HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1904-01-01, Page 5RE. Wink our many the year. The own a consider - sly say, the past ory cover/rag a urther in- er keotea ere the values in Ftonly one pair of bona =d we re- rshoes, Rehberg eiCg the morals terming e a house- iam Hug - cutters. make itself 0 noting people MIA evening toe the nWent Mu. Lind- heerty wel- d in Rinburn the severe hat gone ta Ue- r, who ie very - pceition in R. wath Bowers is+ totra.Christopher Helmesvillm— ng her Christ - and Teeswater. gene to New enjoy tik ran, - all been elected ge being made the place of O to hold the Bar. James Par- a large smile at wife pre- !. a Christmae d. liara Holt, of r. John Holt.- tiy in our burg. ant of the Pres - t 3UCO$ig, nnui re—Mr. L. Ra- w house. —Mre. bristmas at her Ebbison visit- -Mr. David IIatIera,bronghf no Jod t Mr. week. That Is .wa the kind of Greed Bend.— nawden epenb • Miss Idte ro London,— d family speut Lavie is y is reported ta? Dont r chance. The the 41 be mond, oar na election the reeve and by acclaim- , elected reeve his place in +moil Will be F; O'Brien and ominated, but stoup the- third council hes • on The first ilib held at h, at eleven —A very pretty On Wedaeta themes of Mr. road, when Mr_ , Mine Maggie etre Mr. Alex - road. The cor- m Mr. Larkin asant, eompany ranting parties, The gervices of weredispaneed p e taking all toccasion on and congratu- ook of a most erved by the style.- After accompanied by to Seaforth, ooze train for °Jute to- (+pond return they in the pretty L Road. The meroas, hand- eatify in, a hich she itt ore emong the of our piling large circle of TUB Entioserori, happiness and Omni. auaIlefooke ;hi a1e 5 a! $7.50, 380 a sujt. le, for I fl'a fff.i a pair. Japan tea .1E1JARY 1 1904 Stanley. Womtleti INSTITITTE.-The Bayfield branch of the Womerds Institute met on lrbursday,the 10thinst„ ab the home of Mu, .Jem Campbell, on the Bronson Line. Quite a number of visiWra were present as well as insinbere and the meeting was very pleasant as well as instructive. The subject discun- ed was "bread making" and the inter. obange of ideas and experienees was both interesting and helpful. The soolety has just litely got into working order and has for its president, Mrs. James Speakman; corresponding secretary and treasurer, Miss Mery Gardiner and recording mooretary, 'Miss Maggie Campbell. The next meeting will be held on the second Thursday in January, at the home of hire. John Cautpe_ belle on the Bronson Line. The subject will he "systematic housekeeping"- and all the ladies who wish, are invited to attend and help in the discussion of this ithportant subject, - ABOUT Aermiee—Mr. James Campbell of the Bronson Line, Stanley, reeently rawly- -ee a letter front a, men in Innerleithen,i 'Scotland, in reply to a note sent in a berm of apples, in °etcher. Mr. Campbell re - delved one dollar for the barrel and in the note asked the buyer to state the price he psi& and the condition of the apple*: The reply was that the apples were in excellent condition awl that the price paid was 17e. and O. Surely our buyers noed not com- plain of "no peofits " this year. - Blake. ITens.—A very enjoyable time %Ono spent at, the home of Mr, R. J. Drysdale, One evening leen week, when the memberof the Sabbath school presented their organist, Miss Ernms, with a beautiful caperine, after which a lengthy programme was given.—Mr. R. Allan and his --, alto Mr. P. J. Howard and hie --, attended the Zurich public yahoo! oonoerb on the evening of the 22ai inst., and report a good time.—Misses Mary and. Emma Dryedaie, accompanied by tbeir driver, Mr. H. How- ard, called on Mr. A. Murray and family one evening recently. --Mies Belle Thomp- son, who hae been engaged as teaoher of the Theyedale public school, will commence her duties ozz Monday, January 4 the The trite- • VMS of this 'potion certainly deserve praise as to their choice of Miss Thompso , for no doubt she will prove a suecessful eeober, being one who always headea the LI b in he eXaMinittiODO.-Mr. John Drysdale of Tor onto, spent Christmas under the arenta roof.—Min Belina Durand hag se ured :whoa! near Grand Bend, where he Wil CODD519D0,9 duties ehortly.--Qaite a flambe ef the hien& of Mr. and Mrs. . Aila aasembled at their home on Ch "etnIna where they vent the day in ga es an other amusements.—Mr, and M .. Wm Blair, of Michigan, who have beemvisiting friende and reletions in this vicinfty! for the past couple of weeks, intend leaving for their home at the beginning of t e new year.—Quite a number of our youn people Wend taking in the -party t� be eld at Mr. J. Johnston's, near Hensel!, Wed- maiday night. —For a good local par, try Tem HURON EX.P081T91. ' Bluevale. . BRIERS. -Miss Jennie Elliott wae siting relatives ab London this week,— r. and Mrs. Robert Mason visited relat ves at Clinton last week.—Me. William B iley, of Ottawa, is spending the holidays ith his mother in Bluevale.-Mr. and Mrs. Minos •Gardner, of Goderioh, were visitors in the village gat weak. —Mr. and Min. Joseph ; Burgess and children, of Woodsto k, are • visiting at Mr. John Burgeset—Mr. Frank' tkett spent Christmas day at Sea rth.— Mr. L. B. Duff, news editor of ti e "Galt Reporter, apeno Chrietmas at his h me in the village.—lidesere. W. Haney and G. Aitchison are home from Stoke* ay for the holidaya.—Mr. Jas. Burgess'of trath- roy, le holidaying in Bluevale.—Mr . Wil- liam ifeney and son. of Toronto, at Mr. George Haney'.—Maas ilanny and Lilly Paterson, of Wingbaro. spent Christmas day in the village.--- and Mrs. Tnomas West, oi Woodeto ir, are spending the holidays at the manse. Mies Barbara Mayne, of Underwood, is 'siting her sister, Mrs. Beiley.—Mr. Jamea Grey, of Lbtowel, was a vidror in Bluevale lame week.—Mr. and Mrs.Blaelrall and children, of Wingbam, were visiting at Robert Mae- -ont lase week.—Mr. Charles Coulter', of Listowel, spent Christmse at home in Blue- valaneMr. Chester Pugh was home from Palmersoin over Sunday.- Dr. Thomas King, of Ohio, is visiting relatives in Blue - vale and vicinity.—Mr. Coultes and Mrs. Frankfort, of Gaylord, Michigan, ar, visit- ing at the home of Mr. Thomas Co Item. - lir. Thomas Diment, of Toronto, isrenew- ing old acquaintences in the village -Mr. Clement, of St. Catharines, is visit ag at the home of Mrs. MeHardy.—Miss Annie Swann and Mr. -Clifford Pugh, arej home from Goderioli Collegiate Institute 1 otr VIM. -tion.—Miss Kathleen Swann is hom from 'Goderich Model school, where, she tossed her examination with honors.---, Ever thing has it. advantages. People may coifle up from Wingham on the 3:13 train, do their shopping here, and return or the 1.30 braise —Mies Maggie MoDonagh,of Wingh ,was visiting in Bluevale,-Mr. Jonathan Jew- itt, of Prince Albeit, N. W. T., is vimiting his parente in Bluevale.-Mtejohn Haney, of Hensel!, is holidaying at home—Mr. Albert Denman, of Lucan, spent Christmas in Bluevale.—The annual meeting df the congregation of the Bluevale Presbyterian °bomb will be held on Saturday afternoon, January lith, when the advisability of building a new church will be discussed. I Varna. Don't miss it! Your chimes to buy bet- ter than you ever did before. The E. Mc- Bee! Co., Seaforth, intend to make it in- teresting for H cash buyers for ten days, commencing Monday, the 4th of J nary. 881-i NOTES. -Mr. and Mrs. Lauf A rharb visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Cook.—Miss Ada Cameron la now el rking In Mr, Hannwell's store —The nglish church Ohrietmas tree, in connection with the Sunday school, was a succese. t the close there was a light lunch serv d by the ladies. A nioe programme w pre- pared, ooneieting of reeitations, di logues sod reading,. --The etorm of last nudity prevented our minister from turnin out, also onr young men, but borne brav d the storm and went to see their best hie.— Mr. D. Shepard, of Galt, is spendi g his Christmas holidays at the manse o Rev, Mr. Davideon.—Mr.Thomaa Keys la pend- ing the holidays svith big daughter, Mrs. Sawed Rathwell, of °orrice—Miss ertha Cmirne, of Exeter, is visiting fri ds in and around ',Varna.—Mr. Thomas binson le visiting up north —Miss E Lo an is visiting hz Collingwood, having g ne to attend the wedding of her cousin, Percy Coiling+. A PECULIAR CASE, -On Tuesday f last week, Mr. Jylici Denby,. of Goderio town- ship,having ocoesion to come to the illage hitched uphis team and started. e heel not gone very far on the road when e met neighbor, Mr. John Rethwell, of whom be hiquired if the road was broken through to Varna. Mr. Rathwell replied that he did not know, but, as he also wanted some Inge from the store, he would go along With him. They got along all right znf7I1 a fsw rods south of the big gully, whea their horses plunged into a large drift an stuck fast. They had to- unhitch the tean, take down the fence and get into Mr. W Den- ulson't field, in which they kept sinti they reached the village, the road not having n broken from Sunday's star . Mr. =lion had the two summoned before trate Beattie, of Seaforth, fo4 tree - on his property and were `et /4. , ne and mete 4111011iting to 110.85 each. They have sines placed the matter before the council, and we do not know who may have to pay the Peet costs. This ie always a bad piece of road in winter, and is quite a drawback to the business people of the village, as well aa a great inoonven- lent* to the farmers lu that smitten of Goderioh township, who get their mail here and also do a great deal of other business: We think it is high time the commit should take the matter in baud and have #sniksble wire fences ereeted on roads auch as this. Beeohwood, We return our sincere thanks to our many patrons for their patronage this year. - It hes been s record breaker in all departments. We will be able to serve you still botetin 1904 and shall be very much pleased to heye eentinuanee of your ?Avon. W. H wink, see agent in Seaforth for Dorothy Dodd shoe, for women, and Gott. A. Neter' shoes for men. 1881-1 Be quick! Dont let the Ten Days' Sale pass without you getting your share of the plunder et the E. •McFaul Co'., Seaforth. . 1881-1 Donros.—Mr. J. J. Ryan he. returned from Sault Ste. Marie, to spend his °brie- trnas holidays in -this C. Roach, of Bodoni], spent Chrietmas with her mother, Mra..J. Binehes.—Mr. Joseph EirODO, of Detreibe lo enjoying a few well earned holidays. 1 Joe looks hale and hearty and likes the city,—Mr. T. H. Ryan, of Basle, has returned foe the holiday sermore—Mre and Mrs. F. Crawford, of Blytb, spent Christmas with Mrs. Craw - ford's Neither, Mr. John Sbea.—Mr. James Flannery has returned from a two years' sojourn in North Dakota. He 'mike as if the west agreed with him.—Mr. Femmes Khan, of Seaforas. spent aihrietinas at hie father's home horn—Miss W. Baena is at present visiting her friend, Miss L. Oh Earn—Mrs. Leavenworth, of Nebraska, is visiting her sister, Mrs, 0, Delaney. --Mrs, J. Gallegher, ot Strathtoy, spent Christmas at aer father's home hero.—M. and Mrs. Cnicellus Delsney are to be congratulated on having all their children around them' for Christmas this year. It seldtm hap- pene thab when childrengo so far away from home as three of; them did, two to California and one to the Klondike, that they all return, after fifteen years, in the beet of health, and find their parents alive and weal. Their Chrietnial re -union has certainly been an unusually happy one.— Mr. McCarthy, of Coburg, is holidaying with his cousin, Mr. J. O'Hara.—Never mind John, although it is cold, we will w arn+ your new house for you one of these nights in the proper style. "Fore warned le fore armed." s misissasonssergenfraiwas Heiman. Gladman & Stanbury, berrieters, at Hon- es& Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday's. 1802-tf Shops For Sale.—The Herman foundry ankinaohine shops with the lands belonging to the same, for sale cheap, For particulars apply to Robert Bell, Seaforth. 1863-11- --Tbe Sovereign Bank of Canada, Hermall, OtItIllid0. Head gfl13e, TO1011if-EXO01.1tiV8 OffEqe, Montreal. General banking business transeeted, elpmial facilities for making remittances to all parte of the world. Interesb allewea from date of deposits on savingsbank aceonxit. John lilsoarthur, Manager, 1880-u MARRIAGE. -On Wedneeday evening las s another of those happy events which alway cause a ripple in ehe comraunity, took plac at the home of Mr. William Tinney, of • th townwhip of Hay, when his second daugh ter, Miss Serah Ann, was united in Mr bonds of matrimony to Mr. William Bleak -well, (emend eon of the late Thome Blackwell, of the township of Hay. Th marriage caremoay was performed by th Rev. W. J. Doherty, of St. Nur; church Hensel, in the presence of a large nambe of else relatives and intimate friends of th contracting parolee. The bride, who wa given away by her father, was beautifull attired and was made the rocipiene of number of useful and valuable presents After the happy couple bad been warmly congratulated, all sat clowil to a sumptuous supper, after which the evening was very plearrantly spent by the gueats in social in. teroourse. The happy couple afterwards repaired to their home followed by the good wishes of their many friends for their con - tinned happiness. with whom we heartily BRIEFS. -Mr. James,Todd, of Bed Axe, Michigan, accompanied by Ms wife, spent Christmes with his brother,. Mr. _George Todd.-Mre. E. J. Rumba!' and sou Nor- man, ot Goderiob, repent Christmas with Mrs. George Todd.—Mr. John Todd has resigned Ms school at Breese's, previous to completing his certificate as a commercial specialist at Chetham.-Miss Bell ban re- turned ,t� her home in Myth, where she will rerhain until the spring miffinery open- ipgre—On Monday evening nomination was held in Miller's Hall. The attendance was large and semumber of nominations were made for the;offices of reeve and council- lors but when the time allowed for nomin- ations had expired, it was found thet all had withdrawn, so that it will be neeeseary to hold another nomination, the date of which at the time of writing, we have not learned.— The Missea Smillie, teacher", darighters of Mrs. B. &minim • ere home •spending Christmaa holldays.—A family re- union was held at the home of -Mr. and fdrs. Wm. Chepnien, of this tillage, on Christi- mas'eveninge when all their sons and dangh- tem, with their husbands, _wives and him - flies were preaent, with the exception .o.L their son Charles whe svas unavoidably de- tained.—The Misses Bell, daughters of Mr. James Bell, were home for the Christ- maa holidays.—Mr. William Moir, eoa of the late Mr. George Moir, of UsbOrne, was here this week on a visit. Mr.. Moir is now a resident of Huntsville, It is 8 years einoe he was here.—Mr. and airs. J. S. Case, of Toronto, have spent the pest week wibh their relatives and friends. Stair& Buy your spring .cotton goods now and yeller linens too-while.the E. McFaul Co's TeinDay Sale lion. Don't forget the date, 4th to the 15th ofelanuary. 1881-1 ' t() iTS.-Mr. and Mr,. Wen. Tritik, of L ndon, spent their Chrietmae holidays wi h the latter's parents in the village.— M. Norman Miller, of Hamlets, Manitoba, visited friende in this vicinity laet week. -e Mre.W. R. Bell spent Christmas at his home in the village.—The Methodist Sun- day School Christman tree, which was held OD bris" tmas night, was a great success. Th4 proceeds amounted to I4-tdr.Rerry Dr ke spent Christmas dey in Stratford, - M4 and Mrs. James Davis,spent Christman holidays with friends here -Miss Blanohh Miller, of Stratford, Spent a few days laet week with her cousin, Miss Ada Drakeete Miss Lizzie Davof Granthurste is holi- daying at the Mane of bet parents.-eMr. and Mrs. James Campbell, of Seaforth, spent Christmas day in theIvillage., 1 Walton. The most liberal treatment to cash hnyers for ten full days at the E. McFaul Co., &Worth. Wont get *better chauce, 4th to the 15th of deanery. 1881-1 ITEMS. -Mr. David McLaughlin and daughter, Miss Maggie,spent Chrietmas with Gorrie frienda.-Wm.Grigg, of Moose - jaw, Northwest Territory, arrived home to «peed Christmas with his parents. -Francis Khoo, of Seaforth, paid & flying visit with Walton friends on Christman—Angus and Miss Mary MeQuaig spent Christmas with Seaforth friends.—Wellington M3Lsughlin bas gone to Toronto to learn the barbering. —Mr. Alexander Smith, of the Hullett town line, has sold the farm which he re- cently pureheied from Mr. VV'm. Flannery, to Mr. Nelson Nicholson, who recently re. turned from Manitoba. The plaeo 0011 - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. tains. 75 acres, 4nd the purohase price hi 0,400. We oongretu)ate Mr. Nicholson on s purchtiee.—hiessrs. James Farquharson and James Arnie spent Christmas with Mr, Farquhareente parents in Seaforth.- 13, L. and F. J. Ryan spent Christtnae with friends in BeeohwOod.—All honor to your Leadbury correspondent for upholding the truth in such a masterly manner in the last week's issue. -340881'0. Diokson Brea, our of choice horses a present, and any one noted horse dealer have their stables full wanting anythi ag, in the line of bores flesh should call on then.—Mr. James Ryan has returned from 8ndwfoh College for his holidays.—On ao ount of the storm and the omesequent blocks ed state of the roeds, there was nelim t4ttendsnoe at the differ- ent churches on S nday. ' • MARKETS. BiAr011111, Deo. 31, 1008 Pall Wheath;eW),Lillandird...........- PO 76 to 40 77 Oat) per be - 0 28 tO P p - 0 67 to ley per busIg-• et 0 86 to Better, No. 1. 1 es • f 9 15 to Bulgier, tab- - - 0 16 to Rego per .4a3- 0 17 to rout, per100 to-- ---..- 2 00 to Hey per Ion new__ ei„ 60 to Ides per 100 in_ 50010 sheer Ellthee.••• e„.••• .••.•• 0 80 to 0 28 0 67 0'38 0 16 0 16 020 2 26 700 •6 26 0843 0 10 Paiston Per Tag;hew).- - 0 00 to co Salt (retan) per barrel-- 1 25 to 1 25 weed per cord (lone).. 400 te 450 Wicel por oord (short) - _ 2 00 to 2 59 Apple/ per bag_ _ ..„. 0 26 to 0 60 Clover Seed— 6 00 to (3 00 Timothy Seed . • • 1 25 to 2 60 Velem. p r lb _ 04 to 03 Pork, per 100 L..• 7 60 to 0 Dairy Markets. TORoNTO, De ember 27 -Butter -The demand for but r is just at present quiet, and the receipts ontinua largely of poor quality. Qaoteti Ds, are unahauged. Cream- ery print', 22 t 2o; solids, 120 to 21o; choice dairy poun yells, 17 to 19o; large dairy rolls 161 17o; good to choice dairy tubs, 16 o '180; medium dairy, 14 to 15o; poor dar, 10 to 12o, Chem— There le a fair d niand and the market here le about sten o at lito per pound for twine, and llo to large. Eggs -The prices continue firm, an stooks in hand are light at 24o for select f esh gathered, 22 to 23o for ordinary fres s, and 20o for cold star - age and limed. MONTREAL, De ember 29—Eggs—Cand- ied, selected, 25 o 260; Montreal linoed, 20 to 21o; weste n limed, 19 to 20o ; re. frigerater, 20 to 23e. Butter—Eastern, 19t to 200, aocor frig to quality ; western dairy, in tubs, 10 ;western rolls, tat to 17o. 0110000-00 no. 101 to ; town- ships, 10 to 14* • Quebec, (Novembers), 91 to cite per pou Gra]. TORONTO, Deo0 79o; red, 78e ; oats, 31+3 ; barley, buckwheat, 450; p SS to $10 50; /nix $8 ; sheaf straw,a1 86; dressed hogs, heavy dressed ho steads; at 06.50 to and $14 fpr bran Manitoba railhead cars of shorts, a included, Toronto f eto. ber 27—White wheat, oose, 74d; spring, 83o; 42 to 46o; rye, 55o; r4o, 65o ; hey, timothy, d' or dolma hay, $6 to ; loose straw, $5.50 to bet, per osvb, , $7; P 86 SO. Millfeed—Is 7 for mire of shorts, bulk east or west, ie steady ab $20 for d $18 for bran, marls eight.. - Live Sto k Markets. LONDON, Englen ; December 29—Live cattle slow at 10t d Ilto per pound for American- steer, (d Caned weight) ; Canad- ian steers. 10 to 1 4 per pound; refriger- ator beef, 8,a3per pi rind. Sheep 11 to 12c per pound. Lamb, 13o (dressed weight). Levintroom Dace per 2.9—Can3dian .oat- tle, 51 ; sheep, 51d o 5ad. - BUFFAL0, Demob 29—Cattle—Active; 15 to 25o higher; • ime steers, $5.15 to to 55.25; "'hipping, 50 to 55; butchers' steers,. $3.60 to j 0; heifers, $3 45; cows. $2.50 to 14 Jl,nIJe, $2.50 to 54; stook-ers and brute , 80.50 to 54; stook heifers, $2,25 to $2 ; choice fresh cows and springers, $2 to per bead higher; good to choice,$48. t 7; medium to good, 533 to $45 ; Common 82010 $30. Veale— Steady, 25o higher; $6 to 88.75; a few at $9. Hoge—Active ; 1.0 to 20o higher; heavy and mixed, $5 d to $5d5; Yorkers and stags, $3 to 60 • pigs 55 20 to 55.80.; roughs, $4.1 to 81.z. Sheep and Lambs—Sheep 25o a lambs 50o bigher ; ,$5 to $6 ; yearlinge 84.25; withers; $4 to' 84.5 • ewes, $3:75 to $4; sheep, "mixed, $2,50 $4. . MONTREAL, DOOM) r 29—Cattle—About 500.heed of cattle, 1 ealves and 150 sheep and lambs were offe ed for sale at the Esse End ,Abattoir • to -day. Tho severe cold weather helped make a dull market more dull, and sales ere slow, as the but- chers require but litt beef for some time to come. About 20 ead of extra cabtle, which were held on t market for over a week, were sold t ey at 4.;1 to 5o per pound, or a half cent 1 as than the prices at 'which they were he last week. Prime beeves sold at 4t to - d per pound • good mediums at about 4o, ordinary mediums at sic per pound. T eaves were small veal., and sold at fro 3 to $7 eacb. Sheep sold at 3 to 3 -to, and lambs at 4t to 4aci per pound. About 3J 1 at hogs were offer- ed at the stook yards tkeday, and good lots mold at 510 53 o per mint, Po TORONTO, Ddeeneb -following upoa the still very muoh in e are light. Quotation Chickens are quoted geese at 9 to 10o, tia ductile at 9 to Da, an per pound. ✓ 9—The dull season hr tmas activity is id nee'but receipts arh abont unchanged. a Ell to 10c per pound, fe ye ab 13 to 134o, ,W fowl at 6 to sis Bi GRAY -In bleKillop, on ecember 27113, the wife of Mr. George Gray, of ea . caolene-In 'Hobert, on De -ember 28111, the wife of Mr. Jamas Cronin, f a OD. COOkEr..-Itt Henn% On4/ °ter I6th, the wife o Mr. H. J. D. Cooke, , matter. GLAZIER -In Clinton, on December lOth, the wife of lir. Peter Glazier, f a son (still born.) Id es.4, FINLAYSON-SOLATE A She residence of the bride's father, Seale n January 291h; by Rev. F. IL, earkite IL A Mr. John Finlayson, to Visa Jemima, eld tighter of Mr. Win. Solder, all of Seater,* JACK -POPE --At Moun • Fo est, on Deoember 28. by Rev. W. G. Han , r. George Jack, of MDecem- WgogEL-HARRIS urnberry, on ter, to Miss Jo le Pope, of Howick: obil her id, by Rev. L. er n B. A. of Wroxeter, Mr. A. McMiohael, 01roikelter, Mise Mari_ E. Harris, only daMr. Mr. and lino wm. Harris. • I Gort;i December Mb, by - Rev. E. A. Hall, Mr, . Litt, to Miss Flora Jame', all of Gerrie. , GILLATLY-LANGSTRA HJ -At, the residence of the bride's father, Sea oxtb, on Deoember WM, by Rev. I. 13. Wallwi r. Alexander Oillsely, of Sarnia, to Miss daughter of air. and Mrs. Isaao langetrach WATT-HENDERSON-, t tho reeidenoe of the bride!' father, Tuck h, on -December 23d, by Rev. F. H. la . A., Mr. Alexander Arthur Watt, to * Maggie Roos, eldest daughter of Mr. J. 7. erson, all of Tucker. emitie LAIDLAW-LOGAN-At *tie resident's of the bridiefi patents, on D tuber Seth, by Rev, Dr. Molehill, David A. P ()law, son of the late Robert Laidlaw, of hi refs, to MIs. B. Christine, youngest daughter of Mrs. James Levin, of ki°11D-'F.genondville, on De - Deemer flethc,KblyNliee. curse McKinley, 13. A., _ vbfirole. thjer of the bride, r. oraocis R1mond, of Leeds, North p • to MIs. Margaret, daughter of John Mo ley, Esq., of _Egmond- MATTHEWS-KERR-At the residence of the bride's mother, Brum Is, en December 301h, by W. E, Kerr, Mr.W. A. letthows, of Cennington, Ont.. to Mies Emilie X , daughter of Mfrs. (Ree.) J. L. Nam SALTER•-•ROZELL-In e reypecem; at brie miRev res! dbeneey et . the beide's mend', o• T. W. Cotten*, Ms. W. IL Falter, oi Bruireela, to Miss Rate E. second tighter of Me. and Mti. Chadee Roza. °KINN ON & CO., Di..723a. Stanfield ynderwear. If you want real solid comfort these bitter cold days, wear Stanfield's frost -proof unshrinkable all -wool shirts and drawers, to be had only at this sterol in three qualities -it $1, $1.25 and $1,35 per garinent, They are, with- out exception, the best value ever offered. Those who have worn them would not be without them if they cost double the pria Two tufts will last a man from three to four years, will never shrink, and always -keep soft and warm. Beware of imitations; none are genuine except they are stamped "Stan- field." We carry a large stock of other lines of ;Underwear for men and boys at very close prices. Men's heavy ribbed /shirts and drawer., Riedel at 50o. Ment wool fleeced shirts and wool Scotch knit shirts and drawers at 50e. Scotch knit, at 25e, 30o, 350 and 40e. • all wool, in flesh colored and grey, very drawere, worth 60o, for 45e. Ment heavy Boys' shirts and drawere, fleeced and COLD WEATHER GOODS. -We earty a large stock of wool blankets, comforters, gray flannels, rubber lined frieze ubitere, rubber lined jaokets, men's fur coats, ment heavy home.made mitt., men's wool sox and stub -proof rubbers, 0..A.Ena .A.1\1-33-51NM P:EtIOM IffeRIN-NON & CO., BLYTH. r - 3E3 BI IP 0 El M., resulto like these : Is ib any wonder that the farmere use Feart Condition Powders when they OW] get Mr. Robert Frazer, of Walton, a thoroughly reliable, up-to-datO farmer, says: 1 have had wonderful success with Fear'. Condition Powder. Oae 50o package made me over $25. I was fitting a horde for sale, and he wenb bad in the lege. I tried every- thing I could bear of for the treuble, but it got worse instead of better. A neighbor re- commended Fear's Condition Powders, and I got a 503 paokage and commenced feeding them to my horse a teaspoenful with every feed, and the roeul't was remarkable. The trouble all left him, and he got sleek and fat, and I sold him for a good price. Three pound padrage for 50,3; this makes 200 doses. Prepared only by I. V. FEAR, the Druggist, C4ths "Books are Silent Friends." In response to the growing tendency of the age to use books as Christmas presents, we have laid in an unusually large sortment of the most suitable works in appropriate bindings -what could be Niter for the purpose If yon cannot be atry place that you would like to be at Xmas, send a silent friend. We have the newest and choicest books from the best pu.blish ers, and would respectfully ask you to inspect our assortment,CALL EARLY. If we have not just what you would like, we will be pleased to procure it for you, if time permits. We cannot begin to enumerate here the titles of the many new books in stock, but if you want to see Books Xmas Cards, Calendars, Bibles, Prayer or Hymn Books, call at L HI WILSON'S, FIRST DOOR NORTH SEAFORTHa OF PICKARD'S, I Death& DICKSON-In Seaforth„ on Chrlstoias Day, Decem- ber 0511), William Joseph, mond son of Mte. Richard Dickson, aged 17 years, I month and 9 days. DOWNEY-In St. Columban. on Christmse Day, • December 26th, Stephe Downey. HANNAH -In Seaforth, on (member 80th, Winkle? Hannah, aged 97 years. TRAQUAIR-AA hfs late re ideas°, " The Hermit- age Weiweyn, UMW ia, N. W. Tem' Deeem. ber'1.8th, Robert Traquair, late of lierritelluron eouney, formerly of Edinburgh, Seelland, in We 82nd year. LEECH -In Calumet, Michigan, on December 23rd, Mary Leech, daughter of Mr. Thomas Leech, formerly of Tnekersmith, HOBFATT-In Turnberry, on December 22nd. Mr. Robert Moffatt, aged 88 years and 5 nionths. GOULD-In Exeter, on December 17th, Mary Ann Hutchings, wife of James Gould, aged be years, 2 month and 1 day. IIORNElt--In Steele% Line, .on December 16th; John Horner, in hie 70th year. COOPER -At Muicouver, on December 2let,Oharles Cooper, third eon of lire. W. Cooper, of Clinton, in his 82nd year. WASHINGTON-ein Clinton, on December 18bh, Mrs. Elisabeth Washington, relict of the late A. Waehington, of Darlington, in the Seth yeat of her age, • ELLIOTT-In Grey, on December 28rd. Margaret Thompson, relloe of the lite Win. Elliott, aged 66yearaaudost. __ Roberts' Drug Store Yolande Is the name of our new perfume. In seeking a perfume worthy of our most ex- erting pritrons, we have found Yolande, which is positively exquisite. 'Tie nob enough for us to believe this—we wish 'to oonvince vori. No way is so easy is for you to ask us about Yolande next time you are in our stare. It will be a revelation to you for Yolaude is worth knowiog abotta A handsome Duograph given with each ounce of perfume. Price 50o per ounce. At J4 S. ROBERTS' Drug Store. Roberts' Pills When you Wake up in the -morning with a bad taste in your moubh, you know that your liver 1. out of order. Take a dose of Robert's Vegetable Stomach and Llier Pills. They will cleanse your stomach, improve your appeti and make you feel like a new 41413. 25e a J S. ROBERTS' Drug Store. Carbola ed Glycerine jelly, Proper by J. S. Roberts, is alma- lutely t e best preparation known for chap d or rough hands, as nu- merous ustamers can testify. Try a bottle, and if not satisfactory, enli- and getyour money back. Priee 25 cente. The original and genuine prepared only at S. ROBERT'S DREG STORE, SEAFORTH The Seaforth Tea Store Ttill stands firm at the freub with a full stook of an kinds of fresh grooeriee and pro- visioits, chine, crockery and glassware. Evererthing new and fresh. New teas in Black, Japan. Greeen, tea siftings and tee dune New currante, new raisins, 6 pounds dates for 25o, 4 lbs cleaned summits for 25S, 4 lbs raisins for 25o, 6 lbs rice for S6e, 5 !be tapioba for 25e, 4 lbs boneless flah for 25o, three lbs. evaporated peaches for 25o, three lbs evapotated apricots for 25o, 5 lbe prunes for 25o 6 lbs cooking figs for 25e, maple syrup ifies a quart, beet table syrup, baking syrup and black dna) for baking, dark brown sugar, and all grades of sugar. Sweet ciders needed raising, and bed layer table rabble Sultana raisins, icing sugars, color- ed and'ithite cub loaf sugar, mince meat, smoked hems' ',and smoked backs. Long clear bacon, bologna srbnsage, and fresh pork sausage, head cheese, lamb bacon, lunch beef, Sahnon trout, lake herring, Lebradore. herring, cod fish, first class 'cheese, comb honey and extracted honey. A nice aesortmenb of fancy biecaiits. I still aanolle Weston'. Tororito br.3ad, flour, corn meal, oat meals, rolled wheat, buck- wheat flour, orange meet, seit by the barrel and beat coal oil. A cordial invitation is extended to all to call and get some of the great bargains. Wanted —Fresh butter and egge, dried apples and all kinds of poultry, for which the high eb market prima will be paid. G. A LT SEAFOR NoTio Natio° is hereby given thee the 29th annual meeting of the members of the Hay township Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Leoinpony, will be bold In the town hall, Zurich, on Jinuary 12tla A. D., 1904, at 1 Velock p. Business : Receiving the directors' end seeretery•treesterer'e reports, election of directors and the distmeolon Of Other busincee for the good and welfare of the company, members aro requested to attend. WM. CON8I4, Esc), Freiddent. HENRY EILDER, Secretary'. 1881x2 Tenders Wanted for the Erection of an Addition to the House of Re- fuge in the County terf Huron. Sealed tendert, for the erection of an addition to the Home of Refuge will be reoeived by me on or before the 26th clay of January, 904. 'leaders rand • specify for the whole work, I and must be sceempan. ied by a marked cheque for 101 per cent, of the tendered prioe. Cheque of socepted tender retained othere,returned. The council is not bound to so- cept the love* or any tender. Plane and specifit eetione may be Been in my deco at Any time. W. LANE, County Clerk. Dated at Goderieb, Ws 22nd day of Deoember, 1908. 1880-1 Comte. Main and II - Market Sestets Seafeeth, Ontario Pickard's Tata Largeet 1 Dy Geode wen I Clothing Concern in , VDU? Counoinet Buy where your money goes the furthest. This store is Yuletide headquarters for everything givable in dry goods, novelties, furs, &c, This is a Xmas store, where all the taxing problems may be -solved ; where every penny will do its work surprisingly well, and every dollar will buy two dollars' worth of satisfaction. This page is filled with gifts, which make suitable and pleasing presents for everybody,. We cannot describe everything by name, -but we can give you a few hints from each department, which hinges on yule tide presents. Do not forget that this store is packed with novelties of every descrip- tion, especially suitable for holiday buying. Big boys and girls, little boys and girls, fathers and mothers, the sisters, cousins and aunts,"—in fact, everybody shall and must share in this holiday stock. Fur 1-)epartmente '72 Nothing makes a more appropriate gift than Furs. It is a pleasure to sell furs this season. Our stock is unequalled in style, variety and quality, while the prices are so distinctly below the market, that it is, as we have said, a i eed pleasure to serve our hosts' of customers. Three specials in black Opposaum Ruth at 56.70, 87 and $7.25. Five specials in Alaska Sable Ruffs at 57.90, $9, $13,75, $19 and $20. Two specials in Columbia Sable at 59- and $12.50. One special Thibet Boa at $10. English Hare Ruffs at 50c, 75c and $1, Marmot Ruffs at 85c, $1.50 and $1.90. Two special Coney Collarettes at $2.85 and $3.40. Four special Astrachan Caperines at, $4,40, $5.70, 56.90 and $8. Two specials, Thibet and Electric See at $9.25 and $10, Two Persian and Seal Coliaret*es, regality price $16, for $9,50. An all Mink Connate, regular $35, for $19. One South Sea Seal and Grebe Collarette, worth $20, for $8.60. Muffs to match all collarettes and boas. Ohi14ren's white lamb wool boas at 19; 250 and 35c. --e-momm-e-e-mem-mmmeeme-memeamme-e-40 Men's Fur Department. No matter what kind of a coat you want, we are in a position tosave money on it -special linings, special trimmings, special makes,. - Forty men's black calf coats, prices from $20 to $28 50. Australian WTI coats from $14.50 to $30. Forty Canadian coon. coats from 835 to 575 - All makes of Sleigh Robes at special prices. WWWWW10~01.0 Ladies' Department, Christmas Novelties. Fancy box of quarter dozen hemstitched handkerchiefs a 18c a box. Fancy box of quarter dozen lace edged handkerchiefs at 260 a box. Hemstitched, embroidered, fancy cornered handkerchiefs at 6e each. %pmbroidered lawn, hemstitched linen handkerchiefs; epeekil at,10e each. Plain hemstitchedlinen handkerchiefs, special 'at 15; 17e, 20e and 25e each. 14;'inest linen embroidered at 26c 35e and 50e each. -Hand embroidered at 76c and $1 each, Real sik lace trimmed handkerchiefs, hand made at one dollar each. In ladies' kid gloves, we have. the best makes only -three qualities -60; $1 and Ladies' .25ieckwear, lathes' silk eollars in the new shades, special at 25e and 35c each, Large range of stock collars at 50c and 76c each. Ladies' Belts -The new seal lined leather belt itt red, grey or black, with , buckle on back, 60e each. Fancy red hemstitched belt at 75c each. See our leather goods novelties, waist bags, purses, etc,. laugieag itt place from 50e to $1.50 each. Just to hand, a new style of collar laps, embroidered on silk, 56c each. The latest in silk embroidered collars at one dollar each. .eintemetimpte***4 ileies Furnishing Departimeitt. Our Ohristraas novelties to -day give no end of suggestions to any one thinking of pleasing a masculirte mind with a Christmas gift. See our specials in neckwear, handkerchiefs, gloves, umbrellas, fur caps, furgauntlete, etc, t776211111134M8110101103affignallgilMS Highest prices paid for Buttery Eggs and Wools WM. PICKARD & CO DIRECT * 0 RTEIIS Opposite TnwnJButhThi, Corner Main and Market Stn., Seaforah. This in the Season to have your Horne Lumber Lath, Shingles PHOTOGRAPHED Moulding Sash and Doors. All kinds of Photo Work PROMPTLY DONE Pasture Frames made while you wait JACKSON BROS., Seaforth BOAR, FOR SERVICE --Theunderligned for genie, on hot 29, Mill Road, Tuckersca , thoroughbred Chester whits bo ar. Term, with the ,privilege of returnleg. SOHN HA1,1/- DAY. Mixt N CLUFF & SONS SE AFOATIT. SALE REGISTER. On Tudsday, January 5th at 1 e at Dick's Hotel Stock 5th, Seale a lot of Stock etaere and ether cattle, P. A. proprietor; Themes Brown, nacHsanseet.