HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-11-06, Page 4' i even that portion within 1� the' limits-ot the . . � city of Toronto, is to be btibsidized. There � � I are many other equally undeserving, looking st the matter from & 0�loulzltion a i tand .1 . I point. , Indeed the major" I , Oy of the ro!%& to . be aided are of this , ChAra4er. � . , Now, what good re"o4 can be given for I suboidizi,ng roads of this � � haracter ? There are no extra natural obstr4obions to be over- colne in their constructi�*- The country ' - - through which they pass i� inroliflonf traffic - I I I � : �--1 -- which req ire any consideration, a �� d these � I are suggesled mot,& than-, 0ated. ' a first � I I � is that certain persons, on account f� their religious likief, do not vote for. cons iontious reasons, and it ask#, fs Why e I houlA ths- . a � ' ey be' f ' ' - it d ti "disfranchised if they do nobwish vote ?" ' I We might reply, w . bY.8hould' the be' I . y given 7 I the franchise if. they do not wish 3 uie it? . But, aside from thisi no perion esirse to Make them vote if they have cons anrn leg #� .a-. ,1cientioug ___ - ___ I I !� � ! I from the parhy, At the lost general ele�6 tion no member of the Liberal party wog more severely handled by the Torieo, tbdn Mr..Tarte. In fact, his alleged rh r , co -.,� , 1-1 - Ing& and eacentricibi ' 'formed bhelio eadi it as . 4 -1 battle cries. At the nokt elect[ f, �will n I ,7T al I t id must -be roveried. The have o I i take Mr. Tart@ to their bosonis, w6ife ''a will have to kips the hand that so severAy smote him. Verily politics make otranoe bed-follovis sometimes, A few evenings ago a reception was given Mr, Bord th Opposition Is&der bv the L%fontmfiT:1D,",h oef I I I - . I . � 1`4 the pant two Monthp, returned h( Manday.-W oBeath outertArnsdan, . ber of 'big lt s st es, evening.-Hallowe'anpassod off veryquiel I VOrY' little mischief having been dong Mrs. � John Wilford is at preeeqb on the a link ,, Mr. W Lockridge and, Mr. At Ballautyne, oi the Brussels woollet, rr Were; in Blyth on business Bat' I urday.-S day evening there was an imbecile oam4 ! town, hungry ind cold, having driftetim ,from' his friends near Cranbrook. CI Tt.� 4. 17 L., it - - 7: 1 1 . � r ON NO. Imil rins, � in pro. 9 I 91 I . .Uv� U1 not, me relations ce . - . .. . The existing railways ot��jlct begin to so- posed is to re � Montreal. The function was very.- ucce0ol for hftn�-. having traced him here. -Mrs ; I NEW , ADVERME14ENTS I 11. I . , quire them to g I � � � 0� to the 'ful. Mr. Tarte was one of the chief aild ffen4eirtozi, Miss Maggie Forsyth and I .: oommodate this tr&ffiC 49��68 COntiUU%l Out- PD119 and 48 alit a ballot. They, Ineed nob most bo-ored guests. It, is s'Id -14hs;t lie A. W, Robinson attended the funeral _1_4 - � P - AlIr The fturobotween the pare"hew after each cry for 03r@ and - oth or . Usti � of. J. " n I , �098&rY scoommo- vote for any caudidati seemed quite at home' with his old-time their � cous' - , *!%a- dfnOtm th* Page Of the paper on which the - i I a unlets they ilesire to. " , in, Mr. Robb. Lesor, in Luokr , . . - � . - political friends, . � X-IT"Ve-m4nent will be fo=4 dation proves. The road' are certain to be- j�b person can have . on Wednesday. � , n i I any conAcientious . . . ' I . . come paying enterprises ifrom the moment Scruples to doing this. . . � I - -_ �, . I The'Very Rest -Greig & Stewar�_i I I . . . � If they h�ve, they Greatror New York hoe again fallen � , - - ' I � iinler 1. I VrOwdiuZ V410eff-Wto. Pickard & C" . they are in working order.; �, Why then should 'oan easily remove all difficulty 1 I I I . i McKillop. - . What Sball t DO -Alm Wilgan-6 . I il I by 'having the paw of, Tammany. . For the past two R�-BNGAGZD.-­-Mios Lizzle Lawrence --maKinucm & clo-s they be-subsidizad from�"i thp'publio purse? -their names left off the voters*, list i, Their .years! Mr. Sebb Low. has occupied the . Rain Coate- , I . . I I I .beoo re-sagaged me teacher of No, -4, I I SOMnAbID F0OtW6Xf­1Ft. Witile & Son -4 Why should -the - hard o4ac'A money 0 the personal judgment and liberti Id ob be positioa,of Mayor of that I City.- � Mr. Low Xillopi, ab a griably increased salary. I L�rent of the Se"On--Cardno's Opera ffoug" Rimle-as oimwes� � & F. D31y, - 8 f4raters and artiz%na of thi country betgiveh interfered with in any - w1ki � Money Spent -J. Bulzer_6 . . - 'y. Z tb� , twice defeated .the Tammany candidate, but able�services are 6-/or,thy of apprecisti, , . ey did . � AU04100 Sol", L. GrWy-e-6. I .to enrich the railway pe�mokor and enable not want to -vote, or if they did ob even ,on Tue#day he was defeated bk hlr.� George andthe trustees areJortunate in securi Teacher wanted-wai. -isttarson__6 him to become a millio �' . I B. Moclellant by a very laige majority. her for the year 1904, It is a nice th: WOUM-15"forth Milk aeater" . 114' -we in a fewi:Yosra desire to'go to the polls, a word - Mr, I 'Coffee I I . I 0 an McClellan, although not an svowg:d when trustees appreciate the services o I To" and, -3-r. mi --g as most of thom 0, Wk0e those who thus sensor, when he in making . It Tammany candidate, was I ' ' ., � 1 HouW`BooU-4-W. JL will" . . annual � rted by the � Musto Store -G. E. Copettind-8 enrich them hsV4 to, w4k hard every day rounds, would relieve them fr o7m,a! I respon- 1 O:Uppo 0 good,tesohor. ano show that appreciation . I , . , Tammany leaders and qw his election 't a ta6gible mannef. � - - Xvtfoe�-J- Willis Powell-s during their nat� ral. livis and, live on the si that Party, and will be4abisob to their will. - . I I � I 00 weft­w� somerville--6 i I bility, and no one could may �h )in nay. � I I — - - , � FAst Naron Farmor#' Instilrata-6 I most common fare ? is it not ridiculously So that for the next t years New York 1� Wingham � . Auction Sal"Ohn Whiteman -6 I ., , �, . But, if they do not do this, and I by leaving Will have what its knowwou as , " wide-open . H . simple when you �OKEY.-Hockey promises to 'be qu W,anted�.Tames Caunlnjr__�_8 - . think of it? Wbj then - their names on the lists, -t6y th ' volun- town," and �alt Lhe oh�r a a 1�. , no . bominations iA popit lar In Wingham thlof year. At a w : do the people continug t�e praot'ise 4 per- cidential to Tammany rule I ., �fhe a ; . ' . � I - I . — - , iarilY assume tb-s- duties at W611 as tb e I 64, mayor attended Meeting held in the co I .. . . mit their legislatorr, wh,om they ca' and eon of the civil war general ancil oha �Wvj W n rights of citizenAil) to thin extealt, it can 184 of, t . nsme. He, was,,�oppoiied by nearly a I!46 ber,lthe club Wait organized and it was o : . should coutrali to -do so,," When will the cideA to eater team# In the 0. H, A. a �� . 1. ev! ,11 Ut 404 6 . not, certainly, be an injustice ,or even 4 newspaper and clergyman in the city, VTh 4 ZY'Affforo People awake to the t&4 that t be hardship to temporarily Aeprive � Nor�hern Leagues, There will %I o .. I l� hey &�e , them of retult is a disgrace to the city and, its peo. 1-1 . � � - . I do 'ot want plej - I I I gue, the winners of whi I — Ing robbed, year by yemr:i to enrich the rail- that which they do not use or . formed a town lea . , . . - I I - I to " treated to an oyster supper by W. &KAFORTH, FRMAY, Nov. 6th, 190�3 ,Way promoter And boo ` I ,� I . - . . I . � - . m*ter and th%6 they tar use. . i . . ; ! Scott. The following, officers were elects I 1�r, George A. Lacombe, M. P...P. f6r St. Id � . � I .. J 1. . hre themselves. parties to :'the robbery i Do The second objection raised is th4t such a. . Mirys W. Porbou ,�bon. vresident; Thomas IN I . 9 �as just returned fr6m pre0ident ; C. G* Vaustone, vice-presidein " . I . - . The Ragwaiy SuMdy, System. ople of the County of Huron, for In- law would be an infringement on pereonal Quebec, who . I stancoo desire tor coi the Yukon, wh 3re he ls�d been acting 1. Fiahleigb,- manager; W. J. Boo, I � - ntrib te- year by Te4r -liberti. This objeati' I i I . It is- we think, a generally recognized , from - th, .� � on,is answers pretty French saoietarly to the Treadgold commi:8. OIL, t;nt manager; H. H. Wightman, trot I . air hard earned'Imunual incomes to much above. But, granting for tb�. make of sion in speak I 1% . . . - fact tha't ther system of subsidising railwayo, I I - f ��, Ing of the Alaskan bound ry itrel�!, ' __ . � _­ I - enri,ch Mackenzie ' and MIAnn ani atkors of arAument, that personal swarld, seems to take .6 very SeDgib]O view �1; W. Tolloid, secretary. I I "long and so liberally practised in this iik,6 ilk? They ro doink it just as- � arely Infringed upon, i ' .liberty , vrould be Of the matter. . I . - --- - country.,, Afas;moat extravagant an(i waste- I in not all law an �nfringe- f He save : I I I think' our I I &Ippen. � . as if they placed tah' 6114 � ment, on personal liberty ? If a � than goes alleged lose is mostly sentiment. and, as, far D� Ha -Commissioner and Convoyancii air ha a in their pockets - as I can see; the Americaus have too many wfllfi� Mo f '" and deeds drawn up. money loap I fat system in so far as the country is Con- and paid ou b their hard 3soh, ind ,the" evi- into a lic,qnsed hotel af tar seven- o'clock on troubles of ubeir own in that country to at- at tl�s lo rasa of interest, 174041 earned. It, is also equally recognized that do - . - ntly do it without &!,murmur or-- pro- Saturday night and buys a glass of whiskey, WmPt 10 make too many for us." I I under this- system three, fourth* of the bene- test. Why do they do i0 Simply th ough he can be legally puni I do not believe in the I _,fe does NotE .-The floe weather is giving tj . fit goes to. the raiway promotei wholraceives indifference. Th*e thrs� shed,for ia' Ing. railway to 'Daws wisdom "of a Cinadian far ore an excellent opportunity to g - . 11 I , � members from This ismore an infringement ,, On-' He says it would mean thei work done and to prepare for wintE � ouL �, . I the Money and only about one fourth to the - ordon6l the conattTiotion of 1,MO miles of railway �-�- r, WC W. Cooper, who rise been expej 1hrou voted for these oubsidi . pro. liberty than the other, and � _ l - People who contribute it. AnA still,etrAuge - eg N4 L . I sti N cross mol!intsin rmriges� at a cost of. $40,OW me t , in the growing of sugar beets, h � I test having been made,'tbay are justified in Era is a strong supporter of thi w, autf, a mile. What he would favor, however, bee I'D as, it may seem"L 'thiS Wasteful a ' tam is eon- I s, IN . -yis no I ding a car for the factory at Dre - co lading that the peopi� waut to co�tinue *a think, very properly so. ,Bub w y object would be an electric railway . from White den this week. -We would ikgain remit I I Untied and perpetuated year after year. on the pr"tise � - I Horse to Dawson, over: 400 miles I ' serVie L I � . As it in, With th I . a leng�b, our resdere of the anniversary as _( - 1. 6 -_ to the infringement on pergonal liberty in as h , .. One reason for this is, probably', pxtreme I I - ' t a splendid water p'ovirer along the pi�o. d Monday. Should fine weath . - the pwp] "a eviery "we more th�in in -the other? Both posed route would be;moat conducive to the can inue, arge crowdiii a expeete E 7 Huron, so is it with .. o;0 le of the one Sun my a ' . I � self, interest on the part of the people.- It i's other county in. the Dominion. . I . �i I d. -Mi , - i re . . � I - so hard to get the people to understand that � -And a it is ore designed for the 900A of 'the oil izen and success of the line. � I � - I . : . .1 Belt O'Neil, of Clinton, was the guest ! I . . ' with tho representatives from HuroDL so i on of the public. Why the one I I . Rsv�-. and'Mra. M Lennart, at the manse,tl ' - I . no money can come out of the public treas- it with -the representative's from every othe 16w should. be more strougl � Mr. A.B. Aylesworthit one of t4e. Can- Jore part of t6 week. --The anniversai . ury OxCOPb What thOy' Put' in out of their co - y, resent d %a an .; I missioners on the Alasksla bound- , I . untibuiincy in the Dominion aul wi. the infringe' adian Cam ' , seriiees, in - oonalation with St. Andrew own resources. Failing to 'recognize - this CIO : - . Ment on personal liberty ban the ary Commission, on hiall! return from londons Pro byterian,cho ' � I - I rob, will be held on Sui L 11 . vernment. So soon, &it the people esire other, wo,would like the' -Now Er'' to tell day� Novem ; _ . I I fact, the people of the seveml counties and � . was entertained at -A 'complimentary ban- bar 22ad. Rev. Mr.. MoAulal - to come giving of their menne to end f it�ocbell,, will conduct the services, ,Mori plovino6o: are continually clamoring fVr the I I the Us- We MAY be ffilstaken, but we t ink the qaet by what is called I !the Canadian Cl railway pyomoter, they have the po, war t i J . Of iolv.� a evening, and in the afternoon. Rei r expenditure of public money with� I . I oPponent4 of the proposed law have of Toronto, on Monday, evening 1560, There . ' I I in their do so. Ali they require to do i to ' ' . _ I not one were about three hand k�ed ab the banquet. I . is t uct single valid argument be -urge - F. . Larkin, of Sesforth, will offleistA . borders sud the government or parliament- thei � ,:;,r,, -d- W not it- The speech of Mr.-4yiesworth a the Fa er particulars will be given later.-th , - r R�diamentary repr4fientativel � At least if they have 89" �!a we ding bells have been ringing in thi I ary representatives who Most generously ave nove mean I b, - principal deliverance.of the evening. ft - � � ingly. When they do this the foolish i pik 11 b .,I i Vic , ity this week. � I cater to this Clamor are the i - � a- and we hope the Now Era w, sup ly one, was � moderate and ou'usible and did h m . I . � t I ey 0 � " credit, and was in in - I . q one& who are ties will -cases. Until- h d tbi thek When it does we shall be only too . glad to arked contrast ,with I ; . ly to receive t a app`r� � . ther most like h roval of must e � f � some of the utterance I .. . I ...... � ls�s and give it credit for its -ingenuity. Th follow- , i the, "elf seeking clamorere. This � be ' xPect to be bled. , Goveramen � given to the'public ota 9 which have -been . Wroxeter. : q . . . ­ing the representatives are jumb� what the people ing renisirke on the subject by the oderich I �he award, which,, an ,OTES.-Gordon Rse left,for Flemming .. � . - ' ,� i � I every person now knows, was very di@4p M . case, governments, and representatives are make them, They are � 1, nOither I I'll . [ a#itoba, on Taesday,where helbas seog'r& ; ^ I � � 1. f . � atter Star so completely cover the whole case, in pointing to Canada. ;Xr. Aylesworth stated a ' � - 4 unable to resiat these demands .ApOn the., nor worse. But- it :: in b_urely 'time little space that we give , L the case very much as it has . )ready hoe " . T�sition as clerk in a large general store i * � � i I I treasury anif when they are * grau6ed, in one that in this i thembert, as fol- it -J4 Goftou, A. G6fton, W. lkwir, Jaine . � a : I : matter,, a.t any. ,,rate the lows : . � given to the public.. t.nd while still main- Bal . job Ball and A. Terry left �" . I . ,- . - - �. or two instances similar concesgiOnif Must be people . were acting l� sensibly. . , 0 taining the decision anjuat to this country, Th r day r two weeks'hunting in Mug :: - I �here "'But a higher -and stronger argument is a %f �, -4.- .madslin other directions in order t . v of Uron that every Man, owes he strongly counseled moderation in thought omas MoLsughliu, of wl � 0 even up is not a smue man in the County of I kok .-Th, Br4 -11, t to his coq atry .to and utterance by the Canadian peo'Pls. Al- Cit , Michigan, � the benificence, and this is where the extra- V�bo would think of handing out f.� take part in the selection visiting in and arovw( ,. , I ..- Y., . . h is t - - - - - e � VAganCe and waste comes in, ; is if he does not do so h of its rulers, and though disappointing and unjust, we should the village. -Mrs. K Rhiem, of I - __ - . .1 . I prooket five dollars, or "even one dol ar to - a has no right to com- coept it in a . Lon4oc . . . . di I � L� . � 9 ignified Manner,, while the and Miss M. Edwards, of Fordwich, 9 an, � - It was hop9d and believed by many, plain of its - laws, which are Applicable to a t. in - . I . . � " �, Mackenzie and Mann to assist, them I 6 . resul� shoulo no any measure impair our a p rt of last week with th lir b th C F � - 14 view of the enormously large expenditure ­ eon- .. him &@-,well as to the. active vo �%J ,Then, feelings toward 'the tnotheir country. He Ed ards. - Hallowelon as ro .er, ���� ......... -;;;. � abructing a, -railway f.com Toronto to Bud, -too, the people, through t g v Red off er3 . to which the country has been pledge(f In - � 11 . - hair Mont, sloo spoke in the -stroijest terms of friend- qu�j ,y i;�ine, village.- Ido 'Miller bat �� . whether municipal, provi � - I I - . . t I. arlis ' noial or 11pilerml, ship for his co -commissioners and their eon- go 0 �gham, where h - in assistin it - c0ansc ion with the new transcontinental ' I have as much right to requLl a �� - -bury, and yet they pohnib., their � ire .every I ' tl i th i � MO tary representatives to Place their ends , man to duct towards him brother commissioner from Guqu Brothers) egg pa,3 I I ii:ht I n � I I gC kin es�ablish ii nt. - ilWay', extending from the Atla a to the in, a � " .n ­; I =1 .10i � to the polls as they 'have to I impose Canada and. himself. ' Mr. Aylesworth's -Albert Terry, of Youti stoni 0 '" as � .." 11 their . f the * 11 I Paelfic., that the fl�'vatem -of subsi diiing other - , ' yockets and doldt for them, y 4be statute.labo; or any other o equire- speech was a . L . � , _LL Ute L more roundabaut means. of ' I disappointment to the .fire- spoOt the last two weeks ith ! h i? b igoir", d- �� railway e rprises, ;, a subsidi frl m Monts of our laws. As the' man w�o will eaters, who expected from him a Mora in- father, J. Gotto and othe rel'tives h re. ii -f- except those of a purely ' I , ' - ­ - - I a I not Work deserves to starve, so the "n who flamatory deliver&n'oe. �, � ,� � � tr aenry. �' . L - I the Dominion ; �11 _ . i - 1. z Colonization: nature, would be dis6ontinu ad - . . �. , 1 will not vote deserves to lose that Orivilege .1 I -Mine Harris �uv'iaited in Wi h ­ I , - v an -.1 -_ i . ast I � , �. I - I ; CTingplarill n_ . �.z �_ I 1: . - &irs of his country." I - - 79 . - ; 0�. I ��- for & time At least. But those wh o cherish- — in the a I we4.-The ScOttieh Con - rt A - - * .-, . 1 1 i In paying. as much- attentionas theydid deritheauspicea of the 8 O Scotlo, a, 'fq , � I I 0 . 4,T I ad ouch hopes have been Badly disappointed. Compulsory Attendance ! at the . A iv - - � - �, to Mr. R. R. Gamey, �M. P. P.6 during the will! hold an entertainment, b 1 vil I Polw � . I' f town 11, . During the closin weeks of the last session . � Ed nal Notes () I 1 ti- - 9 " - ,�! , ito on 8aturday night. -An. th Co � any co, T.- . and- - o ents. -recent bye-Lalectione, the Reformers made a � - ! I . I , 0.1 parliament-, tha Dominion Fininco Mn. We natic'e thst the Clinton New Er mistake. The Ontario Government higoly recommended, a lar turn out is - " I does The announoement is made bliat r. J.B.. __ �. . � ii �4f - " � I , ;��t�!_�� : � . ., or Who- d 'Hugh iMeLeod lot for: Glen &'Wil- - l pec e . - � � N ister submitted for the val of pgrlia, 40t agree with THY, t - a ed- Jackoon, K. .C.. of Ingirsoll, has lo n ap- lia - _2 E� . ,,Appro XPOSITIR as to -t -:!1R, T. �'. - . ever acted in, their behalf, did 'a v6ry silly � 5 �g L--_ . � � - � 1 . t - a -W . . ' . I il ;U Mont resolutions providing for railway 94bal. .vlaability of requiring Compulsory a tend. thin 'abing what has becoal'o kno last week,; where he h a employment in JRLTI�- ... . I , � I - . pointed by the Dominion 6overnme to the t& in publi wu a w 461lon mill. � John Gral ger, of Brussels, __;�, , - I I so a � . Avit. It was no.doubb wasl in the vil .8 r 1 ,I- ,�­ � . . . � , . - , I t ­l _&__D1_0rer_ The tre lur position of commercial agent in Lee 9, Bag- iager Thur ay.-, A number � �� , dies, on a larger scale t� ance of voters at the poll", on the p injof as Croesin affid I I . - ta. Z . done to counteir�ot.Gameylg inguence.: in � �i 1�. - tione provided for, the: subsidizink '"Of over disfravehisoment for a certain period - This is the gentleman who,., it wag 11. '; n I .� . i land fror' fiere attefidtd the c itcert given ;by t_?A H- 7,!* - . Muskoka,. where oe was Campaigning in the Gu* Brother4 in Wiughm , Fri a , A -, - _' , I . . I I- �m - - ' 1' We fear, h o a 9 the county of Huron, - I canlIda, a d jlarry Davis mad Mrs. � vi , of g - , ; _ . �- - -, i ir f � -1 �_ four thogsand miles of milwai A a 'Cost to event of wilful neglect. ev: said, was slated for the junior judg hip of interests of the C�noervative .. _- - f - , � a n � - �'­ � , , the country of ove-7 thirteen millions ',o , dol. that the Now Era ha not,perused but whohd tob I , _1 4 -If � f 0 to effect the elections generall . " ' -- �_ , , rtible y , But :we ­ ­., . our I i: � I.,. 4. ; t ' I I passed over for this position on so i i!-, -t a a - I � J-;�, , I , where the guests of Mr . � :. 'Y* !--I-,, dart., and this amount way even tea4h eigh- very carefully, else 7 wo'uld not so r adfly some indi - 00unt of are greatly misbakein if it did not have Ithe son]on Sunday .-Quarterly most g �Vall , - -.P __ � __1 _� - _ f�� " - - N k.,- ; � . oonbrary reiqP, rove in the Methodis�churoh Sunday niorn. I , - , , _. J;, scret or irregular Oro di � Z, ,, .1 ­ __ , . Coe n The �ffidavit did 4c6 p z__U - �-` teen millions of dollarB. age to have jumped at does' reope ,nee L sulpitortwith . i I ___ p ____19k1 I And, strai a condlusion which A to securing evi*44 the anything that was not I known to ' 'a . I ­ - _ 1, , -1 . - . -1 �­­. .�-�l And .,b - In the evening, Rev'. 1. A. McKel�,ey , 1, , may,, these resolution& W THE BxposLTo� an ini i protest entered againot the return Tof Mr. , lieved by ev�'ry person! before, white '�i , as �!_�,' _m�4,f,! era not only approv- U�ticei. It says � , "� - ., � . I : in � : 1i v -1-f �. , � ", Donald Sutherland at the last p _F ; � � I - I and I Rev, L. Perrin exchanged pulpits. i ­ -'_W � "' Because the Hon. Mr. Fitzpatrib does ale I I in � , I Mo- I t � .- .;, ad of by Parli meat but were, not seriously - � ovincial self-conde at I � -Q, -- I �' - 'i A I I otion. - 0 . I Ory qn �the face of it'! I � i - 'A � - - I I .� i - - .- - I - 5 I s . .;� , �� I Rob approve of the principle, T ' ; �t . d by either side of the House, TLis Ex- . `th� fi n- I - - ,i�l ; 4, I __ -7 - - Vf!;, oppose ; I __ . -i much as it showed as the fruits of, I . i - � I - . , , .__ . -POSUOR assumes that he�,J@ not in � 'cial necessities of Mri Qrossin, thq.,m4k t of i Walton, i - I I � i I � - i, �, �-- r lack Of Opposition- may be duo to the..faot electoral purity. 'fa or i of British Columbia Provincial poll ca are it, and that it ha � XOTVI,-Messrs. P. L R I � _j, . .- _. . Isn't that rather a poor I �i d beeh�- bought, if I ­ � - C: Y-,- - fk­ , - , _' I ., I - 2 riot �di- ,yaniiand __ 5, �, ,--- � t ?o 1 4 - Vt . cond i iofi yet. rect -* a a Ma 0 � �, T � 1�hst thO Government had so skilfully dis- argument." ' I - � I not by any me&= in a settled ly, ab least indirectly. Defeat!,'' ould" be Flabnery, who have � bee' i ba in ,_,_ ; . I �_ - a deal more crediti-able -than vict� I I the 1 vicinity of Brandon, for the p- - � ,V, I "i ' � Mr. McBride, the new Premier -I same to ry, 1 won , .hat of bt I - � '. - � -.4. , tributa6d the largia that every Province and �.Nolv, here to � what T Ila 0 , I- ._.ti_� � 7VI IIE ExPOSITOP. id -. Z - -, ,I - . with such material. If the Conservatives Mo the, have returned home. Thdi loo� " . , � almost, every section of the Dorninio"n will' I I It need not an have considerable difficulty in findi f suit- wish to thake a:hero of Gamey, and'advance If It agreed with them. -Dr. M ay,inspecto of - I.; �, _ 1�1. i I �_� I �� �, . . able timber for his new Cabinet, to 1 116 the . . ,,- ,�il'il rprise any pets 11 zl_ on that prac- I _,� -, i- receive _­. _- , - ,,-- -i some share of the spoil, go that if *' tical polibicians, who'410 not desire a pare . him to the front rank Of their party, that its pub ic libraries, has been on his onq*al t .... ,-, �j ' ' I . place of his colleagues who were del mted in their business. The course for Ref rmers is .of i spectlon to our library, and pr6bouni .A ... � 't .1 . . -. - ,' - - ' - I' any member objected he coftld be Charged 11 election, thould object�� to &---clause o this r,he'recent election. -Amonggt,Dth r3wal --- - t ;ur i, -,­ _� . ., , - � I 11 � � _:.- ,'_ -Z � - . , I - _- _ J. f �,, � - Jt - I � lected Mr. John Houston, the eon- . I it' with objecting to the expenditure of Gov- " nature. Bat the Mini ter of Justice e not e to treat all each characters with 0 eve ything in sati-Oactory conditiod, which 1, - -1 - I- . _." - � =, Who ra�#rhe 80' 1 7 - � a--. � , "A� no � -, 4.- - , ­ I is the � severest ke well for the librarian and,all eon- � ' I F -1 I - the eity of Nelson. Mr. Houston, i4 seems, r - so that no difficulty will be in �he . 1-4 . ad , '' - C (rhisiganimpea,ohmenkwhichl the average nothing here to. indi' ' hasbeenamember of the LT;Istlare for Not that cam be' inflicted. on them. , 9 1 I .1 . - d arnmenti money within his own constituency. 94.a man of this kind.7' Surely th reAs punishment o7e - I esent" temptthey deserve. T -hat , I , -.1 i cate�, -that we so 11914 some time, and has a re( oriety is what they, of procuring the Goverpment Si4ifor � ­­ - �, , I '. ,� I , I 'or I / � 4, - ;.. �: : , crave, and in paying wS � .- A, ­_ member has not the courage to face, Hence Mr- Fitzpatrick of not being in favor of - sub itted his us , . so much attention to Mr. Gamey, Reformers the Coming year. We have now in our - - __ '. � :� � I, - -.-_t d . IcBrlde _ " . , _1 . in I - �_,., __ _+ . me to the Liente nt.Gov- '!,,'- - � . . � "I - t�_ -4f ernor for'approv&L But thi � - - lt,_­ - V.j ih way,be, that the unanimity with w oh jh a electorial purity. It Bee a to us the orde dre, simply, playing into libr ry ,& choice collection of now books, I � a 11 . I t ,-Wg m!�, his haadsi' Forbi- . � � - -- : I Ai in I _ _," * i_ �,, Government propositions war , - refused to sanction ionary fled by the investigation and the� judges, cam rising over 1,300 volgines, and car . � I-— � �� - ­� I - �'- - __ a _Accepied can convey the concrary m eaning. Ho the ,. � ­ '. t 1. 4 J:ver, SPIPO;Iorma t, Sir verdict, the Government, both individu�lly eon beaux and obliging librarian, : - -,-. I . " . , - - - � . Henry Joly gives h ra .. , ? - �11 be accounted for. But.,, all the same, this that is I, -)t . :18 pro- . - I A , �_. .- �, - y ect a Oilild lab Gamey 'severely par d to -deal'out a select amo I , _- , .�', a matter of an material i port. in a lett�r, from which the followin is an along, 11 'vely, h' ioe L is agoas lit � refusal and co �_ - �... _g FI -1:.! i 1 unt of Cho � . - I .- ­ __ . . I - unanimity goes to show that the people as a Sinee. It if' not yery i�rong argume t, .we He � t . , u I - 1.1 - 1- L . extract. ' If they do not !do thin, it Will tend rea ing material to relieve he tedium of the ; -,. - 1 �7 . says - "I objected on me - .I - I - kkA W - . _.. � ; - I _ , �­ .,�. � , - _�_i hole, And w represented in Parliament, muct admit, whiche ' ' count of the unfortunate incident of last to create a feeling that they are afraid of 11�� bhocin autumn evenings. -Miss K . i_ � ; � I ver � a it may be.t ken. I ! � - , - _. , , Al wj Y I v: �, � , �� � 4. . �.;.e� , ­� or . I I man, 0 Honuall, is spending a coupi � " - a atiU favorable to the a, t session, when you forgot hat, after sl� there may be -some 9 . - ��­­-­' 1 yotem, although But let us see the strength of the a what w- - due to birn. and t I of 0 of .1 . . , what was i t 11 truth in the charges he makes., I 01E with her friend, Miss Annie Caffip- � I �: I , � - - � - they kno'w that it enriches the railway pro- the New -Era ! v ; � - , rg "'n, the Legislative Assembly,se well .16 in to be ­�____ - 'L. I - I _� 1. 4Y. L I I . uEeg i 0 Won to th pro- self in'y oar responsible -position, 17 � your- hoped a riepitition of the mistake wal not be ' ::::: _'L�'-_ L - - � , - , 1 _9 all -We are eorry to report the sari: up . 1 �­;. ',�Ci PPOs Side 7 -1 - � 1 I L 'r future IiYe�-Oleetions. Be illn as of Mrs, Jae, Williamson,; 0 p - I 1� _;: 11 ea that I had a duty to perform, I , sy add fore the . kr he ;_ - _. .1 moter at their expeatie. This being the Positidn. It save : T`�' �: � . . made in 0 - - � � .. 1Z � L . $ �" __ I . I . class, the Government can scarcely be blamed I " The quest -of cor�pulaory votin t close of the Isob Reggio hav ng suffered a severe stroke of �ajravlysis . � F N a pail , I ` - I ion of ul duty, an 4 Gsmey should have I L �­'*�' ,�6 - d I performed it " The :::: I I � , ,�� - I 1 . -,. . . � � I - , , ding to the wigheg of� tihe people, recently threshed,out iv the Com- . . for acme Was incident here referred to 4 unders ood to been expelled from the Legiglaturo. a sh�ort tinie ago, but we trust she may B�on L - : .� le L - ' Hotim of Thst ,� ­ � �'­ _��_� vi I mons, alld-while the . be when last sension, Mr. Houston is &I- the proceedings raco1ver,-Mrs. Robert Short,reed , I I- Was the logical conciusion of has is - � ,,V v� , , - pr _ : � -j-, - -� ,� , even although they know the inciple had some 9 � I I - . - PrIcti4e to be - : 10 people . I .1 _ ­ i � supporters there,'they 'were very fe . It lege4 to have called Mr. McPhillips taken. Had this been done, 'th t , d, -of her farm,in Morris township,to W. �� � _� - - . - .�� -4 .. a fol- woul * c1f - 1. - .. I_ I extravagant and waatefal. � *� on " " d not now be hearing so much about ti, Liidlaw, of the same line, This "' . - I � - .,� - ' I I was proposed.to disfranchise for six ears low member, I's d--4 fool', on thpe floor of him. I 1: _- I-, " -Of late years, uric can I I .,� � � -L - __ � ever I far is . :E-. _. ... j., `R - ter the prea�nb Reform _* one who declined - to vote. the House. It in evident from this hat Sir I I . - - -ill .. I — 4, very choice one, containing '150 1 �.---� - -- - - �,- � k, L " , j_ i � GoLvernment, an discue6ion that took place ' 61" Henry has not yet become accust � acre , on which is also a quantity of valu. � _� ,., �, - �i: was made to not one cod, 0 ad to _ _ _. ­ I , The price iu about $8,400, �uf. . z 1, ­ L subritantial argument was advanced I I I . able timber -1 I - *' n to the amenities of the wild and wool West- � lilytb, - I I ; ' :' L ; "' � ",_., i I ies behalf. It In impra-3ticable, and .inat i erner., It shows, ho the farm is -A good one, &a the price wi I I in- , I - .41 waver NOTES. --- - .- - �� - . I a d , that he some- -Rev. Dr, KeLeau, who " 8 been di�al a Duac. surely does not intend I I __ I of L . �_� 11 % - p a- ; the Pastor of St, Andre* a L ' J___ _ P I - - � _ , , , . I . : I- -, � � �, .1 y . � church for the p � 41con- I - - - - : for the mone given, such, for Certain c asses I . L set Airty-eight years , on gbab 0 ,NL1cNam&r :t �f thing more than a figure head , I 130 a (led some concessions in return caring electoral 'evils, would develo fe 'a Pres,90erlan live �_ _Z1 1. � - r-, -Y 'A tures that are not desir.4ble. �iu that big house alone.-Chie 'o � � - - -� - I I I . - - our viflage ribie i - -�' � ,��, -: .Inat.ancs,'asthe free oarriageof mails, re. of the community do not vote for conscien- KITOR -does 'a t ft agree Thursday, the 5th, preached his anniversary wee , to at rept one of our young - I � THE Expo -a wag in .11 - :�:_ L 1� I mi -n 04 a I _; . - -, I � L -1 an � t th ad Oft on chi ge of assault on Ono of our aged and re- ( . I � ,L I _ �._ _A� other raitways, and anch like- th- umn� , Toronto W I - __ . . _: y . 44 � I': __ I , �: � .7 1 .� ,a �4� 1 tioue reasons. The Nventh Day AdIv i t- with.much'ths. appears in 0 a 0 16 w COI- sermon Sunday morning, giving a ropi L. - , f 1, I ductions in freigbta, running Powers for ists, the Lutherans tha� Brethren and the past year's work.- Although thie doctor Wd C*21Z 14 �_ �! � I .;It I of the orld, bat the' fallow-' . op 1.�� .- . 1. _.-, � � _,�_ f ,: L Ruf all thie ere take this ground. Why should the 0 has been so long Iiare, he is still 010#0 � c t 008, It is a pity our peaceful: I " � a .1 .. � � � se in disfranchised if they do not wish to v - be r to I i � % � - . � haa6een abandoned, the reer.klutiolys 7 iog o�ltlins-of the political situation An this the heart@ of his congregation than &ad law iding People should be so rudely I __ I- 11� .1 , ­ � ,o , at any tree, .- from � the in& k, and time- omo rough . - - , - , f� re,pently passed no ouch stipulA,t no are of them hoping � that he bev�r, and who are deserving of puni.9h,nent ir ,� , a 1; ! io - should a in'the past, all, 0, who ought to know o 1; - � �Ljl , I � POtoonal judgment and liberty ? Province is not so far �mld by a , . 1, i . - . Lf `� the proposed solution of existing di cul f , � i 4, I m4de.. The only- condition hi that the rail. sll�wed in some thing&,- and this is one. jof is in the, . .ties may be able to continue ior a great many to t a extreme extent of the law, ­ ­� '- r -_ , hem. � To ' compel men to go to th , , I right direction; In urging the ad- �eArs to come, ;This speaks well for him f - . � �, I , - �.. . I - k. �, : .1 I-, WhIs to be so generously aided ishal' � 16-y 6 Poll$ ' visability of an immediate appeal to the 4 as � I f - . I 4. 1� M __.____-;�- - - q Z ... � �, � woWd be found impracticable, such I the rising, generation, as a rule, want a 11L . -.- I - , e. P - 1� - I .. th ir roads with ateel railg, made -� could easily be evaded.!' An & lf'�w People, it Bay@ : , � " If Mr. Rose thi ke the , 1- - .1 + - - � _. t��.� , in Canada d if It was,not & people are with him Change oftener.-Mrs.'Curtie, who has bben � ! ort Albert.' � I �. !, if t�MY we pro,-nrabl . ' dead letter on the $bat I to book, i b � , there " his ch nee Asibing ,�her sisteri 'Mrs. Gracey, at Sb, ows, -Al ra. , ,7 � ."' bore, ' to , d . is I � I,- X ` euttable Id a obtain a working majority. , Let John Quaid, of St. Tho mm, -- : . I . 4i strongly resented as an. infringment o - hi. trust Marys, -lot the'p .. , - wou I __ �t - " p� . - ,� qu%lit,Y- Upon as favor4ble ter t r_ * ,�, __ � �-;il Me go they can I the people. If eithei I ast week, returned to town As v1piting friends hero. , 'ionsl liberty." I , Her acquaintances �' - " ��, �- J I . i I partyi obtains a de- last vvsek�-Mr. Dbbald, MoMillan, who re-�' of the past are glad to see herlookingso �� - - r - - - ��i be Pdrohased elsewh3re. This condition, it � ' I i W,II I have a tarned from Vancouver, a few weekG ago, well, - - q ,� _- � Now Chive ma ority, the Province �_. -%I- . I where is the argument in �all� 9 rest Mom Politics forfour years. _ ''I , I i thi� . I -Friday night was lively with par6iell, . :�­ � � - will be scan, does not mean very mwh, and It is simply a mass If I the re, has had s few a - _� - A 1 � � _ ­ I I erious attacks of hommor. so t�ere were three in the village. � I r .­ of assertion wftho� t a salt is another deadlock, an 'effort thuab -The boys - I a V, ­ ��-! � 11 , _1 It will not require any very great i#geauity � I �be hage of the lungai -biit we are glad to report did I not do a great deal of depredation Hal- , - . � - 14 -1 - �.. one word of argum : made to find a GovernmaDt that w0uld be :;� - ____ P e� _: � - � ent, to support ]it . . him better at present �-Mr. Taylor, of East 10, -, . . I I ,acceptable to all parties. ., 1. vr�'en, though the placing of Alf. Smale's - -, - it-, - I On the part of a r&ilway promoter oir a com- may 6e that in the discussion �t . The &rssites Wawanoeb, hAe purlased the It � � 11.1 1, �_ �7 - �_ 7 te i pany to avoid it � Whic� toqk i � - - I - - �, i -; 1. ,f I . E in Par � � _ _ that fas�,en upon it weak govofument' will be ocou d by Mr. Floody end in Ouse recen.tly �U�g the church shed might ]- %ve been , - , place ' not on tends moving rel -, - * I liament - .a good, o4 chaken off, and the Provime vffll ha;,,e & Dew in t� wn in the near future. ' ­ ­ -69. � __ , If we recollactarigh�, &leo, thera is a rlyejnby sonie little mimehief not quite so . � , . 1, - ". I j�'-� ,1. staTitial. argtiment waa aAvsn 1 -Mr. John sacr ligioue.-Mr. Goldberg is going to or. � L f'� ` It ­ _-, I - � - - "�� . . cad in lits be_ chande of vigorous life and growth." � Emigh, of the Oow'meraial hotel is- insking gsjii�_o a YOunf, PeoPle's. society in conneo. , � - �_, � � 5,-' � �. plank in the Reform platform,,, - - . , . I . - . . 1. adLGpte(I some I -1 . 0 - f - - � "I '-, . " halt" But that is' largely a in bter of ,. We are ' ' I , I . �_' h �- ,_ Years agPr at the great Otta ' I arrangemi-ats t3 build a new front to h vFj�i , . - I : V Wa coavention, 1. I afraid that our old frien , Ron, is tioni with 1,,,e, scopal churehhere, He - ­ I I - I Gpinio�n. Ift -argumentsinparlia lent hotel in the spring, which will bigagood was �assiste aday morning by W, B. 0 - - ,I- � - .' �, � L I he b Su __ _��­.Lt.�'�` _, ' '��' in opposition to, th* . �, , I I . - , , � ­ e granting of sabsidies In Israel J. Tarts, a once shi Ing ligh in the thing for the travellin � -- ­ � 1- , 0 - I g public. -Mr. L , _. - I Ito fayor were an % � � n I . � � ��'� -, ­ ; McNally returned home Saturday from a school ban beau presented with a large map : � 1 $ . - from the public treasury to any bat coloni- -vask is some oi those . Liberal party, is going ba'ok' L� Hawkins, who read botir leseone.-Our �� '-i , I , ' ­­ :i_ I � 1A . 1. againet it., they were weak indeed. ' � to his fltL!b love, , � '­�Z �, ' ' 'Z" - I ,� �jj_ � _i , _1, �­ zation rallwaye. and declarilk,gy the Bys ; - I., . jAnd �lf I very successful business trip in the west of Oanada by Mr. Holmes, X P. It Is a �. ­, - �_ the -- arguMents dn bo&h Tories, with whom he was associated i earlier I Mrs. McNally, who, has been vioitingher fine i map and will be of great beneSt to the N 3� tem to and is preparing to cast in ho lot v�ith the ' � _.­ �_,_ - - � -1 be, extravagant, we are to � judge of �- ,,� ,'--� I 9 � , �_ L ��' :' *Sfiteful, and conducive to I i L . LE -1 ',*­ - I man; of ma. I parents at Newbridge, . also reburned home, school, �_ t s _ .. I . � 1 forms of corruption. �, sides "n Parliament by�'thoqe;wa quot abole years. But w�en he became a � I ; i _,- --. , f - .. 2 al - ' - - - _; - PL .__� P,�ut this plank agains'tit I there can be, no d ubc'ag � ture judgment he left the Tory ca p and ' -Mr. Robt, i9lotin lef6 Monday to; take up M�'�RRTED. inlich local in. T. � . �,' -- , 0 . � . - '' � - _i! must have become 106t or - ' I t,b their -A wadding of _ �_, 4: -1 , r-lialaid, as in this weak' � I his second year's course at �ite Ontario Agri- tore k . � _� r � - �-1 Ross. But in the meantime w 11 the joined the Liberals, where � bt was celebrated on Wednesday, ()at, A f 4 _r� � � . I -11� - t�- -, instance thera is tv pratenae that the M,t. . 17 �ad ser- cultural College. -Mr. W , . - I I - ; I - I � � --f 2 vice for bis country as well at, for tho party J I ocdo, of LiBtowel 240, t th sidence of the bride's fatber , I . , New ill'ara pleam throw some light on the with. _ V a re . �, -4 i . , , �­ Z jority of the r&ilW&y4 t,g be aided are � . , was a vishor in town he past week, driving Mr.�!%Va. T. ardiner, of the 12th concessjon� ­ - 11 . . ,which he united. He was Eo 1$1 _- "­ �z -f for ` _,_. � � Y : from Listowel to Goderiell to look over the Ash ield, when his only daughter, Eva w ' I , .:­ �, eubje�t '? Will it , '� -, -:, � --17ation parposes in fact - is Is -advanced in the ranks of that party Ithat it - route Burve ­ I as - - N I - I CCL, , ex I W I - �� 3 0 - Many of I shcu!d- be Impr Z yed for the C. P R; lie seem d in the holy bonds of , ­ L�, 11 r 4- - _. � ­ QU w. - -1. �� at th 9 wiU be the route taken. - � � -, - - 6 Oldest and moBt at'Y Other, acd i -4nd, -,in the absence of �ie leader and chief, ` e men are at be 9th concea- : _-z Is in rot%4 th, actc rnore ; than seemed to have knocked him off his balance, l to think th i I � 1,', the.- pue t,h � able, ' "" . 'I �., 4X thei features it I Would t 7 I I � ; i po�uloua sectiong of Canada. Mr.,7P.obert E, Finlay, of t instrElmony to ,-. - .� , As an ex -, ` I , 1� (levc I - � .1 f,-�� � ­ --: am - 40pe that are �ot desirable. he undertook to run t�e whole &how- in his i putting in P. loca! present busy sion, The ceremony was performexl by Rev. , ! _-, I I ! sYstem, in Blyth and Mr. I Smith, B. A., pastor of the A�sbfield U �. it I . � � ple, we may rneatiOn the Mackenzie and I An"d ovill way. When Sir Wilfrid ret�rn d I Aaburn�-N,Jr. Walter McLean, who b . � it why should be ev4ded raore tha an called his wayward lieutenant t" a 11" I I � f.- 1� - o ; A 7 as ciredit, in the presence of a very large so. ." blann road to run from Toronto t) Sudbury, , I 0 account ; been teachirg in Ahe Vankeek Hill Iligh ' ..: t- ( other -taw oul the statnie boo�. � i for his Precociousnesso and, Mr. z - I I seml�,ly. The bride, who was given away by 7 . - 4 2, % distance of 265 milel�,- This road is among : t . Tarte, , e(.%,�ool for, the Pait two yeart-, bas r*-?oj9nr,d I .. I � to fudg ? ' Lban submit W proper and, no' I the Uri9c," recipients aul eve ' I So -f4r as we are able, �, rsthet' coseary-, hi3 PoFido:i an-] . L . bar 1ather, looked Charming in a dainti ry ruile (it it � , a, bhore a] e 4restralot, -withdrew from -ntOndS 8'114ffig for the ' drea-� of white ailk, and. carried a ouclaet, of . 7 juit Awo Points raised by tile N - P'nment, ' miristry.-Mrs. Proctor, who has beon visit. fbridO rdeieB. The ceremony was performed - . I I -I I the G6ve b I - - I I I a* Er and he has now, practicaliy, witIl 1. ! � P I drawn � ing relatioue in To�opto and Halton county ! � � I I . I . � I I I i I � - undor vin arch of myrtle, with a back. , � � I � � . I T . I x I : I I . i �. . � � I r. I � . ) I . - r - � . ; --- I I I � . ; ?_ . . I � � . � i I I ... I I � � I . I I I 11 r ! I I : � I � . I . I I ,� ; I . i � . I I - a , � I 1�' It , , '_ , .-. ( ' . ,Jei A I t I a I a � -i _ e 'I , I " 12 1 1 � h t aii I ) I , I # Z , I I . A ) . 1: . ; 1� i __ - � � I . I - ­ 4 ; , : . ..... -_ I I � I . - . . . I � I ; . : . I - � . . - � . I I . � i I . I � I I !_ . I . � � I : I . � � . - I � . I I I . I I . - I 11 � � . 1 1 i I . I t�_� . ; I � I ! I : . . � I - . . C�_ - - I - - . . � . ; I I I . � ,; ­_ _"a-iL�­­­ 1-1_ - � . � I I � I ! � I I I I � I . . � 1_­-2�6�____ — - 00" ��7, �­� -- 177r- -�­ 7_­_­__­­­� � - ­­ - ; I . � . �: - ii: . . . - I I I I I ; .I,; I I : I � I 1i F -77 4 I � i , _ f �,,� . .1; � I " I I - - . I �� . � - .1 I - - e I' . . .; - -i I I il I � NOVEMBER 6.1903 . ­ �_ I __ ­ — —_ -_ —_ - I . I , L ,_-7—"t [no I SEAFORTH#S LEADING SHOE STORE Im- I . [my . � ily, ,_1A Store Filled with , i Ck - id IF I y Sthasonabie Footwearts ill# . . i-fi-fil-f. __ e_.1_1-__* ­*__V__*_ in- A, - A41.4-;W,W to A cai ual elauce into our deore at- present -virill TP,Veal to y � F& , - ou the fact that every , y . vailable foot of space, .'every shelf and table is filled with - seasonatne foot. i ief ear, - We were never in better sbape �0 serve your interest..j. me Out im- J. � 4 ense stock bas been selected with the grej%test carp., 1)othing in the way Ir. f Worthy footwear having been overlooked. The old .sayin ',( GO , 'T, 0 06 of ell Vought are half sold," never applied imare appropriately to our stoe,k DW � han at present. Values were never better -and priee8_ never morp- reap I golt. ble than now. A complete stock of fall aml wintei footwear at your I - ,.rx"P.n . .1 _W� - li . . - I - I - - - - , - : i 11 .. . � ­ . . r � -_ -# Ir F I j%TON � _t:_ ,7 � �N , � ... i � ���� .1 7 Low.Ratfx , , . Until No-vember . , I WM iffme.tiekata �34 .� I - lia Montana. -C-Aut . I I Web �0610 1 s1tau Bri. - � . for via .- calls an of 3), 'MeDone-d� M! I troroetvp for -full ini uss FOR M %vN'S WEAR. -Leather -Leggings, felt lined Show, lf)ng leatber Be I I to- er Boots, stub proof rjubbers, Kant Krack Rubbers, plow ,ots, long rub. �er . r1hoea in kip, grain -or , split leather, fine rubbera to fit --any shoe. . I . . . m, FOR WOMEN`$ WEAR. -Felt lined shoes, rubbers and over-ehoes,' felt abOas and slip. ng I- pers. long rub4er boots. pebble, glove grain and calf grain weiariLg shoes, I � ng FOR BOYS' AND GIRLS' WEAR. -Serviceable school shoes, leggings, good rubbere, , Fa . rubber boots. � in I A�e-Y ur money back if you wanb it. � - , I . . . +4 I 1 i 1 4 1 ++-10-1 f 1 i I F f f la . . . � I te I .8 WILLIS & SOR, Seaforth .' "ll . I Selling annts for Stub Proof and Kant Krack Rubbers ' 11- In I 0 - - � , - ___ Is- - -_ . — . - __ � . � _____ _"Twl"Moft id grou of ferns, and the wedding march years. -Our band I intiand ' I . , . 9 ving their be was layed by hire. Jack Ferguson, cousin promised concert on Saturday' evenin ,1h of uh bride. A reception followed the core- this week in Miller,s ,g Of ­_ J. moo , : I The presents wire numerous and dition opera bull, and in ad. I ; I , to the @elections th�y` will give have I : b8AU iful, 64 well " useful, among them be- secured the services of the Gauthier Xuddi. , i, , 11, ing I gold watch and chain for r,he groom, son Company, which- in very highly spoken . b : from his grmudfather, Mr. Roberb HarTison, of. There should be a good turnout to aid . t, of P terboro. The bride's travelling dreris the boyfi.-Miss willisms. of j_1it,,l1.el) Is I a- was f brown eilk, with bat to' match. I the guest of Mrs. George Trott. -At sua'd. I � . � joarned meeting Of the Carriage company,, � I Tuckersmith.. I held in Killeen opera hall, on Tueaday . evening last, the fell - : D 0 Bff-LS AT WooDnALL.—The owing appointnieuk � g fWa' go Brown - rctf,4 � � President, Geor r. mav Mims Grace McGregor, third w"" - �d and vice-president, George M,CEWen, X I : - youngest daughter -of Mr. and Mrs. F. .- Dais ; - I I an McGregor, to Mr.Robert J. Cooper treasurer, & �_ � 'a took�, ' Brandt ; director, John C. Wood, An. - place an .11 o'clock a. in., on 'Wednes- I � 16 day 145t, ab Woodhall, the beautiful home other meeting will be held in the near fut. 7 1 r. f th' b id Is par6nts, At the appointed are, to make final arrangements as to the � , i -v 0 ' rl le purchase of property, etc. -On merchant , bour,� bhe guests, being cbmfortably arrang- I r ,4 14, W are d1opfaying fine winte - I di 'th4 ,rIor, Miss Evelyn Horton an- r stocks. -Saturday ' i el in &ia coming of the 11- . nt�un d bride andigroom. .evening last , Hallowe'an, was observed IT I d th tj some of our boys, 'when the common prankti wit thair attendants' by the rendering of al of removink gates, sign 12 Wy � an's wedding bells march. After zhe . a and elevating hug- � �r b id L t 'marshalled themselves under a , glear, etc,, -was resorted to. -Mr. I ri ar.y � iff, j, M,O- . . I - I Donelt IsAly. made a shipmbrib of fine cat_ is bean Vully decorated arch, with floral back- Pf gr d, the marriage service was ably Con- tie _­�The Canadian Order of Forestors in. 0 duet id by Rev. M, 0, MoLounan,of Kippen. tend holding anniversary church services on V .An a rarybody said, the bride looked charm- -Sabbath, November 22nd, when Rev. Dr.' . � 11 , . sfin inadressof white silk and holding's Meddwill preach a speciateermoa at the i -, b i)g Ll txqietofwhite oamationo, She wasat- morning service, at 11 o,clock, �on whichAoc. '4 tax � idi d by -Mist Nellie Cooper, sister of the Ciaoton the members will attend in a body' - ' - gr I oor6,,who was aleo beautifully dressed' in -On Fridfiv- evening last-, Miss Jennie. Me-- . whit� silk ; while Mr. John McGregor, i CLOY very pleasantly entertsined the 'm.om- , brotlier of the bride, performed a like oar- I bers of the Kippen Presbyterian churck 3 choir ab bar home here. -Mr. Wm. Chap- , vice for the groom. The ceremony over and I 1 3 cong�abulatioris offored, dinner was nerved,, man, or., reports having bad a very pleas- # � covlei�s being laid for over seventy guests. ant three weeks visit recently with relatives After' partaking of an excellent feast, the I and friends in Caledonia .and viciuity�-A youn couple. a0compamed by a number of large amount of shipping � is being done at k our railway st� theirtfriends, drove -i to Sedorth, where Mr. ation, and t�e want - of room - - modation' .are f�lt-_On - Mond I and 44ra. Cooper boarded the ir�mln for Tor and accorn � I , ay � onto land other pointv. On returning, the evening last, Rev. (Dr ) Al-edd gave his promised lecture, on " The � . I hand ome young groom, who is a son of the Potency of the sub-conocioui,11 in the hodist - church, brid , settle down to the sterner realities of ,endance was very ; late mines Cooper, will, with his Young THe att Met I � good.. notwith- . life On his fine farm on the London road, standing the fact that there was -% concerl, - � I in the hall the same evening, , The rever. near Kippen The bride, on this occasion, � was Qde tlia recipient of many valuable end gentleman fully sustained his reputation � and useful presents, testifying to the high as an able lecturer, who had ,given I 'I his sc,bjeeb d and- careful study. eatetainwhieb she is held in th3 com- The lecture, Weep ' I - muniby. . hi,oh was necessarily of a thoughtful rather than A humorous charae- I flensaft. t6r, wag very pleasantly enlivenEd by txcel� � efit music from .the church - choir and by Gladman & Stanbury, barristers, st,'Han- MisslGodwin, of Exeter,- who is viell known all Tuesday, Thurs"y and Saturdays. M62-tf as an elocutionist, and who on this occasion Shops For Sale. -The Hen I sall. foundry delighted her audience with both humoroug; and machine shops with the is do belonging to the same for sale cheap. For n and pathetic, selections. Dr. Maediarmia partilenlars ,sppiy -to Robo4 Bell, Seaforth.- , 1603-tf- acted as �Chsirman.-Mrs, J. RaoMart1n,,df , Sovereign Bank of Canada; head office, London, has been spending -the past week Toronto ; executive Office, Montreal. A branch of with bar M�other, Mrs. R. Bonthroti, ana this bank has been opened at Iteasaij. Your patron� her grandmother, Mrs. Jame I a White.-Thd age is,�ofidited. Iohu Alacarthur, unanager. Scottish Cou'loart Company, under the aua- -- . I 1864-tf pices of Carruel church. choir, gave a -splen- G. J. Sutherland has had placed in his did entertainment on Monday -�evenipg last, . hands. -for sale that nest frame dwelliur, with good , ,kitche , oellar and foundation and all-mGdern im- in Miller's opera house. The i music, both prove onto convenience@ and nice garden, op� vocal and instramentul, as the . name wouN osito'Pa rson's FUning Mill, on London Road. iin-plyi-were-of a Scotch ohamcher,fand- was Ill b sold cheap or rented. Apply at the - offlee, He -post very much enjoyed, as were th� moving plo- 1870 if I tures. which were very much enjoyed by a4l. Mr. G. X Copeland has opened an up -to The attendance was large, a 16ough' there date imusic st,ore, in Beverley's block and bas a oplen- " lid line of pianos, organs and smaller.mu,neaj instru- was. another entertainment here the same (11 wentg and sheet and o0ok music. Aleo best sewing evening. The ladies of the choir,to whom maebineg and is prepared to sell or exchange likstru- much of the ,,success, so to large attendance'. ments on the most favorable ternis and lowest prices. W Oall and be convinced. 1873-2 as due, acted as imhers"and did their part I well. The choir sie to be cangrotulated on . 1 BRUPS. -Many of our re3ders will be glad the very good and enecessfal concert gi-ven.- to heaw of the success and advancement of Miss E. A. MoTaggart, 'daughter of Mr. H. Mr. Wilson 0. Wood,. formerly of the 2nd N. MeTaggart, who was wall known as a concession of Tu3kersmith.. Mr. Wood, I I who has been a merchant and post master at Chigelhurst;, mployed an book-keelper for but now of Rene&]], has vecared the patent � I the,'Guruey FADundr,7 Company, of Toronto, right for Canada for ber invention, -an st- � in their larg6 stove tind hardware establish- taoliment fcr frying pan* in order t6 --pre- : . ment at LOLd,it, has rocnitly been a Oint- - vent the contents from spilling on the atovv. i., ad manager of The butijaoo4. Mr. Wood's 111,111, many friends will be pleased to learn of his She bas also made application ior a patent adviincement.-Mr. WiNiam Kyle, of Dixie, for the United States, and exwus very : township of Hay, who isr- a progressive coon to secura it, which will affDrd a large . � farmer, hos parchaged from Mr. John Gran� 4erritory for the sale of, as it is termed "' a I , ger the 25 acres opposite his farm. We be- .boom to bou�ewijoa," I This io'�ertiinfy �ery lieve Mr. Granger intends moving into Hen_ enterprising on Mirs McTaggarVs part - Hall' in the near future. -Mr. and Mrs. IT. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougall have re - Phillips and family, turned from Tcironto, where they had been - of Belleville, were here called owing to the &athblthoir son -in- law during the past wpek visiting Mr. and Mre. B. S. Phillips, of Hay. M Mr. Hugh Glen. They have decided to re-# . been most beautiful - he weather has turn very shortly to TO&i1to and remp-in and sammerlike during there with hirs. Mc'Dongsts daughter Mwis I ' - the pabt week and our farmers have been papVle, and tha chjld�mn Of Mr. Vlevi, liatil makio,g the 'best We of it. -Rev. Mr. Cook, spri%-Mr. Bernard Thomson, who a one I of Smith's Fall#, will occupy the pulpit of - Carmel Proebyterian church* for the two of the early and respeotGd residtnte of our . village, was on Tuesday afternoon last bap- � coming S_Abatb s. --Trade is samewhat quiet pity united in marriage by, the Rev. Mr. in our,village owing to the farmers all being Mo(4illivr". nn busy. -Mr. Duncan F. McHwen. son of Mr. that ,,ty Y-- 0' I -011don, to Mrs. Du , of . ,, who ii very highly,, reopectad .. John McEwel], whose farm adjoine our vil- The hanny couple were met at the atiati * . on 9 .age, is home froy-n ilia famous Yukon on a here VhT same evening And ,w,dre driven to �'Oit- Mm Mclf,w8u io one of the Canadians the groom's home, where a number of rela- � tvho have- been most successful there, He ti )as by3en actively eng v4 and immediate friandc -iad met -to wel- get come them and extend hearty congratala- Fery6munerativepiy. He intends attend - ng a school of scjc_n�v, W still further per- tions. Aftor a sumptuona repast, ,the even- . act bimself in that fiDe.-Nir. f,, 0. petty Ing was very pleasantly I'pa-ut in sooiaI in- . - ia@, purchased a i teroourse. We unite wl.th the MS12Y friends a , nice pony and outfit for of the happy couple in Wishing them long mily use. -Mr. J. X MoDonell, who is, and contivivad happiness tbmaghIifo.__;Yuri* ,nd haO bee;0, in -Scotland for the past D� Urquhart, -of Toronto, is v.i'siting ber ouple of mooth,, has been remembering his daughter Mrs. David Shirray.-Mr, Hawk- Licadfi here by fiending them some heather. tihaw, c, F Exeter, was in the village �on Sab- le is feeling greatly bonefitted in health bath spenitug a few hours with his damyh. , i nd reports himself as more thail enjoying ters, Mre. F. C. McDonell and Mise Hai57k- _� Id country life and boapit),lity.-Tbe many Is Wa W. - ,ien&i of Miss Mlittie Kydd, of Winnipeg, _____ � ­ lanitob.�, were pleased to see her heraZ� -P,'. Pauli 'li;i_elsv;g_��_d­of hia farm at abbath last, at��er an al),3ence of many Warbburg E;o Fred Harloff, for $6,800, ===========Z—._= ,----- .L . . __ - * . - , 0 � fpe3�_00 tbin_ I - � .. � i - I -AT A RACRIFICE, I . 1'"Wiff-ft I I r i � - . - � _____ ____ f � . � __A_AAA I I � . - We bdugU a portion of. thti stock of one Of the leading clothin,, housAs.oj inada that, falled last month, dn4d pass it Dn to you at. ?� � . � . - . - I . I OnC-thllrd Less Regular Price. I , � L. , .- - , D man who values his hard earned (Iollar, (lare, miss this sale, For t.hp next FURTY DAYS we will giVe you values that you eannr,* get out.-ide of our 11 . b ne by � 33j- per cent, . . i � . . � . 2 RAglanette Overcoats --sale price $9 ; $10 Overzoats—Z � .4 ale . I price 66' $8 Suits --Sale price ,,;'5; a 8175 Boys" SUW— . 7 � : I I sale price $1.50. . : # i . 3P�OU Ca�rtot afford to mib:3 this ,sale of Olothing� - I I I I I . . I I i 4 +_rN . . I I � Be B* G`U N N S eafo rt h 9 - M I i : ; - I � I 1-. I I I I I � , � I I I ! . *,. , . I - , . I i � ; __ . - � . I � . __ � .1 � ; I � I : � . I - * I � -1 ­_ - I � , : - I - � I * . I . _­ , � �, - , ;1 I I ­ 1 1_��_ - . I , - - . I � � .- - _� - � - I : _ - -1 I � I Ao� --! " � '_ � __ J � WEI I I , ,W1 Ifteal,(r.tw), .SUt��, 0"i Wr trmL-ei- - - reas per ttah4A - - _ - '...joyp-or busbon-_ - f;u0er,.WM L!c0se-_ I �tukwll tub� ­ - __ - doz- - ___ � F1W , �; F., per 1W be - - - __ - � I 7V Ion ne V - - - I ! . Mr � Nfj - * 140 P,1- - - . Shoop 9U484.-."-_- 1 Wt4_­___ - __ - . . $ 2K ,( ,�� pffOOD" r -'r IZ , NA fre"(1) p -,g bkr.�_! I ,Wsod Im, bord 0*rg;, , � _ W_,Vd,por cord Jahort, ! AVVU* par bs4f-.,. - - . movor sew- ­ ... ­.: , I -eed - . Tuadf6y a . _ - __ _ rwk, -per 109 Z"I - v 4 - tivoil� per 11�> - - - - - . . I DairV I Mo,'iTRL�,11,, NO-) hX1, 00100w, .)�!,� . . Montreal lim,-4. it.': - townshipe, P',"- - � Butter—T;ow;ibt,-,�Pf,�. bee� 20hic'; wepterr TORO-qT0 "T � , ,k\,(,)Vc1 . �Con4ltionft continue The � receipts are'l I � ,of Jairy butters tib I � 0entage of poor ta' 4waged. Creamer, . 19 t4 "--- ; Choice 190 ; 'good to tbai . mealum. dairy. 14 ,14-.� Che,eve- -. - steady. TO= oie and large at I 11c. : lag's ax J trade, is � off the,eggs coming very much variod. 22C, per dozen to .gathered ; 1&_-Ior � � for limed. , � I — , - Tono-.*-To. 21"Ove not mueh offiezing, ling, home millers a, coming out of the , -a good demand, a ,,So fo,, , 1�1* 2 . _ , . jr, -isle mida .1 � , I for NO.' 2 east. - for No. *2 e-ast. I at 92-e for No. I 111 ,ern, and S31e for "I I Bay po--tal avd'63 , I IM&A-14 Atead � and $0,50to $14 X mU(ne,f i hts M reig - at 9-20 'for cmar,�s *! � aseks inchided, asaier �,n H-AY—T-8 , bere are quoted -a per ton. Band St i . ing forward, but i . . tationa are uneh lots on the track - . - .__ — . - To*kN�To, , , 1, tontinue zoaree, steady to ffirm. -1 atr55to 606 for I'll. and 65 to 75c for c �� S-01 -find,-'as there --i over fib -m Saturdt �_, tends towards esa _h -light, And althou� . . � ,od `rice % r conot iA4 � - Ge"a are quoted I vhic)�qens at.'! to 8� I _turk4ya ,at 10 to , -' , ,ogering -at -6 to 71a � : . . --- :_ Tor.,(INT% No pale at Waiter B I I at 10ronto. w4o a whichutually A . ha�:ving apparent] . Prices were rea I I � I good g-eneral "D . horoo, i old at S.1; � � horses of the sUr I - rrei,ty grod sad some common$ a _ I I Liv -18 �k I L LoN.-Do-.-i. . gug states lea%001�4110, I I _. - - Trade _41oi - I W� � _14mi"IN 4�d to 444 -1 n -u � -MONTAXALONO . t'he Haetera Abli slow to -day. on -Recelpts amon which were of fw them,was:%low-, it unsold. Prices t buteberal, 31 to, 1 21- to 3-�c ; Comm *1 T ra amoubta b mos* on zood, ana ov, --,*' 41tock solil at $2.1 Laimbs-Rweeiwu bead, tbo*e 4 Is Eheep brought fr( 4 Imlibe selling �at deumud waa gooc amouuted t -j 460 Alww, azd price porpouu& , 13U1 FALO., ]K*Vf 1 t,n 25-- ]ower- ; pri ahipping, ,14.65 to $L85 ; heliferb to 3&51) ; 1;ulls, I fee"ro, $12 � 5_9 to i i -S-3 ; good froth ,!� good to vbolce� vw-)d, ,Q30 to ,';C veale-fiveadyl a —Active ,- Vwr*4 100 bight -r -, bea; �,5�30 to V,).40 ; pigs, $5. 10 to $5. *tA9s1:1Q3.75U ,I 1�5, 1 0 t o ,15,5. 2 V. ulow ; lambe j 15-3.3 ; few at$5 " U-45 tia �4 1, a Inixed, �Sl.50 VJ . Tbm-�NTo, X -ere-Ber-t loade ptr owt ; a � to $4 Pe ... r ew, Tablity bullo medium bulle per ewt, V131-XqT")10A � vrortb `53.414 - , cottle-elhoice icattle, weighin pounds ralah, eq � *Xparters, are ioad- of good h , i Cwt ; fair to go 1 le -3 per -wt -11 r- $2.65. Feeder--�. W,eighirqg fron I � - ,�l to 4, "': st S -1t-. �;� � � . for tl,- 11 M- Ae Ulau a *1 per cwt. S.'tfjs_� I --ld steers, 'vv- vwIth ,Q!2_75 �� and of pw,r i- wpajf* t, 14 - IS are W, - � Milch Vowa_--z Worth from --Q ':alveb 4are WC1X__ $4. 10 t,) 18�:' ,.. it z - to 1.5',3.50 pert.- : : � � � Mk:- �---1111 I"