HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-08-14, Page 2• ZIP AUGUST 14 I EVE&L STA IV TOR dAiee: MS FOR SALE -Rare bargains in farms Ur the Toro -nettles of Hallett, aolords, and Wawd- rioeh#Colinty of ; Huron. Inqutre sa once. WU CAMPBELL, Myth, Ont. •1774.tf CME FARM FOR SALE. -In beet who belts In Southern lidanitobe, .Nitiet arias toady for wheat ,it year 60 twee hay, ood new stable and unary. Twolvt '.4oliire por acre. Severe' other roved a d prairie farms for orate. Write OHAS. SUAW, Bax 17,1,11oisseir11n, Maultoba. matt , "'LURKIN Me ILLOP FOR FIALE.-For role, thet X very destratr e term, the cild homestead, Lot 27, Cericeseion 3, illop, coorainIng 100 acres, all okayed and in a mod etafe of pultivatioe. Beautiful home, pplendid f It orchard, plenty of water and everything aqui Only Mae mile north. of Sew forth. Apply on he prenaleet or to Seeforth Post Office. '8U8I$ 0 VENLOCK 1809x4fif 'MICR SALE.- arm for sale in the township of X Gray, being Jett, on the 141h corieession of Oro, containing 00 seas, with 10 acrea of good , truth and all well fenced. There is a bank barn and a frame- borne ind kitchen, alio a ynong orchard /tad plenty el good water. One mile wod a half from the main gravel road, leadhog to Bruise!. and Seafarth. - Apply on the alto -mien or saddlers Welton P. 0. JAMES MODONALD. 18584f FsUSEFor sale o AND -North ltisin s J e Crozier. petriot, diairog too Also geod gard deuce and is aro cheap or rented. Broads. LOT FOR SALE OR TO RENT. - to rant the oomforable residence set, Seeforth, Italy occupied by he hourior contains 4 bed goon* and kitchen, hard and wat water. n. This is a moot comfortable reel- - vonientry located. Will j be sold Apply to Ronan THOMPSON, ,1888-tf FOR SALE OR I1ENT.-The Murphy hooneetead, 50 acres, Wet half Lot 15, on the titaennee adore (l .of Bibbed. Tile dralued, two spring, wale, good , brief( bootie, !erg orchard, brim and stables-. scare i and °hutches eon..erdedr. Sirtated on Centre Road of Illbbert, 3 miles south . of Dublin. Privilege ti occupy holm and do fall plowing. Tendetr recroalveal till Septemeee let, 1903. - Address To J. MURPHY, Box 515, London.' , . ' \ 189 t , , 'DARK FOR SALE. -The :under- igned offers hit X farm, Lot a its' South half 10. Conce‘ iou 12, Ifullattromitainiog 150 gores, for sale on relsonsble tonna... On place is a stoey and a hell frame hue with:stone pellet; driving bouseqaorns.: ,hid and all creamery Outbuildings, two sin 11 orchard', never filling sprtog creek and never failing well, cistern, 140 acreotoleared, 10 -acres bush. One mile • and &quarter firma' church, achool and post officio. '..., - . For full particulate appa' to R. la. KNOX, IPyth, Ontario., ; 1855;x4 tf ; • LIAM FOR SALE.-Parin la Stanley -tor sale, Lot .U; 29, Concession 2, containing 100 acres, All °rear but 15 aorta of hardwood bush; It is in a itood data of cultivation, well {shoed and underdrainei. There lion the f 'cm- two barns, with stabling, and a l large dwelling I se. It is I conveniiiptia situated, rola* trona Clinton and i; ttille from Beird's nehoni. . addrees all ingot lea to JOiliN lcOROOt, an the r pamisee, or MRS, D. MoGREG R, 2ed Conmardon, ' Tutikersmith, &ideals, Out. 1.7684t 6z.froRE AND DWELLING FOR SALE OR TO 0 RENT. -The store of the undersigned, near she railway- station in Seaforth, will be uold cheap or wilibecrented. on easy terms. It le admirably adapt- ed for a groclerv and provision etoro end is favorably -.Ousted for basin se. There is a omit artable dwol. ling attaelted and a good Noble. It will be pub in drat elan repair for a geed tenant. Posseselon at any time. Apply to WK. fiAeTERS, Seafarth. e 1838-tf , DARK FOR SALE. --,For sae, wait -half of Lot 12 E and sail half of Lot 13, on thoi Ilth concession ef MoKillop, containing. 75 acres, In good etate of oultivatiorr„ well:--fenad. and undeadrained'; There Ma; lag house, first class -bank barn with stone slab- bling„0-, good hearina orchard and a never failing spring. -his within a mucs)or Sesforth and con - verdant towhee' and other Conveniences. This fana will be sold cheep in order to wind up l the estate. If not *old by the ;10th of Aprfl, will be rented. Apply to 'ARCHIE -MENZIES, tVintbroo, or HEIGH; eloitPONLSealorth. 1828-11 :Dania Mg SALE ALRO BRICK; RESIDENCE F IN SE4FORTH, ONTA4110.-The undersigned hie for silo a number of Cholcie fame In this vicioity all first clasalands with varying improvements. -00e &good 220 *ors grate arm. Plenty of money can be made out of thit and with little trouble, simply buy- ing cattle In the awing, grazing thetafor the sum- mer and, selling in the fall. Ira fact -this place, hes made money in this way, every year ter the past thirty year& Also a floe residence 10 Serkferthwith about 4 acres of orchard, gardens and pleasure 1 ,g-roundir to be had at a bargain. Terms reasonable, For particultre apply to W. GOVENLOOK, Seaforth., .1820-1f 'EIARM FOR SALE -For sale, Lot 21, COneeeelon 4, Township of MaKillop, containing 100 wirer of excellent land. Situated 2 miles from the town of Seaforth, one mile trove church and school. There brlok hoiiae and frame barn and outbuild. logs afro -good wel and windmill, well fenced and underdrained, 8 ac As of excellent hardwood - bush. This farm is in exc dent eonditton as it has been all seeded to grau for number of yeara. Orchard of oriole° fru t treesThis ie a moit conveniently situ- ated farm and suitable for either grain or enrols. Terms easy. Apply on the preadees or to Seaforth P. 0 JAI4ES LOCKHART. 1832-tt A0001) FARB! FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 1, conneenon 13. Tuokeremith, containing 97 acres, of which 80 are cleared, well underdrained, fenced, audio a high state of cultivation. There are 17 acres of apiendid hardwood bush, unculled and in drat class condition. There ;Is a comfortable home and one of the best barns in the malty. It is 78x48 feet, withstone stabling underneath, cement floors end everything finished up in first class style. The fount is well watered with living springs and is suit- able for grain or grafting. It is convenient to churohes, store, post office and blacksmith shop and cob. a few nailes from a railway station. It is one of the best and best equipped farms in the county and will be sold cheapand on easy termsr as the proprie- tor le auxious to retire. Apply on the premises, or address Chleolhurst P. O. JAMES OJNNORS, Pro- prietor. - 180041 'DARK FOR SALE. -For sale, that very desirable. F farm on the hill! Road, Thokersinitb, &chaining the village of Egmondville. It contains 97 acres, pearly all cleared and In s good state of aultivation and well underdrained. There are *bout 70 acres under grass. There is a comfortable briok cottage and good barns, with root cellar and outbuildings. • The bundle s are situated near tho centre of the farm and o the Mill road. It is we t watered and led alf of Seaforth. Will be sold &asp and plenty of ee t water in the kitchen. It is convert'. Witty si ua for china and school and within a rhile end a on easy terms rif payment. i ri not aid by September • IAA will be offered by public auction as it muot be I disposed of as the proprietor is leiivinz this part of ‘ the county. Apply' to the proprietar, ROBERT FANSON, Seaforth. + 1859 4 _ • .. • VIARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8 and the oast r half of Lot 4, Conceesion 13, Hullo% Pa 'Pro - petty of Lancelot Tasker, sr., containing 2/5 acres. alit cleared except about 15 acres, which is good T hardwood bush. The land is .the ve best. Is well drained and well fenced, and is all a eded to grass with the exception of 80 acres, 3 sere of . which Is fall wheat. There Is on the premises &large' frame house and wood home, 2 barna one 40x60, with sheep home and pig house, and the otber 68x60, with stone stabling underneath. There is about 5 acres &orchard, and plenty ot water. There is a good well at the house, and a spring creek running across the.centre of the farm. It iii three quarters of a mile from Harioek, whore there iv a u hool, store, - post office and blacksmith shop, and is 7. miles from Myth, 7 miles from Lorniesboro. and 10 miles from Seaforth. Thie le an excellent farm for grain or graz- ing, tand will be sold on reasonable terms, Pos- session can be had at any time. For further par- ticulars, apply to the proprietor, L L., TASKER, Sr., Harpurhey or to Seatertti P. O. • 1811-tf . , DOR SALE —Park D, in the vitae° of Blyth, con. U talning 10 acres of land, There to on the place a handsome brick residence 26x45 feet with , wing 18x24 -feet, 2 story, 22 foot brick wall with elate r)ot. The house contains eleven rooms, 3 bay windows, 3 verandahs, good stone cellar full size of building, 'frame kitchen and woodshediSx24 feet. There are hard and soft water in the building and a good fur. nace. There is also a bricikldriving house and stable 21x32 feet with frame addition 18x28 feet. The grounte are beautiful, Coruniodious lawn, orrannen- tod trees, -shrubs. and dower* in trout. Also orctisrd of chola fruit trees, nearly 200 troop of apples, peare, plumscherries. etc. Will be sold . at a bargain. For full particulars, see the - Proprietress- on the place, or a HAMILTON, at Blyth. 181841 , ' ,t, e ; feted:A.10:re, 7`)r Pr.thm-frirldett 4' "a .,„• rr . 4.',4 r Ire. 11,11.04, t '- 1. n t 'c' r`... 1 1 !pa , la"iiii• ,inicligind all ..;.' t..),* .:;•.„ . ;• -,%-- i Li sv I,. i ,-; ossec ere 1,1(1113 Or ' • Va. LI, ro.n. i -I tul langs. • e , -14.-„,. 'no.1,,,{ . rn ,!kints in / Pe'S.'. -,.: IN- Vie world iliac wilt • vitro fsa. all,lra (lin- en se. making the: anturd til n,nd in wind , and until!! t o b i n (Avner. Price, sem TUE •oFL hir:GA ICU NI;inetitin CO. xempiville, Ont. emaoree Medahey,s Candition Elold TAI48 and Powder -for siok Cade and Horses, 25e, Soli by J. S. Rob- erts, Druggi4t, Seaforth, • 1842-52 ftleKilicp Directory for 1903. ••••••••••••••••••• MICHAEL MURDIE, Reeve, Wint'irop P. 0. JOHN S. P.ROWN, Councillor, Seatorth e. 0. CHARLES urraee Councillor, Winthrop P. 0, JOHN MURRAY. Couneill r, Beechwood P. O. JOHN 31, GOVaNLOCK. Counoillor, Winthrop P.C. JOHN a MORRISON, Clerk, Winthrop P. 0. 11AVID 11. ROSS, Taatsurer, Winthrop P.O. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P., Sanitary Inspeotor Winthjrep P. 0. I • IN THE TOMEN',SEij HOW REV. OR. •TALMAGE WO 1.0 PLupp< MOTES AND BEAMS.' THE SERVANT ;GIRL QUEST! N A ntaganistas .oad Difficulties and Estra silents Ilotwoaa; tho' end the] Nitclubn aia bus tip Fault Bath Sides.- Th. Irreacitir •Vinci , Denikadi' laa Text From the Piralra 1 air a teetered exceeding to ,Aot el Parliament of an• • ads, in the year 1903, hy•Williana Bally, of o- ronto. at tite-Dee't af Agtioulture. (Maw Chicago, Aug. this ser • 0 the preaeher suggests a new aoluti of tho unwire vexed. "servant, qu tion" whiCh Would appeal to heti keepers and ; heads of fa/Mines eye y - where. The text 10 Psalm email, 2, "As tine eyes of a, maiden unto,, he. hand of her mistress," - Two weeks agol"The Privilege of Being aO,onsecrated Domestic", aa roy subject. To-daY I preach fr m another Standpoint hf . this vita ly important' theme -namely, `IThe e- lations, of Wives, illoOtera and goo e - keepers to Their Servants." ; e would try, to 'show that the ant g - °Mime and difffeultieinand estran e talents °rioting between the par ts b. us le e; is 11 e - and the, tehen ,are due to tau • upon bothn ides. It is easy •enou for the c..olzfl.plainlng • houeeerifei develop au h keenness of cantorl vision that she can see itininnera • imperfect -fee in her servant'11 • but when p ticking the •inoteri fr oat of her: =hie sister's eyes it not always easy for the mistreine perceive the beam; the huge destru t- ive beam, , rojecting from ander; /er, own overar fling eyebrows. • , That theousekeeper as Well eat e serveezt can be negligent in her du y • there in doubt. The psalm', t, as a, spirit at diagnostician o t e heart's weft misses, assorts He ' figuratively seems to place) the in s- trehe as a, rototype before' her o- mestics, .0 y lin and dayeput , t actions of the parlor are being -d plieated in the kitchen. Adam. CI k the great eammentator, interpre s these Words i of my text Ill the folio ing way: "As servatits losok to th Ir masters and mistresses to :see h ve ; they do their work, 1 that they m Y do it in the same way,-; ad may, e correct some ofthe evils found; n • the kitchen by exposing the evils prentieed it the-parior. All, :virtu are not clothect in broadcloth. ; 11. feminine uo1aithfu1nose 1,ag4eenju5t1 do not warm themselves neAr a Ici ellen stove cir centre on a stupid at d stolid head [with a Waitress' cap r nestle in, the selfish heart of a, girl who, wearinig a nurse's apron, pus es the belly's 'carriage along t e avenue. it the head 4f the hou.o wtehes her:s moults to be faithful a trio) to her then she nut: t, first to/t an example of faithfu nese. S must be,, true and kind. and iovi g and Christiaelike to -hdr serval) 0 and to allA the people with wheat si comes • in contact, in ;her domestic walk of daily life. • The houeolceeper is her Aervant'„0 model. Thet implies that the nil tress must Fin hottest if she wants II r sersants .to he honest. The eyes • f rivals, of subordinates, of employe are keen and see more than we kno They are apt to imitate, too,' be h the good, and the bad, se that o weongdoer may cause deteriorati n through wSole circles of his soei inferiors. " In the • home, as in .bus lleSA, the example of dishonesty h always; the tendency to recoil on the wrongdoer. The merchant veh connives at, his clerks cheating the customer's in his interests MU t not be surprised if tho clerks che t him in thei own interest, • If • th bank officials criminally misplace t e institution's trust funde, there , Is likely to co e a time When one f those bank enfpIoyeee will defaul and in the e safe of that ban the sine of hat financial institutio will, like he proverbial /thicken. come home o roost. •A step, fur her! If 'a housewife wi 1 bid her wa: Wig maid answer ,t front door le 11 and tell. the would b caller that in, that mis vant to be a as in part. dealings wit she is out, sehen,eha rese is teaching. her se lar in all things as we f a wife is false in he her grocer end betehe and washer -Woman and false in •ht, financial dealings with' her servants she need not be surorised if ti laundress steals the Eitray banner chiefs and collars and tho cook sin fully wastos the better and niche the cupboard, and: pe'ehaps goes s far, as to Sell t hot potatoee and th eggs: • Dishoneety is cant:igloos. pfsho°• esty is an izpinoral germ- which apt to sproa4 through a whol fern. ily e.S.the diphtheria germ o ten i the ,olclen ti es used to destr y al the children of one household. TN 'sinful plague of dishonesty aid un trutheulness and unfaiehfulnees doe not always e ter a hornet by the. bast ;door. It is sometimes ccinifortabl iristalled in t le boudoir teem Odor it Ethpear8 in the servants' quierters -, and its first nap in a , househjoild• i taken !upon t n parlor isofa and no by resting in a kitchet chair: • Th mistress, • in epite of herself, is a exemplar to he domestic. Very of fen when t e houseivife is 'indite fault with ler servants f; lie is pouncing tile • malformed restate o s bvr own evil ife.• SerVanl s RO netimes' Seen' to hav no homerathy, ith the wear and tea and t he sorte and the sickness° of their hbit ekeeperee - Hee 1 The seem.to be fr reigners dwel Linat, for I, • natio whilo- in dor the roof of ;ai, boira ,With • nothing: • in coma.] OT1 13etwee • therasehs an 1 their ntistotse, Mr, 'Beecher .,Once described a simmer jaunt throug ,3 Germ.any, . - El sai ,that it, was ne of the Strangest OX • ,perience he e or had, becaitse up t that time he had never placeil his foot upon nu opean soil. . All about • him were, and women living a • distinct life of their own!. They bought and t y -. sold; travhled In • railroad trttinz and ate at hotels, These people horst alongside of him. Yet he was a thousand miles away from thena.• He ' couida eat speak 1 3 their, language lie had TiOth i rig_ wit il which to draw him and thew. togeth- -; er. So some of tho. servante‘living under our roof sewn to speak la for- eign, tongue. ,Phey never sewn tio be- come "familized." They do notl care what leappen0 us, in, any %reel' :ii death comes; se sickness comes, or great trouble c mes, they will hettrt- ieessy leave us eit and let us get alo can. But, housekeepe a moment* nostee nee the best way we • why sh uld yott expect yourdome tithe to sy pathizo , With you in yoI e time of -rouble'? You say :that you nook left you dur- ing that awful crIsis when ylur 'hus- band was hovering between ife and death on account of typhoid foveie But have you eve sympathiz Witill your servant in ier sickneee? Tell me frankly, hav you ever stopped for one moinent to realize that you had a human tieIrg, an immortal Soul, working for you in the kitchen, or have you regeod1ed her on.1y •as a little cog in the domestic ma shinery, which can be thie wn mway s so -on as it is Useless? odr eyes hadre been rod with weeping rpm sitting up by • your baby's crib, Did you think to ask .why your c rii 1 bermaid' eyes were mil with we ping, on the day after she received hat letter frvith a • foreign ;postmark? You hav had a hard financial s4 iggle to g along and •make ends me .ti You ha e cone - planned again and againr, beca se the female help is so astefuI, Y u say: "They will let tut furnace o out, and then you mus etart it u again with extra coal a d, wood. They will • not tern down th as in thd dining room and in the soder and in the! halls, and they d s not care if the bills run up. hey will throw away good meat because they are too indolent to melt it in another, form." But, my $ ster, did yeti ever step' to oympathiee with your , ser- vant's financial s ruggle? Some of thOee :girls are be ble heroines. Why Is she working an so carefully econ- etnizing? For henelf? Oh, no.- She is perhaps sendi g home all her Wages to support ter old parents or 'to help educate h r orphaned broth- ers and sisters, If ,you were th go into your servant.Norn to -day per- haps you . would find they did not hayo. eedhc_ient clothes to keep them warm, Why sh8u d your servants sympathize with ycsI r tSobbles if you cads so little for h,irs dlympathy, God given, practical sympathy; can brer down many a barrier which to- ay separates the kitchen from the p riior. Christopher p Columbus' life prore what well dir- ected sympathy. ean do. After the great Genoese ntatiner had irettirned of discovery Joel - waft thrown into seith irons. The from hiff veyages ousies arose. He prison, and strangle effects of these petsekeitions was to make Columbus' heart as dead as welter of that day • world and stole nein°. i The two sliould 'bear • the re called America. Columbus said nothing. His enemies; lied about him traitor, Coluiribt But one day ho; the Spanish thron the royal palace a lie looked up and saw the eyes of Wi tit snot pathe this strong and . Ile knelt before led his face in.his until - his frame , Sympathy, God given sympathy plac,ed Columbus at Isabel the chains, not • stone. A, popular done:Med' the new away its rightful continents which title of Columbia, nd called him is S seed nothing. as bro-ught before .• lie came into stern faced man. Queen -Isabella sve lc tears. At One - 8111 len hero Wri Vere ; the throne and Stu ihands and - wept, I shook with °motto a s feet; no • the p4rsocutioi, tot the upbraid-' limn, Sot the 1 indi eeen.ces. So,- my - sister, if you•eixpect Yooriervants ti; bo sympathetic • with you, be- as Queen Thetballa, • ho sympathized with olumbus' tr Wiles, You must oympathizo. with t Ws. • The name of ha 'ought to have for. ev ry true ho se lib a charmed sound. It ought t e spelt -by her, as her geandenothen !used to spell it, In many letters of gold. ,It 'ought to • be spelled in tongues of flame, glow- ing above the' hear thstone. It ought to., be shelled in a. «ord of eleven let- ters, "happiness." :It omehtseto • be spelled in two w rds, the 'l one 'of eight and the lothe of three letters, "maternal ;joy." It ought to be 41pol1ed in anther 'o!d of seven let- ters, "libertY," T e true wife should never went to be anywhere but un - 'der the ;shadow- of her home. But though A'qary Anderson, -the queenof the American stag, gladly abdicat- ed herrtheatrical hrone in order to be queen of her domestic fireside, a dangerous tendenc •• of this ago • la for wives and in thers to vacate their- domestic thr nes. They want to. hand teem; the kitchen to their . _cooks. Thy w nt -to- leave their children under! the e elusive control. -..of the nurses.c, hey want to be -separated from ti elr husbands, on account of 1 heir; c ul e. They want Ip: be 1i-bet:ally-elm trcl in everything o earth, except -1n tl e old fashioned way of learning li evto be a good. housewife and enotler Now, hoesekeepor, e is it right to expect your screen s to be pjroud to workin the kitche when y u your- self etre asharnod te he fouiijJ doing kitchen work? . is et more oLf an ine • tellectual acconnyli h ent to be able • to speak poor Pre ch than itetsto cook good bread? ;Lord Aberdeen,* the .Goirernor-Gener, 1 of Canada,. did not think 80. A 're years ago, in a public speech,. he s that the most pleasant exiericn.qp. of his sojourn in Ameeiea, was in t e folloWing inci- dent: ITewas, in an. official cameo/ ity, traveling throu I -Cone of the , Ca- naclian !de -evinces- a d wits stopping at a proMinent offt fat's home. -,After an elaborate Meal, perfeetiy cooked and perfectly serv d, Ihe turned to • the hostess and c ngratulated' her upon her cook. h hat the ledy's fackelighted .up wit •pleasure, els elm answered:, "My lor tArtilk you for your compirment, Veutt word of praise sink` deep int ) toyiheart. This -afternoon our 1 PgILh 1 h oolc was aken • .'ick and so my daughter took her • place. - She • will be in presently from the kitchen. 'You can then, face to face, copgratulate her upon her a eeSS."- nuc- -: The housekeeper her servent? model. ; Then she m St give to. ;hem her. love as well1 a& 4or sy. al p is't hy. "Oh, no," • some h useivi-fe answers„ 'I -could not lov4 iLy servants.: I could sympathize v'th them in frheir troubles, :but I cou • not love theme Why, -if I laved:tit I; should haveto receive them in the 'holy! - of holies' of my- heart. 1 should in one sense have to make them part o --my own eamily. 1 ram ot place mySer- -wan te .. side by side With my chit- / dram". - VoS, *lily sis er you cgin loVe• as well as s3-mpath i .e with your do- mestics. You can gi've them tour heart as well as ;sour hand. • You cart' make them part of mem 1101ot:- hold. You ean look mon your; do- niestic help . in the enn e way thal Hint Solomon lookt d upon shire Ile was verbally palatei g the ideal seen- dition of his home When he wnotet "And had servant. born in my heme." That means. as I take, it, tnat tn. self. If those se and love servants were part or nuns any troubleshooed come' vante would cling to WM, him. on account of the love your se vante would cling to hint • and -love him on account of the lore' with wit h he loved them, You can; learn to love your mervanti ,ust the, same as your servants can work fete . ' you /from a higher motive then that of gettin money. They can learn to love you IleuseWieves, if you will on y learn ke their t love In a prove ffection uthern . Did ir mas- ? There in the d had.. would •ot the worked •" 11, to to love." to love our servants and .= intereets your .interests, th would • be returned to you thousand blessings, We ea this by • which bo planters rfot tho • tors' lov was mare south w been oh IThe true interpretation of 10v simply this: If you love yo I vents, yen will take them in ; life and Make their interests , terests. And by your lovin they will let you creep int hettrts and make your interes interests. • The hbusekeeper Is the d mestie model also in religion. There!' re, by bee life oho should teach hetes meant' that religion • is not a mer - ham, but a, reality,and that the noblest of all lives is that consecrate to the service of the Lord Jesus Ch ist. It has boon said that "No ma is a, hero to his valet," Therefor "No 'mistress could • be at, true 0 rietian exemplar . for her servant,' That statement' is only partIolly truo. No heumewife, if she le leadia an in- sincere life', can have a true 7a iritual influen0 • iaver heraervantS. • Tho nearer; a eervant comes to a inein- cere Mistress- the more:she is repuls- ed by her ipretensions t� religi re but the nearer a- domestic comet' to a -pure, true., noble woman, who is ear- nestly- and prayerfully trying to fol- low out . thei teachings of th Ohrist love, the 'more she realizes. he im- portance of living for eterni y: and not for tine; . for Obriet, and not for pletisureelfor present duty, ia ci- not f ibi: a transact:it whim. .. , fThe greatest causeofeirtf . zyes4 and 'dishonesty in the 304 the fact that your servant; not converted to Chriot, Perh 'chief' reason why your seryant converted ;is that till0 C10011i, :n sem, her. mistress, a professie lien, living -the Christian .111/, you o ight to live. My sister, is it not time for you to turn over . new leaf /and tart afresh for Chr st?! Is it nht-a, good resolve to try o Set- tle this -eervant question" teitice: for all by serrendering yourself, body and mind ;and soul, .to the 601iVie0 of your Maeter? The H1)1014141 influence which a con- secrated Christian woman ea have °Vet' the Ole of her; servant er s well shown hYoliev, Francis Le. CI Irk of title- Christian Endaavor societ .• Ile told this beautiful/ story soca after ehis returre from China: The ife of an Amerit--no missionary, Wil iST1113 inasSaeroal ; in the late Chinni in -aris- ing, Was One day teaching a unripe, - Selma'. chime, aniong Who'll) W Is one of her . ChinPfie, Seryant.4.- TICS ser- vant girl, by, r wiling in contact with her 11118 11'r04, Was not only led to the feet of Christ, hut ktlso . was ed to le/Hovel that, her faithful inistrt iss Willi hot: trite spiritual adeieer. . 0 this day- the yolIng • girl Jooked ip in- to lilt) face -of this Christian la ly and - said: "Missionary, as you talk about the great joys. of heaven 1 would pica to ask you a qUest ion. . 1 ill ere . Inow elect •ol her when we reach heaven? Will you know your father and mot le r LI 11 d 1111S1) a nd and li tele condom.? 'Will you know um • nd I know you?" "Yes," answered the Christian lady, There missio arse" said 1 he poor Chinese • servant', "you have been,so kind to me the . when 1 get- to heaven I am goingo ask Jesus to jnst let me sit hy yo r side and hold Your hand forever an ever and :ever.°' Oh, mistresses! • 011, bousewinee and housekeeper', in. Your dealings with your se vents r lay you l reveal • t he same entlo Chrielian 1 life that the ma.tyred Christian jailer showed to her • ouse- hold. •e ; • , ITolteeVeill'ee and housekeepers heed well thefto Christ, ,not oel for t nportance of e0111400 tieing s wir lives e'our own hake, but also for the sake 1. of yotirr servants. Remember 'tatit _. is far eaeier for, you to co • It a sin againstthose whoni you el ppose to be loever sthan you' than it is against these whom you Ouppo aro above yo. It is eeSi et. for a, arent le sin against a child .! than f r the child to defy a parent, It is easier for a king 10 do an open wro g to ;1 a sill/Jed:than for a s .bject t flag- rantly sin egainst a king. A d're- nennher further,' that God judgts oiier actions'. hien as much . hy ho w treat our cde tle as our master. , our underlings as our. empleyers, o r ser- vants Es our husbands and iVOS. May the Spirit inspire every ouse- wife to Ion, sueh a holy life th t her sf,rvants e4„ well take her as spir- itual -model; and can see in her ace a remotion of the li ving smile cr` Jes- us Christ, who willingly brown tho servant, .of all, he silver cords of nd some of the .s o their black slaire e sIaVes return-th Ify a noble d.evotio and many a wbraa o, after her huffiest t in the civil war, have sta ved to death had, bed' negroes wh s "dawn of the la theirown free W her as "slaves of strong 11 f or her tinued, o work for • means ✓ ser- o your our in - them • t het r s their ithfuI- chen is irl is ps the is not ; t see Chris- • 1/ • POPULAI9 AST1RONOM now A inn tear Onenrv•ire 31,ay btu y the Sun -The Non's evers1 Layers4- Vis, We in Antrust, These brief notes on the Pie nom - min of the sky will he issued Month- ly, and are intended for those wh p. without meking pretence to fl1U learning in astronomy, -are ye n- terested in :the heavenlY bodies, jthir appearance,' eat lire send move mts, writes '" Astro" in The Globe, Ed eats - of note will be drawn attentio to, and brief descript ions given of 1those featuros which, while old, are ever - new and wenderful to the obscirvee. Observational astronomy is by ne means limited- to the hours of dark- , DOSS. , Eefery day almost we haVe opr portunity to study that orb report which we might well say, pleysigally, we depend for existence, the suni Ev- r since the teleseeipe was firstlused to examine.; the ;heavenly bodiesrhe sun' has been favored with gre t at- tention. in looking directly et it brough any telescope, a screen of ary dark glass must be used. Vali- Qui; appliances, • all somewhat expen- sive, are used to temper the bri Hea- der of the rays,• but the amateur gen- erally makes use of a piece Of Loa - POOR CO Y 10 10 era ysis and Le ri pelitivelib Dr. chase's * riMteas_ .:j ems .A. linters, Bridgew er .About suffer a trOi; palely IS, which left rne in a very ba tate s health, To add to my troubles, last zater took la rippe, which completely exhl3 usted y nervo s system. I could scarcely alk or talk, my legs an arms - were partially par trod., my blood did not circu- late properly, and could not do any work. fad,' I was so bad th t the doctors gave me up ad thought I could n t live through the swum r. "I began the e of 5 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and persevered i the treatment, until owt I eal am at work again. The lmy condition has been most r mark - is a surprise to everyone to know it Mc to be around again. M ner- n has been built up wonderfu ly by Mr. change in alple. It tl'at I am vt1ussyste lids remedy. I am able to rest wel , my cicu1atioi1 is normal, and nty general esith good. My appetite is first class, and has gained co eiderably in flesh." To prot cp you against imitations the pe rtrait and signa ure of Dr. A. W. Chase, the f mous receipt bo k author, are on every box. ill1•11111111 n sin Kea ,gmss, Anyone wno nas a small hand telescope can view the solar s _dace by the projection Me- thod. rrange your telescope et ae window, so that the ohjeet- glass Is seine in hes' outside the window and pointing, to the sun. Let the Win - clow be hovered wit:ketone/what cense , curtains Then u b000d, the eyej sun 30111 or other opaque inaterralh on a sheet • of white t ard- laced a few inches away front hoe end, an image of the t six 01' eight ine hes in dia- • meter will be seen. The entailer the image t o brighter it win be. The cardboaid must he at right. angles to the Xis of the telescope. By eel- justing the eyepiece the ilnage et111 IJV ,made very sharp. Any elicits w'll then be visible. Otto cannot say tit • the met ad is as satiSfactory as th of direct vision, bet it is an exe /I - lent one for small glasees. A reco d by mea s of sketches of the spots should e 'kept. ' Spots are now ec- tittering more frequently than for s rne ye re past, • ew rumple have an idea of the ee- 'or 10118 len of the sen. US diameter Is 865,0(0 miles, Were the sun plac- e• at -the centre of the sun, t le noon, iv fah seems fax enough avert -, w mid b a little more than half way 0 t to the visible surface of the se . We say visible surface, for s a • nutter 1 fact the sun consists of SO nral ayers, the i nu 0 i'm oSt Of wl ich (t le photosphere) is the one w orclin rtly See, Outside of it thane lie the hromesphere, a shell of lite • caulvece t gases, and outside of hat twill 0 th myst erious corona, hi s le t can illy be scen during the few In Molts of totality at the s la! eclipSe. The chromosphere can • be re dered visible by a clover app ice - lien of t e speetroscope, ln the moon the amateur obs rv- er can th'd a neverefailing object of interest. Even a-sniall telescope ill re cal fe tures of her strangle s :en - ere': Loo s along the terminator ( .e., the core ve edge of the crescent, or waning, oon), and. the detail, as • brdught ut by the strong Mad ws wi 1 prime highly interesting. ' fifth, eig th and tenth days of thus • moon's as, are espe-ially ;fine tittle for moon gazing. At present fou of the maiot planets are visible. \reties is the brilliant star visible in the west in •arly evening: 'Mare! is ear the star Spica, in the constella len Viigo, al d is seen in the weet. lffo in the early evening. Saturn ie On the !twirl' an on August 11, she tly th vst- Ila- een before.' rni high t . During that- rn he will 110 well placed for obse 'ties. Lo iy.. foe h1rn in the const' tion .Capoicisrndopiter may be about _ Midnight as a brilliant tar low down in the southeestern Bk... The present is a fine time to hes menu actplutinted with some of the ii summer c enstellations. On Au et 15, at 9 ern, the following cons I- latione m ty be traced: Overh ad, Lyra, wit i elm brilliant ster Vett; Cygnus, s imetimes called the No th- ern Crites - Low down in the eo th- woe will .be seen Scorpio; in the esej L.,011-1 and Siemens, and in the nor:he:est Ilootes and Corona, J:i -alis. • tele south, yet high up in be sky, is At Min, easily recognized s a Itirl.13 V -sl aped constellation. Int ed - lately eaet of it is Delphinus, svfith s it little liamond-shaped figaro tnd std. further east. Pegasus, with lits great square, and Andromeda„with its slightly hirved long line of tljrre stars, 0110 of these forming s cor er of thesq are of -Pegasus, run mo in occur e on the 8th, A • ust, last pother 16th Auguste fl�W 0 2nd, nd first quarter on 29 late small, yet quite visi le, cerriet has been crossing the. north:rn con.tellati nsat a rapid rate. It fts recognizab e RS a hazy patch of it gkt. On, July 3 it was close to Alpha Deal onis. It will sooa vanish, as it it ' i- very very quickly nearing th. s re The svelte , using a very kW po or on is tin 'e -inch telescope, saw it well laavet al times in July, tho gh the freque cy of wet, hazy eve greatly, in erfered wall obserratio It had • well-defined nue1ett0 0 roe ded ba mass of dimmer ma i.al, and h d a short, somesthat deli ed tat re - T • World's Esailvrays. tote number of miles ej WOy now pen for traffic in the tir4 world is estimated at about a in Ilion, of which over two hu d- yed and, twenty thousand are in Nor h Am rims, about a .hundrod d soca ty 1. ousand are in Euro e, sone thing less than forty thous nd are n As a, about thirty thous are n Sou rh America, about si en thou and 'are in Africa, and so e - thin over .fiftten thousand are in, Ails ralasit . _ In the list of nati ne the 3nited States comes nrst, h 199, 378 m les of railway (Bureau Of Stet sties .igures at . the beginning of othcr natione coming in t e collo vfng o 'der: Russia, German E pine Fran 'e, India, Austria -J3 n- gary, . Greet. Britain and Irelar.d, Cana la, Ihi itish Australasia, Argen- tin, tal , Mexico,' Brazil a -id Sped . It is arta) fr accoun bowels constio Chase's make liver ell oatharti A ery (food Rule. dl kno n that the msj,rity of human jhits nn nonst Innen df the boweis, awl on his many p ople make Ito rule to see that he ove on e every day, If you are subjec 10 tion yo4 an he curea by the uee of Dr. Kidney- Ivey Elle. These Pills not only � bowels !Wive, but by'the'r action on he Inca rdgubar flmv of bile, nature's own , and so remove the ewe of serious disc se. Real Hot Water for Blue Ribbon Tea Not merely simmering — rnust be fresh a d must WI vigor• Tousl hetyl . it will absorb the deliciousness and fragrance from Blue Ribbon—take all the good out of it. Let it steep at least six minutes—eight if possible—in an, earthenware teapot, and you'll have the hest cup of tea your life. ue Ribbo esdon Mack, Mixed Carlon. Or0021 40c. rifty°111d be A4k for 'Mel Labial ORSEMFN 1 Do Yoy Keep on hand a BOttle 0 ALEX. WI Lsow$ EQUINE COLIC CURE? It relieves colic and bloating in horses as if by rtua,gic.. George Murray, of Seaforthl who bad a valuable hon.() taken suddenly 11 when out road grading, "never saw anything work so slick." •A farmer near by, happening to hive a bottle in his possession, adminiitter. a dose, which relieved almobt instantly, as it by a charm, the most intense suffering, now says, "ho won:d not be without it if it cost $5 per bottle. Francis,Coleman, Tuekertmitb, says) "After testing it fifteen ‘-•ears, °I have never 801311 it fail" ft is a concentrAtectmedieine, handy to carry, easy to administer, osting 81.00 per bottle, containing -twenty average doses. No man should risk -travel ling with a valuable horse without a bottle of this panacea it)* hie outfit, It is prepared and bold wholesale and retail by ALEX. -WILSON • LORTTG- S T.) FIRST DOOR NORTH SEAFORTH. OF PICKARD'S,• 4rAtitititiTATelilrlon i. iiilifinmtunit se.e.te get ' omen - Page Metal Ornamental Fence Hawthorne, d urablq and low-priced. Specially eemstille for Trout_ and diviefon fen CRS in town lots, eeme terlea, orchairds, etc Retells for 20 CENTS PER RUNNING FOOT* Just about the cheapest fence you can put up. Write for nli partionisas. 1.780 Page I'arm Fence and Poultry Netting, The Page Wire Pence Co., Limited, Walk!1i1o, Onteekt. Montreal, PQ., and St. eaassala The oven of an Imperial Oxford Range and the old- fashioned spit before an °pea fireplace do better roasting than any other Cooking apparatus invented, • In the olden days the spit had to be kept turning to get all sides of a roast cooked. Itis much the same with the ordinary cook -stove. The h;cat of the oven is greatest on the fire side -roasts, bread, pies cakes, etc., 'have to be turned and twisted to get them cooked at all. The result is uricven, lunsatisfac- tory cooking -good food ruined. The diffusive flue construction Of the Imperial • Oxfo* Range draws fresh air into the flue chamber, super -heath it drididiffuses it evenly over the oven thus heating it quickly, thoroughly and uniformly -back, front and sides are at the sante equal temperature. The result isinicy, tender roasts, light, dainty pastry, evenly raised bread- successful cooking When you buy an Imperial Oxford Range you get the result of over ;sixty year' thought and eeperience in scientific. construCtion of cooking apparatus. The Gutrney Foundry Co., Limited .• Toronto, Canada Mosatroal Winnipeg Via coti-sror FOR I SALE BY SILLS & MURDIE, S t'AFORTIL EASON rlie season for the looking about for Furniture ia at hand. The quantity dosen't matter, but the qualit,yis everything. We can sell you any quantity blat only one quality, and that is the best. An inspection of our stock would prove a mutual Plea. ure and benefit IltRITSTADJKIPERtasSERNYMel • Thi4 department is complete with a large selection of the best goods, at. obliging attention given to this branch of the business.. Night calls promptly attended to by OUT Undertaker, -Mr.!, T. Rolm* Goderich street, Seaforth, opposite the Methodistt claurch. BROADF'OT, BOX & CO., ranklin ming rod, =early e epat lighte • vented b %aye "ea Pla3"1: by a poor st Benito) • Diem eattdt ,nter o PT • Tit onk Wa\ioS /*trains w tinted 1 ' 'VT el ing inU.5 with iron aoden ;er sed b s, tbe by e eigh that Ns inv dry wPath orope." • Wb them and put him work. M.• Melae yearS befo thought es • 0 tha or ponson flio and 1 eVry treme -is not unit ithisfitad JO the, Isoisol rattler alike thirty foot I him. Withi •ipin of kilI ti For to4 is : u *trio Peel Alo detH Itt a. bzriiIr, ner Europe ise Iniar snit slung beconif, o*ne1 says. who eelebrat -constellatitet; oflbtea He then NT Prayer be Fa thoi. who drivest prodiglea, of dreams and thou who ter of the wielie Bun, since t world." Perhaps • ore *rebid! the scene ti eruelty than years ago while seekte forests of tli; some of tha covering .114 alive. Apo sifted by so, - allowed to elj alive or bill • fagots also a o - alternative :1 a lunatic. •Anti4 Probably wrestling: a - -when eloseal Dent eves ne better: Dur; of England, Giles' Ilea, of WestmisitS • Proper, war as al much earlk ;country noe originated. . She --Of but I don't , time1 yawl hand. , OrYin1 don't see ----er -hide- We' re bavi kress. • N„ Y, Gi Were ill ti ^ Pkket 0, A. It • There COMM') ere'mot\ it is a b yo U ilv rock„--Ateir iGenins hP a/Qua dimehe ---Imesesseesle MARR1A,1 ThE Rai satt„pol NG MTN