HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-14, Page 4XLTGUSTX90�3
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ES rw
ittroatabluiob of which he was a prominei t G SHOE STO ' r
di malsin transibmust nob balefb without SEAFORTH'S LEA, IN
I I 6w r^Att "IsA In Canads whi riot an itioraso 20%
Us U0 the wor�erfll., Aud 111 we -444p r member, and imong the townspeo is gone- An OWN
shipment to the United 5t too would be. Of food or water for more than 28 houn, This 447,
the fmob that 4t is work that counitei we will'
J the dealers claim, the railway has A latod oily. Mr. Shannon w�x in his a xty-this I. snd 001t balo'
matual rAvanbage.11 C
be rewarded in, the end, by-, having rigbt 0 -claim that when the Union Yard; tear, a�d was born in �ha township of C I VW- path of 9110'
i They ale gioso-"J
a were open to roceive stock the railwa com- ornewhire is father was engaged in fart 2 -
.hers In Csuadi,i one -of the largest o6mmoro- During'the session of thio council of,,t AND NOW FOR ffivvritswi
'�id.-,Wo have withis, ()ntario College pany-soot ciro Oars to its agents, as to r1owa : Ing, Lat r the family removed to Walke r� 41th bar Mat]
of the -ad
isl forces vro of Pharm0y, at Torontlop, Vk of 'Mr. A
I "Live stook tendered for transpoi ta bion. to ton, ave bseqtetitly Mr. Shannon was Z
he, sale of � u
ourselves vast natural resources Awaiting lWbw,oak, t siobice anA oth6r Toronoo Junc6l6n at a net be at To, ularly
ny station in i0a is parue
g drugs wa. discussed, and t The eon yeam he w" connect 01
past ourt hin
developement, and the investment of, capit' habit.-formin redeipted for only to Toronto and not to any _�rtne an p in the tanning busilhave at Ta 80HOOL- SHOESIN
or de- with the'itni Ington company
being w h
in&' � A,
*'I to place these resources in the' r StIl Of C Mail decided that one of, the next ameni parWular cattle market, on suob a jot .0 her friend -A.
liver 11 be to the Western Cattle.' Mar-;. them ton years in London before they to k 0 confin.-I
the world. Within the past few years., the T ionts to the Pharmacy Act oughti to be t W, re factory in Goderich. r, 06 bo been
�l ket, where shigets must take delivery. over the I irnifu days --Miss B,
'eyes of tbomiorld have been upon ukaid the I 1mortion of stri gout re lations for the e . I -sister of F.G. The re-ope st to th pirents' t1le
Our oarm must a unloaded there, and ship. Shannon van married to a half aing of the country schools will sugge the Gibson
aw�re of the
influx of settlers and capital is fast placing . (I all drugs d�aham�oalm . calculated to tersirwho consigned stock to the Union. Rumb4l, and bad three children. need of new School Slioes for the children. You are well
m -e
ardo most either drive theta Dver or fact that" like everi -a-days there are a reat y diffrent
IL S. I rthiDa else now 9 �'l -miss Jaoki
us on robe top rung VV 642V 1. r . 1 14491 AS - i IV -1 -
a a users D 0
11001 81,06 sane of, educating the public to the danger re -ship them, : Grand Trunk Railway care qualfties�of School Shoes and its muchaeier to get a Poor
Once* And here lie our ohanoq, instead �ot .. uron Note �r - a0bin
-NEW ADVERTISEMENTS willnotounder any oircumetanoombefurn. The School Shoes we hell re th .00. og _"a
og from the bareless; handling of poisdu than it is to buy a Good School Shoe, 8� 6
wasting time and energy shooting �-about it
# . imbed for re -Charles A orris, of Colborne, has be 3n �et 411way
us -drugs in the home was also 'disousedd, shipping to Junction stook to say which!
Aff"'Th& figure botwe3a the parentbom After a let us grasp at every oppdrtualffy -and. with� ids do If shippois insist on originally'etin. sUffering wibb a form of paralysis and is iE a we can buy—They are solid, strong and erviceab 9 the owr
I !ids in view of the man� serious socids 1, MPW Or
ne'denous the page of the paper on wiff6h the yor moriouivedrift on. �,Jany lines e carry are made espec. as y to our
dvormsenientwill'be found all Var might help on this great movementv-, nd deaths r8multinj from Ignorance of p . sign stock to the Junction Stock Yards, look neat on the foot. society ot
it must be explained to them that there ard -A pu mbe � of Goderich gentlemen 14 we The undoubtedly no, It wise.,recommandetl that some m order, thus en8uring our CUStOMOTS solid, well made footweaLl. -0 -
deitined to" he m, last weak on- fiAlinq excursion by the V ig ."WUXI picnic t
gad tt� ileggen the no no unloading facilibles there." moR
Now Mantles,-RoKinnou ao-5 ould be devi t pair up- Spending a
geest country, �but lb was the Evelvia, to Ma n Sttion.
Saurdsy's Prfoo4 -iiyd a Co t now showing 'a large variety of School Shoes ranging from $1' a
y bard he bandli Previous to; I his, the company h d f or, V,
A or of sooldembs arising from the bandli 9
d, was stru k ry wear we
-4 work of our forefathers that a 'nd -receive any sh rn hd,berb Davidson, Ashfitil Wards, but for satisfacto recommend the followi jok*,:.:.Oar Past
Sohool Shoes�R. Willis Son laid-, &we is f daugeroui drug@ by the public, There' -is bidden Its agents to auto spending I
An Itonest Fact -f - of his hormi a,
1. B. Gana -6 solid -foundation. Let us build as they have om for wise I islatioti in both of bb o for the Unfon� Stock Yards, On th a being on the ,, re ently, by one At f
rrofis hi u -y-S -- render,"V81 nfip to work for some tin a. :Wom :B0
true psttiotie in.
Boarders wanted -Urs. Roe -8 This will bb� partments. The use� of narcotics, a d vetoed by Ho A. G. Blair they at a b out who
commenced, a _Mts, Jeremiah Griffin, of Goderich,di id
Ace-ount4--bionoliau & wrigh" Fu her habit-formia to a is-becoming'm re the foregoinginstructions. ime ago of bearb trouble, M,g. DAYFOOTIS SCHOOL SHOES. jgigaa4e of Mr. Savve
Engine For 941-w. H. willfs-8 9 addition i to the chargf e of dell or
berate evalfrit, and is a moo insidious and de�d. ;Boston Calf, sizes 11 to 13, for a pair sizes I to 5 for $1. 50 a p�ir. Grain
Gar4 A. Sliter Shoes -W, H. -Willis-.4 Griffin had been a resident of Godatich for *,a tongrog
The Dominion Parliament. deliy, the dealers declare that the rates Calf, sizes 11 to 13, for $1.40 a pal� sizes I to 5 for 81 i75 a pair, for the
ViverW Lk -Ai Gi Smillie -5 enemy to societ . In be second in# &n6e, 30nuts
extortionate. It is allefged that 'many sera.
-Teachin Wantet ore at the DDminion me distino live packa, 00 t
t-4swell Scott, r--5:,! The, legialsit' Capital or botble mi4h charged are
-M as H, )ombe, who has been organist Reid.
a used, wilif h would I Is great measure a deacriminating marplue of from 86) to $9
V:, You Like It -0, Aberhazt-5 can now Count on seeing the. beginning of of th , Ontmiio streeb Methodist church, -V 0 1R, dorisat to be&
-SUN - 'eim
vercome th)dangdr a !accidents in lbs per oar for a milhortei distauce to the Jane- �beloved fri
Nor Rale-Nra. T, 0. Kemp-�-s er poilition will Clinto�, iseresigned and h
Our Tea-2-Beattle aro" the end of the session, Morning sessi6as tion, and that returning dealers are charged W. AMILTON SHOE COPS SOROO� SHOES. e much bel
arugs. I
iondling of *b-
-sure one
Who who�
be filltid by I lie@ Carol Newcombe. e d or bu tton boots, 8 to 10 - for $1 a pair sizes I I to 0., for $1, 35
began on Tueoda:y, and this is always a the full rate and denied the rato of -The three teachers dMA Oil Pebble, l4p 11 be oleised to show
Crockery -Beat We have wher goed lines at easy prices which we ohs
Ito Biob-8 in the Mil
d is not. far'didant. swe give iv another a0umn the malanch6ly contler mile., which has herethfore pro- i pair. J46pab -gy=pathy
ndiention thatthe en
public so ool, Mr. Wei
rd, Miss Brown aul
articular# of the shooti�g a Of vaile real you when yoif call.
onday last the House had sat one hun. Mies Mo: Per, have all litinded in their 9-
n M 4 Ail Df fine catt
&ij C, H. Reid,
f Mr 'Plerie,
ong t) th school board.
dei� by Prominent M n. last
dred days, and unless the discuilsion on the be Viudas.Banher, an4 hich Is likely to SUiCi nati
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway scheme is un-.. -Intl �o tennio match between the led As
eitilb in his death. M�. Pieria was coal of
am%nd those of Kineardine, in the
duly prolonged, the end of next week should, Mr. A. F. Viria, the well known editor of Wingi
wopaper na a Banner, see he brightest, no men in ;Ca -of the Dundam Tgue
members at their homes. " M ofit of the and proprietor,� latter to vn on Wingham's holiday, bc th
SIKAFORTH,, FRIDAY, Aug. 14h, 196
-- has been cleared off, The bill in 0 w". a cleverand accomplished wri r is lying at death's door, as a result-cf an at- naha n. R. WILLIS.& SON Seaf6r th
bill in. doubles i Dd i ingles were won by Wi -The f S.
ftig the Grand Trunk.Paolflo Rail.
and an able and 'popular platform speak r. tempb made to kill himself last Saturday -Mra. W, F. Clark and children, of Gi d.
twd with the hardel,
a m Detroir, where s Shoe r
To Abolish Ileenere Boards, way Cotfipsay has been pawed ; the bill as. H4 genial a d codilteous manner ho 6 evening. eiieh, haire returned from I which Is thre)
* I Sole Agents for the Slater Shop, for men and the Empres fo women.
wi ar @I as hi wife's death, about two.-
tablishiog a railway commissio him very popula�r, th a brethren of Eve n 8
1 -ng VerY w-'
F - - - Plild;
in 0, recent issue of the Pioneers the ofE., u and consoli- ear Master ]Rob, Clark underwent an opertb a, Wei
dating the law relating to railways has -also press, who will y ret the misfort no years and a half ago, M r, Pirle has mot been f on, ttle hose not
r offs to of which he Jully -a-
w th spirits, although he kept up an ouV, covered. the aohin' suddeul� started I orward. the mot-
cial gan of the Dominion Alliance, Mr- been finally adopted, and the bill making which has btfail en,him gd sympAhize in good one of the pioneer settlers, living there until In ad til
n of tb So the bereaved relatives.; I ward show of obeerf ulnems. and Mrs, Richard Irwin, of 1880, when th family moved to Gray, resid- sudden strain snapping therope from ch F. 9. Spoue, the well�known, temperance provis;on for the superannuatio, Sys ome 600 1 y hex
Judges has been: Some weeks ago, while in poor h Ith, he Clinton, ad rather �au unpleasant exp ri- jug there until moving north to E eho
porior and County Courb B the bundle, weighing a unds, was
sdvLte, hat an article maggestingl The suspended, and allowi id *Jtb,
ng It tolde cei
passed. Each of theie easures has stillto Mr. Boyd,the defeatei eandidate In tbree went to bJaoit:oba to engage inthe campaign ence one a recen'fli. They were driv ng in 1898. Deceased was married to Elizabeth B.
I - pnocipt
xbolition, of the license commissioners in the �g E114, I Ifficting in.
to be considered and adopted by i he Senate elections foi. ibe Legisli ttire In North Grby, for the Liberals# and he retutuad to Dandam over the. odon road bridge when th ir Jane Trewartha, on February 2od, 1865s terrific force upon youa
wh hgm
y in a state altoomb bordering horse obi and ran away. They man& ad who predeceased him eight years ago. juries in the back -and'n'eok from Which he Amout t
to have mat! a a statement at -he Vigt to his pareV 3 V
provineq, and the issuing of licensee by di- before they finally become law. But that is is reported last Thursda
on collapse, making him an easy prey to de to keep t a bores out of the ditch and ad For many years Mr. Curry wao a steward expired,
rectly4pointed Government officials, H's largely a matter. of form. The I " ast of the recent Gamay demonst -&I�Iion in Gore B ty, ape He leaves be- -Mr. and Mrs. John McNau �endo hdre,:Jef D IcT
do n, (,f they chu * f the
suppiernent&ry estimates have also bsen dim ndency. During his western trip he lost succeeds in! getting him quieted roh ab Oranbrook. ht, of Mon. ia;-
balievoi that. the Governmeab should be when the -h- t, 01
posed'of and thus the docks have Veen to the e1166 that he w to 611ared $10,00) if 15 pounds in weight. ho�ee again shiedi and this tl 0 hind him four sons and four daughtrrs. crief, and Mrs. Thomas MOIP* , son, of Lo. The peop DX
their * -eels 11311
difeetly, responsible for license appointmente Lseb Saturday Mr. Robinson Firle, a the ladles we;re both thrown oub. The he a -Mr. R. Carter, of Fordwich, has some gan, have gone to. Winnipeg �io lake route. PF:
pretty well cleared for the . reception of �he he would withdraw tli4 protint he had �an-
to fhen become Itangled in the harness'and a- very fine garden peas. He brought th ties They will be absent k4oan 04V
Hamilton, went out to Dindas a d for -about to months, 'Went, on
andtheentoroementofthelaw. Wedo*not Uovernmeat's; railway scheme, the discussion cousin in
tered against. the alecti, in of Mr. A. G. a- visit
$mitb, who
Mr. Piri, who had been stayffig at the calved a eati an bile hind leg. The rig from Manitoba last fall and cooped had it) --Mr. Fred, Johnson, late of : wingham",
of which is now in progress and will be eon -
know what Mr. Sponge expects to gaiq f or k
tiDued witholit Intorruption until ompleted. ay, hie successful HVE 1. Now, In in& 29 residence of his aunt, Mrs. G. M. Pirie, badly brcker), bob fortunately the W as It eleven well devv�laped peas. has purchased the stock and int(refte of Mr. the jrthwes
the cause he champions by such a changs. *ptfvated as niuoh
Ab, Al rolture
Once this is adopted'the session will vot last )his ttatement, Mr. Bo id said either 5oo out nini O'clock the cousin at ggiasted werb not bur t. bert Walif, in the Liittiive 1. Fa
-Govern- many days, or, pefbaps, hours. niaeb or too, little. L there is abt- f ny tli%t they go for a walk, Mr. Pirie agreed, -A fai rilly gatheritif W Company, and will have full ob irge of the hitve been.
It would place in the hands of the held at the )Id
News of the Week. -er has es
-wont largely Itioressed powers, and v,e Whilithe Railway Commisillon bill wan �oundatlon for his stteent, he should not' and'they oallel d at his Sydenham, str iot resi- Olutton honiesboad, -sebum, one day re- mechanical department; for I uture. john 1�, John J�
denoo he asked Robinson to %wall, a cently', Members of the family from H: IffAILSTONES.-DAftile of the �M r. Win. Blair, formerl pmtrnaster at id Yea
through its final stages a vigorous )eve made it if the 6)3.pement is true,'he few I M- 106
doubt much if the law would or Could be W
died at In home in
opff"oIrlitn9was made by Mr. McLean, of Toronto, hould have taken the pablio further into minuiles. Mr, Picin went upsta ro, and ilbon, Stratford and Edgar were present sn.d storm which prevailed along th3 ea6tern Stratford for 16 years, died at
any morti rigidly enforced than it imo n �soee Hvmig Met
0�' Mr Mob-sren, of South' Porth,'and other his confidence and g1vet additioiial parLicu. shortly afterwards his cousin heard & crash & able time was spnb. slope of the Rocky Mountains Isn't Friday in that city, on 84turd�y, aged 60 years. Do.
11!he idea of bhe present Is UP0111" members to have the maximum charge for lae, He should at once suoceedea by a sound 1108y erit' list for -,.Some %of Our
W is to plape itste by whom like breakin& glass M t o Colorado and Southern Wyoming show it to ceased -was bom in Lorne, County Antritat
0 at
xe o - per mile- this offer wan made andi,, whero and when it like a pistol sho 1003 -was firjrP1V0ste0dWu:p11 on Monday of last have been mu -3h more evere than at an,
the p4aple much as poisible the r'eapons passenger traffic fi d at two cent firet Ireland, ; d carrie to thin country when IS YDOX
the e,
-then be na of, reported tonj taxing va
instead of allowing tho'companies to charge 'was made. The public cold in a Bashing upstafre,j he found Mr. Pirie week. Qa t 6 list is a,totxl of 8.34 In the neighborhood of brealy years of age.:
bility for the enforcement of the Iawr. Vh�o from rt rye ow -n i tl I toreated in -y
three cents, am most of them now do. Sir osition to judge of th Z-oliabiliby of the lying on the floor, wi h blood flowing subdividtd a follows : Part; 1, 715 ; p and Hatokin the northern part of Colorado, -st, M. t An Q!
6 -& geal
ia right,, for, it a law is not enforced, by the unitner, Is not bY 9 old 'his temple and a revolver lying near him, t( be called
Wilfrid Laurier pointed out that the bill tatement and the so .4d parties wo 11, 80 ; and part 111, 39. There are 09 chunks of ice, ineasuri in some instances the proposed radial railiway ,people it ave -an opportunity f, defending
am. Robinson ram out fQr a doctor, Isrys to young
can not be enforced by bbe Q bb and meeting prsons qualified as Jurors, -A mumber
all, empowers the Railway Commission to fix ton Inches in length, f beep were struck th�, Woodstock, Embro, St,
a ti
Mr. Boyd shoo this in justice T. A. Begue, asked him Vok.go up to Mr. ine who hame bro
olives. Mrs, Clark, of St. Heltiins, left r. short dead. Farm houpeo and barqv wero wracked There is also gome talk of a ro# from Strat-
ernment contrary to the 'Wishes of 1he the rates that. roilws�ys may charge, and Manit*b%. i
�1: at it would he better to leave the -matter a himself so well as to he ublic, and if he Pirie. When Mr. Begue reached bhe room, time ago �or Miabliplooten where her son, and crops ruined, Wear Greely a man was ford to Mitchell. tivos in
and on see- )nfinsd to the 11se rendered unconscious by the hail. The (Ism-
ple'. or even in the face of the indifference 4,,r fail vi he found Mr. Pirle sitting Lospital. He -Ciky Hogineer Smith, W(it;h a pdrty of
in the hands of the Commissioners. whii a to do so the Rublic; v rl be justified in John, is the excursion ntixt 1
N iages 2
11th th hi bar
supineness of the people. The object of. t 0 could arrange rates in accordance " �ono ding - ih&b V,1111 sida menb is simply Ing his friend, he began to' hunt around the been emp oyed for about two years as Mach. age in and around Lafayette is estimated at 13, lef Str tford last week fof New Ottario, ,a
ki Bat 68 '-J16 bical an fteer in one of the mines there $M,00(), 1. P nation 'm th," and that r. Boyd do roorifor
present law it, %Igo, to remove far A a sities of each case, than to ma; a a cost, 1 Gainey-, a oigai to give to him, where Mr. Smith will assist In7the Govern -
Among the
mearybed he frequently took up a p - �) -They sa
-urveV of two townships,
o1ble from the Goverament the paiwer r iron law that would refer to all railwasi ly malligntid-his 6ppon t to make Political ortralt And -momc tinle ago was injured. RAILWAY AOCIDLNT.-A railway" accident ment L PAVId6on
Diding �iraumstancsj. capi ife, and looked longingly at it. Mr. rig reetige, which the granting irrespective of surron tal and to gat'himself talked about. of hi -i w of Goderiob.,who had gone occurred at Durand, Miebigan,Friday morn- party are an alderman and two lawyers lovely 9i
of liceng o
This vie w seerded to -prevail *I th members, Pirie also talked about shooting hi up witiv, ud e olt to Main Station in ad- ii3g,when two of Wallace Bros,' cirou tr3ins -A very protty wadding toak Place in trip sud safe ttlarn
wouldglive. If the Government had ti a and Mr.- McLean's twozeent; amendment Some are isposed to a odemo the Grand Dactore came Immkilately, and 4ttanded vance offf he oat of the party, fell from bhe collided, The ehow'wax travelling ba two Milverton, one afteroon last weeli, when the
-y doxet cor-011t:
the woun a became unconscious roof of a ,001: house they were buildin Igo' 'Ibelmina Haeenpflulz,'daught�r of Hour Dat there.
'ik of granting licenses a joritY; Trunk Pacia'a Railway 5 sections y
rowe very liceiii a wwvoted down by a considerable in �home of bhe ded man, wh
0. 9. over the Grand Trunk tracke from Wi
The Government bill providing for the a few hours later, The bull�et, wh�loh had had a drc p b about eight feeb and dialocst), Lansing to Lapsev, and the accident, it is Hasenpflug, was united in marriage to Mr. -
ei ivy
holder would be at their mercy, and, in 0 a minion (lovernment. on awount of the h bed �or, but ed big lof 5 el )OW. said, was -caused by the f MIure -of the second Louis E.
superaunustion of judges, ofer they bowe lodged In the head, was pro son of John Pfeffer, Of
event of his acting. as a free man, could I a
6rved for a -certain number of years, al,- urden it wifil impose u oi the -country, Of without success. nee and Elizabeth Cook, of meetion of the train to stop on time. The Milverton,
d ake down vour
ruined by th6� Go7ornmenD if they mo' dealrac though it paseed-vifthout eliciting any op- course, we' can not get ff uoh that is gbod The mirror in the room was i mash Caldicott Mmmoutlithire, England, having
e second orafhed into th first at full speed. -Miso Ethelyn Massecar, forineily teach
In shorti, the granting of the license@, f posit 8. croeed.t; a t1antic on the fine Allan st in- The engine of the second section and four 'or at Milverton, who reeptitly pAsed bar Webster aWllo
ion, is one which is entirely unnecoomory Mr. Pirle had twice fired, the first shot mi b
and advantageous in this world withoub and satleft
The ship to �au, 11 are visiting Mr. and ra. cars of the 9*1
and is as uciust sit is ubneoessaryi It is ming his head and hitbing the mirror. first section were completely de� Normal School examination st C ttolws, with
vestod in ihe Government, as Mr. Spent a ew read i is lobe doctors have ,a hope for hie r6cove,Y. Abram 0 ok their grandparentp, on the rd molialied. Much valuable property was defi- honorg, haft be -an apointed at. ou,
ot paying for it, and if th
6or-dingto th
moreover, one of which the country will n
aft-ocates' would be a powerful means for of webote
he benefib to us ihat it romoters claim it Mr. Pirie, has four children, throb of conceagio =ade up
approve and if the people really undamtocii Grey, �he circus people will caney for teacher in Form II of t�ie Dunn.
troyed, and the loss to I
-is they would not long submit to It. It is will be, we have no r I -The probably be very heavy. Some of the vie. ville public school.
to buy auytb
keeping them in power in parpituity. Under on to complain of whom are now staying with their SZ, Mrs. bit Huron license commissiol 0 about
the existing system the: Government have quite proper that our judges should be �re- cost, especialIV when e4 pared with the C. McKay, of Pilot Mound, Mauitob The held a as jog at Clinton last week and Ttime were people attached to the train. --Mr. James Moore, Grand Truuk agent, Ary-goodv store, yo
-Thompson a satisfactory Masai
t &aut%u- trans the Colborne hotel, Thetis include Trainmaster J. McCarthy, of who has had charge of the co painy's bud-
spectiably remunerated 'for their services, P. R. cost,., 1��hat road! oat the country in fourth is with Mrs. fern d e license of
little ay in the working out of the law, an I
opriet- t Atwood, ban left to t a charge of
but there is no valid reasoh why they should lands, completed roadsl and hard cash the qua. Goderich, to David Sare, the new pr the Grand Trunk. Some of the animate nego a cp.;
are not in,wposition to influence ale( ey house, on, on the St tf
be specially treated and penAoned on the magnificion�b, sum of 12 000,000, and the STILI ANOTHER. or, and ti at of the Dinst Ing, were killed. The scene after the collision Luaaa etati ra 4) and Sarala fi*arybody kno, a
tore in any wak through the operations of country during th-eir natural lives. Judges country doei not own one re now conducting was appalling, The wreckage was strewn branch. Mr. More good one this y0ar,
fo'r)t of the road. ham, to Qrr r;, who a has be in Atwood
James Sm%ck Lockie, manager of bhe Im
should be inob The propoiA k P
the licensing eietem. Ib is quite true tb a and all other pablic servants d Grand-iju-1 cost perial Truats Copany of Canada, �and one that beat cry. all over and piled high. The shrieks of the over two years. yet Are far too gme
-Mr. 1-1, lark,
zeni in private- an4 7sadact1hee wountry of the -beat known financial men in lQntario,
the m4me as other citi he country 09 principal of one of the one of the fe remaining son Might just -�!As
Government is sometimes acanied of using $75,000,00 injured and the bellowing of the frightened -Mrs. Ogilvy
is visit!
ill own the whole, roa I 'from Monckton, in co d above the Was of the pioneers of Perth county away in her
business life. They should be given a fair win�lpo Be ing with his bro- animals old be hiai 1paw ea
committed allicide on Saturday afternoon
Mr. Gavin Wilson, of Beech escaping steam and the excited shouts of the 85th year, at tier home in South Hastbope.
the licensing system for their own -partizan, renill4noration for their services and they New Brunswick.. to W: ni�, 'Peg. in Manitoba. last, by shooting himself through the head tber-in-I ople from the tur
voses. but it the Governmeab had the should be retained in the service to long at; In the one case he me i Grove faii Eaet Wawanosh. Mr. Clark escuers. Iti was so
purl t noF was g Von �m a me hours before the in- She, with her husband, came to Canada in
uftnopieking with a revolver. Recenb illness and severe
I Seat ion �he
a ni
free gift to the 0 yl who constructed losses throukh stock speculations are be. or 4though they ean?
licenses dire fficiently ischarge Rtirted t ad were rescued from the, wrecked cars. 1842, and settled on the lot an Which
power of isaaQ th a - t, what- they are competent to e aching in on School
thah mber s ven, Zetland
the( duties pertaiiiing to r positions. ad own the road. -the other case the It is 14 yeart 40me of them were it terrible agony. Some died. pitkei
ever room there m*y now be 'for complaint, heyed to have prompted bhe sop, Mr. number s
he, went W1 at. ionior m;:6 of -the
Wh�on 'they reach that stage at which they oney- Is given. for the construction k Now in
there won be a bhousand-fold more caule 0 a, Loakie residod in Toronto. twenty-tbree men Wera illed. The wreck, -Mr. John Butler, ber Away -
Id are not able to do this they should -be refir- oad which the . country Vvill own. er -One eve �ing last week John Thompson, accordiiig to the stat ment of the anginaer, firm of Butler Bros,, of MitAlel), has gone People would like t
-a changed system. ad. but they abould not be rEtired at the. )ported
buder th wood Park, met with an
Be circumstances t Otte who sul foreman at Ridge
he was caused by a failu tad then wouldia't
�Te of the. air brakes to to Vancouver, British Columl)ia� topurchase
-for a number acoula
the nd bpprove of the C. .!R. scheme shoild derich Mon in Trouble. accident tba. will lay him up work a supply of shingleefor next yeses trAd
pu Do
Bat,,!ff Mr. Spense desires to lesson the blioexpe e and as pensioners on Go
this bill makes- -them. They ot complain of -the cost of this one. I ofweeks, I waA stepping from one pi)e of This Orm. lip.9 become one of the lar4esti
ey-tis oi the liquor traffic he must attack i t f he A Windsor dospatob says F)r. some 1 !11 they we
chi is bin le deMers in Ontario. days rumors have been rife that all is not
4ould save enough out of their earnings to road is needed. the condi6ions on whi Ininber to ahother at SmItford. when the P�;ii� Notes. e on slipped and Mr
ab the fountain head, and he must dn( ib in a n�aintain them in their old age, and it they to be obtained are o standing ad %r.' Blewito, an English alp who calne
surprisingly f%vora Is, k, bas h be eno,
an it should be with the accounts of Gordon
-Mine L. Riebling, of Bootee -gh for ev
bon4 oi 011tt0CaDad&- last yearon thieship vith
poo fall and b
des, the C. I ho for the past four moi would lbe mub be
rationt4l manner, No matter how perfect li�il or neglect to do this they should be al Besi P R 6re'granted many roke the @bin
his right leg rd ell Is 1 visiting the
the lioen�lng mystern may be or how rigidly lowed to pay the penalty as the remb of us valuable franchises, 1 6' position a]
-Bese �e �homfion, of Goderlah. is the -Mr. Frank Richardson, of Stra- rd,
Henderson, abbs' Thom her leg broken above the ankle.
'on to theboGul, has filled thw f city pass ger and f resernbi
'a dtlit, -Mr. Fred Ho of Mitch
6ve to. do, The people have no right to which are n6b thbught f In copnection with latter at pre'sent. Mr. Blewitt has made an
ticket agent for the Canadian Pao*fio Rail- has built alhandsome residence of cement, In they *-eize all ths b
ibis adaiiniatered, ib will -not - materially sailer for their megleeb. This! superannu stinn extensive trip �hrough Cana'da, �;fjince:
the present enterprise'. Winner o' MJis Skimings' prize for the h gh- daffect; the result. The object f way here, These rumons were atle Phoned thab city. wait uAtil they -at
astmark a& the entrance examination in the mg awl has interests in Edmon�on.
0 gain on ti a or ensioning business is repugnant to the by the appearance on the scene I roule other -The Congregational church, Stratford,
partof the individual must ba removed. people ;4ait is contrary to the oft expressed jects-literature, grammar and -AdespaGch from Medicino Hat 15ays!-
-apened last Sandsy, after being new wine, rernalin, i
agent McKay, of the Dqloinion E 1 rase Co.
iples of the Liberal party -when In op, West Ofttario Cattle Dealers 9 oomposicion.1 The prize,& neat paperwei ghtif wall re named Wi kinson, who
(rhis can, only be done by the ab fdon at prine
01 1 and auditor 1 P. G. Ward, of the railway ly paintcd and osrpe�ed inside. thu.t. a young man
coition, and it should not be continued and' J after thel-0.7 R, will be press ted at the commencement ex- was workin� on Bell's ranch, up the Bois -
the licensing system and the GovernmeE t p company, who proceeded to at o0ce make -Mr. Alfred Hollniback, 'of Miebigan,
enlarged by a Liberal Government, But it The cattle, shippers �of this parb of the ercisee next 'term. is visit- katch6wan A -liver, 20 miles froin that I
i p
-an exhaustive examination ot the �affsirm of who lived in Munro Rome years ago,
taking charge of the whole busitiesm. 1 LIt will be, unless the people 'speak out. boldly -One 137 last week Ted Nolan, of the was -drowned while bathing. Ile w
Province are after thei 0. T. R., and have- the office. Ing with his uncle, Mr. John Fauson. J.r
d firmly., against ib. &a- 130D of W. "I'Vr. Boys Los
the Government be ahe rail rsou� it is believed, In now! in Tor- 15th eon epgfe on of Gray, met with an of Wilkinson, of ear Nemry, in
the &ale medlurn betwere.� issued a writ for $20.000 against t -This daughter of Edward Harris
an a
clident, r Sal ing in the dislocation of his Pertb county, anil was 20 ball team went t --,G
-for unlawful detention of t re of age.
company iejr ye
the producer and the con8umor, and theIla onto, consulting officials of the ompany. Hibbfrt township, by some means fell into a
shoulder. a had taken one of three horses a private ecretary to
cattle. An rn r 1iB He is a married man, and has a wife and nowing machine and had her foob cuO off at
Editorial Notes and Comments u 'be of th6 hippers in Mr. Is so Aikens, ]o1my the finx:1 mat(
the problem will be solved to q very large feorn the bin ier, and while a little disbainoe t
county are intereated in �h: suit. The Tor- Hon. J. R Stratton, h �Ontario, with the
one child residing In Goderieh, fie offl. as been spending a
bbe ankle.
A Liberal convention, to nominate a can- onto News, of the 7th inst.,gives the follow- cials here refuse to discuss the cas�, bob it fro the team they started to run away,and St, Marys, wo
extent. The'Indboemenu to. seek &alp in his attem -Eldon C, Irvine, B, A., of few days with hie parents, nef r Mitchell.' by a score of t,
through the traffio would he removed anq, didate for the Legislature, in Muskoka, xen- in particulars bf th a 8. t to stop them, which he did, Mr. Aikens was married abc at throo. weeks from Brlin speaki
In learned from an unquestionable 4uthority haxboen appointed mathematibal tutor in
The Taranto SCA
W. E. Rane 11ILT ksnsy' n- n 6 h was the accid Bn 'happened. ago to a lady from the countY o'Brube anct
under� proper regit ations, the t - dared vacant by' the death of Dr. Bridge. V, 0 f 9 that a considerable shortage ii as the Methodist College, at Sta"tead, Que -1
reatf4 sy� derson and Haley, barristers, this mor -A very ty but quiet widding waft juet finkhed his wadding to Olub continmed th
ning, r y a visit to
. Q- found, a portion elf which hK's slice been bee.
tam would be en6rely abolished, and liqu. r be held on -Siturday next. 'Folemn., I 'his old home,
land, will ;Zed the home 0 Mrs. Goo. Flin. ening b_v deeatizi
issued writ to $20,0(0 da t turned over io bhe auditors. -Mrs. Antife BeAtUe, wife of Mr. R.
r magoo agai no
be- The office at present is in charge 6f trai eetings in
would only be consum6il,by those who really probable that Dr:' Hart, of Huntsville, will the Grand Trunk Railwly com toff, Clinton on Saturday, ,A?,gueb 1, When Beattie, of StrutfoH, diod on Saturday, -As a reRult of the far by 2 goale'to I in:
Miss Ada E�hel May Mitchell, Exeter, �nd Auguef
let Gaedner's Logan to nellkip, a small. termediate chatal
deadred and must have it. The temptatio a be the choice of -the convention. half of the cattle -dealers,* who claim to have ling auditor Ward, I aged years, She was -i
been injiured -fi noially ;by the dliscrin�lu- Garfield SheOrs, Brantford, formerly of ;Ek mpany, known as the Thrsh gXacbinc Football Asweis.
would be removed from the young, the � S00" na Fresh r. Charles Wilson, of 00
A G. N. W. Pre93 desp#ah says daughtcr of the latel
The Montreal branch of the Canadian. ation of the railway company against ]the star, we u6ited in the holy bonds of in tri-' Company, has been organized. The separra- elosely contested
trouble has arisen in the i office of i the Do- OW1110.
181 element OW attendant on the businei rtiony. he� ceremony was performed by, tor has been purchased from the Macdonb6ld rs.
Manufacturers' Association is' in dander of union, -stock yards at Toronto Junction., minion Express Co., in V�'iindiior, 4nd audi Rev. H, a, ining. Win. Tier, M. A., of Lucan, an old Compauy, of Stratford, !,nd a new White the firat half, Bu
0 he
extinction from enlargement of 'tire heart. The f'llowihg are t plaintiffs : Thomas, torm have ags a mmone4 to 4r
would be d�ne away with, and public sent in b"en on aighten
lintou "Motherwell boy, has been chosen as mathe-
-The oh)wing members of the go, engine is expected this week. lowed -hhortlyafl�
Of Cli ton r, Albert form�r C. P.R. mat
menb wool soon become such that drunks, Mason,.Geo]Fg-e Paulin 11 matters out.1' Ben Holman the, leal tutor for the Manitoba Colle
At a session Islet week, -they, passed resolu- I Gan Clu to)k part in the tournament at -The St. Mary's Argue, 6t last week# Jluko score by ;M
Walker, of Chseley ; Eowardi Watson', of rase 'tative of the Winnipeg Mr. Tier is a brilliant scholar
neea or ove;Pindulgence would be almo3t, f city tickeb t and rep n H. says When Rev. Nrman Le Marche, Park$ put' the&X
tions in favor of a British preference i o Dobbington Thomas e,,IDurni6, of BI th Dominion press Co,. in Windoor,� Toronto )n he 126h, 13th and 14th and �eacbor,
,is undei
a afford ample protection
nob endral a thing of the past. This 8- W a al eto'bezzling CanteloD, J. E.- Hovey, G. 9. Holmes, A. now of Calaip, Maiine, and a,
illiariii Finlaymon, o� ItucknOw ffr �resent visit in the Boots? foix
arranged as t' for mith bonds to a ewer a charge of -Mr. Charles W. Yea, acmuntant in the
the reformhat Mr, Spense find his ffle nde J. Morriob, 1W. J.,Roos,,J. Ireland, J Vor- g In this town, was a sebo7.ar I at the can- Canadian mautifacturarr, with McLean, of Kin-ardine�;! Henri Harris, of about $800, Gordon* Henderson, of Goder. Union Bank of Canada. at Moosomin, in
a readjust. reEter, J, DWs, R Graham and N. Ball. a well tral school, in the same Clam w�tb him were
should novO advocate, It goes iar enou-p h a so as Lacknow ; Urban SchmiAb, of Ripley ; John job, war sen to Windier to take 1�110 nlaoe. Norbliweat Territryt is spending
'h his parents, M r
ment of. the.talriff on such other rtiol from all o ih J'. M. Clark, K. C., one of C an*da�s leading"
n of Tliry W4 7-e distinguished er
Wolfe, -of Walkerton, a John Martin, On Saturday he lefb for Toronto, au'd an ex wit to- mitig4tethe evil if not entirely remoi a wjill induce tbekr purchase in the toother earned vacation
Whiteehurelif shooters by �vearing bright colorerl owes 5ers constitutional lawyers -, the te (3ilberb
land. As no I porba frow Brit. amination ol� his books is said to ha
it, and it would not encroach on the righ -a ai y all our im Th ground of iation! a wrongful, 1v �e shown Mrs. George Yoo, of Mitchell. P46
aand white h4t3. Wilson, principal of Brndian igh aebooll
sin come in c: impetition with our Canadian 'il- an &pparent;�hottape of nearly ry successful garden party was -While operatingla hayfork on tivi farm Dy
of iuy, while it would place all, py� ter 9 ful and malicious determ 3nt of cattle de- -A vc 0. W. Gordon, the' well h�oln h
lio on manufacture Accordink to auditor Ward, outstanding
ro, we are sure Sq. D Poll will r
d 44WA
livered by thii plainti& to the defend( hold on the Jawn of the Methodist church of his brother in AA; elaido townsh. 1p, near C013130 Noah Quance .1narpal of,69
t%laers-orhotel-keeperf,if ao they may a atonceseetbe generousness of'suoh oaccounts have not been collaoted.o "The a P1
11 1 - .1 r.6
Cranbrock, �ne evening last week. 110t Stratford, D vid aged 7,, met i I ,
on oa�rriers of i Thomas Colleiate Inotitute ; Alian TbotnP
rangement, particularly when all, they, ask as comm 0sportatiou." he i
called upon an equalit�', and the w business of the office is -in very ba4 shape, 4 .
'th8t:in ling the unfavorable weather the severe accident. The rupa slipped from a
hisk ir. w, pal of Hamilton Oo leglate In- oar.
Pgo that t e Grand Trunk Rail- said Mr. Ward, Is but I think there will be
ps for this is a preference in the Britiah market Pls'nt'ff@ &'I hrowing the mohine OUP 6f gear. " wi, prinef do
drinker would not be i,equiredi to help y way- comp4qy has sen discriminatiog atLendan e *as largi4 and the receipta m- pulley, t etitute and many otbers, ho have done
no shortage! when everything, lim been trip rope
for our grain,letc. )ped forward to grasp the I -Pot pound.
for the eiitertainment� of the nori-liqu against the V1 ion Sto'llk Yards iRfavor of outited about 60. The well apiesd Ellis GtOT credit to their AlmaNater Jin fter years.
r p4oisrm a8 the Sether M4,
P alghtenedut."
the Western Cattle Market, of which it has tables rei This is town-famou for it
lected great. creoit, on -the ladiet of in an attempt to owing the bundle ofhay
user, as is now the case'.
Sir V� ilfrid Laurier has *von his L -Power STILL ANOTHER, around, when a team of horses, operating -Abeam the,
practically a monopoly. Irfetanceo are cited the congieg�tion. The principal attradiun above fragrnent�xy list, showit." I
Of the A. Beattii
tp the memorial from the &Dman Catholics where the -company ha issued inabr Still another -man, who claims Oodarich of the ev. 11i g was tho brass band, of Brub-
110ti Due the other d
Be Workers, df Winnipeg, asking certafti- privileges in to its agents not to allow� certain ohipm(nto So his home, �baq m6de off with some money gels, W
State lof presrva
that didn't belong lo him. A Toronto die- -Tha 0�e of Mr. Roberb Hardin& of
Theta seems to be same danOr at a connection with the schools of that city. of cattle consigned fo Ithe Union St)ok
t h of Friday lait gives the followirig par- Fordvvic�, as the s,aene of a quiet but timber, 50 feet; I
present time, that sentimentalism, Yards to pass the We torn Cattle Market, pate
'under t e Although Sir Wilfrid's anewer has not been lare Robbe(V of $100 and his hired the i
pretty dide
-if the consignors i0eisted that tiey ticu wed Ing on Wedneedsiy
patriobism, -ma;y., lead U3 into Unp - made public, it is generally understood that and : W4 the �eatn was
guise of orge to, a farmer from Rich- July'290i. The contracting parties ere V
should thev should do so by Caua4ian 11181s G8 Saturday's' Pri. es
about a dollar, 11
itical dealingli with other nations and an ui�i- he has given the, petitioners o &y view, in the!n9rth,*est coiner of t4e town- Lavina, 5 oli�gest daughter - of Mr. go oft
untirrotand Pacific ilway cars. I The cattlemen o
for an
Wise administration of oar internal and na that it is a purely Provincial affair and will that recent treatment from the compainy ship of Et toke, came to the co"ity lice Harding, &no M,�, W. H, Haraing, her y Money -
n has been the last straw, ad that they r I a A b 1. The oarem ny -Two ftem in
not be re -opened by the Domi ion Oovern. will yegterda a0d told bow it h ko
ional aUrs. " Canada, for the Canadi �, )- of Belmore Ou ic schoo
ment. Wqpr�o'lne, from ro ;bed by Rev. D. Rogers, tor Wards Incendai-11
It is now up to Mr. Roblin -i;to deal not be ftirtlier coerced. Marl gb, lug �is name. as Jeff being per r
or 3,9c yoru. beloiiging to W
and other such sentiments are all right) ip Godericb, 4" baeu erkgaged by Watts as a diet church. Five pieces TWe Linen two yards wide, -worth G 7f
with the matter, as the Provincial Govern.. of the M(thq
their plhces but whAn. there is a danger 4f ment was give full power under the deals- farm haud ifiree weelis ago. On W dnesday -The UI ton town council, at a recent from home. Th
is in the police court were afternoon Horton lefb his work in t 0flelds, inee.ing, strlick tbn estimates and placed Seventy-three yards Black isu Cloth, 56 inches wide, �vtorth $1.K
the, sentimental a' ion of the judicial committee of the Privy Two informatiot Atingi
atw4ighing the practical
Council to make whatever amendments it also laid N I t the Wee -torn District Traffic and went 0 the house. Every one *in out. the tax r iteo 1 at 23 mills on the dollar. a4d contents vr,
for $1.00 a yard.
mo n the ground of
and com, L n sense, we should wait *il the chose tothe law. Manager 0 the oompa , jo He wenh 6 Mr. Watts' bedro6m, and, This is tb e h.�gheot in years and the eon mail With difficulty t
-11r. A K 1,
hollering isover before we definitely coni. cruelty to animals, Vhb, cause of one Of breaking open his avlaployet's trunk, took strove to edp It down to at least last ya r's Fifty-seve'n yards Black cotch Cheviot Dress Goods, wcrth �1.25, for 89c
mit ourselves to any line of a Some of our neighbors across, the border theme &rose on August 2nd, when the from it $100 -all that wAs in it. This was figures. i6timstanges, tbough, were a. in law -in UU104
ation or opia- 'nd a yard, 56 inches wide. bit
about ten in.,the inorning. Horton cittight fainmb th in. The 061legiate Institute calls vaeation -wit!
cattle wbre kept in cars i1without food
hours, &ad tEe other on Aup oat the train at Malton for Toronto,
buying a or $1,000 more thisyear and the county
ton. It is the fellow wbo makes the.!� n�o4 are apparently beginning to Moe that closer water for .32
Wise bhlaitl, generally attracts the ciow�, trade relations betweep Canada - and the 6�b, when they were kep� in the same (on-. single farei ticket. I council $1.25 more. Ard the total assoas- Ladies' natural wool Underwear to go at 19c each. Mile fakfe t6au geta the attention. The prac- United States wouldbe of some ad Watto deadribes the man as short, stout,
vantage dition. 36 hours.
ment is $2,000 1688 than n 1902. won hit first -.a
I 9c tible, plain and ribbed cashmere.
Ladies' Hose—see our
tical man,! the man of action, is overlooked, to them. In referring to the -bonding prii. 06IGNATION M''EETING, fair complexion, 'Clean shaven, and with � a -One day recently, David Milne, of Traction comp
i his cheek. He was in his :working Ethel, ha I a close call from
'the, Union, St ck @car 01 111'a by his --A quiv-1, be
but hen 46 is living ab ease the fellow that iliges granted to Canada by that Live stoc� dealers atl` ry See our special 5c table of Prints, Towellings,. Shirtings and Flanne I
country, clothes, wearxng a big straw hat. in attempting to run away =h a moirer.
the the New York Sun sums up the situation in Yards, Tor6to Junctioni,have a grievance, a about his #ast. In tea up to the drliees they are wonders fo S Mitchell$ at
did a hollering, is hollering- still, b t Horton was very clog r the price.
was not alking ID12- WI-dir
They claim t at they baVe The team
been badly treat -.1
Oro; dhasleft him for the huskfer follow this Doubtless the best and wiltitit) answer to questions from Watts, he would i liking, so he out a 71wit0h'and intended to VV When his daugh
ad by the Gra�d Trunk' Railway, and will
+ Be nothilog further than that li�s people use it. The h the gad corn Mr. WM Be -
way of dealin with th!s bondiog question- Seek to ba�o the mattet remedied in -the dioclo orses saW ing ad Of
with the- new song. I I
lived in Godprieb and that he had �been for made off. Mr. Milne caught the lines %nd
We hav in Oanada a fine country, would belby tte removal of all 11103,08sityjor courts. - Ati indignation ineet�jng was b aid Highest Prices Paid for Produce. Performed by T
gran4l it upoh Oertain products at least, as inter- �nd Mr. W. E.' Raney, was in- gain- time w irking as a farmer. The polic was draggedifor some little distanee. For- )Xj Viresencie of only
'ends of
surpassedy none on the face of the eart X are inclined io the helief that Horh is the to machine was thrown out of I -XI I +.be c(
ational cornmeraial commoditiev.! The free itru:itod to.ispiie write 4 ainst the Gr nd M, nattily ohs
We have a. steady, industrious people, passage of Canadian wheat and ohiieso across rrunk for ' R,20,000 for i losses cauged by man who ccintnitted tbo burglar n the I h vily in the stand Ing -A Grand ear, and dr gging ea
houseof afa'rmer in West York'about al Cy, runs ay. 0
J.aet now everything is 6a the boom. AnO our 'border -would not mduce prices one wrongful tind malicious 4pten'tion of ca4c aide I iq the stopping of the Id
penny to our own producers, If nth -ago. ad to state that no re- cut.
t4e free n transit, Informatiopo will alio be swarn ma We -are p eas off the othe.,
heroin Ilea the danger. Prosperity h 8
passage of CanadiaL beef cattle reduW' serio '�o L -lards.. - He W'
the )ut against certain railw�y officials, chiirg- Suits followed. u EAROYD & C0101
tarned manY! a wiser head than ours. Lot prices charged b3 the beef trust,' at if the' 11, them with cruelty to animalp. So 16esa qf Bri Tb ho Bay, Ontario, an the train and wa
r a 1pug I] gbt'# diseme ere di�d at Ec
of -Afte
-h ult., Is6ao Curry, In his 71at year, a totri e
*a be warned, keep a coal head and be- free passage of Gabadian chicke'DO gaVe US a dealers present ciallin d that the r erillbb,died at his home 30D
ail 7ay John Shannop, of Clod M ans We;
41 id4nt of Craubrook. He was born MAKERS OF LOW PRICES the 13drswheadr�
witih the pia�tical man rather than with th few more wings and� drumsticks, oo"muoh. ompany were deliberotely attemping to on Ustribria road Saturday,Au not lot, Ddr� former rem
the better for us as I well so for Canda. elAy cattle consigned :t the Union Stock Ing th f M f A h. on April- I
i e our Yearsthat r. hanilion * had in the co agers 09.
other follow.' An ounce of hard, common go UtIn0a'da Inmal8g45, He lived In- he
Whte V�er Canada ships 9hrough the United ards, and instances lch had occurred been in'Goderieh as book-keeper at the Ken- coming t -The Stratf-,
ritil 1855 and then moved
senne is wortby any amount of shooting. States i� by just so much an advantage to -ocently were given, upon which action Is to sinaton furniture factory, he made many county of!H Iton u GARIMOV10 Blaocx� CWed to go on
the United States. There are' also arbioles 5e taken. The criminal clodb says that I- frGude both In the congregation of V op!township, Huron county, being There are Plenty to play to the gallery, let loboria to McKil L
Pasant in