HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-21, Page 3limpagiummiutitailivett There's Fiant are ra rie towtb riek leakiletee with its cool 'between t you feel the ready kr you Idea cloths, - lof lapd. ra't know the beak tS exact Or better - and see rhe quantity -ey quantity ?!bened.t. • It good's, arxd Fielmex ---. LtFE: IN ENGLISH SIILLAGE8. I It Is Not tite Idylliet For '1%14 Ireette sing Abase.. "I know a village where there 4re no , • ewer than -thirty cottng4 with but - one bedroom apiece, and in each of tiiese ,siugle bedrooms six, seven and more people are sleeping, ' sa s see , Monteflore-Bruce, writing in th Lon- i don Mail ebout lire in the averagi Eng. I lish ',mast. 'In one of them, 4atbr, ' mother and eight children budded to- gether. Inetnother, fathensmoth r and SIX children -three of wbotn are, grown sp-are sleeping., In tbese cOtteges there is one living rooin downstairs and no sanitary arrangement Of any rad. 1 At the back of the cottagee runs an open ditcb. It Lnalso an open iJewer. 'Here, in the very heart of thn coun- try, I exPect to fitid abundance of pure . water abundance of sweet air. Too often I .find neither about the cottages. nandreds of villagea havee no water supply, though a comparati 4ely small expenditure could provide i I know es village -it Is typicat of undireds- where the cottagers have to‘zo :Ialf a mile to get water. A font ditc fur- nishes another village with the whole of its water supply. Offensive refuse heaps lie piled round the crumbling wallof the cottages. The wooden floors within are rotten with seWage, "Norfolk, Suffolk and Essen cOntain many Such villages, and other cp'unties --such as Bedford, Cambridgt shire, Wiltehire, Dorset, Sonterest-eae ly vie e with them. I could write of lonely cottages far across the fields, With no water within a mile, whence th Oil- dren morning after morning wn1k two -riles to school, and drag their tired limbs that distance back again at night -and this whatever the weather; where the postal service cornea but once a week; where the men and boys - walk daily five or tdx miles to ani from work; where of drainage there le; none; - where of the simplest sanitatien there Is none; where the medical officerj of health comes not; and where the in- spector of nuisances is unknown." n •MEXICAN CUSTOMS. Female friends kiss on both eheeks when greeting or taking leave. Gentlemen speak first when passing lady acquaintauces on the street Ia When n a Mexica'speaks to youlof his homeW be refers to as "your hose.' The sofa ds the seat of honor, nd a guest waits to be inented to occupy it. Men and women in the same social circles call each' other by their first names. . 1 Mexican gentlemen remove theft- hats as scrupulously upon entering a busi- ness office as in a private residenee. Dinner, cane are net customarn, but upon tieing from the table the guest thanks hisshost for the entertainment After a dance the g. entlenian returns hie partner to her seat beside her par- ents or chaperon and at once leanes her side. , , The fashionable call of a fele min- utes is unknown. A. lady who arrives at 4 o'clock will remain until 6 or 7. The calls of intimate friends; are half day visits. Her Little Joke. 'They were in thestudio. Artists' trappgry and bohetnian paraphernalia were placed about the room with studied carelessness. ‘, - Heavy tapestries. and !portieres -eboked the wails. Costly statuary, "meciseval firearms, popiards, Yataghans and priceless' and historic armor were ranged idly -about the rcto-m. Seated ata; a heavily upholstered divan, eyhag 'the Americart heiress at work on intricate landsca,pe, was the dUke.' "Bah Jevel," he ejaculated suddenly. "Do- yon inow, Miss Millyinn, I'm wrapped up in you and" - ."Hunt."' .laterrupted the wealthy maiden witi Yankee. sareasna. "Iden't Beewhy yen should. be wrapped up. I haven't hnught ydsf yet," - The duko sat !dUmfounded, Wender - flag what there Weis in her remark to cause a senile to break out over her sweet visage. Monkey find Tarrot In Bra,OL In Brazil monkeys and parroni have interests in comMon. They tot only roost In the same ''tree, but work for mutual benefit. Lhe monkeys Cannot easily Pick the big Brazil nut •husks from the trees, se the parrots gnaw them loose, allowing them to drop, the fall to the ground splitting them, Then the monkeys tear the cracked Winks asunder,, gather the nuts and divide, them with :the parrots. Setnetlities, When the husks fail to split, the mon- keys carry them Up to the highest limbs of the tree and let themi drop again. Monkey and parrot majey their • harvest side by side. Rivals In Misfortune. People are very often proud Of the , -properties te which they are heirs,!but ! BurelY few landed estates are so vaunt- ed, few cantles are so boasted about, [88 are the 'ins to which the flesh is heir. Humeri nature fairly renels in Ita misfortunes, and this revelry leads to rivalry and to many complications. None is so proud, nene is so jealous, as your traveling invalid, - London --queen. 1 1 A Good Reason, Mrs. C r ne-W hat edo you have an alarm eu..,.. in your chamber for if you don't h a •••o, the alarm wound up? Mrs. d-sy-ff you could hav-e heard the weer o I. things my husband said when the alarm went off, yoe wouldn't ask me. Do. as They Plenme. Diek-Those folks next door hese an 11,Witil good time. I;era -How ? Diek-Ob, they don't have to gn any- where, and they don't entertairt.--Ex, ehange. MARRIAGE LIOENSES ISSUED AT THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, BEA .„'ORTII, ONTARIb. NO WITNESSES REQUlRED. Are a ,sure ad parents ent .cure Kidney- and- Bladder TronbleL • BACKAeHE n 'is the first siign of lidney Ti pool negledt it! eheck it in t Serfeus trouble will follow if yo Cure your 131.okochit by ta DOM'S The Sea Tea &tor LOOKING FOR TROUBLE. The Mete and Chien. en The keally tulle happiness is h10 Who is ferever c ',his shoulder," 1 le his unhappin ennaged in a brociding over s awaiting a fa - give vent to hi The, man witl • der is easily rec ,. by wise people' can go nowhere 1 ing in his wak • titer he is eithe : or some one in man ie the .bo sold him, a Seat appeared at -th bane of thei car railroad train h himself in a ro conductor, Pull passengers. E the locomotive his eyes, and he Suceeedli in stirring up • the Is irit of mntiny 'in the hearts of , the tavelers: The 'e are so e women similarly con - sting al, who Image to be in trouble from the mom ,nt their eyes open in the orning till they close them in sleep, -i These p Ople are indeed to be pitied if indee they are not cordially bated This qui 1 relsome habit of mind can be so foete sid that the petulancy grows to be a 2ut lignant disease and l leads' sometime to the insane asylum. Parents Who in Ice in- their children this fretful, qn 1 reling disposition can eaelly :find a r reedy. They may -not agree to the m esure-simply a good, sound thrashin . Every one has heard ef filt• sterr of he child who was cen- t inpally svhimPering and quarreling. In despair the Mother •cried: "Are you sick? What do you t'ant?' Gravely the child answer d, "I think, mapama, I went a whippli g." She received the whipping, and t ere was a marked im- provement in Iler temper. Women Who carry Th e:r ts,hotdders. appy man whose un - own fault is the one arrying "a chip upon erhaps b1 happiness s, for when he is not onal altercation he is e fancied slight and Orable opportunity to wrath. the chip on his shoul- ginzed, and his society s carefully avoided. He without trouble follow - • 11! he attends a the - annoyed by the usher the audience or at the office for not having ought long before he window. He is the eonductor, and on the eucceeds in embroiling with, the brakeman, an car porter and the eh flying cinder from IS aimed especially at for all ottble. e I - don't,. SO leads in Bleak, Gros Salade, black and mi orna black and milacl Ln all the best teflon the!diffenrent kind, doyen to the very syrnp 25e a quart, Golden syrup, two ga for 1;1.00, also bakle long clear bacon, who Solated hams, strioke sautage, lunch bacon, pure lard, batter the lowest prices. We\have also; flrur, oorn- •catrbeal, wbea este, banner oats, ore lar oats, melte vit flake, cream sorlas flyeat bleouite, sr -pe gmeham wafer e in two aid Jap ed Teas Teen. I a &leo sugar from , gra darkest. ept Ano Ion pails o molaesss niTeao , nil A to les in a I ulated, Naple or and syru p pork, esale and rend,* hacks, bislang!) a corn beef, befit nd eggs, all at eel, bran, t;hort , Ttll�on's xolle d m of whe e, vim, nd all k nde of ute, evvies font., pound tin , pure t, ems- ronol a new, honey, I have &jaw boxes of -very fine raiein to 8e11 at Wholesale price's. I have very large stock of fresh groce les of all kind , which will be oldeat very close' price . A gbod assortment o ohina, crockery, and glaesware, o[ which will be sold cheap. I have a lot of very elean home grown tim- othy seed for fall eewhag and guarantee it to be clean. Wanted ; fresh butter and eggs, fo which the higheet merket price will be paid in cash or trade. A large stook of all sizes of fruit jar at the right price. Malt, eider, whi e wine and standard vinegar Salt by t ebarr 1 and loose. A. G. AUL §EAFORTH. Wood's; Phosphodi The Great En is an old, w lished and preparation. prescribed a over 40 yearse gihta in the JO. - of Canada recommend the only m, I • it- kind that , . gives universal satisfaction. It prom tly a permanently cures all forms of Nerv, . Wea • lien, Emissions, BperMakrrhcea, lin ogenc and alleffectsof abuseorexoesses; the xeessi a We of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants and Brain Worry, all of which lead to I Insanity. Consumption and an Early t ea fil pr ackage or six for 0. SC, bit Wit cure. ?dal e propt 4m of price. Send for free pamphlet. The Wood ortapan Windsor, Ont, C Before .and After. Rem esta renal) as a 13 13 vie cei Word's Phosphodine in sold, n Seaforth b 'hart, I. V. Tear, J. S. Roberts Alcx. W druggists.- L en rave. w on r Addre s na ie0.00A, ba r. .d- 185 Cheap Jewel Ts 12 REALLY Thet depends on how i very careful to have it g we think of the price. - low as we can. See our CHEAP ! sv*11re. We a iod,1 and after th We make that Waltham wat with 20 years' guaranteed gold case. I JOHN BULGER, re at RR h, Jeweler, Sado th en'tnee4dee-een- -•"`;`. taVy..4111 _ I .A7u. tv/ • 3rand Trunk Rai vy System-- , -Rallisiay Tim, Table. Trains ietwe SeafOrth as fol owe ; For Clinton, Goderich 'iVingham 9.20 a. m. Kincardine. • . 12 40 p. m. For Clinton and oderioh, 6.15 p. m. For Clinton, W egham and Kin ar- dine.: 10.18 p. m. For Clinton and &WWII. 7.68 a. m. For Stratford, Guelph, Toro to, North ay and points we t; (net. Belleville and Pleterboro, and poi4e 3.37 p. For Stratford, Guelph, Teronto, /d treat and points east. 4.40 p. m. For Stratford, Guelph and Toron j• Palmerston and GOING Nor7.30 p.m . Pahl. Pallersto Eth 1. 8.07 Bru 8,17 Bluevale 8.27 Whigham.. 8. 0012(0 Sotrru. liVingharn- 3luevale ...... Brussels-- Ethel... ....... Pahnersion" Pass., 6:53 Sem 7.92 7.18 7.28 8.20 Kincardine. Mixed, Milled 12.20p.m 8.45 a re 1.07 9.40 1.10 10,00 1.80 10.20 1.35 10.30 Mixed, Pass. fra-.-na, 8.05 pins 9.17 8.18 10.00 825 , 10,16 3.86 11.80 4,20 • London, Huron nese Nem - London, depart . • Centralia.. -. Mzeter.-....- - e•.••••.....L•v•••.• Klppen :• • • .. ... • • • • Brucotieia...•••• ••• -Clinton .. Liandesboro sa• ow am 414. Blyth..... --Seat ...a's •.“1... • ‘• and Bruce. Poaranger. 8.15*. 6.50 9.18 6.55 9.80 '8.07 9.44 6.18 9.50 9.68 10.16 10.80 10.88 10.60 11.00 Belgrave-- , - Whip= 011(0 801130- . Wb2' hem, depart.. - • Be vs-. ..• • • ,• • BI Lo ashore .•. Clin n- am • • • 10 ••• see . Brn *far/ 111 -• «ow. do• • • He -••- - • . , Motor- •.• ••• • • ANS• ••• Cestralls• Lesko, (1117;66) mit Neg.. on. 6.26 6,88 6.55 7.12 7.20 7,88 7.65 Passenger. 6,60 A.M. 8.10 . a 7.01 8.28 7.14 3.85 8.46 4.15 4.40 4.60 4.65 6.10 86 6.20 9.65 A. V. 6,20 7.22 _ 7.47 8.05 8.16 8.22 If PIC -KINGS FROM FICTION. What is geniu ? It is the power to be a boy again a will. - "Tommy and Grizel." There is one consoling thing about . being, disillusio ed -it presupposes the illusiou.-"A_ Soceel Departure." Thar never eves a quicker way to kill courage in a feller than to fight his fights for 'lm. -"The Substitute." , Women have pa back to the condition of primitive man or they shoot us high- er than the toPmost star. -"The Ego- ist." - Tact 4 the ea-ercise of that wit where- by wo Ian renders man unconscious of the chains in -Winch her beauty binds him. -"A Summee In New York." When a man has once treated a mat ter as a joke, be it for ever so brief a period, he can never take it back again. into the region :of the higbest tragedy, where aloue danger lies. -"Flower o' the Corn." 1 Optimism in life is a good working hypothesis if by optimism we mean the open eyed faith that force exerted is never Icfat. lquelt that calls itself faith is only the blindness of self satisfac- tion. -"The Philoeophy of Despair." Perception Of the Beautiful. 11 An instance of the Italian child's ;quick, poignant perception of the beau- etiful occurred the other day in one of the settlement' libraries. A shy little innelden, with a world of dream 'thoughts in t e depths of her dark eyes, Stood b the librarian's desk waiting for 4ndrew Lang's "Gray Fairy Book." But when it with given Into her small nds all the wealth of : fairy' lOre be e n its covers was for a moment for o thn in contemplation_ of the cover, a ainty design in gray and silver. Al thought of the story vanished. The hild stood there' ey- ing thef book with a look that was a caress, her hands' just touching the binding, tender' , as something of freg- ileabeauty. A d then, very softly, as if to herself, sh said; "I mustn't get it the least bit d rty.- It'e se pretty."--, Everybody's M gazine. , Lytton s GoOd Catch. Bulwer-Lytto s was once entertaining at Knebworth a young Australian' when the visiter from Melbourne, shy and clumsy, tiaek from the mantel- piece a piece of china lately given hie hot by a grateful colonial. It slipped out of his hands In another Moment_ It would have been shivered upon the hearth. The hot, from his sofa, saw what bad happened, was up in an in- stant, stretch d out his hand and danght the. bo I just ere it descended on the , tuarbl . "Fielded, by Jove! But 1 save y crockery, which I would rather not have written 'Money' than have lost," cried the novelist. The Rich Hau's Plaint. don'tsee what good my money does me. I can't eat. I never saw it in its entirety. I dress ino better than my private secretary ta.0 have a much smaller appetite than `my coachmati. I live, in a big barn of a house, am pes- tered to death by beggars, have dyspep- sia, and most o my money is in the hands of other , who use it mainly for their own bene Taate For color. Our hero be a his young Wife until she was black id blue. !Vb. femin 4 characters in a so• dety novel are so apt to be colorless;" said he in exp anation of the seeming gaucherie-. .Asked and Answered., Irate Father 111. How is it that I catch you kis ing my daughter, sirl Answer me, si ;:.how is it? Young Man Fine, sir; finel-Philte i.ellakin Ledger fewldays ago Mrs. Corinne, residing en a farm near plienburnie, astonished the Kingstoa pollee by driving up to tit� sta- tion in that oity with John Murray lying in her rig, bound heod and foot. MM•eay, a farm laborer, had threatened to do violence to Mrs. Corkest, Who is about 60 years of age. She knoehrd Murray down, tied him with ropes, huddled him into„a rig, and drove him eight miles to the police Of that city. ON EiCloSII0 = 3 A Sta dud R emedy Used in T ousands of Homes . Canada f r nearly S xty Years 'and ha never yet failed • to go satisfaction. Aqn. Diarrhcea, Cholera NI tum, Cra and.,all Su Its`prom grea1 deal Ing aid of CURES Dysenter rbus, Cho ps, Colic, S mer Co t use will f unneces en save lif Price, 53e. Ines T. tiilhora Co., Limited, T SI N OF THE Cholera, era Inf9,n- a Sickness laints. prevent a ary suffer - pronto. Ontario. •SAW 00 SOO! Id �s9Mo� 51. B urdock LOOD BITTERS t7'.J Tu s Bait 131 od Into iticl Red Blood. - No othe perfeOt cle fyingl prop External Abscesses, Internal! Live4 Bo action. If your 1 ener lost, P.B. full ninjoy life. , remedy po nsing, heali rties. y, heals S and all Eru sesses such g and puri. res, Ulcers, tiOns, restores the Stomach, els and- Blc:+d to healthy your appe ite is poor, y gone, y ur ambition . will restor you to the ent of ha py vigorous osag FOR ALM -For sale J.10t 1, rioneessiou 9, U Tuckerseni h, containing 180 sores of which 85 acres Aire clear- the remainder s hardwood bush. There sae 60 se ea under grass. t is suitable either for gral growl g or grazing and i well fenced sod underd ined. There is a good oichard and plenty of BDafl fruit tr es. There is a frame house 26r86 w1tl k When 1 x24, frame barn 40x60 with atone stabling unclean ath and hay shed 24x50 with driving s ed sod pig he se enderneath. It is 7S- rcil-a from eaforth and 61; mileefrom Hensel!. For further &Molders apply on The premises or addresa Seaforth 1. 0. DAVID FERGTON, 18601f THE AFIGER FOOT. See if This; Shoe Salesman's Theory Pits Your Case. 1 "The question of which feat to fit first' is an inipi)etant one to us, ' said tho shoe salesman, "It may seem Htrtaige t� you, but it is rarely that we do not ex- perience some trouble in fitting one foot -while the other is easily covered!. A popular belief i obtains thas. the left foot of every person is the I ardest to fit; and consequently many shoe (Aorta always try a oboe on that fool. first. It Is not true, however, accordi ig to my observation, that there is any !inflexible rule as to winch foot to try filrst. It Is true, neverthelese, that in a: majority of cases if yon succeed in fitting the left . foot you will have no trouble with the riglat My practice is to try both fent before I pronounce a pair or shoes- a perfect fit. Tient am sure or avoiding any mistake growing out of peculiar- ities of foot !formation. No two per- sons have I eet formed exactly alike, and the shoe salesman who !thinks se and is governed eccordingly svill meet with many complaints. 1 "For some :time I pondered over the problem of fitting snipes to feet, and S- pecially as tO why the left f•ot should ) be eonsidered the standard y which to be governed. The only ra tonal the- ory I have e'er been able to evolve is a very simple .one when yon C01030 lie consider' it, !Nine out of ten persons you meet are right .handed, as we say. About one person In ten, or perhaps the per cent is eVen less than that, uses Ids left hand. If yon will obserste persons who use the tight hand when they ate standing .and talking they Invariably restitheir voeig,ht on -the left foot. And, , vioe versa, a left handed person -will rest his or her weight on the right feet The resun! IS that with right handed persons the left foot is probably a frae- don larger than the right foot, and the shoe. clerk Must inevitably find this to be a fact scone e or later." ROMANCE IN VARIED' GUISE. Definition of the Word Is Ssceptible of Wide lDiversificat on. What is romance? Even the collo- quiet use of the term is varied. When we say "yen are romancin " or call anything romantic as disflnguished from what in real or what is true we mean one thing, but quit, another when we apply the term romantic to natural scenery. And in this applica- tion we Pawn distingnish between the - effect upon us of that which we call romantic becauSe of hiimai assoma- tons with, certain sighta or s unds and that wildnees of nature whi h we call romantic because of its ab olute die- sociation from anythingehum u. Keeping oat of mind the se of the word in artistic and literary criticistn, let us try to fliad what e ement reconcilement there is in the iversities of colloquial usage. In. all thet is generally ailed re - meiotic! in the Gases above entioned there is the common el ment of strangeness. We easily revert to what must have been the original sense of the word in its connection with those mediteval modifications of the Latin tongue knoWn as the romance lan- guages. The Saxon or Colt would have found his native tongue sufficient for all ordinary needs, but if lie caught the Roman air in any way, by travel or refinement of taste nd habit, he would, to meet the newly developecl need, borrone the graces of tie Roznen speeeh-that Is, he would omance.-- Harper's Magazine. Rockefeller and the I1nngs. In formee years John D. Rockefel- ler's supervisioa of StandarL Oil coin- pany affairs took in even t e smallest detail. On one occasion, ac orcling to Ida M. Tarben in McCluke's, com- menting on a monthly statement, Ile called a refiner's attention 3 to a dis- crepaucy in regard to Winos, articles worth about as much in a anery as pins are in ti household. "La t month," he said to the subordinate o cial "yon reported on I and 1,119 bungs. Ten thousand wer sent you at the beglaning of this in nth. +ou have used 0,527 this month You re- port 1,012 on band. What b s beco e of the other reit-I?" Appa ently Rockefeller'S idea was: Ta . -e care; of the bungs tind the barrels will take care of themselves. 1 The Mistrennt Charms er. The London Globe prints a "char- acter" which an English se ant leav- ing kindly gave her mistress: "In an - ser to your letter, it's not a ad place; the Mrs. understands her -du ys, and is sivel and obliging, but trou les about getting upe early in the morni gs, There is plenty, and if you don't m1id a place where only, one other younlg ladyis kept beside S yourself, you rilgbt give them a nfonth's trial. I ]11t4 more ,so- elety, which is why I am lea ing." 1 Hiss Narrow Logic "If I had my way," said t e man of higb principles, "there would be no mciney in politics." "But," said Senator Sorghum, "If you didn't 'put any money in Ipolltics it isn't likely you could have your way." it ShOe-s and the Fe t. "Maudie, dear, those shoes look tight. How do they feel on your t?" "Perfectly conafortable, ma ma." (To herself) "If she had asked ne how my feet felt in the shoes she ould have had me!" • Unless the soap you use has this brand yo are not getting the best Ask for the Octagon Bar- 245 AUCTIONEERS. MMOILAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the L Centeno of Burma and Perth. Orders left at k. M. Campbell's implemeut warm:some, Eleaforth, or Sea EXPOSITOR Office, will receive prompt attention. etiefacticn guaranteed or no charge. 170841 T Alan G. MellICIIAEL,liceneed auctioneer for the couoty of Huron. , Sales attended to in any part of the °entity at moderate Wes, and satisfaction guarat teed, Ordees eft at the eleeforth post office or at Lot 2. Coneenion 2, Mullett, will receive srompt atteutiun, 188241 UCTIONEERING.-B, 8.Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the oountlea of Huron and Forth. Behag a practical farmer and thoroughly anderetanding the value of farm stock mid places ine in a better position to realize good velem,. Charges ntoderate. Satisfaetion guaranteed r no pay. Allordere lef1 at Mensall post office or .st Lot s3, Conoestion 2, gay, will be promptly steeded to. . 170941 Are a Heart and Nerve Tonic, Blood and Tissue Builder and Constitution Renewer for all troubled with weak heart or nerves. As a food for the blood, the brin and the nerves, they cannot be excelled If y,ou are troubled with Nevousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration, Pal- itatiOn of the Heart, Shortness of Breath, eak or Fainting Spells, .Anmnaia, or any form:of Debility, take MILBURN'S IlEhRT AND NERVE PILLS. Their curative power is quickly mani- fested. They purify ,and revitalize the blood, brighten the brain and steady end strenghten the nerves from the first few doses., Price see. per box or 3 *boxes for Mese at all dealers or The T. Milburn Co., Lingteal. Toronto, Ont. United Typewriter Com- pany Limited. Underwood, Empire, and Blick- ensderfer. All visible writing machines, for sale or to rent by the month, ribbons, etc., and all other make of typewritere, eecond hand, for sale. Apply to L. G. VAN EGMOND, Agent. SEAFO RTH • - - ONTARIO. 1828 45 Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Anticipating Him oJenkIns, 11 believe you have some of the elements of success about you."1 "Not a dollar, old man. HO/SOf YOu'd be welcome to it if 1 had." -Stray Stories. 1 1 When our shafts fall to bit the mark : we generally have a feeling that It Is because the mark is too low. Puck. Ladies' Favorite, Ts the enly safe, reliable regulator on which woman can depend "in the hairs and time of need." Prepared in two degrees of Strength. No. 1 and No, 2, No. 1. -For ordinary cases Is 'by far the best dollar rnedicine known. We. 2 -For special cases -10 degrees stronger -three dollars per box. 1.41diese-921S your druggist for Cools*rs Cotton Root Compound. Take no other as an nine, mixtures and Imitations ere dangerous. No. 1 and No. 2 are sold anti reecmunended by all druggists in the Do- minion of Cana4a. Mailed to any aedrees On receipt 0 *rice and four 2 -cert postage stamps, e cook Compr.ny, • Wintleor, Orriee No. 1 and No, 2 are sAd in Seafortb by J. 8. BOb erts, Alex. Willson, C. Abernart and I. V. Fear, drug- gists, 1869 E18TEAY PIG, -Strayed into the premiees of the J undersigned Lot 26, Concession 2, Tuckersnaltb, • '1• about Aug- at it, a pure white sow. The o ear may have the same by proving property and p yieg charges. JAMES DALLAS. 18610 rnEAORER WANTED. -For sehool eection No. 5, Hibbert, male or tamale holding a second class profeesional certificate. Dale's to commeoce 0o- tober let, 1908. Application's received up to Sep- tember 10th, stating salary. Pareonal application preferred, Apply to JAMES SOOTr, Jr., Cromarty, OU tufo. 1861x4 Voters' List For 1903, Township of Tuckersmith. Notice la hereby given that I have transmitted or delivarekto the pereons mentioned in motion/1 8 and 9 of the Ontario Voters' Limb Act, the copies required by @aid section's to be so tranemitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said Aet, of all pereons appearing in the last. revised asecesment rcll of the said municipality, to be entitled to vote in the taid muricipality at elections for members of the Legis - Mire Assembly and at /durlsipal Eleotions, and that nald ilet was lint posted up in my offise,in the Town - 'ship of Tuelteranith, in the County of Huron ornate 12th day of August, and ;remains there' for ire epeolion. Electors are called upon to examine sisid list, i.nd if any omiesidna or any other errors are found lherein, to fake immediate proceedings to have said errors corrected according to law; A. 0, 81IILLIE, Clerk. 1859.3 LPIO A PERFECT NOME REMEDY. -- Indorsed by the bestEnglish Journals, Supplied to British Soldiers In South Africa. For all Throat and Gland Troubles, Pleurisy, istsameAbseesses. Old (*ores, Ulcers. Felons, *kin 1,180a$44.16 remota. Pimples*. *tiff Joints., glifillImstistlif lumbago, Sprains, Brutiseee es; Cuts, aore Ireet, Soki by Druggists, 25o. Try It ono., Special Attention co orsesbOe1ng and General Job g. Robert Devereux IlLACKSMITH :0,nd CARRIAGE 0141. MAKER; te JINGLES AND JESTS. e • ---';.'g c lot les, b; t t 1.• r off; r, err sin ellen her iips; it !, ,-, •,-3 t nut scoff to; Bat, t• .1 avn She spoiled it often, when she spoke,, With unbecoming sneers A Sense of the Itomantic. "So you think your propeetive sone in-law is a paragon?" "Certainly not,;' answered Mr. Cum- rox. "If we Jack words to describe him' we &rtainly should not think of :going to prosy old geometry for them." t An Amatettr. Young Bride -I'm so nernons. Idgea"..endd tually shaking. - Matrimonial Veteran -You'll get over 11, dear. Why, when I Rest began get- ting married I thought I would never stop, having altar f right. At the Toueaursery. A fellow who slaughtered tsvo toucans Said, "I shall put them into two miss," Two canners who heard Said, "You'll be a bird If you can put two toucane in two vane, -Judge, One Way to Rise. "Old Jones made a rise -in the world at last." "You don't say So?" 'I do. They're,d-swingin' him to that hickory limb yoUder, an' git that Lf the rope don'tibreak." Call of Poker. Hewitt -I bad to call. a doctor last night Jewett -Who was sick? Hewitt -The doctor. bad a straigt Naeht. A man from a swift sailing yacht Was brought to the shores on a cacht. They asked hiin howl he Liked the life on the sea, But all he meld answer Wass, "Nacht. ----New Orleans' Tirees-Democrat. No Harm Done. "Let's go home. We're out of bait," "Liquid or solid?" "Fish bait, mean." "Oh, well, there's no tury then?" he Lelsure MUMS. "I see Smith takes five minutes for lunch." "Oh, yesi Smith has been out of active business for some little time ' now." -Puck. maw. Fashirin and Folly ran a race To see which went the faster pane, But half way home they stopped. Eat* saw The race was going to be a draw. en. e magnate. "Is he very rich?" "Rich? Why, he's so rich. he daretef look twice at a girl for fear she'll bring, a breach of promise suit" Diecouragement. Each day the foreign neve we seek; We find more hard word In a week Each- day a puzzle strlige appears. Than we can learn to Opel' in years. Two Explanat 071116 "Well, he's been tvv nty years ill polities and he's a poor an!" "Honest man or did e blow In his money?" I I• Seef e rth twa.$4••••••••••••••••• Goderieh street, - • 1 ••••••••••• A Melting Tele. Mary had a little ewe, So playful and so cal ow, - But when the heat reached rtinety:Awg It turned to mutton tallow! Mareonigrani. Many a schoolboy feels that he fi young Marconi when 6 much fuse is always made over his "communice fag!, His Reply. "Good sir, will you have soup or ilidtre The waiter asked in tones judicial. The hungry diner said, "I wish You would not be Ii0 superficial!" W here There's; a Will. Jack -She hasn't said yes, has she? Dick -.--Not yet. She still thinks she isn't going to marry rue. And She WAN One. "Although he's dull, he said last night A real good thing," said Prue, "It simply filled inc with delight; 'Twas 'Peach and biscrne for two" Her Only Chance. Young Striker -Do you believe in U1110118, Miss Oldone? Miss Oldone-This is so sudden. - Pile. Safety Matches. SOM6 matrimonial matches bright -- Just bright with gold and stocks - .Are of the -sort that only light Upon the money box. 1.1 • No Hrain Work. "Brain worker, Is her "Oh, no! He writes words for popu- lar songs." ...erl.m.a.••••••emeatweer s: • , The Last Not Enough. To say "the last word brings contest To woman" is misleading; She must have ninety-five per cent Of all the werde preceding. 4.0.fM.••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• Be 'Know His Wife. "Your wife his some secret fr "You're wrong, doctor. My mitt coin keep a secret." . The Politician. Nobody truly understand* Just how; his fame extends. Some men ;succeed by shaking litandit And some by shaking friendie e-Buiftle NSW& 1.111111111111111111111.113101111 011/1M/M1.1/00 •REXALL IN11-:- DYES These Dyes will dye lee.pol. Cotton, Silk, Jute or Mixed Goode in orle bath -they are the latest and moat finrruivorl Dys in to world. Try a paekse, e- lore at I. V. FEAR'S Dug tu°, Sieferth. 1855-62