HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-01-15, Page 4JANUARY, 100 t
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air The Sento between she parensnesee atter each
oas„ eisnotes the page of the pv.4, on which the
nitvertisement Will bo found _
The Advertised Sids-E IlieFaul ao-8
No 1;sit Up - McKinnon & Co -6
Iligtiale et Ruhbeti-I Wilit.& Soo
Was and hifine-orete k Stewart -1
House tor fisle-Mrs. T. Broom -5
Card of Macke -D. 0. campbeli-5.
liruceSeld Blacksmith ilhop-D 0 Ca 0811-6
Annual atectmu-11 Brehmano-8
Auction Brown -5 -
Clearing Bale -T IL 03rspic-5
• Wood for Sate--losepl, Poster -6
Al3Eitl BradvriCk-8
CVIDAY Council Moottng-W & ne-e
Good Ohance-kxp,,,t ter ot1i4e-e
Notion -T Cameron -5 -
Publics 0uneron-5
Cm* fortiiate-W 0 Coveolock-5
Gauntlet Lott -Ales A Scott -6
COWS forgo's-it Ycibco-3
Otangoa tot- marmalade -A Yoting-5
cessery could be passed in two or
three days. This may be so, but. in
' the event of any of these tnexnbcr3
being unseated by the- courts, there,
would. need to be a now election be-
fore the Legislathre would: assemble
and the trials and the ci cottons
might delay matters so the egisla-
ture would not be ;able t� re -assem-
ble for several months. The 'best
course to pursue is for the egieln-
turei to proceed with its bus ness as
it has been called and _then at !the
close of the session let the Overn-
ment die °lye the .Legislature and
bring on a new eleetion. This will
obviate the necessity: of. vending a
Jot Of ma e.y in the, courts in connec-
tion with the- peo ties ted elic tions -and
r will result in giving caner Mr. Ros
Mr. or s
'fr. Whitney a sufficient majority
to (liable hien to conduct the business
•ot the Province efficiently if they
'are" disposed to do 1 SO. The peeele
are ithe masters and ia them decide,.
. betineen the parties.. If they want
Mr. Ross let thern, give hi a suf-
ficient support- 'to enable him to
carry on business and if the do not
. want him it is but right that Mr.
%Whitney :Should have a Shy -at the
non Oxi
- Rumors are -e;reenti to thie effect
that Premier Rosshas in 'content'-
. 'dation anew move. During the an -
p roaching session be i
into the Legislature a bill
prohibition of the liquor t
SEAFORTH, FRIDA.Y, Jan -15, 1904,
this Province and will a
disdolution and an appeal- to the
Ilielitoreal Notes and Comments.
for the
erne in
k for
neoie on this 'question. Th s is, we
Mr. 3. P. Maybee, K. 0.1 of Strat- leaf
, too good to be true. It would
d bS the Re- be bold stroke of policy an eeoul&
ae their can- imta e an issue Worth fight' g over,
vould make -Stich a ihaki g up in
Mr • May- botfh parties that politician., would
cely know where to fin theme
es. It would also set tie t bis
ed question for mahy ears to
th Perth ande would force many so-eall-
ed irohibitionists to show tneir sin-
strengt h -
ford, has been seleet
formers of North Pert
didate for- the Comm
he is an able lawyer, an estute poi- sca-
Mei= and sbo-uld make a strong sel
candidate, especially as Stratford is ve
in the constituency. lie
has, also, been very muc
ened from a Reforra stan
the recent redistribution.
The thirty-seventh Anna
tion of the, Western Ora
point, by . carf t'Y'
Intr. D. C. Fraser, generallyknown
e colleen_ as the Guysboier perliaps the
nit Dairy_ lar rest man in the Dominion Partin -
men's Association was held this week me t, who has represented the. con -
in St. Thomas. The opening address • stitteencyl of -Gunsboro, Nova Scotia;
for a great many years, has deter--
was delivered by the ret ring pres-
ident, Mr. jellies ConneIlY, of Gode- iIIiL.ed to abandon the turbulent waterich township. It nad been care- ers of political life and take refuge
fully prepared and was a comprehen- in Ithe. (peaceful calm of "a_ Superior
sive, able and interesting deliver- Co t: judgesh lc. A few e. v en in gs
ance and displayes, the
president in a new light
dress does credit to both h
his ;heart.
.1•11. •••
. The latest in the trades'
is a "Servant Girls' Ifni°
ized'in Orange, New Jer
the demands of the union
-est wages $25 a month; e
n day; half a day off on
and, all Sunday ; use of
genial ex- ag1 his constituents presented. Jim
. His ad- with a gold headed cane es a mark
s head. and of
: ma
union lirie Pailiament. He was admitted. to be
lien. esteem. Mr. Fraser :is a big
mentally as well as physically
will be missed in the Deminion
" organ- 0
ire ef unoLow-Ie:ata Is in very active demand in that
ght lours cap city---- Mr. Y. H. Sinclair, N1410
Thursdays has been a member of the Nova Sen-,
arlor and '
tia [Legislature for ten years, was
piano i requiredno non-union food un oimously selectand
as Mr. Fraser's ;
iof the best d _most effective
form speakere in the present-
liament and his services. were al-
to be handled and one 5 rvant for sue ass"'
every three oil a, family. It is not
a, condition t at the mis ress must 1 The date for the election in North
..get an eligible husband for each' Os ord, rendered necessaryby the
girl after three months' servieedei h of the late Mr. Pattullo, has
but will likely- be ended later. ! beelp, fixed for Tuesday, Janou 26.
This election, of oourse, is for the
The Ottteera reorrespondent of. -tlie
' trio Legislature. North Oxford
.Globe makes this annotincement :
r The questionas to whether there, has
will be a sessien of Parliament still 8"
hangs in doubt,but a definite decision
never been reptesented by a Ceen-
,ative either in the Dominion
'lament or the Legislature. There
is re it a solid ,Reform majority of a
one evay or the other will e reached
tho sand or more, if the vote is all
very • soon. Indications seem to be
that there will be a session of Par-
liament before an election. This is
the: view entertained by erorainent
supporters of the Government, who
have seen the Prime Minister recent-
ly, but Sir Wilfred. Laurier gives no
sign, and he is tlie final nudge."
Mr. F. $. Spence was elected a
- member of the Board of Centred in
,the city of Toronto last ,week.
'There were nine candidates and the
'Board consists of four meMbers and
:Mr. Spence 'headed the ipoll. The
'Board of Control occupies la position
in the city something similar to the
(twee rnmeot in the Province, only
of course, it is non-polrideal and is
elected every year by a general vote
of the electors., Mr. Sperm is the
well known temperance advocate. He
is also, it Liberal in politice. He must,
therefore, be a pretty goed -Tann to
secure such a large vote for so illi-
pertant a position in a gay like To-
ronto where there are five Tory yotes
to one Grit.
The Nort It Oeford Reforin Conven-
tion to select a successor to the late
Mr. Pattullo was held at Woodstock
on Tuesday last. This Convention
elicited a good deal of ntereet in
the country. Every pot ling sub-
division waS TePreSeilted; Five bal-
lots were required to make a choice
--whicli ultimiitely fell upciit Colonel
Jas. Munro, of Embro.. efore the
ballet was taken every 1 candidate
-signed an agreement to abidci by the
result and to support the ominee of
the eonventicm. Mr. nti nro is a
private banker. He should be elect-
ed, if not by aeclamation, Ity a thous-
and of a majority. D. R. Reiss, of tin -
bre, a one time Liberal, announeee
that he will run as an independent
prohibit ion candidate.
The Conservative papers object to
the calling of the Ontario Legisla-
ture on the 1.4th of januaey, on the
grounds that there are pretests now
pending against four of. the Govern-.
ment supporters and these protests
can not be tried while th0 -Legisla-
ture is in session. It is contended
that the courts may show that these
representatives have DO legal right
to seats in the House and that, con-
sequent13,-, they should not be allow-
ed to legislate for the people until
their right to sit in the L-gislature
is assured beyond doubt. There is
some force in this. But on the other
side„ the Premier very pro ierly says
that these protest trials may be ex-
tended almost indefinitely at the will
of the lawyers engaged aid that if
the Legislature. is not called together
until they are closed, the session will
be very late. and the Pro+inee will
be put to very serious inconvenience
for money to carry on its tffairs, as
all moneys for expenditure have to
be voted by the Legislature and the
supply is about exhausted The To-
ronto World suggests as i way out
of the difficulty tbat the two lead-
ers agree not to introduce' any con-
tentious legislation, but to permit
the supplies to be voted and any oth-
er necessary legislation pass unop-
posed and then adjourn the session le
n a the election pretests are
disposed of, when it could 're-assern-
ble. It says all the . legislation nee
Sir Oliver, Mowat ' nepres-
this constitnency from the
, he entered fhp Leglislae re un -
e. retired from it and. OD several
oeedsions Was elected by accla ation.
The' late Mr. Pattullo, at the last el -
for at is Said that aspirants irre
numerous and itte t some of them
:thin to run /LS indepen eras if
.do not secur the nomination
0 convention. If any arefool-
tnough to do Otis, the Conserve: -
may win. Should a Couservit-
be elected in North Oxford, the
of us had better leave the coun-
or a holiday until the Conser-
es stop jubilating.
n, in a three , cornered
elected by a majority
. So that the: Governm
ably sure of supporta
h Oxford, which will rai
rity of two , to three. -
in the Refori'n ranks ni
a Liberal victory in No
f over
nt are
o their
Only a
al pre-
th Ox-
of 1
ei the
e -last session a the Ontanio Leg-
ere was au exceptionally. long,
And, in view ef its exceptional
the gfessional indemnity for,
leers was increesed from $600 to
. It is unnecessary to say that.
increase was adored uiaaniin-
by the flousl, meiuber on
side rising to criticize elie ex-
garice of the Government'. it
now said. the GOVOrilMent ha it in
cont. rnplation to make the in emni-
ty ( thousand dcillars per -ession
Permanently. This I is .not , very
eel v
to i`
thing to do, or if tbey do it,.
.shouldtchange the word I.' in-
ity" to "selaey,". If it is in-
tl. the, rnembere -should -oily re -
such remuneration* ae will
4. thein from aotual loss. in con-
n ,with- the pesition, . then the
mount is, .in 'the majority of
ample; ' But if it is intended
y menibers e. salary for the
time they .devote te the business- of.
1 he people„ there may be: sonic excuse
for ebe• increase. The sessions ordin-
etrilY laet fro eight. to ten weeks
.and few of th. imem:bers'in their DT- Grace, Lnurerincie of Toronto, i:=; visit -
than $600 in that time. Besides this !present -4.A 'coiliple of sleinli load e of
each ,meinher receives an allenvence 1 young people. drove out to Bresels
for his travelling expenses arid as 1 one evening lest week, to the resi-
the law now reqUires the railnely,l dence of Mr. ,Icilin 'AUK inon, -where,
companies , to give each 'member. of we have no I doubt, •.tbey enjoyed
the legislature, a free pass, 1 his al: themselves, tun Mr. and Mrs. lrfoKin-
lowance is additiolialt The only I non and their! estimable family are
•reasonable -• excuse the Legielators first class coitertaine,rs-Mr. Theo -
_o ex for this increitee is nhat tbe dore Hollande who hes rented his
Dominion members have increased farm to Mr. W. Christopher, intends
-their indemnity from' $1,000 to $1,- moving to Eginondville to reside. --
500. This is quite teue, but ;then, it James and- Mss Bella Farquitareon
seems to us that the members ;of the --were called t Seaforth last" -week
Legislature are as \yell rerhunerated t0. witness an operation for appendi-
for their services eit --six hundred ,r cif on theie !little brother Ed -
dollars as are • the me.mbers of- the - wird We are . )1eased t • - tl -
indemnity he present figure and
if they ghoul have an exception-
ally lengthy session at any time,
make the incroiSe exceptional. Any-
thing like 6. alary grab does not
look veeli co
up by menthe
Some of th
are very seve
on .the 'dente
taro because
raier Ross to
These strictur
very unneceSs
There is little
tenent Gover
-exercise of th
ing from a Reform
von if it is backed
$ on both sides of the
Conservative papers
e in their comments
ant Governor of On-
e ban_notetforced Pre -
resign or dismiss him.
s are, to say the lea,st,
ry-7,ed uncalled for.
dou t, but the Lieu -
nor can do as the
tecernmend, but the'
is power would, under
existing circu stances, be very ill-
advised and a bitritry and Ntie doubt
much if the p ople of Ontario would-
tamely,submi to such an exercise of•
authority. T people rule in • this
country and he Government is re-
sponsible to the people through the
representeetive in the Legislature,
Whatever Mt Ross' real position in
the country ay be, he bas taken
the 'earliest portunity of consult-
ing the repr sentatives of the peo-
ple by oath g the Legislature to-
gether, and it will lbe for the Legis-
lature to say whether or not Mr.
Ross shall co thine i at the helm. Had
he refused t 'meet the Legislature
and still ret ined jpower, then the
Lieutenant G vernor might have had
some excuse or taking action. lint
as matters n w stand, his course is
the only pne tliat is defensible. Our
Conservative. friends have, there -
so far, to just cause fox. com-
plaint again ibina,
me Grand. runk Railway is get-
ting Ce iimbia" from the pap -
ere and from [belated travelers, who
wr te letters of complaint to tbe
papers. The omplaint is that trains
ar4 never o timer and that delays
ail •frequent, long and aggravating.
Thr complaint is also made that the
freight ser ice is so demoralized
to the busine interests of the coun-
t rY. It is ea the MOM Gnat is the
defective eng es and the anxiety on
the part of e officials to eater to
the through raffle. Whatever the
reasons may e, we all know .that
the service wretchedly defect-
ive. There i no doubt but that the
weather has been partly to blaine
for several i °eke, and the Grand,
Trunk shoul not" be bold responsi-
ble for this. ut there is som_ething
mere than tin weather, else the com-
phtints woul not be so wide spread
1. The people would
assenger train being
lin, but: it is not pleas-
! becomes the rule in-
can be received frOm
ffieials, who should
se business it should
information regard-.
ins. It is bad enough
e two or three hours
rendered much more
vhen a person bas to
iting room for hours
get any satisfactory
i to when the train
arrive,. 'Until a few
e people on the Gode.:
ad very little to coin-
spect to the passenger
ve fancy that ivith
things in this depart -
ht t hemselves in due
tinny different,how-
ht. There has been
i g griceirance in this
len should and must
If the Government
on the elections in
and intend to make
Trunk 'Pacific scheme.
o in tbe elections, it
ey were looking after
unk a 'lit tie more
ringing the necessary
ex on the officials to
o meet the require:-
ohntry. lt is riot wise
llow such a feeling of
grow , up against the
!Railway as is now
ted. If they do- they
loose heavily on their
Pacific Plank in this
„ 1
so gene
.mind a
ant when t
stead of the
all; the more
no, informati
the railway
know, and
be to furnis
ing benated t
ftir a train t
late, but thi.
lie' round. a
and, unable 1
will likely
months ago,.
rich branch
plain of in
t reftic an
good lyeathe
rnent will ri
clrse. It is
ev r, with f
a long start
di rlection, w
be l remedied
intend bring
Ute near fut
the, neiveGra.
leading iss
is Iligh time t
thq Grand
sharply and
pressure to
induce them
merits. of the,
for them to
,reVulsion. to
-Grand. Trun
being cultiv
will stand to
Grand Trunk
The Toron
froml Libera
with the ea
Toronto that
1.o prepare fo
May. Sir Wil
of the Toron
just prior to
ico, is said t
o 'News bas learned
•, actively connected
plaign organization in
they have, been told
a Federal election in
iam lefulock, president
n' R.eform Association,
us departure for Mex -
have so informed the
inside party .Verkers. A February
eleetion had been -projected for some
months, but it, IS stated that Lady
Laurier perswi.ded Sir ilfrid not to
imperil his life by enga ing in a win-
ter campaign. The P einier is far
from strong, though' his improved
health hag pl
political strip
al informatio
sion Of the 15
dune, by whi
*will be over.
seed Ca,nadians of all
s. According to loc-
there will be no ;es -
use of Commons until.
li time the ciation
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs: S. liar rows
and young soe of Manitoba, have
beeh visiting friends in 411s vicinity
for the past houple of week. -Miss
dinaty occupations [can earn More ' ing he,r pousin'• Miss M. Mcguaig, at
Dominion Parliament at 'fifteen }tune ; the operation was successfui.-Mr.
deed. The gessions of the Dominion ' Archie McKay, of Beeehn-ood, was
Parliament usually extend as; niiiny visiting friends in this vicinity last
months as the sessions of Ube Legis- 1 1,veek.-Mr., Palrick Rowlan has tak-
lature, extend in weeks, and besides, on the contra t Ito cut n quantity of
this most of the Provincial enembere wood for Mr. .1McPlierson.-A num-
are able to get to their homee at her from he*, I attended the horse
least once a week during the session , fair in 13russels Ion Thursday of last
while this is not the case Ninth meny'l week. --A large' number from thie
of the Dominion mem yrs, The Pro- : vicinity took in tlw Harold Jarviii
vincial members, all- onsid.ered, nte concert in Brussels last Friday eve
better paid at six h ndred:dollars ening.-The reads are in (I dreadf ul
limn the Dominion in mbers are at state at present, which' makes leant,
fifteen hundred, and if the former ing impossible -A load of young !too-,
. ,
to (me thous- " ple coming:info town from th west
use their indemnity'
and the disparity betw en them will one evening lest week, sing -in,
be widenedconsidering all thing's good old suthreer time," had
members will be wise to es the
V a thrilling experience when
gni to
�UR�N C:)( p&; .(TOR
itel the residerme of Mi:. McLeod. The'
hot es shied at the reflection of a
ligl t on the road, upsetting the
sleigh and throwing the occupants
out Before they Were loaded up
again the benighted.' youngsters no
d.o ht realized it wits - minter time.
Ho ever, the wisher didn't dm
the r spirits in the ieeast, as they
centinued their journey northward,
siiiing We won't go home Uhl
morning." '
(Priem our Regular Correspondent.)
jottings. --Mr. Robert Moore Ieft
jhis week • for . Souris, Manitoba,
orb re he has secured employment
-[ram his brother-in-law, Dr. iCriech-
nil The best wishes of his many
friends go with hine.-Mr. Leslie
;Lfld Miss Maggie Robison, from St.
Ca harines, are visiting with Miss
Mamie Bennett an other friends
in this vieinity.-A meeting in con-
fla tion with the 1 brary was held
in the hall on Monday evening. A
new- committee was appointed: Rev.
A. ,ieleNah its chair an; Miss Maud
,Johnston was re -el eted. librarian.
tiff's church choir spoilt a pleas -
time at the home of Miss Mary
and Mr. Angus*leic uaig, Thursday
evening. -Miss Tenn, Bennett 4 als-
iti g friends in inghain.-Mayor
Lo is, of Goderich, and Mr. Roberts,
hoad iengineer, were in the village
Tu sdity- of this week locating a site
for the station. -Mr. George McKim
is on the sick list this week. -Mr.
Balmy Bulger, from Cypress, is visit-
ingibeneath the parental roof. -Miss
Gritee Lawrence, " from Toronto, is
the guest of Miss Mary McQuitig.-
Mies Cassie Claig, from Woodstock,
was the guest of 'Mrs. John Smillie
this week. -Mrs. Simpson is visitin,.
liet daughter, Mrs. Wine Hoggarth,
an Cron:tarty. I
1 ,
Chiselhurst, . .
Perm Sold. -Mr. James Connors
haS 'sold_ his farm on the,1.pth comes-
siOn of Tuckersthith, near her to
Met,William Leitch, of Hellett, near
Censtance, for $5,500. The farm con-
taiins about 100 acres. Mr. Leitch
gete possession next fall. Ale has got
a ;good farm at a very !reasonable
IBriefs.-Thos. Sage retiirned from
ITUntsville last weeek, being un-
able to stand the severe weather
of! tbe north. --W.. and Mrs. Greer,
of iartom are spending a. feW week
wi rh Mrs Greer's .parente, Jas. and
Mrs . Paulin. -,.John • Bone, of Sault
t3tki. Marie, 'Michigan, rinewed a,c-
qu intances here last weiln return -
in to his home on Mo day. -Miss
Smale, of Wingliam, lig 1 ie gu es t of
Mies J. Wells. -Large sh pments of
stOck have been made th s week by
out popular buyers, Hamil on &Rob-
ertson, and A. Hooper.- iss Ewing,
of; Teeswaater, -visited er sister,
Mrs. George Allan, over Sunday. -
Mi. and Mr. Van Mere; of Simcoe,
arh -guests of R. M. and rs. Calder.
- wo rinks of time Wro eter euri-
hri will attend the Bonspe 1 at -Wing -
ha this week. -A lar.e nuniber
frem here attended the arold Jar -
vi S concert in Wingliam ast Thurs-
day evening. -W. Perrin las gone to
Ilerriston where be will ttend the
nigh echool.-Mr, andM s. Gofton
1iac taken rooms ?n t e Moffitt
131Ock.-Miss Smith, of •russels, is
visiting her brother, 0. Smith and
other relatives .here.
• Dashwood.
otes.--The Evangelic 1 ehurch
hen the annual election of officers
for the Sabbath school f r 1904, On
SU day. The following i ere elect-
ed!: President, Jacob rellerman ;
vic3 president, 3, K. Goetz ; treas-
,ur r, Simpson Ireland ; se rotary, J.
Brnsn ; organist, Ida Go tz ; .assis-
tat t organist, Theresa Milier ; li-
br rnens, Sum • Kraft an Emanuel
is. Beaver
es Snell's
erner met
ainful ac-
el object,
Ehlrs.-Mr. and Mrs.
of Crediton, visited at ja
on I Surulay.-Mr. George
wiP11 a very Serious And
eta last week. IlefelPa
1 falling on some ba
br ke hie knee cep. He ie -at pres-
ent under the doctor's care and will
likely be for some months. He is,
.hen -ever, doing as well as can be -ex-
peOted and his many friends hope Lo
soma see him on his feet again. -The
Sovereign Bank win be pen every
day for the transaction of business,
ingtead of three days as formerly,_.
Mr, ;E. l'. Paulin; has purchased a
Jot east of Mr. Mtebriel Fein's prop -
arty end intends erectin a house:
thereon in the _spring. t will be
buntlof red brick. -Mr. e. Tiernan
, red on the street dn Monday
wearing a broad smile. It is a boy.
-Quite a. number attended the Hay
Fire Insurance Meeting at Zurich on
1 lem,
Notes. -MF. Allied Barnes, -of
Stratford, - has been on n visit at
the l home of Mr. .1..3. irvieln-Mr. H.
Benneweis is conipleting his thresb-
ingltbis week and the thresher, Mr.
Wildiem Mager, had a slavish old
tiln ; getting his traction
(be,: s'eenb. of opera -Tltions.engine to
retails haVe been ploughed out and
levelled and are new- in passable
condition. -Mr. and Mrs. _ George.
Richardson .who have been residing
at Sault Ste. Marie for the, last four
moetlis, have returned to 'McKillop.
--Mlit Solomen Bell has sold bis farm
to m -i-,. John Zeigler. The place con-
tains 50 acires. There, is a fairly
good [ liouse, but no barn on the prem-
ises. The ptirchase:price was $2,500,
;etre 13e11 has not yet decided where
he will, go, but if they move away,
both '1m and his excellent wife will
he thilch missed from here. -Mr. Jas.
McIlionald, of Selkirk, Manitoba, is
visiting his neothe,r and ether rel-
atii,?es here at present. - -Mr: Menon-
-aid' il previousix lived on the Lcad-
bury line, ;but has resided in Mani-.
tot* ,for Up -wards of 25nrears.-Mr.
Robert Menzies, Mr, W. G. Smith
and!? Mr. Matthew Coates are all back
froth , 'Manitoba and the Territories
wledin 1,a c !I of them own farms.
I . St Columban.
Dets.--The snow on the level here
almest reaches to the top of our el-
evated sidewalk -I -Now is the time
1 t
to ( o statute labor.not in the sum-
mer When the roads are good.----j'ath-
masers, Darling, Melady and Delan-
ey rt building sidings or meeting
plac is for teams along Our inain
tbormighfaree, The road. bed is be-
tween three and four feet ebove the
ground and whenever it driver turret
out 'to let another pass„ by, both are
liable to be humbled without -being
exalted, unless they hold their
tongues. -The remains of Mrs. Thos.
Downey, of Muskegon, Michigan,
were. brought here for interment last
Monday morning. She was born in
Lirnewick, Ireland, and came here at
an early age. Besides hes brother,
Peter O'Snlitvan, of the Huron road,
she lins- many friends and relatives
in Seaforth, Mitchellm McKillop and
Hibbert and the large congregation
that attended tbe hervices at the
churob and cemetery 1 Were eloquent
testimony to her ma y --good quali-
ties of head and hea t. Father Me-
Keon condneted the . ervice and ap-
propriate hymns wor3 sung by Inc
Misses 'Crotty, Williatns and Daly. -
One of your ether correspondents re--
leaednyfrotlyligtrersineadtfyorodur readers that a
organ here ,on the ieessieidoensduocath- wmthe
Stephen Downey's fun r
not the case. Miss 0 ly, the regular
organist presided on that. occasion,
and three other St. C lumban organ-
ists were within ea 1 at the time.
The lady from Strati rd did not pre-
side here although she sang very
smWaer hYrtTh lel P' Stl.neuosliucinoblantlicehoigjaanodd
. ,
orclicstra on Christmas, morning was
superb. Miss Dora Daly apd her
brother, John, of Se4f9rth, ably as-
sisted with cello And voiee.-The
semi-annual exam int Lion ' for the
boys and girls of the Bible class,
bold on -Januury 6t1I resulted in a
tie, Tim following fur seored the
highest marks : Agnes Stapleton,
Alvenia Krauskoff, Joseph Flanni-
gan, Joseph Kale, and Peter Mat-
thews. Three prizes lad been prom-
ised for application, progress and
general- proficiency. In order to
break the tie a second examination
was held last Sunday afternoon. But
another tie was the result and now
the, ownership of thc prizes will be
determined by the go4d old Scriptur-
al method of castirigJ lots.
The Conneil.-The council' elect,
viz : Robert Ferris, reeve ; Were
Patterson, Thomas 'alillan, Win.
Moore and Samuel 31, cCool, council-
lors, met in Londesboro on Monday
last, when having ade . the usual
declarations of offiee,l etc., commenc-
ed the business of th , year. A com-
munication received, rom thechair-
man of the Trust Futd of the Child-
ren's Hospital, Toronto, asking for a
grant and on motien of Patterson
and. McCool the sumi of ten dollars
Was granted as a doeation. Robert
with was reappoint it collecter and
i illiam Carter, asse.sor. G. Steph-
enson and M.13raithelfaite were also
reappointed auditors and will meet in
tbe township hall or. Monday, Jan-
uary 25th to examire and audit the
treasurer's books. The local iboard
of health will consist of the i reeve
and clerk, George Watt, Jobe Car-
bert and John Sprung. Mr. E. Mc-
Callum was impointedi medical bealth
officer for 1904. Tenders for theSup-
ply of elm [plank and for a ear .load
of tamarack plank for bridgesenost-
ly 16 feet long and 3 inches thick,
will be received up to February 8.
The clerk Was inst1 ueted to order
six copies a the b.unicipal World
for the use of 30:10D1 ers of council.
The vote on the C.1. R. by-law will
be taken on Friday, the 28th of Jan-
uary, at polling divisions No. 2, 4,
6, and 7. And the reeve will be at
the council room, in Londesboro, ou
Saturday, the 16th of January, to
appoint persons to ettend at the
aforesaid polling places on behalf
of those interested in promoting or
opposing the passing of the said by-
law. Connell adjourned_ until Feb-
ruary 8th, at 1,30 p. In.
Nots.-Misss c. McGrath is -visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. A. Lorixner, of
Ref:fain, at. present.- Miss Lizzie
-Henan& is.attending the Seafoetli
Collegiate Institute. -Miss Mary De-
laney has also resureed her 'studies
there. We !wish thenh both success.
-We are pleased to hear that Mrs.
Timothy Curtin, who has been dan-
gerously ill; has taken a change for
the. better. [
Obituary. -The many friends of
.ntr. and Mrs. Matthew Murray, of
'Iowa, but formerly- cif this vicinity,
extend their beartfele sympathy to
them. 111 . 1.4e. loss df their loving
son Michael,' a bright young man of
twenty sumliners. After spending a
happy Christmastime with his par-
ents, he, on January 4th,returnod to
college, where he as pursuing -a
course in pharrnacy, but- before he
left the train he was taken ill with
appende,ci Lis and ha to: gotothe
hospital where he died three days
later, . surrounded ) by his sorrow-
strickeneparnnts and brothers. Thus
a young life of sweetest promise and
brightest prospects was euickly
brought to it close, but. it is a consol-
ation for the bereaved ones to know
that he died fully strengthened foe
Jus long journey by it1l the rites. of
his e,hurch. just- a year ago last
August he visited his reatives in ths
vicinity and while h4rc made many
friends - who now deeeply mourn his
early demie4 and we can assure his
loving parents, brothers and sisters
tank other bereaved, relatives that
hundreds of, loving hearts join with
them in their grief over the de-
parture, from- their midst of their
beloved and cherished son and broth-
How SilOrt was thy sweet, tender
How rich in the perfume of love ;
Rest to thy pure, bright soul
With thy dear Aisne above.
This pronitsing yo* man was a
nephe,w of Mr. G. Kellolland, of this
Plnee, being :a sister's;4 son,
Notes. -Mies Annie Moffatt, of To-
ronto, who has been at home on the
sick list for :the past six weeks, re-
turned to her position in the Parihn-
nnent Buildings, on Sief urdayee-Qui Le
a number attended the wedding of
Mr. M. Kelly to Miss Ring, in the
Catholic enittrch, on Mondan„ also
the one on Tuesday, the contracting
parties being, Mr, if, Healy to Miss
Kelly. Both:of these young tnen are
prosperous farmers of Morris. -Mr.
Robert: Powell is at present taking a
spe,cial course sit the Ontario Agri-
cultural College, Getelple-Revival
meeting's are at present being held
at the 'Methodist church by the
pastor, Rev. 'Mr. Ifohnes.-The new
council was sworn in On Monday and
held their meeting that af ternoon
instend of evening. -me, public li-
brary board held their' annual meet-
ing. on Monday evening and_ elected
the following, directors for 1004 :
Rev. Mr, Hennes, Dr. Lindsay, Reeve
Sloan, Me.ssrA. . Elder, Bradwin, Sum-
mers, James Smith, MeMtirchic and
Robinson. They intend holding a
meeting on Monday eVening fox: the
election of officers. -Mayor Lewis, of
Goderich, was he -re Tnesday in con-
nection with the C. Pit„and also do-
ing senile earivasSing for himself for
M. P. -Mr. Robert Holmes, M. P, for
West Huron,- was here on Tuesday
shaking hands with a i*ew of his sup-
porters. -Thee bachelors and bene -
diets of Blyth, intend bolding an
Assembly in Milne's hall, on Friday
evening, the 22nd. We have no doubt
but it Will be a success in every
JANUARY 15, 1904
Big Sale of Rubbers
on Saturday.
On the 1st of February we start_taking stock.. In the meantime, we
have a number of lines of footwear that mustbe sold before that data,
Take Rubbers for instance—
We find we have too many Rubbers on hand at this season of the year
and will clear out the following lines on Saturday at these prices
Women's Rubbers, Montreal make, sizes 3 to 7, no half sizes, regular
On sale Saturday for 25o a pair
Women's Storm Rubbers, Montreal make, sizes 3 to 7; regular value 60e,
On sale Saturday for 42o a pair.
Men's Storm RubbersaMontreal make, 'sizes 6 to 11, no .half sizes, regular
value 75e a pair,
On sale Saturday for 50c a pair.
The above lines are new goods, all this season's make. Terms of sa.e----CASEL
1-1 1-1+4-1-41-1
R. WILLIS & SON, Seaforth
Selling agents for Stub Proof and Kant Kra& Rubbers.
particular. They intend baying tbe
London harpers to furnish the music.
-The anniversary services of the
Presbyterian church are to be held
next Sunday. Rev. Mr. Duncan, of
Toronto, and a ;very eminent minis-
ter is to conduct them.4-The Guild
in connection with the Episcopal
aurae intend bolding their month-
ly at-home on Friday, January 22nd,
'in .the Temperance hall. Friends
from Wingbam are 'expecte& to as-
sist with the programme.-MISSAllie
Bennet, of Wiarton, is at present vis-
iting her parents. -Mr. Robert Doug-
lass disposed of his restaurant and
grocery test week in Mr. William
Robertson, who. takes ,possession. on
Monday next. Mr. Robertson is well
known in town and will, no doubt,
do a good business. -Mr. William
Crawford. first barber in the King
Edward hotel, Toronto, is spending
a few Weeks' holidays with his par-
ents in town.—Mr. J. Stewart, of
Goderich township,visited friends in
town the - past week. -Mr. Martin
Richmond, of Morris, has become a.
resident of towm-The first month-
ly fair was held on Tuesday and
there,was quite a croOd town,but
there were not a greet many norses
exchanged hands.
Madman & Stanbury, barrloters, at Hen-
son Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 166241
Shope For Sale. -The HeimaIl fouudry
and machine shops with the lands belonging to the
same, for sale cheap. For particulars apply to
Robert Bell, SeafortE 1868-tf.
The Sovereign Bank of Canada, Hermall,
Ontario. Head oftbe, Toronto—Mocutive cam,
Montreal. General banking business transacted.
Apecisi facilities for making remittanoee to all puts
of the world. Interes1 allowed from data of deposits
on savings bank account. John MacArthur, Manager.
G. J. Sutherland, notary public, OOMMill-
!oder, conveyancer, Oro ani life insurance agent
and Selmer of marriage Beanies. Deeds, mortgagee,
leases and wills 'carefully drawn up according to
law at teasonable rates. Private funds. also loan
company's M lowest, rate of interest. Flinn and
village properties for sale. Office at the Poet officeU,
Local Briefs. -Mr. Alex. McAllister
and Ws sister,Miss Annie,of Marlette,
Michigan, who were here for some
time visiting their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Forrest, reteirn-
ed last week. -Miss Ida Dick, of Dur-
ham, was Imre on Saturday last vis-
iting her parents. -Mr. Edward Shef-
fer has had the pleasure of meeting
three. of his brothers here during the
past week. -Mr. and Mrs, James Mc-
Arthur and also Mr. and Mrs. Thom-
as Welsh had- their children babp-
tised on Wednesday evening last by
Rev. Mr. Mitcheil. The dress worn
by Baby Welsh being worthy of men-
tion on account of its great age. It
was made by -the child's great grand- '
mether, the late Mrs. Robert Doig,
of Klippen, in Perthshire, Scotland,
over seventy years ago and ill Whia
all her children were bahptised, the
eldest being the late Mrs. Robert
Bell, the child's 'grandmother, find.
was also worn at the nahtisin of all
her ebildren including the child's
rnother, thus Making three genera-
tions babptised in the same dress -
Miss Ethel Murdock is visiting rel-
atives and friends in London. -Miss
Jessie McLean, of London, was home
recently visiting- ber parents, mr.
and Mrs. D. C. McLean, of Tucker -
smith. -Mr. Alex. Smith, the well
known hog buyer, paid out, on Wed-
nesday of last week, in Hensall, near-
ly $2,500 for hogs. -A quartette of
Seafortb curlers recently visited our
rink and had it friendly nuttch witb.
our boine players, the laurels of vic-
tory nerching on the. Herman curlers.
Our junior hockey players scored ii
victory on the Exeter juniors on
Thursday evening of last week --
Rev. Mr. Maxwell, of Ripley, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of Carmel cburcb on
Sunday. -The friends of Mr. G. Cope-
land, of the Hensall music store, will
reg,ret to learn that he was quite
seriously ill during the past week,
but is recovering. -Mr. Samuel Her-
eon, of ITsborne, has sold his two-
year-old filly sired by Texas Jack, to
Mr. Brock, of near Winchelsea, for
$170. -An en Ler I ainmPlli under the
auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliarr of
Carrnel church', will be held in the
basement Of the ehurch, this (F..
served and whn an erneftreersilanninPhiligim
gramme earried out. -Miss Lucie
Thomson iijis .returned home from
Toronto. -Qui councillors elect for
the year 3.9(14 are Dr. Ferguson, Hen-
ry Cook, mi ler, Owen Geiger and 15.
J. McDonald. These gentlemen mere
nominated at the meeting held on
Thursday evening of last week.
The contest for the reeveship will
be between T. W. 0,rtwein and F•117.
Smalla comb, both of whom have
'served as councillors and the con-
test promises to be it spirited one_
The friends ot Mr. H. J. D. Coeke
will regret to learn that he has
been confined to his room -through
illness for the past week or so,_
Mr. and Mrs, Mack Best, of Brandon,
were the guests of Mrs. (Rev,)
Shaw and Mrs. Ella Scott on Tues-
day, at the Kippen circuit parson-
age, Hensall.-Miss Gibson, of \Vol- -
seley, N. W. T., is -visiting Mr. and
MTS. Wm. Moir and other relutiv-en
-Miss Edith ManniVen has engaged
as teacher at Chatsworth, not at
Chiselhurst as reported last week,.
-Mr. A. Brandt, G. T. R. agent, has
been confined to the house through
illness during the past WVek-Mr.
C. Petty is expected home from
the old country, where he has been
visiting for the past two months,
this week. -Mies Lottie Kaiser has
been visiting relatives in Clifton for
the past week or so. -Mrs, Josepli
Ellis and her nephew. Mr. Reinhardt,
of Manitoba, were in Goderieb flag
week on a visit-Rossie Stoneman
met with an accident on Thursday,
evening of last week. 'While play-
ing on the street, he -came in vent act
with a passing sleigh. -Mr, Garnet
Calihven iS attending the Forest City
business college, at London is
Gilgan line returned after a pleas-
ant visit with relatives. -Mr.
Davis, of Rainy River -District, is
visiting his mother-in-law, Mrs. J.
Willis of Rodgerville.-Miss Aitch-
eson, of Seaforfh, has been engaged
as, teacher in school section No
Tuckersmitli, ;mil comes highly- ree
The Agricultural Society. --The, an-
nual meeting of the Hay Branlic Ag-
ricultural Society was held_ in the
town halt,Zurich, on Wednesday last.
The annual report was a very sat-
isfactory one, sleowing a balance in
the treasury of $48,50 after defray-
ing all liabilities. This leaves the
society in good shape for need year.
The officers for the current year
were elected as Iilow; W. V, Cald-
well, president ; B. S. Philhins and
Fred, Willert, vice-presidents; au -
(liters, 3. Haberer and E. Zeller dir-
ectors, Messrs. John Decher, W- 13.
Battler, Wm..Roeder, 0 Osevold, C.
Either, John Pfaff; R. G. Nichol, W.
Lamont and John Ileiger. Mr. 31.
Faust was-elepted seerefary-treaS-
Notes. -Mrs. Win. Finkbeiner, ai-
er a visit of three weeks with her
parents here, left for her home in
Milverton this week . -Mr. Louie
Well,. of .Cavalier, North Dakota, is
here visiting his brother _and: sisierX
-The annual meeting of the Ilay
Fire Insurance, Company was heId
here on Tuesday. There was it lenge
attendance of members. Three dire
actors were required and tw,o of the
old ones were re-elected and Mr.
Staub e was substituted for Mr.
Yearly. The reports showed the com-
pany to be in a very satisfactory po-
sition financially and ot herwise.-
Mr. Inavette, from the Northwest,
is here visiting his frend r. JoS-
Smith.-Mr. C. Shoemaker hes gone
on a trip to Berlin.
-Rev. R. P. macv, a Toronto, con.
ducted the opsning services In the North
Moreington Presbyterian chureb, OD, a re-
cent Sunday. The stormy weather kept
number away, but, despite that foe, the
ehurch was wen filled, The offerin
amounted to $132.
On Saturday morning, January 2nd, we inaugurate our annual stock-
taking sale in our four departments. We place on our tables for this sale
One hundred Men's Suits, all wool, splendidly tailored, regular $7.50,
sale price $4.75.
All -wool Underwear, shirt and drawers, regular $1, sale price 88e a suit,
Fifty pieces imported Flannelette, 36 inches wide, regular ]2e, for 10a
per yard.
Ladies' Cashmere Hoee, regular 40e, for 25e a pair.
Fifty pairs Wool Blanket; largest made, regular $3.75, for $2,95 a pain
We have no hesitation in saying that we have the best 25e Japan tea in
tke trade. Try it and be convinced.
Dinner and Tea Sets at special prices.
Come with the crowds to Gunn's.
B. B. GUNN Reaforth.
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