HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-11-27, Page 41. - . - I ­ ­-­- ­­ --­­ � . I . I . � I .- � f - - I ­ - . � . A� . ---------- - —, ­­- - ­­. ­ . I I - . - � � I . � I � I -­ -- � � . . I . .­ -, - ­- � � � I . . � . �- � - ­.- - i- - � I . � . i : I I . . ! � I . I I ; � I I I : . . I . . ­ I 11 � - -- ­W­��­ -.­T,­�� ­. -­ ­ -,------, . -- . � I . I � . . . -- " � I . . . . � �. . . . . I . i � . � I- i - ­ . . I . I I I - . � .-- , ,. I I I .. .1 - � . . I I - 41� . I I � - . . �, . - . 1. � I � I I � 1. Z� q . - t � . I � . . 4 I A I - - I I ; . . I . I � � . * I . - - - I - . I , I . . . I . . � � . . . - . I � - . . I - � I 11 � - - � . - -- , Z - -- - � . ­ �. , , 7 � � ­ . - - . - � v � ,# - ,- "... . � le - � ­­ � I I .. - . ,­ ­­ - - - - -, ,----. ­- ­- . I - � . � - � 1. I , � � - I � . . . - . ; � I - ­-, - - -- . - -- ,- - - -�� , — 11 - - . I � . . � . - . - , - - - - - - -- - t � , � � . I � � I I . . - - - -1 : - . I I . I � 1� - I � - - - I I. , i. . I ; . :� .1 I . - . � . I � I - -, , I . . � � . � '. . I I � . � ; . - . I . . . � - � . - . : . . f .. . . -- -- � � I I � . - . . I I . . � � I I - . I 0 � ! . 7 . I � - I f I i I I i � I - - I I . � - . i . ; . I � i . - I . ! � N . i i . . . . . . . ; i . ,� . - ­ ­ ; .� � - - . ; - .� - � ­ I - ­ - , Z, " - . - J � - - � -­­ : �� -- . - - - : - - ­ I - I -- : i � .. �� . i i - i .. - - -- - , ; .� 1 r . ,�, ,� � i I I . - � - - I � � , � - .. � . I - I i i 1, . . . . I . . � i . . � I I i I . I i . � ; I I i . . � ; : , I , I � . . I I 11 i - I I - I I I I . I - �.-,! I � . I . . . I I I . . - - . I .... . . - r I . � I . I � - . � . . � - . - I - . . I I I , E-11, M A, 19,0 1 - f . - I i NOVEMB." . 07 vto I ' - -i . I � THE HURON - EXPOSffQR ,I I Mgt � � -- . ­ ,-4 1 . --- --- . . . I . I � 11 - . - -1. .�� � . - -- � . ---------- - --- ---� I . - . - i., .. . I � I - ; I I - I I .� . . -At the last I . � , t I I - - - - . I he wholo country. : To preven't this threat, of the people , themselves, and it t 2ey are West Paterboro, and was a supporter of .Aipaussion on bucolic subjects, SEAFORTH"S LEADING SHOE STORE. NOVEINIBERIF 1903 ' - i 0, the Government of Hoof Alexander Mo- meeting of branch No. 361, 0. M. B. A., I . . � oned evil, they are calling on the Dominion too armless or indifferent tq�opply b, they Kenzie. he hae, therefore, a good record. oloctnerib -addresses were delivered by Rev. � ­ � . I -- ­ ---. � Government -to raise the ! t3riff wall bot*eei3 will coh#nue to suffer and jhey desi rve to, - - I � . - The two members of the Government, who A. McKeon and Grand Chancellor B. 0,'Con Our Winter Footwear � 9 X 'If T �W` T F 8 - this country and the United Sbates several � ster Will McLeod, cf Clinton, I , are to be decapitated -to make room for the Jaell.-Bandma . - �1— — — — ' ke - Editorial Notes and Comnients. now men are said to be lion. Mr. D.%vlm# )hsa presented the 8b, Columban orchestra � --� layers higher than it is bow, so as to op - � I - I I 2 t 3 4 5 , 6 -7 . . . Minister of Crowim Land#, and Hov. Mr. :With a charming two -stop. -Mr'- and'Mrs, in Great P emand, - — I �; - CO 10 frath- - � I i out of this countijf�-he surplus products of Speaking at the annual banifuep of the re, By drop- James 01 a or arrived home &M 8 �- . I . - . Dryden, Min6ter of Agricaltu . I . I I - 9 � 9 � 10 i 11 12 13 I 14 1 the neighboring country which, they profen students of the law faculty, of Lit at Uui- i oy on Friday night. ; 11 � , . plo these-tthe Premier -will lob go two Of Ir I L -H 1� Pil+ iF4§+-P++++i+-16S1-++ � � w , I I . . ! . . 9 to 1""* + 18 19 20 21 1 a 90111 t � - Ia. , 16 ; -17 _ I .. joa t3 cry voirsity.,, Montraml, last Week, Sir'Wilfrid him%esj and safest 03110sguOL If 130 i ' � � . � . I . so much t) fear. This disposit' - � . . I . ! � . I 4 91 1 23 j 24 1 25 1 2-0 27 28 a was a subject so into the grafting business he should attsof � - ,- ning w.,n3j, for ,�" .". I . . before they aro'hurt may, perhaps, be taken Laurier Isald : !6 Canad Chiselhurst. - The snow fall this week emphasized the need of somet! ' , I some of the limbs higher up on the tree. 1 . I on -to Supply tbemecessal 29 f 30 -.4. ­.. . ­ . ...... .... I I " an evidence of prudence, as they desire to vast that j astice could not be done I o it, be' Right on the thrashold of the holiday your feet, and naturslly y looked to this store y I I I . Any change that will -bot lessen th3 eorpor. 1; I . F ! ginning at so late an hour. Hbwever, Can- on, the F. McFaul Co,, Saaforth, are, at . -, L . 1. . , .�... I : [­ .. ­... . ­... '­­ I take time by the foMook .and sh4b the moral 88am foot coverings. The coming of the snow did not catch us unprepared by - V �, . 1, .. � 1 - I - do di ation influenee'and strengthen the Mr. the front with the cream of the newest and t -� ' I d not need anyone to respond to her . I I any means. We provided for such an event some montlhs�ajcgo,,and as a horse is stolen. But a fibre in the � Cabinet wilt be useless I . � stable door before this P 'health. (Cheers.) She was in the hearts of . . bemb things, and no big profib tacked on be- . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ' i � ' .1 Aylesworth, would not likely care to play � h Winter Footwear of all kind-.�. however thin may be, their fears, Are not all present, .and that was sufficient. No - came thay're pretty, either. Their collec. result, our store is literallf loaded wit', -� -, � oredio'could be clsimeO by the speaker that second fiddle to Mr. Gibsov, u�r would Mr I Iv can be supplied with comf oitable and ser - I Mir %1he fture between the parentheses attar each entirely groundless, There to -no �doubt the student,i of L%vat should again ask him Bertram feel diaposed to sing low to Mr: tion of new wAictings, -silk#, dress goods, Every member of the fami . one. denous the page of the raper bu which the 'that in many branches of manufacture in Sbratton. But as we have already said, 'belts and neckwear is a .might Worth seeing, viceable footwear from, our stock at very reasonable prices, Look over . sdverUnenseutwlUbe found I I . I to Assist at their bapquet, Therew we spee- � f Visit their store early and often, They're ome and see � . the story in Imptobable, 18- -1 the following listo then c for yourself : - -- plact.-switWa. apprentice -T.- MoUl" I the United States there is a decidedly back. ial r*easoni Why he shopld be Ithaull ful this always pleased to see you, jo - ' � . Woman Nursaz;�Rxposltor office--$ �:: . - 1, ward tendency. This is partienlarly *notice- time. A year ago he had risen fror i a bed, � - � Glooij Tj=sniNG, -I noticed in last . I FOR WOMEMS WEAR; I Lost -Expositor office -8 I I � I of sickness to be present, but10-uig it,thankli I Hills Green, I FOR MEN'S WEAR. . Maw f o.- ERIe-j 6 sprOA-t--s , ablein the iron and steel trades and the week's EXPOSITOR that Mr. Reid, of Wing- . � , � I �. �. leggingi�-�w ff wit t" . produato in the manufact- of which the e God, he was able. to sit down witl a good Not to be outAbne, is an axiom of the E. ham, tbkeshed 1,600 bushels of grain in ninia Good Rubberp. 65c, 75e, 85i and 95a a pair, Rabberz, 40� a pair, upwards, . , . . Change of Bagnez9-J R, Govenlock-6 I - I . , I .stomach." . ,McFiiul Co.' They are never behind in any. :hours. Mr. Daniel - Brintnell, of Chisel- Overshocoo S1.35p $1.50, $1,85 and S2,15 a Overshoes at $1.00 and $1 85 % pair, jeweiry-4-4 Bulf(or -8 - articles *argely enter, sue i as agricultural i, ---- . -walk Mon - ' . I Wanted -E Phanelf-8 - � . , . I thins. Th y g the highway of burst, can beat that, He threshed for , pa%r. $2,75a Felt Slippere, 35c, bOz, 75c and 5,;j a . implements. The Canadi w a) -The re-introductioa of Tammany rule In fsehlo - e, on the I -h sion O Falb Lined Sho6s, 81.50o $2,25 and . Tsuitg--2-Reattit'Brom�8 . anufacture ­ � a, with eyes wido open for every thing, George Eyr 21 oonces f I %ir, A - -- . . I � . I . pair. . 40hrist-niaGood4-T,.%IboV&B3zaar-6 howevet, now have a Sul Istantial ; duit� n Now York, by tho'election of the,7'ammany thst's now, Their jpricem4re ;at cheap as Tuckersmith, 1,700 bushels of grAinin nine I Rit, Gaiters and L56ced Boots, 61.25 alid CuMery-Chesney and Smilay-8 Felt Boots, $2 00 a pair upwards. - . - 3jxeaatorb� sale -:k A Duubar-5 their favor to protect the n from Anieric n candidate to the mayorality of the city re- they bay, and th%t they buy cheap is an hours and fifteen minutm Of thie L660 d or spring, .',�1.40, $1.50 a pair. - - � � - - establiehe& gict, take a 'look at th ir , , Leather Loggingg, lace Felt Lined She", $1.150 and $I,-'.)- lewelry store --J F DaJ�-g ' . bushels were weighed in the elevator in . J, a pajr. -4 Sind ot .her outside comp titioa,_and tbt cently. hats been signalized b -5 round values in r coate, ruffa and caperine $1,65 and $1 75, a pair. Cardigans, $1,25 a pair, Winter Footwear-R'Will! and Son I I . ly a ", Hensall, There were no remarks passed at - 7�­vyay helfer-4ames Stlronx--6 � ize-fight& few. might* agoju degauce of u R:ubbers, $2, 00 a pair and 9hOUId LO arrange their a :drs as to ma�o pr Guarantee good. Look, even if you don't the time, as this is DWa ordinary'way of Kant Krack Teachc r W4nted-Oborleff V,%"-6 . . . a low. The nfl lit was between William I upwarde. � I -4i tor c 9, m-8., � - th � Kg buy.' 1876-1. threshing. 'if, he-triedl- None- to. L-mr.-Expo . the fat years provide to to extenHor to . i What could he do . shu:hter nlo--G. X King -8 - �- . - I Schumakerftu4- dMurphy,andtcokfIece IM PRON Vvir,NTS,-Mr. Ed. Troyer, who is CODI, Sbub Proof Ra�bers, t2.00 a pair and up- I Itew-0fowry--4-Thornse Datir-8 loan years as they -are alw s sure to huccessful and enter -priming farm. wards. -� 9 I- in a large public hall, in the qentr( o the one of the ' . I - . I - � 8 Ities-4-j F DALF-8 -This is what people in mos other walks -of city, and was attended by thoul suds of ore of this excellent and prosperous farming . Heavy Knit soqk,e, 50a and upwards, I , ,y and SmIley-8 - . I I . ' -2,­Meme - ' �� I top Warm . e. it in also said a police , peargqnb district, Dashwoo4. . � CbrWmaAGifts-4 OnIzer-6 - � life have to do. � . peopl. - been making. extensive im. : Arm R I his in simplylin index of . 1%7. WEAIL . Winter Footwear-Richardsou & Xclnfflff-�-6 I i . I acted as referee." T prevenient on his barns and outbuildings DoTjg,-The Dashwoo4l Public School Con, I � � . . . . I . F'ar robes -M Brode-tick-8 . i But there are other andi even more I of What may be in the future, andfDrwhich during the "' t seasoup . � . . - and by te*ring down cert, which was held on Friday evening last, I - . fforry-Greig and Ste, - rar�-1 - . the intelligent people of the alty,of Now felt-linedshoes at $1.25 and $1.50 a pair ; guin rub�, � oted on, � I 0 0 - Vrejh W$unds--A Wilson -5 ; portant intpresto than the manufacturers To- suit ba"ildi up. has effe ch changes was &� great sue ess. The hall wms�packed We hav� ers at $1 , - . Turkoy-s­li B Ona" . I - , � York voted for -a few weeks ago. u going around his place would to thi dooni by an appreciative audience. a pair and upw4rds ; socks at 35c a pair and upwards ; legging,s in corduroy I � � � � All Readv-1 V Fear -6 - - be considered. Whit about tho pstie4 I . I scarcely re guize it, In -the first place, he The different numbers, which consisted of � - lif 11 --me'Kinnon & Co --6 - * and leather at 1 be to $1. 1 0 a pair. i " If be will r itatione, sing- � I I � , Roye C. Ming 6134 ever long suffering farmer ? Wp be r The Clinton Now Era may# : aimed up is barn and added to it and drills, dialogues, humorous roe � � fferent lines for girls and � I I I , I About Clulatmaw-13 W01FAU1 00-� . � no Outcry for him. If bad times not in in herritt ' (aced ston stabling underneath the whole. ; iag, etc,, wera well rendered. It is said by 'Space will not permit of mentioning the di I t 6 accept the nomination, ,Mr.' S will - 11 United StAtes and thi manufactories tha o undoubtedlybe the -Conservative candidate Ne barn a now 52 by 64 toot, and the many to have been the best concert given in children, Suffice it to say, -%ve have everything thatis warm and comfortable in . . #tables un orneath 40 by 64 feet, He has Dashwood for years. The staff and u .10 footwear for the little folk8 at lowest prices. - 1, � . i I jolt oolf of * become. congested %n' d labor. as a coniO-a for South Huron.; but he in not -v y parti- alto place- a large toot house, -built with of the school are to be congratu to upon I I .1 I -H I . quence, becomes plentif al -and Aeap, there cular about running,. as he is not � . ++444444 ll i I I i ; i I i i i ; i i - I. - i an old brick, und Meath the approach to the barn, the success of t,heir efforts, Th proceeds � I I will be a smaller demand there for t Is enamored with olitioal life, The toot iouse, and it6bles have cement go towards the school.-. Memars. co, Brown � ... resident of Stanlay and now ree iding in .... BRAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 27-th, 1903 products of the farm, and on a natural rem It Stephen, he is pretty well known il � at least floo-rs, wh Ii the. stotie. walls are mostly and W, Tiernan, who sPont the summer in I I pointed dt toide and plastered mud ' rg. It R -WILLIS& SON, Seaforth ' ' � pointed Parry Bound, have returned to our ba 4 I � . � � . there will be a larger surplus and lo,w er these two townahips, land in our opinion will . - I ' ... � � . side. - The, buildings ire, therefora, not looks as it the north agreed with them.- � . price* in that realm : make is stroAg candidate. We do ' not be- IS I I I Selling agents for Stub Proof and Kant',Kraek Riibbers. . �. Not the Right Position. , also. The Canadian I , I. Messrs.- only commodious and comfortable. but look *r. J. Kellormann, merobant, took in over I - . lieve thera in any intention fo, ­ - farmer and the American farmer both ha wle I I well; He ban also arecied a nest &ad corn- seven tons of poultry on Thursday and Fri- � . The following is from the Paterboro Ex- Sherritt and Hilber to @wsp places. and feel I U- long and a foot wju r the name outlet for their �murplum prodnei a modIou3 dpving hou3s across the lone from day of lost week. Jake in a bustler, -Mr, barn, about 6 fail are 10 Th aminer,% paper that is. owned and controlled . . 9 thoroughly satisfied thib Mr. Sherritt will the barn. 1� atone work was done by Fred Ilse moved into J. HartLeib's house teachers in McKillop, there are at least two , tlie bridge. , the VIZ., the British market. Iff therefore, t 10 raceive the Conservative nomination.:- Any- Minors. Rboemaker & Shank, of Zurich, this week. -Mr. Brenner moved into the other MoKillop young Indies attending (A'in- a barn, and on going over Ow - . . by, Hon. J. P., Stratton, the Provincial . home demandin the United Statos is de, b �)w, wh b the. Liberal candidate -_ were laid by Mr, house lately occupied by Mr, Ilse. 'Mr. ton Model School, who, we feet assured, will jolb received was sufficielat to ilird . - Secretary -. - �, in the South, wilf have his work eut but.fo, and the rp � give a good acebunt ,of themselves in the one of, these timbers and the Uttle boy down I I . , crea'Cied, the rufpIus produetx of the Amc r- . � I Thom" Carr, of Brucefield. The carpenter Bremner has built a stable on the proper ea,c - I ' I 'Conservative papers who arb him in the content," - . f wock and framiag wits done by Mr. Troyer and he will soon have things convenient. by t hing profession. The" are Mist, Rose to the ground. How instant death was pre . 0 -If say of the ican farraer for export will be correspond- . I —, I Smith and Miss -gima Mardie.-Mr. George vented was a miracle ; as it war, however, � � hinting and insinuating that Hon, Mr. I . . , I- I � . n I - -, himself, w , although, he has never learned . ii. I with, the purobase ingly increased. This Will have a sym a- It is mail that ex-Promier Greenway? OL. � Roe has completed the job of-autting the he was struck by the heavy blo*, upon t' -he " , � -Stratton was connected . - ; ,, thesi trad m, ir, nevertheless, handy at at. � Mugro. brushwpod on the road allowance in what is I left leg. a little above the ankle, which was - - of the stook in the Crossin Piano Company thetic effect on the -British market in whi -111 Manitobs, will be offered -a, seat on the rail, � I ... imost any ing in the useful line, Mr.' I ' cedarewamp. Thapries badly broken. So severe was his -agony that 5 � � ­ CTIURCJI O.PwNj!%G1 - The new Bethel known as the IiWe �� havo ther cours-re of their convictions tb8Y the Canadian has to dispose of: his, wheat, way- commission as - representative of Ahe - r1rayer no has on his fine farm a very corn- . ' :: r would put the ob 'ge in. "necifio and defli- I . I plete and commodbous met of outbuildings, church, in the township of Flullarton, will be which ,he did the work for goes to prove the limb bed to be met twice and chlors- � AT - cattle, horses, 'poultry, eo. T4jD- depresow icultural interests of dansda, Lookie opened for worship on Sunday, November that Councillor Little io'ceonomical with the form adminstered.. �-� �-fte form, go that it can be dealt with. if , ich will likely serve his wants for hip day 4!'efore, lujuri- name,is also mentioned. 'Mr. Wil. wh - ' 291b Rov, Dr. Carman, General Superin. township' f andm,�-Some of those who weab --�-The fif tb annual plowing match of the ��� U . - - t I they h%ve the, courage,. or fairnear, to do in the'United States will, thei Wilson'A � . d and although the work has kept hirri verK, tend of - held 11 � I q . "I'll . thie,.Hon. Mr. Stratian wilt- afford them ou3ly affsob the Canadian far -M`4 an ton reoidei in the county of Glenj mry an busy all ijummer, he. will now have mine the Methodiab church, will preach on the �arvevb o�lcurslons to Manitoba have FulUrtou Plowmen�s Association was . wa ' 5&tron m raturned 6ome, 1 To be sure, we are pleased on the farm of Mr, John S. MtNtill, on the 7 1 - . (I promiAsubly connected with tb a I . n - ' , �� a his - power to permit ;r,av (well I them that he has them about at 10,30 A. in, a 4 " ad Rev C. W. �- every opportunity' . .the Canadian manufacturer. If the Gov- ure in Brown, B, D,, of W'iioL;'1'I,mab 2,30 in the to weloo " e thet� back, -A pet owl, which 9,h coneessiou of Fullarton, on 'Llit I'a'-uh , -- I . order in ito palmy days. Of the two Mr, P1088 m 77 them to. prove their statements. There is pleted. - I �� ... L I ernmentis to afford relief to the rnanuf�c- Greenway is most likely to be a iocessful. 001R . I . � afternoon. A hot fowl supper will be given wise kept Jeaged on the promisee of one of the inst. Th9followi:igis &Aist ofe.the prize � - Uttle chance -of thin being done. - These = - -is still insisted on by many, tf at 'Hen. . I I i It I . on the following Monday evening. On all natives td. tho east of here, broke out of one- winners : First class open to th Province, � . I . r jaurnalel are too fond of creating political tdror, why not to ths farmer ? �'He will " way, I, will b Tuckersmith, � . one �,nij;ht � recently and sibbled the -Nelson Oliver, let priza -, James Nairn, ta M r, BIA ir, ex -minister of Rail . , 0 1 - theme 6-Maions the St. Morys male quartette tody . � � capital by dark innuendo. An bonesto, "on bled -from two! points. In the firat place, I is appointed chairman. of the co niniseton. Youngladyl What are you looking for? and membBra of the �St. blirys Metbodieb beads offAwo fi�e iurkeys belonging to one 2nd prize, Third clasa,-Jamem Brown,13b; 4 sy of dealing in not in their line.' .. I have to take a lower price for big pro I- try and ybu'll be told that the E. church choir will supply music. On the of the 101em of the cattlement, It then Win. Waddell, 2ad. Boys' claes,-Wm. � w . wil Mr, Blair has the ability to be*& u 59ful and Make enqu I - I � . �� . ,1 it raforn: to the affidavit made by thO ,uotain the old country- markets, and if tie efficient - commissioner, bit b his course in McFaul Go,, F3e&forbb, sells just about every' following Suaday, December Oth, the ser- grappled--f'With the, man of the bents, who Bolton, Ist ; James Wood# 21ad ; Wm, . � � -� I, - man Callaghan, a sbort time ago, and which avorable to him, as there t ies' wear. In it a fur ruff, a - iing and evening, -will betaken came 0 `the rescue of the turkeys, and a Nairn, 3td. T-wo-farrowplow clasm,-Frank Canadian -tariff is Increased, h,3will have 0. Parliament is not f . hing In I d, ; vice@, morr I ­ . . . . . . . . . I I henevermoveds finger against, theRail- coat, as wal bora dress! Then knovitbat! byRov,S,W. Muxworthyiiu old'Fullar- ganguial ar'y bat canned, his owlship corn- Standeaven. Special prize for best finlah,- _ - I . -implicated Mr. Stratton and Mr, E. F. B. pay bigher-for his raw aterial, in the obaps store as the newest things -young! I It was not known un- J e N i , r m Jo n Cole, Rus%oldalo- . way, companies until he was absolutely fore- thig second beat. am a a ra f o h � .� . I ton boy, and ex-eecretary of the London ing out . ' ------- Johnston in the deal which resulted in Crox� of implements, than he would othervilse ed to do eo by outside pressure, I looking an good, with: no fancy prices Conference, and in the afternoon there will til afto�w rds that the bird was a tame one. Special prize for bext groome team, bar- - 1 4 I., �* � ; I -- . � 1876-ltol� I �11 ness, etc ,-Wm. Waddell, . sin, the piano manufacturer, obtaining have"to do. As tb - Lr has bad no pi�o. --- I -:L, — ; Pay . I be a Sunday school rally, addamsed by Rev, � . i � - ... � cians of both sides, seem 13�DDEN� little lad, see , - -A very pleasant event occurred on "I ..: .. nowy ta purchase the interest cff R. R. tection, and has had to put up more or less Hamilton 11politi . I . .ond - son f Mr. 4meo Gemmill, of the 51; �� R. Stewart, of Motherwell, at tfiree ; � Perth Notes, Wednewlay, November'11th, at the borne - I �� - I . � 'in bound 0 keep ,the political po , boiling, . . o'clock, On Monday evenitig, December 7, - bile Mra.Lane, of St. Marys, wan , I I Gamey, in the Cionin Piano Company. for the pro I tection of -'the manufacturer ! � - -has an active 0 * neemsion of this township, died very mud- Rev, Dr. Smith, of Toronto, - will lecture, N� ;*' 9 of Mr, R,ehard Neil, on the Sth cojimsion ��: - . rganizat on known co oweepiog her st4iro, the other mornin , her ... � . - ... . 'Whine names, .as we ,the past, it., might be just - as well to leave Esoh pairty I donly du h tirsday lof last week. The little and Mr. and Mrs. 8, March and Miss B, ,_ I of McGillivray, when his handsome re,si- �, ... I so qe repres- fello school, &%lot slipped &�d she fell ta the bot't'om* deme was thrown opela for the racertion of - � I *things an they now are, and if the Yankee it Greene, of Clinton, will contribute to the H - .... llx I and the circumstances connected with them, as a "club." The'Conservativ had been at Mr. ftillinglaw's er left wrist w�s broken, and slie was bad- : � I W -- I . , 11 �� . . will be familiar to: our readera since - the foolish enough to sell his products - in this. ented by the Twentieth Century 1 "lub and and le and some 6ther Inds were hurrying minical portion of the programme. *Iy­ Lwhfi4en up besides. I relatives mud friendo, who assemble to the � the Reformers by the Liberal Ch b. Elch home afte � school'wao dismissed so as to � bar of.one hundred and twenty-five, to * . � . � � . - � � I -Stratton -Gamey investigation. The quots. 9 than ibeir v - ­ J.1 0. W. D .1y, eon of the IaO T, M, num . ��, . - country for lee alm), allow -the have periodical d9monstrAtions at which the have, a w Ile skating on some ice nearby., - witness the marriage of his second dAughter, I �. , � L , - - �- *- . il � . T. tiom,� appearing as it does I profit Lot - USIO'L While on the way he q fqlr) a slight pain in I -Molesworth. Dally, formerly f Strt*tford, and commonly �� in Mr. Stratton's Canadian farmer an opportunity to -audiences ate fed on polgies ar i In Miss MargaretAlice. to Mr. G. L. Bentley, I I 1" ­�- a 'It-, ., � The last Dam - few the breas , but thought nothing c . . C., - I I - I ed clifly.was addresEed - if it Uni PIO'NEER PASMAWAY.-Anoblier of the 'knowo as 11 Jack," dropped dead in Port- a prosperous young farmer, of Kirkton. The �, * arr, may be taken as his defe co to the ,,,, b a - of the Yankee manufacturer. I I I I land, Ora ­� L � I pap I !I � expense : , the ska�ii -gow, on the 15Lb inst. He leaves a ­� - 71 : .t� - 11 . I . evenings Ago toy Colon,31 Thompson, M. P. arriving a a4 place, however, thel pioneers of this ee��*ion has passed away, in ceremony was performed st,high noon, by, - t -. statements, in the published affidalFit of Cal, I , I . little iell _ '. Win. Leiper, who died wido 0 "d one a Wd. I i . i�- - : reston, M. P. P. sciou4.1 the person of Mr � Rev. Mr. McCibbon, of Ailsa Craig. Miss I - I � i of Haldianiand,and T. H. F oi r faiated and! became uncon I ** .1 - � . n . . both growing young His comrs des I cared Phe aid ofa neighbor! ; in Howick, on November 2ad, aged 90 years, -Miehael Mcpaulay, an old resident of ' �z if go, we may may that' it Will �01; of B 0 . liticiano. a ' _ ' - - � Lily Neil. of Lacan. acted as brid affmaid,and - . lagban. rantf 'rd, I ­ . -:Z� _-� 9 �. - ,i:� Where the Remedy Lies, ddreened e lad Iho iggy. � Born in the royal, burgh of Banff, Scotland, Str 9 -he i .- I K - ecepted so a oatisfactory defence by , and he- tcoklh me in his bu atf rd, died,Mondsy morning from bic- Mr. J. D. Kemp, of Kirktou, supported t �,�� , The Twentieth Century Club was I I ve a _ vious he was seized I ­ I 'i 4;� i - . Z . . Shortly a I � , , ,� I , - by -011�g kin - i , I k 11. �, V, - Hon. Dr. Moatagu�, a once -his father being one C - I 1.,A ­ rominent 111 Two days pre �;. - �, ter reaching� borne be recovere& on March l9th, 1813 groom. ­ . � - # il � ,� - -t I The Bruamels Port of lost, week regi6ters a 'Canadian - politico and o o of the coll9ciousnago, but on red intensely untit ofth don wil . D o: hiccough@, which, although a _Oae of the old pioneers of Bleashard -1 . .,r_ � inany of thosa whom the Rcovinoial Seere , ed wrl -9 -- . ant. It would very bitter complaint against tha Grialid fig 0 m fir;t company of the famous Gor physiel ,o - I -- - urein ' I . - tary is r.0 poobd to repres -T -7 f, -p I I moot fluent and eloque 1i relieved i Highlanders. As a child he remember am attempted to relieve him, contin- . 41, -- or, stump a eakera in a �t o'clo-k, hen deat died on St�turdqq, 14th Intt., in the -person L I � ­ . -, � - �7­ - I I . nbed, ' I y1eq , r ,,� Lw , - .he sv�4 . of Rachel Dob ' -i ,- � �: -I'- have been better had be passed the matter Trunk Railway Company, OW, account Of Oatario, But we b.,sve hoard so Ii tie about him, He was ajed en years sod five' tits "kirk " being drV,ed in black at George ued t-11 fie succui arty, relict of the late James � �! I L - A � I I .-!Z. ­ ' . I 0 .� , Z� - I d � . �:­� . ,I - rain. Dr. Me taguo:of late years tbat m I I - �' � � . by in silence. Neither course. however, dilatory and irregular t -service affor n Mb POOPle months and was a parbioularlybright and' Third's do:th, an ' d ' oo bad lived under five -,Mr. Wm. 0 stin, of Mitchell, is rather Speariv. She was born -in Limerick, Ite- i i- .��.. , ��- Z � i , � 7'� . - . 4 unfortan%ta. A little over a yettr ago, ke land . - could be justified. In -h the public in that part of the country. I ��­ � - t Id. He had always been eon.: British sov reigns Uo learned tho trade o' I and was married to Mr, 809arim, at � ­­ � It, had almost forgotten about hii i. It is wineorne qhi . I I I , t -a first place it I d after worki ' A4%fre, Ireland, an September 20th, A8342. -- i r�- $- X I . at how the memory of even 7ery able aidered stpub and of robust health and was. a tailor, an ng at the - bueineos sustaided a fracture of the large bone in One I—— 7i � rail � i ' i'l - � -� Itj not impossible, for any, says : . I or : f � �k �tr - wotdd be, diffica if _ I �o die either never hea�d to complain of illness. He t for some yAars, sailed from Aberdeen, of his tegF, and so 115 was getting over There were ton childron of this marriage,,of - ­ - - . ­ A : .- men ro a lit Of eight when they 1�11t 4111 . � I rienees, w working on a hen -coop I .. . 0oneervative, paper to get evidence to 1.ub- . physicalyor politically. Hamilton should failure is given so the caum of death, Maa'b through the flentland Flieth. and landed in his lar� 60 I whom three rions and three daughters our - .1 - �- !-- -i - 'I � J� I tu ­ .14 " The passenger service 1 by t�o tI a first of June, He th2n in his �ard last weak, he tripped over some A - � il -1 - ­ai Cal - j, --,v--*, � GrandTrunk is -far from Supplie� 'a, � astisfactor n be able to elect least one Grit at the next.-, sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents on� Quebec aboub h vive. Nrv. Spearin was 82 years. 8 months �� I - - , f 5, stantiate the statements m . y I I ' : -country as far as Dandus, boardd, falling and breaking one of him axins For a long - - � ­,Ai�i kw oFn. Slebti0l]; � i 91 account of their sudden and sa-d lea i up tlsd,, and 14 days old at her death. , -- it, even it they are Dot mainlY these northern lines, Pmeengers are c � � 99, came - -� -�� � -. i 4�% 1g, - . I : - .� 1 ,a lagban affidavi . � - I where he left his fam�ty, and from there in- abovetilia wrist., time she dad lived a retired life, but, in her . , . o --.! -'. , -, �.obkax i . . . - improbable. It is, iom� thirty minutes to an , I- i I I � -The re t, of the Inspector of Registry - I . . , - polled 0 wait fe I �, I , I ��70 4 Imaginary as Is not, . -nentad with to tba 11 Queon's Bush." landing at Moles. .P16r , -7- if � An aupleasant'. incident eon . i . . �earlbdr yeary she was one of the most active � I - , � hour or more. after the scheduled time before . � Belgrave,- I ip offices � for 190 ham been published, and coa- of women, and likeJ and -esteemed by all - �-':- - ' - he I -he' 12tb, 1$54, when he took i , 1. ,A therefore, quite unlikely any� Conservative worth, July . - I , . � -3 tming. Eyxcuse aw -On behalf of b F �­ ' D ­- t � -- , �, _0 the arrival of some of th the annual d -inner of the students of t ACAR ! OF TjIANK6', : the lot on which he died. Diseased experi� tains information of interefit to the people of who knew her. Her buiband died on De - A ­ l -�(4 � journalist will place his head through the . -4,'�­­ ­ I .. I., W, : � I could be made for an oc-lasional delay but to . faculty of L%val Uni veraity r003ntIY, was the family und relativer', I w6h to expross our . . � ­.. I enced all the triala and vicissitudes of the Perth 6ounty. In North Perth R g tr r, I - I -:,�-.z�i-�A.4� . .. L' "a a comber 2.5bh, IS87. 1, - . - :� �' f heartfelt thanks to our kind ne'ighbors and' D. D, Hay is orod � = -- ,71 Mr. Stratton holds open for have a daily oacurrence.suiely calls for some ; -- I Z., , If moose which bigaiDg of Hen. J. 1. Tarte by a -grou 0 . early settlere, and ab last succeeded in ited with a gross amount -Mitchell seems to be becoming quite a ' � - P),374 85; , . . - -- I � - see, it would m6l; he . 10 fin friends for their ua'biriug assistance In this,, '' , -- - - - . � `P,ri2l be rectification in t inWireoto of the, pub�i ­ -1 � . i bim. la the second pl - Ptudeato while the -ex -minister wai spea Ig making himself a con%fort&ble home out (if of feas earned durlog that year of rmers. The Acivocate ��--- I for the Fervi � ouble.-C, H. CouLTis, I . - - � - �74�­ ow who are paying their money �es I ��-Ij -i - t of 61 Oar ParliameEta. " M r. our time of tr of South Partb, - � I iti(- or proper for M.r. Stratton to all t the team I the virgin forest. Mr, Leiper was the last R-egiatrar P. Whelfhan, makes note of the following who are shortly � . -1 . ­- -16 2- 4 Fol - Pioxiima GONE --L-Mr. John Coultio, sr., $1,3128 60. The reupective deputy resistrars ' if Mr. : . I i � ' , k,,�--. r.2" . promised and not received, One �day re I - - I. - 'a . . of the original nettlers in this section, who 0 b : - .- ­ . :_ -V-. - . � - � I - 'is , to . attend !to . - ' services. to become residents f that ww - - - - V: I nuol erione charges, made in this Way -contly the writar had a meiting to iarte reviewed the histo4 of .Canada. and I � 4i . .- ­-, �- -- V bE I i the course of his remarks had o3oaAio:AAo passed away. on 80turday, the Wh, at tha� had.lived contintiodgly on the lot he to,3k up, received $000 and $600 for their- Wm. McKf,nzie, of Logan, will abortly , : , a - -. --- �1- ­ . It. i�; � PAS - . I a unnoticed. He in a servant, of the at 10 a. m. in Clintoni- andl drove to Seaforth r. Coultis took a paraly-� . . . . . ­- - i . . age of 70 years. I The net amount received by the registrars - - " -. I � - I Co: isidetable I - -t - %'� i, - � V -- I r far to gir Wilfrid Laurier. -� A man of the strictest honesty and integrity move to towsi. He has purchased the Can- - - 4 ..- to catch the 9:10 train, so is to be in Clinton I t - � : :-4,!'--,-::�, �-i -� public and an accredited representative of hissibg w4o he the men 'on of the tic. stroke; on he previous Thursday and,. ng, 11 owe Vv . W, � - - I I ard upon In all his dealings, hia motto bei as S1,983,80 and 5,41.,495.35. 1 uing property, in the .north ward, and in- ! -,�--4-­, � - in time,� bat to bis annoyance the clock tar regained consciononebs, After two I ­ - . Prdinier's name. and the Inference in that a nel no man anything," he earned the respect and -A serious accident, bappened to Mr. , �, �, �.W'* the Liberal party, and, coasequently, he is tends making considerable improvements on ­� � �4' - 17 showed 20 minutes to 11 bifore the depq,rb- i F # 15 - � g�oip of stutlents desired to express their days' gradual sinking,,. he passed qnietly Duncan MoInty' a of Downie, on Monday � , � , friendship of his neighbors, and at last was , the building before occupying it. Mr. Alex. , �- . �,! �� , . , - � � A ­ responsible to the public for his ictione, and ure took place. An old gentleman asked , 61- - �., -� . . - H w,PA putting the cows in- � , , q � � . �� � T,j­ I . Mr. Coultip wise born of !Eoglish ,oko 0 -also ,roon be- -- :�, ,. � iopleasurp of the manner in which Mr. &way gathered in by the Great Reaper, like a� of last we � - L ', -�` 1� Aikens, west of Monkton, will , , - for a ticket to Lucknow, u I rds-Sir to the barn, assisted by him do One cow . Z -1 anything. tbra,t in calculated to bring din bit was informed - 70' - . ­41-�. -eted himself to,*a fullyripe, ,Holeavemanonly 9. - ­ �,. ., , -4 .. . .arto h%d condu parentage in the- $tsts of New York . shook of corn come a resident of Mitchell. He has pur- . - - - I -­ , - � . ­ I— -­ , -1 - �'y the polite young man in, charge ol the 7 In � r , bile at%nding obased tho Cohluboon house, east of Mr. --, ­,, � - !� credit or disrepute upon him. reflects almost years ago, and when a mere. boy' oved with, w - t, - � .- � NVilfiid since, leaving the Cabinet. Mr. daughter, Me.George Gibson,to lament *aabliadinone eye, and - i - � tic , .�� A4* . .'�l .. ket office that he could not get the neces- . his fatherloo family to Nassagaweys, me �� � ­ -- 7 r �� � � -- � !, - V " I ectually on the party of which he is the Tarte stopped - and toot, his- seat, ar� the lose of a kind and loving father, his on the blind aide of her, he hit her a blow , Win. Honay,s. Mr. Wm. Sykes, of Logan, . . - - , nary pasteboard by that train, as connection speaking Guelph, mud at the age of 20 married, He Vv evidentl I I -­ A - , ­ t - -- a -1 � y ­� - - . day wibb. moved west 45 yearn ago, to his late real.' - i I I - ­ � .4 but, upon the suggestions of thp ch airman he wife bavingpredise;40ed him tenyearnago, to move her over. � The co I I �, - repreagnts,tive. - would not be made at Clinton that hat also decided to make Mitchell his future - tj ht it was bhe dog attacking her, and ,Ome.,. .; - ­ .1 c�bntiauad, He then receivea a 'warm re. jp� thr,4 ­­ ­.1. -;f - - I -- !!!!!Tn�— � ­ - . - I I - � � I.., - � - .- - A �.,.- -� 'AA 0 open to Mr. Stratton, ,,the London. Huron & Bruce train due thare clepti6n, for which he ex is thanks. dence in East Wawanosh, nes�r Beigr&ve.! - kicked out - r .1 - - I . � Th re is a courze tended k I � . The first kick caught Mr. " On Saturday morning, November ... I ­, at 10:15, It is not much wondqr that -peo- ' Mr. C6ultis had been connected wich. the� Constance. � --. -1 � : ., 4j, A - ble to I - - - I - i� - ' in 14th, the barn and ttables beh aging � 41, � ­ however, which should free him from sus Thia keident' is %aything hub credits I . McIntyre on the knOcis and knocked hi -- . . ,ompet- . . � -a something down. The second kiok broke an upper ) �%.�.-­. ,-­:�� I . . ple kick and busy themselves over ,. qhe good manners ,tm Methodist- church all his life time and was a Some unmist%keablo sign - � , �-- - . " or trainingof the studer - to Mr. George Henry, of the 3rd concession 11- -. ----� . I � . . = zt ,t ,­ picion. and, do justice to all partiee, The ing roads. either steam or electric. There is - 9 LiberAl in politics. s He was of a kind dispo- which arrests the sttention of all g od rib. I of Fullartou, ­ ad by lire with ­ z;�, � � - . --L . ... - I -1 - III a � - -­� � , fl� I -f this ingtitutiob. It is a most datestabI . ? were consum , iiz­,­ ­� g i � I I ition ; wa,j a good noigh I is , , tstementa in the Callaghan affida,vit are surely some redress for these real grievance bor, ever ready to� dressers, is seen in fhe skirte and wa to hornas -t I z - � � ---;. a . - - 81 -The home iof Mr. and hire. T I 1, - - 1, -. �.- . -,-,-. - � thing to hiss a public man, and more espeo nearly all the seamon's crops. The fire � _,� _ � ­ �--.l and it should be vomebody's business to see -., lend a helping hand to the need* ; is kind sold by the E. MoFaul Company, Seaforth, a contre of % very - �­ ­ _ �� clearly and distinctly ma4e, I there is -no L � � 1�lly one who is .an invited guee t .of th6 "� I Vivian, of blitchall, was th caught from a spark froon the engine while 1. - -­ I - -11 .- - I % �-., � , I �- 14 . that the remedy is secured." � � -to, Wt he father and a loving husband. His foltmef. Tnere 0 an air of up -to datenese--oometi"ng pretty wedding�'which took place on Wed- - to .save the Z -- �- .. - 11 -- � �'-�' A-41 r6aunderstauding them. They are compro- - I . . - � .4- . I Oferders. Mr. Torte has his fau threshing, Thay managed . --��­ ��, - - � -� I , b . as in many ways done him country good wife pasared away 24 years ago. .She *aa.a abou tthem different from what the othar - � ­ ;­fz­F I nesday afternoon of laet week, at 1:80 th ­ - � , -- We do not know tha unkis threshing machine and implemeutq of t a : - . - =- misio toM...r. Stratton, and. he alone known I t the' Graad Tr 1 . ­ -, I � -- , � Z �---` � M .-r- - . d -the galooto W11f) shcwed their sister of Thomas Taylor, ex raeve of E%st stores sell, and there's always a large nasort- - o'clook, when their ijecond daught-er, Mias farm, and some fall wheat from tile gTanary, .. � - z - - - 1A - .1 F, e r vi oe, an I . I . . ­ - I - - I I -Z , e - - *V�,!­'� If they are worse in this' respeet th%n the oCher rai - I . Wowan sh. Four years' later he� married ment to choose from. 1 1876-1 Avis Pd,cil, wasmarried to Mr. Win. Hord, but, everything elae wea burned. It is �% -. ,-- - ­� -- , . ,�! whother they are true or falso. I proval of bi;i prese4 politics. -course in � -1 , - � I . ­ . Isap , - ag I I .1 - - , Al� uitty of perjury, ways. They ate all dilatory enough n . ra. � ­ I - 7 i per- '2 vulgar a manner slio4d be a iliamed of P Roland. an esteemed lady, whO NOTE.S.-Bastrice Lindsay has been quite third son of ex -Mayor Hord, Rev. 0. W,' heavy loss for Mr. Hvnry, es i 11 t this - I- f � ill, � -�*- --7 -a 1-1 - I i � falso Callaghan has been g pecia I i.J.;�, � - � ��, --'�� I - I . I w dsye, bu� is getting better.- Brown oflidatiu,k. The bride wore a beau- - ;- - � . :. - ­-, I -e should i, , . i � fiLtingly punish; forming the dutieu:they owe to the public, themselveo. The ' 'not orninif nts in any in left U mourn the lose of a husband, to� � . � I I r -, 'K and, as tueh, h be iy are ether with 5- sons- and 4 dau ill for a. fe a time of the year� The nei - �­ t -i-'* li� 9 : - , -- , �. � ...- -. � - 7 -, I 1 ghters, all Miss Ad& Drake, of Staffito is visit with tiful silk orgabdie drese,, and carried nishing him with stable room for his stock -;� - he,post! community and they do tbeitistitation with - -- I . lf� Nor is the section complained of by,tl . . � In 19--- - i I " e& indeed, it is in the interesta of the grown 11up and doing for themselves. Thd her aunt, Mrs. R, Hotham.-Mr. Jo& Brit., handsome bouqo�G of flowers. None but the 7� . . ­­ , - � ­;�- iti,� - � . which they are conn4)cted very great die. , as far as possible. The building and eon- . -07 � ---U ­ '10 � . . . � - .1 - � ,itp that -he thould ber punished. R se6nis the only section that has a like: grievance.. family are: John, of East Wawano3h I - !'­ - � - ­-V-::�,19 publ' . cridit. * toa's foot is slowly improving. We -hope he intimate friend4were present. ate were inpured for $1,600, which will 11 -�.- -- - - i - .. to . � .1 1, -1 �­ - therefor . . - on be able to be out again. -A num- on, who resides on the .t I- ­ . - -. � -: ',�',, to us, ,a, that the course'of Mr. There is a great deal of lost time to the - Basel E., of Buffalo ; Charles H., of Chi' will eo _j3nr108 MOP ere , n ob- nearly cover the amount of the I -ova. . I - ­ ­, - . . .� . . ! ­ . - I --,�, �, ­�� . ' of delayo,ti Some Reform'p3pers are suapping -and cago ; George, of Belgrave ; Richard. �of ber of the young people of this locality at. Huron road, a a 'or't, distance west ot Strat- I � , - - i, Stratton should be quite clear. He travelling pu0ic on account - . - ii - I ­­ -f -- ., � ,� ­ ­ f-; �.� . . London ; gra. Michigan ; Mrs, tended the party at Mr. �Tohn Carter's last :ford, meb with, serioue accident on Satur. I . , . � - - � '� - � should have the. maker of tile defamstory tpains in every �ection, and- the grievance Y%pplDg, at the Globe becauze of the article Smith, ft - -, - - � -- - - , . . ' I : � of! Clinton ; .Mrs. Perrin and Mrs.- Friday nigi.t. They report having spent day, 14th inat While cog , - :; - . aged picking, ap . �:: -� t 1 4 "! :: hich it Wan br, �of WiDgham. The funeral wa: Well D6served. I �� I,- -� . it publiahed a few weeks ago, in w 4 -� AdCN,.: - , affidavit indicted for perjury. If he does has been particularly marked within the ­ � good time tripping the I I light fantistic," Tlea he fell fro a tree an& was rendered . � � � . W-- � I -.4- ' argefy attended. � - �ad In w 1. 4 -i I- � . efecto I �; - , , � . . . a, no made & .ial reference to some of I he d ; sod all unit labing the genial hoat unconlicious. The immense v&luo offerad by The Family - - ­­ . Why this should b pee � �1 - n,d prove& his came, then bw will .'&at few month3. ,a lay in this condition for i �, T ,.4, � �, thit a P I - -ontreal, Oils ��4 .� - I I 1� in ' Ontario Government, The Globe 1, and hoste-qu manv happy years in their new about two hour�, when he recovered auffl- Herald and Weekly Star, of R -- . �� - ! . I -- I - . .. - - � I -- �; - 1001it offectively shut the mou ths of person eeem's* able to explain. But, it goes ne . e the home. -Rev. and Mra. JNUNMr gave their 4-1. . � ­ *1 . a- d nct mind these critics. Its article was St. Columban. ; I 11 lie Duly - 0 � ently to eu%ble,him to drag himself to t)ie I season is Tneeting with the succes t 4: -�;. - -�.. - , ; �x . i -j�l his detract--?rs ; he will clear himself without saying that the companies should . all right, Ivehould b%ve a bensficial influ. farewell addresses to large congregations at house, He is ijill in a dazed con(litioa, but 1 lie4en, deserve. Their pictures-" Heart � � I - � - - 11 Touch . their stock, wherever y6u wi% , - k --,�, H Ch s I'- e bes � . :.� -�� �- - � -` I � �­ r. and his party from the obliquy which will b3 made ta live up to their publishedtime ence on �he Government, the par �y and the L Kinburu las� Thuradq night, They have DO 83rioun results are anticipAted This is 1 Broken " and 11 _ ard to oo,o -ar a- �­,-- � there's A completeness that's not to be . . - - - � - I'll 4 � , - I . 11 ­ � , .Z urin �--- �1­ �- i 7 L, ass attach to both, and tables barring, of course, occasional ae-�i- Provinee, . It in a gool sign of the times won many friends d " their A 'It fst%y in the socond bad :accident th%t has befallen I tiful, and their other reuiium coloureil map � � � ­ otherwise. more or I found in the other stores, If you're not 0 C:xq � . I Jate. It is the biggest j".�, - ,- , .- 1 ,-1:. I A like when papers have the courage and Independ. alre,ady'a customer of the E. McFaul CO... il� this viciniV. Mr. Mcwlair'a polwerful and 'Mr. NlePhersoa within a very ehort per6d. !of Canadt- - - � .- I - . . i I - .. - M.- -- � ­ . a service by having a dents, weather conditJons ai�d su -,- � , �!­ - - ene ' the i Canada to -day. The FiT�- . ";k .., I . � -- � be will do the conutry ' e to point out the'weak-points in would be a wise thing on your part just t convincing sermons, and re. AlcNair7a -A little six-I'Vear-old 6on of Mr. Thorq�as dollar'@ worth a 'a ­ 1, I I_- -1'�.' dangeroui man placed where -he will not be obstructions. If they do not do this in conduct -of thbir own party. Thab the [rory 6 ily Herald is aecuring thousands of newsub- ? --7, -f _-- --- -.� �74 , -1 1 . I look- in and see their up-to-date assortment sivgi�ng, wera attraoting the people and Bell, of Listowol. meb with a painful, ac�.i- .- I -, . - - :', Shia to (io harm for some time .to bome. thei- own interests, they should be made do p�apers t%ke advantage of this oatspokeness 6 1 causing thein to think serial sly. Quite a dent recently. Ife wai playing n"r Me soribers by their generous gifts this year -, ill - - -1-1"- � � . I - I - q� �- , . and note the way they do business. 18'� 0 I I . - � A 4- The pea. to bolster tip their own cause and help their � number of them bavq started; liviog with a home, when he saw Watmon'a brewery' wagon ! fact, few howQ9 will be found witbout that � - . . I NOTES, -The annual I . ; - � ­ .1 ­! me art I , ­ , - � This affidavit business should be stopped. it in the inberests of the public. election of C. M. B' w object in life, and mauy,: having grown d he orawled oato the back of It great ptLper aiii beautiful premiums when , - � -�� � - :r .1 P - party may be exasperati6g and dimAuraging, P&9811)9� - I - I "I Mr. 8brattou takes the course we indi- ple, through the Government .and . A. officers for St. Columban branch wom hela n one dollar secures so much. � - , ­ If j bu� this does not alter the situation, al- � somewhat oold, li%v6 been strengthened i It contained a load of hage hardwood ti _ --�` " - I - ..- - Pdrli � here last week and reoult-ed 'as follows , In- - - - I ` -7-I.- -- . -n cate., h . - ment, have the 1�o-wer to do this if t� C th 0 being as I th, t - - - e,will, likely, do much to t1aid end. I ough it may prevent some fro Bir spiri ual life, �nd we � hope that the - --- � --- I . .1 F � I . b . It has Chaplain, Rev. A. McKeon ; obanoellor! . � . - , - _ -:4 �i- � - I good work, thus begun may continue while - �- , to use it. , LA the Government., -through candid as they otherwise would . ,­ I- I � I -- � - I I I - I �� � . . r �, I . McQuaid; president, Then. Melody ' : ,:-, - - i , -r -Mr. .. 1 . ; , .. - � . - . 9 I ', , I I I : Where Does the Canadian Farmer their Minister of R%ilwaym, inform Mr. always boon the case that the Tcry'leaderg Francis I the work in carried on by tl�e pastor. ! � - . - recor # . � �. - I I ;1 - do with impunity s'nd without reproach -ding secretary. Jam," O'Sull"n' Ernest Adams returned Iseb; week from the . -1 I ; TV . I may . � .,-*­­ . � - �.z- I Came, In ? � of the Grand Trunk nancral seEretar , 'John L3ne ; treasureri - - - - -t y I - �5 a pa I C--- ,� .:�-i E ­ from 06 rank and file of- th i �y, tbings West, He speake very highly of the West, ys an Y.- I- , I � a F, McQuaid. ;, trustees, James Ryan. Joh Turke W ed 7 il .- ­ - d $ I � t1he like of which will not although it was very wat.�Miam Maggio I ; �,T- I 4 , ,� Some of the Canadian � afacturers an R'llway, that unless his company farnishog � be tolerated in tb . Malone, James Atkinson, Joseph MeQuaid 4 � � ,. L - , . I- - Jan - . : - I-- -L I I.- I ),�blic suitable service the ch%rteIr of Liberal partv; But - history proves that McDoaahl re,turned , on Saturday, after a I . . � - , ": �' ;7i he Protection newspapers in the 11 D. Hughes, Joseph ielady: . -- - -A 1� � marshals, I : � I ,some of t : � � : even the Tory rank and file will revolt , I I few weeks' visit with her parents in Staffi, I �, '. I I, L-1 I � ­ � the road will be sugpended and there will Eoou � I . r I I 1�7 -- � ­L� see b'eakers ahead In the t � '. - Z a 4 : -, -. Canada, profess to 9 I . W11 -m -the misdeed@ o! their parfty leaders guards, J. Hart, Matt. Coyne, Joseph I , .�� , - . -_ -� I 11' z i:: I Government per.. Matthewo; lecturers, G. K. Holland, Jobil' - . I I 11-11 ` ,;--- � - -- 4 - near futura in to far as 1 thel manUf%eturiag be a ch%nge, that is if the become too rink. Honest and candi 3 criticinn : " - . ,� . f ,, I, � � that they are- hr -on the part of tbe Reform paperi, will keep I yan and Leadbury- I I I mits the manager to mea I -, " - � . . enterprii5es of this country ara concerned. - Dalton. D. McConnell James V, R � I T . ; . I - . L 1 C3- 1 TT� S 7 1 � .. ­ - t Land will do *hat they I the party John Malone ; delegate to Grand Council Don% 8kip this ! It solves the problem, - I �,J ,-;": .- -For the past . two or three-'yeara all the man- earnelp , may. - The the Moild tone 0 up the high Toronto, Chancellor McQua�id L alte ate� . . � . .. j,: '! I I maint ined, and at . ; M I I L ­ �, U, '. '. , - - L --,­- - . ff Of thie 00 ' Where can I find the besit stock of linens I �, � ,.,the Governmejat�, and , standard it has generally maint I -- - �1 ufaoturing concern untry have ,great -trouble is that . ex-Char�cellor Kale. The branch is in q **###*"#####*######*#*I" I � wl - - - ill force the leaders to respect tie feelings ' house furnishings ? Where can I get . L - �--, I � I I , -- q , - - � . - of proiperity. he, I . - � onthl�', and . . ! �; r�i � . " � - i .. had an unprecedented run q t .oliticians are afraid of the railway I of thoon wbom they are selected to repre. flourishing condition. The serni-in ' good choice of curtains, carpets and fluole! . -c with fe4thers off, � -7 - ­ 1'�.. � -1 �'_ "­� _-L__ M a 9�c per pound, alive; 103 - -; ting@ are bright and ch�erful ad at� - 2 � ­ � -- 11168 L I I ­. � ; T. - i, -:. he estAbliskments h%ve been overcrowded compiniea and the companies know it and I senf. That this h6s been needed in Ontario ums 9 The bill is almost certain to be filled I I I . � i - I . . . . . a i th' . I I . -- ­ . -�4' -. ­ ­ w- ' well attecded.-The temperatur -N-just be dry picked and feathers left ou tail and wing). 14- �- ' , , �1 ly, to the loss and annoyance of late few will deny. In to yon, omplete satiafactlon at the E. Me. (I - '� . � a - A �; f ­ . 'With Work and many of them have orders et according parish Ourch here registered $0 4egrees o re *- I . 1- -1 � - I --- Faul Co.'s store, Seaforth. 1876 1 L L-� I .+"-.L . I I I- - �1114,�1----��.� booked for nioii';ha ahead. Yet, notwith- of the public, The Government are afraid circles is heat last Sunday. and some of the doors 511)l I [,:!5r'kVe, only take them. on Wednesdays before noon. .- �' F-Aii4­ -, . The lateet runior. in politioal � . I L. ­ I I . . : - n,-� - ­ " - - . -I,-- StSudhig this very satisfactory .condition, to talte stringent meann with the compan-lei wind.owe had to be opened. One pereptring ITEMS—At time of writing the indica- : WA—FLWXWIIWITMNMXPEIV��� '4, ; ­ ­ , � :, 2-kl. - -- . . I D ates ihO TG -0011- ! I �, I tbnt Premier Ro3s contem- I 10DA are that winter bas arrived. -TN1 rq� % - �, - �i . . worshipper threatened to wash the sexionlo t . - � � w. . � I—, $�.-' t'hcY are fearful. They say that trade,bas lest they offend them and they uie their in- ) post offico ttore, hau got in AM . ��, F, L, 'A - mi- . . otion of hie Cabinet at aii early date, X ~0 -ill- -_1 � stru face in the anow, but the pradent beadI6 McEvveo, of thi : � _ ­ �­ -_�'t,j' Q I ' : -. , _ Taeaqe againit them at election tirres, and I a ,,ice lot of goods for the winter trade - ­ ­ . _ I'" in in the wrong direction in the United , , mome Specials for Xmas Trade -a . �- I 1, - T� ,__. D . . -do not think there is rruch in the ramor smiled anti quickly fled over the anow. fl-Akes . � j- � - -i �­ ­ ­ sta- We " ! Z -- Z' ,,'� !F- -yk. �152 ; that thti Manufa turers there are on thils account 'it is not likely the Govern.' ' ' - j, -Two nee.!' Messre. Ali. and Herbert Irvine, who have i 1. - . . ­ It .� � 0 . and we give it simply for whab b "maybe using his hat for a fan as be watit. I ' � - . �.7 - - !. 4. F" L i 5 ; ail Al 0 vercoat, hip,h f6n,,-, J�6-00 ; � . i I � -L 1. ­ UW-r;0ing 1014ed up vjith 6urplus produote on unteas the repreoenta- worth. As the ,-,ory go. -o he is to take in slons of the Eaet Huron Farmars' Inelitu 0 W --j" ­ td be n working in the vioinity of Stratford for dur all- ool Suits for men at $J..-' ­ � -. q- - - I %L. �'- 4� z:' I some time, have returned lintne.-Manyof . 'I 11 i' an echo,ol! � . V will be held in the SP, Colnmb , L � -, if� �,�L *r vrW10h th0Y can not got sale in their -own tives force them to do so. two n6w won and drop two of hiq present men'8 Underwear, flecce-lined or wool, at $1.00 a suit. . _ � � -� � t -­ 4.,; I i The roprosenta.- The new ineu are Mr. A. B. hall next, Monday, at 1,30 P. rv,,aud at 7.30 I Our people are interested in the railway ex. L , , - - ­ ,�- Gountry, 14 collergue?. I a i t i,x. or ; I W an - *­ .-��'�' - endent ' A - President Thomao M rorn Guelph to Goderioli, The rail- --i - n" that theY 11avo no inarnediate tives Ehoull be tnod,.,r&tely indep e bave tha� begt 2be Jap ' Tea in the trade, nd our stock 0" Baisins, � Il � oNill4n wil�, tet'si011 I , - 3neaus of r Ayleaw6rth ani Mr. John Bertgarn. Mr. p, in, 7--w� -_ -� . 1, � .. 01101 'Ohor thmi to dump these the companies now t6st the compani nt will ma,ke the mistake of Carrautg, Peels) Oranges an(I Lemons are away above. thr.� ordinary. � ;- I',, -� atarptno p - ieo ar8 Ayles%vofth, is the woll knoWn Toron o proside, alld %ddreesen will be dBlivered b ' way mallageme �!- .t -t; - y --- .- . I" ro'luet"Of thefr worl;shop3 into, reflulmd by act of Parliament . to farniub lawyer Rnd Canada.'a repreaedtative on the Dr. H. 6'r. Reed and Mr. J. H. Smith,j; their life if they do nobselea, the central Two eratos of Oh'na just in, at grocery prices, thit country %nd 610,ughter them here for them with free passes, wherAv,s befo I re they recent Alaska Commisaion. Mr. Bertrain is Sorgi will be given by eome of St. ColuInj route by Moacton and Walten.-Mias Mary I I 1") a well,known M=Llfacturer in Toronto. and hari's-vmaliats, and t e 81'. Coluinban string,! 14' ,, Rae has been on a Pleasant visit to friends � what: they will bring. This tile Canadi%rt only received the pat,86s aq a matter o I h I i rw% wallufasturers claiin, n' their trade It will be mean from this th if , favor. I is presidaub of the Bertrain 11,11agine Wprka. brass and wojd.wind band will� he h pe. t * SLratford,-Wo learn that Miaii McNsb &I On GUNN, Sea for ffi � 'Willrut, " r till a h2 . �i I I I -g I I I I I I � t, I � " a I a 01 01 hi i" I I � I , ID h I I , I �. 1, P-1 the fretnedy t��Lll,-: I allvi again been engaged to teaoh No. 9 .I and in this way infliot lobe and In' go was a member of the.Parliament, of Can- advantage in a s4ries of operarlie eel -e , 11 , . -- jary on for which the Post aaL,s 7 I Lh soho.71,-In addition to, the reg�lar staff of , I I rests in the haude ads some twenty years ago, representing that are 8ure to add interaet andi zest to 6. I � � : . - I . . I - I � I 11 . I � I � - � I i I i- I � I . lj�,, I - . I -- I . I - � . I � �1 I � � . � I I . 1; -- - - I a - : - I - I � . . . - � I � � . I - � , - - I I I � - � .1 I I I w. ;I � . .1 I ! -IN-r AMB' - I -OV E I I - .���­: O,W. . i - . . , - . . if LorivONIS SH, - wetuo,614 .T-,0ij,p3*13, - 4,411- stort-S - illo A%. -c � � , - � ThL�011"b t1p I'l. "' --): , �� 4 - I , � � � " It :4416 all t.he re t Lf -, I - V ublic- I-, 14) I,— 11'.J., I - . I 4, - � 'ejawratj .- � " 4 �. - � .,TA t%l , �4 .. I . I toul Off (­Mfj].1.11-,I�* 1 1 . , , I .V,el '91;� . it tb-- ti2­ . - -� . - I . - ,. jbi(if and fli I 11-4;1.'J�-�( . . . , I . a�he invi�inj.,� jjf-�11 - - � ir - � , soylle 111.1.ifj-"�i­' � zenlw* '%VIIAWol',� I` I t'f _ ;-4 , I q , , --t��pjj()Jes ;1 - I i . .I- 1;� - - . -. ve�y ti 4 �, ne NN­�441 * A -, � ,' , :, 1- � ­ Ill � I . � �� j. Wost . . 1-t 'I , I out there .tr- . e.,; �.- . - struefurally t!-,-' �-;-Id­ I - . , , # ;,z � ot t1lig Lillf, a 1;4 fA�,: � .- I - r " 1 ,4,:. ­. -, ; �, �: - — - - I je,,�r- v ­ i I - in this I3)aj1;.­;% uni . . 4PUD, F.1311". , 0 V .1 I . jy � tis -��afplllh--. ­- -.Att ".� � : I ., t - 4,�- he twases L t.11 M14 All ; . : e . . toiners' jl!-,�-, -'�:­-. . , . ­ . I Sal s, � �e�q,11311 S V. - 14 .- V� � � I :tbo m - . - . .& t a I I I )� ; r , i � , - � : ; , � , � i ., -4 V On thof-,- tdri-4i ­%-" . I . I vatled 1* fW-)'-­-: I i per . � " � ,'clalIV I't ",:III(,, th'i"". ; � : tw"ojoqj�,Jjp-;��0%4.1.wi� 'i I " - e - 41 1 -fisily. .13141 13�o el . . I vbop�j faV41'rS, Ille 4%;! .. * S,tivreA fl-jil-s. A .1 : Wbii�i zbe litrge:4 C-4. - br,polis say -,,z It l'-: 1'� ; 3tbat �arc' W)t S11.1'.. . - prinelP311" �T,"-'?; '011, . ,d,-ii;,q1---e !�11111)(T.vj.414 I I . . aeute, � . - v sb(twrall �, .1 j.,, .ery � v. *W, . � I I tewlant is ;n el"we - tbL,rp. nre swilil, prf3 , _ � 'wMe 1l14,­-g7.-�--(-. Io 1 ' - ,tjon, It is fll(! 41111V - , � - I* � - ,uFv-t1!01 .w1jen be is) - ; i7all the fitt"J'AiM.1 i� � -1he ataut �, � . er, rint bl. .Ii� .. � - � SIVI, The deteelive . Ct ulpler llpr- IM -117, ra-rge �owpnriuws wj , . 'Colic'm-110 Ille IIAO!, " ". . Abe least -eul.'s-pienif, V.mnen, 4-hLer ernj�', ,c�rs or as M401nilrs, . whe .n" ri an .4 A -Lone -121 I - fie Dilst;i!9 SOMWIIJO . I " 1qg Bigns 'Of flstevpt --- . - deteetivo, wbo, asp I fustowf,�r. sftts be -1 jeominanding a go& t)et,.t and makes ber. I other woman. 3i I t �&ta upon whicb.-It . . �smjaqe assumed V I I I - I � a I - Uffrorl day by ply, . - I . I if there be oAe re! . _ shop pre-prietor. - jbp � 'to convict a ydopltor,3 � ­ �Iilo not forward bu!� -tofs Policy M to in, tvery comwivieble, TH I t.�e is imi-ried 110 urb. I '11 "'yo, �alld thle VIA - � - caum"'ht !--I the slet. ok I , i - -r: � under vt)yer of hi j I . whetber the artiet flonjo fo- "�, n To V ; - " .�. l"o gnop'n,g lmarf!'A Jude-, Nvita au np - . - Imid-.1n) 11 -is inadvo. - bors-If- witli V01110 4 tht- vountv,r. 7 First offeriderSl � m DarilOw (ISIM114111; SiN Ing, Into ilit-- nby-,� .4 - 400C and -1.1411y ri��Ii . - - In Coln 41f flor. re.1h ; (lie while nw.mt 41i to Purloin th-t g4w, � - I i6f such a Itind fitil' � ), er Innek into 11'r, I r -, � maijagor*s olffiee i!- . - inore ,�e-lrms uPPA - Is vvf-ll to fln�w 11u, I . it does not--TjAmfl�, ­­­! I ' B'%-rly Frifty me! 'Bray, -of l'o-ndon, al prep%re broakfoat. --vhj thing was *rroug. lf� I I fell to the flt�or, bra -deavor to retain be', . aroused ,Mr. Bray, % . - I I Vhat the rcOM Was -- Bray xtruggled to It! I ing a pane of glam �Wjl soon revived him au . � � . open -the doora� Mr.' , nephew were .arouiei I danger. The baby' - apparently unuillaawd - I Ong members of the but they haa A clot ..... . ld;. Br4'a nephew h Coal the niaLt bk-f6j � : falfted to properIv aTrY ; I MA'i - � I I . - . . All ­Whf_-t.(ne*j, 13t&ndh -oats por btwhoj----� I � -Vo%t *per bvAhel - - - - �' . Ssy�iy per busbtl- - - -- � . Butur. N*. 1, low-- � B-atW tub— - � - - - xzpl;�r doz­ W---. Flour, parl" 2m- - - -- I'll R%ypej,!tonne1w-­. L I Zdea per loo U_ � � .W ' � L - - - I I - L -Sh"P aldna....'­'... � I W�001--,­- ­�-- - .1 -potatoes r lag (w­�! ' L( silt (1=0 t"r -­bsAT-;CL , W,"d per aoid (lot g?.-. -' , I W"L4partord (itott".1 . - I , ,5 I ]as pfir.rA - - - - - - I. v,t,r0aed---,--­- � Mmoihy fted--- 11 ."" F*rk,por 100 UA - v­*� � lrallow,'par lb- - - - -! --- �� I I Gral - . ToaONT0, ;N-OvtM-! .� � 80?�e ; red, h(P-0 ; - f I , barley. 48 to 419 ,- : � 1 othy, $10 to Z111 I m- . I � to $9 ; sheaf Otrmw�i z � 1 dressed hoge, lig't , -- G *- dressed bogr, $1501 L I . $17 to $17.50 for e& L - . to $14 for bran it treights, Manivobw I - , L , r_& (), jahj)7"E, rA for ca , '. Ineluded, in c*r lotC I , . I , - ­ , � J& � I "M �- I � I or - I - �4 - - - - - - 1 7 , � - -*� �- - I --- -- - ­ - 7-- - ssiiiiiiiam I N�--a�l&�—m T,)no.NT% 'N,oveint atock are coming in! are unctim3ged. 0-6 -fluoted at 70 -to 75f I here at wc� - - , . Dp-im . , MWSTULAL, NNIM11, L led, selecv-d, '-'I c, : � 14ontreal lirned.j' ,413 U) lie, - towmijilr" 10 to 0,.- BUVI�e 4 ­ � I 211 .to 211-, ; ildel", I - ;dairy, 15 to 1#t ; - ToRONTO, N' � --'� Qeipta continue larp- c-laiaries thereis zv,, '� 4 I quality. crcamel'A 'L �ftud receipts aro -%Ipl � - 10-reamery krinta, � -, � . I n - ­ � . I I L .z I - I -