HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-21, Page 8r 7 M"P, Aft - 'f.74 177 AUGUS 903 RON E*PO T 219 1 J THE Ing a bo queb o: whi room. Her goin urfellow-eitizen upon the high honor con - ba Aku& AAk A�. exproWd [if- sell ally- ready fo� the a —Min Dolly Fowler, of Giland- 01D.Dortunity. 0ir" -illness she was G. OD FLOUR Away c tume 1;i, A Of lue voile over orred upon him. Harvest Timt. 16'' w change..: rough hert b olik, wom with bb k blouse, and white Toronto, wbo is visiting bar nister, Mrz..F. tenderly cA bid for by�;.t r, broither an4 niecon, i 0 1 'French I at. T bridpomaid wore white or- Gladman sang in Cavan Presbyterian arld on Till day aftei�ti on -her -friends - laid If yen cannot make your flour Isi until I I �i' I DIBTRIOT - MATTEIRS. lace, hureb, on go ath morning, and in Trivi 'To Get Screen Windows and her -to rest prairie ievO.Ceinotery, six of the �lot of 8eptember, call in An I take home gandio, trimm . with valenciennes ch in t narrying a bon t of hits carnations. The eL orig'I beevening, Her sing. Doors at a., very Low Price. hernephev acti all bearers, and her a small bag, from H&miltqn & Kerelake's. In For Summer CROSSLEY AND HURTZ& On pas ng -omer always a customer. We happy c0uple I on t 3.37 train for a two 1 ou.both occasions Was highly appi Sunday, tot, Rel . I)r. Thq eon, conducting the Once a cuiiI weeks' trip to Milt Niagara Falls, and! d.— r. G. Martin, of the Molsone Bank., August 301h. the well-known even l�i sei4ims. M Douglass was a mom - sell the best. Aensall, and Mr Revp. Cr get -or' stay and Huntero will in age bar of a lax 48 family t whom she was bound points alit, hoc ompau d by the best wishes, as been transferred to is# of eol;ngelistio meetings i 0 ' i eon and proo- —Mr. Am: so ofn Hickey, of Heneall, senb here, vo �erl 40 rtl by snAffedion untioui ly strong Asia mzny�; from all for thel i futur bapp n Sho persill They come, with hearts aglow to preach 19AMUMNA KERISLAKE parity. The sents were handsome and 'rose P. Smith, the genial teller Of the P b who elSial io blood latioi with her you ean't afford to mine thi's chance if th moror so V, '�Igroo presented the bride, overign Bank, received word last week glad tidings of salvation to All. and It will Ion r4 member ntle ouglaso for hei� hail] u want anything in this Hue. irletiono to join with them in p Seed Merchants . . . 4orth. with a gold fob k, to the groomsman &I �bat he had be;n appointed manager of the 10 loving's Abby an ener a hospitality. Sn.d left for thst place on or and labor for tha salvation of the pe She was. a barter in M; r f the Prei pair of gold lin s, the bridesmaid a gol& bank at Marmors, Smith This is a general clear up mouth in the Get Our�PriceSL Before Buying is to alfand they invi terian, 0 h o a u, and a old pi a to the flower girl. Tuesday evening o! lost week. Mrs. Their message h ch of P and cherished to Opal pi Goods trade. Summer goo4a are mar cisruivIlal this week.—M Bi sie Mo. —Cox. will follow later. While regrettfu the re-, beirli to theft ta�etinge.-�-Com. the last er fathers and the bra' Tavish h .- accepted a position as tancher in moval of Mr. Smith, we are ple -to see disposedo that We a reguf- VVEEOLB V .—'AT— blast, faith of I so cheaply f ditione an memorle of her,childbo6d. She pla.tbsville� school, and air harvest for the buying p #io, Mine I ells, Waugh:, V na. that he ban won favor with the offloialu. belonged, t? a type o Christians fast di inL iss 08 ore doing the reapin THZ Bo LMS AT 00 x tin loop- 0 T ok Oar6 in b a school, a Turner% Brumccunty.—Mra a I Monday even the p 9 from our I owling club to pearing, w io hold tit r church and its ordin- i - A SAO D�ATIL 0 ing of Dimes and dollar's are being saved b tournstruse b, given by the G�dsricb' club, 8 Berton, in visiting friends at Niagara last wee4 a very sad event occurred at Farquhar. 7 "amilifty On Y31 ancom in highest to Co. Of 13, family of awake shoppers who take advon Fallo.—M i2i their ozef Iletub ad only t its. W. Ameab is v ting friends tage of of last greenj op IThundsyv a ton she is urviv wo, brothers Varns, a the death of"Mrs. Miller,tho much Don. —The farmers In thi vicinity have Much chances, and do their trading wh,,re iSTOR. Friday week. Twknty-fd-tW--r Andi, an! luSb. Morys and Londou.—Mr. H, Eilber, beloved wife of Rev, ]E� A. Miller, the de-. started plowing for fall wheat. A good Andtaw Isran, of coterie, Illinois, little moneyean he excb&'Dge&, for mnih 919A.FORTH 4ok part 1 n the tournament. The *eatt er Hei M. T. P., .:for South Huron, was among I t ! J Paulin&. vote� N tor of Varna circuit. The demos. shower would do a lot 01 good, Lag the ground bulk, and quality to show,' bo 50 10t. wide r Coi ran, Mr.-, those whoi attended the Conservative dem. - idea. �n both da ya was *rfeot, and the jplay4 rs ad die liter a trief it neon of a few hours I!$ getting very dry.---�Mrs. David Duncan Merchants are deoilous to xid their Xetu Hardware,. Stoves, Etc. seemed all to thorozghly enjoy the �otltl 3g oustration! at Toronto island last - week.—It and mu, ill BY P th felt for the bereaved rned home from Manitoba last Satur- and shelves of all hot weather rnAterisig- 100 Ift- long LA .—The savers put ib all over is stated. that about 6,000 1 left Outar- -y and the bc spitslity of the Goderioll -- plays a. 'POOP husbai and n bAh, r. and Mrs. Fitz, I day. Mrs. Duncan think@ Manitoba Is a and you ire'they who need the The Mitoell men carried off first' Orize in the St. Wd a Tlaye *1 in the game here on io this weo'k an the Manitoba hiii i, i sot excur. ld� ChIse's burs The funeral which erg, P. 90049 )f us eountry.—Mes for your personal comforti sions. This is not quite so r isny as last Ig # I �ery prospeto -11 Wedneod got ask, to break the tie f ednei goly att- 31 d L Paosmore and T. the tropbN tTk oo on A good plan for you, is to mak ei a list .,of tbs match, and *-second in , ilis --i 6s. Aay, was tar a Lye. Cameron left here o iDominion Day. The year, and' g d many who wet t will not do soclatiou London got second in thstront f, game. play tended. Thil d as e4, who bad jurst enter-, for tRe7old country wi* a Rue bunch of things you require. Thell, in Order to t rhl 0 0 first in the association. 154th score was our to on In favor of Soxfort much a a barvent.—Mr. 'John BuNer, ad on It r 35th fat cattle last Wednesdpiy.—Mrs. Kaufman DONE W, I BA NK ear, Was a devoted church Ch sy with frie do in Lon have yo,4r mind's worth so well as L but that byr no in arm tie! jeweler, Mont Sand I I is -Mrs, W. and a preci a fair indica zes in the consolation match were worker rom a ldhoi and greatly assisted atud children are visiting her a ter nay don.—, Mr; Thoo. MoNsught, of 'a worth P ate the valus ri Tf,`each pumbase After ou've tskcu of the pla asba4 it hot been for the St.;- It Seaforti the rinks skipped by Mr. At otonto, has her.huallband the' various charges to a Far� TORONTO. Turnbull, of Farquhwr.­�-Plngtown an HEAD OFF10F.. re being the r. Marys go keeper, w4o played an extr6- been renewing old a usint oeships in which wait 4u or y il Wilson and Mr. R. S. Hai a pi, They were war- h held their annual picnic to Grand. orni do your buying at j ordinary ins, the-icore would have boon town this week. He is a guest the Com- I not sud'a A tunate tinei. These two rinkis have yet to rind a. Mix A"rV Last year, owing All had a very ei I th* the people's popL�� E. B. OSLER M. P, T, G. BROUGH, Aiend lasti Wednesday. play off f6i first and second— The folio very mue larger.. !The St. Marys P00010 mercial. r. John Habkirk, he had his to Mr. iller"s Sal 1 eing poor, they cook joy -able tlme.---�Messra. Peter and David President General Manager corn a th come up special ttrain- and were accom! leg fractured a couple of weeks 0, in gob- �8LOSIOede::tere. -. �7 Rich& �h fit to 0ardiner bad a runaway last Tuesday, but ripke r T, -d- b great benefit to n a panted by him Now Being Clearej-.-. son"'o D Vatan!J ome 300. i,onthusi*te while -a ting along nicely and vie *h6pe t* sea a trip to the V�i C. Greig. R.!S.HA71, eacb� 1 _—;4 W', a press they got off uninjured. OCCUPY I%. MmE Capital, Futty Paid Up—$2.983,865 00 skip ;.W. lGovealook, Rov� J. W..godgi number tit from StgAford, and a- around skaio soon -Miss Katil' Broadfoot J ';,e 4 to be out.—Mr. a0le Buying Yor YOU. Alexw Wilson, skip. bout half Mitchell 1�as on 4he gr"ounds. has sufflaienoly roe I Gode 'Ch. Winthrop, d ill I OZ ir Inis spent Re -serve Fund and un- The home team war In goo ispe and Of On k Vi SEASONABLE DRESS Gowo,- 337,220 48 a -were strem Sued �the -.additlou -of W. &Hf&errwydaWyii"!i!�-'-Ptlhs'his niewo, me me. REmo VAL OF A PAS�OR. -0n SaniftY I"to: C1110KENS WANTED. —Highest cash price divided- Profits S 3,- FASHIONABLE MILLINERy, THE E4Am%­Duribg the post week w I Bristly, w 0 was on of the favorites in the Loan. —Mr. !, in. P0*611, of T9 onto, spent during ivins I ervice, the congregation of for chickens at Kennedy Bros,, Seaforth. Deposits by Public 923,389,680 75 have had many ai enquiries An to -with his paren' bly surprised at 1862-1 -TO- EAR TO an wbo St, Fe e churvh wers greal READY W EATS Total Assets St 33,791,,703 36 whether to not we havie received Ior put di. big team ( a few yi at@ ago. He played a a couple of ( rvvm and friends -aeon, whio Ise Dickson, of near'Tol exander Aitch SHADY PARASOLS, fine game, ulto up ;&his old time form. in towa, M edo the An uneem Out of their respected posbor,, Noirm,-)dr. Al cation the list of the lames of those who P The other embersof the team were right Ohio, is visit�llg her brother, Mr. 8 Rev, tbe.r- West, that His Lordship,' has spent the past winter In Gravenhureb, have passed -the deparitnental:examinatio 28. amael WASHABLE SHIRTWA187-% Bisho aRva, of Lo don, had ordered hisz� returned home thin week. -Rev. J. Parish in it tqo, a good and effective Ti The Oomforth Milling ompany are I-SEAFORTH BRANCH, To all such we may as:, the list has not at hay plat� to St,'Thom Father Weab has, and Mrs. Parish, of Pine City, Minn., who, PAST BLACK HOSIURY, GRAVU. bee" moived. Thi . examiners 0 - com:bInati u, and fn . the beginnitig were having a well drilled at that mill. -Mr. rome ]"*1 Str"t. . EkMfOrtb. pleted thoir. work a( me time ago, and t right in t 9 game. ey outplayed the St.- Steplitin Lamb Is having a now verandah been th pastokof St'. Pattees for a great, havespent the post two weeks with the lat- SUMMER CORSETSand VESTS, of a built at the side of big residenco.-Mrs. A. many ro, si 4 during his incumbency the ter's mother, Mrs. Barwickl, -of this place. DAINTY M 08LINS,: Every fon By for th'i! transacting in nothing 4horb of cru Ity to keep those;.. Marys be a from thA i beginning, and grad U-irs,11IN congreg tion h 0 enjoyed great prosperity, rraturned to their .,home thin week, They #a I tiger than is no tially inor wed bfieh advantage until at the R. Sampson, of Montreal, is bho guemb of terosted iii'suspen Is I SERVICEABLE Gll�,GHAMS, general bankinj business, and up r his il one of the largest Were accompanied by, their niece, Miss Ids Mary. Fo close of t game, thei, had, things just an Mrs. J. C. Graig. -Mrs. Sanbro and two irection an o4urchao, in this I r some rewo i. Collootiorm mode on all! points in Canada or ther the nya they like This mikes Seaforth and SbJ song, of Thsmesville; Mr& She Pirbrook and sad in h Part. of I MeSpadden, As fares Winnipeg. -Mrs. Mar- PRINTS, LAWNS, ETC. has recently been chan and abroad. i orto 0 1-n'the air' a in this district, and the Pro ince w completed, and it is no� tin, of Chicago, is visiting bar sister, Mro,., examinati ie t vo daughters, of Chicago, and I fro. Pargona -results of- 6he Ong were publim ed MArY4 5 An Item Of Iluterest To AH wo. Advances made to Farmers. Special ai a, game wi I have to played off on neutral o ' Loudon, woke the'gueate of .r. and Mrs' doubt, a to hjui excelloub executive abiltyl Peter Dodds, this week. -Ur. R. Dodds in the papers by the depart ifent an soon &-.I ly i. that he be' remoyed be St. Thomas,, raised his barn last week.---m-Mra. John Ire- Men, tention pai.4 to the collection of Sale NOtes- ready. Thin has beian diecor tinued, and now grounds t( decide the championship. R. Fansoti last week. Mrs, Sambrook in 110 'in atsill the list 01 thooe who pail a I at each of. the , _The d 3ci( was played in Brant- a daughter of Mrs, Fabson. Mrs. Sharp. where, we U-1 k the erection of a new land, of Clinton, viefted her sister, Mrs. It is, to know just where to find the neweat SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Deposits churohis in mplati boo. McElro last week. -Misses Mary on. Father West� T, Y, 110hools is ient to the he& ; mastersbf the a- ford on M duesda 4t4,prnODII., The team a id M6. Ritchie, of Calume , Michigan, styles in good assottm.en4 of Belte am received of One Dollar and upwards. Want WAS Dot Only 0 ad b his own people, buh� AndiElls Henderson visited Mr. Willi v spectiva, aid'ho A dow by a cial train and were ac- vVere the guests of Mr. Jae. Mo Oichael this Wex Interest allowed at hitihest rate and- ols,aildthey 0-publimill, then I if Buckles, Stick Pins, Fancy Tlev Linen companle( byaboutl enthusiasts. The *�ek. T;41sis Mrs. Sharps' first visit to was heli I in th i as am by the people Graham last week.�A few of our popular or sim, they. chooie, ply tify the students Collars Fancy Collars, T$raeo �Ia num. compounded. half yearly.' y epitition of the'one Ca�ada, b4b Mriv. Ritchie was is resident general y, and all willdeeply regret his re- young people left fi�r the West on Tuesday, Se -r- ;'-­ 4� . r success or non -sue as �pparentl r' -novelties that are -ever in of thef oss. Bub, as ig game w �oroue other a' ip and a safe re� R. S. HAYR, W. i. PE moval from Goderle'l' and will heartily� We wish them a pleasant tri 'demand. ARCEI usual at this tvl,10 a masto tre FIAY he e a. week pro,�Jous. The Beavers before removing with he], parents to i -Of the'! r, th Solicitor Manager. ho it wishing him ai long, happy and use� turn. -6� the r h6lidays, 1 took.the sad. ffoin the start and as the met, oome 20 years ago. -Mr. George un 'are off @i a a 1 t their letters game prog -eased, gr nay and Mr. John Galbraith returned We ei3rtainly have them in styles auaquai Ca u 'have to itolt6w them. arou* di- from place to tities far too -many to describe in aistail. nally draw away from Cb;es ful care ar in Me prosperous southern city to nents, un il they had which I a has b sell called. Tuckersinjith. place fof weeks, and hen the Jelay. 1he their oi the game -from Manitoba Wednesday of last week. We also wish to call attention to our dapartme�t had better .4vert to the old pretty m- iob to t emselves. The stone They had been out with a barloa d of horses Hereafter when you speak of how expen- pretty tulbroideried'and astinty VaL ki -yfleld. hirMere Aftention! oy;eie or, else devf fie sorriething better. It town boys worked- h ird though, but it was o4ch.-Mr. H. Blanshard, who hoe been 33a live it is to clothe the little fellows ybWII Lama, so necessary to the completion of bette team winuiDg. The working at the Bell engine wet is h' your cool, summer garments. is not fair to keep students in a spense c ni 9, case of lie ere for BLO 'and Mrs, J. H.. Elliott have ibink of the tuit you got here, if you come 4 to 2 in 44vor of � the Beavers. left on Tuesday for I adion Head, re in Seattle, WashiDg-, for it now, and si�iilingly say: "Well you The National Cream Se1hrator hour lougert than is necessary.. score was some time turne tot a r home, of fortunes.= ton, aft 3r speni liag a few weeks very pleas-� xnow, that was an exceptior.11 Start the Sheetings land MOW- cas- They now -inte6ediate champions 4bither he goes to pursue his cotton Iron fj,&.Lz uk are Wism-A 'A.] i I w' u kee 'Pall this dittrieb, sitirii friends in antly it and a,,,,ound Bayfield.-Rov. R. H. it ings,. or Miss Lizzid Devereux is vi tle chaps off to school in some og our' good W. WATSON, Worth Main Street, Torouto.-4Mr. -W.. J. Moffatt. , principal of F. Gart iner, ofMichigan, will preach in St.: suits which will stood the rough a0d trumble hail this to- say about an old 8,,:f arth boy-- We ore desirous of having a House cleau. SEAFORTH. Out of t1iia ratb�r large list 6f RoQuien or baar&�a wanted, boarders the public' school, was at He nilton this Andrev 'a chur �h next Sabbath evenini I hey'll our -give them. The E' McFaul names tiat ely ing " time of cotthligooda for home p Ur - re xcellent 'Accommo 'clock, -Mem 'Ito have been suggested in connection with - the tfoirrf 0.* (1opd 'vrarm *�eek attending the summer as nival there. o William Elliott, John I - � 1862-1 a I tobrus, ee Seaforth. poses. You may now get the best fand p 'This sepsirator is one of the beak manufactured by d r t 4dents. * Mrs.; E. A. Roe, North Blain -'Mrs. N*!Gerry and daughter, )f Blyth,are Spencer -and Bm Spe ear left ebre for Port CouNcm' DomGs.-The council met at Republicaq nominsti6n for mayor, thai of- street, Seafl3oi in bleached 'and unbleached abee'tingil, the Raymond Sewing Machine Co., which has n -bee spending ii few days with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur to take pi no on the Govern.' In business for over 40 years, and a guarantee t Alderman IT. J. Pringle, of the sixtee th 3trong's hotel on the 13th inst., as per ad. plain or twill. You may secure pillow hat Eggs 14 100 tti'bo of butter wanted J1ohn Laird on their return from visiting menb ot3amer, iBayfiel 1.�Xr. E. Peck, oll' ournment, and sat as a Court of Revision casinga, the kind you like, ab no ad. ob"', up-to- �.Ing, Winohsna, the National Separator Is a strictly first. ward, seems among city hall visitors, �to. weekly. 'G. 11860-tf rs. Mark, in Now Hamburg.- There were Toronto, wh ...... dab machine. It Is olinple, &W to operate, a close meet with an much if not more favor thin 1 0 0�9 bee 2 spending his boll th special ex- r the hearing and trial of complaints vanee on last year's low prime. Midwinter, and durable. Ali machines guaranteed, Par ties le buy or-renb a good - 9 tickets sold at 8arforth for days he re, zi whad t, P his home on Thur&' Assessments levied under-fiThe i and nlanufactured in three different sizm-250, 350 any obber n the list., PringWo practical 0%�,Oadvertiselnent the Mur.. 0 tford on We day.' -gins F. N:cPhe ROY 'of Norval, who air' farw should ook up of ra on to Bran dnes ay, to. wit - and 460 Its. capacity,. rriceo righti call and ex. experience in the council is in his favor, 0 phy hotneste Ld on the tit Concession of Hi�bert, i drain maintenance by-law No, 2.- The On Days Like These, In And, imine it, We the lacrosse match there. r. J. D. has bee4 visiti 11g. frie do here for the poop % in his re u tion for fighting when he g to which Is offe ed for sale 9'r to rent. .1860-4 ocket contained only one complaint, which P lag week with I sird, of Buffalo,was visiting three wooks, It b'on ondaty-for her home.f! starte Axound The Store. 'a ry, 'on a )p t' V t 6th q, Im, T MOM ry 0 d k lig a el a -a 3 Ig d. 1, a y op ti'll i to 11 A I a to c an a t 4e al 3 0 a 1) � , ell a at il,% f voren d a Jed tak T , K Fir. if mi I 0 At It g, nb� opn 1 13, g I ft th r as rag in t, 00 ih, 4 d. Is also stated that. Alderm n CMCK162,13 W�N -UT),1,---Highest cash price h as dismissed by the 0ourt, a4d the by-law father �here, Mr. John Laird.. -Mr. home s. Thomat rTorkerl� of Inkster, Dak The store Pringle h -told his : Republican friends p` -Mr nally passed, only figures indicated about our aid foi chiol con$ an: e y Bros', Seaforth. signed And sealed. After the NORTIt MA ST. 8F.MI&TH. A odeland,and family have retutiled from who spent sewial weei here, went byc�llhll� these dtiys are on the thermoul something �hey didn't think of. He if. re- 18624 lose of the court the council sat for general star, -ireandlAte Insurance Agent, and dealer Odd cui d saucers, I 3ndon and Mr. Modeland wiil take his old haivest4rs ex-.4rsion on Tuesday, She -wao -right, becaias% by the General F =d to b1ave reached the co"n'olusion th it )s an usiness. A by-law was passed. to charlge (thaVA hardly In SewiDg.Machines and Bicycles; d &.Reptabli6an administration be &ad dishes I'llerl, Ion g ng cheap at A. in ocomp�uied oi� her trip westward by 0.1 wa , w one). -At p f all -d 'I oiplates. bowls, Am as engineer at thw.ostmeal ill. -Miss a e don"t happen to own the mode of apportioning the income derived y Youhg'�, ge#orth. 18624 ell,of Iroquois,has returned home of ter& two Paiid N�avDoll� Parsons. -Rev, A.4 any rate, our prices on �all. merchandise acted in thWapridg, it, w6uld be turned in t i from the school fund among the schools an- litl�g u onths, visit ab #10 hoine of Xrl John T two years lateif beyond, any queentionit a A MST W.1pp, - Anyone wa ar- MoMilld.in, of TOrouto, 1 who is spending MO itled thereto. According to the new by- needed these bot days, are so low tbat material for heir Christmas presents Turner acco I n3r, or. Iyuse Ida panted her holidays in Bayfield, reached In ti Any 0 al figures that a now administratIon W6 aw, the Roman Catholic separate school of fan or is Pres -1 tie can reach the . Weve, amil, hal ai i far as Woronto.—Miss Gertrud 1 3 Fall. Tetm,* Opens Sept Ist. come into ftet.ter� ure them noi v this is our last week. Johnston, byteriaii church on Cuday latab I thin goods suitble for All kinds-r5f power without funds and go eaforth Will receive annually such sums as Out Anyone wan Ing fancy *or i after the 29th wi. and 0 Strathrgy, who has been spi uding two congr he Iistpned with both pl summer weather suitable for all k1luds, eg glons may be agreed upon by the board of trustees worse off t an that. The people ould by us at our ree denoe on the i rent end of John street. eake with Mrs. Hargreaves, rat urna�-home and tit discourses., and the council,as aftbhorized by section 59 of the o= were no good and switch book to Mrs. Rudolp i, ftney store, 3eaforth. 2862xl ure profit to him eloque of ntario people. Come with you the Democrats at the first opportiunhy. piling 0 Friday.! She will be accoupanied by On Mo sy OV41 Ing Mr. MoMillan leettired! the Separate 8 cash. your butter and your eggs to do, We�ie oud of the evidence that's chool Act. The remainder of a, Ito a, Ito lag O'Keelfe.-Mr. Frank Dews! j onthelfeand ritingoof I.M.Barriesud; the income to be divided equally among the meet up every da in Wor of cur fam The Republican city, committee wil ous 28c te some trading. n - 8 %ttle d n, spent, Sunday and Monday a t Mrs Har gave Mai oral si actions from the works of' Ochoolg f the municipality, aud separate iling. Ward ure, rich d trong and has the flavori, Be qxt, Wednesday eve chairlm an brom., Bea bb. 1862-1 g sav6s. -Mr. and Mrs. Josiah 13 owitt ;Pent, Barrie, vhich elighte4 bill large audiedee.' will be called together later and the quest, hool o. 8 wi STRATFORD, ONTARIO. y w ting rela ives.-Mr. -D 11 receive an additional grant 7- We Can atippl ith, Honey oaps. S uday in Walton vilei r. MoLsod, 1 oC Atwood, was to h ve ra the general funds of the municipality -,The Ion of' nominees will be considered," .1862-1 to have 0 The schooi makes a specialty of each Chesney S a e, Seafo rl� an I or has sold his ni)e pair of taken tl a eervi �e on Sunday, but was takenj $50per annum. The council expected to hope 4ur old friend Will go in and win, Is dollgola 0 1, regular pri ce $1.16 for neon and- shorthand -eduoittion. Our stu- n I Miss A; Carlin returned to Superior, kindly nsente I to take his place, which he� Fer Write for handsome pair Samples North window. W. H. came h 1 denta get positions. OFFTO THE WEST. -A -large numlIer of 30 n JL sin, but no tenders were received. they M'cFA- UL atudent, We deal only in the beat busi- Bir barg 4ins on Ft d by and Saturday, 33 r vlug also to a gentleman in Stratford. Ill and I as Una Is to come. Mr. MoMillam I t the contract for thej work on this "big pairs wome 1pe()pl4,p left �hie station'on Tuesday 41rul g wil sole a ent for 0 ter shoes for men Wisconsin,' on Saturday last. filled so *.ell th it Df, MoLeodle absence was Es Oorg A. 8 r Ir ere unable to do so. However, they are g and &roth shoes 1862.1 Ova to At �-Rev. Mr. a oil proa, Ion thi har�egtera'exoursion., The odd tend the funeral of Ili other, not felt, ched on riot yet discouraged and have decided to ad. Co. r Mrs. James Carlin. - Eight darloado -again, asking contractors to meet W. J. ELLIOTT Principal. I �o women. M 47 ore tipiketild by Greig. & S� bimt, -Easy placet good wages 'Sunday A0bi ra aind Smitth's Rill. Dry Goods "MI -62 Vowart, NTED. ertiss Maggie V. apply Imin ately to Mr4. William Pickard. Be;, of i cattle were shipped f tot* Sea- isgenta and Minnie R. Mart! iij g p�ythe town h 11 them at the next meetinj d con to mar- �01 forth, 1862-1" ft�rth station for the ol z ieph Moridon, Finlay McIntosh, T1 o t� staft. eaforth, on Wednesday, 16eptember 2nd, at C4th'o Greal; CaA an if ul 10, pogo'd tea tine to be given k t on Wednesday. The shipwre were S 100 and-Henxty Thompson, J, W. Grieve, 411 9 Big bprgains Friday and Saturday, 33 a hope BOM6L one will be secur. "a - 0 0 00 an For pring TJLL Qde, VI h every purc away, one I &as of 10 pounds a of our obeft Wintir, I load; W. Devi reux Sesi Miss Minnie Pearson and 11 'a P MO- pairs wonlen's donj vla oboes, regular price SiA5 for f d who will rush the work through this fall 28o tea. Bea a Bros., leh'forth. 1862,1 D) -y Goods -ting, w the illop, 1 load; John T. Dickson, Tuoker- 68o per p*ir. Saw )Jea in North window. W. H. Stoddard, Egmondville; Hugh Me i nal yeb.-A. G. SmmLiF,, Clark agent 1, ir George A. Slater shoes for mvn! Purespbso for pidirlitig. Pure vinegar, 'a ith, 3 leads; W. Govenlock, 3eaforth, 3 Willis, 1010 Alpert H. Yee, liDunesn MaDonald, bom &hool biw- lbalt, white v Ins and older of the best quality at A. WMWXUWW d Dorothy Dodd shoes for women. 1862.1 In 0 a L, Beattie, of Wellaad unis orb, has at Nons.-Mra Robert Johnst mentioned, about one half in Comiolly, W. Davis, Staffi; J. M. De o i, YouDgs, Bea orth. 1862-1 Hibbert. year Achool i Leadbury'-'H. V. Cam I t the paot week with Miss D Long. pro CAU 113 La I pen grain n- and Miss IE FOR Adjutant Habki CHICKENS WA D.-Higheat be threshed in a day. We congratulate NW b, GyB A large asiortment of Sweat Pads, Carry ero - F kTALE.---,As We are leav- dron, of Buffalol are guests at the home of N W'TE price on, !ollowing afticlesareoffered for stile: purchase, a�d hopethat1a Combs, Harness Dressings,. Brushes, Axis t ire, and Alto. Habkirk, of Wil nipeg, will her bro er, Mr. W Cameron, Kippen'; Mrs. Wm. Sim ng awn t7h, Of Ob. t illiam, Jeffrey.-Mrs.L paid for chickens at Kennedy Bros., Beaforth. Henry pon his who Grease,#. WOOIL:'aad R rucefield; Jerry O'Hara, Beachwood; co it On6 Ebert table, I @Ova, I sidebosrd, I dining Vipond a the guest of Mrs. W. R. Bell.- 1862-1. may take sweep pay fo W ubber Rugs. A room tible, I plecetof lintoleutu lix to, John Boeh. b; �t the Solvation Army barracks on San. stakes ifi all Ones during the new McLaron, lqromartYL; Miss M"Cem T1 pbe at d ler, Sexfoi Many w 11 be pW&oed to learn that Mr. Ed- THAT MONVMG MA(lun-i-E AcommNT.-The threshing so on. -Quite a- number from stock of Dustere� Whips, ate. W. and. A.IiTaylor, HarIoek;Tb' d next. -Bert VanEgmond returned to 0 1862-1 a. Ste he The largest stook ot. Trunks and 'Valises Ripciontothi week after spending st-oonplof word Dr'ake, w o has been seriously ill for following more detailed account of the very and around the village will 'ttend� the Cpl- reffabl nade - W. A. Johnston, Wint ro son., Varna A large s;Ock of fr P jars'at A. YoUlIga, at. lowest prices. Seaforth. W:1 1862.1 weeks at home with Via parents. --Mr. Gen. the last eke, is oonvaleseent.-Mr. gad accident which befel the little daughter legiate Institute in the town of Goderlob, on thre)'itnd i �wo w Leo Flanner Walton. YJ erin in George Miller, f Stratf d,opeub a few days (f Mr. Edwin Harris, of this township, and: the opening t, September. ----The Drss . . . . . oat, of Silgina -The followinq werp ticketed to the eit price. -:Boy, WA UEE.- iited-fr Saturilays to S w, arrived'heia to Wednes- r work it groci ry store. AndrOwo,Seaforth. d last on.,'a short visit to hill par onto. Mr. 9 uro Eti pl y th roe on the harve'sters, excursion Tuesday b last week visibi frienTs In the village. -i t D which brief reference was made in tbis dale Young H n1a 11 w n a rea Miss L. Barbell ban 1862-1 roturned home after' department last week, we take from the tion,grouns, north�;of the village. t: Willis Soinerville,Grand Trunk agen' S act is on his way back from Washington, very sad accident BRODERIOKS The person wbo left bottle of earesprilla; here he represented the typoRr sphical un- spendill two eke wit her aunt in Sea.! 1 litchell Recorder Joyce, Stfiffet; Harry Procter, Robert. Lin W (courred on the farm of Mr. Edwin Harris, - In A. G Ault' i store aboui three weeks ago can h%ve forth.-tra. M, Drake 'spent a fe i u of Saginaw at the general (ouvention. 'by last wee wit er sister, Mrs. R, Hotham,11 of Hibberb, about four miles from town, on Hamesg 0hoP .0ady's Block env, David Millson and E6eab Adams- H -the 8&' 1862.1 -.also paid a flying visit to Atlantic �City, me aying for thi �otice. lett; Miss Cirawford, Miss Winnie Griev ]E�i Tim COUNCIL. -The Hullett council mei John Ilendar4on, Mr. and 14re, William M I by; him. Oriday afternoon last, 'with the raiult that in Kinburn. a Misses Robinson, Tor - a id the trip was g,.�eatly enjoyec pree'v is little seven SEAFORTH. Uatm BuEFS.-OA Wedneslay evening 11� returns next" week to Saginaw. -The onto, are the eats of' Misses Lizzle and, -year-old daughter is now ly- on Saturday, the 15th, Members all Mias Ida Davidedn, w Miss Barrow il, wee] as ine was r gular May Car mich ent except Councillor Warron, who, me 8`- Mr.'and Mrs. Jo4n MoGavin, Mrs. Edwai d of lost a well drilling mach paysheet Of the Bell engine works Car mich Miss Hill, of Harrington bg in a very critical condition. It appears smolin VLing in health relatiV gretje not impro He has novi being drIvaJ2 on Gods ieh street and when n o to $3,000 Per montb.-Mr. and 19 visitin coest of the villa a bat Mr. Harris, being short of hatride And Constable, Thomas Barrows, W. L. Paris] i. onstothe hospital in London, where he VP Rev. John Parish.and wife, Miss Ida M' opposite Mr. Stephen I ardb'o lumber yard,. A re. Jamei Scott returned from A very an- ndr n 5 a Will% of Stratford, and Mr. and able to get sufficient labor for his harvest- 9 A BiG NO stleol ects to have better treatment. The Uums- W Ad one ofthe E xles of th( wagon brok i6yable trip to.Sault Ste. Marie last week Mri. D. tnSund4ed at the home of ng,had to place his son, boy of nine yeays exP Spad& a and th mt, Xise Mary Coates, Min Magg taxes WaS read 9 I Barrows, Jog. J. Kinnej an' machine we a upset. ie driver, Mr. Rubl 0 -their way home they stoppe, I over at Mr. E. eke. Mr. F. D. Hutchison is Via- of age upon the mower to cub the grass, ual by-law for levyin d sister, Geor and pawed,-ifor county purposes the sum Hanna. Miss mcoutcheon, 1611 of MoKill Sanderilt Miuchell,' v as thrown off and of-ennan,. Algoma, and visited,moveral old . iting relatives io Mitoholl.-Quite a number he was unable to do any other work;,be. asked for is $2,�61.60 being $500 more than 0 hid are located there, of young inen 'loft for he Northwest thin. sides the tea d ing the mower .was , his to t sev irely injured urO]2iteS L7 raw There's been, a: Mrs. David Chesti-ey', Robert McLaughl .-Mr. D. MoLaren, and all of big move in crock. lost year, and for t pship, pulp sea the of Glanqua �,h farm, Hibberb, was In or -John Neelands, D. Hudson, Seaforth; Th town "w1iom,we I a pleased to learn, are proi Asou will entertain, quiet and trametw'oxtby one. The Ilpy's sister last wMek d ilivering a v 3ry fine four-year-old ing, all Huron people generally do wherever t ery the, lut 10 day with us. Gemmell and daughter, isses he tennis club this Frill evening. was following the mower around the fiald timated amount is 5.725, or; 3 mills -he Mag d. lay Jollar;S-5,973 is required by th 'a d his farm oti ey o Mr. John Oro t refuse those splendid Emma Reid, A. L. Thom 1, taDle gei wh -h he hid sold to Mr. Hill, of ti aby has's and carrying the whip, and the father not boards for all school purposes, and of that 'Benjamin Parma, Miss Marion Munroe, to 6verydayr goods at ra-ach. pnees. peon gurniberhil Goderic township. He gob in Waiiett near Harlook, Mr. John thinking she would gab in front of the m%. sum$1,907willberaisedby ti generalrate -th i horse. patever Mr. M a did not warn bar to keep away. The see them at 6. Laid�law� Tuckeremitb;. William Van' $175 Jar oLaren Att, of MoKillop, for KOOO, ad intends an Frid and Saturday ic e3hool aupporters of the whole Big bargains Is stir Is the best Mr. W. J. MoAl- c ming' be 19, omforth to reside; 33 ,`no township. T-h*re in lso a local Improve - hoe little girl, bowevilr, after following her the publ horne, Chiselburst. pairs wom4n's dongis showy regular price, $1.16 for brother around the flei flate� -form �rly of G r ilear Walton, re- r1h Wfndoo�. W. H. couple of times Noperparr. Sai4plesin Np, ent drainaRe tax ot $970. The whole as CIV Willis, 901i agent fir G Tlur FRowT.- a he cortiers to at i In BEATTIE BROS. 10 HOLIDAY. -It Won the lucky cently rat ned fro an extended tour ANoniRR SE "'ORru BOY TO oorgeiA. Slater shoes for men went forward at on rike thl 4 or and Dorotoy Do4d Oho ?romen. 1862-1 the horses estimated will n.ake the tax ol up to .9h M he Territories. Ire A with the whip) ap h teenth this Year, fdr1ne could ni ask -, f gh M itoba an mong t eportrai thro� h to published b too Mon- )r�ac ing,thern The 28c Tea Store, COUNCtL Do,imm.-Tfie last meeting of from the side the knives were $15,529, early twenty five -per cent. -hihor did not see ny locatio to suit him an al daily Sbar of the delegates a i the Con. And th more perfect weather1han.,ve'had on Thur a than last year� chitfly caused toy ther'biild- SEAFORTH the MoKillopbolineil wili; hold at Leadbqry, animals making a sudden lunge, the kniveaL ONTARIO- day last, our civic bolida*y. While.'a, nu 'turned to 0 tario and! urchased a hardware mei'so of Chambers of Commerce it present he 6th inst4l all the members boingi of the machine Caught her before she could ing of the H. B. . bridge, which itself Will 4� bar went to different -points to see friend businesili Imwood, race county, and has inliession 10 Montreal, and which in httend. on t coat $3,700, and 'also the advance in the passed for the levy. eicape. The girl's left'leg am gone there reside.AA r. J. Ramplin a present. 1 A b�-Iaw was w ' sever;� just and Bayfield got her qUota, by far the larl - Dep- tj .-by representatives from -com ercial in. county rate. A by-law was passed giving eat number took advantage of the band ei - utY Consul r the Can than Order of the a tutions I ing of tb a several rates f taxation for the 1 the ankle and bar tight leg wa all parts of the Britieh Empire, badly boy had the Canadilln Ban Woodman i the Woz a mutual benefit w notice X;n excellent likeness of an old currenb yvar. The countly rate amounts to i cut about the knee and thigh. Tho� authority to the reeve and treasurer to bar- cursion to 07rodatioll, neWrly 400 tickets b i. here last gek working $2,784.60, ; town $6,547.45 ; pub- I presence of mind enough to quickly back up row sufficient money for ourrent expenilm ciet�, wal here last ship rate, log sold fo r that point. The excurnioniB a 90 up -re. Sedorth boy, in the person of Mr. J. Ander. OF COMML lie school! rate, $1,665.8dit making a total of ihe machine, probably Ili Mo doing inavi Councillors Patterion nd M�Mffls� Were with tbe,� do is. out 0 6, -Mrs. John Hab, so i i - is year. Th rig bis eemed satisfied cruito r ti. e local lod Coulter, of Ingersoll, son of Mrs. ERCE. all a y appointed a zommittee to look after and Set - $10,997.90 to be kaised 6 e pub- sister from being instantly ad. The and returned on.the train at 111 it 8 kill kirk,. of Wi inipeg, M pitAs, was here this Cc er, of�, amforth. Concer aiiig Mr. I having hay week visitit her Mist 1, ra to on the dollar,and father and otherB working in the field hear. ICE, TORONTO. feeling tired but better for M ro. Geoi .1icah' tleforthebuildingof concrete vrork,,eto Oda lot HEAD OFF rge Dor- Co. Iter the'S tar says Mr. J. Anderson She came down (Cc Iter, who represents the Ingerroll Board scho Is 4.6 rule good day's in separate scho Is, 4.6 on the dollar, iog the child's screams, were soon on hand Council adjouraf-d to meet when -called by -strong M outing. Daring. tbs.. day t' rance, and (tbor friends. LOY ti 39 ra the clerk. band rendered several eicellent selections n of Trade at the cong 1writ on a to attend tt a marriage of her sister, Miss ress, w besides toe eacti) ra In one section and carried her Into the house. -Mr. Harr enwg) gave a Grei r4l. Sharp an c tinge, 01 No. 5 there Is W, slZbioil rate as the town- Drs. Smith and Armstrong were In a com- Iseadbury. Reserve Fund th Rito i $ 3f 0,000. programmeon a square, and, their mug 0 h a, of I "alumet, ichigan, former Sep. educated at the Seaforbh publid at d collegi- ship rate; and interest srat more than suffi- paratively short time at the scene of the ac- XoTw.-Rev. Parish and wife, of Minn - He entered hi's prei ent buni- I I I d OP I- was thoroughly enjoyed by the excursionis;a forthitesiw3rethegu3sisofbir. and Mrs.- Att� 80110DIF1. Wrab i ca�ftai (Pai UP) $ SNOX000, 'the park. and in the wo' sh6i t. Calder, of d Miss 'farm in the ounty of Hall barioi and the section iis 4J! mills. In section then wlzeeled into town 'for- medical aid. Aggregate Resources cient for' McKillop, auto the people of.the c unty. - town Then. MoM Ilan, Hull 3ttl, and are visiting ness, which was begun in I the Oquirenients. The Dublin cident and had the little sufferer under idents alik o. rigersoff, in some- Pro- asots former ties is sty, eighteen ov $78j00Qt000 Qqe disappointment W -other old fri ude in th, s Bell what of a si�all w years ago In. b necessary to have been baek on a visit, and were -visiting anthat the steami ir school hat riot jet msd� a request for the per treatment. -They found i It is has bee ' spending her holi;- the capacity of shipping clerk. In a few 'friends in this sectifin last Week, -Ila rate, but there are pnl3y we McKillop rate- amputate the left ]a advertised to make a trip on the lake f )r _Bethune, w g Above the out made by t tho'bonefib yet* fa, th Hon. G.. A471 Cox,, President. days at the arental me here, returned to years he was admitted partner of the firm P There will be 'in the mower, which ma& a very of -the exotirsionisto faqed v ja ad first time Mr. Parkh has boon here lace lie i (to the aviounts Inamed, the aura of; wound. Therielit leg, the ej additiot materialize,. but for this the band w Regina on esday to resume her duties as slid for sevaral years Prevedlag the f doctors think left eleven yeArs agot.-J. Menarey and wif orb in 0 orms- 13, E. Walker, General Manager. $876,70 oi2 the roll, beirig the expenditure can be saved. The patient is now doing as of Grav, p t wayrosponsible. 'Theyhad'made full &,-' school 16401 rthere,--The rural schools -re. tion of the present company, managed The s en a day at the residence of J. (3ompany on 6e driins. 1P bentu rangement with the company, but d afte the eumnieJr holidays on Mon. John Morrow Machine Screw a ism were sold for well oil can be expected, with the chances J. Irvine last eek. They were accompan- pns dor� England, Office, he the Bclto4 and 110anads Company drains, good for her recovery." 0M11,1 cent rough weather on the lake had so di i-� day last an the town schools will re -open (not incorporated). When The lin Mor- 'Iadby�hefrtvro little hLoyo.-David Boyd mountiul to $2�57, this being the highest: lip 60, LOMBARD STRkET, E. C. organized traffic, that the company went' two weeks,, ter. -Mise Urquhart, of � Oak- row Machips Screw.. Company, Limited, carrienla amiling'face thope times, nd no oaffer received. ecounto to the back on the agreement. and although t of rat, T. F. Coleman.- vr* formed�two years a 0, Mr.,Cculter was amounb of Drysdale. wonder, as a nice little boy has arrived t4) one villa, Is the uest of R. ith hai -been spending a few elobted its i first preel 70 Were pas#ed and ordered to Mr. W. $237. be paid. SAFORTH BRANCH. their boats was in the harbor, refused to Nent and ins BRFEzE.9. -What is the matter with the ladden the bome.-The edding day bee ger ,tar In this township *he school ratei are getting Drysdale cc ed for a beautiful girl of the Lad - well earned olid7aa I iefting his sister and whiohoffloelhe has since held, Mr 9: low -it to make the brip owing to the 1 0 i rrespondent thatbe has been an now A.997horal Bartking. bustnems traws, nu' other frien in iqli v4n -Mrs, J. Marvin higher an4 the s0hool children fewer. The silent no loijk? Probablybe.bas been absent ng- farmer In the vidnitY mber of regular panazigers and the ext a is comparatively a young man, He takets bury line amt a you next mset�ing of the council will be held at or:o busily eaga ad as to be unable to fulfil of Beechwood. nalated. amount of -freight that had to be handle and son oronto,li, -Miss Annie;Gray, of MwboV Of" �ieftlng her mother, aulte an interest in educational and board Mrs. R. Hic a, and ot hl friends in the eldrVe residence, Winthrop. on Tues. th honor with nz HunoN'RxPosxToR, but ria, was visiting friends here, ibi � a day Farmora' and Graziers' Note We- It I � �71, WAS A diflAPPOintmoub; to many, -but note Harpur- of trade matters,. and has been elected as -0 f day, Sept�mber 12nd, at 1 oclock p. in. ounftd., and- speelat aftentlan given were more disappointed illan the membe, -a hey,'­?Xr. N . H; Clit a as been spending 'delegate irom the Ingersoll Board o again he ban started, and we hope that he two laet, week. Her many friends vem J hT the may bontinutai only as a helper of T= 1liab6lidays ting f le4do in �b&fdays isi to tka #614-ectlart of Sale Noteliv etc. of the band,' and -we are sure that no pers v�lloinity" Trade."- r. -J. i�,�'vinei is alml pleased to meet he J. SAVINGS BANLA. of Hamilto and Bu lington.-Mr. A. J. Exeter. will atta0b. any blame ta thbM in the matte HunoN� Expositron, but to the many readers this week on a -bolida trip $t- intairest al I owod an d-opoults of $1 Willson, of etroit, 44 Mrs. Willson and EDDLNd BimLs.-The residence of Mr. NOTES, 4LMiP--, �,,�Hall, of Brantford, spent of tfiis valuable paper and those who are not He Catharines, Niagara Falls and' Buffalo, attit upwards tnterest Is draiditivid family are h 0 juat now visiting Mr. Will- is several "yo last woek, the. jguest of her to sac Langstroth, of Sparling steet, wall should atnee join the list.-Harveeting Is expects to have a very Afo'e time;---�ThO DiRD I* lo-%YA. -The it accounts on the 31st of INtay and the 'Times of Paulin son a parent .Mr. and r. 0., 0. W illsov. tbs soenel of,& very- friend, h%ra. (Dr�) Amoo.-Mr. , and Mrs. almost completed in this cialty, with the threshing macb-ines are all doing good worko v pretty weddin t, ab one O'Brien Coi low&' of Augilat 5t 30th Of Nover"bar fLn each yetiar. Mr. Then, Ward, 0 Egmandville, has o'o!ock on Wednesday, it being thi occasion Bailey, ofi London, secompa*nied by their exception of a few fields of peas. -The crops the being well filled and'in good Wn. makes the follow gral Ing refe nod to the dece a quite a -curinity in h garden. Iii the of -I the marriage of i big daFgh ;er, Dora a vialfing Mr. and Mrs. J. Snell. in this of Huron, the past season, have ditlon, which gives threshers 4 of th chance to do The Bank has: 106 branches exiendinK throughout of a former respected resident is di - -spring he planted some beets for need, a v1plyn o r. J. Frank Beattie, 4 f Hunts. Itenry Passmore, Alex. Me. been g !�8-mplaluyll part cription, and this good work. Thehistle on the outfit of nd E t ge, rand beyond des c�nt&do, Quebec, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, triot On!Monday, August 3, 1903i af one of them ias cow reached � the unusual vilie, Muskoka. The groom was Donald, omaa,Cameron and George Calls, surely testifies that the farmers of this John Holden British Columbia Yukon District, Mai Pro. upparted so closely resetabhe the fir$ an illness of eighteen 'day#, Mrs. vincea and the United- Agri a height of Sig it feet and is still growing.- byiMr. A, 0. Marshall, of Cbstha ', and the of Usbo tow0shi left Exeter on Wed 'hat �hipeo- county have cast their lot in's good land- whittle li� Seaforth, in its tone, t 'the home of h Doi paosed away &tL r 'Mies Edith I [ale has returned to Toronto bride by Mine Lizzle Beattie, slott r of the nesday for the oly country, with cattl Hen Talbot tbat veteran thresher, who is ple somet�meo rush -And do G. 1;. FARKI��, clare, that there STF broober. He6toi Cowan, or. Mrs. Dougla is After spendh g two we 3 ab her home here. groom, and Olars, Langstroth, as ftwer girl. We wish them L a safe vo age. -E.. J. Sp&ck- Well7nown to almost everyeltizen in Huron be abigfire raging iniSeaforth'. . Speaking F. HOLMZ , Solicitor, born In Roxborongbabirs, Section -The folloing teach i have returned to Mips Julia Langstroth played the hengrin man, W,: H. Trott an ing one of the beat threahere In lq_g mao Well Robert N. Rowe cOunty as be of thresh' hi ziemind$�Lnjtg Of a Story Oo bar lob, 1824. Witi her family ob a their sob" I heard ablout a eountrymamvl�s mine before tools after spe . ng the holidays at wedding match as the bridal part,, entered were In Hamilton last week, attending the Ontario, has purchased a self -feeder and has embzrated t home here: Jollso Gill spie to Beamoville ;L the drawing room. The ceremony was per. GrandEncampmont and Grand Lodge of ft attached to his machine. The machine steam throsbers were introduc4d into VV:est- o,Seaforth, Canada, in 1852 all Whig, -While MM Koenig, of 'Newton, tbrie years later Rho wait married to Job Mine Waughl to u Ile; and A. Woodle formed, as the couple tood updor an arch. Oddfellows. Mr. Spackman, who occupied was tested on the Snawden farm one day ern Ontario: "Beda:d," said e, it wils y waa Washing the other day, her little son Douglass. In 1882 sb6dame to Paulin& t to Barrie. -f r,,I. �1 Rays, of Chi( of green and white petunias, �y Rev. L the position of G, 0 over in tbb Shtats 1 seeal a moohine, 7-0a �ago, is wa rand Fatriar h for Ontario durin#� the past week, and proved to be a 'The outfit requir A' fe' here spot i OfjtLdelightfal success. U e Conrad, a lad of three years of age, a with her. brother fell Into make her hom Mr. Hays is B. Wai After the wedding, I luncheon during the put year, was elected Grand in might eall's, m4ohine; it tuk thirty min to a pail of boiling water and was so severely months ago her health, alway's frail, began now manage of a larg wholesale book and was served, and a pleasant time spmt by the Representative to the Sove a Grand but one man to manage'the business, while attind to it, a' d sivi wim : n to carry 13 n scalded about theL back and h1ps that be to fail and when seized with t reig 'he mouth Of pneumonia ah publishing siness.- Twenty-five tickets guepts. The bride was gowned In white' Lodge, ke place at tha farmer needs no band aebter, and in ad. wAther, for six longakes tn t home meetings, will I I ied next day. He wae an only child. realized -that her recovery was doubtful.an uR were sold at 3, carry- Baltimoreo In September. We congratulate ditio t, wh all the b wl t er oxforth to the Hamilton sum. batiste, trimmed with Milk appliqu a to these great eaneelations already Angus en a was wa P*