HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-11-06, Page 6NOVEMBER 6
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. __ . . 1� .. - - � I � �
op~!!��� � - I __ I . . .. _._ I.- I I I L -al be included in their honeymoon jour
1, - I ". I � cod t10 I
ft am AWAME a amw*1 THE FAMOUS CITY OF ZION. gild it had to he done. Poor common lWome bays pay. ,
W PM, . deny thowiselves of the neces"iftries of lifq, , - 0 a . 4--rence to tke hbovc Mr. Pnd Mrs.
� 4
a I ILE - - I and many went so far as to, mall some of ,daw 10 je- nder Stevens are not residents of St.
� I'll ,
__ - A -a
WHAT DR. DOWIE, THE ZION PRO I I my ftense 1 'r. -6-
, :
I . % 4 , their household effects in ordei to raise the Uth of Zion
.. - - U I I PHET, HAS DONE, AND HOW . . . - ih .t-; coin, and tboas who had to remain at hontd And Itlas am Marys, but reside one mile so
_� i - , % I - *Zkg $be� M1*1Ak__ of aftelbr. 4 hI of Usbo?ne, stout
, I ` - , j3hurob, in the towns IV
� iiiiiiiii� � 7 -1 HE DOES IT, I I - I m"t contribute towards it jult as muoh sqs ralooltift back"Be to other Cans" - miles from St. Marys, bub their two
I if 0ey went, Mothers with small childrN Many wo:c ey disease and do hirtean - (nee Minnie Stin-
- King "
" — � . . ome had to go. At," Hlij�h Hospital; ,, not knovy it� They confuse the symptoms aughtero, Mrs. 61 J
the Special Chisago, Corwespondent of - at b - ,my Stie-
(By r e I I over IGO ladiao were lef b to be;, car I witli those of ailments of a feminine nature. lvans)$ and it younger sister, Miss brA
I the Gait Repor4f-0 - ed for . . Le of 13�. Marys for a abort
-1 SEC BIT I. ; ' I I it Love lightens All business 0 the city a Backache, loss of flesh, dry, harsh skin, de- tvene, were residonl
. � It is just two ince 11 Dr."' - ll, a few nurses, fin� te-I Stevens (now Mrs.
- I I years ago 3 of the bor,17 the say- suspended for the montho but Elijah a#- 1 posits in the urine, swelling of the feet and legs, �fme. Miff� L n has created much
61110MOMPERMAW f Dowie announced from the Platform ing runs, and in a sense it surem them that the Lord will provide tb0n I stiffness and 47oreness of the muscles, wearineSs I King ") whose marriage a domestic with
i an tlie fulfil-. � � I h
e w I rmptoms of Whey furore In Buffalo, lived as
I Chicago Auditorium that hl is true, � But even love with I I plenty " when they return. And and despondency are sy
. Cle.nufone ment of prophecy, as. the forerunner of the I cantipt ligbten labor or the 61 Restorer " can't be hold r8aponeib e � disease, and call for rs. Wm. R. Butcher, jamer, street wutb,
. ; .
_.. . � I coming Christ, I - make it eas the r i - t treatment inorder n the winter of 1901, for 0, period of threB
� - It is but two years since he arranged for ,y for . for his statements, fo 'WheneVtr any of h a . promp, thp spring of
2 y tract of land, woman.who is in constant preflioti6nm do nob come to poos he blamos to ev nt serious results. �nontha. Then in . _ tbe same
- R& W, WILKINfi, earsbe engaged with7ktitk-Aggie Allen,
sufferin from inflanima- his people for lack of faith. . I
covering tieveral square miles, midway be- 9 � reumaker, Water streat �to iiiirn dress -
C a rte r S , the purchase of an immense tion, bearing -flown pains Dowle is a twentieth, century, wonder, a0 . 4V 1 ;Henry St, Belleville, 01 th.-J,kor for aft
tween bbicago and MilwaiRkeo'; or, as he I :_111suffered sking, an(I remained -wi
� Rraphically dencribid it , himself, " twix� or other womanly dis- at a future time wo might giie an Account I - I i 0at" states montliv. Three of the six woatb* she board- 4
s a ` � I and damnation." The order went forth ng that 11 om" a . ed with Mrs. W, R Butcher, in ,*bole Gm- 4
4wft i _ -mall -of the back
li * , r " 0 immediately on the eonoluaion of the par- can nia k easy for the 11 Gejueral Overseer of the Chrlsti�n � - the - ploy she hadformarly worked si
Little iver Ills' he, , . cases, - T e one thi of a visit to Zlon,.City and an I te . rview wl�h great deal with pains in a domestic, '
I women � i� =nd he4lth, Catholic Church in Zion," � - caused by kidney trouble, ith ,
, "
% I chase that all Zioi2ists resident in Chicogo and Dr, , ii-erce's Favorite * � 0. W. A Whenever I stooped I land the other three months she boarded w
vuot Bear slapnature of hould sell " all that thby had " and buy Presc I ti Do is the thin )I a ,- I - could scarcely rise again other people in town. After piiting in six I
I Milijah's land sod settle,thereon, They had that wi 1 k -ive sound healt me of Wasgo-wo re - . 1. the 1i re so reat. �mcnths with Miss Allen, she saw- an adver-
� ��_ . to 11 leave their bap�y homes." In many I I . . . - The"a becale so tfseltent, of sowing girls being wanted in I
- to sick �W(Menl I , �
I , I o cases families were, ,sepsratedi so strong , AS SEEN BY A VISITOroo � Buffalo, and left for that city, and her ab- �
, -
elA10, Dr. Pierce has so much I I . Mrs, Wilkins severe the. it affected snj I
� . - WAS "the power of this moo, that husbands ., I 10 (t Prescription 11 There is no city in the w!*rld with � 0o ken . d I was becoming ve mucil sence had apparently caused no one any an-
/ .1 sod wives bade each other farewell, each to faith hilh many, dcunken women, in proportion to Its eral health, an ;Nd xiety, About two weeks ago her sister, May -
follow the dictates of their conscience, and that he offera to pay OD in legal money sizi, as Glasgow. -A@ a place for female run down. $ince using Dr. Chase's ney- -inform I
,%" Foe -simile Wrapper Below. I for any case of Leu- Liver Fills, I can say tliat my trouble has Stevens, returned from Buffalo, andA -
� in " Many owe de"r ca of divoirce were I of the United States, topers neither London, Paris nor New Yotk �,irely disappeared. I can speak ii, the ed Miss Allan, the dressmaker, that her
- % grsnWd. They lived in tente in the sum- corrhea, Female Weakn ess, Prolapsus, or can coMpSre with the Scotch town, whi h er way it shteer Mfnuie had married a millionah-Ce
Tavy smizu, owd as owl . Falling of Womb which. he cannot cure. bighest terms of this medicine from the . - I
. 11 Iner of, 1901 until 'each time so hate and prides itself on the progrome I has made in t 0$ she did not say anything about his color, --- 11
" tam� as sagarr. : All fie asks is a fair, au� , rea�sonable trial acted in my "se,
I � houses could be orected to shield them from almost every kind of municipal reform, : yoll I . the other --ir-la who
I I - . can. To protect i against imitations the portrait Mine Allen and some of i 0-
. � 0 exaggeration to 0 fatuou I
.FOR HAACK,* the wintry winds. .During these trying of his means of cure, �
. . i I neon for five It is n - a that a and signature. of, Dr. A. W. Chase, the 1 were still with that lady when Minnis work-
I times Elijah lived in luxury on Michigan. ,(I suffered ftom feniald weak las. . �
i . adlan walking in the evening t rou h li,thor, are on every box of his I ad there, thought at the time she had 4one
I.. 1FORAZZIN9M aveuud,, Chicago's fashionable thoroughfare, montho,py virrites Mirw Betio: Hedrick of Nye . r r pt book !a . . h I �
. Putnam co" W. Va, "I wa 'treated i;y a 900a gow's poorer quisrttir—throug al ; ket ece" remarkably well, but do not envy er Posi-
ffluovum�,, in a mansion fit for a millionalre, but noth.. phyoician but be never se ed to do me any street, Bridge Gate or High wee so be. remedies. � 1, __ ____ - - tion now that they know thab Eer husband
;� � FOS. JONVU LIVIMS ing peemed' too good for this sell -her . aided kqqd, I wrote to Dn X.. Pierce for advice, , I
. he to take his I Favor- k'bimeelf if there can,be a via clean. , One Home toolig in a is of ebony hue.
. . '6 prophet", . . which I received telling t � gins to as 90% will. try to 'fol
fa i OVXTIFATIOJJ.� ite Prescription I and I Got( en'Medical Discov- women in �hat part of the city. more 6 young vom that saturasy night who is The Beacou representative asked the -
� . - Dowielsm claims sb,ton�h of all the mongy cry., When I bad -used h nedicinco a mouth, the course of an bouro-ove may see nearly., a 'lowing questions from Mrs. W. R, Butcher,
felfmo � I ,in,, i[4p.e. ,,d,. it has contin- I only thirty. wo, and has been in prison I - I
I W SIULI� earned by its followoral and as Elijah was m - I I thous d women pass in various stagetdf in. ur men. The good people of Glas- i with whom she had lived : Do you consider
. . to improve until n w, can work at almost irly all of them looking �eith or ffiventy-fo
� A treasurer, and all uz health was rely any an . her a very pretty 1kirl, as stated in the Buf-
FOR THECONFL-Eu president, seare.tary', %; ail kinds of house*prk, : had sear toxioation, nee gow give th 11 seventy times" opportunity I -
� I ilfil� the . __ t now, Have gained for a saloon or a pawn shop4-11sually.bobh to it* drunk a women. - sy
, .
� - J1
Vft*M V'�_V�-�---- ,took charge" of thiss - is � funds, He prom, oeverat pounds'in we '�, Dr. P1 � Ing rl ;
w&"Hwit committees combined, b'e naturally appetite, but it is all ri falo paper? Mrs. B.—Well, no, I wolild's
44� i I erce's tnedf- .
_. I here, I close togetho'l i that she was a very plain look gi
.- "I'll - - —_ pored ! Oh, yes! How 00611a he help IV cines have done wonderfial!y wel . ! � I DR RDS MOSTLY FORZIGNJERS. � plenty in St. Marys -much better looking.
- . 4ZLOUR a -*7 . . - " putti , 11 this would advise all who su er from cbronic dis- . A CARNIVAL OF DRINK, - I WOUILd IS thab she
SICK 14EADACH9 - -with 10,000 followers ng up . eases to write to Dr. Piercc," 96 When Once a woman .us to drink Nine -ten of the women in the police As to her disposition, . _T
. I - . long green with clock -like rog,ulftritY ? - Of 4 . 11 Favorite Prescri ti n 11 makes weak ociurt,3, pri# a, and refuges are not Gtch W" of a very easy going disposition. The
- P I .
I I . L coursis it w" sinful to witbRold the pay. I women Strong, L,sick woMem well, hera, she is one for," in a quo ation in this by birth. L! he one-tenth who are Scotch Beacon representative then asked some $irls
I � -
VETERINARY moot of the tithes ! Elijah mast bepro-. ,_ Dr. Pierce's Comnloll. Sense Medical Scotch cit .4 and one believes it true af r come momtJ,, F from the Highlands ; peasants who had been associated with her when in
r - I . vided foir. . .1 . Adviser is iwnt firee oit z eceipt of stamps an evening a the alums. O aded who expeotl the streets of Glasgow to be St..Marys: " I presume you have heard of
folm Gum' V. a., honor, graftsits of OutWO Since then industries -have sprung UP in to, . . of cust�ms and mailing women wit weak, dissipated faces and tcrn fllled with gold. They do not gel on well, -
a t�a . . Tay expense � Miss Minnie Stevens' wedding?" The! re
T8*01,_.�!.",01 ,-. AjdWeassigolDomad ' , ;taiiips for the rags f r scant covering, roil through the flat to another un -
0 1 n, including c ploying only. Send 3i one -cent f lid move from 6ne poor - if t -
of , owle Impily mWinded to . . . 1% . - " Ob, yes, and hat Buffal
SMIM4 U;:�;,. , an . MO . . gki fo rs with which to Ply was, 4 re
VWQ.1460� Vaterinary'Do6tsky a =i�. three hundred 'hands' brick kilns, a large paper -covered book, or 5o stamps for the stree ,. themsel til hunger and the want of good-ffilpiwahip
't . � Z16th-6ound volume. Address Dr. R. V.
= ri;Wdenm on publishing'house, which grinds out 611 "Dr." . � buy re d ink. Young we on makes the drink habit almost Inevitable,i porter will come over here we will show �bizn
Godeplob strest, I . . . i , dozens of such prett; girls from his stand.
Swa office, 584forill. 1212-U - ... . . claim.:, "Give the One pathatic fa 0
of J)r & � Dowie's literature. , �. . Pierce, 13tiffalo, N. Y. . . the worse for liquor, exclaim - at, should be a ticed even .
— - ". Zionists are religio . us--itr the extrome-thi6y. 11111111111111111 I J --- barefooted 'old grannie a peiduy-we hc a se hopeless creatures, They are pol tot 'beauty." red. Stevens, who ilwas
'D HAS11 1�7T._Iorary F,ndustb of the I . . I vorl come to that I 11 i The middF(o a runaway accident along 40th
2 11 8�-Hor .-. allow is to oo-minglowibb their daily tasks, - " I . we'll no , !' still women and some few qf,them have a visuns"am"Ani,e), on the night of September 3bith,
Veterinary C61lege and onantry Mem. � I . . . I seat of lall, their h iFir . .
Nr of -the Nedleal. Association of the ontallo Voter- in the workshop and'store. The Zion print' .berm, such as "Twelfth'� or -Ninth 11 ; the aged toperslare the coar , in the Wesb Ward, is a brother of �1,re.
. I trace of modesty left# They rail rt one ,an"
,of ', - avenues by biblicatAnioi ,as "Moses Boule matted in 1taway snarls, dreisois half fast- or h
lnsry Collegv� Tivsts Ajg�ws of All domestic solmalis office opens every morning frbtn 7.30 on- - other for gobting.so shamefully drunk, sod ,
. I . I or 61 � and their oarme for repeti- ' 11 King." Miss May Stevens, who br b
I ti 8 o'clock. with praver, r I , - d wn belo sod you de- 0
by the mod modern prinolplew. DenUaryland Itilk #ad woo beddethe vard 11 I Jacob'J,ave me.11 The town oned speech. too a :ay, I I You will 0 W, over the news f her sister's wedding, Bab
,,tar #")1&ljy, offim opposite Dlok!e Hotel a do divil," if ,pump i.5 kno " 404 a bi or's Well-,, tion. Some of the worst characters app)ar 90 . - . I �
Fever All orders left -at 02e I &;i;1- 6' COMP.2? pressman, or even th . wn . .9 , �ti erve Lb, you do I '� � resent vlxitinl� her home in Upborne 4111-
. main eet, SestortIL , Night c4s,rebelved he is not m - hand for these, morning devo- The city to -day has 8.1 opulation equal to -in striped black and white iflannei . p
-11 . I I A I certain woman was calling out to #,00�0 ship. :
will recolve. prowpt attentio - . " but ii to Ax r ye, I � � . I I
ato( 9 uf- that of Galt (scobrAing sesso Fatter. costs, and, these women are cid,lod the __ at- men, bob seeing & 84vation. 14251e,
Ree. 101-622 tions. , He" in not only 11 docked . .
— "� pula- ticoaters." f . passing close beside her, she hid her face A Very (*ood Rule,
,_ fers a Move re,_ men for son's estimate), but R111J%hr claim$ a po I
. � . �
. I c As printers were scarce tion of 10,OC* Nouls t's growth has been 0116 11 PAticoater " was on an unneut 11Y and sneaked bauk to the wall. -A moment I it is,well known that the majorlty of humao ilk
� i . ial, never& eos, and many of its high spree on the Saturday night the wrfte '
. LEGA-L among the Zlofi too, Dowle bad to employ -phonomob � � r later she r�'n after the lassie exclaiming, arlseftom constipation of tite bowels, and ani this
. . . -as Bri( 90 I I Indeed, misiv, they were my own gong I account many people make it 4 rule to "o that Aw
. rs: of Cfiioago Typograflifood Union to kobabitants' could tell!of' the hardships they went through the 69 Briage0 .
� membe J I 1.
. I a ly . fisio endured that the -their G&t6 street is called. - was callin'.11 They were not, of course. bob
assist, and -these follows, re I enjoyed this I might pay Mad,�ith drink t.115 � bowels move once evory day.. if you are subioct to
JAMES L. KILLORAN111, . * J a tithes to the rrophet an restoror. 'figh i ask rushed homo .to her ati ic, the woman till had a vestige of modeikty� oonsti7tion you can be, oured by the uoo df Dr,
new motbdi, If F 0 � Obase Kidney -Liver Pilo. The" Pub not ODI*.
s"l#1& sondbor, conveyan"r end Notary AU%h c im, e in t,h6'c%0e � 6 � 10DU911 Wh :rm 6 left to be ashamed of her language in the make the bowels active, but by their action �i tbe
. ftblic. Kmay jo loam. offloe over Pjokudle-ftors all work was suspondaA while lis tatlPf Elijah is nearly mikk, years of age, abort pu hildrou and yi,lth a hate iot . -
� thingsi This gave -the men in stature, and with I aidermanic propor- sma4hed the furniture and 10voo tore to liver vz)ourI;,. a regular flow of bile, nature's i own
main eft"i soazorth. 1528 abom higher ,, 2e looks very much Presence of. a pure woman. An old gr%any cathartic, rind to romove the csu�� of ,serious dWaso,
. many 11 rests during the day's work. tiong.,11 In appoaran6 plea had been struck by the policeme most .
. ------r �s the children's olotbasi The oldest ,n-aud I
- . like a prophet - he hai i the whiskers, the boy�- even� ,wout for the police, but in he davervedlyt too -but bar lip Viigan to blood, I I 0 �1
. . 'CITY OF ZION. - It I -11
R. S_ HAYSt. ' _' . WONDERFUL long hair in tho rail-, loy 11 sky-pisoo'J' meantime ,the infuriated mot4or had naso ed Not Surprised. 11
Rantster golfdWr, Conveyanoer sod Notary Publio. . Tho st6res of Zion are all under one roof- . and she cried out, 11 Well, you shouldn't ,
j�"r J�r_ dw Dominica ftnk. offloo-4o, and %!. pommanding'pr ce. Thab he is up the door and defied them 10 enter. T us
fear of I I stike me even if I am drunk, for I'm a Glen MaeDoniough,whio wrote the libretto
, -'
Dominion awk, SeaforW, Mousy to Won. 120 Ons great.- departmental store, owned and shrewd �- no one -will y. He could be in one night's intoxication ,,he i I F;ottfo, woman.)P for the comic opera, 11 Babes In Toyland-,"
by Elijah, sit are till other insti- 05'rhe
� - .1 controlled' _ . classed ,with the - great anolors of Wall ha- ,ken up her home, destroyed � The oburiches, both Protestant and Catho. was sitting in is New Y -01k cafe recently,
3(. BtW, l3anqater, 801101601, GODTOYADW tutions in -ithi" dity. - .street, for -he has amai. d a great fortune household treasures and cast her children 110
Notay Publio. Offic" n 6"t" OvOr 0. W The latest styles In igarments foi. women I I I i , this Salvation Army Social Settlement with- Victor Herbert, the composer, whena
. � porgtion, sma every waiter approached to take his order. The
16�a booksbore, Main Strowt, &forkh,"Outhdo, must first... be submitted. to , the approval of "in his own peculiar way.." He is the into the street*. Workers, the city oor 0
1 low brains. of 'every induatty in the oity-he is 0111LI)REN LEARN THE HABIT, ... � good man and womav in Gl"gow is trying waiter smiled at b4z. MaicDonough, ,and
. — I the prophet before they nia� be mold in the .,also .tho treasurer. All: chooks are payable I I ; part- 1 , ar' � to help the drunken women, Symostby, said - 11 You dou�b remember me, do you ?
- - not be'too gay. Ib is a ., The yqung women for the,most r . . . . . .
. yyEXJJY 'BRALTTISO ftirbtey� gollcltor,* ao city. They. must t 11 Jolin Alexander J�owieiill from what. I uvtd to sing in one of your companies."
1 JLJL Money to loss, , Offf � I Blwk Sea notorious foot �thst Mrs. Dowie importa her � . coarse shavify, and with gre.0 deftness f t nses, widened streets, education ,
- - I - "I I r6member you very well,'� SaRl AM.
. 0 .
sirth. 0e_3Wy'J iii" I fine dresses aid -61frills" from Paris bul, ever son rea' wind them firat siboat. their bobies, and' t en and the higher life are faoWrs used in the M&ODonough.
l . __ , , z1oultes - b uroksee in Chicago, U16 DESCENT 02� GOTHAIP. very young we an attempt to solve this problem,, I
- Inuit ' . around themselves. E �
110LIGNM famelmr to *0 Mis sinn of Noth. � 00 even p , ifie of a pro- His preadnt descent )a Gotham has been seetUs to be I a mother, but they, -pay scout at- I MARSUALL LORD,. 6' Ar! you surprised to see me here as a
Bwdoiff, Solid"t ing is to good for the w , _ . . #_ waiter "I 5�`ske4 the other. .
X8QWgJwj`,j Ifolinaded . This is po, - ones,- about the only .
I ' J
. 'has more than o . i Year.
Anow; 404 _N011fily i��%;; for 09 0M. pbet, as Elijah,!. nee remprked under v�ay . for the psal s tention to. the little .
E , , C.. -i I 11 Nob a bib," replied the librAtht,
==kit owfiwewe.� so-ney to 100d, YOM from the Chio6!jo Anditiodum. - iibly his gAfttsib -AdvA rtil6meut as it is protection 'a baby gets Wing the support WIND COLIC, cheerfully ; 11 you know I have heard you
I JA 8wJV# Bfook, Main ft"I i . f ele�en .
Is, salo. _021"I �� . ' Drug 19toris' do not exist in Zion, -doctors vifthout doubt one of is greatest achieve- . trom tho s�kswl. I have sawgirls 0 . ti -
v I , . - . . � sing, .
$00larth. T - T divine ments, and whether it b1 successful from his and thirteen so intoxicated that they could I ;
are consipled0iis by their absence, . � I . .
- , . . . 44I ' a - .
" . . - beating prevails, a' nd where that cannot of - standooint or not rem ips to be seen. He nob walk ,straight, Eved the 11t5le girl4 of Inion," writes Mrs, Philip Col -
1 . n %artiodals, Quebec, "there is no '
-nIONINSON A" "UROW, DMISUl", 8011011k foot a romedi, it is then up to Zion to pro- took 3,300- Ziooists i1with him, induding six and seven congregate outside the shlobno liD5 Of Reflections of a Bachelor.
"� - on, eta., dodedch, on4flo. . mololue can equal Babv's Own Tablets,
R. & DICKIN90N. . psre for a funeral. No hotels or tobacco seven trainrii, and this " bo3t " was -sug- waiting for a peep in, or, hoping that . , When she is real happy a girl giggles and
ar' - � I his east. 6i -for" will,lot hem ave a lldr�p," BefomIbegantheusisof Tablets my baby i
Im-tt QUIARL98GARROW U r,qt& shops 0 all0wed, and at every btrest cor- mooted on reaching Novi, York by fn�t t h ' a woman cries.. I
. .
. . . . � I . n- followers. In refir Ing to hi arrival in The little waN are barefooted and b. P11f.
. 1. 1, I nor notices re"id the " Riot Act'i to those � or . cried ill ihe time with wind colic and got A Food husband Is a man who is 2010 *I-
, I ! - little or no sleep, and I was nearly worn out -
- . — . .Ohio would siren dare to utter -a I I bad" Now York an evening er announced It in naked. The droop in the corner of the I lowed to spond' any of his money on hirose-If.,
I . . myself. Soon after giving baby the Tablets
- - I di- - d 1; - me regretting
i ag used in Zion City Is all circus poster str�lie as I own: I moutht of many of these little people'i Some wives spend a lot of ti
VENTim.y. - . I word. The,�-vlsi � the troubre disappeared, an sound natural
. employed by this prophet himself, and he is ., "Dowie's combined mammoth shows, cates plainly the depression caused b lao proved the Tab- the fact that they are so much better than
, !1� past-mastoi in the art of -spas . king twen- most stupendous, giggs tic, coloisal Spec- cruelty and neglect, together.w.1th ill he4ith sleep returned. I hava a their husbands.1
F- W. TWEDDLE I t1lieth csntury� English. To listen to onii of tacle on earth, three i reeks only, one gen-' and hunger. Born with an appetite Ifor letd a ours for hives, and a great relief when Either they are good cooks, -but do not
I .
9 . big sermons would soon convince one the oral overseer of the M4 n, one general over- - drink,'they have a hard time ahead of tl�sni baby in teetbing. I would not feel that my keep the kitoben clean, or they keep the
DENTIST, . ' truth of thit, statemeot.� �He is ttor seer of the women, eighl overseers, 100 old- if they grow to W,otnanhood. ' children were safe If I did not have a' box of kitchen clean, bob don't know bow to cook,
Graduate of Royal 0011W Of Dental Surgeons of On I .Q(O deaeo nd do&. .1 I the Tabletr in the house." �
. .
tario, I t groduge ciouise in crown and bridge work : Against the Chicago press, and In rof ing ors, 10o ovtogeli tsi I I no a W#Y TREY DTLTNJ�, i All mothers who have used Baby's Own - I
Ire] . Locial anadhatice for to them_u4eC�iuoh tordis as,for the 11 or- oonessiesp 2,000 memb�ra of the host of Zion, I lINSTANT RELIEF quaraDteed by using ih!IL-
at Han eil�# 83hoc4 OhIcW _ .
painless extmalon,oi toeth. � 00100 --Over A. Young's ican927 "I the' Chicago'oesspool " ; the Daily 'the Zio; guard, -the moo; dozzliDg and dash. The cause of the degra . dation, is ithe .Tablets speak just as highly of them an BURVIS STCI�LING HEADACHE POIVDF,RS, No
. wretched home -life, laziness'and intemper- does Mrs. Colli0s, � This Tablets cure all the depressing after-effect,
groauy store, Seatorth. 17" Nowal is characterized as the"'Daily Spas," ing military orgisnizdti �n in the world. an once. Thirty thousand familieb in Glasgow little ills from which infants and young .W ,
___ -
R. T. A. BELLERY,l Dfintlas, graduate of W and so o6. The reason is thap they refuse. enormous aggregation,of trained performers, :
Royal CoUage of Dental Hurgoons Tor=60,6100 to prizit lilit -discourses or.to pay sufficient rcquiring the entire tzar isportation facilities live In one -roomed Jasts, Sometimes, 'in, children suffor,and the mother has a solemn How to Get Out of Bect
I .
D I , Tormto doed,. six or seven families lite in one long I
kwuor graduate ot Departmenit of Donai;;i attention to him, for be loves publicity. ,- - of seven preat trunk. lines, an entire popula- I assurance that this medicine contains neither DonA jump up the first thing your Joye"
Uu1v,m1jy. Offloo in bbe PW�y bWk. Henviall.' . room with only a chalk mark or piecipi of to nor any harmful drug. Sold by all are open, Remember that while you l6ep
A huge tabernacle, with seating capacity t1ion on wheelso for three weeks only." � OP $
w1u visit zuAoiz every monday, commazolng Mon. rope dividitir the rented space, fluddled =ioino dealers or sent by mail at 25c a box
1581 for 8,000 people, is built in the centre of ' Now Yorkers have co o to the conaluslon the vital organs are at rest, The vitality Is
June I-qL � 11 Shiloh Park," where each Lord's Day the that Dowie, judging him by his method"I is together in ouch masses -men, woman and by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., lowered and the circulation not so strong,
uate of prophet holds forth. to his heart's content, a @bow man, a second. Barnum, inetead of children -only the lowest social condib$OD& Brockville, -Ont. A r3udden spriag oub oT bad in a shook' to
R. R. R. HAD88, L, D, S., Dent -let, gmd can result Shelter houses are being bWlt I these organs, empecially'to the heart, am it
JD R, 0, D. Aq., of Ont--rlo, first olm Honor One of Dowie's aormons lasts from 2.30 to Elijah II, What Dow�e expects to accom. rapidly, h6ever, where men may fina a -
gaduaWofToronto University. MgheA standing 5 30, and sometimes uutil he gets through I plish in Now York Do�vie only knows; but . Advice to Mothers. starts to pumping theblood suddenly.
order offmorilin the largest ohm ever graduated T , comfortable night's lodging for a pittance,
� froin'll,ceollegge- Modtan andup-tio-disiki dentistry It is impossible to 11 wind " the man. is he openly stated that ho wanted $50,000,000 About thef#e shelters on Saturds nights If you say 11 No," mean 11 No,"- Unl Take your time in getting up, Yawn and
in Ath its varioue forme, Painless extrwUon q ueth almost a continuous performance. � of -eastern money to ��nvest in Zion City y . "I stretch. Wake up ifowly. Give the vital
by L�cm- I Anseotb(-tioo acid withoubb any bad e streets qf Zion a -re all -known by num- sec6rities. And it in dollars to douglinuts men are gathered by the score, while wo.�Oen you have a good reason for changing a given. -organs a chance to resume their work grad-
Wecta, Gaa adminbtemd and all operations care-, �r Dowie and money with children stand near by begging their command, hold t10 it. i ually
jully performc.d. Office ovor Milli Store, Saaforth- - ,that he will got it, fo - husbands for cop ors. There e;re a few shel. Take an intereeb in your children's amuse -1 Nyoiice how a baby wakes up, It stretiohes
- 1834-tf seem to be one and inseparable. E Its arms and legs, rulm ita eyes, and 6'wns
P617_��4%00A&%Wupc�__2_� Dr. Parkhurst, the oat Now York re, tore for women a oo, whore for'eight cents a menta ; m6ther's share in what pleases! y
- ! . 'Ir woman may stay over night, and have a them in a great delight, - itten
- - - � I -
e .
I . , , , ;,,. 1. ! .-, .. "I", ! a iormer, attended one 6f his first meeting". - and wakes up slowly. Watch a k.
-, �
. . . but rose in the middloA the discourse and place to cook her own to& and breakfast, Be honest with them in smil thin wake up. First it stretches out one leg.
.- I � MED10AL, ". . I left the Garden, with the remark that Elijah 130t these shelters do not take the place of a well as in great, If -you cannot tolilhemm� then another, rubs Its face, rolls over and
I I . � ."'! home, for u rovision is made for the chil. what they wish to know, say so ratber thaW stretches bho whole body. The birds do zkot
was a g . l :
. ! tt one may- --sleep with the I
Dr. John McGinnis, - i_ Ito' ether 11 too vulgar." - dren. A Jio?e deceive them. . I ske up and flv� as soon as their eyes are
I - LIFE AT VlwN. . W -
- . mother till it is five years old, but:'the beds As long as It is possible kiss the children, open ; they shake out their winge and
Ran. Gradusto London We0orn Univeyolt member Zion City In quite cosmopolitan. People are n%rrow like the banks of a, stuamer and good night after they are in bad ; they like
of Ontario CbElego of Phystoftas and YAGWOOD& 4 stretch their legF, wakiDg up slowly, This
00ce "-d Radd-moD-Forzaerly oomplad by Mr. Wm I I have been drawn by h belief from all over grenerally there are half a dozen youngsters. it, and keeps them very close, : in the natural 'way to wake up. Don't
7 *�, ' . I
4. , .
Pickard, Viotoria Street, next to the oathollo Church Odt4i - The shelter are an improvern ye and girl"tudy hysiol.,
the world to this now , No, Water 8, however, ent Make your bo, jump lip suddenly, don't, be in on -1h r. hurry,
__, I
4VNI&I a4b' a4banded promp-My. 145SX11 . loo county, and' even thO good ti; n of Galt, over the tesements and in them people are ogy ; when they zie ill, try to maeo themi but stretch and yawn and yawn and stretch.
- _____ have each several crepteaentatives who are obliged to live decently, . comprehend why and how the complainb� Stretch the armo and the legs ; atretoh the
DR' followers of the prophet., Zion City has its REDEEMING FE"ATUAtS. iarose, I and the remedy, so far as you whole body. A good yawn and stretch is
9fi. .h-0 P5. Host -A-40 0. ) . 4
mayor and council, but supreme over all is ' know it. I
A large home has been established ior I better even than a -cold bath. Ib will get
Offi( ever Graig & Stewart's Store, %P Elijah H. He is more aboolute than any Impress upon them from early infan �
arried men with children wbohave drun ken i you thoroughly awake, and then you will
In W czar, and to diapute his ruling means ejec- in that their actions have results, and tha� enjoy the bath all the more. -Medical Talk.
Senforth. 1� tion from the city, wives. The " woe kiddies," as the Scotch they cannot eecape conseqences, even by be -1 . I?
Mght cal' ebtoudod W at the office. Visitors zto Zion Cit are inarked from express it, are taken care of at an absurdly ' I
- 1802 all sum, and the. father Is with th � at Ing sorry when they have done wrong. IT 8 w pleanut to tako that children cry for It
. ___ - __ - - - I the time they enter until they take their do. 'In" Mothers, whatever also you may teach but it'8 death to worms of all kinds, DR. LOW'S
� . . parture by the Zion guards. night. This piotare'of sin sod shame wTuld ir girls, do not neglect to instruct thern WORK SYRUP. P-600 260. All dealers.
01A. Sir J. BURROWS be untrue to life did it not contain aome yot 5
9 . Whatever may be slid of Dowie's faith, In the mysteries of houtiekeeping. So shall
,z:WC)TVr= - 1. he certainly has provic' ed his people with a
SM , . bright patches here and there. Besides a teach them in the way of making h6ma; What He Wanted.
� Zion theme ohelters and institutions, there :are yo
I 00 � . clean, healthful place bf abode, for pleasant parks in the very heart of happy, - A Philadelphia travelling man gras on a;
Office and Rea1deuQo---Goder1oh street, eu-st of tho - City is built slong the viestern shore of Lake h business trip through Alabarna, and one
Methodist ohurch. ' alums, a fine Peoplo's Pal ce.and Art 4119.
� Michigan, on be�utifOi oloping ground a � Not Afraid to Endorse It;-, night found himself stranded in a wretched
Ty.un%ovii: No. 46. 1 _k�, and opportunity for eve woman who
I Coroner for the Gouuty of Enron., reaching four miles 11ack from the lake e Y Y, i - pe�yla have learned to hwe such confidence In little town, with only one slip -shod, mi"r
I Im shore, and having a froxitage of no leas thwi . I .0 for every form of r
. - I I —_ I Dr. Chase"o Ointment as a Our able hotel. His oom. for the night was the
six miles. i I plies that they do not hesitate to eudorse ib at OVOTY end of a:hall, witch 9, shoot hul?91. .
in Chicago it is claimed that he has re- # 'KA � J I I opport . unity, Asaresult Dr. Chase's Ointment to uo to 6creen
DR8. SCOTT & MacKAY, . )) � . than any him from view,
I lieved the city of . ration on the market to -day. There lo no guess. In the middle of the night he wok� up
. 7,000 more or lesn "daffy probably recommended bymoro persong
PHYSIGEARB AND SUROXONS, people, but .1hey seem to be perfectly con. ' I pro"
� - - , Work about its effects-rellef is prompt and cure with his head hanging out over o ' no c.4d of
Goderich streel, oppcfAbe MethodirA oburch,8a'aforft Don"t forget the old man tented and happy ; amd.the city of Zion con. u"t""'* his cot and his feet over the other, w1we 5
I — %nd Ann A;rbor, and tains many tine houseii, prominent among t a violent draft was blowing the hanging Shect
G. SOOTT, jgsduAia Vidorla & with the fish on bis back_ . them, of course, bein the residence of John �
I . . 9 I "�
inembor Ontario Ovillage of Phyffidans sud I . A An Usborne Young Lady Marriei3
Burgeone. colzover for county of Hurm. - For nearly thirty years he Alexander Dowie. i I a Millionaire Negro, . _____ - � i
, .
-0. UAOKAY honor groAuste TrIn0y Ualvanity, lids been traveling. around the a Dowie is an eloquent 4nd forcible speaker, U� - - - - - I -_ - .
lrold, ni;dsltak Trinity Medical College. Member master of a great many different lanquages, The St. MArys correspondent of the Strat-
"�nk ;
College oll Pbyu1d*xw and 8=1evnis, On%srto. w1birld, and is still tr,aveling, and his oapac.ity. for work seems 6 be al. . I ford Beacon says : I .
. . _ I . lass � 0 unlimited. He i a Sootchman by I X__% The following appeared in a Buffalo papq : , 11 I I .
bringhior health and comfort " "t be � a a a few days ago - Valored. swelldom was &I 0000 Mdk .
__ t3l * I .birth, and has en a ritfsh subject until U00,-ok . � � I
wherever lie goes. . quite recently,,when b renounced all alle- agog,over the marriage of - 11 King Solomon,'�
! . ;when b , - .
I glance to the British crown in a very dra- the most aristocratic negro in Buffalo, to _
li I I
Qok's Ceffm Root Compound. To the conSUITiptive lie mp-tio way at Zion City,' Mign Minnie Stevene, a pretty white gir i I I
Ludiesl Favorite . . ,,
� L *able britigs the Strength an'd.fles] An amusing ipciderit occurred the Suaday I daughter of.,Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Stevena�
I - To the only safe, rell I I I � � I . i . - " I
- - , ,;4 regg'Ulatoir on w -blah woman before his departure fDr Now York, when of St. maryll, Ontario, Canada, The 11 King"
can depen4 "'in the hour beso much -needs. ' in the midat of his discourse in the tsber- I Our Catal6gue is a veri- came �ere a slort time ago from Dawiroti,
1.4 sad tinic- of need." . To - all vveak and sickIV naole, he spled two young daughters of Zion . I City, it is said, and although his real nam6 is Rheumatism of the face.
I .Prepared in two degrees of . J tAble ba'nk book, wherein .
- , I., n . trength. No. I and No. 2. . . I rich an " giggling," in the upper gallery. He stopped or history has not been ,made known by Urfa Acid left in the blood
. I or, ordhiary easf,s children lie gives � d his sermon, and in the IoDguage of the street, every article illustrated himself even to his now frie-nds in the ex�
- , 14 0. 1 - -F I . I by disordered kidneys
P / . �b far the -bust dollar Strengtheriincr food. 69 called them down." i He became so In. mi�ans to Our customers elusive colored cir-.,le -in which he had been
' '�',w d re I - 0 .
� .. f no known, furiated that he forgot;where he left off his moving, rumor has it that he has a hazd- lodges stiong the nerve
I ,No. 2,-ror r,peci.at ewsws-10 degrees. - To thiii and pale personS discourse, and paced t e platform, scratch. a; direct cost saving.. some private Inoome.to back his aristocratic which branches from the
'bo,x I .
arougger--threa dollars per c, -
� , ;3�ovridrugglirt for CooWn lie gives new firm,fiesh and ing the top of his he d where hair ODCe The new edidoti, ready Nov. g5. aprarance and fine raiment.
-Coitton Root <*om.po,wind. Tako no other . � .1 grew, whereupon Eld . e� Le . 0 )rompted the Will be Of incalculable value to local cigar clerk gives out the Informa- eye over the forehead, and
; . l ey o person into w1iose h"ds across the check to the
as all Pills, mIxtures an(l imitations are rich red blood. 11 Gonoral Overoben" -_�ihis ouragect Dowie, C . . . tioti that the " King " confidentially etate4
dangerous. No, I aqd No. 2 are .4ohl alid I and turning to the elderl roared, 11 Who are it comes. . that his income wait $100 a day. At any side oi the �. nose. The
recommended by -all drugi-Isto In the Do- Children who first saw the I I - .
g you that you should proopt a vrot)het ?" ' It vivill illus.trate articles rate, his clothes have boon the envy of th4 cause is the same as in all
l�,d to anyadarogs . I . _ �
on receipt of prf(w and four 2 -c -crit poi,taglc Old man xvitti the fi§h,are'now now 3fONEV 110 RAISM of high quality only at the town, hie many changes of'expensive gar . Rheumatism- disordered I
atampo, Whe Cook conipally, . I eXtreme lowest prices. ments have fairly glintened with proopority�
'- Windsor, OnU grown - up a:nd have children A great deal has beonisaid about the 'vaot � Kidneys, The cure Is like- I
I sre cold fu Seafort . . expense to Zion of thia[New York crusadej I I while the white bootblack who polished M4
car, drug- . and in reading an a ' Write for a copy. Jt will shoes was never asked fbr change. I w
NO. I and No. r. -h by J. S. Bob of their own. - i ise the same- . I
ert6, Alm, WiWa, 61. Abernart and 1. V. F � rt1cle in the Reformer ; . delil I
gtstff. 1869 lie s4ands for Scott's Emul- . .one io led to euppoac thatitispaidoutof bo- forwarded free of cost. . T�ie bride in a fair g1pl, slender and ' 4
— . a Zion Chty gener I fund, or met by. I cabo, 21 yeDre old, while the 11 King " ownO :
sioii of pure cod liver oil—a 00m I �__ to 41 years of eventful life. The marriagid Didd's ; It
E lijah himself, Not.- by any means. The i
M0Ki1WP DireotM for 2903. � 1111RANNIMS __ has already aroused feelings of animositY, i I
delightful food and a natural fact of the matter'is- Eli' %h gave 11 the word / dulimmm I ILUIHI * -9 . .
RIC11AEL MURDIR, Ums,o, Winthrop P. 0, . 11 � � - he dusky bellen of Buffalo, several -&% 0% aw"im - I ,
� -1 ""' �Vy
JOHN a. B"WN Olounol)lor Sealorth P. 0, tonic for children, for old folks of command " some m4wtha ago that 3,000 , of m aspired to be led to the altar b�, Ki(I -
CHARLM LITrLk,, Conowilo' I must accompany him ,to Now York to re. Ry�r,ie Bres, , M !
r winthrDp F, O': J
the gigantic mouarch, , 1
JOUN MUBILAY Gqnncffior,lo�ahwood P. o. and for all whq,neiod flesh and deem that wiokel placo, It was not those , 4 te )) 1 *V's I
,, owele", I Color Is but a trifling mat. r, said Mrsli I 0149
JOHN Td. 00TRiwok councluor, wintl3rop P.0, 16 who could afford it w)io were supposed to i� . 5 1PJ I ,
Abb-UL � 11111110 I I ,
U y ,
, -
,,- , , 0�-�
, ,� ,�
044� ; ��� �. f a-�
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I i
JOHN 0, MORRISOff, &aNt Winthrop P, 0 1 streligth., - I King,' as she gazed with love -lit eyes Into 1 J6 JL.L;:71- i
I . � I
DAYM X� go, for Zion City opN are comparatively I kmmfl eft. l . to ;
4088 To-o"Wer, Winthrop P 0, (at I liar huaband's polished countenance. � ___ I
- SOLOMON :. isul-Piow J. P., gaziltary liaspodoy I SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 10. poor. and could ilvailord to pay the ex- I - -----:------ . ____ A
- W14*4V -, Toronto, Ontar . The -pair went to Now York. Franed __ - -
I . penses of a trip to Wvvi York, But Dowie , i
SOo. and$ 1.00; all drugaists. - -1 i
I I I I __ � r
I I i I : i
1 � * I I � � . � t
., I i i . ! I - � � �
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_L��w�,_0.1_ _____ � t" ,..,- - -
(_ - - - - 7 =�__ I- __
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- - -
: r= =_ k ,
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: __ _ - _
I -
- __
V - - -
�_ - -
- I M --o
W,hat -.,.re your Foriends sayi"qg
about you? That your gray
hair makes you look old?
,And yet, vou are not fortyl
If .
Pi-,utpone thAis looking -31d,
H'or Vigor
Use Ayer"s Hair V11gor. and
renore to your gray hair�alf
the deep, dark, nkch color �i
eafly life. Then be safisfie,,j,
- ArWa 'Hair VW,r restored Mo nstnnA
color to my
,, on, bair, and I am gretay
It ,T U claim for W,
=211: j. VANDWAR4 NOthfMICIT11141, .4.1,
SLOO a bottl& J. C. ATJI%00�
" ==� for am=i U
Dark H Wit
in all directions. He called for the hou �
� � ". I
keener. F - i
iti"What do you want with the bouw i
keeper,ly ca . me a voice from Eomewbere �12, I
the darkness. i
49 1 want a paper of pine to lock my dM. - 11i:
. withal, -
. *_ �;
Wonah and the Whale. I
� This Wry was told of the greatlirevAe .
Spurgeon, at the Loton Club lost um&t --
when a group of membeka wdre disc _'�Ip
-queer slips of the tiongue : 7"
The late 1.*ndon pu)pit orator was s
Liverpool and was asked to visit a 211101ft
. honee and reading room for seflors, An
audience of more than -a thousand 11a;1ty, jift&
of tbe-sea wtre There to greet him. Witha
silence that showA d their keen interest they
li6tened as Mr. Spurge9n, with the drfintatk-
eloquence of -which be wAs a -M"ter, told
them the attry of Jouah and the whg@. He
told how Jonsh was cast into the sesi how ,
the whale came along, aud,- � th great
. . . J,wi
impreaffivenegs, said : -
I 6f And Jonah swallowea the.wh%le.11
I ",Good heavens 1" exclaimed a baoi�
voiced listener. "Wasn't be fond �of
. ..
fish.?"' .
. 0 I
SICKHEAD&CLIE, however annoying ftd d*
T&Bb1nTA9p)*Jvelycura4bv LAUXA-LIVERPILTS,
I .
They are b&V to take and iiever gripe. � -
, I 0 1 -_ `
Like CanaAa's Chance With Ithi
� Boundary Commission. 1
An aldermaniz candidate. who 'shall !be
nameless, but who is a novice -ist1the gtine, '
went to the sx-leadti of his district to W1k
l, I
over hie campaign. . i
44 Honestly, no Wit" he said to 'the ex.le'&
- !
er, 11 what- obanoo, have I got V' i -
. .1 -
" Ones," gaid the ex-lesider. musin � y
11 there was azan ,who got Into a Po �J,
T3,me on a Mississippi River ,ateafli�, ,
he fellows playing , against h lin weri ill .
sharpers, mud they deaned him out of evtry
thing be bad except one one hundred dollar
bill#- . .
at e went up or, deck to think it over,
and while he was there the man in -the pilot
house pulled the whistle card and let out it
bellow from the whistle that vould be heard
for five miles. 1
11 lican make a1citt4or noiiethau that j
whistle cai4" avaerted the man who bad I
been playing poker. . l� 1
6% 26 Goof),' ' N*jd 14 capwa, scornful- -1 I
lyl 11 thaVe the loud0t whistle on this '
) � . I I
, river. �. I .
. 11 I Bet you a hundred I can,' pirsisted
the -poker player, . I
I I I The captain was L,ettled and he took :
� the bet, At I the eignal the man in the .
pilot house tore tbe whir,tle loose with a
I shrink that Bounded like the combined wills �
from the lower regions.
11 I No*,, then,' said the captain, after
the isohoes had died away ; 11 109 hear whst
ou .
" ' Wh-o-0-0-0 .1 8911PAked the MMD, t-bWV
as loud av- . -a chicken with the pip. " Wh-o-
11 Everybody langhed, and the stakeWid-
or handed the nioney., to the -captain, who
said av he put the roll in his pocket .- "Whyj
you never had a 46haaes, P
11 I Perhaps noib,'said the poker playor
I but I bad more of a chance than I hs4 in
that poket garne you IP5 them run in the -
smoking room.'-." . .
__ I , �9__
HAGYARDIS YELL01W GIL Is prompt to relloiYa
vind gure to cure mughs, colds, sore throat, pain Ja
ho chest, hoareeness, quinsy. etc, Price 25c.
! a
EEs Was Vhe Right Man.
A new portoffiae h,kd jut,t twen openea in
a email country t,owa in Canada, For
want of a mora likely applicant, a farmer's
son, ignoramt, yet ambitious, wu appinteil
Shortly ufter the courtryman's hmtalla-
tion, a commer-oial travtllor appeared AD L a
-wiolcet, recewed a letter, o'Dened it sad
produced therefrom a zrionei or4er, which
he immediately presented for payment. 155
po-tinastwor wok the ordor, rsiA it, and To -
read io, suapiriouttly sof utinizing the tM'Y-el*
ler from time to timo over the sheat.
At, length he ventured :
11 Are you the fellow this thing talks ---
, " I am," replied the travoller.
" Well, have ye got anybody to identAF -
ye . -
69 NP ; but I don't see that it Is now$-
mary," roplied the knight of the tOa
" You saw me tskq 1,6 -order from the bt�
I 1. .
. tir, It - would ha;jrdly be for anytiC47
efse." I . . I
11 i don't juat know about that- boss. I i
wan6 eomebody to identify you. 1)Wt
take me for no ji 'y. Y -in inay bob I k1OW
jual'i a little ab- Ut !&IS ,0j7-' "
The commi reird too,"ller ,argued *0
point for a wiffle, bat to no -purpose. Ho
niust, be idei-,ofitid. But how ? He h"
never been within i �dr, y nAiles of the*-*
:before. He was abrul � retiring in disgusti
and had alro 1.11y T,041 licid tbe door, when&
brilliant idii-a fl,smhi,4 through hiq�br�ia.
Quick as thcugW I ) was back at 06
wicket. wbern the r%:eKe vtood eying b1M
41 Here," be iihf,at4i app'lrently very ex-
cited. 11 I htvf, K" ,.
Ho tore opur his , oat iind produced his-
. �
pookit,tbook. F,rwn ".1 1� h.� . took a photo,
graph. i . I
The 1ruet*;e ' ttji it t*,,-. eard and caref
compared "Jub 4�s'ute,. A beaten 12
camoint-ohis fr..,u A, Lngth fie -V,04011'
; I
H&fed : - i �
"'ganged if yo _abi't 0-3 right man, after I
all, mial or," .
Aud the ord-r -A,4 .,;hed,-L0,nd0n T618'
graph., - I __ 4- ^ - I
-Twelv- ban,Jr�f, ,.,!;.jp girls in P&rlfk�
I Fral.cii:j to, -P 1, ki i 81JI"7-hy in a seven-infle
walking n),i a,j fro,. '7)P.r.Jq to Nanterre -
Great umwdn ww.�-#c;i tbe ciont4st. ThO -
winner was 14 yti,.ts J '. % ho covered the
diotx.mee ii, wi 1t,,,,r,-u lfif�,een Minutes -
I -W,foley ,'4.nJp.L_4'J) u .'arner,of MDrVethp
Kent, cemi.ty, i,-,-, m,,�n wrosted on ths'
t.h*wge of ati,en,Ptil,t: LO hill his wife by
feeding her po-vilf r,,,(7 alaua. Mrs, SifnP4011-
� . �9
ullogee th,At at r huab!�,n I W as too fond 0.111,
- - to 'goo rid of
an,)tb-r wonlao. &..-0 " 11 -4 -
HE Ieg,%l,4P,_U_.. -1); T -1 �ias been 1win'
itted for trial: He- I'm -b011t -38 years of
. f d hii, wife Is tbrOO Years yourng,01-.
. � I J
_� . : 4
.- - ,
. . `
I .1
� -�
. . 9
cjgv i!nl,�
,E_ -
+_ on g(*6 eeeq
Q1XS0 Brucefield. :
M- N
,a! TED seboal
"JI ,_ , 2"
. fr ft (M No. I
V10'. Ut of January. 1,
-4kry W-4. KITE,
46-rrwd =
_T 'P�
� b 'RAY SHE'.' —(;
Jbunderaignod. Lot.
ts-zown.ber let. ,It,
Awn �
�or 0 hXV,0 VIP, 0 =—A
;j�,�JWg &.pigeo. PATRI,
� , .
_ .
_q vival keg Itr frr�z
14"ratp, the tborouat,
U)fd Coxiton. Tctn.sl,
tbt-EqVillego of rct=ar
' � .
_pA'RV. TO RE-%'" —J,
J� ley to zmt for a
. I .
imilles jot B.Medfl,14 14
ievous 10 *Ctez dvprvd�.
e.ta Of t - .
. UlAivatic", A'
ot'ser, � Zwy to *�4-i
e -
I . :
__ _xutn',
1. 1=10N r -AL#, 0;
ApL�z Y,'.N T A . �-Xf
aije "- by XTr_ T110m,
� .
,v�_�,4�_ on 1A)`4. � Um
I W-adEwa-WILY, NVv'tv-_bermj
follawlog prolwarty. Vi
- trjr", I JWe,d mare in f
Ong lumber WAX0141, t
:L act D&W A&eel bw. rawri
i buvy. I WH14 Mo, I t
team hltrmelbo� I "t ligb
- 15 tong bay In the ban
furdi ".,and numerori
,64)1 1;e sold. TtrMs--
e"b ; ,over that amont
Sivep I on, furnisbing AP
- At. *
,a TH(I
J 4mz'��
. M,Jox umoy
� "I
�07trucU�dto sell by Imt-1
10100 -64 ideRillop, on IV
ofolock .P. M,, thO� 1 f01104
()Ve age-] drauktit �
apEdAriviagmaro. I 9
old, Uattle. '
5y �
eaTT urrow 001CA,
� heiters rlstng;a� 2 wer,
1dry cow-, 4 spring ,mit',
,menul-ove new MCD
:I Wbner 4MMUDEd dt)
glgii emarter. almost '
;ntar, I set diAmond 1v
PU wplows.-Itmfflf
zwwmgov� 1 bsy rw-1
box, 2 sets d6uble hz"
I rar",. et(!, ; 'forks. h6
, I _
f hdgt,of othermtLeles. ,
tens ohd -A qualitity ot:
thing vidil be . 4,01d-wift
is rearing oa *woun]
K=9 of 15 and nnder.
.Mouthi? tTedh vdill I,v I
16int notfA. A discour
dollst -win 134� 4illowed c
13r.OW.N, Aiuctionw- .
TT1WR,.1K1 I ,
I �
113FLMNM Y- I . J40
Chow" , n to Ulf
t .
A*n. 9, XcUllop, on �
eclock P. W., the 1011C
0-ne draugbt hoive 4 71
*01t2yestooll'i ".!
. ing,241)rt4 b.v imporbu
coffie. ew'—Sevencov
vows to 04ve to ANO'kv
iv,ema rbing 2 yes" bli,
. I . 0. VrJDg calves, 11 *Or,
- Itnollemeaft- ete---04
udij-18, I Nm,on "10*4
, ,
Ing horge inkto. I ru�p
,htmw cutttr, I grain ;
. d6mond bs,r"W%. 3 il
. ho,y rack, I iftew top I
� Democrzt Wagon, I 4'
Vh . oelbarrow� I; bav$(.
14in0'0WUP11'qf,-; IR
neariyupw ; I 4:06b
. -
7.2 � URV. ut-we, I grind
set double barness, L,
. ,with tdrks, -2114�i, Wh
'articuo Also 1.1,00 16C
mdxr$;9t4 ten Unk
In plL I Also ldiw ha
- . Six od*ve b M'" Jilm.
hall r�ek, 3 b-Aroom
- . A
--hatre noa4y ntw , a
Ing a rz, I Utge 4
In fly now " � .1 heA
Artri I p4f, - voly a
I'll? -
. jW1d W farm and Is rd,
posswe)-on of the la
D*,,,,,,cej*ber the 10, �1!
Mumma 'I *5 anii undti
moutW credit will b
IvIone ,
Aljysujount Of M4 -
at loweSt mt" .01 lut,
-of roaywenL App'
Bauk Building, Scito
How a Ken!
The life of -a b
tunistanees; 4088 I
eatof earthly voc
i;��Ilfff vf the se" �
i3ounty of Xent. A
vailut -more lhti
trouble tbut.goea-
I if
e lea goo 8 w,
aw. � J - nark
ties !with MO lank
4 ne;tionciftfirw -i
re� was iflautti A �
beaver thereof �
whore. he aef7sd e I
mictabe was in I'
. -
eonsiquent thert
witbout ieven, the
and securely lock
ate, while'the tc
Proceedings em.pl:
ing gat Be 'And fer
Stuck. 7
v7ben the Irati
out from whait wl
"undiAr tbe b#
ce-eded to give tb
whirl that caum d
for Wr_ Jobb Hii
!Mal proce"editip"
ctiadjutort in _m
Vne lq;vv were tt*
of Kw, for Wfun
Th 1 14
- COUBLY. le -Mil
Vriat, � -,-,U� was du
zbow I in order t
and �lso heidthr'!
I Ive"tot
V,Va,X,T.'t aue, the;
rerned '
7- I �
The Court of J
the county Jo-
acei,iAed were I
beffiff was even J
trial. � I I
A Wic
t -
W. E. 8115w,
gave an SI c
agO. 'the fe&tUrt'
3 - -
Of an Qlactrica �(
-Mr. Shaw i4,5 det.
_31"110ted. in deln_
bis invention b,v
deaf and dumi;,,
rem in the tbierj
The 'Clock nc
alorms the the s';
VlAch b connew!
tai-aing the pill
the vibratipnz I
*lcepar by,4 too
A circuit is <�
current ill loant t
lamp in frout '
raysof wh1zh a
the ideeper. yt��
Vvith a hammeri
-,Ating cap, tho. 7
doee quarters m,
B011. - ,
- T .
t alto ,give 1�
burglars 1)1twD-�
' `
ineans of eatim
doors and windh
ilre, by elecir,-,�,
WE -ere on the pj�