HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-09-18, Page 5AMER 18 1903
and we ex
YIL When
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Days we intend
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Y° u better see
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peat d his' honey To
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'Britton returnee?
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Ihn Beivrter, the
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John io greatly •
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a- few day* fait
e leaving on the
e for Exeter., to --
dame, of Lyaff,
• on Friday,
and going out on -
R. Coleelatid was
, wife and (laugh. -
Baltimore. Mrr
being the rep.
o the Sovereign
rindent Order of
ortly. We wish
J &safe return.--
eenhination ep-
ee on Thursday
s —Exeter Fair,
, Brown has sold
le tie' Edmund
a hie reeidenc.
caretnae- by the
Frgin here went
letree.m Guard's
ley Bobiert and
efi father Mr.
rjg week.--I-J. G.
wise° has' 'bees
L J. G. Stanberye
horue on Tame --
was at London
rer, i8. recover -
as -an exhibit of
stela Fir, Lon.
Me.Don-eIl ship-
on fair
t, of Chathean.
arents, Rev. Dr.
Cora Well is
,or.—F. E. Kara
thia week.
etese telegraph
eek. lie -win
loos from At -
eel there were --
"way of zaking
tea,. There heel $
edam- and *mei
- hie filvent:
-, the only thing
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;r-hieh have made
working beds
pins all
',fed t hie week 1 DrMhy
end Geo, A, Atter show fot
eels in both Wee Hew in Sore
Wi Meal
oritta—Mr. John McQuaid took in the
in Toronto.-bitse Nellie Evans visited
$ in 81). Columbia last week —Mn P.
ert spent s few days in Toronto e last
issk visiting her sister, htiss T. O'Connor.
Id. Crawford it visiting friends here
present.—Mr. and lidre. 0. Eckert paid a
ryjzig visit to Toronto and Niagara. Falls
Tering the week.—Our genial friend, Mr.
JADISS Shea, has joined, the renks of the
- bleined benedicta since our last writing.
We erongrettilate Wei on his happy choice
sad wish himself and1Mrs. Shea a long life
ef prosperity and happiness.
Perth Notes.
--Fifteen pupils are in attendance at the
Mitchell Medal school.
—St. Merge tax rate is 24 mills on the
—Norrhan Brown, the 19 year old son of
Me, Arthur Brown, Lietowel, WW1 drown.
ee in Lake Joseph, on Monday of lad
—Mr. Robert Hodgeon, of Hibbert, de.
livered a load of wheat in Mitchell, on
Monday of last week, that tested 66 pounds
to the busbel.
—Mrs, Win. Simpeon, of Downie, lost her
parse,contaieing $29 in bills and some small
change, -while in Mitohell on Saturday
-Another of the few remaining pioneer.
— of North Easthope passed away on Sunday,
the -13th instant, in the person of Mr. Albert)
°shin, at hie residence in Stratford, in his
allth year. He waa born in Ireland in 1814,
ilea was one of the firit settlers on the 8tti
concession„ North Easthope. Four years
be removed toStratford.
—A serious accident occurred in North
ðane, on Tuesday of last week, as the
result of which Mr& idoGniggan, an elderly
lady, ie suffering from conoussion of the
brain. Te appears that she was picking po-
tatoes -in her garden'end was in a stooping
position. A Urge dog was running einem
thegardeu, and evidently did net see Mrs.
Modluiggan, for it truck her on the side
of the head, throwing her violently to the
ground. The remit was a severe case of
430130Ussion of the brain,
—Among the Forth county prize winners
In the dairy section of the Toronto Exhibi-
UM are: Miss Mary Morrison, of Newry,
who took first prize for best two factory
white cheese, and second for best two °m-
edian fiats tW D. Angus, of Atwood,
model for chastise factory white, do., color-
ed; Sohn E. Stacey, Mitchell, medal for
cheese, factory white ,• W. Hamiltpn, Lis-
towel, do '• Alex. McKay, St. Marys, IWO.
cad for beet collection from factories in any
eiteroarn. Sept. 17, 1908
yell Wheat (new), Standard.-- - V) 76 t00 00 76
Oat t Pet broalm-- 0 so to o so
Pats per bmshol — 0 00 to 0 55
sseley per 0 40 to 0 40
Batter, No. 1, toose__ _ _
0 1
o °°0 ro 013
e 0 4
spot doz...--0 12 so 0 13
2 00 to 210
Bay per ton (old) ,,,,, ..... „ 7 00 to 7 00
5 00 le 5 00
00ffeav.• .. - -,...... 6 00 to 5 26
sweep 0 30 to 036
0 16 to 0 16
0 40 to 60
1 25 to 126
4 00 to 440
2 00 to 245
0 26 to o50
7 00".to 800
1 26 to '2 00
7 60 to 800
Dillow, per lb--. - - 04 to 0 06
FA/40a per True -13 -(Lw),...
Solt (retall),_ per buret- ,„
Wood per cord -
wasseliat cord -
Timothy --
Forks Per 100
Dairy Metkete,
TORONTO, September '15—Butter —The dee
mend is mostly limited to the best grades
ol butter, and the offerings of these are gen-
erally liglet. Plenty of inferior to medium
stook is coming forward, but the inquiry for
these grades its not active. Quotations are
unchanged. Creamery prints, 19 to 203,
solider, 17-t- 180 ; choice dairy pound rolls
15 to 16e ; good choice dairy tubs, 14 di
16o; low, poor to medium dairy, 12 to
14e. Cheep—Prins continue well main-
tained despite the recent drop in England.
Lugo etre quoted at 11-12e per pound and
twin e at 12o. Eggs—The demand continues
good, The offering. are heavy, but there
is still a large precentage of inferior gook
coming forward.
MONTREAL, September 15—Eggs—Cand-
led selected, 18o; straight receipts, 151, ;
-- No. 2, 123. Cbeese—Ontario ; towo-
shis 11e; Quebec), mg to 1 lo. Butter—
Township ereamery, 20c, and Quebec, 19c;
western- dairy, 15to.
TORONTO, September 15—The receipts are
light to -day, and trade was inclined to be
•quiet. The quotation e are uochanged.
Chiokeus are quoted at 7 to 8e pr pound;
fowls at 6 to 7c, ducks at 8o, and turkeys
- at 10e per pound live weights.
' Gram, etc-
l017.0N20, September 15—Wheat, white,
821e to 83e ; red, 64o; goon), 78e to 7931
spring, 79o; oats, old, 36o; new, 34 to
34-3eo ; iterley, 50 to 51tes •' peas, 51e.- Hay
—New, No. 1 timothy. it.9 to $11-; shoed
straw, $10 ; loose straw. $6 50 to $8 25.
Millfeed—Is stead', at $17 to 517.50 for
cars of etkots, and $13 to $13 60 for bran
in bulk east or middle freights. Manitoba
naillfeed iis eteady at $19 for cars of shorter,
and $17 'for bran in car lots, seeks included,
Toronto freights,
Live Stook Markets.
Ltreeenoce September 15-0auadian dat-
the 54 to
lanoniti, Englend, September 15—Live
oat* steady at ll'i to 12e per pound "for
Atne 'can steer., (dressed weight) ; Canad-
ian stere, 10, to 110 per pound i refriger.
abor beef, 0 to 91c per pound. Sheep, llt-
to 1"2tel per pound.
/*MEAL. September 15—Cattle—Trade
watidfair to -day. Prices were about the
05114. Cattle—Mostly of fair quality. The
demand for therzewas good. Prices' ranged
st follows : Choice betcherei 4 to 4je ;
goed; 3i to 4o ; tiiedium, 3 to 310 ; common,
2 to 3e. Cao -The quelity was meetly
common.. Tiee- demand was good, and at
noon non* rernained unsold. Poor etock sold
at $2 to $4, *nd good at $4 to $12. Sheep
and Lambe -o -The ebeep brought from 3 to
Ste, lambs Selling at 53 to $4. The demand
was good for lembs and export sheep. Hogs
—The demand was good and pricesranged
from 5!", to 60.
. BUFFALO, September 15--Cattle—Steady
to strong on desirable kitele ; others barely
steady;; prime steers. 55.40 to $5.65 : ship•
ping steers, $4:80 to $6 30; butabere' steers,
$4.25 to $5,15 ; heifers, $3 50 to $4.76 ;
cannon', $3 te 54; bails, WA to $4 ; feed-
ers and etookere. 5.3 to $4.10 ; stook hea-
t's', &,?: .d..5 to $3 26 ; fresh cows and tiering -
sea, $2.to $3 higher; good to choice, $45
40 855 •medium to good. 035 to $42 • 00130 -
Mon, $20. to $30, Veale-Stt ono., 55:25 to
4$650. -Hogs—Active, 5 to 10c lower ;
headTt V6,25 to $0.35 : mixed,$6 15 t,, $6 30;
Yorker, 86 25 to $6 .35, pig, $5 90to
$6 ; roughs, $5 to 53.40; stegs, $4 to
$4,70 ; dairies and grassere, 85.90 to $6.15.
Sheep and Lambs—Sheep steady; lambs,
S6 to 35o Iowentop 'lambs'$4.26 to 55 85, a
few at $6 - yearlings, $4,25 to $4.50 ;
wethers, $a to $4 25 ; ewes, $3,50 to $3.65;
zheep, mixed, $1,50 to $4.
TORONTO, September 16 —Crittle--E x p or t-
eren-Exporters sold from $4 to $5 per
cwt. Export Bults—The choice quality
bulls are worth $4,25 per owt. ; good belle
sold at $3.30 to $3,80 per cwt; Export
00/101-Extpr4-Cows aro worth $3.60 to 54
We shi4 every Wednesday (don't receive them any other day, and must be
in before non), beginning Wednesday, Sept. 16th. We pay for chicken(' qe
per lb.; we pay for OA hens 4ic per b. We also want a car of dried apples.
- Our stock is beta!tr, assorted tha ever before. Jt consists 'of Dry Goods,
Groceries, Readyroade Clothing and rockery.
There are four lines on which e beat all competitors 5 --Our 25c Japan
tea, our 35e. black tea, grain bags, ou men's suite at $5, 57.50 and $10.
Why not d'sal at a progreseive s ore Come with the crowds.
per cwt. Butcthers' Cattle—Choice pio ed
lots of butchers' cattle, weighing fr m
1,150 to 1,175 pounde each, equal in coital ty
to the best eeportere, are worth $4.10 to
5440; loads of good butchers' sold at
$3.75 be $4 ;, fair to good, e $3 50; co -
mon, $3-tosalt5enerangerior, $2.65
to $3. Feeders—Steers ofgood quah y,
weighing from .900 to 1,050 pounds ea b,
at $3.50 to $3.90 per cwt. Stockers— ne
year to two-year-old steers; 409 to 00
pounds each, are worth.$2.75 tre $3.25 er
cwt; off-erolore and of poor breeIngqual ty
of the same weights are worb $2.25 to
$2.75 per cwt. Milok Cows—Mileii cows a d
springers are worth from $30 tod$52 e h.
Calves—Calves sold at $2 to $10 each. or
54 to $5.50 per cwt. Sheep—'rices $3 40
to $3.50 per cwb. for ewes, acid bucks at
42.50 to $2.75. Spring Lambs—PHoes atea y
at $3 75 to $4.25 per owt. Hogs --Pest se et
bacon hogs, not less than 160 ...lids, or
more than 200 pounds each, o ears, slid
at $6 per cwt. ' • lights BOA fats at
55.75; sows, $4 to$4.25 per cwt., ad
stags at t2 to $3 per cwt.
?TEACHER WANTED. Oar school section No, 9,
Grey, male or female. Duties to commencei
Janusry 1st, 1004. Applications received up to Oc-
tober 18th, Pertionalapplleations preferred. Apply
to ALEXANDER MoKAY, Secretary -treasurer, Mon,
orieff, Ontario. - 1886-4
SIFTON-In Buffalts, on Sept6mber lIth, the wiki of
Mr. Gerald Sitton, of a son.
CLEARY-In Tuckersmitt, on September 10th,e
wife of Mr. Peter Cleary, of a BOIL
PEPPER -In Tuekeremith, on September Hithe tho
wife of Mr. John E. Pepper, ot a sena,
CRONE -In Bruttele, on September Oth, the wife of
Mr. R. Crone, cif ta sos. 1 .
JAMIESON-In Bromide, on September 5th, the wife'
of Mr, David Jomieson, of a daughter, dill bo '
MoCALLUM-In Grey, on September eth, the wite
of Mr. D. Malitlitim, of a son.
OLIVER-In Brussels, on September 2nd-, the wile
of Mr, B,obert: liter, of a soo.
WILTON-In Drusc1si on September Sth, the wife of
Mr. Samuel Wilton. of a daughter
AIRD-In Wirjihain, au September Gth, the wife of
- Ur. Alex. Aird of a daughter, '
'ELLIOTT-In TU abbtry-, on September 6th, be
Wife of Mr. Th mair Elliott, of Mine Centre, Al.
of a dau bter.
BANT--In Witighatn, on September 8th, the wife ol-
eic. W. Bent, of a daughter. .
ROBINSON-At Fairfield, Stephen, on September
3rd, the wife of kir.Wna.Roleinson, 'of a daughter.
COOK -En Dist Wawsnosh, on September 8th, the
wife of Mr, Jolt]] Cook, of a daughter.
, .
LATC)RNELL-COMBE-At St, Peul's church, Clin-
ton, on September 9bh, by Rev. W. Craig, B. D ,
rector01Petrolea, aseietei by Rev. 0, R. Gunne,
M. A.'rector of St. Paul's church, Clinton, Mimi
EdithHalliclay Cantle, (111111e) deughter of tbe
late James H. Combo, of Clinton, to Mr. W. U.
Latornelleof the Molvons Bank, Ridgeteven.
ADAIR-BRICKENDEN-At the residence of he
bride's parents, 1 , Clinton, on September 7th,
by Rev. Dr. Cook, asereted by Rev, W. • Smith of
Tlisembutg, Miss Azig1iuo, daughter of 1&r. J hie
Brickenden, toll . Charles,B, Adair, of Colli g.
WADLAND-KINGSMAN-At the reeldence of he
bride's parents, Winghsne, on September 9bh, y
Rev. Dr. Gundy, Mr. George R. fi, Wadledd, of,
SirIda, 10 Mies Margaret E., youngest diugh er
of Mr. Richard Kinsman.
RUSH -MITCHELL -At the reeidence of the bri e's
psrents, on September flth, by Rev. Dr. Gun y,
Mr. Fred N. Rush, to Miss Edith, second dau n -
ter of Mr, J. J. Mitchell, b3th of Winghem.
BEAM-BEWLEY-In Boise, Idaho, on August 26 h,
by- Rev. Mr. Rao,oh, Mt. Charlee Beam, forme y
or Bruesele, to Miss Minnie, t daughter of Mr.
Richerd Bewley, of Morris.
BRAhiLEY-BELL-At lidemor;a1 chuttch, London.
on September, 7th, by Rev. C. 11. P. Owen of
Luoknow, Mr,Joho W. Bromley, of Detroit, to
adits Millie Bell, a Leman°, eecond duthtii ot
Mrr. John Vf . Bell, of WO.
, Deaths.
iFREEMAN-In,eafortk on September 10bh, Jo n.
- nab McKay,S' tvifiaof Mr. Wm. Freeman, a ed
33 yeare sod 17-e1.0.
TASKER-In Harpurhey, on September 14th, 111 ry
Jane Tasker; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lane lot
Teske', aged 46 yeare, 1 mon'h and 24 days.
Tuckersmith, on September llth, G- co
Henderson, wife ofer&r. Alexander Watt, a ed
65 years, 10 monthriand 16 days.
HACKNEY -In Usborne, Thatues Road, on Sep m-
bar 7th, James Hackney, aged 75 Drama mon las
and 14 days.
MARKS -In Bea field, jon September 7th, ria
Martha, wife at Mr. Tudur J. Merke, aged 58
ye4113. •
SCOTT -In Clinton on Septembtr 7th, Mr. Ja es
Scott, er., aged year and 3 months.
HAWTHORN -In Lower Wingbani, on Septem or
3rd, James 'Hawthorn, aged 90 years,
MONTGOMERY -In Gordo, an September 8th,
W. G. Montgomery, aged '29 years.
WILKINSON-In Mianeapolle, Minnesotie on top-
tember 5tb, IL P. Wilkinsou, formerly of
WILLIS-At Rodgemille, on September 8th, J hn
- Willie, aged 60 years, 7 montns and 21 duye.
The Coming Fall
Beigrive Fall Fair Sept 23
' - 24
" 21
South Huron. Seaforth
Stephen and Lreborne, Exeter
St. Marys
Ansa Craig
Listowel " 30
East Huron, Brussele Oet. 1
Kirkton- Oot. 2
" 22
" 28
" 29
" 2S
Gorric.*.. .. . • ..
Morris, Blyth , . • •
Stratford .. ..
Ilibbert, Staffs
• •
On Friday, September 18, at 1 o'cl ck
p. m„ 011 Lot 2, Conceevion 3, Hullett, fn.m
stook and implements, J. D. Aitchesote p
prietoi ; 3.G, McMichael, auotioneer.
On Saturday, September 19ch, at 2 o'cl ck
p. tn., at the Commercial Hotel,' Seafor h,
Faint and Brick Residence. James and
B,ohert Pringle, executoes ; Ttornas Bro n,
On Friday, September 18th. at 1 o'cl ek
j. m„ on Lot, 2, Coocceeion 3, Hull te,
Term Stook, Ienpleint tits. etc, J. D.
Aitehereen, proprietor ; James G.
Michael, auctionen
On Tusi (ley, Se.pternber'29:111 at 1 o'olr ck
on Loh, 6. Concoseiori 1, St anley; farm st ck
and implements. Robert P. Bell, prop ie -
tor ; Themes Brown, auctioneer.
On Friday, September 18, at 2 o'clock p.
m. on the pretnetie one-half mile west of
Egreondville, a choice taren of 97 acresew th
brick house and frame beret. Robert F
son, pe.prietor ; Thomas Brown, aucti
On Tweelay„ September 39th, at 1 o'cl ck
p. tn. on Lot '15, Huron Reed, Tuckerami h,
3e miles west of Seaforth, farm etock nd
impiemente. Frank Payl r, propriet r;
Thomas Brown, auctioneer.
On Friday, October 24d, at 2 p, m. at
Dick's Hotel YE, rd, Seaforth, stock steers
and heifers, oewly calved cewe and spring-
ers. Alex. Smith, proprietor ; Thos. Brown,
On Saturday, September 19th, at 3 o'c14ioJ
p. in. at the Cominercial hotels, Seaforlth,
house and lot in Seaforth. 'George Bates,
proprietor ; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.'
On Tuesday, September 29th, at 1 o'ol ck
p. m., on Lot 6, London Road, Stune.
farm stook and implements. R. P. B--11,
prOprietor ; Thomas Brown, auetioneen
DARN FOR SALE, -For sole, Lot 11, Coneeesion
L' 14„ MoKillop, containing about 80 sores; 65 of
which are cleared and the I balance is good hard-
wood, It is underdroined, Well fenced and in a good
state:of cultivation. T*0r4 is a comfortable house
and bank barn. There sr two good wells, one at
the house and the.other a the barn. A good or-
chard of the beet fruit. 4bout ball way between
Brussels and Seaforth and convenient to schools.
Apply to F. HOLMESTED, Sesforth, or the proprie-
tor. Princese street, Stratford P. O. JOHN lie-
LAUGHLIN. 186641
VARM FOR.SALE.-For Sale, the East half of Lot
r 11, Concession 1, Molitilop, containing forty
sores, ad well fenced, under drsined and all but
three aores seeded to graiel The three sores are
sown fall wheaS. 'There le a good frame home
with stone cellsr underneath ancl.a good 'table and
granary. It is within threepiles and three.querters
from Seaforth and within 100 rode from church,
salmi and railway station. It is a cholae place and
will be sold on reasOnable terms. ',Or further pOr-
Monism apply on the prerniaes or address St. Collies -
ban P. 0. JAMES ATKINSON, Proprietor.
MIARM FOB. SALE. -For tale south half of Lot 27,
JI2 Concession 9, Monis teovrehip, containing 100
acres, 86 acres cleared and ip high state of oultiva-
Mon, the other 16 acres it gdod hardwood bush. The
land is all well underdrained and welt fenced. There
is a frame house, two frame barns with frame stsble-
ing underneath. Good beapg orchard and plenty
of water. It is -within a mil of Walton village, six
miles from Brussels, &miles SlOW Blyth sada° miles
from beaforth. For futther' particulars apply on tbe
promisee or address Walton P. 0. THEODORE
HOLLAND. 18504
Brnwn hse been instructedby Mr. -Robert P. Boll to
sell by petite suction on Lot 6f London Road, Stan-
ley, on Tuetday, September 291h, at 1 o'clock p, in ,
the following property viz Horses -01 open aired
draught mares, 1 draught g Meg 4 year old, 1 filly
2 year? old,. Cattle -Three cows supposed to be in
caU, 1 newly calved cow, 2 f ravel eerie, 1 heifer
years old due to calve Ili Oo :ober, 2 heifers 2 year
old, 3 heifers 8 yeora ol , 8 eteere 2 yeare old, 4
steers 10.months-old, 8 1;elfera 10 months old, fou
spring calves, also 2 bro deese,s one about to 'Mari.
implements-Ooe lumber W2lon, 1 single buggy,
cutter, 1 pair bobsleighs, a binder; I new Deering
mower, 1 ray rake, 1 land roller, 1 combinedseed
mill, 1 disc barrow, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 hay
mck, 1 sulky plow, 1 it deuble hareem, 2 tingle
plOwe sonott new, 2 gang piewm, 1 set weigh cales
2,00 pounds capacity, 11 .whing mill, 1 root pulper,
1 cutting bsx with blowert 1 ,stooe boat, 1 agrieultu
ral furnace; 2 sugar kettles, I Elf40 pan and a nuinee-
of sap buckets. Tha whole will be sold without re
serve as the propriatof has'rebted hie farm. Tatin
-All some of $5 aud under, cash ; over *0.5 arifoun
12 niontlig credit will be given on furbishing, ap-
proved taint notee. A. diseouot 0114 per cent. pe
annum will be allowed all fort mob on creclit auaounte.
ROBT. EELL, Proprietor ; 11103. 13ilre6W1,.
'Auctioneer., •
PLEMENTS.-Mr.iFra k Taylor has instruct&
Mr. Thcmas Brown to toll tar public zauction on La
26, Concession 1, H. IL 8., Tuakeremith, On Wading
day, September .80th, 1903,at 1 otolook p, m„ th
feliowing property viz : Hoises-One working hor.
years old, one mare 6 years old supposed to be i
foal to Border McGregor, 1 driving mare, 1 heavy
year old gelding sired by itheeraie, 1 heavy filly or
year rid sired_ by Bell Bogey; 1 two -year -cid filly
tared by Sago, 1 c ne year-old gelding sired by Sago
one aged horse. Cattle. -Eighteen 2 -year-old steers
2 cows supposed to be in pelf to a thoroughbre
bull, 2 spring calves, 1 brood sow with litter at foot
3 fat hogs, 6 store liege, 1 Yorkshire 'white boar tl
months cid and a number of hens. Implements.
One Frost & Wood binder, 1 new 6 foot Frost 14
Wooff mower, 1 Toronto sulky rake, 2wagons, on
top buggy, 1 cutter, 1 pair bohlelghee,1 s'ed drill
1 Bissell disc harrow. nearly_.! new ; 1 deuffier, 1 two
furrow gang plow'2 wolkieg pies's, 1 eet diamcin
harrows, 1 turnipseeder, 1 puiper, 1 fanning mill
1 set scales, I grind stode, 1 set double harness, one
set single harnese, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 logging chain, 2
dozen grain bags, 1 hay reek, 2 sets whillietrees, 2
neckyokes, 1 crow Ion, forks, chains, Hayti:1y, horsa
and other articles too numerous to mention. Also a
quantity of hay and roots. ITerrus,-All sums of $10
and under, cash ; over that amount 12 months'
credit will be given on furnishing approved joint
notes. *A discount of 6 per cent. per annum will be -
allowed off for clash on credit atnounte. Hay and
roots cash. • Positively no ressrve as the proprietor
Is going west. FRANK TAYLOR, Proprietor;
TE1OMAS *BROWN, Auctioneer. 1260-2
To Contractors.
Te'nders will be received by the trustees of tho
Roman Catholic union separate 'school No. 2, Rib.
bar McKillop and Logan for the erection of a sec-
ond story on the school house, Up W one o'clock on
Wednesday, the 28rd day of September, 1403, Par-
ticulars of this contract can helloed by applying to
MICHAEL DOYLE, cbaimian of Use board of trus-
tees, 'Dublin P. 0., Ontario,
Dublin, September 16, 1908. • 1866-1
Mortgage Sale
There will be offered VI sale by petite auction by
B. ft, Phillips, auctioneer, on the premises, on Sat-
urday, October 10th, 1903, at 2 o'clock p, re., the
itouth half of 1,ot 4, Cencession 4, township of Hay,
county of Huron, containing 60 acres, For terms
, and partieulars tee large bills or apply te B, 8.
Phillips. Henson, or to the Undersigeci, IL J. D.
COOK, Verdoes Solicitor, Henson.
Dated September lathe 1903. 1E064
Notice To Creditors.
In tho estate of Lewis McDonald, late of the vil-
lage of Walton, in the couoty of Huron, Lumber
to the statute in that behalf that ail creditors and
Dealer, de eased, ,Notioe is icreby given 'pursuant
others having claims against the cettite of the said
Lewis McDenala. deceased, who died on the 18th
dayof July, A. D. 1003, dr° required to deliver or
fiend by post prepaid, to Mils. Margaret MoDenald,
Walton P. Oeterio, Exeetrleix of the .deceased, or
to J. L. Killoran, thiaforth, Solicitor for the Execu-
trix, on or before the 7th day (Ai -October, 1003, full
particulars of their claims and of the security, if any,
*014 by them, and eltOr the eaid date the bald Ex.
nutria will proemed to distrii, ute the laseeta of the
gold estate among the parties entitled ' thereto,- hay-
ing regard only to the claims of Which she shall then
have received notice,
And Further "rake Notice
That all persons indebbe'd to-* the said estate by
promissory note or other vis , are required to forth-
alth pay the amount due by them to the under-
signed 8 Reiter fpr said setae so as 'to enable the
add cetate to be wound up. , "
J. L. KILLORA N. Sesforth, Ont.
1804 seeator for Exeoutrix,
It removes, without delay, the corn that
has bothered you for so Ieng a time- This
remedy doee not discoicte the foot' nor eo 1
the hands; it's easily applied, sure to do
the work expected of it, and costs no mor
than inferior preparations. Try it.
sm.e.ro R.TEC • -
This week we make a grand display of new Fall Millinery in all the latest
Paris and New York styles in Ladies Drees Hats, Ready-to-wear and Outing
Hats, Feathers, Wings, Plurnee, Flowers, Ribbons, Veilings, and all the latest
novelties in Trimmings, also all the newest hapes in untrimmed Hats, which
will be trimmed to order on short notice lei experienced milliners,. No hat
will be allowed to leave our show room except it is trimmed in the latest style,
and becoming to the wearer. Miss Stewart, who is well and favorably known
as an expert in the art of Millinery, is again in charge of this department. She
visited the prie4ipal fashion centres, and coPied the latest creations in hate, etc,
as shown in Paris and New York. I
We have decided not to have a formal!Millinery Opening this fall, We
had none iset spring, and our lady friends a ellaetter satisfied to view our grand
display at their leisure instead of at a middle ry opening, when there is such a
crowd there is scarcely standing room. A e rdial invitation ie extended to ail
to some at any time and view the finest stoc of Millinery we ever showed. a
We are showing all the newest things in Blouse Goods in French flannels,
silk mixtures, ribbon stripes, Japanese si ks, tamolin.es, black and colored
taffetas, and,the new wool stripes and plaids ' Our stock is now complete in
every department.
.0..A.8Er ..stt..wm 0 3M PIR,ICEI
chooI Opening
A full supply of text Books, Note
Books, Slates, Penci s, Rulers, Scrib-
blers, Book Bags, &c.
N. B —We are still selling 3 yellow kids for 5c.
Effiggerraaaa maaa 7 70LWRIErgt
We will hold our Fall MiIllneryQpenlngs
Friday and Saturdag, Sept; 26 & 27,
When will be shown for your inep ction the latest and most
up-to-date Hats and Bonnets. Miss Morrison is again in charge,
and you can depend on getting a stylish and becoming hat at a
reasonable price, A cordial invitatiolti is -extended to all,
See our new Coats for ladies and misses. See our new Blousings and Dress
Goods, - See our Boots'Shoes and Rubbers before buying—we have
some snaps. In Boys Iteadymade Clothing, we have an immense range.
Any ,quantity of eggs and butter taken in exchange for goods.
1...1 '0 i•TD 0 :NT
Seafortla to London and return
September 12th to 18th. -$1.75
" 15th & 17thL-$1.45
All tickets valid for return until Sept. 21st.
$28 to $40
To pointe in Manitoba, Avsiniboia, Alberta
and Saskatobewan. Going Sept. 15tle, valid
returning until Nov. 161h; gang Sept. 29th,
' valid returning until November 30th.
Annual Western Excursions.
Single Fare for the Round Trip
To Port Huron, Mioh ; Detroit, Mich ;
Greed &lipids, Mich.; Saginaw, Mesh.; Bay
Miichn Chicago, Ill.; St. Paul, Minn.;
Clevelend, Ohio ; Clecieneati, 0110 ; U0111/11 -
tali (Mite • Deyten, Ohio ; Indianapolis,
Ind,; Minneapolis, Mitre Good gottg Sept.
24, 25 tied 26.,b, valid 'returning on or be-
fore Ootober 12th.
Rare to St. Paul or Mierteapolin $28.40
For tickets and all Infereniatiou, apply to
Agent, - - Seaforth.
Or by arldretaing J. D. McDONALD,
triot Passenger Agent, Toronto.
Engagement Rings.
"C here will you get yours?
Try as if you want a dia-
mond or anybhing extra
The prices won't
, stagger you either, and
'we have our new Stook in.
Scatorth, September 12, 1008
Mrs. Ban Riley, Conetance, Ontario. Dear
Madam, -1 have received a letter from your selici-
tor, Mr. J. 11, Best, threatening me with an action
for damages for certain elanuerous words used by me
on the 4th inst., in the viltage of Constance. in pree-
(race of youreelf and your husband. The language
used by me on that 0001181013 was to the effect that
you were stealing tny cabbages. I hereby retract
8111 said,on that orteesion that was to your deka-
ment, and regret very much that I should have used
such language towards you, and 1 offer you my sin-
cere apology for haring done so. I can assure you
that I would not have used such language had it
not been that I was angly. I now find that I was
mistaken and I ehould not have accoted you es I
did. I trust that you'vvill accept ibis apology
-satisfaatory sed withdraw all legal preetedinge
against me and I @hail pay your solicitor's feee and
chargee in the matter. Yours truly, JAMES PAR -
NIL J. M. BEST, Witness. 1866-1
Roberts' Drug Store
Is the name of . out+ new perfume. In
seeking & perfume worthy 'of our most ex -
setting patrons we hive found Wendel,
whine positively- exquisite. 'Tis not
enough for us to believe this4-we wish to
congince you. No way is so easy as for
• ynn to ask ue about Yolande mixt time you
aroiin our ftore. It will be a revelation to
yen for Yellen& is worth knowing about.
A ciandeotne Duograph given with each
ounce of perfume. Pnce 50c per ounce.
At J, 5. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
G B Chocolates -
Are the best made ill Canada, and equal
to 4ny made in the United States, while the
cost is no mere thou for the inferior quali-
ties!. A fresh astortmeet at
J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
Roberts Pills
When you wake up in the morning with
a b4td tune in your mouth, you know thab
your liver is out of order. Take a dose of
Ro ertls Vegetable Stomach and Liver Pale.
They will cleenoe your stomach, improve
pont' appetite and make you feel like a new
elan, 25e at '. '
J. S. ROBERTS' Drug Store.
11,and H Soap
or cleariing carpets and all kinds of
hili, woollen goeds arid exterminating moths
sold at '
J. S. ROBERT'S Drug Store.
WiMidgiliifit gigriBli '
Gilbert 84
Cardno's Opera House
September 21st.
40 People Chorus, Fair Dance
Costume, New Scenery.
Mee of Admiselon-250, 35o and 50c.
Coiter Mali•
Markot Socets
1 1' 0 ismeet
r)rei Geed* -a ea
Concern 11,
Four Counties/
But we cannot help it. It's our nature to do more or our cus-
tomers than others do. We do not urge you to buy but desire
to show what we have. There is always an interesti g evenness
in this store. The changing conditions, see,sone, stles, events
and special requirements in the affairs of the people, are reflected
in the constantly changing displays of seaeonable aod suitable
merchandise. Our immense stocks, with their greatassortments
and carefully selected. style, are prepared as never before. The
greatest care has been exercised in pi epsring geode wh
ich are the
most perfect possible in their class.
Dress Goods Department
The new dress goods are here, down on the counters, where you. ema see
them and feel them, and judge for yourself. We have sear4.ed the world over,
and from every corner we have brought something of what, we considered best
fabrics for your new Autumn gown.
Snow.Flake Zibeline, in all the new shades, at 52c and 70c a yard.
Special values in cheviots, homespuns, friezes, serges and ladies' cloth in
otll the new weaves and shades.
All the correct dress trimmings now in stock.
Mantle • Departmott.
New Coats, Capes, Skirts, Sec. Whether curious or otherwise, we'd like
have you come in and see the new things. We eearcely expeet that you are
eady to buy, but you'd like to know what the styles are. There are Bo many
ew things that we cannot describe them. Probably a few general hints will
help. ,
Poesibly the most noticeable feature in coats it; that they are somewhat
horter than last year. The popular lengths are from 30 to 36 inch, We have
his season 350 ladies' coats to choote hom, and no two coats alike, prices
anging from $3.50 to $30 each, ..
II e new collarless monticords coat, 28 to 30 inches long, state effect, with
titehed stra,ppings, is one of the many new styles shown.
Ladies' Cravenette Raincoats just to hand in new style, with shoulder
,apes, fancy gathered sleeves, etc.
Clothing 9epe arttnent.
The opening of the Fall season finds lie ready as never before with a dis-
lay of advanced Fall and Winter etyles of men's and boys' clothing, ISuits and
vercoats. We have them in any style you like, and remember our clothes are
articularly made clothes. They are correct in out and pattern; they fit, and
ur prices are a source of revelation to all. It will pay you to inepect our
lothing stock.
In addition to our new Fall clothing, we have 64 few single suits ki
mer and medium weight left, These must be cleared out regardleee of the
season's selling price,
Fur Department.
Advaneed sale of Fars. Many advantages not generally coneidt3red favor
the selecting of Faranow, Upon this first showing, our reputation to a certain
extent for this season depends. We must demonstrate our leaderspip for both
style and quality. We show this season the finest stock of fills ever displayed
by us. All out furs are reliable, and all are sold under a guarantee,
Millinery Department.
Just aeceived the latest styles in Felt Hats for outing and strcetwear.
Ladies' Department.
Sem& new Collars just to hand in S iu n , Plouen and Yak Lace in state
Highest prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
Oppodte Town Buildin' g, Corner hisin and:LMarket Etas, Seafortb.