HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-10-16, Page 5roRE
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Perth Notes.
—Peter Krupae, of Follaetom fell from
an apple tree, the other nay, and broke his
41rntynear the shoulder. 1
—There were 104 persana committed to
'Perth county jail in the year ending Octo-
ber 1, 1903, as compared with 72 the pre-
vious year.
—Rev. Mon. Leitch, of Stretford, has re.
turned home from the -old country. Mr.
:Leitch is rapidly recovering fronkhis recent
—In the Nupplementary mit mates brought
down in the Domlnion House the othereday,
was an appropriation of *10000 for an
armory at Stretford.
— —Seven and a half *Ares of oats on the
*farm of Mr. Joseph Rankin of Stratford,
`sided 750 bushels or an averago of 100
' inhale to the acre.
—Mr. Wm. Barton, of Mitchell, has pit..
chased a fine two-yearendavy draught
Clyde stallion from Mr. De4 ity, the great
importer from Scotland of heavy entire
' bermes,
—St. Marys is to have a new posb office,
the aum of $8,000 having been set aside for
,euelt a building in the supplementary esti-
matos sutanitted, to the Haut of Commons
the ether day.
tratforeint population ehows an in.
for thisyear of 719, the total being
, as against 10,741 last year, when
was an increase of 'two hundred
-90I. 'T
, pines IN A CHINA SHOP.4—Eratilk Wan
min fernrer of Union Hill, [ New Jersey,
was driving two bull. and -tenc)ws down the
Hudson county boulevard th,other (ley.
Alonteceme an automobile wbioh itritatern
them. The started off. At the cornet of the
boulevard mid Gardner street they eneount-
*red the china shop of Henry chruntz. One
of them entered through the wiudow, the
other through- the door. Miss Alloe Han.
en, * clerk, went hurriedly o t of the rear
wiudowi Mr. Sehruntz was at the front of
the store when the balls cement]. H. went
out through the hole they' made. Tht bulle
worked as though they bad been trensied to
tile bulimia. When they got through with
the eetabliehment of Henry Bobruetz all
that WIWI left of it -war en the floor: Shelves,
ahoweaset, chineware, gialowoo and crook -
of various kinds. wore Weed -upla the
pi.ci. It wee herd- work tolget the halls
out _of the chine shop, Tbet *pro* to
tik. their stetroundiaigt, Aftsir shy/ bo
movsel hy Ph. initessmssi on4 COND.,
Mte Nsitstints isdisstvntly itsonss4
ktoomoioseelottosts aa41)#4 bite
bits sowadayt an 4 to tippet,
sl#t good thing, Two sok*figs efts otp
sstittem OW Th# Family HaM ems4 Wash,
ittas of Montego1 wars giving piestaltitet
414 written till" beistitiftd pi ilitie ssii #
kai Is solora limp of the Dominion with lei
oil tegtxt truip of this Prorlite ! It it the
latter;thst essitght th# piddle- fifty, The"
want of it wee evidently felt i Mod homere,
and we are informed the demand
and for this
eeotion has been a Surprise to the publishers.
The Family Herald and Weekly Star, with
the two beautiful piotures and mis, all for
one dollar, is sufficient to create a demand
any time. It is the biggest dollar'. worth
-before the public.
• • lilitAVOiterfi, Oct. 14i, 1003.
Fait Wheat (new), Ettapdard-- —
Oats per
110 74 to 10 74
0 29 60 029
:0 00 to 065
gsrieyper bn.alsol ,; 0 40 to 0 40
Butter. No 1, knee-- 0 14 to 0 16
0 14 to 015
1O13Io 015
2 00 to 225
gay per ton (01d).... , ,, 6 60 to 7 00
Hay per ton Ite9f ••••••• we • e. re me ewes.. ewe sae , 6 00 So 5 50
guesper 100*i--------------- 6 00 to 6 26
sheep Skins.... —..... *At Ow, ••••• •4 0., f 0 so *0 0 03
. 015 to 0 1
Potatoes per bag .........T • 0 40 to 60
Bait (retail) per bared— 1 25 to 1 26
W4 per cord (long).- — —..... 4 00 to 4 40
vir3od per cord (short) 00 to 2 00
Apples per bag-- 0 26 to 0 00
Clover 5 00 to 6 05
7,,Imothy Seed— — — -• 410 2 55
Pork, per 100 — — 00 to 8 56
tallow, per lb-- - 04 to 004
Butter, tab— as *a oni•
Eggs per dor_ — _
Flour, per 100 ibe_ _
, Dairy Market�.
TORONTO, October 13—ButtIe r-LThere is
little changer in the market. Panty of poor
sLuff is coming in. Prices are unchanged.
Creamery prints, 21e rsolids, 18 to 190 ;
choice dairy pound rolls, 16 to 8c;1good to
choice dairy tubs, 15 to 18e; poor to med
bra dairy, 12 to 14o. Cheese—The price
of last week, 120 for twilit' and 12c for
lerge per pouni, continues. Eggs—The
prevailing prico is I90 for gond fresh and
17e for limed. 1
Motrennee, October 13-I--Eggs—The
market romaine firm at the envenom and
prices are unchanged. We quote ;.—New
laid eggee 22o; No. 1 candled, 18e • No. 2
stock, /4 to lto '- straight painted; in to
. 8c; limedn161 to 17c ; cold storage, 171e.
The holdings of stooks In the won is given
as the cause of the ad/tames. Cheese—On-
tario'lit to Ilte ; townships, lOgra ; Que.
beo,lOno. Butter—Township oteamery, 202
to 2Ic ; Quebec, 20to ; western dairy, 16c.
Poultry. '
TORONTO, October 13—Receipts of pouItry
to-cley were fair. Turkeys, gee* and ducks
are still mama, bub there are plenty of
chiekena to supply the demand. For tur-
keys, 12 to 12e is the ruling Once ; genre,
' 7 te 8e; ducks, 10 to lle oltiekens, 9 to
19; and fowls at 7 to 8e per pound.
TORONTO, October 6—Poor lots of Pota-
toes are still coming in, and the merket
stays the 0a1110 at 48 bo 550 for bar lobe on
track here. For ottb ot store etook from
40 to 70e is paid.
Gram, etc.
Tonooro, October I3—Whetet. white, 81
to 82e '- red, 81 to Sit ;. goose, 73 to 74o
spring, 80e -' oats, 321 to 33o; barley,48 50
50e, Hay—New, No, 1 timoithy, 610 to
Sits° ; mixed or clover, $8 to $9 sheaf
draw. $10 ;- loose straw, $6 to i0.50 ;
dressed hogs,
per _own $7.25 to $7.75. Mill-
feed—Is steady at $17.50 for cars of shorts,
$13.59 for bran in bulk east or niiddle
freights. Manitoba millfeed is steady a $20
Lor care of shorte, and $18 for bran in bulk
east or middle freights.
Live Stook Markets.
Loneort, lenglentl, Getober 13e—Live cattle
steady at 10 to nio per pounn for Amern
can steers. (dressed weight); Canadian
steam 9f, to lane per pound ; refrigerator
beef, 84 ter 8ge per pound. Sheep, steady,
101 to. Mo.
Ltvnamme, Ootober 13—Canadian cattle,
nn„ to Ond.
Momenree, October 13--Caette--Bueiness
wag good at the Montreat stock yards to -day
Priem ranged tie follows o—Chbice hutch -
ere, 3 to 40 ;-r good, 3 to 3c; medium,
2 to 33 ; canners It to 2e. Calves—There
was a fair demand, ; good milves brought $2
to $8 each. Sheep and Lambe—The de-
mand for zheep and Iamba was good. Sheep
sold at 3to, olambertt to 4e. Zone—Prices
ranged from to Si ec. The tone in general
Was dull, owing to an over -supply of stook.
There was a large attendance of butchers,
but they were not in a good &tying mood,
and the demand was Blow. The best cattle
offered to -day sold to -day sold at from 21 to
3,70 per pound, Sheep sold at from it to
nte per pound, while lambs brought from
at to 4no per pound. Calvea sold at „prices
Sixty-five pairs large size grey and mhite Fleamellettelankets, regular
$1. 25, special sale price 95e per pair.
Twenty-three pairs pure all -wool unshrinkable Blankets, large size, weigh
7 lbs., seecial sale price e3.50 per pair. \ ,
We have the best 251r Japan tea that we have had in four years—try it.
Our ac tea at 38c will please you, consequently will bring you back for
more. - . 1
We are paying for live ducks 5c, per lb.; live chickens Lc per lb.; old
hens, 4ic per lb. (Poultry received on Wednesday forenoon o ly).
We have the best Overcoat in the trade for $5.00. Also the best suit in
town for 85.00—compare,
.Come with the -crowds.
13. B. GUNN, Seaforth.
ranging from $1.50 to $5 each no ording to
quality.- , If I
Bummer, October 13-r-Cattle—Opened
steady to stroog, closing about steady ;
prime steer; $5 35 te$5.65 ' - shiPping,$4,75
to $5.25 ; butchers' $4 to $5 ; heifers, $3.50
to $4.50; cows. $2.25 to $3,99; bulls, $2.50
to $4 ; etookers and feeder!'$2.75 to $4 ;
stock, heifers, $2.50 to $3.25 ; freeh cows
and 'Printers. $2 to $3 per head lower;
good to choice, $45 to $55 ; medium to good,
_$33 to $42 ; common, $20 to $28, Vests—
ntemly, $6 to $8 25. Hogs—Active, 10 to
15e higher ; heavy, $6 to $6,15 ; mixed,
$6 10 to *6.20; Yorker., $6 to $6,20
$5,45r to $5,65 ; roughs, $4;20 to *5.10;
stags14 to $4 50; dairies and greesers,$5,75
to $5,10. Sheep and Lambs—Steedy to
etrong ; lambs closing easier ; lambs, $4,50
to $6 ,; yearlings $4.25 to $4,50 ; ewes,$3,50
to $3,175• wethers, $4 to $4.50 ; sheep,. mix.
ed, 1$.50 to $4,
Tortonno, October 14—niattle Exporters
,—The few offered were of only medium
quelity. The demand was good, and every-
thing was fool& Quotations wer a little
easier at $4,25 to $4 60.psr -owl) for choice
cattle, $4 35 to KM for ordinary choice,
$4,20 to $4. 30 for others, and $2,50 to 1,3,76
tel OWL Autehere---Thero's *rod demssil
for ksst stock_ net mtny $904 MON
were offered, The pm* rngwd from 14
to 0,41), Ntookore ond Ferdoro— eo toony
iowlrodo ogle offal semi_go femora,
Nt061f8IN ore goolod ot .1,00 to PIO
osety tif34 ktoisst .11/ to ft
Th#so fr40 4 !Orly 7064 the,
masa, (Notation@ toe eteedy tto NO/
AIM* etliV6=What Witte attired ti,jt tit 00
to $frO a had, Th# riga wet ligI b,Nlit#p
owl 1omboy-410A *so *gni &1y At.
0 40 to $100 titielet, $1,60 4 tg 76
lotsbo, $1.76tci$4, The dooms lo god&
frogs--- The market WAS W0Ak, Add prioef ded
alined 10c. Dealers lay the do lino wfll
oontinue until there ill an improvement in
the old country markets.
ZURB13IGG—In winghane on October it, to wife
of Mr. M. E. Zurbrigg, of a eon.
BELL—In Wingham onDotober Srd, the wife of Mr.
A. Bell, of a daughter.
BATES—In Goderich, on October 3rd,the wife of Mr_
Wm. Bates, of a son.
DALEY—In Seaforth, on October, 12th, thewife of
Mr. Edward Daley, of a daughter. 1 _
COPP—In Roseland, British Columbia, on Ootober
* 8rd, the wife of Mr, John Copp, formerly of Sea -
forth, of a son. ...____' '
Marriages. .
DINSLEY—LINKLATER--•LAt the reside co of Mr.
A. Niohol, Wingham, on October 7511, by Rev,
1). Porde, Mr. D. L. Dineley, of Collin ivood, and
Mies Minnie A. Linklater, daughter of Mr. Thos.
Linkl te , of Lower Win ham
A.TICINS—LOOKMAA—In Wingham, oil October 75h,
by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, James Atkin , to Mies
Hate Lockman, both of Lucknow.
STEVENSON—ROSS—At the residence o Mr. Alex.
Sterling-, Goderieh, on October 2nd, by Rev. J.A.
Anderson, B.IA., Mr. Samuel Stevens n, of Gode-
rich, to Mies Catherine Roes, late of otiand.
Death. •
COPP—In Toronto, on October 10612, Alice Copp,
daughter of Mr. We.. Capp, of Seaforth, ageA
87 years, 10 months and 5 days.
CAMERON—At Rathwell, Manitoba.' o
125h, Mary Roo, relict of the late Du
erou, of Bruedield, aged 77 years, -
LONG—In Cranbrook, on October lath,
fred, son of Jacob and Mo.- Long, aged peers
IRWIN—In Huilett,on October Oth,Hannalli Miocene,
and 6 months.
wife of Mr. Roped Irwin, aged 46 yeare.
41=4E11—At Witighano, on October let, Tif. Henri,
edit Miller, relict of the late James Miller, of
Goderich, aged 70 years.
HALLIDAY—In Brandon; Maoitoba, on September
• 2.8th, Maybell Gertrude, youngest dsughter of
George A., and Nellie E. Halliday, Iorxuerly of
Brussel, aged 1 year and 4 months. .
*sLtucrriore SALE OF A yi CABLE FARM IN
e offered for sale by piddle auction, at the Com-
mercial hotel, in the town of Seaforth, on Saturday,
October 31t, at 2 o'clock p. 'm., by Thomas Brown,
' auctioneer, the following valuable farm property •.
Lot 11, Conceidon 14, Moltillop, I containing abou6 80
scree, 65 of which are cleared and the'halanee is good
hardwood. It is underdrained, well kneed and in S.
good state of cultivation. Theta is a comfortable
house tina honk barn. . There are two good well', one
at the hobo ard the 'other at the turn. k good
orohard of the best fruit, .About half way between
Brunel@ and Sestorth and convenient to school".
For further particular, apply to F. HOLMESTED,
Seaforth, pr to the proprietor, Princess etre* Strat-
ford P.' 0, JOHN Mc1,AU011141, 1870.2
---- ••
„1ik; 1LEMENT8,---Mr. Thomas! Brown has boon in
'erected by Kr. eceeph norritelto Hell by public
anotion on 1.06 IS, Concerelion li 8, eitillop, on Tues.
day, October 27thr at 1 o'clock p, m., the following
property: Houses—One three leer old gelding, ono
ti year old filly, 2 two year old geldinge,. 1 ono year
colt, 2 opting colt., 1 aged mare ouppood to be in
foil, 1 &Piing mere 4 yore old. nettle—Six cowl
supposed to be in oslf, 2 twoyell, old holfere sup
roved to be iii calf, 1 two yen old 1Jersey heifer, 8
J year oldieteere, 8 ono year old atsora, 6 one year old
heifer., 121spring oaken 8 hogs 8 months old, hie
plementse0m Mixon ooniblned oed drill, 1.1)eering
mower, 1 lumber wa4gonL1 track , women, i en bole
sleight', i large sten land 101161, i lirsir iron herreen.
1 hey take -nearly new, I two tore wed plow, 1 three
101 OWVI elow, 1 Week plows i e eelesrrow, t hay
er , MO iliiin 0 4/14 04Y ell mop Oro i Jereir eill4fOrt
/if 4 /5J euentlte ei Ong 0 in t 0 440 ter
If ft r yte41411.ite eso jr well rzornytoto"e;
sadsd lis• 'Tit 'itir ”
f pre
61)61 OH I tih
fell 68plitihitiolt ;efi , MI tele"
tO -11ffiCtARjyti Of niffi" Vg ifitAD 01
M WO 1-441B66 !titre if lad IA:
fne 611f fitIii if, Vii6, fk 44 66 f 118
affet166 64 146 lk dde ' 6, 64figiap el, to
On Wertemsay, o gsth, 10 / tne Miley to fl
iiiii eteete einem !NW prate oldt 18 Meettiolso tom
yettito did, iff ettir rieleg e ow old, 6 hewn rift
tfites OM 61d, g heifer" riirifift 1 years Old, 8 emieg
maven gliewly calved crowe with eaves by their side,
geowe due to calve about date of "Mei 1 ow nip,
posed to be in oalf, 2 farrow cows, ,. brood sow 1 year,
old, I brood owe oven months olc, 50 White Leg.
horn hens. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terme—Ali sums of
$10 snd under, cash; over that sraount 12 months'
credit Will be given on furnishing approved joint
notis. A:discount of 0 per cent. for cash on credit
amounts. The above stook is all well bred and in
good condition and will be sold ;Without reserve as
the proprietor is giving up the farm he had rented
end.has no feed. WM. ROGERS, rroprieter ; JAS.
JONES, Auctioneer. 1870-2
Traction Engines
One 17 barge power Sawyer. & Ifseeey, compound;
ono 14 horse power Waterous, one/14 horse power,
George White k Sons; one 14 horse power, John
Abell; one 14 horse power, Waterloo. ; alio the fol.
lowing portables: one 14 horse power- high speed,
White •' one 13 'horse power, Cornell ,; one 13 horse
power,Leonard ; one 118 horse power Sawyer and
Massey, and several others; all vlhioh have been re-
placed by Bell engines. Write for prices and benne.
fleatorth. 1869-4
Fikrnitu re
wan Catn' 'Undertakung
Edwin Al- a
. . .
On Saturday, October' 1:70, at ottlook
le me at Dick's Hotel, ,Yarde,. eaforth,
Stacie Steers and Heif'
ers Newly calved
Cowe and Springers. P. A. O'Sull van, pro-
prietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer, _
On Monday, October 19513, at 1 o'clock p.
m., on Lot 2, Concession 12, Hull tt. Farm
Stock, Implements and Furniture). Joseph
Stevene, proprietor ; Thomas Bron, auc-
On Thursday, October 22, at 1 o'clock
p. m. on Lot 4. South Boundary, Stanley,
1 mile westtof Icippen, farm, farm stook and
itnplemente., John Whiteman, proprietor;
B. S. Phillips, auctioneer. •
Oa Friday, October 165h, at one o'clock
p. m., on Lot 22, Concession 4,L. R. iii..
Tuckersmith, Farm, Farm Stook and Im.
inements. George Brownlee, proprietor;
Thomas Brown, atiotioneer.
On Tuesday, Ootober 275h,. at one o'clock
p. m„ on Lot 13, Concession 8, Manley,
Farm_Stock and implements. Joseph Mor-
rison, proprietor; Thome Brown, auction-
eer. ,
On Tneeday; Ootober 20th, ab olio o'clock
p. m., on Lot 30, Concession 3, Hibbert,
Horses Cowie Streck Steers and Heifers.
Peetteironiiece.Crann, proprietor ; Thos. Brown,
On WednesdayeOctober 21st, at 12 o'nook
noon, on Lot 6, North Thames It act, Us -
borne, Farm Stock„and Implement*. 'Anne
McDonald, proptietor ; Thos. ameron, •
auctioneer. _
On Monday, October 19th, at 1 o'clock p.
m., on Lot 2, Conteesion 12, Hullett, Farm
Stook and Implementer. Joseph Stevens,
proprietor; Thomaa Brown, auctioneer.
. On Wednesday, October 2Ist, .at 1 &clean
p: m., on Lot 5., Concession 12, Hullett,
Farm Stock and Implemonts. John Cros-
bie, proprietor; J. G. McMichael, auction.
On Saturday. October Sisk at o'clock .
pl. en, at the Commercial Incite', eaforth,
a good farm in MAillop.John b °Laugh-
lin, proprietor; Thomas 'Brown, auction-
sale, two thoroughbred Bulls. One is two years
old, red color and 'off, imported stook on both Hides.
Tee other is 10 months old, roan e,olor, 3 straight
imported crosses, Apply on Lot 30, Co cession 7,
Bibbed. DAVID MocO/INEI,L, Dublin, 1870.4
1L1 MEM 111 McKILLOP FOR SAGE, For sale,
Lot25, Concesion 5, Meliillop, eon ining 100
acres, of which about 76 seeded to grass d 6 woe,
In fall wheat. On the promisee Le a large bank barn
with stabling for abodt 40 cattle and bon s. Also a
'good pig and lien house and other ou building,.
There is a Dew and iip-to•date brick hon conven-
iently bested throughout by a furnace a grand
cellar and cistern and kithhen, also.good oodhouse
and summer kitchen. This is an exce11& farm ior
grain glowing or grazing purposes, as ranch el
the Maitland river runs through a small corner of
the lot near the barn, which makes it onvenleat
for stook raising in the summer season. rrhere are
also two good wells, r It le about two 4i1os from
Seaforth on the North gravel road and Is 4croveniant
to church and school. It must be seen to be ap-
preciated. Apply 00 the premieca or acitiroas Sea.
forth P. O. WM. ,BUBOLZ. 1870x4
If you want a comfortabl and thorough-
ly reliable sanitary mattress, we have it.
There is nothing like the blarshall. Bed-
ridden patients have found t eir bed sores
heal up on this mattress.
We also remind you that we sell the
vertical feed Davis sewing -Machine, and
honestly believe that it has tut equal in the
country. It has all the latent attachments,
and,notneeding, to take of the premier -
feet to piece them, they can ne put on in a
fest seconds. Before purchasing, oall and
see the Davis. We have other sewing ma-
chines, cheap in price, but good in quality.
All kinds of Furnitureopel House Fur-
nishings. 1
1 I ,
Upholstering—New and meth' work
carefully one.
And Embalming
Receives our prompt and careful attention.
Night calls answered Lib Mr. Intreehters resa
dance, second house west of Barton ific Son's -
blacksmith shop.
Hunter's Excursions.
Single fare for the amend t ip from sta-
tions in Canada, Broekville and West, in.
eluding Suspension Bridge, Niagara Fells
and Buffalo, N. Y., to
The Highlands of Ontario.
_Muskoka Lakes District. Liake of "'Bays,
Magnetowan River, Lake Nipissing, Severn
to North Bay inclusive, Lindsay to Hallbur.
ton, Pointe on Canada Atlantic Railway,
Rainy Lake to Points on C. P. R., Neve -
lock to Sherbet, Lake Jet, inclusive. Good'
going October 24th to Novernber 5th, in-
clusive. Tickets on sale October 9th to
November 5th, to pointe on C. P. R., Mat-
tawa, to Nipigmi and Garden River, in-
clusive, also Kipawa and Temiskaming. All
Tiekete valid returning on or before Decem-
ber 1211, or earlier from Lake point() ,if
navigation closes before December Inge,
1903. I
Write for handsome illuatrated book en-
titled " Haunts of Fieb aud Game
" giving
all information pertaining to game laws, the
regions to go to, maps and all particulars.
Copy sent on application to J. D. McDon-
ald, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, o
Agent, - Seaforth.
Or by addressing J. D. McDONALD, Dire
trict Passenger Agent, Toronto. -
More New Mantles.
Our Mantle sales this season have been unprecedented. During the fair
week our sales were very large. ' Our stock was badly broken up. We have
renewed our stock of Mantles, in all colors and simis, and have added several
new lines which were not shown early in the season. This puts our mantle
stock in first-class shape. Ladies' Beaver Mantles, 30 inches long, semi -fitting,
fly front, vetvet collar, colors black and navy, $3.25. Ladies' Cheviot Coats, 30
inches long, box back, velvet collet double breasted, fancy stitched pockets,
linedf with niercerized:'satana, $4.95. Ladies' Frieze Monte Carlo Coats, with
pleated or.p in' box back, with double 0: pe, top cape trimmed with eight rows
of stitching, and piped with velvet, lined with mercerized sa.tana, colors black
and oxford, reat value at $7.50. Ladies' Diagonal Cheviot Cioats, 36 inches
long, velvetollar, kimono. sleeves, trimmed with kersey strapping, colors black
and oxford, hould be $10, our price $8.50.
MILLIINTERY.—Our Millinery Department is doing a fi.ne trade this
season. Owf sales have exceeded our most sanguine4xpectatious. It pays to
have first-cla s milliners.
.1111/Manneeer•••• e•••• ee •
-------04-44-44-4-.-40-#4-4*---.* '-
New Stock Ladle& Wrist Bags
The:finest assortment and best valne sver shown in Sea orth,-4125Mga
Ladies' and Gentlemens -
Pazses, Card Oases, Ticket Oases, 13l11 Folds, Portfolios, &is
In Noff9 PaOrg iui Wg44Ing bvit4tfori§,
.Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books
For aii tidlient64.140ii§ ope6141ty, tarp twottfattht of Bible -with Peekt-
testistl hyttint4 fi ,IAA,
71 114(
Just to h
Never before
do your buyih
overcoats- noW
f2•Milii:1/111:111 =11:01t = 'Ergffgagg
nd an immense range of men's overcoats in the very latest styles,
rave we offered better values in these lines, Now is the time to
delay often means a Zoss of money. Also a full line of boys'
in stock.
See the iaps we have in boys' wind and waterproof coats.
See thos famous leather coats for the cold weather. They wear like iron.
See the pe range of furs that we have this season.
It will pay you to see our Men's Fur Coats, they are excellent value.
See our children's coats they are selling well.
NOW drub goods arriving every few days.
New goods arriving in the Millinery Department every few days.
Any quar4ity of butter and eggs taken in exchange for goods.
EffigiffERIXIMEnningli vimenixtee01
Having bought o t the interest of the dyeing bun-
ness from lire..Nie el of her late husband, Henry
Niohle, formerly of Staforth, I am prepared to do all
kinds of dyeing, cleaning and preening, All work
done on abort notice. J. T. SEWARD,`Vietorisi st„
a few deers south ot, the G. T. Clinton, Ont.
Don't Cough
Chtorodyne Cough Curq
For recent and chronic Poughs and
Colds Lose of Voice, lifoarsenees,
Brom:bins and ether inflamed con-
ditions of the lunge and air pass-
hoe • .
We have tjuert received a large stock
of Soveriegn Shoes for men and wo-
L11011 ranging in price from $2,50 to
$4.50, which are the beat values pro.
duced bn a Canadian manufacture*
for fall sod winter wear. They are
manufactured by a Huron Old. Boy
and reptement the nest quality of ma-
terial and workmanship that money
cEin produce. They are made in the
latest styles, whkh for appearance
-and wear are equalled by no other
81100 for the money. Cail and nee us
at your first opportunity as we will
be pleamd to show you through our
large stnok of fall and winter foot.
wear whether you buy or not.
Richardson &brinnis
Sole Agents, Seaforth.
Roberts' Drug Store
Is the name of ourt new perfinne. In
seeking a perfume worthy of our most ex -
meting patrons we have found Wends,
which ie positively exquisite. 'The nob
enough for ue to believe this—we wish to
convince you. No way is so easy as for
you to ask us about Yolande next time you
are in our store, It will boa revelation to
you for Yolanda is worth knowing about.
A handsome Duograph given with each
ounce of perfume. Price 50o per ounce.
At J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store,
G B Ohocolates
Are the best made in Canada and equal
to an made in the United States, while the
cost is no more than for the inferior quali-
ties. A fresh assortment at
J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
Roberts' Pills
When you wyitke up in the morning with
a bad baste in nur mouth, you know Shat
your liver is out of order. Take a dose of
Robert's Vegeteblo Stomach and Liver Pftle.
They will cleanse your stomach, improve
your appetite and make you feel like a new
,nan. 25;o at ,
3. fte ROBERTS' Drug Store.
H and H Soap
For cleaning carpets and all kinds of
silk, woollen goods and exterminating moths
sold at
J. 8. ROBERT'S Drug Store.
:IX 1 "tri
Oan We Be of Service
To You ?
Weelon't suppose there is any one but
has occasion occasionally to patronize a
jewelry store. This store likes to be of ser-
vice to as many people as postrible. We are
pleased to quote prices to those who aro
only looking aroutd, Or we will explain
what is in favor for protean or give any
other information within the knowledge of
She jewelry man,
Jeweler, -Seaforth
ICorner Main
Market Smits
Our .Bu4ne
-to '7.S
But if ou can do bette'r elsewhere, we
us. All -we ask is that you will not as
-without giving our goods a chance.
take note -of the quality, style and pri
pleaseoindAen, if you think it tO your
we shall not have a word to say. We
i Tho Largest
I Dry Goode si fil
Concern in
Four Counties':
11 oods,
on't want you to buy from
me that you eau elo better
amine our stock carefully,
es, make any comparison you
interest to trade elsewhere,
are anxious to secure yonr
custom, but we want first of all to deserve it.
Mantle D
You will always see styles that
are different in Coats here. This
is no accident but a daliberate de
Sigh on our p rt to sell swell, per-
fectly made ats for less money
than you pay 4 lsewhere, and we do
JI This cut r presents our $9,20
coat in black nd grey.
Staple Department
Goods you want at prices you w' ant to pay,
Ten pieces Art Muslin, worth 121c, no 7p.
Fifteen pairs Wool Blankets, large siz , for $2.75 a
Ten pieces White Flannelette, to dear i t 5c a yard.
One table of Wrapperettes, worth from. c to 10; to clear for 41e a yard.
Fifty pieces of American Wrapperette, ood patterns, worth 10e to 121to
to clear at 'lie &yard,
Four pieces Grey Flannel, Worth 30c, to clear at 17c a Yard.
Four pieces of Navy Blue Flennel to clear at 15c a yaril,
Twelve piecea of Roller Towelling, all linen, worth I21c, 50 clear
Fifty pairs of Towels, worth 30; for 19e.
Special line of Bleached Table Clotho, 1vorth $1.25, to clear at 85c,
Special line of Colored Quilts to clear 4t 75c each.
Ladies' Department.
We invite your attention to a few speciels in our ready-to-wear depant-
ment—not many, but some good ones.
A Flannelette Wrapper'in blue and. white, and zed and white in small
patterns and stripes, neatly mitde, with frill on skirt, to sell at $1,35.
A Flannelette Wrapper, in black and hite, neatly trimmed, for $1.75.
Two job lots of plain and ribbed Wool Hose, to clear at 10e and 15e a,
Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose for boys at
c a pair.
Special value in Platonian Black and Croy Worsted Yarn, at jie a
See oar fancy knit Wool Kimonas, lue and pink, at $1.75 each.
.Clothing .
Dozens of fine looking young men were here last week buying their Fall
Sults and Overcoats, and more will come this 1 eek,T for the word miles to have
gone around that this is the place to get young men's clothing.
We are showing readyeto-wear Suits an Overcoate this soaion, the otyle
and fit better than anything ever shown in, rea y -to -wear goods.
See our Suite and Overcoats at $9,50 h—one prie,e only.
Fur Department.
There are a great many furs made just sell. A great many of this
kind are sold, The store selling them thinks i is profiting by such sales. The
reverse is true, e only kind. of Fan t at it pays a store to hest* is reliable
fura We have made a careful study of ha fur requirements of our customers,and our success is largely due to the fact hat e have always supplied them
with reliable furs. Your money back if you ant it has always eeu a guaran-
tee of our furs, but our patrons nevei w nt the r money back—they know it
will not buy as ranch satisfaction else here, See our great fur stwk this sea-
son—the largest stock of reliable furs in Waste Ontario.
Highest prices paid btfi r Butter, Eggs
antlio Is
Oppositee Town Building, Gornar MA111
Vv.* I MY 0 Ea
d: Market ta., Bealerth.