HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-09-25, Page 5TORE .
edit!. Rubbe
he hest--wea
e all the eze
In addition
v: and heeds°
Irtrnent of the old
three well kn
supply all your
arket has been ort
rly in the eeatiota
yon rubber,
e 60o and 650 a
afr Hen's 75; 83e 85e an4
for women.
oneugh to lean the-
ttober arrived home
kern a two montien
oast. -Mrs, WM%
k hers on a That
old frieuda--Jobne
expecte to
ay oneta six
are awaLgy
quite oormnopeni
----A geed many ant
,Pall we is doing
Blyth, Wen doing e
this- week --
place on Wednest
open this week. -
to Saginaw, Miohi-
isit fitir one week. -
tame, not very- fee
;orate good yields a
le tine township. -
le the Warm weather
rid Charles Wheeler
ronto wind mill for
iProotor, 4th line,
rind mill for purnpi
ry pretty, but
'Tulin& at the resin
lter, Morris, when
niers, was united* -
monde, to Alex.
Nesday, September
f Lohengrm's wed,
g played by Miss
iing on tha arrn of
iarlor, costumed in_
2rtied with dtionene
meets-, and csrrying
She wee muds
.sister onthe groom,
fieke eloine, and
Miss Gwendolitie
flower girL The
by Mr. Thomas/.,
Tide. Congratela-
ista repaired to tho
excellent wedding
After this, the bride -
snit -Q! blue dace
couple departed_
other pointe. Tise-
of many beautiful
tong which Wu a
-ft of thegroom
ma to- her en
ret etreen, Same.
al fair at Goderieh,
iesclay. The secrin
freely, and in these
bountiful hams*
e of the best. Mist
re in tha Industrilde
petitions, will give
king, and Mist ,Age [
dentoustratione end r
ammo. One of the
be present to talk,'
et, and other model t
irranged for. The '
be for large purees
e bat more- genuine
)etition will be in
rofeasioatel has- the
'nom of Celia B fie
I alone be a nor
alt members et
their own, find Iab
who were award
heir stens
feetorii vtfl- ave r
t this week, and
ay's- oating itprona
nble Easthope, ad -
was the scene
Seturd&y, &bat*
ivieb. 16 year* of ,
neesetiont was tha
leghly handled an&.
er fate was only
eproaoh of passers'
de off.,
ton was erig?igede
of Mr„ E. et-,
with what might/t
cident, -He even
at gfee.tfrom the
moment's warnings:
, he wee standing
ti earn& down with
ierds and laths bee
ibeiog a &springy
• hen was not ito
of a slight skulk -
rkains a
PTEMBER 259 1903
Colleettor Sorimgour, of Stratford,
Inet with a painful accident, Monday nighe
of lot week. He got up in the night to get
nrinkand fell down ateirs, fracturing his
—eft scree
–.John White, of Detroit, a moulder,
etnifei going over s crossing near the Grand
Tenn Railway yard. in Stratford, the
.other night,was struck by the north
grain on ite way to that round-
house. The train pained over hie leg at the
iinkle, almost severing it. fie was taken to
she hospital where amputation was found
-Mr. Alex. Grant, of New:York, who is
t home at St. Marys, on a visit to his par-
e**, won two gold medals at the National
•Amateur Athletio Associationnt meeting at
Milwaukee lion week, winning the anile and
'two mile running events. Mr. Grant a few
weeks ago also won two gold medals in the
0110 and two mile events at an indoor rac-
ing meet in New York city.
• -The Mitohell Advocate of last week
says: A colt, 27 months old, bred by Gal-
lant Column which was imported from Soot-
hed by Mr. William 1t.on, Hilbert, war
aold this week by Mr. Thomas- Brown, Hib-
barn to Mr. John Murray, East Zora, for
the sum of $220. After travelling 14 miles,
withoue food or water, the oole weighed
1,630 pounds. ,This shove that ib pays_ to
;breed to a good horse.
Suroarit, Sept. 24, 1908
irer Wheat (new), Standard-- ..._ _ $0 76 eo le 75
oast pi bushel- - 0 $0 10 0 80
parapet bushel- _ 0 00 se 0 66
&gee per bashed-- ...... 040 to 04o
ROW. NO. 111069°- - .. 000 so o
Bittor. tub-- - - 0 14 to 0 15
..... • • 411•11 0 13 60 014
1 00 to 226
aray per ton(elan --....... 6 50 to 7 00
gay pot 1031 DOC' MP I= OM MI --------------00
:Was v1(.10 5 00 to 6 26
0 16 to 0 16
o so to 0 85
Petaboee per lona (new),.. - 0 10 to 40
sals (retail) per barrel... -........ 1 25 $o 1 26
Wood Pa 00rd °duff 4 00 60 40
Wacid Per 00r4 -; .. 2 00 to 2 45
0 26 lo 050
7 00 to 800
1 25 fia 200
7 50 to 800
tallow, per lb - 04 to 0 06
Dairy' Markets.
nenen, September 22-nEggs-Cand;
led_ selected, lito ; straight receipts, 15te
No. 2, 12o. Cheese -Ontario 12g to 12c;
nownshipe, 12no ; Quebec, 12o. Butter -
Township creamery, 20no, and Quebec, 20o;
western dairy, 16c.
Tonoiero, Eieptember 22 -Butter -There
is very little sign of a deorease in the qual-
ity of the poorer grades of butter coming
forward, and at present the demand contin-
ues almoat entirely for the gilt-edged stooks.
felot.stions all_ round are unehanged. °regim-
en prints, 18 to 20o, solids, 17i to 18o,
choice dairy pound rolls, 15 to 17o; good to
,choice dairy tubs, 14i to 17o; poor to
!medium dairy, 12 to 14o. Cheese -The
market continues steady to firm. Quota-
tions for job lots here are unchanged at 12o
per pounn for large, and 12-io for twins.
Eggs -The demand continues active, and in
the country there is still a rush to secure
eggs for placing in cold storage, The mar-
ket here ia quoted firmer at 17c per dozen.
zip* ier, per IN /110
• • 44.
4••- sm. ••• ...OW
A per bag- .........
8041-91m•••• 6.••••••••••• to•• es. mor •m• 44.• •
lintothy $eed ...am • e• o• ant •-•;
ticeoper Ur- .. • 11. ••• 4.• ••4•07
Gram, etc.
TensysTo, September 22 -Wheat -On-
tario is quoted at 77 to 78o for No. 2 red
winter, east or middle freights, and goose at
72 to 730 for No. 2 east. , Spring bolds
steady at 77c for No. 1, and 75e for No. 2
met. Manitoba wheat is eally for old, and
No. I northern is quoted at 95o Owen
Sound, and $1,01 grinding itt transit. New
is quiet and easy, No. 1 hard is quoted at
93o, No. I northern at 92o, and No. 2 north-
ern at 890 at Georgian Boy ports„ and 6o
Elora grinding in transit. Millfeed-Is in
, fair demand and firm. , Care of shorts are
noted at $17 to $17.50, and bran at $13 to
13.50 in bulk east or middle freights.
Manitoba millfeed is eiteady at $20 for oars
of :borne end $17 for bran in oar lots, sacks
incladed, Toronto freights. Baled Hee --
The market keepseteady, with the demand
about equal to the grapply. Car lots on the
track here are quoted at $8.50 to $9 per
ton, Baled Strawe-Continnes quiet, and is
quoted unchanged at $5 per ton for car lots
on track here.
TOP.ONTO, September 22 -Continues fo
come forward fairly • freely, and quotations
are unchanged. Chiokens are quoted at - 7
to Soper pound; fowls at 6 to 7e, duoke at
ico, and turkeys at 10a per pound line'
TORONTO, Septennber 22-Potatinee are in
:dined to be quiet, and the bulk of the offer-
ings are not any too good. Out -of store
stooks are quoted at 60a pert bag.
•-Live Stock Ildarketif; •
LryzereoL, September 21 -Canadian oat -
Ole, 51 to 6d. , •
Lonnoto Englend, September 21-Ameri•
out cattle, 6d ; Canadians, nind. Trade
very bad.
Mottennere September 22-Cattle-oTrade
at the Eastern Abattoir Cattle Market was
lair to day, and, prices ware a; little better.
-Cattle-Receipts amounte-ii to 1,400 nnead,
most of which were of lair quality. ' The
demand was fair, and at noon 450 remained
unsold. Pricers ranged as follows : Choice
butoherent 4 to Mo; -good, 31 to 3o;
medium, 2n to 3o ; common, 2 to nitc.
CeiVe8—Tbe receipts arm/Anted to 100 head,
the quality being moetlYnatinneon. The de-
mand was fair, and otiiiiiton twenty re-
mained uneeld. Poor sionk-soln at $2 to $4
, -
Sheep and Lambs -Receipts of sheep
amounted to 600, those of lambs amounting
to, 500 head. The sheep brought from inn
to nto, lambs selling at -311 to 4o. The de-
mand was good for exehort sheep. Hone -
Receipts of hogs amounted to 500,head,
The demand was eyed and prim ranged
from 51 to 5ne.
BUFFALO, September 22-Catt1e-Prime
and shipping steers stead'; others dull, 15
to 25c lower; quality. poor; prime steers,
$5.25 to $6.50 ; shipping steers, $4.75 to
$5.15ielentchere' steers, $4 to $4.90 ; heif-
ers, $3 50 to $.50; canners, $3 to $4;
bulls, 32.50 to $4 ; feeders and stockers, $3
to $4 ; stook heifers, $2.75 to $3.40 ; fresh
cows and springers strong; common dill;
good to choice, $50 to $57 ; medium to
good, $35 to $45; common, $20 to $30.
Yeah -Receipts 857 bead; steady. $6.25 to
$8.50. Hogs -Active, heavy. $6.50 to
$6;65 ; mixed,$6,50 to $6.60; Yorkers,$6.50
to 3660; piga, $6 to $6 10; rougbe, $5.40
to 36; stags, $4 25 to $4 75 ; dairies and
grassers, $6.10 to $6.40. Sheep and Lambs
-Strong • lambs, 84,50 to 36; yearlings,
34.50 to ir4.75 ; ewes, $3.75 to $4 ; wethers,
$4 to $4 25; sheep, mixed, $1.50 to $4.
YOUNG -In Eginondville, on September 28rd. Eliza
both Westeott„ relict of the late John Young,
aged 75 years and 7 months.
lifcARTHUR-In Morrie, on September 17tiager1ean,
daughter of Peter and Mary bf °Arthur, aged 16
years, 1 nionth and 21 days.
Egmondville, on Septembar 20th, °other-
ine Spears, wife of Mr. Neel Hill, aged 63 years
and II menthe.
JOHNSTONE-le Clinton, on September 10th, Pearl,
daughter of Mr, W. J.' Johoetone, aged 6 months
end eek.
SMITH -In Oceierich, on September litis, Abraham
Smith, aged 67 years.
RUFFELL-In Goderieh, on SePtembet 13th, Alice
K., daughter of Charles and Abbie Ruffell, aged
1 year and 2 months. • •
• Weship every Wednesday (don't receive them any
in before noon), beginning Wednesday, Sept. 16th. We
per lb.; we pay for old hens 4ic per lb. We also want a
Our stock is better assorted,than ever before. ' It c
Groceries, Readymade Clothing `and Crockery.
There are four lines on wch we beat all competit
tea, our 350 black tea, grain bag, our men's suits at $5, $
Why not deal at a progresstve store / Oom.e with th
1 '
ther day, and must be
Pay for chickens 6ic
car of dried apples.
Sista of Dry Goods,
re :—Our 25c Japan
50 and 810.
• crowds.
B B. GUNN, Seafbrth.
ing Deer, Moose, Reindeer, Caribou, - etc.,
in the " Highlands of Ontario," and at
other points along the line - of the Grand 1
Trunk. Copies of Name will be furnis_hed On
application at Grand Trunk ticket) offices Or
to J. D. MoDONALD, Distriot Passenger
Agent, Toronto. .
t .......ene.me
't BITti WI.
HIGGINS-Fein Bruoefield, on September 16th, the
wife of Mr. B. R. Blaine, of a daughter,
KENNEDY -In Tuokergusith, on September 22nd,
the wife of Mr. Roley Kennedy, of a daughter.
ANDREW -At Winehelees, on Septeinber 1.21h, the
wife of Mr. J. H. Andrew, of a daughter.
LEIBOLD-In Hay. on September 5th, the; wi a of
. Mr. Wm. Leibold, of a son. ,
JOHNSTON-At Blake, on September lith, th wife
of Ross Johnston, of a son.
MASSE -In St. Joseph, on September 1.4tN th wife
of Mr. Nelson Masse, jr., of a son.
SCHANTZ-In Hay, on September ,16th, the ife of
Mr. Wm. Schantz, of a eon. ;
ANDREW -AI Zion; tUsborne, on September 120,
the wife of Mr. John Andrew, of a daughte .
COOK -In Hensall, on September 76h, the ; wif pf
Mr. Corney Cook, of %daughter. i
SM1TH-In Clinton, on September' 14th,. We w fe of
Mr. Charles Smith, of a daughter. ' 1
TURNER -In Clinton, on September lith, the wife
of Mr. Albert Turner, of a son. • ,
RATH-In East Wavrenosh, on September ;Eith the
wife of Mr. Wm. Rath, of a son.
11,farriaires. -
CLUFF-SCOTT-At the reeldenoe of the b de's
father, Seaforth. on September Mb, by •v. F.
H. Larkin, Mr. John James Clad; to Mist C tiler-
ine, youngest daughter of Mr. Alexander oott,
sr.. all of Seaforth.
BEATTIE--TURNERAt the residence, of the
bride's parents. Sestorth, on September est , by
' Rev. F. H. Larkin, &ties Ida M., diught r Mr.
- John Turner,Mr. Henry Beattie, bar et r,:of,;-
Clinton, '
MERNER-REID At the - home, of the ride's
mother, in Stanley, on September 15th; by Rev.
Johr McNeil, Miss Sarah E., daughter o Mr.
John Reid, sr,, to Mr. Edward F.lierneritof Hay.
BALFOUL-MADGE-At the residence ,of r. Paul
.- Madge, by Rev. C. • Fletcher, Mr. Wesley Bal-
four, to Miss Mabel, daughter of the latel,:s mud
Madge, all of Usborne: .
NETHERY-COULTER-At the residence o the
_ bride's pirate, Mortis, on September 15 h, by
Rev, J. Edmonds, Mr. John H. Nethery, of Sar-
nia, to Mies Clara Charlotte, youngest da ghtor
of Mr. and Mrs. James Coulter.
TUPPER-DUFF-On September 16th, at the reel -
dance of the bride's parent., Goderieh, by Rev.
James A. Anderson, B. A., Mr. Reuben Read
Tupper, of Kappel township„ Bruoe county. to
Miss 13r/sibs, second daughter of Mr. Andrew
Duff, of Goderidh.
STUBBS-PARKINSON-In Brunets, on September
.16th, by Rev. T. Wesley Cosene, Mr. Wen. S.
Stubbs, , to Illos. France s Parkinson, b th of
Morris. 1 .
RUTHERFORD-EIRK-In Kirkton on September
8th, by Rev. Mr. Fletcher, Mr. George' L. Ruth-
erford, to Miss Christina Kirk, both ,of ; K kton.
COLLINS-LITTLE-On September 161hast th 3 resi-
dence of the bride's mother, by Rev. Dr. Oundy.
Mr. Wm. (lolling, to Miss Lizzie J. Little, oth of
Wingham. . 1
teinber 23rd, Charles Francis Edwarde„ ti Miss
- Annie Arietts, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Haziewood, all of - Wroxeter..
SHAVER-ATCHESON-In Arkright, an September
15tb, by Rev. &B. -Stephenson, Mr. Jahn Shaver,
of Ford/rich, to -Miss Edith Atoheson, of Ark -
right. .
HOGGART11-111.TDSON-At the residence of Mr.
- Wm. Hudson, father of the bride, on Wednee-
day, September 23rd, by Rev. N. Shaw, 13. A ,
Mr. Joseph Hoggarth. of Hibbert, to Mies Mar
Hudson, of Tuokertmitto [
WHITE -GRAY -At the Methodist parsonage, Brus-
sels, on September 23rd, by Rev. T. We It y Cos -
ens, Mr V. no. Arthur White, of TuekeWn ith, to
Miss Mary Ethel Gray, of Morris. I'
The Canadian Bank
Capital (pai‘l up) $ 8,700 000.
Reserve Fund - $ 3,000 000.
Aggregate Resources
oyer• - $78,000,000
Hon. G. A. Conti President.
B. E: Walker, General Manager.
London, England, Office,
A general BanklOO businese
Farmers' and Graziers' Note
counted, and spools! attention
to the eollection of Sale Note
Interest ,allowed on deposits
and upwards. Interest is areal
acoounts on.the 31st of May*
30th of November in each yea
The Bank bas 106 branchee extending thr
Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, North/v-0st Ter
British Columbial Yukon District, Mariti
vinees and the United States.• ; !
•. G. E. PARKEE3, Ma
•• F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor.
Hunting Season.
The Grand Trunk Railway have issued a
very handsome and illuetrated pamphlet,
entitled Haunts of fish and game," giving
information regarding the season for shoot -
, etc.
of $1
ed. to
d the
e Pro.
On Tutnelay, September 29th, at clock
on Lot 6, Concession 1, Stanley, farm stock
and implements. Robert P. BelI, .roprie-
tor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. I
On Wednesday, September 30, at 1 o'clock
p. on Lot 25, Huron Road, Tuoke smith,
3t miles west of Seaforth, farm sto k and
implements. Frank Taylor, prop ietor ;
Thomas Brown auctioneer. ,
On Friday, October -2nd, at 2 p. m. at
Dick's Hotel Yard, Seaforth, , stock steers
and heifera, newly oalved 'town and spring-
ers. Intsr J. Oniullivau, proprietor Thos.
Brown, auctioneer.
On Saturday, October 100h, at 41 o'clock
p. m., on Lot 11, Huron Road, M Killop,
milee east of &Martin Farm Sto k and
Implements. James Atkineon, pro rietor, ;
Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Thursday, October 8th, at 1 o'clock
p. m., on Lot 2, Concession 7, HO R. S.,
Tuckersinith, farm stock and impl mente.
Wm. Hurlsoa, proprietor ; Thos. SOW!),
On Monclho, October 5th, at 1 ,o'clock
p, m. on Lot 7, Concession 14, lire farm
stook and implements. James McI oneld,
proprietor; Th0111118 Brown, auction er.
On Friday. October 9th, at 1 o'c ok p.
in., on Lot 21, Concessitn 14, M
Farm &oak and Implements. Geor Ham-
ilton, proprietor ; Thomas Brown, Fiction-
On Thursday. October 15: at 1 o'clock
p. m. on Lot 20, Concestion 9, M eKiliop,
farm stook and implements. Arth r Gal-
braith, proprietor; J. G. Monlioneisl, awn
On Saturday, October 3rd, at 11 o'clock
p. m. on James Cowan's farm, on t.he North
Road, adjoining Seafortb, about 12 miloh
cows, horses and a dairy out fit. 1 James
Cowen, proprietor; Thomas Brosin, auci
The Oomi
"Fall Fairs.
Belgrave Fall Fair. . Sept 28
South Huron, Sesforth i• n 24-25
St. Marys • I• '1' 29-80
Goderitch •; st 29-30
Wingham •1. it 25
Harristion 1, •
Mies Craig
East Huron, Brume/Is,
Gorrie.„ •a •• 4,0
Morris, Blyth..
Hibbert, filtaffa
Hayfield t
• ••
••• •
• • • • •
• o•
21 2-40
I 30
6-• 7
IITANTED.-25 to EO men to out cordwood and
Vv taw logs and oe ar pos' 6. For good men will
pay from $20 to $26 pe month. Apply to Box 288
GODERIOLI LUMBER CO., Goderich. 1867,8
Brown has been insirn led by Mr. Robert P. Bell to
sell by publlc auction a Lot 6, London Road, Stan-
ley, on Tuorday,Sopte iber 2911a'at 1 o'olook p. ni ,
the following property viz / Horses --One elan aged
draught mare% 1 elm ht gelding 4 -years old, 1 filly
2 years old. Cattle- lire° cows supposed to be in
calf, 1 newly oalr'ed oo , 2 farrow cows, 1 .helfer 3
years old due to [calve n October, 2 bolters 2 years
old, 8 heifers 8 Years id, 8 steers 2 year/ old, 4
steers 10 months old, heifers 10 Months o d, four
spring calves, also 2 br od sows one about to litter.
Implements -One hire er wagon, 1 single buggy, 1
cutter, 1 pair bobelelgl s, 1. binder, 1 new Doering
mower, 1 bay rake, 1 1 rid roller, 1 oombin d seed
drill, 1 die° harrow, 1 se diamond barrows 1 hay
rack, 1 sulky plow, 1 rie double harness, single
plows almost new, 2 gap plows, 1 set welg scales
2,C00 pounds capacity, 1 arming mill, 1 root poWer,
1 cutting box with hie e , 1 stone boat, 1 a tioulin-
ral furnace, 2 sugar ke ti e, 1 sap pan and a number
of sap buckets, set plo arnese, 1 set sin le Im-
am, 2 leaflets, grai age, cedar posts, oythes,
forks, spades, shovel chaine, grind ston and a
quentity of mangolde i the drill and a lot 1 other
email articles. The w ole will be sold wit out re-
serve as the proprietor Intl rented his farm. Terms
-All sums of $5 and ui der, cash; over that aniount
12 months' credit will bo given on furnis frig ap-
proved joint notes. Idisoohnt of 4 per is nt. per
annum will be allowed f1 for oash on credit ainouuts.
ROB?. P. BELL, P prietor ; THOS. ROWN,
Auctioneer. _ 1866-2 f
PLEMENTS, -M . George Hamilton hits in-
stcuoted Mr. Thomas B own to sell by publi auction
on Lot 21, Conceialon 4, bloKillop, on Fri ay, Oo.
t,ober 9th, at 1 o'clock , in. the following roperty,
viz : Hersee-Two hea 'y draught geldings rising 8
years old, 1 heavy drau ht mare rising 45 yeare old, 1
driving horse rising 4 seers old, 1 matched tom of
driving fillies rising 4 sr, ere old. Cattle -0 e there -
bred Durilem cow 6 ye re old, 1 thoroughbred year- •
Hug heifer With registe ed pedigree, 1 thorpnghbred
Durlism calf Et weeks old, 8; cows supposedto be in
calf, 3 heifers rising 8 yearteold due to ealvc in Jan -
vary, 16 steers rising 8 ears old, 6 heifers rislog 3
years old, 2 belfers risi g 2 years old, 2 eters ris-
ing 2 years old. 3 fat e vre. Pigs -Two 1 orlothire
sow/ in pig, 2 Berkshir ows in pig, 1 Bark hire sow
with litter at foot, 21 egg 3 menthe old. Imple-
ments -One lumber w on, 1 large 2,furro plow, 1
single plow, 1 get new obsleighe, 1 autte nearly
new, 1 -top buggy, 1 f ning mill with bag er, one
water trough, 1 sot do le hernese, 1 set sin le har-
ness, 1 set dotible light armee, 1 wagon box. 1 hay
rack, forks, hoes, °hal e @prides shovels, wh0flotreee,
neokyokes and other s 11 articles, also a q entity of
household furniture al • st new, consisting of 3 bed-
room suites, 1 parlor Ito, 1 dining, room is ite, one
dozen kitehen chairs, large dining table, kitchen
stove, about 16 cords s rt maple wood, a n mber of
geese and turkeys, 'ab 11 acre of mango] e in the
field ;. also about 50 b a els of potatoes. Tie whole
will poeitively be sold ithout reserve, as the pro-
prietor has rented hi farm and is gob/ to the
northwest. Terms -A sums of 25 and und r. cash ;
over that amount 12 m nthe' oredit will be given on
furnishing approved j • ntInotes. A digeo n/ of 6
per (sent, per annum ill ; be allowed for cash on
credit smounts. GEO e E HAMILTON, Pr prietor ;
THOMAS saowse Au tioneer. 1887-2
PLEMENTS, --M Thomas Brown has reoeived
instructions from -Mr. m. Hudson to sell ; y public
auction on Lot 2, Con •saion 7, H. R. S., Tucker -
smith, on Thu Today, 0 ober Stb, at 1 o'cloo p. tn.,
the following proper viz: :Horses- ne -aged
driver, 1 -heavy draugh mare in.foar -to Jo Ander-
sou, 1 aged horse, 1 go rnal purpose mare 4 ;ears old
sired by Royal State= a, 1 three year ol gelding
sired by Mount Boy, year old gelding sired by
Happy Jack, 1 driving orse--4 years old. Cattle -
Two cows supposed to e in calf to a thor ughbrell
bull, 2 fat °owe, 1 dry • w, :4 two year old steers, 1
two year old heifer', yearling heifers, 2 spring
calves. Sheep and Pig Eigfit well bred Leicester
ewes, 1 well bred Leiee ter ram, 9 glaring Iamb", 2
brood sows to litter in tober, 6 hogs 4 m nth* old
and about 100 hens.' I plemen -One Frog & Woo
binder. 1 Frost & Won mosver,1 horse rak , 1 °ono
- blood seed drill, 1 disc arrow, 2 set of Iron barrows,
2 single plows, 2 gang lows, 1 lumber wa on with
box and shelving', 1 tr ok wagon, 1 sat of bobsleighs
nearly new, 1 hay raelc,p1 sheep rack, 2 gray 1 boxee,
1 root pulper, 1 Chathash fanning mill nearly new, 1
Clinton fanning mill, 2 to buggies, 1 Demoorat
wagon, one cutter nearr new, 2 goat robiss, 1 set
double harness, 2 sets low harness, 2 mete single har-
DC89 1 water trough, 3, eat of whiffietrees 3 neck -
yoke?, 2 dozes grain b ge, 2 sets slings nd ropes
complete, 2 hay forks ' ith ropes, cm% pu lies and
track complete, -1 twen y -six foot ladder, 1 et beam
scales, 1 grindetone, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 stone boat,
forks, chains, scythes ii d other articles too numer-
ous to mention; Also bout i26 tone of hay in the
barna lot•of househol furniture and a q ntity of
turnips in the field. he whole will pos tively be
sold without reserve, e the proprietor is ving up
farming. Terme-All sums of $5 and und r, cash ;
over that amount 12 m nths' credit will no Wen on
furnishing approved joint notes. A diem ot of 4
per cent, per annum wi I be allowed off for °ash on
-credit amounts. The ay -will be crash. M. HUD-
SON, proprietor; THO . BROWN, auction er.
• Aucti n Sale of
Milk Cows nd other Frm
Mr. James Cowan has instructed Mr Thomas
13rowt to sell by publi auction on his 'far adjoin-
ing the town of Seafot h, North Gravel Ro d,
On Saturday,, Oct ber-3, at 1 o'olo k p. m.
About 6 Milch Cows
mostly gdod, large Gr de Shoithbine, one
Jersey and 4 Grade J ateye, Also one
Shorthorn cow and 10 onthe' old calf.
list will be furnished n day of elite. Hors
year old heavy draug p geldings.
Dai Utensils.
A milk dellvety outfit onststint of oovero
wagon, covered dell ery sleigh, harnee
&treater, cream separ or, etc.
The whole will posit vely be sold with°
as the proprietor is gi ine up the dairying
TERMS -Twelve m hthe' credit will
furnishing bankable p per.
THOS. BROWN, Aue loneer.
e -Two 2
, bottles,
t reserve
given on
:It removes, wit
lies bothered you
remedy noes not
the hands; it's e
the work expecte
than inferior pre
out delay, the
or eo long a ti
'motor the foot
edly applied, au
of it, and costs
rations, t Try it.
rn that
e- This
nor soil
to. do
no more
• Last week we visite
all the leading wholesale
their samples, and offeri
amined the samples, and
now have the goods in sock, and open for
prices, but you should vizit our mammoth
our counters loaded with bargains in all lizr
Ladies' heavy wool hose, in all sizes, seam)
2 pair for 25o. Men's heavy wool sox, ribbed to
gain price 2 pairs for 25o.en's heavy wool flee
60e, great snap at 45o eac . Fine all wool tw
boys' or men's suits regula price 60o. our bar
tweeds, very speeial, a gre 0 snap at 25o. Ladi
grey oravenette, corded flounce some with small
regular tirice $9, our barge' price $7,50. Ladle
$3, $4, $5, $6 and $10. La les' new stook eollar
very epeeist a0n5o 350, 50o 750 and $1. Ladies,
In silk taffeta, indre, etc., i oxidized, black a'
goods, at 25o, 40o, 50o, 75o, $1, $1,20, $1.50 and
London during
houses in Montrea
g special bargains
found genuine b
Our Millinery Dep
Of orders,
ment it in full bl
e Exhibition, when travellers fro
and Toronto were there, showi
western cash buyers. We e
sins, we bought very largely, an
spection. Below we quote a fe
stablishment, where you Will fin
SI feet, regular price 25o, bargain mini
I, !seamless feet, good value at 20o ba
ed shirts and &were, good viue 40
ed, in new fancy patterns' suitable r
in price while they last35o. Wo4d
ft' waterproof coate, a special line
apes, others plain with velvet coils
waterproof coats, very special at $2
In silk, with medallions and long tab
belts and girdlet, in an the new dotage ,
d Rile chains and buckles, very swell
1.75 each,
at, We are having a great ruf04
0., BLYTH.
A full s pply of ext Books, Note
Books, Slaths, Pencils, Rulers, Scrib-
blers, Book Bags, &
our Fall
yellow kids for 5c.
Millinery Openings
Friciay and Saturda , Sept. 26 & 2
When will be shewn for your in ection the latest and most
up-to-date Hats and Bonnets. Mi Morrison is again in charge,
and you can depend on getting a st lish and becoming hat at a
reasonable price, A cordial invitat in is extended to all.
See our new Coats for ladies and misses. ee our new Blonsings and D
Goods. See our Boots, Shoes an e Rubbers before buying—we h
some snaps, In Boys Readymade we have an immense ra
Any quantity of eggs and. butter t ken in exchange for goods.
ntapieteteemeates • 7. EOM. =Th'AKNYM
Port Huron, Mich, Covelend, Ghio
()Innen, Ohio.
lumbus, Ohio.
yton, Ohio.
dianapolis, Ind.
nneapolis Min-
g September 24,
a or before Oc-
ets now on sale to all pains in British Col-
umbia, Montana, Utah, Idahoe, Oregon,
• Colorado and California,
838,40 to $40 to, points i
berta, Assiniboia end Sas
going September 2901i, vali
November 30th.
Detreit, Mich, Ci
Grand Rapide, Mioh, C
Saginaw, Mich.
Chicago, Ill.
$28.40 to St. Paul or M
newts. Tickets good goi
25 and 26, valid returning
Special Colonitt one wa
Agent, - - Se
Or by addressing J. D. M
triot Passenger Age
Manitoba, Al-
ateheiva,n, good
returning until
t, Toronto.
Notice To Cr diitors.
tu the,estate of Lewis Mc) 5 onald, late of the
village of Walton, t he county of
Huron, Lumber deale deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the
statute in that behalf that all creditors and
others having claims against tb Mete of the said
Lewis MoDonale, deceased, wh died on the 18th
day of July, A. D. 1903, are required to deliver or
send by post prepaid, to Mrs. idirgaret McDonald.
Walton P. 0., Ontario, Exeoutrilc of the .deceased, or
to J. L. Killoran, Seaforth, Soli (tor for the Execu-
trix, on er before the 71h day o October, 1903, full
particulars of their claims and 1 the seourity, if any,
held by them, and after the sal date the said Ex-
eoutrix will proeeed to distribu e the assete of the
said estate among the partiee e titled thereto, hav-
hog mord only to the claims of which she shall then
have received notice.
And Further Ta e Notice
That ell persona indebted 1 the said estate by
promiseory note or otherwise, re required to forth-
with pay the amount due by them to the under-
signed Solicitor for said estate ids to enablet„ the
said estate to be wound up.
J. L. KILLORA Elesforth, Ont.
18f6-3 Soli itor for Executrix.
Oourt of Pppea1.
'Township of Tu kersmith.
Notice is hereby given thst court will be held
pureusiit to the Ontario Voter' Lists Act by His
Honor, the judge of the 0000*31 court of the county
of Huron, at Wilsoree Hall, in the yillage of Bruse-
field, on Saturday, Rie 10th die of October, 1903, at
10 o'clock a. m., to hear and determlno the several
complaints or errors and ornisaions in the votere'
lists of the plunielps'ity of T ekeremith. for 1908.
All pereons having business at Ibe oourt aro required
to attend at the time and pima
A. G. SMILLIE, C erk ef Tuokersmithe
Dated this 24011 day of Septet°. er, 1908.
olierte Drug Store
Ie the name of our new perfume. In
s eking a perfume worthy of our most ex -
eating patrons, we have found Yolanda),
nioh is positively exquisite. 'Tie not
e ough for us to believe this -we wieh to
clonvinco you. No way is so easy as fer
ou to ask us about Yolande next time you
nire in our store. It will be a revelation to
ou for Yolande is worth knowing about.
4, handsome Dnograph given with each
dunce of petfame. Price 50o per ounoe.
, At J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
G B Ohocolates
Are the best made in Canada and equal
tir any made in the United States, while the
cost is no more than for the inferior quali-
t es. A fresh aseortment at
J. S. itOBERTS' Drug Store,
Roberts' Pills
When you wake up in the morning with
a bad taste in your mouth, you know bet
your liver is out of order. Take a dose ef
obert's Vegetable Stomach and Liver Pills.
They will cleanse your etocnach, improte
your appetite and make you feel like a now
item 2.513 at
3. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
H and H Soap
For cleaning carpets and all kinds of
ilk, woollen goods and exterminating moths
d at;
3. S. ROBERT'S Drug Store.
ngagement Rings.
'Where will you get yours?
Try us if you want a dia-
mond. or anyhhing extra
nice. The prices won't
stagger you. either, and
we have our new stock in.
Jeweler, -
Card of Thanks.
I beg to extend my sincere thanka to the Waterloo
intual Ineursnee Company, through tbeir agent,
Mr. W. N. Watson, tor the very prompt settlenhent
f my claim, which was occasioned by tine burning of
my hotel premises in Brueefield. I can cheerfully
ecomnsend the Waterloo Mutual Insurance Company
o any person requiring protection against are.
Corner Malls
Market Sreets
Tim Largest:
Dry Goons anti
• Concern in
Foot. Counties,
But we cannot help it.
tomes than others do.
to shOw what we have.
in, this store. The c
and special requirement
itt the constantly changi
merchandise. Our im
It's our nature to do more for our CULI3-
We do not urge you to buy, but desire
There is always an interesting evenness
anging conditions, seasons, styles, events
n the affairs of the people, are reflected
g displays of seasonable and suitable
ense stocks, with their great assortnaents
and carefully selected ditties, are prepared as never before. The
st care has been e ercised in preparing goods which are the
perfect passible in their class.
Dres Go
:Os Department
The neW dress goods are here, down on the counters, where you can see
them and feel them, and judge for yourself. We have searched the wend over,
and from every corner we have brought something of what we considered best
fabrics for yOur new Autumn gown.
Snow 1111ce Zibeline, in all the new shades, at 52c and 70c a. yard.
Special valnes in cheviolts, honiespuns, friezes, serges and ladies' cith in
all the new +mattes and shades
All the correct dress trim4ilngs now in stock.
Mantle Department.
New Coats, Capes, Skirts, &c. Whether curious or otherwise, we'd 'like
to have you come in and see the new things. We scarcely expect that yeti are
ready to buy, but you'd like to know what the styles are. There are so Many
new things that we cannot describe them. Probably a few general hints
• Possibly the most notices, le feature in coats is that they are somewhat
shorter than last year. The ppular lengths are from 30 to 36 inch, We here
this season 350 ladies' oats t4 choose from, and no two coats alike, prices
ranging from $3.50 to en eacb.
TI e new collarless monticords coat, 28 to $Q inches long, state effect, with
stitched strappings, is one of the many new styles shown.
Ladies' Cravenette Raincoats just to hand in new styles, with shoulder
capes, fancy gathered sleeves, 4c,
The opening of the Fall season finds us ready as never before with a dis-
play of advanced Fall and Winter styles of men's and boys' clothing, 13111tS and
overcoats. We have them 19 any style you like, and remember our &Ales are
particularly made clothes. They are correct in cut and pattern, they fit, and
our prices are a source of revelation to all. It will pay you to inspect our
clothing stock. •
In addition to our new Fall clothing, We have a few single suits itt sum-
mer and mediam weight left. These snauetf be cleared out 'regardless of the
seasor0 selling price.
Fur Department,
Advanced sale of Furs. !Many advantattes not generally considered favor
the selecting of .Furs now. Upon this first showing, our reputation to a certain
extent for this season- depends. We must demonstrate our -leadership for both
style and quality. We show this season the finest stock of furs ever dieplayed
by us. All our furs are reliable, and all are sold under a guarantee.
'te Onne. etteentereifer erietteaatelesinte
Millinery Department.
Just received the latest etyles in Felt Hats for outing and street wear,
Ladies' Department.
Some new Collars just td hand in Sequins, Plouen and Yak Lace in state
Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs
Opposite Town Building, Corner Mein and3Maket Bta,, Besiortlis