HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-14, Page 7IIIIi HURON� EXPOI
JAIT OUST 14,119034 ebon hf Val -9 j to erJRUEL BAOK�VE[ts flth ln!� raoulluir shou be", oli�ld turned to practice an I In 1874 boos no ice.
d Af A HORSE AUC -10N.:
-when t1k a we earn. old. All trials -Casucellor of Ontol . He retired n 1890.
and ty ar' t wor'll- hi banksriI 4 f, birds should be told in the at mmor and —Phil, 6 -tist and illual,ralor of .10 . V e4t Praia That Kaketh�e Su' rees yj VW siedinwal am V
Overr raouth. cookerob uiedJor b -r aiding the following P Graph and o or per o P
Fife Miserable. woral Stiandpo list#
letweett si season. P L la�i dead. PULLETS FOR LAYING. overall - rati3britm of Pil terbor:), :Cold. Skipper was a police horse' and thd I)f. Willialfts -retaining th early pul. w 060011e, OnL. are btrieliaiar
69 old rusioll"Y Pink Pill& Never Fail to Re. The advantages of attr audi Str . e ad..until he Will Of jamish M000rinl'k, S
lots for fall and *in 6 otion have ies under 6he spavin, Then he was sent
A th& Wed& liee, gu4� Cure Ailment@ of this K �nd. in, red a.
of -the poett iaster j
stal Iri been repeatedly at& d. a ly allots will Br.?klyh, 01�u
7 im, - mm-Wilter Book, wife d. r N. ker. t a,
'r&w h okt h �- - . I . - - h sales stable. His experiences 0
hVel rnoai in well known to all Df the lay in their'first year ve � time , &a msn D -Arm an aged and r)spl
h -the Ansiot, vinsidents of.. that I locality, and the fit illy in t e rsb il j6H d in Silverdale, I i ere 4s told b Y Sewell For
One of eggs aij old herill !the co3t" of f ad will ..be farmer living on elision Of!E&fjt whare; the practicailly the same for the pull ts an for Caledon; expired in hi b ' after a !driv orseo Nine" we il s: fa y are: ool �,i known throughout Lincoln cOuntyp I B. uggy a any. But ppgt wa to a bl g ring be- been -greaLter. ;- The. most ped -6ut'of rhe rig as. 4is son was ulbitohing where thel hsve resided al have the hens., The profit from bhe , pullete will from Orangeville orje,�xght, lately, slid drop Ski s led In
y-,,rjr Atiflied.with its history for four goner. be correspondingly fore a of men, . man on a box Us pki�iii: the horse, Dr. Williams' Pink promising utill�y-type pulli should , be shouted out a nu ber and beganj to ationt. in Ing of L selected�now, f6d.liberally so the, early wi tafk verly fast. S pper ga ered that 0 Bud Tills. Mrs. lalkk says In givin toy I n- or9w It. ter laying may be encouraged,,xind later on IT S soo laosent to t�k' that childrod c ry for It
dp a hl #Wb otimolly 1: do. so frankly and withic ut re- a hek was talking bout him, Skipper euref for "00luflidoxw*1 but it's 4 to wal lot all kinds, DRo LOW'd I rn convinced of the compli Ito re- 0 �in comfortable winter' quirters. Wit �ll ridri - 0 il All dealers. led�ned; that he was still onl six years
ltftt4 to, rk .1 I -4- oudam ji at Ity of, the pill&. For a couple of years ransfairing mature pullets to, %. strange pan Dr. defers agg-produobion. old,anj that he h'ad been o , , vned as A
roubled wibh a severe pi n in A weil-kno &Lejrloo Count Its and �xjlaid been t W ly saddle hors- "T C4 AGX�Lr Who Was about
*h1oh aometimes� extended otbe i familiarfigure 03i tke town of Waterloo, ia lie -Gal ; Thert farming the udli type of the person of Mi. Anthony Dauqr, died r Europe land was (losing out
t is Prompt IQ --jj�niach and gave - me great distress. At For pbultry y to Sail fo
breeding fowl should be seloote0i This type thi Saturday of Imp week from th� effe -glol I wal co%iplately incapacitated with f fowl oan'b8 had - in thl pro mr,breeds, of a fsl Otd her stal,)Ie. ' This was news t) Skipper. 'I felt 4iuog di icaurageid, because [ had 0 The' man talked very nicely about %� . I He fellthrae feet frarii Ole mar.. ll Teeth. Plymouth Rooks and! Wyandce i. Utility -ket Hotelateps go b Skippei
been tresil �y come walk, He said he was kind, gentle,
a good doctor-, and had type fil should be broad blool ly, and of o the nt Tposra to-, hoil a number of adverdeed . mei oining fracturinj his skull, caulsiag death I a few sound in wind and limb and was not We medium size -.and weighb (hal a weighb—" houri. years of aj ing the hurnsInulfti-L, 4 1kithout obtaining a Cure. Finally I do- lie was 7� to_ �nd had only Ined to t4e saddle, but would
4. will gap -_ -a hall i10 indR,.; bil been living retired for a number of ears at tr
101to 1", -I&ided to try Dr., Williams' Pink Pill e, and cook seven to eight and ther S
grow man
tral cnee� At -five and a haff to a nil Work e� Ingle'or double. The Amott from the first.1 notied an Im *Oye- even pot The the abovo�hot6l.. let are toad, look and by the time I had: used five boxes breast, Ahould be full, broad ad i &Tried �well —Sidney White, all offiob b3y in the am. ante4l to knowbow much e 'gentle -
The lags should be e6t wellsil & men Were willino' to pay for a bay,
7 awitself. -tho old Complaint was a thing of the poliet, f orward-i,', t 1py of Macdonald, Shopley, Middleton short, white oryellow in color aid without 'a urider 'arrest 'charged geldine.,, of thl des' ription., eavitv. was feeling better th�n I had for ton�ld, Torli a and leg or foot feathering. The wbility-type in WL s,Lgrowth fin&g ite J -keep the pills in the I dohil Some' one on tho outeg edge
W" house, and' th the tnef t of �viej ight thouls6n. of the ij;ttoi T fowl co,"eaponds to- the shorthorn type in, of oash and scouritivill1r,)m the vAult) Of the crowd wr i feel th� need of ii, modi oine the uiii Tkrw�, L. whenal IqUL aid, "Ten Oollars�,' and. take a fall and 61*6ys find them a op endia cattle, & are and broad-bodiad, 'low-meb firin. White, att�r arrest, oonfavililled. He toute and regulatotof the system. 11 I :. I - ill he want money to go to Ilagland. , eW
Jt is. atated, fowl. I At this the ma' on the box gt
quite Indignatit. 1�e asked I the other
thei tooth IDr. Williams' Pink'Pills SrOL th sell OF 0irI0K.UXB t6 beco,mia a sailor'. Fforn-'eleen cents,to, tWellj's centel per' man �ouldnit likle a silvej mounted
ieh &natursl toll $Jolod builder and -tye'rve tonic in t a whole —A span of horses were stol n, it it) &I. W Ir whether it hss,616i� fact beilliond' p?uni loront and &no, E, I. hamel and a lapl�obe thrown in.
wide world. That is a divput d live wilght, is 6ffered in leged, from the farm of Patrick Moq Montreal for cWelighJuIL over one —and'it accounts fil the fact �thst il lore I: lioe township, on Twisday oil laab w1ek. The,j "Fifteen," said nother mi n. rner in the whole Civilized world where -and e, half pou4do each. The P can oorri local Police were tiotifivil but as yet no clue Somebody else -said 1,1i nty, ff n- I
I80,00 i pond approximately to fou f teen cn to and hQb6en.discovered. 10 will Btfic"tbbOught h t
#ome nufferier has not been cured by building 0 nd still � fifteen cents Pei pound plucked weight, and th ot er man said "T nty-five, 11 a
UP th'9 blood by these pillsl 1: 'There is no ey h%d run away, but a search all over
And, twenty cents "d twenty-two 'cents per another "Thirty."i Then thdre was a
Quinine TablistS.- At_ -other me4loinelo wipely usso. -there -the township showed this to be a mistake. il, j.0 a L hon,4 if it & -11 pound drawn -weighb. It is'evident that -an hitch. The man �n, the box began to
Ill s- trouble due be poor, W�tory blood or One in a gray maro of heavy buila, flaulteen I 0 re is- on Call increased profit'Mill be -realizid by selling -or fitten iaaada high, aLd the other a b&y talk v �ry fast Indoed.
U a welp nel that Dr. Willialol Pink Pills the earlier and heavier cockerels Df the flock wilt not Core. Protect yourielf by seeing t once I . This profit eorrespoode to bile mare of slight' projortLops. Tramps who Th�tty; thutty, thutty, t utty I DO
�s in papem. nk 8 in- infest the noighbdihood are blamed I hearithe five? hutty, thutty, t1lut-
A said drowning socidem that *e full nome, Dro Willisma" PI '
seed revenue derived by market garden lerriam Consul, tha*- Fail for Pals Peo0e, printed t 000U. rad on ty, thuttT. Will ou make it fivel"! Stel dUrig wrlippor around every box.' Sold - by all raskid fruit growers who plact staple ar- the Bay'of Quiut�roen Tuesday of last weak, "Th#ty-five,11 sold a red faced man t
10OX00 medicine dealers, or sent poit 'paid at 50 t"18' on the mirket betore the'regular. �11P* the viatini btsing Greenfiway,s clerk in who b:kd pushed his way to the frout
Ibi ffafetyL iv by ply In availall the pootoffice at P �Url Green.
cents a box or six � �boxea for $2. 50, I irt Hope. Yt
P -Tris CRAT14 FATTED CHICKNS. and- was looking Skipper ove � sharply. r. Willisou"Medi- : way arril at the M.: 0. 'A. oamp on
rout reasons, boar v!riting direct to The D The increased coniumption of chicketlIs in Supday night, cil from . Port Hope With Ccl Brookville, Oct. I The -1 box Said "Thutty-
a4d .0onfloss (tani Vine: 'neconsir ------ :_Q Canada is due to the improvedi quality .ani 'GrdL'rge Sol Iluet Ay be went out in a five I" 4 go6d man r times and asked if
.sod I y adjuna appearance of the chickine thab %is offered. sail bill inompany with two othei young he "h�ard forty., E videnily he did
The fi M$d& 'DoMej5tj0L Hconom9r- y r4 pins . I for sale. This improvement iiss been. as- men. Tne oraf t capi iz A! in a squall - &at! not, fo� be'stopped and said very slo;w- I
ver oradj" Ind ithed thro4h. the basines orate
Try Using a Mtle borax it the watkr in tal I of 45t- Greenswav was Oto,vnd. Decessed was a
Priated intojil ly and distinctly, looking expectantly
Which white oloilles are to be washed, and tening chickens introduced by � this Depart. son of William 0 del &Way, formen in the aroun "Are yo4 all done?
sharperiedto a, point u will be delighted with �thp clear, spark -1 ment of Agriculture, el the methods of Port Hope GuiZuewspaper I office, sind wao Thirty -
I'01 -wi(
mcceasors of t-O.Q*y un. ing. color tbusi prodiced. killing, plucking and shaping t a chickens well thou H � was aboat 2O five ice; thirty�flve—t e; third—
lisity of Ope ht of. 01 yeara of eyare,marketed. Everyfarmer--ir age. MV104 be. before th and lait call—sold for $355!" id fit for Usel Frosting can. �a whitened With I lemon Canada 'should be in poinession A the de- Wheln Skipper eard this he hung
thil siza of the Owet, will colo and tails of the crate -fattening busi'm im. It is a INSTANT RELIEF ivaranteed bv ull MIL-
juide. Cranberry his head. When ou have baen a $250
BURNIS STERLING' K AACRE POWDERS. NO rationa seem bewilaer-r gritted rind of �n "orange, strained through a busin n that can be matil by any, mm' deproul after-eftodt. 1 _F blue ibboner the prl le of 'the
there be one, proo" a, cloth, will ooloIr it yellow. ber of the household; the rcquized number, ¬her it i tifll force, ;it is Pad be "knoc ed do W1 of crates are easily constructi the chick- ,ving: The Sto�,y of Irish Popli for $35. Pal ha When'sour ruilk is to banned in poking, ens will gain from one and 4 half pol to ,�nlous; machfti4: wh.k& a -few vigorous, whisks with the sggl�bester three pounds each duri . wenty-four Thal otirlsh'poplin. Is a curious ng the I Wording t one. Lady C p
0 thisiza of�' in the bowl oripitcber will'mix the io�rd and days fattening, and the cost of food.. per ft�ew a Dl N tINCT Is- !'THE TEACHER.
rold and pricks- a- hat whey go tholy that tli can be poored as poun of gain in live weight' will average Rt the couit bf ouis Philippe. She dva the pine and will tubviate the on r d a b &If cents. took with her 1;,o arls r0eng ]Feathered
�0114ity as cream, from five cents to six a -th of Irisb How �the Young, of the
l ia another machl'", �uffias FALL Tribe Ar Educat qf finding the FAIRS poplin, which ell S being I -rel One feeds thal i6itpraperied with particles of curd.! Soda Fowls thot are to be exhibited at the, fall t made in Belfast. creamy The' is a sch I j of the oods, just
The firs pea.. -.used With IOU fairs should be shaded from the sun during, r milk abou'd not be p*t into white, embroldered all over with little as much as there, is a church -,of tha
milk, but be isifted into the flour likelbaking mo U'liting. This will prevent.the nov� feath, 0 r d op. The, bottom powder. er's having a faded 'or mottled, appearance. dots and spri s of gold. Lady: Carew -he, woods
oods. or a parli iment of L
qual steel baro, sus ak F and. or a S I beiety of Ujifted CbarJ of the
I Breeders of fancy fowls are very particular took it 'to a Prarlsian dressm er . I til
this thank of tht- pla Custaid pies or' puddinge will require only in this respect and cover the wps of the the modiste went nto ecstasies over It wood.0 and. no more. There is nothing
;ha head. These, 4r$ half the usual time for baking if the Imilk is yards used by the moultio� bir a with:old' On. her iva*, up the stairs to the re. in the dealing of animalls with their
ka'rspaca bsbween, pa-. I The fowle are given y scalded before being'stirred into the I beaten carpetsill- lumber, etc. ception room a he Tuileries Lady young thai in the remotest way sug4
Cu%rd puddings and cup liberty during the late.efternoou an 6 e_ of the bottom.'' -eggs and sugar. d v n- Care felt a. pull t her dress. Afraid gests Uuman Instruction and dllscip�lne.
detach itself as soon cUstarda may be steamed instead of * baked Ing only. Animal food- land" vegetables rI plidkpockets S ��turned qulickly. "I Th ng- of all the wild ci catures do
complate. Raw after if the oven is siot in the right icon dit necessary for moulting ,fowls: the animal of al- iff, I ill be- a thousand p rdons," said 1,1 splen- InstW tively wha their paricnis do and
V food such- an waste meat -c r raw bones w Onding set of grooveol To keep the yolk of an egg frae�, when incri the supply of pr tew pr albumen didly dressed , Ill who stood behind did. 1rhey d have to be taug'ht; Ileady prici p oalytheewhitaistobel Make,ja hole forthegrowthof feathe.-sthe vegetables her, "but Wou d you tell me wl at your ithey ire taught f 1 om the jump, sdys a
.adiusitment these pinw. -i Iin- the chell large enough for thal wh#e only are useful in regulatipg. tl is syiitem. ny- antio Mon The
dress is mad( of ? I never so �v a writer in the Ati thly. placea and are pr to run out, then stand the egg fl,S an 4gg-oup, W, A. CLI&il thing,so,exqui ,ite in my,life." bird 0ngs at the proper age and builds
iothod two, little Ild keep it in a cool place, The- ycilk will P iblioation Clark. A dozen ti. Its nOt-and take�, its appronrlate food
thousa,vids- Ot t6y in color, and bip gond for two io� tfirbe In s that evening Ldy Cg r . ew & its 1par-
had a Ilar experience, Ind he withojit any hint at all fro
I r1lally syn. SICK HEAD&OHE, however si and, die resoiriz is pisfflMy curei by LAX4.1,l PILLS, result was of the.most extraordl. outs. �,Tbe youn ducks to - ke to th6
I'A pail: of Walter standing in a, roA that They are,il to Vke and ill ir RrIpe, nary craze r poplin that - ever was' water bat&ed by a duck -and
Uve when
-him been nowly-pairil will quickly absorb experieticed for au new fabre. One nd stdlk lakeets and ash them-
-of -'-Nt as the) mothers (lid, Young the disagreop odor of the piiii Viewer PUPUS ill- $611,001130 0� - seve
Stor .blo III firm fioldi�_ 1000 WOrt4 the ma- Ju The Eduostion Depart tn� h 0 given out au4 yo yo under -
tell w4hin car, and three large chickons ung WOO
When knife blade@ 00me otit of their hand, Bout Intorestog statiotlas rotating tio th - 4 tho Varli 01118 4I)d SJ911410 Of
Ion, thay may be oaffily mandod by flilling the Ist 1,101180 al sald -to bayd found- etan @An holi.in the han4le with powderad ra#fn, ari4 of tho provinco, h 0(1 tll()' V Preset t . li�lrgo fortuncs.')n Irlsli their mothor tbo MIA time they hear or
The number of pupils "�nollad In t o . I
ToplIn. see them. At 00 tirst alarni. note they,
a a- sang, re.pla5inf the blade af tor mol I I- shaft public ochools of Oatarfo In 1002, was 08 - I �rl a the flre, Wh(n blWO 124, beilng a"Joirsireal of 0,495 Ir m the pri tjqiiat; at a call �)' food they come on
Is the: one wto� ill befound to bo firmly fted. 11"Obneco Wor 11 im weirxiAt In SlIver. the first day ar4 onl 010 Onth, The hab-
oll year, The dooreaso In n tioed In the indead wrill tol I and in tniiiny ^f the towns, am well It' E 1191flild th(� OrSt PIPOS Mod aP- its of cletinflness lof the neqtllllgs� are
itt Is trouble, Milleen Grip Powder Cars, all in &T the ll witi two' ex0eptionil per to have boe'n mado of cluy, with established- f rom ill 0 flr9t hC ur of their
wich ths, y4l Ab 1, V. Foar's Drug,btoro, Seafoith. Obatbam ard St. Oathorin whil9t the narrow bowls fi�d coptracted mouths. 11yes. . When a'blr'd comes to buI14 Its
triats of Now Onts w 1111 I In crease,
worth, the pral ho drut nest and to roar Its first brood, It
dim Tben as the bal�'lt grew tro4eil and
taken. The average daily ttendan; e was 57. 01 Bali MW tobacco=-' becawel chea-per sotnothIng knows how to pkoceed as well as It
a i"heough-, tot", a n Irish merchant rr, 0 ney per cent, of the t,)tal, a co�npfired with A who had more ;
al would be Oquirod. does years later or a�g Its rarents* did
in his pocket than hin WO ited, 56 69 In 1901. prudent when, noth- �aiate schools These are the pipes which udder the before It. The fox 14 af rald of it trap
to atray-, a seat in a first cliws carriage. A il The Roman Catholic. So i - !s" are so�etlmes before he has had any expe -lonce with
dy fellow passenger w4si 'much snt oyed at enrolled atteudanciewas 45,964, an inarease name of . "fairy pipc Jac, Voice, of sla
Pat's presence, arii �niusing his handker. of 1,977 ; and the numbil:- - of'!t(aohers ein �rdsorved as intorcsting It, arid the hare thumps upon the
-emised from relies of the chief, taxed him with having pifted his ployed in these schools b a i6c, Past. . Aubrey, 1writing ground at sigbt of 'anything str4tige
pocket. After recovering his hand#f-rchief, 818 to'870. about 1680, says-, "The Engllsli people and 'Unusual, whether its mates be te Teacheirti' gaNries show a 0 onfiderable in. which he had- put in his h%t, he made a lame first bad silver plpes, but the Irdinary within hearing or not. No bird teaches
warth ther honor ol obut Pat stopped h I im with' the rp- crease for both malea7and fem6,lfo. and &1' I thouihtill low, are high �r fh�n at anytime sort made u�e Of walnut sh.,ell and its young to fly. They By histinctivibly,
mark: a, desire. "Make yourself easy, darlint; do 't both- in tbe himtQry o Inil strawi I have heard my grandfather when.their wings are Strong enough.
f the prov er about the matter You took n the counties (excla ve,,6f Cities and say t1lat one, pipe �vas handed from nif) for a I thisfe, I took yo I u for a gentleman. Va were townp) the average ea of 'M le'teacheris man to man round the table. Within' Difference In Prayiern.
for tha strik,l both of us mistaken, th%t's till, me honey." in 1901 was $359, fe N%, $262 in 1902, these thirfy-five year I a 1twas scaltidalous Lttpe Alice &lwaYs said her prayers
r cliambered to-dayJ males. $372 -; f emales, $2 1. for a Alvine to Itake tobacco. I It was regul�rly before going to bed. One
a I received your tongue ;is, COMO, tryl Miller's In towns male teachers in 190 then sold for its wayte In silver. I night however, as she rested her head
Gravulax. an av(rage salary of $649 fem' I, vj 9311-5 ; In in orni e— At 1. V.'Fear'abrug 8tore, Bes, rth, 1902, wales. $667 . fernal�s, $317. m our old n tb pillow she remarked, In a ques-
rth the, hornagis; 6 teachersi in i(Ol- received nelghb urs may that when they went tioning way:
fl In ll mle oe. in a, while. Dpn't Talk Too M,uch.- an average salary of $915, females $470-; to marl et they culled out their biggest 11M� I imma, my prayersvaie so
in 1902, malek� $935, fen -fates $471). .04111ings to lay in the sea ns longer than the or�e nurse ays In the
Too much talk, seyou krici bound to or Wilcox. In the provinoe the,: aviftrage:Aalary of male
.-be unprofitable, for things fire oaf I which bi�ecio. Now the customers of It are the moill Can't 11,say hers. when, I'm
teanborn in PI was $421.1eirnales $306 would befter be left unsaid, and someboiy a 9 Cates � his majesty hatb.11 - tired?" len $436, fernalee S18, in 1902, ma feelings are sure to be wounded. Besidev, The tobvill nutTibar Of public a "Does the nurge "'pray in the morn-
talk4g W
t I 0 ld there is a physic strain about 111aying 6ards In nusists" Lng?". asked tho, ruother with a puzzled
11. 1,� ine till I trft& I, may mean something in th,l life of the indf- era increased f ro 8,40-3 to 8, 4P7, or of w h i fc, 28 Pei, In Russlit the manufacture of play- l6ok. 25,80 per cent. w re mon. I61 1901,
POW.0"i AD4 tb#y "You have often heard of persons — W
- . I "'� vidual, cent. wetle men. 'The u Li,nbor' v rith orm& I 1�g carls Is an Imperial mon4oly. In said Alice sweetly. Iii says, by, E;mor&1d,, P_ X. L, talking themselves to death," said a pbysi. echeol, training i7not]fj�ned foora 4,427 t,) cian, flan,d no donbt.you have come to look 48 14,000 packs were Issuedl daily, 'Lord,� have I got to get il upon the saying as a grimly humorous com- 4,6014� or from 53 ta ' 54 per ca ' rit. of the but the demand !was I It Ont. writes: total I Eighty-one or bout pile per cem, mentone'very notable weakneso 11 man- olf this that a j)etition was addressed IT ;tnout'four yous, And were nivereity graduuti'm threa botflett of Hsr kind. Here in where you err. - b and, so �Teh I trtl amount paid for �PW blio school ti: the czar praying for a stfIll more Mill l Seventy-tve.
d we Pill 263. "ll do talk themselves to d,el ' Among the caid devo. Evon at seventy-five Lisit'was A pi- teach ris'salarieA was 82,98i an increase ll )erhl Supply# do women. It requires more phyls I aner- -anist; whose powers lay beyond� the
of 61 .3,460, and. the total arnlin t expanded A(es the Russlan soldiers -are conspicu- 9Y than yon would think to oarry,on an or- r calm
all purposes 'Was $44.369 91,6. y commonly carry e o Which sober lauguage o k for 01 is. The packs in Pal, dinary convErIl But you never thin be applied.
URI N. S., glixyls, ockets, but when ther� Is an critic�sm could reach or
oftbephyisioalstrain' of -talking except in their p
'r pilig, ag�theyoured wo, frod, rheumlilill actual call to, arms and they 'prepare Enbulgh 6at its greatest ebarm geemed
itil I had flaffibed kb& connection with public addresiseiij, ir connec- Many persons cuffering I I tion with the efforts of preachers, lawyers, have been' permrinpntly curell by Miller"' themse'ves for,! 'the ba lefle d they to 1116 to, le In a perfectly divine -tou-c-D
6d Iron Pilln, of -tone more remarkable -for ex-
tate�grnen. In ISO i degree Compou I . make It a polnt� to get- rid 11 their and 1 ' n az�
'We: will find the perzon engaged in �rdinary At I. V, F�ar's Dru9_,S&re,'Seafil Cards� This Is '-due to a sup ristition qulsltely musical quality an volume
flure, .'ecinvereation undergoing exali t1he name -i leads
will it quicklr* �6nvlctlon, will 1 or dYnamic force aided by a technique
amoun ng to ct
strain. TEMPTED TO SUDDIDE. t to ri them still incomparably brilliant and.sup�erb.
_� them to believo tha "I have in rnind the recent �inata ri theft persons . at -such a time —Ile vmann Klein in Century. Inau, a fine, robust, vigorous. fell w, 'who 9 Then Docid's Kidney lills Made u hle Cheat� under les tr vouldhAvelliv ould be, to court; gravedisaster.
,ying conditions v ad w 4 - MuelL For T. jine.
Peter,. Laveque Able to Too ncrougilh left' lowriche (who w(uld like the
kit, ll many years longer, but who died b0caul of the indiscreet use of his voice. ! He I dled' as Support His F Iily. 11 ow t Treivel ]Leavejo and Plants. -we used r, Cold# �'s true that
the reault of too much talking. He had a unt- for- a'son-ln-law)—I
To pteserve lei ves and other )arts of mpietci., cured 'great arnoaut of wi to do iE the way of (1111gi rl.roucic s ina'lned to be a
NVixxif,Ec;, Aug, l0lih--i(Specifill plants properly Ithey should b0 placed -dictating letters, He tried to do 7it. The Peter�Lavicqne liven at Ifaywood, and but he'll ottle down,
res �Ipoft � Wl e -and family by �utting - wood, MC give bim *� ult wais bad. The strain he,lped �O bring 1 , -, f 11UP* betwee, shools !of blotting paj)er, and Time works W( r_ d e r IS.
hfirm�' 1: E about a congestion, of the lungi, anj he! died id ely Diseme, P37 1 the Impers sh6tild be changed once a P shape�of Backache, -c—SQ it does, but I never
jb are Whila Tbo much in.. th (1hy f(jr two or three days. They- L Yet
yet engaged in his work. l W him for work and i* li o despair'be being In the inlracle busi- talking,% vigorous upe of the voice, �@ very f riend -should be drled�as rapidly as Oossible `)f It'
wag tem ited Ito shoot- hIM161f A P bad thing—an unprofitable business in ore a *arm flatiron O�ll the 11�ooklyn Life.
brou ht him two boxed of boda's Kidney ' bY I wl�ys thawone.11 Pillal. l�, Here's what the result :— 11, ti made. I he Bays of P 11wr nte mia the change I 'e, L
n -pas- y ot In Evident Ialour days after uil the Pills in AINJIuld be kept tinder nioderate t
hal d out- may—Miss Passay has een quite III-.
who, ha HAGYARD'S YEfLOW OIL is prompt to rell"vi" back Wal all- right. I used hree pills a Insue fit first, and to nd sure to cure oi colds, sore throst, painin IQ %.',
was one day walk and in two weeks I Was w)rking hard likely to recover?
a- stiff 'Ue theist, hoarseness, qpluoy., aW. Moe! 5o. day, it Nvlll �be well to, pla ,
rd f St Anddraw,& do, feeliq.tto troubt and keeph�g 1�4 5 I think
a , 1 at- m! tra ece (if cardboard or strawbbard at epi ;r-Ith' well." youth oil her side. =mer. teryfll.91 between Poultry in S the sheets. I :ahaking bar he" And -the pleaDf nig sequel to the story is he has If must be on
.11Iy—well, If 8 ,,paril her—'%Yll advice that Mr Lavicquill Backache has nFver c, dr� ing appears to be well,aq.vanced, There $ 9-- The following practical poultry ttie specimens k"y be i t
f f
�ii party. uC. trodbled him since. Dodd'ili Kidney Pills, t given by Mr. F. 0. Hitre, chief of ti�fle po Itablet red, izlg to a W ! , I - try diylsion of the Dominion Depar meut of cure, %nd'they cure to stay e Mrs. So-and-so# I I - d be I re 4es dear Agric-ulture. i - I fl,ce7,es every iight of the
News Notes. Vorloux Rent. At B cMi'll'iCrucero, In Bolivia, while
poini ALE OF FoNl go of! old bons _�ho Te'riaiakaming; I & North, ra Ontarlo oughton, near In �iucoln- pislingil With, It il� most Profitable to dispo x I before the moulting period. There is then a Railway will be extended to meit the Grand shire, E'n' laud, some lands are held by fhe sun U hot endgh to
ed, i ad i 4.. f�r intolm rin acoou�b of- the Trunk racific, + 1%in the flesh.
X'arrIage Performed by 141gnal
re alwayi- a numl- er of mar
boftrd the cooly hips wh4l,
%tween and the Wi
The coolles"are very fond �f
bofore ontering oil their P
Ill int 118 inally
1i; it 1111,11drod of t1wal Wit Want tile
iplial knot tiel The of nny f0ill) bts
polver to 111"Irry but tl5e
of one of ein')!y of the An,l
In; fifty or si.ity tillieg .1 vo','V-
'l, .140 he lind a 11111131),pr of forill.14
�Vltll the iltirts of tl�ie
The bridp and bddo,�'�rooqjl
Into tho ('0111. igil One of thelse
forpiH, iii1ve wid becopie,
will alla INO qu(stions They simply toir 1� Is the Cf inarriage,
j r� v It to be pvrfed-tly vnl1d Hearts and Ilel IMany good stories have ftoin Ihne !to
Wie bvon tolil of Plov. Thomas Ili4t,
orator who -%l a w4,11
111',ure In the eirly history f
11mring 11w civil war he enlisted aE'
(ri-ed ns Idniplain In one f the ri
III the 111.1clst of a Tmajor roae up In front of t�je
-(lginivnt iiind to lils atuammient foli4lil
11 unL tit 'lie hed ol fbe what' tire you d o I i1a
ho e(Ilood the old m1ni-A bi 1�my. "I fill) trying to MON of tho brave ant'l-look out f or
11(li of the cowrds."
The SeAL Coolklm Tric1c..' trivil every kliid Ole f e m.A, I e
to got R bvIl to ine tht an o(,62111 ii, W1,11s the b"t to find-blul. E'vpi-v-
Is so C10111i about a sh pis ldtcb�m,
you know. Well, I found a loli
i Swede and establIshed lilin ift �ny
k ,11t' $25 a week. 1111, seemeal to
1) all rl"11t, hut presi aly nel rjl-
b )�-s cohiplithied that be w is throw ng
a I! the rell out of the -whido-ii Old h 1j)lt! He thought the whidow was a,.
P,)I.thole oil it Ship. I (*Uld ne,er,
him of the trick and'had to letj
h go."—N6w York Press. A ]Faithful Servant. Carjyle told once of a lawsuit pe d-
ing in Scotland affecting the suce tA great estate of whtch,, he had
k 3o n somethifig. The case depended
on! ifamily secret known only to o . gervant, who refused to revi
A kirk mint ter was sent to tell her
8, 16 must speak on peril of her soul,
61 �eil o.,f my saul!" she aid. "ind v - uld y� put the honor of an auld
8 ct ttisb family in competition with the
&I, I of a poor creature Ue me?" Theory Versus Practice. "Medical science has reached The
poin�ll boasted the Optimistic yoog
doctor, "that for a patle t to i *e
I� i ast take out his heart anT kill It'w;tbv-
a 2lub," Orl bis way home he cc ugbt a cold
,,I' a for tijo next tiwoo weym milao iov-
ono blo 11mi(i to hill sy till).
An T-Inmy Order. fillow you,
h.i. ine whaf, do I Niii ? Dear mol
11 ('111i't for ille life of we It Is. well, It doesn't n a -t -
tile III(! yiflareFt thing yil
Lia s it
I floitl know
of that imme. %Vhat (Ildlile
al 0 nil Too Aceomnioditill (gallantly, to wouion �110
4 eathig,ii of 1)(l f)—N� ad -
0 . III, I envy Yoli your tect If you ban
ie�.,t that meat. Iii lIer BItterest Friend- -110sle, by
on't you give tile gentleman the ad-
A Germ4u physician iil am ng
thle most important symrtoms of hy-
i ophobia in dol a change in the
and a las� of appette, accompa-
IM by a desJrc to chew ood, lea her
r , d stones. They'do not avoid w ter, Or do they usually foam at 'the I
i0auth. Eartbqualre Wnvex- n earth4tiake wave bas been lm4wn
a travel over the Pacific ovil; In
*elve hours itind sixte(In nifilutes—
tll�at is, at the rate of six miles a MIR -
of To -Day.
Don't bend over double
vvben a9cend-
a flight of stairs. Give
thib hings
play, for you nee
I plenty of
young -day.
It says - Suppose you were to meet With
Walto P- 0. ISOM
narl-r Steel Penn.
you make your own living 2 . Of cotirde ou
Early steel pens were -so
costly that
aker adverdsed they
would make.
port urself sit a man supports himself 9
6ch repairs as ivere ne.essary
for a
time, generally
six -months.
a man, damaged him
pen he car�-
It back to* the factory
and haid It
by an experience
Pork and Cander.
bre.sk home ties and go out into the world
'Alany English doctors ore
the eating of pigs' flesh
in di er-
. 4 �it
forms is greatly re.4"ponsIble
for the
uadordrall -here is a good orohard aud plenty
croase of caDder. Tbey point
out That
is most common among
the pDor,
hose chief meat is that
f pigs, W_hlue
are answering challenge silently, il
disease is extremely
rare am
e ews.
- 1,1�0 0 l 116� VU 1i L,r scarcity of 6blekel At the present time —It is probable that the Nbrt�i Perth Ag- An Underorietindi City. Palm Sunday �a erson f 1roin BrlhIugliton A ilivalut EDIt )Db.
six cents a Pound live we�igt o ored for ricultiuml Society will nqi hql�d a fall fair tit Ote of the most remarkable cities tn I
laong by a large. proluen cornpj Toron. Stratford thils year. etiters the church porch at Calsr'tcr hav- Tile following epitaph Is from a n�on_
t 01%rrosrl oy I ining 2 the, 1world 4; I�elburg, near Cracow, Po- ll�ont in a cemetery in Nework, h� aged may.. -asidence in ing a 'gr0en silic purae ell to-, eighbcAnm- a pound pInc4ed eight is The deatk occurred at b,'8 i * of a a _W09, ;imid in Montreal. In se�verall m, the If-va, Hamilton Toesday triornn of - the Hon. shillings and a penny tied up at the laild, for, besides, being situated under Here lies the body of
Ins, week, StAill ihickens can be bought by the! pril uee r4er- William Proudfcou, judge oithe High l end of a cart Whip, which hQ eracks gril it is excavated entirely In rock John Black, salt' The InliabitAntli, tp tile number Aged 46,
6Ir withoat WIV &17-, ohants for the above rail or for a small; in. of Justice for Ontario. MtJ Juijtico� Proud, three times In: the i anP Rtays of Oil er 3,09 tiring the vig9b reass in them. If the hani Sr'e h, id til joictwaa in bia 80th year, l4ad a Poudfoot 0, are, of cour3e, workers in ITbat cberry tree of luselo in frult
&ad be die . (1'011 P ur , there uritil the secona lessoul b lie fainou� alt mines, ind
'Jell they will not real t all the Deguiled him up too high;
ize at gro'at a I prollp as practiced in Toronto for a, srilrt time in the
a Tilell jie enters the church and cracks IT -he branch did break and dol he W
Alug. they will this month, Owing to, the �'educLouj early,fiftles. Howfil P6 inted Mal I streets and houses are, of the pur
the,w 1p ngaln' finally deposiling"oe est And broke his neck andl d1i
up sonsa, of the Market price for fowls 4nd the lo4 of ', Chane'ery and Depul He hfte imaginable. Also threQ Infant childrIm t .— t —A --- 4 A- 4- III)
1903 - VORON'l - 1003 AUC. 27th to SEPT. 12th
The A&icultu,ral, Manufacturing and Natural resources of
Canada will be -exhibited on a scale never before attemptecL
ER In additlon. by i of HIS MAJESTY THE 1QNG THE- JUBILEE PRESIENTS of bis augiii-At inother, the Late Quilsen Victorla,'WRL be exbIlli pREZI 64 W,#41
as, by periulKslon of the Dowagor Duchiessf Dufferin aind ,Ava,
THE DUFFERIN PRESEN Amd by perirAL-1 of the Cl of AUrdoen trwl OF 11RISH MANYFAOTIJ The special features, IncludWZ an entirelyuli sp*ckacularpradvotton enfAtiod
under the perisonal direel of Bli Kinafy, vdO be on a seWe a rbeforia
a4empted At an annual fair In ail part of t)A* worW,
Reduced rates by land am& wAter fxom sytilry*horl Conmit your station
W. K. MCNAUCINT, -L own,
Girls of Yesterdavand Girls"
of To -Day.
The worldsoke the younginanof to-
OR SALE—Rougo and Lot for plo an Main street
F South, Sestorth, lately occupied by Mrs. DaviA
ll not
What do you know? Bqt�
Hay. Apply to REV. NEIL SHAW, or to W. D.
VAN EGM02M I8574f
What can -you do ?
It is asking the paine question of the
woman of to
ARM FOR SALE.—Being Lot 18, Coneenapin 14,
F"McKillop. contili 84 Aoree. Arply to,
young -day.
FLETCHER ROB, l'iroprietor, on tbo�pjimreq. or
It says - Suppose you were to meet With
Walto P- 0. ISOM
misfortune 9 Can you stand alone ? Can
you make your own living 2 . Of cotirde ou
ARM FOR SALB� OR TO B1kXT--`I3aivg Lot A
are valuable to society as an ornament, and
7. MCK111OP, WntAinitifF 100 AZ-Vtf.'�
The lill Is all well fencod and underr4lined and in
for your feminine graces, but can you l
firat clam atate of cultivation. por *ttloulars i
port urself sit a man supports himself 9
'ply to ROBERT CAMPBELL, Lot 19, 0000esslon 7.
IfeRillop, or Seafo P. 0.
Three harsh commercial age of ours, in
bluntly demanding to know the cafih value
of is, young wotl effort,
OR SALE.—On and one hal nores f lil
F land In the vi'llial of Ehond011o, just OutBlde
Young,. men are expected to I make
the corporation. There are on the plapoe voott
good." They must answer the commercial
orchard, lorge fraine house and kiijhen. A splendid
chAlenge in terms of dollars and o ta
.00 `
location for ill fxtwor. NVIII b�,�d oll
Apply to Alex. NcLeql Royal
'Theyexpel noth*ng elqe. They plaufor
the strife. So that when the time comes to
bre.sk home ties and go out into the world
ARM FOR SALE. —For syle Lot 1, Pocol �9,
to earn a man's living the boy has been pro
eontaininir 100 aoreV of whio.h �6
pared by long anticipation.
al are cleared. The rciusinde le bardwood budi.
Tbore WeWaererj under grme. Itlevultable.,elthir
And now the spirit of the age says to the
for grain growl or pazing and iu v_,ell f.!noeIj jll
09 I
sisters of the boya, " Can y.pu. earn your
uadordrall -here is a good orohard aud plenty
k awith-
off Smafl f ruit It"i. Thore is a framo bouso %X86
kitchen 38x94,,'fTatno barn 40x60 ulth otore
0 their credit, be i , saidl thousands of
stabling uudornotil,th and hay ehed 24*A60 with drivinK
young women answer, 11 Yes. All I ask is
iihudardpljh�uVoundorneath. ItI07-1milesrom
s boy's chanoe." And thousands of them,
Scafil wi iA. il fron, liciiisaij. -For further
artlenlarr. app_y n i
0 Vile P, em sce or oddreseSplaforh
are answering challenge silently, il
0. DAVID PERGIJ86N, 1-860.tf
ing their own bread as well as that of die r
ones who are dependent on tLen�_
thousands more are ready should the pinch
SALtr.—Tha undeysIgned .offiavj for sale ber
brick Cottage in Uarpurhey, toetber'with tbroe.
What io-the effect ?-
a^res of ]and in a goi d statW i)j D1,161vatiov, 41
planted with fruit and. ornaineatol fteels, Taroiss.
Men are being displaced. and in tb�e ad-
good AtAble on the place and Plil of ard and sOlt
juAtment many suffer.
water. Ftrices are In gnock ori The bouse,
An the modern girl ga,n3 atreiogth of effort
which Is in it gocd ill of r-epaiv, conialva il
roome. The premisei rpsy be h) peetil at imy time.
she loses juab a little of gentleness.. Man y
MRS. JOSEPH P. BFJXP,, Seatforth. P. 0. 1858 -ti
fanci - as are given up, lanocence gives Way
to knowledge.
ARA FOR SAVS.—Thi�t Vnderslpmed oVers Irr
sale lbab cobve-piently"t6ituated and exeMent
The gain. is more than the loss. The
farm of I 00 acres, r, n tho.flpiaq Road, Tuokerswltb,
being Lot fo, ccrcesOiOn 1. lift-& ItisallbleAred
modern girl who ati:ives for a 1i
M1119 f1l
but ubnut.fii mrel fairly well fegood, vith good stone
We ineaning of ranporiGibility. She finds
houee, barn aDd nifl,,u ldfngu,� plouly of water., small
out bow man Etrtiggles in the arena of the
nrehord, mid -way between 010ton and f4ewfoith.
bugineIts world. 8he s, -i thG temptations
Particulard on pplication to jAure LAWRENC4
Sill or W. S. LAWRE14,02, 87 D"�mror street
tbat, pull men down and learnili whati Mail
hood means. She is- indapeuleut, sturdy,
reLouroefulo sympathe tc—fit - companion, for
ARU FOR SALE.—Bill o a? pot ed � -of tho
north bait of Lot 24, and the 49 mph half of Lot
A, 600coesion 3, Hay, containing 10Aoill of which
The old failoned clinging girl is going.
nearly 80 - arrea Ij under cutly, 1. Ill A1111 the bAlxnee
Whereat some hearts are mad.
under-oc-Jr� There Is groct eon3fll Intint
But the new-faiihioned girl,nobly planned,
d l 4nd good b-arn 6Ox4f) il i)tht)y ouibulW
IrgeAnd Wl Driest the
lis better. She in valuable commercially,
bi and tho other Alf the dwil 11110 10DOOR all
$118 If none the 1008 11KOM41111y,
Jrj Pird condition ond along rho p ont of tba faynt
Tbn bloom may be gone h om the penob I
tholo Is a JUd low of youllip, bilitalthy jn4plo j1hal
but tbo frulb is as 1twelons am evor,—Kii,nam
trii A good Achonl to Nvithin 40 r)tjo of tba fAim
whilill tba Arjurimbing villa,40 of Mintl il two
olty Wood,
01108 Away Affrdii Ono (f Clio I)Atjb wairkill and.all
thr of .4 town, I I ho ftwui viij br toold
Tf)e bo9t, phyloinlaxis speak well 0f illitr'#
on Vi ry otily till to oult itho pitrijivil fir, an)
()W[)(Ir 10 9ft"I"K HP fAMIAZ, Tho fo4l plouill oill
Compound Iron Pills.
1. V, Fears Store,
ba drne at wil -thitc, POr filrWil' MUDII]Aro appi
to 0 013ERT 0 AULIBL% V11priml
At Drug Scuforth.
or tA (4,
P. 0.
Prize Sen, ences.
The, vill of a prizetf oneguinea offor4d
by the London�Aoadeirny to the
_ptr-oa wAO fibould seleot tfie- three most pregnant and
folloit.-lius sentences from any E �e
HEAP ATONRY.—Private fundil 10,�n rt Q, per
C t -el on good socurity. Apply w I3, n, ind-
the following three quotations. The flrpt
GINS, 38W.tf
was from Ruskin : I'll playa like a
Equirrel in its circular prison oril in bappy
10 FOR 8FRVJ0ETh�a ui)dorsl -will ktnep
but imagination is a pilgrim on the eai th—
for EL-rylcu on Lot 4,- Conceall'OH'i)- RUIlett, the
thornughb. ed Berkiblie bow- willow Udge Vade,
and her home is in heaven." The second
10283, bred by Ww, wilill SneltXrove, Ontario).
sentence was taken from the %orke of MSZ-
Teribil $1 st the thno Of Berviou ow #I 25 11 bootil
z ni; "Discouragement !s bulb disenchanted
egotiern." The third wasthe following from
OTICE TO PIG BREZDlCRfj._-j1�hn undergigned
Robert Louis Stoverison: "The true vvisdo'm
ki for seill on Ut 32, L'oncoll 9,
is to be always sonsonable, Ond to cha"90
Mi= Me tboroughbrid Rnglish 13or1col boar.,
Lord Cl tDn. Tormili as the tinio ol ,jervioe with
wir,h a good grace in changing circumstances.
the givilt:ga of ruturning it nieill JA' ;dES A.
Sul H,
To love playthings well as a child, to lead
oil adventurous and honorable outh, and t 0
settle when the time arrives a green
�,IARY� 10 RENT.—Agood ICO wil %na, In Stin ley to rent for a term ot year,
j. W.qb,.n two
and smiling age in I o be a, ond artist in life
niflas of Brucil 44flon, Good buildings and
and deserve well of yourself and your neigh-
Oout 70 sereii eleared, efl h mol and'U. a vood
etatu of cul Nation. A grod wehaid And jAel of
wiliter. AppJy to W. SCOTT, 13tueelleld. 12304f
EAVERS.—Io niore men for nightij, A few
women for days, on -blAnklift Ifijil
xrA Arid Ring Irpino Spinners, for nigbts. * High -
OUSE TO RENT.—Mrij. James Sleeth's comfor.
table dwelling situate on Ord stral Seaforth.
cot mairee for sUilled. hell). AUIZ to SLINGSBY 1
Premises in good conditiOD and will be YoRed reason.
obly. Apply to JAS. WATSON, Agerit, Seafortli. 18464f
rijIT P ENT— Pitt of lbe retato Of tho lato Ileary
Eyre, contil 0 acreo. being oomposil of
0 a cillit halt of Lot J. Conoilin )on 12,1Y. 71, 8, Tuck-
OTEL FOR SALE.—The only licepred hotel be-
twoon Seaforth and Brussels. In good r"Ir.
upArtleillar) opply an tho
BYRR,-oii ol tbem)der-
Toting reamonable Applyto W.BLAShILL Wal-
ton, or to J, RANkTN' iloaforth. 116,tf
signed, QEORGE WRHX, Sr., . Ilep"
A, - 'rjr
ULL FOR SALE.—The undere ned hlls -for ivale B on Lot 16, Qoncesqfon 2, 21y, a puro bad -1
ARM To RENT �-To "re tit ft)r tdrin of,�#Panq The
hborthorn Durbam bull 11 woutbe old, dark red In
color and regitlitered. hill al,re and dom and pedl-
farin of 1dri Win. Ireland, Mill 1,00(i
l The farm contains "D lu Yn &=,d I
grtea on hand for Inspoction. If a is an i ani-
inal. J01 AN ELDER, Heneall P. 0. - J857V
Ill of oiltivation and the buildil rr,e BrAt clusIq,
I 16 Ile within 2 mils of Fegot-th. Fall pipwirit( cal) b6
done and full b't40kJ,nw Yo A
poisessfon'bad r,
ly on (lie. prinises or Adyaft�j At WILLI&
VARM T3 RFVT.�Iro rerit A terms
Lot 6, Soutb Thaineo RoMi 11�,jbbrne, being
eomposed cf 140A -1 Two gnodlbaijk barns,
fioxoo and 24x50, i4onifortable dwidling vilth bArd *bid
t I from
ll wilill I milea
ii 2 4114 N� 00y)(1 gebool Ill about 3 ibillil from tho bijoy. - 14-Nxi of FXemiw The and Ii neatly all under ctilt-1vation, wellrdrAnod
and with the 13sublo Rivor through oll co�ver of
bush. Thilil a &aslrablo property, 10tupaAO(Mairis
It Pays The Best In The Enid
apply on tht, promkol, ALL.Y. IlAy
I,-. 6 0
The Canada Business College, Obatham, Ontario,'
-n OOD FARK TO R RNT.—To rcnt 1wil a florm of
with Its 27 years of sucteilisful wt)rk to its creditIl
k_T y -i a zood IiG.0 nore hirm in We To9i)#hlp Of
stands witbout a peer In Canada In the Ill of Buil
Morriji, beinz the iii half of Lot 26, fjonci 0.
,il or Shorthand Tril 346stud onto p1med in good positions in the pat eleven mont�s yhowt
wherii clurchco. schooN, mjilu, fAx.vil, e0, jt1v
what we do for our students when gradutit6d, Col-.
sho within s x nillrq of the vJ)1Atcn of Bruncle
lop re -opens for Fall Terffi, September lot. Out
about the taTiv didiii fro -o Bl� W. A is a xprd
caralogue Is the handsoniest issued by sijy busineoff
arm And,%ell eltu%t4d. F -or 11jrh,.r padvul'a '
school In the Dominion, Copy sent by Iddresging
P13- -to THOM A8 PATTON, Etalortbi, oir Ako XV,
BIGGINS, Wlton P. tf
a "IlEACHER, WANTED.—For 1jeho-il oil M I.'
Kne McKillop Mutual M-71
_1_ Tuokerinjith, a male tioubor holding ill
-jig prolessional g,itineatll To coniml duties '17th
Tns am Complany.
of Auxd4t, 30M. -State
i Robert Wtarr ri, flehisall. 1869-2
_T i be-brs, 1. bul'its to CCnj4Ff!no0 after V�jl
tion. t.Appli.'ations roceived by 1PRILD YIESS. Sr., Beare ry, Zl 1859-3.
Mypen P, 0. r, i,,
Drao,fleld P, 0, I&JI;aj X.
Milil NYt.NTF —To ti!ar)h o ta
%blio ischod, ill to conimictif e t -j!
Framer, vloo-president, i
qSys, Secy-Tro".1
Williaw Chesney S(afor' h ;'John 0, Grieve, Win,
upto Aulpoet 17. P4,. onal spit iw
coll 1�r Uorf,-J, pply to W. Wpp= -seoill
1,)ro , Geoill ala, Sea!ayth; John Tionnowelt,
taq, Six D, 131�lI 1650-
oulln ood . Job n Watt, , JSwes Eval Rewhw ) 11.
ovi,clook ; Thowan Fil Bructoll0d 1, JDbr
0 TKAMIF111--Tefaf-er A)v Fe -1,A001 tle�
L.Grm, Kippen , jamey Oonnolly, Cllatot4
W, 13,
F.,ol-6, Smith. Ilarlook, E. 111nohloy, Scafristh
jil CUWjr.jn� _'XgfIll a; JL, W. 1, ol Hojwe4 flue P. ll 00,orge Murdib
WANTED.—Wail ii to-Auh6v At once,
% ifla exjf in tho AX;Ali
riill d6l to Ofl 16MMUN 1V W1,616i
oL..LA* bualnil wH) be P.-MV11Y 4W'l lill
W(,gt Territoti4m, up to dato twhool boueo,
board cinvirli 10AM CM1060vee, etc,
peplirilil 10 XU* of its iiii &ddttgwd lis
Al W. TIVREN, WttaMwin, AthirbAll
kiAr vail4,7f0ow F