HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-09-25, Page 6___ - . I __ - �
- I � - _____ ___._111N11a130M!!!!!!!!r1. —_ - -
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. �. . . I i I ; ! 11 I I I . . i — i . - . I MOM � I --- -_ -_
� '. .... ---I I . - . � I _______________:�_
IRV= ' o I per6ons in ou ic drole wl,o a a r. ly raised h A servant was standing 0
% N 1111 1. , 0 IVEAQ� __ mmommmo - I
, . � � -
� , . . . I I ! - . d 0 know something of th6� affair. The Sic Headache - near her, h`e`si'tysetLg to intrude, yet 'deter-
; - I , HIS -NOMINATI0140, it 111 . I
I - U11V � rr Ill 4D
1 r1L � BY MARGAART SUT-Loy ORISCOE, IN JU,Rk�,U'8' 0 ntestants are too,fairly mat AlEd, and the mined to advance. As he caught mism. Taw- 10
VVU I &M ,. . I I . q 2 a a
� ! I I
t � ! t - �w
. ;f -7 d .
i ;
a I � attract no attention whatever." r addrearted to her, which @he; took, ,
MAW "I-om, afraid you will think 1 drakied 20"Ier Q -
I UONTHLY. ' I . I) p�ize"-he bowed with a laugb�ing gallantry nees surprised glance he hurried Wward . -M
"is too u6matchedly fair, fo' the tourney I and Indigesfion her, prqsentivg on his card -tray a lolde . I
I , NOr �i SYfitem out of order-Real,gh Pape - A r.
N A . . M=ff-1 1W a
urned her f ce full upon � t:8 - AV W . 7
a I Niue Ty re
You a�vay from your triumphs on a very �,'ax- . i y*,neb t 4 d bY]Dr- Chase's Werve Food. looked at with a puzzled brow for 4 MO. I
I , . h m sudd'enly,- charming in i6's confusion,
g traordinary brrand,- Miss Tawneb, Infaot . t sick ment, then opened hastily, running he!r eyes , %140F
t -4 "fi%lTly�, �� - I : Ind' estion and dyspep i Is - __ - -
I S'PAGU I I blushes, its laughter, . � sia, nervous,
w - i I � quickly down the page. I I 11
0 , � . h e and sleeplessness are am?ng the
, . . !"Yonr Excellency I" she o&d� bar man. 0
it is an extraordinary errand, and I k4 . ; IF
01ONNOWN"" in strict abign-stie I shouldn't be dragg�ng . . I " I don't know what I think of i� my- I Impure blood always sholvv
. I
. yo . I I I � I i IV -is it pos. k. � s .-'
: I � .� � ,a_l,r fi.alluinocklu - . half dismaye�, 11 - ymptoms of nervous exhaustion, and sell'. You were right. Both men ac4epted 1 - ''
n away at all " I .11 1. I ; i _. to 0 1 Ve separately what I offered separatel somewhere. If the skin, t1lben- '
� Min Tawnst looked up with a ty ". � 7 .,-. I - h bOught me heie to help me Account are thoroughly and permanentl y� and ;
Genuine . . Prot , � % .! boils. pingples, rashes. If the
I - I 5 both are now. waiting with me in,,the ,
motion of her head and a smile on her lips. e400se between them ?" cured by a cowse of treatment with Dr. Chase I room � . I
' I . 4 id to me,'-' said t�e GovGrnor, Nerve Food. ' - 91- 41% C.ry
, The ,1,c, ,1, cast toward he, ,,,,%,io, 'I o e - where I write this. They are thinkino tha� i nevVeso then neural, la, ..� - �
I . - P. B"wN, xg I am writing two letters concerning their I I
. 11 I' ' s OT � MRS.
. at adilly, thictigh with a little' natural em- ousnessq depresslon. If the
A1900L had in it a toughing deference, &s- if, ibe I I ... 11 - I �
wore half in jest in offeriiig him b rrasoment and a retreat into a more con- Queen St., St. Thomas, Ehilairs, and 1-1 do not know wh ' I ;
respect.! . at I am 77
Cafter 5 "I all -the more appreciate the honor d me 10V14 ve itional manner, 11thab I mig4t be of some J , . Ont., and whose husband thinking. I feel that I ought to tell you 0 ,a Z
- . '. ,,,It ,ervio6 to you in this matter, From is a shoemaker, states :- Lm I
I me." she said, and ber manner,like her a ,er, . fft�'n leads to p something I have,disoovered. I say dughb.' - �
1 017- � . I Sans-apftartli :
W 0 vy qXAV& a "I V had in it just that amount of mocking li in- - I - 0 at Mr. Qu'srles said to me this morning I ; IF -- r "I suffered a lot with and yeV 1 am not sure the word is rig6t, I I .
a 'a -L �L'l I . erty. No rea I . - I a
a ILN 0 age which only a v6ry i charming wo an , I ga 1ered that there was no thi d areon, no I nervous, sick headache, am yiel
A -JI -Elle L1* V er F]HO ' *on�6n ever sold . I . . Aing to an Instinct, not jud&ent. '
I - , one, in a word, if you sti a ow me to my digestion was not I �
. may venture --a liberty -that Baiter# whil *it I � ill I PC Millicent. as I was speaking to Mr. 1W stomach, then dyst)epsia,
� 6u;��6 - t: for t1 Le , ard , I
infringes, but never infringes beyond. ' M- . . speak very_plainly, who out4i taacem these / I gopd, and my nervous and 14 i self aud only
I n.1 I ax6rieg of lif - . As . I understood him, sob of them . sy . stem generally was r. Quarlis'l found my lbiliousness,�* loss of 'appetite..
M � ust Beike -0-ftnature of,, ter�'. Though not a debutante, 0� But many a woma 'o Vas gla4ly i t I and violently hating each of them with a � Your -
.- I � 48,�! as . fa d h doctor knows the
. � t , . . been given some reason believe the . quite out -of order, lam stroug personal hatred. With the first I .
15ill rather young toishow suchiwor. dly werty for the ma ni at e loved, ina 11 Z -o p e
. .- h _.. '\'�. I : gov .
3t _...." . i . I sed t
— 4 her 11 toner was ;perh%Ps " ubt her . i I found could not understand why ; with the see -
Z poh�-, and so 4 , pain . ch ion would be between t1jem. )in I , -or. o say that L, remedy, used for 60 years.
7;:!:--%' - , , . wisdoul :I &n " - be *M!S th ught it over afterwards I b gon to feel Dr. Chase's Nerve Food ond-by then I knew t,00 well. I wa�, mig. 11 RatwmJng from the Cuban var, I was a
- � . I thinking as he replied the MOD of rty,, if h I . 1, th t this was one of tbose cases where a girl "I . the most satisfactory terfect wreck. -nd M7 ,
I Vel _ p e were ric x,
� "The truth in, I ken your fatbefto busy she thiluLks, Sgeo amb L! nd - orable in the tho6ghb of sending eitb�r of
. I feel I owe him some oparation siad 0 me Dr. Pierce's" Favc I e -ta way of cut!. w Id most miss her mother's 84,, isiDg, and rs. Browa -nerve tonic and health them to you, and'this could mean bu't one S e<h was kere. Itut a few bottles; of A7erg I
Trescription , AMPAXIIIS eo)gploletaly cured me,?, �
I a I r membered that you bad tie 91 ther Mil- restorOr-that I have ever tried. I can fully 4 1
- .4i Fac-sitalle W=PW selowp � 'thin the reach of e' ery one.i - It li 0 , - I -
I I bare of his daughter--il I . H� Q DOM LZU, Se=t4n, PA6.
-_ - � wt is .4i at. I hagepen, by the graoi of God and recommend this pr"ration, knowing it to be tbiDg. there are in this room three rivals'. a botUN i J�- C, ATUR Z* I
Ivory Oman a" so ow. � � He paused as a slow flush crept over 1 I ion of t act two, and one - of them has eVery disad- 'AUMM"Ists. I 11. 5,124Z
i the burden of pain ,w icly wei�g, � d07 11 th vote p, , to be,ul . . vantage. To begin with, be is older 1 tLan f =WWI -WO -2-1
i , Tawnet'sfaoe. Her hair was, not worn vBry sople �a p9mition very I coeficial in my caw. PP -
. . those who sufUr from anly tsease i. wh . noting your increase in weight while or
lwum as gue=, - loosely, but it was fine and full oflife,:i ad 1i ch it sqemod to me Might easily allow Py , you by thirty years. He is pledged to a --
I -, : It establishes regula , dries *eakei �- Mo to help you a little, so I determined to using thi's teat food ciAte, you can prove that
I . .
- 11� . � so surrounded her piqusnt features ai -to" :Ing drains, heals iufi mmation and u I sion that-hom completely aboorbed him
� I FOR'NEAGASUL r - the toore 4 Ell. Ceratio - come to y new, firth lesh and tissue isbein;added to the profes I . PU 1� '110
As � make them stern smaller and n and edres fex late weakness. ou, In this perfe6tly un on�ventional in the past, and he has formed habits hich I kod'
- %#A - FOR DIZZINEW % Cate. -- When her brown eyes. looked out . ,tiou ha , , I I way -and plaea.myself at your rivioe. It body. o protdct you against imitations the It-,mighb be impossible to . break. He has :
- .
it . your
g! . ve my hea ,- It � auks for your kit d halt alwAyeleasy -for & young ... Irl to Is ,
I ��.. FOR. 111.10091119 0 was as if from a shelter, while thorn Was %I. I gow portra it d signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the earlier loved avother woman, who Aid -the Sarsaparilla by keeping; the
� - I . : �J 3ya ab c . advice t me," writes A m G .ed. Fletcher, of v 6 or �o test m, as an older we ; ceipt Wok author, are qn,every box. left him
- . puther face a uriounjet, ria venu alt, 'o. ItWas troub] U f on bowets regulao with A or's pills.,
FOR TORPID LIV�1�. : . w' oe n or lb ma amou
wh(illy - victo f, ed � d married. Hi has seen yort constantly, ,.._�*A y
. . V I - : I . pleasinelcok of reserve, not 21tobe-enthely with ca rrh ute 9 f9 DVer a year. THe know i in sind.tootthem.1 and never realized that he loved. you until ;.�t _.�.k. ------------ W�
� I . �
� = doctors said I would h ;: go throogh an orp-
I, ' 0 Pause as Miss Tswnet i rood herself on a fsther o ,
- FOR CONSTIPATION. accounted for b air o:r drocop. ( maw Fes
. . I � abrouditig h cration, but I comme 'o use Dr. -Pierce's I ��. . f lAtO Years, I have this moment, and1now has only die.-overed miles and pay hunlredo of ,dollars in fares,
A " � FOR $ALLOW UIN. Ing lashes. -Thye secret; ot -a bqauoy wb lob to k !? at him fixedly, :, - ' Isen Xtobing you in many ways as closely � � board
- : I Favorit6 Prescri , ion. a di, ( rolden Medical DI s- I , I It by occident. Con you have any hing and boat and guide hire� The great �
; 41FUTUCOUP TION� was undeniably berm Is . . govery, I also his L lo Ta ): ets I and 'Antisept z � .9 ishbotay for a young girl with no &@I or did. You never had a half a whatever to xa�, to ouch a one ? . a
, . Y wit so much in"her . I � . hese health-eeeking, sptxt-loviag, pleasilre.m k.
. I ...4. WU Le. featu , ; avid ling Su it ric Now I am cont- in her and � very busy father two offer e4h a more cart . suit- ing arrr
a=WCOUNWOUST91011 res as in a cortaii brillionov. o ex#i as- to know any- obano to grow up a *omenly woman. You other ly was unknown in American society..
. .
-4 -------t" 11 MONA, . , letely cured, d r u inj six bottles of D % 'thi g,pl she ;said, gravely. is I . ain'sud
� . inwRow TWOM sion.and vNidnets of coloring. Pei &Pa. )be fercels, medicfn . ra Ind to' say his ttne - . �; douPt seem were ofn into politi6a somehow -a kind of able future, and in the end perh pii one .,we may regreb 06 shortaightednoo w
. - _ - . a
I brown of. ior ne has made m ne wl ati", V 1* o, to thank you as doing ' of diplomady. * I am finding it �more-pleasintthati loan recommepd. .1rhey � ioug; We
0010 -VE - , of hcr eyes �Vd On duskin alit tp any, 'bob I wsa6 t . hich
� - . � A -ft %� I . . failed to foroee th�se new condit
� N 0 ghi, am�yet, only there is orie question I so n very harsh to put iii- words what I are both br may hardly ceaeurb our forbears mud impute
, CURE SICK HEADACHEII � , hair would have bein top intensifi , by- - 1e Weak and sick wc me , especi�lly tho � Illiant, forceful men., of rare I .
11, .. . 7 � I
- — color in her obeeks haid not thati lor � 5n. . wa b to ask! you. Why do �ou and my a r Ing to may.most kindly. I think I it to them as b
. - 9 suffering from .disevi es 4 f Ion Y with ,,p laln6worthy -that in iheir day
I � I g t . qssibilities. Either one may bee'068 what- .1
I . . ,and' this o t4ndln I fat or seem* to fast i bin so aoqo�sary for me y t at you could earlier have let yourself �-Vsr he himself or fate chooses to Mo, ke Ion an � A20or
stantly varied, ame 444iati a, are invi -1 erce . I , and geinerat d - ding to their lights.
VETBRINARY � ted to ' t� Dr.�Pi byte � .of .
- . while serviog both to subdue and to heigh ;en to a marrying ! You. for 4hstance, are love some man'jn this imple idyllic way him. I istmad with them -at a dhadvan age they ware not -mor . provident og conser,vst�
I I - ter Iree. : All cot ealmudence is. bel, I - I � I ,
Uri() ber,brillianoy, siloo,:dded appreciabl� to!-� he ' MSE Y ye re ider 'than 1, your� Excellency. you di iodtibe, bu4 I f eel also that that date io distinct that as I write down these ot' ive of the woods and the water$ - and did
�� �HN QUIEVE, V, &,honor graduate -of On as siiictly private- and sacredly corif - and ye _0 ? . I �
. � J.
of Velorirlayy Dollop. A -Mimases of Domeed -natural play of her xirossion � � %4. ! . I I and tk at power JjAve pamsed by you some- they prove to mo 4bsoluWly why I 11 not more intelligen4ly serve in the;ir turn as
. She'wasisit_ dential. . Address D z. R. V.' Pierct, " I . - of, OZ
;"'Als,Ucow. 08110 y" . Thore w"i a..tou6h of audaeIt . ' .
se Buffalo, . I k' they have, er trdstees for thoje v�lo should tome after. .
sibusevMod�aA04- Vaier, D�wptly ottended 6o an ting with bar companion -i o h " N. Y. , Y, In her man� how ; Sad its your 0ob ent a contes� so unequal.
"ry DentsiM & opWAIty. lit nor ii i .
oft# -Sud issidenoe on Goderich street, ons. door tie withdrawing -rooms that seem to, )a- Dr ' Pierce's Pleasan� Pellets are eas s -she Paused, though she :left the la,lb heart of beatte.5 ThaVs why you can't - ' "Ihave too, ajear lemlo some seas 3 of - The Adirandackei of to day, -,and in one
� �
: long to al 1 -official: houses whe r wor�x unsaiA. I � - , , anitnity, some tou'ah of pityp pha8o of their com�
11 .memi; yield "imply 'f lhbw to sit her of - these magn ight aspect, areaamir-
offt "Ve offloe, Soxforth. -a ire to and pleasant to, take. - i � k mor _tiv � erciaJ
� . . 1 1112 1 . - 5t effe $&I knd yet I am ,
� - - - I I secrets are opt to be discussed an4 saii� on laxative. � : . . m . Dot married ?, No ; but's two lo ve're, I'v '�vill tike some conioicui -move you to yield,me an advantage do -d ably described in.st4th-tical exhibit pripare
I . . . . . i � I I � & - . . I a
. . privacy demanded.. : It was more an one] A- � sm in politias is different som1how from a effort � yotir -�arb to l , and Vantage-ous to you. This I 0 . by the Superintend n't of Foreet,,
. . 1-�---- - IN" - _ � .. - I w uld ever Mr. Win.
LkGAL ed bay.-- Indow than &'room L won Ian in P lition. I should be easier about each �r this Ooort will have to be greater. accept. Yet how .-an I ei , extrao , d in anoth column
I . don't.wout to' answer -it Whitt in it you you if I kno' or ' rer pict ure our or
w walled off b Y . I . v you were in ried, or soon to It's est res066'sibility I am taking, but giVing me more than that ? Young. sau. F. Fox, and, extrao
I - wide our - r from the rep t of t e New York Commi
I � I - .
I . . 1 4 " bains only hom tho long hsll�sy bave. to say ? . J, wofi, fence' it off any. be a ." i . .. . .. I . . ,ort of t .in. �
outside through which. they iad coi0e from � . I . . if I w ; your Own father I should make my. �ik f There( are h4re impressive
JAMES - KILLORAN, langei." : t . T ! I � al- Why do I write this at all ? � do Ion. .6-guros.
. . , I I . - the ball- room beyond, mob a h �ng, didtanoe as . � I ; ey moved with 4 common impulse self as i all thh;to you. Your father's am- .--know. The volume 6�f a'ut,uP)n and r,ummer tourists
Arride r, 00aveyanoor and N I .1 . . , ;fot,� I writ it saying to myself
- She looked up, W-Ri ag � . that
� oury -yards -count, but I - t, , her red lips a awa from � he 'window and' 60k to the bition kesmoistof his time* and -thought.. .1 0all not send it b thelast moment, ubl bVisinese in the.Xoroi Woods is moatured in,
ftbffo. up I la -lo , Offi" over Pickard's Store . . � -ar onougb 0,. insure kj a of her e�ebroi va Choi a they'liad left. As she oved, Mill throug my faidt, in some Measure, so I kii ; w that I shall. I ema, only fancy that money by the millions of dollars, The
� � � little &part, the darki, lit
Kaln Air"t r6h. I . 1626 PrIVA.0yo , . i � . , 0
. f � - . I .1 'llfted expectantly, 'Ple,aly prepared f )r T . -
__ - - "You mustn't think I i4m' feeling eve - wa.411talking slowly an with paus made I , Y miJad to speak to yo " Now do n t thers I irks I
. I m in
. I . . , R * In the botto ' of my bear hotels. with their accommodation for 27 500
, , ",I it,
- . something that might m disagreeable ;o eel t with a now - abruptue , of Waring 49, are you. go 0 �Eeanuol a hope, rather a Jld im-
. - thing I bjush for," said Miss I that I ,a dona : Ing to forgiv guests, and the private camps .and cottages
I * I
I R. 8- HAYSI Taw� �t, her, but litto with an air 4 -sincerity whic , i and nauner. ';Her voice, whic was usually� M ?. P.9 A . a W) nt of exceeding $10, -
"I've been out long enoughl to with I pulis bass, on so I elusive memoryof an un.
frankly. _ I n e I � in
SwrWer, Sollcd6ot� Conveyaupor abd Notary Publio. top blushing at everything, I should M, 9 lainly del berate ii to ts. she had mat of peculiar sweetness and caref ly modulat. � Milli Tawnet bad listened gravely, b 0 1 000.000, The 13�4000 persong am ov.d i
lobotor for tha Dominion Book. offloo-in year of s k . or oken word, a lo k as we parted that -now ,- a
. lkwulnion ut I a . beforapabown.- Etercomps1nioniusbantlyre- ed, seemed also to harden. " various c pi
sauki ssst�rw, Xoniy io loan. .. 1286 b 03 doi - and in the most an . . . head b ( nb her 4 cafA down, the fingers ot t9atight on stings e to a mad act, `Th6 �i; I 181) Acitien in;cat ng for the 193,000
___ . . I spoad�d to the ihangs, . .. 46 .1 - � er . . i
- I know just whi , . 11 I ant summer,1- she said, inefifvolv ,,my one do o;1te ban ocking into the fingers of two wooed you don tantly. Ithink I ave
� fashion. at you are going to . , I
X, BEST, Barksier,-' soliollor, I . 6 'Thank ' you " he sa d, - bearbily. 01 t f th b - � . . I . I . hotel gueqw, borden., cottagers and zampers
s Convoyancer say. When the very, ,Very great ,or Ihe &I .jr.epswa days and weeks, and brok? theotler�notnsrvliously, but absently,- as if at least the righib to place myself inline earn� more than 8993,000 -in wages; thesums
# :,,� Noiary Publ(o. Offlues U&SN"I" over 0. W , oughttobseas -forme Id.sayanything,o ad y
OVW.v bwkAQro, Main Obreet, forib,'Onlarlo. verv, very poor dr I yor rds of ropa,trying to haul up an their( imer *ere I of, In thought, - for railroad and steamboat
via � I aw One aft1do, i 's always, your lather's coild ; he hi ii been as my� hr ),.. old e'd bought to ti 40 1. with them so for a, to offer what they have r1c1Jv0d trans-
� - IN7 ason. Of cour .,- i;, y fathises , -
I I � lor some good re . 0 r yacht to,' V dre's nothl g to forgive," she said, so often offered, to �skno,; in spite of all POrtation are put at $875j000, and the rev- I
, .
. � Ay a great deal, and even �Vaen� he's it toer t Il' -will plunge 14,11 and t ialklb . ' enue for board, carriages, boats, eto., is
.-Ini fanny wass. _ v!, "on y reason on earth i could give quiet),y, ai Govere r Werden p reason I feel I ask �or more than t bave
ests tolin. ; no I nng-it was b r more than S5,000,000.; Forest and Stream. -_
Wity. BEATTEW partwer, solicitor, " . ome I know he bas, other intei bnoe if you will ob me,:, � You k w K . for d ocause, he a d'he coulda'� cause I &I pe, &nsed, "be. he
H . money, to loan. Ofitoe--usay'a Blwk, Se* . Francis, Quarles ;? i - . In I rfe tly true, A girl who has ever fathomed. 011iildf if you can have ny--
. I
him. I am leAdi W"t y U wot Id i stsu� being tied to anything wh n he didn't 'had n mother iince her birth, and an utter- thing whatever to repjy to me, send me one � 9 .
oft, . I 2679-M ' Oro" . ? ,1 su 0 - . Ida broke off as a hot tab walled up ovir kvom exactly what it was. I went oil thd 11, abs r
I call an uuprotiitod life
� . , oposo bit,b re it bed fatbe 0 :
. jo arn : of ly-1 havai't. felt the' need residi at hlios.`Taw�oVs faes from chia to brow so deck and talked. with him for a� lonk timo.� , . would be opt to grow w rd by my messenger. I will understand, KneW Jjr. . I
'K]KOLMISTED9. 6000"Oor to - - I . I I
, X00sughol I ; ..
. , j
. as, jef of �, swiftly thpb he drew back before it, .� a 9 i � Chaf,e in 1867
into j it the ki'4 'f woman you dever, ,," Poyou understand me V
: . ' .
. . r & EkAmodede Banio6or, 501101W obsperon, Of course rit have .to ondt re Rehadbeen.urging me to dojustwhatl but sh would hol ingrat.et Mies Tawnet looked . up blindly from the One of Dr. Cha"'a oldest patlents in Canada -to �
v Ancer, and Notsm.t . . ."I fear ; really distress ban . I . 0 a blind Mr. G. W. Palish, of Stur,teon Bay, simpoe county I
'. � . . dney dleease In 1867, b; .
SOU61101 f0f 00 C" --one if your Eircellegey says ll� must. b at have the rigbt.?' , , - never ban since that day. - TheJllustr&ti0a kindne6 i lik - . . � .
- we
, � you more t I think you are now urging on me, but he well
. _Jr -0 nnilamer". motley. to land. Form t k#o , is nob to W rateful for interest and paper. , Her face wits whites her breMlling Out., whom be eureclof ki
tw. alo. - ofte in ffooWle Bloc Main 11iroot Your Excellency does f no w how I halts - T. I . . were quive ng. meaus of his now ctl0biaWd Kidney-Vver PH5. A
� . .ka : the idea," . il . I . . �,Mifis awneb lified her ,two hand's to h as practical. Do you iiippose that a this. , I may never do you any quick, her lips and hands . Xr� Parkh writes tbat he doesnot think there is avy q
4@041m. . i 4 1� . I . �
I � - . ,good tt st I she, t forget 'it; bub There was % sudden -and appealing child ik,e-
. I . . burning checks. . I I . 11 n I I x -ever � Wedlelue halt so good. and that be alwayl ke
. - I His Excellency looked Is gbingly . I you or he could ever tell me exaotiv what $hall f4 I , eps Dr.
P - down _' 'got iti i I shall always thil aboat her, and' the eyes ohs lifted, is if Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills In the house as a I :
I I "I distress myself " shk intekrupted, in. . Mr. nodes would be to me, or Mr,'Ward, � so e beside er, UlOdlc][330- i
� AND GkRROW, Barristers,. �oliioa- At the youthful face below him, I - 0 F - 1 uk it& none firafly .
cill dignobtly. "Please go 6.! It was oat F wondet ul thing:1 t when you had almost to me one standing invisib! . :
DW, oKZe't0Z Goderloh, Ontavio. . I "How dare you m� - 'your Exo . I or an one else, for tbat'matter ? Perhaps the affA ,r4 of a ::n ion on your mind,a were soft and radiaw,. - I 0 . !
. t1i'ai I -well, I hardly e4'c .acted quibe thil ad i � I I
& U. D10KIN901f, � - 41 " he ssid. :6 4 You 1 in y6 I pro r sailing free with all @&its s � � . :
1=4 " 0HARLZ9 #ARROW L. L. B. lanoy V. . I I hope s6the day I shol forget how I Wh hould I tie to any mooling ?11 spread. when 11 ,. were MO t near your highest am- "The gentleman said I was to wsit f0 an The Bacon Hog. I � .
. � � heart you never think of , 0 anytkii ' , . , '64 bitionq On @bit of an in' , answer, " ventured the messenger. . 11
blush." ., � " . -a is exactl fst)ppoo'-to think .
1 �
. — . but the plain Mr. Werden ave alwii 'I � � y' my reason t,or wanting gignifflo b girl b6of use You had known ' Wfith,aim afforb Miss Tawneb rouged and TAMWORTH' SWINE SAID To USAD LIST Ok �
� � . - . . I I I � - .1dr., Worden looked do#a with an opei i you ... achored-11 answered - her . BA,VO'.q 'PA0DUCZJL% .
- I A on ' , P 0 orless ek ld, Nothing will ever turned him. She spoke as if thinkfn . .
known. You can't to a your . Mr.. Werden, so & in I �
v glance of kindly admiration at tho.dainty quistl - "You couldn't ha , Iven me a . 'Tell -tell the gentleman -5 Of Ute during the prosperous times amoag
. �. ve
ornor. I don't at all say you - need' a ch.. , quiet make forget th . What do you think I Moud. �- 5
finee of her flushed teaturo's, and at the em. bette example at.& bettertime.- Tabis oubtle, sboa14 1, first?" . sbewsaid, toftly. I I - I
' eron. You have arrived where I no.' r b4z rassed '10 01wine breed-srs, MU0 interest h i
started for. brown eyis which sh6'would no:j- clever, ironic fashion of thinking And talk. I : I . . as been do-
F-, W, TWEDDLE, You have your father' a ?,rot - lower again under hio'gozit.� ' I Whe iever she 1o)kod up it was always as 0 veloped in br6eds *,hich were formerly but
. J, ing in growing on .
- I . tion. It's a triflo vague,4o I I ati a I You, Millicefit, an a habit. if -free A LETTER TO MOTHERS little known in tbe�ltate, .says The Itsneas
DENTIST, there ; . "Forgot to blugh ? - I Crust not, and fo You ve changed greatly a -lace you were a oharm cami i into bar face with the .
Graduate of, Royal CUloge of Dentol. Surgaous of On . ox 811 I ! - - . d Other �'brreds which -are the I
friendwto take you 'Filterevir you want! . -to me They I oiked out J � . - I
i and' you have a� ho' allyeasoni,11 ho answered. I 'If you reall debut ate. You couldn't have talked added 'Dlor a6d i )r sion of her dark eyes, Farmers an I
qt .of wool n Is
, P . . possessors of such 4uslities so re,commend
Urio, pook gradia4 worse in crown *Dd bridge work mean that I may go -on-�j He waited un an you.did just now a year or so ago. This . V w brilliant as ever, but Mro. James E, 'Harley, Worthingto V�Ofitable 'Istock for the - farmer- I
at Has IN SibAwl, Chkwgo. Loost ansotheitloo. Jor go. As a third correction, some miles ba k �til she had nodded a littlei. 'impatiently, an Nerlous I and quial Inning. ,There wow no Oat., gives permission to publieh the foll�w_ 1
Valtiloosextroott000fteaft, Office--0yerA,Young.1s your . life yo a lead, wholly your own mistress I I have been introduced and have found more 2
. . pace leaves me i
6 then went on with a carefulness that robbe di 4 truce ot the old fis ry in bar man Ing letter for the benefit of other mothers or less favor. Amonj the breeits which aye �
sm-wry amrs-, feabrw 1764 little brs4thlee" think- plomatio circles -it is not developing you* , . ner,�nor
. . ,you. kindly. dub$4 him somewhat of �his neituralness of man In a wDinanly, way. any Mo kery In 6,p voloe. Bpth were full who have young children in tkair-honiles. less oommo �
. * in very, very great where" . you know I � I If you don't marry of . � �
the . . - :
IN -R. r. A. SELLNRY, Dentist, paddale Of I nor ., * . ) a ... ont )led feel� 04 Under nly known ma do mentioned in I
I am not groat ab any time* - and rib this pros. . I soon, 1,4e chofi,qes are you 11 never marry at .0winfluenoo She says :-11 I have many reasons to, be 7 4
, . _,
I Royal oAloge of Denial smoons Townio ant sking you are parladularly' well ' "This morning, as I was working at m3 all, or 'else.' marry too late to gain from of her angin as cot, Mr. Worden onee grateful to Baby's Own Tablets and to re. Pbe Tamwoitbs It. has been maintained 11
grodmie ot Dayse6went of DonaZ;, = . . sw4fe de6k, I ca again h itatel P . formany years ihat the market in the south� i
me (0 a commailication from Son, marry ng what I want to as you gain. I . oommelo Z
Uslvendly� offica in ibe Potly Mo* Nowell tbitall our alever lad;�sbip�'& ve ' d them to other motherys. Out little and west, made no dbmaL,d for a bacon boa. �
will visit Zurich every Monday, oommonoing Mon: am only y . . . ator B—, asking me to � ubs, my influenal foel di itinctly that you, woule' ,e a #sWh arenit'yo�l always blillioent?$., he girl in now about fourteen months old, and I
simple minded old friend. val'al rying 0 d be sof r in k- �
. . I
- ; JUuor 19L 1687 .. , to plimis a certain young - dijlomsb I i a car. asked. . $'Do yo* I pe has taken the Tablets it intervals since yet thosuccess With !Which the TamworG. .
. . - ppen to you a perhaps --disagrees? Is , at '. Ing is 13voless marriage with one of these . ., have, to be Mis's �
I . I
_� which I am Dow no nearer to delo Via . � "I . Tawnet ?" � has been inti oduoed indicates that there m
I . 1314 tain minor consulate. lVs;i consulate that'A -fwo w iolosome, fine, n%tured lovers of yours :he was two months 91d, and I can Ay I
U, R. X R0110, U 0 1 . I 0 be a good field for this typicivibacon br i
F Arlo, first clan Honor was k "it L oed. .
.. 0. D. 9,, of Oat . I 0 �
_ ,9,. Dentist, graduate 6f not a great position news, hub ilt may 0 t4an r1m4laing Unm She s - ook bier i4d lowly, the curious . 8 a cowe I 0 e Professor Shaw ie a gr .
D when I firat dragged you he from arried. But I have an L v a Speak too highly of them, : inoe I c
graduat�-_ of Toronto Univer Highest standlog bell -room." Ile ' lead to much better thl Ali It happeneY, idgm, a hope rather, that you are not quite subtle look bf reserve or remoteness peculiar here, about a year &goo every mother at advop%te of tbw , . .
(sity. - _ . I I'know that Mr. Qaariale'sli. *" then in the , he bacon hog for blinneto.a a -ad other northern I
In brdei of woris in the forgestelvis over xradusted . "I call the next President of the Unitl8d Indifferenz to one of t to her a, once con trbiling her features, mad has small children has asked me what I
I I . ham. You might bd . . :
from $"a 0011'age, Modern and up-to-date -dentist . Sbate House looking up some I reeords .for . caring 0; little for him you knowp withou so mark. Pill 9 ve aectioiss of our eoun ry, and it has been eon- Z
� . t .
ry � our baby to keep her in such even �
Ia. All- Ito; various forme. Painleff.extraction.ctleete States very great indeed., 1-dojlt-soo,�&w - 0 . Y thsti: A almost seemed to him I hes h. ceded that the Tamworth, with its wowder� �
. me, so I sent for him and handed him Ben - his knowing its or quite knowing it your- her red, fps and brJghb eyes smilcd out at sad I h%vo replied I absolutely nothi g ) t �
by. Local Amaesthefteo -and without bad after he could! be much greater,". said Miss r. . a a ;
� � I �1 . ful reproductive powarmand its ideal 'bacon �
- I ator B --'n letter. I kne W 'he ws" friend self. Such tl in have been,,, - him myi ter ously throagb, a dr&Wn veil, I
. . ; .
. �
. �
an no care., not. : t � . Own Tablets. Now' nearly ev try type, has mot the demax,do of that markeb, �
eue*W Gaa m4ministered and all a ra4o . . - 11 11
I of the man recommeDdedo and .1 thought he He is � ;
0 1
. :
I fully performcd. Offias over Me 891re, $saforth, Her companion looked back q ' smiled s Vies Tawnet?# brown eyes Whitt ought I to do first?" she ro =ore gets the TAbleto when a medh ine �
ISM -69 I a � okl� v" know him well. "Is he J I Asked, $in your lifted (juickly, sait the idoib startled . posted; more successfully than any -rival. p
- � bisshoulder.-asif fearing ;I 9 her. and he Are is' needed, sod. tao old-fashioned or i ide The Tamworthe ar an English broed i
is or in the . I W himself up and went on prao. �
�h_ .
I opiWon, the man .for the 01ace ? Senator She jeeovered herself ins medicines, much as castor oll and so which has been br*d I
. .
. � - . .curtains,then laughed in sp . Its f himso . t&utly,, and tioally - I . I - 19
. -1 -a mark W' I - " B --.thinks so, but what !do you think V laughed, I 1. I . . 60well, I should tryfirst to fi I ad ing Prevaratio-ar, which mothers for with the utmost.m .
,�Io,", . � � If the manner, of Mime TawneV . ev
� I - I . - I I . I I Tomy surprise, Mr, Q-jarl as read the letto "Wh . I out which vlY for -more than sixty years, and without any-
____ __ . "am I r iph one Is it? � mt
Ingly 'careless, 16 bad no the J a I I pledge of thes g4ve their little onei, are discarde& Our -
. — through twice without &:,word bat with honor t4ero halt a pin t I you my 0 *0 Mon Is the least worthy, and family doctor also str I onaly-prafses t infusion of foreign blood. Thereoult oI this I
proved to him that she was still . � J choose between dismiss Mat one .from my mind, The rest . - he T 6b- is %great uniformity " to.00lo,r %u(I bype. . I
bill trifle, i - I
Dr. John McGinni every alga of, confusion I# his fe. You them. . .
k . easy, ; also, that sbe � was 4ulte mistresi i f kiiiow he is generally rather in .I wish there was,"' The nexo mo. c6uld coine later. Would you fast It'st all lots, and says they arb a wonder"til in 10 no This color is cherry red or dark obestliuto .
Non, Gradus" Lmdw WOOD= Unlysindby im ewbtr herself, and in a measure ofi` him: as w)l . : meat, Abe turned for*obildren. . , - .
, posed in aside, looking down unfair to test the m' both without their know. . Accept.my thanks for . . � .
of ftlarto Mega ot physiolms . I ll'be the red being Obaracterittle of the young .
OX" and . a w" bei j flattered � ug filly, I t 1) I he good your Tablets have dot's my little o ie.. animals �
and 6;0"Y, Though he know b manner. When he did speak, ib was ,With tho grave,, alm6ob solemn, before I We always -believed firmly* n.y. , and the chestmutcolor, .of the other :
. Restdonce-Formairly ocouyUd b Ww. �'� the greatest embarr"sme I 11 4m. very she da 'd 2f I I sad I hope other mobbers will profit by � I
*. I . _ 9 00 U - .
floksrd, Vtolioris Hire#$, nexi to the, O&WIN (Ibuah� the subtlest form of flattery, a )aTon't blur gain inquiringly, and spoke in the good old-fashl,med idea of tahting i I
- I
4"Ighl c,--I!s atianded pwinpily. 1002111 nesm. he asught himself smill Pi at her as h . sorry,'be said, 1bub We' boolateli impol- slowly. , 6dVioaldn's It seem to you that a man's boner, and takfng.'that an the- key- "porience. " � T one., . The animal Is ideal for bacon product- I
,I . I j I sible for me to give any F ly whatever in finding it so im Ion - and is onaractermA by a lot�g. tritia .. I
. _.j� � - - ____ had too often laughed to see deran4 possible to decide wits rather note of his worth, I don't by's Own Tablets con lip given with . � -
. . I , body, wi :
. . know that you
I this 0050. I am Bob 00 potent to judge.' th very light offal, smoothly cover- �
astutq statesm s proof that I don't really care for either of would fe I the test of 50= 11afety to the yduuget�t. frallept ch 33
hap* more 50 en omili",g whil any particular valtie I
k AN
, dn
AB L , -11
, , (
M "'
I ,
I iol
ex �; rr, I � el I *1
�r �rl
JA, I �1: ��
I! I
'i r,
TJ6o name of the man Sen or B-� reoom- them ,., people . I t ad with firm flefob, indicative of in dealrable �
I., ! i and they are guaranteed to cure all 0 . I
� R N. H- RUSSo M. 0. - she d her prettiest messfires and th . mended for the consulship I ,said Governor in that � -women don't fall in love which V vaut to applyi but if You have no mixture of fat -ani ]oan, .
. .. . I min in J- -
I danpir . i I Wirden, lookin ray, do they j It seem@ to me the objectio , I thould like to expreso formally or ills of little ones. Sold by all in
0-Aic over Greig & Stewart's Stc re,... on . � - I
� g down a) the floor as he real lovi i of a real woman would have to be and sep -fitelyu to � thel 0 . ins dealers or mail0d at 25c a box To the Poland-Obins breeder, a Turn. . .
- - � I . a "'This It very pleasant,- but ft wou'D do 0 spoke, 11 r. Leonard I Vard." 7' , 88 two Aspirants my worth seen for the first thne Is an uncoutib �
Sonforth. � -III" he said, shaking his beid and laug wa.1 M I - willingc� R4 to help eseh of th�m to some � :
Vgbl caR' stionded 10 st the office. I � I b I . . I very diferent, ever too much more simple wifting to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Q),, .
�. Ing "You make me feel the'dayo very U! He raised his eyes swiftly U he ended,but than that. I shouldn't think I ought to Post Out; )f the country,& poit that will pro. Brockville, Ontario, I I Anitbal. His great size, rather long ,nos& �:
W2 . I .
or ohow a type -entirely differe t
. nt� �
__ . aw;yvilienloalledyouthlillicont, Lateri; notsomwiftly" Miss T4vnet had move (I havesdoubbif I really carod , " As she sent In e� ch case distinct advancement, sod -_ - �_ �� and:red cot �
. I _in � . . � from that with which ol.r I
I 1. �
i I % She bad ri, a a Moab with western broodere �
A% %do OF -2 so %Wft was Miss Millicent. n low Miss Tawne( treat - son from her chair and was stand- opok . - timidity.and -as if in spito the chaw a of morit. or loom &nf.itr,& a s #_ The AcUrondacks. .
- k Al It a %F us-ESW VV ort - I t the window, with bar back towar bar own reluctance, she flashed again. mob his .10 7 Wo r I Aremost familiar. Ttiey are very kind in .� I
i. . ingmessfif I. wele's ki,04,,tof ineddlin In d Of cou4ry. Then � ,should know, I think, ' A rcugh, mountainous countfy, uxifitted disposition, wc.nderfully Proll& *! and - are 11
� h swi we N .
I hegr :4 I oves honor more than a � I �,
83EE! A 3EP01:?,,rT1-1 I Napoleon 'trying to 4iots to In the famil )Mpaniolo, so that,. if '! he had so plan- blush she had before mplained - wh ch of- them I � ' fox settlement, dest,ined to be giyen over f vr extra good feederp. They have ve deep - .
- I no4-, he missed what h bad car butthe slo!r-j- soft flush Of : ry 1,
i affairs of my political family. If I were tr 0 Wally �f "a I -uppressed woman. r Would iliat be a test in your all time to the woo sod the bear, and bodies, splendid, arched - ' �j
Offlc* and &*1dowa�40dextch street, east 41 the ing to do so, I haven't -the least d ,ubt,th - rranged to see, , He rose � and followed, @fing. Her'mentor also flash @If tly eyes ? 11 1 : � � back and remark
� � 15 . I i - - without value or benellb to mankind, -
. I .
. � I I : � s%17U ablygoodleetand le o, Their . ,
metbodiss churoh. I I h . a ed for the peltry and venison and lumber to 9 back# ara 1.
you could and - would be able to, Ind m er. . I � . as he watched her with � an air of re I - - '
Tyrmifoxx No. 40. 1. . 4 Miss wrist glaaced up at him, her lips - e not broiLd bus the lard hog avd their ham&' .�
; round'and. round your smallest flag "You ought to stop me, you know, if -you &urprise, but when he spoke it w wit to- witobi whi - � gob out of it. This might will hai i
COYOUSTI fOr tht 0DIM6Y Ot HDr011. , � or. As I . . t n insicAlly, bar eyes mysterious in would seem very defirilevt to a breoJeir not,
. I* Is, t4ore's iiothing Napoleonic a I are feeling -1 go too far," he #aid, � "Do you newed (I scislon. -. �! . . i
I . . I boutpe, � . in their �ptbs, la'uihing in their shallows. early day estimate of tbo Adirondack regio 2. accuttomed to the bacon #q,pe, View
I _ am surely the plaiuosti�minded - i U: iove,'tt,V� J still want me to. finish ? 11 '! . i "If I I ould believe thit more than a tran- I I _ O&
! �f I I 0 " : 11 I ku 7how fhey will both fegard it," That it would ever badome the wealth -pt 3- from the side, theyappear linrijinse in depth,
� Ing to offer you a simple service,, &ad " She �Affientsd with a 04 motion of the 21813t em)tiOn with you, Millicent," he said, she said ' They will both socept, That,$ duoing district of to -day could nob thoobaire showing a large expanse of the -best b
DRS. SCOTT & MaCKAV�lj I I face was AV - ae�c,&
. � think you -need be kiding behind y6ur potti head, Her ottedi but as he steadily, "I should feel differently,, I don't the w been dreamed by the efirewdest rsn4 mo t � ,
. I
. i , they always do, I ouglib to parte,
PHYSIOU" AND SUROZONE, ; costs in this fashion.11 - . went 0a he noticed that 64 stood perfectly think I I adbeen mistaken in my estimate of know," prescient. The privilege of breathing ire h The animals are extremely vigoreas and,
. .
. .
dodo6oh siftA oppegis hIoihcd11#J ohurc&�Bo+flb "I don't call -that the speech of a plain m0tiO31618, 69 if to lose nothing of what he You. I believe you know, and I know too, #6 Yo ow, certaial 11 was vot then at a prernium. Th erful feet and legs. They are b
.� I � U .... ugbt to ko, L, e inbs -
mindpd man, Site," r66Drtod Miss Townet, was saying, I i . � that sweet and immeasurably iattr&otive Lis Y, said . 0'r bavemond
0-30M, g"MAU VutMs and Ann Arbft and 6 Mr, Werden, laughing with her in ation of baleam was not tneu someti) ilig .ne n
I d rising,
U and cannot be competitors in the eatne Mo - ,
anamber 4 or 'There really is not 1much more re when such' is rare sof tened mood an would pay for. To kill a door, t,q cis&!h a ket, with the Polaud-Chin ar
110 Ddlage of Pbydolans ' "d 11sughlUg 4190, 'OYOU know I can 'Only to tell I you a There was an air of -relief in his manner, as
I .
surgeow. omnar (or Uounly of Huron. : answer an appeal like that in the one way I you, for you.know the inifdo history of the i this overtakes you, It is only a passing if she had removed tome last lingering in tro an They
or nity Unive r "it. _____� . I I wh I oto matter, and I did not, - mood, a)kind of aft,ormath from your child- Riving, Is. ut, was not then a piivilege for whith the bred lor,bacort primarily, and t�is fact, to -
'r V, - -_ -.-. _________.__ I told Mr, '� you have made this easier than ,devotee was willing to trivvel hundreds pf gether with their kind disposition,, wonder- .1
,, graduate Tri
0, 10"IMALlwhionT, ally NOW College, Nambeir ... Quarles plainly that be I all- hood, __ I
. . mueb realize his
. I . . ; only see It come to You when I had tbought you v�ould, Millicej)t. 1,1&y- —_ ful reproductive powers and early
I College of E%ymotw* wd Surgeons, Ontario. once could only be prejudicial to his friend's alone, " now, wiLb me, or at home with me � I inatul iby
249 Affiln 1i . &_ 4 A .3 . ing father isn't the SIM13168t of tagkz T - I i to great Urof ht .1� 11
1; I I U zoo 9 an a vanes ento and then, sitar a �Snu your Isiphor, and thays pecause we still 'elad on ra my one I ,
� . y � I y adopted daughter, I
� I
I . Momenrl 8 thought, he laughed and flushed, ,recall you to your childhood,'. I. may wrong Both Mr. Quarles and Mr.
. V. — : Ward are in the � -
.. . 191' I and said, with even greater embarrassment, .you, but It is my c6nv 3h you grow reception.
. I . I lotion, � 'at I
I . I � ! ... oom. 1 law them both arrivin
I ible, in these very words, I think, 'To 1888, not nore, ,womanly as YOU grow older.
I . " I ( -position. be. al ain very doubtful i I are as I Corti# You Off, I Will go and f , I
I t 4pea
4� m . be'=did,Tam in a mlisr � f Y01 ever goin to with hem now." , _1% .
Fdrniture and " cause Mr. Ward has tarked as frankly to me . � to yod,%ut
. . I - - forgive n e for saying all this #$Now T' interrupted Mism Tawnet,
- I Timbers of oak keep'the old on is certain subject as I have to him, and in though I haven't seemed to be much ,with
. I . . � i I Governor Warden paused, smilling at her
a a I I conte(luence I know that nothing on earth —_ startled a1r, �
*.%A a- L., " I honicsf6iid standing th 1-6 Ugh could give me more satisfaction than to see 9 I Iry .
. 'E, )I - WO 11 eM Weal 10r Jr-lek
purpose. I I .
We are convinced that the Tamworth hav -
very many valuable qualities which re, � 1
mend it to bog raise-ro, but we dast're to re- .
. Peat that the type ii entirely different. ,from
the hogs which we have been accustomed If)
here, land this fact may be an index to the I
real value of 'the Tamworth. While not as
I - Uo ov - It dopen r, commit you to . advocate of gradosor crosebroods, the wrlb�.
W I I V I LCL I H a i " my friend deported from t4h, country and . , I .
any thing hatever, n l If you knew.positively th er is, acqu3inied with the facttbat m
6 I � � tile years, It 1).-Lvs to 11.56 tile this cityadt this pirticular tiroo ; and noth. both;aocel OP. I don't think so, and I think men will attempt nothing else. To such
. : I . I at any,
. right stuff. . - . I Ing would distress him so mu6b, I think, as RIGHors. I know W a one w -e use, I think I -, you could purchase a Dia- breeders, the Tamwortb wilh Its large lit-
� - — � - to 116ve to go away and leave-mis here.' By ' . Mo 7
. I I I know, Mi icent, which is the one nd of --tiaranteed quality ters, hardy habits and early m&tu '
� � which. and without' very ri�uch tb . CP ring quai-
1 � - . " Men of oak" are men in! M.he Taw 11 ought, . of you'; A 1(tif tie prove himself what I be- at a great gaving in pFlce, ities, will commend itself for crossing witir
V. Knechtet has taken into partner Ip � not, 0 wasn't difficult even for mei lieve he I will send hin: here to yon on other breeds which
Alexander M. rugged : h6alth, � m' who am not very wall learned in offairs of . V
oKenzio,. from D it, a Frac, , en whose ISEASE )mepre'l would you invest ? Allow lose pronounced
tical upholsterer with long ex . the heart, to under,dand thai it was & case I 40 You needn't door. say any- . obaracteristicH A10119 these lines, To tinal
i hogs we can only elliz-
are, therefore, able to give th, ce- we bodics are made ( I- 4 the dea liest and most thi I I
branol i of )f the -sound ' of .'ohorohez Ia femme.) -PP � I ( it 119 at -0 �00, YOU may ask me to test That is precisely wbat we breeder of pure bred I
. . . n v the r you, if you like.
I u, rn.� in a gJZ& I end again fo
tibe business satistaotory.attent n. - . . ,� . . . There was no response from the window I � a Ady to which . I gest that ft will pay to Investigate the T,%m-
� . . . est matcrials. I A Th&V8 all If both accept, I'll send both offer in our No. 947 Solitaire worth and see Whet -her -this, breed may not,
, .
. M' . . . . : though one was waited for, Wid Governor itilankind is subiect. Dodd a' here to " HO `w is'lsugliiug, b I -Diamond Ring, No. 9i6 be just the one tha-t -will suit the, bree 4-r.
, . a
(Josey cornero 4nd 6no parlor work 4de , Werden went on : 1�idney Pills will cure apy on with Ing, 11 God blm you, (n, �
to or(ter. �,Genoral repsiringi and estimi-es. I - Childhood iS the time to la),] "Of course I at oiloo o elk" of Bright's Disease. lear7e.1t shown here. .
cheerfully given, . . 1; - . . : - eased to preen the ' @3� havd never failod In don't thin 'I am acting rathly, I think � IT R 0 �Iesftnt to take that chodres ery for It
. i -
.. . � . r" " the fou nd-ation f orastul-CFycon-, *matter in any way, and there, the interview this is boa O" . /1Vl but Wo'death to worms of All kinde DU. L0,W&
. . � I � a on _ qn,0410 They are . -.02000mrAnow.- WORM SYRUP. PrIce 26c. All deal # _
I olosed, except that before live Parted I allow- on remedy t t over He held, out his hand toi her as he spoke, 6xv,
Furniture of all kinds,. Window.- Slisdep, � �jtitl'fi()-11 that will last fol- 1,e,q,�s ' ed myself to ask Mr. Quarks * y he was go .
,. Picture Framing, bbo. .� � .! I - . 0 h . ---*—
� I i sure his friend would accept a4v CU It, and they are -
I I I . I --Certala purvt
. . . , anoement in : . motion un4sually I I ___4P tyora of liquid refrah-
h with meZing in the gett�re, and, with a
. . I
I I . . onl remedy t4t can. TaPalsi�e, Miss Tawnet %Q0 ments at the exhibition, Ia Tbioatb, will Ia
11 � i . I is the righ his profession F4 .the expense p rogrese in ro1w, Icok4# up in his facd for an Instant,
.. I -S'ott's Emulsion ., C f y
� - L . ; i ere rig imi I
- . . . &his-&--privato enterpi wils answer tations of her 1i ted sip it abou t I o speak, but in- rrjce, #10M future devote their attention solely to tl)o
' " I
. --
: : st-Liff., a .. . . pleased me very'mueb. Millicsbt. It came . d's Kidney Pilh-pill$ stead of a 4&kiDg she laid her hand quickly
Undertaking I � . ; . . b it and nam6-but Imita- Order hy mail. Tf on rece;pt it duft Bale of thesofter forms o4 tbirst quen6flers,
I � I - . spontaneously, too- 'HO isli't that kind of a . in bin, the iturned an quickly away. Though not fully A=Wy YOU, YIDUf MOMY am a retult of decisions in the Voltoo court.
- I Nine of them pleaded gui . Ity to selling and
. Caref u I attenti . Scott's EnILdsion sthnulat�s � mago'-he said. quickly. 'Ho's a very strong tio a are darigarotis. Tbe- he spoke ol'ain in brief fare;vall, she did not will be refunded without question. A
I on of Of C11 i I C, ,_ell, man indeed -.' and it was -as he spoke so 0 i I and only gwnulne the grcunds with -
Mr. M-alCenzie, who holds a certificate frr6m : th e (rro Wi reply, an keeping liquor for saloon
� 111(r 1)01,vel_s� ' . cure Bright's Disease is I bough hill footsteps retreated
I . 11) n nianfill and confident ' 49 years of honorable dealing out the required hepnee, and were fined
the hlans"husette College of Embilm Y .1y 6f his friend's slowly$ sh I still did not move t* face him. speak -for the reliability of sume varying from ,Q20 to $75, with jail -as
rig" ; helps them - ke r in the room s
Boston. � � . .. � . bLlild - ,-I � fi rpi- placing honor and duty to hio,ftllffig fore When Mo he walked swiftly .
� everythin that it struck in VY the alternative. -
. � y C(-)I1St1_ mustborathera hard tisk f0rauygirlto D'S back of th's chair@ to the window, wh she our bouse, "Dianiondi Hall.
A;T-ATight dalls anxivered at Mr., K ch fou'ndation for a sturd ' i 9 0 suddenly it � ere Donald the tljrae year-old son of Danul
. 1, I at . I I . . I . decide 'between two such Dion. It i@Wt � � had before retreated, and leaning againL-t Write for our new catalogue, -
ters re'sidence, 2ad house in. rear Of 1knon i _ - � the frame, bet brow on the 000l glass, Robertson, 'Of lingtilsoll., was drowned In a .
I Ution. every woman who is blessed w4h two lovers stood Ready Nov. i Sth. - . ,tho Irear of the family home, on
&Son's blacksmith sho . - KIDNEY cistern al.,
. p . � ___ . . i once mor lookiog into the dark street, i . Fild . The ,ch! d., was eV,idenr,l
. . . - . . too good to choose between." I i Though shp otooi motionlees, as one- who � sy morn! I 7 - �
- . .. � . if . - I � I li ,walking eve% terim
; . d'How did' YOU know I won the girl 9 ' waks and stens, Abe still did not turn or RYWE BROS. when it
i . Sen4 for free sample. . 600veriDg of the -cis
e ,
I PILLS . ' tipp I precipitating him into *or
A, ; . asked Miss Tawpet. tilroig quickly, to 6 move when, after some time bad passed JEWE LE125 '
I "eahtel & McKenz / V�' ! : * - �SCOT'T & BOWNE, Chernists,_ ' - Dodd's Kidney PWs a . 0 I
i I met by a birmorously seare nt gl � re f � oral feeb of water, Ills mother, who was I
. I once. ootfitepe a lin crossed the floor behind bert 118, 120, 122 and Y 24 the house, besr4tbe *plstbund 11-11
. - � : I Toro:ntot - Ontario. 1,'Well.yy said Ur. Werden, !dryly, . 1,1 "y �ents a box at all hesitated, , pproached her, drew nearer Yon*e St., Toronto found the
0SEAFORTHS d2stists. '�, 0 . little fellow in the oi6tern. Neighbors
50c. 4nd $1,00; all drug-v1sts. found. on- my first Inquiries, that 1, and - - tbeD pause 11 again, At last one of the chairs
, \, � _ - vi�_____ . y �athered, and ,one iumesded is
IS5$ 1 . � , I your father perhapy. have been about t1lo . � 'M - - . - - was moved-, slightly as If to attract her at- . quick] hie Ift
, . . 1 1 1 -� I - grasping � child by the band and
1. I I tontion ; ti%en she tFurned slowly, and slow- � u . 1i ,h�g
. . � . I I � him out, ub life was extinct,
- e I �
r, I I _ I . � . . - - � I .
I , -
- - I - . , i � � . k
- I . . � . . � I
- . . I �
" I I . . .
. I
� I . . I i .
� � . I . I t� - 0 ,. . . I I I .
_. : . I ; � I . i _.
I . 1, I
- � . . - � I �- k � - I el I � . - I . ! I . I . . _� -,
U . . � - .+ � . ! ; I - - -
I i i . I F ; I �
! � � : .,; . . I
.'s � . . I � . L - I - + � . pir
. . I . I . I
V . I � : � .I: : �
. .
. -
- I I I I , I . - I i Z � I -_ -
. � ! - � I . I I I ; I . + : .
! I . __ -
� I I I i I � . �. - -
. I - . . i . i I -
. I
. . I I .. . I - I � � ! I I �
. I , . I . ..� I f . � t �
. I . I I I'll, . 111.11 �� � � - I I . . � I � I � � I I _. - __ ___ ,�
. -
I .1 . 11 .I--,- ,.-.-.,.�..�-.�".---�'..—I-.,—. _1__._1---�--_
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- I
I I .
I gp 'Orf-. - 1V -
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- - _111 _009NOWN009M ;i
- I
- I
- . -vV-,EL1J, AVII
__ ;
77 -
k -
� F___ �
�� .
� .
il - -� A. B. -even 7
. �. - Afte" �Suffel
I - � . .
r - �
W! -, � �'irl naerful Tribute tA
� As Vb
c _V_ Williams, Pink �
Z . � �
I— � '
__ Stubborn J
4 _ - I
. -
- -
tt vroofupon Proof ha
4�? �-_, - Willj*ma� Pink � llj�
I � ��7' - - -
I .
I V, _ ,�r. hospital trvat,] � I
__ —A-1 .
.- T
0 -
�v 4 I. paraly�
--tZateines fa I
I &�l -;M. 0 StreDgthv �
. ,d t
� �
. ,fwo,well weak, an%en
It. ___ � � bright.- active an
I .
:_ -
_-, -
�� �� banished, aml I
_7 _.a,%1ovvi1igesti*m v
_ � _
�, �
- t bopeless to effect I
� 11
� - � - -
� �
__iL I -tijoug Pkoof that �
, - �_= bring health and .ql
- ! I f
� FT,de;ink. Mr. L%xi
- _�4_ i1mresidentof St, �
-_ -
I -
_��, - j& of bir years of an
a -frifeven years -0901, wif
_� - 11
i�_ - �j _
+1 �. & . str,amed myself �
_�-' V #I. . -
7, -
- �� .1 -
I,- �_ pa�rw it], mystomac
- I
A -
:�_, .. t.rouble teemed to �
_ I
�_ f V fit# of vomiting. V
. Lv;�;. Bometimes 1 41
. -
- � - an for months at v
- I .-
mvw unable to do.&"
, -
. - � . I uld work r
,40 JAMO - 00
- i- , A
* - o difftreht -tirnes
- - tthk
_- Ajcnntora, bii V-
M*w T12on JL went to X!
I . _#*
Jlador Ue -care of a
04 . -
- I -&IAO relieved me W1.
- 10; aifoon,xs Lattlempt
- -
--4,WVy �
� - � kind, the �pains rc
1- -
.1 Asar"'I , Alt thin time I I
*RM & I I
Za wsable to resiet R'
- #pk
, W le, Then Dr. W.
_ j brought to MY U00
. � 0. From that t.,
.. then ,
I- my,�healtb, and by I
i 1. .... - boxes I w":
*64man. -Thepmef.
.. -
�_ *�#
. � a JJ&rJ a ,day �s W4
' - isistn"ve the slightest'A
. _V(dble. ][ AW only 190tr
� 4MWofthopill so0nor,
.. jft"d me -much isufferl
-1 __
� �� .
_ 0
�_ ,�'W -proof as t]
, Jbb afibb.
� I watlybopeleas cases t
. I
1. V_
- -
- 7 00 be an reasonable do -v
: =Vink pills will Ito
- where ' f . �
I I _ given -.& fair
� 0# s_01[d by all medioine i.
� I . Mot bv mail at 50 -roul
. uw"6 So -.50, by wt
- 9r. Williams? Xediai;
,&L. 13ee that thefull
_� - ,
� bale Pink Pills for Pa�
.� 4dw the wrapper aror
. I
. -The Oreat ant,
� I
� . Northlw
I -
A number of Oats.-
� � I ' t,ing letters from 61,
- a, �
C gone West. 0.-Q
y9nable documents, seti,
. " - xfttn"s and simplicity I
� indWidual settlers. 000
sod reei§ntly in tbei Markl
wing James M. Gowlam�
. 4 31arkhan�. TV" ra 1g]
- bough a arm near y
t f " ' - or]
get ,
I a bolne ".dj 44 but I
'14ttlin twbutr mil
Uze." Foradw-tanceof,
the railway the land U Ji
�G,reab jusarliftiffl* of lana;
I fte TimfftY. -4& 1 e0uld I
zL6&r 43,M mi ,cash besid,
. b" 50 ACRI in DRU and -,,
1-WPOR to have 150 acrogit
- A-=- t Aoor neighbor to 4
, - bv-#gbt had in Xowa is yj
I wu vorth fror� Eve to, -4
x4mlandnowla worthl
� an xw,-. This man bo
I %- *�t V-0 -acres at $15 I]
�4*bor is a eompany wl Z
4asUrisectiour, .and is I
- Mr. 0owland 187
Ike a - 1vity about bim,, at)
W* have from him that t
176,veUs the Und will. be
� -
Am, �..
2 1 � .
- _11 I , �
- �
AVA40-re � �,cowi
40oure aoughs,
� -
.. 14*eo�- hohreeneso, quingy, V
# �
� — � -
. d
14yxibv P-eligion inxt
I -
I . A �
;_ letter from Rsv,f: ,
11401.0diat, missionary ift ��
. r
VU:eceivedzecently at I
kwhich tie states that t,b
. � *Yang Tniesionitry bag b
S"i labor, It .18 ODU
"Veravog, ' &J46, Mr.,�
.8 4
P4 4t discouraged, J!i I
4"viotne this ovil, wi�io�
Ontiter attraction to tbl .1
U OjQai�s. . I , �11
I �
� 44%4 $%bbath in olmerv�'
%fth, *4 by oomv, �egpe 'sJ
I C-10
I fa* 4-gy to knock off wcrb
I � . ,but suth,t 1�
myioliinst . riffi�
* enj
I .ft Mower knavaff,,_
lgrsiaod , i 7
1 t 0 eaning or �
AW.Viftertil-A.- stock,�
. '417,8 not tlevesed by- �
. =_# 19. h -_1 _*J
�A More I
. I .Ragr,ont form of
Un is tlls�t -practised by "
* towly arrived Ameril
. *
*64efs. There is no t,
� *1r&h*Mer# 11 but,Aome of J
� I h4vo mot hauling
U I I I - hi�,y 011
P - ig _* -on to any II&W
� aor a
= 1__ - 023
! -thstd,17, and looked as 6_1
� ,
� VfWar6 in dttv*ur.n_g -me I
� � Ing 44 -m -O! the fuet. � .�
- . " Im 1,
. i. �'Xfietpirltuftl atmos
is M"Ma . _V�
1. . - 7 -coal. We Ut
4ness Zen -wh-)y
Or but& n fw-h tbi�
1 Voi; I
I - - (T Jeattle tag% 0",
� - � M
� ";-- tl�--'V 11 by th. tail, or �
three# - .16 �
� ottr thirty mile
Mby 4oppearancen. ou.
� ,,fi d ak-men I
fw �
__e : � . .
� A I ill not (119ceurs
I 4*Sr_fttt . � �
i . r incentiv4e t.,3 11
� . ,
i -----------* -
I A-Pple Barreje
, _- lit
� 1% , -
C OR infornia.
, - ka� .
. - Vple crop is t
L. z1ft4de-al 's t th,
E � . he%vier thr.a L
t fttft part �
I -*W-- -- - of the prom
�. I - "r- U a little bcl
� I thg
__ .
L - I
.k in quSluty.
; __
.1 . - . 0 .lrvad� I ��
, -
� .11
` � Wb U'Ve, delayed
- 'W"M d", r -of losing -
I At gei
-5 I fs� 11jr �- - b C
! V- - '6erAonofthetefix
� � 130t It �arly ert,)n_�h c
I -
r E
4 Q the --.r,op avail '
i I 4 - -
�� .- As, M a�ble I
I �, 13 crIor) thi, f4l]. 44
; I
i *%'� of. abi ear"3, homo �,
. !% d7 b �_'n ,e y -
,% - ,
av xpr,r�ed to F.vi
Y �Mou'Jaudsof barrels t
i� �_,*' Tvle total reiw� AUS t
- 7Wded fr-Dw the Pcrt; v
I #10i -
. - 48.!D98 b_wals .
wmktz .. have bvt�l
th - .431 the ,-Arne rf�;
-4 0 dealers in Toronto 8(
hi�_ I
a IV safieffict 'k v
%*m,�-'C14,'7- rnar vt
�___M""� , - - �
Z � - _ _7ww�
I I -1 'S i
� : - 'M 0,:-, .
I # . ,U , �,
� 1 $-
4L I',;- �
- W P . , i t "I-,, n J
Pe �
�A ()07 4- �b �
tonS � - �,-
. __ _%, I � 4
� � - 'A I,Zirj I TO ,
� sfipat.. ... r! �
1i 1W ., I
hAad vl^ I
� _.. ftl if -z.%, �hz? h S
.. 11
. -1 I ills are Ji'l
- ,
. ta I . 1101 -I rbr
I - - vf:L"lv V :"T,
� - -
. -
I � a-11. . �