HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-01-15, Page 39 4
1 as"Orange
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Ask fete. tta.es
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t. S. T. Reimer;
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were of male contain-
tt.gage, which trill be -
[there will be offered
the Commercial
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K, ate reek& p.
y, z« The south
Ai Wilson's survey of
Upon tho property
ailoiling imagewhleh
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,O.oel desirably situ-
c.f the town of atm.,
L. Rioleardson'S
A the thee
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News Notes.
-jeseph Parizeau, wife audi son.
ed South March. Carleton co nty
were struck by a Canadian P cific
Railway train near Aylmer,cZuebec.
The mother and son were inst pHs'
killed, being horribly mutilated and
the father was seriously injured.
-Chief Roe, of the London, Ontar-
io fire brigade,- was killed, and. Fire -
laen 1 Swanswiele Succomb and Rob-
ertson were probably fatally injured :
by e fire in Sterling Brothers' shoe I
Warehouse -at London last week. The 1 ,
financial loss will be very heavy. ro
-White making a money offering H
at a mission meeting on Wolfe Is- - gr
land, near Kingston, on Tuesday af- fr
ternoon last, death came seidden'y to ga
Mrs. Janet 0'.Brienjust ais she was.' ed
in the act of plaeing her offering "J
on the plate, she fell over in an un- , of
was dead. ,
-Mr. Reuben Switzer, one of the 1
oldest residents in Blanshard town- 1 11
ship, is dead at the age of: 90 years. I he
He had been a member of the Orange lo
Lodge for over 70 years. He was ; "
born in Adam, Ireland, September 1 1 la
Vino being the eldest of thirteeii -: bul
children. In 1846 he came tm Canadi t nee,
and settled on concession 3, B111,1511:1 of !
ard, where he has since resided; He 1 be of breeding and individual merit
joined the Orange Order in 1830, I an finally,- aftera long search a -
when but 17 years old. IIO filled the,'.. in g the leading , herds of Ontario,
office of District Master for two i de ded on " Pimud Protector" as the
years, and was a deligate to Orange i ve bull to Meet. leis wants apd help
oonventions all over Ontario. Among ; to aise the sta0dard of Herefords
Orangemen he was very widely 1 in amide to the 'proud position that
known.. He had been treasurer of 1 th already enjoy in the United
the County Conservative Assoeietion St.es,
since its organization.
-Death came suddenly to Dr. R. Cheese Factory Meetings.
McIntyre, Hespeler's oldest inedical iver Corners. -At the annual
practitioner, in his 67th year. Drsting of the .Silver 'Corner's fac-
McIntyre, Charlton and Lockhart, in Groy, the. following ;officers
Kid been summoned to attend an in- e elected ,: Hugh, Richmond, sale-
fentson of le E. Weaver, who WAS, and treasurer, ialry $60 ; J. M.
suffering from convulsions, Dr Me- chinson, . secretary, Salary $50 ;
lamp was the last to aerive, and es Greig, John' Speiran and Thos.
had hardly looked. at the child when eiI were unanimonsly elected as
he staggered forward to n. sofa and 'reneging committee. D. 1 G. Mc -
instant ly expired, death being clue to rrie occupied the chair and in
heart failure. Two hours later the y way did the positionjustice.
polls announced that the dead phy- ter windbag up the bustness for
sician. had been re-elected a publics t season, A. A. Morrison, the mak-
school trustee, which °filo he had 'very ably addressed the meeting
filled for seventeen years. Hescom- tvhich he thanked the patrons ,for .
menced to practice in Hespcler,Wat- F support and good will in the
aa loo county, in 1863. • and at the sante time hoped
-William Cole, a young farmer 9f
East Oxford was arrested at Wood-
, etock last week, charged with plac-
ing an obstruction on the G. T. It.
east of Woodsteck on Satterday last,
in an. attempt to 'wreck the morning
, express. Fortunately theobetruc-
, tine „ ss as discovered by the section
men in time to avert an eecident.
-The handsome " Mary Ballitetyne
Nurses' Residence,'-' given to the
Stratford Hospital Trust by the Hon.
Thomas, Ballantyrie, in memory of
Iii4 late wife, was formally opened
Let week. There was a good at-
tendance of prominent citizens. The
building was presented by Mr. Bale
latatme and accepted on behalf of
the trust by Mr. John Idingtoie K.
C. The building is in the colOnial
styte of architecture, two stories
-hie!' and of white briekt It cost up-
wards of $5,000.
-The Grand Trunk freight shed at
New Hamburg, was totally destroyed
hy fire last Week. The fire was first
obseived about 11 p.m. Flames were
seen issuing from the western end,
pari of which was- used as1 a tempor-
ary ticket office, the station bi'
destroyed . by fire last July. The
freight house was filled with goods
and the less will be heavy.
-Word was received Only a few
days; ago that Harry Kielly. en Oril-
lia boy, 2'7 years old, was one of the
'victims of the Chicago disaster. His
life was rived in Orrilla tiff he ma-
triculated from the Collegiate Insti-
tute, when he went to the States,
and for soille time has been connect-
ed -with the university in St, Louis.
He was a noted football and lacrosse
Oletrer, and an all-round athlete. At
the time of his death he was passing
through Chicago on his way home
front Houghton, Michigan, where he
had been playing hoekey. His death ,
wae caused by suffocation,and his
body Was uninjured.
-A letter has he,en received at .
Ottae a telling of the narrow es -
cap( of Ottawans from being victims
of the Iricitis theatre fire in Chic -
en il erself an efficient ;IS well as n
Poi) ler teacher. -Mr, Sweet,! of Ex-
etelr, has , nominenced his duties as
teacher in , school section No. 3, he
Succeeds Mt. Parki on who resigned
to i ursue his stud es in Toronto.-
Tile students' of this neighborhood,
who, have been . spending their holie
dari et their various how s, have .
now returned° to their different
1 ools of learning.
A Good Animal.
. Mex. 'Monteith, of the London
Tuckersmith, breeder Of choice
reford cattle, has, purchaSed the
Std young bull, " Frond Protector"
I '
t Messrs. O'Neil Bros. of South -
e, Ontario, who recently import -
line from Iindiana. His sire is
°Lector 't. No. 117878, champion
:ngland; purchased and brought
scious condition, and a little later to initrica• tit ti cost of $6,500 by .M.r.
five, of Attica, Indiarta,while
diem is Imported " Portia Yr. Nd.
6204 formerly in the Wea.vergrave
a Mr. F. IL T. Botham, bf Chile
°the and being by the renowned
st Orbit " No.15080. orie 'of Eng -
Es moist noted show and breeding
s. Mr. Monteith, feeling the
of fresh blood in his fine herd
erefords, determined to have the
ago. Qr. A. Ian Hurdman and his
wife were going, but on 41.pp1ying nt
the box office could not get suitable
seats, and left, going to another
thea ere.
-John Boston, Governor of the
iddiese.x county Ian, London, was
the unanimous ehoine of the North
bliddleeex Liberal& in convention at
Ailse Craig last week. The riding
of North Middlesex is now somewhat
different than at the last electiou.
the redistribution having returned
it to the boundaries to which it fort
merle belonged. Thero was a con-
test for the candidature,three very
it omitione Liberals having been pr es -
ed es' their friends to stand for
ttelriilaatjo1i. VatenLiia Rat z.tho 101C-
mvi- member, who was defeated at
the previous election had. good sup-
porters did also Dr. Caw, Of Parkhill..
Governor Boston received the final
majority ballot,/ and the .nomination
was made unanimous. 1itr. Robert
Boston, the nominee of the conven-
tion, bas been in politics many years.
Be is a brother-in-law 'of Hon. G.
W. Ross, and was a member of the
- :Boast. of Commons from 1893 to 1896,
It hen he retired in favor of Mr. Mc-
Guigan. This was in Sonth Middle-
sex. lie is a native of Lobo town-
etrip, and was township councillor,
Reeve and Warden of the county in
turn. He has fought for the Liber-
als in every election since he was a
oung man. Ile was appointed Gov-
ernor of the county jail in 1897,
e tacit position he has faithfully and
capably filled. Of course, become
hie a candidate he will have to re-
sign 1 his position.
Dot s. -The stormy weather has
Heide the roads ve,ry bad, in this vi-
cinit y . -Ou r worthy mafl. carrier,' •
Mr. Riley, has with considerable
eoutage, made his trip every day up
o the present. We Nvish the rail -
es ay se r vice was as good. -A broader
smile than nseal is to be seen on the
gimlet countenance of Mr. Alexander
Hackney, jr., these lest few days. It
is a little daughter. -Mr. Lawrence
Fulton entertained a mimber of his
friends at his home on New Year's
Eve. An enjoyable tin. was spent
in games, music and dancing. -Mr.
George Welter, formerly of t he firm
of Beaver Bros., of th1s place, who
has been assisting his brother, Mr.
11. Beaver, with the Christmas trade
and routiving old acquaintances here
has this week returned to his home
in In finshard.-Miss Hamilton, who
has been spending her holidays at
her home in Motherwell. has return-
ed and is bilsy teaching the young
idea how to shoot in school section
No. ft. This is her fourth year here
arid during that time she has provt
th it the same would be forthcom-
in another season. The auditors
re 4rt shOWed : Total amount of
in Ic received, 1,486,360 lbs. amount
of phecsc naannfastured, 142,633 lbs.
or 1 tons and 6:331bs. ; avetage lbs.
of tnulk to lbs. of cheese for season,
10 2 ; average cost of manufacture
pe lb. of cheese, 1.14c. ; average
pr &e per lb., of cheese, 10.15c ; av-
er e value of lb. of milk to patron,
.8 4 ; total receipts, $14,486.04. A-
m nts realized by, some of the pat;
ro s were :-Thomas- Inglis, $820.98 ;
A m Willoughby, $546:86 ; James
Gr $53:3.98 ; Wm. Blair, $505.19 ;
John Willoughby, $460.07Hugh
Rinhniond, $440.89 ; J., M. Hutchin-
son, $371.05 ; James Denman; $358,76
Jole,ph McKay; $356.22 ; Wm. McKay
$312.3.30 ; Samuel 'Wherry, $317.07 ;
R bert Livingston, $297.63, .
thel.-The annual meeting of the
p .trons of the Ethel factory wasiheld
o1 Saturday. At this factory there
w re 120,838Ibs. of milk received
and. 111,688 lbs. of cheese made which
r Iizcd $1.0,926. The expenses of
in king amounted to $1,000 and the
p trons received $9,022. It took on
a. leverage 10.78 lbs. of milk to ina.ke
a pound of cheese and. the average
c $t of makieg was $1.14 per 1001 lbs.,
a el the average price rcaIizejI for
t e cheese was 9.80 cents.
Brusselse--At the annual meeting
o ;the Brussels faetory the coriemit-
t e of management for last year was
eeppointed. Mr. 0. Smith was ap-
p inted auditor ; :lames Turnbull,
t ensurer. - Mr. W. W. Harris was
r.. -engaged to manufacture the
cheese' at 2 cents per pound and to
pay all expenses connected there-
with. He was also given a vote of
thanks for the Very satisfactory
manner in" which he had conducted
the last year. During the past yeaf.
there had been 958,103 pounds of milk
reoeived from which had bean made
90r720 pourads of cheese for which
wits realized $9,588. The follnwing
is a- list. of the. patrons and the ae
mbunts they received during the
past seeson as well as seine stats -
tis from annual report ;--S. Burke,
; Wen Mcis:elvie, $143.89 '• 3.
Strachan, $258.28 ; John Gnat, $70.-
70 ; P. Mcponald, $127.401; George
Caornbest $136.35 ; A. •Polleck, $86.-
74 ; Mrs. Mulligan, $112.73 ; A. Simp-
son, $54.54; John Strashan. $172.78;
D, Taylor, $246.90; .1. Turnhull,$120.-
48 ; Hogg, $119.52; A. R. McDon-
ald, $145.27; A. M. McDoorad,$134.-
0/; R. Carr, • 130.19;$Jelin Lake,
:8.91; A. Tennan 1/ 819.78 D.Rich-
artisan, $22.36; P. j. Bishop, $36.-
1i; John Baste, $t26.38; It. Blair,
$6451; J. Bateman, $69.83; TLJack-
sone $83.78 ; W. Reid, 845.16 ; J.
Voive, $101.78 ; P. McArthirr, $251.-
95; T. Smith, $119.84; 0.-Sn4th.$117.-
66 ; A. Smith, $176.34 ; J. Oliver,
$66.78; R. Cardiff, *74.64 f T. Shaw,
$16.15; W. Brewer, $112.17; H. La-
ment, $151.i6; R. Inglis, $44; J. El -
Bat, $125.40 ; J. McKinnon, $130.-
51 ; N. Richardson, $86.5$; E. Smith,
$104.37; John Cardiff, $87.19;.Jas.
Cardiff, 4;91,26 ; McFarlane, $40.-
40; R. Hoover, *89.39; Jno. Crearer,
$160.48; J. Arrest rong, 8101.73; A.
Shaw, 58. 61 ; If. Docket, 9084 ; D.
Agar, 259 59 ; Mrs. Sellers,, 103 48 ;
W. Davidson, 91 07 ; W. Moses, 71-
; A. Forsyth, 411 :35 ; Mrs.' Fral-
jolt, 24 34 ; James Moffatt„ 52 37 ;
T. Ellis, 8481 ; Wut. Cochrane, 103-
24 ; J. Bowman, 73 80 ; W. Bowman,
107.52 ; R. Armstrong, 108.00 ; W.
179 59 ; J, Ireland, 72 18 ; R.
Mitchell, 04-36 ; 3. Duntan, 87 86
Jlobn MooneY,, 92 51 ; Sharpe, 78-
68 ; R. Scott, 130 95 : R. Nichol, 61-
95 ; S. Walker, 156 18 ; SoPir, 91)
13 ; G. Key% 51 25. ,
- •
Vellimalssmile iaiS a Rule Are the SitarrieS
of superstition.
Some of the most notorious erlinInals
who, it Would,hardly be thought, paid
the slightest ailtention to omens, good
or bad, have the greatest faith in su-
perstitions of all kinds.
' The burglar is a believer in the sig-
nificance of dreams and has bee*
,known to relinquish a big burgling feat
'if a dream the eight before has warned
hint that he will be In danger should he
disregard the warning. If he saw a
rainbow he would consider it to por-
tend that, however reckless he may be,
he is not likely to fall into the hands
of the police ' for a space .of three
months. Burglars have been known to
carry a donkey's shoe iu their pocket
before turning out, believing that this'
will protect them from danger, while
others pin their faith' to a piece of coal,
which they wi I carry in their pockets
throughout th1r career and afterward
bequeath it to confederiate. .
The pickpocket is equally supersti-
tious. It is sad lie will not rob a per
son who squInt8, this being accounted
a sign of dis ster, and if it happens
that the purse he robs contains foreign
coins it is believed to augur that be
will travel a 11ood deal in the immedi-
ate future, whether in the company of
a couple of officers or not there is noth-
ing to show. 1
Weddings and funerals are pregnant
with meaning for the professimial thief.
To pick a pocket at a funeral' would be
to court immediate disaster, whereas if
a purse stolen at a wedding contains
gold it portends the best of luck for
the thief durin the ensuing six months.
Some pielzpOckets have a favorite
Pair of bootthat they wear as long as
they can keep them on their feet, and
It they are not arrested while they are
wearing tbethey cut the boots up
into little square pieces and. give them
away as "luck r tokens" to their pals.
Black or very dark eyes denote a ca-
pacity for extreme. ardor in love.,
Greenish .tins- in blue or hazel eyes
are the signs of wisdom;and courage.
Steel colored eyes Usually denote a
cold nature, also deceit and treachery.
Russet broveLn eyes, untinged by yelt
low, mean anaffectionate and gentle
disposition. .
Dark blue e es. while indicating af-
fection and pu ity, do not represent in-
. Variable gr y eyes are highly intel-
lectual and in icative of an. impulsive
and impressio able femperitment
Clear light liue eyes, espetially if ae-
Compaeled by steadfastness of expres-
sion, denote eheerfulnemi, amiability
and constancyf
Tawny eyes' denote fickleness. Eye,
of no particUlar color, only feeble
shades of gra and blue, go with lym-
phatic dispo alone, characterized by
coldness, twill hness and listlessness.
• Row it Spreads.
,The first package of 'Hem -Reid (the ill-
fittlible Pile eure) Cut wen per out went
tO a small town ie 81 ate of Nebraska.
It made the f are of a case of Piles that
wee coneidered honeeite
Tne news spread and slthough this was
only two year', age, the demised prompted
Dr. J. 8. lemahardt, of Lincoln Nebraska,
the discoverer, to prepare it 'ilor general
use. No it is being tent' to II parts el
the world. I
I, will cure.aoy case of Pilee. There is
s monthts treatment in with bo;.
Sold for 81.00, with absolute guarantee.
It is for Bele by druggist's.
A Late Supper.
A very steady and serious country
gentleman had joined a newly estabe
lished London west end club which *t-
iered- the ad outage of bedrooms for
country mem ers temporarily in town.
-.When next tI4e squire visited the mod -
lira Babylon e put up for the night at
the club, 'bch had in the mea'ntime
become extrenely fashionable and its
hours comes ondingly irregular. The
equire went to bed at an early hour,
When all wa quiet and decorous. If
there were racket in the night he
slept through it. - -
Next gaoling be came down to
breakfast at his usual hour, 8 o'clock,
but was sulrised to find the room in
the middle o the dusting procens and
not a ploth 04 the tables. White he was
gazing helplessly around a sleepy eyed
Waiter came tap to him.
"I beg your pardon, sir," he said apol-
ogetieally, ut no suppers' can be
served after balt past 7." -London Tit -
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cottoo, Silk,
.Tute ot Mixed Goods In one hath --they are
the latest and mosb improved Dye in tne
World. Try a package. If your druggist
basn't them send direct to &mall Chemical
Co., 60 Adelaide St„ East Toronto.
Our Animals.
A dish of krefili water is a conatant
necessity where there IS a dog or a cat,
even though they never appear to touch
It. Offering them water now and then
doesn't answer at all.
Those who suppose scat requires only
meat and milk should offer it a bit of
nicely cooked vegetable, especially as-
paragus, corn, green beans or potato,'
It is crimiaal to keep caged pets un-
less one is sure to remember their
needs, not when one "thinks of it," but
constantly'. .
The man who has DO tender feelings
for his horse should remember • that
this faithful servant will last longer
and serve better while he does last if
he receive consistent treatment.
Read With Ramie.
A writer fax Leslie's Mouthly says: A
schoolbook that is fax my possession,
dated 1832, has penciled inside the
front cover these lines;
written over the commandments
No solution was offered, and I stlid
led over the mysterious medley foe
some time before I saw that it made
sense if an E was substituted ter each
of the dotal
Ills Aitradatie Oesuielesea.
Puddy-You say you have a very to*.
der conscience. I notice' it Is wonder.
fully iensitive to the faults of others,
but it *ever appears le be troubled by,
your own shortcoming..
Duddy -No; I hope not That wonli
be egotistical, you kuow.-ZzobauSit•
"Whitt MO you writing, Hawley?"
"A. story. I'm going Is for fiction."
"Really -fee a magazine?"
for fay tailor. Ile wants bi
Money. aadr I'm telling him I'll send
Win Asa as week.° •
Eighty per.cent, of the ills of
womankind are due to Kidney
derangement. Backache, pain
in the side, headache, depression,
pimples and emptions, swelling
of the feet, bad taste in the mouth,
all come from disordered kidneys
allowing poisons which should
be carried off to reinain in the
Dr. Pitcher's Backache -Kidney
Tablets -positively cure all kidney
trouble, and free women from
aches and ailments.
Mrs. Richard Meyre, prestenOnt,,
says bad a severe pai
in n soy
back ths4 gave me no release in the
day time and disturbed MO nights.
Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab -
Seta cured moot the pain, and I have
no longer that depressing weakness
in tho morning_as formerly."
, Dr. Pitcher's JA. -IC. Tablets straw.
a bottle,at druggists oribytnail. The
Dr. Zings Pitcher Co.. Toronto, Ont.
Geese Wanted.
200 Live Geese
Wantrd, for which from di (seine np wUl be paid, to
be delivered at the bump Iron Yards, Ranh tide
qf aflway track, and immediately opposite the oleo.
td$1 works, Seaforth.
1878x8 MAX SHER.
N EXTflilionnitew
We are Setting th• Best Electric,
- Belt In the World et a Pr:co
Within the Roach of tho Pooront
Our !Wahl' isutirielVegh $40
for only
I Our No. 7 Electrid Beft (With suspensory (
trim or ladies attoolunent) is guaranteed to poses§
sauce power/ name clisrust, more equal distribut:r n
hf current, ketter.-quality sod finish than any other
Eltctrie Belt misde, regardless of prii:e.
Tito I'rcf. Karst Felt is a sure cure for Nervouc,
Weakness, Kidney, !Ayer :assi Stomach Complaint,
Rheumatism, Lame Back, Pain or Aches in all parts
of the body. Weir the Silt while you bleep, and in
t'd a morning you wDll feel lotus younger than in
rns went to bed.
wnittfihene who me you to' pay from $10 t.0
I, far atc., lectris Silt,sai half in geodes the Pr f.
Kara's whiCh we SW fir silly $5.00. We have only
one wine. We do set se yaps AO /taws first, tied
tr you do sot imp, try sat eeti yes skir sane belt at
laoty old pica
Our /lama Stw.-lirwasens .are to send us
ve dollare ws Sassed ins sae of our Betts to your
nearest express 4144, CO.D. go, with privilege
'of examination, if satisfactory, pay the exprees a zen t
1$5 CO and express charges and take the Belt. I f t.rt
at retire:Anted you need not pay one cast. y...0
send teals with order we prepay the prangs,
1 We aro manufacturers of all kinds of
awl an es. Write u fir our bsek, giving yricus
and fn.! particulars. , ft is sent free.
De not buy untti you laid our No. 7 114.,11 CrA.:e
‘Yrite at eeco, Mire's 2
gr ri r E. King inn 132 Victoria SL
'40 '‘• Tomato. Can.
For sale by J. S. Ili:MEWS, Seaforth,
.; The undersigned Is prepared to pay the highest
Cash price for an unlimiW quantity of flint -clam
Soft Elm, Rock Eine Basswood, Maple,
- Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Loge.
Delivered M the Sesforth Saw 'and Stave Mill. .Logs
to be cut an even length, exeept-Soft Rim. SoftrElm
to be cut 11, 18 and 16 fee', Will she buy
Basswood Heading Bolts,
40 inchee long, st 18,50 per cord, delivered.
Will also buy timber by meseurement or by bulk in
bush, flprociel attention paid to custom sawing, and
satiefaction guaranteed.
• • 'lg. r•
• t
Sprains, Strains, Cute, 'Wounds, Mere
Open Sores, Bruises, Stiff Joints, Bites and
iStinp of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contracted
Cords, Rheurnatige, Neuralgia, Bronchitin
Croup, Sore Tbroat, Quitisey, Whooping
Cough anti 4 Painfel Swellings.
Rending the Paee.I
The "rending the face" and "eyes
with Painting" went:lotted fax the Bible
are still practiced by Arabian and other
oriental women. A bodkin of orange
wood charged with hlack powder is
thrust along between the closed eye-
lids, giving a languorous depth to the
Our First Pins.
The first pins made in this country
I, merely a bit of
not for a bead at
led to a point at
were very ceude Ind
wire twisted into a 1
one end and sharpe
the other.
Rapid Sho making.
t' A pair of wemen e shoes made in
Lynn, 3fass,, to este lish a record for
rapid shoemaking required fifty-seven
operations and the titie of forty-two
machines and 100 Pieces. All these
parts were aseembled and mede into a
graceful pair Of shoes ready to wear fax
thirteen minutes.
Wild Birds In New York,
The trade in wild birds is quite a
feature in New York. About 15,000
are - imported annually from Europe
and 10,000 from Africa,. They are bull-
finches, goldfinches, ihmets and thrush-
es. ,
Argentina's Cows.
The numl er of dairy etloWs in the Ar-
gentine Reenblic is 81,000,000. In Eu-
ropean markets the Argentine butter is
preferred to the itnperts froln Russia,
Canada and Australia,
! Soda Water.
There is ho soda in isoda water. Ev-
ery pint a soda water contains two
and one-half pints of Carbon dioxide, a
gas. Therefore whee you drink ono
pint of soda water nou really' drink
three and one-half pints. This is why
soda water is such a comfortable drink,
The Oldest Hospital.
The Pennsylvania hospital in Phila-
delphia Is :the oldest hospital in the
United States. It was built in 1755.
- latitese Vers4so Hale. •
After quineelling o er the respective
strength of a horse and a mule two
farmers at Segovia, pain, decided to ,
settle the Matter bya tug of war, The
nnimais were harnessed, one at each
end of a cart. After x desperate struge
gle the melte trium hed, 'milling the
horse off its legs anti galloping away
with it.
Paper AM'.
The earliest European paper mills
were at Fithian°, in Italy, in 1150. The
Arabs flint introduced the secret of pa-
per making into Europe, they them-
selves having learned it from Chinese
prisoners of war.
Shooting Stars.
We should think ot shooting stars al
solid shot about the size of a cherry or
cherry stone, each of them flying with
100 times the speed. a a bullet as far
as the orbit of tram* and returning to
the earth's distance from the sun three
times in a century, unless it strikes
our atmosphere and is burned up in a
Ancient Fire Engine.
The old order does not change at
Halesworth, fax Suffolk, England. There
is a fire engine still in use which was
made In 1793.
Ns plea Honey.
In Naples the fiat roofs of houses are
turned into apiaries, and the poorest
families are able to eat all the honey
they desire, the cost being practically
nothing. The Italian bee does not sting.
The Paper Tree.
A cloth of very tine texture is made
from the bark of the paper tree, a mul-
berry growing In the south sea islands.
The Collins of the Greeka.
The anelent Greeks used a' species of
limestone known as sarcophagus in
malting coffins. The peculiar quality
of sarcophagus consisted in the fact
that it would consume the human body
within a period of ft fevr weeks. It is
saki to have been found at Assos, a city
of Lyda.
Proportion of Murders.
One death in every 112 in the United
States is it murder.
Strawberry Plants.
A strawberry plant if set in a patch
of dry -sand , will send out its runners
in the direction where good. soil is near-
Things. r on ss Development.
A big arm with. tine bleeps, triceps
and deltolel development may be very
pretty to, look at, but ouch arms have
ofttimes :cost their owners their lives
through , enlargemeot of internal or
gins incident to their development.
I Sulphur Bathes.
A sulphur bath, which persona travel
far to hike at the springs, may be tak-
en at home very aceeptably and with
good results by throwing a handful of
sulphur into the bath water.
Anseiess'i Etiquette of Gloves.
In the middlo ogee etiquette with re-
gard to gloves was far more stringent
than at present. For instance, no one
was permitted to OD ter a ehurch wear-
ing gloves, which were considered just
as muelt out of place as it would now -
adept be to remain in any sacred edi-
fice with a hat on.
The Sultan's Household,
It 114 estimated that nearly 20,000
pounds of bread are eaten; daily itt the
sultan of Turkey's' househeld. •
Sherry and Gout.
Workmen employed the ware-
houses of Jerez, Spairi, drnik two bot-
tles Of herry a day. and gout and
rhenrinitioin are soid to be almost un-
kuown itimong thein.
Results from common soaps:
eczema, coarse hands, ragged
clothes, shrunken flannels.
ASic fur the Octagon Bar 237
Lath, 0hing1;es
Sash and Doors.
Lame Back for
Four Months.
Was Unable to Turn in Bed
Without Help.
Piasters and Liniments
' No Good.
This was the exporienoo of Mr. Benjamill
Stewert, Zionvilio,
idney Pills
He tells Obis experience in the folloW.
ing words: "For four months I was troubled
With a Jame back and all this time was en-
able to turn in bed without help. I tried
plasters and liniments of all kinds but with
no effect. At last I was induced to try
Doan's Kidney Pills, and by thelime I had
used two-thirds of a box my back was as
well and as strong as ever and has kepi
so ever since."
Backache, Frequent Thirst, Scanty,
Cloudy,Thick or Highly Colored Urine,
Pulling under the Eyes, Swelling of
the Feet and Ankles, are all symptemi
of kidn9y trouble that Doan's ICidnee
Pills wiltnu re.
Price so cts. per box or 3 for $i.25,
dealers, or
Tbe Lend esboro Dairy annual meeting of share.
bolder* and patrons will be held In Londesboro, on
January 21st. Shareboleers' meeting begins at one
o'clock. Patron,' meeting at 2 o'clook. A.
MOVBELL, Secretary. 1882,2
THE Top.„
Blood Bitters
bolds a position =rivalled by any otliae
blood medicine as a cure for
PIMPLES, autovronr, er any disease
arising from a disordered state of the
Sltomacb, Liver, liovels or Bleed. When
you require * good blood medicine get
Money To Loan.
Lovers sant Lo%rogsking In the Lent
of tb e Shantrotk.
T11:1 1 rin!) w;:y a.f <dueling in the OM
-flay-z and in titi:et country places even
!o tee predint day was and Is very did-
ferent from that Wyk) of thing whiele
mattes the subject of many finely paint-,
ed romances.There were no stolen int
terviews, no twiliglit walks, no thought
of ki$3Vki or even band clasps -In short,
no lovehmking whatever. But if they
were at reaping or linymaking Peter
took his place next to Rosie, helped to
bind her sheaves when his own were
done and at noonday tot* his shore et
soda cake and his draft of milk front
her hands. Then in the quiet eveningt
when the work was done and the even-
ing meal was over, Peter would rise
and look out of the door and say to his
father or sisters: "'Ti a fine night. it
think I'll go for a bit of a stroll." And
the bit. of a stroll inevitably ended tet
the narrow path through the whin
bushes up to the dile, over which It
was but three steps into Alec IfieCros-
san's haggard, and then across to where
the firelight shone welcoming throurh
an open door.
Around the Ore the family circle was
widened to make room for him, as a
matter of course. Maybe Ise took a
draw at the pipe, and maybe he tiEdn'te
Anyhow he would sit tbere quiet au*
contented for long enough, taIldnee
the time to McCrossan or the neighbor
men, but with quiet, happy eyes wat:0*-
ing Rosie, the loved and chosen orte,
she sat In the flickering light or moved
about the room. And there was s glean
in her eyes and a smile on her Ilya
which told him he was welcome Ind
bade him stay bong and come again
soon, and in bis heart .was a drm re-
solve, as soon as ever he saw his war
to marrying, that he would have Boole
and no other.
This, in spite of all that is written In
story books and silly romances or
shown on the stege, is the recognized
and seemly, Irish way of oeurtiag.
Any amount of Private or Company funds to loan
at lowest rattle of intereet and on advantageous SOMAS
of repayment. Apply to R. S. RAYS, Dominion
Back Building, Seaforth, °markt. 1872,16
Hardware Store,
A Coraplete Stock of
Sleigh Bells
Cross Cut Saws
Chopping Axes & Handles
Hockey and pring Skates
Examine our new pattern nickle
tea pots. The best goods in the mar-
ket, Makes a nice Christmas present.
Prices right, Give us a call.
Sills & Murdie
It is So teem thea hag stood the toot of tbne-etesuls the heaviest strain -never
nega-the Mandate the world over. Order through our load Agent Or &met from us.
THE PACE WIRE MINOR 00. LIMITED, walker -Tine, Ont. 31011tre111, Que. St. JOIM. N.B.
In all things it Is better to hope than
Adversity borrows its sharpest sting
from our impatience. -Bishop Horne.
He alone Is an acute observer who
can observe minutely without being
If the 'ancients left us Nees, to our
credit be it spoken, we modern e era
building houses for them. -A. B. Al-
Money dishonestly acqufred is never
worth Its cost, while it good conscience
never -costs as much as it Is wortet.-J.
P. Senn,
The one who will be found In trial
capable of great acts of love is ever the
one who is always doing considerate
small ones. -F. W. Robertson.
To be humble to superiors Is duty; *
equals is courtesy, to inferiors is riro
bieuess, and to all safetie, It being a
virtue thst, for all its lowliness, wm-
mandeth those it steeps to. -Sir
Wiaalpeg, Balk&
The Value of a inseatiea.
A. vaeation pays as much front the
standpoint of character as from any,
other point of view. Xust as "every
man is a rascal when he is sick," so the
best Intentioned man in the world may
be a brute whet0he Is worn out phys-
ically and working said planning Of
trying to do eo with a fagged, wear"
brain. The brutal qualities in a num.'s
nature come to the surface whett he
has drained hls vitality to the dreg.
He loses his self control and his pas-
sions get the better of hive. Ile does
things which in his soul be condemns
and says things for which he after.
ward hates himself, and all because be
lacks physical stamina. The long strain
of the year has made hint so irritable
and exacting that the merest trifle up-
sets higt. He goes all to pieces over
little things which he would not evert
notice if he were in good bodily condi,-
Amerieau Grit.
"I'm used to being drowned," write*
a Kansas City merchant "but ft de
crowding the mourners to have thet
price of beef rise because the Missouri
river doee," Viet humorous stream,
which now take e away your farm la
the night and transfers it to your, neigh-
bor, now annexes bis holdings to your
own, now overflows you altogether, is a
good symbol of American fortune. Bury,
the dead, get a new suit of clothes ott
credit and to work again!
Ala 014 Jewish Oesaeterp,
The most Interesting Eiglit in /Into
is the old Jewish cemetery. It is fax the
center of the city. surrounded by
walls. There are thousands of asfelest
mom covered slabs, some beariag int
scriptions of great antiquity which onls,
Ilebrew scholars can d.ecipher. The
cemetery is unused, but no other Jew-
arial ground in Europe can enin-
pi with it for age or general inftenet
to the antiquarian.
An Unfair Deal.
"Tried to skin we, that crthbiev
"Whnt did he want?"
"'Wanted to get °Ill n hook joiutly. he
to write t),:t. book and 1 to Write tI1P
rertiseuivids. 1 lerre tl him dowe, 1
wnsn't g,TAllg to do ell the literary -
Cure For a Ilornely Oat-
Floorwelkere-rni eery sorry. madam,.
but I can't ie.:Muir:1T this hut for you.
Mrs. Suet beon-lint my husband titstig
not like 11:
Floorwalker -Then I'd advise you to•
get a divorce.
Not to return s benefit is tbe greatest
de, but not to confer it It the
• -
-Mionie, he dee-par-eh' dstighter of
Mr. Wm $ P,!,f Lwow, di id in Stret,
ford hospital ise4t week. Be was Wren to
Stratford a rhort time agn, suffering from a
broken limb,
-Mr. Wilfrid Ileee, B A., recently of
Watford, hes beau eVeding his holideys
at the home of his lethe. in N111411.11. tdr.
Nice has been sppointed pranwpal of the
high ichool at Sault Ste Marie.