HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-10-23, Page 1hi�
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I a News
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thil-Tall them ,
a buslas" aaiv,_ ,
g. -0 mzay.wej,�l .
�ihim plezoes 1w
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4 Is, a jaeb V�,e:
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; to ?ew—we
I I merl't yor.
�Utumullx t -
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:goods that 4M
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� 1, - f.k. -
in ba bought Z
wa buy them
1, -
a Sala(* the boo
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1. We give our
z the knowl
r- Think of it
- ]�Ut- wo Z; - -
,,, old customem
- I for Jackets.
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1931S:iea and
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1, ey need no
t.- want the pub,
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Why We speak
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.am. If we had
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about like' .him .-
hat should be
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Win the dress
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�ftdingly popu_
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T, hat, creations ,
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mythiD& Wa
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always inter4
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19th to - I
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I VMOLB NUMBIM, � 1,871. a . I �! :SEAFORTH, FAIDAY, OCTOBER 239 '1903o
' � I - I . P ., I i I
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I - - I . I . � :.!. I � � I �
. I
. :: 11 .. . WINGHAM'S NEW POST- she was removing from:the line, and her
L __ , I
I- I . �
� � � � I � i � I I DING, . hands were pinioned behind bar back. The 40 Designs. .
I . I FLOORS - . ---! man carried th i @ girl to an outbuilding near -iN- 11
. . !
ft-. wide - . I I . -_ by,whqretheasmaultwas committed. She -
- 5D I . . Ground Floor WHAT IT IS TO ST.
I I ; I . I . : I 4 , was then -left gagged an tied ,* the floor,
. 100.ftt. long I __ . � . � . . . .. I I RETAIL . The foUo*ing is the the'::: ep;Drt from,Han- tmd the man deported. In the course, of Wall Paper
I I .
I . .
. I � � - z
. - I I I �� 11 Upper Floor - I am;rd of thi disoussion in the House of Com- half an hour the girl In ad to, free her- With borders and calling to match in Re
I . 11 ,� . I I . laone on the Item of $8,000 for a public
. , -
.- I I . ! .. � � .. UANUFACT UR buildinj in Winglism, It 11 will be int: t�. self and run to ths, hod,", wher6 ohs told Blue, Green and Buff mhaden suitable f,
I . .
- � I I � .. . � 1 - . Or" hotpitiful story to her .mother. Thefather, Halle, Parlors, Dining orBedrooms. Re
� _� . 'No' ' - i%audL inotruetlVb to our rJadere
I . 11 . whow"plougbin' i th field near at. baud, ularl5o,18oand20o per single roll. No
. � . I I
I ___I�. . . . _� g era I I g in
1_A_A_A_A_�Aq - . I . . �1� . Mr . II was summonedi bub, as i o one had mien the 10c per roll. .
� .� .� I I � . (Gray), dive us some in- _. It I
, � � . man; there i
. ; . � A I no clew. 'The neighbors
� for ,&bon ' z � .
� motion i t this buildin Winghom -A.t at ib Wom'too late to 0000M_ A
In these days of great commercial activity and intense competition,, J de- .is, a very'impo tint tow tia , were notifi
- . I .. r ,A _g a good Ilish much# Some said.they had seec a man .b111JE0JX* WINTEM111%
gree. of bewfiderment overtaI-es some People in their strenuous efforts to succeed. business. . :1 I b-
AU softs of plans Ore experimented with to ' Mr. Dept!_y'gpeaker, Dr. McDonald, M. r ve _ y in a yellow geared rig about the
. entice the publig. Some employ .P. for Essb.14uron, -speakh;ig from- the floor, time the aisaidt ,took place. Others vow a SEAFOBTIH
- - again unfair mean& TEe . - man going along the railway, but nobody
% (hir meane, others . Jatter cannot'be maintained. A Mr. Holmes i in the chair. �'l I will take the , Picture framing a Specialty. ,
I - � temporary advantagemity be gained by -a false or misleading -statement,,but Minister's ptwel'if any information is n Was able to give a;4efinfis description. This - - --- --- - - - :
. . 60' is the second coo of a -a milar nature that ,
I upm no,such foundition can any one hope to erect a suem ' ommary in regard bo the Wipgham building. � h hin from home. The crusht had jist onoal
. - , 9W business. a Minister - 0 . f . --Works. - The �' so oeaurred in -this ni ighborhood wit .
1. - "A goodns�me is-Atherltobe chosen than. great Th P: ubli,6
:.1 ' xiches." Honest methods lation of Winghan icp,392. the postal the past month, - 7 I shortalul in it to make it pli0saut an' lad
. � I --"------*- - .
. are cerftkinly righk but these I hie, not enough to insure the'good name and sue-, POPU 0 1 - . ostible, an' th' fillin was a wurk iv at
I , ' � . revenue $4,507, and the thatoms revenue - I - I
ses& Ye,rs of propem� trainilIg .in buying and selling are necessary to- qualify $6,449, ` I 7 , Thres�dng in, - e West. V womau who wastlirnoted that p(
� one tox r the onslaught of merchandi"ood, bad � and;! indifferent --which Mr. Deputy Speaker.� �-,I: would just may DzAn EXPOAXTOR,-,After a somewhat undermht,6Dd all thl little intricacies iv pq
- -
� . , is catch " earl' b a. Scd and 4th of -makin but iv worse I didn't say annyVit
to the members of the, I committee that 9 or *oird: ushered' by a somewhat about it to Mary Ellen, A shut moul
. will sizely be unloaded upon'bim if. he does i6t know bis' business, and when . Wingliam -in o6o'of tits best commercial Sap" I �
bad- goods get in, the good n4me, goes out. With our lifo-long experience, in- contras west of the city of Toronto. ' crisp frost, Thiss was wed by a week of ostobas no floies, i
� I fairly, good � . mat other but on the I wa sorry that Cloudy was unable 0 a
eew=t study and clow appliepation. to this businein of buying reliable lothin Mr. Hughes (Victoria) � Chiefly Tory, M 11
. I I I 91 I - ti . I
- f6ra and furnishings in the beat markets of , �he world, at closest - manufe iswblt'? " ruing of the' 12th i6diostions portended a nd- Vink Clancy can outate anny man
acturers' I , � 0 r for �b,ta,d or quantity,
- .. � . . to storm, A stiff j &I@ ble from the north. iver saw-sithe
. rcez�. andeelling at the west possible pripe consistent. with quality, and with Mr. Deputy Speaker. 11 � will come t �f, . Lbe #now com. kipime eye on Joe y an part IV t
� . ,lo I that. , It is one of the besU, commercial dis- east and at 10,0 olock %-�_n ' . i
- artir largely increased business, we.feel that this house must have� a � good name-, tTibuting v`entres, It is �j servbd by two menced to fall ,thick and fast, and at 12 taim-04 an' thaVa wan raison Whoy I wishe
: . enjoying the confidence of the buying public throughout this prosperous di�strict, branches of the Grend Trunk -Railway and a regular blizisid was in progress which that Clancy bad been there, I wnd give
0 r 0
E . ' would put to shame almost any Februar good- dale to see Joe and Clancy sit down 1
- I . one branch of the Canadian Pacific Rail- y
� w t
: . wind -puff in � old Ontario. This continued
; . . - a aislo tozither, an' Pat see who cud on
I � '
� @7A_04_A_A0_A_4_A_A_-V - - - -, ! - - - � - % ft**Nw - I way. We have no less than six pa"genger without intermission until a late hour in round th" most victuals. As I remarked b
1 , . trains leaving and mix aff iving each day,
11 I that night, . I - I foor, Clancy has a p.werful appetoite. Bu
� in addition to freight trains. - it I-; also a ; . .
"' i . On Sunday morning " Old Sol 11 again as- obtill I duano, There are otbers.
/ . � I � . �
4 I
�_� _Imr__�% I . I . large Manufacturing centre, It has a large supremacy, -.
I '
� - - - -;: I �',_ I J1 ,-.,& .0/lb Y M, foundry and stove. factory, It has several mertad his but notwit li-itandiag 0 GROGAN
�, wood the brave offortis which he put forth it was
. - 1, S1 , - . working factorive, furnishing material nearly a week before anything in the way of Huron Notes,
- - _Bvejil an. . for house building. It is :also one of the .threshing and h i arvesting operations could be
-_ �_ largeat furniture manafsctl�ring centrea in � -Wmi Robtason and David Calvert,,
� ;1 -1 I -_ I � the Dominion of Cana . da, employing in that done. Tbia, to say the least, was discourag* Turnberry, left Wingliam on Thursday In,
. I ", � I . I log. nob alone to the farmers but also to the for P, trip to -Ireland, -
"I 30D ' d 400 hands, There Ontario harvast, hands, who quit harvestin
- h t Alust have an.,Overcoat, and we judge I induatry between an , . -W, ff. McCracken, the veteran obo
P � IDY are four furniture i, fagtories, though they
, Ilejf� to go " atook "threslhin& and were compe .
I/ the enormous sale so far -this season L that are now combined utider" the furniture syn- man, has this year tsken TO prim- at ti
( 11 � I dicate of Ontario, . We have also very fine ad to pay for their board as well as losing different fall fairs,
fit . time. The faimer, with whom your num Die
'it I I
(D buildings, including three bm'ke. It is one -Lucknow village ham, 4een in darkne
1, servant was oyed, did not happen to be
I ��n NV most an are going to have -a new Over- of the prettiest towns that 'any of you ever I'M" for a week past, as there is a hitch bobwee
, . % _r c � saw, Our streets are veiitable avenues in the number Of those lucky ones, but we the council and the electric ll�ght compan.,
11 . oat. 7And why ehouldn't he? New styles, I heard no complaint and made none ourselves -A, 0onstable has purchased the 100-aci
1: .11 � . � lived with beautiful maple trees, We have , b went t, wo�
I . no less than 14 miles of iranolithio side- Du 0 rk on Thursday, the 17th, to farm of Peter Barrow&, in McXillop, T1
[ I new comforts make new men with new walks, for which we paid $25,000, throw the anowi off the stooks, and drawing price paid was $6,000. �
. �/;...
rl ,�!. ' iy hotels 'goo" began again though, snow can @till be
M Mr. Tbomaon (Grey), How mat . � -Mr, A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, has reti
�� � ideas. And the prices will letl seen on,some � bluffs and � in some ravines.
. Z every man are in the town ? � , ed frQm the socretsryahip of the Ontar
I I ..� . � 1� This storm wsa:-c�rtainly a revelation to ob
I � f �� . - .Mr. Deputy Speaker. I am h some of the " tenderfeet " visiting Manitoba d4tian Eadenvor Vniop, aft,br serving di
- -� 2 iD, provided he has the ambition.. All th.e interested in'the hotels an . . I yeare, I
I . . . .. oral welfare of the town. - . '%in " "' go'- for the first time, -Public School In aotor Robb, of Bru
- , �r Of TO- " Mr. Hughes (Victoria), � o whom does . Thrashing sod marketing tha wheatis self, has co M I
I .. I prevailing styles, in on assortm I ent, . I now the order I f the dday� and thin is where mpleted h course and recetv(
� - -
I V I! i, tra thq degree of B.A., from Qaeen's UniverBit,
I ___ . the lion. gentleman ses'90 �' hat woJrk in his bustle is seen Ed' I w Wasted. The other Kingston. , � I
- terns and prices, to fit the* q:e and the cam I I . . I ovening I coun the redactions of Is large �
� '
. I Z Z 6, 9: i u ty Spbaker. &get very little -Owi to the death� of Rev. Mr. Fari
I . I I t� . . fires from burn ng strawl 11 bucks " " the I
. . o, y us I
;. on, of Wallarton district. Rev. J, Green
- - pocketbook. ; .1 I . support ftom the hotels on the Tory side.
i -
. .. � - . I i . re making for, this on.. 'do are called heri Owing to the very ansatis �
�' *& I it I we . libioal groun of Clinton. has been appointed ouperinteni
I f?l I I . - . ' wentli; r, which Jhas prevailed, th� I
� . . . � . . I I . � it would be 1ifferent ; but he town bas no f"'Or out of -that district,
I I - 4D 1 qualityy of the I rhost has been lowered from -Mr. el'ohn Smith, of Clinton, has ju
I. Readymade Ove-rcoata . . P, $8- Mid $10 government building. fort6nately for two to three g 11 es, which mesa@ I
1� � I . . I . themselves and the welf 'f the country, a . a `rge aolsbrabeO his 76th birthday. Mr. Smil
; I a to tho � weatern former, .
� Made to order Overooiats_ . $109 $1594201 $30 majority of the people *rvf'�Wiaghauz vote amount of . has been A resident of Clinton for year
- I " ho,: bub a oaks agd counted oa Not I
� � ' - I Although,he has reached a goo o ago,
� ; $7.501 $8 and$ 10 against me ; but, nevertb6loss, I am not w
L I I , hard and ant I )ated in t e neigbborboodi of
t Reddymade Suits $4.50. $6.501 ,,Z going to forget them in th� days of their I . Smith hai not been sick two d a in b
I . 4P - I � - .� , one dollar pe I ushoL a beat now be' �, �
1. - � d, 10, necessity, and I am, asking'! for a postoffice, : IN life. ,
IhAe to Order Suits : . 15 $20 and, $25
I i Q Y . 11 - marketed, gr I es but N .. 2 Northern an ;
' �
I I ormonal purpose, .. -
I a "
� Readymade Raincoatg . � $2,71; $4, $6 and. $10 not for any political or brings 60a. a weabhe'r, now$ however, is -Mr, #.Shore, of Wingham, has bet
IF . - ; i , noolo' a public build. I . appointedo by the Bishop of Duluth, to tl
. I but because the town perfect and th Inhabitants look forward tor
1 7 ' $12 and$15- -ing, Thersfors,1 do not "'k it for political I
[ ifaae to, ord&i�amiooilts . -- . I $109 a long, fine fal and winter. missions df Princeton and Willow River,
I .
L . I : . because. *a used it, For I I the State of Minne t�%, and lefb on 'Nodue
I I * de Trousers � . 10 . . ,; . uro eta,,
I .Readyma $1, $1.50, $2, $2 50 and $3 rassono. I ask it ,
- I ; I 11 the year 1901 2 the postal avenue amount. 1(o day of last week, too0commence, his'duties
i $ .50 $3, $3.00, $4-050 $6) 07 qd to $4*600; for the year el'Aing June 30oh, I ' . � ' RAMBPMI his now sphere of work. .
1 2 . I k .
; Made W.order: Trouse'rs - ) � j � I . qP � Bradwardino;, Oct. Ist'! 1903. -
� 1-1 f I o The piano for the proposed addition 1
1 - I .- T1. . - 1903, we collected $4,806, 1 In addition to I - �
I � � - .
F . � . . -. . . thab the customs pollootioni, for 1901-2 were - - the 11ouse of Refuge are now ready, ai
I : �
� @ , 11 P � 11 11 ;-----_ _"-W�006601 , I
- 'i � - - - - - - - - - - I . I $6,6W, and for 1902-3, 19 '03 ; iod so for .'k r r�
I I ; : . - ,4 , Mis ite G gan. willbasubmitted to the Houteofnefal
� o � I . . . 1, I I r .
.. ;t . . I .
� - 11 � . . - I . I thin -year they amount to $1,000 a monbho .4 - � - committee of the county council short]
* 1. . that -size and charact*r do, � Talks 4 3,out Thi � and Thai. and will then come before the council at t]
t . . When a town of S
. . . -
I I : . InAuds a postoffies, I do not think there Is a � � - - . I December session, �
Furs are Going. , I . . . . I
. I . single man,on. the Opposition benches who Well, thl Fst � Fairs Is 11 over ab 154b, W -On Sunday of lastweek Mr.Colin Cam
. � .�
. 1. I 1 . - - will soy' Say. I lehv:,,r i: their , hands. thl red an' bluO proize doTets, -hang angpind- bell, of Godtriob, suffera4 the lose of a val
. � " .1 A - , 11 : . With regard to the , we have severpl id from thl to04 .v thl kit�ho6 clook or are able cow by shooting, � As far as cap I
I p . I
I I Yon ou,ght to get in now and see the beAthings4o be', seen,. and 'Procure available. I do not think the site is oln'g sh�towsd "fol - way in till; family album loarned, some persons were firing near ti
* -
1: I . . � . I . i
� , I � Hinnery an' bush known " Polley'k, and that the ar
I the best. prices. . We are juslt as anxious. to sell furs riow as we will be- at. any to be very. door, thou h I Would not I a to alongside ii cle Th in" .
, . I mat was-ihob, possibly by accident, '
i I mention any sum, Tfore is a site in view Auntie Jane, It aboth who *int to Dak
� later date. .Everything ip, .1 ` ur favor if you tire going to buy furs to -buy . I T h' Ob'i Yg -
E . YO I . I I which I think -will be selected if the owner tin years ago !. 9 lostil March.. -The other day A. M, Polley, of Gode
[ now, 'V,V-h .'every ,rid lob, hid his right shoulder dislocated. I
, �eA ,we aay� , tfiing'-in. your favor, we mean as far as itock . - s is- willing to all it at a reasonable ce. If punkin has boo out up Into an� cow;
F - � I I ,, . ome-made was opening a gate at his farm in Goderb
11 eff as low : qob; we will probably look ,,,Pri . In
: assortment, styles,,, qu�l ties bestp. p . where I food an' thl bit Vree y0do
�� prices are concerned—anormlous I i rlic I .
P . � I I . . I . . , instsil- fiennin an' thl: I -stitched Bat- township, when a horse' ran to go throng
. 7 . � .. may say that this vott is only , an I t Pair i7'. him
I i .
- I I . . . Making a sudden movement to drive t]
� as ever can be. I ,� . . '
I r I A� � . I went. 'To put up a buildinj that would be' tinbtirg toidi am been;thtowed carefully I
I . -------- . __ . .
. . 7 - . -W1W1W1W_: 7 - I in k0spitio with the other, buildinjo.that away in th' ho m buryj drawer to kaps animal back,ho slipped a d put his should
� I
I ,c � � - I � . I I - ould surround it, would itil�olve an expend - company wid ould man's claue Sunday out of joint.
. �c I _.� �
. � . JF I . . 1-=_;�_Y, , MoDonald, f Molesworth, w
0 1 -1 . iture of from $20,000 to SZ 000, The Bank, shurt, an' mob. to be showed &gin nlx� -Joba'-A
I f .
A of Hamilton stands on one corner, mspi- fall av thl jud � a don't 'catch on purhape, badl injured by falling rough a trap do
Z .
. Underclothing - I � - ficent fitracturs, and the Dominioan Bink: thl last man to hint at much in h7s brother's barn, . b Thursday eve
I 0 � although I'd I � I
� :
. � 1 . . has fitted up a buildin Woos the strest a ting. i . ing. He was going through the barn in tl
, -
. I . �
. � 1. .
- . fro M a style that I all An, shpakin' iv toidies I may shtste that dark and fell into the opening in the floc
I i - I . . . in It ii of I, I - it me failing on his aide, breaking tbrie ribs, I ai
All wool light weight 3 heavy weight, guaranteed unshrinka 09 few banks in the city Ottawa. It is a m glad iv th" . pportoon ty to pour Ot - floor beneath, a distance
" .
owd . brick building which the bank has rented vials iv wratho so to obp4k # on; rh' Atiff, then fell to the
Y : - $1,00,11 .00, $3.00 r's
� . i I .� . per- sitit � I for 25 yesrm.� These bank buildings are starched &W ncomfort�blo toidy, an'. th' 10 feeb.
J .. . . loo roofed with *late. On the other corners shtiff, starche I an' uncomfortable woman J, W. Hanna# of Hanna Brothei
. I
I Fleece lined, heavy'weight, ' . per vait 75c, $06f $2 .
T . there are splendid --buildings, and we want who invinted t Im. ; Keyet, Manitoba, and formerly of Mori
� .
� t . I I % I I . -a buildin ) mob with a painful &widsub 4
� . . . oat me this way Ye make a formal call on towashil r
' 4 . �. I be in keepf jig. with ilism. Ve t a a prile a neighbor we'll Mayo on A Sunday avinin, Tuesday, September 29th, in trying to st4
+44+4-1 1 ; f I I+ i 4 i f - 1-4 . � atthat will - .
. .
� _.- . I - kk our town. am ola6u, and nest " p�rha", Ye: ingle th' ,dure-bell an' th, his brother's team from ,;unnng
. i a ), b a - lea broken belo
� I � . possible, and if any of you visit it, You will m1asus 1v th a� comealto thl durs: IV@ was ran over and b d . h%e Fs also sufferh
� � come away with t�e impression that it is one 46 Good avenini, 1wighter Or,ogan I My I but the knee in two places ' '
I �
� Bar ga in Tabltse . Drangor I Well,
. . -, . . � . of the prettiest and uesteat towns west of it's yersilf thm; s thl big shi from. internal injuries. ].
- I I
� . I , i
. : the city of Toronto. , Well I Come Ili thl parlor Mishter Grogan I -There died at, UndoO on Saturday, 31
� .
I —I ,& lot of sample coats, W��;'at is th ver inst., Charlotte Ruth Ustor, relict of t]
31EX'S RAINCOATS � 20 per cenL discount on - . . , Mr..T4onmn (Gray). � I.. in build- W6114weli i Ps or Jamoo has jist gone 0
. I.! . . . . . fo a few tftiu�its, but he'll be late Andrew Pollock, or.. I formerly of Tar
I ranging in price from $3.50 to $10.00. iniz In WJughani to cost ? 11; to Dooley's 9 .
11 � .1 . - . 'The ldfnister of Public *orks. Between book in boll at hour or go. Wall, well I berry and Gray boundary, aged 68 yem
WOMEN'S RAIN00ATS-20 per cent. discount in rubber lined Waterproof' $20,000- and- SM, - Take a chair foliter Grdgem. Woll,well 1,0 The deceased was one of t,he firmt settlers
. .
� . I -to, Cal -faw4 and grey,, $5.00 to $8. 'Irt,b�,Wk it. it a wilful waste Ye take a 10�anoe rounO thl room, Tben?m that district, having, come to the bound&
I " coa ors black, I . , , I nd such a large sum a rookin! oh;� an) a big arm cligit, an' over 40 years ago, and Mr. pollol
. � I . � __ ___
- . ,
. - " ,000 of MOM �
14—Hea worsted' Stripes,, black W -_ --- - oari. b.Witig a post,offiee mobby foive or ight half grown cha, on' died about 30 years ago.
MEN'S O;DD TROUSER .. ,vy weight wool, also small -town � oon . - is dioyrated wid -Male �C'Ioedreerl
. . - . in a tainin& 2,OW or 2�500 ivory mother's' 'a iv thim i ,olm McLean, of, ch, who hi
. � I rated and serge, - $1,509 $1.75 and $2..00 ' at*, died on Sunda
� Wo .. . . populavion,,' which bas no prospect of becom- a taidy, Now, I've seen bol1dies that yo cud been ill foi over two ye
� - .1. I : P, ,
I -
� - 9 ing a very largs town. Thle is an inlaud loan back apl#st widoub. anvy misgivin's, 11th Inst., aged 49 years, tuberculosis I
� � . ,5c - toffice - . because, Deceased i had tried many i
— . :wo lug i IV ould
31HYS sox Heavy, grey, all woolo two pairs * . . , and a poo ti $10#000 toldies that sh� we � in
- I I I I :. � 107 be' Ulto suffic le- coo i I Oldies me ad remedies. and had, been an inmate
I Extra heavy all wool, per pair 1 20C w 1� lent. 11When the Con- &nP or . ibby. 031 t
� .
- : -1 . . . I i
., � I mervative Evernment wasIn power I asked B tth .1 c t thl koln 'iv"--toidy that rin I a leading Northern Ontario sanitsrlul
. BOYS? STOCKINGS- '—Heavy ribbedg all wool,.sizez 71 to 10 I . . I in my own, which is a . : th, house j� jilt no here the disease is spoially treated, b
i I for a publie-buildinj . . bringla' bef I . w. As I 1w .
� . . �� 0 be I all failed,
: . PA' wa , ad I a ! bottom@ juvoites ye
i per r. 25c large manufacturing to said-befoor, .
I I . � I . . ,7 2,000 at the gsted. Yo so, alth4ug her -The Suoanna Wesloy� Memorial churc
. i was buU m,000 01 $I pooloffice
I il — - 00IM' gave tht, site and the obtand. h satisfaction, I'd loike to a -
I veryday outside., The n t Kilo, was dedicated on Sunday last.
kOYS'CAPS I A. number in box, all Sizes, good for e I oaf, dedication service was held in the mornin
. �
, J. 'r
I . . Government put'up, a building at! that kPOW IN. in sittin'. 4v ye can' i; pr
I . I wear � . : . l4c - .1 . i' thl back av I
11 I . . $20,000 o," $25,000! in a lumn AMIDI thy when Rev, Jasper Wilson, president of t
: . - . . . oinal a ;
. � -
i . . !, . price.. To spend ghom i a wilfulw yer spoinal a shbiff an formal conference, preached. Services were a]
� � "to chair? An 9 ye sit up AP . . .
S , 11 —Black, blue, red and white, sizes 4 yemn 'to - littIO-villAgO like Win � !
,� . � . 'of public money.. . � I
I : . .�rnment should so some prai rs r n, W yer convur. held in the afternoon ;and evening.. (
MOYS'� SWEATER The Gov ra I've a I
I � 0 �y evening is fowl I supper was grw
1 16 yea-ts, -,. - Fr�,ces each 35 to $1.2.5 esfablish a rule that unless there Is a popul- nation is jilt 1corrict and jist so as yer Monde
� � . I - . . . id outertainment.
� . . . . .ation.of a certain number and a revenue of a attitood. Oh I 110 Vankful ye are followed by a splend
- ;;—High storm collar, in heavy- nap cloth. and -hieze, . -Dr. Roubbler, of Mo't 1, asident
BOYS', REEFER . :1 . . certain amount the town has no claim at all. whin th' man v th, bon I returns � an, in- 0 rea , pr
. .
S Coiors grey, blue and -bro wu , $2.25 to $5.00 In the came of a frontier oit :i like Toronto or - voiteg ye int th! kitchen to have a shmoke I the St. Joseph Land Company, and J.
- � . 7
F' . �, - IoLieau, of Chatham, a0chitect of the B
. . &I we should, in th Interest of the Eh I what? a squat ermilf down sm a b
;1 � I Montre S.
I . ;1 . . . � itry, make -our buildi Is respectable common vuld 0' air blisit udu t knc w a toldy moral block, in Huron's eimbrio city, A it
� 11 '. I _____ � - � coula 9
- . VW ---- *"W4PrV"V . . - Of a om a J .. ,%b an, ye �1601 as If' loife was -a war of words over the way the wort, at t
.......... . I buildingm,.but to meet the r quiremento fr disk V f
.11 .� � - ., �q
� . � I -
- � building which is 11 that'is need- warth livitWe r -nee more. I I building was being carried on. This led
9 S �_ . �'Ma eaini to an under- it war with fisist and finally to an almal
n �'Ma Ellen .
a I . ed at Witigham, a bnilding eating $8,000 or Me an ` . . I
. Butter - nd Eg s. as. -,-Oa'h � '""" -MR �1� I regardin' toidies. case before the Goderich police magistral
. . , . . . . . $10,DOO would give all tbe� 1, accommodation mlitandin: y years ago
. . - . I . re a I sok who sent the ease to a higher court,
I utred. � I have ti t revursib)o toidy on thl b
� I . . � . . � a " 'I
. . !
.. - i � 11 11 . rarf Hughes (Victoria), Listowel has a, iv me I ,Ylor hi-ohair, so whin Igo to sit -The following totalm are taken from t
. � - re:,venue - it give thl toidy a bit iv it flip Ha�v township collootoe# roll for the ye
� of $4,496,77, and , Ingham ft rev down lia�r '
1�. � . , 1. - f -, __ I enne of - $4,1507-a difference ,he r ...... over,* t a - ye are. I Ild be most h py 1903 : Total taxes on �. roll, $27,757.5
.a , i - . . .. &
I of aboub $9. - . � to show me i I intion at a;nziy lime, to MY township rate. $5,132.58,1 county rate, 8
i: i1ro .I I ave a statement wan whose l(I e is not 11 in yable so lb I
Mr, Deputy Speak � �, ; police villal
W, from the postoffies dbpartm at showing the I � I onsinsical taxe&
Greig ,] S t ar j 382,80 ; drainage taxes � $2,594.90 ; sch,
e. , , $6,728.64 ; Zurl h
; . ,1 I I might be on I count iv that n a village, $178.3
ii: __ * - . . see IV
i � �.� ot#tidttcw for � Winghain for is year, It is pi fi olne tom-fo6lery known an th' $624-24 ; D"hwood poli
t . : ml ,
I . � 1i . � . . . . I . . M t I statute hibor returned, W,50. The b
(SUOCESSO�S -TO GREIGA _MAODONALD):� '. I . an follows -. i ". $4,805 85 tolvIle w, ur t f� ad to a purty fair ixhlbition once it compoq6d of chs s
I i � . . . , Grimm revenue , , day, betune th' proceedings ,of the D1 chas and Wat,
. � . I Number of. money orders � 2,066 IV lacrosaw"s , T'ankagivia' T10111 Act,'ind entere4 on the roll.
Amount of ml orders. Elora and Wo aceburg teams. Blom 2ame Con
. :. � I . opey 5i I --One by dine the old settlers of Halli
John "� Oros.' Old Stan'd, 1 1.237 out on top, at I imagine that thl most iv
,son 1k � � I Number of money orders di I
. . . . � I __ . Amount of ml oney orders psi $20,157 00 th' Sayforti. so wud tather have bad towumbip are passing over the river whi
. ', Amount of postal not2s A $2,116 00 Wallacebarg;.earry away th' pinnant. Our i knows no return, and 4m Monday of li
, S,:ffl.&-_P0._RrX .- �., .1-.1 � $6,90000 By thiss are wid thl , wake as week a pioneer, in the person of Geoi
. . I � _"_ Cgotome in 1902.3 . 1 $9,300 00 I . cese we know what il 84 years, an Y
. . - . . , ,11-1 And during the last � 00 IV a. Eh, what ? to a good old age� that of k
I - � ee'l months, $1, ,O there oursilv
.� Customs in 1902 Uay' ,,, be a ru"', Westacott, journey I
deb �, is to b I ad thither. He had liv
; - . tbr I eettle in Huron ;whan it was ye
I I I 1, * Thl good
I ., i*yple in the Methodist. church i one to I
� I . %per �. month. I Z�
Cheap Rates to the coast I . I . a on I
. - . � I . .. . I The ibom was adopted. , . had a dolig I ful tolone at their, tay, matein, I wilderneAff, and hawed 6ut his hom
- . . . 1; .1 nin. Allth'bist )ayple iv [farm where he died. Fl�eyearjagohelli
� Tanksgivin' i Ive I
ovember 30th, 1903. Vancouver, �. p � son-in-law, J.
Good goin- September 2O.th and until N i - - c his
M \T1 e mesilf. ' the homestead to I
. , �&dsstardly criminal askault wao'com- th' town war 3 there. . I was th r Little and for three yea �@ %f ter visited w
Victoria, Yew, Westminster� B. C.; Seattle, Tacoma, Wash. Rate, $4.3.65 via mitted,in broad day light, on a girl 19 yeats Me religious convictions may differ some- I s lot on I
- , � . . � , - It-, -of age,daughterbf Mr. James Stewart, of what from those IV thl Mithodists in a few his childten, finally takiog.up hi
0. P. R. I \ It' of Ellice. The young lady minor pointat ut - our views is similar re- old farm with his daugb, r Re was bi
the to fob was in Devonshire, England, find sixty years i
'Whe gat1hWjag clothes off a line near the gardin viottialoxydology. There
, z I - came to this country, settling first at Ch
GREIG & STEWART,' A 4Dnts ,house, when\,,_ unknown to her, a man ap. plinty IV good! t1ings to ate,- an lots iv it, y, where be was married. His v,
. I 9 , reached from�behind blindfolded and gag- surrounded *aloi0s iv limon poy there that guacOus
P Ai a gineral t'ing I niver died about 17 years,,rigoj but tkere tome
. C.1P. R. Ticket and Telegraph, and Dominion ExpreSS. ged her simulti-neousl'y. - The gagging was surprised me. ay - four daughters %ad threii sons to moarn
done by meana of,* piece'- of cotton which come across W,iny limon POY to suit me aw I
I � � ,
I I .
� : -1 . I i i� -
. I . � !I
. . " 12 1� �
I � I � - -_ ;i I I I i -
I I � I �
I ,
- I
I- 9000 fkm�'E I .1": :Islulg
, . � . . ,. ; . I !
. I - - I
. I _ F I , i , I I I
� . � � : 1i
. 11 . i
. 'i, �
. � � �, 11 : . ; ; .
. I .
- � , .. !
I . . I - I, I 1� I �
� I . . . � I - � � ��, �
. - I , , . � I . I \ I i I
. -1 . .. I .. - . - - - - - - - - _.. .1 I-
I - . . I -d -1. - .
hft - '� I -.._._1--__ I.I.- �..-,�,-,-,�,-.,�-.-.-..",�,-,-__.---------,---- - Al - � _ ______ � ____ _._ ------ t_1_1______'hi��_���L__� I
loss 4 their only remaining parent .. Tk
daughters are Mrs. Little and Mrs, Farqi
h ar, of Hallett township ; Mrs. East, (
Orangeville. and Mrs, 11olland, of Sheldoi
Th� son* are Stephen and George, farmer
of Bo4ineau, North Dakota, and Robert,
priva�e banker, at Grand Forks, D&koti
He was a Methodist in religion, and
staunch Reformer.
—A series of mishaps occurred In Clinto
last week. Miss Elizabeth Washington he
the m4fortune to severely scald her ban
last Friday, while working with some h(
w6ter. Mrs. S. Davis took a tumble froi
ttis back porch, - of her residenoe Saturdai,
. asuilng considerable psi . Din her back ; it,
thought she *track the platform in bar fal
Another to sugar Inju last Saturday wi
Jilt Wm, Cantelon. I was- look!g ti:
, .
� iloor of the peaking house, back of Miller
machine sho- whou some little follows wl
� had bold of the lines, started to pullon ti
: horses, This booked the rig and team ul
aqueezing Mr, Cantelon between the bulk
ing and rig..-
-At the annual convention of the El
� worth I.Amgue of the Wingliam district, he]
in Brussels last week, the following officei
were elected : Honorary presideub. Re,
D. Rogers, Fordwich ; president, & Bei
ton, Whiteoliurch ; lot �iee.preddez
(0briablanEndsavor dqmrtmeut), Missh
MeNaughton, Brussels ; 2nd vice:prosidst
(missionary), W. 0. Thompson, Wingham
3rd vice-president (literary -1, W. B, Beer, I
A., Kinewdine ; Uh vioe-presidenb (social
Miss M. Staples, Toomwater ; 6th vice-pres
dent (junior), Mrs, (Rev.) Vance, Bervie
secretary -treasurer, W. H. Karr, Brusgels
rapresentative to conference, Walter Hal
—Mosers. H. 0, Bell, D. Robertson: an
A H Ca", of Wingbam, have purchased
ti;Zr limit of some 172 square miles, all
usted near Fort Franwa, and Wlso taken a
option on another timber limit, Mr. Cm
will leave Wingham in the courts of a fe,
weeks for Fort France#, to proceed with th
work of selling timber. In connection wit
the above, the following in taken from tb
Winnipeg news in Monday's Toronto News
11W. A. Preston, of Winnipeg ; H. 0, Bel'
A. H. Carr and D. RobertsoD, of Wingban
will totart a furniture factory at Fort, FraE
can. Megarm, Carr and Robertson have goE
East to purchase machinery." -
—The Clinton New Era says -. "Old A
Moore, Olinton'm oldest and earliest doctoi
left for the Golden State to opend then
mainder of his earthly days with a nfeo
The doctor graduated from McGill in 10'
and settled here shortly after. Being ver
emnbrio and reserved suwes# did Dot follo,
him, although said to be a clever doctor I
his younger days.' For a number of yew
past he has not done anything professions
preferring to live in .his own quiet roolai
way. The dootor meeta a brother fro'l
British Columbia at San Francisco, and i
he is well up in year's 41so, he t*o will am
his lob with the relative spoken of above, i
Southern California."
—One day recently Master Orland Johi
ston. youngemb son of Mr. R, R, Johnobot
of Zurich. met with an accident which, a
though aligbt,."hb easily have resulted I
his losing a limb, it not more 6stioumly. I
trying to climb into a moving wagon, he gg
�him log in the spokes o,f the wheel and wi
� being carried up by its revolution, wbf
his iries " attracted the attention of it
driver, Mr. Sehustler, who took In the slit
. stion at a glance and stopped the team h
#tautly, but not halt a second too moon, 1
! the limb bad already become pretty tilghol
jammed, and some, effort W" r uiro4 I
I ce m from his perilous P"11tion, A
� � first; it was thou hb the limb was broket
. but it provei aly, a "veto braise.
I —Mlss CampbsH, of Brussels, is one Of
�! hundred heirs to a fortune of eighty-Oi
million dollars, Ali the particuisrs 0I
I �
� how she became that fortunate, we canal
, relate. Suffice It to say# that Miss Cn
� bell received notice that Phe was one of t
I legal heirs, and the notice was accompanii
I by $200 to pay bar expenses to Mexie
I- where she must go to- receive the legav
,, This immense fortune of eighty-fivemillic
�dollars was lof 0 by Fedro Colvoldosto. Sj
� year# *go,, he was working for thirty-fli
[� cents a day, but discover -ed ' a rich iniO
1: which in the shorL space of six years ma�
1. him a multi -millionaire. He died 'In Anau
I last, and Aftse Campbell has been notflift
1; thab she is one of one .hundred heirs to th
l� immense fortune. As to how much of tl
OW$000 she will receive,, the does ni
i kT, ow. � I
I —Another of Goderioh township's �]
I pionsers,in the person of James Richardam
has passed over to the silent majority, M,
Rlohardwn was im Clinton, on Friday. 01
-inab., and returned home -in him usual go(
health, but while ,chatting with his fami
on Saturday, LbAi death summons came,
blood vessel bursting in bin besil, causit
paralysit, and it was not long before be b
came unconscious, from which he never r
covered. He was born in Queetea count '
Ireland, 75 years ago, 'and in 1848 came
this country, settling in Goderich towashil
on the 12th concession. 1 Here he convortA
from forest one of the fiviest farms In tl
tow hip. He married a Miss Wellw6*
of Now York, and to them were born 8:
children, who are still living. These w
Mrs. Harlicks and Mro. Rowden, of the 141
concession ; Mrs. Ludlow, of Holmeavill
and Robert, Knife and Francis, at home.
—The property owners of the town * ,
Wingharn are to vote on a by-l&w on hial
day,, November 9bb, authorizing the coum
to raise by way of loan the sum of W,00
for the purchase and improvement of t1
works and property of the Wingbam We
; trio Light Company. The property is a%
. to have coot $WX5, and the town are
i purchase it for M,000. The debentur
are to extood over a period of thirty year
and it willibe necessary to raise the sum
� $1,734 annually, to pay interest and provi4
a sinkin 'fund. The present debantu
debb of kingham is $79,364, on which t]
, 01-5, Lis annually paid for interm
fsum of .65, .
Wingham " already bad some experien
. in, municip�l ownership, The Advance may
� "A few ye Lrx ago, the waterpower was pu
I ch"ed and a now dam built for fire prou
tiou purpo wa, at a cost of $8,000 or ovc
What has )een the result ? A profit to- t]
municipali v,y oich year, over and abov4i V
. amount due for sinking fund and interei
Why should the resultuot be the same wi
I �
the electri? light ? " �
. 1 — 6 -
. —John 1�rlghtls dispersion nale of Shoi
. borns, ati' Whitby, last week, attract
I stockman from all parts of the Dominion,
well as a siumber from the United Stati
Imported � Rose, a handsome two-year-ol
I was first th be offered. Hon. John Dryd
z started th� bidding ab $2W. She broug
i $34% being knocked down to Wm. BrIgi
I of Raillin, Spicy Tunis, another import
; animal, b�ought the highest, figure, ft
I and went so W. B. Gardner, of Meadowvs
I I . .
I Spicy King, a spring calf, brought SM
. Allan B th of Oshawa, being the si
: ' " �
cossful bilders."'Othero who bid and bouQ
. were : me@ Yule, for Sir Wm. V
Horne; Hon.John Dryden, Colonel N
Gillivray, Wm, Smith, ex -M. P., Poi,tmam,
Howden, Robert Miller and Robert Mill
. M� I
� .__
I 11
I -
__ -
__ I
. .
_ � -
- ,
i, ior
I �
I � __1 -,
t . , ,--
i. ''
p I ....
I .
4 -
, 4 _: I I
I 11 - I .
- . � -
I ��� -
. .
. -4 - ",
I t .
4. f i, t �
� __ i
. I
11 �
I _ .
r, ,
, - .
��_ _ -
__ ;
k_ .
� I— I
1 __ _ __ _ __
MoLEAN BROS., PublWhers
I -
. _. . 3
I I - .
. A� -4 1 2 . .
. -a-- � .
f . �J � . � .
4T I . ; �
$1 a Year in Advance.
na -r-
�,, ._ !
� _Tk-
- _ � I
� � _Tk, �
� I I k - . !
. .
__* . __ ,_ o
_____ - -1
I �
. - __ -
_-A _
- I
jr., Bobert Johnston, Graham Brothers, D.
bluirbead, Rpnfrow Isaao Lstitimer, Mill-
I , ,
I- 1 �5v - � � ,i � , I
e ., __V - __1 � � . �
�r V - �.
; Joi,eph Porter, Cedmus ; James Q
g1_4 j � " .
,�, - L . .�
irf I . .
Prest6n, Minnesota. The aggregate
-I- -A
- � M. -
� - � . I I
of the stile was $7,954, or &a average per
. I
� �- �
- 2* 11-_�.-L- 2
1. s
- �0 - I
- V_ .
-head of $143
�; : :
- � �
11 41 -
. �
.k I
� - i
. . ;
L i_4,1 I
. � - � ,, : I
- I 4-
_� �
I i I
.- I _( ,
—Rev, Dr. Gordon was instidled as Prin-
, I
__ � 4
:�� F ,.�
ci of
Pat -Qneeifd University, Kingston, on
�� -J 4 .
- . .
i� � ;, � .
-, �,N� ;
� t I :
Thadkegiving Day.. He delivered a very
, , 4� i
� _4 :
� .
j � - 1 7 i
able inaugural address, which is very highly
. �r_l I 4-1 .
- i
� ..." . -
" - - 4
� � ... 1, o
� ` a
I - .
commonded by the prees generally.
' I
- � z&. :
�- . I Yii - :
, 1. 4 �
cc of the Oatarl ,&limb
— oSoe '
� 01
� . - - .
_ --A .
- � � �
p----�t�baellodoln'"'Otr'e'woeo'-% in Berlin, It was re.
- vz, ,
1 T � - .
1, ..
iolveo to run Socialist candidates In Mani.
Z. _* -
,7 �� -71 I
,t t Elgin and North Waterloo,
-il � �s .
�, 1 7 1
C.." A I
t th _ :
'a � Do inion election.
-, �,I
!�, 4- - . �
'Ii� ;: .
.: I
—1 ; is stated, that out of 3,000 emigranto
- - � I
I C I �
11, � !K � T
1. -� 11 11 �
� :
from: )rest, Britaim,to Canada in July, more
- -_ � - z
I— - .
.. -
� __ V, � :
thou, ao'balf came to and settled to the
� i_E_ ,� .- I �
, E �.__g I �
, 1: � I
FrovlioeofOatarfo. If tbissort of thing
I I i: � 2
. i �
. . 1 � �
- - . �
ccutim nee it should bring O ntatio)a popu14-
S i zJ': I i
. .
� n. I 1r: i�l � .
I ��i�
tion -up to the desired standard befor; the
I .
_4� . �
. :
_� - Q . I .
-U. . I
. I
next census to taken,
IN .
-, .
-i_ � �
� 12 ;
'y, . �
lb- a Thanksgiving Day, Dr. Albert R*y
- I
&1Z_1 I
--,� t4 1
,� . .9
- I at �
FWutledge, son of Dr. Routtiedge,, M. P. j�,
�_ :
I " I
�_�._ .
7 �.. �� I �
, i .
for W out Middlesex, wAia married to M.1as
:.: .
,� I .
rx, �,
'71 __
Victoria Cameron, daqg� � liter of Sheriff Oa=-
- ;
�6 .4- . �
c �
11 I i
aron, of London. Th8 08MMOnT WM Per-
.- , I .
I - �
1z z 7
t 1 1
formel Rev. Mr. bleoillivray, In Ne W_
I b
4 � i I
.4�� 4 - ,� I I �
:,111 � - I . �
St. JaMeSTPresbyterian clinrah, J_oudon. -
t � 1, -
4 t
t . . r
4, I � I I �,
—David B. Kelly, of Torouti, a railwzy
�.� 1 . � i :
il, - � I �
� �
� t , 'I �
mail clerk on the Midland line, and who bow
- -.1 � ;
I !� I e
#,.*-I� r, �
been I the poital vervice fQr 22 yearp, h"
� �
.- A�rl , It 1, �,
been arrested on the c -barge of opening
. � - !
.i* U , i
- ' _2 � 1� - I
Z�� I
mone� letters pamaing through his hand*.
i . .
I [I �
R_ - .
He w w entr,tppr--d by d" letters seat-
-- 4
- -
I w�
. I � �
� �
thtou h the maili by the IneWtor of t thab
,- I i
. - � . �
��, -4? 1�!�xl �
. .
distrigtI. ��
- � I
� , - .f
I t � 15i 1
—A gale vvaa�: effected a couple of days
il .
-, ; , . .1
; -
ago of the plant and premises of the Pirm-
� �, �� ,
- al
. I .
I 1j..
ere (b onarative Packing Com"Rany, rib
I � I . - � . � I
I- f ,�' t i
Brantford, to Matthews & So,ra, of Peter-
- - i I I �
� . I I . 1.
bore, & d Hull. The property has been lie -1.4
P . I
: , __ -
: �*1 - I, �
- .
J ---- X__ I �
for some time by the bauk. The price was
, � I �
__d I
- . r � �41 �
not'reported, but it is underitood to 'he
- -, �. � �,vi-1 .
� .ik . -w� �
� _44f. ��
___ . �
. S
� __ --;- �,
- .1 ,
—James W. Hunter, a poor carpenter i6f
_�'.. , � � �
� i-, , I
� � - - - - - -
Wfnnl �eg, aged 36 years, received the wel-
- . 1. �
. :$'� � J . ��
come � atelligence, a few ,lays ago, that lie
.. rr _ I I
I �
. - A
44 1 � �
;%�J � ..
has be -tome one of 17 part ,icipanta in &a 00�
IL . 1.
I I -
- - e -
10. .
tats aed at $25,000,000, bequeathed by
i ,
. -
.- _V1. . I
_� .
- - �
?,, J A . .
an ecesutrie uncle of Liverpool. Mr. HunV-v
I - . -
�i .:. �
�1 0i I �11.
er's share of the estste will. be over a mi1w
" & 1� I
, i.
I , t �
lion, a ad he is leaving at onee to claim hi �
. �
- �'
L7 A T, - . 1.
-- I i I
. I
Mon � !
- & I
—TMDntre&1 Star cable from Iton. ni
1. A
.!Z_� - �
- I �4E I
� -_ I
zj! t 1" _n
- D
I ,
England, -save Sir CharleaTupper'_J��r_ft;_
14-: � - I.
-, ..
, T _:
� - .
_� --' z
grand- daughter, Mary Tupper Oamarovo -
. �
� t I
was married a few days ago, at ,86. Jude�a
�, I
1` �� I �
_ -1 J
- -
church, Kent-ington, to Edmund Pelly
Chapinan, M, A., of the Indian Beng*1 �L;4'
I � __ f " I
I -1 1: r. M;
� 411 ��
, I secro.
servict whosof-sther was formerly &
' � '
I ; -ii . .
. , �
� .
�� ..... I �
- I � � �
t6ty tA P the 0overnment of �ndia, In Cup
� � f �
..7 _;�' . 7
financi � and winmerce department. I f
_ �
1__ � 'it 1�t I % w i
. �
—T ie 9.07 $yer for Toronto, last Friday ,
�!, � . . -
� �
- tl � i, � ;_i
I . I .
moral g ran Into a herd of 30 cattle,, two
� .
1 1 ,
.. �� I I
miles went of Berlin, on the farm of Alvin I
- -
� I'll i I
. � �
Sehief ey, to whom the c&�tle belonge& .
4� � V
. _. �
a - __
They overe stockers, pit on' the farm on
�.J . I
Than lay, and were wo.I,vh botween WO *und
;'11 ,
$W as 3h. Seven of them %4re killed out-
. =� -s-
�� if,
I ,.
right, two others had to be � killed soon af-
ter, and three others may die. The owner
� .
� . I I
will Iii ing a aWm for damages agatato ths;
- .
; "I I I . 11
- �
- 't, .
Graul Truak, on the groun.d thao Phe com-
fzs_ - t", - . i
ps!! fonees were unsafe,
- .
- - .- 1 . �
- �
� I . . :
� 1. .
eCansdianresidetitsof Grand FAp- .
I -
- i �
.. , -1-4
Ids, ichfaan, -of whom thera aa a largo
. � - I
,_ ,
UUM r, have iormed an or gsuiv*tlon known
I 41;_ - -
as the Canadian Club, The first open Omt
I_` z
I � 19; .
�� .
'. I ; .
�m __4 �
�� L
�1 �
ing of ,tfte season was bold last gaturdv
4� ", �
. P, - �
� " I ;
.1 -
y - - . s
� - � , ;
Ulifflit and wax an immente sucoesee. . Can.
. �
I -
�, z ,- .
ff _- " --- - � � % �
t. I
I .
alan music figured largely in the progrann-
Z,�: - - 2f !
, � .
- -v-
me tb it was reniered during the evening.
1�,I, I
- , �
t -if ;
One f the unnibers rendered was " The
i� .
U - ��
W-.-- ,� 11 t-, i I I
"I'll, .
Leaf Forever," wur.g by M -,s. Ronan,
'?, �
tj� __ .
. I vf
�_,�_, - x_ V1
c. I
and a company joined enthusiastically in
. L i� _�
: � I
� .- - �k I
� - .
the a orus. -
, �
�L, , J. t - �
�� sod dy * cc ed in the river
urr L I
, J
- 4,� :-9.
, �, � 11
at 0 , dwaterolawantlyriZ Walter
y ovenic -
t , - - i -.1
, - .
Usinbird was oat ack nhooting! sind when
. -4 e
� . i, � -
- � z, I
returning home a storm came ,on. He 'is
_- .
. ���
I 1��: i
-_ -
suppo to have been struck by lightning
,-,. "
- I
and e an o can", His companion
I �11 I �f
, . T - 't .
was a short distance behind, him In another
�__:, _. �.�,� .
i� - - .
cavoe'and felt the abookof fte lightning.
1- . 4 �
, �2 1 +� .
i i, � `
A sba.-t distance abead of him be found the
, -.
iI � _.., �
canoe upset. Word was ;,tat to Coldwater
1k F ".. .
t � I �_` . . i
4- _� �
and &p.arty went In - search. They soon
I - I . �; - �
� -1 � . �
I , �
-I -
found the bodv. near *hr.re the canoe woo
I � .
- I
_ I q
- I
� :
�. I � t
�c- .t ; p
� I . . �
—1 hankegiving Day brought grief tothe
- � k� T
� � I Z7 . . �
__ . ;
home of Bsrtholomew Dilling, of Bowman-
�1 - �
. - � ,
�, . I
� ,
Ville. His son, Fraiuk, a Piano "on'
I - . .
V .c
. ,
i- 1;
maker in the Dominion Organ U
� I
1� - -41 �
out Shooting ip company with 4:r0rrY71;::
- � .
_.�__ �;, 7
Ding n ani George Rlich.-,rdji. The latter's
- -
, �iLl z
�� �� -
I- I ,
gun i1ras accidentally dizebarged, tibe 000.
� _
1- + �
tento pieroing!the heart of yozmg Dillingo
f.- _��,
f )6,� ,
end .he dropp4d dead jni�t as he'was In the
f I - - ,
- i,i
- , - 7,
.act of taking iim at a flock of crown. Dil-
Ot 11 .ML- .
=-- ,, �,
. 11
--Hug was in him 23rd year. and was popular
�ff 1': ,.;
- ' 7.1
with his companions. Young Ridbartle -it
I _.. C
- .
.. -
I "', I
nearl 7 distracted over the terrible ending of
- I x1l J� �A
_ - =
a day of antfaiWted pleasure. I
1_�__ �
I ... I - - � � I
— sad shooting fatality cocurred an the
, .
_ - � I , . .
� , �
- �
St. wrence Wivero a 'few miles west of
� r.
. -, 1 4
- . � 1 .
Brociville, on Thanksgiving -Day, Sanford
zz i- . .
�_, - _; �! - . I
_. ",
Darling, of MaintosWe irffli, and his 13 -year-
, - ,�� - - =_s - � .
. -_
I . ),
old @on were duck hunting on the river in a
- le ,
�_ �
� - � ,f
. .
skiffi The father shobat tome ducks whica
- 4 - - .� _
- I . . 9
dived Atter the shot he aiiked him $On#
�� � , �
11 � - . . �
i__ - - - I
i - -
who was in We bow of the okiff to watzah for
.. f - � I
them to rise while he reloaded, More be
. �
� .
- � ,
. �..'�, , Z, �
- ,_ .
I E � - �_ �
- -
had nished loading the son exclaimed thst-
NU .- r
I � 1- I
r. � 4 :
�4 I
the duckx were In might agaim In tht -ex-
� � � . ;,
-i_ 1-1 .
- -
-1 Z. A � � .
citementof the moment the gun was im
� 1,
I I . I
I - I— : .
- I
I I -7
- _ I
- �
some unaccountable me-nner disoharged in
, � ��. _�
�' I .
the father's hands, the full charge passing
. .
�� -_ .
I - - , �.o
throu;h the boy's side, almost disembowel-
- _1�1 ....
V. � ___ t _7
� �
- .
- � -
ling b im. The lad uttered an excUmstsoUl
X. - I
- ,; �
, � I
�' -44'
and im-mediately fell back dead his
I �:
� F
father's arms. Them= in hem-b-hroken.
41_� z . .
- - -34 -
� 7 _.
- -_ t
_11b is understcod the the Ontario Gov-
I .
� '_ - �,
_ �
�_ -, 4
emm"t has taken steps to tave, the royel-
- -1 .,
- I
ties able to them upon the log* milready
5 . ___
� .
� -
i. - _� r
out I the Woods for the pulp mule at Sault
I., _- �
, I -
; .
. ;. - -
r �r , -
1 - -
Ste, Marie, and ;�hi &-b, it appears, we -to
I �t I I �
G-* . -
�; , 1
likol, , to remain ell winter in tho woods,
1,01 be watted. -- The of-
� L -*L,
&_ �
&Z *11 probability,
I F_ -,-. "
ficer0l of the' company� have been &dvilsed, by- �,
I - � I .
__4 1
the Government to send me.0 into the woo"
- - � I I -
to bring out these logs and delir6r ih�-m
�__ I I.,
at Sault Ste. Marie. When this Is
: � - - .__;
done the Government hold ' the out
, - .
U. . �
V I � 1.
ot bringing 'IV -he logs out as a first
. -
i V1
ch%rpe upon them whenever they way be
- �
�' �_�� �
. used by the mills or sold by the Govem-
I J-
1. 1_.
, ment. This will mean emplaJgmeat for &
� . _. -
I L��
large number of the, men who have tome out;
�., � -
I 'i
� LLL I .
�_ 4L ,
of the woods since the abutting down of the
e, __41 , ,
I work t. � .
t, - L
, -, _" L I
_14r. JazzTe—allamilton, of Staffk, was a
,-- r �
� . % I I
- -, �
visitor In St. Y-arys-Imt week, and on M.o---
f I
day 4a purchased the Whita6n. residential
. .
.. �
� - :
pro ty on Water street soutli, for the sum
- I I .
,I - :
of $1 1, and precentod It to his daughter,
- 1
. - ... I I
t I
Mrs. (Dr.) Hotharn. The property to a very
� �, . ; 11
- - I
.... �
handsome one, and will make a fine rezi- I I
'L -Ir
j., 1, I I
' � . :
den and office for the dwtor, who 19 f"(�
his there.
� _L p
_ L
. . �
_ _
� - - _J �
I - I
inaressing practice I -
uieb wedding
—A very pretty but he
; - I
1; i -
i I
i I � I
1�11 v4E=
took*jplaca oi Wednerelay e g of lub
N . 1� "I I
* - T _�
week, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Ed-
. -
� I -
L -
I 'f, A
I 1 t� - -1
win .. ing, of St. Marys, when thelm eldeeb
� I . I �L
�� � .
I -
daux Aer, Miss Agnem E. King. Was married,
�. -f � .
� .. .
=. �,
jL - ' '
by Rev. W. J. Taylor., to Mr. Wm. Sather-
. �_
� . - .
land, station agent at Glouboro, Manitoba.
V ?
I p
Mias,KiDg had betn teaching in MaDitob a'
it i -
� .
for a me years, but rec�eutly had been v1sit-
, -
,-. 4, -
lug a her bome. Mr. Sutherland N' an old
!_4t I
Blanabard boy.
5 - - I
- -
f f .
� 4- 1
. r I
I �,
. I i
I i .
I i
I . I
. I �
: I
. ; -
______11 - - _ I—
� I
I - I,
r - - �
� _. -
& -T � � �
L� 11. --.----
'T, -
__ LL�' -1 .
I -_1 I __