HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-28, Page 477
i 4.
n 'Thom" S,, 4smes EL. Mrs. IR
100115 can Make it law It has- be on-maq low'. I! pob aside f tb ey I I this duty,. -when ment and i.1of to any other person or oom- garst J., liatY - Rev. J,, of- Allenford
And that, "the Goverum, inb could Bruce, of G ona
Not omw member had the woo go to move t to time itl will time enough. to -pany.
not Construct the road the free idmissi M Tho as Prootr, of Be) ave, an
that it be dropped or- even to. liall 'for a di- 'o -nourb them, -an not then. clause could 1: not have effect, W iother or
Jo h A. Thirteen years mgo it April
t -Osliar got the point tl cough his Mr, rando , sit the rips age of 82 yearm
vision. Mh;rm, manim, t o Ibme a hing"very r,
X I T W: T F not Mr..
mysterious siboub this matter which out. The DoMamul on 6nt. ponderous intellect has not been %ted by pused to hi reward, having seen his famill,
The members ol the Di minion Parliament any of the correspondents, all 11 Old d for and leaving a nsin
.. ...... .. older# we 4'not able to aiderstand. That =r2ir-O
univi acted, The thirteen year
ng away i b the Grand'Trank-
0 still wholti
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A measure tbat. Is geborallY 00 ndemned by
Police Magistraite O'Keefe; of 01bawal, has of Mra. ra6don'm widowhood were many o
?sciflo resolution one )n each aide alter- them ye fill intense buffering, brouglab oi
9 10 11 12 13 It 15 *U who discuss 16 and- Is not tip aid tit justi- givtj*. a somewhat
ably important -legal
man coldent which resulted in an at
16 17 18 19 20- 21 22 fied by, any one, shou Id be &I1, )wed Astely a and ndemning* land it fro
to pang OVID docis' It no that the InstiVation, in taek of
ion'. Aeot
(met o w Con W
03 24 2 26� 27 28 29 is beyond comprehension and a one -of. the I I expect 8080110 nab on. th onfirling, Ottawa, which I'm lose of a it Is for the rest of her life,
dit., 111 ill Ck of of 'ICA, And which left her more 0
a Parlisimenk t
'tiestroodit is ex.
so stories which Cannot be sol red by ordin- til next week. hat ir lie presided over by one Thom" J. Brain, add
MY —Rob
or andermon, who for the post 2
w4icb l0kovidei liquid refreAmon stronger
posted. from a a ta, r, we do not know. -the position of deputy jailo
ary people. But there must b a a reason for Years ho fil d
thou tea or ociffile to the: grove an learned
it. What in It Cortain it IN that Ot Oil single vote in the - At God�dria died on Fridayo 14thinab
0 C an Senators, audis�motfmes to'the , mmoners The deceaie had been ill for thei past thre
Of 0our" the bill has yet to be poweed by House will be C do d the re' It was
when they sco6t an Invitation fr in a on-
fitur senthe parenthescls after emah
cortain at t, Oslo Sir Wilfrid Laur- Onbhm Witt an Internal trouble, and fo
Ator 'I to have Isomething."' does n 6 have a in
?age of the paper on wh1oh the tha&aate, - Perhaps they* :may. ha�
ve the or's �Oech intro( I a resolutions as it
Hoonse for the dispensing 0 the three wil eke previous to his death h,
diroiritomentwil, bol. toonot to kill as isliIio to III �bo'at the.cloi 0 of"M bate. The only I such verAgem- bad lingered intemely. The deceased gen
outtrage it. it b race'
ive Som day
6 g ago a common citizen g ilined ad -
'the 9614 of Autumn -Greig Stawart-1 adifies of, Any n to dt Ang the week weral
the sanction of the Governor-qenottl before bleman wall born in Peeblashirs, Soot
Kaftal Co-& one of Sit Rich lord C wrighb and Hon. mission 4 he sacred prosinots of tie Senate land in 1840, and came- to Canada ii
it is law. If the Senate permit It'to saloon, and bought -and paid for. a glass Of 1953 and pr coceeding to Hibberb township
$10-4;hk Bolger -S. pan, it r.:Tisrite. The 31aarim i of the former
can scarcely be supposed that �tho represen- liquor. He, afterwards laid informstion Perth co int, 7, stayed with his relatives fon
ju ge r4 1 9
m4ots-and Shoes-McKionon CO -5 be' , d f in th mark of the Mail,
an& flunttr-6 tative of His Majesty Will ho said he � do A �ngenl speech." Against the said Brain, chargin in wibh
perolb a measure Ynars. In. 1857 he moved to Goderich
0ood 8hoes-W WJ1119 & S�on_4 I il;:_isl licensed, where he lired, until the death summon
tci'beco i his, a high aime from such a selling liquor without is
$4- of- Lands --Wm. Elliot" me law which three ter came up before the Police M igistrate,
of his. - loading
are, Mr, Ta is spa as long an . came. Ile ivas married in,Goderichin 1864
Twher Wxcitel-Jobn Docker -4 advisers hae stated to be undarestitublonal. at I Oug A set up as a defense that,, the
Twm For- SJe--D. Forgusco" Was very non- mitts4 and it is to Agnee IM oT&visb, of . Haroa towasbip
If he gives his assent, it will be the duty of ifii It to judge rout male was made within the Parliame it b ild- truce 0-011rib who survives him.
J* Silleii-obt- Ben -8 on he says how he u
the Ontario Gov'ernmen 0 a imme ill vote., Dori Vbe ow element ings, the Province did not haive 0 June -
old that- no offebee had com-
court ct APpeooll-i. 0. morrillion-S diction, a
For X. Wakon introd000d ' to the to by an amend
_6 . I steps to have the 'bajecaonio�lo in are a i mitted against the Ontario liquor I w. The
StWIDF Hichtnet-W, X. wason-8 0 b declaring I r Staii 1 ownership of &I -an has returned f
9*MB--B. W. irewit" n roll
quashed in -the bourto;T in& Buir-FE -Dr. Bucha
-811ephen lamb -5 *s, at moved r. P�ttee,4hs Labor -ad fine upon Chicago.-- Miss izzis Eilber, of Crediton
jistrate, however, decided d arently,
Cp4augs of Business o inflict the usual a offen-
i ember for W' nipog. This 'proposition, alpent %1 days here this week with he
shlay Ireffer-Henry 1144on I o0riever, does bob;m In seriously der. Tits matter was afterward brought
4irts. WanUd-Nism. Word k. XcKay-8 t, P be taken W
A Notable Gathe up in the Senate, and some of hri s. -Miss '1*8ttie Well is In Tor
Zfauce-vki� Na 1 .1 . .1 1 y any person, no even V t 0 mover of it, the members Lydia Faust left ci
-8 -8 ary indignant that their rigi te should
Art BU-PiltvT wlift A somewh&67 notable gatheri vi;Iss that ter the railway quasi a � is disposed of war* v'
I Monday o attend the; Young People's As
I*m ForfWa.-Robt Car1fille-5 be th oil invaded, and that In order that they
are in still the I adist bill to -set-
Wmaled-9, B. Guon-8 which, assembled in th dt' f ont ation
0 a 0
Dominion Industrial -W. Someivill" 'that is U it is d may be able to web their whistles when sociation Convention, to be held in Han
a, sold to put it tbrough over. -C ies r Steinbach left for Waterloo
week. It is known ho ambere of Fo, App 1 make, if for
g7A&hv- Eked-ifamilton & Kerdake--8 is session. iD anee they feel the. necessity of doin , ao,.they
on Saturo I after a pleasant visit with hi
Winted-Expooldior Offic" Commerce ot permission from the Pro nee. Bat SY
Congress. posed of- bb reason,, he ition will'bave-
7 wil must g
p o er P
-Mr, and Mrs. Henry Grel
alit on this quee; the law Is inexorable in this re" and is parents at
the merchant princes 48 These rp. make a show o b
b p am b Mrs, Charles Grob and i
and Mr. nd EO
no reapoic tor,91f persons. and I f the res
ey do pror ion will scarcely
tion. If th ult of.
were gathered 'from 0 ribrin d bar be reached spent a few lays in Milvertion last week
be this legal decision is sustained by t a higher
the of Beptember.
Colonies and were the rap ive of ille. courts, the 84nate restaurant will ave to Mrs. Chr s. 3oh-rag, who has been on ih-i
ive bids air the 10 goat on
-Mrs. Bricker, 01
moveral, Chambers of co
Minorco take out a Piovincial permit, tLe earn Nick list, imi r=ring..,1-
end Bo�rdm lCord the ame, out of business a
other vendors of fire water, so Tavistool', 5 g friends in town.-
RtAFORTH., FRI in light have -well on d in less than.hslf or ay the
DAY, Aug. 281 1903 of Tied ngland, Ireland d cou' Dalton TVf n
F and penalty. oi�ner, of the Babylo Line, leh
t is thile. -
There war. als Wednesday for Saginaw, Michigan
were reprovedtod. spre. on
Vale here are lively ti the cattle where he intends remaining for some time,
-from every Colony.- including I lditpr-W No es id Comments -Norm a a I loltzman Is visiting frien
man About
A JEfiff T
do ft
o antatives of India and South Afr,io& This is the- first markets in Toronto jamb now. - For geners-
pres Lord Strathoo, (Do %ld A. Smith), dur- Cbamloy sin( other points. Min
time the Congress has met in Canada.- Hilla-1 tions there has been but one ree d 0
t a city of Toronto have been putting p, a, lote Ize cat KI pp he is bi eu Again engaged as assistani
I big re�eoub'TM** to 0111treal, wisom very t1o'niarkst, in the; city. This.bas sea undr in the pu
bli( schooL She Is well liked b3
g fight at Ottawa, in. opposition to a �,blll orto the meetings have ways buen held;'in
London, Eugland.'l Many ;objects supposed 6 plicit, -in his at& o the press that cit control, a4d the city, having a mono- pupils and B Is the bili to the Satisfaction oil
or.0 the Domlition Parliament for' the in- had not in any way d his private for- poTyl,of the yard business, were anxious t
to be of interest to the nation were discuss- t a in keeping ul, the us of the shares o all -concerned.-Phas. Brown has severed hi
oc�rporstlon of a company to construct and make all the asible out of Itt and, oonneotic n i rith the Prooter astablishmew
ad and an may be oupposed the
was K great 0 the Canadian P cifia ilway. His idea they have made lots of money at the ex. and has I eft ;own. :My, Brown was populai
qerate a trank: electric railway connecting
as to show that he v of the stock is ones of the cattle men, They 0 6 the with 64 Claim am and';Wfll be much missed. -
bat He d band, f1d gave Mrs, Jo' I for 2er is v(siting friends in Detroit
of uums b at ui
The most Important to this so
garm, oweveri s he m
ve done, that a building had be- -Mr. P. La nont m 'pant a few days in Tor
of Toronto and Hamilton and diversity of opinion on, nearly every subject.
t al Ot fictitio ght id not state, fighest fee the trade could a
g h lines covering the Nia ntiy --were,
at or 'W Prefir- noidersbile �orti i in of his private f the"poorost service. The
an tinding to. Buffalo. Electric Perb&P#oi Mr, Chamberlains Col A ortuns come dilapidated aacl the yards d rty, sad onto last week on I�sfness,
od, d ex
saps scheme and the astion 1 of 10010nial I i the direct Canal of b nection with the service by those in charge w a ineffic-
Iways are supposed ta be, legally, under ot2o Cans . than Psa io Ra ient. The dr d of thi sort of B
co#ributions to Imperial arinam ent.. While overs got tired of thi
P�Ovineial riodlotion, and this co, tre ilitment, and accordingly a new market,
a deliverance was made on aim meeting hold here
re 04 every Bob- Another of' NoTjzs, -The ra ;
mi�ould._ the fore, have applied to the On. Brit in's �ost eminent states- well equipped in every wsy� was established Wedneod ayv nd uraday of lost week wai
jeot discussed, in Maps of ran utions, the I;Ord at North To
t4ria Legislature for their charter. Bat glon-ham been Call d fr m. this life. rOnto, and for Come ime this
a success in ve 4tioularo, there being at
resolution#. ivere, in most inaiiell, market has been drawing -the all iob of the
ir f I - - . n iss, i the Cis qsilisbuq, late PC Mier d 4in Saturday
4eir -bilt declare& that the proposed road-im extra large rn u an Thursday, and aftai
alt of 4 compromise and were s D drawn a' �wt, @�t the age of y� trade. city authorities becam, ellamed
for the. general benefib of Canada," and
death oc- all expeds leg re pa a nice balsince will be
At the success and popularity of thi Ir rival, left
corred. exao6ly on he' 016h. anniversary of in t t &bur3,-Two weddi
to suit all kinds of opinions. They Were. ngs are an
hi see that it is be$ond Praw inoial jurisdic- and commenced to move Th
big entering b] o I fi as a member
of ley nounced o ke pi tee in Brussels on Wed,
consequenbly,;colorless an4 iiplooleas as an city market under the charge 0? Commis.
film and has &: Clght tOL Dominion inocorpors-
arliament. Via Premier from 1895 Desday o a t wee k. -Will, B. Ballaribyne,
mioner Fleming, one of thb most a otivai and
of opinion, tl�te die- t 19021 whoo
KIM. Moreover,, the bill, in many of its expression of the a n (M)aoftoba Journal, is call.
intil i atired from public live linen in
the GUY, He has had I he wholi iiag on of fr nds :q town this weak. He
cassion of these subjeets by men so emin- life. Previous tt I had occupied
614usmi, fol a clear invasion. of munici
pat many important o6fib Placed in decent oonditipn, d an se- he, stern Press Asnooiatior
in sa. much am it empowerie'the com- entlin their respective op4eCev ries, 1111blie sitions and li�d tive rival the two d beem on he Vi 'i
and count rY has sprang up between'
an for years one of B ri in's leading and excurstoi iich v
I W enb through to Quebec
will be productive of good.- The meethig mat-ets. The city authorities-aow an-
Ipany it, ineorporatea toL ran its road on the b able statesino in. -'V 7 n half a century and stopped )ff lide on the return trip. -
together, also of so noullce'thst the fees in -the city in%
Many 10 many aif- a Y ket will The cepo It,) pvII1
0 from 1 oung- Lord Eober't oil had just re -
e streets and high wao without let or will ake.. its annual hofid&3
be abolished, and that feed will be upplied
'benefical inWuence .-Abou 50 ladies attended i
laijadranee, from the municipalities intere@to fqrent climes will have a road from a viol i to th Australian gold to estblo'en next wee,
d an at cost price. This, in stat -
In coment4and creating a br? ihorly feel. fields -he �ocamo a 'Main r of the House of quilting I oee a the ch 01 room
0 of Molvilb
116 in on account-". 06-Fpxtraordinary pow- ad, will make a difference of about Eve dol. Jay �f t
Commoni for.Stamford charch oi Tt *sd ternoonof this week
hich was-practi-
fare a car to the cattle men who istronize
w it as at ing Amog the several integral parts of the I no is t an
art. hich its promotorm are cilly a pocket-bo-ough the Marquis' of a
qai to were comp a
the market, The city has for yeara been de.
great emRire to which all belong. Many
Ottawa, instead of ToADato for xeter, bimself a Cecil, Since then Lord vibich sent to one of the dim
OF Plying to riving an income of about thirty' 1ousand
the delegates 'from abroad took tour n !salons. The wo k was done ander bhe
their charter. These privileges,, it to sup. �Ilsbvry's career is pait of modern his -
through Canada after the close of th 04 Iry. dollars a year in feet, from this mar ket, and a lopices )f, the F. M. H. and
poead, are-DI'Ore likely to be obtained from 31n_ the fear of I injuring
osing this revenue and
Mrs.0amaroo retu nod from r six week
gre n the spur which now Influenoesthe
thp Dominion Parliament ths' It
on a d many admitted that ihim,the Chief bho city Is
Some Reform: spire are berstlog the v last, The3
n from the sit to I tanitoba n Saturday
OP set of the colonies, It city authorities. They hope to break down 'are vat m"h ts Lan up witb he Womb.-
Legislabure�,. -The bill W� qonservativen bee so th
kesourcea of which
0 manifest a
din. the now market. Whether or nob the drov- t
'obers il
they had never even dreamed.� A better ti, ort a left on Tuesday of this -week
PV in the first place because of its inan, take on. 11 Blair to their arm will permit them to do so remains to be for the r, r rn pg rt of Miebigan, where he
io f
Dion to
0 advertisement for Canada cot1ld scaicely ce be h 'beel icking ve the seen. Their aog in th
municipal rights, and secondly a manger policy should
eT-Peotg t 0 are a inployment.
have been devised. Reform traces. bey int out he fact not succeed,
beklause, of its inv", loll Of Pfovinoiial
t let so long as M Blail, orked: peacefully
ib bein' held that the pro.
ha i tons he Conservatives
I] I Reform. L akelet.
Huron Notes,
IM. Urnes Hamilton and him
road is not for the general Put the Blame �ner c alid. not say anyt iing t) o bad about hi BnEFzAs,-Mr.
�'It B
ad balky, a is -The Model schools at Clinton d Gode- daughter Aines, also Mr, Robert Hunt,
lads in a co stitutional sense.
beneft'of Cat I at now, that he I as ta,
Our. clever contempors To Toronto rich will re-oPe6 on Wednesday, Sc Otember left Fordwidia lait, Tuesday i
�it� them the whive heal id boy, and they
morning for
aU is lost cont�ation was freely admitt 4 On News, is, on's of the momb severe In ts criti- a nesping upon h all naroner of proine. In 2ad. Manitoba Both gentlemen are bhinking of
be ialf of the Dominion Government by� the claims at W w som before 2e very -The other day, at John Sh mahan's ting t erd, It 4 surprising the number
f the Ontario Government for their a orb, th hereso o he
I hwel of
Fl aneal Minister When tbeL bill w" boors 'I carnation of evil, he is W an farm, in Hallett, Alex. Morris three had 700 t at go - a i those p3 'cursfoax, while many of
alleges supineness In reforel ob to Provincial hb. This, that mipy, I i ry inconsistent, hours. tie farm )rs here : are offring very high
bushels of wheat in five
th railWaY, committe, The objeotfo+l rights, as exemplified by, the' I orohto and ell, perhaps it incond nt. But bliore -Mr..Robart Morrell iqted liges sa d 0U., at men. -The Scott
has been a
01idusm. those giving the company'pow
for tone n politics
111,'rec.ently�be. I k , r 0 Brothers, of this
0 to Hamilton electric railway bi ' o so COD must potmister ab Loodeibor to fill the acahoy A as, have bought -a
tallre Poeffession of the streets &ad highways fore the Dominion Parlismeo. it says ton be Wly di poin, If a' leading caused by Mr Ouimette' going we 2(0-acra farin ot f in Normandy, Grey
of Orunicipalities, were struck oub- by r the If lat of the Tory by to turn round -Mathise iiove , a member of he firm county, d *ill =Ve there next spring.
I Had Attorney-Goneral Gibson Appeared a d vigorously k a his former col- of McPherson & Movey, who establi hod the T isy sole th r far bore and Are now of-
eo#lmlttee,. but the bill thus amended was before the Clinton foundry, died ng the choppiioj� n
committee, 6o repr ontf g the leagues, we are a but the Grits in St. Thomas, on forf ill for wale. We trust
ng Ot elp
of Hamil.
ToPorted, to the House, and it has still tb be Unionof Muni cipilities, t W Wednesday of last week, at the age Of 87
would. be equally ari am, and would feel some gooq in may buy it, for without our
de�lb with in Parliament and mueb rooeive ton 0 the city of! ro -An of which disposed oso ag up their hate YeArS, ob opping mill our... I iarg would be a very
r i
asions, ly to I
the Tories ,at
would have been glad to - retoi hi -At the Doininion trap
thd assenti. of the Governor General before it in -his at id -hurrah for, him net are -shooters' tourns. qt plice.-Mr, Henlry Dellman, who
appearance'-would1sve been hafl d as show. r Mr. Human nature is bought Mr, James
come new doing foi -menb, in Toronto recentl, Mr. J.- Hovey, lamilton's farm in t -
bei 9 "w- It L' not at all likely -;it will ing �thsot the Ont�arfo Goveropleni; was on at Cut the name In no cai i of Clinton,distingulmhed bl;noelf by Isr
ii pas in the other, rying ting read to sow. jj )me wheat Both Cr.
evIrreachthim length. At leastit should therighboide." J More ar 4 the strictures f the Refor the 0fr tbe'trophy for the biggest daylo wer6go, lUmilto and the I demors. Scott Intend to
not be, alfowq to do� me,. If We � p motors CA iftervatives for chee Mr.
re ring on
Now, Tnz F xr6srrcou in no ologist for Blair besides other valuable prize#, ha vp a as] 6 thle fall, -Mr. Allan Daeroch, Of
so savor somewh -Charles Milne, for a numbs Catha -inei, and his sister Miss Kits
refU to withdraw it, it should be: slaugh- either the Attorney -General or is Govern. at -of Satan iieproving min. r f years St., ri
in the HoaosL When, it Comes proprietor of the Queen's hotel, Olinton, Darrooll, )f Toronb, visited at their brobb.
up for ment. But right is right. It believes in ome of the Toro�nto pap are, the Mayor of died at Donveri Colorado, - recentl a Bail
catio for th y, where 8 a lasob Sund dey Brothers are
fia�l ratifi h, and the Government should right abd- fair Critichin, even- In political routo, and nomejof, the municipal pol he had gone a beaefitof hh health. out with hei trac a engine and threshing
see: I . The remains were baken to Elor t and are doinj lot of work.-Mro.
to it that it is so slaughters a fo inter- on Ui
matters. It is neither right nor fair.to try of a of that city a Ve severe in their meat,
Issso Go dy, who ved for many years in
c mind 9 gainst the i9overnment; and
seems to do-ithat it should be the duty and prejudice the pubif F icturee of the ari
-Janet James, eldest daughter of Mr. burg, ut who$ Ith bar husband and
Of t1he Government, or some office-, on behalf t Premier, becau. thei Oid. not Institute
Government by raising a cry of � pilifforfaqN Edward James. of Gorrie, died at th a home OU ily, m ver! to ifford last
spring, &ad
Of. tpe Govern ore viZorous t agiiinst thel
ment, to look after legislation to,municipal and provi i' 9 1 able Toronto a objec- of her sister, iii Sodus, New York, Sun- isit wed ky ni t. She had been ailing
no &I ri In tj
d sy,
of 018 kin4, and where -measures are loth Inab.: Deceased had been In poor cluxing t a )"t ve months with that
we and 6.1hers 6 tryin '-'R silway bill when to was
WOMin- health forsome time. She was 41 ears -of droaded M oonsumptln.
pre. matter, as the No 9 fore the
t oval t disef
Pon which clearly interfe to do, It was no part 'of the i d of the Gorrie The Inner I t k
Ir'e with. elither io 1 Parliament. A I this naure, lt�, seems ag
r algil or to us,- Is entirely a closer r d. The Qntario a. The nemi ius were brought to' o p ice on Friday afternoon,
municipal rights -or. are -in Ontario Governillent to -for Interment.
a ry far 00 owd flowing the remains to
'nvada he Domin' Government, and, a peoial, the Premier, did f
thOrWiffe known, to, be unco'natitut,iona,11 or ion Parliament 6r any committ" Of that &I and more ths i W44 necessary in th- .-Samital Stanley Warnock, only son o th�Molo all bu 'I g gronud.-Mr. J. J.
clai Ing rigkta a
nd privileges the* a Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Warnock, of Goderich, Gr gg, ex as a of owick, lost a fine horme
re not Parliament to initruob the mem�ero as to emises. The me.ured he passage by the died on Monday evening of last wee after re4ently, a Inims, havinF eaten too much
10gi imstOlY,"eutitled to,. that they should he their duty in roe' Miniature of a ser as of olutions strong.
Pact to the'obno3 Ions me&F- ly an illness of two mnonths' duratio The wheat, wt ich Omens own through a rat hole
protesting again t the 4 neroachment by
16 Coo blocked. It is not righb that Muni- orb. Indeed, ha4 they done so, they Cool cause of death was a tubercular atta k, but fnto his lan Hamilton, jr., goes
d _� the Dominion -Ion Provimmal rights; they -how the boy contracted it is a mystery, as to Toronti o thi i fall, study for a vaterin-
oipOtfea should be put to. enormous ex. very justly, be �harged with impertinen" me Ifeltor
�P(,their :,ol to Ottawa to specially
ano im sending ropresent-atives to Ottswa t th there in no taint in the -family, and,until the ary surgeon.
P and with interfering with mattiors Which d tontion of the Dominion Gov- time mentioned he was robust, active and
to 10bby Or OvOn Protest against legislation were not wi a ment to these re olatio , and to protest
thin their mvinoe. I -What do healthy.
0 inst the passage by P liament of �b`o -The fif . by eloors farm of John BE ternan, f that kind. - What in, the name of resso U we have all the legislative binary '0;b.
El atria Railway bi 1, �d h
do We keep ai Gover CHICKEN 8 ANTEx-Highost cash price
nme o, what Ottawa for, if not to guard the rights o"mill is a an 8 Premier'hIM - north half of lot 15, concession 6, Grey, hats
d telegraphed his objc one to the bili to been -sold to. J. W. Stevenson, of ths b town- Pal for chic: kene at Kem icody Broo., Sea fortlL
liteitives to Parlia- Interests Of the whole People and 1862.2
me iIWAY,COm_
o �roe send-, represe
of an of the Domi on Ra ship for the gum of $2,660 Pooness on will B.TG 13 rmE, -Th a 33rd regiment
th ohairen
4 a- tee. -What M4 re Well air oritids
1,10009 u in band, of
at for,'if not to, took after matters of this people of a ch of the'several Pro � i - . t Id th be gvi , on January lilt, with p f Seaforth, . ave been ngaged for an open air
if Von
rivi 0
nattire 7! 11 the inualeipalitie havethem, do ? TI a I Onti Ad Government
)n Mr. Bite- Cox cart, t( be hold (n the fair grounds, on
a or private thii bill in. question is an interfori as with ha 6 no right to pa up a lobby against say working on the; farm at once,
ctbiz'pns,'ha.ve to aseume thigi responsibili man's health, hAs not been. ve r A 90ious, thi evenbg of Tmeday, September 191;
y municipal and- provincial rights,, am: it ad- mem4e befoia the Domini Pailismant r3
�tstive eye- mittedly is, it was the dut.,�Y,of the Domini matter b9wbjecti �nable it maybe. To do benefit thereby
And, ilneur the cost, our represen no and he will take a rest for a time, ho )ln to cot imenc g a 7:� oclock. This is the
fire b ente sin ant f the kind ever given in
tem 1doeff seem to be, to a large extent, a Loa Minister of Justice would be'undign fied ang improper. If, -M 'a Stewart, of the 16
to, point this imb to 190 in Maggi bh Con- St &, an( an I he 331 d ban4 to justly famed
in spite of the pr( tests
d -6 0
Parliament, and not th 0 the Provincial cesel in of Grey,' is under the doctor)o care. for to exe 11en mu so, all those who attend
a 11 Y�0� ithoill Pro-- so horities, the peo )Is at 0 taws persist in 8
This bill and all otherg, he received seviere Injuries some. weeks ago, th
of a like nature vincial Attorney-beneral. i entert iina ant m. sy count on having, not
h4 bill -was m paising legislation Which is atitabionall,
ShoOd be unce while returning from a concert -in Brussels. oill a ran musical � eat, but a real good
'ad on, or an invasion of P6vincia, 110013 Coming Up or
remoni0afflY Pitch -b, and diffougsed in all its bearings, bo'bi in com-- s an e way horme behind them in tim . If %e weat ier in favorable there
1prffhoplp that the meaeure in question will mittee and in the Hones. me 1111sure) 1p iftiontion ladmittoldly is,the proper the darkness $rightened � their horse and wil , large 'crowd present,
In Oth pdoieq
Ob coi irse for' the Ontailo Governifient is to ap. 0 a thrown on no d ubt, be i,
n allowed to -find a resting place on its objectionable nature was not nly plaini peal to'blie cour' they w r to. Although there but there Will I a rosta for all,
Y ts' for toction. They- were three in:
the I'statute book of the Dominion, even in pointed out but was the rig, all escaped with NoTm-Mis i Iva Campbell, of London,
gifffrisrally a mitted by wi I likely do this in this 6stance. When stight bruises b4b Miss Stowarb. Mr, Stow. is v �s r the village, . -Messirs.
its aila ended. fornL If it cloes iti friet do
i will be the,, the Governm�ht, the leader of th, :Opposi- thi y fail in their duty in' -this respe to it art received a slight shaking up,
duby�f PheProvinoisiGov-erament to contest tion and ever� memb wi, I be tiMo e"noughlor the Toronto people John Zirey i ad in. Jeffrey Sandayed
or, who spoi on
-The residence of Richard Wal aeaJ of with relatives I Ki3jurn.-Robert Dalton,
to eap'sbuse._ on �hern as they are now
the- xUaitter to the last ditch, Wer c
an not, and it was dillipilded, by none. IT is city of do Dig. Londeaboro, had a narrow escape from be- os yx in Hamilton I&st
%1 PkOvince, Pgralit any such encroach. _Joronto is particularly Into ke.pent a bite, of Stratford, is the
res in the Ing burned down on f5aturJay morning, 15th wee -M I on
fast, The fire was under the house, it of ]ANIi" ell da Drake,-Th000
(Tbfeo't of the Measure, ed -in the antinad it resents a Tor- which gUel it of
rights the conatit tion affords 'dr, E. ILOaler, o re�, who
US*, We have, in. 4 was banked round with sawdust so there left this -neigh 6rhOd last week- for the
the past, fought too long is more dangerous to the. tights that city on io'constititenoy I the -Mminion Parlia. W
no P
aning. � Smoke was seen COMID Not bhwest war 7AI 6 Yeo, Edgar Miller,
to Cra was raise -ris, ent e th Drake, Wm. Joyce,
against encroachments than to any other munt - P&Iity' or' merit, has the. facal of loocing very wise out at the bottom, and an ala Alb)rt Neil
a. 1 Toronto ia represent wb fte talking the Ve y reverie, and he doeb and a few neighbors came tb their* assist- Win. Davis, Hu h sil u I Duncan McDonald. -
of th n lure, to throp the sponge now. the Provine ad by ones. It did not take lovg to. put ot �t the Mrs WM. 8011 cf Seaforth, is spiendin
(1%e beoilile Will 40t auger ally fooling in this four able bodied men in the D not seem to be awar) that h a talk is gener- 9
ominion Par
a W her daughters n the fl.
fire, but some of the joist and the floor a fOl wee 8 w
Insotter. If this bill even, in its amended Ifament, who are never backward in making all, r very much lam 1 wine 'ban his looks.. were quite damaged. The fire Inni -The no P ti arevent in this local.
was ri .0 tag
f Cali' is sflc�wed to go,, every othe Pacific
r company their likes or dislikes known in th W. ille discussing th Grand Trunk up the outside at one corner when the ty ill be society
a House, fire! I the picho of the of
thatPairesto got, privileges they are not but for eorfie re roe colutione fifii the- age. tf a iother night, men got to the scene, Fri cle, at Go rie,i pularly called the
I d to I will foil ason Yet unexplained; ULb he unearthed a 'table mare's roast. -One of the 'IQ iakers' pion io."
Ow the example of this one of them had the cour& oldest and most reaDected rhis will be hold on
90 to moie against W th apparently a Wawanos Monday, August 31 it,-Mr.a. usuipbell, of
at sh low of wisdom residents of East h passed ai sy n
com and sogn the municipalitie% will the bill when it came up -for a third and a a, he ointed :out b6t all the I . St. Thomas, is the 2 of her brother, Mr.
no earnestops unda
16L bond slaves Of tho'corpdrations. final reading, but allowed it to p�oo ma rioills for -,the 00 struoti f the pro- morning, August 16thi in the person Gea.-ge Batson.- Br an and daughter,
Without of Mrs. �amea Brandon, of the, 16th c MCI a. Y
A d Goveri�ment a, lotion o�ntheo road must, sion, in the 85th year o v
Is OntirelY` too much of this eort of even calling for a divighw'on.ib. ID view of f her age. TE l, h to Maglaia. ba a return home, after spending
thing already, and So( rding to .the Cal olution , be admitted M Co. B two Onth 5 with Cal ives in Michigan.
We can r, randon, whose maiden lisma ma's
Ot tooJealously these facts, which none 'can
deny,, K right fre of duty, Mid -h expa sited st great Ann Sharpe, was bicira in Ireland, i rat t e
guard oar interestd in this reopeat. or fair to blame th
the Ontatio Go length on the I
ver mInt for nju# is- W Id be to the year 1848, and emigrated to Canada with iciv 3en.
in&y seem strange that a - measure of failing to do, what the Dominion evo� d ustries of this cot; ntry, w ich would be her
_parbnts, in the year 1828, and e ettl d
this Isture, ISL verament, co D. MminViO 2er and Conveyancer,
hould pass t;he. Dominion Par. and' Parliament refused- t ripelled to compet 3 on n terms with with them in the townsh 0:
to do'. alt"hough ip Lof Vaugbaug willB, ),,as and deeli dran up. Money loaned
the manufacturers ol forefg L countries for county of York. . In the year 1839 sh -, was at th, rates of Into t,
t4S case. It came th 'had il� in their pq liame�t, loct sach is
up ey !ver, whe emu the the millions of dolli ra wor ill of material united in marriage to bar late husband., Jas. Xq=s.- Mr. Win, Cudmore is making
for fir�al treatment a -few days. ago, n a a 71
Two Provincial Governm�nb bid 0 O�ee or u - wh i b ould go into
the cOul b1u0tIOU of the Brandon,by Rev, E. Ryerson, and thelir largi shipments 0 bal _d hay from our sta-
werniie of the Government the lead6r of thority in the matter ?i The N rood, and the vast a noun t f money that married life b�e n in the townshf p - of W48t tion to the old I unt Mr. Cadn-Aore does
8'ud wo- ild in this way gi i o u the Canadian
600posit-on and several m coullby of Sim000, , H re
b of
th Imbers on both other complainers,, if they, wish tolpe fair Gwilliambury. his Ia�hsre t4wards kv ping the business of
exc: kequier and find I away into the pockets they remained for about 16 years, wh n the *orld inovin I g. ism Victoria Bishop. of
oidesle�l the, House spoke agais! jt� each one should place the blame *hare It . heiongsp' 'of ' rankee qnd othe foreign manufacturers. they removed with their rowing farrily to UsbOrne, vitel4 wit i her cousins, the Miss.
poiqtiIng cut the fact th" 9
at It i clearly an Mile responsibility of thd Ontario Govern_ u I unfortfin I f r Mr. 0slar, his case thb townabip remainpld as Cooper, luring thp fore part of the week.
kio hmenr of King, - The "
a on Provincial rights, and that ment in the matter has not yet commenced- spo by Xt apes er, who ToInt, there about seven years, when th y movied -M'
flect the 0 0 to. J. Balfodr wi 4 in Bayfield the fore
ad ut thaf Mr. Osle : had verlooke
it Ift measure which sbould be sought from If the meaure is allowed,'finally� to b the to the township of East Wawanosh, in tte part:of the week, cal ing on her slater, Mrs.
ecome fac that the maim a from which year 1862, so as to be near their sons, MoVibbon, who is c4roping there. -Mr. and
04tario: Legislature, 'and not one single law, as we do not think it will'be.. I - b I Wfli a r
the i
he 2ad'qu
oted also p ovided .5hab the foad aDd J. H., for whom their father had MrF.! Wm. Johnoton� �f St. LouiB, are visit -
word ivi". said im its favor, a d still it pawed then be for the Provinef to
n al Government must be construcked by contriaol; to be g�ven
chased farms in the township of lVj or 2, ing 0, the hon -e iof D4:1. and Mrs. James M111 -
to the lowest tender, ind that- the provisions Their family coasieted of eleven chi dr V,
its third reading, and In so far so the -Com- take the necesary legal pro deedinge to have he �r, Jo�nstcO's -er'a,-Mr. T. Malli
-too ly a )Plied to the Govern- - M u hari ostin hii Ium crop and kept
,eferred D !er,o
aeven of whom survive their parents . is
t 141 In da,
an Inob it
W on a, IiSM
'no the minion P
101,00 0
. . . . . . . . . . .
81tock Red Sal'.
$000 worth Dry Goods, Gerts' Furnishings,
Smallware, Staples andl Millinery,
All on sale on Saturdity moming, m tlie stock must be reduced . quickly to
rriak6room for Fall goods now arfiving. A geuu�ne Blaughter sale 10f .110
bal%��Ce of Augusit; goods wiU be sold also nearly your --own price.
-E'=-VV- TL__o:M_A_3D:H3-TZS
�able of Plain Colored Silks to be sold at 19c ai yard.
Sixty and sev,6ntyi-flve cent Dress GO& to be rid at 39c a yard.
One dollar uldin's shirts to.go at 59c each, i
Oest wool and' cashmer hoBe for ladies at 19 �tpajir.
P, a
Twelve-and-a-ha'lf cent Flannelettes W be sco'ld C. a yard.
00me quicklylo everything goes cheap.
1�,P ON
Highest Prices Paid fo Produce.
Z, & - H
a �00
Utdurifig the re",�
Mr. Joh
_gb-ort diatoin
111ruCk by lightZ11
d. 'The b&,u
rvo�!I err
ap Thhere4
'110311- willl�a COD!
w AMNw
jamb week, At Denfi4
torea at the repi
ted Mai
i ith-
-,a bwai
GG)MY VAS bie,�
Ily *en 6�
Is had or -,
'for almsel"
A good ral
A qWgWg,MW-
=ed at Denfl
the popula
bvAr,ved to Denfiel-
ond 4�n �riday
Is" Of r4,,e. U rs.
40 the Ute au -
. nw of W rloq
to whan. "quitu
len "
P'T in deelii�
W. Ion, I
f"M consmimpt
inexpected. lart.
for her V_ 3,il
will be deep�
Her remea-V
theran ewemeUrl
botVig largely
g Who.$ (now). =MR
_= Por
f�oas per
Pir t-10 (bld).
Vn bueb (in-il
Vessill. Per b"X4
W"jod Pa =00ong)� -
-WWperomd (4bog0l)'
VIVOWY soed -A,
for ;*r 100 lie-Aw L _;4
per it -
to 15% per pouD
Jdrawe4 Wei 1)
11 --le mer pound
to 8,1 -
par pound. I
Li 7_Rrom. Augu
Qd - Cmaidisn,ilid
mand for them was
"mained unsold. I
Choice, bawherie,4
miedlum, 3 zo I,
%1V,4N—Tb dew=
fited umt
4emand Fbr�a
eep U t from,
Us ttron
"dihipping steerz.,
e,W inteers, 954 Ito
$2 25
stockerS -and fo�_-di
lleffers, S21M t& ro�
springem.. gwid 4145-.1
ebioieel W-5 to SNI
biaiiivy, $6.30 t
Yvrkerw, INMI tol
SC75'; dairiess
4hV%P A*ad]
'few at year
wethers. �4 to Z4_2
shospo, muxed, $1.5
TZ-�o'�;To. Augm
ket was none too g
erg, especially the
number h --Id over
were eaFy- at quots
pir . for latuabs *
-in them at 14.50 1
alt at A0 to 9:
kep Was not Urge;
at $6,25 for Lights �i
lots -of bab6Uerj?`
I o150 to 1,175 poui
to the best ev%
U-50 ; loaolm Of
44 to $4.25 WiL
mon,'$3-75 to $4
-too $3.25 * Feederf,
wek-hing from W
st $3.25 to $3.50
year to two-ytw
pounds each, ure
eVVt ; i0ff-COlOrG At
of the same wa
V.75 per owt. fift
Apringem are wor
�Cavia--Calves :
$3.50 to $F, per,
to $3.60 Pe�, cwt.
' % 32.75� -8p
a, to
*t $4.150 to t4.75
loacon hog% not I
111morie �than r-" pot
at 15W.550 per �cq
$6 . 25_; 9OWs, $411
stap at S2to$S1
TORO -N -TO, -40 -
tinues quiet, wfut
Vryyrl�lts, 19 to
*holes dairy ponric
�&otee dairy tulm,.
Medium dairy, 1�
tinues shout lot-ead
Ing -at eutsi4e VP0
Urge arequoted,
fieely, but the V ' i6
to l5c r demen.
seleic 17 to 17
l4c; X
to 104AC
7921& Btitter—INj
'1940 ; - bow, -o
per pound.
.'ZoRoxroo AuguL
Accond-hand �lsiar.
'wed aboat tA;w-.1
each. - Some f
U -In T"dt-_%ur�
Mr. Thou1se Hi"A
R1FFn;-T= ii�;:
Mr. Joftph,
1"" Bolton
al Mr.' I!
0. middle
AUGUST �Nq 19o3
Good Shoes for
Everyday 1W earn.
!� I& � � — 'AL � � � A. I& � — �AL — � — � — — �
W;Zw —,w
And wlien we it we nioan that the upper leather is of good g
, Uto_
atanee, the soles ablid and strong, and that the i_�01es and counters are
made of Solid leather, thus enouring better wear to the Shoes, and help-
ing them keep their shape until
wom cliat. Tharie are -the kind of shoes
we sell—the kind that makes friends for the stare, and ine.rea8e,3 � our
trade year after year.
For this seimon our stock of wearing shoes is, larger and the assortment greater
than ever,'and includes the best factory makes, as well as a good supply
of "our own mako!'
As to pricesi no matter what you want
to Oay, vve ean suit you. We have gotd
weanng shots at $1.00, $1.25, $1,50, $1.75, $2400 iind $2.50 a
i Pair, and
every pair good value for your money.
0-UIR 0 W L&V
l0omfortable, durable aud waterproof, made from the best leather money e4n
buy, Ganadian kip, 83.25 a pair; r, rench kip, 83M a pair. Made to
order -for the same prices.
+++-! 111 -; + 1-444
1 H-1 1 i -mi fo+ f
R., WILLIS & SON, Seaforth,
Sole'Agents for the Slater Shoe for ruen and the Empress Shoe for women,
busy supplyitig the demands of his many
Mr. and Mrs. John T(endersen attended the,
customers, The people know where to
woolding of -itheir iFliece Mies McDonald I of
come when they want good fruit, and Tom is
Howick, Imt We&esday.—A from
aI ready with the beelt.—Mrs. Jones.
is im-!
here attend d the � eddbng of Miss JdA-7
,wcaKam been poorly for some Unite..
McClinton, Mr. ;R+oben Taylor, a Prom -
roving slowly. —MesBro, Thos. Dinsdale.&
perous young farms 'of East Wawsaoih._
ona are now completing tbalir quarter of a
Win. Drummond, Winghaw, is visiting
� tory in the threshing business, Th -A is a
o0A .
L w
his p—arentsin tow this weex.—Nicholle
IoDg timo to be doing business with the
Cummings, who reicently -sold him f&r1n in
p4lilio, which speaks weli'lio-ti the Messrs.
Morrielij h" purchased the house belongiw�
Dlnodals as workman.—Miss Lillian White-
is home from Detroit on a visit. Miss
to Isaac Barr ADA intend
1 - a
town soon. Mr. Barr, has
who IYU
man is studying music in that City.—
6, Jackson and childt4n, of Ripley,
resident, of 'our village for a couple of years,
intends moving back-im' his; farm, near lan.
here this week visiting bar mother,
deaboro.—Win. Phillips of the fim of
John Craiwford. and her sister, Mrs. J.
Plifflips & Ross -one of the largest stove.
B. McLean.—Mrs, R. MoMordis and her
houses in Chicago, is at present visiting
dalaghter. Miss Annig, visited the past iweek
witla his numerous friends in town, who aft
,wI h Mrs. Thompson, of Londeaboro.—The
welcome him back agsin,----�Tfie past Week-
.tlalenent of the Lord'i Supper will be dis-
has been a week of picnice, Although ratber
penned in St. Andrew -'s church the Orst San.
late in theseagon they all gob -fine we&th,
day in Septembe�.—Mr. Joseph Rood is all
—IApt Thursday the Catholics of Blyth wad
smile# theme da The reason is that the
Ciiiion held a union ViCnic At Psiqubses
bome has been up by the arrival
grove, about half w&v between the two
of is young daughter.—Migs Effie Smith has
places. There were quite a number from
raiurned to the village, after spending some
here -attended. One - of the inter g
weeks in London.—Mr. Alex, Moir, of Man-
things in eonnectiOrAwitb it was the draw-
itobs, who hasbeen visiting Ontario friends
ing for tho, three; yaluable Presents, W.
for some time, is visiting his-alster, Mrs. S.
James Heffro�n, of- Heffrou Bros., of this
Thompson, or. Mr. Moir Intends returning
place, was lucky ingetting the first prize,
to Manitoba in a short time.—Mrs. H. Shaf-
consisting 6f a rilver tea service,'valued,st,
fer is still in Clinton, but is doing so nicely
$25.—The Methadists bold tifeir plonle- at
that it is expected that she will be able to
Mr. Sloan'j grove on Friday, there being a
come home in -a short time.
very good attendance, and.on Wednesday of
bilis Weak, ibe Preaby ti-rians held theirs at
Hills 13reen.
Mr. Potter a grove. Those who were At
Cnicicuxs WAINTED. —Highest- cash price
both of the is report agood time.—U-r.Thoff. -
Jones and daughter, I Mre. Murray vl.ho
paid for oblokene at Kennedy Bros., Sclaforft
were reoently burned out of their. hotel at
Snapping chances in choice now dress
Brucefield, lare visiting Mr. John Emigb, Of
goods and suiting clothh that suggest quick
the Qmmeiroial, this week.
action if you know a good tbing. and out
and out value for your money. This refers
I Farquhar.
to certain now goods for early fall wear and
Do you go where you -ean.get the newest,
which are- in the store of the R. MoFaul Co.,
freshentu, most stylish gooda? Do you g . 0
Seaforth. Now broadcloths, viounse, chev-
where you oacii get the beat' service, or do
iot@, venetiansi'llomeopuns, flaked effects,
just dfo-p in any place, make -your selectiolis
cord do sole, ete. 18634
from what is shown you, paytbe price ask-
Nom.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Stephenson,
ed and come away? Our message points
of Marlette, Mich!gan, came over Monday
the way to economy aLnd tatisfaction. Do
to as their son, Thornas, who is seriously
your fiLhopulng at the E. McFaul C-o'!s swre,
ill at present.—Mine E. Stewart is also on
Seaforth. lines of new fall goods are
the sick Us esent.—George Troyer,
already to 7illand. 1893-1
operator at 4111meprr, visited his parents here
NoTz,9--'We are glad to learn that Mr.
for, a week or so, - George's many friends
James Rae ney, who has been sick for tome
were glad to see him again. His brother,
time, is on p fair way to recovery.—ThomeA
James T. Troyer, reiturned 'to Alymer with
lofe0u, dy ' going to erect a new windmill
him, where he will engage'in the operating
on hIsrbsrn1J-1:-Miss Mary Gilmour, of (13olo.
also.—Miss Agnes HAgan, of Detroi�, is
rado, in retlewing old acquaintances in tilis
spending a few week& under bhe parental
ijejghborho6d. Miles Gilmour finds quite
roof.—Mrs, Carbetta, of Toronto, is visiting
number of i changes, after an absence of
at, Mrs. James JarroVs.—The watermelon
about 20 arg.—The Thames Road SocloW
noolmil, In connection with the Methodist
of Christi Endeavor held their Annual,
church, was a deoeided success.—Two of
jionio to t lake on Saturday. The day
our. young men sought to immitate the
WAW all tha coull be desired and a large
Jeffery -Corbett fight, on Tuesday evening
number too tidvantage of it.—Thomas At -
lost, but beyond a little rooster tassel noth-
lenentert-a4i ad a small company of frien&
Ing dangerous occurred. We would advise
Tuesday 6 81oling. The evening was opentl
the young men to romidn at howe unbil they;
in music an games, All had a good time,
know how to conduct themselves when Ouj
-1-We regroo tast the wife of our merchant
Instead of keeping people &wake at' night by
still continpes in poor health.—Thomas
their Dolan. A young man from Dixte was
Ballantyne and Ch1%rIes Borland, spent -an
referee of the fight,—Thirsislaing in the order
evening at the beginning of the week on the
of the day around here and grain is turning
main street 1of Pingtown.
out good.
1 DzATH OF Mi:,�. TmmsoN.--We mintioned
Schoolsh for girls and boys. We have
a splendid sWk of these Unm mado eepecWly for
Is;t week the very serious accident which
otir trade. W. H. W11i is,, sole ageo for Dorothy
befel. Mr. Thomas W, Thomson, section
Dodd aboes fqr ladles and Gw_rge A, Slater bhoell W
foreman- oil the railway here. Mr. Thomson
, eato 186S-1
died In the hospital, in Stratford, on Mon-
DDoTs. — . (Dr.) Cooper, who has buen
day. ; He was very highly respected in this
o"nding tb�e past month with her'son, Mr.
oommquaity, and his death will be deeply re-
Win. Thompson, has returned to bown to
gretted by all who know him. The remains
rejoin her. butband, who has returnedfrom
were bronght home for burial. The funeral
the Wesb,-i-Mios C. X Thomson, who bass
took place Wednesday and was largely at-
been spendipg the past two months and a
bonded. The Workmen, of which he waa p.
half with fri[613(119 in Manitoba. has returned
member, took charge of the funeral. The
boals.—Tho MiiGes Jeabie and Mina Wilh-
mother and two sisters have the sympathy
ilon,of Lonoon, and Mrs. Milton EpUtt,of
of the community in their s%d bereave-
Coldwater. roe visiting -at Mr. WalterWll-
lizon0a at pr�aaent.—Mrs. 0. Dals and daugh-
NOTES.—James Moffat, of Stratford, was
ter, who have been spending some time
visiting at his home -over Sunday.
visiting friends in British (Foltimbia and
McDonald, of Tuckeramith in at present
'he f her friend, Miss May
Other places have returned home.,
go Nesbitt.
jo'not social, held under the auspicesAL
of the ng Ladies' Guild of the Episcopal
church,last Friday evening, on their lawill
[From i n occasional correspondent)
ato -the oburok was a success In every way,
NoTm— School has re -opened with -a ffrtr
The Wingham bond was there, and certain-
attendance. -LMrs. White is visiting friands
ly did themselves credit by the music they -
in the town1of Goderieh this. week.—Mils4so
rendered, playing most of the evening, 1
Eliza. and Balle McKibbin, of Toronto, wo
Making it very enjoyable. The receipts
have been visiting their siEter, Mrs. XoEiv-
were about $50, and all who were there on.
an, and other friends, have returned to the
joyed themselves. —Barrister McDonald, of
city again. - -The farmers are still butry wind-
Goderich, paid Blyth a visit Thursday even.
ing up their barve-st.—Xindly bear in raind
Ing of last week.—Werl. Robert on, of
tho Metbodlzf�karvest home garden psnY.v
Wingbam, was here Iwit week, In the inter-
to be held on Ahe parsonage grounds dA
ests of the of Eisst Huron going
Wednesda y Sep�ember 2od. The Xdho-
over the voters' list. By the-presea activ- -,dioit
people have 43cured the services of *,the
ity it looks very ipuch as ttough we might
Brussels brasi band for the occasion, Aa
expecib an election for the Dominion House
will try in all, lines to make it a tucee".—
in a'few months.'—Mra. Symoudson and
Jennis MeXibbin has retunWd from 'Wal -
Mrs. Praham, of Detmit, are viait',ng at the
lazeburg, wbere she and her olipteys, Blandhe.
residonce of Mrs. John.Buie at foreaent.—
have been visiting their father and brothem
81tock Red Sal'.
$000 worth Dry Goods, Gerts' Furnishings,
Smallware, Staples andl Millinery,
All on sale on Saturdity moming, m tlie stock must be reduced . quickly to
rriak6room for Fall goods now arfiving. A geuu�ne Blaughter sale 10f .110
bal%��Ce of Augusit; goods wiU be sold also nearly your --own price.
-E'=-VV- TL__o:M_A_3D:H3-TZS
�able of Plain Colored Silks to be sold at 19c ai yard.
Sixty and sev,6ntyi-flve cent Dress GO& to be rid at 39c a yard.
One dollar uldin's shirts to.go at 59c each, i
Oest wool and' cashmer hoBe for ladies at 19 �tpajir.
P, a
Twelve-and-a-ha'lf cent Flannelettes W be sco'ld C. a yard.
00me quicklylo everything goes cheap.
1�,P ON
Highest Prices Paid fo Produce.
Z, & - H
a �00
Utdurifig the re",�
Mr. Joh
_gb-ort diatoin
111ruCk by lightZ11
d. 'The b&,u
rvo�!I err
ap Thhere4
'110311- willl�a COD!
w AMNw
jamb week, At Denfi4
torea at the repi
ted Mai
i ith-
-,a bwai
GG)MY VAS bie,�
Ily *en 6�
Is had or -,
'for almsel"
A good ral
A qWgWg,MW-
=ed at Denfl
the popula
bvAr,ved to Denfiel-
ond 4�n �riday
Is" Of r4,,e. U rs.
40 the Ute au -
. nw of W rloq
to whan. "quitu
len "
P'T in deelii�
W. Ion, I
f"M consmimpt
inexpected. lart.
for her V_ 3,il
will be deep�
Her remea-V
theran ewemeUrl
botVig largely
g Who.$ (now). =MR
_= Por
f�oas per
Pir t-10 (bld).
Vn bueb (in-il
Vessill. Per b"X4
W"jod Pa =00ong)� -
-WWperomd (4bog0l)'
VIVOWY soed -A,
for ;*r 100 lie-Aw L _;4
per it -
to 15% per pouD
Jdrawe4 Wei 1)
11 --le mer pound
to 8,1 -
par pound. I
Li 7_Rrom. Augu
Qd - Cmaidisn,ilid
mand for them was
"mained unsold. I
Choice, bawherie,4
miedlum, 3 zo I,
%1V,4N—Tb dew=
fited umt
4emand Fbr�a
eep U t from,
Us ttron
"dihipping steerz.,
e,W inteers, 954 Ito
$2 25
stockerS -and fo�_-di
lleffers, S21M t& ro�
springem.. gwid 4145-.1
ebioieel W-5 to SNI
biaiiivy, $6.30 t
Yvrkerw, INMI tol
SC75'; dairiess
4hV%P A*ad]
'few at year
wethers. �4 to Z4_2
shospo, muxed, $1.5
TZ-�o'�;To. Augm
ket was none too g
erg, especially the
number h --Id over
were eaFy- at quots
pir . for latuabs *
-in them at 14.50 1
alt at A0 to 9:
kep Was not Urge;
at $6,25 for Lights �i
lots -of bab6Uerj?`
I o150 to 1,175 poui
to the best ev%
U-50 ; loaolm Of
44 to $4.25 WiL
mon,'$3-75 to $4
-too $3.25 * Feederf,
wek-hing from W
st $3.25 to $3.50
year to two-ytw
pounds each, ure
eVVt ; i0ff-COlOrG At
of the same wa
V.75 per owt. fift
Apringem are wor
�Cavia--Calves :
$3.50 to $F, per,
to $3.60 Pe�, cwt.
' % 32.75� -8p
a, to
*t $4.150 to t4.75
loacon hog% not I
111morie �than r-" pot
at 15W.550 per �cq
$6 . 25_; 9OWs, $411
stap at S2to$S1
TORO -N -TO, -40 -
tinues quiet, wfut
Vryyrl�lts, 19 to
*holes dairy ponric
�&otee dairy tulm,.
Medium dairy, 1�
tinues shout lot-ead
Ing -at eutsi4e VP0
Urge arequoted,
fieely, but the V ' i6
to l5c r demen.
seleic 17 to 17
l4c; X
to 104AC
7921& Btitter—INj
'1940 ; - bow, -o
per pound.
.'ZoRoxroo AuguL
Accond-hand �lsiar.
'wed aboat tA;w-.1
each. - Some f
U -In T"dt-_%ur�
Mr. Thou1se Hi"A
R1FFn;-T= ii�;:
Mr. Joftph,
1"" Bolton
al Mr.' I!
0. middle