The Huron Expositor, 1903-11-27, Page 5he
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BER 27,1903•
moo gest hy Some of the
res to _Avoid Arrests.
ough ther s every appearauce in
e great 14/ndon shops that the
c is to be trusted implicitly, an
to and carefully organized sys-
of espionage prevails to eircum-
e designs Of the peripatetic
ad the marauding kleptomaniac.
nvisible detecave, whose (Ando
e unsuspected gallery in the
hence from artfully designed
he. molding- he can sur.
-hole establishment is tile
efts' foil to the shoplifter.
e only a few shops so
Arac urally designed that stir' eillane
it this kind is possible. Some of the
OW treasure palaces are guarded
is Manner, and to- make assuranee
ly sure no attendant is without
• satellite. who keeps a wary eye on
ases o gems exposed to VI cus-
ers' inseeefions standing at the
TRIM'S einew while he is showing
fl periedN a careful wateh is kept
on those dreee eetablishments that are
weeded by women, but more eve-
- fly at .sale time. for it is then that
tousness overwhelms morelity moet
ly, and the ,crowded state of the
- favors the picker Up of einem-
-ed trifles. A manager og one of
Iargest establiebmente be the me -
lis says it is in Itilose departments
are not sped us that pilfering
eipally goes on and that in them
tive gnperYi8iO1 is always most
grery shopwalker, and counter at-
adant is in effect a detective, but
ere are some professionals wbo as-
sume the guise to hide their real post -
It is the duty of each attendant
n be is suspicious of a customer to
II the attention of the detective to
s . not blatantly, but by prearranged
The detective then keeps the sus -
t under her immediate eye. In the
e emporiums where women chiefly
gregate the most efficient, because
least conspicuous, detectives are
&nen. either employed as shopwalk-
ers or as customer&
. When an attendant misses or thinks
misses something or notices disturb.
.g signs of thievery he speaks to the
ctive, who, as an elegantly garbed
tomer, seats herself in a position
Mmanding a good view of the sus..
t and makes her purchases like any
er woman, all the while gathering
upon. which to proceed. The dis.
Anise assumed by the shop detective
Ilitfers day by day.
If there be one result less desired by
shop proprietor than another it Is
nvict a kleptomaniac. Prosecutions
not forward business. The proprie-
tett policy Is to prevent pilfering by
tval conceivable means. Renee a blind
eye le turned to what is a theft lie:ens-
• and the wretched shoplifter
fraught in the act of purloining a blouse
tinder cover ef her waterproof is asked
Whether the article may not be sent
home for her. To the bulging umbrella
or the gaping handbag- the detective al-
ludes with an apology, fearing that
Madam has inadvertently incommoded
terseif with something that fell from
the omitted
First offenders are often cured by
arrow escapes such as this from fall -
ng into the abyss that leads to the
k and for the experience
In Mu ef the realm as if they had al/
the while meant to purchase instead of
to purloin the goods. Should leniency
M such a kind fall to lead the trespass.
er back into the paths of rectitude the
tem- lager's office Is made the scene of
niore geelous negotiations, on. which
IS well to draw the veil. But as a rule
it does not—London Mail.
t —Hedy Friday morning, when Mrs. John
ray, of London, &wakened and started to
prepre breakfast, she reeognized that some-
thing was wrong, feeling BO dizzy that she
te the floor, breaking a chair in the en-
deavor to retain her footing. The noise
aroused Mr. Bray, who soon became aware
thet the room was full of coal gas. Mr.
Boer struggled to the window, and, break-
ing & pane of glees with his fist, the cool air
1 loon revived him Bed he was able to throw
open the doors. Mr. Bray's deughter and a
rephow were aroneed and 'soon out of serious
&aged The baby was found, asleep, and
Apparently siattffected by the gas. The 'ward-
ens members of the family are reeovering,
but they baddi close call. It appears that
lid Bray's' nephew had filled the stove with
real the night before prior to retiring, but
felle& to properly arrange the drafts.
21e; choice dairy pound rents, 17 to 19c ;
large dairy rolls, 15 to Ilio ; good to choice
dairy tabs, 16 to 18o; medium.dairy, 14 to
150; poor dairy, 10 to Jo. Cheese—The
market is unchanged at 110 per wend for
large, and 1 10 for twins., Eggs—The Offer-
ings -of really fresh gathered continue light,
and the market for these is firm in tone.
Suppliee of ether kinds are fairly large, and
quotations all round are Andy. Selects
are quoted at 22e per dozen, fresh gathered
run at 20c,and cold storage and limed at 18e.
• e
TortosTo, November, 24—To-day's re-
ceipts were light, bit there was little de.
mend and quotetions are unchanged. Geese
are quoted at 7 to 80 pec pound,chickens at
7 to9a, docks at 8 to 90, turkeys at 10
toile, and old fowl an 5i to 60 per pound.
Live Stook Markets.
LONDON, England, kovember 24—Milted
States cattle, 52d ; Canadians, ; 'beep,
LavEaroor,,*November 23—Canadian cat- "
do, 5icl to 50,
MONTREAL; November 24—Cattle—Trade
at the Eestern Abattoir Cattle Market was
good to -day and prices were steady: Cat-
tle—Most of them were of fair quality., The
demanctfor them was -active; and at noon
500 remained.uosold. Priem, ranged as fol.
Iowa tee -Choice butchers', 32 to ; good.
3i to ; medium, 2.2 to 3o; eominon, 12
21e ; canners, 1 to 110. Calves—The
(nudity wale mostly good. The demand was
fair, and at noon none remained unsold.
Poor stock sold at$2.75, and good at $5 to
$10. Sheep and Lambs—The sheep brought
from 3 to 3ie per pound, lambs selling at 4
to 41c. The demand was fair. Hogs—The
demand was active and prices ranged from
5 to 5eo.
BUFFALO, November 24—Cattle—Market
fairly active and stronger on desirable'
grades; common slow ; prime steer, $5 to
35.25; shipping, $4.40 to 34,85; butchers'
steers'$3.50 to 34.75; heifers, $3 to $4,30;
eows,$3,25 to 33.60; bulls, $2.50 to $4 ;
stockers and feeoere, $2.50 to $3.75 ; stook
heifers, $2 to 82 75 ; fresh cows and spring-
ers, steady ; common dull ; good to choice,e
$45 to $53 • medium to good, $30 to $40
common, $4,0 to $28, .Veale—Steady, at
86 to $8 50. Hogs—Active" 10 tn $15e
lower; heavy, $4.50 to $4 60 ;'a few at
34 85; mixed. $4.50 to 34.80; Yorkers,
34.50; Pies!, 34.75 to $4.80 • roughs, $3.80
to 34; ethge, $3 to $3.56. Sheep' and
Lembs—Steady ; lambs, $4.50 to 35.65;
yearlings, $4.25 to 34.50; wethers, $4 to
84.25; ewes, $3.35 to $3.60; sheep, mixed,
81.50 to $3.75.
ToRoNTO, November 25—Cattle—Export-
ers—Bert loads of exporters sold at $4.25
per cwt; medium to good at - about
84 per cwt. Export Balls—Choice
quality bulls are worth $4 to $4,25 ;
medium bull. sold at $3.50 to $3.85
per cwt. Export Cows—Export cows are
worth $3.40 to $3,60 per Mt. Butchers'
Cattle—Choice picked lots of butchers'
cattle, weighing from 1,100 to 1;175
pounds each, equal in quality to the best
exporters,are worth 84,30 to $4.40 poi ewt ;
loads of good batohers' sold at •a to
$4.10 ; fair to good,$3.60 to $3 85 ; common,
83.15 to $3 30; rough to inferior, $2.25 to
$2.65. Feeders—Steers of good quality,
weighing.from 1,050 to 1,150 pounds each,
at $3.20 to $3 80 per cwt. Bulls—Bulls
for the distillery, byres- at 82.50 to $3
pee owe Stockers—One year to two-year-
old steers, 400 to 700 pounds each, are
worth $2.75 to $3 per cwt; off -colors
and of poor breeding quality of the same
weights are worth $2 'to .3250 per cwt.
Milch COws—Miloh cows and springers are
worth( from $40 to $60 each. Calves—
Calves are worth $2 to $10 each, or from
$4 to $5.75 per ewe Sheep—Prices $3.30
to $3 40 per owe for ewes, and biretta at
32.50 to 82.75, Spring Lambs—Prices rang-
ed from 84 to $4.25 per cwt. Hoge—Bent
select bacori hogs, not i lees than 160
pounds, nor more than 200 pounds each
off cars, are worth $3 85 per cwt. ; lights
and fats at 84.60 e sows, 83,50 to $3 75 per
cwt., and stags at $2 to $2.50 per cwt.
On Friday, November 27, at 1 o'clook p.
UL, on LeC10, Coneession 2, L. Rs Se Tucks
ersmith, farm stook and implementors Louis
Clerk, pi oprietoe; Thoo. 'Brown, auction-
ROURKE-In Beatnik on November 21.1 James
Rourke, aged 63 pima and 1 month. s
GEMMELL-In Tuokersmith, on November 19th,
I. W. D, Gommell, son of -Mr. aeons Gemmel!,
aged neyeare 6 months and 1 day. '
COULTER -4n -Haat Wawanosh. on Noviiiiiher 14114
John Coultas, aged 70 years, 6,,montilis and
18 days.
MILLS -In Wingbam, on November 11th, Mary Jane
• Ude, wife of Mr. T. A: , Mille, aged 66 years, 8
• month' and 20 daye.
WRIGHT-In TOrnberry, on November Nth, Re-
becca Moloney, wife of Mr. Isaac Wright, aged
65 yews and 4 menthe.
LAY -At Skagway. Alaska, on November. 16th, the
wife of Mr. FL M. Lay, manager of the Canadian
Bank of Commerce. and ditughter of Owl late
• Hon. 11 Cameron, Gsderich.
LOGIE-At Flag -Staff, Arieva, on November lith,
Grace, daughter of the late Rev. John Logic,
first minister of the Presbyterian church, eager.
• viii..
11118LOP-.In Tuckersinith, on November esea, Kew
Hislop, youogest .On of Mr. John Hislep, aged
15 years, 6 months' and 23 days.
KELLY -In Cypress Myer, Manitoba, on November
12th1 James Kelly, ;formerly of Brussele, aged 78
. years.
HODDER-In Chiesgo,r Illinois, on Noveinher 20th1
Mrs. Simeon Hodder, formerly of Morris, aged
• 87 years,
The Canadian Bank -
• MAlirg..B'5E3,
Snarotern. Nov. 26, 1908
hit Wheat (new), Standard:- 80 76 to 80 77
Oral per 0 2$ tO 0 28
lege per bushel- 0 57 bo 0 67
AWel Per bushel- 0 88 to 0 88
Butler, No. 1, loofas.. 0 16 bo 0 16
Butter, tub- - - - 0 15 to 0 16
Ina per doz..... 0 16 to I 0 17
Tiour, per 110 2 00 to '5 26
per tou now... 6 50 to , 7 00
as per i00 the- -.... 6 00 to 6 25
Sheep - 0 30 .to 0 86
— 0 16 to 0 10
Patton per lag 0 40 to 50
tilt (retail) per barrel- ...... 1 25 to 1 26
Wood per oord — ...... 4 00 to 4.40'
Weed per oord (shoat) 2 00 to 200
AWsts per bag -------0 25 to 0 se
0101Ver Seed_.- - 6 00 to- 6 05
tleiettry Seed-, .. - 1 26 to 2.55
reek, pee too 7 60 to 8 55
Wow, per lb_ - „.., - 04 to 0 04
Grain, etO.
'TORONTO, November 24L -White wheat,
80o,.red, I30eo ; goose, 73o, oats, '32o,
ley, 48 to 49.3 ; peas, ; 65o, hay, tirn-
Othy, $10 to $11 ; mixed or clover hay, $8
to'S9'- sheaf straw, $1,1 ; leose straw, $6 ;
dressed "hogs, light, per cwt., $7 ; heavy
dressed hogs, $6.50. Millfeed—Is firm at
$17 to $17,50 for care of shorts, and $13.50
to $14 for bran in belle ease or middle
freights. Manitoba millfeed is steady at $20
for cars of slices, and 818 for bran, seeks
included, in car lots. Toronto freights.
ToRoJeTO, November 2I—Car lots of good
thick are coming in fairly freely, and prices
are unehanged. Oat of store stooks are
deleted at 70 to Os per bag, and car lots
here at 60c.
Capital.(paid up)
Reserve Fund -
Aggregate Resource
over - -
$ 8,700,000.
$ 3,000,006.
ANTED. -A housekeeper, with a view to mis-
VY trimony ; between 30 and 40 .yeare of agn.
Address P. PHENELL, 117 Argyle street, Winnipeg,
Manitoba. 1876x4
MISTRAY HEIFER. -Came into tho premises of
jri the undereigned, Lot 26, Conee4sion 4, Tucker -
smith, about November 7th, a large red heifer. The
owner can have the came on proving property and
paying charges. JAMES STRONG, Eg ondville
F; 0. 1876-4
TEAOHER WANTED. -For School Scotia
Grey and MoKillop„1 or ,the year 1904.
to commence January 4th. Applications
received up until December 8th, at 6 o'oloo
Applicants to state salary expected. Enclo
menials; Personal applications preferred.
CASE, Secretary Walton P. 0.
No, 12,
will be
p. m.
e teeti•
r./ AND IMPLEMENTS -The execute
estate of the late Charles Rook, late
of the
of the
tewnship of logan. farmer, deceased, will ffer for
sale by public auction, on Lot 28, Concension 8,
Logan, on Wednesday, December 2nd, 1908, at 12
o'clock noon sharp. Ail and singular the esti half
of Lot 27, and the east half of Lot 28, bo
Concersion of the township of Logan. The
about 8 miles from Mitchell and a' half a m
Brodhagen where there be a daily mail, p
general atore, blacksmith shop, planing mill,
ing mill, etc, and are said to coutain 100 0,00E3. On
the lands ai o erected a good frame hose and
kitchen, le.rge bank bare, large driving hou e, atone
the 8th
ands Ile
le from
t office,
chop -
' pig pen end an open shed. Tbere Is
farm and a school house directly Opposite.
of land (sleeved and the balance good hardwo
• The Wollis exzelloot, There are good wel
firet rises orchard. The property will be s
jean) a mortgages particulars of which will
at see. It wilt also be offerdd for saIe subj
reserve bid. The purchaser 611[111 pay ten
• of his Purchase inoney on day of stale, Wan
days thereafter. Possession will be given
from day of sale. The saidexecutors will
for sale at the same time and plea()Two
hOrserfA colt rising 3 years old. .1 brood m Sup
n calf, 5
bogs, 1
tity of
1 COM -
arrow, 1
ew, one'
utter, 2
rat, one
a, 1 top
mess,. 8
a quan-
1,3! and
ount al-
ry Rock,
1876 1
Hon. G. A. Cox, Pre$ident.
B. E. Walker, General Manager.
Dairy Markets.
Moeereeke, Nevember 24—Eggs—Cand-
led, selected, nic ; straight -receipts, 21o,
Montreal limed, 19e. Cheese—Ontario, 102
to 1I0 ; townships, 10e to 10ec ; Quebec
10 to 10ec. Butter—Townehips creamery,
24 to atac ; Qaebeo, 201 to 21c ; western
dairy, 15 to 17c ; western rolls, 17 to 183
TOnoivro, November 21—Butter—Re
eeirits continue large, and in -the case of
dairies. thereds not much improvemeet in
quality, Creameries are in good demand
tied receipts are about steady. We quote:
Creaniery prints, 21 10 22o; solids, 20 to
London, England, Office,
on the
85 acres
d bush.
sand a
Id sub-
s given
et to a
er cent
e In 30
0 days
iso offer
posed to be in foal, 5 cows supposed to be
steers and heifers rising 8 iyears cld, 5 sprin
4 steers and heifers rising 2 years old, 4 liter
'brood sow in litter, 9 well bred ewes, a qua
fowl, 1 Massey-Harriti binder 6 foot out, 1
Harrisanower, f 1, foot out, 1 do. 6 foot cub
blued seeder and drill, 1 roes barveeter, 2
plows, 8 sirs harrows, 1 ;land roller, 1 disc
gang plow, 1 McCormick hay rake sioarly
cultivator, 1 pulper, 1 fanning mill, 1 straw
wagons, 1 now ; 2 sots bobsleighs, 1 demo
platform gear wagon, 1 pair light bobsleig
buggy, 1 cutter, 1 eet platform scales, 1 gras
1 hog rack, 1 hay rack. 2 sets of double h
sets single harness, lumber, shingles, 1 x-
woodracke, stone boat, whiffietreee, no
• chtins, fork.), shovels and a lot of useful
• found on the farm, about 40 toms of hay an
tity of mote, Terme of sale of chattles-1
roots and al sums of 85 and: under
• over $5, 12 months' credit will be giVea on
Ing approved jeint notee. 5 per cont. die
lowed for cash on credit arnOunts, urthe
Jars zney be bed from John G. Rock or tie
the executors, or from E. A. DUNBAR,
Solicitor for said Executore,or from J MES
A general Banking businesa tran-
Farmers' and Graziers' Notes dis-
counted, and special attention given
to the oolleotion of Sale Notes, etc.
I terest allowed on 'deposits of $1
anci upwards. Interest Is credited to
sic °until on the 31st of May and, the
304h of November in eaofiiyear,
•Iemlim.••=•••••' i
' Th Bank has 105 brooches extending throughout
Onto o, Quebec, Manitoba, Northwest Territories,
Brit h Columbia, Yukon DietrIct, Maritime Pro•
vincte and the United States.
, G. E. PARKES, Manager.
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor. .
BlelINLEY-In Stanley, on November llth, the
wif i of Mr. John MoKinley, of a daughter.
BOSSENBERRY-At Zurich, on November 15111, the
wif of Mr. Frank Bossenberry. of a son.
HACKNEY-LAt Devon, on November 15111, the wife
bf Mr. John Ileckney, of a son,
FISHER -At Benhriller, on November ',nth, the wife
of Mr. Aaron Fisher, of & son.
WILSON -In Goderieb, Neveraber 18th, the wife
of Mr. James Ai Wilson, of a son.
STEWART-In Howlak, on November 17111, the wife
of Kr, J. Stewaitt tr,, of a eon. '
MARTIN -lei Clinton) on NOvember 10111, the wile
of Mr. George Martin, of a son. •
McQUAIDE-In Manion, on • November 191h, the
wife of Mr. Frank Idcgaaide, of a daughter.
Meeting of the Huron County, Council,
The County Council will meet in the Court -House
in the Town of Goderieh, on the first day of Decem.
ber next, at the hour of three o'clock in the after.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Dated at Gods doh thislOth ayof November, 1908.
•• 1875-2
COOPER-MoGREGOR-At the residence of the
bride's father. Tuekeramith, on November 4th,
by Rev. Mr, McLennan, Mr. Robert J. Cooper.
to Miss Grace youngest daughter of Mr. Dun 3S11
McGregor, all of Tuckeramith.
BENTLEY -NEIL -At the residence+ of the bride's
parents, on November 1Ith, by Rev. Mr. McGib-
bon, of Min Craig, Mr. G. L. Bentley, of -Kirk.
ton, to Miss Margaret Alice, second daughter of
Mr. Richard Keil, of MaGilivray
EAGLESON-McKEE--At the Methodist parsoniere
Wingham, on November 17th, by Rev. Dr.Gundy:
Mr. .Win. IL Eagleson of Turnberry, to- Miss
Jeanie Meffee,.of Lakelield, Ont. •
TOPHAM-CHAPMAN-At the parfonage,Fordivioh,
• on November 1801, by _Rev. D. Rogers, Mr 'Geo.
Tophani,to Mies Rosetta Chapman, of Newlnidge.
the Roman Catholic churolf;
Brussels, on November 25111, by Rev. Father
Corcoran, Mr. Daniel Quinn, of Ashfield, to Miss
Minnie Gaynor, of Elma township.
°KIN ON & GO.,
Boys; Clothing.
There s always a great demand for iloys' and Youths' Clothing for Xmas,
We have j et received a very choice lot of suits for boys, got up specially for
the Christ as trade by the celebrated manufacturers, H. Shorey & Oo , of Mon-
treal, Mo hers who want to have their boys inn dressed at Christmas, should
tree our stok of boys' suits while it -is at its hest, when they can get all the
sizes for boy's from 6 to 15 years of age.
. Boys' t sepiece suits in fancy tweed, navy scrgo and fine worsted, eizes from 22 to 28,
at $1.50, $1.85, $2,25, $2,50 and $.2.95. Boys' three.piece suits in navy, wonted, fancy
tweeds and blue serge short pantkin aims from 20 to 33, very special, at $3.50, $4, $4 50
and $5, Men's sults In great variety, made up In Shorey's best style, in blaelt and navy
worsted, fancy tweed and blue merge, at $4 50, 36, $7.50 and $10.
Men's Ov
Show -grekt.value in, IVIen'e Dress vercoats and Ulsters in all the latest
We rcoats.
designs. Aso a large stock of Men's Far Coats, which will be sold at very low
Men's fine Overcoats in -navy !ilia black beaver, grey, black and Oxford cheviots, in
the Eaglanette, Chesterfield and, the loose swagger styles, at $6, $7,50, $8, $10 and $12.
Men's Fur Coats in club bear, Siberian dogs Tasmanian calf, etc., at $14.75, $18, $20, $25
and $30, Boys' Overcoats in great variety and at close prices.
Change of Business and Card
- of Thanks.,
On account of the growth of my hay bus nese dur-
ing the -past few years I have found it impossible to
keep my eustomeis supplied and my patrona attend-
ed to se 'expeditiously as I desired. Mr. James
Cowan, my former partner, has consented to be
undated with me in the budiness again, and as the
hay business has outgrown the old method of bail*
by horse power, Ivo have secured the latest improved
steam press. This will be managed by Mr. Thomas
Simpson, jr., who has a pirsonal interest in: that
branch of the burliness ard will endeavor to give
satisfaction to our patrons Thanking the farmere
in the verious dietriote in which I have done busi-
ness for the generous support I have received. I
would solicit a continuance of their favors to the
new firm. J. R. GOVENLOCK, 1870x2
This in the Seasoi)
to have your Horne
All kinds e;-t---P—hoto Work
Pictere Frames made while you wait
JACKSON BROS., Seaforth.
Talbot's Bazzar
• You will fled' this place head-
quertere for '
Never become unhealthy ; indolent sores
take new life, and the healing process
again goes on, when dressed with
Dr. Olark's Antiseptic Ointment.
Corner Main
Market Sreets
Saturday next is the great opening
day of the Xmas trade at
A great many of our customers call this the '
And so it is; come and see the wonderful things wel have for 'presents for your friends in
beautiful eilver and gold decorated ware ; useiel things for the table, yet elegant presents.
Hundreds of beautiful cups and saucers at 25c, tilde sell at 50o to 75o anywhere else. A
new shipment from Ch. Field Havilacd, the finest china lathe world ; also Germau, Eng-
lish, French, Austrian and Japansoe eldne—a snagnifioent display.
Last year we cleared out all the old Toys, so that this year our stook is all new, and
the greatest value we ever saw in Trumpets, Drures,Dolls, 1144 Iii0 BoxessArks,Horses,Do
Oats, Elephents, Windiug Toys, Steam Enginss, Air Ships, Sleighs, Cradles, etc.
have Toilet, Comb and -Brueh Cases ; Perfume Sets, Writing Sete, Work Boxes and
Baskets ; in fact, it is almost impossible to give you an idea of the magnificent things
here that you Will see in no other store in SeafOrth. Early XITle,f buyers have first choice
and best choice.
SPECIAL—We have one of the most beautiful calendars we ever saw for every ous.
Omer who buys 3300 worth of anything in the store. between now and Xmas. Every
parchaee of 25o pr overndpunts on it at
FEAR'S Drug Otore, Seaforth.
We are leakierR in our line,
• which includes
A call solicited. 'Satoh our
windows from this out.
Talbot's Bazzar
Your Christmas Gift
Dropped into the store the other day
and asked us for a Condition Powder
for .hia stock and we showed him our
own. Told him we believed it the best
one made. Ile bought a package came
back in ten days and bought 5 packages
said it was the best be had ever used.
He's telling his friends add we're selling
lots of it. ,
For Horses, Cattle; Sheep&Hogs
It forme an excellent appetizer inducing
a fine glossy coat and & good general
condition.It is a popular remedy for
Coughs, Inflamed Lungs, Distemper,
Kidney and Bladder -troubles, Rough.
ness of Skin, etc. It is just the thing
to put your horses into *hope. Try a
package 25c or 5 for $1. We will re-
fund your money it you are not satis-
1, Should be some little luxury he or she
could not or would not be likely to get
of their ownaccord.
2. Now is a good time to look around and
make your choice, as things are more
hurried at the last.
S 0 13, 'I° Isel
3. We cats show you a bettor line this year
than last, and more to select from.
4. Many have already ()ailed and had goods
laid by for them.
5. We warrant all our goods,
Money To Loan.
Any amonnt of Private or CompanY funds to loan -
at lowest rates of intnest and on advantageous tome
of repayment. Apply to ft. 8, HAYS, Dominion
Bank Building, Seaforth, Ontario. 1872.16
MI kinds hidee, sbeep skins, Iraq furs and tallow
wanted, for which the highest price will be phi. De.
liver OA. Stobio's Egg Emporium, Seaforth. WM.
McDOUGALL. ' 1875x6
One way epeeist Excursion tickets are on
sale daily until November 30111, to
points in British Columbia, Califor-
nia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana,
Oregon, Utah, Washing-
ton, Etc.
Live Stock Exposition, Chicago, 141.
$12.60 fare for the round trip from Seel
forth, good going Nevember 29th, 30eh and
December lst.—Valid returning on or before
December 7, 1903.
Ontario Provincial Fair, Guelph Dec
I ember 7th to I Ith, 1903.
$1.95 fare for the ROUND TRIP from Sear
forth, good going December 5th to litho
valid for return on or before Detemlierletth• o
Mt. Clemens Mineral Baths
Situated near Detroit); quibkly and
rowelled by Grand Trunk.
Roberts' Drug Store
The Largost
Dry Goode Pen
Concern in
Four Counties:
Fars at regular wholesale prices. Positive and strong etatementein
our advertisinf is a duty we owe the public. Nowhere else in Sea -
forth, or Western Ontario, will you find anything like the -showing of
Furs we have now. The most extensive line of furs *at you, have
ever had an opportunity to select from, is now seeu in ohr store.
Everg piece of fur we have in stock was bought in the early zummer
months, when prices were the lowest, and were made specially to our
order, and bought at prima which only the size of our orders eould
command. Nothing will be found in our stock but the most reliable
makes, and anything we sell you in furs is fully guaranteed by us.
If not satisfactory, will be replaced. On this basis We have built the
largest flu business in Western Ontario. See our furs, compere them
with anything to be found in the trade. We are anxious for compari-
sons. Below we mention a few of our special lines:
Lades' Collars.
Is the name of our new perfume. In
seeking a perfume worthy of our most ex -
resting patrons, we have found Yolande,
which in positively exquisite. 'Tie not
enough for us to believe this—we wish to
convince you. No way is eo easy as for
you to ask us about Yolanda next time you
are in our store. It will be a revelation to
you for Yolande ie worth knowing about.
A handsome Duograph given with cech
ounce of perfume. Price 500 per ounce.
At J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store,
1The waters of this famous well are a
gkeat specific for nervous' -disorders. '
uated on the direct line of the Grand Trunk
eleven miles from Niagara Fells.
For tickets and all information apply to
agents.' Write to J. D. McDonald, Dis-
trict Passenger Agent, Toronto, for descript-
ive illestrated literatere regarding be above
Agent — • Seaforth
Roberts' Pills
When you wake up in the morning with
a bad taste in your mouth, you know that
your liver ie out of order, Take a dose of
Robert's Vegetable Stomach and Liver Pills.
They will cleanse year stomach, improve
your appetite and make you feel like a new
man. 25c at
J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
Carbolated Glycerine Jelly,
Prepared by J. S. Roberts, is abso-
lutely the best preparation known
for chapped or rough hands, as nu-
merous oustomere can testify. Try
a bottle, and if net satisfactory, call
and get your money back. Prioe
25 cents. The original and genuine
prepared only at
Astrachan Collars with long stolerront, for $7.35 and $8.00.
Wool seal collars, with long stole front, for $6:40 and $8.00.
Thibet and Electric Seal Collars, large size, for $9.25.
Opossum and Astrachan Collars, long front, for $11.50.
Electric Seal Collar, with long front, trimmed with eight tails,
for $12.00.
Mink and Seal combination, long stole front, for $14.00.
An allimink collar, sold in the regular way at $35, for $19.
A Pereian and Mink Collar, sold in the regular way at $35,
for $19,00,
at Values in Ladies'
Ruffs and Muffs.
Alaskan Sable Ruffle trimmed with six tails, our special
priees are $7.95, $9.00, $11.75, $13,715, $17.00,
$20,00 and $22.00.
Specials in Colum' bia Sable Ruff'S at $9 00 and 810.
Specials in Opossum Ruffs at $5.00, $6.65 and $7,35.
Specials in Muffs—Alaska Sable Muffs at $9.S5 and $12.
Columbia Sable Muffs at $5.25 and $6.00 ; Thibet Muffs
at $5,20 ; Electric Seals at $3.95.
Specials in Ladies'
Persian Lamb Jackets.
e have just received a large stook of win-
ter footwear which is complete in.every
line so thao 110 customers need leave the
stove without getting what they want.
We have a large stock cf Felt goods for men
and women whieh for quality and price
have no equal arid will be euro to gine
satisfaotion to the wearer.
In Lumbermen's Rubbers we carry all the
leading lines from the best factories, in
prices ranging from 31.25 to $3.00.
In men's, boys' and youths' Moccasins we
carry &Urge Iltook, which le becoming
very popular for winter wear.
See our south window for samples of men's
Fine Dress Shots.
Sole agents for the ilegar and Jaet Wright
Richardson &M'Innis.
Sole Agents, - Seaforth.
24 inch Jacket, No. 1 quality, for $125.00.
Lamb Jackets, same curl as a Persian, trimmed
with sable collar, special value at 350 and $60.
Russian Lamb jackets, epecials at $45 and $50.
There is nothing in the trade to equal our Eiec-
trie jackets at $32.00.
Wool Seal Jackets, with Astrachan collars and
revers, at $30,00.
Astrachan and Bechar= 3ackets, ii 11 Sizes and
lengths, from $25.00 to 350.00.
Six-ty blaek calf coats, perfectly tanned, even colors, the finest calf coats
ever brought into this part'of the country. Prices from $25 to $30.
Forty coon coats at prices $35, $40, $50, $55, $60, 366 and $70. Every
price is special.
Dyed wombat coats, perfeet tanning, good colors, sold by the trade at $30
our price $26.
Forty black dog coats, this is a very special line of coats at $17,75.
Specials in Wallaby Coats at $28 and $30.
We have the genuine Saskatchewan buffalo robe, and are agents for it in
this town. We have also the imitation for the Saskatchewan, the "jut as
good kind, at a little loirer price. Black and brown. hear robes, all kinds of
goat robes, Southeeu buffalo robes and galloway robes at prices only offered
by us.
Highest prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wool.
OpposIte Town ,Building, Corner Main and ,Marke,t stdorth.