HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-12-04, Page 3you
CEMBER 4, 1903
las- 3S6 Ili an Art Canned by the
Modern afewienalser.,
Tee onderful development of the
zewspa er May be loolted upon as a
eery po ent factor in the decline of let -
iter wrijing as an art. The letter no
tenger an be regarded as primarily
the carder of news. The expression of
,eeters 014,ion about great contemporary
events is indeed still leftito the letter,
but hair much of art incentive to
eetendly correspondence is lost by the
fiet that every part - of the world
knows' of important happenings ahriest
eimultatniously la' not to be lightly es-
timated„ says Gunton's Magazine, The
stinititue to vvriting that comes from
haying "news"to impart iFf done away
erith, and it is not alwitys that even
the gifted letter writer can afford to
lose that incitant It is only the corre-
spondent par excellence who knows
new to attain the perfection of his art
oy writing delightfully of nothing, if
indeed that may be called nothing
'which affords him a means for the em-
ployment of his delicate Perceptions.
For the saving quality of the genuine
fetter is in the ability of its author to
put himself into it. If he 'writes about
trivial things he does it With a grace
of interest that disguises the triyiality.
He mut not make his little fishes talk
like whales, but he should, as Gold. -
smith himself knew how to do, make
his letters Of perpetual interest be -
!game or the aptness of their style to
the simplicity of their thought
Tke Delights- of Nudity.
cling to that perhaps fanciful theo-
ry that no primitive instinct of man, is
altogether lost. It Is modified, ampli-
fiedrefined; that is all. With all our
culture ,we are barbarians still. Man
is a clothed' savage. And anow and
again he delights In doffing the cloth-
ing awl returning heartily to savagery.
flow delightful the feel of the briny
breeze and the boisterous wave on the
bare pelt! Mr. Edward Carpenter
rails at the, I think. eleven layers of
clothing that intervene between our
eking and the airs of heaven. Walt
Whitman reveled in his nude sun bath.
What a treat, too, sometimes to get
away from the multicoursed (linen
and to bite downright audibty into
simple food in the fresh air and to lap
water neisiIy from the brootel Well,
walking perhaps is the primal in-
stinct, ancient as Eden, where the Lord
God walked in the garden in the cool
of the day, And if my theory is cor-
rect walking -win Persist till in recov-
ered pgtradise man walks with his
Draker again. No mechanical contriv-
ance for, Iocorootion will extirpate the
tribe of tourists, of those who walk
from love of evalking.—Arnold Haultain in Atlantic.
Sigel*, Birder Coln* High.
There used to be fit a/store on Ninth
avenue.. New York, a very valuable ca-
nary whose owner and teacher, the
_wife of the German proprietor, re -
fatted an offer of $500 remit Sometimes
as one entered the place there came
front a corner in the rear a liquid peal
of music s* sweet and high and clear
that it sounded like a piccolo without
I the metallic sbrillness of that instru-
, went In a small wicker cage a black
and yellow canary waltzed round and
round, oever quiet, and as it danced it
sang the air of "Lauterbach" from be-
ginning to end. without a false quan-
tity, without missing or changing a
oote. Ithen the solo was finisbed the
bird whisked tli) to its perch, trilled an
improyisation and then began the mel-
ody again, breaking off in the middle,
warbling a little in self willed fashion
and then finishing the air. It was a
beautitut and unique performance.
Smoking ill Banks.
In every bank in New York there is
a rule against smoking, and it is doubt-
ful if any depositor or visitor ever saw
a coil of tobacco smoke gifting through
the atmosphere in the big counting
houses --that is, no visitor who is ex-
cluded from the building promptly
when the bank closes. But if the curl-
, one could squeeze their way through
those elosed portals in the afternoon
they would be treated to a very differ-
ent sight.
The rules against smoking in all the
big banks of the city apply only dur-
ing hatiking hours. After the doors are
closed and locked one emit transforin
himself int° a human volcano with
perfect freedom—and he does. And
"he" is legion.
A Personal Bin of Fare.
A squire of Andover once hired a
brother of Patrick, wbo was in his em-
ploy. The terms were made with Pat
before his brother's arrival, and the
following conversation ensued:
Squire—I'll pay your brother one fifty
day„ Patrick.
Patrick (bowing and smiting)—IIs,
sort yis. sor; and will he ate himself or
will ye ate him, sor?
The squire thought that Dennis bad
better eat himself.
His sobriety.
A :gentleman who had grave doubts
as to a servant's sobriety one day ac-
cused him of intemperance and as a
test chalked a line across the floor and
•commanded him to walk along it.
The fellow looked at the line for a
bit, then at his employer, and natd:
"No jokes. now, sir. Which line do
you want me to walk en?"
Not Complaincieter ot That.
"Tome people say you have more
money than brains," said the blunt
"r hope so," answered Senator Sor-
aunt. "Most everybody I run across
is treing to trade off brains for mon-
The -first steamer on the Thames was
the Marjory in 1814. The Richmond
delleeted her a year lilted
Cold seems to catch the kidneys more
quickly than any. other vital part of the
body. Situated in the small of the back,
near the surface of the body, they are
readily affected.
Terrible pain and soreness in the back,
thick, scanty urine, painfulin passage and
too frequent, sometimee puffiness under
the eyes and swelling of the ankles, head-
ache and disturbed digestion, are some of
the symptoms following cold striking the
It is not wise in these cases to delay
treatment. A prompt, effective remedy is
needed, and the only one that -can be dee?
pended on to quickly correct the trouble is
They are incomparable for all forms of
kidney, bladder and urinary troubles, as
the following statement convincingly
Mr. Chas. Rice, Welland, 04; writes :
"My work, constantly riding on a, wag-
gon and exposed to Oil kinds of, weather,
brought on a severe attack of backache
and kidney trouble, from.which, though' I
tried other mediates, I got no relief. I
procured a bottle of Dr. Pitcher's Back-
ache -Kidney Tablets and they •fixed me up
in good shape. The back is all right now,
and the kidney complaint a thing of the
Dr. Pftchler's Tablets are soc. a•
bottle, or 3,for $nes, at druggists or by
mail. The Dr. Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto,
in the Surrogate Court of the
County 01 Huron
In the estate of John Halliday Btoidfoon,
Notice le hereby given that; all persons having any,
claim aercinet the eetste of John Halliday Broadleaf
late of the town of &Mort!), in the county of Huron,
gentleman, arho died on or ehout the 3rd day of 0e-
tober A D. 1003, stre required on or before tele 10th
day of December, 1e03, to send or deliver to Charlet!
13. Broacifeet, at Brussels P. O., one ot the exeouters;
of the above estate, full particutere of their claims
and the ea-nre of their' security. (if any) held by,
them, duly velfiled by an affidavit. After the said
teeth day of December the O.:teeters wilt proceed to
distribute the Faid eatate arming the part ee entitled
thereto, have- g, reference only to the eblnii of wnieh
they shall thee have received notice, MS after tueh
distributi n they shall notfhe reopens ble for aty
part of the eitate ire any creditor cf Whose claim
they shall not have reeived ;notice at the time of
such distributiou. This notice is given pursuant te
tee statute in OM behalf.
F. HOLUESTED; Snlicitor for Executors.
Dated at Sealorth, this 17th day of November,.
Notiee to Debtors. ,
All pergolas indebted to thel estste c f the late John
EftIJiday Brondfout by note or otherwile, are re-
quested to call and eettle the same at once, wieh the
under91gns:1- or with oharledL Bcoadfocit, one of
the cxecutors, at Bru rele,`Oa eio.
F. HOPM149TED, Solicitor for Executory.
Dated at Seeforth Tie 17th day of Novenabor,1903.
Are a True Heart Tonic,'
Nerve Food and Blood Enricher. They build
up and renew all the worn out and waited
tissues of the body, and restore perfect heel th
and vigor to the entire system.
Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prose
tration, Brain Fag, Lack of Vitality, Al ter
Effects of La Grippe. :A/Hernia, Weak and
Dizzy:Spells, Lou of fletrtory, Palpitation ot
the Heart. Loss of Energy. Shortness of
Breath, etc., await be ride by usi ng
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills,
Price 50c. a box or 3 for $1.25. All dealers or
THE T. Idienueter Co.. LIMITED, Toronto, Ont.
Pay Y(?t...Taxes.
Charles Dodds, eollecItor be at t Royal Ilo
tel, Seaforth, on Frida3i ane aturday of each week
from '2 until 4 o'clock p. m • until Saturday, Decem
her 121h, for the per. ee of receiving fax moneys.
He e. flLalso he at Lea bury on Thureday, November
28th, commit electing Ilay, for tho same purpose.
Taxes not pale before 1eQ4mboT 14th. will be charged
5 peg cent. extra. OE RLES DODDS, Collector.
The Great -English Remedy,
is an old; well estab-
lished and reliable
' preparation. Has been
prescribed and wed
over 40 years. All drug.:
gists in the DOMIniOD
of Canada sell and
recommend as beini
Before and After jt knti h d dna. and
gives universal satisfaction.It promptly ewe
permanently cares all forms of Nervous Weak^
nese. BinigelOne, Spelfria rrhcea, Irn,potero,
and all effects of abuse or excesses ; the excessive
use of Tobcteca, Opiurit or Stimulants, 'Mental
and Brain Worry , dllof which lead to Wirmity,
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price -$1 per package or six for V. One win
please, six will cure. 'Mailed prompty on re-
ceipt of pr. Send foe free pamphlet Address
The Wood Company,
Wit/deer, Ont. Canada,
Wordei Phosphodine Weald in Seaforth by C. Aber -
hart, I. V. Fear, J. 8. Roberts ' Alex. Wilson and
.druggieth. 1;351/
Proof of the Assoeintiorke- of Ideas In
a iiirele4 elitec
M. Pierre Hachet Soupret, wri ng in
a French contemporary an the ntelli-
gence of birds and animals; rel tem a
remarkable : accomplishment o the
part of a parrot, says Golden enny.
Ile adinits that the bird was an xceP-
ilonally clever specimen, and h con-
siders its achievement tndicat s the
high water mark of possibilit es in
this direction so far a� parro are
Concerned. --
; Ile had taught Polly to u the
Words "cupboard" and "ladder, ' and
Int he climbed the ladder he ha suc-
ceeded in inducing the bird to 'tic*.
late the word "climb." Eve . day
when the bird, was brought in the
laboratory a small cupboard was
oPened, -and Polly helped her If to
hempseed. One day, hoiever, i stead
of the cupboard being Placed hero
she could reach it; it was ban d up
near the ceiling, and the ladde was
placed among sevOal other arti les in
the corner of the room. The et estion
to be ,decided was whether th bird,
Seeing that the cupboard wa'itt of
M. Souplet's reach, would hav suffi-
cient intelligence to use words 11 knew
In their proper sequence. Tit first
day's experiment was a failur The
bird Screeched "Cupboard, eup • oard!"
beating its wings and biting th 'bars
of dts cage in anger, but it got
ther;That day the bird received
which it did not care' for, .the hemp -
seed, which it was fond of, being
locked up in the cupboard..
Nextday Polly was in a great r tem-
per than ever, and after a d perate
effort to break through the bars of 'her
cage she finally caught sight of the
cupboard near the -ceiling. In tantly
came the words "Ladder—cliin p-
boerder and, ' Polly having Ieari4ed her
lesson, the cupboard was 1rought
down, and she was rewarded with
some hempseed. 1St. 'dacha ouplet
looked upon this incident as a ijroof of
the association of ideas in the bird's
mind, as no one had ever taught the
parrot the phrase she created. 1
Talbot si3azzar
You will find tbie place head-
querters for
Sunlight Soap will not
burn the nap off woolens
- nor the surface off linens.
Ask ter the Octagon Bar. 221
A Kidney StifSrer
Fourteen Years.
Could not Sit or Stand with Ease.
Consulted Five Different Doctors.
We are leaders in our line,
1, which includes
A call solioited. Wat3b our
windows from this out.
He took life too, seriously.
He did not choose upward.
He starved from mental povOty. .
He saved his money, but startred hie
His social faculties atrophi gl from
disuse. i
He thought be could not be 'happy
without wealth.
Ile. did not develop his manhood
along with his business.
He murdered his capacity for happi-
ness in -getting ready for it.
He sacrificed the friends of bi youth
and bad no time to make new 4ies.
He never learned the art of xtract-
Ing enjoynteut from common t ings.
Lie had developed a colossal power
for receiving, but bad never learned to
He was a victim of habit and rou-
tine; he never could rise above his TO -
ea tion.
His only enjoyment was in repeating
what he had been doing ail hs busi-
ness life.
He had never learned to enjo as he
went along, but found that po tponed
happiness was a -delusion.
Talbot's Bazzar
An Artful Beggar.
An old Parisian mendicant was re-
cently noticed to manifest apparent ca-
price in selecting the objects for his
Importunity. He would allow Ia num-
ber of persons to pass unhee ed and
then attach himself to others aud take
no denial. A bribe of half a fr nc front
a curious spectator induced hi to give
his reason. "I have a code f rules
which I invariably follow," &tid be.
"Thus I never ask alms of one Fwho has
dined, as tosbif renders a inar selfish,
nor of stout men, as it bores them to
stop, nor of any oine putting n their
gloves, nor of a lady alone, bu1 always
of any one manifestly going t dinner,.
of people walking together, et their
amour propre makes them gen roue; of
officers in grand uniforms an of pee--
ple apparently seeking favor rom the
government, as they think thsit a gift
will bring them luck." f
Pride of Ills -Performa ee.
In a downtown church, as he story
goes, there was introduced a new
hymn, and after the di -smiles 1 of •the
services the organ blower fund his
way; to the player's bench and asked,in
a meek voice, "How did the usic for
that new hymn go this evenln ?"
"Oh, very well; very well, indeed,"
replied the organist. "But why do you
"Well," said the blower, "I'l tell you
the truth. I was a bit nerve s and a
bit worried about it, for, you sec," he
went on explaining, "I neve blowed
for that hyrun before."
Mr. Jacob .Jamieson, Jamiesori ,Brolet
the well-known Contractors and Btfildeese
Welland, Ont., tells of bow be was! cured:
"For fourteen years I was afflicted with
kidney trouble which increesed inneverity
the last five years. My mosf serious attack
was four years ago, when I *as completely
incapacitated. I had terrible pains across
my back, floating specks before rny eyes
and was in almost constant torrent. 1
. could not sit or stand with ease and was a
wreck in health, having no appetite and
lost greatly in flesh. I had taken medicine
from five different doctors arid also
. numerous other preparations to no put.
pose. I finally began to take! Doan's
Kidney Pills and before I had taken five
boxes the trouble left me and I now feel
better than I ha,v e for twenty years. Those
who know me know how I was 'afflicted
and say itj almost impossible to believe
that I ha'e been cured, yet they know it
ie so. 1 eve passed the meridian of life
but I feel that I have taken on the rosy
hue of bo hood ."
Price 5o cts. per box, or 3 for $1.25, all
dealers or
Too Strong.
"My boy . tells me you d
him." said the lute °dice boy'
"You ndvertised for a strong
certainly thought be w
"Madam." replied the mere
was tea strong. He broke all
of -the office and genie of the
lo the .two clays he was with
Hard Luck.
"Did yer git anything?" hfspered
the btirgine on guard as his mate
emerged from t be- eindow.
'Ng; The chap wot lives here is a
lawyer." replied the other in •isgust
"That's bard thee." replie the first
"Did yorileSe anything?"
boy, and
s strong
ant. "he
the rules
fu rniture
Short and Merry.
Ffe—I have saved up eno igh for no
to live at the rate of $10,000 i year.
She—For how long?
ona wear. _
—Entries for the beauty contest, to open
at Madison Square Garden, Nr York, on
December 28, have already r ached over
1,200. Applications have cone from all
parts of the country—England, Canada and
Alaska. A prize of $1,000is o ered for the
bestedeyeloped man or woman. The exhi-
bition is for the purpose of aro sing greeter
sentiment for the needs and benefits of
physical braining,
We fully guarantee the genu-
ine quality of our rings and have
a special value
The diamond is purewhite in
color and perfectly cut and pro-„
Is set in either the above solid
te K. gold rings.
Money returned if ring is not
Mailed prepaid to any address
on receipt of price.
John S. Barnard,
It Has Drifted From its Derivation
and Original Sigailleattee.
Nowadays -melodrama" Is In general
use as denoting a purely seosational
play, with an all but impossible hero,
heroine and villain among the charac-
ters represented. Formerly the word
kept more closely in its sigelfication to
Piqua] derivation. "Melodrama" is cone
nounded of the Greek words tnelos, a
song, and drama, an action, a play,
and was applied to two sorts of per-
formances when it first came into use.
It eignified a play, generally of the
romantic school, in Whieh the dialogue
was frequently relieved by music,
sometimes of an incidental and some-
times of a purely dramatic character.
On the strength of his "Pygmalion" J.
J. Rousseau is credited with the inven-
tion of this style. Some of the so called
English operas of the older school, such
as the once famous "Beggar's Opera"
and the once popular "No Song, "No
Supper," are in reality true melo-
In the second place "melodrama" was
applied to a peculiar kind of theatrical
composition in which the actor recited
his part in an ordinary epeaking
while the orchestra played a more or
leis elaborate accompaniment appro-
priate to the situation and calculated
to bring its salient features into the
highest possible relief. The merit of
the invention of this description of
melodrama belongs to George Benda,
who used it with striking effect in his
"Arladne auf Naxos," produced at
Gotha iu 1774.—London Globe:
The Ordeals of a Doctor.
It is often claimed by outsiders that
having a profession dulls a woman's
sympathies, but I cannot believe that
this is true in the practice of medicine,
where one side of the work is so im-
measurably sad. I have seen a baby
that mune after fifteen years of wait-
ing and hoping and was rejoiced over
daily and lioarltr for a wonderful year
suddenly strimic down and gasp its lit-
tle life out in a day with pneumonia.
These are the times wben it hurts to
be a doctor, to find that all the knowl-
edge that you possess, all the skill at
your command, is as so much chaff
before the wind. To have a woman
cling to you, begging you to save her
baby, is an ordeal to which no buman
being can grow callous. You must
feel as though the brand of Cain were
upon you when, with all your efforts,
you cannot save the little life. Not
years nor experience can lighten hours
such as these.—Everybody'e Magazine.
Sterzus of Old lingland.
Itt the year 041 in London alone 1,500
houses were blowu down; in October,
1091, a great number of churches and
500 house's were destroyed; in 1235 it
thundered for fifteen days consecutive-
ly. The dreadful night during which
e Cromwell's spirit passed has formed
a theme for poet and partisan. And
the great storm that "o'er pale Britan-
nia passed" in. November, 1703, the
most terrible in British annals, also
has its enduring record in poetry. It
did damage in Loudon to the amount
of £2,000,000; over 8,000 people were
drowned in floods in various parts of
the country; twelve men-of-war, with
over 1,800 menonboard, went down in
sight of land, and the Eddystone light-
house, along with Winstanley, its in-
ventor, was swept away.
Dyspepsia, Boil,
Loss of Appetit*,
Salt Rheum,
and all troUbles
arising from the
Stomach, Liver,
Bowels or Blood.
hirs. A. Lethangeue
of Ballycluff, Ont.:
writes: "I believe I
would bave been .in
zny grave long
had It not beere-
Bardeck Blood 'Ea-
ters. 1 was run dovrn
to such an extent
that I could seams-
ly move about the
house, I was subject
to severe headaches,
beckaohcs a.nd dizzi-
ness ; my appetite
was gone an,d I was
unable to do my
housework. After
using two bottles of
13. 13.'B. I found my
health fully reatorod.
I warmly rcconhitend
it to alitiedan4
worn out women."
DR. IlloGAREY'S FI'r Brolgen444"da
Horses. Cures heaves,
the ttnnt and lungs.
The only'medicine in
the world that will
cure the above dis-
ease, making ,the
animal sound in wind
and -useful to hie
owner. Price, $1.50
TIM DZ.HoGaluil
StOlcidsz Ca.
Kaapudits, Oat
liefishey,s Condition Blood Tablets tend ecoaden
for eel estate and Horses, Pc. Sold by j. fi. Bob.
erts, Druggist, Soiforth. 1M-62
Do you catch cold easily?
Does the cold hang on? Try
Co rb_51.1211ptie
Cure The Lung Tonic
It cures the most stubborn kind
of coughs and colds.
If it doesn't cure yOu,
your money will be refunded.
Prices 25c, 50c. and $1.00
S, C. WELLS go.
Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y.
rieHOMAS BROWN, Liceused Auctioneer for the
Countiee of Huron and Perth. Oidere left M
A. M. Campbell's Implement wareroerns, Seaforth, or
, Tins Exeostroe, Office, will Twelve prompt sties tion.
etiefaction guaranteed or no charge. 170841
MKS G. McMICHAEL, licensed anceloneer for
eJ the county of Huron. Sales attended to in any
pert of the oounty at moderate rates, and satisfaction
gearenteed. Orders eft at the Sesforth post office
Or at Lot 2, Concession 2, Hullett, will receive
prompt attention. 18324f
UCTIONBERINO.—B. S. Phillips, Licensed
Auctioneer for the counties of Huron and
Berth Being a practical farmer and thoroughly
Understanding the velae of lin= stoOk and fowl&
Menai, places ma in a better poultice to realize good
prates. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
01 00 ivy. , All orders telt it Hensel' post office or
4t Lot :103: Concession 2, 11*Yr will be ProinPtlY
Blind Swimmer's Straight Steering..
It is a standing puzzle that all band
swimmers are able to hold an almost
perfectly straight course for very con-
siderable distances. though no more
guidance is given to them than some
species of call or whistle coming from
the winning goal. A blind man, In
fact, desiring to go in a straight line
possesses the curious power of being
able to do so almost exactly. A pro-
vincial mayor instituted a series of
contests ill an open lake between blind
men and ordinary ones of about equal
skill and strength, and the result was
marvelous so far as the straight steer-
ing of thp blind was concerned.—Lon-
don Chrobicie.
rilothe and Butterales.
Butterflies are active in the daytand
fold their wings together when they
settle. Their antennm end in clubs.
The fore and hind wings never hook
together. The chrysalis is angular and
not inclosed iu a cocoon or silken case.
Moths, on the other hand, are usually
active in the dusk or at night and do
not, fold their wings together on den-
ting. The feelers are very various in
shape, but rarely clubbed. The , fore
and hind wings are generally fastened
together daring ight by a "hook and
eye" -arrangement. The ehrysalts is not
angular and is inclosed itt some sort of
case or cocoon.
Jeweils WS as Idol.
The jewels of an Indian idol must he
worth stealing if many of those re-
markably hideous images possess such
valuable head ornaments as one made
for the idol Parthasatlay, in the TrIpli-
cane temple at Madras. Tin ornament
is worth some 50,000 rupees and is
made of sovereign gold studded with
diamonds, emeralds and rubies, the lar-
gest emerald being valued at 1,000 ru-
pees and the biggest ruby and dia-
mond at 300 rupees aptiece.
The doctor was sanguine.
"We're going to pull you through!"
quoth he.
"By the leg?" querulously demanded
the patient, a sordid man, whose soul,
even in that extreme moment, brooded
en the matter of expense.
TAMES A. SMITH, licensed auctioneer for the
ce.unth of Huron. Ss es promptly attended to
io any part of the county snd utilisation guaran-
teed, Address Winthrop P. 0.
"Are you blind by nature?" asked
the charitably inclined citizen.
"No, sir," candidly replied the beg-
gar. "I'm blind by profession."
The famous Maelstrom whirlpool b
four. geographical miles in diameter.
Aro a combiriation of the active princlnI,s of
the most valuable vegetable remedies for dis-
eases and disorders of the Liver, etcano.ch and
Sick Headache, Jaundice, Heart-
burn, Catarrh or the Storanch,Dizzi-
nese, Blotches and Pimplee.
Dyanopata, our Stomach. Wator
'ash, Liver. Complaint, Sallow OP
bleteitly Complexion,
Sweeten the brtath and clear away all waste
and polsonoue matter from the syetem,
Priee 25e. a bottle or 5 for Shea. All dealers
;or Tule T. Mit nouN CO„ J,ineited, Toronto,
Furniture and
Little WOod Useil In Theen, and The,'
Are Prreeette.elly Fireproof,
There ie n minimum of wood used
fur lerese eoIIsl ri'tion itt the cities of
Mexico. and there is itheolutely nothing
to burn except NV liat furnishings the
-houses may contain. The walls are
solidly built of stonh and brick or In
the less costly etruetures of adobes.,
which are thickly plastered inside and
out with mortar or smeeo. The floors
. are of brick, stone or tiles, while the
roofs are of- briek laid In mortar or in
some cities of semicylindrical clay
tiles. Many roofs are arched with
brick laid flat, not on edge, and it le
marvelous how slight a curve some of
these nrches have. Yet they support
heavy weights and have lasted through
Flat roofs are supported by 0 by 6
inch hewn pine joists placed eight inch-
es apart. These joists are often twen-
ty feet in length. Tbe doors are heavy,
hanging upon ornamented wrougbt
strap hinges and secured by strong,
haudmade locks, which have remark-
ably large complicated keys. Practi-
cally the only wood used in consieue-
tier) is for the doors and joists which
support the rood The cburch roofs are
invntiably of brick fireheS, GSUnlly sev-
eral arches in each. There are no sucb
fire traps in ttlexico as those numeard
roofs of French and American cities or
the frail dwellings of China or the uni-
versal wooden structures whieh bare
made fire insurance so great a burden
in the United States_ and wifieb cause
so great and continuous- expenditures
for Bre protection.—Arboriculture.
If you want a comfortable and thorough-
ly reliable sanitary mattress we have it.
There ia nothing like the darshall, Bed-
ridden patients have found their bed sores
heal up on this mattrese.
We also remind you that we sell the
vertical feed Davis sewing machine, and
honestly believe that it has no equal in the
country. It has all the latest attachments,
erd, not needing to take off the prenier-
fGot to place thorn, they can be put on in a
few seconds. Before putehaling, call and
see the Davis. We have other sewing ma-
chines, cheap in price, but good in quality.
All kinds of Furnittre and House Fur-
Upboletering—New and repair work
carefully done.
And Embalming
.Receives our prompt and careful attention.
1Night calls answered at Mr. Knechtel's resi-
dence, second house west of Bsrtan & Son's
!blacksmith shop.
Kneohtel & McKenzie
Thoroughbred Durhams For Sale.
The undersigned has for stile on Lot 27, Concession
8, Ilibbert, a number of choice young bulls sod heif-
er. from the beet etralne of Durham cattle, all choice
animate. The,heifers are in calf to the imported
bull, Prince of Duel.
DAVID HILL, Staffs P. O.
Endorsed Dy the best English journals, Supplied
to British Soldiers in South Africa,
For all Threat and Gland Troubles. Pleuriele
Lumps. AbeeereeSWir
ee. Old ores, ers. FehMto
4k In leleenses. ir,rZqesits. Pienpiee. $tjff.luinie.
leleettortaelem. Lumbago. Spriatne. Br ulifes,
riles. Cute. Sore Feet,
Sold by Bragg -Iva, 25c. 'Fri it woes.
Speaking an stopping.
The knowledge of wben to sit down
Is invaluable to public speakers end to
their audiences. Perhaps the best plan
Is to secure a cundid friend who will
pull you down by your ettattalls. A
man on his legs" is one with whom
time gallops; he has spoken for half an
hover, and to him it seems but five min-
utes. The excitement of the brain
suggests new and ever new ideals, and
the extemporary thiker in the pulpit
or after a public dinner flounders in
pursuit of these will- o' - the- wisps
through swamps and thickets of bad
grammar haunted by the anacolouthon
and other fearful wild fowl. In the
pulpit there is no man to pull the
preacber down, and many are his "two
words more, my brethren." After pub- -
lie dinners a bored atidieace begins to
talk and laugh, but these symptoms of
disapproval are not marked by the self
absorbed public speaker. In short, the
knowledge of when to sit down is rare
and hard to acquire.—Longman's.
Special Attention naeeIllIr
re HorseshoeLng and AOC Opp.
Discontent With Work.
That there is muck discontent with
work among the so called middle class-
es in America is due in large part to
the pampering of children, to the sup-
plying of their natural and artificial
wants and to the sentimental Idea that
"their day of toil will come soon
enough."' In general, work is not a
curse, bet a blessing, a positive means
of grace. - One caa hardly begin too
early to impress upon children lessons
of self help by tasks appropriate to
their age and forces and to beget ill
them scorn of idleness and. of depend-
ence on others. To do this is to make
them happy through the self respect
that comes with the realization of
power and thus to approximate Tenny-
son's goal of man, "Self revere -rice, self
knowledge, self control."—Century.
TWO "Views of she Bells,
A clergyman on his way to thumb
one Sunday morning pulled up to re- i
buke an angler. "Don't you bear the
bells summoning you to church?' be
asked. The fisherman put an inquiring
hand to ,his ear. Encouraged, the hier-
gyman repeated the question. But once
again the fisherman asked for a repeti-
tion, and then again, and even yet
again. Flushing from overmuch bawl -
leg, the parson was about to proceed
on his way when the fisherman spoke.
"Very sorry, gue'nor," be said, "but
them bloomin' bells makes such ins Ito
fernal clatter that 1 can't hear a word
you says."—London Globe.
Durable White -week.
A very durable whitewash that will
stand nearly as well as paint is made
as follows: Slake a bushel of lime with
boiling water and thin sufficiently with
cold water to make a good whitewaelm
dissolve a pint of white vitriol (sul-
phate of zinc) in boding water. only
enough to thoroughly dissolve it; also
a quart of fine salt The bushel of lime
will weigh about seventy pounds, and
by keeping the above proportions a
greater or less amount can, be 311a. e.
Maternal Pride.
First Young Wife—The photographer
said my baby was the prettiest baby
he'd ever seen.
Second Young Wife—That's strange
He said the same thing about mine,
Fitiet Young Wife—Well, I suppose
he saw your baby before he saw mine.
'lila Plaster.
Brannigan—The doctor told me to get
a porous plasther for me stomacb.
Druggist—Yes, sir. What sort do you
Brannigan—'Tis little I care what
sort it is so long as itis aisily digested.
A Serious
"Papa," said little Tommy Taddells,
"what is the game of authors?"
"The game of authors, Tommy," re-
plied Mr. Taddells, "is to sell their
Ills Wilt Power.
"Henpeck has given up smoking, ehh
1 didn't think he had so much will.
"He hasn't but bis wife has."
General Jobblag. MAIERr'
The highest liberty is harmony edtle
Goderloh street, • • • • seaferbh th0 hielmet
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative -Bromo Quin' ine Tabiets5
Seven mon boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature,
dr,~1-00 oribor2eveery5e.
eAll "ROCS& flVQ
These Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk,
Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath—they are
the Utast and most improved Dye in toe
world. Try a packsge. If your druggist
hasn't them send direct to Rexell CheMiefil
Co., 60 Adelaide St, Etat Toronto.