The Huron Expositor, 1903-09-25, Page 3enlist . boil
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A VISIT TO 1OLStO 1 HoW Planets Are Welshed.
Z! s Views sa R.diskie, Morris, Diekono and
ltevoiotiss- A reaceflat Anaorehlat Who
loess Not Lifire Socialism).
Tolstoi was dressed in the familiar
way, but his peasant'e blouse was of
light Chinese eilk, well suited to
the hied. of *rummer. '1,`est Was , goi#g
on, and after geeing that we were
comfortable and exchanging a few
words with each of us, Thistoi went
away to rest for an hour, t during
which interval we were shown over
the estate hy the Coutite-se, the Young
Count, and the niece, all of whom,
like Tolstoi himeolf, speaks English
Many readers of "What is Art?"
have been istirpr iSezi atirolstoi '3, mak-
•ipg, no reference to Ittakin or William
Morris, although various unimport-
- est English writerts are quoted, as
well as scientists like Darwin, dier-
bert Spencer. and Grant Allen, who
could not he expected to speak on
such a subJect with knowledge and
authority. One of us ventured to
express this. whon he returned to us.
is that eo?" he said. "Perhaps
you are right1 ant in the habit of
dividing my fellow -men into two
classes, the foolish and the wise, and
I tput all scientists into the former
class. As -to Morris; I do not know
Tiltieh about him. 7 baye read 'News
from Nowhere,' but 1 do not are for
that kind of book. It is like Bella-
my's 'Looking Backward.' How can
siny ono forecast the future? If the
:Romans had tried to picture the pre-
eent day, that wohld they have
made it?"'
Toletoi, as he told us, has no faith
ill Socialisnk. involving as it does
government, and interference, to which
he, as. an Anarchist, albeit a peace-
ful one, is $o strongly opposed,
of Ruskin and Dickens hes voice
with great warmth, Saying that all
Dickens' characters are his personal
friend. lie had read most of Rue -
kin's bootee, , begineing with "Unto
This- Last," Tied we sem "Ruskin
et la Bibb'?" "No? You must get
it. There was- a man who , read hia
Bible, and to, Some purpose. lie was
a very great man." "i like .his
fare." he added. "I have seen two
portralle, front face and profile, „both
after lir had grown a beard. Ile was, -
like teltuseran peasant."
Tins brat remark is still more true
of Tolstoi himself, whose typo of
face, with d.'ss force and less keen-
ness in the eye, but the same fea-
tures, may he seen again and again
in the streets of Tula and Moscow.
Tilere is rothing delicate, nothing
aristocratic about his build, although
-his family is an ancient land __distin-
guished one. His nose, ati he rlament-
- in his: childhood, is yery broad,
his lips are thick, his hands and
ears noticeably- large. In manner and
apeeeh he IP very goritie, ready to
listen as welt as to talk.
One of us quoted Ituskin's lament
to a friend that he had not. renounc
eft kis polsesnians, "That interests
lite very intedi," Tolstod said, for it
is my case also. 'And why did no
-Ruskin do it?" "He found it so dif-
ficult. Lk had 50 many ties, artists
- support, etc,- "Ah!' he replied
wdth a sigh. That is it; 'we do not
bkome Ghristians until, tete in lite,
and then there are ties."
friends nestled to consult Tol-
etoi about a personal matter.. When
the little conference Seemed nearly
over I rejoined them. "I cannot ad-
vise you," he was saying. "If you
are to teach others, it must be done
uneerneciptiely."e He laid great stress
on 'this word. "By example?" some
one asked. "Yes, by example. Live
according to the law of Jesus Christ
-that of love between man and
man.- "Iron, do you regard Christ?"
a As a nieri-I could not narrow •my
religious ettnception by believing oth-
erwise. Serae German has written
a book'to -prove that Christ never
existed. VIMas asked that r thought.
about it, and I replied that it was
probably untrue, but that it did not
matter to me at ell whether lie ex-
isted. Ills teaching exists, and is Ithe
revelation. of God." -"You do not
await that it. is an exclusive revela-
tion?- "Oh, no," said Tolstoi; "I
tallow, that revelation still goes on,
that ail greit spirits have been the
channels for revelation and that all
religions- have this in &mutton. Th t
the Christian revelation SeemS to no
to be the highest yet given to the
world. ehe cannot tell what God ie,
We eunnot even say whether thole he
one God r many godst-
We had liven walking to and -fro
in the orchard when the lowing of
rattle reached us from the vi
Suddenly 'Tolstoi excl a irned: vi‘s-
terday 1 coald scarcely walk up
stairs, but to -day I feel ouite striene.
Let us go over to the village. It
trill inter( I you." Indeed. he
rd hoth strntg and wiry as he strode
along in his top hoot', and we were
old that 4 often walks and rides
many miles, though he is now eevi. n -
t It was a olidav. and he
1.illagers were all - in their ree
dresses, and men and women, strong --
looking, keen -eyed, round-lindie0.
once callea up the picture of the %al -
lagers in '!John Ball," They till tte ir
etWil land, and own horeee, pheee,
The planets exercise as certain an Int
fluence upon each other as do o
pieees of wooti floatng upon ter n
a basin. As they fiy through th ir p
scribed orbits and pproach o tray I
from each other thij are obee ed
deviate from the course whic they,'
must have pnrsuedt but for the 1 crea
or the decrease of one influenc of a
traction. .
mpa '-
ency at various times and by ;
By Making obsertittions of th s ten-,
ing a number of resnite it ieneas ible to
weigh accurately any plitifdd b wey r
vast and howeveidistant t
All such calculationsare f und
upon the law of universal gray tatio• .
The mass of a planet attract oth r
masses In the solar system, so t ce -
tain =dements result. We c n o
serve the character of these mov men
with our telescopes and aicertal th
amount,nd so -from our m stt
iand weight of the pl net "nip
naents an ._estimates We can c iculate
the nass
Which str4h movements have b n p
duce& •
. 1 ,
e [ 1
/ilea a Capuchin Die
Ds t
eath ,n the eyes of the Capuchlit.
Monks is chiefly a terrible rem' der Ot
the vanities of the flesh. Thel ceme-
tery in Rome is a cellar who wall
and ceiling are covered with the bone
of their Pretleeessors. Skulls, ribs, thikli
bones and knuckles are arranehed in
grotesque designe, and even the chan-
delier is constructed of, parts off skelch
tons. 1
When a Capuchin dies he is b ried !iv
loose dist without a coffin. As t ere IS
room for only forty bodies in thi earth,
which was brought from ths Holy;
Land, the body that has lain in it lou -
gest is dug up,: the skeleton is c eaned, monkish garb and placed
\in a niche. To make room the o1det0
`skeleton ia a niche is diemember d, and
its various bones are added to cernp1et=e
some wall design.
The Uneophiaticated Mon, k..
"The Russian moujile" says me
who has seen life in the land f
czar, "Is a naive fellow. He is some
thing like boy and something ke
Irishman. He is, as a rule, ve elm
p18, very
"A. typicel moujik entered one
=Woad station. He approach
agent and asked when e cot
would leave for a certain plac - Th
agent told tilm distinctly, and, seem
Ing satisfied) be departed. But a en
raent later ,he was back ega , an
again he asked the agent the sa
" 'Why,' the agent exclaimed, 1 tol
you that only a minute ago'
"You did, truly,' the mouj k an
swered.dBut it isn't myself that want*
to know' this time. It's my. ma e out
sided " 1
' French Decorations.
The popular impression is th
Legion of Honor is the only
deeoratiOn, but that is not at
cese. France possesses orders q ite
1 I ancient as those of most countilea
though the oldest of them, Rt. Espri
St Michel, St Louis and St,.'Hubet
dating from the fifteenth and s1tteentl
centuries, are no longer eonferred.,
Since the Legion of Honor, whit wa
founded in 1802 by the first cens 1. an
modlfied y statute In 1816 an 1852
there have been established 'no few,
than seven deeorations. The Lion '1
the only honor that can be best() ed ox
t th
1,1 th
and cattle, which gran. on the &ore -
MOTS land attached to the vinery-.
Tolstoi had a word for evr.rv one,
raising his hat as he spoke. aril -
nothing (0014 exceed the respeet fur
franknese, without an atom ef viiiy, 10,1i which he was reeeived.-
London Chroeicie,
Fowls for Boautr. ,
The •Iet.ot beautiful dorneetic bird 14
Courting Under DIMeultie
Engaged lovers in the Canary i lands
find it difficult tee exchange swe t• eon-
fidences, as the young man Is iot 514
• lowed to 'visit his Banc e, in ber home..
He goes, to her house lad, thdhg her
at the window, must, t lk to be from
r the street.' Sometimes her window is
perhaplt ten or twelve feet alto!. the
road. Therefore he must talk I udly,
and very often members of the -girris
femily are unseen listeners. •
J.How He Got Ont.
"No," said Woodby, "I donit see
Wiseman at all any more. H has
dropped Out of out social set,"
"He tells a. different story," re arked
• Sinnickson.
"Yes; he elaims he has climbed out.-",
Her Coarse emetwh.
George -Yen do not, call on MI&
Rosebud now/
Jack-'o;got disgUsted. Sh ham
uch a coaree'llingla.
George -I never noticed that.
Jack -You would If you'd been with.
in hearing when 1 proposed to h r..
. -
The Cat Didn't Show It.
"Yes," Mrs. Stayathome told Mrs.
Gotback, "your husband took win!'
good care of the cat while 70111 were
away, and he had lots of help
most every'cight I heard them calling,
'Fatten up the kitty,'
A Sobriety Test.
Orderly Officer -Why don't yon con-
fine that man, corporal? Can't you sed
he's drunk?
"No, sir; 'e ain't _drunk. Wby,
't 'and move." .
of the paLitry yard is the yearn 1,
which is not coninionly found on,
farm. Peafow is aro very _hard .
11),ilk lived, although the yot• e
as tender and delicate as 17 g -Ys.
'Phe.‘,) has*' a loud, shrill can at d are
ueeful us a protection agairett nawks,
burglars an poultry thieves, fc,e they
make a great noise w hem dist art •(.;61.
at night. They have great capacity
to shift for themselves and a ••
t{`riSiVe foragers ;reaming OV('" 'ijj-
ifrrabla t errit Orly in search of food.
In fart,- their roaming propens; y
'the anti great drawback tot le citing
theme as they are worse than t tirke;
in this respec t. They do not cure
for Omit er except in the severest Wetet
the r. -A merican Agriculturist.
ftentp•••nyzepplimingm6=411 • ainfi
issuEr3 AT
• Queer Facers: -
"Oh, my friends," exelaimed th
tor, "it makes inc 54[1(1 "'When I tid
the days that are gone when
around andeeniss" the old familiar
I used to shake hauds with."
He Needled SoMetlaing.
"You need a rest." ,
! "But. I haven't siond nny Wor for
year, doctor.", „
• "Then you need k Clhanged leve -
land Plain Dealer.
ora -
k of
lac& t
It's a wise man who knows wh n the
past le paet.
Iryou .would fear -nothing thin that
all things are to be feared.-Sene
' -Another attempt was made to hr ak in.
'Ito the residence of Mr. Dagg, ef St. 1rye,
i on Sunday morning, 6th inet. This is the
seetend within a month. On Sunday mina-
ing, about three o'clock, he 'was aw kened
ey the eteady, quiet hammering. _Hastily
droning, he arrived at the back door to find
• the look broken in, but the would -b bur -
s' ars vanished. 1857•ti
1Ceok Won
Root Compound.
ice Favorite,
e enlY Pale, reliable
regu tor on which woman
can 1eyelid '411rt the hour
and t in4 Of need,e
Pre ared in two deerees of
gtreni tii. No. awl No, 2,
No, 1. -Por ordinary cases
Is. b far the best dollar
erred, Jne known,
Mo. 2 -Por spec al cases -10 degrees
stronger -three doll rs per box.
IsaMes-ask your druggist for Cookre
Cotton Hoot Com und. Take no other
as all Pills, mixtur and imitations are
dangerous. No. I a I No, 2 are sold and
recommended by au druggIsto in the Do-
minion of Canada. Lined to any address
on receipt of_nrice a , four 2 -cent postage
Mann*,Wke OIF :Company,
' Virtudsor, Ont.
No. 1 and No. 2 ore sot in Sea -forth by 3.8. Bob
erts, Alex. Wilson, C. A ant and 1. V. Few, drug-
gist& 1869
The Se forth
Tea St re
Still leads in Slack, t reen and Japan Team
dialtida, black no» mixed Teas and Ar-
oma black and m xed Team. I also lead
In all the best co 1 eee, also sugars in all
the diffenreut ki de, from granulated
down to the tory darkest. Maple
syrup 25o a qua t best Anchor and
Golden syrup, t ft gallon pails of syrup
for 01.00, &Ise bokips melanin, pork,
Jong clear haoon, wholesale and retail,
smoked barite, sm hod baokr, bolougna
sausage, lunch b oon, corn beef, best
pure lerd, but er and eggs, all at
the lowest prices
We have also, flour, c rn-meal, bran, shortie
oatmeal, rolled Fheat, Tilleon'e rolledi
oats, benner oats cream of wheat, qua-
ker oats, mala vitae, vim, gronola
flakes, cream sodand all kinds of
fancy biscuite, arme, nuts, swiss food,
graham wafers in two pound tins, pure
new honey.
I have a few boxes of ery fine raisins to eel'
at wholesale prijies. I have a very
large stook of fresh g oeeries of all kinds,
which will be olt at very close prices.
A good assortment of china, crockery,
and glassware,al of which will be sold
I have a lot of very el an, home grown tim-
othy seed for fall sewing and guarantee
ft to be clean. , •
Wanted; fresh butte and eggr, for which
the highest mark t price will be paid in
oash or trade..
A large stook of all si ea of fruit jars at the
right price. Ma t cider, white wilts
and standard yin ar. Salt by thebairel
.and loose.
United Type
Unaerwood, E
All visible writing
to rent by the month
other makes of type
for sale. Apply to
pire, and Blick-
&chines, for male or
ribbons, eto., and all
Atone second' hand
GRIOitiD, Agent.
1828 45
Wood's P
Before and After,
gives universal eatisfac
permanently cures all fo
ness, Emissions, Bp
and all effects of abuse o
use of Tobacco, Opium
and Brain Warr/liana
insanity,Conumptkn a
Price $1 per Package
please, six will cure,
ceipt of price. Send for
The W
• W
Word's Phoophosline is s
hart, I. V. Fear, J. S.
The Great English Wp,;
is an old, well °stab,
lished and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
Oier.40 years. All •
gdsti3 in the Do
of:Canada sell
recommend as being
the only medicine of
its kind that ouresand
don. It promptly and
of Nervous Weak-
rhzea, Impoteney,
excesses; the excessive
or Stimulants, Mental
hich lead to inarmite,
d an Zany Grave.
t f4r One will
iled prompty on re -
free pamphlet. Address
od Company,
doi, Dia', Canada,
id in Seaforthiby C. Aber-
beits Alex. Wilson and
.23rand 'fru k Railway
Railway T me Table.
Trains leave Beiforth as follows '
9,20 a.m. For Clipton,j Goderich Wingham and
12.40 p.,tn. For Clinton nd Goderleh.
6.16 p. m. For Clinton 'Minium and 'linear -
10.18 p, m, For Clinion nd Goderich. .
7.53 a. m. For Meat rtl, Guelph,. Toronto,
OrilliaNortk Bay sod point", west;
Belleville d Peterbero and points
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon-
treal and, pe Uts east.
For Birgit/ d. Guelph and Toronto.
3.87 P. In'
4.40 p. IL
Pahnereton a
iionio Mown. P116
Palmerston.. ..... .7.30
Ethel . 8.07
Bluovale 8.27
Wingbam....... ,. 8.88
d Kincardine.
Mixed. Mixed
an. 12.20 pin 8.45 il.ra
1.07 9.40
1.10 10.00
1.30 10,20
1.85 10.30
Goma Sown. Paw
Wingbam- 6.53.m
3luevale ...... 7.92
-aroma-- 7.18
Ethel 7.2/3
Palmerston 8.20
Mixed. Pass.
8.05 p.m
London, Einr n and Bruce.
IMO NO1178-
LOrld__01EdepIlle...1•• • • NO • 0
0.10111410 • • .••• 111. • • !MP •10, 1 • • •
Exefier .1.• • • ifk• ••• • MP 0.1. ••••
• •
. .01111110n.._•••••• •.• •••• Or • • • • • •
/Andel/OM •I• •• ••• OOP 11•• ,•••
Myth-. MO MI • • MO • • • • dl• ••
BeleriVe•m -••• 0/4 eas ar
3orws Sewn-
Biyth. -
Centralia: • ...d• ••
• • •
• •
• • •
••• •
Exeter. •• 0.1 ••• • • •••
8.15 a.a. 4.60 P.m
9.18 5.65
9.80 6.0i
9.44 6.1
9.60 6.25,
9.68 6.38
10.15 6.55
10,80 7.12
10.88 7.20
10.60- 7,83
11.00 7.66 -
11.60 A.M. 8.10 r.
7.01 8.28
7.14 8,86
7.22 8.45
7.47 4.16
• &05 4.40
8.15 4.50
8.22 4.66
8.85 6.10
8415 6.20
045 A. a. 6.20
it Pays The Best In The End:,
The Canada Bueloese Cdllege, Chatham, Ontsrlo,
with its et years of •ueeeslu1 work to its credit,
stands without a peer in nada in the line of Bus!.
nese or Shorthand Trainfm.. 246 students plaoed in
good position!) - In the past eleven wont s-shoivs
what we do kr our studente when graduated. Coi
lege re•opens for Fall Term, September 1st. Our
catalogue is the bondsorueet issued by any huainees
echool in the Dominion. Copy sent by addressing
Tow He Wort His Bet,
In a i certain office building in the
downtolivn district there is a club on
an upp ,r floor, with!, an express eleva-
tor seLice for inenibers. The other
day tsytiof the lattetternerged from the
dining room, where they had eaten
luncheon, and eyed ;the elevator floor
Indicator. The err* moved in, two
shafts,- one of them the club elevator
express_ route,
"It's wonderful h w much time a
man Cala save by th se expresses," re-
marked one of the p Ir.
"Nonsense," said his companion, "I
can get to the bottota on a local' and
beat yilp while I an 'doing it"
"Tele dollars that You can't," was the
reply. i .
The:ages in both shafts opened with
ii click, and without further parley the
two men separated, +tering the differ-
ent elevators, The I cal tgot away a
fraction of a niomen ahead of the ex-
press, .When the ra n in the' latter
stepped out Ids acqu intance was wait-
ing for him,
"Howl did yon do 1t?" gasped the ex-
press passenger, dig ng down for the
forfeited bank ote. •
"That was ea y," s id his companion.
"I gave my el vator1 matt half of the
bet -In advane an he didn't make
any stops."
Wqrked a Li lug Choi
Dr. P, L. Hurt's po nter dog was the
Cause of it good:deal f amusement and
excitement in poonv Ile one day. The
doctor stepped at a t ough to water his
horse. sir sewer pipe about a hundred
feet long. Passes uncle a crossing at this
place, and the dog, eing warm from
running. crawled int the pipe to get
cool. When the time came to leave he
could not turn aroun and as the pipe
was crooked he .could not see the oppo-
slte_end ef it, we thehe stuck. After
various suggestions h d been made for
getting hhn outhi. sm II negro boy was
sent in after bide T 0 boy got him by
the leg, bet then fonid that he himself
uld raKback Out. ... ere Wall.a pretty
v dp. Irinelly al comL negro boy
t', n. Hie leg remained within
r&n the outsi e, and when he
ad caught the first boy by the legs
and the fitst boy had got a secure hold
on the dog' f legsore strong men took
the second boy ;by h s legs, and thus
they were all pulled ut-Exchange,
To Save Ike rowning.
Manya swiminer s ps abort before
learning how to app oach a drowning
person, but he should add a knowledge
of this :as of the. prop r means of arti-
ficial respiration bef e re he can be ac-
counted a master of e art. So says
the Landon Chrenicle and adds: "The
swimmer in diffieultleis may always be
Assisted, even by a ty o, provided he be,
himself a stroneenou h swimmer, but
the bather who eannet swim at alt
haiseentirely los his presence of
mind elieuld alteays be approached
from behind and se ,ed by the arms.
Then by :swimming n the back it is
easy to thev hina to afety. Further,
the bather -In difficult' should remem-
ber that throwing th arms out of the
water thefts to siek th whole body, the
air being a poor Suppo hag medium for
their weight."
The Peculiar Ganges Water.
There le a scientifie asis for the uni-
versal feeth-nstially 1 called supersti-
tion-anaiMg Hindoos lin the cleansing
qualities ef, the Gange4 as well as in its
peeullar sanctity. Carjeful experiments
hes shoWn that the ri er possesses ex-
traordinary and inexOcable antiseptic
properties. A govern ent analyst took
water from the main
which contained mil
germs. When einptie
cle of Ganges water
were all dead. He
pure water and thre
cholera germs 1.11!,
and swarmed. 'These
ewer of Benares
ions of cholera
eine) a receptit-
sil hours they
ok undeniably
a few of these
hey propagated
tests Were tried
aLlve Balt” For
-The negroes of Jam
ish Watt Indies, use
catch alligators. They
tree near the alliga
await developments
puppy's yelp is exoctly
the baby alligator. N
ligator eomea out of
the lagoon, thinking
bling her offspring.
gets to work with his
ligator fella a victim
Ica,' in the Brit -
"live bait" to
tie a puppy to a
r's haunt and
ith a gun. The
like the bark of
turally Mrs. Al -
her mudhole in
mebody is trou-
hen the negro
un, and Mrs. Al -
her maternal
A. Seri' an I tom.
"Greenlee says tba when he was
abroad he courted a rvian girl."
"Custom any differe t from ours?"
"I guess not. Greenl e says when he
called on her they u miller sat vis-a-
"I don't believe a wo d that Greenlee
• "Why not?"
"There' t no such ex 6ession as vis-a-
iis in the Servian lang, age. It's WW1-
What He Took 'Her For.
"What! Marry yo I" snorted the
fiery tempered maiden. "Huh! What
do you take me for?"
"For better or wo e," he . replied
promptly. So thee w re married and
lived unhappily ever fthr, for, alas,
she -was worse than he took her for,
' A Matinee on.
"I dislike so much te be called a 'po-
etess,' " said a young et 6 man who seine -
times wrote verses for icablication.
"Perhaps," suggeste • her matter of
fact brother, "if you will write a little
better quality of poetry people will call
-you a poet."
For compared Use.
Visitor (during temporary absence of
ul teeth your
hostess) -What beauti
mamma has, Tommy.
Tommy-Yes'in; she itever wears that
set 'cept when she has callers.-Baltie
more American..
A112 Old Time Exploders,
den old chronicier tells a curlew story
'if an exploelon which occurred in Lon-
don Jan. 4,1 1040. A. ship chandler, it
HabOut 7 of the clock at night,
dieing busy' in his shop about barrel-
ing up of gunpowder, it took fire and
the twiukling of An eye blew up
not only Met, but all the houses there-
about to the number of fifty or sixty.
The number of persons destroyed by
thie blow could never be known, for the
next house but one was the Rose tav-
ern. a hotiee- never at that time of
night) but full of cornpany. And in
three or fodr days, after digging, they
continually 1 found heads, arms, legs,
etc," The most interesting part of the
account comes further on:
In the digging they, found the mis-
tress of the house of the Rose tavern
sitting in her bar and one of the draw -
ere, stauding by the bar's side, with a
pot in his hand, only stifled by dust and
emokee their bodies being preserved
whole by means of great timbers fall -
Ing across one upon another. There
was also found upon the upper leads of
Barking church a young child lying in
a eradle as newly laid in bed, Oeither
child nor cradle having the least sign
of fire or other hurt. It was never
known whoee child it was, so that one
of the parish kept It for a memorial,
for In the year 1666 I saw the child,
grciwn to be then a proper maiden," •
The 'Jr -roubles of the Coyote.
The coyote has small chance for life.
It Is hunted upon all occasions and by
devious and sundry methods. As the
cowboy careers along the plains he
pops at it with his six shooter. The
wise ranehman has a shotgun or rifle
hanging in a convenient place await-
ing the appearance of a coyote near
the ranch house. The hunter of more
choice game never misses at -shot at a
coyote, while there are professionals
who do little else but pursue jt from
one year's end to another. Besides,
there are organized hunts inaugurated
in settled communitiee for both pleas-
ure and profit, wlami a large scope of
the country is swept dean and the coy-
otes falling Into the meshes of the hunt
are dispatched and their skins tanned
for ruge and doormats. Then animals
are baited -wIth poisoned meat This
method of deetruction is not only used
by; ranchmen, but by persons who
make a business of killing conotes for
a ing.
The .Apeiste In society.
To ape anything is a sign of vactiltY
of mind; to ape the follies of those
above you ifs one of the inost offensive
forms of vulgarity. Yet we see the fol-
lies of the uppermost classes steadily
imitated all down the different eets of
society, and tbe popularity of 'every
book dealing with the peerage is a
proof, if one were needed, of what ab-
sorbipg interest our failings are to the
public. There is nothing we will not
write upon be gratify this vulgar marl-
osityanothing 1 in too bad taste if by
Its (publication We can raise a little of
the "needfuh" Our scandals, our in -
triples our inane conversation, our
bills end even our menus are recorded
for the beneet of a public which, while
profeesing to be horrified, greedily
cries for more. -A Countess In London
Tobacco Par
in the early history of Virginia and
Maryland tobacco Wes by all odds the
most important crop, and it was even
possible at tines to secure a wife in ex-
change for a moderate amount of to-
bacco, as in lat r daYs in' the west a
squaw could be obtained inexchange
for a email amodtit of whisky. In 1732
at Jameestown tobacco was made a le-
gal tender for all debts, including cus-
toms Iinabont a dozen years after the
founding a Jamestown by Captain
John Snaith an English nobleman, Sir
Ed-0ln Sandys, brought over with a
ship lead of eupplieff ninety young Eng-
lish maids, who ithmediately upon their
arrival were wooed and married by the
colonists, each being paid .for at the
rate of "120 pounds of good tobaceo."
John Adman? Opinion of Waehing-ton
After dinner one night a visitor
stepped into 'the ball to help Adams put
en his 'coat. Adams thanked him.
"Don't Mention it," was the solemn
toady's reple. "No attention le too
great, no trobble is too much that.we
of this century have the pleasure of
taking for the patriots of the Revolu-y
tion -for George Washington and your-
self, sir." Adams' *sharp retort was:
"Don't mention; Washington to me, sir!
Washington was a dolt1"-Sanborrds
"ReMiniscencee of Emerson."
Montreal'," Cathedral.
The great landmark in Montreal is
the Cathedral of Notre Dame, which,
text to the famous cathedral in dhe
it•er of Mexico, is the largest church
!building in *melee and has a seat-
ing capacity of 12,000. The church was
',edit in 1829 and Is noted for its mag-
nificent chimes, one of the bells of
which, called "Le ,Gros Bourdon," is
one of the largest suspended bells in
the world and weighs 24;780 pounds.
Very Absent Minded.
"Talk about absent mindedness," said
a man the other day, "why, I like it,
for when I Was a boy I worked for a
man who wee so absent minded that he
discharged me three times in one week
and paid me a week's wages each
The Indreeement Incomplete.
She (romaritic)-When you first saw
the wonderdul Niagara falls, didn't
you feel as though you would like to
Sump in?
He --No; I hadn't got my hotel bill
At least half the work done in the
world is of eto particular use unless it
may be formeercise.-Milwaukee Senti-
What shrunk your woolens?
Why did holes Wear so soon?
You used common soap.
Ask or the Octagon Bar. 525
fr111014AS BROWN, Licenood Auctioneer for the
1 Counties of Huron rind Perth. Orders left at
A. M. Caropben implement warerooms, Seaforth? or
Tux Exrosirox Office will receive prelopt election.
t'a• fnctien guarantet:d or no ,c,barge. 1.708-1f
TARES G. lielfICHAEL, amused auctioneer for
e) the county of Huron. Sales attended to hi any
part of the county at moderate rates. and eatistaction
guaranteed. Ordera eft at the Sesforth poet office
nr at Lot 2, Concestion 2, Hallett, will receive
1.,i•oropt attention. 183241
A UCTIONEERING.-B. ' S. Phillips, Lfoensed
11 Auctioneer for the mantles of Huron and
.'Perth. Being a practical farmer and thoroughly
ndendandIng the vales of farm deck and imple-
;vents, places me in a better pmitIon to realize good
prices, Charges modtrate. Satisfaction guaranteed
or nn pay. All orders left at Henson post dace or
Lot 8, Conoce-eion 2, Hay, will he promptly
ttended to. - 1709•1!
Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dys-
pepsia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath,
Heart Burn, Water Brash, or any
Disease of the Stomach, Liver or Bowels.
Laxa-Liver Pills are purely vegetable;
neither gripe, weaken nor sicken, are easy
to take and prompt to act.
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findersed by the best English Sonniale, Supplied
to Britian Soldiers in South Africa.
Per all Throat and Mend Vet-pis:him Pleurimpt
Lumps, AbscessesOld Sorra, Lieges. Felons,
• thin Diseases, Pe-tentis. Pimples. melff Joints,
Rheumatis. Lumbago. aprains, Bruises,
rites. Cuts, sore Feet,
Sold by Druggists, 25o. Try ft once.
Special Attention
Hemshoeing and
General Jobbing.
MAKER 23.47
Gederich street, -
To Cure a Cold in One Da kff.AscocfP)„,..
Take Laxlve Bra o Quinini Tablets. en every
s. This signature, VA Z4- ,/yrst"..••• box. 25c.
L..,.old in past 12
P „ 0 R
-c.o P Y
The a1iest Fnoctnatloas.
Punetuation hy means of stops or
polies, so as lo indteate the meaning
of efeitete es. and assist the reader to n
proper enunciation, is ascribed origi-
nally to dristophanes, an Alexandriam
grammarian, who lived in the third
century B. C.. Whatever his system
may have been, it -was subsequentlyt
neglected ahd forgotten, but was rein-,
trodueed by Charlemagne, the various
stops and symbols being designed bri
Warnefried and Alculn.
Tne present system of punch:lethal
was introduced in the latter part of thei
fifteenth century by Aldus Manuthis,
Venetian printer, who was responeible
for our period, colon, semicolon, com-
ma, marks of interrogation and excla-
mation, parenthesis and dash, hyebent
apostrophe and quotation marks. These
were subsequently copied by other
printers until their use became univer-
Most andent Languages Were 11333o.
cent of any system of punctuation. We
find in many early manuscripts that
the lettere are placed at equal distances
apart, with no connecting link between*
even in the matter of spacing, an -ar-
rangement which must have rendered
reading at sight somewhat difficult
Barrie and the Editors.
Soon after j. M. Barrie leaped int"
fame the editors of three London jour-
nals for wbich he had done a good deal
of work determined to give a dinner In
his honor. Mr. Barrie accepted the in-
vitation; and in due course the three
knights ef the pen and scissors and
their distingeished guest sat down to-
gether. The hosts, knowing their con-
tributor only by his work, fully Redid-
pated a "feast of reason and a flow of
soul." However, the soup and Bele
were consumed without a word from
Mr. Barrie, or, at least, with nothing
beyond noncommittal grunts. Despite'
frantie effotts to lure hlm into .conver-
sation, it was not until be rose to put,
on his :coat that he made the lir:stand'
last remark that he uttered during the
evening, "Weel, ibis is the first time
I've ever had- dinner with three ed-
itors" -
A Perfectly rutin “Direction."
Once upon a time Judge Cotter was
riding through a rurel district in Vir-
ginia, Re stopped at a negro's cabin to.
get his direction, "Uncle," mild be,
"can- eou direct me to Colonel Thoinp-
"Ye, sale" replied the negro. "Ye'
goes -Own this yah road 'bout two mile
till yo'; comes :to an or ailm tree, aind
„then ye' tens sha'p to' the right down
a lane fo' 'bout a gaaler of a mile,.
Thah yo' sees a big white house. -.roi
wants die go through the yard to a pat
thit takes you a spell to a gate. Tse
fo Iowa that road to the let till yet
conies 1 to three roads gone up a hill,
and, jedge, it don' mattah which one of
them tha.h roads yo' take, yoheere gets
lost anyway." -Stewart Edward Whits
in Otitiook.
Betrothe41 Mirth.
In some parts of west Africa the
girls have long engagements. On the
day of their birth they are betrothed to'
a baby boy a trifle older than them-
selves, and at the age of twen
are married.
The girls know ef no other way Ot
getting a husband, and se they are
quite bappy and .12.U6fied. As Trirft
they are patterns of obedience, end the
marriages usually turn out a succese.
This way of managing the affairs of
the heart vrould hardly suit an inde-
pendent American girl, but it seems fed
answer on the west coast.
She Had Noticed.
He was talking to the peseimistin
sharp tongued damsel.
"Have you noticed," he asked "that,
as a rale, baehelors are wealthier than
married men ?"
tI have," she'replied.
"Ho* de you account for ft?" be I -
qui red.
"Tbe ipoor man marridte and the rich'
one doesn'tddshe answerled, "A man is
much More .disposed to klivide nothing
with a! woMan than be is to di -vide
sometbing, you know."
Novel Sobriety Tent,
To aecertain whether a man was
drunk or sober a Dublin 'doctor made
him bop twelve feet on the right foot
and the same distance on the left and
then stand on one leg for fileVeD seed
onds end the other leg for four sec-
onds. The man stood the teet'and the
.magistrate accepted it as proof .ot ids
Her View of It.
4Pshasser she exclaimed dieguetedly
as she came to the most Interesting
part only th read "to be continued"; "I
don't teee why they call these thiumt
'continued stories.'"
"No?" queried her husband politely,
-"No; they should be called 'discontin-
ued stories." -Exchange.
*tick In Little.
Crwty614 Gentleman -Your singing,
Miss Taylot, is like attar of roses -
MIs,, T4s4Or (with a gratified smile) -
Oh, you are too flatthring.
Old Gentleman feoniinuing)-A little
of it goes a very long way,
Currency Proterred.
"So far as I am eoneerned," observe(
Spendahl, "I don't erire whether we -
have an elastic clirreney or not; but, by'.
George, I'd like to have it a little more
Prepared For Anything.
Lowick -You say the unexpected nev-
er happens to you, eh?
Stowlek-Exactly. i've got so vsed
to it that I always expect it now.
Mother Nature Is the greatest an5
noblest of teachers. Study ber Tula
and laws, and If you follow and obey,
them you will not go far wronge-MaX-
well's Talisman.
eerneeteenneeneteter. :".12w4=Erw`g"
rhea Dyes will dye Wool, Cotton, Silk
Jute or Mixed Goods in one bath --they are
theletset and most improved Dye in tine
world. DT a package. All colors at
L V FEAR'S Thug Store, Seaforth.