HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-11-06, Page 3boil
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, - L NOVEMBER 6,,'1903 . . . : 1.
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- 1"`� ', .-- .. I � �.�, � : - 9% ,j .
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* A�Ajt of Rougswille xararmRtlon of se ; rVA" , *1�- ,. I
. .
�__ atThIs or Any Othor Sp3qVil. : .
.1; 1. . . - I
Ths knoWl6d90 of the wza of Atains atia � - - I .
y#tnishes and huw to poliih and c1ran -1 I �� ... - .
farrilture Is invaluable to an;' coomomical I -
liousakwper, who can oaAfy, with, the .V1 . - fl___- -A1 -1A0_11
. � help of an � intoll1gant,tusidt keep her ; � � �
� Aoilso olean oud bright jind freshen it up i L�- j,
. . , ,
. - when nt-ed be, withouc"dallfrig to the hid . -1� , 0�
- of Wn Vv",�(VbAv" WOrkilifin, Formerly .. . . �
- .
.. . - ,,, � � .
�� -
I stains wv�ro confitned to tho colorij nearly The .- sa' , . n.. of - h alVing L itite
rvsPm.,)ttvg namma wnoa%t, but of late. I .. . - � .;
oolvrq ftr,,,, usorl-graniza, lituea, rAds anti washing,'-d6ne a
, - ;.e , , fly -in , the day,
' . � -
. . . I yellaw-whiah partake In no sonso at thq- , -do .
� . and well -ne,j
naturn of ratat, �,hnt ara Frta,n -, purt) and . � - . belongs to eV'ery
situplo, showing ttie 'grair, ttf tha wtiod. - user of,Sunlikhf, so�p. _i Ion A . .
� Ttw ntont faslfinnahlti, staj�tj at ptemut. -1. . I � --rl
for enttage furniture ig gteekni not it jagv �
I greent 60 good, ()11.1 filisthloned regular The 8 ' rot ;
, afo h-1 .
Crown whichwhen robb id well into the 7 i . � �
� . ; . I ; :
I f– : .
. I � . !
. .
pa", of the vrend and Own patfshod Is - . - L. ; ! . . ;
- really Nmutiful. The two traligoareal . . !
I I i
colors� Pornsidan bInq and raw Sienna, Tea' 8 ote, , . .
. I
I make. WhOu WIXOd together, an excellent . . � I
, �Xrceu, or If it brighter tint Is d(!sirud, �till 16448-ju Blaak Greenra Japan Ts".
,Xamboge and Prusplan blue.- A vory 8616dat black id ibixe Tess land Ar.
� little of the lattnr-goes a 'great way, an olus black and imixed Teas, I alsO load
10 in altogether the�; MR0 powerful color I in all the best Zffesp , ��40 iugars fil , all
. , the, diffen - . ffli I
- , , I
knovrn . and ceirt' enb kinda., granulated
. . plefr;ly overoomes tmy � 0 0
otbor pfgment-..�f- mixell In equal pro- do wu to:, the very - � '""t. - Maple
,, �
� - -
, portlonx, Tu�stil7ntag, It -should be barns . syrup 25o a q iort, ' t Anchoi and
I .
I � IV mind thEVt tt, I$q 1130r, Pitint, but staint Golden a yrup, mo gall n tie of syrup
and Oat a very, 11418 sho' ; a for $1.00, also skin ol"845, pork.,
poiand being rmfliciant to stal . ", , Wb a, - and retail,,
. n (t whole � lo6g olear boa,
set of furniture. , � . - soaoked� barnfi, ihoked backs, bolougna
. I ,
, I
T -O get 6 good color the wood must be � - 4�'usag;, lunch bacon, earn boot,; best
110k Oak, yellow, or white pine, `znaple, puts 1ard, bitter and egg#,. &III at,
. ,
any ofthexe aro sultableo "d the more the lowest * a.' . � .! I
-at of . i , corn -meal, bran, sbor6,
gntned the better-, the Piero oV4 We have also, 10rul
bird'a-eye maple, the heavy markinge of q4tweal, roll Wheat, T"on's tolled
- oak and tht* P10%nrvoqq9 knot r,.o often_ ohtsp banner o.tfso oresm, of wheat�'qus-
. ., wn in ytllaw pine, a . It coming out . ker oats, I mh�tsi Vitaeo Vim, Froncla
particularly well through thmtranslitcaut flakes, ore�m 40dam and all kinds of
color. . . fancy biscuits, 1 Fraps unts, awbe: food,
- . ,-' grabam wafers� in two pouind tf vs, � pure
rob, best way to apply .stain and bring
a t � .
� out -the grain of the wood Is to put it on I hr now- honey. I '
I ,,Vs & few boxes �of very flue raisins to sell
� i' quite thiak and then ruh it off with it at wholesale 'prices, - I have a: very
i I � I 11fien or eatton: rair, and. it to sbjfoIut�,Iy I :
� � arge #took of fresh groceries of all kinds,
il I movessary that the wood f be in Its
z a.; iliould
� _1 dr- which will be wId at very dlose prices,
-14: natural condition without paint or v I A good assortnb,enb of chins,' crook
. � 07 R( .
7 migh. - -nding a spocial order ta the oryo
I � 3d �Iavxwaro' fill of which will be sold
� I manufarturer" It is easy to get eots of 6' eekp ;, I
I N farnitare without either; but if it is ob f I I . I
* I have a lot df very clean, home grown tim-
an apon plece that Is to be renovated It othy seeA for fall sewing and guarantee
I must. be thoroughy noraped. After stain- -
= it tl be �!San, 1' :
I Ing, a of),at of hard off finish YaA,v be 1) t ; ;
i �
- applied as; a, 1111m and then, after it is anied ; , h butter and eggs, for !which
I ett m6rket price Will b i I i
� dry, It should ba robbed all over with the. hlg� " , 8 PSI( JU
- rade.� ;
� the prepared bvvswax� thitt comes IT% O%ns A 0"li Or'k' of all ofzee of frnit jars"M the
I for floors, - and then-rubbe'd with a flannel lar8e st� is * �
' Malt, cider, whitd wine
cloth until it 1.4 quite shiny and hrl'ght, . ..01
r�,'n-gdho'I'a'eird vine,
After tbe wax is rabbed on It 4hould be gar. Salt by the -bat.
. andl . i I
- ,
M allowed ta' harden Lefore polishing it, " 0 "a' �
IPrussian bluo alone makes a very pretty " � -
yeacoolk blue stain, raw sitaim a yellow 11 I
, -3 L %.A M1 8 T
� J ,or, orange, according to the atnourii - W 1W ' "r LAP"
lor Ulan, crimson laie a IoVely MCI, LN 0 0 A'%%j
burnt gjanna an almost exact imitation � I
1, of new mahogany. .Alt. thesa are wbat ! 11
,� ate called transparent colorg, and are, 8'_ E Al"', 0 R T H I A .
� 0 � �,, therefore, eapsalally adapted for stains; . �, I .
I - 11 -_
I ) but even opaque colors, If put. on thin . T�
. enough to sho w_ the grain In 'the wood, M I L BV I 14%,N"S 1:
produce sometimes xery pretty effects. I I
Vhftw on certain woods bar, a raillcy � I - I 1;':,!11 , i�1�'l �
1 I I I
opaleFflue coloring that to very harmoni- - : 111 1, 0 ; I .
- �
onfi , with delicate chinczes. , Light b1ne, aw I 11 . 1111 , 11111�i L -
-AL,,! : _
- __
. —_ __ I -
canary yellow, apple green and -pink all Iowa Z I
ruay be used an svoodworIc as stains if � I I i . . I
�. applied in the way that house pointers � L I f
CA Ara a combination )f the active principles ri,
I call primin-9, ,-that Is, onet coat Of the most valuable i eg6tafble rembilles.for I.' I Is-
� "Int put oa so thin that it ows the eases anddle6rdera )f the U'ver, stonlach and
� I
- � I I �
- .
� znark!.-1gq off the, wo,rd beneath. IlGeorgis BOwelr = ''
- . I
V'ne I(joks particularly well whbu treated . darprArmw- .
In tilis way, I
. .
41L Wise Office J10y.
- -I'M11140POW,
Th(�re camea ta� the office boy a time . I �
. i
I when be begins to worry about tho , Sick ,-Fle-adAche JaumdIce, 15part-
� burn, C&turil"it-ho stomacb, Vizzi- �
affairs of the concern that oniplqys him. n*oa, Blotches and Flin � pl3q., .
- He Is a creature of , extromes. He is , � � I ,
eltb& W.,listling like; a hysteiical calliope _A"W&�_�
� If - 11
. _,��U-." I
� orba, answeraonlyin gruff mouriaylla- - 1,-, � � - 1. �
bleg. He is either rushing with cyo)onio . I i
swiftness or lag � _%
gtng vrith feet of leacl.
Ilig attire suddenly iarlee from the most . � j I- .I,. I
neglige to rigid faebionablenesi. It Is '0 ' -0 tnach, Watop
not surprWrig that this creature of moods Dyop h,PgL',',*.,7,,S'IoCu,,',".',91t.il,'.Y,,, eauow 0V
d C P,
Mud �Oxlan. , ..
shoTild at some. point in his career emerge I - . .
1 4 �
from serene hpathy coDcarning the affairs � - .
. .
of the estaplinbment into a condition
I of brain- wrecking solicitude. I
� "I can't help wInkin" about itj,'. the . I .
� -
. young man vf 14 or 15 was -saving- - '
. -
. "they ain't running the affisirs of dl� Evreiten the bi�tath- ind clear ajvs7 all waste
I and polsonoxis junittter ft M the flystern. .
-1 place right. " , . Price 2sc, a hottleofb or$'l,no, Aildralers
1; 11
I,. - :" You can't do nothin' ter make it or Tim T. X#xWw Gc�,, Liimite4,,,ToroXit,Q,
differept. 1 0116 : I . Z" �_ -
: .
"Tm tink-in' very emphatic dl�out,zeet- i �
in an' Interview with de boss 4n' givin' %V1!1r_" 114
, - . - mor�
_7� him gome tips on haw ter run d6 b14 " I I .
� - -
At "'Wot's do use o' klaidn'. You ain't ____ - M__ I
paid far thinkin"." . I
"'Pat-, shows yer short-sighted ness. - 7 =_ I
Ain't I got no interests ter pertact'r, . . - I
"Youse ain't no i4tockholder. " . 0% I , I . I
. "Jos." As same it makes me nerrons ter .3rand Trunk' ,:,Raime I
ses do way dig Ving in allowed 'ter go - - System., -
'long. An' I'm go�n` ter go before de �
— .
prez a' dis here co�)npany an' . tell 'Im a - Railway Time Table. I I
lot fur its good." . . Trains leave Seafortb As follows : I
'I'Vot's domatter wit' inindim' yer own 9.20 a, M. For Olintoili, Goderiob Wingba -and
affairs an' enjoyin' lifel," /.. Klncardine� M
. 941 ain't no flyautfiropist, but I can't 12,40 p, m. For Clintoii and Goderieb. . �
set by an' watch things go. ter ruin. 6.15 P- m. For Clinton, Wirghom and Kincsr-
"A . dine. ,
Sposen I go on in allence.an' lot do boss io,m p m. For Onion and Doderich.
wreck de bull concern'," 7,ba a. -,�, For Stratford,— Ouelph, Toronto,
- North Bay and points west ;
� 11 I
l Orillial.
a �Sposon ye does."
i Balle
. viUe Faid Peterboro and points
I -Well, den whut becomes - o' my tree east. I
� dollara an' a half a weekir" -Waiihin gton 3.37 p. w. For Stratford Guolph, Toronto, Mon -
� A and joi66 enot. -
� f3tar. tres
I -, __ — - - _ - . . .- 4.40 p. m. , For Stratford, Giielph and Toronto.
� I i
i - An Invalf(I's N Ight Dress. - , ---
I 0 .
; .�
I The difficulty of ehanging a ni,-bt- Paimemton and Kine-ardine.
- dress whon & sick person is too feeble to GOING NORTH. P400. Mixed. Mixed
. .
i Aid the proce&s is a prablem, the sufferer Primersion.. _... - 7.30 p.m. 12.20 p.m 8.46 a. m
� ]Ethel - .. .. - .: .... 8.01 , 1.07 9.40
� being -often quite exhausted by the effort -
" Brussels.. - .. - - - - 8.17 1.10 10.00
Experlance of this has taught,, me that a Eqi1evale ...... .... s.27 ' 1.80 10.20
� design for a nikht-dress that would slip Wingh=.. .. .. .. 8,89 I I 1.35 10.80
- *Paso. Mixed. Pass.
� �, on without strain or' difficulty would be Gome SouTn. � �
I- ' 6 50 &-in 9 a.m. f 8.05 p.m
, a boon and a blessing. The shaplest - .. .. .. .
� I 7311u= I.... 7.92 - 9,17 8.18
o way is to make it to button all the way
I ** I
� , . .
� I Bruwels_. ..0A .. 7.0 10.00 826
� -
1 1 dayrn from neck to hem. Etbol. -:� .... .. �8 10.15 8.36 -
� - One of these Is of longoloch, trimmed r,jlme;Ww. �.... i 8.20 11.80 - 4-20
. I
i I with Insertion and embroidery, the yoke . I .0 . I
� I I � -
i of alterzate tuoka and insertion. Unpens London, Hu±on and Bruce.
i all. the way to tho feet, the buttons being 3wo NosTE-4 � ftweDger.
4 1
. concealed by the trimming, but If liked London 'd%Art-l'-_�._.. 8.16 A.M. 6.50 ?AA
�� .
I .
� � 9.18 5166
I I the trimming may conse In the ordinary centrW6... - #.__....
- Exeter- _ - 9.80 6,07
� . wA,V a ItUl'o below 011'. waist a neat false I I 11ansall - .. - _�_ - -, - 0144 6,18
: "�. �_
-, he,m, worked with buttonholes, carrying filmn_� .. , I :0160 , 0126 �
* -
L .
� .
z down $be nwenhary opening to the feet, 'UMMftldV**$4..A_***#*V, � 9168 oleo
� - I clinion-.W - 40PO'N , "110 albb
3 For mtjob a garniant- about four or give IM440GO - -",so 7112
� _. .1. - - .
�� yarda of longs-ftth will I,— required, four Blyib__ __#P�.,*,4#._#* 10,80 7120
I z
f Mo of Inse I
Anna half YnA 'rtlon arld n1no nalgrave.-., __ ___ 10,00 71",
4 m4otm rwxiv*_*,� " 12,00 7,156,
� i yard# of enilvoldered edging, If this 10
, I
. . br"Kht all the Way down the frant , 90j" NOV70- 1 j?"MN",
I I ------------. . 6,W A,N, 5,10 T, N
, 11, `4*1, ., - " - 7101 , 9129
. f W I " ., ".
I TrAnsir*rring Leaf Colors, P 7114 845
16 11 i- -
�i I
I I *0*0*,F0* �
, _W
4_1 Thu natural caloi,q of n leaf misy tie ury_z-�,:H�,*.� _.. 7.2% 9.46
1 .
,4 , 1
011riwa- ".*.,* 10 __
1 7,41 6116
,. -, dly travolemd to poper, Taka a leaf 151UM61 . .
_� sa5
; a a ... *_*,-...0, 8106 .4140
'_ ota tree or shrub, pladia avnr It is small 910"n . ...... �.�._ ., 8,16 4160
piece of white linen eoWkIed In spirito of j14k011_,,_.W_- *#� . 8122 4165
�1_1 .
I- - I
L_ � n1tre, and insert betwean thr leaveg of a ftit"'. - _... .. z., - - 8,96 6.10 �
; 0140 6,20 f
7 CleatrallA .... .. _.fo.,__
. Iz heavy book with a sheet of paper to re-
� I EerAon, jsrrfV8),__*_ 0.45 A. V. 6.20 ' -
�" : . I .
�_ � ceive the Impression. Lay the book aside
A , —
I- .
, for a. few days, The leat will hv found
i davold of color, which will bave � been 'Wood"s ItMa h 9 -
� �
. �� �
I r
i - I I T116 Qiw Efiggflfssb
2 transferred to the paper In all tha origin.
. al beauty, of tint and outline of leaf. I ; I is an oM, well esta _'
. I -1". . -1 I .� jished and ' ble
- .- __ _____ ___ - _.� I ; preparation. a been
. �2 1
t Raw Aliaterfal. 4 I
A - ' ( � 11 - prescribed ad Used
� - ) I
� '� "All I ask," said the man with. the .. . over tO years. 91
i � gists 4" 4' -
1 ? I ia the
I,.- buniness glint In Mir eye, "is that they . . . Of Nnsda �ell and
� 'Will give"me plenty of rope." - ter,mmeud as, being
I . I- �
Then It was that they recogDlzed him Before and AfMr� the! only med'da's of
�� -
I z kind that amre5aDd
- I #
I L, -lizn 1, nirlc� . _
, U a waaufacturor of cam -pr ,iq it protiptly'dud
, 2-_�� - 11111111111 ii g,vos nuiversal satidacti6n, -
, 's weak
- � .
I - amnoutlyouresallf-orM3 of Nery
:� I I Per:8, E,missiom, $&_,r4ay_*r,rha_,a, rmpotenf.Vo
r �
� �
2 � MARRIAGE LIC00ENSES naneds alleffectsof abuseores"SOBS; th0excemve
- -1 .
� Uniulants. Nei!tal
�, use of Tobacco, OP'um or H
t and Brain lof which load to InfirUlith
� - "' ,
� i . - Insanity, consmPtion an I an Early Grave- t
. jel"'ge Or six for $5. One WIX "
zz "ri"e ' !�jV', ,7 -
- THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, please, 8iz ,e, Mailed.ProlmPtV OD re'
c,Dipt()fyrjC4�. Sendfor free pamphlet� Address
11 Tho.Woad CamPanYv
I SEAFORTE1, ONTARIO. fW1nd#*r,_0nt" 02madav
- Wood's rho"bodln� is sold in Seafortb by C, Abet-
7 halit, i. v. Fgar, jo §. Robertt Alex, W1119ori,tand I
- REOUIREOm girvigim, i . " 2509
-, - .".�__ ____e'__-_" - -
. . 1 7 7 I I . _Ix , : . I - .. � - - - �_____F�_ " - -
I . . I : r . I W""IfflINNIF-W
. . I . I ,1 I — _,_�'_ ___,_7___ --,"--
I - a �
. I � � . I I . I
. � . � ; - I � I .
- .
. . : . . - . ,. � , I
;. - i . — � . I i I
. I .
—_ . I , I I
I . I ! � I
I .1 I . I - : 1. . :
. I i I i I I
i � . �': ;I . I
I I I 1 � 11W
.i � � I .
. � � j — i .
� I . i — I., i I - I �
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. I I . � I . �
. , -
I �
-1 _-..�_11_ I.. A.-1-1 i. h . . I 1 t I , i �
I I I .-..-,---., _. � I � . _1-1 —1- . i— — . I - I
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— I �. I , - " �t �--I � I � .1 — I -1 I i'- , : .'' . - - —,
. � I '' . I I .
I I � � . — "': � - � .
''. I . . . � . ,; , . . I � I
I .
1.1 � I I I I ,�� 4 ! . I
. . .1 � I � � : * .y -� _ , I � 11
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I 1. I I .
� . .
� . ; I
I If. . . I
. .
I I .
. .
. .
��' - 1) . . . Tim HUPWN � FAPOSITOIL I
- - I
- �
I - - __q_1�11_
" - 1� . I .
'' -
I kEPT "WO HU�BANDS. ; I I_ — .
� .
� —I' A Kidney Suffereir I
I (),it. or 1,f"'M WAA N f0401 V� R, ruba) tned, bu I t I i .7.%"l and Vulgar Habita Tho.t Kill Lavo Cou&ing is the outivard sign
� . i I U041141 . 11-14ti A1111110tv. 0 i FOR I : I � and Confidence. I �
� . � : I '-Of in -ward disease.
It 10*� ever) , woman i w 3o can keop - I 'I ANked a clever, well-known doctor �
. two hll�'band� m the bolao at the liamo Fourteen Nears, obly tio-day - wh4t advice he would give I Cure the disease with
� � !
time a � d keep the pe i — 0 ;,, the newly -married, "I would. tell the
t) ace, to - Tlje death I
in COVA-01(4 OR., of Mrs, Jost ��b E. Divinn, TERRIBLE PAINS AOROSS : , woman," be said, "never to lot bar hu I
I I " S � h)*l I o h's
wife of the pre wident of the FIrgt Nation-' THE BACK. I band bbink bw bad quitr won her, thab
.a, BaOkq rOct Ils a senstlito 2 as glinatly . : — � � there was not still something held In i 0
Z413juvw-axtrealiFtle. Mrs.1kiving was form- Could not Sit or Stand *i I
. . th East*- reserve to 111re hitu. A 1 woman nevor p 21 (0 11
CAY'ft� UWMald ID" Atl -Ut Where site —, seenig to think- she ought! to be fasainsit- C, or, nn USUM-W-t
404 10009� 41461t, property a r'. Mar -Yin, a- co, I tug to bar husband after intarriage. 11 He ov_k
nautted Five Different Doctors.
' ,
Opeciallist, fro 0mah.: ek, came to . I — i lootnred the woman, bf course. There Is uure The Lung Tonic
Atlanta, jwooe , the mttture maiden and L it universal tendency in'; mankind to do ` t
I -
. - 9 I I
. made her, big -a- f . this. Yet another doctor I knovr once ,
- ife. H )n aged in some and the cough will sto
real estate spe I ulailons, wh oh made him , -Do'an S, s�aid in my hearing that bo believed I - P.
worth nearly 1,0061'000. He then moved� i I froin all he had seen that the .happiness Try it to -night.
to Cordele a Corseted a magniflueut , P,11 of marriage depended' PrImarfly upon , . If it doesn't benefit you
11 -which an a dream In the eyes of the won. Were be worth anything the I .
- I I we'll give I
. �
=Unbry V pie.-" I � Kidhey : s peace of the btunehold was assured. your money I;ack. .
. . The happy - 00iijile It . : . Letters to the newly married, then, I .
� ved In this new - .
I V61*00 but a weeks w) on. the doctor FINALLY M4DJE A should be addressed ,to both. There is , - Prices 25c., 60c. and $1.00
sickened rind I led, - Mrs, U irvin retuned COMPLETE CV,RE. ! I much that might be 4ald. First of all, I I
; I
tobecomforUd. She forbade a* funeral I - I % th^ neither take the devotion oftbol S. C. WELLS & CO.
I -
.had telegraphi d to Now � irleans for an Mr. Jacob Jamieson, jarr�ieios Bros, other for grantedo making no effort to i I 1. Toronto, Can. LeRoy, N.Y. 3
. 9 cultivate or retain Vvhitt each felt to be i . - * . ...
02POrt embalb or and an Xpert clectri. the well-kt�6wn Contractors *nd Builders# � �
clam, The r( ;ult of tb due. Thom is nothitwg one should kill I I
WIlis that Dr. eft joint off orts Welland�._Q. nt., t4s of how ho was cured: . � i . -
. ' htarvfn ri s enabled to "For fourt ers I was 4t)lictelA with quiaker.4n snarringle than the first tend- �.
rOMAID. 11V hisseat In the parlor and by kidney trouble which increased in sever' encl Ineither one todicuses the,peoullar-
8100tTical APpliance would Ise I d bow the last Ge yeaes. My most Oeri it Itles of the other befor ' ,a third person. I AUCTIONEERS.
. an ous AttAX 0
to big Nothing Is more fatal !nnd nothing In I 1HOWAS BROWN, rAcensed Auctioneer for tht
a I widow -and then ske his seat wasiburyearsm ,when Iwbi,scornpWely I
CIO I Counties of Buron and Ptrtb. Orders left rol
. .
. Aldle3lons as thi inCapac.itated. f0had terribI6 pains across Inorevulgar, No. one agkn overtakeii I I mpbell's itoplement wararoems, SeAforth oj
. �
� I I . Ai X. (A I
, wasno arguing tbewidowoutof my back, floatin greatpr llbov*y With the, other.. These 1 Tr X EX-roal" 00106, Win reaelve prompi Attelvilon
� - . #fore my eyes I
ritinUAII(O. After abput a year of and waO in almost constaq torment, 61 PsrOOpAllties ars� nover, funny, though - ffl;j0acffr,v guoiranleed or no obarge. 170841 ,
"" i !�, t qy pre i
ad,of artJoyment the widoW eon. 'could not sit or 6tarid with e4se and was a h ' often �nade to do servko as . I
. .
tht 0� 'give her hand an heart to AIVI wreck in health* , ha ' . xppetite and � AMNS 0. MqUICHAEL,'Itconsed suotioneer foi
clud d ta family jokes brought out for the enter. I i the eountY, of Huron. Saks Wended to in any
, v'n" no ifia tAi0inent of the stranger, Were Ito write
- become her busi lost Cre0ly ip 11 . ken me,dict px I of the 0006y at tooderate rates, *ad astlatemblon
Josc�h Bivium, Wbo bad * esh I had t'l
009ST'Snanager, - After her marriage'she from flive diffgrent docto4 and also such' a letter a that mpthes described I � gm ArnpUed.- Otdery q3 at the Seafortb post omod
. . . a
toolO him ,to far home. And then to was numerous other. preparat'so0jo to no pur- abould like to bag that �amglng be pro- Prot ot 2, Concession 2, Bullott, vvill repelyc
t tbatisho gained the retnafkahle distine. so, I fiiially be an to: take Doan's hibited, and tensing secrets; thatmutual pr, pa;j I att . Doti �11. 1. . I 188249
i I ml. .1 I
t�on, of havin C two husba" a in the bouse Vidner Pills and Net n five c6beesolons be Indulged;, that every dis-
� r. - re I hAd take . � UCTIONEORING,-B. S. Phililpo LioenW
at the� same thne. one allyLl Iud the other boxes the trouble left me and, 1, now feet appointment In the otbek be regarded as I I- Auetlon6er for the eountlef of ifur
� , I I A on amd
dea4. . better- than I bjiVe for twenty yea:rs. Those ' aix opportunity for helping that other, Ab, Being r. practical tamer sod thor hy
She had M . 331vino look upon the body who know me know how r, was afflicted 110d not of; an excuse for alienationi and � Uadentanding the vi%lua of farm stock and imple,
of her dead b sbaud In ihmparlor, and It and say'at is alroost imposdible to believe I Abould beg that the Ono who �ad a to wtq, places me to a better position to realim good
- . l;T wm, fibarges � moderate. Satisfaction guaranked
wa� only aftk nrgent .Soll)itatlon- on hfiq that I have been cured, yet they know it trouble sbare It with the other, so that ri rjc� pay, All ordersJolb at Hossall pmt offloo ol
I �
-part that nhe:cousented tol the remaln.., is so. I have passed the meridian of life nolther go about with evidanoes of worry a TAt 1,1, Cononsiou 2, Bay, will be tly
" . b onded to. I pirzpm
belog song to Macon and ib Mod in Rose but I feel, that I have take I n on the rosy wb ile declaring that noth Ing Is t,n a inat-
I _
. , "Oh, nothingl" lannswer to a lov,
Hill Cemetery.' i � . hue of boyhood.' , ' I j ter, AM'KS A. SUMI, licansed suotioneer for the
I .
- I
$0twithstanding, th1j; � 'Very pe6nliar Price .50 ets, per box, or p for $x.25, an Ing enquiry frotu hu -.band or wifa, gon- crumb of Huron. Sales promptly attendel to
. . oni, .
c0duct 'we ate glad to k ow thdt Mrs dealers or , . ; - sitive to disturbed conditions In inist-yptittotthe eounty-and satlit"don guarap.
' I
Bi*Ins wns a lady of great charity and THE DOAN,XIDNEY OILL CO.9 loved is often the first vpedgo Which to d. Addr4D89 Wiritbr,pp P. 0. � - I 1W.tf
xbgny Christian virtnes, . iTORONT0, ONT. ultimately drivex both,apart.-Un.rper's - .
I . I
. .
I - i Bazar. � . .1
� ... .
- i rreserv! ng Mdeat by, V, ectricity. --- — I I .
. I I I . Tho 'IV ftitor G ii -11#4 I'Levotme.
iho Princli,al of catap oregla, o- the . I I I .
driving of, foxeign sub9tdn ea into Isni. SIGNi "" ' ' " C)jFCUjfiF A Cleveland newapaper man hiss been
" ;' ' - - ( 1
4, .
!,� t1", � 0
m4l tissucY by means of cl aorle ourrontN, ., � roaming through the Interior of the state I
. 1, I, , r i
ha:9 eon adooted with gr I t succe,19 in 1) I enjoying his week"o viacatiou on a roving i ,'�
h�, OF TH " SAWII� assignment of his own making. Alounted I
bo,t medical 4nd dental - ork. In thctfte 11*
� . 1, _ . i
ca scitieg it employed ; prineipa)]y 11) � W on big trusty wheel, With his poc,ket' I
V �
. . ��
06MjlInction irith cocaine �or monjo other 1___J � oanwra in odmstant readInees, b3 bore r I �
. I, VNIffiq i � ,oak. , .
; �H � ?'An away frnm the 1.3unta of civilization
anesthetic fo�. the purpose I of. rand,ring = I
� �
the flesh of 66 tooth to,be I operated boon immd I
' I with a light hearo and still lighter I 11111111
Im.sensible to Pain. The, bepainblug sotu- ULME I 0 � baggage , On big journeyings be fell In Ii
tIOn in forced[ Into tho �issue,and ever 1�9 Umd one ofernoon with three choice spirits, 0
in -to the obd4ata sonsitivI dentine of_jhF,- � W , I and the four stabled their wheels In the -
I I I .
� _ I CD ;
co,dth,untij n4 sensation ,-whatever Ir, pos- bnooment of a rural homtelry together,
� . - a � I V
d1ble for the time beln# In the region ; I ^nd In company sought the supper table,
. .
uOder treatmout, A piov4afon merchant - I . I - They were waited upon by a decidedly ;
� i ; 4 -
d Rio .1fineirb haii; bit upoh the Ingenious . . I ,W ! I I pretty girl of very sby manners whom i -
i I I they Immediately proceeded to make I
I .,
Mea of applying thts� , �11 othod to the ft I 0-4 � � ; I themselves at borne with. Tliel praised 1.
preservatian of meat, - Ho irnmeroes tile I I � I
I ,
I .
ri�eat to be 1�remerved 'in a 30 per cent. - , I P � � : h,er looks, her manners and her dresm,
I U, I Sa 6 and pa9fleo . : and they regaled her with all the choice
solnt on o eninmo I � I
I f il 0 ,
through the whole a continuous ourrout � a wittlelarms they could remember, that, ' - An a
- to � . Tr
of electricity, r In fro ' ten to twelve : -9 �N reilecteif on the robust butter sind the � Are a ' ue ifeart I-Oftleg
I W e7% azure milk and the enfeebled tea. She ; I
hours the sal ',Ing is; sald:by be complete � 14. W �
i � � . O" -I vl`� otood it prootty well, but there was a Nerve Food and Blood 18tiricher. They buI14
and the. nicai Is taken� :oub of the babli (:� , mp and renew iall tho worn q,at an4 wasted
"d hung up to dry. For the guidance . (1) 02 dangerouc; gleam in bar eye when they tissuas of the body, and restore perfect health
-night be � isposed to try I " finally backed from the table with a "ta, ,and vigor to the entire system* ,
� of those who , (D 0 Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Pros
� t4e method, it . mtmt i be added thitt ID ' P__j 9 th, Mum le, " I � tration, 13rzin Fag, Lock of Vitglity, Affe;
Oorking a b4th of 3,000 liters of 6rine, - Next morning, at the breakfast table, 'Effects -of La Grippe, Arimmals, Week and
I C, .
I .
jhwhich 1,0�0 kilog of, weab may he hn* , L . 0 �� her bashful mood had vanished. She J Dlz%4alls, Lass of Memory, Palpitation of
I - � , the amrt, Loss of Energy, Shortness of
mersed, the I ul rr 'nt may - � -- laulthed Immoderately ree y Issing
I le M P at all their , Dreatho etc., can all ba cu .
pbres, with an ale(o-trom ott e ;Irceloolfl ei,,g,,h,t .. - clf� wartned over jokc�, and goemed strangeily *
volts, The allectrodes mu t be of plati- � 0 erl'. It exhilarated. Milburn's HeaA and Nei-ve Fills.
num, 1. sinco 4 other mawrials, such as (M 1 1w -j 9 When the boys went for their wheels Price 50c. a box or 3 for $1,25, All deakrs ov-
zinc or iron,j were used, I be metal sultl,4 - (D - they fancied they found the reason for her Tur, T. -I&LBulm CO.. 1AMIUD, Toronto, Out.
,- firmed would be injur-lou i. � ekeessivo jollity, Through each of the
I Q - . :94 .
I : I ! four tireo a hat pin had been dexterously
I i i f� a
I 00%
. �4 0
1 Th� Finit. Vaeolvj�tjon. . t_a It thrust. � WW.
I . ps , � It was the scorned waiter Orl's ro 3
rat el I itld ever vac Inated, on the t. -Ta rt 0 --% a it- d
� The , . urnitury tj
. P1 F -P R I
.fl 1� 0 1; I
out Ority of . toinbgtono n the church- vange.-Clevroland Plain De-aler.
( P R W
�Ard of Wort , in Dorsetshire, England, ad , );
I .
v�as the son f Boujarnin Jesty of Donn- I 0 1. We F2 one warnsn's WAY.
., . . ' . I -% ki 60"11 9..
I -
sibay, who tea on the" 16th of April, I . I . 0 � A woman carrying a fan, an umbrella, Undertca I 1
�,816. The nsacriptlon on Mr. Je8cy,J4 � . K a pocketbook, a handkerchief, and a
Oravestone s ates that the deceaHed wavi 2: , W I loose glove stood an a 13ank stra&v oross-
� . . . W I L M
particularly 3oted for having been tile M - 9 walk and waited for adar. TwIceshowas .-
1",'rot man that Introduced the cowpox by V.P% foraed by approaching 1 vehicles to run if you want a comforbable and thorough-
inoculation, Find that lie vaccinated 1.1m M Awk V-2 � back to the sidewalk and one* she dodged
- � �
wife and-,--twd sons in 1714, or tsventy- , 4...2 , C+ 9 a wheelman so awkwardly that he was ly reliable sanitary mattrees, we bave it
. ye r - b f r Air. Edward . Jew)er oblIWd to turnb1b off his wheel to ay6ld There in nothing Ue the Marshall. Bad:
two 'a "'4 0 e 0 9) ridden patients have found, their bei eores
inade his fir t vaccination on the b -)y of P___0 F___A I running over her. WWI* shestood an the -L eat up on this mattress. � I
.Taines Phip s an the 14t i of Alay, 170(j, � crosswalk she dropped her handkerchief " . -
, I twice and her umbrella and glove onco
The doctor Inoculated ,' that boy, whc. a ,saj 1-, � We also remind you that we sell the
Was eight ypars of. 8&, with Vnedw (!D E-711 i eacIL Then it must have occurred to bar vertical food Davis sewmg machine, and
a --j :
taken from �b I e bltnds Of milknisid whn " I bd . I"i � , I that her bat might not be on straight honestly believe that it has no equal in the
Was suffopink from cowpox,and sIx weel;t� I and so she shaved the umbrella under coun,ry. Itbasalithelatastattaohment
. . Cob F --.j N U V 01
later be tast4d the aftects Of hisexperl- 1 onearmafid the fan under theother, and,notneeding to take off the preFwr-
pa_entbylrio�ubiting tbesame Indwitl, clt- I andputting.the pocketbook, theband- foot to place them, they can be pub on in a
smallpox. Hiq first, 6.9se succeeded p -r- W �� karabief and flie glove betwe6n her tooth, few jjeco'nds. Before purchasing, �all and
feoUy,the bo being . four d to be pro)l cw?� ? �, made out to clutch at her bat with both sf.e
I I the Davis. . We have other sewing ma -
against the. irm of stuallpox, and 0(- ; � I hands. This spilled the fan and umbrella, chines, cheap in price, but good in quality.
practice was soon afteryvar& generally I (D and in pickina up these she must have
adopted. . � @U�- b ZA coughed or orivezed, for the rest of her Ali kinds of Furniture and House Fur-
� ]
? -
. .. QV I � movables promptly fell from her moutb nishirigs.
A Wo an's Xent totutlef %0 1 P , %,
al .41 . I to the pavement, Of course when the car Upbolsterin -New and repair work
Miss Gage was g btlng � dress for th( I , come along Ott was on the wrong side of 9
o be italsi she had 0
hop and It ,aa t Ped. -that day, 0 aaefully done. ,
. 1 C.t.. the street to take it and, after
I think 'Amn. I walked around, she must have reraem- Q
. "'IT 'i" the 60"re of I I f I I -
'Wo"'on re-" I (1) I
thinking thi Ir dressai w1l, not, be dona � L I.S. bered she had forgotten something, Any -
for a 'given achsion, nd so arronge tc, Ob ' , way the car went on wAhout her and she
bave them t the � Inst, moment. Mrs. @ISO- 0 - - returned to the siclewalk, dodging carts UndexAaking I
Alarch went with the girli early In the ca and pedestrians and droppIn I g something
afternoon W have'it trfel on for the last . IV rMn every two or three yards. And E.mba1M1h2g
tinie, and tl ey came �hoinb reporting that - - ;1% I I And yet, " said the philosopher at an -
it was a pbvm My wlf(� confided to Me - - �_ ar window, "they olaim that the Readves out prompb and careful attention.
I Upp
that it was 'at half donei-merely be -Lin, ayerage duration of wonjan,s life if, Night calls answered at Mr. Knechtel's resi-
P It,
-an( . . would 11'ever', be. flnislieLl In -- CURES greater than that of a man. "-Cleveland denre, second house West Of Barton & Boa's
time in tho world., She aiso assured Miss , � � . DySpepSIZ6 B0114 Plain Dealer. blacksmith shop.
Gage that ,3 ie need not:, be in tha least . Pimples, —.----- - - _.__.______ .
uneasy; tlij it there wa not an hour's 0 . Clothinz for -Notivalgle People. % V "I
work on th . c dress; and that the dress- Headaches, Neuralgic people are always sensitive Knechtel d Ad cK, a nz 1" c7j
1 � . ; V 0
maker's,� rep �tation 71as vtstnka, 4nd she , .1-1w I Constipation, to changes of temperature and sudden
would not ( are to fail ber. I knew sho ' Loss. of Appeti* ohIlls; and to avoid the riisk of these tbey SEAFORTH.
was perfeot) y sincere,in b)th these declar- - -Salt Rheum, should wear woollen underclothing- M8
ations, whi(h vvere, .Indeed, merely the . Erysipelas, not the clurnsy woollen garments of
expression cf two naentfil attitudex, and years aryo, which Irritnte delicate skins
, �
bad no rela�ion to the facts. -William Serofula, almost beyond endurance, but one of the Thdroughbred Durhams For Sale.
Dean Howe lsj-. In the 0, tuber- Century.,- and ill troubles -newer makes; combining warmth with . . --- ..
� - . 11 . --_-Iq I lightness. Tile uodersigned has foi� sale ox Lot 27, ConcesAon
Clilldrem's Dirt jda,ys. - .1 arising from tho of 8 jljbbcrt� a number of cholee young bulls and hellf.
I . . � 1 [_" I P Very often neuralgia is complained t.,-4 from the best strains of Durbam cattle, all choke
way to co mernorate ther ' B ui'doc I ;
A splendid 11 I � . i Stomach' Liver, when, in reality, the halfforgotten stump -Anitrah-. Theheifersare in OW to the imported
a - . Im !
birthday hildren Is. o place the gum . I .
I I A, Bowels a B100(L of an old tootAh is at the root of the mat- - bul'. Pri=8 Of 1310M .
s O' 0 " heir . ter. If there 11; any doubt about it"s visit -
of five do lars in the balak to t � - 14k 1*11'C'ne" 866 -if DAVID BUZ, SU& P. 0.
account. Elvory year add 'five dollars I -BLVD I 'I 21re. A� Le to a good dentist would decide the ques- -
, i I �1 6f Ballyduff, 4U12t. .
until. twenty years have ,Yana by. I i. tion once for all.
V I WrIP1013: "I r3olleve f -
I j
- - How much do you thisic this bank ao. ' . W-luld have been in. In'cases of acute nouralgia, relief may ,,, w -
count at compound inWrest. wil . I then _BIYT�h` A % a.y.1 Ot I 0 " 9 a-' 9 be afforded by rubbing together equal 0 z
be? JU 0 is 'Voung! man � . j.)A' 'h""ayd been ror
� Surdock j3loo4 Bit- parts of ohloral and powAore-d camphor
in businwip, or a Uvon a �ollege - , . ters, 1w&srun;doVrn and painting the painful spot with it.
st enough t - -, a prantioal 100- . . __ __ to zuoh an extent K
courose, not to spealc 10991ria;7I Many people: cannot talw quinine, but ELPION
j,on of onjal, bi3gJnnrngi3 Ohown fortb, I that I oould #care#- 11 .
)y moyo a , bout the thoso wbo eon mill J1nd it sbe best rem- .
If the acomint were 0 roulain in the bougo, I,Waq 0414006 edy of all, � I A VW_ ECT RM REMEDY.
" P I " 0 r4yere b"Wrwbevl, U____ It- I _._'
bit Vand h re dOIJAVS d1a a tO It 70141Y , - I �
until ho botbine lift "' 0'�Tlq ()Idf how, bmkaWwa and dizzi; Tho Way of It,. rujilorf.,e(I w Ow !�a4,1'F.TjXl1h3b Joijriml& F-q,j)1)w4
I ntool; my !A Ito - . w RrItIrb Boldit'r.4 In W10b Afrilela,
y i , � M; lurg, Dab -Tlridgeb -told me sho �
touch wou he 01011 we Worm, ,� . WV, gono an fag dn For Wt 1V1#r#W.1 and Gland Traub *
I-- - U . plearilwo
I - � � uJI&M* tO dO my 1faw Mr. and Yrif, 1101mon solvor 0 V 40 4,
load JAI fle el oudio, haumwork, After i !g�?
ing hallets.; .- - 110"Ins VVKO bottles 0.0 Church Vila Unfur, I rond*r wbat,x ;N
_1110togra fff of flyi amontly *'A 7 .
" "*0
"'tq ";e r e4
1 1 the "nisbc4r? r�141#,, C'Wff*f, ,
P31"1- aly show dirk mtreaks; and .. R Ill U, I fou-nd bir, 7)Obx-4U_,Why, either xf. nobyion SM by vrdgjrwto� 260. Tr it *Mo.
- heUlthfUll7r"t0r - _V
blurs just, f� front of thq� projectiles, anti I warmlyrodommend ,%
11 4 had"had anol, or attsw1c of heart trouble -- ---- -
it 10 thougl�% that 01�401 are the Imag*g I It to all ilreA " _
of little cl " Uds for aUd! by the suddon Wo-rn out WOWUM or Kro. Hobson has a now but,
� 9 __� ,-- ___ 0.
of molr,tnr4 as the advane- I . i - Decided%* go, f r, ir. " - A% -
condensable ; - Roburl
� - - DR, MeGAHEYIS:' rof Or-lk-ft"111"A A�_N I/ I
Ing bnIlet compresses tbO air aboad of It, Horset. CUT,v; beaves, Haverly-Didn't You say that 11ttlt, , ,
& I
-1 ----I,- CUreebroulcooty4j.2rids1l -�� L 1. � .4 ,if,
. - Heave rhronfc.� afrectums of widow was off color? I
Literally Talkeli. I I tits throst and jung's, . I Vi , .
I'll Tboonly medicine in Austen -I did. 'It' ,
t -m -di , - - _ � w UOV11
I Ift"fis
Ren j hear thay.$11iton has been the world that, WIR Haverly-1 found hor propriety itielf. A ". _rr 1� . Flo
trlyng to raise a loan omjile family Bible cure tho gbovo dis- - . 4�1 1,
I ; Austen -That may be. But she is in
; vase, tb*
is It true? i ! "I r4 M 4", .kdl I ,I. ILACKSMff K &nd
" I "Id half Mourning, I - 'ion
I I' i6bl: I
` 4
C - I
te . -
_n_�, eat , ell, .
M "Y' 11
al of catap "
aj�Zn 15U It I
�0.sf jd�ln_ ;.GF.rj1 "" A *
'k.,� .4'.� "'14*zis�,vil
Alarlowe � Yes, be WO told that the . :nd u"ful to btfs __ Sweial Attent ,, cwim ,0,
wner. I Frkm $L60 _j_1___ 4 ar-Achhoeing an- _V.
maney-lend�rs wouldn'ti put a cent on �NZ Dj� UcOANn � Debar6d. 4QXj"jj
anything bi�t gil"dged 4ecurity. . - Ust)ICINX Co., -Is Slugger going to play fo,t Gsneral JohWg-
Tom '. 1� MAKER mAsi.
� � 14,0yul., ont, � -
- Tho Old S_ ry. , ball this season? I .
r T �, 0_(�, _�s t moG_&bV,s coadition Blood Tablets "d powders Dick -No. He bad typhoid fever and I q1t,derich street, . . . . 8"fort),
. W, pu� aft Ids Ut"M for sick Caujo and Horses, 25c. Sold by j. $. Rob, - �..
15"I _ eau erts, Drugglat, Sehforth. 1842-62 his bat- fell out. I -_ - - -
, " 6"Mulftwo I t " 0* rpit? �� 1. . - -_ i --- ---------
I I A I -
___ I � - -
T - —
; .
. -A Chinaman named �Ung ; Fang, pro-
prietor of ,'a restaurant"; in the Chinese
quarter of Montreal, was � fined $1 00 or six
months in �jail for keeping a diraorderly
house. UnIc or oath he svMre that he was ,
in the habit of consuming 1from. two hundred
to three bun,dred pipes of opium V. day with-
out noticeable effect on .his mental faoul-
tiee, I
I . . �
I -1
,,I ":
Aridjo L71nx. "U, -1 .- 11.
I :- � ,--
I The followin-ebitracterizatim of M � 1.
ft ....
�_,, �
.Z -
Aral) pem-bant for not.telling the trak . �� -1.
, . r
-_ �V ..
Is from a paper by. Dr. G.. SbAnt-Faus . -,
�.. -
on tbe Tunhdans: "Arab ly1h9 Is eX-, ; __ , s-
1 -
a rl. It is absurd and victorlour, , , I . tl__
, sper.ding I
. I
. w 7
It triumplis ,ensily over thd crltical'- ..... I I
-sense and the habit of scientific rea- ��
: -
soning. It Is sometimes -childlob. YOUZ , � I 11
� ,
� F
native servants wIll never be taken ",
11 I I �ii
unawares. You fprbid one o� them to I _IIJ
� �
. �e��,
smoke In your dInIng rown "and you __�.
. 3
�� i
� �
surprise him there with a'ej�aretto 10 A I..
� 1,
his moutb. 'You were smokfag.' - 4X0.4 , � � '. `
. .11
'I aaw you' impossible.' 'You bad a zz i-
.* t � -
,elgarette In your moutb; yoit -are hld- - 1:
Ing It In your bmid; there it Is!' 'Then � Ek
, .
. God put it In my band! � Tiie native _c
. I
denles always. Taken red hauded be - 11
, X
I �_
denies. Beneath blows be dealea. � I -11 .
s_� �
Fain is sometluies powerless to mlikko ;t
I ti 4
him confess, even at the polut of deaih. ..-
__ d
This obstInacy Is due In part to flit - 91
I high idea he his, of. his dignity. ..His 11 1.
� � :,
prIde forbids b1m a ,caufesslon, be- il - .4 �
1 4: .-
I cause 'the avowal of bis lying Is in- 1��k - ,ji
,�, i..
finitely bumiMtIng In fils eyes. The . - 11 .41 ,
. i *
fear of losing lace' Is all powerfuri In mw, It
I --him. To recognize a fault Is more - P_4 I I I
shameful than to haVe committed it 1� :
obstina,cy �of the I I
native In denying, even wben tt:would , . - i
- I
� I
be to bis Interest to eonfPss'-3�,an ob- - f q,
. � �
ettuacy not manifested in otber ways�" - � ! t
-Journal of American Polk Ure. ? :
� ( 4 .
. .1. I i �
_. ;
I ciWAl".0 '112tielligence. 4, 1�
A native of Peru bas -vouched for - j
� :
the following* A native pointed out I i
t �t
one day a buge white dog tbat Iny be- I I
for* his wattled house. 11e declared � I
, ,
that his dog haA Intelligenee of an al- 11 i
I j
inost human ord,er. lie sald tlj.at once, -1�:
When It ba'd broken a bout In Its foot, ,z �
I ho bad taken It to a sbrgeon and tb* �if �
I surgeon had set the fracture aild re- 411
lieved It of Its pain. Some montbs aft- - __ ��' I
erward, In the mlddl* of tbO night, the ..
� I
surgeon was awakened by A great - 10
scratching at his door and by a thump- - 1-
Ing as of some heavy body. He slipped �� w
on a dressing gown mid went 4own. to :11
find the white dog In his garden wilk - I 1
a brown dog beside It that beld one 0 1-4
log off the ground. The .%urgeo'ns de- AM
I -
. .*
duction was that the white dog luad o - -1-1
-z -
brougbt Its companion there for treat- �� 4_1 -14'
1 -11
ment. Accordingly be dressed the leg � i
' ' I i
� �
. I
of the InJured animal, and thereupon - �
the two dogs licked lift bandis with an jr
arted slowly, I'll
I Into the night Side by side, I
I . 13
- i�
� i
The Way to Fla&tt. f
This Is the advice of au old swimmer; t- �
og P
to those ,%rbo eanuo'- swim.- .'"y hu� Z
man being who will - ba -ye the presence -1
of mind to clasp the hands behhad his .
back and turn the face toward the I � -
zenith may goat at ease and M perfect . V
. F
safety In tolerably still water, When Ili:
- ' :
ron first Mid 'youroelf, in -deep vvatex . -
you bave only to consider yourself � ad -1
empty pitcher. Let your mouib and I
. �
. C
nose , and not the top of your he4VA 1 -
mad, be the bigheit part of you an4 I 41 f
you are safe. But thimpt up one 0A - .
- _ i _.
your bony hands and down you go-- .� �1
I _. Ell,
turning up the hand -la tipg over the . .
I - 31
pitcher." There are reason and logkc -
4, �'_i
I I . F. -I
I a
in thIs. - �
I , U .
- �, ,_
A. 1
_ "
- 41:_1
101crallee. 5T.
- 0, 4-
�._ A ,
Tolerance:i is a calm, generous respect I ;_ fl.
for the opinions of othero, even of onew � _� , -j;l: .
, �
enemies, Tolerance Is silent lustice T,- lil�
� 1.1-
.- 1- H
blended wIth sympathy. Tolerance al� � ;
ki ; 4$
ways Implies wL-_lom and kindness. It __ - .. R
t - �
I .. � ii -
- z
weeks to convert athers, f rom error byj �3 T
4. z if
. .1
� . 1i
gently raising them to higher ordeals, �_ �:15.
�1' .1
by leading them to broader lines of T,.� '� 1i
?tl A
tkinking, by patiently helpins them to I ". . ;
9.- I
1. I
help themselves. Tolerance does not . I T_.,;��
"I . t", ,
,� 11 V
-us* the battering ram of argurnent *r. ". 317
I i�]�
the elub of -areasm or tb& rapier of �__ .16.
" � . :
I A, r�
�- . t
ridicnle.-Selecte& . .
Ql� I . .
� �
I ! .V
I � -
F&Ixftl. - .
� I - _�
- �. 1:
johnson-Does your wffe speaw � �_,_,
7 �
� f� - -.�
French? 1 4 �.:, � �
I -1
I .� -
n-Mompoo,—i-She t1ift-ka she doe& � . �
"You don't speakit, do you?"' I I .1 - ,
I -
. I j !
61N,0.19? I I =`fi
"Then bow do you know she doeWtr, i - ,
"I watched a Freach walter's face . 91
the other day when abo was talking t* I L
him, and I'll be blamed If he. didn!f �
look as if he had the toothaebel" � �
. r
-1 T,
Vare able. � ;
� ag" %i _.'
� ,
Ma strate (iseverely)-Prisoner, ho,w __ � I
.91 - ,
did you ba*ve the audacity to break Into �:8�
this maifs house at midnight and r*V , I-
kim? ; -�,�, 1 .
Prisoner (piteously) -But, your ho.u*r, I -,
. 11
last time I was before you you wanted :�
, �,
to know how I could beve the audac- , I- .
Ity to rob a man in broad daylight. - �, I �.
Wbett do you expect me to get in my
, .
work? I I .
- I
' 1.,��,
Tke Babr Samerlats. I
"Of course,"' said Mrs. Extrygoot -
"You are fond of bright preeadous .1� I
baVies?" - 7 � .n I
# � I
"Oh, yes; certainly, ' replied Old -4 i
? 4 z
Batcb. "but I draw the lint- or, the - __1 �,
. �.
suppospd smart sayings made up bjm . 1- ;
the parento and loaded off -_oiL the p"2 ; . . It I
: _
113f.1111S." 1. � -
. , I
I _
, 1;
I z
AxkJng His AdvIce. I
A little girl, aged al.ne, called her fa. - I �.
�. .
flier to her bedside the other evening. I ;
I � I
"Ilapa," said tb* little diplomat, "L -1.
- �
walit to ask your advice", � �
. __ -
"WAL my dear. what h-, It absutT- I ,� I I
111VIjat do you think, it would be bext I - �_
V) give,. njo ion toy birlhilsy'?' . I . -
I Rabid. .� -
.. I
' ; �. .
X,rtoz,� I'vo hi-ard a rumor Mat sto �
I -
jis fri fit, frwrried. Z� � _1
OU110"v-111, yt,sa. I ... I
`orpy -
,* ,C -.V whas fhe luf"TKY one? 7
-1 � �
� X4, tber *f tbom, If 44162 �, r �
0Mly;!e1je -, I - .
I �_ �
ouly Lj;i-%v lf,PbOadelpbla PrO91. � � -,
I , z .1.1
� � -
� �� �1
�- � �
4 -
WASted. �. - I
' wnest borroVII 4, �:
. I am looking Mr dish I �. -
;1 i - -, �
erp 3,f-,4,' holitfA-4t4lows Who *1111 bW- L_ I I
row my froubles jsnd never pay lh*M ir, � , �,
- . j �
k 5�_ 11 �
lj,a(--k. I � _- - - - i
� 1, _1 � - - -
" � ,
7 �r I
Xiltan's ov-ftlow_ . r
� -
M Mon was Once r_Vk*4 If bt *teafef 11 �
�� I .
to Instruct his daughter 1A t%e dil"Word .��. I .
,�� .
.-k .
014. I �
� - .1
lan.-Imn--ex. He rrp)$#&- , ;�: C
4 1
Um. il ; I
*,,,�".", I-: 'ZoM.01pat fnr� #1 wvdmww -
_ W -
� -
_____ ____ -W , -
I . W_4.�_�n Al�_ I _� z.
� �
I .. __ - - �
. -
n r V A 1 R_ f . - f
I � 1� � �
i I 14OLT8y, D VE W ! It
I ffl: A A I -L jaoun - �� - �
4 *_
I I .
�t I
- .
, I I
i T,"heas Dyes will dye Wool, Cot ,wl-, Silk, �_ __
� .
jnta or Mixed r I � -
"Vo4r. -n one bath—thm are _� I -
, ,
the latest and nUmt i-opro-ved Dye in tne �.
worldf, Try a p=kage- If ir &--ggist -
Y4= 2 - � �
hfizz!t them *end 44fireat to P.ez*H chemies - - I
� C^; W Adelaide St,j EastTorouto. �� I , I I
if I __ .,
2$" #_ -
I V : -