HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-11-27, Page 6*
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AR 111h 0 Ed Is - THE TBARIP RJOAD NG, 1 I I I not blia4 to Mo Vnialik , I - . . - 11 ' I -_ mm"W"NORM"M �� - �
I of JUNI Dueffitity-1 with Antifieptlafft4idtliq gIrl reslize how I - "
d folb, " � ----- -
�._* rooting tile fisjmorningt or the wa.,raith Lumbogo ANd ,�- �� ooldand fe-ino Nh@ f -' bow she w4s jp � -
me of Yost that P !I her thankri for tile oher-p lookingAlmo W
. dople of I I -
I I I �� — I -1 '�: ' L k4 novel, � Ohs chatOd plo*sanbly wit � him I ! AN&
A,USOLU E ltiioaowtbot,,,,,g,,,,,, for thadir news- . . ' lib at the Opera tsbju, f*nd tho roora- - V
I � ar reading for the coming year. so that 0 1 Pal lot In the Back "'N' L)roPP`1t11nxth@ boy'# hand' "ho
can .
- I . � some moment,# before beginning on thq new . turogod bl*ok, � I e r
*1W - Goilerally the I mprea. tal#, and even when ohs fib last openoo the &INSIMA this merebast. b . 0 obs msorWd, 11 I � . - _-, I
F:WF wordo'ftom tie along thob line - � be ,d=# - 11 XV4 raally nothip f 11 - � we G,
opprtuns;i Tuo9mviiTon is 4okpowledg. 9190 idt "I don't fed .h If book, there was it oubbla diffaronas fo tne WON410110 CINSWO X . r, � is � 1,
� a, I "" - � ailly felt dizzy for x4o instont, Why I Wilaro -
--d by all i6 be the hobt, paper, and the laid- well 0',!t otigh, Nottle U111CH way she did it th*6 made It inaludej Inktoad .71,M1,0%; ...., � sto I V, . � I - ___rN___ It I
. 1%fsmll� pliver in this part of the Province � pe�P'le y, (11 , I 6"ON-11-100-01-0 - � I
SECURITY. � k Ms. Tnomm A, Emimax, gtoneral mereli jto :69 You falluted awry Vien Daraint, sad we � ,
% , 1001 half of exalude, him from a share In the reading, 11P
an 6urowiry egort is direbtad towhv4s . ;1014o VU there -:s, no ,)And this was .equally trite of the sticoob:ding gp�ingblllj N,S,p w-riteg, ; texpir I'll
. . brought you here," .1ned the nor.e, � We know what all good a0c.
- mmm I . ing TiiE 9Xrosmajn, the lead, For . such thing as being ,halt / .(1 � "As the iresult of it severe cold -settling 6n I tors think -of Ayer's the I ,
keep I " d . � - 11 I
next year, we intend putting forward f ur- . � sick, The man -who feels �� kidneys, I contracted kidney atme, which a is can. M -
. doings of Old Sleuth dld� not the 1 1) Pectoral. Ask your owtj I -
Cen, uine ther effurts In that dir'Cotion, and we know half -sick is'all sick As a, sollieve, the suo0ess that the previousones' IiAgered for y"rs, causing ine much sufferi�g 80jous now, Dr. Armstro t "I
' _�
. ,�.
1� -b ,�.
. that our efforts will be appreciated by our rule the cause . , , from terrible pains In IDA. 0 *Oman I -or and find ou" FA win'
.f, ARe now r'onl"O'asngds'nwesn'bp'f,'6'at'ho'd"oo'r'.I"I' I BE
,� f the had. T6 invalid suddenly developed both ' As the doctor entered, Congtance tried to �
I large list of oul subscribers and by the many . weak, tired, half E 0 -el. restlen4s an# inattention, with tuch a ton. � I
H 14 f e I the back. For soxne .
aa4w � � - time I was entirely tin. rise, but a motion Qf hiehand checked her, 10 I"
Car -Ler . new once that are from week to week be- ing is disease of tbe'stom- I denoy to frequent Interruptions as to make 4 able towork, and though 11 Sib still for a little yet, Visa Durant," he C"a h ie& 410 -floe V -1
I S I coming readers of Tim ExPOSITon. All -a � . 1%cTi, resulting in, 16ss of reading well nigh Impossible. 4*V I - ordered, peremptorily. From a cupboard
. further inducemeAt to those who are not nutrition and consque tly dd Really, Swot," Constance wam driven to � I tried several physt he produced a plate of araokera and. a glass
a * now subscribers, we will give the balance of . h . cal weakne I I I cians I could only obt*dn ; 101%k 9%!M . I -1
VVIF In P Y@t ss, . threaten one morning, when he had broken, I 40% - of milk and brought them to her. -al I ., E
,a Q.�ia year free. That I@, to any who send in , .Doctor. Pierce's Gol jen in on the harrative for the, seventh time, Slight temporary relief. 11 I really don't want anything," declared P etc_ t ki'l ,
Little LZ V U^r Ras their names bow, accompanied by $1, we Mm - "Having beard of tl
� Medical Discovery w1bb quostione wb1oh proved that he. wto 1. I le the girl. I
� will send THz ExP0,91TOR Until thO let Of cures disease . . . merits of Dr. Cbas�`s ! is You are W eat something at onee," I , VOU how It oullets the fickfing I
. I � .1 a of the giving no heed to- the book, " unless you lie . V _1 In- &W . " 11
� ,, , a 1 f, heals the Infism.
. must Bear signature of Januaq, 1905. - I stomach and other or- � qilotef And donlb Inberrupb so often, I� #hall Kidney -Liver Pills i ic oted Dr. Armstrong, in a very domineering W 11
. I � ed
I But if you wish any other paper or papers I gans of digestion and not 0 on readi�g,ll i � , many similar cases,� I manner. lungs, and cont -,01-,, th4 t
L I *- began to use them, �nd - _V It
_.V _t9;_-_ to addition to TnE Exposrron we 9:ro in a nutrition, It ri!st6res "tat go�s," acoseded the little follow ; ( � He held the glass to her lips, and Con, K,
101�_01 position to got them for 5ou at the .'best . � strength by enabling e ' I I after using seven bo' hardest of couglls. a
� . terms. We have made, arrangemerita with . th ' I yet before she had finished a page he asked, P" stance, after a look at his face, took a swal. ' -
Jolt" 'i I � perfect,digestion and as. of 8 did youse ever play craps 911 was com !1 Ayer's Cherry Pectorai is Well known it � �
*e4l:'�oo.i: ... 7�e_00,40490�! . pletely curid. low of the milk and then a piece of a cracker I
W - I 46u=ltr
- the managers of the Montreal . Herald, 461', " she anowered, with " The cure is due entiray 0�d We Mulk It Ig the best rasdidat .
similation ' � 0, .a touch of ho broke off. III for eoughs und coldjg,,? ;
whereby we can supply THz.Expompu and , I severity. . MR, EMBILIX to the use of this rAnd i KATIX _PXTXA30X,?0t4IUMXjC4. 1
3" PM."90 wrappot 80ow-, - makes half sick people - i " How silly of me to behave so I" she said , 0�4
- � � , I
. I . � - ' . 11 IVa a jim-d%ndy,go1me, I tell@( souse. Inedicine, which has since cured severe per. a ff.-C AYER
__ The Weekly Herald for the- extremely low � f all well. � I I".
; - , � she munched. vral&utd�
: I price of $1.15. This Is an exceptionally lib- � � � sons to whom I recommended them." lid iiu= X all, *A#.
1VWT alman a" " "W - I � � � - "I suffered for four y Like me to learn youse ?" . I The folly was mine in letting you stay fo r MaL i
I eat" 6 i Dr. Chase's Kidney -Livor rill�, one pill a -
to Ildw, 40.80901011, � oral offer, ap, In addition id TAE EitPosmox, -, with Pain In aly stolu'ach . No," replied the girl, as she closed the I . iri the room when you had had no dinner. 119, I
4 -1 you ket a weekly full of good readi4 for the -,- so that at thuts 1�couldnit book, � . I � � doic, 25 cents a box, all de4lers, or Edmawn -, 1h
- - 11 i � - . , That was enough to knock up any one," an-
work nor'eat . I 6i Goils never oin" lktes and Co., Toronto. To prote�t you rd---- r, UU :i
. -
I I . % EAUCN4 , home, combined with articles on the leading Frank $I, 8 weites Mr b- no gOO4.1' remarked - av 11 Here." Onee again Ha *.,.- , S
. . questions of the day, the market. reports, 0 MR , of Swot, disconten edly, I Rgainst imitations the portrait and signature of _rered the doctor. --- ____ - - I �
; it DININ G ranite, C ee j Co t I -
I F0 . t4e glass was held to bar lips, and once 114 i
I .�
- , I etc. For the farmers,there is that excellent Ift .1 Colo. " oeto - A Really irritited,,lAimp Durant rose and Dr. A. W. 'Chase, tile famous receipt book again, after a look At his :face, Oons One of Ayer's P1119 at bedtimew,
I :ran MO EV 0 . jour4h]. The Farmera' ,Advocate, which is in i - ,, about y kne ad usted her boo. ' 11 Swot�$p she � said, author, are Pn every box of his remedies. : t&nce hasten recovery. Gormy I �
I . - W j . I 0ank, and then accepted a second bit of ,,,
I and w tol to ua e . I
I V , . future to be issued ag a w your inedlelties, which I did *id 11 you are the mobt ungrateful: boy 11 ever ____ - uslacker from, his flngers, . _W�_ I
'FOINTOR Otly. eekly itmtead. of L) mn i �Vl !*
� . -and at only a I only used four bottle ,go�d -results., � � ,
froft eftST11pAT101f, twice a imonth as formerly, a of your I G Iden Idedleal- knew, and Pin not merely not goiog 6 It has been regrettably postponed as it -11 " Do you -keep these o5 ee Ily for faint. M cLeon Dr in by- lawo be i*44.01 thlrd time �
, . . I I � p is
: � - small adii6jon6d oost.- Then . -there the old. Discovery,' and must say that " I am entitelY, read any more to, dqi,v, but, I have - aj good is.." I , ,niinded women ?" she asked, trying to make and be fiva, ly patied.-Cinia, Moved b
-1 $ALLOW SKIL, . pured and feel like'a new an I I con hIgbl5i �� y
"I the mind not to .come to-inorrow, just to punish I William Fraser, seconded �y $ww (;-
� - rellables',such #A : the Weekly 'Gldbe, recommend y9ur medidne"It'loua'ny sufferer,ly � ,� � The girl stood hesitating for a momenb. \ -alljoke of the incident. ran
-Weekly Witnes#,4bo. Fimily Herald -and I ; t fh
- R IMECONFLU.1.01 you. it Bu what am I to do about my dinner ?" " �,"' This in my particular - sanctum, Miss that the reporb of the engfuip% tjk9 0.
�. url'"Va IPWMNALO I 11 GoIdeti Medical Discovet y " contains � '. . pr
.9 �� �
rrA , I VVeekly Star, au� many othera. -From the 11 1h,_ chase yourself ;" was the'response. Dr. Armstrong eyed her intently. $1 I Darant, and I have si reprehensible hatit of I 6
I".-,.--- .... I posed Whitfield drafn N j":jMd ;ou.
logo" . Wan . 11 . B t , III be able to select the no Alcohol aud-18 entirely free froin is you ob - ,
TIN following is you. W . "can pass dat gold brick on me, forgot," he said quietlyt "that ociety duties- night work, I keep them as a kind of slee . sidertd.-Oarried. Moved br - dftTara.
1! � : opium-, cocaine and all oth4 r narcotics, ' , P A .;
: ___ __ r, - - best 1readlug at 16weet prices; - ' � well, I guess ! I �, : 9 . built seconded by William Wa_i, tht L*he
': C . �11 now take precedence over all others." T4en, Ing pot ion. "
46, ,VR9 $10K HEADACHIL Tuz ExposrroR rind the Weekly It is strictly a temperance mi dfcine. . Whab are you talking About?" ,indig, with an instanb change of Mannar, lie wat - cngineoes report on the Wbltfiild A �
- � I I . . I � Accept no substitute for 11 Iden Med- n t) asked Constance. I - . (To be Continued.) , I r1kill be - , -
. - . t. � ! . Herald ....... � ............... I . : $1 -0 thing "just 64, : . on, 11 You do yourself an injustice, I think$*. . V - adopted,, and ihata by-law be prepW #ad
. , I . � THF. Exrosx!�opt and the Weekly ical, Discovery." There i� n an Vink lad oin'b onto your cq,trvee 9. Tink bliss Durant, in even questionibg what�z6ti served oln the parties iutGrfttzd,-4M1fi,&,
- I
- - - as good " for diseases of the mach. I I
. I Globe ......................... � �1 65 I don't hear viot the nurse lodie
; - , 11aye ? are going to do# You know you are ootping _bdoved by . Adam Turnbull, so8ouded by ,
. -The t1common -Sense Me cal Advis� Goo ! I know wly youme so fo; f - � XM '.
— I . 0 1 - -
OHS -GRIM, V.&,Jmmor- graduals of Onisdo Tn-E ExpostTon and the Weekly - . � I nd o omin' to the boy." ! Willism. Work, that the onginservtlo I
. I 1- tA �,
I . . Y
' I
I .VeterlrAry Ooltap.. A *Lisemw�ofDowsotl . Witness ...... .... � ........... $1.65. er," one thousand -and eight arge -pages, here." I . "Lob us lose no time," Constance When a baby cries almosb continually 1b I sin extension -of two monthetims on:tbj,ft ` ..
, - . in paper covers, Is sdiatftee on receipt of A I In 4 certain sign that there is something the concessiou drain. -Carried. Moved _b.yjbjM �
u=(%1s ireaWd. Calls prowpUy attended to an Tui EXPOSITOR and, the Family. - - "'Wby do I oome here ?" � asktd � Con. am she hurried into the hall and odt o the 7
oUrgatmoa.eaW. -Ve1&rJvxry_Den6sk7*spwWiy. ' 82'60 .3z one -cent stamps, to'IJay expense of stanceiln a voioe fall of wairziin' il ; . matter with its stomach or bowels, and the Grant, seconded by Willf � .
Herald and Weekly Star . ..... . . ; hout door, cob even abteading to the oo, am Frasstj that
u2lee and neidanm on "ilob street, one doit the Farmers' �, customs -and mailing on&. Address Dr. The tone was wasted on the oy,; i tor's proteeb about her going withov t a mother should at ones' Ito it a dose of by.,law' No. 210, known as the Whit&ja I z
of Dr sew-* ofte, Bealorkh. ju2.jj TuE EXPOSITOR and , . Rl� V. Pierce, Buffalo,- N. Y. . 11 Cause you Baby's Own Tablets, ,41ch
- , , sun ............. I ... � ......... '$I 80 1 . � - . so dead gone, on do doo,)I� wrap, and she only said toblin at the cat. sweeten the Drain by-law, be md a first and awlsil I I
I M. . � 9 I I I I am sorry,you don't, kno � than little stomach, promote digestion and thne and provisionally Adopted, and tbttS� �
1-7 FIARBURN V. S.. -Honorary graduate, of &be TuE.ExposiToR i3nd the Farmers' w bettek , ri?ge (1-jor, 11 Itou will 00me with me, of 10,ur .1 -bowels. Mrs, Fred - �
JV OntarloVoterinary 061lega mod Hbi)onry Mom. zlbaho,doo? WoVsdoinoino?" to talk lik6that, Bviob," said �hel gir), and greatly relax the
Ad vomie. . � . . , . . i ......... $2 50 61� (iouree, Dr. Armstrong ?" Then to the -copies of *&me be printed,-:VArrkd. Aft
of the OWATIO Veto' I ,�j
bet ot the Nedloal Assoolation Titz; Exrosmon and &, Weekly Cousbanco held'up to him Ae red and quietly, 11 because I wanted t� be- g�od to footman, *96 Tell Murdock-.- the hom Ital, Mclntosb� of Wabigoon, On.b., who has had passing a large num]�Vr of s000tintathse0iiij..
r* I .
IaW Collop. Vostj disews of all dowe*tle "fruslo � . - experience, wrltem : Y oil adjourned to rb'iet agai -
by the most modern prhiMples. Denildr Mail ...... ..... 1. llow oovired tale. 11 craob sman't --Spoil, ou, ADA now you have put An� end tp� my Maxwell, but you aro to go ab onee � " When m little boy - -
y and Milk I I o gryi - I n as Uquirad b
Favor it vpeoW�y. Offlos opposite Dick's Hotel TuB ExrOSITOR * 'and* "t'he" Weekly - or Young Sleuth's Double' Artifloot"I she Cing able to'be, YoUwillha�sto ' r. was two mooths old be began to, a of � _y
I . % t some Purdy and may I oh%ll be prevented � �rom ryo and statute on the 150 December AtIo -
3hin Street, Swdorifi. ABordereleft at tho hotef AdverDimer.., ....... I ......... 6. $1, 65 read out proualyi . - one else to read to you after this. go, i.Good. Ooming to her to,nighb b a call that as . kept ib up Awoeb continually day and night o'clook, a. m.
will recelys Prompt attention, NIgbt calls racvlvect -.1 I . � I . Y .
at omes. lKl-62 Tim ExposrroR isud the Presby. . ""Ali. Wway I Dat oin'b 0 , good. Say, by." She passed her hand -kindly ovp,r his not to be disregarded." , w for several weeks. I gave him medielne, 0
.----- ___ - . terian ..... L ................. .8225 day didn't do kting to youse, id day. V forehead, And turning to flod tbq.b - V. 11 Ib wise madness of you, Mies Durant to but it did not seem to &so him 4 bit. 'I THE MOST NUTRITIOUS I
. 11 What d Armstrong was standing close behin4 I a . sad, Baby's Own Tab.
. . ' Pa had not at this time u a
- I THE EXPOSITOR and the wsit'mfr� � 0 you mean ?" r, come out withont a cloak, and I must hisist
. . - I � . hut the po �
ster .... ... o.we ........ " " Dey sold youse fresh, i at's wob d and must baVe overheard move or less of on you wearing this," said thii dootor, as he ng -
- I I ' .-....... �$2 25' I or little follow was sufferif 9 ejAin ,
LZGAL . � THE ExpostTon, the Presbyterian 1 . did. � Do Young Slout- books ain't no gOO7. whab hod be ojj 8 mubb that I Pont for a box. He obtained ..
I I r . . on mild. Vylthouo a word, and removed his own overcort the mom t th I s , Co IM, - I
� � -
- � ,�,o . . I Ilse almost from the first dose, and In a few
I and the WeAminator..:....'...' Ja 26 ',D0f" Outtin' but A fSke @it " looking straighb before � r, Constance 'walk. carriage had started.. I EPPS
- JAMES L -KILLORAN, . T= ExposiTor. anA the Farming. I C 4 I Ob, deaf !" exclaimed o stance, orest. ed away, I I . : go Oh, I forgot"bxtb I mustn'b take It from ays was quite well, Blues -then he bus An admirable food, with All Its ze, . ---
, . - .
alrb" 801iftm, ,00riveyanodr- end Noury World...., . ........... 1.11- - . 41.80. fallonly . 11 It took me'ths w iole afteirnoon "'Once -out of 'the boo ibal, her eonsolonce you, Dr, Armstrong." I rown splendidly, and Is is brIght, laughing, tural qualitien Intact, fitted to
ftbllo.. Money 60 to 0009 -over PiakardItHWe Tim EXPOSITOR MU,4- 1 � but I did -think it i roe what you wap not jblbogether oaq' ; and tbou$h she I I Have no thougli t, of me. od matured b old the Tablets In V I
Wts N0109,rn - bo find its I am ' 11 � build up and maintain robas,- � �
a . - $1 25 wanted." - kept away the next day j she @�nt heri foot -L warmly clad As. you and am be twi " r and cheerfully recom, ,. ,
Main aftset Fjesforthl.t I 1528 Messenger, .,,,;'... , � . - � . . �, bter prot oted
11 I . � I ,�., � . bealtb, and ,w resisb wintees �ex - -
. . I � - ' . . . . . . "I I was sceptical of your be ng able to get man with the 'usual gift I of fruits and I other than usual," mend t em to all mothers." treale cold. Sold in quarter -pound
. I - I
� RV S. RAYS, � - --,-- ever an SpOrOACh 'to DeW111 DY litOrStUrOp edibles ; and this she lid a sin on the' Despite her protests he placed ib "Out This is the verdict of all mothers who tins, labelled JAMP48 EPPS & CO.,
- 4
WANTED, A. MATCH-MAXhi& Miss Durank" said Dr. Arn strong, 11 and mornin ing, . . , I have used the Tablets. They"are good for .1
Amiloor 80110lior, 0mveya"Cor and Notary pubile. . : . . I - I � Cnne aboulderii and buttoned ib up, Limited, Hommopathie 'Chemists', _
sombor G the Dominion Bwk. Offloe-In rear of � . I _�I_ � -60 rquandered the large kum i if a dime my. 11 Of course,he ( . children of all agest and always curf, All Londou, England.
' "1,7 1 I 11 I me4a to be no 11 You kaow," he said. 11 the society g rl is -
Dominion Baak�. &*forth. Money to loan. 1286, BY PAUL ][,EICB�TER FORD, IN 11AUPER'S self. . � I think this is the go, Was article, strooiously Imporbinent," sba sighed, in at once the marvel And the despair o us their minor ailmente. Sold by medi0fue �
I I . 9
; I . � � .. a -
- K. BEST,'; BewrWer, BalMlor, Convoyanoer _�q_ 1 . isn't it ?" he Asked as he hind A a ampbleb truth missing what hid 'owe �o be such an doctors, for every dinner or ball oug�b to dealers, or -sent by mail At 25 cents a box by .
e Notaq P*Lblla. � Ain, over 0. W I MONTHLY. � labelled 11 Old Sleuth on the rraiF.11 to the amusing and novel way Of using u _b t it writing The Dr. Williame Medicine Co., � 1 La � :
, :
i Offl000 up of - p some of have its death list from pneumonia, U Elias 8 _I 'Coce -
� j I I
PsyWa bcoks$oro, Mai* Hirmt, ##*forth, Onierloj 41 Then 141 come to-mor'row and read to boy. � . esob twenby-four hours. 11 B . Drooliville, Onb. jr a- I
.. I I . you, swotr"', bast � : _ I Ot I Ono% in nover--P r ty . �*_
. - of Good. 8%vot, "SAY, oiwt 0 w ' ospe g ,operat n ? ,
- ,. in? ily remarked bliss.Disrant, 4# Dat's the real t1' f" jdbil U Acceded self r ob �o to him any ni�ro. 11 - "'Will It be a very painful i GIVINO STRENGTH AND VIGO&
- -, . I 11111itig her veil .over her face. OM Solsies for Thm'explanatious were 6*fided ,to bar Asked the girl. (Mined- His Wish. WB -26
B1fATT1f;, Bmi4WY, Nolir-46or, bo' ty;','�, Without beading the boy's 11 DAt's havin' bases stole off Ism''? " dn't I give double in bbp mirror, as the e,��sd 04 offoot 11 Not at AU ; sad the Anesthetic prelents y at the table. The .
y to icon. W406-0sa,vt Biwir Boa . .: , I There was oompan �0
H"V10110 - I I �� �
orth, �&i ,,,,w or jpvi , ng Dr. Armstrong a vrord of you 9 do wArm tip to let do d git it?" of a now gown, do-nued for a dinner ; and comejousness, If Swot were or, plate of coke wasfirat passed to the gue*t, . Th,re is no tbirg'better lot abildrealo �Cougbs and
rd, 11 You should thank him rea while she still studied 0 Colds fhAa Dr Wood's Xorway Fine �,syrup, It Is
I all she went burring along the wa the or�iboutiv estis- I should not hAvotad to tr6uble you. b is who took one of thO 1%r9 It pieces ; then to very plo"4nt to Uke and Alwwfs Cures the 1390
ROLMZSTZD, sawwwr . . arm of and then down s"irs, to her'bodago. Y06 from my stupid blundef," &no ered l'ing YOU was inte�,,rupted by a a ourlous fact thab boyr, as s6 rule, fac�.op- Johnny, who took the other large piece, one6l ooughe projuptly,
I th
0 caw - In IV ro once within its s4eiter, the glet -Jeaned back artfully av idi 11 selbility of knock at the door, and bar maid broughb orations more bravely than any other plus As Frank took the-ramstaing piece, he gaia) - - - -
a snaer, and NaiuY 1101sor to *soffin . 01 10 P.: .9fr,,,,- I I - - . .
&41A4 tand laughed merjily. "U's perfectl *b*urd olifli(stion. " Raid Py0ou liki o me to read it her & cord tho footman handed! in, of patients we have.". I Under his breath to his brother, I Pig V �
hnkof�Gowwerco. MOW to ls:'4. Fow � ly I I
191F WJ6. offlow In NOWD Bfook. Main Ngoo$ for,him to behavo so before all the burm to Tou now?" � � C0D@t&n0i took it, look64 astonished, 11 I wonder why that is ?" queried I on- 46 Well," said Johntty, 61 if it M been !Clears ay worm,
. and patients, and he ought .to 68- . I . Mrs. Ww� arsibsm, of shepptrdtov, out., mius I
I boy. �
110010Ah, � w better. f I Wouldn'b I jumb P - : .then frowtied slightly, and finally glanced stance. i F I passed to you -first, which woul u ve 11 I bave g1*60 Dr. L,Ws Wom Syrup to m I
I . I
� - 1. . . I . It is to be, hoped that WAS a ftfBolontly Still Igno, 19, Constance onoe again In -the mirror. W14houb &,word, , I I It Is due to the same it I I , �
11 i I � . i mbition Which tsken ?" iftne and again- and fiad It a god worm W 10120. :
� � I � � � , . air a "'. - 0 0 broad hint for his o-ornprehonsfiou, and thab took the seat sib the bed -side and opening i 4k The small pleas, of oourse," said Frank I 5006 % et An novel raskm the obild sluk I
I , � . � . * .. took bar iloves and fan from the maid makes cigarette smokers out of tbem-� I do. . - - : I
Ore, eto,, e ' F on, "' ; . heficeforth he won't do it." I . : I lika powdiors. s25% . �
V, __ DICK , 90N. - the bcok, launched into $be., rildest mes, of is doseende to the drawlng-�oow, sire to be thought men." witb rfghteout Indipatiov. . .- - - ;
� �
y0t It Must � bo confessed. that the boy's blood-letting and crime. Nit thrillingly as I I Good ,evening, Dr. Arms .
183341- CJUAULXS GARROW L, L B1. a ng,11 she said On their resabing the hosoltal, Constance "Will,then, whatare you gramblijag Milburn,A! Surji6g Hedd"he Powdere contgn
I . . I . - I . . v 0 s to the faob 000lly. , I . I followed at -or up the at
� remark frequently 'reourred that, 4sy to it began, she was not obii' ii I the 'do Mrs and *bout ? TbAVs the plooe you got,aln't it 71, ioeltber wo�ptlno nor opium. Tbo prompily -our*
. I �.__ — .Kim* Durant ; and if it had no other result, 16at for some minutes, the doctor stood 11 I hsty.e come herer;--I have intru4bd on through the oorriJoir. 11 Let me relieve you I *I sick Readwhe, Neuratirls ffe"01, HaAache of
ib osuied her to devote an 100unt bf watchinp her, and she Wali � ults conscious yout Ism Duransp" awkwardl and hurled - Grippe, il"Unboof doll"te Min, &ad Headache
DENTISTRY. 0. � � � - of the coab, Miss Durant," he advised and The Wo"t Kind. from *ny ojiuse wbatever. -Ptico 10c md 25c.
7!�� thought to �Dr. Armstrong quite .out -of f when he finally m6*id away, nois' ly be ti -the doctor ".because nothing else took It from her and passed It over'to a 28 of I I
I . ' - 'i I proportion to thq� length of the acquaint. 0 1 9 , N i I After Pilot have existed for a long time, do 0 0-
� 1i
I �
. I I . - i0xisly "he went. Once 'he was gone'she woul. It - isfy swot McG ler I , trust the orderlies. Then openio a, door he and passed through different stages, thosof. � An AH -Round Remedy. -
- he 11tunderetand tbit I- -bii is to made way for her to enter. �, faring is intense -pain, aching. throbbing, X",Hsuvenon,Bluseartb,Mxn,.wiitoI liluftl
F- W. TWrEDDLE; . SOM . . �1 WAS more at bar easo ; 014 lhrly� r i . e 19 r .
- you �
Whateverthe -jaward e&Ot Of the re- solonce troubled her a iftlet'le, or in b. Con un er an operation,-aud- 11, I told him oe passed into the medium t'ed tumors rm, filled to burstin�_ with black ,ard's Yellow Oil forBore Throst, Cut@, SW4
I . , . , or car- coastan fo H&
DENTIST, mark.- Mine D't ' . disobver no 00- riage she Again gave expresi Ion to some ib impossible, but he sti I begged me so room, whioh a flrst glance Aowed her be blood. �_ an ProstbI" for a long time, and considor It the,
. 4 - .
I .
Graduate of R07?j CORD" Ot Dental surpone of On word evidenoe that Swot's bomb -shell had t hougbb by -remarking -aloud, I It was, rude to b the 6arb te'refuse eomplately i4ed with 131 . . �.. VI -round 6utehold remedy jusde." Prko 20, .
, _ you that I hadn.1 � I m o; but here bed
kikrio, irt gradu4e aouift in crown su4 brifte work moved Dr. Aimorong a 1partiole more than of course, but If be will bolia 0 Not It really' h .V 1 - � ! I ,d - Symptoms Indiosilag other troubles may all dealer#. I
rest AP r to a thorouithly Pile -sick person# I V. .
, sslh4i" (Or' -her less rint6d attempts to bring to him.& "isftlb iny fault. " - I I An operat Ion?" cried , I , . -0000
I 61 .
at H" 011,1F 8. I 01' a, .1,00001 an I here investigation co"i r her eyes
10 . � Constance. ed on the glass table upon 'Which lay the* R"im' Is -when Hom-Roid,tha only Internal, , iftry A,iYoonnsl) Middle Siewl&okie, N. S., laytt
PS10100 extrik U Oil= OfBos--Ovor A. 1rmwg1g a � . � � � I �
grMyy store, .� I . 17" realIziti tbit h6 was behaving in a w&13 The itory tile, in true A3 9, was 11 con 11 DoWt be &Is med. It really isWb ab all little follow, while beside 104 stood a y mag the only absolute Pile eurep brings the re. # I "vo uved lmawbver Pills for wrloug'LlvarC�
� I z!er-displessiag to her. Whom she entered Vaned, 11 the noxb and auceeei Ing mornings seriOU4. He I -Porhiips you 4n&y have no- doolor and a s, At tho' and of her suits that b" made its lomej laint sad they bavis idono me -a wor]4 v! gocd, m0a. .
BW a 0M he doctor Was. to the enthraOrnent of the . lie boner and the t stless and mifurabts he has Veen 'footsteps the boy t head unt j he Ib will Our@ the most stubborn asse In ex- s art *ad bealtby," I ,
J -t -R. V. A. SHLEART, Dontist, grad=69 of ih* -this"waid the i . t morning tj 01 ' aura to �
M BOY41 001�oga of MOW Z�. food how re urned hii = it - un _. � - I I
I 160im" agai 'tb' a "Ihis time at the waif'o bed- amusement of the reader, the latterl4ndf" been lately. It is duo,�� we ha�e decided, to got might of her, when, aftor au in$ nt' Istenoe, and A boaded guarantee to that - - �1400 !mfle will be "a -
honor graftale ot A otcr TOWN60 I a or .,.atid ) . 4
Untrerelly. OffiT=ho Petty bWk, linsalL side, mak! avdidance of him Out; 6f -the In her ocenvation as w611 ao mveniont rea. one of the nerves of the log � havingr been ' I A box 91 milhaWs Rhou
WMV01f zurtab overy Monday. easonwoft up. question. 119so with a 11 this-la-my,ba"_ son for;avoiding or putbing a limit to the lacerated, and so I am goin I - store, he surprised the girl i by Min his offset goes with each package froo 10,ony ov6 wha ouffors from Rboums'.18m, 8*1_ i J!
I -
J�=6106. � . . IM day,"' manner, shb gave him the briefest ;f doctor's unaisgubsed endeavo re to sharp, if to end thim suffeAn 8: ito rem4vo itt eyes and beginning to ory.� I It is to tw had at the drugc�_thore, tiesi L-jmbsgf %, or Neuralgia it zboy hav, e .mwirvA . *
. I 9 'Which is now 11 —
greetings itid ti�on turned to the boy. not, indeed, to monopolize, for attention. keen." � . � .pretty " Ise knowed *11 along youse wuz Ole. - the" V1114 lWora. Send 2c stambp for postme U
'11-1-R. U., R. �. j. L, D. A., Dentist, graduate of I I i I to kill me," he sobbed. . - The T. Milbum Co., Limited, Taroift, *at.
V R. 0, D� %, ot ontwlo, tint CIA" Honor 11 �Ive brought, You siblis More - 906di"t Even serials, however, have a z and, and an .�' 0h, I'm so sorry," exclaimed th r 1"" 61 Wbyt Swob," artdd Constance, oln About the Size of It. I 11 � .00 -0 OWN
rrsduste of To nto Vnlv,�Wty. High"t slandin, BF0, and I fou"4 the story," she imuo,unced the morning of the sixth roe g the impos. kegretfully. " I didult dreani; of It, :J 'so to his side. " Nobody ilf going toj kiff Mr. W. T. Stead, the well known English N4Drth pay Frospering�
; � ,
I .
, . :
. n order of we in 6he tappet class ever graduste _bdu�nphsntly. . � - sibly shrewd d6teative 611000 Ily put oub was hard on him, and said I wou � journalist, writing - In The Review of Re- - (
tistry d I I q
t - I I � � - I : views in reference The Cauadlan�t ew
in 4 fta VA onus. - palfflow extreown 0.8 Wth "I '�i I . � : The hands were removed 1, from the 6yem, station at North Btiyo and the inprois'.
from t -,e Coll I . Kod(-m and upba-d*ter don - - . !_� i youse *5 w6ner,"Idat's wot yo Be In ; 'of %xisten ldn1b come you.', a0ifie is now using itis -11
I I -_ - i cW or safely inoarce ad each one any more." to the Alaskan dispute,
by Local AnnootbWas aud without say bad after , - NNNNNNW� oi the numelrous scoundrels w -had hither. "He has missed your visits! very muoh, and still full of tsar#, they blanki I says : "The Canadian case was bad, and ments to its traekof and -the new" ruand-
effoott. Gas dminiotere4and allowrations care.. __ -'- . . . to triumphed over the la'wp . Constance Miss Durant, and we fohnd it very hard to mom gut at the girl, Y "to' 4 known to bo to by the British Government. �
. I . � . . . ;; I Mac , frefgbt sheds, 04.2
tully perfomcrd. rw 0yeir Din's0fore, sextorth. ' SS � 0 closed the book. - a comfort him I it is impossible to believe th%b they atisented
. I . . . In each mornini, when only your 11 Hully ge "" ii� - ]
� . A&% -if ... i 11 am : I a. of o I Is dat yo�� ?11 he a to the appointment of an Arbivratfou Com- are pidli assumiog shape, The oompapy
- Holly Gee I" sighed Swot, contentedly, ldfrvsub c 10-" late I tought youse wOz do a 61 me A mr-ions
_ . ! I 'lug 0 Apparently expeoD to band's an eno '
I 11 Hag he really ? I thought thh6 were for me"' I
- . I . I .it Say, dst Old Bleat., he's iup' to do limit, I mission with any 1her expeotation but that business after the clole of Daylgat'lou" so'&
� . ! the deobion
� . I esh oin't ho? It don't matter Qt dey does, he fi0thiug tO him-" 11 Y;u may go many years in society, wouold be given� against thAm if
�. I . I . . OrS preparing accordingly, -
� �3010". I . 7 � . . workir it so's do huff pvsh '(me& bis WILY* 11 If you 6ould hear the little chap sing Mine Durant, without the question W" to be settle -d on strictly
. I I i . 0
. -1 .. , - — . I i I I . I � � winning Another Judicial, not polifleal grounds, To agree, The sum of $W,000 has been voted for a
P , . !narked I Dj�. or Fort.
IM 'When you can t cat break,� " He certainly v; . z - would not think him hearbless# th f that Lord Alvtrstone should be a
I don't he?" - I your praises to the nurses and to me, you compliment 00 genuine," re , ere ore, now towz hall and fire hill, And other port -
Dr. John ctilrinis, , � as verj far-seeing," . ` My loidy' Armstrong, smiling, 1 manenb improvements, and the debentures,
; �
Asa. 9.radimie E01don Yfosterd'UjilytMly, mdivabor Ion. that he - conceded ; 11 but wl at a pity it is 19 his favorite deseription. of you," ' Constance smiled in return as sho� All- left Absolutely free to doolde the question bav4e just been issued, The works will -b&
� . � - _ 0 ' floor eal. " He wAutf to 000 'no ?"questioned the swered. "And It only proves how;: the -
f0t, 'Jake Scott's Emulsi; i cons""ce with the same impartialiti, and thesame
of OdUrlo Qdlap of Pbysids" and Burgeon& � I . . that h wasn't - ih some � pro-3eeded with during the winter, and com-
Ofte and Raoidauoo--Formarly ot�o�ed-�y Mr. Win. . I . girl eagerly. . I ! I judicial spirit, �s be would decide a cave in I i
- "' 4 value of a complimenb is not Isk,-its truthful- the courts Of JuStiee, was to give the ca.ie
-tile CaUollc Obumb. i " He begs to have you with him during nesr, but In its being truth to --the onelwho
FicUrd, VUW" (Areek naxt to Wheh, you! can't eat �rcad "'Og pleted next summer.
Aw,ftlit crills S000aad PP-MPW. I"SX12 1 1 � b " Floor wob V - . The town Jim just decided to Aorots 815,,- .
I - 0 - I 9 - 6 How much qobler it, wou'd have- been tbo operation!" exclaimed the doctor. "Like spea,l . i away in advance. lh� this oase it may be � a I
.- ___ - . . . I , in
,,and ' *butter, take ---Scott S it, f tiking life, he lic d been saving m01 " 3: it." do ntittin' ragarded as a put-up , WO bo the ereabior of a now high school plar*
. . . i. instea& 0 it of the poorer class, hlis� Durant, he y, youse won'b let dem boy. obj'arrauged to save will shortly issue debenture* for that .
ma M. 0. miqlsion. , When you have . it -like Dr. matrong, for i 2stance ly she has A great dread of -the knife. TO � make bad to me will youse ?".implored the' I the fW38 of : fihlinisterc If the pose, . � I
I � Senate bad I
. ; I . I added, to b I g bar Idea witb in the' com- him fen frantic, I promised !that I would 11 They are only going t, 'toloolutely aesurtd the
0 � : I I
Offic -ver Greig & VM9;0 come to yen with Ill I o help 'you I verdict, would be in th r favor, they, would A large bed of nickelite ii; reported to 1
8bowartle Staore, �� * jprehonsion . � boy. In ivish, and, though I Swot," the girl Assured him, as she took his -
to", .i ecli 1i n, a milk tt and have been discovered in the vicinity of
111� I I .6 , . have agreed to th"am lesion, Lord Alver,
Beafort - h� , .. 7 - I - ilAh, da I a talk for rolig foul mugs An' would cob for a moment have you present hand. i .
. exclal ad the wait At the Actual Operation, if you could yield 11 Don wob do day want to pub me to loop stojae played his.Parl tQ porf6ation.11 Hailoybarg, and Ontario Governmerib *&
. � , i tboo
Night cat: ationdod (gr a* the offlue. want something a fifik-'Morc goils", watemptuously exclal I 61, I cislo are In the field quickly lookitg Into
_ - ----. I Im . " ' "but it doul go wid me, P; A one little so far as to come to him for a I few minutes, for?" � -_ msi ter.
i -nou _! ak' ' SCOU'S bit 11 and Assure him that we are going to do it 11 To spare you sufforing.11 . OnG W F Persons.
� rishing, t *e � Gur
. 0:7 . 6; Arealb you grateful to Pr. Armstrong for his own good, I think it will make him The new -Vietoriou Order Hospital will be � t
DIR, F. J, 13URIRO 111 . 11 Die ofult no knook-out drops, or dab OnO PtmD In every four suffers more or less trow opened next month.
�. W80 Emulsion. I for all he's done for youlpj were submissive,)', ' I . sorter goimo It Honest ?11 Itching pfle@. Sorne do not know the riature of their As the time approaches for the sale of - a
� I '�z " of . "When do you want me Vy silmentg, and others have not beard of Dr. Chi, --,-'s V
8_M_&3F01RWJE1 _ "Bet youse life, ass;ated Swot ; but urant, � asked Miss I I No, I woulb let them do 'you any Ontment so the only obsolult and guaranteed 011re timber 11mito in this -iffstriat-14 vbleh Uto
Office and Rosldauoe ---- Godayich 13bred, eaet of tba, MUSt eat Ispoin'tgoin'to be 'no (141.r,nah! Ise harm." for this 419trming d1sew, If You are * sniferer *9k take place in Toroy,ito on the 9th prox,, Ju- I
kelbwr . � goin' to git 0n do force, dat , a a raolket Ise " It is -I am to operate as soon as I can " Will youse watch dern all de time deyso your neigbbore about We great ,pmparatim Is bae - i
jdWi chumb. . S a , � , grow', Popular as a result of *e newn of He me. torest in the matter inereaves. Over & dozen .-
Trf,w-a"x No, 46. fat. Scott's : Emulsio'n I outer. Say-.- will youse read e anudder of get back to the hospital, Miss Durant. doin' tings to me?" I W -A
Coroner for tht. County N flnroD. , I - I � "Ing p&*Aed from fr1ohd to f,flead. of the townships, whieb are to be offered for -
� I � � (long stories ?" I -_ � I I 11!TEM " Yet. And if you'll be quiet And take . I - sale, are in close proximity to Nor -01 B41f .
ita great fattener, a �, . great 11 Gladly,:if I can find the r% I ht kind this . I � It nicely, I'll bring you a present to mor. � Grey Oduncil Meeting. and, as all the timber will probably be
� time." - row.11 -
. The municipal council of the township of brought there over the Temakaming & M
DRS, SCOTT & MacKAY, strength giver. The boy raised his head to I oa about the �, 11 Dab's grand. Wot'll youme give 0119 � Grey MO At the townsbip ball, November Northern Rsaway to be sawn and vh(pp4 12
� .
ward. 11 Hey, doo," callEd his cracked Say, don't do dat,"-, he protested "' tl-o M, 1903, pursuant to adjournment. ]Mem. people are naturally keenly alive to the" im- e
FHVRIU�rAna AND suaGNONS, Those who have lost flesh +-reble. . a
fadoylab wh�aA or,v ., � e 11 I portance of the matter from a busiaw
Wlbo MtAj1;0dI8b obUXb,.39&f0jjh - nurs Applied the sponge, and cons to his berm all presont, reeve In the chair, Moved . S
11 Hush, dop'b !" protested a girl. ` I , face. M Turnbull, seconded by William de
0. 30M, grOusW V-10*04a %ad Am Arbor, and want to iname all body 6, Wpy not ?" 11 Lie still, Swot," said Constane b Ads standpoint. Notbing definite can be -- 1 2
1 Whether for immed; 9, sooth., 7ork, that by�-law No. 20. known as the olded on until sit -or the salo ; but it is A10
memb-3r Ontarto CoH of phytolans *nd SCOtt'S t.Before sbe could frame a re ton the doe. Ingly, 11 and tell me what you would .
awgeom. Goronw tor tissues, not only fat. :beeb - --- most cartain that a large sswmill will be
. %unly of Bonn. r -was at the bedside. " W at is it ?" he iate or futur.e consider- like me to give you. Shall it be a bo- of I I :
a. VAcKAY. bonor griWzmto X; . . . . . ! . 1 4 erected there for this purpose. VA
Trivitf University, L_mulslon increases them all mke,l ,- eration our prices for buildibg blocks -or some voldlerm-or a. fire 9 _-- - -
-gold medslieb Unity Xediu#J College, ?4@wb63 I I "Say, wese got tra wid is story, an' I ellglne-er-" a a T
Uolloge og FbyWalwa and Burgeo2j, ftUrlo. bone, flesh, blood and Min Constailce says she'll rea me anudder, Copper Plat E4rav- "Nah. I don't want nuttin' but one One LAXA-LIVER PILL evety night jor WAY _. I I I
- -14-9 but dby'll aeb db goinie up n her, sure, �, I aya inaken a oodipleto cure of billousnem and ton, -
- - ___ , ' ing are worthy of bing-an' dat'n-vvot wuz I Unkin'-I for. NpWon. TU 0 lo- just 26 cent to be ctired. � 0
— nerve. bein a goij, so will youee buy de real , 11 gets Vrot it wuz-lemme see-wovii do mat., - - ____-O_� I V
�� V
-or" Rod Compound-- I ; ter ? Wheer Is youse all ?" The little trame -The G. T. R. station At Stratford, wo I i
CNIVS C * ting ?" note.
e, For invalids, for con- 66 That I -will." . relaxed anj lay quiet. I I burglarized on Sund&y night, 8th iDst., and \ _1�
'Ladlex% Favorii , I M a 10 S " F
- - ___. Tz the C3111-7 safe, relhable . 11 Dat's hunky," Then lie appealed to For instance, we! en. 11 That is all you can do for us,:Mlss ,Da. nearly $100, the greateer part in cash, WO F.
- l I ;
Iz-_ rogulator on which woman valescents, for consumptives, Constance. "Say, will y ouse pay for It?" � rant," said Dr. Armstrong. _ I I of Dodd's Kidney Pills a m- stolen. The ticket office, ne" staud, b#X a
can depero I*irx the ,.hour he requested. . � grave a Plate like this 49 My I not stsy, As I him I I and lunch room were all entered and the tZ 411
and time of need." for weak children, for Al I I , promised - I legion. The box Is Imh I a
\ "And why should she?" inqulired Dr. - for $ I. 00. � would ?'begged Constance. . `�*d, in each rifled, To do this it rt -s nec"M7
- Prepared in two degrees of r I I (16 . �
r au
-� '
S*'t ' � . 11 (I I -
T HA FL - -
I , 0, 4N
il�C6MO L
on k
" "".
1 PLU On
amm .
� i'
.1ai 0
, I
1i ,
E's hilzbest I
. I Atre o. I and No. 2. � SCoftpS Armstrong. I . I . Can you stand the eight of blood ?11 1 1 *6 Outside coating and sh,%pa of th* W piry oper. several door*, an Operation ths# .
. ,, . V, .
4urdimkry cases who - need flesk; "'Cause I heara do -nurse loldles' talkial I 66 I don'b know -but see -I'll turn' Pills Aro Imitated and the namo--Doddi"o must have ocassloned considerable noL^ Q
i my .0
" - 'I lboub yousp, an' do said dat youse wuz back," Suiting the action to the w'ord, ]Qdn*Y Pills is imitated. IniftationviLro through which the burglars :rms great risk
11 ( I . fa by fix f��te -beat dollar I op :y I " -
2�ror e4wfat ea�ft'-10 do'grees I ; I . ina.1123are. Dod I ag detected by the yalrdanian, who OM
� NO. in I edhalno known. Emulsion is 'a tich And com. poor, ,a:xA4V,n,4_'44 �'a, aw the girl faced so thato still holding Swot's flangstrous, The orie d a of bei
. � , I tor'@ tuin bo color, and � j, hand.she on duty all night. They accomplished th& I
e h d6l arg p;�r txm fortable food, and 4 natural "was the doe; � . � � was looking Away from the 'Eljnr� Ki&oy Pills have a rtPut
* t,o�
n. ImItL
Lue & your Orti-Kist for Conuls � . flush* he 4id. From the iplate we print, ed leg. � L'� abioct safely, however, and got swsy�
; i . � i t� . .. -
Cotton Roof I mvon�7tZ Take no other I � . 1, Swot and I will both be ery grateful, ,rs bay* none or they wouldn't imitate. 0 � - I
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11nAc"a WANTED
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detor a g01% ina us) f
toprittor; J Es
tangerous. ? : r. Armstrong, 11 !YOU Will get no another 50 tbey tratdo on the reputAtion of Dodd's MILBURN 8 STERLING HEADACHE PO PDr.m-, I I ,Vy g -
No. 1, fLnd 1,1u. 2 are, ,,;ol(l nnd � for $ 1. 00. . I assistants was the doctor's way of telling Cum the Wofat heada-che in from five to twonty zrin- . r_
of the Old Sleuth 1 books," sp)ke up Miss I
recornmended by ull drw,,,;ists in thv Do,- Scott's Emulsion4for bone,- . her that be left her to do an he chose. ;She JGdney P11 � �'s. Do not be deceived. Thordo u4s, and lezvo no bad Mer -effects, One powder 50v : I
s -no DODD'& Havilig bo�Vht out
m)Aeon of Can,,00, -Mailed -to any ,address . Durant hastily. I I he "plate" will last a lifct�ne. stood quitely for a few minntes, but predent- is � only o 8 powderg 10o, 10 powdere 25o.
04 receipt 4Df price ang fuLft- 2 -cent postaze " Will you give'?im de price ?11 reiterated ____0_
h flesh, blood and nerve. ; ly her desire to know the progress og the 01qgifl&L Dodd's 6 the . W*s fr4n, urs. Ni-_L�
tamp% Gme Cook (N-Mil-alky � . the vrehin. i . r I Writa for a copy of our I D441d's is tke name to be r - � MC43 I of �i
i * Iluds , ontx � operation, and her anxiety over the 'out- Ca &. 26C.48. Jo.r
t 01r.9 , - - � � " Then we'll exiiect lb to new handsomely illustra. i -The chee4e factory near ,the half-W&Y' IdDds of d�drg� ('
�� . C%�09=� ! � orrow morn- ted catalogue, ready Nov. her, and 1 she houve at the 4*11ie on sb.tit nct,'4
. - Qafinp-.- = AL a free sample. � . rtive g6pee. twin bridges, whieb, are near Avout-on, fit've � a few -deora enmob cf
", Alex. WiWij, 0. Aborumt tind 1. V, Fear, drug � ot 0:1 the ! gir I or the fimt. turnod her head to take a in I
I' No. I and No. ? aria fjold fu Panforth by J. S. Bob �Ve will send you Ing, ,, we . * n' come, proved to strong for ful about- house, and the fat -Wry and I -
91 -da. - . I time In days nho held" A r band to Dr, 15th. On request we WjH -
� - - - 1869 I out he, send it to any address She did not look away again, but wi�h a "?_� " ' been purebatwd by Mr. Alex. Kerr, from ,
I Armatrong. 11 And thank yo in advance f
, Bt sum that this picture I free of cost. I strange mixture of fascination and s - � - 1.) .-. T % 9 *0 I
I . Y) I I quoam J..,f IS Mr. H. B. Southwick, of 8t. Mary@, W
for your kindness., Good 1110 . I f
) Ishness, mbe pMoscis removing to Stratford. The prioe Tax 0 i
In the form of a label is on watched as. the bleeding � was 0
McKiJup mroctory for 1903. the wr Pur of every bottle . 11 Rate !1 - she board, as 'she a ed away. stanched with sponges, each artery tied, , and paid for the pro,)erty was S3,800-
MICHAEL TdUTtj)jg Rwvo Winthrop p. 0. . of EmuTsion owbuy. 11 I didn't .tink L%hed do'de'gra d sneak like . RYRIE BROSO each muscle drawn "ide, until finally! 0he - - _Nlibe Maggle Cuthberwon, of Doneg4s 17he Hil.Hdn f 4r�llc� I
y dat, doe . JEWELERs I -W IV Vxi -'s forrecf.�; Ing ';
-'OHN 5- B"WN, &;;c1G*rj Beaforth P. 0. . jus' 'cause I tried to touch her for the nerve was reached and removed ; 'and ,a IF near Lietowel, met with a rather *nfull fkc- zl_ �
n -LE, Vouoolijor, Winthrop P. O.: - - do cash." I 118. 120, 122 and 124 -Y� t1lo let ani 0:3 !:
"OHN UURR*Y, Oftnoulor, Bwoobwood P. 0. cident a few days ago. She was on the at C-finton eu Tneelull
SCOTT & B, OWNE, she could not but feel both wonder and Ad- P .
JOHN X. GovRFLOCK, Cour.611oz, WIntbi KILE)NA-4 T .
I . CHEMISTS, Constance, glowed one step, hen resumed YCOAG St,, Toronto � miration as she noted how Dr, Armstrop'gla � wagon driviEg-tbrolagh the gateway. whic Nycdneway. tbo 11h -�
� _ .11
JOUN ()` Mop-BMOX, (3162t. Winthrop P. 0 op P.O her former pace. " He burelT -01 course je,41_4 ROE -
DAVID U i hanfift .er ft'". fl— . ; I .- 1, 44-4 &to
. 44%'j�o -&� . . 9 V V av�"; "r, .V am L""VIA JIJ Une neel came in CUMISCIA 1,6 M .
Sol-ONON.T. - MY winuirop P 0, I oronto, Ontario. heell understand why I hurrie away," she . !
W1aVH-qV$NAXNoX, J" P�, Mwilwy jasnotol rmured. his way, now did they work so skilfully !and T ev I =hrowing her in front of the -WJ1e-'k,4
r. 01 I I'll - 50c. and $1 r,oall druggists, ma � -_ - - ra dly, Not till the operation was dver, passed over her,breaking her shouldA—r ,
__ . '\ Blind as he might - be,.Dr, metrong was .11 azi PILLb I
I � I . . . I . I . _ __ the resulting wound was being spr�yed blade.
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