of the Catholic Mutual Benefit As- sociation had a very pleasanb tirne in their lodge room on Wednesday evening. Grand- deptuty O'Connell was present, and deliv- ered an eloquent and useful address, after which an hour was very pleasantly and socially spent. MORE XI AND PUROHASBD,--,Mr. John 0, Grieve, of the Ilsh concession, hes been making an important addition to his al - reedy fine farm. He has purchased from Mr. Constable the twenty five acres lying betweeo ,his farm and the gravel road, pay- ing for it $1000. This will enable Mr. Grive to extend his borders to the gravel and will edd materially to the value of his present farm, which is one of the very best in the township. • Kippen. D. Hay, Commiesioner and Conveyancer wills,mortgagee and deeds drawn up. Money loaned at the lo.veet rates of Interest. 1740-11 PERSONAL.—S, P. MoMordie, ,who was home to attend his sister's marriage, on December 25th, returned to Niagara Falls on Saturday last, after spending a pleasant ten days visit with his perentea-eMiss M.E, MoMordie, who spent the Christmas vaca- tion at her home here, returned to London lase week.—R. MoMordie is in Owen Sound on buidness. • Bruoefteld. A 006D TBAM.—W, R. Smillie of the London road, delivered a Eine pale of geld- ings last week to Messrs. Sandford and Billed), of Exeter. They go to Winnipeg for a special uee in the city. They weighed 3,250 pounds, and there was nob one pound difference In their weight. It ie needtese to say the price was a good one. PERSONAL. ---M11, Alexander Rose, of Montana, visited last week at Evergreen Home, the residence of William Murdock. Mrs. Rees was formerly Miss Borithromi 3 Grand Bend. DOTS, —Mr, and Mrs, Frank Alister and family are moving into town this week. We welcome them to our burg.—At the manse on Monday last), Mis. Lizzie Goer was happily joined in matrimony to James Kinney, both of Sbephen.—George Zaphe wear' a smile these days, its a boy.— Mr, Wm. Moliard, of the Mollard line, Las a pig six months old, which tips the scales at 312 pounds. Its a dandy.—Mrs, Samuel Smitten is very ill, owing to her old age mostly.—Frank Alister loft a valu- able bone last week. It hung.itself in the stable.—Mn. Wm. Mottled is recovering after her 'hero illnems.—James Webb hes engaged with our blacksmith for the win. oer.—Our enterprising threshers, J. Steam and Sone, will try to wind up their thresh- ing this coming week. —Cutting dui) ice is the order of the day.—Mr. L. Revelle is selling bolow cost this week and his well filled store is rushed with customers. tre/bOrrle. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. — The Usbotne counoil at its meeting on the llth inst., ap- pointed the following municipal officers : F. Morley, clerk, $125 ; Pad Coates, treas. urer, $80; Wm. Minato, assessor, , Wm. Brock,. collector, 850; J. Johns and Wm. Turnbui, auditors; Wm. Fenimore, P. MoTaggart and 3. Handford with the reeve and clerk for board of health; H. K. Hyndman, M. D., medical health officer, and Thomas &tele, sanitary inspector. XIIAMES ROAD NOTES —Master Eddie Stone spent his Cbristmes holidays with relatives in Ingersoll.—Mr. and Mrs. Chula Davie visited the formses parents in Parkhill during the past week.—Mr. Hinny Pybus and wife, of Chiselhurst, visited his brother, Win. Pybus, of this vicinity.—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann treated their children and grandchildren to a Christmas tree on Christmas Eve,, where Santa Claus distributed presents to both old and young.—John Pasernore leaves this week to take his old position of engineer in one of the large foundries in Toronto.— Our uew school teacher, Miss Myrtle Madge, le giving universal satisfaotion among the little folks,—Mr. George 13e11 has the caretaking of the school for 1904.— Mrs. R. Denison, Mrs. J. A. MoNaughton and film P. Whitlock visited their eldest sister, Mrs. W. 3. MoLagan, of Sunnyside, Logan, and also Nome relatives in Stratford dering the Christmas hohdays.—Mr. Soott McLaren, of Hibbert, is busily engaged dtawfog material for a fine new residence) the corning summer. Coming events oast their ehadows before them, , Blake. GATILERINGS.,---SDOW still continues to fall in and around our burg. We hope soon to have enough for real good sleigh- ing.—A number of our young people at, tended a party st the home of John Mc- Bride, on the Blind line on Friday night last, where they epent a few happy hours in dancing and other amusements. All re, port having had a good time.—We were pleased to receive a call this week from George Peck, of Toronto, and Richard Peek, of &shoran who are at present boli- daying at the home of Wm. Dowson, 14th coneeludon.—It was with deep regret that we learued of the death of Albeit Denomy, which took plarie at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Regis Denomy, on the Sauble line, on Thursday night) of het week Deceased was a young man of sterling character, and bright and cheery disposi- tion and was a favorite with all who knew him. During his two years' stay aniong the people of Blake he ;won many friends, who sincerely mourn his death. The fun- nel took place onSunday from the Catholic 'thumb and was largely attended.—A num. of our townspeople are suffering from le grippe, and all eeem to think its grip is unusually severe this winter.—Most of the farmers and villagers are busily engaged in the swamp getting out their supply of wood for the coming year. Although the weather is not very favorable for swamping, they still keep at it, but all report the road* bad and roadmaking very hard work. —Very little teaming is befog done these (lees owieg to the bad @tate of the road.— Mr. and Mrs. D. Beattie, of London, are attoresent visiting at the home of R. 0. and Mr,. Nichol.—We are sorry to beer of the il'ness id Mr. Robert Douglas, and hope that he may soon be able to be around again. Tunkersmith. A Cool) BlYLT, •':0"115 —Mr. Peter McKay, who is makivg an . ecellent reputation for himself as a breedegef shorb born cattle, recently told a eery line youno bull, twelve •months old, 31 e Colenhoun, of Gowrie, Fullerton, beive the purchaser, for •$125. This fine cid/ is a derk roan and is from imported " Royal Dee " and from a cow of the celebrated Bow Park strain. Mr. Colquhoun purchased him to place at the head of his herd. Mr, May has still got three good young bulle to chopose of. THE Coweeite-LThe firet meet tog of the new council WW1 held on Monday, Mr. George Black, Reeve, in the odutfr and all the other members of the council present. Mr. -Roger Pepper was re -appointed a member of the board of health. Mews. T. N. Forsythe and Andrew Scott were re- appointed auditors. Mr, James Oismin ill wets appointed guesser at e salary of $80. The clerk was instruoted to ask for ten- der' for 6,000 feet of tamaree plank for oulverte, the temente to he 16 feet long and two and a half inches thick, plump, and to be delivered as directed by the coups% Tenders to be in at the next council meeting. The by-law appointing a black knot inapeetor, was repealed. It was deelded to build four new steel bridges Aimmiximparimunt The Advertised Sale Of odds and ends closed yesterday. It was ten days of big selling for us, and ten days of good buy- ing for you. Did you profit by it? It's hardly necessary to ask such a question. But you didn't get a chance at the boys- clothing; your time was taken up with other things, and we hadn't the room to bring it forward, so commencing To -day, Friday, January 15th WE WILL. GIVE YOU One Week More of Under Prices. Furs and and Boys' Clothing. The brisk selling of the past ten days has somewhat reduced our fur stock, and to bid a quick good-bye to the remaining Caperines, Collarettes, Ruffs, Muffs, Gauntlets, Caps and Fur Coats, too, prices will take another tumble. Nothing more to say, but the simple invitation—come and see. The same underprices will govern the boys' clothing. If you are Eli* to require anything for your boys within the next twelve monhhs, don't miss the op- portunity qf getting two good suits for the price of one. AltIsileAdilAWAMAlidhillhAltiftehAftehe The E. 111cFaul Dry Goods Company „SE4F011211, TilIRIO with concrete abutments. Two of these bridges aro on the read opposite Mr, Fotheringbam's ; one at H. Horeon's, ou the 1161111411 road and the otheron the mill road, near Bruoefield. The clerk is asking for tenders for the concrete work for these bridges, the tenders to be in at the next, council meeting and the plane and speci- fications can be seen at the clerk's effioe. The next meeting of the council will be held in the council chamber, Seafortb, on February 911a, at 10 o'clock. ---o• Lonciesboro. /farm—Mr. C. Crawford received word, on Tuesday last, of the sudden death ot his brother Mr. Wm. Crawford, of near Killarney, Manitoba. Deceased left here some 25 years ago, to seek a home in the West, and V76 believe he has prospered well, leaving a good home for his wife and children.—Rev. Dr. Cook, of' Clinton, preached two splendid missionary sermons in the Methodist ()buret], on Sunday lash The church .was tilled both morning and evening. The sum subscribed for Mieei0115 amounted to over $200.—Miss Fannie Jack- son entertained & number of friends on Thursday evening last.—The Royal Tem- plar' are holding good meeting,. Nino new members joined on Monday night last. Rev. Mr. Hamilton and Rev. Mr. Kennedy take a good and active pert in this work. Farquhar. DOTS.—The congregation of the Thames Road Presbyterian church had a bee last Thursday and fixed up the stables, which fell in about two weeks ago. The up-to- date fiat roof which they pub on speaks well for the mechanics of the distrion—Mr. James Gardiner has recently .old a car load of fine steers at a good figure,—Mr, Thomas McCurdy thrashed for Willhun Kay last Friday. This breaks the record for late threshing.—The Thetnee Road church will hold their annual tea -meeting on the first week of February.t-Mt. and Mies interet, of Exeter, were the guests of their coniin, Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, last week.—Miss Maud Campbell, who has been visiting her deter, Mrs. D. Hackney, of Eit. Marys, has returned home.—The annual meeting of the members of the Hibbert and Usborne Insurance eompany will be held in the publio hell here 611 Monday, February let, at one o'clock.—Mise Nina Monteith spent, Sunday with ;Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Hackney, jr,—Great preparations are being made for the Thames ,road tea on February lob, — Mro, A. Detelyellor and Miss Ada Roger, of North Dakota, spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mat Simon Campbellt—Mr, Alex. Hackney is wearing a 3se smile; the pride of his happineee 1. a baby girl.—Mre. J. Abbot and Mr, Thomas Suakin, of London, have returned home after spending Christmas holidays with the formees brother, Mr, Wm. Stewart. —Miss Maude Campbell has returaed home after a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs, D. M. Hackney, of 86. Arohle 'Campbell, of Bradwardine, Manitoba, is visititing Mr Simon Catimbell.—Mr, end Mr*. Fulton, of the boundary, gtve a party to the young people on New Y ar's Eve.—Mrs, Andrew Campbell, of Lewin, after upending a week with her parents,, returned to her home on Saturday last. • Bavfield, The annual meeting of the Steriley Branch Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday. January 2004 1904, to igete tle op the businen of tire soelety for the past year; to receive treasurer's and auditors' reports, and to appolnt °Meese and directors for the year 1904. 11. DitEIIMANN, Secretary. 1888-1 Exeter. BRIM'S, —Mies Myra Pickard, of London, has been visiting at Mr. James Fickard'e.— Friends here of Mr. Clyde White, grand- son of Mrs, John White, of town, will be glad to hear that he is recovering from his illness, which called his mother to Mem- phi', Tennesee.—Wrn. Delbridge, of Us - borne, has returned from Chicago, where he has been on a vita. He narrowly es- caped the big theater diluter, having had tickets for that performance but Was pre. vented.—The Independent Order of Per - esters, are holding an open meeting this (Friday) evening, which will he addreseed by Areh-Deae.on Davis, of London, and other offieers for the purpose of forming a ladies compenion court at Exeter.—W. H. Trott has sold his shoe shopito Jonas Hart. leib, of Dashwood, whose eon will occupy It as a general repair shop. , 'He has able disposed of the shop formerly oecupied by Israel timid], to Wm. Howie. Whew son, it is reported, will start a new drugstore in town,—The funeral of Mrs. 8, Pi, Horne, of Usborne, took liken on Fridey Jas ti and that of Mrs. John Kersiske, of the London road, on Saturday.—F. , E. Kann manager of the Sovereign bank, who was laid up with la grippe, has recovered.—Miss White, of Woodstock, is visiting her friend Mies Cora Fowell, --John A.' Gregory, of Yorkthe, Aseiniboie, j lterne for a month or so.—J. G. Sunbury was se Stratford on legal business last week.—Thoe Exeter Devon, defeated the St, Marys heekey team on Tender overate& hem, the KM being 5 to 3.—Mr'. W. J. Heaman child are visiting in London. • Morris- Notete—The roads are wettrack, ed.—The institute meetings, at Brus., sels, on Monday, were well attended, although not as 'well ao they should be. The Gori -le meeting' wen held on Tuesday of, this weeek,—Mr. Me Healy and Miss Adeline Kelly were married in Blyth, on Tuesday of this week. Mr. Mar tin Kelly and Miss Ring, ANwtt married on Monday/ of this 'Week, at Blyth. Both young men belong to the 7th line. Wo wish them all much happiness.— Rev. L. Perrin, of Wroxetere will preach in Knox churehg Belgrave, on Sunday next at 11 o'clock a, M. Every one who can should go and hear him, as he is one :of the rising young 'men of the obureh and a good preacher, . .......... . Brussels. Briefs—The annual meeting of tile Grey Branch Agricultural Society1 was held in the town hall here on Wednesday afternoon and a very fee vorable report presented, showing a balance of over $2,000 in the treas.5 ury. Officers and 4trectors wore eve pointed for the ensuing year. The meeting a the East Huron society will be held on Wednesday .aftornood next.—John Smalldon, ate old and re. spectiid -resident of the 10th. concese eion of Grey, died at ihe home of hito son-in-1itw, at Yale; Miohigan, on Tuesday morning of this week. Can! - t er a the bowelswas the cause Of death and deceased had -gone to We ohigan -about three months ago to the hope of benefitting his health, His remains were brought home oni Wednesday evening, interment to take niece in Brussels cemetery DB Friday afternoon. He 'leaves a fame ily of two sons and 'three daughters, Mrs. Allan Lamont, of -Brussels, ben ing a d au ght er,— Th e Jarvis-Faz concert held in the town hall here last Friday evening. under 1 he ails, picee of t he Tennis Club, wat.f a stied coos in every partielllar. Both Jer- vis iind Fax proved themselves to be/ excellent entertainers. Tile prow& ;mounted to $151, whiol leaves a balance of over $50 in il e halide Of the treasurer.—The Conktin concert held on Tuesday evening ilast did not have the attendance wht h the exe cellent programme merit Mr. Conklin appear in Br esels again' Id . Should he will, no doubt, linVe a crowded house.—The regular meeting of the East Huron Farmers' Institute, held in Brussels on Monday aftornoon and_ evening were well attended, espeze ;ally the evening session, to 1010 a large crowd turned out. The :Weaker's on the programme were Mr. Shearer, of Bright and Mr. Race, of .Mitchell, who each gave two esieein lent addresses.—A telegram was reo eeteed here on Wednesday from Toe ronto, with the sad intelligence that Belle, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Irwin, formerly of Brus- sels,' had died that morning. No f ure iher particulars are to hand ai the tirde of writing but it is known that -Mies Irwin was in the hospital and. expected to undergo an °per:Lilco last Saturday. Deceased was a most estitriable young lady, and had mann 1 Tidos in Brussels who sincere], mourn bor sudden demise.—Tiold -week D. Ewan has had installed at his carriage shop an iengine,boileri planer, t saws, ths,, isa ehtc.,o,torilan4ci sbuuocdsiinnesTi2 tloyw The roof of M1'fi. James , Wilson's Wag bl betioavyav:dIigitint olafstsnoNwve.dk under tho News Notes. --Fifty-four iivee wore Iet 5n the or Ing of the fine new steamer, Clellam, plying e between Settle and Viotoria, Britieh OoJI umbia, in a storm which swept over. the traits of Juan de Fuea with relentless fury n Saturday night leen The vessel was s regular daily passenger paeket, and kors Seattle for Victoria. She made nioderstely good progress across th. straits until Trial eland, off the entrance to the harbour, we, abeem, Then A torrifio eross-ies polie4d it theiveseel, rie.tarding her progress. Little I fear was manifinted en -ill word came -up from.below that the vessel was Investigation ehowed that the waves on the windward side bad stove in t dead light, 1 through which the water rushed in volutehP resisting all attempte to step` it. Most of the WOM011 and ceildren and many of the panengers got off on the life boats, but these were swamped one after another sod all in these boats were drowned, 110110: - who remitted on the dioabled vowel ores it by a tug, which arrived lint befedt tssak.