HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-12-11, Page 3- - • • - - +1 - ON . EXPOSITOR. :x3o/ the ithe you - le ?entity ,rttity RIPAX* Aar A STORY OF A Rithfl. tilt wax good of you to come on such a *Sorely afternoon," said the girl, as she lame ant from the shadows- of the room and stood ender the soft rose light of the big lamp. "I would have come anyhow, even if bad not met for me," replied the man. "It seems to me I am always com- ing to see yeti." 'he added. "That," said the girl, blushing very slightly, "has at least a resemblance to the truth." "I have been here every afternoon for three months," said the man. "It was about that I wished too speak to you," and again •the girl blushed; this time the color was vivid and went as soon as it carnet. "I wanted to show you this ring. Isn't *pretty?" She held out her left hand., On its third finger a ruby surrounded by diamonds glistened. - "It la almost," said the young man. bravely, "pretty enough for your amid,' RD was very pale,and the lines about his mouth were not good to see. His yoke was husky. "[ suppose you are to be congratula- ted?" he continued. "I suppose so. I think so. I am not sure," replied the girl, but her smile was happy one, "You ought to marry the best man in the- word," said the man. "I RDA going ,to," replied the girl. Mrs time ehe did noheentile or even blush ' "Well," saideette an, drearily, "I think I had beti go now. You have been very kind. I hope you will be hAPPY- td0 "Don't go yet," said the girl "I have more to -tell you. - Don't you want to know the man?" "No," said the youth, do not." "I hope we shall always be friends," s)to ventured, after a pause. hope I shalt never see you again," he replied, earneetiye "Why can't we be friende?". pleaded the girl. "You know that hove you," returned the man. "I dont want to be a friend to you, You know I love you?" The girl was silent. "You know I love your' he persisted. "Yes," said the girl, finally. "I knew that yen loved me," "And that is why you sent for me to- day?" "Yes," .she said, gravely, "that is why I mot for you" Then she laughed sud- denly. It was a gay, careless laugh. "Do you remember,, Teddy, when ' I first met you?' she asked irrelevantly. "You were suchla nice by in those days." "Goodbe,"0/;:sid the man, walking toward the dkor. "You mut not go yet," said the girl, "Itwouldhave been better if I had newer come," replied the man. "You said than that you would never ask a girl with money to marry you," went an the girl unmindful of his in- terruption. "You also said a great many other very foe -flab things.".. "One is not always wise" said the an. "Sometimes one. le blind as well to fool- isb," retorted the girl. "You inerin—rt said the man. "Just that," replied the girl. The man said nothing and there was silence in the roam for the space of a minute. Then the girl said softly :— "Blindness can be cured sometimes, n The man was still silent. He wig; White to the hair, His lips were_ cam- ,. ;premed. "I hoped you would like this rink," continued the girl; her voice had baiun to tremble. She came nearer to him, nIt means so much to me, you see," she went on. "Good by," said the man suddenly. "You will not ask the name of the man I love?" persisted the girl. "I must go," mid the man. "I want to ask you one more favor before you go." "You can rilwaye call on me for any- thing," replied the man. The girl came closer to him. "I *ant you' to stop at Blank's and tell them you will take this ring which I selected this morning," she said tremu- lously. "You mean—?" cried the man joyously. "That the blind xriust be taught to see," laughed the girl, hacking away from him. He fel/owed closely and took her in his arms, • Then jute when the silence was becoming unbearable she looked 'np. There waga coneplettoue moisture about her eyss and her lips still trembled. "How are your eyes now, Teddy John- stone ?" she said. nom: "Every owl who has the reading habit, —and everybody reads—has one of two: objects In view: to acquire information or to experience a mental pleasure," writes "Droch" in his "Literary Talks" In the Ladies' Home Journal. "No mat- ter how inferior the book read, when you sat down to read jun intended to -learn something new, or 'to kill time,' which bi a tolloquial way of saying that you wanted to turn your mind into pleasant ehannels. There is a certain type of mind that only gets pleasure out of reaping when at the same time it is getting know- ledge. That kind Di the exception, and le reaches full satisfaction only by becom- ing what we ca-Liescholar. For the mind seeking knawledge by reading the sign- boards are mdny in these days, and, Instead of the way being narrow and arduous, there is no other highway in life quite FO carefully marked nut as the road to knoneh.dge. In many little towns and oross-roads the state has matked the entrance to it with a schoolhouse which Is free to everybody. And from there, up - through the high ecitool and the normal school to the college, the ntate lavishes money, and rich MOD and churches give millions to make the way plain and easy. In no other Hue of effort can so much br. had for nothing as in the acquisition of knowledge. Even for those whose time is limited by the necessities of bread -earning, there are Chautauqua circles. anti Elniversity Extension goole- ttee. St he world was never So kind to the inquiring mind as it is to -day." zn Wise. "What caused you to ehange your mind about Fred?" "I heard hun Propose toruy best friend one night when he didenot know I we won" "And then you decided to reject him?" "No, indeed. I decided to accept the offer I was holding for consideration." solemnity's Own. "I like," said the leeg-faced preacher, "to occrotionaiIY come down to earth." "But even then you seam to be an exemption to Newton's theory." "How is that?" "Earth fails to overcome your gravity. —Washington Times, PAY DHOOD AND OLD ACE RIBUTE TO OR. PITCHER. Peopl and the of Kidn urinany Child urine, a tinue m health. Old bility of rising a tion, ba Dr. P MARRIAGE LIOENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EIMITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTEI, ONTARIO. ••••.=.1mmme. • at the extremes of life—the young Id, are especially liable to attacks y trouble and weakness of the rgans. n often are unable to control the d the weakness if allowed to con- y work permanent inks?, to the lks frequently suffer from irrita- he bladder, necessitatingdrequent night, pain and difficulty in urine- kache and stiff, sore joints. tcher's Backache-KidneyTablets bring relief to the child and comfort to the parents.. They are a boon to the aged, taking alway every bit of pain stiffness and sorenesh They correct the Kidney irre- gularities and permit undisturbed rest at night. CURED A -LITTLE BOY. Mrs. . Grove, ecs Enclid Avenue, To- ronto'says: "My little boy has been sub- ject to Kidney and bladder weakness for some time past, which caused me stench anxiety.I gave him half a bottle of Dr. Pitcher was co trouble .3 Backache -Kidney Tablets and he " pletely cured and has riot been since. CU ED A WAN OF FVENTY. obt. McClelland, orough, Mr. Ont., steles': I suffered fromConstipa- tion and bladder' trouble for 15years. I took De. Pitcher's Backache -Kidney Tab - they have given the great sat's- . My age, over seventy, is against they did splendidly for me and I commend them." lets an faction. me, ye highly i. Dr. Pitcher's Backache -Kidney Tablets are eoc. a bottle, at druggists or by mail. The Dr, Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Ont. Pay Your Taxes. Chat leepodde -collector, will be at t Royal Ho Seafoich, on Friday and Saturday of each week horn 2e OBI 4 o'clock p, me until Seturday, Decem her 12th, ft rthe per me of receiving tax moue) a. He ill .10 he at Leedbury on Thursday, November 26th cow cif meeting day, for the tame, purpose. Time no' pali before December 14thewill he charged 5 per cent t etre. CHARLES DODDS, Collector - 18764 Trou Ica with Kidney for Six Months, Many Men and Women Are Troubler With Kidney Trouble, Some Poi Less Time? Some For Longer—No Need To Be Troubled For Any Length Of Time, If Tb.ey Only Knew Of The Cures Being Made By DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Backache Is The First Sign of Kidney 'Trouble—Then Come Complications Of A More Serious Nature, DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS TAKEN AT THE FIRST SIGN Or BACKACHE WILL SAVE YOU YEARS OF MISERY. Mrs. William IL Banks, Torbroek Mines, N.S., tells the pub- lic sheet the great qualitiet of Dean's Kidney Pills in the f °Hoeing words was troubled with kidney trouble for eix months, and had suoh terrible pitins across my kidneys all the time that I could hardly get around. After taking one bolt of Doan's Kidney Pills I began to feel better, and by the time I had taken three boxes I Wad completely cured. Pric 50e. per box, or a boies for $1.25; all de ers or The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Tonle Out. Money -To LOan. Any amount of Private or Company funds to loan at lowest rates of interest and on advantageous terms of rapeprient. Apply to R. S. HAYS, Dominion Bank Building, Seaforth, Ontario. , 1872,16 WANTED. e All kinds hides, sheep skins, 'raw furs and tallow wanted, for which the highest price will be paid. De flyer at fie Stobie's og Emporium, Seaforth. WM. hicDOUGALL. 7 1875x6 — • -- . 0 PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 82, 0 Conemsion 8, iUshorne, containing 100 acres. It is well termed and underdrained and in a firat class (date of ltivation. There is s good brick house, It bankbron end all necessary out, buildings. There is a never ailing spring well and a ,ereek running throueh he barn yard. There is gees good orchard of the list varlet -WS of fruit trees. Xt is situated in a BO nd rt locality. is 5 miles from Exeter. three and a half trent B noel} avdwithin half s moo of pest office and scheeL 15 is i Ant class ferm and will be sold on teasoeable terms. Ap • on the premises or address purondale P. 0. JOHN SWAN, Proprietor. 1875x8 VAN itt FOR SALE.—For silo, Lot 26, in the '1st U Coeeession of the township of Hay, London Road, cod the eoutle-east part of Lot 27, adjoining, contaieitee in all 125 acres more or lees. The pro - petty is ell eed tented and drained and well seeded down with the exception ef about 16 acres under wed. There is e -frame dwelling house and barn 40x60, vie; house, (hiving home. stable and large shed ever 100 feat row. Two splendid wells, good new win mill, pumps and abundance of water, The e ezie else two geed orcherds mostly Northern Spice rho, floe font property is within 11 miles of BEA all end the semi distance from lappet and is on tbe eelen rota& This land is No. 1 and Will be isnld the*. and on favorable terms as the proprietor !Lewd., Meg up tb e farm. For particulars apply to GEOf GE PETTY, 811., Bengal!, or to 0, J. Seth. erlerld, eenveyancer, Bewail. get •-•:' 1 eeee,e186'94f *brow*. Wood'o r'hosphodiatio, The eresi Entail Reed, is an old, well estate lished and reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and need over 4() years. All drug- gists in the Dominion of . Canada sell and recommeud rug medicine Before and After, the only in , its kind that cures and gives universal satisfactiou. It promptly and pertnar wetly cures all forms of ,Nerveus Weak- IteNs. Emissions, Spermatorriaca, impotency, and alleffects of abuse or OXffeSSOS ; the excemsive use of 'Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mdniat and B in Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, ce Insani y, Consumption and an Early Grave. PriceSt per paekage_or six. for ere One will please,' siz. wilt cure. Mailed iprornpty on re- ceipt cif price. Send for free pamphlet. Address 'The Wood Company, 1 Windsor, Ont, Canada, • liahla roan Bereeriv T.,liee. The fin q Wise about the nieuth Of the horse are organs of touch t eitreme delicacy. They serve, to h certain ex. tent, the adme purpose its our finger - ends, tbe whiskers of the eat or -the trunk of the elephant. !Sensitiveness Is due to specially developed endinks of nerves in the skin, whigh are con. tinually sending messages, to the brain. The lip hairs of the horse first receive the stimulus, which is coMmunicated to the end organs and so passes on to the brain. They come into play when the horse samples a new arti,cle of food. He first smells it and, ha4ing so far satisfied himself, touches, i with .thooe sensitive hairs!. lip moves softly in quiek and Confirms ;the opinion the hairs. The tongue in as to the iltneis of the food. When the horse wishes to hairs assure him that the TrOm foreignsthatter en the he drinks from the surface detect the smallest particie Aide hina to the purest pia • Weed's Phosphadloe is sold in liSafortle by C. Aber - hart, I. V. Fear, J. El. Raub, Alex,' Wilson land NO WITNESSES REOUIREDe dreeeitte • 1b9 delicately The upper sympathy ggested by gee finally rink, these ater is free nrface, for nly. They of dirt and "Pees Body” and ilDa "Biscuits, or, as they a called at ea, 'pantiles,' a with a' liberal hand," Protheroe in "Life t Marine." "To make a so of them would occupy. all below, for, being as hard its tication is necessarily a sle To obviate this difficulty placed in a small canvas! dint of well pounding re powder. Sufficient liquid, pea soup that ie left over Is mixed with this until !it paste. A few pieces of fat here and there over the snr flavor, this by the indulg ealbk, -is, allowed in the eve browned is known as 'dog' "'Dandy funk' is another same kind, the substitute molasses furnishing the ex other name." " Onions and tiairl The onion is a vegetable tiquity, being found amon of cultivated species. 'A grown in Egypt 2,000 Yeh age was considered so exCe received divine honors, bei ed as a god. This was c good joke by the Romans b who, as well as the Creel quainted with several van Ions. It is likely that the y Funk." familiarly served out s Charles Mercantile tying meal the watch nails, man - operation. they are tag and by uced to a sometimes ons dinner, be es a por etucle ace to give - nee of the , an when bo dish of the of a little use for an - It 11 C. f great an - the earliest k nd of onion and more tent that it g worship- nsidered a those days, s, were ac- eties of on - plant first grew in Persia or Afghani tan. Garlic has been raised in China for thousands of years, and the ancien Egyptians made great use of it. No icture of it has ever been found on the onuments, but this may be because the plant was considered unclean by the priests. Telling Time by the Porch. The oldest system by which men have told' the time of day is sundials. n existence Ian era. In d in Egypt s. The In - Id the time hadows of hinese have to pertece pocket sun- • no Chinese his front adow of the ich to regu- late the watches.—Ada Patterson in PH - There are sundials !still since long before the, Chris fact, they have been fou dating before the pparao diens and wild nat ons t by the position of thel trees or mountains. The carried the art of sundial tion and even today use -dials instead of watches. , watchmaker has arrange porch in such a way the * poets tells the time by W grim. What a Joarnalloit Is. The editor's only son was seemingly -struggling with a perplexing problem. He moved uneasily on b1 hobbyhorse and finally twisted all. the naane off his steed. Then he crawled up on his fa- ther's knee and, looking inquiringly in his face, 'said: , "Pa, what is a journal*?" "My son," said the edifee as he medi- tatively stroked the golden head of his froffspring—"my son, a journalist is a man who wears a plug hat and no oboes and borrows mon e from news- paper men.". Best Kind of "Ilerer exclaimed the to the ;trunk dealer. " said that chest I boug thoth proof?" "Weir said the dealer.' "No! When I opened were full of moths!" Great Scott, man! proof of 'em do you w °�f.. ate custome, thought you of you was "Wasn't it?" t my things irhat . better t?". • Money and Br ins. A. newly arrived weste ner was con- fronted in a Itreet of Ne York late at night by a uffian with leveled rey volver, who made the stereotyped de mond, "Give me your money or 1'1 blow your brains out." "Blow away," said the westerner. "You can live in New York without brains, but you can't without money." Unerring Childhood. The child is so Often right It has not the miscellaneous knowledge of the. grownup, person who reads' newspapers and keeps a tame Encycloptedia Bri- tannica In a carefully devised -nage. - But the childish mind has an unerring log- ical faculty not in any way confused by superfluity of informationnefeendon Academy. Anger and Diereeition. A well known physician has written: "Anger k a passion which especially unfits --the -stennolli for doing ninth work - If it (emirs often or be pre- traeted, hut little_ food eliould be takeh. Those who Indulge in it Wive n double Ilse for abstinence. Both their folly and their stomachs call for a fast." 3 wausnommthhf Shirt waists and dainty linen, are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sum! light Soap. 5B Deranged Nerves AND Weak Spells. Mr. N.H. Sa mpsongs, Sydney, N.S., Advice to all Sufferers from Nerve Trouble Is "GET A BOX OF MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS." He says t "I have been ailing for about a year from deranged nerves, and very often weak simile would come over me and be so bad that I sometimes thought I would be unable to survive them. I have been treated by doctors and have taken numerous preparations but none of them helped me in the least. I finally got a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. Before taking them I did not feel eble to do any work, but now I can work as well as ever, thanks to one box of your pilla They have made a new mare of me, and my tdviee to any person troubled as I was, is to get a box of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills." Price so cts. per box, or 3 for $nes, all dealers, or THE T. MILBURN CO., Limited, . TORONTO, OCT. . A- woman knows more about fires1 than a man knows abeut everythinh else combined. ' I i ! Fame Is the perfume of heroic deeds, —Socoe tes. 0 ---Mrs. W. Byers, • Stratiord'e oldest eiti- zen, celebrated her 94th birthday on , Mons day lest. She is still clear in intellect, id her health is remarkably Ood. ., —Mr. Wm. Colquhoun, of Mitchell, re- turned home this week fr m the old coun- try. While there he purchased five Clydes- dale stallions. This , is Mr. Colquheun's ourth trip this year. , 1 _ i $23.00 ._____.....__ Diamond Ring !masa. p.meeramawmaisia0 eitssaaimi vv.* Diamond is a fine white color of the first grade. Is perfectly cut and perfectly proportioned. Set in either of the above solid 54 K. gold settings for $25.00. We guarantee the value of this ring,. and will refund the Money if it is not entirely satisfactory. Mailed prepaid to any Address on receipt of price. SEND FOR, SIZE CARD. _ John S. Barnard, . JEWELER, LONDON, ONTARIO. =, - Eating Became a Dna& NOW MANY PEORIA ARE ALMOST AFRAID TO SIT DOWN To THEIR MEALS ? MAY BE ONE OF THEN. IFYOU ARE, THERE IS A CURE FOR YOU. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURES INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS, SOUR, WEAK AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES. Mr. J. -G. Clunis, Barney's River, N.S., tells of what this wonderful rein- edy has cloud for hini:—It is with grati- tude that I can testify to the wonderful curative powers of B.B.B, I was so badly trofililed with indigestion that whatever I -ate caused me so much torture that eating became a dread to me. I tried numerous physicians, but their medicines seemed to make me worse. I thought I would try B.B.B., so got a bottle, and after taking a few doses felt a lot better. By the time I had taken the last of two bottles I was as well as ever, and have had no return of the trouble since. I recommend your medicine to the highest degree. B.B.B. is for sale at all dealers. For Broken-self:dal • DR. MeGAREY'S mem Cures heaves, eave Cure chronic noligh,and all chronic. affections of the throat and lungs, Thcnnly medielna In tba world that will cure the shove die. ea se. making, the animal sound In wind and useful to hie owner. Price. $1.L0 Tax DR. lictlastsi lfzincritis CO. Kentetville, Oct for eielt,Ceeste mud Horses, 2.5c. Sold by erte, Druggist, Seaforth. MeGeheme Condition Blood Tablets and Powders J. S. Hob - 1842 -52 The Elountatin of Youth. Like pretty much everything else, this matter of having children has two sides to it. As a great many children are failures and as children' are the joint product of heredity and environ- ment, both elements preponderantly under parental control, it would seem more sensible to say that there were too many people undertaking parental responsibility instead of too few. And, further, parenthood has many cares and sorrows and exasperations. Still, when all is said, how many persons who have found themselves childless at forty-five have been able honestly to congratulate themselves? Children have a use as an assurance 'against destitution and loneliness in ota. age. They are satisfactory to the vanity for family immortality. But more than these and all other advan- tages is the advantage of prolonging one's life. Growing children will keep any proper man or woman young in spirit and in mind, will retard the de- velopment of that sour yet complacent cynicism which curses old age both '.fer oneself and for those about one. The man or the woman—again, the right sort of man or woman—who has children drinks every day a deep draft at the fountain of eternal youth. grimarmesemeesesagailaWBOINFA The Dammaras of Africa. In Galton's "Tropics! South Africa" It is stated that the Dammarae use no term beyond three and that when they wish to express four they take to their fingers. Beyond five they cannot count at all. It is seldom, however, that they lose in a bargain through their inability to count. When bartering, each sheep or ox or whatever they may be sell- ing' must be paid for separately. If this' rate of exchange were at the rate of two sticks of tobacco for one sheep It would greatly puzzle a Dammara to accept four sticks for two sheep. Gal- ion says that he several times paid them In that way and that the Dara - mare forthwith set aside two sticks for one of the sheep, and even when he found that be had two sticks left for the oilier sheep he etill-had his doubts as to the genuineness of the transac- tion and twas not satisfied until two sticks were put into his hand and one sheep driven away and then another two sticks given to him for the other sheep. Thep Flight of the Locust. Writing in the Empire Review on the locust in South Africa, S. B. Kitchen says: Locusts are very tiny creatures, at most two or three inches long, yet giant jawed and shelled in a grim brown mail so hard that as they strike it causes a sharp smart. They travel such numbers that it takes them four or five days to pass over. The scouts alone, hovering in patches like red dust clouds, are numerous enough to destroy the vegetation of a district, while the main body, high up in the air, a host of little black speaks, strstehti out into an interminable screen be- tween heaven and earth. The fanning of their wings brings fresh coolneee over the hot earth even in the depth of summer. There 14/81110 to he a fresh breath of ozone as of the sea. The Laughing Byes*. Although the hysterical laughter of the laughing hyena is not, as was once supposed, the eutectic of a deliberate attempt to decoy unwary travelers to thoir doom, this strange animal is, nos,- erthelese, one of the most eunping of thirds animals. He is so suspicious of mierything he does not understand that the sight of even a bit of string at once puts him on his guard. Trappers are aware of this fact and generally use the stems of creeping plants instead of string of any kind in setting their spring traps. . Preserving the Traditions, "Yes, I have launched my new yacht," said Muchpop. 4fWhat do you call her?" asked the friend. "Named her for my native city— Brooklyn." "And did you smash a bottle of wine across her bow when she was chrie- toned?" "No, indeed! We broke a. nursing ttle full of milk."—Judge. Father and son. Little Bobby—I can't find my hat and Oat. Father (rushing about)—I can't find Mine either. I doret see what your mother does with things. She's gone o t, and there's nothing for us to do blut bunt till we find 'enor eisi stay in. Little Bobby (afteit long thought)— Ifet's look on the hall racks • Imposing. She (at the review grounds)—What an imposing figure Captain Borrows has! He—Yes; naturally so. She—And why naturally, pray? He—Oh, he' e alwayn imposing on his friends. You can't cure a cough or cold from the outside. You must cure it through the blood. Consumption Cure The Lung Tonic Called Him Brother, 1 Harlow—I noticed you called Fred 'brother." Does he belong to some as - ret society that you do? Shallop—I deal belong to any secret oociety. I call him beether because my "Wife once /mortised te be a sister to Likle a Charm, Customer (angrily) --You !aid that hair restorer you sold me a couple of weeks ago would work like a charm, and it didn't do any good atall. Druggist—But my dear sir, no one in this enlightened age believes in the ef- ficacy of charme. Ambiguities of Parrot Teem Ida—That parrot is always saying, "Sit- close." May—Yes. It's bard to say 'whether his former owner was a street ear con- ductor or a young lady keeping regu- lar company.—St. Louis Star. is the only remedy that Will do this. It gets right to the root of the trouble. It isl guaranteed to cure. Prices 25c., 50c, and $1.00 S. C. WRLLS & CO. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. AUCTIONEERS. frHOUAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the 1 Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. Sf. Campbell's implement wareroesui, Seaforth, or Tea ExPOSITOlit Office, Will receive prompt atter /Ion. atisisotien guaranteed or no charge. 17084f TAMES 0. licIdICHAEL, -Monied auctioneer for ti the county of Huron. Soles attended to in any part of the county at moderate rates, see satisfaction guaranteed. Orders eft at the Seaforth post &Mee or at Lot 2, Concession 2, Hullett, sill receive prompt attention. 18.32etf A 1.7071. ONEERING.—B. S. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding the value of farm Block and imple- ments, places me in a better position to realize good pricer. Charges moderate, Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orders left at Het:tall poet office or at Lot 28, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly ttended to. 1709-tl TAilES A. 8141TH, licensed auctioneer for the rei ;cuntb of Huron. Sales promptly attend° i to in ar part of the county and satisfaction guaran- teed.; Address Winthrop P. 0. 110541 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup Cures Coughs, Colds, Br000hities Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma, Pain or Tightness in the Cheat, Etc. It stops that tickling in the throat, IS pleasant to take add soothing and heal. ing to the lungs, Mr. E. Bishop Branch the well-known Galt gardener, writes:— I had a very severe attack of sore throat and tightness in the chest. Some times when I wanted. to cough and could not I would almost choke to death. My wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur- prise I found speedy relief. I would not be without it if it cost $1.00 a bot- tle, and I can recommend it to everyolid bothered with a. cough or cold. Frico 25 Cents. Furniture and Undertaking. 1110111WWWWWWWIIMPIWWWW If you want a comfortable and thorough- ly relisoie senitary mattress we have it. There is nothing like the Marshall. Bed. ridden patients have found their bed sores heal up on this mattress. We also remind you that we sell the vertical feed Davie sewing machine, and honestly believe that it has no equal in the country. It has all the latest attachments!, avd, not needing to take off the presser - foot to place them, they can be put on in a few seconds. Before purchasing, call and see the Davis, We have other sewing ma- chine!, cheap in price, but good in quality. All Muds of Ferniture and House Fur- nishings. Upholstering—New end repair carefully done. work By -Law No. 10 A, —OF THE— TOWN OF SEAFORTH. A By -Law to raise by way of loan the sum of $4,000, for the purpose of construct- ingcertain drains in the Town of Sea- forth,And, whereas, it will require the sum of $134 33 to be raised annually by special rate tot the payment of the deb-, as hereinafter msntioned. And, whereat, it will require the sum of $160 to be raised annually for the payment of he interest, as hereinafter mentioned. And, whereas, the wtole rateable property of the Town of Seafenth, irrespective ef any increase In the nature of toile, interests, dividends, rents or fees from the said pro- perty, and also irrespective of any increase derived from the temporary investment of the sinking Nod, or any part thereof, accord- ing to the last revised assessment roll of the sumof os,50. wnibe51ngfor the year 1903, is the urn And. whei ease the existing debenture debt of the Town of Sessforth is as follows; $5,500 btrrowed under the authority of Bv-Law No. 2, of the Town of Smartie fcr BY Law No. 3, of the Ton of Seaforth, for 118813876,,000 borrowed under the authority of By Ls' No. 8, of the Town of Seaforth, for :8889923170 borrowed under the authority of Bv-Law No. 8,1of the Town of Seaforth, for $14 000 borrowed under the authority of $3 500 borrowed under :the authority of By -Lae 25 B. of the hewn of Seaforth. $17,000 borrowed under the authority of Bv Law So. 5, of the Town of Seaforth, for 18;91:500 borrowed under the authority of By -Law No. 26, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1886. .$8 00i) borrowed under ;the authority of By.Law No, 20 (Local Improvement) of the Town of Seaforth, for 1901l $3 700 borrowed under the authority of B t -L 4 No. 2 (Local Improvement) for 1902. $7 889 20 borrowed tinder the authority of By L.* Nu, 24 A, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1902. 51.600 borrowed under the authority of By -Lae No. 2 (Local Improvement) of the Toe n 0' &Joni), for 1903 $10.000 borrowed under the euthoritf ly o Bt-Law No. 8, of the Town of Seafortb, for 1902$1,000 borrowed under the authority of [B -'Lw No. 7, of the Town of Seaforth, for 1899L AI there is nothing in arrears either for prise:itself or interest. And whereas it is made necessary to a - polathe tette and places for taking the votes of the duly qualified electors and for appoit tem deputy returning officers to take the vot ,s of the duly getelified electors at the meeting. BE 21, the ref ore enacted by the municipal council, of the town of Seaforth. 1. Teat it shall be lawful for the mayor of the said oorporatio Se to raise by way of loan from any person, body, or bodies corporate Who may be willing to advance the same up- on the credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the aggrsgate the sum of four thoueand dol.- 2.nf000aurt four thousand dollars, and that the saidleuescashntynhurn to noef rflhoUntledyredas md The t it shall be lawful for theMayor to number of debentures to be made be required, oalylars each and not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of -de- bentures shall be sealed with the seal of the said corporation and signed by the Mayor and the Treat urer thereof. 3. That said debenture Alan hear interest at and after the rate of four per cent, per an- num frem the day mentioned for this bydaw to take's ffect, which interest shall be pay. - able annually on the eighteenth day of Jan- uary in each and every year, at the effice of the Treasurer of the said municipality of the town of ISeaferth. 4. That said debentures shall be made payablmat the expiration of twenty years, from the date mew fonod for this by-law to take *ffeet at the office of the Treasurer of the said municipality of the town of Sea. forth and shall have attached to then; cou- pons for the payment ot interest. 5. That tor the purpose of form lug a Welk - lag fund for the payment of the said deben- tures an (quid annual sum of $134.33 obeli In addition tp all other rater, be raised, levied and collected by special rate upon all the rateable -property in the said corporation during the currency of • the said debentures, or any -of them, and for the purpose of pay- ing the interest on the said debentures an equal annual die sum of $160 1shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, ed, levied and eolleetwl on ell the I a' amble property of the said corpor- a•tien du inj4 the currency 01 the said deben- tures or any of them. 6. That it shall be lawful fer the 'aid Corporation of the Town of Seaforth to ax.' pond the said sum of $4000 in the construct, ion of drains accordingto estimates and specifications prepared by the street com- mit tees and in conformity with By-Lsw No, 10. of the Town of Seaforth for 1903. 7. That the votes of the duly qualified electors shall be taken Monday,January 4th, 1904, between the bourn of 9 a. in. and 5 p. m., at the following places: Polling Subdivision No. 1, at Mrs. E. Cash's -store; B. Lumsden, Deputy Returns - lag officer, Polling Subdivision No. 2, at the Council Boom ; William Elliott, Deputy Returning Officerli Polling Subdivision No, 3, at 0. C. son's stem, H. J. Puncharth Deputy Return- ing$, Officer.. tthe Mayor of thee:mid Municipal Corporation shall attend at the Council Rren:opimgmettointvhoeWly.eduesday,Decchber 306,1903, at places aforaid, and summing up of votes reopeotively on behalf of persons interested iespereons to attend at the various Polling La and promoting or opposing the By -Law two o'clock p. m. for the purposeof appoint- ing Clerk of the Municipal Corporat- ion shall, at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on Tuesday, -January 5th, 1904, at the Town Hall, sum up the votes given for end against the By -Law and grant the requisite certificates thereunder. 10. This By -Law, if carried by the votes of the electors, shall'take effete on and from the data of the passing thereof. Undertaking And Embalming ,ttfevagirmfro,m--,-, Receives cur prompt and careful attention. Night calls answered at Mr. Ihnechters resi- dence, second house west of Barton & Son's blacksmith shop. Knechtel McKenzie, SEAFORTH. 1868 Thoroughbred Ourhams For Sale. 1.1•11:1111.1110010;IIII The undersigned brie for aide on Lot 27, Concession 8, Ilibbert, a number of cholla° young bulls and heif- ers from the best strains of Durham cattle, all choice animals. The heifers are is calf to the imported bull, Prince of Banff, 18654f DAVIE:WILL, Staffs P. 0. KELPION A PERFECT ROME REMEDY. eedovea by the best English Journals. Supplied to Britieh Soldiers in Setith Africa. • For all Thront and Gland Troubles. PI en 1.10Y. Lumps. Aitmeespes. Old 'genres.teieers. Frio:tee tle I 50h4-ettsem, ErIxtrits. Pfste pies, St I ff jot ii Ret mathemH in . Lishaol. Stirstita se Ur LI Ise& PI Cuts, rt ore Feet, Sold by Druggists, 25c. Try it once. Special Attention co Horseshoeing and General Jobbing. Robert Devereux BLACKSMITH and CARBINE app. MAKER =I!' Goderieh street, - • Seaforth To Cure a Cold in One Day ieneswocty„ Take Laxative Brom Quinine Tablets. Ai fr.i on every Seven Mien boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, drl. selinotareo box.35Q. QTIOEL The above is a true and cornet copy of & By.Lrev, which has been taken into consid- eration by the Municipal- Council of the Town ot Seaforth. and which will be 'finally passed by the said Connell in the event Of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto, after one month from the first pub - deaden of aied By -Law in the newspaper calleh THE MUM' BXPORITOR. the date of which , publication was Friday, December 11th, 1903, and that at the day, hour and Owe th mein fixed tor taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held, WM. ELLIOTT, Clerk 1878-3 REXAL HOUSE-. I)-VrQ How U CO Them Dyes will dye Wools Cotter -et Silk, ! Jute or Mixed Goods in one beth—they are - Improved Dye in tuo trorld, Try a package. your dmgg'st hasn't them send direct be Rexali Chamieel. Co, 60:Adeleide Bb, East Toronto. • sg MIMUNK=Neiatir. ri1656-52