HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-07-24, Page 8,
THE HURON �'EXPOS19tbo, 4�_ 1903
hi G A
better was ja consistent MGM r friends have arranged for tlkie reception in Deloraipp., by a majority of 20 ovel is rit
fil 1,r n a fll'�'es h Manitobt Flour. order I o testify the high ehl sem in which Opponefi4�- -Goorge Paterson, and X L,
AD Q ARTERS of 8b. uroh, Seaforbil, and a
HE h, ore
ro Friendly
p I funeral services were held there on Tu you ar) held, You are one of the earliest Mo bitionist. Good -for Ed. -
- I .
I d
day, and the'remain$ were afterwards'l lot and you have bee ron
settler In 'this distr'
n a Hil b1,Q Ywill tell, even if it is Tory
A a N I I . �;.
DISTRIOT M -,James' cemetery. He leav a theco I u'ity -, bl
or Gd1d edal Twine, to? rest in St. moral and spiritual power In aim n
1 1 .1 .1', - ' that of Just -as Fri. adl
e mons% and ve your bearing uniformly having beeln
widow and family of -thre High grade Family Flo r.
MASONic.—At the 48th nnual Coll- daughtersi tO 'ch.erish the memory of no a obriaiian and a gentleman. You are widely Porter's HU
At C esney,'& Smiley's. mullication of the Grond ic whose first Bran, Chop of all kinds. and deeds of &EMAUXABLE.—A. heifer, 26 months' oldi
on -for your generosity
iconsideration was always tor known
ardiD theirmollare; Mrs. Peter Dilli of Seafor)h, arts just received. kindne s, many a traveller having boon on- owned by Mn Harry Young, recently gave
held last week in Toidnto, dge A car 1oad of Sh as can bels
o� Lindsayo,.was re-electqd- r d in ter ai & in the�eldest daughter and the only one mar- tertain d under yo' r roof during tha�' last 32 birth to a pair of , heifer calves, They are
Oome while they last. At an elder in this cong � ation marked in every respect, so that it is
Mr. Benjam'in Allen was're- ects'd dep,uy ried. years.- 1 1*09
Grand bfaster. Me. Win. Elliott, of I your sarvioes have been invalitabl(i, your almost impoosibloto distinguish them.
Thb farntir vhd'uses the Plymouth chall, was ted �Dlstri9t Deput Gra d TuAv.Emims.—The following were tick4et- labors, liberality and sound judgment
Master for' lteeo district of $oath' 2turoAa d edto distant points this week by W. Soir or orroributed to its sucear's. You
Gold Medid Twine has E -olid comfort, largely c L6&dbury. Friendly invitations friendly wel
and Trunk: Railway and
steams ii� ZAMILTON & vi comes
Mr. A. C. Hutchinson, of Fordwiiah, w Ville, Gri 3K RBLkKE are her by assuredi that you� ser coo Embroideries—We have a lot of Embroi-
d Friend* -
It W f machin Frienly-clerks, frieD�ly ialk.
orka i 'all kinds o es, is VVROLF
alepted to the same office for the distriotof agent, :" Miss 'Evans, Becobwood,, to St. and ch tractor have been prdoiabed an deries t4ist, we want to sell off in a burry.
Merehants . . . Seaf6rbb. prices.
inore even. binds more sheaves, it n � er NoIrbfi Huron. The Quebeo;'Miss 'Raid An. -It
Seed ly merchandise,
next annual,meeting )f 'Ann De Besupree, as a token of our appreciatim we present They are not Foiled, they are no6 mussed,, why not ? Friendly friendif of the
you w th this gold head A catie, which shey need no trip to the laundry to make tore
breaks, and gives better satisfaction the Grand Lodge is to be hold ab Broo i- and siste , Detroit; Mrs. Wo�l Gillespiel.of
make this possible, pleasant. It spurs -
Ville. 'Oromarty, and her cousin, Idles Ma
g gle we ho)e you may be sp red long to
with thow who use it than any, other them snowy white, They are now. They us to broader and better.
Cubbill' of Brussels, to Glasgow, Scotia id, had a saw mill there c9nver ing the timber and more llb�
be enjoy., Signed in..behalf. the friends. are cheap. We have lots of them and waub oral tradings. With some
eaforth vo, where 'they will spend the summer.' T) �ey int
twine. THE VOTF.Rs' LiST. —T -h -o S' o lum si "a m er an r. r int, t on - ts an omp a Bly by them to go your way.' At their prices they people A
nee a
list has just been 4suediaudFas first pox degree Of success satiafiBs. if
mailed by the Allan Line from Montreal on, lumber b 'e' gone up in price by bounds and surprise. thanked the frie do for -1 their are worth coming after. The E, McFaul Well
-harvest n the okrk's Wise on. - Tuesday. T a Wednesday; Mrs. W., R. Blanshard, Noth besides t profits' of is mil ations thoughtfulness and appreciat on of hie work Co., Sesforth, enough" never quiets our ambition, It -50 ft,' Wid-6
Also p Manila rope and ?g
U ot dr 1859.1 Is restless for greater achievement*,
listicontains a, tofal�of 6 names, Of th Bay. cently ispo of hit$ as well " for the beautiful if b. The ad -
tools, mactine, oil etc. Mr. Lockhart ham at
ipal eloctions i d -vBn STUDENT.—We notice by the hence our eady growth. 1-0
447 can vote 'at mon, timber limit at Is satin oto ure, dress via@ read �y A CLz - 0
Rev. F. oRae and the
elections to the Legiilati sAnembly, 30 he prose list of successful stud6nts at the Toronto
t THig C. P, R, EXTiWS16NS.-�'-N'ow that bhe and an soon as he dispomei Of he atation was made by T4omas Munro.-
municipal elections only and 112 at elect Conservittory of Music, which hag rpeently 0le"M9 the Decks for Aut
Grand Trunk Railway have deAded to in. he has on hand, he Will re ura here for Before breaking up for the evening a Warty
been published, that MiEs, Mamie M
J_ to the Legislative Assembly only There a a va4a the teri itory of -the Canadain Paceill in good. M LookharVii. man friends will vote ofthanks was tendered Mr, and Mrs,
t of here durb
219 persons eligible to -oar "Jurors.Perso a thol Northwebt, the labtdr company, have de. have plea ure in congratulati g him on his Munro, for iheir hospitality.". Ewen, of this place, has signally Aiatin- Summer atuffe must ou
OHEEIny a ammity) VOL
fitterestedshould go the list: *ad s o' termined'ab it is said, to carry the war -into good fort ne,-all of which a deserves, — guished herself. She his again taken first -we: offer soineap,
A the month of July,so,
over -on In theory she was awarded n inducements. F
Lloy Hodp TEe
whether or not their -names are entered a4d class h ors, petlei g Jtily price
Africa, and will become competitors in Mr ;ino, 1 eldest a n of Rev. J.
SEAFORTH, Wink4am. price figures your eyes ara 11i
if not they should takel steps to. have them first class honors, and her piano work aleo
#,a often at_
Grand, Trunk territory for local tralria.. VV. Hodglus, has reopived tjoe from the A SErtious ACCIIDIMNT�.—At Zetland, three calls for special mention as she obtained In advertisemento are not by
put on. traoted to
Realizing the richness of the Huroik. tract, 4nity niversity dur- y
executive council of Tr
miles west of Wingham, on Saturday, the first class honors and honors in first and any means all there in in the game Of
to tap t bill jog t
Q. P.R. have determintd he week that he has be awarded the nine -year -o d son of Mrs. M. J. Macdonald,
44antware, Stoves, Etc'i the
A Coj, uxDRvm..—An ette6med;*ubsoriber. bargains. Ifz what You get when you
territory, which has bitherto' been monopol. urnside scholarship in histo5y, the student second years, which means that she to*
This is, ceiialuly Y—thaVe what rsj�Uy
who knows whereof he speaks#.Js�ends, 6's- t: �o while 'osding clever, was �truck with a two years work in one. pay your mone
ize&Uy the Grand Trunk. With this object fitst knnounoed not having pompl6ted him
r counts. We and you must be gotisfied
following cdnundrum andme 64with pitobf k, two tines enter4ng big body, a record to be proud of, and Al lea AtcHwen I
in View, they havo now two. scheifieff under primary _xamivatfon� was not entitled to
mit it to our readers for solution*: "I Did, rattion, both of which, it I compete r it. This in the "second time it Unless blood poloopfug met's n the boy will h tha mere,'mention of a few thin
you I recover. P
ne �. of re In her here. For the rest you must c NVaiA to save
r, Hodgin . 0 - i
whom was dembuted and was committed to has been on. by M 8 vs us
BANK will be warmly congratulated bV her n m'
hearabout tholwin brothers ? o, orous friends on her marked success ome W
t.4e railway possibilities of the ll�ar ANioy,, HER ASSAULT,—The !strike of the studies and her proved proficiency in Music. the store—for the seeing�tho buying—
CAPITAL'(Psid Up), 500,000 Vhe first is to extend their exist ng and 61-0,00
futpre S55.—Mr . Win, Sam rville who was so moulders in the Waste the Value getLing.
the asylum by. the sheriff. . The other bi o- rn Iron Foundry and
compare the
ke ci lm'fnate,4 in a
A ItESTS *296*0j000 ther accompanied him to the, institution oi id line from C10elph to Goderich. 'The oV act seriously 11, is now ropovering nicely.—Mr.
Alex. Sto is has shown us a curiosity in Winghim Steve Wor moirls.
of this is )i6f -so muchto' get 'a lake por� as Alex..8to
firld our
In the afternoon: the sheriff received a to a- serious -Omault on tin unofflending visitor hin Black Dress Go �ds.
they hav6 that already at Owen Sound, )ub the way of sweet pea* It is a bloorn- grow- crop Is good a 0
gram from the an intendant, from Lucknow. The moul( era have had NoTEs,—The berry nd the
4 _per to got their of the Ideal traffic, eel ec- Ing out of the side of a stalk. whereas, as a pickers are plentiful too.—Agents are busy
lum, as follows : Xwo .1
sx7 man hoLre who 6 ok picketi watching. all in-coi dug trains,to We -always bave good b
eke, the -be&,,;
ially that going to the N rthweet.' I his rule, the bloorn grows from the top or end Not machines.—Fall wheat, will �Jonr sun
Streei,. Seaforth. alike, from your county. one 1for comth t- 0 proven 3 any arriving moulde: a taking their tiDg up new dyes. These dress good are b el -
will pass tfiroi�gh of -the stalk. Mr. Stable fit a sweet pea
oad, starting,. near Guelph, places. The man from Luc inow was sun be all cub, some are cutting it on the Va night and as, ' easin
7 -Business trans- ment. One is talking of building a railro Egyp P1 look
A General Banking by the.w 0 h I ieties n intentionvaud was our- at, as raven's wing. Be
sy of Gad's Hill, and will contibue fancier a I d has several ve c o ce vsr green side.—Wm. Mickie has hadp Wood
acted. Farmers' Sale Notes collected, to t�e moon and the other says that TAE 'r pected of such a
on between the Maitland and Bayfield iv- growing �n his. garden, spough he says stock windmill erected a few days ago on Ou.se they are
me a JOW43st __HuRo,_,4- ExPUSITOR is not the beeb pap k rounded by a howling mob on the public thiii they 'are cool;, and ja what you
t are, that for a
and advances madel on 54 �111 er,
in the county. Which is the 'crazy man.' reaching. Lake' Huron on the south ide ie r�ason �they qaye not done as park,amd so severely, handled and pummeled- bin farm for the purpgse of pumping wat wa0b. They have peculiar narn
rates.. of Goderich'and toiiobing at Seasforbli nd -well tills esson.—ReCy. Father Northgra that his features are unrecognizable. Two —Plenty of bay in this section. es, but
name doeen'w'count here he goo&- do,
po n
Prafts a d on all""' I Its in Canada, (AiDt011.and �croesing the Grand Tf unk be. of this to n, left on Mond4y. Isib on a four of the leading assailants were caught and
ke thp�
CUSTOMS RYTURIqS.—Tbe figures 'in t4e Just I
ho United .9 and Europe. bi tween Clinton laud R61mesville. Th6 otier wesks" Vapationt Vi#if4]3g f �h nd7s and rela- fined $10 and costs for asesul6, IBluevale. 'Colored Dress Stuffs U 01,
following table show the Outies collW ives in Toledo, Ohi6, and. her places. Wo stl rate.
SAVING_ DEPARTMENT.—Interest 'n linG-will 'start from Ingersoll and proceed to t NoTEs.—Miss Mabel Oliver was visiting
ep poin a U itt f �the Qtieen'o
the imports at the d�gar ' t t :1 ti is St. M oryr, and from thenc6 * through Par - Mi.Thowas Stephe6s; s -Park, at Wingharn this week.
allowed sposits of One'"Dollar and MCKMOP. Miss Florence Many classes in WbiCh t0make'
county for the year 4nding, June 3Q, 1903- har, if2 the town@Lip of Usbor'ne, crossing- hotel, was this week �tt I g the funeral a Choice
ar —Mioses Isabel and Bertha Sanderson and in goods suitable for either a dress or
For the sake of comparison the figures of 6 ie the Grand Trunk a Many portions make their dollars go a
t, some point betw en of his M thar, at Bur'r,, car London. She
Mrs. Griffith, of Toronto, are holidaying, Economy ad.
R. a. op W. K. PEARCE,- previous year are also given : tailor made costume.
t ; 11 long a y carrying them. Others mako i �0 - -
A Dublin mind Seaftrth—probably Somforth— was 93 y are of age.—The I runnel@ junior here.—Mr. Win. Anderson and children, of elegance meet At the counters vhers, -
oil itor Manager. '1902-03 go a long way, saving both time and
and continuing north by way of Brus6e to football c ub passed t wu on Tues -
Is hrough�
East Wawabosh, were Visiting Mrs. Amder. th are shown..
ese goo4s
day, on t, eir -way home from Ber
GoAerich .......... 8 4,073 54 813,212-2 6 Wroxeter or perhaps Lucknow. By th ase rliu. where y by buying all their mummer needs,
Clinton 1-091450 ir I son lasb week.—Mr. - McKel3zie MeEser, of
Jnder u8lins, Shirt Waists, Par.A-
9,6P8 6 the 0. P. R. will tap's considerable tract they had once more been try iulg conclusions Chatham, b�as been holidaying at his home Dainty Cottoft Was'h Matezims.- Worth
Of OU7,
Farm 0-1. ........... of ory, Gloves, etc., fro
......... 9IF305 76 6,449 3 country which is, now Fornewhat distant with t e club of that town. in
Atten here.—Miss Nellie Beattie, of Seaforth, has
Ins. i flon I h TEe match re- sols, (ormeta, Hosi
e .......... �3,93$ 20 4,898 2. from railways anti. will also �haro with i lie resulted in a tie, each club winning one The E, McFaul Co., Seafortb. This sum- been viaith There is yet a marvellous dimplay. jindmg ourfiel
ng relatives here.—Mime Nellie of profit
Seaforth ...... 10,749 63 9,357 8 Guwd Tiunk a large amount of local traf o. goal. . The Btu&oelo Juniors have already mer hi at may send the mercury in t Dozens of pleasing tin on go�(
The Nat onal Cr�am Separator s therm )meter up, but their rices are run- ts� bri ght livii&
hMptou..'..... 3,994-56 3,472, Bickle haa been vWting frilends here.—Mise
"Ou Thii�'U the scheme as it has been outlined to won the junior champtonghip I or the Western ow Annie McIntosh, �f Molesworbb, is color tones in perfection everywhere -which ia tied :u
FOR SAILE BY L�ek P. 0 ...... 446 16 43' us byone who ought to know and we give die trief, gind tb ey are now, U3 ing. for the in- ivg im the oppoeite direction—d n. -v""'ng I about the wa�h goods section, And as
foriplain white gcods -so mv ch in de.
W. N, W1 LTSON, North Main Street, termediatia championship, wb ch �they stand 1,859 Coulter.—Mr. M. H. Elliott and children
it to the public for what it is worth.- We -1 her grandpar nts, I Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
a very g NEARLY A SERIOUS TiRF, On Tuesdav
SEAFORTH. $52,980 65 $47,014 46 also.underst%nd that! engineers have b en olod chance oi� w1unfug.. 'They play 4— mand, our stock says it has nothiu
and Mrs. Blackall and children, of Ving-
ve -,the various routes or with Berlin at Brussels. to -and set, vihile the members of he family. of lacking. You can geb- !what yo'
i ZI if they succeed in winning oi ie goal in this Mr. Ji mes Carlin, of the H
_Ttmy WATT l4im.,—The Bribia�, Columb quietly looking o r di V (Friday) ham, were'visiting Mi7s. Mason last week.
This siparator is one of the bed, mainufactured by some time, and the routes we have d ig- ron� road, east Mrs. Stowe. of Godericb, is visiting rela.
sire. F_
the Ray�Faond 3ewfng orrespondent of; the Presbyt- i nated are thoob moat favorably congidere I as !a t: at heir mother'
Machine Co., which has beeu Say$ : of Sea orth, were absen
match, th' Intermed�ate. championship will
h, New WaaLminste!, Wing most productive -of traffic and at ihe be tbelro� They are, a nive, quiet, orna�t, ners a. spark from the chimney ignited jug
for Dver 40 years, and a guarantee that 96. Andrew's churo' fu tives-here. —Miss Aggie Heiberb was visit -
the National Separator is a strfetly first-ol up -to- Wingbam laet week.—A garden Embroideries and La 'es. Had a good rul
may 1,
r FWv_ia
: or
be h
a -re
d very M
, I t
lo] s
date wAchine. It is simple, easy to ope 'has called the Rev. J. S. Henderson, of He.] I- same time the most inexpensive co far as- looking lat of lads, an hey haye- been the ho ise, and but for the r(markable pres. party, under the auspices of �he Methodist at the -amo pri
rate, a close sall, Ontario, It is known that ii, congrega;- brought no on football1la D pretty nearly once o mi
skimmer, and durable. All machines gumauteed, construction is concerned. nd ar nd of Mrs. Staple,on and Mrs. church was held on Mr. John Waaman's And especially laces." gere verbal
io in the State of Washiniton, just over t Is London, J t]
MoGri th, who were alone ap the t! pig saN
and msnufa-Aturod in three different sizes, -250 356 n invincible�—Mrs. A. D 'Young, Of me, all lawn on Wednesday evening. Furthe scription is quite lnad�quate to.give
ex- linewoul&be glad to secure' Mr. Hende Masonic Ex"cursion to Kincardine w is in. town, at presen�, vi friends, and Is the bu ldings would doubtleak have been do- the proper idea of the new conceptione,
and 450 lbs. dalxcity. Pflees right, call and�
siting r
Mine It. �ticulsra will be given later.—A special
9 903. e the gueb of Mro Fach.—C do t
.4 "W- Z r- 'W_ALrT801V, not Mr. Hendereon. -would be disposed to ing of the Womau,871nititute will be held ift
son'a service' 11 - Poll stroye 1. The fire had burne 1. through: -the hose intended fo
9. It is. not known whether r L H, & K.-, Au ust 6th, I ief of r the pifesent seat&4
resp6ns roof bi fore It was noticed. A use. Bring your e
Adamo, 1 6" to a telegram from Lo .11 the neigh- the Foreriter's ball'next Monday afternoon
King Edward Boat will meet. train' n yes within range of
ST., 60me., Both.churches are important." Mr. iti-rival. See pQsters. for time ta fe don, wen tj4op on Saturday and funeral, the OU.�will b&.charmed with
to Win bore b, ing in attendance at t �e vision and y
and' dealer Hendersoh has been a vzrV'suocessful LL+-- 1 A: TO.
Gmeral 171re aTd =te;,sumuce Agent I and evening.—Rev. W. J. West is
r and r arreste we an named SlAug a on knew bhers was no use in c
ates. nter, for siling.lor our brilliant
In Saw i3g Machines and Bicycl;,L rODtO this 'week on business. displa�y, which brusbes
and wears sure that many will regret shoul stealing a 'gold W&t3h and chain from a idd aid so one 'Climbed. on the J.-oof, while 'the
he portrait artists, tpv T away competiltion.
Monaban & Wright; 0
feel it to bv his duty to accept 'either� �f doors north of Poit Office. Seaforth, are p to other carried water, and,. after a fierce fight
in that ciEy with i I'
whom she was work n
these inivitatlops from theNest. He ban 0 do aR, kinds of photo enlargh3g. AN o= The stole th the flames, succeeded in getting them Ribbons—In Silk and Velvet,
t&kenl1will ow property was found with the wi
prosperous -congregs,tion in' Henoallj- hub: delivered within four weeks.. 1857xZ A NOT S. hloago,
Fall Term Opens Sept. Ist. be woman. An officer from London. came here extiDg. B Mr. anJ Mrs. Cairns, of Cl
is a young and growing man and -the no Soine extra fine old September cheeee jist on Monday, and took his pripone are visiting, at Mrs. P. Dodda' this week.— We new ribbons for summipr 'that hre
r away with
je�1117 West has� very great attractions for, q1I sue to hand this week at 19eattie Bros., Seafortb. him.—Mr,' Y. Kneebtal has taken into Belgrave. Most �of the f4mers in this section, are, here. Prettier and daintier than ever
partnershilp with him in the furnitUire and NOT S —The Isrunual garden party will be
1858- ibrough haying and have their fall wheat before, you'll say when you see' them.'
-,4 THF, C V. R. EXTENsioN.—The proposet ERRAND Boy WANTE —Wanted a go �'undertakihg bu�ine oat. —Th-e.Elite of Winthrop again amemb- Your summer dress a
d M'. Atexander Me. Lndiietb
D, so, r hold at the residence of Mr. Ji hu ScrE
ply must be
extension of the C. P. R. from Guelph th' strong e* rrand boy. EXPOSITOROffloe. ISM57- -Kenzie,'C)f' D*64oit a thoroughly practidkl on �1 Th 1 roday, August 6th, at 8 o'c
tW_ i L2, f look. The led at th� residence of Mr. George Hander. embellished with trimming of some
STRATMP.D. ONTARIO. Goderich is occupying the attention -�f th -.1to tire satisfaction of getting the sa 'is in high favor
i and',engaged ja 0ancing util midnight' Velvet-Tibbon i
a ;maninboth departmentsof thebusin-ess.— Byossel x band will and the Bel '50" W kind.
be present
_W E'Kidd, the you gest., son of Mr, ave kindl
councils and boards of trade i differe t -promised to eorge knows -how Ito entertain people,— and we have 'the kinds to use.
The, school that makes a specialty,of each n the qtialiky week after week that keeps the crowds c �Mi grave Quartette h
ing for our 28c tea. We never trifle with th
student. Wi i des! only in the beat busi towns through which the proposed extensio I si a. good time in expe ted.—Trinity men
- . Z of this town who has been 1 9
of our table supplies. Beattle Bros., Seaforth( ty Th- a ZIP -.A$apgof irithitearris are engaged at
-is ate r who Wie I -
nese and shorthand education. Our stu %or some time train despatcher 'on' the Cen- ob!l
al d to pass, and in numbe pb�, digging the! big ditch through here. Paraflolq Md Umbrellas.
robi Beigrave, 'is cloned for extensive
Albans- Ver. Service next
—Good salary to rig it tral Vermont Railway, At rat! no gnious A i-DENT.—A serious accident
to have it touch at their pn�tioular p�oin, AGBN. T AS
dents politions. Write for handsome alto
eatalogge. As_yet� Seaforth has no action in tb a Are yours gone, lost, stra�#d or stolen,
Party. Apply at once to Monahan & Wright, &a. Mont, ban Peon promoted to the position of Sunday in the, Foresters' hall after that oe'etirr_6d on thoIarro of Mr. W. G. Hart,
W. J`. ELLIOTT, Principal. 1867x! station. agent at Williston, on the sami line. th re V5 ill b oil Thu-rodsy of last 1 eek, It appears that
matter, and while, it'. is unlik#ly that tba forth. perh oa know. IVa time for
we a no service for some w6eks, as, w Ones anywayp 1 our stock invites you
rail Company woild papa such an anc
Y-1 MAPLE SyRup,—A. G. Ault The hea�y rains 'of Tuesday' nigbb and the racior, Rev. Mr. Edwards, will be �way Mr. H&rV had ju sit driven into the barn with
grocer, Be a
4 forth, has some real nice pwe maple syrup, for - si �Ie Wednesday, although agreeable and accept. .,on his bolidaysl Tbe,zhuroh, w and won in the act. of pulli
71- Portaut -shipping point an. SeaforLh, at tti'a. here.
hen it to re. 4 164,of b&y,
same time 'we cannot affor� lor5c&-quarb. Callaudgebsome. 18581
d to run 0) able In souiefrespects, will retard harvestin opened, will be, practically, a new one. it back LhO-hay fork into the lock, when t a
I - 9
ch a but'must keep our, eyes open -FREE SHoE P `rsH.-150 bottles of sh)e For th.i*s Dbar Old ft=er
qL operations. Thbre in- ratill a goo of is, expec ted -that re -opening will bo-�mbout a broke, allowin him, to fall back�
r polish to be itiven sway to cash custoiners on Sati aF
rade Minivese to our best interesto, For ihe na ir. bay out and a good deal of wheat rh�en eptember 15th.". ward@, on'to the floor. Ve clout Time."
For §pr*ng d deal the trip
da e!4. for particulars. ft. was uncons
& Read our ad ou. pa
pose of idisoussing this mattp)17,1 a Mo4ti 0 1 t. The rain will delay' far 0 ra,
on viing 0, for some time. Dr.. McKay was fin
W Ills & Son. airente tor t c : f later enee f or f on ai id
mediate -
the boax-d"of trade will be hold in the nci tbe'Qaeen QuAt abbe for wombil, sestorthIn tion's and will'not improve the hsy til out. Every thrifty and eqonotpical house.
2 4 y ly sent for and, on his arrival, found th&b
ge &a
A lar rtment of Sweat Pads, Carry chamber, on Monday Gvenin&bext, July th: —M r. J. K. Richaxdson has retutned home Usborne. his shoulder was badly hurt and three riba wife at this season, of �he year thinks of
am. W -:-Sam 'has besides other internal injuries,
combs, liam. . Dressings, Brashes, Axle to which every citizen is c6rdially invited
a are clearing"tbe balance of our' so n 'after a month's visit �6 Manito".—Mrs. A. FARAI PURCHASED. ue Prock broken, the many things she hAs to get b6th -for
F1 will materially offoot" '-.door# and wind-ows at- reduced price@.
Grqaseo Wool d Rubber Rugs, A new As this is' a matter that;
lbheoqey 1&. --McKevzie, of the Ca purchased from Thom' 'Ca on�tbe Annon His many friends will be pleased to bear of
nadiati Boo, was in as we the house and for perabnal -wear. - We
stock of Dusters, Whips. oto. us all,,th,ere should be,4-,full turii- out, pp�f-. Omiley,'Seaforth. farm. near Winchels his speedy race gladly do o r ps b if he but vowas
1858-1 -- town on Wednesday. Mrs. McKenzie is on is now ocimpied by very. I a
-0, go I wi
fact.t GIRL. -WANTED. —Wanted, at and@ i Mr. Thomas White, for the Bum
Othelargest stook of, Trunks and -Valises ticularly in view of t) hat Clinton
Once, d a visit to Iri n Brucefield wid vicinity. of $6,700, to us every time the a comes a
at lowest pricl)s. Goderich- and a rinmbor! of other 'places havc stropg girl for general housework, wa�eq $to. A P` Mrs. (Rev,) J. J. This is A good pi ice considering !that -'the 1�r buying cottons, a. eetings, tick
Paterson, of Chooley, Stanley.
Ply to Mrs. Simms, Bayfleld. 1869x ings,
been workiD& on the scheme for some time
property has been rented for 25 years- in illow easinpa, linens, to-welli eto�
4 -two children are vibiting at Mr. James Ingot
' an
and some 61,them fint4oplaticallY to Be& our stock 6f graDitewcar is comple ACCIDON —Mr. W. W. Keys of the Baby.
W446n's. Mrs. P sucoesaion and speaks well fog d p*reoent
- tt:i Buy Crescent presenyluir kettles. They are the �est. aterson is a sister of Mrs. lon.Line met with an accident o
forth's interests..' Be at the meeting, there tenant, Mr., White, who has form in Tuesday
watson.—Mr.' W.'M. Doig, barrister, of
I i 10-1 +
fore, on Monday eveni OhasueY & Smiley, Sbaforth. 1�68 f plendid of laof Week. He was drawing in hay and
ng nox
A -great assortment of odd 'pieces, ."White the American Soo, was in town Wednesday, I condition. Mr. Broo ken Too- while loading, the horses; stm-ted suddenly
_21amess OP 1 Cady'S� Block and gave TuE ExposiToR 0, L pleasant call session on November let, and 'wish him The
en so saucers ind plates for harvest and t4reoitig and he 'Was thrown behind the team and
A PROFITADLi IlDU$TRY.— Contractor prooperi Iy in his now home. Mr. Whilte,
time, cheap. A. Y4ung, Seafortb. 1858-1 Mr. Doig like@ the Boo and the people and then to the ground and � the whee a pasaed
S AFORTH Edge has had his large staff of workmen
GiRL WANTE)D, —Immediately, a hbus i unde ritand' is looking for a larger farm over him. His right leg w s broken at the
they evidently like him, ior he building up w(
erecting a commodious po-ultry building go a large and lucrative practi to rent and in Aeserving of a good one an he a
maid. Good Wages to a suitabi 9 person. Be there. H E * J1c_FJ ULI
"V ro en. 1he in-
& uj o u a vase nomeateau, near. 13ea- -Mrs. Parkes, -Bank of Comni6rcc Residence, 86,�Rdjt says that most of the perple in the vicinity Is a first class I aimer.
'OL I It was built from the dosign of all of the Soo are Canadian�.jThe 33rd battal-
forth. juries are so severe that be will be laid
ver Leaf.
extensive poultry institution io t for some weeks. Such an accident to a far -
he state;of Have you seen it ? if not, Dry Goods -
yon can see t' lon band und eadeiship of Mr. A. J. 00
'Pennsylvania. It has been the ad Is. The new comb!nation dinner set, t1 e' Kuhlman, wi give the usual musical enter- Keys, however,
on at A. ouDg rr the I Bruceffeld. merin�bbio busy season is trying indeed. M
"413 a_j
latest and most up to date sets in the �aarkei. E i- -is getting along as we
f We will open, up on Monday i large crate of quite a number of 'on CLEAR r$r, SALE.—For a nontb 11
r poultry' fanci tainmenb, in Victoria Park, this (Friday) i Eiji dry s Greatest' Cash
ore" rect Importation. A. Young, Seafoith., 1858.1 g
�Y, of Crockery, clover leaf �attorn, and will who have visited it during the put week, code at cost. Beat prices for produce. Mrs. Geo. could be expected.
evening, weather permitting. The 114111OU1106- BrArd.
sell in setts or odd tote. We have secured and is said to be one of tho'momt 1858-1
a lea M. Eaton, of Me.
prepared to sh re on Frids�' r �evening last of the death, onithat 'BlYth.
X - convenient LocAL BRi.EFs.--Mr. 0. C. W i llson Ief b o ck Mont to all that is required to bring out a BAD DEATIL—The sad news reached here Dry Goods $tbre-
this lot at a Most favovable- price, and are 'of the kind' for bol h the fowl and their
UP WIAll 116DY:who need a caretaker. Th� . large yards and separate, Friday last for Winnipeg. where he wi I attendance.—M'
represent his firm at the Provincial Exh lulgop, lately from the old country, was
matt, or wish to sort up' with this popular departments of the interlbr�of the building ettleby, 000D. The Ladies' Guild of Trinity given. Our boys should make i a good show -
day, of Mrs. Cecil Simpson iat K
ticketed through thiaL week to Malita, church cleared $157 50 by ilhe dinner they
bition, taking,ohargie of the implement dh - Ontario, �'Mrs. i Simpson on the home groun
pattern, are petitioned off with chicken netting wire is Mai% 811 Ln&Me Was gave at the Orange demonstra do. A gard4n paxty will
are �so arranged as e also made $48
the -suspioas.
of Clevelaod,� Ohio, and brother of agents.—The frii ndw of Miss Annis O'Brie Mr. B. R.Higgins, of this In e, and war
and the feeding troughs, t'on, July 13, be held after the game, under
play which the firm is making.—Mr. Manitoba. by Greig & Stewart, the C. P. R. Helen 9. R. Chrysler. She wi 6s i neice of The Young Pe6ple's Society
to allow' of no waste wkat�ve'r, and the 8illsp of the football club, on Mr. John B�oad.
Mr George Bills, is bere just now visiting of this town, will be pleased to hear that brought i Higgins". amily from at their bazaar total, $9205.60.
984TT-1 R:08\
ip with Mr. fooVe lawn, on Mill: street-�,Bruaeels. civic,
roosts can be cleaned every, morning with she ba, passed a, most creditable examina- I Bmi@Fs, —Mr. John Armo r has sold his holiday,
-his brother. It.:is over 20 ears since tba infancy. She was married to -Mr. Simpson will be held on Tuesday,
Th6 296 To& Store, theutmost convenience; The Misses Cass y tion in opiano, theory and harmony -at the re- 50-scre farm, in East Wawa call, near here,
'lirotbors met before.—Mrs, (Dr.) ISM th, c
a was .. ho a on a visit
15EAFOR ONTARI -intend goi is - f in September last, and August 11th, that being -the date
cent-musioal examinati?nx held in Toronto, to Mrs. Rath, for $3,200 and ban since
0. _9g ext naively into thi line of in Brockville, is he.ve just now rEnewing az- on the 24bb of Ma . She was 'not 23 years bought the Crowell Wileon rm, contain'
dustry, and will prepare young poult, y of the, annual Sunday school exenrellot;
'taking first-class honors in each subject.�--
ry I
for 'the city mark6ts, for whfah quaintances.,—A goodly number of thq of age &up left Ian infant
Miss Leila Best, daughter of Mr. J, M. eon only a few 'g to Kineardine, which is alwave patronized
there is an v r increasing
nb to Clinton on San- hours old� She was a most an iable, 'Wingham, for which he pa
a demand. Workmen of town we ongag- � 94, acres, within the easter# boundary of by a large number of our citizens.—Three
Best, has �lso passed tain same examiriation
d last to join with their broth ing yonn# lady,� and was a univ area! favorite wi era from Liatowel came up -or,
ran, of i
Tm& EXPOSITOR congratulates' the
$61W' Ha rinks of to
The V . wl-
Angidian Bank young town, in attending a special church mervikeA taking seqond class honors.—Mr. Frank' H take popoession of his ew farm in Oc-
with the people' here and more particularly
ladies on their plubk and enterprise, and Friday of last, week -and suffered '4ofeav At
Beat is abl6 to be around again.—Mr -tober next.—Mr. Charles Floody has sold
wishes for them the greatest, measure o, —Mr. Noble Cluff and Miss Qluff returne I a. A. J. with her relatives, and the announcement 'his 17.5 acre farm on the 136b concessi the hands. of the
f Wilson, of Galt. who ban been visiting her pla-yers by ten show—
last week from a pleasant two weeks'drivin
-OMMERCE. t all- The Rob
OF 4of success In their new- and importan venture of her death was a sev on of Teo#
ert Thomson and Len. Downing lea
tri to the north. They were as fi cousin. Mrs. L. Gordon an4 other friends, re- are Hullett, to Heffron Brothers, butchers, of
� I , remains w her:hoon'OL'tourday and BI Saturday of thin week for a pleasur tri 0
M rs. W.
ar nort
re brovght
a 'friends by thew turned to her hQme on Thursday.— the funeral toog place on Band ytb, for $7,000. It is an' excellent pas -
TORONTO- DEA sy from the ture T Manitoba. They expect to be aws
TH OF MR. Lriwjs MQDONALD.—hinch I;Q ing.,L They had a me B- Blanahard left on Thursday to eoinl a hn Bloor have three weeks.—Lorne Pringle of Toro - ato 111
had a me Mrs. J0
HEAD OFFICEI as Wh rton, and visited
both going and on Arm.—Mr. and
60 regret was felt here on Mbuday inorningi. on e week or two at Warren, Algoma, where her residence of Mr�. Higgins and the' remains suffered,a severe bereavement in the death
njoyable outing. -Mr. Charles Sher, wh were interred ' n Baird's cernetery, The spending his vacation in town.—John Crow -
Capital orized) $ 10,06�01 learning of the death of Mr. Lewis McDon. hat been carrying on husband is �engaged.—Miog Annie Gordon, sincerest evnipailly will be extended to of their little daughter, Pearl Edna, which
a scrap iron
ald, of Walton, which took place -on the ford, railway engineer, of Toledo* in oPend
Capital (p ap) -Satur- here for the pa who has been home from'Galt for her boll- to9k place on Sunday last Tonsilitis fol -
4 8,700,9,00. ot two years, has die oped o T
young buiLband and thb bereave r lug a week at the home of him parents, A.
day night. Mr. McDonald had n days, returns to Galt this week. -w The Miss. 000- lowing measials, was the c'ause.—Kr. J. J.
ot, been his -business to his brother, an intend NOTFS. --Mrs, A. M. MoKe le, "of -the C. Dames arrived home on Friday -of 1"t
Reserve d $ 3,000,000. enjoying the beet of health'f or some mofith as ��P'llie and Marie Beattie are spending
Baile , who has been principal of Blyth
removing to Toronto, where he will enizag few days —M Canadian * oo, formerly Mine ell, -ii visit-* y week from hie trip to the We,, .—A rlAk 4
ng serious v an be intbe clothin - business.—Mrp. Ker &rand a half,
Aggregate, esources but nothi 1". i anticipated 9 John with friends in Hamilton. ion jug vicit I lit public school for the past ye t
in thit Y just now. Rev. Mr. )wlers from Br
had been able to be about and was attend. ar., of McKillop, has purchase -4 the Adam Minnie Mackay is enjo has secured the position of commercial ussels is taking 1part;ia *0
ying a holiday outing I I
ntil Thuisda ruse' London tournament this' week.
over $781600)000 k3swers a d Rev. Mr. Honders�on, of Hen- torin the Goderieh' Collegiate Institute,
Ing to business u in the Georgian Bay district.—Mrs. Georgo mail, ex
y of last week, roperty, on Goderich street, and intand ohm aged pulpits on Sunday last. Mr.
when he suffer h ht stroke of
ed from a Dorrance, Goderich street, is'visitiD
Hon. G. A. C ox, President, orecting a relidence Pu it, with the view 0 9 friends Shwert was appointed by Tresbytery to Hissalary will be8W per annum, help YOU
ON another pni removing to I town to reside. Ingersoll.—Mies Laura Vanotone. of more than he got in Blyth.
aralyals. Thi&was followed y
—Mr. Alex read lot announcing the call extended ZU
9 a ltrioh-
_e rVager. ------------ 0— And if
at ite -McGregor, of the 5th concession of McKil derobn from a congregation In BRiEFs.—ThaChIldren's Day pelebratiano
B. E. Walk r Peneral Ma urday night, Until then be - was qu Stratford, formerly of Seaforth"is vi iting 'to M
consolous, but the second . attack pro at Mrp. H, Geibs.—Miss MoKeazie *nurse
I Wroxeter. in connection with the Evangelical church
of Chicago, is here visiting friends —Miss
ngland, fatA Mr. McDonald was 69 years of age, acres: -tion In H noa%'—Mr. A. -T. Scott, who haa Wingham, was lati Od the Um"UTO . at the
'Londor Office, as mixed timo y an 0 ovel ga DoTs.—Miss L. Shaw, Of
'34 largp load@ of bay as thi yield o, New
Ved Jop, had .
a inste B.C., I to his congre here, took place on Sundfly
although he did not look 'to 6 nearly' so And- the first crop after goediing.—We hav( Mim'a Sclater, daughteraf Mr. Win. Solater been so
60 LOM: ARD STREET, E. C, as iously !*II with a the guest of Mis3 Tenalginith over Sunday. praceeJWgs throughout w
very severe at- ore Isrgely.sMend- I
old. He came to thin of Seaforth, has returned from i Toronto,
country from Tileon- to thank our old friend, Mr. Thomas —T. Brown and R, Miller attended the ed, very successful, and mly. helpfuL 1n
Ward, taik of '0,81
burg, in th county of Oxford, over 30 ve -i is now recovering uJoely, ti
a ars of EgmondyiJIlei for rememberi'
where she has completed a th*e �years' and his n erous friends will soon he glad-, meeting of the Grand,Masonic lodge in Tor- We forenoon the pastor, Rev, W. �3. YaM
the a -Milling and ng us with a
SEAF16RTH BRANCLH. ago, and engaged in aw basket of beautiful and delicious raspberries, course in nursing in Grace Hospit4l, taking doned by! seeing him fully 'recovere&— onto last week.—Mrs: cosens, of Walker- delivered a most able sermon, ouitabia for
lumbering bu*itiess in the township of Gr&V " I k d from bujill honora and tanding second highest in the
A goneral,0sinking buSf"Loton tren He af L es in his own garden.— ton, is visiting her brother, Mr. James B&I-
11 Measles, which have been epidemic. in th' the o6o"lon, sad in the afternoon a most
terwards removed to Walton, and ban a, Bolster was one of the nur a is
isti Olive Willson Is home iroin Detroit for clams- MIS om s a vicinity, especially among the y lantyne.—Tnglis Sanderson, of Toronto, is interesting and ple"ing programth e -of ad,' But I
n ca, rrying on I who L eived her dipl' a from Lady Minto " the guest 0
bee the same business therelfor -bar vacation, -�-Four'rinko of bowlers are'in roe iounger geit. tAe
Farmers" and Grarivirs, Notes dis- on her recent visit to Toronto.—Miss Rots oration, for several weeks, are now declining f 2s grtind-parents, Mr. and Mrs. dresses and music was given, while in The
quarber of a century. He was also extn- London this week, taking part in the West. John Sanderson. ;F. E. Powell, a student evening another interesting and bAtraot1V0
farming. He
09unt6d, and' spealial aftentron given and all the victims are reoevering,—
sively engaged in
thle,0014awation; of Sol* Notes itc. was *bra d, am Bowling Association tournament.—The Young returned home on Wednesday after Mrs, Murray, of "the hotel bets* returned
of Huron College, occupied the pulpit in the meeting was held A fuller re Of the,
careful, far-seeing man, and. was never so mont-ho' visit with friends in Ayr and Episcopal church on Sunday.—` Oliver8mith Port
Brusselii -intermediate football tea v!c- last week from ai very pleasant �wo weeks prooeedin
contented as when u M PassedLI. -go we -are forced to leave ever im
through town on % M ouday, on rtheir way to ;lnity. 'She waa accompanied by her cou8in
afl*WL*d on depoolts,of $1 P to his eyes in busi Miss Annie Richmond. visit among friends at Niagara' Falls and of Virginia, in the guest of hia parents, Mr. til next week, on account of the lateness ol F.,01an
note. He was one of those who preferred Berli to a th the team of that town d Mrs. A. Snoith:�-A.
and upwardis. triterest Is credited to Buffk1o.--,M`r. To M. Higglugo barrister, of An R" returned from the hour at which it was receive&—mrs.
on he 31st of onship.—Mrs. Toronto and Mrs. Hi#r Toronto on Mond%y'—Msa Idillie PISYLford Philip Koehler, from, -Caval . �Vortb Da'
30thL jif Move mber in each ye ANING AN 01,J) HuRo.NiTE.—Wa tike h
May and the ducted- the Huron Carriage - Works 'in $ea. Ji A. Wilion -had the miafortune to step into C* list wiil friends in this vicinity. They of Cleveland. is opendlug a few weeks wit' ko* is here just no h #16W,
to wear out rather than rust -out. - He eon. for Inhe inptlerymwedfiate champi
aO. forth for -a couple of years, succeeding 'th gins, span't Sunday ;her'mother, Mrs. 8. Playford.—Wm. Smitb Mrs. Fritz, for some
viol in or
an open trap door leading to the. cellar, on the following from ihe Burnryid respo d. came up to At days — D. Rub -
The Bank has 10:bmnahao extending thro late John Dorsey, buit lie np4er gav o car, n d the funeral of their neioe,
Quebee, lismit0ba, Northwest Territories, a up. his Sunday evening last. She received a severe ent of the Daily Gr phio Port�-_ge Is Prairie, Mrs. Simpson.--�Mr. George Simpion was, of H4mflton, is visiting his brother. i3.$ uly, also from -n - C*vnifter, is i here Visit-
Ontaric', Walton business, and.- wheik h6 disposed of fall and was considerably bruised, but we SmItIK—Fred Vogt �nd Miss Jennie Voot, ear
13,itish Columbia Yukon District, Maritima p�o. -Manitoba. Mr. Grant was i1orm�r real- here on Sunday, !having come to attend the lug at her fatherAl Mr. Earnest Giog.—MIN
his business here to Mr. RSbart Deveriavi, are pleased to learn was: not seriously injur- dent of Tuckeromith and wid a member of funeral o'his sister-in-law.—Moob Doir-,Bit, are spending a week- th their Clam Seigner, froin Durhaaiis visiting at her
Vineft and the Uni wd States.
he returned to Walton. In b1141110811,48 in ed.—Mr.. John Watt, of Harlock, who was parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vogt.—At a meeting unelej, Mr..
of the Wit
every other walk of life,*, he was' the very in town on Tuesday, finished cutting his hay in thiti vicinitj has been safely housed. A- G. Ehnen.—Rev. If. Krupp,
G. E. PARKES, Manager. the firat council elected for that t 0 h
ownship, 1b of Toronto Presbyter
F. HOLKESTED 86ficitor. He was also the first from that district to WAS a mtra heavy crop and was saved v, on Monday laat, to from Cairo, Michigan, spent 8 day'lut
4. soul -of honor, and despised. un
anything savor- barley on Frids ; and his fall wheat o, iu good eno iditlop. A good deal of the f&l1 Aden! ksuit 16ft
y; n Men- leave for Manitoba and brave the perils of consider the call of Rev. Louis Perrin, of among friends here'—Mrs.
1624 Ing of deception or dishonesty. while his day-. He says crops are very good- in that the journey and the hardships liable to the wheat and a: Georgetown, to the Wroxet�r Presbyterian a1ew days ago
war -d was good as his bond.-: He was'ndtL,
ome barley ban been ou4y. The for Cairo, Michjg*z, to viti"
part of Hallett. Rev Mr. Hodgins and life of a pio church, Mr. Perrin signified
family hm�V L neer, Mr. Grauts old friends cropsof &I kind areg and If the"weath- his acceptance lier son.—Mrx. Wm. Henderson, *ocoraF1F-
only thoroughly trusted'and respected by 411 e
This -in th& 96ason taken a co'tt'age at Bayfield for r ble fo, Pavinj ry agreed to led by her son, are here fro
who knew him. but was I here willbe pleased to !earn that he is still er Lis f&Vo ;them, our farmers of the call, and the Presby�e m Do t,--:Th8
iked by,pvery
J�r- the month of August and go out'tbere nex"b,, �able to 'enjoy the sociability of his friends will release. him from him present duties at iarruers in this vicinity have fi oavwg
have o� fear, for blis winter, nor will
n ru Georgetown on AugVlot rd.
"y it is & go
;ad visits from the sheriff or whell
He was a very quiet, unassuming week.—Mr. A. J. Bright hap b#e sticat- ---,and they, will hope for bim still many 0ays they need
to lou r - Holme
y man, who never aspired t6 public positio, dr their iviiest. They od sample.
RM ness among his follows. The boiliff.—T �o flak lo: ngtotheettate of —Mr. H. Doan, who was so net lonely
like@ to ibrike a point where there is good Graphic says.t The home qf Thomas Mun- the'late R b�rt
ro are few pos 111� ing at Be ' Iller for - 'week. I Mr. Bright .'�of useful h
but had he doirie so, thb Itions
PHOT 'in the gift of the people that h Irt a London,Road lBrumeie. jured a few wee ago, is likely 10 repofer, era
G R A P H_ 0 could not filibillg4nd be has got it, up there.—Mr. V7. too was the scene
6ve wained, he was so thorouihl of a pleasant gathering near here, will be offered for ask by Auction BiuEFs.—Bruseels Intermediate football hongh� it will W *good while yet before
y t?usted Ament in; Axing up the reaideucd On John last Wednesday evening, the oamwion being at the Dim n house, on Tuesday next. It is team went. to Berlin'on Monday of this atit '11 be around. Vhon re
and respected. In fact his he wi -7
E many, his chief failing, &a!-& man of
Atl kind' Fof Photo Work babirwardness street which he recently L purchased and ex- K reception to Hugh Grant. The evening one of the mat forn;s in this vicinityj Where week, to play the first game in the finals
in this rospeot was. in the., eat�matlon of poets to have it ready for occuparlby soon.— was most enjoyably spent, in the course of poor farms are unknown, and some parron is the championship of Western Ontario. If for the
PRV4 DON: ,or —The flitt nodl of the excavatio !I a
his good Mrs. (Rev.) Fairley, of Frembut Ohio, is which Mr. Grant was presented with a gold likely tog( �t a good farm very reasonably, score resulted in a tie,, g 3 to S, d at 1 ew
Y. C. A. buE
judgment and high sens& of riectitude;, would- isiting ' her brother at the recto"ry.—Mr. headed cane bearing the inscription " pre. as it has to be sold to permit of the winding one time in the game B eir T, k p perty, oorner 4 f 1)6'wals
bein an $20.000 1& g on, the
-ra s". made Wl YOU h4ve russels had 3 to th Orand "Erunk p
Picture iiie WAit been valuabIG in pUbli6 life, but he &I. a 1 as Lockhart, ex. ree4e, -of McKillop, is sonted to Mr.�' H, Grant from the members, up 4 the )state. —Mr. E. Briggs, a i nati7e opponents L The return match will be d St. Patri streets, . t tord, WM
_ways i 13 ra REMI
preferred the quite,of-home blic era just now. A couplo of years ago Mr. Il of Burnside 1�resbyterlau congregation, on of Brucefie'd, was, on Monday Ust, ele pl&yed here
oted this (Friday) evtauing� when it Wrned an 88at *y afternoon m',er favor -
u, no'matter how tempting.
posi io t9 pu f6r
dACX8 MO. 7. Se6 ort 9 himself and his family he no do@) And ockbart purchased a -timber limit in the June 4th 1901" The following �addreu was as the Cone ervative represent4ive �0 * the is expected one of the beat exhibitions of J able auspio". Inivere was &.1ro audleno&
6 took the.
unty of Hastings, north ' Belleville, and read Desr� sir—We, a number of your Manitoba Be lature for the o0notitubney of football ever witnessed in our town will, be presenk probably' or five lundrod. P
4 gle Iour