HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-28, Page 6__ - - ____ ____ ­­­­ '77� —I,-- _­­ — �_,­,.�__ _ . . . . . . . ------ - . -- , � - - - �­-I_ . ­ - � . � 1-1 - . I I � ­­ I I ­ - -6- - � . - 1� - � ­ . I ­_ - - - _­ �­ z- 1-:_ .1 I— � ­ -­ ­ - I I ­�___r ___ - ­ - I - - i . . . ­­[ I 1. �. -1 ___1 ­ ­ ­ ..- - -11 - - I , ­­ ­_ � - - - . I I I 11 � .1 I . I - . � ! I I ,� I I .y �. - .. - - ., 11 . . . . 1. 777 - , - I . � : I � . 11 . - ; . i � Ili 11 h - - ; - . - . ; I., � � !:i . - I i�l - I - . � .. � . I .. r . I i I t! � � I - - 0 . I! I ! 1 I . I . I i . � J , - . - I I i �. � I . . . � .,.: .1. I �'. . . . - � .. I � . � �i I - 7� ; .;, . � . � .­# -4 I- I , ­ . . 1 -P _ � I .1 i . .. i � Z� : - . . I 1� I I i. -I I . . - I ,.!.-. 7''.) 1 I � r I � i . .-I � . . . I � �. - I., .i-, � I � 1. ­ I ­­ I . I � : I .. I I . - _. I 1, I . .. � I J - . j �___!�_ I . � �. . ­ � I � . � I ., i �;._ � . . i .1 . I � I . � ­ I � I., I � - � � � � � - -L..-I ­ ­ ­ _1.---_-_ --.- __-­--­-­­ -- ---- -b I- ­�­ _­­ ­ ­.� ­ _-­,..__.­--­. � -1 �.,. � - -1 . � . ­.-­-_---- -­_-_�- . . ­�., �__:I� - . ­­­ I -­�_�v_- - ­­_ ­_ ­ - ­­­­ �� � � - � . � - � . I � 7 1 - -_ , . . � � - I . � . I - . � =, - - - � ��I � . - I I I . � I I . � I I . . - � I . � . - . I I I - � - - . I . . � 4 � - . . , I . . - - - - i I I � - � I , - . . t . . . � . t_ - � I I � I I � � � - � li : '. I �_ : , I - . � � - I _� � � I I � I . . : I I . � � I . � � . - . I - , I � - ,� , -- . , - . I - � I � : - lbl� . � � I - � I I . . I I , I . I . � i . . I I , - I I i I � . I � . ,. 1, , , I I - I � - I I . i � . - , - . 7 i - . - ! � � . I I . . : r . I . 2 . . . - t t I 1 4 . I � I , , . ; I , - I � � . . . . . � I I . ; I I � . I . I I I . . . Ic f I I . � I I . I - - I . I - - I : � I . . . � I I I . . i . . � I I � I . I I . . 1 40 1 . . I I . I i . � I . � I I - . � I I J . � . � i � I . I i i . . . . . . i . I I . . : . . I .: . � I . . ! - � . . i I j � - � . I . � � ­ . 'HURON EXPOSI r . i P0 - I . 11 . � THE Toli : EmommkImomom� 0 . � . . - , . - - I � - � I __ . . . - � . f . . . I , � � - I - . � It � . , - - , -value o th ; 2M X THE - J discussion and half the f 0 Jew . . , . . I . MAT9�ER OF, TAI .. . I � � � I MISSION. 7 appeal lost to him. i , __ 11 - � , i . I- � R It must co, MCO' " Aside from all matters of sentime t,"4 I I , I .� — - 1. I . I . , � . . � . r . � 1. I . I 5 . El- - � I one of i he younger � men was . @pea Jug-� I I - 3. A6 inevitable as the 6hangink seasons of 06 I BY BAYARD NrEILLF.JL . , - R there is the somewhat sordid I ma ter � � � � . . I 11 thqyear is the change which comes to 0 1 1 . . - . .. I I FQ I I I � . eve'trywonian. ,And just as;Que antici,pates money to be -considered, At least," I a a i. I - There was a serenity and a gentleness am- the;': changes of other .seasons it is wise to ded, " that seems' the really imp.Irt a, . . i - inently winning about the koderator an he anticipate this change of season and pre- factor to me. If -we have the money wit ! I . � eat in the armchair at the foot of ,the. pul- pare i SECU IT for it. In this way the discomforts which to continue this work I can tee . - � I . . pit. Around thelchurch there wero'beatedi'pei. and disasters suffered by many women at reason'�why it should not go on.' Unfo . - I . the .period 'of change cin be' avoided or tu' "' � � . jimps a dozen men and half as many women, I nately," the speaker hesitated slily tl ' . . I ' . overcome. . . . I 1. " h I . . I " I am informed that there is no futt f � I - The -place looked atrangely-,empty to Sum - Dr Pierce's, Favorite Prescription, a me A - - Cenuine . 4 �� this purpose . That should settle Che at ! . - day;,accustomed eyes. There was a Eub- icin-e for every season of woman's life, wlE * � duedburn of talk and an coca � ter, I think." . I . - .fionul short , entirely meet the needs of wouien at this . " 31 half frightened laugh, but for the most part i - d f h geih,lt cures the physical �, The old pastor looked at the youn ma - . '�o o ' s , � silence.. I I _ ,� reclieTe nienfal anxiety and in silent wonder, Then another mem )er o - . . R ,e a. d I The -afternoon kun cast red and blue .p i1a Mod Car er s de_ression us Ily aisociated with tlii,j� the new element in the church 'rose. I . � shadows from the stained glass windowe, critical period. It tranquilizes the nerveso ernity glistened upon him. He spi ike i . I I ' . . encourages the appetite and induces re4, crisp, abort sentences and seemed ni o I . . across the nave, and illuminated �r'illiantl - I I . I the textt " Love, One Another," ab the bas . fre . shing sleep. I I I : Ahe business min than the. preacher H � - Uttle Liver PHI& of 81memorial window. ' . I -1 - � -_ I . . - � 00 WV,ja,1RL10 p had won his place by the businesslike man ­ I � - � The regular fallmseting of the Pres - $5 ; A . � - , FOg WOMEN I I ner in which he lifted his' church from . � i i , Must Bear Signature of tery had been in session since early _ morn. . . � ' I slongh of debt to practical affluence. Thi I � __ in and the routine business- i I WHO CANNOT BH�;CURSD. �� had been done by tearing down th Ol � i , : I . 1\�_ go . - . � pr'gr' "'! � Backed up by over a third of a centu: . I � `�iiiiiiO ever.ly, with just enough hastal to pl:a such a I s no other remedy : I , - rectory and building in its place a nei r ton I 11 - . e, Z - . and not enough to be unseemly. T�her�e of remarkable and 1pniforin'tures a record story building in 'which the, church )ffice 0-f 111!��� - , a � "- diseases I /,�Z, , 04 ?;;� 1! , and t or the � -o �S�._ had been no inharmonious word � - and weaknesses peculiar E wo and root ,Fy occupied but two floors, Th - each canvass the vote was cast � . rest of tho building was'ocoupi . ed indis rimi � minamni i- attained, the proprietors of Dr, Pierce's I I i ' I .wA* p8C__a;iM16 Wrapper Below. lyv .Some of the younger clergymen he d� ite Prescription now; feel fully war. nately. ,,. , 1. . . . I ma ifeated an . ani tolerance Favori ' 'd The day of false chsrity'is past, I oat __ __ - 14 . �t tie ranted in offering to pay $5oo in legal . : . . � SMAU and -as easy . somewhat long-winded remarks , of their ney of the United.States, for any case the young,'man. " It is just as dial ones . � e seniors and a less easy consideration for 'T� ,Ucorrhea, 11'emale Weakness, Prolap- for the church to � %Wtake to maimr-t . I . . . of In ey which ' t ha , _­ . the Elders, -who were converi'ational inste d sus,,or Falling of Womb which .they can,- not yet received as it is for secular ntek __ ' not cure. . All they ask is a fair and reason- F02111111ANG of .being businesslike. They p1shily thong t able trial of their means of, cure. - - prises to ,purchase goods for which the . � . MON& DIZZINESti that� these men of affairs i�er6 usurpi , I of Manchester, Cofree Co., cannot pay. The day has passed, and - 4 . I FOR, RILIOI 'L - their righes in being both dogmatic 5, _ J. S. Carlisle, 14sq., thank God it has, w*hen the old ramblia . . . jSgES � Tenn., writes. 0 1 have been using your medi- I . I talkstive, but they' were well I manner . cines for the last sixteen or 8ghteen - U � I . � _ ears in nbusineselike methods, the dishonest moth I . I I FOR TORPID LIVER. young follows and not only know but pa d . � ode of the church, can be I recognized. Th I I . Poor -house. X am superintenden of the m J . __ I k . I fOR CONSTIPATION. the deference -wbWh is due, all i the word Coilee County Poor -house and A.syliim combined church is a business enterprise in il 8 we . . - I Your 'Favorite' Prescription, ','Golden Medicai ' . � __ - * fOX over, to place and alze. � , I � . Discovery! and 'Pleasant Pellets I are the best and should be ran on business prin lipl . so V , _-ULLOWSKIN. - - I � I . I- Two Soong men, painfully n ous, h d medicines for the diseases for which they ate That beiri the matter of this n 18410 . . . FOR YNECOMPLEXION , ' appeared before the body, to be uestion recommended, that I ever used. They saved resolves itaelf to a mere - question of ( ollar I . � UPON. wife's life at the time of'ialiange of life., I I - and to fittingly answer tolth ir , fai . . rMyle been r di g or medicine to and gents. If the money is not I i th ftftsble�-��Owoc I ecommen inx — ���� They were candidates for the mi�iistrjr, w 3o many afflicted women and have also guaranteed treasury, we have not the moral right tP g A.V=�:�� - ' ' I __ I . I-* ' t c 0 Id pay back tile on with this work. Mr. Moderator, hav -A I . . had passed all examinations bio We, whi3b th2t if it did no u're I w . I CURE SICK HEADACHE. moneir -spent fUr it. ,I have told our druggist ' We any money in the treaenry for the wor I after all was but a .formality'. t he day Of that i,f tile geople came bac and said Doctor . � . . � I - their ordinationin was not, and vb ,y prr5ffer A Pierce'� me cines did not gi ,e satisfaction, to among the Jews 270 1 .the requeb� that they might: re�aiva tho ir give 11r,ent back lbeir monry an chaige il lo me. 66 There has Inever been any regular fun I. VETERINARY . � I have , 'not once been called poll to refund. I ; - I ,� . . ___: charge fr� sadearlV beloved tea. her. - T in bave never found anything to equal tbe'Favorite for that purpose," explained the Moderator , . - , a ! - Preser'ption I for diseases of v0tnerml is tj - fORK GRILTZ, V. B., horlot ' graduate of Ontario was gran .6 matter of cour a. � I � k, . be m'6ney has been appropriated from . .. A ,idiseases of Domeed So the h urn moved %loDg... ) one.. as Dr.: Pierce's Common I Sense,- M the contin . tp- Veterinary College. I L I � edical . gent�fund. That fund, Lreg rot t "dwalo tromtod. 0allo romptly at nded- to an Worried, no - one unoomfortable, - naive 0 b i 2eipt of .31 0 SY, is exhausted. There will be no furthe — ft- 'eats, ,Vratei , Dan= a specialty. I . Adviser is sent free on rei . ne- . 11 L41lft, and watidouca, on Goderich street, one door man, who wan palpab!y tuffe ing gi, at cent stamps for the paper covered book, or � funds for this putpose until the first A th , : I � il of: Dy Sc��A'e. office, Nei - U12-01 mental distrees. He seemed out of .place i 26 stamps for t1fe cloth bbufid. Address year," . n , . I � . . I . . I . the gathering, for his racial ohs,,acteriat ce I)r,-R..V. Pierce, Buffalo, �. Y. "If the church will promise me the inone I . , I t � - . * ' * __�.________ ---t-- "' interpoged Leczynski I did notblend *ith those of his c)mpanio a, M�_ at the New Year' I . I � . - I LEG& - - . I . . - He was an old man-% Jew. . Hi �iron gray years axid �seon no harveei, nor .have they " I will, try and borrow the money to carr . . I . bear& was trimmed closely to is square been' disc ed. So I say to you, why on the *ork." . , . - ­ . � 'we " What can we foretell of the Now Year . � I jaw, giving him a ruggpd, do ged , loc k. should q�urill% now - Shall we let this . JAMES L KILLORAN 1fa, to . . ' I arillate Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Hip piercing black eyes lookedil anxioul �ly work failbeOR1130 YOU have bebome tired? What do we -know of what our, fir sneia . . ftblia. Mcoey to loon. Offlos over Picksird's Store, from Under shaggy . -gray brows, ai C, ,his 16 g. Arn I tired?" ! condition will be;4'st that time ?" � an : d th . KSIQ Street Saaforth, . 1628 " t6 I ' . I : esalike minister. 11 I 'am more sorr I I I . lo,a-fike hands trembled as ti y tui Some of the younger inen stirred uneasily, busin . t I nervously; at his heavy rn�ustaoh �. He an and oneElder rose and made his way to the- -than I can tell, but it would not be ri ght t4 .�. . R. S. HAYS, � �, dressed ' in the convebtior�al froo i coat a a front benches. He wanted to bear more go into debt for this work. It would i(,t b . - &WAter, Solicitor,- Conveyancer and Notary Public. wbi te tie. - The coat . was � not n( w, n or as clearl�.. The Jew ignored he interruption honest. Mr. Moderator, [ move you the, i . . ' 4 - Volknior for the Dominion Bank. office in tear of the' tie clean. . . . �% and otitinued : �, the work of the Mission to the Jews I* din - . DowintonB,mrik,gesforth. Moneytoloan. '12M � continued for lack of funds." . . .. . -_ - -7 All day long the old Jew had son sitting 61 I;elt ni tell v I . ' you something of my work. 11 Second the motion." This came from M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer I with these men and women, at t. I have, much,to be grateful for. The first � I.. .. . id, Notary Public. - Offloes up Asir#, over Cf. W He X had replied when apnk-n W,4md its year You allowel me folir hundred dol. two Mon simultaneously.. l . . Fiiiiii bookstore, Mai Sbreet, Saaforlb, Ontario. thick Semitic ut,tera,mice had ,.. ante,of grati- larx-Ji . �` - ' . 1 66 There are now two motions befov thi I I -1 - I _' id the Moderator ; " the fin t tha I __ d 1627 tude as for favors received, 0 lot ilr ihe tri 6 ,:Woi -I that all-. you 1 had from the body," sa . . . -- .1 � . parthewas silent. Occasion%llir bishand oburch'.0 I I the work be continued. We will no, v vot . . I I . � 1EYENRY BEATTIE, Barrister, Solicitor, : &o I . I JLJL Money, to loan. 0111pa--3ady's Block, Sea vqenb quickly to, his eyes, and when he . 11'jt is all I have ev6r;.' had from the on that inotion.' The clerk will ca I th . � 4rah. __ ­ i679-tf � thouizht himself unobserved him, handk'r- ebu I A ':'aid , the Jew simply. - Out of roll."' . i - . I . . ! r ;�-!, P I __ el�iei' was brought, into use. I a w i a, that' I 4�,� .9 paid the rent of the Mission I 11 One minute, please," said the o P%a . . . � ­ - ' ilo:ffo , successor to the late am of pathetic picture of dreary, h9peloin. waiti a I tor -emeritus slowly. 11 Before that vote i I i T! . Mcosughey 4 Holzi Barrister, Solicitor i g I have�'seotilrod Bibles, and in two years cast there � are a few words I want to �say.' � . awroyanoer, and Notuy Solicitor . for Ohs Can for inevitable 'ruin. Occasionalli his I �,Ps h%v,ehai6ed two hundred and twenty , i adlauBank of Oommeree. Money to I -and. Farm moved in & mut,tered prayer, and once he thoui and -p�g'ea in Hebrew iorlmy �.eople. I The younger man settled back with a die , . 'in the; bsokiof have". 'seed. � teg sela, office gootVa Block, Main Street openly bowed his head, upon : Oestarth. . . I I .., I singularly ble, The filet tinctair of tolerance -the older oues,wib . I I 1 the pew in front, of him'and ae I year : I eighty dollaf,s� sent to me by onel of deep interest and no slight amoun 11 We will now take up the I unfinialied t bose wbo are interested i � my work. Last of love, for the old mi an had labore d fo DI )I- . I ICKINSON AND GARROW, Barrist6re, Solicit- business , . finally announced' the Moderai year the subscriptions c=le to one bun- nearly half .% century among them, 1,ha ors, eta., Goderfoll, Ontario. . , 1. 4 I i I dr ­ . christened some, buried many ; had has � I - , E. L WOKINSON, tor. J � . ,e&�.an'd fifty dollarp. With that I was � I � !� � 1833-tf 011411LES GARROW L. L. B. , At this theie wag a alight, biizz . of C!, )l n - able to do a -deal." ' � ' with them in times of sorrow and h( ar� o : I - iremt . , I 1 , v6rvation. Several of the; 0 . ger b ion 6 ' HO do you work?" The Molerato?g happineso ; had indeed been all thing( to &I ; . � I � - � � � I their seats, drawing ' lo r togei.. " voice was very kind'. I - -changed er � I rri : I � - DENTISTRY. lby.acommonimpuhe of con�ert,dwish.and . For the first time the Jew spoke definant- "I have listened to words in this oburob,' I . � . � ; . . �� : i � 1 � ly. " You may well �ek that.,'-' he cried. tie began slowly, "in the church for which - . i �action. . . 7 ?, I . � � . I I I I After a long pause, pregnint with me %mi I'- You talk of stop'ping my work, anrl not have labored nearly fifty years, that 1. neve ; . "I R, W. TWEDDLE, . : ing to every member of the � I � he one,of you knows what I am doing. - In the expected to bear in the house of God o islemblage, � ! ' I ii t ; from the'lips of oni his. servants. lam � I � DENTIST,- I the secretary said hesitatingly 1: � - I eight ni you have given me in which to - ; � .1 . , - graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of on , "There is'bhe matter of t ble Hebrew show what I could do, not one of you t6ok an old man. They nay times chan .,, an� ; I - I ' � 1 Uric, p6st raduste course in crown and bridge work Mission, which Went over f oln'the A ril the time,or'gave the thought to come and perhaps they do, but I can hardly ,ealizf I I at IlaskeM!83hool, Chicago, Local anasthetice for meetimi . �. � a see what my that they have changed so much as th i. I I i patalso# extraction of teeth. Office -over A. Young's , I I - ' . work was," He bO3&Me meek . * - Aaron Leezyneki-io#e slow)y apd star ed once more, � - . . "When I -was a young nisn", he co inued 1 1764 - . ni i I _� grocery store., Seaforth. - - . I . to move towards the a u SO&C before )he a ' I go among thy people And try to ibow with a gentle smile, " we did God1f work I I . F - $19WARY, Natlft� graduate of the put t, then . he reoQuil(rered Itheini ad them Christ#' It is not easy. There are no first, last hnidalJ the time, to the very utter � . - . - ! %W;'4iAiw0 at Wain; If , , a, � J J e people In t4e worldoo bard,to convert ,%a Most Of our istrovilgitb, and We never counted I . , oy %*on# Z ronl000lao - - , I *go 464twearily into his mea� once I I - � 1. . . - � - - Dopartmo of #n. - Y ,, Rio , ' i.0 tho ao9t, W4 bulb charobo to U14 Honor �qtg __ � , I pmy g";*J# of L 0 11) I , y, 19fo ow#wnt Nfrve,4 , to #,,OtA,Aob �_" Nomwil , Qip .40 a my 09ple'.. Oh, my br-0 Orpp.ff -1 ooiiiild - - 7wZyMy - I ** ""J" 1*kP of thq ga0mrins PQ him, Room W t -ho � or - R4 t tinth 11 U-1 SU4 for Ohs OPPY100? 404 wo'P_44 fQr Wow , 0 A* b - FC140m W 's" oy#yy k( I- . 'WA*j h9W*";9W Jiow - . - __ , _ .to - . mol Mon kokfod _4t hJM w4b pity, on' .... b "', m �na C144 fl'� wb@n ho 00914, Tho bok of wonoy ft@V@r , . Ago 90414 014y - ko Am knmq _04 Z I I - - UPIWAY 0fidwnw, ThO440 of th@ yv4i � Th@ man'# on@ mg,: wJ�h &a qony of 9"494 with N#, I Th@ LQr4 will Or VW" � IDI ! 4, 4, At AW, Ji, A §'?� Pgaw, =14404 Of a minmon w4ims pt "d swn, V @y yeoplax, Mon 110 Gohaft4@4 - Mom OnAy W@ mild OW4 wo Wl#vo Itf tWo)� 6@ n, @� P. § � I IWA - HOW - . � # toord 4mvrovidg, Tbovs W@W#y 040 If W, I If y-4- f@#Jh-A4 O&P 010y h4d M V11VM1J@#fit dt q Moir@ U-Mtly ; . i ofi�Wg. 1'fflfl,l , #4** 1 � . &4#f /A WS& * 08 64M iw � to P"forift wid thq Im" mm"11,60 11 Woold w4"DAN itt bb@ wyoff)a 4nd In tho 014 otwys, sofflomma mvp d no 64 A .._ ",_�­­ . . I . P"&- eamtow, M6410 vp-&%. , 994,411y, , . I i In 06 GO&J Wf, I wfi vely 01"OU4 ,of cme "y MM#Yf find oftwn 08 milo4w 4d * , a J&f . , . Aff � '--.w#. fi 611 ill dii y6t, qdt@ it ho opm tiff rivAlti , hov@ Only be" ht04 t4mo 0, 00 hf@ fobwy, f4offi@ lit n4 .1 0 1640IM& ,a f1defitafi�1 fw,--�l , - I t& -A Afi§64hqU :A&tWffff -P, Wo I � . � - I I 60 - � � ff - 6t *62 Wd 910f -'# V646# ,W94 JOW MA J# @"ah) I &, m6bbM t"WW thho yaf, TWA of ,It, ivy -hurob now' tot!84 k howd �, a &t M0J@f9t0, hNi In 04 '6 , - . . pewftdtd, (OV61 �$= =- 611 fl,166 #10*#�" W6 thg 0fi0d 0f 6( -1: t h# kidth,Yfk-ofily t*fdo In .* yest., f Th@ mfiv- ' to W fh@ deffl, on## *t hota ?f but . i . . . U" -if 0yidwitf,441 on migsimly 1# fla ith vi f,6, edd modiago fi&v@ hima vdfy W411 aftv "odo � I I I tided W# 4141164 A6 0041# Wofif t6r thoi tomon, : A, - I 1- _­_ I ­ ­ - � -1 1-1 I chd fittfdtff Aifid pfaym Nit � .--- I ___._­__­______._­ 11 _ , , , ___ day,r He #666,11,6 wotdi' I d6 , A(A , fe� +ow by the de,wdo -many a thaft will flowl to WO W6fksfd it , � I � . I t6twe, bit, bilog 'UP thill msittoir in filo ab, ino, , Ga h -tgo & man t#ld Cho ofwbarj arid aomohoWwa alWsye came . � X"'I'DWAL I . ; I I - i � & ,be emid, I know th�b new : - __ .1 sedoeill : me 'he had found Christ. , a (low, sitooel Out ri In t The lines about Ahe old J�Wfi mot th up in that room before them all, and Paid Wlii Are the ways of to -day, but , lain an . - � I . Dr, -John McGinn* med Ito go ev on that be knew Christ was God. That was � . deepened and is e es see old man 6nd @6 1 must work in,' the old - Itgn, ays4uaje London Wedern University member 7 1� I t . , i I .11 - further into hi I , ' he b9ppiest hour of my lifd, He turned to ways and the old faith in the gensiiO41V And rKsons. � � 7 0 � Mario College of Physicians and 16 " I think t a matter she , 0hers and tried to tell � them the truth, love.of God. �. . . - and Beeldonoe--ftfularly owupiod by Mr. WID. -now" said -the Id man, rising slowly, but they would not listen? and they cro 11 The plea of this brother has moved me I oi Victoria Street, next to the Catholic Oburch I wd- mfghbfly,� and: I for one want. to'nee th � ht e4lb aklandod promptly. Idows 11 Thera'f 1.0 no reason, Mr.iModerator, edaroundhimand he lost�hia temperaud 8 I i ­ I t---- �.-�, why it should ot," suggested' lone of � tba Went a*ay. I never know his name, I. work he has iondertaken-a work licavier � I J I I � younger men. ' You are a me�nber of the never sivi him again, tut�,he had learned and hard6r and more trying than an one Ot . I OX K. H- RUSS, M. B ' Missione,Com ittee. and can tell ui wh at the truth from a mlssiouar� in Now York. us has ei�er attempted -succeed, .Tt is a I � Offic ever Greig & Stewart's Store, � ba,j been done 1 the ratter," - TI . There is a case for you, His planted the good wor�p well and faithfully done, . VVhat - i � " Nothing h a been done $1 said Clio Mod.- seed 'b'ut I iaw the - harve0b, Ho . do you kuuwlo,f it?' � i Seaforth. . I F .1 w do I � ' __ i . . orator Slowly ;-' " there Is nothifg for us to know what I have done? Another time a To this'question there, came no at] 3wer, . Nightest: attended to lit the office.. do. I will rdsd the resolutio# which was, Youngman was almost ready to come to un, Th, oun, men had lost their air of 3ol1te , 1 1802 . 9 Y . I . - passed ,in April." He olesre4,� his throat but his mother said she would never see him indifference, and the older ones were i ozing � — - . * - I ___ . nervously and read : I �1 . . . I again and so hidid not coml 6 to us, . I am proudly at tho, old man who had In lit i day � f I . . � �. Doff: F. J. SUlKIROW81' �Whekeas, The Presbyteri Is �not satisfi d sorry, but it is bard for a young' nian to go Moved 'literally thousands to better and t , with the work done by Brothe� '� teezyn8ki against his mother and hie people." higher things. - � R M7 T -T we ;'be , it ., 11 Thou there have been no convprts since' � 46 -g 830-4-IF61- . at the Mission to t1fe Habra' ; In the of hb months that w� have been ' . . - . 0 � , - . I ode was sr( , Offlee &ad I�rnldeuoe--Goderich street, east of the Resolved, That unless a marked eban;e April ?" The spea erIA v i I I un- waiting not one of you has taken either the - I lethodiab church. - for the bet -ter shall be shown! before the -yielding, - � I 1i time or the tbought to investigate the work � Tw,iwaow; ,No, 46. next meeting, the work of thd Mission eliall. 11 1 do not know. � I cannot tell. for there of. this Jew. - How dare you then come here . .1 . Coroner Or the CounV of Haron. be dropped. PenJing eu&,Act . . . now this much, . I ion, the tum in no wily Of W114, I k, and pretend that, ibis mot good?" T-helong I � IM of $50 a month shall be paid I to .Brotbor they are beginning, to ligten to me, and I bOrty forefinjer -was levelled accusingly at - — ; - , � - .. I I . Leez naki for the maintensubsof the Mistion - feel in my -heart that, the work is prospering them all. Tbe voice rang true and Arong. . y 7 � and his work, .1 t : And will in - time bring forth fruit for the and the faded blue eyes flashed once more I I DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, l' . . . �� There followed an awkward silence. , harvest. .My brothoriv, do not let this work' with the fire of an abiding faith, I . I PHYSIOUNS AND� SURGEONS, Im . a $A Has any on -3 a ovggpebfon� to offer?" stop, I am iwilliug to do anything, to make 11 Six months ago I board that Leazyz, - ; � 0 odstleb We . at, Opposite Methodist chush,geato sked the Moderator. ; � any sacrifices, if yqu will only let the work ski's children had stopped coming to the . - . a. 8001T, grsdusts�Vloioda and Ann Arba, and " I would like to know & there -Is e continue. In this city there are twenty Sabbath school, -,The person who told'M64 � wAmber Oularto Oollege of 1!hyeldans end been any tangible results? -, I How i I par y thousand Chinese and forty thousand Jews. said it . was an e0dence of the man'N laok of . pmfovx,*� colover for 0ounty of Hurm converts bas Brother Leazynsx'il ,obtained � You lbays�alm -at countless misticas for the faith. Those children stopped away from . . n 0 � I I r MAcKAY � honor gradaitte Trinity Uni'verdiy. the last eight - months?" asked' one ol t) [a conversion of the Chinese, �:Wbab have you our Sabbath school because every day an � gold.m2allatTrinhy Medical College. Membir 4 younger man. - 11 That, it x4ems to -'me,- is for my, people? Ooe mission. I, alone find they went they were stoned by the Ittle Collegq of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontarim the imports t pot t 11 . a i , I .1 single-handed, am doing the work, and &j- b ai : 1682 . n - : - � I �o read you after two years have grown faint. oye and girls of their neighbors," here r I � Then the ew rose and w was a pause, and t.ben the scousing ngor ! , 41k�od slow y i - the front, ttluding close beside .1he Mo art&., hearted,"' � . pointed straight at the Moderator, an the . � I . I — for's chair, tiB voice was'low and usky Yor a moment the man was silent, then deep -toned voice cried : 11 John$ were your I - - . a - with errii He stood �or I a moltion -J, with: up-lifUd bands and arms he cried children ever atoned for going to the house ;' ,unruture and nervously clasping and unclaspil Ing his bands aloud : ' I � . . i I � of God? � I � I i 64 I . ; before him. , - � , i " Oh, God, Thou Father' of all things, Later a business man-, a rich man, came - � "My brother@," he said - slowly, "I ai n we beseech Thee that Thou wilt instill into . . . - - . glad that this subject has come up for di . our. hearts a love for all l!nen and -grant no . I I. I — . . . � can iori I hi4ve had eight months 'of �wai - the wisdomlo deal -with this great problem __ . ndertaking, ing and suspense and I hope t4at Y04 Wi I in the way that shall. be beat for us all. .- . I . � ; be able to reach some decision on this;ma . Ani I I � I . I . . � . I I - I I I � I I ,. . . ter to -day, I hav6 prayedihat it mig it I a ' rrom I I I IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWil I - around the obui-ch came a low �- - I : . - so, You ask if there has been any resul a murmured Amen. Then in formal tones the 11� � , I 1. ' from my labor. How can I tell-? .1 rnow Jew 0ontinued : . ;V. Knechtel has- taken into partnership . I � . that I have labored faithfully ; i that I ha i a 11 Mr. Moderator, I m.ove that the resolu- Alexander McKenzie, from Detroib, a prac- planted the seed. Shall I 11 . ve for the ba, - tion of the previous meeting be dropped 1. . . Noal Upholsterer with long experience. We vest ? How many of us 0 ".. It,'is , now and, the work of the Mission to the Jews be 11 are,. therefore, able to give this branch of two years since I came to you and 4ske C011tilluled -as heretofore.." . . � � this, business satisfactory atten.tion, . your aid and your illotall"Wapport , foe.. my For. a � moment there was ifflence and it , I I . . - is Rbourn 'tism of the face. . MiWO& t01110 Jews. I hav6 ilabcre� ,for seemed that the motion was to fail at the ;' 3osey comers and fine parlor Work made you two years, and because there ar' not. outset. ' Then, from a far-off corner came, Uric Acid left in the blood to order General repairing, and estimates a . yet conversions,`yOu isay 6 ,me, 11 Wbet. " I second that motiou," as the old raetor by ' disordered kidneys ch �erfuliy given. . I : have yon done vrith what ' U ba a W.?"I emeritus of the church in meeting; lod' es along the nerve � i - I ` � Furniture of all kinda, d In the East men have lszrsd� ,for, forty was being held slowly rose ,and ambled to- fi 1. . . , . w ich brancbes from the __ � Pii�ture Framing, etc. . - I i r the iron j. !. .r. : � I � I . . I I : �_ ___ I " Mr. Moderator," said one of the young- 16ye over the forehead, And ' . � . I - � . . . - I men, "Imove that we take:a recessof fif., across the cheek to the I I . � � teen minutes,"' � : side of tho nose. Thi I ! � . � . CON I I By this timl the old man Was close before � UndertiAing I - ­ I' cause i s- the same as in " . z P ­ . I I . - �� � � I � - I 4i I the Moderator?@ chair, For: the first time . Rheumatism- disorderea . i . � - Those who are a* ninaffesb , ., ng an active part I ;_ Wi it also receive the careful attention of and strength by res=r treati n many years 1he was :taki . I . . M MaKenzier, who holds a certificate from mentwith � � � I in, the semi-annual meetitig. Slowly he . Yidneys. The cure -6 lik!- ; , - . . I I � � � i � !. the .blassachusetts Colkge 'of Embalmirig, ' I turned to the young preacher, his long,boay - . � wise the same- 'il - , , , I : : , � . I i ; : Scott's Emulsi I � . ­ on i I finger outstretched, his voice' no longer. I B(H [ton. ; f h � . 7 - I I should continue the �treatrerit I quavering, but deep toned as the bell which AY'Night calls angwer�d at Mr. Xnech- In hot Weather. sr , .q�aller dose I called them all to worship, a and a littre cool 1�111K_Wlth -It will fo Didid's - I tel , 'i residence, '2'ad houle in rear of Barton . do awaY wl . th any' I obijec I J'Boy,." he rumbled, the young. preach- . . j ' I a,- y '%2 1 19rvm ' & E oVa bl oksmith shop, � .which Is attaohed tUfat r ee bad been one of his pupils ; " boyo how ' . . . ducts drurInir the! hea eO f �ast you bring politics - into i the house of � � . ; I 1, i 5 idney I . I . . , God? We 'illconsider this matt�r now, . ` r , I , I. I 9 d I . A. 1i I t 1cliz d ri E61 I d Ill r , , I , I ti a , M . r , $and for free ssm�le. t 1. w . SCOTT & BOW . hemistB , . with the heartfelt words Of our brother 0 11 IV I . Xhechtel X denzle, NE, �Z , 1. . . 1� . . I r Ti I pronto, I 0'41d6. . ringing in Our ears. I I P111S - I 1 5W-- 2nd $1.00 it all dr�ZgiSto. � ' The old man was not used to -modem I � I ! I � I . - - .1'.. r SEAFORTH. - �__ . wncri�,Rwq 0-1�W*Wwo methods, and before he was quite aware of - - - . - � I � I . . 1853 ! . . . what badoccurred the matter was under � I : ! . I I I � I . ! I I . � . � I . . I I i � � ; . I - I - � I � 1, I � : � . I . i . I H � i � I i - . � . I � I i __ - .11 ; ­­ _-11 � - �-­ -- I .- -1 I r . - . I . . i ! . I - a � Lu bat 6 1 land 0 i I 0 f Pal I I th `Back I 11 I I - 1retaDy dies iL �Vkls Nerebstat-phyal. t clan a Dr. Ch4ses Kidney- � III* cured. 0 M.R�T O W , gr-heral merebant, .. . . sppn ill, N'S." 4CS: _- J I I dAms a result )f i severe w1d settling on r the�kidne s Icon ty;i�ted kidney disease, w1lich 7" ' .. 0 Cau , Me MUCb - lin�,erec �. r years, � sing ffering . i I I . from terrible pains in I U I . � the bac�-. - For some f . time I �Yas entirely un- - .. I sableto ork,andthough � � I a I .1 tried several pfiysi- I f . I I cians I could only obtain I 0 r slight .tdmporary relief. Is I , , � - ; "HaNing heard of the a � i merits of Dr. . Cbase's a I - Kidney -Liver Pills in I � I d f I � 1 --many similar caseis, I 11 - I o .. t� I began to use them, -and a I � � after us ng seven boxes A i a , 1 1 � was coi npletely cured. ' . 7 . . I � I , The cum is due entirely M7., EXERtE � it � to the i se of this grand a medicine, whic� ik . si cc cured several per- i . rr b sons to whom I' r( , imended tbem. 'I a Dr. Chase's Yid' ey-Liver 1?ills, one pill a (* - dose, 25 cents a I X 211 dealers, or Edmanson, y Bates and Co.), I tonto. 'Cc protect you I against imitation s t q rtrait ).rid signature of I I 0 Dr. A. W. Ch p. (ifle famo is receipt book 9 t - author, are an div q I box of hL, remedim � I- __ - ___ 0 - -, , r I � - I , . y to me i nd said tvat] many f his best cum � 9 tomers were I= I 11i bee use he wan aid 11 ing an tpostat I w and h) begged me t, , . I 0 drop the rni )I ' I ill not t 311 you what e maid to that m ob he ha i nt g 0 �i e -my worde nor I I lie ever. k 66 T re ha � e a ten charge made t at he i ot bone - with us, &EV d in just a to h � , have fri satigated ever, one of ose c � # r s. They were all lies ; lies. ave any � I you ear 7ed God undo such. perseouti d, fid served him ailentl, 0 . and i . ly ? . r � , 66 Once no was . 4 I wen'J to him. Hi 0 face was owsthie � bandag A, his eyes on - and eirollen. :: - ad bee hurt but Iii 7 would -not tell o:' � tw. I inow now bow I be was hurt, !H4i wn ni er, that mothei y that 'bore Hin i i mother � vhotn he love to -day, had b rl� a beav�jstone full in bii ? . 1 I face wl an he went offer 4er his aid whei , r 4 1 i she wa in tro i� : , . e 60 M . Har 'a OjP4 the loin fiager pot . ri F strafgh to the 6 ug preacher of busince 11 . a meto6de, 11 have -7 fierye God at sucl cost as this ? � � I � t - For the pa3t tht ' so wee a this man anc - f , I : I his am il,y have ) � �d literall and actualli on breed and wa or! and nothing else. Ali the money ha e(n spent or the work o . God." . � � 11 i . I I - b " Mr. Thom 5 4ve you ever gone bull gry�and mean y at, loved ones go hungry it the ear irice of i od �, 0 44 Ob , I be o' : s on-" began the ol� Jew. � . - 64 N(, no," oJif he old ir an ; " let them a , have I he tru h Or once let them sei when t bey ha ,a � �n blind so long. . 66 This, then i , Ohat this man has givez 2 in his service to , r(��. His f amdy. Do yor t know what the fail ly meant to a Jew ? Hil r pe . reonal safety, -hit !friends, At comfort. 'H4 I stands to -day akx��e, witho it a friend, fo� . I ever yon h&vo Ju , 'ad again it him, He how f hungered, 90 his g ne ill-oli 6d and cold, ho I has isee i his child vin attacked and injured 71 he has I oet his mr o '.her, and what have yot: I given bm for a I this ? A pitiful fifty dot Isre eac i moub , from whick he has sui . r ported is miseLo " . paid every dollar of ex " � I pauses, and then eked out a living for him. self ani family ai i beet h0A% no Id - to Not one of ycU has gone to him wi � th aid, nol one of you has given hinia loving word, not one you has ever taken the tr6uble to find, ' the terrible price he hme . P&j4 fol� ,lie r, 01 serve 'od, And the young men at iere and 1 AJk of business I , mpt4oll, I bamed, 1 am -astgooded, *04 I I&I 1) #i 1%rb, , 11 Mr Wan P I min now rm*4 � y for th§t V000 OD4 i X! Of hQ90f of PW OW 9horob ..... got A --- ! @ no vfim,0004 in io am0ffg, 11 #IMF. Mo r ?I, --411@ y WM# th#t Of th@ you K Pf@ I �of Injod 4y, agai in- . lllot"Vf @040606 to -� - il if &M "Piliffie4f atwdy w6gledikid At Wf, All ,ill, "i Am t to of refflain n my how I 6 191f,vot it', lag4A f.4 �4' , -1 fficHro timt th@ ttly, � I VOU 61 th matog h -d U&N6 In toor frig t a , 6t d6fidmil f a iggloti to the do,W11/1 I I Sao od th& , Mr, i6b '�-fliib Wordg altryier from evi ry vole P 11 ' the church, " Ant I wan, t � be the first to ofrer MY humble kpologil is �u Brother Leczymi my spologleiandm 'Weandmirafd, Willbe 1� accept t lam ?11 I , . But, tl ie old J W., Ivan praying. ;- I — -&—_ I . OV IlqfEREI$r TO MOTHERS. ! I i - - A Sa 'guak fb- Children Cutting fo - i - T eth in Hot Wodther. - . . The tine whoca �b ldren 'are cutting teeth is Mwo I an anifo Lis one for mothers, and when M ; 000ni v ,during the hot weather eoliaitud i ofter pens in o alarm. So many illi that a b Iresult f&1 ally are liable, to emue that ev ir �other w 11 be Interest. ed in a medical o i q . very tbai �6ba this per- iod of many dan: a Mrs. R. Ferguson, of 105 Mari at -a b Mputreal, Que,, given 6r-- expel fence f r 0 a beqeflb of other moth. ers. She says J 11 My I be, has always �eem` am ill and I ('e 1054. ar suffered o ;Ohl ,as � summ�r m Ith its t4 eth that I, did op!, thiu� he wo�ldhva, Th) meft3ine the doctor ordered f r bm did a( t do him much good. I hen be E e �� sobtAo-kec with dysen- tery, and a very hot skin rid cough. I sent for Baby's Ow 2 Tablets and they did him & wonderful amount of �0, and he is now getting on o�pl indidly.11 - Ba y'a Own Tib ate are sol 'by all dealers . I @ 001 , be sebt t in medione or vi�fl., be ebb lost paid at twenty, five ceri a Ibex by ne De. Wil. l liams' b Ledicins, ' 99,o Brockville, Ontario.' - I I - � .. � � - 1- A Honeyin � E ; I � 6 1p 'The rliecant,un i aeanb pre icament men- tioned in,ithe pa e of a '00 ple of young : nto� women Who, hmv n the next car, , gonei � , were separated f ,o their belongings by their own Pull inan beiiij, witchod 6& and attach. ed to another tr iin� reminds me of a similar experience of my mi,"l rem4rked a man, ##only," I 0 conta ne, 1, I 'wibh 418, f t was more serious, a 8 I was Be [arated fr m my bride on the day of our mi 6rr age, and 'Was not able to rejoin her, until t ie sfternoon of the folloW_ . ing day. It hap, )a: ad j6t; ten years ago, and on eN ery an ii ,"s,17' of my marriage some one is auto p-oom the, incident and laugh abc ut it. )t - r wedding" was the usual conventh nal -th! og -church, breakfast at honse, re,.eption, r uning ,� ay from our ,,a , pursuers, wh6 abM red rioe"#pon us, etc,, and then we droi e,, treat to our quarters in the train In -hie i we expected to erose �he continent. I had t ken sevetal state-roome adjoining each btl0r, and'for nNiurortwo we were irery bui y ' Liu Ingour belongings and making thilul a � �mfortable for our Jong journey, Then, esving my wife to take a .rest,, I went off, ft r a smoke. I found the ,smoking compa4 Wont full, however, so went.through the train until. I reached a small sort, of offic a 0�x attached to the ex- treme rear, and, ini ing herein a comfortable armobair, before wh 0 I surmised was the ' -paymaster's desk I ist downy smoked, and fell saleel'. lVa � al vakened V the cessa. tion of motion,'s rid!. bear) a voice Any: "Well; yimmig fel oW, now I -A is your bua- Inessherd" Iptir0d to my1detrin dismay, I forwowerestandiD atocksbill, and I at , once realized ths; a . mething had happened, 9, Thoexplonation vas only too! obvious; the � i ; � � . I � I . . � I : I � : 1 ; I . __ I . . � I . .. � I I I . i � i � - I i I i . � I I I -L I . I . . 1 1 1i _�,&, TGITST , �i I I . I �,�._. � I I I : i AUGUST 28 - I I __� . - � ll - -1 1 ,1903 .1111 - . . � .Ili I I I __ - . 4 �, - . -EMMUNN-0-ft . - I , __ I � 11 . . - I _; _Wi - . � r'badbeen witoheX_alf on,a side ' everybody scoot and bide. They wera ' � - . ­ . 10-9 I , I - Ifl - � � � . I tr 0 , where it wasi to wait for a retu'rn baddest" men that ever happened, and that . I . - _ -- _. � tri , and my bridel and Inggage were miles i `w,as their day for killing. . .. ­ .. I I - - , WST orl � I . - �A I R. 7 on the iron YoW bound for the Pacific The burghers of Culbertson (lid as . I i1WIST � -I � i I they 11 - , . I - - coast. The good.n4tured ip=�er pitied Were told. A young women, a W. 0. T. Ij , m 1 7 Hatress -and -didl all he c6 belp me, I and prominent church -worker, stood callnl; ; 7 mwwing local nj� ar d I managed vrit4in an hour or two to in- I and looked on. The surprised cowboys . -1 I.. I I , week, bixt �: . to 7C 1pttimyowife b elegram, who got off at ! reiDed in their fiery steeds. Was the 4 . - I - I Ira at . ly I lady .� �_� I L . I tl a 11 PplDg P1 cc without impedimenta de&f? Whydidn7taherun away or faj�t �� . J I - �� I �, . . , � al: d waited for me t a rejoin her, which was away? While the wolves were pomi '. - I - - Sodol u t, however, until thc�next afternoon. Of these questions, they heard a gentle but fi ' � I . con se, the poor c ild had been terribly voine say: rM - I - - ;,- `8 mierot5 I "Put down t1rose guns 1" Thai- � "I � ... � I H-ajigh, of Lnn� frig toned, and, a"s o one know about the dzzei eyes becatrie conscious of somethira bi I . . jjisae�&rirxeeti - N11 car, thought some dreadful accident had bright in the lady's right 'hand. The wild - - 11 -sited a ,ew � ­ - - v, 7 sne to me until, to her great relie ,she riders may have been several diameters lat. ­ - -, - � I its - nmberr fi ,-M be] , 'a Z__ re sived my relegram. And we did not go bloodthirsty than they looked, but th67 . . -- b 'alifornia at all," he concluded- "Oar newa revolver when they saw it. The , . , - mesting.held in t. , Wortable accommodations were gone, and '$had the dr - -ladi I - �y, - c� : d op." The gentlemen (Iriop ,I . I to Sund-a conf;Al, - - it would have beenver ' . , pe ,�. _:,.e,00._Wr. Pan, '. y ignominous to re- their "guns., Their conqueror, picl�ed the I t7n to New York �ud start afresh, so we revolvers up and ,ordered the en I emy to right : -1 �� � for t116 last tiw,- - * obooged our itinera and went South. At about"to the police station. Tramp, traniN - leaving for ', - .. H00. ,.;ur. � -secret, but it tramp, the boys wemij marching. Their con- �, . I r fi I at we kept *o'ur a �venture a nIN - - 4 wive too good a joke,not to share with the quaror handed themover to the police and � ­ 1,4MI1. and sobo 'I i . - fa�nily, and then, oil course, every one heard made a charge against them. � — -*� ,; � I about it." I - � I . a � . I - " - I - I . . �, Whiteeh� � That �ired feeling will diesppear ; your 1 �,, �� , I., -Mr. James G- I -11 improve ; your digestion win � I.- I - � , - tr , c The SdIar Plexus appetite w,i I I I _q6VM - . ttic largest nervi Centre 112 the sympjkth�tic - be Perfec% if vou will take I _% ,j Uwer Wingham�p � C�Qm. � � � - . I . � - - . Miller's I ! ��I_ � � ot�& build -mg on 'MA at) a PP I" Z us el I . � 61TO , � F.obert Purd - nervous systsm, is altul ted just back of the atornach, pound Iron 11111s. . I -, N 0 ! . body, totbestonaill,beart, Inngs,kidueys � .r -nig d ' )i ergy, the vital force of the At 1. V1. Fear's Dr' 9bore, Seaforth I P00-2- - I U9 I% . . _i- 1-8 putsing up a I �, a . .. . - 4 - , - I - . I llv,er, etc, B creatfn; nerve foree, Dr. Chase' I - I Ak, (;s . . � - - k _*. - orgai G-art,o n has ; Nqrve Food dfrectly Aid s the solar plexus In supply. L4bor For the Railway. I Jdr. Purdon's, tw , Ink the power which ru iis the mewhinery of digestion - � I 1�,, z � arlid: so cures nervous dyspepsia, headache, dizzy The building of the National Transcon,tin. ,, - -e i itA to ther reeidenze, ,Q- . i ­ ,B*W-- -f . sp'ells� and bodily weakness. entAl Rai�way will mean the Apending of as ' - .v---- - - W,ho -or a' ye� � , I . �s 4 - - � I enormoumi surmi money in Canada during . - * �_ AL- . - _ - j4)f*_ Whitechur � I -A I - be � _� I- , Conunclrums. - the next few years. The length of' the' li ­ , .- '00d popil .no d to's g I lWhat does a 74-gan ship weigh with all may be sot down at three thousand three - .. _. � ine - --m I st, - "I odel i I - mile _ -_ — - —, � hqr crew ,on board, *uet before she Beto sail ! hundred �.niles. The expenditure pe! ­ ,- c"T . ___ ' ­ -, - I She weighe'anchor. I will, be rather less than two-thirds that of - 4_ jT '.RELIEF guar. - . I _.� lo- W_,MML1FrG HEAW � What thing ill th t Which is lengthened the Caua4ian Pacific. That road cont �48 -_ i,**",_ 2 I $ �. . aftAr-effect- . ­ �� ) cub at bo ends? Ad I r -400"i � - - E b* 000 a mile, the new road will cost $W,000 ,,��ing . itch. � a � hi . . 1 � -f-'_ . - - ; ch month � �o ladies talk least ? In mile- That means that a hundred mill; i ­�_ I . lon � �- I 11 m ­ . 1. .MGM_ " F�brnary. dollars will. go into the building -of the rail- �1,1� - � - I � __ I - ­ . - rt ,of spi4ch is most .distast�ful to way- The c0niltructiOn will cause the - I - -_ OWD W*VX--Mr.' a JWhat pa, , . � . I - . . . I ­ _ . - I - ,- a Mic,C , lovors ') Thei third person. nPandingiof hugeVumn in subbidiary -el : - I . � . . . . I ent 1- I i�_ - - . I , , 1 '[What part of a ii is exactly like eve prises. Additional'capital will be attra . ft or U ta - .. ft , , a ry eted - 1- - - n r" 1 7 1. I.- , I It � I.. i es obber part? The counterpart . to the country to meet the expansion of the I'll - MAU. . . - I q._ . I � I . , � i - 7deYs, Why are ladies o4 wicked ? Because they home ni caused by the outlay on the . .1 .b . � . � * . .. : . -_ w, 'heit stays and steel their men Will be need. I I ... r e . Ov Wh r noVonly bone t railway. I Additional work - . tticoats, but t ey positively crib their ed to supply the � -1 - � TO .,; 11 , pi I I _ wanWof ,the men -wor-king � �_ - I I . - - .1 1 - ,. I Di bi Ibies, bl onthe�ftke. 8OM6 persons put.the extra, ex. _ I ... :: .sr1VTZ.___.r. I I .. I hat is tbat. WhWh, by adding something pemidit=4 at anotner hundred milliona, - --i'l-, I - I Two :_ thei Ditches =4 , I � I -1 I tc i -� it Wfll bec0ce smaller, but if you hundred �nillione spent in a country of Can. �� � I -held in the tOWnsbij . ; . �- . I I nothing it will grow larger ? A hole in add's population within the rext few I : )r -.W -ng of last: I - yewrx 11 46"Oday, nil � . . � . - - � . _ a tooking. will give ian enormous -' I - _ was thl . I Ampetus to industry � �k. The4avd` 17 bat is that whi�h never asks questions, and prod;ction. , . : _, -1, A 0" ". S.0 . :-i �� -, - -nSl . = . i � � i - 1, -1 d Vtbers I -� - -_ I tb ... . -_tAk�._ Marshall, - . - 4, � 5 Morequires , man answers .9 A door An important phase of e situation is the . _401088- , P. L, 6, - L k4 ker. � ; number 61 workmen thtat will be needed, : n --I-'- - - - - for ditah cn the 5 What is that whfch every one can divide,. The expr�ssed intention o ;0 iiii I I the projectors of � jk�, from _S.j:,9pdoU1fi t.h,r] 11 a 4 no one can eeel, where it is divided ? the echer4e was to start work aimultaneons- ";--"4"_tW 0. proetar. A. I I I . . � I : r, ly at fifteen pointg, and to drive the railwa,3� i � _' 2 . r. ai -*W M.r I an did Abrah in sleep five in a bed ? through 9't top L, of d. 1�uch a poiicy of com- 1 -, I $ ,a. Procti I V ... preering ' i �� ,lbere... also, & eralb, . � I I '_ -J� I , . I n he slept wit] his forefathers. �ne worfk of building into five y"r--,-- I � 1,4i Fergusion's. G. F hat ie that which ban many loay.es, but will demond-accordiri to a m,petent juil .1 �' 0 ,Zee , - �ad for the compU . . ... no a - - . � -the continuous ,�mployment of 25,090 Gb. 1 � :� =,Jo evidence had . I � . . I � _,�. � - - I I I & orers. I Twen, � ! - - 5 . -11 1 -0 11 ty�fiva tbousand addition 'A � � ,40ai ,A4ing :4'1r -OM- 10 �, I I Saopleassnttota�o that children try for it laborees, e ma say, for at present in Can. . - � but1fV8 death to worms of all kinds, DR. - tLOW'S ' "I I -,I judge seserved 460iiion.' , WO K SYRUP. Pricel 25o. All dealers. ads th4 mand for labor distinctly exiceeds . � - - . � 4 11 i W . the supp� y. Wages are inbr-easing already. ' I - _.1jhC,YARD-,8 YELLOW 01' . . ��� - - 3 � � - L Thm Worill-Fightmg For. hey ii. take a further ti leap wben� i Jai tooure cougX%.bol4a 1 - 0 � - 1 - V sa, qutus.y" . tt the call F oes out for the great army of, Pav- isotbes%.hosrsene The t . we. Journal says : viem Which Will be Deeded on the new road. �, . - - . I x ____________Ai � . - i ; Two Western On rio farmers on the ad- It is 81�.i iteresting fact i hat the prog'res-s in � - H � __ joiU'llog lands have run up a big law bill labor-sav, Ug devices is such that the Cost 0 I - I . 40VIC 1 1 . f ;;; -, j3R1._Er,iz%___�0u Monday I � &piece over tl-e �osi eiesion of seventeen cents railt ustructinn work is decreasing in � I -tmme of W.m- Uontgolne. � , I i worth of useless lai the U a of th increase in tbe..price of Lbor. , � - -. *si the �Oue d t, � _ . eid There is Do partibular principal involved. It cost more too buil& rb e Canadian Pacific, � I . � This land is close b ' ide a fence an I M -M SUCMI-Ifully raiiiiiiii - 6A d cannot when the -men were paid 61 and $1.25 a day. I I bei cultivated to ba*e it, an s . � I - Nther ,splendidly W10 � I � I -Trelan4 i I than It c sts to build similar.'. " , � . I war goes on. I I lines to -day, � .Aent.-Mr. Robt.. . . i ' although the men are paid $145 aud '$2 a - � -Ai has all tize brick �ou A . I Of conree the uitimate outcome 'Will, be day. Wages of $229,155 a duyar'e anticipated I . . that the lawyers in the case will -4wn 'the' by some contractors. . I I I I kewbrio-khouse, AD= I seventeen cents worth of land -and the two � � - I i � bors kindly- 7assifftrd 111n -- i adiAning farms. " I If youl every day duties ar I a, a b4idem, it � kauled from ""he Xlon&44 - Those twolarmers represent a two fre-)" is because you are -not well. Mller�s Coin. 4 - fig 114onj hauL-F. 10. Ta) 1� . . fatUr, lot S1 mnosegion 1, quent modern type, pound � Iron Pills will correct this condition. aemj;�O-Gwrge wyllie,oi There is nothing in the world so pleasant, .__ I �. � as having one's own way in . everything. Bilt At L V. Fear's Di ug Store,. Seaforth � . . � *e tam of $5,wo- Iii A -----------a I , r when a few thousand people, of ,a few mil. ' �� . 4hased this -�Iasb fall- and hi lion, live together, nd two individuals de- - , Muskoka�s Popularity. . 14e has thi.ayear's �crop., bi . . I - .. - [ -a . sire the same thing one has to give away. The following voluntary testimonial of the- I I - --sami -thi deal_- Tho - Muskoka re'gioii-and Roval Muskoka hotel ..... aivn The big -natured fnan in the trifles of life . ��� .. ok Agricultur.&I 0 was receiv ' I . . . _S ci gives away to th edat the Grand Trunk General i le 9 lother fellow. A fight I , *ori that the Row' k Fai " Offices recently, from ooe of the most prow- ;; I 4—=e on isatu'rday, --O� that Coate more tba the object fought for, . ; . - I . . � � . I- - in % i i' a mistake. inent doctors in New York City, V110 was I I 0 . - ,FAU FMWCircuit � It is only in the large things �of life, the Sojourning for's few weeks in ',that jistrlet- - ! Dorham, W41.-* rwn, I . r t . ; �� "I take i - atte y1oware in I . i � , r of principle, that the big men fight,, - reeommending the � L , � _ O" maiskoka reglonall � - - � _ tt4vvol, Luoknow, I i . I Igh t to tile Very Call, � - I A boalth rtodilt of tbo 1. - I- __. $VristforA, -4nd -Tee � i arot 0.4ex, It# Iblotude. d,ry Afmo#Phiprie - � Z .- to VbW thfi* ii . ThAo pom-elwip'n of A fow coo wortili. of I I 1 - . � , - - XM ­ �m arty J0 Aint r cftftlom, &#4 wmer tup � - - ,P woft , a wofflonWry bolin O)y free Irm-, W i . � - I firtorgiet-ow-u-, for � ! , " 104time; -majo b., p4r4pulariy WfIdWOL � � I * �_ �_ 'J"U41-1sh,for boef 0 00 01610 not—W J# W W , 1W I ; - __J. I � - , t A* 0WI) W044ra 11Tb#R/Py_4JXff,-k0Jg* hot -J's- "Im � mAX11,114relip, fffo ;;,# � , �a�tooig,eor�ltarl9�"tgrwTlt4w#lill� "r"11 " In 01 i" 490-1-00twigni*, 044m yWJ4rX.qy i . JZ9 WN, *1 ­_ I i -000, "4 #WWI , i : - to 0.8 (OtMA'n d tho P)MA'" � I � ___� r . �__�__�_=* ­. � A14 dWM&WRd§ of PWOPU WJW 'Are P 4 W 100 � 1� I I - #W419ARA0119-, bq*oller. skk h"d&A,@§ 'm ,R,#Jr#d by PlOw"d � Joyin th&#Urnmer Hifin'b*111. th@ 1-4pik I . � " 01*611w, I ! � 9 11- f *Vg,00*AV-r-df0Ayi7 9 j � & -JqV,4t*-#"d wtr @ - *I f j, � A -t 1, V, F&A �vffg qfffa, gafooll, , 140d# ot (Jouna 0 � � =- - - I � - : - . I I - I I � W I � Pr&&" of Obt pa,r& lit u.ca- a"Otr #- " ft 81101� : � �- --- -ms, -.- �: - I I . M#f f4gmt, ofid cfnipado-t it thiNTZen on tbio I � Wfakle on Cranhei : The 8106teb Sabbath, I .. I t 6"UH686, - "I � I � A Ntiadfaff univorbity tfixfl�� wao fou'riffig _*_ � . 4. -01'a*xx 1411.u�4, A . � - - . - - I# I gootlarid last surtitner, �,One gvr�� If TRIEM IN ENGLAND, � -- - D -Mr girl-w's fini?xhttj - I 11. -, , . � I- .. - 'I t - MJfning he Put hij little hammer W .4 h - I #W my ois wummmil of, .. . - - . 14 tink time the btirvtA poo'ket, for he is an amateur geologist, and But Mr. Balle Could Not Cure !!!! , I - * � oft hav gon dry,, we batl,, 14�,bllfmg out upon t] e hills. began to chfp off HIS Bac=KeTill He Used . ! , , I 11 0 4h specimens of rook that interested him. I _14- bratiberrye, the WMI&I ' DoWs Kidney Pffls- 1i - . . � A p , ativa happened along ". the man was — . . ... - b"- vti mornin"comols, t 0 emgAged � 1. I I !�Wftof the burya, but ted '- ' 4he nat - I . WINNIPEo, Man , Anguist 24-fSpeoial)- ; � ftaw- � . ; z � Ay, beeaws she WA ive loo"i on with a frown for a Mr. H. Bailey, Qf 256 Patrick Btreet, who I [� -1 � 01 �bn 00"o from EDE. 1, toment. Then be 'amid ; " Sir, do ye ken arrived here some won* : *404 -if sbestr*de t -oh � WI I � VWas ,tbiek in the rna.0 breakin' more than stones there ?" land, makes the following s�A - ! . � � $1 � . I , . _111i0ift's traik. Mi SMZ I � fl Breakin' the Sabbath, eh !" said the ckraing a well-kri Ca ' .tement con , I 0 n,4dian remedy, I hite r I ,ng- � yonng can4an with a laugh, aud,�' to Op- "I had spent. considerabIq money ill F I ,,h Vile �Ole mare in thel . � r poace the Scob he Put away the hammer land treating palos across my ,back and in : - vwkle, my wife's mui . ;; I I I a n ado walked onward a little way with him. the region of the Kidneys, but'got no *Itln' at our place an A - 0 : turn of the road revealed the ruins of a rri relief. 11 per, � I � -_ 1. . I iwr pickin, ,as she Uid � I � : 7 94 I - . I " What castle is that ?11 majd the - it" - *o she xed 11 in In castle, "Happening to read of cures by DodXip 1. � -iiii , * � - I stranger. The Scob frowned. " Wo noo' Kidineypille, f decided' to try them. And � . 1111111 121 the d%y," he said severely, 11 to be. ipefrial glad -I am th,it I di& - ft the way we passed mf.j I . lid things." . . "After taking three boxes, I found my- - - I "Alm aul eomplections, V, vW . Iftton theaame er 1-i —0 . self perfectly free from any pain whate cr. � . runii 1 � Lliller's Grip PowderA Cure, It has never troubled me cined, no matter I I . _m4burys." B.,In' aqm�' At I. V. Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth, what lifting orwooping I do,0 . ,2;.k t0 *11m of them. tut I . i —0 Backs&6 is kdney . a t'h% D I bild's'Xiduey � , i i - I � I git, they -were $0 A I � _ I 4rftbirS cro . I � The Lady and the Cowboy. . Pills cure all Kidney aches. � � I I I - ,* - P. A* Therd �' - 1! . 7he chief duty of man to to be kt '. I i - � . n9t 4S Ives "Be 'another, , I r6nuous - _*---_____.;_� � � � 2 z I I �, _ . y4owd: . to 11 ' have the stuff," Be' ,strenuous and you FoHowed a Doctor's 'Advice. I r JWft WF'yho sed hie , . wi! I be happy. We have all bad ample op I 'When I WAR in the Logislature," said the � '% pink- ,crunbury � � Auuthtrtsd Btaked <Iffa I . pottomity of hearing the gospel of masculine Kentuckian, "I was eal)ed over to the pen!- �� lbefour ta� *a � str anuounness, Humbly admitting that all tentifirf to'seo an old fi-tend. He said 00 I t prayin, it I I otb1e . r virtues are and of right on ht to be - - I b"4sac",144-the s% amp, -)� 9 wasn't a phice to keep a gentl4man inandi th iuc�udedin this master virtue, lot us find asked me to get him out, ,HO � � 6-42"`h'�Ve board ahou ' 11 w'd you gat �11 I ftod *" , u0mi In in Jim?'I aak(d. Aper Signal I I ummok trft , Tb, ,W - q . psi ticalar, the recent Montana case of It, A "Well, Mr. Xom, it was this way: You . , . _L, I - a y 'I. t tirr a to admire feminine stren' e , iiat . , tb - . � � couple of cowboys blew in or rode into Cul- kn pepppry little Dr. Smibh down in .1 i I ' --o'"04do 4Ur tbe buryo � IL , wo w !L -Ze"i bitt" bar tson the other day, They forgot th t 0 enaboro? Well, I met.him on the st,reat l� . buk ih�_ I 438 frum Greklil - � � . r * b a race outworn and on the way and sez -to him. "Doe, rm 1wing so bad diSCII&I"gin' . 9 00 "' are I 44 . t.l I'll, I 6 swami) to unction, These two specimens or imi- think I'M sick." i .. I . My rnisquj� al "R �Aing bad;, are you?" � 4W __ L % . Used pillow C..iseet Vv.il . �a tatioxne must be readers of dime novas. he sez, "Well Jjm�," he Bez, 1*by aon : 4A14 V%�k I _ ' Th�ty affected the old cow -boy, half -horse, youtake sometblngV "And that night, .. 1ril 1; juniped i 'M 11 . - half-allig4tor style. They drenched their Mr. Tom, I Look his'two mules." 164, - Ineall aw he kep u, Insides in whisky, raided the .town, drew : . I 4yWrB too grC-Len, t,4�"o gf I Is— � . � the r guns, and took poonession, bidding . �0- he piiii va, har&-r cl ___ -The little daughter of Mr. T, Killoran, - -99fm- __ - "�Q41- IEW Of Stratfor4, met wit,h a Painful mishap the � . "Y 'y we nerd -- S - a­� - 4-Q&ft0A-".d0� . L - 'A' me at� l"I C I4r I h4e rest uv th ; � otber evenifig, The lawn mower was inop- - , 140 dogsau�',winimi,l . I , S4 - r, oration on V�bo lawn and the little girl was Oi- f _ Larl l a . I 5,8 G barepi wil-kaw: Is " in close pro imity to it, when in some Wa . , I VW,td our, e4rs., When:! . I? y � her right h nd was accidently t.he I I , - G r, ax, .Trail � t In -- ", 16 I there st,)Od my - machine be -ween tht knives.' �- %*iJ.1 wj . - y - Vebfore the . in Z real r4pe ,�.�.�,,-,i.:�.,�-�!:�.�,L!�-,?� 're t'- '' I -_ u -)pped the fingere of her - 1i , cranb.uryit I 11741iteid it as a ,e , Alandwiere �adly cut.. . U-10 L 9 "I hZve �_,cd A-yer's Hair Vigor - A very . quiet and p.r I .ft chap clu inied it. I egi if P etty wead'ing was � to I seized 'th ;or ove'r 11' t . e bury ar'- i " il a'ty ye�rs. It has kep celebrated i athe Englimh church Milver"ma, � �1 1. � - ,*, ,pu Wednes� ay of last week when) 'P'*6kat'buk) - , - scalp free from dan.druff and Mi" 31LAJY.�, Inade, for th,P7. ' �! 11 sow(' ix ful. roult ,3��_ , . . � I i No- � $1 ;I �,-'� ,rr,:,vc_.-1t�d my bair, from turn- daughter o Mr. and Mrs.- Robert mayp . -4 rft,chect el f ; " - -r-y "-t-Alrs. F. A. Soule, AtwoA wig United in marriage to Robtr# t 1 +40�. - syton SIC_ �, " , . I . 'at bre . 4 13;,1J,l--­, "'OW'n't. � r 1 '19. Ust uax' I , L ,_ (Smart, a pr )sperou a ) ougg farmer of Sob- . *_y , , . _�r I . � i - Irprize;-to fin . I V-911�1 � rimigvillc. 0 young people wii,re unatten4- , I I d the bi . ' , . WFy Pie A - Ad and tbe c eremovy w M instied a I aa perforoaed by tbp- . . . of 9 I L I 1"; Th-_rc!'is this pectilitz r minister wbo Is taking Mr. Howard's 13iii : �*`Vj"-Uffed an: se*.� thave � - L f. 01,�l I - I - *W44 di;Z31 � I +. '111, ; L -411 Y;,6u : �J I P, ab)out,Ayer's Hair. - during the attfies Vacation. �4 4". 1 - . - /�, � I , -Willie earson, son -of Ur. R. H. Pear- I . " . I , � � �,,-,,or—ft is a hair food, son, caretakler of the 8rmtf,ord Collegiate . _rA - z , , ;, i ZI . t not a dyg. Your ha"I'does' . Inotitate, met withan u t a 6 , Adva � - .4 � AA nfortunate accident I I nt4ges of I I -1 � He waZ . - I at the Enshfield. furniture fact : 4 . . . Mg. : i A : � _� I - I 6!,'Fiot sudd,enly turil black cry. ; � L �� I ,.�� 1 � 7 working on raw When in s � X I I --,'WtiW"_,-"fOrTm �Ex � J 1% U T� I - y rftdous 4, 4 � and li'dess. right band dame in eontact with it and waa WAZI - ,,.I-(;,.- rlea 0 ted. Th vr4a all bue � - - , _*aw titei . S -V easil! badly lacer� , � e thu�b � , I lan 'R I . 13o t pri . � *I , adlyallytheold-color - L i win ' ds ,wi .) i severed and Ithe index and secouil fingers ' I ral?t"ed by draining. * - _Wft�o­ � � �iticomf�ss bacl�—Vll the rich 7 ?Ulithroti the bone� The baud wav c I �st '� - . 10 Y80,141� draino.7* A �iOa'si ft7 ; I in several other places besides. . - 11.�biit it J . 4 . . , IR, 4, d -r!' I � ed to have. Henry Campbell, a section 0 4--ofte of -ti _ � I!V: ,!,, , I- _,_ color it Ls - employee on � _Us L Zt _1 Tri as Tand bf I 1-1 e h'.1- r S f0p S fail i ng, IL-oo. the G. T. R. yards at Ar,vvood w.ag'strue,k I . -1 I . e'r I q , A I A � $ 14 V1 I be tounil a.1 VIIL4E I by a train Ifiere on Monday -morning and re- -4�&-,A the , , " � �: ,1.00 ff b;ftle. All drL,ZZl21g. AW- greater pi of LV3. - I .o6ived initi whl6h it in thought he can- - -11 2143vin - -e. i�­� --�-�, - ­ , . -�$ - �-- g Undo tliat ar� - � � � )f vgmr , not survive. 1 He did not hear the approach- - - Theque"tion vibe dru-glizt c -u -not s I-* d r, a: . f�, 'A(I 1.1 -la doi,ar and we will expreols i�g train, toiwhich bis back wan turned. � . la .t completely tomn offt, - Hisscalp Was almo? 4 *6 I "N""en Area dope,i � __ I I " I Gind WOr4a drainri.yil, � . one of his Is was broken in two places- � !%`iont, and t I " � rei and he ad internal injuries. Campbell . X., . 4e value Z7- . I - � Is- �'w - is about 50 i yearn. old and a married Wsu I LQ �' ThIsim--a que-ti4 � I The unfortu %to man has since ffled, . L I - ii�`Wber ir.uet dew-ide for I I e I I �'., At t'h 'D1tt8t;t 4 may.be ,T � i � .� � ; � I- - . � t , I �tp � , , .7 _�� . ! � __ � I ! . - . . � I I - i ", , � I � ,I . I q I - . I . . - 11 - . , , 1�_ - - - 11 I I . � "I - "I 1� I . 0 ww", , - � - I I � f,:� � , ''. L I I _� ! . IL M - I , _. p L =, -I, ,� .. I I I