HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-12-04, Page 4-7 7- -�7 DECEMBER 4. IL903
4 HURON EXP 01TOR demand and the milnufaciurrs Mudd ant. will n.. 11 4-- 6;
F 19
4 '5
11 12
18 19
, 2
2 -a
r 1171613041 118 "ralsols on i3unday._Jsar,, 16 d Ultnton on the late train, j%fkr having re- SKAFORTHS LEADING, SHOE ST RE. obtain men to enable - t ' hem I to fill - their or- that, With the oonfliotIng imon W. fob Mrs. Alexander and dau;hter retdmed fr�m coived a standing vote of thanks and three deks- in time. Now there are thousands had been'disclosed upon this oubje it Winnipeg I&sb- week for. the 1winter.-bor. rouving cheers. St. Androveil day, 1902, - pr com- ba,utbarly impossible to secure a on- and Mrs. 'George Smith and fa �v seekinit work. The an�no down mily. left f6r will g be remembered in 86. Columban. meneed first on,the great railways, and now viotion, and the matter drQpped.11 It will Brussels last Week, where they have,aeculod IA,n'd Now for Christmas.' the manufaoturing establishments are follow- be Been that Mr. Rogers iskes lue the employment., Ing the example of the rai ay companies, 1sms view as,- Tun ExrosITOR, and Mr. Dub1m. the latest toonter the listal ,itseing the Iatera- Rogers is right. The � head of the Ju ties Price is Dob all of the story at the E. M6- x1ppez national Harvester; Cqmo�n this �Dopartment ;is the Attoruey-G&neral, Paul Oos, Seaforbb. . It is only the firib Three -weeks more and Christmas will be with us once again, In thogg
the who "omr r. D. Hay, G ainsionei d Convoyan4d chapter. The second and most imports week hAve dismissed 7.5W of i its 19 00 em- oolloagu6 of one of the accused parbien and willp, morigages and deeds drawn up. Money lol�nsd three Short weeks the old, �et ever new) question of 11 What Shall I
ployesi- making a savinig in Wages of about, it - is his 4U4 to take the necessary eta, a to at the 10 Test rat" of Interest. r, 404f chapter is entitled " QualiDy,l If, the two Many,lother establish.; n from theta! b of Give V 'shall have -to be decided. No need to wo"rry about it, howeve_r
$5,000,0()o a year, clear blo'colleagus -tive Blacksmith Approutles Wanted. -Wanted, agree then the story in complete, and the I mente all, over the coun4yi an curtailing suspicion, and this cap' only be done by rog- a strong and actire boyabout 18 mokal is " Economy." Test the store and if -you decide on Something in the footAvear line. And -what cow years of owe. who 7� f I d he
exneudes and oneM�ue iii k JOimilar way. locutina th� nor has a dialre to learn cr you will find the story complete. 1877.1' rnnrA n ronre serviceable or more viaefill son aniltv of making the false the bl kentithin bu I i a r r;afnNone but one of good I reputation need apply. 1: 01. ]lice
chargeo, if they are f�lxo. There can a no TALKING OF RUTIRING,—Mr. and M Slippers, or fine Shoos, or v,3rihoei, or 11tabb er ?
NEW ADVERTISEMRNTS Wallis, Kippon. 18; it Another of the old �uaodj, of Canadian ogDff tot f tentimo I" ither, "A the* tate. Timouhy Kelly, of Lugan, are talking of re�' This year we are
n 0 alle, an a We pay the higheob cash price for f�L �rl, tiring from the more streuou3 life of tbo L t yeais Christmas business was the largest we ever had, W Th& ftwee between fte parent'hem after as�ch politicians has been remved from this menta in the C ffidavit are clear dressed bog#, hides, eheepakinsand tallow, 6n,,
69 emet denotes the page of the paper on which the and distinct. and Re only tostimon re- nedy Bros., Bukhara, Seaforth. farm and taking it easy, and as a result ore I making preparationg to break all former records. A large percentage of
18774it earthly sphere. Mr. Geor0e E—Camey, ex for iale. If thdy out. new
a entwill-bo found quired 0 prove the4I false 'a the test' ony 1 NOTES —Mr. Gilbert Dick, drbvr, of our offering their fine olsoe Christmas footwear is now here—the balance is on the way.
M. P. for West Elgin, dieo in the hospital# of three witnesses, vi�.- Stmttoa, Job ston I succeed in disposing of their property, we
2bafto6f -4GrejJr&SteWArt_1 village, is busy buying up a large quantit Next week our stock will be complete, and we will be ready with the-
Sbide—D. M. MeBesth--4 at Obtawao on Monday, af4r 'an illness of a and Crossin. y MaS Slippers and Shoes this Store
I - - ' est and best assortment of Christ trueb they Wil -not leave this oeighborhood, of fowl. Mr. Dick, leaves f I
mode arg
Advantsge—Al6x Witson-5 few weeks. Mr. Casey as they are good citizens andi. neighbors. only 53 years ith the 'farmers. -The good elei For Colds -1. V . Fear -6' ALCOMM' W ghing! is haii ever -ihd.,wn. itbee of the Ontario Logial ture, Chrldwa* Goods—McKinnon Co -5 of age, but he looked a �uoh oldor Man. making business hum in our village, au& our headed by the Watc� thiisspace for special Christmas prices next week In tile & StWa. r Atborney-Goner 1, has been merchants and mechanics are kept 04 the tim About Chdstms*w. Pickard &;-Co-5 He was elected to repregisn ' t West Elgin e el come in and look around. You're always welcome, w6 Attaffon Sale—,Tamft Farlsh-6 When he was a little ove struggling with the! difficult 8124 co plex jump.—Miss Lilly Parsons, of Harpurho,_ 'They say a rolliv ore gatherm no, moss. r -21 years of age, Auction Is visiting ab the home of Mr. itz.'- A live @tore accumu'la 'es no cobwebs, you want to! buy or not.
: and contioned to represent: that c-oustituabov question of assessment 'for the pail two Mrs. Balfour, of TAmeden, N, W. T.11, � in smart business like the H. McFaul -a Bull* For Sale—Peter MoKay-5 for 28 years in succession, never having been we ke. They have been holding their meet- WE, Be. - visiting her son, Mr. John Balfour,, fortb, Insures S CO115taDt changing of-, stocir. Auction R*le—P. A. O'Sullivan -6 defeated-until-t;h'e'elnotioll Of 190-0-siu inji in the Parliament �uildinglv. Some chant, of our village, who h cent -fice-0 F_ Renderoon-6 ) re, Everything is fresh, clean and proftabir -to
No Parlia- as re �,,er It r office -8 which time be.1has not held � seat in ye'!rs ago Royal Commission wfig I t turned from the wobb.-The excit ant buy. If your, wants turn i o something Lost-gx a was a 0 a - nice For ftle�L 0. rh2r]1�11wOr3h--* ment. 'Although he followed the ocou p I Fation caused by. the explosion -at the church - WILLIS & SON, Seaforth
in dregs goods, jacketv, furs or milliaer�y. I rresont;"ohii Bulger -5 of farming, he was a graduate of Toronto �d bi the- Government to enquire in o the r J
to a considerable extent, subaided�. D ring their's is the store for you. _1877-L Selling agents for Stub Proof and Kant Krack Rubbers. An You Road—E. XcFaul Co -8 University. He opent a fortune in politics whole assessment sysiom and to devis OOMO the past week huadreds have come far .Voultry Suproba—Sawilton, & Korslake-8 DoTs.-Mr. Frank Oxolden, of Sb'. Marys, I A Useful Gift—Beattio Bftb4 and speculation, and for several years he has better and more satj�fa r! And eq itable and near to view the wrecked builq 'll Miss Ads Christmas Purehasers-0. -Aborhar" been in poor circumstances finano in vo:e iOg- spent Sunday last In the vi age.- ially. Jueb system than now That oo mile- Those injured are now on a fair way t?`,ro- Drake is visiting friends in,ginburn.�The Bjbles� kto—AleX Winters -1 previous to hie.illnqss he W: ". appointed to a nion had many and protracted so giant. Clark has moved to Seaforth where be fo- ing.-The Bible Society meetiniz,
me held on
position in the. parliamentary library at They examinea many Vs,workiug in the foundry. -Mr. -Rich- Tnursday night of last week, was not very
christmat Fru1tg_-3_P. covery. Mrs. 'J. W. McLean and boys who went on the harvest excursion tc, to �,g
The Choal. appointment 'came to �hirh deputations representing man -of Mr. R. Mellie, have sufficienbly �re- gan, Hockey ilhoew-4-W. ff. Willi" witnesses and eard Maggie McLean,- who were confined at the Manitoba returned home last week. All re- ar of Seafortb, was in the village well attended, owing to the eeting in t e
�e* pipm Duda -S Ootswa,,but the y differ in home'
Samellhing Good -Z -A. Young -9 too late. He Was a man 'of' good ability, terests. The practical results of their bors port ha%fing had a good time. -Miss Mary thf4 Week visiting hit. sister and parents. - hall. However, those who beard t1) d.
covered to be taken horise.-Mr, R. i'B. o a
A Bit Nov",,_B01ttle BIOS �8 and in hia- day'was one of the leading de- w" embodied in an less Jones is visiting friends in Eymoadville.- Tho Misses Book and Troyer and Wilfrid 4ress given by Rev. Mr. Newton, rector of Looket LoA-txpositor offia" segment bill, ich McLean, whopurposes remodelling Quite a number of our young people took -in Tr4yer wore in Seaforth on Wednesday.- Warwick Parish, La;mbton county, say it
For Skle-Wm Aborhaft-5 bators in th# Dominion Parliament. Few -was laid before the 1egisletiitre at last build nT -during the coming summer, is'now
TO Femers-Alex, Stabl" I the fowl. supper at -the Bethel church, Ful- Mr1l and Mrs. Hasson have raturned to was the beat yet given here in connection
This bill w a l thy, a sired. r wi
of his political comrades are now in the land session. !O. engthy, a busy d ng gravel for the cement work. -
Winter Boot* --R W Ja.wit" of the living and fewer of them In actie to be so revolubionar I and larton, Monday evening. Be timoreo accom"suied by Mrs. Short., Mrs wit the Bible Societv,
in its Rev. Mr. aPrioei-4-W R. Counter -S Sewers, of Brucefield, conducted Toy, Ogning--�-Talbola Bazur-6 politi�%Ilifo. Sir Richard Cartwright and so' involved in its 4 phraseology, th b the the services in St. Andrew's church on 6 RE a sister. Oar young people are AyNivERsARY SERvicE&_The sinalvete.
Fowi =Lmd-3-Kaunedy Bros g Sir Wilfrid Laurier are ,okbut the only members bf the Le�iilature, after the serve day un* uit, and has kindly consented to: look Goderich. ing foreword with great interest, to the nary services, In connection with the Metho-
two.� straining -and x austive Gamey at uIrgl af ter 68 pulpit supply until - such �imo as MnLANcoLy AcciDE'NT.-Mr. John Tatb, opening of our skating rink. -Mies Brow, dit-t church, will be held on sundAY a -ad
were afraid to tackle it at the tim , and, Mr. McLennan, the pasi-tor, has sufficiently a wall known resident, mob Instant death, qu of Exeter, was here this week visiting her Monday next. On Sunday, the pulpit will
The Otbawai Free Press, s�ye The Way -appointed a special committee t meet b0ther, Mr. George Brown. -Mrs. Taylor be occupied by Rev. T� W, Cosen ,
during the interval between sessio 9 and revurniug to Exeter on Monday after spend- eel#. recovered from the effects of the injuri re- Thursday morning of last, - week, between 9 a of Bag -
selection of Alexander M !Le a to follow up ceivcd at the. explosion to enable him to' and 10 o'clock, by coming in con On Monday evening an entertain -
consider It. This committee WOO '61i P030d few days in this village, her former ment will be given in the church. Rev. Dr. the work already done to promote trade take charge again. Pext Sunday, Sabbath coupling on a piece of shafting, ab the mill In
to familiarize themselves with the rovie- school will be held at 1. 30,' and at 2.30 Rev. of the Lake Huron and Manitoba Milling h o4m"o. Daniole, of Goderieb, will lecture ov "'Nw
SRAFORTH. FRIDAY. Dec, 4th, 1903 with the thriving Em*0 Of Japan Is R ions of the bill, prepare a �digest of it for Mr - Graham will coDduat servicei'and Rev. Company. Mr, Tutt mud about a dozen Forces.,-' and an address will be given by
good- choice. An Canadian Commercial presentation to the Legislature at I a next MOEX10P. Rev. 1. B. Wallwin
Mr: * Davidson, of Varna, will conduct !the other@ were at work on a large pile of grain, h
Of Seef'ort - There,
Agent, ther� ig; no man in Canada whose session, and to ouggent any ob&nges or im- fowl will also be a good musical and literary pro-'
services at Hills Green. shovelling the grain back. Part of his Ve pay the highest cash price for
A Call to Arma. provements they maydeem advisable. This hogs, bides, sheep skins and tallow, gramme.
verstile talents and wide knowledge of bie- clothing was torn off end he was thrown Kenl It. seems to be definitely tattled that the is, the committee which is now prom outing over- the shafting., Coroner Holenes decided nde y Bros., Butchers, Seaf orih. 1877-tf
r country would better equip him for the im- its #&bore in Toronto. Beechwood. Dominion Parliament will be dissolved at Many in rest@, - ant Krack, stub proof and never break
an in4neeb was unnecessary. Mr. Tutt -was
an early d ! a and the announcement of a portent work of trade promotion. The Do- anscTig others -the Manufacture , d th6 The two dollar, three dollar and fouu 401. a middle-aged man, a member of the local ru are for heavy want. We �mve them all, also felk Walton.
minion Government has accepted the ber. -Farmers' Associations, have had ations lar winter skirts are big sellers and wben of very deectiption. Great big stook of warm win- LOCAL ITEmS.-McDonilWa heading- fac-
F4110, poull branch of the Woodmen of the World, and te oes for both ladles and gentlemen. W. ff. Wil. tory flax started again with a competent
general eloo ion may be looked for at almost vices of a broa&minded man for' furthering before this committee, and the opini III, ox- ypa 'think of buying a good garment! for and leaves a widow and two atep-childreu, lie, spot forDorothy Dodd and George A. Water
-their broad policy of commercial expansion. pressed have been' very varied'. Wh tithe sh as. Seaforth. 1877.1 gang of workineo, and a large stock of head -
any time. , his is indicated by the follow- these prices you will say Oat soundi Cheep, -ing, " call t arras,)y The development of our export trade is of report -of this committae will be it is impos- -but we will have to see the Wt firit- Ing %Ed logs is bein put in. -Mr. and M which appeared a4 the garmi UNCIL.-Council met at Christdpher 91 rc
vastlygreater moment to�, Canada than a sible even to 'surmise, althougb it is I ot, im- and that is juab whab,they went you iq' do Londesborcs. John 8 nillie are visiting Z-irs friends t-bix
-leading article in the editorial oolumus of W to's, Leadbury, on Thursday, November week. -Anniversary servioee W1.11 he con. narrower policy of tariff -patching. Alexan- probable that they will reporb ipfavo of the at the E. McFaul Co'g,, Seaforth. .,"877'1 NOTES; -Rev. Mr. Kennedy, who has been 26�h. Membere of conneil all present. ducted in DuTs Presbyterian church by A. the T orontc: Globe on Wednesday. The dWIMcLean,fe an ek,alderman of the city of bill prepared 6y the Royal CO h NOTES. -Mr. Rober't Rose, of,Chicago, ably -assisted -by Rev. Mr. McNair with -Moved by John Murray, seconded by Cha. Rev. F. H. Larkin, on Sabbath next, A and
Ottawa. To him this olty oweff 'the fact some few amendments. Thi ght called an several of. him old acquiintances spec
following is; the gist of the krbiola The',' ial services at Kinburn, closed them Lf�de, that accounts for abutments, sewer a tea -meeting on Monday� evening. Tea will
signs are �maltiplylng that pres that it has the beat electric street railmoy is to oboure a sytt;rn that will provid� for a 'a and jobs
age the here last week. 11 Bob" looks JI'M4 and last week. -Quite a number from here In- pip be paid, amounting to $I, -
ay be ser ment from 6 to 9 p- hearty and stands the times remokkably tend taking in the K;nbnrn anniversary, .60. The clerk was authorized to'sak oclook, after wkich addresses will be deliv-
system in Canada. He has �a w a been a more equitable assessment of person�l pro ved in the base
nearapprosich of the general elections for 'loyal believer in the great - ftture of the erty that will require the d Il.-Mias Nellie Dougheity, of Chicago. which is to be held on Sunday and .Monday 96 tenders for aputments and steel bridges, a we fal
the Federal' Parliament. Alike in Gove m- Capital. As a citizen the eiti is proud of other leorpo rations to contriburtle' aVlargene ered by Messrs. Larkin, of Seatorth ; 8MA
r � visiting her friend, Miss K. Evans' a evenings next. -The Farmers' Institute to be built ini IN4i an follows . Four of Auburn ; Andrews. of Walton - Dr. M.
&nder tion of the taxesi both provincild sila esent.-Mr. Michael O'R son meeting was held here on Tuesday, evening, Ine-at- and iP Opposition circles activity in him. Tha -versatility of Alex' r ourke has br dg'es, 23.feet ; onwbridge,03' feet ; one shown whi Is suggests the real op W" shown to advantage while he was pro. =pal, and that will so in reased visiting his mother, Mrs.:Willi%m O'Rourke, when a large crowd gathered in Hill's hall br.dge, 28 feet ; one bridge,! Donald, M.* P,, of WinLIZhijus, and Mr. A. aning of prietor and cre 20 feet; one, A. Hislop. M. P. P.
V tr editor of the Montreal Herald. revenue for the Province wi�hotii sicking for the past couple of weeks. -Miss Vo I selections will be
tion 18 feet ; one bridge, 15 feet ; one 0A
the campaign. The: dater of the elec Minnie Mr. Holmes, M. P., Clinton; Dr. Reid, of br dgel given by Mr. Gilry, f Bruiselp, a -ad i -tit. has A staunch Liberal all big days, he has been too rn�ch on the m unicipal revenues. Walsh has returned home from Toronto, Georgetown; Mr. Smith, Mr. Snell and br dge, 12 feet, He was instructed to no- able music will be furnished by the Waltoa
tiot been announced, bu� theoffioers and chosen for the post at. J�pan because in the broad Dominion there is no man better' where she spent,the past bix months. -Miss others gave good' addreseea,-Mir, W. Crisp, tit r easoliel Pigeon hat the engineer re- 'choir. -Do nob forgetr that the Ladies, Guild members.of Ithe Liberal associations through- Emma Evans visited her friend, Mies 1�ora who left for Detroit a few months ago, re- po?te Winthrop drain not completed, and of St. Geor,&,Vs church are having a literary
equipped to carry out the mission entrusted BaYfleld. '�dies turned or.' Thursday Isob.-Mr. H. Ailey, foi him to meet council at- special meeting,
Holland, at St. Polumban, Is t week.
out the couittrywill,4o no more than B ws.-Mr. W. W. Collyer a d wife to him." L9 and musical entertainment in the A,O.U�W.
is a visitor at accompanied by Percy Jeffrey and Mr. in lCommercial hotel, Beaforth, on December
Hgent prudanceadvises if they lose no time and B.. ardner, of Clinton. w re the Catharine Lynob, of Toronto, hall, on Friday evening, December 11th, An
in making te I W$ for a vigorous, campaign. the home of her brother, Mr. M. Lynch.-�- Foley, of Beaforth, visited friends here on 11 ben tenders will be opened for excellent programme is being prepared. The Ontario Government 'have 'at length gue sty of Mrs. F. A. Edwards on, Su day -7 Several of our young people attende4� the Sunday last. -The many friends of Mr. and cil adjourned MhOre is '040h i to be -done especially in fixed the date for the North; Renfrew bye- Mr, VV. Thompson, of Fort Will am, to Farmers' Instit "te meeting at St. Colutoban 'Warren are' sorry to hear of him beisigo Keep the date fresh in your memory, and
se1nding his holidays here with hi uncle, tol;e1stdat Christopher White's, LeadburY, don-ri forget to come. -The I di f th
-Ontario, In fre-o�ganllzjng tits machinery of election. The date decided on fs� the 26% last Monday vaning. The musical ko- low, and not much ho a es o e _pe of his recovery. 0 ues ay, December 15th, at 10 o'clock Mztho
S' Co. SUDDEN DEATIL-The citizens here were a when all taxes are' expected to be
James Thompeon.-Mm.- (Dr.) midth dist church held a successful enter, gramme was Zat enjoyable. The tainment in the public hall on nda even- the: 14berikf Party in the re-ar�angad con- of December, the d * after, Christmas, and is making an 'extended visit with ond sy on lumban orohest�& acquitted themselvls� in terribly shocked on Saturda,y' morning to pa (L or five per cent. will be added. -J. 0. 4
Mr D T Gardner, who op at t6 It er y
otituenciem; This work is of impo*rtauce. the nomination will be held 'a week earlier. friends.- ing lasL A choice and well ed pro -
summer , ;t6w,ar`d on the Bsyfiold survey their usual brill'ant style. We noticed one bear of the sudden death uf' Mr. Gibbs. He RRISON, Clerk. gramme was given. -A. darkey troop Visit.
lrlwa,ervl;� of the best, the moob active and The candidates are E.- A.,� Dunlop, Coneer- as of our young I J &dies, Miss Flaherty, a a went to Blyth Friday morning for a load of I 9 ed our village thiB week
boat, is at present managing Mr. F. A. Ed. the. vocalists who contributed to the enjoy- coal. He was in his ueu%l health. While
cther moot, �olisble men in the party are 'vAtive, and J. Hate', Liberal. They are ward's. busineers.-Mr. N. Cameron has re. ment of the evening.: --The time for th i king loading the co&I he complained. of not feel- GorHe. enterbaintni�t in the ball on Tuesday even- needed in o;xder-that the. campaign may be both young men, under 30 years of age, ar OTTINGS.-The entertainment given ing.-The Is e -turned to Toronto.'_Miss L. Elliot enter' has again come around f r some Of ou'r, aoh-
ing well, so a rig was secured and he was th� azzar at Mr. R. McLeod'#, vn -
educational�iy effective and the resulbs satim- m-tives of the riding ancl for t%jned the choir of Trinity church I b Fri. Gorrie Tent of Maccabee on Thursday Friday night, was a succesO. - The mer school elors, whoY we hope. wil be prepared t, at driven to his home here. Not anything neri-
day eveninig.-W. H. Robinson spe t Sun;, nf;hlt of last week, w4a a gr:ab success, the g t t
if !you one seemed to. be wrong. He died that ,
t, factory to W who care first for the interests mates. They are both. said to be popular after Christmas. But rem _o o he Sick Childrens, Hospital. -M -r.
day with his parents in Winthrop attendance being large. 11a principal en. Taylor, of Hensall, spent Sunday at of Canada, f: Whether the election day comes with their fello va and both havis- plenty of don't, you will hear fro 1118,45gain. i night. Paralysis , is believed to have been t t I
money. The riding in a close 'one, and as M.- Dalrymple, at present assistant te the cause. Mr. Oibbe was highly eateeme at a ners were Mr. Be4nett and Min Dick- Kinney -'s.
early. or Rot, the counsel d of wisdom to the in Our school, has been engage(T r next en f
,_�oa, of Toronto, and Mr. Will McLeod, o
in the community. The sincerest sympathy Met the result is fraught with considerable im- Liberals is to make, ready without del*y'." portance to both parties, the contest will, be year at Front Road sebool.-Mib Ethel Seafortb.- Ore. W. G. Strong and Geo.
of the whole community is extended to the W alker, organizers for the Canadian Order Marks io visiting her sister, Mra John IN THE EDEN DIST� waged for all it is worth. � We notice, that �MON ICT.' -Mr. NO man bereaved family.
-At the Bronson line, Hay,
aughton, Varna. -The Misses Rouatt Switzer has gold -his ferep to r. Thom 'ion. of Foresters, speat Sunday at their hoin SIRMON
some of the Conservative papers are still not as in on
Conrad Slenion, of a
of Farquhar, for it b th 8 villa .-Mr. Ku6wlson Elliott, GOD Of daughter.
spent Sunday with Seaforth friend 10b. the wife of Mr.
MAO!* NOtes and Comments. Batisfied. They say that the bringing on of Mr. a6doome figure In ge
Ig a
The; Con4rvatives h. Harvie Sparling, the popular manage of the this enl ghtene4 age, whbn the men RensaH. Mr. Elliott, of our' town, in enjoyiv
%ve filed a probeat the election at the time named is a f bh DUCAARME-At Drysdale, on November 29th, the
trick of Albion hotel. has resigned his position and different profsos�ona are t'#'aking great a �ides Gladman & Stanbury, barristers, at Hen- m?nbh's holidays with his pi6rente. He has wlfe of Air. John Duchame,.of a gon.
against the �etura of Mr. C. N. Smith in.the the Government to enable them to take ad- all Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 1Q62-tf a goo posit on on a r I ailway irr Michigan. -
purposes returning to his home in eorge- in scientific worfi, *6 mulat nob forge �the d I FOREST -At the Pave live, Hay, on November vantage of the" votes of a large- number of the wife of Mr. oh n Forest,of a reeantL Provincial bye-electioa for Saulb to. son
lumbermei town. -Mists Halliday visited Mrs. Fraser' farmer. We fl�h farmers to -day brib I Shope For Sale. -The Hensall foundry Mr. Wilhe Horton, gong of Mr.;George Hor- STEWAKT-In iffowick, on
is wh6 are now rking in thq November 17th, the wiN
D�g d machine shops-wjth the lands belonging to the �of Mr. J. Stewart, jr., of a son.
Marie, Th4l ask that -Mr. Smith be un- wo on Sunday. -The topic for the Guild an to� has sw wed an excliout position in the
Vi gri-
seated and Aisqualified I -th it I- science hand and hand with all theirl, T to
woods, but who will the,'' b home for. ( _a 0 pot
satbe, fnr sale ohet6p. For parblonlars apply to stoffice. We oon&atulate Will RADBINSON-In East Whwanash, onovember 22ad,
lage Mission Work in- India," w -ably cultural pursuitii. Evenj in the erection Of' Robert Bell, Senforth. The charges are of holidays add will thug -'have a chance 'a IS08-tt- Mrs. Thomas Robinson, of a son. to
the us handled on Sunday vening by Miss cKen- a they will employ no unaWled ual stereotyped order.j There is no vote, I building ?r his good fortune, and wish him success
Weeannot see Sovereipn Bank' of Canada head office, PATTERSON-In Wingliam, on November 211* the
ere is any Me and Mr. John Fraser, after w ieh the workmen. Such farmers we have inj our 11' of our province. -D w1fe of Mr. McKenzie Patterson,ot a son.
pro pect of the case coming to trial before trick'or any cause for a grieva e i thin. 'Toronto ; executive �offlce, Montreal. A branch of fib ort wood ioo$p2o 580 0, cord, double the ry WEEKES-In Lower Winghaw, -on Movernber 28M,
in the metr
the noxt ses(sion of the Lsgis4ture,- o that Ibis only hulh&n G&t4rd, that choir rendered a 6uohing antbem Dbitled midst, in the personages of Messrs. Fredrick 'this bank hae been o0ened at Er price -the G 7ero- ensall. Your patron -
Knocking ab the Door. "-A me ting of Luxton andWin. Cbates, Each has 8�'.barn age is solicited. John Xsearthur, manager, a few years ago. -Me. P. P. Aylesworth. the wife of Mr. S. Wetlies, of a daughter.
Mr. Smith will get at 1-3ast ione session in ruenb should desire to pr6fib, if ou HOLMES--In Winghaw, on November 23rd, the
ssib by any event. the Bsyfield branch of he Women'a I stitute which fully repays them for th f & -ling to get a house to suit him here, has wife of Mr. Dudley Ifolmes, of a daughter. an incident of this e timo, and
-nature, and, beside , it is
will be hold at the home of Mrs. Jame Camp. labor expended tkereon. Both cons�st of Mr. Frank McCaughe of the Com- lo ated in Fordwich.-Ve are having HOULAHAN-In MoGW1vz&y, on November 18th,
t1teit duty to . have the elec 4 at a -time y ood
cement is made that Sir Rich- nuin Loape, use
The anuours' tioo 'at a bell, on Thursday, the 10th. All ladies are two barns enlarged and drawn in an mercial hotel, last week added another attraction to fghing and farmers Are makirg goo that will ensure the larg6st votel'of i the wffe of Mr. John Houlahan, of a daughter.
f ard Cartwtight is booked for e cordially invited to attend. raised, re -roofed and-tre.sided The enorm- his house, when he purchased from 3f r. 0. B, c-ope. of it, much to the delight of some of oar GALLAGHER-in Belgrave, onNolvember 18th the a political ad- asOwife of Mr. Robert Gallagher, of twins_zo� and
electors, and if th lu,mbertnen h ve a land, of Hensell, a hand)spine piano. The Instru. vi lagers, whose wood piles were small. - daughter.
ity of Mr. Luxton's baria wili be realized ment is a Bell Art Piano, an exact copy of the one
right to vote, the Goiernment-are e led to placed In the G rrie is said to take the lead'in Huron as a HEALEY-In Morris, on November 23rd, t when we consider the fact that the � wall rwaufldlo nd bariquet; room of Canada's he wife of reatest hotel. the 1# log Edward," Ohl Mr. Peter Healey, ous son 10th of Dooe'mber. It is a long time under the building is 22�,v rode long. ji; Mr the place
dress, to be. delivered in �Toronto about the Inti praise and not to b since lalme ior holding uh eleo- Toronto, and
they will be tion at a time when Is Pp1Dg point, the size of
SirRichardhas been heard f rons in f, deed, a beautiful I st'rument. We congratulate PECEGAN-In Morris, on November 23th, the wife of this �e is OP* DEATH. -Another of the old resioenters, Coates' in a abade smaller. The me rk.- n co idered, This opeaka well for our buy- Mr. Wm. Phelan, of a son. porbunity of exerots-10 their fraue#i�!., The Mr. McCaughey in hii choice. F sonlffo
_�09 way. His a pearanoe now would seem to Opposition will no bile
p -in the person of Mr. Charles Floody, passed of both was done by exp3rb mechanics,* er .-Mrs. David Bradriock is visiting at WALLAOR-In Morrie, on November 21tb, �the w t make much PIUL out indicate thai an election is nob far distant; of a co away Idat Sunday ab' the advanced ar- LbcAL Bnzmps,-The continued good B-ight,-Two of our -agents, R. Rose and of Mr. John wailace, of a son. 0 of 81 'Brintnell & Company, did all the 1 sleighing Is In the! interests of business gen- HUNTER -In Ooderich, on November 22nd, th A mplaint of this nature.
not -her indication of &soon coming election years. Mr. Floody had not bee: well for penter work to fulfil the ideE or. orally, and our J mes Walker. show a large number of
0 wita
61 of the f= Dr. Aroblbald C. Hunter, of a daugbWr. a long. time, but on Wednesday h took a The room being spacious thti animals are not bris erchants -,reporb trmfis As bgsutiful cutters at their shope.-Skating LITTOUJOHN-In Garrie, on November 27th, the the-Glob�'a "Finger Posts to Prosperity," The Hamilton V;'nes pointii0itt tautities of grain, wood funighe which ha,valbeen appearing from d%y to aay Some Of turn for the worse and gradually as k.' For 6r All �he n ceasary wife of Mr. James Mttlejohn, of a daughter,
e amusement for many just now.- owded. rooms, such and logo axe being daily brought into mar- Roes, who had @pent some months in that paper for some time. But all signs -the disastrous. reeult;3- disastrouls' to the a number of years Mr. Floody fa med on the -harness roam, r'oo M fail 000asio, ally. t house and an ket.-Mise Backe t gang a couple of solos in vil iting in Manitoba, arrived home on Sat- rt protective t4riff as masses--ef a highe' ex- the 13bb concession of Hullett. Th a about 'date separator room are not forgotten. The the Methodist church on Sabbath evening Marrmaes.
emplifled by the rkings of tb Carnegie urHay. ten- years ago be moved into the vi lage for bog pen and poultry house of Mr. LuXtOu`8 last, which were very much enj PIELANCE-BULLOCK-At the rectory, Parkbill, oz) The following from the Toronto Telegram, oyed.- a well earned holiday. Thome.left t mourn 4 1 barn are separated entirely from the repb of Messrs. Duncan and John Tylor, of Hay, Movember 18th by Rev. Mr. Berry Mr. John ited 8 sitea. It,,sayo him are big widow and Miss Me, gie, ab the animals. Mr, Win. Coates has Al p Constance. Steel Tru9t in the UA; t
which profestes to be independent in poli- Carnegie'a retur re- Prance, to Miss Ann Bullock. bothl of Green- rooted !to have a pow fag the funeral of their uncle, Archibald Our Wy, Mr. tice, bu.t which in a good deal mo Tory said to be connected with some movement f Detroit; Matt., to draw water' into the barn, while 1 do'not fail to call at R. W. Jewittg. Bring your Mount Camel, on November 18th by Rev.
were in. Wiqgham� on Tuesday last# attend- I y re a to theUnited States is home Mrs. Sherlock. of Winuipe ;Dave, parations made or mi!l e you are ghoea MA vva
i needing winter boots or
-Charlie, 0
than, Grit 4n its leanings, is a pretty good of Londoeboro Taylor. -M J H MoDonell, hardware DDZN-�-KEOUGH-At the Church of I
to brace up f North Bay,� Ed., of the -Inland venue Luxton a4bicipotes forcing wat f the me, buiizr ia one or two pound print@ or rolls a0d get ather Tiernan, Mr. Michael Maddent _T Mr. Tarr�ls his week from the Ia 20o per doze certifi6ate 01 character fbr Hon. Steel.- rust stock.- The pre- 0 ,ohanb, r itirned home b its Department, Toronto, and Rev. Mr. loody, house to t6b stableg, or ro n, - dried PIC Be Ellen, daUghter of Mr. Micbaei xeough, all
successor fi the Dominion Cabine of
per pouad, egg
ferred Wok of the_greatest protected com- The effloi0sa o(Thise old country where be had been for a number 0 pound. Trade or cash given for all Of Spro- Stephen. The of Boston, who- were all here for the fune ral, buildings are ot�ch that they will comai' I , H, y friends are pleased to u 3e. 1877-1 Telegr bine in the United States -is n* 'a u- 9 FOGAL-CANTLON-At Brazitford, an November am says Fairness of spirit, cour- ow in the with the n. of months. is ep he Iny years. see hi I th, by Rev. W. J. Sualth, B. A P1 Co., Seaforth, tell tegy of aso'ner a' d breadth of v aw are -the - and the common stock 'funeral-- tok( soo on Weduenday rom bhe well, at ter b is trip. -Rev, What the E. McFaul Mr Herbert nei tion of Mrs. Shorloo . T impaired for in ghborhood of 59 m looking o7an
ormorly of Dr. Madd delivered an excellent sermon to in their advertising is what will be found in. the),* now of Brantford. characteristiosi W�hich Ontario n bas touched 10. Bu -b Carnegie does not take 09&1� to Miss Xullie Cantlov, b3th f'
recognizes i Methodist church and was one of th largest i t
Hon. - -Raymond Prefoataine's dealings wi many chances. H0- did not put his money that"has ever been seen in the villeg, show- young men, in the Motbodist church. on their store itself, akit th Columban. Everything is done to WHEATLEY-BROWN-In Clinton, on ove a
into Comm _N 111b r who Sabbath evening ast. The ohoir on this mike the prices as low as possible on the 08rd, by Rev. H. M. Manning, Mr. Georize At- the ia-teresta of the Marine and Fisheries on stock. He holds $2,40,000.000 In,,;, the high esteem in vi as hold, Dm, -Miss �ora Daly, of Beaforbis, is Joy, of KInbuto, 0 Miss Myro Brown, of occasibn was coiisp9sed solely of Clinton.
firab mortgage bona# of the 'rrust, and bid young men# Department itt so far air these interests touch be it graide of goods that mone can * buy. The Orangemen, of which order no d been y the, interest# of this Province.,, wife $12,000,000 mbjre. Mr. Carnekie draws on a brief visi to some of her musical Dr. Sellery being organist. The attend Ct ristmas novWties are there in abundauce 8,11ee a inember for a gr Lb many years, wi ire there friends here. - ather McKeon has received. was large and t9e sermon is spoken very ana shopping will be mado easy for you. income 'on the -bond; the 'tidy sum of in large force, members b here from all his first Ohrivt I an box for 1903, in'the: obape highly of,-Mrs� Harold, of Winghsm, Deaths.
$12,000,000 a year, -while his -;wife has $1, - Tormto is Once more orofted over the the, lodges around. The-eing 1877.1
GRANT -In Seaforth, on November 29bb, johl, Ql family bave the of an elegant top-outter, that carried off wall in ur V411age recently� viaiting Mrs. S. Paul and Miss Minnie Orant, aged 78 yearo and 5:montho.
000,000 for pocket rhoney. Besides ruing
may-oralty election. The present sayor ympathy of the whole community in their honore at the London and Toronto Mrs.
or the Caruegiep the at the home of her sister, Mrs.A.Murdoeb.- TAYLOR -In Wingham, on November 23h, Arehi. thiamoney f Steel Trust, sad bereavemeii very sudden That he me e long spared to eu'OY RAN Mrs. MeArter, of Bru OT aid Taylor, forniorly of Morris township, aged wat eleeted for thefirs; b. -Another P t time last year, and*' must earn $80,- I at R. W. Jewitt's last Friday
000,000 to-- meet ill- death esel$, who was here and8sturday. Mille Paul is clerk at W occurred Isob Friday when Mi. Gibbs, - comforts, will a the fervent wi 01 yeare.' it is customary to give the inotimbent of the and divid6nds. Those entrust- cf Losidemboro, pawed -'away. Mr, Gibb terest 8h the spending a week with her father, Mr.' Jowittle store. -Varna -Adamn had the nail IRWIN-10 Clint0q. on November 22nd, Eyerett jr- . I
office two, ad. with it reverend gentle0an s many friends Robert Moir, and sister, Mrs. R. Fulton, totn from one of ber fingers one day n, son of Irwin, aged 22 years. a- d 128 of returned home on Wednesday. -Rev. Mr, ears. The present mayor seems a management fear that *io with his son, --drove up here for A load of INSTrVUTH -MEETINGS.-Two Zosio by
to have given good satisfaction to almost cannot continue t - 0 go. Wall Street is ce tly
SAYI LLE -ft 011otou, on November 22nd, 8 , h
coal, 9�tting hill which affected his heart, the E 9 Placing it in the cogs of the V11 sra
ievery person, but he happens to be a Gri5 somewba Peaffirniatic as to the Trust's fu- nab Hurdh Farmers' Institute' were atson will conduct 'services in Carmel w whing A.on, rellet ot;the late George Saville, aged 75
He was carried into the doctor's oToeerand machine. Mrs. Adams placed her and- Toronto is a Tory towuf� and some oi ture, and that P088i- ism alTecto every'other held here Isob onday afternoon and: ovefi� Presbyterian church, on Babbatb.-Tho ev'_
from there taken home, -,but he of achairnearby, so that she might be ti stock of the re- ing. In the fternon, the weatheri was tortainment, h ear!in Hensall the Tories of the city may there should be a kind on the market. L �18 . onNovembur 225id, tbo I -Many covered. The funeral Dook place a MOn- fair and the at ndance was fa el in the Methodist church ar iused ab watching her use the machine, 0aughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis, aged six aTory ma,3ror,, and they want to relegate economies ar pladn ir, slid, but on Monday e"ninLg lag�,
edi, including the dis- da�. under the auspices aqd the little one reached over her hand, re- 11onths- 1layor Urquharb to the cold shades on that arge of tbeousands of men not large. W an the weather is UK' the of the Epworth League. Was not as largely
oil -and the reduc 4TO-N-In Usborne, on November 2fth, 9arah NoTEs.-Mrs. Caetis held h r I f h cefving a very nasty wotind.-The Farmers'
-4 account. Mr. Thomas Crawford, M. P. P., tion, of salarl 0 fla 0 'Otis' Ann Oke, wife of Mr. Thomas 11arton. aged 6(4 as and wages. t�,IIW people of this Istriot prefer to spead,the attended as had been hoped for, Ing, has been thus in protected c mbinee. The man pro- g- ay. Aul who is Tory enough for anyth It if' always bold effects laeb 8%(urd -but the Id6titute meeting, held on Thursday of last years. golden bourn day. toiling om�,the form. entertainment was very good and much (n-
eneral brought very, good fi w�ek NAFTEL-In Goderich, on November 21st, Fravois ivext an invitatioa to be the candidate of tooted is not the Wei@ earner or salaried em- her intention to leave for C1 u h weathe and a good progi &moo are joyed. Miss Annie Beckett was the at- addresses, interspersed with violin J T. Naf tel, Aged 46 years. i: Roufh estin; was well Wended, and three inter
the discoatouta, but he has d ployee. in th all that is nece eary to,fill the St. Cohimbart traction of the evening, and Phe moro th w an
Xng -t a U r. The music hall. Al big snowstorm blow in from. delighted lier audience. Her voice a eclined, think- He is always a fair mark for the ne r fut ie LLIN-On November 17th. at Boulder, Colordo.
el ge, - W o reside ith her brot ven by the Allan Bros., and mouth 01typhold fever, Dr. Arthur AlItn, f Colorado The economizer. But, as in thecase of the Ste bou bich was also pu I
d soretion the bebter part of va,10 t1le Man *110 t music gi*
prospee t up or -bowed organ seloobiow given by Mr.A' University, husband of Albertz if. ca-ry.1former-
to are that no perapn; wh Trust, f I did . McAllisto , ,
ale' I' Stanley and U41borne aboub six O'elocki and both great compam end sweetness of ' of Goderich.
is really protected, and, not bring the price wanted for it, flo�w tone, -accompanied by.Mra. Sanderson, entrtain-
body. will � be got to oppose the present whose income is the last to stiffer, is the man a not at -7,30 the hO wap crowded On mot�oa of while the words of her gelootions were BELL -1a M-irrie, on Noveinbor 24th, rederiek oold.-The annual meeting of 8 6d the gatheriW till quite late in the even- Win, Bo)l, [aged 20 years.
's a McMillan, Re . Albert clearly given. Mro, (Rev.) . E. Shaw and
t. v
mayor, and that, he will be elected' by -ac- who - holds., the bo Indrew PreFii4ent ThOme, I )a- eal
ads that represent an in- congregation was held in the t O� 01amstion, 4a he should be. vestment that may be a MaKeoj�. was elected chairman. The! open. Mi -so Chapman each ave good reading or --�ery largel y the church last Thursday evening, 0 0 h COMP03ed of water. Prote ti7n Is not for D. B. McKinnon in the chair, All the re- .Milian, who spoke convincingly of the ad chair, added greatly to 'he pleasure of the a , ith Mr. ing address waO delivered by Preside "t MO- which, together wit & v. Dr. Modd in the
It is not !likely that there will be a the man who earns.� He pays the bills."
gen- L ports were very favorable. Mesis�s, R B. vantage of using scientific methods i6 far occasion and rounding ut a good pro. cGowan, C_ k. Taylor .
and Jar lei' Sims ing, afid thanked the large audienc *m' gramme. -
In the Dominion until the Vrivy The following is a- quotation from the pub-' r �ho Heneall, notw1ithatanding the� counct in 41gland has had� its say about ere elected or the board of management.- interest taken in the work of �t re lished proceedings 'of a recent e East the fact of there being a great many bache. Turkeys,,,Wanted meeting of Last Saturday evening a negro con 3ert was Huron Instibute, Dr. H. G. Reid I how lors, has always been noted as a good mat-- the now �istribatioa aot� Prince, Edward the Toronto Young Liberal� Club-. "There- given i n Industry Hall, but there w, 69 aver to develop and train youngborses,ais Mr, rimonial field, and while there has bpen good AT
Island has PPealed against the act because y
port of the Executive 00mmittee recom- small attendance, and the few wh did at- J. H. Smith Bpoke on agricultu' I ed*01'atioa proof -of this during the past montliz, wed- it. redluces �he repreneutation of tha, Prov- ra was very poor. -Miss Maud Proctor well merited attention. They were.,'both The friends of Mrs. G. D. Arnold, who he ince n tend were very much disappointe , as the in general. � All 't�res addresses received. ding bell# are still ringing in this vicinity. -
i I the'DDrninion Parliament.. anci they mending that consideration of big- motion
claim'that Parliament has not th's power. calling upon the �Ontario Government to who has been milliner in one oUtho Toront? entertaining and 'instructive. The f6l)ow- been very seriously ill, during the pa t week (rho t3ase is to be argued before the pros 11. Cal4ghan for perjury talent t season reta ad bomb Judicial Comeniftee of the Priv ecute Mr. W .4tores for the Pao ine vocal sele0tionis elicited loud a A'11ause or,so, will be pleased to learn I hat she is y coun- )y
ell uborbly, and the Honorable Mr be deferred, was t Monday for lier holidays '
Okeu exception to bv Mr is .-Miss Brow and w�re enacted Il Frovata FitZpAt- at � resent viniting relations in re. isses somewhat improved, although still very P
W. B. Rogers. #e,4irged'that the lioncir will represent the Dominion G�Or' vernmenb in of Liberails having 'b riok ia to leave 6hortly for En land, and ucefield Gilmu"ay and Daly "Colorado," Missee weak. Her suns, Frederick and Harry, 9-.1-c per pound, alive; 101C With feathers o'
-Mr, Goldie -Graham, of Brucefie d, was a Cronya and Flaherty; "Maple Leaveg,O'j Mine have been here a�endin� ther past week with Tr., the case. It is not, like)ty; therefore, the ahould take steps to purge them v 0. t I n ani Miss I
Bel es f een impugned, thty visitor in town on Thursday of last week, - Agnes O'Sull Daly.� and N' duet their mother, also Mr.tH. Arnold and Mrs. (TIVIust be dry picked and feafhe'r left on tail and wing).
'tiild of the Episcopal church held the and chorus, 11.NLiver Alone." One A, the Thompson. -Our curling club are re -organ -
The 10
Governmentwould brave the glorious un- taint Placed upon tbe4n. He* thought a mip-
Brat lof their series of At Homes in the tem. fa -We only take them on Wednesda the evening w" the Zirl arl ge in ever Ing n gcoj phape rtainties of the law, and riFslr- M election t made ;�h' Mr. Gamey went out peranide hall, 1ast Friday evening, a:ld it wag furnished by t 6 St. Columban orchoiAt�a, of for winter sports an intend iviug their
ake was great hits
before this mabter is deduitely settled, of the country, and.-wben'thc reFort oi the r ond:violins, two flutes, cornet, dlario- Urquhart' an rq. utherland spent a 'English -111di-lary move as leisurelY as qomo not tah-en ateps to put that gentleman -alectione, but as yet everythin is very net, cello and rgan, The inetrurrientp' R success in every particular. -It is now ten pieces. vi4, two first violirip, two Bee 9
hm that will bo is,not yet known. If the rommission was madff that the Government drawing near the Mine for bhe anual concert in the A& future.-Mro. D. (if Gina4ia udgeg, we may not have out of the LegiBlature. ' When Mr. Calla- ple of days during the past week in Ome POCials F -r Xmas Timado klaciaion for a year. cl uiet, but it is likely there will b� om in perfect tu ere evenli
tIhan nwrie hi rezect affidavir. which thoee e as- 7 balanced' and Blytb, visiting Mrs. (". Murray and bar Our all -wool Suits for men at n Al Overcoat, 1ii:1 friezi- pirants appear soon, conpidering t ere will the perrect bllec w tring, and ;�ind daughter, Mrs. (I)r,) Li"ndsay, -Miss Emily oting outhe by-law a P1 The cloud Nvhit4i appeared in ihe comner. hccu proseented for perjury. hftve to be v ranting initrumerti eioed everybody. T11' latereuted declared w -as falhe, he should have ag bf the th e Welsh returned home recentl from Man- M f" -Mr, Rbgeriq the n L, UDderwear, fleece -lined or wool at 1. 00 a suit, C� 1". R. indsay, opinion of many, � better orchestra 3�nnot -"Orizm 1he Uni!e ,qc.r, a ffw did at think the Government had, -gained who ha9 been in N-ew York for th st six be foujud in Canada to -day. outsie 6f the
it:)ba.-Mr. Bernard Thomson recently un- We have th(,� 25c Japan Tea in the. tr&de, wid our stock of e pa
any streDgth by reason of their failur Month', aga ia rapidly growing in sim Its C to' weeks taking a specia loaded at our station a, car load of furniture take action 9 I Course, rpturned citieo. D;.iring the svenihg, Father Peels, Oranges and Lemons aro away above the ordinary. a, and, thoref Me eo-n and household effects, receiving g in these case ore,' home currants r1rL't frll't4 are t)Uillg m inifuted by the dis- M8 was a matter whic I I
aet Thursday. Dr, Turnb 11, who maintained a running fire rpo and cod help
ge'audi- nd son'have moved of workmen from properly discuse, Geo, Rti-chie replied that his brother there. Thedo r, while ence biabbling Over with merriment.. .ra h the club mighu was relieving him, left for Gode "ph to re- pOintEd anecdofes, that kept the lar Mrs. (Rev.) impeon a onkton.- at rolury prices. wiseal of Ilargo aumbE of witticis from a eouple of friends from M Two cratcS Of Mina just in, an4faeturiog eatabliehmj3nts.
Qpr�ng raechanice were in v In the if anyone 011086 to initiate pro-�ccdirjgs the li" �resi. from Brucefield to our village -Miss Fisher,
ery groat ere, made a great many feiendp, ho were dent McMillaniand his colleagues fve�e de- of Zurich, was in the village during the Crown WoUld no douat t1dre up the case, all sorry when he left. -Dr, Lonj,',- ViBited lighted with :'everything. They we�t to past wleek,visiting her brother. -Mr, John
B, Be GUNN, Seaforth,
04i per pgol per blotd— tab — — — — — --
per fray per 11als now ---
r lag (Devi
ii"iff"eW, -per barxdl
So -tre
_11snothy S"d---.'
100 VsMw. per lb— Dairy TORON'To, Deevubt
ijet continues unthai
inmost Aines is n?t
;%growing tendency
in even -he creamory
cr,�Xmerry Prints, *21
2-1d; ch -0106 dairy P,
Urge Jairy rolls, 16�
Ati�ytubs, 16 toll;�-,
15o ; poor- dairy, W
'7-t6t J �iiligh_ A
Is tly -091
'thore a uo <,,hungp 4.
t get mg September ch -
'At lit to 12o per pol
is a,�,urslly to hold t
tions. Large ar-O qu(
stock contiamm, -fatood tored VIM
_are quoted at, 22
umed -at 19 to 2)(le pe
Idd,* selected, 21 to 20 to 210 ; Me -
Chesse-Wtario, 1-0 la to YQue
Qaebw. 20J to 1210 -
17o ; esterm =Jule,,
4ag forward fairly
here are Tdoted A
eore *Woke at
J*Psi little beavie Improing.- F&r too
jug forward i E of _P
wa unchanzed at
'Wickens, 8 'to 90
geese, 10 to 12t for
,par pound for old TGRON-TO, In
SOle ; red, 80a 31 to 3lic ; barley�
timothy, $10 to $11
$7 to $9 ; sheaf 'at heavy d bLogp.
bir deniall and a quoted at, $17 to to $1050i bulk
Manizabe miflfea4i i's
vara of shorts, azd
-oluded, Toront�o froi
- Lo,. -mow, 2 Ent
etttle -steady at JID)
American Aisers' Id
ba steers, 9J to stor beef, 80, o per 22D per poaudd. LIV--,RPOOL, Doeme
rattle, 5-�I:d f0amn irality of thelo*
but ,'he spply iWAS about 600 bead Of
Thers wAs a brisk paid for anything �001nmon '4ua ia%rio
isr-Tatill hard to a Prime beavleme told
good -to rnedium at
i&iy tnediume at a
AbPele sold at 2 to 3
.fzioya I I t 2o for t Wiere bought �up be
ie�aving the pn
vOloseconrioientio .
og their trading at
to and lambs
Qcod lots ef fat -pourt&.
BuFFAL-o, Decem
r I
,blebighe , cot.n 0. 15 to ;$5.50 butchers' zteero,. to $4.50 ; 4tcows, -V2
to $4 _atockere
stock heifers, Opringers, good d
to choice,$0 �o 3 -
to strong, $,6- -3--w
Hoo-A-etive ; 1
$4.7-5 to 44.85 ;,
Yor6rs, 10.60 .
$4.90 ; roughs, -33.75, 'Sheep and
U-50 'to $5.75 ; "
to $4.25 ; ewoD,-S,
ed, $1.5o to $3 75.
To no wwTo, D. 11 - na.ralz
Cr4-BeEt 11O&d15
per cw-t to $4.25 per%c,
,qualiby liuIlls 11 ,
me 'ura b0le a
per cwt. Export
votth -about c&ttle, weighmig
rounds emsoh, = ters,are wort
of good b
$4. 11) ; fair to goo
$3,15 to $3,30 ;
$2.655, Feedero, weighing frorma 1,
at $3.30 to"S3 T
lor the d4tilte.
per 0 eke
old ate -ere, worth to
and f om bra
weights an � *or
AIR& Cow.; -34*
worth frorn calvea arewar Lo per
to $3.40 portw.
ed from $4 -to sdect bacon h.
pounda, nor mo
off ars, are ... L
and fats ut S4.35,
-cwt. W I
and stage
On Tuefsdy, -on Lor, 51,
Joining the vill
Farm tock and -
Uh prop
-r;clock P. M., or.-
�i �i op, rrh Sm'
Bell, propriew.- -
0n Friday, D.
i,'attle and ilay� will I tA ft!'
ber 16th to Zbat da3r: to -at 317st r