HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-14, Page 8r -
W. I
war Gold Medal' Twirl
. -
At Chesney & Smitey's. -.
. I 1.
. I
. � - I
I The farmer v� ho uses the rly-mo a
;old Medal Twine has . Eolid comf D.
Wiwi in all kindsi� of: maebines 1 '
noie even, binds more sheavips, # ul i, r
. .
6irieaks, and gives. better satisfac 5,
ffith those w�a use it than an- y. -'O&
mine. ., - - �
, . �
. . � . I
Also pure Manila ,rope , and haryi (
Lobls,, machine, oill etc. I i
. ;
. . -
_� .
. I - .�'. - I
I . . .1
,% ____ � _. "a
I C____ y a OXHAILP
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a .
- . 819AFORTA,--� ,
- � _..
I Hardware, Stoves, Etc.
� - I
! -
11 . .. $
. !
- i I .
, I
. I
E, 81 0 S -LER., M.. ?L � T. G.. 131106'*
. President General A"Al
Capital, Futly Paid Up -S2,983,8615 �
Reserve Fund: and un- I . I I
. '226
, divided Profits' -- & 3,331, � �
Deposits by Public $23,389,64
Total Assets S 301TOIJO
. .
. __ . � �,
Mak street, sear6oh. I
I .
- . Every. faii. ifor.the transid . ting I of
genaral banking business., . -
Collectioni; made on. all points -Jn 41
and.abroad. - I . I
Advances made: t� Fari�ers- - Specli
tent' � ld to the collection of Sale ot
xon Pa, - � .
received of One ,DollAr .And upw �,
triteresi -allowed at, Wighest' rate a
compounded half yearly. ..- - "
� �
Riii,_ 8f HAi I W. �K. PEARQ?
I . Manal It, r
Souo'itor m; I
. �
. �. I
. i . I
. . I I I
� . I
11101I _ 9- .
rarmers A -. t- it" 0 n t 1, 6, " �
I �
� — " �
The 'Ni'Itional Vre= SepakSt
I'�'. F \i FOIL SALE. BY I
. . I
W. N. WATS N, North Main Street,
. � !
r . :
t - I OFORtH. 1. :
, � : I .
�, ;.� __. I
This separator is one ot the best, man0facitidred
the Raymond Sewilng XschlO Co., which has b
in businew for over 0 years, and a narai
the Ational Reparator to a fArWly lrotvcilass,� 1 ip
date machine. It: Is Winple, easy to Operate, & 0
skimmer, and durable, All. mai guarinte
and manufactured in three different sizeff--95 D,
and, 45a We. capacity, races right, call ski I
, . I
iiii It. . � . ..� i
"w- W., . W_&r.r1S0
I ,
� I i
General Fire and Life Insuran Agent, and I i I
in- Sow.fng Machineff and Bloyolesi,
. - � I 16
- �
I ,
Fatl . Term Opens Sept I, �. it
� I
� '': I .
� I ZVI, I �
I ... 1� � I I 11
a. K -A I � . �� � I I 11
- . 11
- . i
. P
The school that %Mkes a specialty oi ei
. I
student. We deal cinly in. ihe bgl,',
uess and shorthand'. education. u
aeutg got positions.- Write for hand
catalogue. . . I.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal
. � .1 . � A"t-6
. i
- -
_: . I I
.1 �
� For., Sprnng ' Trad�.
� I ig I I
� ? .NJ !
I . weat P do, , �a,
A large assortment of � a ( ar
Combs., Harness Drevoinjo, Brasheo'!
Grease, Wool and Rubber Rugs. A I n
stock of DiLoters Whips, oboiii- � I
9 : I
The largest stock or Trunks and v a
I at lowest prices.
. - .1 �1
I - . 11
Etarnid9a O'ho,p . Oady"s, Bi '
I 11 . .
. I ;
S I i
� 1, EAFORTH. ,;
. I
___ -
I t,
: .
- ,Psyer Leaf '
_�__Cl^ W - I
ile �
Favorit, - 0: I
. !1.
At the rate we are selling. the above po
lar pattern In crockery is ample at, �en
that both the goods and our priceor are
We make upi asso�trnont. It's nctigli
Mary to buy .r. full set. See the goods a
I __ ,
- , . I I
- . 1
. The 28a. To& Store,
. .
St".'AFORTH . - - - . - ONT`i�]
. ,
- �
. .1 I!,
I ,
. I .
. -
Am m_
The. mulminamadilan B ski �
I . _ - . ?
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� !�
' - I I
I � ii !
Qapit�-1 (pald up). , $ 8,7OOtOO
- �Vlk
Reserve- Fund - S 31000ii
. _ r
Aggregate Resources ,
I over - + q $789060110'4
. .
I . I .
. .
. :
Ron. - G, A. Cox, President. : �
1 4
1 1
B, E, Walker, General Manager. I
. I
. I
: .London, England, Office,
� i I -
11 _. i
I -
, - ,
A general. Ban-Irt"S.. �ustnoxs t a
sected. - . � .
. Farmers' and Giaziers' N etas;; I
. counted, nrtd s'pectal attontlon gl
. to the Gotlocitton of Sols, Nctoi a
; , I ,, rt-ter9tit atlowod on deposits �f
, I
I and upwardsi Interest Is croi
accounts on thO 3tst of May and! ti
30th of November in each yelari.l
— . P I
I The Bank hue 105 br2jacheig extending thri
Onts.-io, Queboa, Mapitobi Northwest Territ0ri
British Oolum � his, Yakon District, Marfilme,pr
vinces and the United States. I
G, H. PARIEW-, Hansom
F� 11,QLMNISTIDD, solicitor. I �
", I .
1. I I
I � �.
� i
� _-i
, 'k . I
. V �
I -
, -,-,- __-_______,____,J__,ii
I ... I
L'UX11, f i . .&-N- 11iiii NA %i P -i J11. _111-i"i J-4flutp 11 . . �.,
� __ - I I :: - I �
..... ..... . I I . --- _____ -_ . .1 .
� I I _!T_M!T� 1� 1,. ,
� I . . . . . .
. �
� .. - -
. or left with a car a . ... _. I.. I �. - . I -
. -
, , for H .
. usob of Mrs. W. Dloksoi, S. MoXer- MoBeath.—Mr. Sam Flu� .
g and family have moved into the reni- load of horsest for Mr. Thomas Sloan, Ime 'i
cher ii�r arevest T � 1,
donee lately vacated by John Knutson, on the Wo*t this week-�Rsv- Dr. M011st, gave - I � 1 4, ��, �
I ��
Ann street, -Miss Elsie Allan returned �an interesting address in the Methadisit . . � . . ,.- � � �
from a a?outh's visit at Cleveland Is lit week, 11 church, on Tuesday evening, to a small .. I I .
� .
. �
. �
and was"S000mpanied by bar siot3r, - Mine I gathering, on the - im1porteur : work in loon- mmer _', � I
Sara Ail�n, who will visit here for a few mection with the Bible and ' Tract Society. . � 1�_ -
, 1
weeks, mial Stobie, of Seaforibli, renewed ! It in too bad there is not -more interest I t . .- � . I
. I
- I
I . � I I
I . .
sequain-anatis here 16116 week. -D.3 .Walker 'taken In this work, as, there in no doubt . _� .�_ - I THIRTly-
leftfor its home in Niagara Falls on Mon- theydoagreat deal of good, -Mr, Frank � - . .. - i I
By. _t, � Los Tons Rae returned ft on � Toron W Metcalf in attending bbie High Court, of For- Shop ers,
d I . P � I �.t- - VFJ10,LN I
.thisweik.-Wim. Lookie, Acoompani sibers' meeting at Galt this week. -Mr. F. � "
ad � re -74' _���
- I Z� .
his-nept ow, Clarence Campbell, are open - Shore, of 'Wingham, took oharge of the ear- I . W � . �
I 20_ux�gl2mn� van's I � __ . __ .
1 4
Ing a w4 sk at the latter's home in London. vices'in Trinity church last Sunday.. He is I , ! . _. -1 � �
-Misses Ross and N. Brown, of Brussels, veiry acceptable to the people beriinity � - � __ �
" �
, -1 .1
� I
. % - I t' 8 .
witre u 36ts of Mies Nollie Black on Satur- church Young Peop - le's Asnoiciiitioa intend . - 1_. P 2 $To= .
h n ' . .
da .- 'arris Hamilbi Picton, Is spend- holding their annual garden party on the This is oi�general clear up mont I the Dr Z
I I ry , -:g---'- �
ingap rb'of his vacation ai home near church grounde, on Friday evening, August. Goo4jitrade. Summer I i_� ,- . so ft. id,
- ods are be- __ I Vn 0 1 �
. � 90 In _��,, f- - - w
. _ -
to da -Z . _ -1 . . -
here,- re. Kafue, of Gorrie, is vii her .219t. There will be a band in at n nos. - dispoged of so cheaply that IV# -a regaf. I _ �
claught r, Mrs. Johnson. -For some time posts Dr, Carder has been Or harvest I -or the buying p?blip, _��._ ,100 ft, long �
and ...I I. I - - .1
, -
. .
- losing a number of his chickens at night. , . the people are doing the reaping. ' _1- - - I - - I �
� I � I
I _ - �
I I He thought ib.must be a.- weazel tbab was Dimes and4ollars are being .saved by wi& I � � 1.
11 -_
Hibbert. doing the miopbief. On Saturday, while awake'shoppers who take advantage, of I I-.- _iiiiiiiiii__ - . :
I .
I _ - . .
A Ti amumo AccilDEXT. . -job McKay was practising some of his uch chances, and do their trading where I .- .
-A terribly die Mr. T I a . 11 -
tressful accident occurred in this I owashipq fancy manoeuvres for the championship Isi - little moneyeau be exchanged for mudh I 0 1 1 * I I
-1 I
aboui is x miles from Mitchell, on Friday af- orosse Irame at Senforth, he eopled a w.eazel bulk, a -ad quality to show? besides, � I - I I
ternoon Isfib, resulting in the maiming for running along the street. He gave It Merchants are desirous to rid .their tables � � - .
. �
.. I
life 6f ' bright little girl. Ethel, 6 8 year- chase, finally managing Wiget, it on his I&- and shelves of all hot weather maitoriaU 11 I . . .
� I I I I Is
old da ghter of Mr.Edwin Harris VA9 PI&Y- crostio stick, He called for help, and be. - and you are thi6y who need the good �
tI I _g, I - . � .
Inginit 4grasonearwhero bar faber was tween the two of them they put it in a box, t for yourperson-al- comfort. I I ; I
. I I
using a mower. � he knives caugh her, and and Dr. Perdue took charge of Ili at. his A good pilan,for yop, is to make a list Of the I � � ;
when p oked u . a a was found to 3&v0 0.110 livery stable., I things you �re,k�uirs, Thert, in .orde ' . � I
I r to . ; I
� I - . i I
I bad laosr , and the other as com- I — a have y,nur rniOdi worth as well as your , I "I . i I
. I
;6?stely ut off five inches above t 9 ankle. Tuckeromith. money $a worth, aireefate the value �_ � , � - .
dice V,
odica, aid was q aiokly secured, and the Big moortmenib of Geo, A. Slater shoes for f each purchise && - r you've taken it I I ar.
log hi was bad y Incerated,will not have homesido yoitr buy' . - �
. man *1 on hand. Don't forget that we are Role ' 109 &V just -such a 1 � - �
� .
Ways ' I : .
- I I
to a fors I o . I I . I
putato. , Agents Werth. Alaii soloazento for Dorothy . Place as this, the people's p pular Dry I . I �
I � , ! i !
- -0 Dodds shoes fi women, W. H. Willie, Seafoi , 'Goods store. . . I i
. . � I - - i �
. � 1861-1 . i 11 � I
1. X ,ippen. � � ' : � . �
- . I � r i
. . i
� : � - I
- �
I D. H mml sioner and Conlveyancer. For men, women and children, hosiery Goods Now Being Cleared, Profit. � . � ; i �
0 I . : - - I
Wills, Mo to and d Dade drawn up, Money leaned that is full. of style, comfort and .wear I I , . .11 .-
. leaves footprintv of satisfaction on the mind. I I , -
at the 10 V vs of oterest, i 17404f � able Buym*g For You. . . I � � � . If you �al,
I Nona. And, mind you, this is just the kind of box- . , - lind � . 1
-i R. Mollie and a grandoon, I � Childien% �
Gordon Gauld, art visiting friends in Glen- iery you got at the R. MoFaul C� 0, store, SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS, . I - .
. I �
allan. Mr. MeI4 ; many friends wish him - 88aforth. Your money will get itsIdue in ' - � . - .� - . I tb= YOU- .rRally.
- trip anq & safe return. -Mri Win, their store. . -1 .. V .1 . the pOOX MR14.
tvin=7 f New Y ng h 0 Rs' LisT,-The voters' list for - ,I 11 _. - .� save you. -
P k, is visibi parents T= VoTE READY-TO-WEAR HATS I I
� �
i I ge.-Mr, . � .
r. ins u Mrs, IV in, of the -Vill this township has just, been issued, There - . i I I . i
. .
0harle Jone ppleton, Minn ots, who are 67,') persons entitled to vote at both SHADY PARASOLS, - - - . - . __ t
� I . � � �
I s father and m( that, Mr, electio�e to the Liegiolative Assembly and at � � I . I
. I �
� .
$%e bee visit n , � I I . z
and M , John A nos, of Stan] y returned ; municipal.eleetions ; 138 at municipal. else- WASHABLE SHIIUWATSTS, � . . ,I
a ,� �
I .1 �
� � I
� �
- . . .
. I
��� home O Mond Y. _Mr. Win. Out more left' tipas only, and 46 at elections to bhe Login I . I � �
this station on at urday last, wit i 57 head; lative Assembly only, making a total of 856 FAST BLACK HOSIERY, . . 1p C451111.
� ; -
� I � � -
. I � ; ;
I : I
of catii6 for th G sagow market. i . I I 1. I . ,a
�� Twenty-' voters on the list. Of this number 470 are - �
e I I . � I . I
#Ohb 0 them , ed to Mr. R, I a Mordie. 1 eligible to serve as jur-jro. The ratepayers I � I � .
I . ;
� . I
bo a that dmore will have a safe obould'examine the lists, and If there are . . � I
. - �
and on6cessful tri p. -Miss Edna MeNevin any names left, off or any errors, they should . : " _ - � We hav-e-C
is visit ag frl do In DuuRaunon,-Mr. T. have the matter attended to. in good time, SERVICEABLE �GINGHAMSI 1. .
Mellis fit in Tit this week, atitemcling the BAD B=EAvmvF-NT.-T,he hand of death . I I wants a good sbz
I - �
. ,
High.. ur 0 40 ee fallen heavily upon the' home of Mr. PRINTS, LAWNS, LITC, . � I � er - ..
Foresters. as a delegate from Kip a Oburt, William Wright, of the fth concession. and i - . q I
. ;
-Mrs. B. Smillie, of Palmer, lo , acebm- removed from it a wife of but %, few months, An -Item -10f Interest To All Wo- I I '- .
panted by his sisti 5r,'Minv Mary ontelth, after an illness of seven weeks duration, . I - I - . -
of q toup were visiting friend in this trom a compllq�tion of diseases. Mrs. . men. � � - I 1. some I
I � .,
I I .1 � 80�m ;,
nei bb rh!6od durl 4 the past' w ek.-Mr. Wright'$ maiden 6me was Isabella Laidlaw, I I �
anT Ire. James Reid, of Wing ism, are daughter of the lute George Laidlaw, and It is to know just where to find the nowi � - a ;
, I � I . - I
here vihiting Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs, John was only married ito her now sorrowing h as. styles in �
,good si tment, of Belti : � :
Z; I , ome ;I
Workn�an, of Tookeromitih. � � boad about four ,or five - months ago, -The Buckles, Stick Pins, Fancy Ties, t Lin . is :
. 4 ;
I - I -0 - I - . deceased was juab'bloosoming inbo young Collars, Fa4cy Collars, Purses Sind U=4 I . T
� � � .
. womanhood being obly 25 yearn and efgbt erous othtr'novelties that are over in - 3
. M `
. I Cron4sri " demand. : .1 SO i
months old. The sad occurrence has cast a � . - - �
Lot the still. 1,611 voice in you, AV . ;
I � Ocket* gloom over tbo" whole neighborhood an she We ce'tAinlY h; a them In styles and quat Somle i
book sPeak, It twill guide you st,&1ghb to was highly 1hougbb of by all. The sincer. I tities far too many to describe in detail, � _. - I �
the E. I McFaul Cc's store, Seafort] is to take set sympathy of all is extended to the young We also wigh to call a,tterition to our I
' � . - -e .
i . I .
advan goof bbb price inducem jits now husband, ; I pretty'Embroideries and- - dainty V,4L Som I i
- � - �
� � . � . -
being ffered in carpetv, lace curtains, lin- I 8 . � Lai so necessary to the --vompletionof - �
I I . .
olournal and all kinds of summer d ry goods., . z .: wintl=op. your coA, summer garments. . . Some ;
I 11 --
. - I .
. .
. - -1 I I - - �
. . 1861 11 � . I � �,
11 A drpp too much," is what they say �() �
. �
A P�wFuL INJUR'r.—Mr. Samu I Spears when a -man ban more than -lie cam" carry, I otton Sheetings and Pillow -Cas- 303A� � Z
I - 1. A
� I
� � � I �
has bem nursing a tore foot for the Past 14 Too much drop," is"What we as V�hfn we - - . ... 11
couple of weeks, While oplittin kindling y lugs I I � e, --
thfnk of the prim at wbi6h 'we are now 0 � -
. I . I L
J i .4,
one mc ruing he gob in too big a arry, the selling 80 Many things about the etore, ' � . a
. �
result ming that the axe came I I conta We are,desirousof having- a 11 House clean. _. . .
, . :
`t Come and do some profitable buying. You . . . . . 03AG .
I with 0 big tos of his right foot, cutting lit 'a. Ing " timeof cotton. goods for home pur- - - I -
, � � Iways have siorne dry goods' need. The 1-11, li
poses. You may now get the best kind , �
i Although he has not bee a laid up E. McFaut Co., Seaforth. 1861-1 4
. .
= r it has given him oonirldozable pain, in bleached and unbleached sheetiagg, . i
I - .
- ;
SUCCESSFUL 8001AL.-The social at Mr. plain or twill. You may secure pillow 2
and is ii drawback to one of - his energetic I 11
nature. � John C. Morrison!o on Wednesday evening casingia, the kind you like, at no ad. 4 � az
, !
I -
I �, �
A GooD BARx.--Work on' the I rge barn, of last week, under the auspices of the Vance on last year's low Prices, . '_ -
on the farm of Air. Charles Gor Way; 7th Ladies' Aid of the Methodist P.hurch, was an : * A C
I Cult J
concesi i;on, Hibberb, is being rapid y --pushed unqualified succiess. Despite i the fact that On Days Like These, b And uii
forwar I by the , nergetio oontri otors Mr,. threatening weather early in the evening, - . � . . 1,
_. I .
samue S re, Work was delayed for kept a number away, -4here was a good � . I I
I kound The Store, . ,� -
... I .,
rowd present, and all Ibeemed to have a : . I
some t me Twoco, int of the lumb or not ba- 01. � . . Three ,gli
d � I
Ing rec alved' on ti no. Thin barn in to ,most enjo�able time., Two excellent ad-
re- . , The only figures indicated about our store � i . ; .
' burned, Id in 50x:66 d i ran by Rev. A. Andrewo, of , � All new- right
lace t is one recei tly � thef,e days are on the thermometer, _.- - Ul
releb, ai id will be one cf the boob barns I - the Walton, and Kev'. John Parish,- -who in home � I - sm9ni costs �
.(that's hardly right, beeauso, by the . , .
towns4lp when completed. The act 'I on a v number of . I I
that way, we -don't happen to own one). At . . tud the price Ml'
Mr. 80sarais the contractor in a sufficient leasing musical selections were also given. any ruts, our prices on all merchandise ; - . . - . �
� � . _%� �
. - 5s lidies also provided excellenti refrosi 11 . . 1
guara, It,, th t the workmanship ill be of . needed these hot days, are so low theli " ,
a "' ... - I � � .1
" * . , ments. .The total receipta sinounted to , ,�� 4
the I S�b . Thin in the fourth now barn for . any one can'reaeh them. We've cools ---- Full iiengtbh -
Mr. 8 ears this year, to nothlog of the 858-75. .� thin goods suitable ior all kinds .,of ` I - - . �fl -
- .
. - T . I
numer no other jobs, �hlllely people of this - . I summer weatheri suitable for ,all kinds - _� - I
I � - .
I .1 . � -1
neighb rhood knoW 'how to appreciate B I Zuri6h. - _. of Oatario people. Come wit V. -4 t
, h.. your . JJ
good workman. A Goob SERMON.—In the absence of the cai your butur and your, eggs to Ao .� 4i
� -
__9 pastor, Mr. JS Dalgetty preached in, the Ev- some t rad � - � �
I . ing. . .
I \ Ji . Gorrie. angelical church here I�pt!'Sabbsth evening, . . I � 1 ii T . ( 4
I .
. - hass b n prae- He gave a most able dioeourso.-, Hetook- as I . 7
s.-Dj,. Tuck, who - - �L
. -
tilin n our village for nearly 15 ears, has his text the question of Nicodemus to . _*__1P__F__*__1i I I �. ,7
� !_6C__4V_1A_Ai1 0001-4,881,45i �
i 1.
gold ' piactice tc Dr. Whitely, o is now Christ: "What must I do -to W save4.1' and I . - . I . . . j
. �
. several - bore again." He . i
in pool tolion. It in ru the reply, "Ye must be I i
mored th , * �
other octors are (oming. There s a good earnestly impressed up*4 his; hearers the & 0 . Vie . - §__ I I I
field two 1) good doctors here, men who necessity for the now birth in -order to obtain I - I
have t ken brilliant college courses, follow. I salvation, Agood, clean, moral life in good . . ' 7 Rin .1
ad by broa or (out years of succemeful prac. and desirable, but in itself it in not suffi ' I .11 . �. .
ties. o others would be likely to succeed, Want. There must be the'xiew life; we mu ... � . - .
-I �
-Rusiol Brown, of Brussels, was in town The Jiscourse wag listen- -A - I'll I .
, ,
be "bora again." 8; E * ji-c F .. UL . . . . . . .
� .
on Sunday. ---i Ise Doan in Asiting in ed to most attentively and the congregation I I . i I I
Brusse aii-Mrn. 11 8, T. Fennell, of Sh6l- showed their appreclationof it by a mast . 11 I ��� I I
. . .. 1, � � �
bourne, is visiting friends in our illage.- liberal silver collectioni The singing by the Dry �Goods Guat 1 .2 . I
H Ardell, son of Ge rge Ards 1, of our choir was also excellent, , I �� -1
arry . got part of his ri hb arm �aksn off BuiRrs.-Jobn Koch, ofthe Babylon line, i � - � .
village orge and one of the old settlers in this pal t, has - 'ROW �
Inaralwayscoldentlaeb aturday,-Gei 0 Iry I I Z-1 . . - . - - . .1 �
endale, where he passed ver to the ailetib majority and the -c 1,
Ardell Is home from Al . U#ths Ure -a- sest Cash ' ' 11 '='
had been working,) , n a train. He got him remafns'were interred in the Lutheran cem- . I � I � I'll-
. .- �
hand scalded on August let .and was off etery on Sunday afternoon-lasti. Deceased - . 1� � ��
work, He and his brother Harry have, had leaves a wife-- and grown up family -to mourn Dry Goods ,Store. � . �
rather'hard luck si aci going on thi i train, - the lose of a kind husband and loving father. �. I -.-. . �
The Methodist J nior Epwor League He was nearly 75 yearn of agiiii-Mr. J. R. ' .
I spent plea0ant moonat the a ureb on Eckstein, of Jackson, Michigan, is visiting days withrela3livesand friends.- Mies Ethel I I
4 a - -,
Mond y of thin we k. -Mr. Rsthi all, oftoe. his sister, Mrs. Moses Geiger, Mr. EPek. Colwill has xetur ed from visiting friendain �
Goi stein worked for Mr. D. S. Faust some Southampton and - Kineardino.-Mr. Wra,
make is returnin to rrie, and his shop . � -
a twenty years ogo.-The following persons M-niore, who was satooman for a number of � 1. .
will be in Mrs, D no' building, opposite I - . .
the Ai3glo-Amoric n hotel.-Iklra Rogers hemo returned to their homes in Cavalier, years in -Mr. E, R%nnfa% but wbohas Dow . I
find her daughter, ld&, of Parkdale, called NorthDakota, after opendiDg some time a good. posid.m in a large establishment in -
. �
on friendi town last week. -Win. Wal. with friends here: Mro. P. Koehler and bar Minneapolis, Minn', -is home bore visiting - I
tore, the new editor of the FqrdwIeh Record, mother; Mrs. David Ruby and Mrr. John h1a parents, Mr, and Mrs, Win, Moore. His .
was In town last week.- Trumner.-M rs, George Pfaff left -for Pig- many frJendo are pleased,to moot him,agalup . I
.� : — 0 eon, Michigan,�on Monday, after visiting � _Our band g4ve a free evening's entertain- I .�-W,A_Cic CAT'AP
� � M -i Wthe good peopleof our sister village . i �
trionds here for a few weeks. -Mr, Elfas I . UWAGO-ROCK:
� � 31�fth- � Weidman returned to his home In Berne, of Zurich on Monday evening last, _. and wo - � 1100SIERT ce I
BiaisFs,-Mr, Wm. Quinn, wb at one Michigan, on Monday, after a visit to We learn their melections were much voioyi XCy'1q0.S1J.&.,%
time I 54 brakeicnair on the 0. P. B,, out of father-in-law, Mr. S. Martin. -While Mr.P. Mr David Thomsov, of Toronto. formbr[Y �, I I
Whial eg, but who has been at hii father's Koehler was delivering wheat ab th . a mill bhe . c,f Honsallf In vizitii)g blu relatives and . .1 .
home I East Wawanosb for the mob her'day, his teAm gob tooiiinear the edge of friends, in Henitall and vicinity,-Pieples to � I
and, a &If suffering froth that dri disease, the platform, and tumbled over, Fortun. the lako continue the or -der �f I the day,-im- P -a .
ot injured further than one MIS" -Hllg�glhav, of Lobid-on, is 'visiting hot �
conga ption, and aid been living In a tent ately they were p. �. . � 5
in the rehaird all summer, died Saturday of them getting its leg scratched, It was a cousin, Mix. W. 0. Davis. -Messrs. M-�Rw
inorniog at 71 o'olook. His rems no were mirsole they were not killed.-iiiiiiiiiii 13. F,,l . on and Geiger are getting in a large quanti- � I I
oonvoyted to the Union cemetery 0111 MOn- Fauib was In Exeter on Monday ort buRiness.. ty of flax in good condidon.-Mixt; Beck Aud . � �
day, there being a large following at the . her au -at, Miss Aifttborp,of St. Marys, are . - �
-On Monday evening last, the Housall . I I
funeral. He was member of the Mabcs- band gave an open air concert on our streets, vititing here at Miss Beek's bome.�The far� � . . - 11rim �
- �
� ..
� r;
been, who furnedil ont very strong. His which attracted a large cr I in this AeAlon &to getting thri . - . . ill" I .... ;
. owd, They pla mere . , a - : i
parents and brothe6 and sisters have the well. Tho directors of the agri ly with the harveot,. as IhO grain has ripened . . . IQ it 1', :
I cultural soci- - - . . - �
- . A
sympathy of their arge circle of riendc- at Qu ckly this neason,-The fri'ands -of . � - I
r have engaged them to play at the fall very I I � .1
. - The lawn social be! d by the ladi is Of the fs r.-MeA*ors. C. Brown and Hutchison, of Milis Ruiater will be pleased to le#tn that I - I
Presbyterian churc 2 last Friday ev ming was Crediton, �Iwere calling on friends here last *he is now improving, although not Be rapid- � I
a muecess in every way. Although tf. e evening week,_Mrl, S. Ronnie has the otone frunda- :.1y as could ba dersired.-Dr, and Mrs, Black- � I . . I I
all ree6mly spent a SWobvith in London With -1 I J� _
was rather cool, th ire was a largo attend, tion of life',house completed. -Mr J. B. Fos� I � i
ance, all njoyin themselves, -M itis Maud ter has bfd large brick etibl friends. -Mr. Alox. McKenzie., 'Who has - . I -
, o nearly com- more than a local fame an x, 11 thors0i � - -
Proctor reeturnelf om her visit at Rfpley on p!eted. 1� will be a good .one, -Mr. J. Diim� as, a ce own 0 . -
collar maker, but who has found the vre.rk -
Taesday, and left or Toronto, where she nis recently moved into Mr. D. Steinbach' , work �,
. has secured a pool on with one of I he large bo Itelling upon him for some time posb# I& I
. use. -Mrs Sheirs and her son, of Roll . � I
ImIllinery firms of t at cit The Witighain enter, Ntiv� iork, have been here vislt,iag here last week for Lindsay, where 'he boa .
Ira `J - bar brother, Mr. C. Fritz. -Mrs, Beaker and - —
basis ball tea,, Is e,poebi Fown here On Sat 8eintired a good sibustion, where the work
.�%&.i the, th 6... and as they beat o daughter, bf St. Thomas, were born attend- . �
., , ur will be less ai us, --i Isy Gri ThorAP
team a coup eke ago, here is ing the funeral of the late J. Koch, hurst, IF, at tile men- visiting bar olvi I . - . If
I 'a O� wo o � I
no doubt but that pht will be a c one and . Mrs. Henderoom-Mr, and Mrs. Somemillet- � � -1
h I - ��
interesting go . at is the matter with ' � . of Kirkton, were here, very recently vUltilug I - . ..
Blyth olding 3%J 1 . . 1!
�!, a aribration on List or Day, i Hensallo bis sister, Mrs. (Dr ) Fergueon.-Mr. Geo -T96 I �
Va . for a r" I
onain bay have b had sports hc re I LOCAL Bitmp&-Mr, Thompson Murdock, Joynt, who has been spending the past tb
num of Years aid being. 90 centrally lo. 10 putting cement flooring In his livery stab. or four weeks at. Lucknow -and vicinity], J%- . I �
cated we ought tol be able to draw a big log and making other improvements. -.Mr. tnrned home the fore part of the wiek.- .
� illy, 1 .
crowd. -Mr. Ed. iCampbell left Wednesday and Mrs. Arnold and,childrai of Windsor, Mrs. 8. Humemon (and daughter, Miss L , I
� I I
mornin for Winn Tieg, where he bee secured a a here visiting Mr. Arnold's parents,- were in Exeter and vicinity recently visiting � I
a positlon In one (t, the large stores there as ;r, Norman Cookreturned home last week Mra, Wagins, Mrs. Humestion's dsughti , . - � �
h � - .
� ,on of Dr. Chesney, has ' � I � ��
sad of the silk Aross goods de rtmeub, from South Bend, wher� he had been for a Mr. Abe Chesney, t � �� �
v I..
. .
he is sure nOmber of weeks, -Miso Rose Youngbilut In been Vending a fam , i I I . I
As Ed, � in a pushitig young man r daya bore with his par- � I . . . A
, .
to succeed in the -went, which is t io place b 6me from Pittsburg on a visit, accompanied cuts, pri to entefing npon his duties as: ,- I
� �-
. _ I .1 - I
J - s- . - ��
for all young men' to rise, He ii accom by Mix# Beeson, of that city. -Mr. Nicol salesman in the Robert f3l on company, 1,
; - . - . .
pardedby his slator, Ers, who -as oing as Shfrray, of PJumas, Manitoba, Is here visit eatablishment., Toronto. T has, -f6r -the I ,-,, . . I Use7
I far as tbb Soi *here she is going to visib i � g his mother, after,an absence of over four Past two ,years' been in:tbe employ of the R. - I 0. J
I with her brother ;there until Christmas.- y arm. He is looking well and his friends Pickard Compai Ex7eter, and gave o0d, � I .
I L'_
L Mr. John Hai of Galt, visited his are glad to see him once more. -The annual ,Sutfsfscf ion. .�-Mrs. J. 0, Stoneman has TZ2 -_ . I -
brothei and friends for a few dayo the past 8 kbbath school picnic of the Presbyterian visitijig her'.pareato in Lambath. -Mies , B. i � �,_ � . I ..
week, leaving fo� Exeter on Monday, to church was held at Grand Band on Tuesday Lynch, of London, has been the guest of � � I QREJ I., ..
vielt friends ther�.-Mr, MiBeath, who has last, The attendance was good and a very Era. d A. MoDonell during the past week- -1 i .
cohdacted a geno#al store in town for the I pleasant time was spent at that. populai re. Miss Lavins, Cook P -pent prb, Of jut -reek _. ___., �
. -_ . �
past few years, h purchased the residence I sort. -Dr. Gray, of Helena,Montanaj he a I avd this the guest of " (). .P-, R.
I I 4 . v ,r , larx-, Holland, of � -
of Captain Torr. titanee,and intends Iting hio sister, Mrs, Samuel Smillie, kud Exeter.-MiNs. 8, Mai of London, is � _..
mOvInq V1811 I I
2 artais Redmond, of .
In abou� the first iof September. -Mr. Will: o#ber relatives in this vicinity.-Mro. WA v1sidag her uncle, Mr., Ch 16 _. -
I is mading a I the township ------ I
Habkirk has beoq'engagred om clerk for Mr. I lAke wea in Berlin th week rpe I Of HAY. I � I
I� � -.1 - I . I
I ! I . � - �
� I I
� ,1
: "I -
. _ I
i �
! . -_
. . I
. � -
I ! � I I .1 . I
I r
I r
y oil 8
,W `�111
b It
ast in
.; I I
11, 0 �r� �
, a i &�
) ' y '
6 �
J. G I G1
'310 e
I p 1
� d
0 w 0
i S
. �
I .
- .
� .-
I -
w7w I -
� n�
: __ - I � _� .- I �i , . I
. Z - - -
: � I -AL -
I A -
419 _��_ � �__;
I ..---.--�.k-----.—.------�-1------. _____
� - 9W I . . I �, W
unawn Up &""WiA -AWED suvals fxu� ISA- _...-ft-
Bud staladioi draughb, i Mr. Dovereux bo-
— I
. totecitt- hori cattle, etc,, from
- - `
I .or
liqves in baviii; everithing up-to-date. —W.
. J
lUes of -ill .�inds. Also kills vermin on
. .—
r .
'Tukvm"F.s.".�-The followingwere tioket.
Harry Goib is in Elmira � this'week,'attend-
'the Elmira Ok Boys re-onioirs. James
' f .
. 6als, eipecially, valuable for milk-,
ani 8
ad out thie week at W,. Somerville's rali�way 'Grieve.
who has b6eu,-with bar sister, M r1h.
ing�cows.fltndvarking horses. . Cows
arid -steamship agenov : Mrs.
J. G. Wilson, at Sintaluta, -Manitoba, for
home last week. Mrs'
,�� give milk and horses work
. �
Ick and eou.Joi to Chicago , - arla �
better. w - are, ke it away
�en the Oies I
t -Kidd.*.
to M"kei Michigan ; M6ss . J.
L, Kiillorauaud -Peroy Towni to Now'S rk ;
tie k . I Manitoba, Bud would not have
returned b t for th serious illness of . her
a 0 �
. I
rom thenf.' For -sale, by �
f . . �
Miss Johnston, to Boston �; fmossn#' 1, Di
fiithiir, Mr.,Jsmes - Scott, or.—Miss ;:Pqble
I T.
� ; �
� I .1 � .
Wilson and'Robart Bell* to Montreal .Mr.
leaves this week for Brandoi Matfifto ,
Tr a,
Jia'oob Schm,ldt, ERmondville', to Debro . I
where sh�, will resume bar music ol"i
- .
i - . .
Mr. James Si6obb, of Harpurbey, who h is
. *
Seed or auto - - - Seaffiribb,
i rnmyTF,-Ry or Hi�Ptox - -7- to i Fir . ,
been confined to his. residence Jor a loz g
. . I � . ..
>n �
� , h
tory met inZensall on.the 4t insib. an
time by ili wa's -considerably wori th
. , ta
M . 10113111WNRW�
. I '
. �
-the Rev. J. S. Henderson accepted ,tb call
usual for a ,couple of, *e9ko; but, we a 8
be preached next 8unday, morni $,after.
*in Rev.
, to St. Andrews church New , I Aster,
tPleased, to learn, that,bi's conclibion �Iw
noon aDd,eiening, St. Andrews, by
� The Presbyi;ery whilo'kegrettirig the ss it
considerably improva4.�Miss Eva-Sparlin ,
Dr. M(,Leo4, of Atwood�—Dr. and Mro.:,Ul-
a 51
will sustain by his removals and whil . sym.
of Toronto, is holidsiyi6l; with Mrs. J, .
liotb, of Lubki3ow, Sind Minn BODDOZ., of Now
I 1;
pathisingwith the congregation ol( 0 rmil
-Welsh.—Mr. E-11. Mo so who was men&
li guests- of Mrs. John Fir boor last
.church in losi � g a pastor who has so uphi'
I n�
-of, ibe electric light pUnt, here for, Mo
. 101of
Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs, John H. Elliotts of
I ,
in Bayfield
endeared b intielf them by faithful servi-
time, has secured the bition Be manager
8 eattle, w o have been visiting
coo for as& ly 15 years,'agnies to. his I rans.
the Blyth'plai and for this 1 t place - on
fort the pass month, leave for their home on
I 1�1
lation, ap 'into Mr. Sawars to Aeolian the
. '
Weduesday.—J. S. elsh. & Son have ire-
Thursday.4-Breezy Bayfield hes' ,
charge vacant on the 23rd inst. and a it as
calved wohipment of luarter pine , "
sbar f mmer visitors this 0! a can. All
� z
Moderator !,of Session durin the Yeast qy.—
. tattoo aounty. 'It It used for pai ,'i
. � �'rc
1� 1181,
the ootiag s are taken, the hotels are full
Sowl� Messri FlOtoheir and. ro to prop bra a
Bad is.aa fine timbieras one woiuldtbeei�.&
andalarg numberof prityate h u
. :
, resolution respedting Mt. Heudersoups � �rsns.
lifetime. Thek6lieve, inusing . , t
fill4dwithAourists. Thecool w a
I ;
1�tlon. . I Z
. -
,material in their yu npo.—Mosars. wililm
the, lake m6kes matterei lose plesis it to vie
I'll, "O ,
- - - � .
) � I
Selater, jr., ol Sesfor,li, laq d Odward Pa 1,
PP 00
itots than I f weather was bob. A ak par -
91 11
� 1
Gi-%,,z.-q A D.TAXOND Pi. -T —Mr.'. VT. J.
I ,
of Brucefield, are dol)g4in to the Oddf,sl-
ty from Seaforth had a d -ince in he I win
, on,
� Dawson., of Detroit, son of Mr. Ed. Dawp
lows' Grand Loi Ige, at I week,.
hall.here coo evening this week,w Ile!' par-
of this town, and well known to inany,4ors,
� Mr. G_ W. Holmat � is attending the High
ty - from G derich occupied, Jowetv �& 1 Ilion
� . I
was recently �node.the recipient of .- 9 band-
Cours Iudepoi idifiilii rder of Foresters, at
; . I .
0 . .
' . ghly
a the sa a evening.—Bayfield s h
' � , h 1r,
some diamond scarf pid. Mr. Dawson wass
. . goi of
'Golt, this wei k.'—M jas %'lla, Prender
r �
the presence of sever -PiesbY-
favored b7
for some time, assistant-sup6rintendent, Of
. , yva�is, and Miss Kai h
Now Casi ?enne � -
0 3
terian cle�rgymen. Messrs. Me unin, of
. I
one of the *11traet railway -divisions in that
that to be-
oryti, of Chic igo, or, i at present Visiting at
Kippon; karDOtt, of Kintyre; Stu t,bf'Lon-
ofty,end on resigning ,position
the�arientoil iomo,ii 9ginondiville.—Wed-
don:;MaoMillani of Tor -onto; c of
Come' suparintendent'of the Rapid Rdilit'ay
tj I C a 3
nes4ey was, ! Mitobell' � -oivi holid y, a d
" , I
.. ,
Walton, �11'nd Larkin, of Saafcrth, are
System, -with headquarie ' rs at Pori Iffurone
those been hiih in tl a old
several from' bW town� took' advanrj&gO'10f
. * LAO '
�isitt -.rbh �nd
spending -their holidays in our be& itiful vil-
whobad . under
theiciecasion. ) so witailigs
. "' '
I I - '
lags. The church of England rcp;eoeu.ted
took advantage thi oci -to
P .
the' lacrosse atob hot eon the Beavers abd
by Mr. Ho,dgens, of Seaforth, and Gardners
, w their' a , eel tion of him as ai � em-
Mr1ralwason's friends in`� So bli
the St. M ar i club.'— ra. (Dr.) Spark, of
V re.
-St. F.
of -Niles, Michigan.—The church of N -
' I lw�11161 I
: pl2yer,
will be pleased to loam 6[ his iiadvinof 01011L
- I
Marys, a d Mrs. ..F. Macpherson', of
a -
u eta
Hamilton, wi �re . thel u eta of Mrs. (Rov.)
land gardeg party last week was cry
attended mad wise a, iuccess finan � oi illy. .
. - . � I .
I � I
. ' -
THE SEAFORTH'Snow.—The Sou� th I furcin i
Barr this wet k.—Ovir in town tax es
I nto
have already beerilpsild nto the. treasurer, —
I - � -
� �. I -
Londeaboro. .
Agricultural- - Society, , in conjunction
An imineume, orowd,st ended the Seafortb-
. .
Joirrwos,—Mrs. (Dr.) Hamlin, (if Detroit.
with the 9!uokensmibb.- Society, will
St. Marys lacrosse &to- on the recreatIclin
b visiting friends"her1n. —Miss Pit arl Brad.
their �andual -1&1�. fair on this
-gr6finds of the latter sooJet 0 - in *Bea f0i
Friday,, 24th
grounds, -on I Ved u a ai afternoon. The if �'t,
be ,
Marys pf ' oyi a a �y opecial train and
a 0
ford is.vieilibing in Goderiah.—Mrs Rp i Bell
and Mine mie drove to Listowel c nTi4esday
on Thursday and op mber.
Thoprize list ill rea ly for
they. rii4d by aboub three
I .
"cit', P) Ft1h
i. -
to visit relatives there.—Mr. and' ire Bril-
.hun.dred z�ns o �b town of all ages,
hs�m 0 CSunday with friendeat el .
distribution in -a few days. The list of
. �
in, T ,
.. ,result of the- match
slzi6p and. �e
--iiii (Laughlin returned to or -is on
promiump this year is larger .than ever, and
is not kAowi i at the hour of closing car,
Moll day -.--Miss Zolla Whitely I voitillig
apart from the regular prizes, contein a num-
her of valuable specials, donated by 61 is Do-
fo5me. i I . i .
. .5 � 1_1
. .. ;_ . -,
near Goiderich.—Miso E. Mille, H loc k,and
minion Bapir, the Bank o . f Cciimnierico, and
. I
If 4oi power gasoline n.
� One &9d oiriaU 1 ' soline
Miss L. H:)Imeoo Bly th, Sundayed in Lon.
ddeboro, number f cim here bo)k a the
others. There will be several spoodin 1 oon-
. .
be 6'
I ly
11�9 for 110118''C111141). nigootil ruunlDg order, A P
W. a. Wi4fol, stisforth. 1 . Ise
.9 I 96T-��
I .A
lawn eoc ol In Blyth last Friday I voi-
I I .
tests, and a covql feature will is aby
shoi which liberal prizes :have been
�. .. � I I I
RO00i cr b.)arde�s wanted, board re.
. i
Saturday afght, some who were roither fon d
, ' I Din
of work, 'T7e up the culverts in ft t of Mr.
offerid by a number of Seaforth bai to.
preferred. 06041 warm.rooplo, oxool0f hociom c.
datlicinforstudents. Mrs.�& A�'Roe, North in
KeDnedy'08 and Mr. Brunedon?o.-Mro. J.
i _AM .
, i
� Tj4E COMiCIL,-Tbe regular Meeting of
the town was hold on Monday even.
. street, Seati i � 1861- 1
� I � I . . I
it in a saving of 12jo per' ound by us
Haggitt, 6f Michigan, is visiting r1ouds
here. ,1� "
council � �.
i1q. The . mayor being ill, M. Y. M -�Leau
Beattle's 28c tea, Beattie Brov.,leaforth. 2801-1
I :
1 a
. t
. - -
- *
wasappoinfed chairman. Ao,.owits 4,0 the
. �
amount of S406 were and oirde 4. to
All accoun 4 now ci to MOBAball &
Wright, poitra b artisto, rnusi be paid before A*
- . 91
be dell
� _
Keepi 'g kool kosts kasb, but it ko�ts IL
D .
be paid; � A by-4aw authorizing the � i nayor
net 22cid, All.1lictures now on hand will I' 0 r-
ed before that later. * . I IN861,
. .
bo buy your komforb h ere than oliq*hers,
Muslins and all thin materials for ftesses,
clerk :to borrow $5,00.0 for carts A ex-
onses woe passed.. A communication from
21i sehorti ient of'Opo. A. Slater shoes r
wa on isad. NO forges that we are 0010
Agents f= rth. Also solo agents for Dorothy
"O' for your hands and stockings to your
fee6bv, the -thin kinds, and any * other :0
-r. Wni. Smith, asking the council t
I 4 O Olean
Club wdra0pasoing hispropeirty, soastocarry
. Dddd shoos for Yemen. W.; H, Willisi, Soatorth� I
. -
. . .
bhi 0 get now ab the prices yo � had
0190 y 4-
-the overilow water away, was read.. .'The
. ceived and rei id to
corpunication was re
/, I � .
-.4 i For sale or to rent, residence on� Goderich
hope& for' The E. MoFaul Co. . Be qfoi rth.
J- �. 1* . 1 18 1-1.
, I .
the sifireet -oommlititioe, with instructions to,
street and two esirable building lots 06 John street
to be disposed of. Also 0 quantity of bousehold �
wimsy -NOTES.-The threshers i �ar now
work enough to keoempplht, b ,y. -_--
examine in:bo'the matter and to rep'orb o the
council " its next meeting. - The council
. .
furniture, inolu ling carpeti, book6se, gasoline st�vo�
ip!shts etc to be soon at 'the home of Mrs, T. 0.
I �
hemp: so�Glb. . I 1 INI-1 '
getting in
c Is 01
H& vestir g is nearini n, .. alk
I 9 I
adjourned to meet at the' call of the n ayor.
. I . .
. � �
slid it- Oro �s, and the formers smili ,as bast
, * . � . . !
It's pure, rich si 6troug, And has the
istirniuploub from3O ti bmhol : per
- i
LooAi BRir.,Fs.- The Misses, Dickman, of
* 9.5yor-Besittie's 2.8o tm' 1�eattlis a
. I : �' , 1861 I
. ;
., �
01W 1. - W �. �Ward has purchased a m I u -re-
This labor,savingms1lichinesieemo
S&Gladswioi have returned from !i a lose.
'But driving trip to -Bayfield, Xretir, ode.
1 .1�
Make yoor flour, 14ot nntil 86pt6inber lob,
to I a 0000g into favorable p?omiaence.
rich and'oUber points. Mise Jeidini� ve,of
wh-en the Seaft th mill$ will be. Open for business,
Sestorth killinf;co. . � 1851.�
Thel * vs to an.agricul turifit, Mr, W. Towers,
-Buffalo. is renewing �old acqualutan �#is in
The library be ilosed
I .
- Eggs, 14o. 100 tubs of butter wanted
� .
hail Mae& 0 mallure. spreaders fie r a session,
. I
and dool ee- it to be second o k to the
town.- public ;. will
for two weeks, from August i 17bh t 29bb,
weekly. 0. E, King, Witigbam, 1860-tt ,
. . I ;
Parbiia ds ir n o buy 'or.reiat a good:
bin(er a a labor-sov6r.-Mro. . Coleman
inclusive, during the librorlan's 'bolldai
1� _ Z, I �
farm sh(61d.loo no t sAvertlaeffient of the murw
and dsu hteri Miss! Florence, Ir
- _�ve thin
The reading room will be open a% usual.iiiiiiiiiiii�
Mr. J, L.Killoran is on is trip to New Vork.
phy homeillsad on thel �th Concesolon of Hibbort,
- I
w.hlohi offered for sale ir to rent. �r 1860.4 1
wee c -for heirhome in Toronti tFr spend
M a
Ing % iew !weeks as. guebts of , H, Bor:
I _Mrs,R, N. Hays, of Chicago, is bere on a
COTTAGIFO, I R SAI ,b.�-i comfortable!
: .
ifind,-Robert Gardiaer ;recently old a fine
� .
visit to her parents, Mr. and . Mrs. . Alex,
Campbell, North Main street The I I isses,
5 x0ows, 1 - !
Qonj lag to : lys, X. � Wirpb3i, Detri
Good wall and si ble. � tuated on Gr6derich stracig;
E 'I. Apply to J. L. H Seaforth. 1859-a �
dooms on .of P
lboking mare for the handsome on !Z251
-M r. 9. Aegar will leav a th, k I his
, � " w,, r
Cavan, of Detroit, are the i7uZ ( f- the
ss I I
home in Toledo.-Thaimais Cameron isiyZrad-
Misses Henderson, at the Commercial. -Mr.
and Mrs. Ale3C, -B�oadfoot, of Listdwal spent,
1, . :
� ! ----T— -0 __ I .
. .
Ing and levelling the grounds aro" his
hanils�o residence, which adds to the beau -
om . I
Sundr-y-and Mondqy with relatives h ire."i
Brussels Post 0088b w6ek says : I `.1ast Sab-
urdayan otaond in( rbi hiAhly esteemed real-
by of the farm.
. �. . - .
I -
.The flrst new wbos� of the season WAS eliv-
ared on the mai here by Mr. 0olelough,
.. ,
dent passed away in the person of John Me.:
. . :
. ;
� I St. Columbian.
of Hullett, on August Ist. It tested 62
� . i
Cartni6y, He had been ailing for the past'
eighteen months from Bright's disease, and
Big assortment of Goo. A. Slat r shoos for
the bitighel. Mr. Henry Cash. of'.
=cto, was next *ith two loads on Wed'-
hii.domise wav ,.onoicqueDtly not an uueX4
" , �
Downed in the
nion always on hand, Don't forget tlu b we are Nola
agents for Sbaforkh. Also solo agents for Dorothy
n,esday of last week. Ittested63poundsto
pectedevent. *%@.born
township,of 9 luokers mith, Huron county, 61
Dodd shoes.,for women., W. H, Willie, featorth.
. Iscii-I
the bur,hil.-Mrs. 3o,hn. ThOmpsoi of Brus.
. . -
solo, is here JUSt DOW visiting friends.- -Mrs.
, I I
' .
years ago, on I Vame to Grey about the yeai
JoTmNos. Frank Wall went tf Brantford
I ..
rehibal&Scotb and little. daughter pent
Sunday In Brussels� . with Mrs. ( ev.) sons,
. 1866 and netted on � lot 20, concession 3;
� . i �
which he by1nd ustri V. pot verted Jrom a for-
on Monday. -Mrs, Wall and b i4s Lizzis
. '
Cronyn,vvsnt west !on the noon trii in Friday.
2: .,
N1 re, Scot 0 oister,,,-Mro. ' Ron , m er of
Dr. H. H. �_' Roas,-.-arrived bome lasti a k af-
set to arable ioros, .The subject of thionot.
feel was uDitec in mal riage about the time he'
-The St. !Columban Quadrille Rai kd went to
the Goder�oh Vo6io on Wedneed Li Their
. -
ter spen0og two months very ple ntly
Moved to Gr(y, to Miso Jane Wilson, -and
services h4vo cen secured for t is Clinton
' �
amon f 'I ndain I Manit I Oba. She was as for
9. ri
she with four sons, Robert,James and Hugh,
and Hull4b union picnic, on Aug tat 20bh.-�-
West as C lgairy Whari her sea resides. Mrs.
of township, 0, a William, of Portage
, - �
Builaing0perabions are -still in lull R*iug
I , I i
Rose, wh is 71 ypars. of -age, made the trip
In Prairie, Manitob pind three daughters,
ound hore.-,A magnificienb ote tints of St.
at . .
I .
alone, wh oh sai godd deal for her cour-
Mrs. George MCCA oosojaw,
�. I
Anthony has just arrived from ntreal. It
. -
& ge and er ititance. . Her numerous friends
Nqrth Weat TorritidIry; Mrs N. H. I
,"willbe unVeiled and blessed us b Sunday
will be Ole sed to learn that -the trio has.
diffo of Grey, and M it, Alice, at home,
jnorning.f`� The hubject of Fathe McKeon's
. �
gri , ved her bealth.-Maisrs, Bob-
vl�e' to bold i a lovin, r 6membrance, the life
, 31 -
sirthoa Will be "-Scriptural Ima a vs. Pa.
. . . . . -
ort Obartei and John Walker of the Mill
Road, Tuc�kera '.
nitb,%Dd.the hilmore. McCort.
of an affectioi kate hu ibiand and father. Mr.
� . ' .
vi as ai lio, W Ole son n,
I it b' e in
' e I d
ft Sbaerr'sullyn
gan Idols. 'I- Messrs. James ding and
Tatrick C' rlin, our popular road %itere, are
. f -
nay, 0 Brucefield, attended - the funs BI of �
I I ties s no a Preeby to rian I n re -
. .
�- g 0 r streets in prime co dition this
. X.-
Mr. John McCartsey, of Qrey,� last we)
ligion. - 1�8 ( njoyed i large circle of frie do
who will gredtly r6g -e� his death. The f n-'-
.- 9 excursion train from Clinton to
ort Dovi r; on Tuesday, wait bil ed to oibop,
Rev, Mr. Maphori preached two most
able serm no in the Presbyterian ch'uro i last
aral on Tuesi sy af tdr600n was lorgely - at-
at'St, Col- amban at 7i 30 a, iniii$ h it for .some
. .
' . -
Sabbath, ev. Mr. Larkin being absie it on
tended..' Rs-. D. R,i IMeRae conducted a
. �
reason no 1.0p was made. As a i asult many
his holidays. Rev. Mr. McNab, of
suitablereer - v- ce and interment was made at'.
who inte' ad going on the axe rmion and
� ii�
w 11 conduct the -iervices in the same c are
Brussels oemAery." I � I
- i � ,
f " I .
were In. w Iting at the station ere -
Some had driven 'Ye
� 1
next Sabbath,-R.eviil' J. S. Muldre ", of
1. .- - i, 01-
.� Eii 'A gentleman I
TH 01111Z Ft- SIDE, iiii n Ed-
pointed. coosid(roat
--- .
distances irom the country. Who it- if that
Souris, Manitoba, is 4ero on a visit to Fals.,
tives.-Mr. Percy,,Town left on Monday on
, mouton, Albf rts, a for�ner resident of this
is 'at faull, for the ov�r-sight we do not
a two weeks! trip io New York. -The acted
evange'lloto, Crosalay and Hunteri com.
ick the
; county, writi rig to � friefid-, in f3eaforth, on
' _. - .
� May 196h, 19)3,,givoo I a glimpse of the
I � , other aids of �ho piotU e as painted by Jr.
. .
� .
know. . �
- ... .
ii. I '. .
. `� . , I � .
I .
H-Ullett. * . .
mence a series of evangelistic services
Methodist church here, On the* Isob St nday
I , in
. Rae in him Is ter a eon, Is of weeks agop
Dou.eL4 liVED. -Many frii inds. in thin
I .
In the mon�th.-Mesirs, D./D. WPoor and
a '
: ri, Mr. ) ohn SOW letb. - He mai "I he
- "
neighbor000d will read with mel bnoholy"in-
Roberb Bell were in Montreal this "wee c, in-
: weather h an een sim ply grind; snow evic ry
terest the following paragraph, which 'we
W ind, Sir Thomas Shaughn
tervie edly, eel.
:few days and rob a lesi the brees yet, It
. �
take from the Killarney, Manito3a,Guldii :
dent of the C.,P. R.. in reference to th pro,
itaFted to snow last night has, been
�' �
11 By the: eath of Mrs. Win. A dersion, on
posed line bt6veen Guelph and - God icho'
�svowing nesi y, all day, and juot now I tell
Tuesdai July 21st, at Killar;ey, there
and to present the . claims of Seaforth .... fore
yon it looks e ny but cheery. . There is
pa sod a f ithful, loving wife fre, her home
the C. P. R. authorities.-Mr.Andrew cotti
nearly as mui h snow ON there was hi I be
on earth t her home in Heaven. Mrs, An.
a, .
has shown us.a. beautiful bouquet of- d Ilail
wiloter. .3 us lma�lno, sleighing the. fi
. . . fi at
.1 - ..
derion w s formorly'M iss Jessi 3 Hobson,
- .
gathered In his garden. The bouquet eon-
We# in Nov mber. vw4 if the ground
. - d
daugli,ti of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hobson, of
tained, eiii differebt varieties and some
. 1.
been hard th was enough sDow for iilei h-
Ink to -day. That is nearly 7 months wint r.
Hullepb. :She was born in Ontai io 35 yeari
and 91 M0. tho ago, and, came to Manitoba
: -
of them very rare and pretty specimens.
Mr. Scott has twive Alfferent varieties
I titnd6retand there have been any amount of
with er acents in 1884, Savem years ago
, .
gri in. his garden. Heim evidently ad.
people gone a way d- eguated. The rdW @-
I ,
she mik.
,an married to Wm. Anderson, son of
eXpert floric�lturist and an ardent ad miter
too men. bay b 0 d this place out of si ht
H. Ji An gr4on, and the union was blessed
of tfi - b a tiful-An nature as well;" good
'L � u StraN
hool acher.-Mrs. Zick, - of tord,
and I should ot,be disappointed if ,th re
wets, is nick I ot p ople 'here before' t is
timoinexti I have been trying t�o
withla, lit le,girl, now about flva years old.
SomO mo the ago Mrs. Ander waited on
_14. 4 Oi
R; Martin, ho
11 k
1� Miss Lena Cavan, was herg thin
� ye . at
a oUtpr, re. W
w a offlieted
. q ;
week, the guiiist'of Mr,.and Mrs. (480 a E.
On I . k-
bill to i d ou as � curiosity. The
:y� It'ib arran ad for�&:game on May 14b aid
with dons m�pbion at Brandon, W o was call-
edl home to her reward only a week before
Henderso n, -Miss Lillie M. Bristow bi a re-
turned to Hamilton ter visiting fo , 6 #a
be billis pri a ad i0, ertisling i b as 'the fi -at
her. All'that medical aid 'and the ministry
weeks at the p4rental home of I Mrs. R. H..
I � �
a of thels m0ler'Iseries,oplendid ice, et 3,,
of kind friends could do *an done to rellev'41.
Bristow, of Egniondville.- "Miss Mar lariat
when the merob,, nts heard of it, t y
her, but she passed away on Tueaday� at the
Bold, of Listowel, In- visiting at the hot is of
went to the I Inting, offleg and porous d
home of i Mr; H. J. Anderson, Both were
her brother, Mr-. J. H. Raid. -Mr. -, Win.
this manager, ob to 94114 them to be distr b.
victims of i that dread disease consumption'."
Bristow and Mr. Wm. Duggan . reburn )d to
ut-eld also ii wo 14 do �b; oiciOntry an awful ot
! - —6
garnis this week where they- are amp oyed
I e -"davii" In the offi0a has
� Wroxet er ,
with Mr. Gubteridge,i, of tee spending - few
promised to i 66 me pno if he can, an it I
' f
NOTF,15,-t-Mr, and Mrs. G, Spotton, 0
teen tickets were sold
4ays at home.-Thit `
a it I will swd.lt to yad, We Bel the
0 mein for c as, but be said money wot Id
Arbhur, were in the village on. ThurFai
0 Seaforth for the Clinton band excursion
They expect to settle in the vill age & Bin __
oib Dover
11�� P . on Tuesday. -!-Dr. Buirrows
Was in Toronto on. business th I is.�week._-Tbe
no buy one. But lie saia 6ey coufd have a
95 e in the -r Dk to" � sy, as the fee � was thii ire
Mr, Spo0on having given up eel '00� .t sob
In and g9ne into the insuranee bUftness,_iii-
13russels races will be held- on Wednesday
__ There are a gr at number of houi �es
'Vs I
ML a Merle Marin, of Toeswater, is visiting
and Thursday next, Tfiere Is a good pro.
ggl�rg up , I shl Old not be. surprised 'I
.8 go up this � r, I lob as they 'a
her aunt, Mro. G. Allam -Harry McLeod,
, gramme and,' the a ntries promise to bb ex.
Th a is all arpentering done a
k ads 0 h I
of Estevan, Manitoba a vete n of the
, ceptionally Urge; so that good fait being
I .
. ,
41f oarliiinters. (?) The hoi'jr
by kinds u e,g
South African war, is visibing ife mother
may be looked'for. If the weather is fine 9
- they will have'a l4l; cro*d.-Min GeArads
' .
aral.rushed up in a h irry, and few, of them
I z I
arid brothiers here, having arrivec! last week.
-Last, week, be I b said tq the' oredl b. of
Reid has return4after a month's vie it in
are lovel, A block of, four stiopes right In
thi busy part of the main business stre t,
Thomas Rae, that he was the prime mo . ver
rt- I
. Guelph and Listqi -L_Mr.�,Bnd Mrs. A. Mlb.
Kean and family"Of Mount Foissb,who, hoks
two weeks; -after the foundation was I
down, the pai,aters i0ere working'on it. if
in starting' the putting dosyn of cement
avemeub!on the public streets of Wkoxeter.
spending their holidays At Mr. Pa iri
coun4il had got the old walk in front of
Chooney's,'Tuakeremitli, left for their iome
there are any green &Va$ -bil the trees In
804forth, ilea I
the Rae b ock torn up, �nd new lumber on
o4 Wednesday. Mrs. H. Chesney* . - M to.
. fie send me one so can i.how
hand to p tch It up again, when Mr. Rae'
MoKeai motheT, accompanied thein,-.-
the people bell] e what Irows'on the trees 10,
madiiIhe ffor to pay the difference of cost
Miss Stoble'le visiting friends in Brt .181,�Ig
44' -Huron In May. �tlb Is so loog since I
andh4vo solid cement pavemen b put down.
and vicinity. -Mrs. Coates, of London,
have seen anything (f the kind that I hav's
After siderable close figuring, It was
and Mrs. Letter,- of Ypsilantis Michigaup
Almost forgotten what they look like."
. I
. .'co
found that the differi in cost of cement
who have been here for 'some time, visiting
� I
- 4 -
. .
and now viciod was very little, and it its
their mother, Mrs. J.. Ament � and i ther �
hoped-thill, will be initiative to more ex.
friends, leave for their respective h men'
BLows.- is governmoub dredge arrived
tonded use o*f cement heie.-Mia
ut .
this w"k.-Our citizens will regret to'earn
here from Golerich on Monday and will
rick, of B61issevain, Manitoba, sp�nt Sunday
that Mayor Broadfoob has been confint d to
workformov ;al weeks ab the harbor. -Rev.
at the home of Goo. Hsrrfs,sr.-4ev. I. M.
- �
his residence most of this week by ill iesq,
Mr. Barnett, of Kintyre, in the Lon don
Webb, of Brussels, occupied the �pulpib in
and all will be pleased to see him out
Presbytery, i cached to large congegationo
the Epieeopial church on Sunday..�LH. Bon-
soon.—Mr. RobartiDevereux has had 914,"B"W"
last Sunday. oming;aud evening b. An-
son, of Toronto, is a guest at � "Catmoss
automatic blower PU�dat one of the
. f,rges
; i .
� -
; � i
I � : __ ;
. � :
. I -
drew'sobluro —Aholversairy sermons will
1! :
Fam,iil—Nizo Van Rviry&I Roeh e
I I � I
. i
� �
� �
- ; I
", I .
1. I I
I � �.
� i
� _-i
, 'k . I
. V �
I -
, -,-,- __-_______,____,J__,ii
I ... I
L'UX11, f i . .&-N- 11iiii NA %i P -i J11. _111-i"i J-4flutp 11 . . �.,
� __ - I I :: - I �
..... ..... . I I . --- _____ -_ . .1 .
� I I _!T_M!T� 1� 1,. ,
� I . . . . . .
. �
� .. - -
. or left with a car a . ... _. I.. I �. - . I -
. -
, , for H .
. usob of Mrs. W. Dloksoi, S. MoXer- MoBeath.—Mr. Sam Flu� .
g and family have moved into the reni- load of horsest for Mr. Thomas Sloan, Ime 'i
cher ii�r arevest T � 1,
donee lately vacated by John Knutson, on the Wo*t this week-�Rsv- Dr. M011st, gave - I � 1 4, ��, �
I ��
Ann street, -Miss Elsie Allan returned �an interesting address in the Methadisit . . � . . ,.- � � �
from a a?outh's visit at Cleveland Is lit week, 11 church, on Tuesday evening, to a small .. I I .
� .
. �
. �
and was"S000mpanied by bar siot3r, - Mine I gathering, on the - im1porteur : work in loon- mmer _', � I
Sara Ail�n, who will visit here for a few mection with the Bible and ' Tract Society. . � 1�_ -
, 1
weeks, mial Stobie, of Seaforibli, renewed ! It in too bad there is not -more interest I t . .- � . I
. I
- I
I . � I I
I . .
sequain-anatis here 16116 week. -D.3 .Walker 'taken In this work, as, there in no doubt . _� .�_ - I THIRTly-
leftfor its home in Niagara Falls on Mon- theydoagreat deal of good, -Mr, Frank � - . .. - i I
By. _t, � Los Tons Rae returned ft on � Toron W Metcalf in attending bbie High Court, of For- Shop ers,
d I . P � I �.t- - VFJ10,LN I
.thisweik.-Wim. Lookie, Acoompani sibers' meeting at Galt this week. -Mr. F. � "
ad � re -74' _���
- I Z� .
his-nept ow, Clarence Campbell, are open - Shore, of 'Wingham, took oharge of the ear- I . W � . �
I 20_ux�gl2mn� van's I � __ . __ .
1 4
Ing a w4 sk at the latter's home in London. vices'in Trinity church last Sunday.. He is I , ! . _. -1 � �
-Misses Ross and N. Brown, of Brussels, veiry acceptable to the people beriinity � - � __ �
" �
, -1 .1
� I
. % - I t' 8 .
witre u 36ts of Mies Nollie Black on Satur- church Young Peop - le's Asnoiciiitioa intend . - 1_. P 2 $To= .
h n ' . .
da .- 'arris Hamilbi Picton, Is spend- holding their annual garden party on the This is oi�general clear up mont I the Dr Z
I I ry , -:g---'- �
ingap rb'of his vacation ai home near church grounde, on Friday evening, August. Goo4jitrade. Summer I i_� ,- . so ft. id,
- ods are be- __ I Vn 0 1 �
. � 90 In _��,, f- - - w
. _ -
to da -Z . _ -1 . . -
here,- re. Kafue, of Gorrie, is vii her .219t. There will be a band in at n nos. - dispoged of so cheaply that IV# -a regaf. I _ �
claught r, Mrs. Johnson. -For some time posts Dr, Carder has been Or harvest I -or the buying p?blip, _��._ ,100 ft, long �
and ...I I. I - - .1
, -
. .
- losing a number of his chickens at night. , . the people are doing the reaping. ' _1- - - I - - I �
� I � I
I _ - �
I I He thought ib.must be a.- weazel tbab was Dimes and4ollars are being .saved by wi& I � � 1.
11 -_
Hibbert. doing the miopbief. On Saturday, while awake'shoppers who take advantage, of I I-.- _iiiiiiiiii__ - . :
I .
I _ - . .
A Ti amumo AccilDEXT. . -job McKay was practising some of his uch chances, and do their trading where I .- .
-A terribly die Mr. T I a . 11 -
tressful accident occurred in this I owashipq fancy manoeuvres for the championship Isi - little moneyeau be exchanged for mudh I 0 1 1 * I I
-1 I
aboui is x miles from Mitchell, on Friday af- orosse Irame at Senforth, he eopled a w.eazel bulk, a -ad quality to show? besides, � I - I I
ternoon Isfib, resulting in the maiming for running along the street. He gave It Merchants are desirous to rid .their tables � � - .
. �
.. I
life 6f ' bright little girl. Ethel, 6 8 year- chase, finally managing Wiget, it on his I&- and shelves of all hot weather maitoriaU 11 I . . .
� I I I I Is
old da ghter of Mr.Edwin Harris VA9 PI&Y- crostio stick, He called for help, and be. - and you are thi6y who need the good �
tI I _g, I - . � .
Inginit 4grasonearwhero bar faber was tween the two of them they put it in a box, t for yourperson-al- comfort. I I ; I
. I I
using a mower. � he knives caugh her, and and Dr. Perdue took charge of Ili at. his A good pilan,for yop, is to make a list Of the I � � ;
when p oked u . a a was found to 3&v0 0.110 livery stable., I things you �re,k�uirs, Thert, in .orde ' . � I
I r to . ; I
� I - . i I
I bad laosr , and the other as com- I — a have y,nur rniOdi worth as well as your , I "I . i I
. I
;6?stely ut off five inches above t 9 ankle. Tuckeromith. money $a worth, aireefate the value �_ � , � - .
dice V,
odica, aid was q aiokly secured, and the Big moortmenib of Geo, A. Slater shoes for f each purchise && - r you've taken it I I ar.
log hi was bad y Incerated,will not have homesido yoitr buy' . - �
. man *1 on hand. Don't forget that we are Role ' 109 &V just -such a 1 � - �
� .
Ways ' I : .
- I I
to a fors I o . I I . I
putato. , Agents Werth. Alaii soloazento for Dorothy . Place as this, the people's p pular Dry I . I �
I � , ! i !
- -0 Dodds shoes fi women, W. H. Willie, Seafoi , 'Goods store. . . I i
. . � I - - i �
. � 1861-1 . i 11 � I
1. X ,ippen. � � ' : � . �
- . I � r i
. . i
� : � - I
- �
I D. H mml sioner and Conlveyancer. For men, women and children, hosiery Goods Now Being Cleared, Profit. � . � ; i �
0 I . : - - I
Wills, Mo to and d Dade drawn up, Money leaned that is full. of style, comfort and .wear I I , . .11 .-
. leaves footprintv of satisfaction on the mind. I I , -
at the 10 V vs of oterest, i 17404f � able Buym*g For You. . . I � � � . If you �al,
I Nona. And, mind you, this is just the kind of box- . , - lind � . 1
-i R. Mollie and a grandoon, I � Childien% �
Gordon Gauld, art visiting friends in Glen- iery you got at the R. MoFaul C� 0, store, SEASONABLE DRESS GOODS, . I - .
. I �
allan. Mr. MeI4 ; many friends wish him - 88aforth. Your money will get itsIdue in ' - � . - .� - . I tb= YOU- .rRally.
- trip anq & safe return. -Mri Win, their store. . -1 .. V .1 . the pOOX MR14.
tvin=7 f New Y ng h 0 Rs' LisT,-The voters' list for - ,I 11 _. - .� save you. -
P k, is visibi parents T= VoTE READY-TO-WEAR HATS I I
� �
i I ge.-Mr, . � .
r. ins u Mrs, IV in, of the -Vill this township has just, been issued, There - . i I I . i
. .
0harle Jone ppleton, Minn ots, who are 67,') persons entitled to vote at both SHADY PARASOLS, - - - . - . __ t
� I . � � �
I s father and m( that, Mr, electio�e to the Liegiolative Assembly and at � � I . I
. I �
� .
$%e bee visit n , � I I . z
and M , John A nos, of Stan] y returned ; municipal.eleetions ; 138 at municipal. else- WASHABLE SHIIUWATSTS, � . . ,I
a ,� �
I .1 �
� � I
� �
- . . .
. I
��� home O Mond Y. _Mr. Win. Out more left' tipas only, and 46 at elections to bhe Login I . I � �
this station on at urday last, wit i 57 head; lative Assembly only, making a total of 856 FAST BLACK HOSIERY, . . 1p C451111.
� ; -
� I � � -
. I � ; ;
I : I
of catii6 for th G sagow market. i . I I 1. I . ,a
�� Twenty-' voters on the list. Of this number 470 are - �
e I I . � I . I
#Ohb 0 them , ed to Mr. R, I a Mordie. 1 eligible to serve as jur-jro. The ratepayers I � I � .
I . ;
� . I
bo a that dmore will have a safe obould'examine the lists, and If there are . . � I
. - �
and on6cessful tri p. -Miss Edna MeNevin any names left, off or any errors, they should . : " _ - � We hav-e-C
is visit ag frl do In DuuRaunon,-Mr. T. have the matter attended to. in good time, SERVICEABLE �GINGHAMSI 1. .
Mellis fit in Tit this week, atitemcling the BAD B=EAvmvF-NT.-T,he hand of death . I I wants a good sbz
I - �
. ,
High.. ur 0 40 ee fallen heavily upon the' home of Mr. PRINTS, LAWNS, LITC, . � I � er - ..
Foresters. as a delegate from Kip a Oburt, William Wright, of the fth concession. and i - . q I
. ;
-Mrs. B. Smillie, of Palmer, lo , acebm- removed from it a wife of but %, few months, An -Item -10f Interest To All Wo- I I '- .
panted by his sisti 5r,'Minv Mary ontelth, after an illness of seven weeks duration, . I - I - . -
of q toup were visiting friend in this trom a compllq�tion of diseases. Mrs. . men. � � - I 1. some I
I � .,
I I .1 � 80�m ;,
nei bb rh!6od durl 4 the past' w ek.-Mr. Wright'$ maiden 6me was Isabella Laidlaw, I I �
anT Ire. James Reid, of Wing ism, are daughter of the lute George Laidlaw, and It is to know just where to find the nowi � - a ;
, I � I . - I
here vihiting Mrs. Reid's mother, Mrs, John was only married ito her now sorrowing h as. styles in �
,good si tment, of Belti : � :
Z; I , ome ;I
Workn�an, of Tookeromitih. � � boad about four ,or five - months ago, -The Buckles, Stick Pins, Fancy Ties, t Lin . is :
. 4 ;
I - I -0 - I - . deceased was juab'bloosoming inbo young Collars, Fa4cy Collars, Purses Sind U=4 I . T
� � � .
. womanhood being obly 25 yearn and efgbt erous othtr'novelties that are over in - 3
. M `
. I Cron4sri " demand. : .1 SO i
months old. The sad occurrence has cast a � . - - �
Lot the still. 1,611 voice in you, AV . ;
I � Ocket* gloom over tbo" whole neighborhood an she We ce'tAinlY h; a them In styles and quat Somle i
book sPeak, It twill guide you st,&1ghb to was highly 1hougbb of by all. The sincer. I tities far too many to describe in detail, � _. - I �
the E. I McFaul Cc's store, Seafort] is to take set sympathy of all is extended to the young We also wigh to call a,tterition to our I
' � . - -e .
i . I .
advan goof bbb price inducem jits now husband, ; I pretty'Embroideries and- - dainty V,4L Som I i
- � - �
� � . � . -
being ffered in carpetv, lace curtains, lin- I 8 . � Lai so necessary to the --vompletionof - �
I I . .
olournal and all kinds of summer d ry goods., . z .: wintl=op. your coA, summer garments. . . Some ;
I 11 --
. - I .
. .
. - -1 I I - - �
. . 1861 11 � . I � �,
11 A drpp too much," is what they say �() �
. �
A P�wFuL INJUR'r.—Mr. Samu I Spears when a -man ban more than -lie cam" carry, I otton Sheetings and Pillow -Cas- 303A� � Z
I - 1. A
� I
� � � I �
has bem nursing a tore foot for the Past 14 Too much drop," is"What we as V�hfn we - - . ... 11
couple of weeks, While oplittin kindling y lugs I I � e, --
thfnk of the prim at wbi6h 'we are now 0 � -
. I . I L
J i .4,
one mc ruing he gob in too big a arry, the selling 80 Many things about the etore, ' � . a
. �
result ming that the axe came I I conta We are,desirousof having- a 11 House clean. _. . .
, . :
`t Come and do some profitable buying. You . . . . . 03AG .
I with 0 big tos of his right foot, cutting lit 'a. Ing " timeof cotton. goods for home pur- - - I -
, � � Iways have siorne dry goods' need. The 1-11, li
poses. You may now get the best kind , �
i Although he has not bee a laid up E. McFaut Co., Seaforth. 1861-1 4
. .
= r it has given him oonirldozable pain, in bleached and unbleached sheetiagg, . i
I - .
- ;
SUCCESSFUL 8001AL.-The social at Mr. plain or twill. You may secure pillow 2
and is ii drawback to one of - his energetic I 11
nature. � John C. Morrison!o on Wednesday evening casingia, the kind you like, at no ad. 4 � az
, !
I -
I �, �
A GooD BARx.--Work on' the I rge barn, of last week, under the auspices of the Vance on last year's low Prices, . '_ -
on the farm of Air. Charles Gor Way; 7th Ladies' Aid of the Methodist P.hurch, was an : * A C
I Cult J
concesi i;on, Hibberb, is being rapid y --pushed unqualified succiess. Despite i the fact that On Days Like These, b And uii
forwar I by the , nergetio oontri otors Mr,. threatening weather early in the evening, - . � . . 1,
_. I .
samue S re, Work was delayed for kept a number away, -4here was a good � . I I
I kound The Store, . ,� -
... I .,
rowd present, and all Ibeemed to have a : . I
some t me Twoco, int of the lumb or not ba- 01. � . . Three ,gli
d � I
Ing rec alved' on ti no. Thin barn in to ,most enjo�able time., Two excellent ad-
re- . , The only figures indicated about our store � i . ; .
' burned, Id in 50x:66 d i ran by Rev. A. Andrewo, of , � All new- right
lace t is one recei tly � thef,e days are on the thermometer, _.- - Ul
releb, ai id will be one cf the boob barns I - the Walton, and Kev'. John Parish,- -who in home � I - sm9ni costs �
.(that's hardly right, beeauso, by the . , .
towns4lp when completed. The act 'I on a v number of . I I
that way, we -don't happen to own one). At . . tud the price Ml'
Mr. 80sarais the contractor in a sufficient leasing musical selections were also given. any ruts, our prices on all merchandise ; - . . - . �
� � . _%� �
. - 5s lidies also provided excellenti refrosi 11 . . 1
guara, It,, th t the workmanship ill be of . needed these hot days, are so low theli " ,
a "' ... - I � � .1
" * . , ments. .The total receipta sinounted to , ,�� 4
the I S�b . Thin in the fourth now barn for . any one can'reaeh them. We've cools ---- Full iiengtbh -
Mr. 8 ears this year, to nothlog of the 858-75. .� thin goods suitable ior all kinds .,of ` I - - . �fl -
- .
. - T . I
numer no other jobs, �hlllely people of this - . I summer weatheri suitable for ,all kinds - _� - I
I � - .
I .1 . � -1
neighb rhood knoW 'how to appreciate B I Zuri6h. - _. of Oatario people. Come wit V. -4 t
, h.. your . JJ
good workman. A Goob SERMON.—In the absence of the cai your butur and your, eggs to Ao .� 4i
� -
__9 pastor, Mr. JS Dalgetty preached in, the Ev- some t rad � - � �
I . ing. . .
I \ Ji . Gorrie. angelical church here I�pt!'Sabbsth evening, . . I � 1 ii T . ( 4
I .
. - hass b n prae- He gave a most able dioeourso.-, Hetook- as I . 7
s.-Dj,. Tuck, who - - �L
. -
tilin n our village for nearly 15 ears, has his text the question of Nicodemus to . _*__1P__F__*__1i I I �. ,7
� !_6C__4V_1A_Ai1 0001-4,881,45i �
i 1.
gold ' piactice tc Dr. Whitely, o is now Christ: "What must I do -to W save4.1' and I . - . I . . . j
. �
. several - bore again." He . i
in pool tolion. It in ru the reply, "Ye must be I i
mored th , * �
other octors are (oming. There s a good earnestly impressed up*4 his; hearers the & 0 . Vie . - §__ I I I
field two 1) good doctors here, men who necessity for the now birth in -order to obtain I - I
have t ken brilliant college courses, follow. I salvation, Agood, clean, moral life in good . . ' 7 Rin .1
ad by broa or (out years of succemeful prac. and desirable, but in itself it in not suffi ' I .11 . �. .
ties. o others would be likely to succeed, Want. There must be the'xiew life; we mu ... � . - .
-I �
-Rusiol Brown, of Brussels, was in town The Jiscourse wag listen- -A - I'll I .
, ,
be "bora again." 8; E * ji-c F .. UL . . . . . . .
� .
on Sunday. ---i Ise Doan in Asiting in ed to most attentively and the congregation I I . i I I
Brusse aii-Mrn. 11 8, T. Fennell, of Sh6l- showed their appreclationof it by a mast . 11 I ��� I I
. . .. 1, � � �
bourne, is visiting friends in our illage.- liberal silver collectioni The singing by the Dry �Goods Guat 1 .2 . I
H Ardell, son of Ge rge Ards 1, of our choir was also excellent, , I �� -1
arry . got part of his ri hb arm �aksn off BuiRrs.-Jobn Koch, ofthe Babylon line, i � - � .
village orge and one of the old settlers in this pal t, has - 'ROW �
Inaralwayscoldentlaeb aturday,-Gei 0 Iry I I Z-1 . . - . - - . .1 �
endale, where he passed ver to the ailetib majority and the -c 1,
Ardell Is home from Al . U#ths Ure -a- sest Cash ' ' 11 '='
had been working,) , n a train. He got him remafns'were interred in the Lutheran cem- . I � I � I'll-
. .- �
hand scalded on August let .and was off etery on Sunday afternoon-lasti. Deceased - . 1� � ��
work, He and his brother Harry have, had leaves a wife-- and grown up family -to mourn Dry Goods ,Store. � . �
rather'hard luck si aci going on thi i train, - the lose of a kind husband and loving father. �. I -.-. . �
The Methodist J nior Epwor League He was nearly 75 yearn of agiiii-Mr. J. R. ' .
I spent plea0ant moonat the a ureb on Eckstein, of Jackson, Michigan, is visiting days withrela3livesand friends.- Mies Ethel I I
4 a - -,
Mond y of thin we k. -Mr. Rsthi all, oftoe. his sister, Mrs. Moses Geiger, Mr. EPek. Colwill has xetur ed from visiting friendain �
Goi stein worked for Mr. D. S. Faust some Southampton and - Kineardino.-Mr. Wra,
make is returnin to rrie, and his shop . � -
a twenty years ogo.-The following persons M-niore, who was satooman for a number of � 1. .
will be in Mrs, D no' building, opposite I - . .
the Ai3glo-Amoric n hotel.-Iklra Rogers hemo returned to their homes in Cavalier, years in -Mr. E, R%nnfa% but wbohas Dow . I
find her daughter, ld&, of Parkdale, called NorthDakota, after opendiDg some time a good. posid.m in a large establishment in -
. �
on friendi town last week. -Win. Wal. with friends here: Mro. P. Koehler and bar Minneapolis, Minn', -is home bore visiting - I
tore, the new editor of the FqrdwIeh Record, mother; Mrs. David Ruby and Mrr. John h1a parents, Mr, and Mrs, Win, Moore. His .
was In town last week.- Trumner.-M rs, George Pfaff left -for Pig- many frJendo are pleased,to moot him,agalup . I
.� : — 0 eon, Michigan,�on Monday, after visiting � _Our band g4ve a free evening's entertain- I .�-W,A_Cic CAT'AP
� � M -i Wthe good peopleof our sister village . i �
trionds here for a few weeks. -Mr, Elfas I . UWAGO-ROCK:
� � 31�fth- � Weidman returned to his home In Berne, of Zurich on Monday evening last, _. and wo - � 1100SIERT ce I
BiaisFs,-Mr, Wm. Quinn, wb at one Michigan, on Monday, after a visit to We learn their melections were much voioyi XCy'1q0.S1J.&.,%
time I 54 brakeicnair on the 0. P. B,, out of father-in-law, Mr. S. Martin. -While Mr.P. Mr David Thomsov, of Toronto. formbr[Y �, I I
Whial eg, but who has been at hii father's Koehler was delivering wheat ab th . a mill bhe . c,f Honsallf In vizitii)g blu relatives and . .1 .
home I East Wawanosb for the mob her'day, his teAm gob tooiiinear the edge of friends, in Henitall and vicinity,-Pieples to � I
and, a &If suffering froth that dri disease, the platform, and tumbled over, Fortun. the lako continue the or -der �f I the day,-im- P -a .
ot injured further than one MIS" -Hllg�glhav, of Lobid-on, is 'visiting hot �
conga ption, and aid been living In a tent ately they were p. �. . � 5
in the rehaird all summer, died Saturday of them getting its leg scratched, It was a cousin, Mix. W. 0. Davis. -Messrs. M-�Rw
inorniog at 71 o'olook. His rems no were mirsole they were not killed.-iiiiiiiiiii 13. F,,l . on and Geiger are getting in a large quanti- � I I
oonvoyted to the Union cemetery 0111 MOn- Fauib was In Exeter on Monday ort buRiness.. ty of flax in good condidon.-Mixt; Beck Aud . � �
day, there being a large following at the . her au -at, Miss Aifttborp,of St. Marys, are . - �
-On Monday evening last, the Housall . I I
funeral. He was member of the Mabcs- band gave an open air concert on our streets, vititing here at Miss Beek's bome.�The far� � . . - 11rim �
- �
� ..
� r;
been, who furnedil ont very strong. His which attracted a large cr I in this AeAlon &to getting thri . - . . ill" I .... ;
. owd, They pla mere . , a - : i
parents and brothe6 and sisters have the well. Tho directors of the agri ly with the harveot,. as IhO grain has ripened . . . IQ it 1', :
I cultural soci- - - . . - �
- . A
sympathy of their arge circle of riendc- at Qu ckly this neason,-The fri'ands -of . � - I
r have engaged them to play at the fall very I I � .1
. - The lawn social be! d by the ladi is Of the fs r.-MeA*ors. C. Brown and Hutchison, of Milis Ruiater will be pleased to le#tn that I - I
Presbyterian churc 2 last Friday ev ming was Crediton, �Iwere calling on friends here last *he is now improving, although not Be rapid- � I
a muecess in every way. Although tf. e evening week,_Mrl, S. Ronnie has the otone frunda- :.1y as could ba dersired.-Dr, and Mrs, Black- � I . . I I
all ree6mly spent a SWobvith in London With -1 I J� _
was rather cool, th ire was a largo attend, tion of life',house completed. -Mr J. B. Fos� I � i
ance, all njoyin themselves, -M itis Maud ter has bfd large brick etibl friends. -Mr. Alox. McKenzie., 'Who has - . I -
, o nearly com- more than a local fame an x, 11 thors0i � - -
Proctor reeturnelf om her visit at Rfpley on p!eted. 1� will be a good .one, -Mr. J. Diim� as, a ce own 0 . -
collar maker, but who has found the vre.rk -
Taesday, and left or Toronto, where she nis recently moved into Mr. D. Steinbach' , work �,
. has secured a pool on with one of I he large bo Itelling upon him for some time posb# I& I
. use. -Mrs Sheirs and her son, of Roll . � I
ImIllinery firms of t at cit The Witighain enter, Ntiv� iork, have been here vislt,iag here last week for Lindsay, where 'he boa .
Ira `J - bar brother, Mr. C. Fritz. -Mrs, Beaker and - —
basis ball tea,, Is e,poebi Fown here On Sat 8eintired a good sibustion, where the work
.�%&.i the, th 6... and as they beat o daughter, bf St. Thomas, were born attend- . �
., , ur will be less ai us, --i Isy Gri ThorAP
team a coup eke ago, here is ing the funeral of the late J. Koch, hurst, IF, at tile men- visiting bar olvi I . - . If
I 'a O� wo o � I
no doubt but that pht will be a c one and . Mrs. Henderoom-Mr, and Mrs. Somemillet- � � -1
h I - ��
interesting go . at is the matter with ' � . of Kirkton, were here, very recently vUltilug I - . ..
Blyth olding 3%J 1 . . 1!
�!, a aribration on List or Day, i Hensallo bis sister, Mrs. (Dr ) Fergueon.-Mr. Geo -T96 I �
Va . for a r" I
onain bay have b had sports hc re I LOCAL Bitmp&-Mr, Thompson Murdock, Joynt, who has been spending the past tb
num of Years aid being. 90 centrally lo. 10 putting cement flooring In his livery stab. or four weeks at. Lucknow -and vicinity], J%- . I �
cated we ought tol be able to draw a big log and making other improvements. -.Mr. tnrned home the fore part of the wiek.- .
� illy, 1 .
crowd. -Mr. Ed. iCampbell left Wednesday and Mrs. Arnold and,childrai of Windsor, Mrs. 8. Humemon (and daughter, Miss L , I
� I I
mornin for Winn Tieg, where he bee secured a a here visiting Mr. Arnold's parents,- were in Exeter and vicinity recently visiting � I
a positlon In one (t, the large stores there as ;r, Norman Cookreturned home last week Mra, Wagins, Mrs. Humestion's dsughti , . - � �
h � - .
� ,on of Dr. Chesney, has ' � I � ��
sad of the silk Aross goods de rtmeub, from South Bend, wher� he had been for a Mr. Abe Chesney, t � �� �
v I..
. .
he is sure nOmber of weeks, -Miso Rose Youngbilut In been Vending a fam , i I I . I
As Ed, � in a pushitig young man r daya bore with his par- � I . . . A
, .
to succeed in the -went, which is t io place b 6me from Pittsburg on a visit, accompanied cuts, pri to entefing npon his duties as: ,- I
� �-
. _ I .1 - I
J - s- . - ��
for all young men' to rise, He ii accom by Mix# Beeson, of that city. -Mr. Nicol salesman in the Robert f3l on company, 1,
; - . - . .
pardedby his slator, Ers, who -as oing as Shfrray, of PJumas, Manitoba, Is here visit eatablishment., Toronto. T has, -f6r -the I ,-,, . . I Use7
I far as tbb Soi *here she is going to visib i � g his mother, after,an absence of over four Past two ,years' been in:tbe employ of the R. - I 0. J
I with her brother ;there until Christmas.- y arm. He is looking well and his friends Pickard Compai Ex7eter, and gave o0d, � I .
I L'_
L Mr. John Hai of Galt, visited his are glad to see him once more. -The annual ,Sutfsfscf ion. .�-Mrs. J. 0, Stoneman has TZ2 -_ . I -
brothei and friends for a few dayo the past 8 kbbath school picnic of the Presbyterian visitijig her'.pareato in Lambath. -Mies , B. i � �,_ � . I ..
week, leaving fo� Exeter on Monday, to church was held at Grand Band on Tuesday Lynch, of London, has been the guest of � � I QREJ I., ..
vielt friends ther�.-Mr, MiBeath, who has last, The attendance was good and a very Era. d A. MoDonell during the past week- -1 i .
cohdacted a geno#al store in town for the I pleasant time was spent at that. populai re. Miss Lavins, Cook P -pent prb, Of jut -reek _. ___., �
. -_ . �
past few years, h purchased the residence I sort. -Dr. Gray, of Helena,Montanaj he a I avd this the guest of " (). .P-, R.
I I 4 . v ,r , larx-, Holland, of � -
of Captain Torr. titanee,and intends Iting hio sister, Mrs, Samuel Smillie, kud Exeter.-MiNs. 8, Mai of London, is � _..
mOvInq V1811 I I
2 artais Redmond, of .
In abou� the first iof September. -Mr. Will: o#ber relatives in this vicinity.-Mro. WA v1sidag her uncle, Mr., Ch 16 _. -
I is mading a I the township ------ I
Habkirk has beoq'engagred om clerk for Mr. I lAke wea in Berlin th week rpe I Of HAY. I � I
I� � -.1 - I . I
I ! I . � - �
� I I
� ,1
: "I -
. _ I
i �
! . -_
. . I
. � -
I ! � I I .1 . I
I r
I r
y oil 8
,W `�111
b It
ast in
.; I I
11, 0 �r� �
, a i &�
) ' y '
6 �
J. G I G1
'310 e
I p 1
� d
0 w 0
i S
. �
I .
- .
� .-
I -
w7w I -
� n�
: __ - I � _� .- I �i , . I
. Z - - -
: � I -AL -
I A -
419 _��_ � �__;
I ..---.--�.k-----.—.------�-1------. _____