HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-10-16, Page 31203
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OCTOBER 16, 1903
Meanie and Wealth Ousht to Me
Linked With Illapuinems.
We are used to feel, to put it crudelye.
that folks who have health and money
ought to be happy. And so they should.
A. sufficient income promotes comfort,
and that contributes to cheerfulness of
epirit, and to have health of _ course
means to feel well, and that is a long
step toward feeling good. But liow far
do we have to look to fled pereons with
health to squander and more money
than they know how to; spend making
strenuous efforts to attain happiness
and merely achieving itapaired health?
If you have health and trioney yau can
usually buy pleasure, btit enjoynient is
a different article, and even wheu you
have got ' enjoyment happiness may
still elude yon Pleasure palls and
sometimes demoralizes; 'enjoyment eas-
ily yields to weadness, but you doedt
. get tired of being happy, and you may
be ever so tired and be happy still.
Happiness is a state ef satisfaction.
One reason why it is go elusive may be
becaase .we human creatures are a
oemplication of body,:xciind and, spirit
andrequire for our coMpiete satisfac-
tom a particularly nice adjustment of
blessings and Of conduct. If we in-
dulge the body too much the other two
partners become =Weeds; if we over-
cultiVate the mind the body may break
down, and if we bestoat all our atten-
tion en mind and body,' the spirit, ig-
mired, takes a sure vengeance on us for
our neglect. It Is so di e cult $o to
measure and direct our effortsas to
appease all the demands of our \ tripli-
cate teatimes that the simpler way is
to- regard happiness as a byproduct,
give over all direct attei pts to a4quire
a constant supply of it nd sitriply ac-
cept however- much of :it may come
while we go about our business with
such intelligence ea we can. We can
usually keep our bodies in fair repair
if we are not too lazy or too self indul-
gent If we have to earn- our livings
our minds and bodies, toe, find occupae
tion that is usually wliolesonie, and
the diecipline of work doee, As it usual-
ly Is, for others as wet as for our-
selves; helps to satisfy the xactions of
the spirit ,
Pronounced, the Most Interesting
Part of a Nevranaper.
An Inveterate newspaper reader was
overheard to say the other day, says
the Chicago 'Tribune, after an hour's
strict attehtion to the neWs: "The most
entertaining part of a bigdaily is the
'Lost and Found' col=1. Some peo-
,ple look at the sporting news, others
for the deaths and marriages, but lost
artittes and other rewardds are my par-
ticular fancy. If you stu ler these `losts'
you will have a pretty fair idea et your
felloW creatures' commOn sense and
• there ability to hold on to what belongs
to "diem. Sootier or later the horseshoe
[pin runs off with the hat pin, and the
tcluater diamond ring dieappears with
the pearl crescent. A popular elope-
ment is in the purse with.' jewelry; but
the lightsome fashion with which pock-
etbooks lose themselves In this sinful
world Mims how careless mortal, be
and that nobody ever learns anything
by another's dear experience.
"The rewards offered for missing
treattures indicate their value to the los-
er.t Some are quite path tically large,
others recklessly so, but a saving clause
Is the laconic 'No questions asked,' and
the I feel the case is truly desperate
and the watch chain and locket must
have departed under peculiar circum
stances. 'The lady who was seen -te
pick up,' etc,, is another thrilling in-
stance of a loser's despair, for the
chances are it is mere supposition, and
'no lady' picked up anything. Now and
then it is a yellow beaded parrot that
goes aatray 'to vary the endless variety
of dogs whose owners publicly sorrow
for their loss. About this live article
there is always a sense of tragedy, and
when I not o a 'found dog, in the list I
mentally congratulate wh(:,e ver had the
kind thought to advertise' it and thus
to Rut an end to the anxiety in Its
Foollines the Neighbor.
Terence O'Grady had only been mar-
ried a' week, but bis bride was already
making things lively in the little Idolise
111 Ballybunion. He nad been working
for three hours la his little garden
When Bridget came to the back door
and called out strident tones:
"Terence, me bhoy, corae in to tay,
toast and foive eggs."
Terence dropped his spade in eston.
•ishment and ran into the kitchen.
•"Siture,e,Bridget, alannah, yen) only,
coddin' me," he said. !
"Nay, Terence," replied pridget, "WS
not ye, it's the naybors Oras coddintl"-
London Telegraph,
Spain Er ought Vs Horses.
• The Spaniards were the tiret to bring
borgee to this continent, though the
paleontologists tell us that the rocks
abound with fossils which show that
equithe were numerous all over Amer-
ica it; the eacene period. it is a singu-
ktr fact, however, tbat there were no
korses irt America when the first Euro -
pease came hither. -John Gilmer Speed
in Century.
• What Site Meant.
"Sb told me," mid the. young -man
who had , consul ted a. fotune • teller,
"that 1 raq borl1. to ooMniaud."
W1.11, well eeelaimed Henpeck.
"She means then that you will never
De merried."-Exabange.
About the Size of It.
"Aunt Amy!"
"Yea, Ethel."
"What is a confession?"
"Gossiping about yourself, my dear."
lazy an can never k,uove, Vie jog
Well'saraed reit.
Are a sure and permanent cure for all
Kid ey and Bladder Treubles.
is t e firstl sign of cidney. TroublO.
I) rift neglect it! Check it -in time
S rious trouble will follow if you don't,
•C e your Backache by taking
T peafor h.
a Store
tibill las in Black, Green and japan Teas,
Salada, black and mixed Teas and Ar -
o a' black and mixed TOM. 1 also lead
• li all the beet eoffeee, also staars in all
t e Aitrenrent kinds, from granulated
• d Wu to the very darkest. Maple
rup 25o a quart, best Anchor and
olden syrup, two gallon pails of syrup
far $1,00, a so baking molassera pork,
s eked ha a, smoked b ke, bolougna
I ng clear boon, wholes le and retail,
s ulage, lunch bacon, odrn beef, best
p re lard, butterr and eggs; all at
e lowest prices. -
We h ve also, flour, cioni-merti, bran, aborts, -
o tmeal, rolled wheat, Tillson's rolled
o ts„ banner oats, cream ef wheat, qua -
k r oats, mala vitae, i vin, gronola
fl kelt, cream eodam and all kinds of
fa ey biscuits, gripe nuts, 8 iss food,
g ahem wafers in two pound ins, pure
n w , honey.
I have a few boxes of very fine raisins to sell
a wholesale prices. I !halve a very
large took of fresh groceries p1 all, kinds,
w ioh will be Fold at very clese prices.
, A goad assortment of, oh! a, orookery,
•a d glaseware, all of whi h will be uold
1 hay a lot of very clean, horns 'grown tim-
ot y seed for fall sewing and guarantee
It to be clean. •a
ant d ; fresh butter and eg s, or vr blob
th highest market price iiiil1 be paid in
•ort h or treat, .
.A larg stock of all eizes of f it ars ab the'
ri ht price. Malt, cider white wine
an standard vinegar. Sal by thebarrel
an looee.
Wood/8 Phomphodine,
The errata:Ise Itein*;
is an oild,", well eitub-
lisbed ia reliable
preparatioo Has been preeurlbc.d and need
oyer 4Q y ars, All drag.
! gists in tho Dominion
ofl Canada sell. and
1 i recommend' es being
' Before and After.I iterkinonlYlaniteclicorcin_e9eanodf
gives universal satisfaction. It premptlynnd
permanently cures all forms of .Nervous Weak-
ness, Ont(88iOn81 Sperniatorrhcea, mpoteney,
and alleflootea abuse or excesses ,' th excessive
use of Tobacco Opiunsor-Stimht a Mental
and Brain Worry,allof which lead infirmity,
• Insanity,Cqnrnmption and an Early Grave.
. Price V. porpackage or els . for oi, One will
please, six wil eivre. Mailed prom ty on re-
-ceipt of price. Bend for free pamphlet. Address
• The Wood Company,
Woodi Pitoe:Pbodineisin"WI°t
sold intieaillOr.11;bAynadai
hart, I. V Fear, J. S. Roberts Altx.ileon,-5aond
te. ' . !
arand Trunk a Iway
Railway Time Table.
' Trains eave &Morn as follows ;
9.20 a, m For Clinton, Goderich Wi gham and
12.40 p, Su. For Clinton and Goderlah. 1.
6.15 p. al. For Clinton, Whigharn, a d Rims/.
)0.18 p. m. For Clinton and Gederloh.
7.58 a. m. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto,
Orillia, North Bay and po ute west ;
Belleville and Poterhoro and points
8,87 p. Di. For i3tratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon.
tree! and points east.
4,40 p. a. For Sttatiord,IGuelph lind Toronto.
Palmereton and Kincardine
Gorse Ncrn. Pam. ' • Mixed. Mixed
7.80 pme. 12.20 p:m 8.45 s.m
Ethel. • , 8,07 • 1.07' 9,40
Brussels. 8.17 1.10 10.00 . p
Bluevale 8.27 1.80 ' 10.20
Winghara.. .. ... 8.88 1,85 10,80
Got's° Soma, Pam Bleed. `) PA88.
Wingham.. ,. ., 6.58 cut 9 al, 9,06 p.nt
3luevale,.. .. 7.92 ' 9.17 8.13
Brusaels. ...,.. .. 7,1810.00 1 8.26
Ethel I.2a 10.15 8.36
Palmerston., ..... 8.29 11.80 4.20
London, Huron and 14
London'depart.- -..-..
Centralia, . • ... - •
Exeter...." ••••••• • • •••
Herman.. '
r••• • • ••• ••• • • •••• gas
Kippen.. .• .....
Clinton- .1. •• ow. O.
Belgrave 10.50 ' 718
Wingham .. 11.00 • 7,65
•2101NO 8Ourn-
Wingham, depart.. - 8.50*.i. 8.10!'. V
7,01 8.28
Blyen ••••• 7.14 8.815
mi. so. Ing
8.15 dad. i.b0 P.M
9.18 6.56
9,80, „ 0,07'
9.44 6,18
9,60 0.26
• 9,68 0.88
10,16 6.56
10.80 - 1 7.12
y••••11011.r••.•••••••••• 10.58 7.20
Loudee-b-o.;;•tl rim 1110 ... ..... ... • • 7•22 5.45
7.47 4.16
Ernee01137,.............s.••• 8.95 4.40
Kippen.. 1••••••••••• so or t 8.16 4.60
Bensall..10...... els or 8.22 4.55
Exeter"- 8.86 5.10
Coetstalla'.. ...-....- 8.46 5,20
riOud0u, 9.45 A. a. 0,20
All departments of the CANADA' BUSI-
NESS-COLLBGE, Chatham, Oaterio, now
In full swiag. 1
Our opening day was neerly 25 per cent. ahead of
our beat prey -lona record. Our euperior co rue pro-
duce the resultalthat oramt.-846 atudents laced in
11 months. All our gradup,tee of last tOn8 placed.
Our call-rogistar still Shows a largo sumbe of posi-
tions offered ue at 240 to pia month that wo can-
not fill. Ifiyou aro interested, write for haudeome
catalogue t.o_
D. McLACHLAN & 0111
A lilurious Battle Between Two el
the !Big Birds.
A small party i of gentlemen, most all
of whom had tinges of sporting procliv•
ales in their blood, were discussing the
subject ef chicken fighting. An old
farmer from Rappahannock county,
Va., broke into the conversation.
' "Gentlemen," Said he, "In my time 1
the Igreafe. fight I ever saw be -
bane seep some !sang up chicken fights,
tween birds in ail my born days was a
'contest bet een a bald eagle and a
gray. eagle .ar my old pla0 in Rappa-
"This fight took place on the bank of
the river. I couldn't forget it if I lived
to be as old as Methuselah. 1 was the
only spectator and saw the struggle
from start to finish. The bald eagle
had caught a nanskrat and was about
to eat it for brelakfast when the gray
eagle - soared down and attempted to
rob the other one of its prey. Then
commenced the Combat, and, Lord, how
the feathers flew! They fought with
wings, beaks and talons, and I could
hear the talons 4ack when they struck
and tore each other. The sounds made
by their wings as they bufdeted one an-
other were like ethplosioas of musketry,
while their screams and 3;-'e1ls sounded
demoniacal. Tbe battle lasted fully
fifteen minutes and wound up with a
victory for old ,
gray eagle awayl
interrupted breail
"Oh, yes, there
gles up in my P
aldy, wile drove the
and then resumed his
are a great many ea -
rt of the state," said
the old agricultutist in reply to a ques-
tion. "There .are plenty of high rocks
and lofty trees whereon- they build
their nests. We farmers do not give
them any latitude, however. Whenever
one of these big birds is seep soaring
about the poultry yard, or, in fact, any-
where about the farm, it's 'Johnnie, get
your gum' beciettee it not infrequently
happens that good stzed chickens, young
lambs or little pigs are carried away by
them, !so they'rei ' Try 'unwelcome visit- •
This Expensive pport 'Was Begun In
• Eaticlitiad In 1662.
Though vessJls answering to the
otharacter of yapts •Were in use by
royal personage k from an early date -
Queen Elizabeth, for instance, had one
built at Cowes, Ile of Wight, in. 1588 -
the word "yacIT wil
as not used unt
the year 1660, iel , en the Dutch present-
ed a "jacht" ,named the Mary te
Charles II., says the London Chroni-
cle. In Evelyn' a Diary, under Oct. .1,
1661, occurs the entry, "I sailed this
morning with his rmajesty in one of his
yachts, vessels ;net known among us
till the Dutch Eat India company pre-
sented •that curieus piece to the king,
• being 'Very excellent sailing vessels."
kt Yacht .raeing commenced in 1.882,
when Charles IIL'Iwho had some yachts
built for him by Sir Phineas Pett,
wagered $500 that a yacht of his would
beat a Dutch -one owned by his brother,
the Duke of York, afterward. James II. ,
But the growth of yacht sailing was
Slow, and it is not until 1720 that an
authentic record of a yacht club is
found, in which yer the Cork Harbor .
Water club, noW known as the Royal
Cork Yacht club, was formed. In 1812 ,
a similar.' club, the Yacsitt club, was 1
' formed at 'Cowes by some fifty yachts- !
men. This clubeliz 1820 'attracted the -I
notice of the Duke of Clarence, after- I
ward William rtra when its title was
altered to the ko al Yacht squadron,
• Cowes. • Fourteenyears later William
/V: presented the tst royal cup to this
club. But in 18511 nly 500 yachts were
In existence. Since the international
yacht race of that year the increase in
the number has bent immense.
In Amerida, the Chronicle says, "the
sport may be saleto have eommenced
• In 3814, in whiehl year the New 'Stork
Yacht elub wastermed, and tho lie- .
tory of that club s practically the .hisa. '
tory of American yachting."'
Knew Nils ltnetnemo.
One of the best known lawyers of
Philadelphia had a case in court
against a man who kept a cigar store
opposite one of the large hotels. The
man had in some way broken the law.
"Do you mean to say," asked the
lawyer, "that you have made a living
out of that store for one year?"
"Yes," replied the man. "Gentlemen
come from the betel early in the morn-
ing and.aek for s4teea and tiventy-five
ers, and they dcontt know the differ-
cent cigars. ; hand them out five cent -
"Impossible," mad the lawyer.
"Oh, no, it lan't,"! said the storekeep-;
er calmly. '"I have done it on zou sey-
eral times."' 4 -
Inqnt live jury'.
"Gentlemen of the jury," said the
judge as he concluded his charge, "if
the evidence sbow s in your minds that
pneumonia even indirectly was the
cause of the man'death the prisoner
cannot be convicted."
A,n hour later •,e. messenger eame
from the jury room.'
"The gentlemen' el the jury, niy,
lord," he said, "desire Information."
"On what point of evidence?"
"None, your boner; but they want to
know how to spel pneumenia."-Lon-
don Globe.
A ft:ea hatted.
Wife -1 dreamed last night that I
was in a store tb t was full of tha
loveliest bonnets a d -
Husband (hastily But that was *ad
ly a dream, my der.
•,Wife -I knew that before I woke nit
becaues you bough me one.
It is best to rem bet, that life is not
written in lead pen 11 and erasing may
not be done until af r the account has
been rendere4 to 11 Ike Master. -Nese
Cott Harald.
--It is probable that St. Marys, Stratford
and Mitchell will be eonneoted by an oleo -
trio railway. The company is composed of
Canadian and American capitalists, They
are Wring for a fifty years' franchise of the
atraete of the different towns and exemption
from taxation for twehty years. This ben
practically been agreed to by the place! in.
Wrested, and it is expected that building op -
onetime will be Aonunenoed In the spring.
A Standard Remedy
Used In Thousands of Homesin
Canada for clearly Sixty Yearia
and has never yet failed
to give satisfaction.
Diarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Cholkma Morbus, Cholera, Infan-
tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness
and all Summer Complaints.
Its prompt use will prevent a
great deal of unnecesba,ry suffer-
ing and often save life,
Price, 59o.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited.-Tronte. Ontario.
The Hang of Peaages- --
"buck's Mapper Tleiolet"
From the worst worry
the highest satisfae-
n One stepping stone
d t e 2Z1!
The Ventilated Illuminated then.
Leave your culinary troubles,
worries and expense. behind
yolk; enjoy' the economy, the
coivenience, the absolute
reliability of The Hoppv
Thleu ht. " The best friend the
,4reful housewife can have.
Iitst a touch to the patented
'daMPOrs and it is ready for any
45 efficiency will be a revela-
tionto you if you are using the
coMinon kind,
1 : IS tlkie not worth investiga-
'tion, Send for booklet to
Tin WM. Ducts STOVE
CO., Liassiteclorarbrannford
orleall and see the agents.
• $014
Chesney & Smiley
DR. McGAHEY'S For n"larlitintled
Harm. Cures heaves
the throatand lunge! -
The only Medicine in
the world that wilt
Cure the above db.
eeset MakIng the
animal eonnd in wind
and useftd to b
owner. Priest $1,60
Malcom Co..
Xivaptvilla, Outs
MOGI Condition Blood Tablets and Powders
for sick Cht and Horses. 26o. Sold by J. S. Rob.
este, Druatist, Seaforth. 1842-62
United Typewriter Com-
pany Limited.
Underwood, Empire, and Blick-
All visible writing maohines, for sale or
to rent by the month, ribbons, etc., and all
other make?, of typewriteria second hand,
for sale. Apply to
• 1888 45
Trip That Cornoares Favorably With
the Big Rivers of Earth.
He who has made a voyage from St.
Panito St. Louis by boat - in the
springtime or the autumn has seen the
finest river scenery that may be ob-
served. from the deck of a steamer ex-
cepting that of the Hudson and the
Rhine. Yet few people are awarq of the
pleasure and beauty of such a tt.rlp. I
have floated down nearly all lof the
great rivers. The Amazon fro Ma-
nilas, the great rubber market, about
1,500 miles from the sea, is a vaet, ugly
volume of water 'without any !beauty
Whatever; The Orinoco from'ICI-tided
Bolivar is a small edition of the Am-
azon, although the tropical jungles
witich line its banks are mysterious in
their denseness and are supposed to
conceal all sorts of wild beasts and
creeping things. The Parana, which
thews from Paraguay down past Bue-
mit Ayres and blontevideo, 18 more like
thetMississippi than any of the others
exeept that -1t lacks the bold cliffs and
charming toeing and villages that over-
loo:di the Father of Waters. The Mag-
dalena of Colombia, the fourth largest
river in South America, is a turbid
stream *at is either very low or very
high„ asoording as you travel In the
rainy or dry ;season of the year. Ite
banks +a lined with tropical forests,
oftenl Impenetrable, and it changes the
course ap often as the Missouri. It has
a wild sort of plender, but it does not
compar% with the Mississippi in any re -
In Europe the Danube ps' more like
the Mississippi than any other river
and drains a similar country. The pas-
senger boats are much superior be-
cause the proprietors cater to the tour-
1st- patronage. For several centuries
the governments of the provinces
through which the Danube rune have
been improvinitts channel and wailing
up its banks se that along at least half
Its course it is new more of an artificial
than a natural stream. At one point
where it flews through a mountain
gorge in the Balkans the scenery is
more striking than any along the Mis-
sissippi, but for the rest of the way the
latter is much rsuperior. The Volga in
Russia is a good deal like the 'Missouri,
a tiny, mpddYdstream, with Clay banks
that are net at all attractive. The
Rhino, of coeirse, everybody kaoved
about, and for romance, ruins and other
artificial attractions and traditions it 15
The -Wile has been utillied by tourist
agencies greatly to their profit and
equally to the pleasure of their pa-
trons, although there is very little nat-
ural scenery, and the greatest attrac-
tions are the venerable riiinsinthe mys-
teries ef the desert through 'which it
flows and the picturesque Arab settle-
inents that line its banks. If similar
accommodations for travelers that are
novvpund on the Nile could pe placed
utionalthe Mississippi and the boats
managedwith equal skill and liberality
the SijoYment of the voyage veotild be
much grgater, but I suppose people will
cntinue to visit and admire thettrac-
tiont4f Attrope no matter what may
be said -of -those that lie nearer homes
. It Wars a Success.
A yonng lady who engages largely in
church:: and mission work was recently
the monleg spirt in some amateur the-
atricaht which *ere got up in the inter -
set of aAleserving local charity. The
entertaiament was billed, and the per-
fermaaoe was 4uly given. But some-
how er4ther ne notice was taken of it
in the lOcal ne*spapers. A few days
loter a?,friend met the young lady in
question, When the conversation turned
te the theatricals.
"Was the entertainment a success?"
"1 shatild think it was," replied the
lady, with a smile. "Why, We got over
"Is that so?" said the friend. "Then
you muat have had a large audience."
"Well, no," she replied. "We only
took $1.50 at the door, but father gave
us a cheek for $100 if we 'would prom-
ise never to doit again."
To Find Out YOur Future Ilueborid.
At bedtime, having fasted since noon,
two girls who wish to obtain a sight of
their futute husbands boll an egg,
which mutit be the first egg ever laid
by the hen, in a pan in which fie egg
lies ever been boiled before. Having
boiled it until it is hard, they cut it la
two with something that has never
been used as a knife before. Each girl
eats her half and the shell to the last
fragment, speaking no word the while.
Then, still in silence, they walk back-
ward to bed "to !deep, Rerchance to
• Preaching and Practice.
Spellbinder -Yes, my friends, eternal
vigilance it the price of liberty. Be Oil
your guard. A word to the wise is cif -
Voice (from the audience) -Then you
must take is for gol darn fools! You
have been talking -for an our and a
The hairdresser had don* rather a
haoty job on the rave .locks- of the
young woman. I -
"IVell," she maid, surveying the re -
suit in the mirror, "this is a shampoo,
all right, if there is any ouch thing.as
real 'p00.'"
Wow About Home Displays?
He-lt seems to me that the practice
of sending clothing to the heathen is in
direct opposition to Scriptural teaching.
She --Why, how can that be?
He -It teaches them to take tho,ht
what they shall wear.
Sunlight Soap will not injure •
your blankets or harden them. It
will make them soft, white and
fleecy. 7B
flIHOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the
Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left M
A. M. Campbell's implement warcrooms, Seaforth, or
Tax Exposing Office, will receive prompt attection.
atiefaction guaranteed or no eberge. 170841
TAMES G. IdeMICHAEL, licensed auotioneer for
tj tho county of Huron. fia/es attended to in any
part of the county at moderate rates, and (satisfaction
guaranteed, Orders eft at the Seaforth poet office
or at Lot 2, Concession 2, Hullett, will receive
prompt attentien. 1882-tf
ECTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillips, Lionised
Auotioneer for the counties of Huron and
Perth. Being a practioal fernier and thoroughly
understanding the value of farm stook and imple-
ments, places me in a better position to realize good
prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or no pay. All orders left al Hensall poet mike or
at Lot 28, Conceseion 2, Hay, will be promptly
ttended to. 1709-tf
TAMES A. SMITH, licensed auotioneer for the
eJ (*until of Huron. Sales promptly attended to
In any part of the county and satisfaction guaran-
teed. Addresa Winthrop P. 0. 18e5-tf
Are a Heart and Nerve Tonic, Blood and
Tissue Builder and Constitution Renewer
for alkroubled with weak heart or nerves.
As a food for the blood, the brain and the
nerves, they cannot be excelled.
If you are troubled with Nervousness,
Sleeplessness Nervous Prostration, Pal-
pitation of the Heart, Shortness of Breath,
Weak or Fainting Spells, Antemia, or any
form of Debility, take
Their curative power is quickly mani-
fested. They purify and revitalize the
blood, brighten the brain and steady and
strenghten the nerves from the first few
Price see. per box or 3 boxes for $1.se
at all dealers or
The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
• Toronto, Ont.
PI" ' M It
($34 F Pti p 5,
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lndoreed by the best English Journals, Supplied
to Itritlah Soldiera in South Africa,
for all Throat wad Mead TresiVON, pieuriv,
isasanua. Abseemres. Oid Mores, Vieersi_Yeione,
4111n libteasest. FAMOUS. Plinsolets.14tier-lointe.
Pheurnestiouts, emeneaso. Miming, neuters,
e1iet4iLletts, sore Feet,
WO by Druggist', 250. Try it onock‘
SLeisial Attention
CO Horseehoeing and
General Jobblog.
cam opp.
It is only by labor that thought tan Gederich street, •
be healthy and only by thought that
labor can Iss made bappy.--Rusida.
• • • Worth
Woman/ i S y at v at hy, Not I ntelle ct• stet,
nifty, Counts at Last.
9 got anothor glimpse of the 'eternal
eminine' reeentiy," says a Washington
hysician, "and 1 shall never again ex.
rcss surprise that men of admitted lett
eJleet should marry women who are
ot their mental equals- Among mai
atients for the last few weeks -12
act, until he died -was a man of re-
iaarkable a.bility and character. The
se had been in the hands of anotheg
octor, and when I took charge I saW.
at there wailittle hope of recovery.
he illness was eomplicated and, I will
nfess, dillieult of diagnosK _and it
as not until shortly before the fatal
ermination that all the symptoms di• m
"The patient's wife was a little 'wo.
an whom one could best describe bei
he term 'sweet.' 1 never saw greeter
evotion displayed:In the sick room
!er anxiety was pathetic, her wateelt-
ul care unceasing, end -I -grew ;to-
p to her. But I never could explain tie
er just what was the matter wtth her
usband, although after I really found
ut I made the most perspiring efforts
die so.
"How is he today, doctor?' slid
ould 'say in the most pathetic fashion,
he first time she put the quety I went
nto details by way of explaeation.
"The danger from pneinnonia has
inished to a certain extent,' I said,
ut from the heart action I notice cer-
ain symptoms of earditis Whieh givo
ery little grounds for hope.' Then 1
ould continue to explain the trend of
t e disease so simply, 1 thought, that it
• Mid eould understand it. When I con -
luded she nodded intelligently and
aid in a manner so pathetically sweet
tat my heart went out to her:
"1 understand. But, doctor, bow do
y!ou think be is?'
i"I groaned inwardly and Blade some
ply, bolding out little hope, and nev-,_
r again attempted to go Into detail.
ut as I watched her during the trying -•
ays until the end came 1 forgot all
bout her failure to eonaprehend mx,
e lanation. I forgot everything, its
fact, except that I was a witness of
that wonderful depth of affection of -
which the ferninine nature alone is ea,.
pable, and it would have made no dif-
ference to me if she bad not been able
to say her alphabet I honored her al
toz equal if not my superior." •
To contradict your friends when theet
are speaking.
To say smart things which may hart
o e's feelings.
It is bad to_roake reinarks about thd
f ad at dime*.
To talk about things whin only ia.
a :seta ytoonarus:alifd. eta.
or than
grumble about your home and rel.
To speak disrespectfully to any on
0 dTee
To be rude to those who serve you
either in shop or at home.
To dress shabbily in the morning be
Call130 no one will see you.
To think first of your own pleasurd
when you are giving a party.
To refuse ungraciously when mom&
body wishes to do you a favor. i
To behave in a street car or train all
if no one ele,e bad a right to be there.. -e
•Beaten the Literary Center.
The assertion that Boston was the lit•
erary center -without quotatitin Marks
-during the period in which American
literatare acquired a shelf of its oven in
the Merely of the raee is hardly open
to dispute. The production of boat
possessing something like permanence
is perhaps the most characterisUe mark
of a center to which the term "literary'P,
In its true meaning of "related to liter-
ature" may be applied.- Name the Amer-
ican writers whose work has stood the
test of half a tentury, and, with a few
neta.ble exceptions, they belong to Boa.
tort and its neighborhood. Ali this ie
thrice familiar. The tecord ef it in out.
Hite or detail is a story which has be
toid by many tongues and many puttee
it. A. De Wolfe Howe in Atlantic,
Willful Woman.
After the old gentleman had 1E7 ted
the young one to be seated the Iattef
coughed encs er twice to clear kM
throat and then bluntly suggested thet
he wished to marry the old gentleman's
'he old gentleman didn't wish to be
te ready to give his consent, but he
mitted after a few minutes be
th ught he had no obJectiena-
'That's Pint the trouble," protested
h young man disconsolately. "If
y u'd only oppose it and order me out
011 the house once or twice and buy 15
b Ildog I'd have some show of getting
What It Illerslly Lacked.
put in the French phrase* heed
and there," said tbe would be author,
give the book an atmosphere of
"Erml" reMarked the critic. "It
wOuld have helped a bit if you bad put
a little good English in apots,",
Delay Kam Ad a gee.
First Farnler,-You °tighter WI Si
triectoondNerwormYritorit_oyeha,rs1 adguon. Tho, zbs
o ger you wait the more there in td
The Eight Traveler',. Iiixperiewee.
There Is no Ow likP bone, espediai-
ly when you are riding In a sleeping
▪ well enough to aim at but
e are things below the tieveidi of
which are worth the whaninere
na• SifirtwellaralgeW
ese Dyes will dye Wool, Cotten, Sigh,
Ju is or Mated Ocott in one bath -they are
thellatest aud moatroved Dye !rg tits
e arid. Try a. raf*age. If your dengsist
haea't them eend direet to Retail Ohemterg
Cegi 00 Adelaide Ste, East Ter011ial.