HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-07-24, Page 4J sithply a road fo ij� r . Cal tliafflo. in' the aeo. Thblioenseinxpeotor pluckilyjamp0dup and caught the horse, 84afdrb who had been spendfull i a 'Week .1 100b a giame of chance. I i ond place he I's opp'o -the decision of bhe coutiby, thus tEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE c-%"rORE. sod t�., -the Govern eat! appealed hom provanti#g a4unsway. Beyond a bad here wi the Mins6a Mettle, hai k,returned ndge �o.ths higher court ! at Toronto, and on scare and a bro�en� buggy no damag W h construabing-a portioa of the trauscoiti an a as ome. at load 'of 'C' as.giventhab the con- 'done-. a priv4to com X viotio6 of the Poli e Magistrate alkould be -Mr.'Hi EAe�nedy, butter Maker for &y. to Saturday a decision w tal ko&4 and giving to n powers to constfoot,the remainlu oro imstalued, and the judgmenb quashing. it Holmesiville Walton. Fre-,-e,,..8hoe' Polish on 9 t�otoryc was married - at St. in tiOo' and leasing the,� Government porti to lot aside* In thus hold by the court, Thomse, on J41y 8th, to Miss M. AconONT,-011 S&tttrd�,V afternoon of itaies there w R%beboul laeb wee firpt, Climb 00mmissioeore have the powerto -in estimable Johnnie, bbe little son of Mr. sma Mv thi, private owners 0 the remalader Of th oung lady of that city. Make a repl4bion -such as that referred to, �Mr. Ed. lPryans, Win, Tiylor, 9th conoessfon,' Morris, Meb ruef i�, r6�aa.:' He would be'willing for ihs' Gov Sin and secondly, that W Greyt has retarnhil turday om an exteboad trip to the old country, with a I Overe accident. While eDgaged in ding bl's vi% the ga 6 of e0chrin must fr a driving 4 horse rake be raked over is nest of to undertake. the constmobion an�' be ranked as a game of hauce� �Perhaps He took his visited :xbez d our mint wheel with him, mad some will feel disposed to dfipute� this , I"b bees, i ;ihich immediately attacked the - 1-T j�jj--j Bell And I X M'" operatjon f the whole road from Queb o tO Many polntq� 0f interest in Scotland and Ira- at the re"� andto delegate the conabru ion even in the face of the decision -of land. horse, I �inging it and causing it to run the raciflol 0 0 V wow A.WWU 0111 V .-4 Ail; J14 sue who, perhaps, have never. r, Ed. , COLO, who -ly disposed ay abGuo and operat an to a commission Appoi recent Q. -morrow (Sattlycl ) wilt De, 0110e roll to nte by, enjoyed a game of euchre. of his harneswilau. rake, head coming In contact with a Riwood tp�nt NEW ADVERT11SEI&ENTig siness in Crediton, has me- bhe Government and to b customers paying CASH on' Saturday, we- have, I botti,6 of j;hoe; a responsible t� the cured a poBition in a wholesale hardware, stone.w Ith'suoh. force as to render hi Lennox in 11110 a f4rumbetween the pAranthm" attay asob Government. he would be illi�g t In referring to the raidis4lbution"of Huron Ldmdon, and lmoved his family to- that city. cousoio4o for aboub throo hou ra. He is now polish" to give away on Saturdayt as follws 8,0061165 she V.aga of the ppar on which recolver�10gpd hopes are entertained that ault Ste. Mar. te-hand the whole bhf nk over to a private in' far Dominion election purpose" 1 the -Clinton. -The trial iof the striking moulders for -,cash purchase of $1.50 or.over, will bo' given' her choice I Every lady making a dyerd06mentwill be: found no seriv is r6pultsill follow. nassaulting a i9an on the nighb of the 13, h. pany,,to be bound by such restrieti n �n Now Bra says thab the divisi6ii adopted by BRix -Mr, and Mrs, DaviO Campbell of a bottle of our special Oil Shoe DreSSing-, oriaibox of Shinolg, hem on Sundki 31ow.Would You Like It--Gralq & Stewart -4 inat" at Winj-ham, tdok place there on Fri - I PhenQtninal Ws --W; Pl6kard, & Co. -5 condiftuns as. thi the committee and which v�e ga�ve,, to, have rolurned from a two months' visit with the modern paste polish'. a Government might #a fi at day, before Major Vabstone and Magistrate Saturday Night Stle-Learoyd & Go -4 to iMPD88, and "the Governmoub to unran week, is not the'diviision fa'Viored by the Dulmage, 00o of:the strikers was flued $10 fri�nd !in Minnesota, Manitoba and tiw�' Every lady making a c e Northovi at Territories, and reporo : I P Willis & Son -4 Conservativ and a plossatit ash purchaso' of $2.50 or ovr, wil too 'the bonds of the po on. - Says oar contemporary costs. St an for tb trip,-' Ve are sorry to hear that Mrs. Thos. 25 cent bottle'of 20th Venturj shoe dressing,. 4 -The Turn�berry voters' list for 1903 has rhunee_.- 1; Cleariz g, gide--ars. G. Raird-8 whole� roate to the er The' suggoated in writing that the West b rinted, " he 111b contains a to Hollaw! is not enjoying very goo bInt of @event y hub we Oore rhe will Roon. recover. -The' Every man buying a pair ol Fine Shoes to the value of $2.150, will be given M -J. McArthur -9 riding remain . as it is ab presont'with the v term, Voters for Legislativre Me fault +.a find V­ BAUk per cenb.,of'.the cost of construction. 9,,' 1- Girl'W luts4­vra. Parkes. -8 addition of Wingbaw and Blyth to It, t at bly% ly, 5 5 for municipal elections only, OY ed a In 4 25 cent bottle of Trilby Polish h Hanoi %Wccurt Notice -J, few cag where farmers a to bay- HAV*7 '011 Own U-2 -A. Xoung-8 should be 14eferred for at toast nti- the East should geb McKillop and that mber of persons qualified as. b Ing now almost flaiah X Alba maintai ed.that t6 6 &1 dsatermin I �a a year, all The ba I= XeplaSyrup-A. 0. Ault --8 in a are 38 Ing ope, Ations to out their fa -11 wheat, Both- The above named dressings are the best on the marketi and �Vill not il�juT�.YOUr bhe Goverl6ment should have more thereat should remain in the a6uth. If 0 seair, dedniti are an *eellent crop and the 00t, toot of eattle� Bro" Thomas Tift,'of the Bribish -Ex- their suggestion had bee'n accepted, ib a We the tbr hing wbiatle shoes. YO M(W - misforoune P will soon Pe board, � in fwffon An t-9 'a PX, UaLannan-6 infor�natioin on the subject before. they 66in Is change hotel, Goderich, had the t i Clara (4--fiemittlie Bros --s would have made the at �irtually a con- th a make room order t thresh oub e wh at't Special prices on all Fine Shoes all day. Satia-rday. Come na see. Pro to trip 'on on upstairs-abop, on Tuesday w mitt0d themselves to an will W lsh,4-R� Willis 8OU-9 y ?scheme. Ti4 servative hive, for the addition of Wingham as well i for oth grain, ev@ning pf last week. In falling her left wriab Govern would hmWe added aboub 126 of a conserva. TnE ATE MR M(,,Doiq�Ll). ++++-I I Mont, however, bav!4g decided r otorO�-A. G. Stuillie-4 W . was broken and her face considerably -The people I majority to it and It would have made Dr d.'- of this 10il3ity 1e'arned with deep ragreb of Big Baja­Ama% lawraoco-5 the '.other plan, tfiat it, to 1coustrueb th bruia� ars�W. S Ruby -5 road from Moucktan bd Wiunf�eg, and 111are, last week. Wan$ed rsk�6 Mmod 'Ids non-tesident in his own con The voter)e list for Grey township for the sudloen death of Mr. Lewis! McDonald, -�W. Thl Th ' f ob that the Vew 1kryle.-A, the same to the GrAnd, et occurred on Saturday even- e ci Conearvativ6- Id03 la in the hands of the olork, being firab which 4d ev R, WILLIS SON, S f6 r t h Trunk Pacific, �Wh posat-would, )For sale-,-Mrp. J. P. Brine -5 ligitlate' Dr. MacDonald sted - tip on Wednesday of ]eat week. Ing Iasi He had been bout his Custom ry Fathor We �o Rent -4 -Thomas Patton -5 of his riding and make West Huron a when Te D"hwo0a; ii] will c6natruct the Obbet part of the road an Mt 12 !names In parb 1 109 in. part duties #util Tuseday afternoon, here are 94, operate the whole . roe' C' rvatiY6 hive in hardly sufficient reason Sole Agents 1or the Slater Shoe for wen and th Empr SO'Shoe f6 women.' oafs Ur.�'Blair ha u( and 16 in part- '111. There arei 671 comPla 060 of not feeling very well. On 0 ther course lef b to h fot rejectf fig i b, mIthough it would be almon Thurnd Jy he was stricken with par&lyai Ira' bu� io resign ro ad to &at as jurors, arunnipg con atura..'for a the Cabivet, as be could" nob racoucile 'imA. ng and McGinnis were c ix been spending the pait week; or two with ntir to human u The order of services In the Methodist! Dre, Ir ailed in, 001hmitt8s haiving a majoriy,of Liberals churches on tbie Walton circuit list been' but me Cal skill proved of no avail, to Guelph. -The threshers- ber sister and fritil 34 here. - -sho- self to the policy of the Govern 00 Marshall went Mont. on -to ssist in the decapibation of changed s:s follows.: Providence. 10:30 Saturdi evening he took sudden] 48 eorgie range y worse are getting theft'nischines ready, and wt Sir Wilfrid Laurier, t f their colt of Clintonj noont part of 1a8b wee][ inaht- 'Of'' neithor In his%ttel wo e4gues n that Way Bethel, 1:30, and Walton, 9:39. This will on d a cDonald' be into the woft in-- about two weeks. Murray d ft bout 7 o'clock. Mr. M b divisf�n equally just� and this, the guest of M ra. wr an �'another was bo at Dufftown,,Banffehire, Scotland,' ! Uquhart,_ vith an air r remarks in the Hobset dfacuesed R-TDAY no in his leave the minister 'at home each 8, a 411y lengbh eibber of �tbo pr Mr. Orawford Wilson and I eistier Mift July 24111, 1 that would nob have that result, could be %bboth evoning af ter his bh-ree services. in bho �ar 1834, At We early agoof 'is Ethel; of Toronto, are_nPI -Amex flarlip-1 OPOSW0115, 61 made. ! Under the Uon ery tive division Hensall Ig their holi_ olu I a andin ap he left fle native land and set mail for the of Ce tthee L be said the time for that had n -Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J. Ch Wn, who Sovereign taul 'a, head office, days with Mr' pm -t week, at come. lit the West riding would be a safe Conserva' have bein esteemed residents of gham A I continent, lauding At Quebec.. nad and Mrs, D, B. McLean, of The 1)oM_1 on Parliament. amid, h6weve l6ntraal. A branch of Tuelteremith.-Mrs. J. P. Ron r,snd his remarks may 6,takaz tive seat w Toronto, executive Office. and datlah. fuderals.-The bereip the East ani South would for upwards of twenty -years, left last k this bank has be6n openead 11 e Came to Tilsonburg in the �To r i, r a h b equally 866 Reform. The only thing xca� Henoall. Your patron, ter, Mine Clara, spent Sabbath vvith The resig'"tion oi Hon. Mr. Blair seems ise furnishiug the foundation of the Go, -orn year IS �22el and engaged in the lumbering age to solicited. zrthur, Manager. here'st present wee for Acton. On Monday evening they were John M to hal paratized V49 law mikers at Ot. antle defenae that th Mr. E. D, Tilson, where he 1868-tf ry eir new b Ines wt i before leaving for th Wee. In favor ofsuoh a divisiar, is thab ib would presented with -a handsome onyx clock by T. J. Ber- I am surpriseda,; t hi i. give' mv the real a minority representation, &in! tawi a little r nobhing iq th� way Of 'statement that the projected 'the Baptiab c0lagregation. rm for about 18 years. While there i)EATH OF MISS STEWAu'T,-We have tbfs home in t10 Queen City. -Mrs. George Angola Ciothyl line �ro'MT ltaudingof.�irtisx inthiscounty, isabout be was arried to Mies Mary Devito, wlio, week to chronicle the death of Miss Margaret Brown and daugbwr,, Mine Pearl, retunQ Hollandt --Mr. Hugh � Williams, one of the old to the proportion of one mamb to two this week fr6m Michigan. where they had C`ora ,,has beendone in Parham r Quebec eattward to Moncton will pal alle, Un' time residents of Brussels, has taken unto survive him* In 1-870 he came :to Grey Stewar�, third daughter of the late( Donald Ronan, Kin ent'since o been spending a mouth with 'Mrs.'Brown's aMCDOM if tbeTe has been, the� roulta arozZ�ppareui I the, InterooloniiI Railway. der the division made by the committee and himselfa. wife, iii-the-peron of Miss Grace towneb 11p, purchasjng a saw mil property Ste 'The terr tor wart of Tuckeramith, which occurred on which is the -one that will be finittly adopted, there,, hich he' oonduated for b brother, Dr. George Blatchford. Dy ree years, to ou re, It ia.t rite the House �,ae'bean 1 served by the new-lina'is not tha Aldridge, also, of Brussels. The ceremo, Thursday evening of last week, at the home They allD from this p�.rish same a I I the East riding will b10 fairly safe for the attended t Pi�rtb League con W LOU. vras when I proper was astro ad y re. of her sister, Mr . . �� 1011 aterritory served by the, performed at the manse, In Egmond- ohn Sheppurd, of this Detroit.-,kirs. ichollm and-'� daughter,,of too, indolent to _t in:803nion. ovory-day, and bho usual time each tercolonial laill Reform caididate, whereas the. Couserva. He the I I came to W Iton, and purchased the village. 'The deceased was born in Fullar- ville, �by,49v., Neil Shaw. Mr. and Mrs, day been o sumed, b way.;,;Between the two lition. there b4 tives will have a good flghting.chatice. in the a Brusselp, were in the village, uring,th -I- t they Could h7ave� on 11, b results Are not It pr party of the late Mr. Adams and ton, and afterwards lived in Tuckeramith, e m Lumer nly &,distance West and South, with f he odds slightly in Williams will probably reside in Seaforth. week, renewing acquaintal4ces.4-mr, IL one. The� Reitijtribu�ion bill has not ]lot 0.: -from Zort afterwi do was joined'in partnership by his near, Chisethureb, with her parents until to favor of Saturday:,night, brothe Charles, who pre -deceased him theii death, when she come to Heneall, and 99 Toronto, he House f( r ratifi- Mae 'Venioncei cqmpaoti 'a ' 8. their opponentm, In point 6f con. nine o'clock on N. MoTa art has returned from at been presented to seventy fiv. miles, bub a chain of inur. lfth inst., firp broke out In the loft of the about are ago. Mr-. McDonald was a made her home with her sister. Never an- was visiting his son,' nee "n contiguity, con. ban. Forbirt commission Vs Mob dent Of 'Huron. dividing the teriftory ;Xttou� the Railwar� Brunevviokotel barns, Wingbam, and for a man of to ling worbb, upright and honor. jo d health, she became much where he bill, &I, 'to served 'by siderations which should always prevail, a Mrs. Wm, MzKav and children are visitt ying very it -'68 passed the iconamiplee of them. The plan which we have ado tec . look at the map will show that one in &'bout time a dlsaetr6m fire seemed imn)iuenb, but 0' Mrs. McKay's;tister. Mra.G.Walker, st1p;12 erlok, Ireland tho4 of � the the vart of the fire' bri Able in IIr his dealings, and as a business worse about Webruary Iseb, and, alt ough all gade whole House has not yet got �njr4urther - for the coustractio 6f the line from o as go?d as -the other. If there is any 4iffelt good wor on' man, h d f W, equals. He was possessed of that medical skill could do, was 6 Ine, ahe meraton. Messrs Willia und Rogrer Rath four yearzagd, ence in these respects,. the Reform divieioa not only prevented the fire spreading but e ton to the Pacific Cast -has b ent, and gradually became weaker, suffering intense wl wnehip af the Grand Trunk Pacific4Railway bill Is still a good nd far-seeing judgm �,11 of Hay, have returned from orple the to sen Ourpi 1Jel3 is, perhaps, th saved the building where 1-0 originated from b best of the two. also a a r6wd speoulator. He also posseewse"d pain.during the laa� monDh or so of her ill- were., ried Sames Carl- onth's trip t..) tha Northivest. They kept 14 the back grou acted so at to ke p in the hande of th entire destruction. ad, and the polipy of so, rara. bt liness taotloo, -.and by industry and none, which she 1�oro with much patience f r I 600k up land- n'04r', perous farrm.ef o- -Miss Ellm Morlook, w highly esteemed as a' of' Edmonton au�l the G�verument in reference to that scheme - Governmenti the ke to the transporbg don close attention to business he acquired a and Christian foxtit'lude. Hiss Stewart was there. They mi -t a ureak many -of their old' Carlin is survi young lady of Exeter, died on Friday, loth ai h and propert. He inberfifty-firstyetir and Was poisemsed of fri to . problem, from the p 'Death of �he Pope. has n6# yet been 0111 3fally made �nown r a io the ocean, an inst., under Very sad circumstances. The vast a 111ount of wealt ends from Ontario, from whom thq- ftj,- D, shauu6n. of. was CIA genial and kindly disposition and many excellent ed the greatest of kindness. - Njiti Aud Mat& at 1, t6 leave to a Popo Leo the Thifteenth, whose life had dooeased vvas�'uffering from at) attack bf ap- won t J The basineva of the Past week ve of a private co qualities. The funeral oar- ce1v been h consisted principally of the Mi ", ber&I ex pen lems, ant� had been operated ouPthe day v 'it church the -initi ti m [adging in tOe balance for several esteem and respect, not only of his ice was held In the Methodi adge, of Thamea Roal, is visiting her. con,-. J�osepb �o mo pny the section of oountr where iiing d &Y10 all, but the general public as well;, SabbAh site' sin, 311 home I"b flund- y weeks, died shoitly after 4 o'clock so Luie ANT-oir. 4ouday previous to her death. The aperatloq was In moon, and of 'which church de pal I ion be was a staunoh Liberal, but ceased was a consistent member. The re- illnes, w-bith .4 planatione respecting the r6signation, of M and enterprine will �o constantly require �afteruoort, His last -moments were compara Sulcessful, butthe complications cauned bar '01 eh we refer -ols' the to miet�the exigencies of in evej. balugin tively peaceful and painlesat never, ought sublic honori, albbough he whs Mitchell. ewberej and 0 and were pre. mains wereinterred in M6T&g att's -came. zesigg"nation, to a eamaine were taken to 0 9 alwaye :ook a eep interest in anything thab bery, and were followed bV a large conqourse situation." ceded by a period of insensibility.' Arouna de3th. Th rediton hundred p4ssi�g of estimatea� TAe several imporC for interment,; I A TANV T'lle �High Court oV nd to the welfare of this, his ad. of friends, testif ing to the respect f It f r J ti b r -1 the bedside at -the final moment were tho -On Tu would x' ee as q i-eved Mr Th�nas Rage quiem &at, me Ore# we have referred to have yet Cardinals,,.the relatives and, members of the 8,9dA'Y evening of last week a very opl;ed ountry. His chief delight was in his the deceased anTsympatby for the sorrow. day� The aerr-1 quiet wedding was 'consummated at the who is well kn�own in this t4?v from Th home family. ng -vb, e to, ba passed'on, and, as it is reaeonabble to Editorial, Not" S. Papal Court. `Before lapoinginto.unconsci- residence f r. and Mrs.- Sandford He withheld nothi -in relatives. conacqueneel of a vtry foall-sh and improvf_ *id Comm t 0 A4 Albert MeXton, ouegess the dying Pontiff f6ebl Stokes, that, w'' Id add to the comforb of one nor miws. sery e at the suppose that each one wilt ba the subject of King'Edward is announcea to- 6 11. moved his I -Mr.: Campbell of New )�ork cit we ta- Goderlob, when Miss Mary Ueredith yt (lent bargaive, by which he gai-e tip all claim lips, his last artieitilate words 'being thowe Rparad, xpense in promoting the education who wa8 *at one time one - of the publishers to -1m lengthy discussion, it looks am if the see- acti , takes, their only daughteri'beca i a considerable turn f on wbi-ch will -realtly please me the wife 0 money or virtually all I DYA I US' i Iec *lno wkre�`a b ed in bestowing a benediction, Gradually and � If are of the otheri The funeral on of the Heneall -,Observer, was in the village Willims, Daly sion may extend well into September, The teetotalers. A naval officer wrote to hi the shadow of death spread oiar th was largel f Mr. Win. X. McNevin, *a miller at the Tues d attended. The remains for &'couple of days last weak renew Do consideration, 'X 6 molal wam -a finin, Of bearers were e Po $500, to which Tho- titled un- Dtiff,' )h0arbor mill of that town. Rev. W. H. mas wasi en + to- bominion Parliament. his ertremitlet; became cold, his feat we intanoeo. Dr. Maodiarmid left lhiellrge on der his father's will.` This me a champion. ti majoBty asking him if he would issue an r rot eir to St. Tames' church, Seaforth.. qual L. )r ur Graham, past�rof Victoria street Methodist ney was to be Wa8ting institution. In this it, is gr ig der that when his health mod the the rigidity of death, and the from ence, after the funeral service, they Wednesday last t -o spend, 4 week or two was toasted It ch, performed the ceremony, y his b �dhur ee paid him b. rollber John, who bad1n. doctor in attendance noted his last flutter. were t an to St. James? cometery for in- a W 10 -,e �c herited thaie fatherls farm John %duca y e. The King re ligi ng D emulate very- Closet the Im -Jarnes M Craoken,­sr., � while pagal well carned holid ys ith relatives and Ou c aurl -Miss-Billings of Whitby is 'visiting Tbomas, who was Do _-r - perial Pa�rlfi�- not be drunk in win ing hearbbe&ts, which gradually became down the bill to Sal1ford bridge, ono day ro. R. M bri lit to 0 a torme The pall bearers were Xesars.. friends. �e lady ilow 0 9 a& Billings, manager of sign all through his secretay that the lorda thl er. and slower, until they i6nally ergusoll, M. Rowland, John Br d. her broffier, Mr. H. 2110 enemies� admira il�y 6 . stop- cently, had the misfortune to fall th agreement givin u is claim o, I would not like his inter e inE e pod. The last foot, omas McFadzean, St con&.cious sot of the ophen Lamb ths Molsoam Bank. -The families of W�Iliam by issuing orders, but he Pontiq wheel he was riding, the result being a sen- agmejn- to work or his this legacy, and would :U was. and Jo McKinnon - The Manitoba Pr oVincial, be gla le the mortal and J. C. Stoneman u n r Ap �,turn his eyes towards the great bus fracture of the hip bone. and whi and thefr eistor, Mrs. brother, in ret r fAD7r w ic e was -tore. their great bere, Mr. Mo- remain i of one so w have it eirculited p ivately that he consi er cruaMt on'the wall, after Which he suffered Craokeu, thong ro uch all and widely known Thomson, together with visitors, spent a oeive board and clothes I M are a Mi tted to the tornb;, a loving and very pleasant 4 a M 8 0 a with a bravery that will xe- lasted. After some years i4mas began to The Ma�itoba Provincial elections on ing it in watDr as by those using wine. be hich bi ' I f rtun ay lastr week at Grand Band. -le Alex. Electiona. ed a toast a3 honored by those drink 1rom a Oaroxyam of chokibg, during w. 11 getting up in yea' , bears 11 On As the money n passed aay, asting memory will long live In the hearts, -A numbeir of other familie's also. enjoyed realize that there w a c6nilitione ill thin i duce tha days paquirad for the fracture to �ay Yvere a surpria bricK e to every perRon, Pope Leo XIII. was'born 'in Central Italy, knit. Sad IiV�a Of the many who now feel ths't a their annual picnic last week at Dryedale, batgain which di� naT rend ib ery ad- X H-Uggius, r he OLtiwa Free Press very properly. ka ly %I on the 2nd of March, 1810, fhoeod a useful life has been taken fr and spent a very pleasaulb outing. -Mips Ir I vaift&geonsto him, a& he br )u, suit to fore, 93 years of age. His' p%ren pathy Smith, who wKs -her on a'vialt from Lon- met it What manner of men can, theyj ave I . T om b to were ham ban again changed hands. Mr.Joseph r The action wo6s ried itit Strat. -A verY sail Mhe 1�ahlin Government has been Butai He, was, there- he Stewart farm, at the east of Wing- by au-overwhelmfn� �dat� and whose heartfelt sym g niaJoriby Every mom. 'd ricken London, Oqtario. ? Here, is a protest Ma Count L6uis Pecol and Anna, Fromperl, both Bow;Zn has: sold his farm to Mr. James goeso b in 11' sincerity to the grieftat don, bas returned. -The orop in thi Justice, Falcql abridge, arid bar oUthe Governmenb has been� e a see- ford b Chief y red on, tbe -C. P. tion are looking welland give promise of a judgment was deliver d at 0 good Hall, in zvorning kaN a looted, of patrWan blood, and of families that had- idow 'nd family in this their krepairable In the local school bosrd, au the Dd' t Armour of East Wavranob, nd the new loan whffe.the,o#ty grou Liberals of - note who have given to the service of Church and State p ieI0, -7Miss -Smith. of 4xeter, was in Toronto, on ANIouday, �iviug no given a 6on many able sons, The Pecoi famil Roman Catholic should be' roprictor will got Possession next. spring. lie plaintiff all. on the high ri Green- laef Olief freight tr aurvired the 'vote are Hon. Thomas tract by the boaid. Imagine each a pre 0.9. of the ?Ideab of the Sienna nobility. y is One Mr. Bowman receives In the neighborhood the Village reoently visitin�. hbr sister, Miss be asked, the $500, with six y, ars' 1 king of a colD jitching into th am, young Pe way, the I -and Ron. 0. J. Miokle,, one teroug proposition, generally extended -in all In bapti Coll recif able increaeb In the price paid by Mr. Bow �-If yc�' try as hard to get the fullefit �,alue ff had r�isedj. eader, of $6,000 for the place, which ka a consider 0. V. Seeds an� Mifig Emma ard $50 damages for that ved the Welsh of London, are vititlng�their parents,. The father Mr. and 44re. Richard Wolah;'-Mies Ethel of these two broth6r, the a at out of: of his- lieutenants. The, Count now star matters, affacti6g our. social economy. -hivn Vincent Raphael Aloyalititv V4uetome last winter. which the plainti s I ids, name of Jose 06 Conservatives, ;'nine, Liberals ; threws till areasoning bigotry was ex m6t, His mother called him in the days -of his wur money as the E. McFaul Co., Ired farmer three men A6nd time suA u man to Mr. Colwill ka spending a Week or so with and lived in and is Will 11% -On July 4th, John Karney, formerly of Seaforl , try to put the greatest valjie into friends in KincarAine e left men were charged with �ep in chi dbood Vincent,'and as such he was vhe7th concession of Grey, paid nature's your d, liars, ihoyPli helve -3 your trade, Nab Miss %z*;l Tait, of London, has been spa tha payment rh : Nviid M ladoubt,andtwo eleotioneyet to.bah I AnOttaws correspoi0eall directs atten a)1d SOuthampton.- -his farm to bin aqn Jon by ild. known to were gel all, until the time his,studies Were nd, The - bhr4e Winnipeg constituencies *ent tion to the eomewhat remarkt c6mplated, when he assumed hi's first name, �fter being in poor I health for some time. !6verythfng needed in Carpets, Our. or two with her aqut, obt at his borne ab Fowlerville, Michigan, o'y in ne di-partment will they have it, f this legacy to Thom". a Conservative, the Hon. J. A Cam kbIw facib t but for the past week ero�u er- Joachim.. Madame Peodi was., a very no- tod Thor. orile. Mzc.Uillau, Dui I 0-t lHe w�s about 90'years of age,and is eur. taina, I �'ejm Goodgt Millinery, and iv -fact 4had a fine crop of all kinds ol small fruits, ther resignasio of Hon. Mr. Blair is the Wre. Neelauds.-Mr. Peter Triggenson has defe; ocassion in the history of Canada h thre ur Dry Goods. 1850- Smale, Yarm Attorney -General, being ated in 6 c6mpliwbed lady she know how to train her ived by his wife, two moos and for all P hild, and the ambitioull mother,even in Winnipeg. The- people of Nanitdba -Mies L. J� MCI, 86140M 1 augbters, Mrs, Win. Hoy, of Wait and is now harvesting large q4anbitiea of BLows, minister of the crown br6ke'away 0 on, a NOTI�'4,-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hdmilton of Poter camVilibmall W those early days,'plauned a gres, in tovvn,-I)r, Moutgomar who 'his I in -o anything by1alves. eceftse -Seafort a t future for d fine raspborries.-R Two aughter, attended the funeral. D , ov. Mr. Sawyer of as, from his colleagues may that she had no as an old resident of Grey, who move my vrith Mr. and Mra. bef n compelled by il or -9 to her boy And who will 11, spent und t.0aboat aid I Govern e -worth, elections ago days' noti Owl& p ure Carmel abandon his Brucefield, ocoupi6d.�ho pulpit of in ichigan a few years ago. In his earAler Consta: 19 question of poliok. Mini part In making the brillianb future that w mddical practice In Mitaen r the present, the Grten Mont M80 a bl istare. have Id't ov d T. M, '�amflton. Mrs,! A ichard Hotbam of church on Sabbath Idst, delivering excel- jq:� I - really lutstore for him ?_ She bad lihn undor and who has boon at h1s f4ther's th the vil- weep, there, being nab more t an h�lf ' )ON and Mr. an4 Mrs. George Dalton a ernments before. minist aye be wa quite a sportsman, of M it( bell, were visitidg Mrs, M, Drake on sermons, -Mise Iffary'ey is in Egmondville ers have gone on her Care for only eight years, and yet in visiting hot ziater, Mrs. R, Bast. to Graven - dc tt lage for some weeko, has gon' -The emlor _�en Q�nservativea elected, 8 rike, ministers have beld up ,he prom er 0:30, o'clock on Friday morn - the follow- -About I this week on Sundaj �-Mr. George Tiott, of Hansall, who in W ial and religiou that sho�t time her good w burst. He i Belle SpArks' returned to Lon - in* election, without any, apparent cause ra arackets of. as tbe'lre- work, as done so og 10th insb.j the boiler In the grist mill a said to10 in 6 �angorous con. Com any bad thoroughly th _h alone has be(� in the"village for the paeb four or don lasteek afterf"vififting her parent#, - medial bill, drove ministers out of the. v- at when he went fort dibion.-Mr. John U.. Xalul, principal of th-i + 6t Bluevale exploded, wrockitig th4 mill five we, iks, taking photographs, lefb last Sot. Mr. G p been in vioe, Were Completely- f4uruedt and the his,feet mever strayed from thepsth she had tty had the misfortune to looms ind giving at least three men CI ornment, but there is no ins the 800 schools, is spending lit@ vacation 090 calls for urday, 4nd will now spend some time at the riends.-Mr. Russet Brown, Mias Liberalat came back with only aboi,' ny marked"oub for him. Last it, a dozen minister, a4 already. said,, resigning, o a roll of bllle� havloo ulled them out'of his heir liven. A boiler had been Installed,and end. Mr. 8 with his f "Af the Adpar if= Vincent Pacci was -on am Webb who was visim hip pocket when taiking oub the key of bin seatI, while Ot the electfoji on Monday they question of policy., ly eight years of age in Brown and Miss Robirfiion, ot� Brussels were as. only it I . I i operation the second day,, WbA ionds lb Moose jaw, and Mr, Wm, Fell shop door, and althbu b a reward is offored, in the village Sunday. -Our 4ty I*f t1he fo wh&n he lefb his fat did not fare even: so well. bees house and his ith 80 PoulidN of steam up, and rated to villagers we mothees arms to goto the Jesuit College at who w visiting fri nds in,041gry, have re, to the finder e date of wrWng the' treated to I's surfeit of phoAlograph . music nitpba correspondent s diapdoed' to Judging, fr AM&' arry 150 pounds, the explosion took turned 1hom am outside appearancea the t gan his course in Italian Both report having had a money. has ti�t fieedreturued,-Mrs. Thomas' laab week by a medic'mo vendqk, It amused 4wided to lay 10 alaut trip, el Riblin Goiernpenb had anything- athw little boys. -Smoking has peou but a good kick againit the aesdimpt' a at the "t Latin and Greek. I a hort time be dis- flx a plly, a y pi Murray, of Owen Sound, 16 vinibing her aid- me a very tur-ned, On VI erbo, and he lac E ithoutanywarning. The engine had Pbeene ver h4a built the- railwa f he orbh topped to nd!Mr. Warder, who TILE W10111EN'S INSTITUTE, -On Monday, kud ye or t popular habit with the villal West. biDguished himself by his study of the Mi a enbie 'Murray.. -Mr. Goo. record, btt it� Blooms to satisfy the people 'Of proprietor, and Walter Patterson, the'ex- July 1 6 J o� boys betwee wc, in W legat6s men do they obtain their suppil contradiobion of this hi classic#, and, later, he wan as successful in M loses 'Hunter and Reynolds, two �joynt is spending a week 6r t was ba- _T6 tomierance elemenb y ,,It its kerienced engineer, werengsged in setblag of the Luck. eight and 16 years Of Age. Why I Ho- taken bu tr p ]Its at t t out by the Ontario Do. no reito6rated th is the opin _h1losophy an he had been with the cifte'sica.... 0 engine to r W. -Miss Woods, of Paisley, was ly !of algarett4w, in juppe-3ed to b�-!,Very" ktrin' ion in ome Mini@. 19 or It was partme of Agriculture, visited Stsff& here heed -ad. -avd + he friends of Mrs. Peter Mel- ceillent as may be ganged from the Uct that he nly place they could have boon to escape, aftermo session Mini, Hunter gave an -in. in town for a good shoemaker. At 0-48 -objeoting work was How sudoessfu a is fitudies ortunate it w�s to, for it was about the Intereft 01 Of thO w6men's institutes.- Ab the 'Pherson. -T opening 9 But the West'has built its own railroads, I he ; a with all h in the laab week visiting her cousin, Mine Ella Me- tobmcvo��and.'pipev ? I�arenta thould al dd Roblin. was oufy in power a few month know thin.-Thero. is an ex ville will be plemeed to learn that she is re- ith a terribli report, heard for milev, the oreeb talk on the preparation of some, of torY a -ad he '-a; well as made the companies w ich operate, leading a large class -of rho t when he turned them down most unmercl- them, rich'enough td�build ols whers, W , toric, had o tered Italian, wan a Latinist to the cbre and covering nicely from her sellioul illuessi- -time we had two good shaVe, §ut -now there r fully and brought down upon him thei ome of the boiler went skyward,' and was gave twenty-fiv million acres of our b t wrQto Greek wl our cc on foods, which was, followed by Among other engagements �meb woe is none in thin line of bu�lno Tliere re th faoilit .. His taste seem- Pound east of Joseph Leech's residence,wil nile aom�e ouq I' d, for our first greaV railro,d add i to worked so hard , Sion. Miss Reynolds read band proVided the M k, our severest madedlerRibe, and it was thought b id to be innf.vernal, and d several good shops vaabt, a rarq th d mold ab pricA8 f Other portions, of , 0 e wreck w' ualoat programme, Ing 12, ore 'lifted I:nn gaper ttowing the great influence of our ta, lawn goo Our tQwn,-Misa R. Xaino, to cher Varth that at the, first rom four to 11Pwouty d 1, at science that he 'took firob'bonors for weetward across tjh� street and ovdr the ome's; -1 hoodly's in Tucker- 6PPortuaity they would fare an j ial of Mr. 0 Ab o -it !upon film. the, acre, Since then,. wehavl§ made ma�'hy chemistry and physics slid was notlar be- dr.roundings, In the evening Miqm smith, JMuch oradib Bay, in visiting under thq pa et&l rot, -punishment h� deserved hotel. "The building v as almoobdemolished, wan given -the band for other liberal donations until �16, have vile- hiiia in Zhe Reynol,!;'. discussed the work by the liffor 'in the guest maticv.-'� His keen er of atthpir hands. The oppor Intellect end will be a soriousil lose to the- proprietor,' Insti the 6Xcellent selections they reuderd.-.1-1r. M1811 Ruth Cart tul 9, and gave eo �newl bunitppame on' coaded In getting rid., ioihis.Zi f eighty and calm ressoningpowers made )hiloso. me prictical ouggevil- oseph Harvey hae beeii spending the set of Miss Maggie- e fStmers -Dats pa. tyj�di p ho.'had spent -considerable lately in fixing ionsfor ��arryiog on this work, Although are very V" bughe milllonacres of the Moot ds in the pby, ior him-, a delightful' study, Honors I week with.his aono, in the busy bsyllog, the was ther be -Ing or.- UonOy laott and the result ohoWir-that th ey U�i , - up. Mr. Pdttor' rece ve a ou To wntship of . monq e at tit t fell thick upon'him end at the end-lof three ead, and Mr, Warder also receiv*d some min Weismiller was' cellent-for, this purpose. We not a factor in the =`Intobt. All, the V t on his th indance wa4 small, the interest' Stanley. -Master Will' World, Railroads cost I d would.b temper&nce in the uIld a few. The :Wee a rely as yoars,he was appointed Ropititor ohown i BUtitf, N4 and flad"Opendent the in Ripley and Kincardine last week. �-Xr. re German (1ollege, where only. the *choicest of candidates built its own roads, yen, and a g at a I ruises o6 his arm. It was bad en-4ugh, but organk g of a branch !not-itute for the diq- Thomas Higgine, barrister of Toronto, was Tuckeramit were. defeated, some of them n6i sain 'their of tbom of the Haet'too.� would have been uoh,worse had any of the trict, vp �ch will m6et on Wednesday afti-r- in the village durin .9- the; ecclesiastical atudentsof Gormanyi F40aj� *r 1000 ot iree men been. �k �Iled. Thebollerwaal I W 0 th6 past week, visiting' WEST D T depoaita', whiler Roblin and hia'Go7eramenb, 6paitted, after a severe "competitive exam. a ng is nearlt Ray 1* too w full noon, J y '29th, atithe residence of Mr. D. his sister, Mrs. McKay, finished, and most of the f wheat, wiliah Per Ion nou ol water at the ti'e of the explosion. Hills, this meeting, the object-@ and ben- of Austral M who have proven therneelven'. �trovgly anbi� inaition, - He was a perfect Classical scholar, la, was in the village this week, Word was received 60 Satur Bi tererm of the y eflti of inabitute will be discussed, and a, fair scientist and an able philofophor. a heavy crop, will be ut 'a week.--w-*- visiting his brother, Mri Wm. McKay, prin- te mperance, havo been sudden death- of Mr. J&2 I r fluata(* by a; over- Meg a e�,- e the nStT of new members received, mallacome and family Vio ted Mrs n ippen. -Mrs. or., ngtoa. The u: are !of gan to atiidy theology at the"Roman College, bu �; The uture, Pontiff was o IY IS when he'be- oipal of 'our pubJio Fohool.-Mips Worthing- Turner Is, d it W leln�-iog majority. for, South Welli p ot weA� ID H cc it ton of Clinton, bas been vialbing Lhe Mibsea at I ego" t, mm asfn�nor and Conveyancer. visiting friends in London 11 -Rev. Col. and at MoBwan -and Mien U he sad event ill be found in a 21 he graduated as Doctor of Di- �4118; moaYagagea and Oeeds drawn up, Money losued Lake4et, MCDO gall, -Mr Har� A. Allan f a opeading this wee -D I -boine er vinit 0. lit The Mini rial Umn. Mr. Innis, it ee'nie',left hia home �ffk final studies were made In bhe at the lo -vest rates of I Interest, 17404f old of Wingham,; formerly of Hensal has in (joderich, txpana.tions- Academy of Nobleti BREE,, 8,-Hayliog Is aboub a thing of 'the i Arqj);iVarb#4 Guelph on Monday to visit all NOTES.' Rev, -Mr. McNeil, of Bayfield, pavt, fo­' nother year, and Ili moot casell.the Myer BI-% d - The explalpatioasconcerning, the rinigna- Id,firlend i Af bar a iery difi.bingulahed career, he was will condueb the aervices in St. Andrew's crop in tter than anticipated, Whest, is 0th7 Read Blair, Ministe Newfoundland. He. got as farJ. as. Sidney,` elected to plie high pospion which was vs. Church next Sabbath.-Mr.'W. r in the. Dominion, Governmen were ath on Monday, in February, b wristerf-of the American So&, wag in thin pant yo, in,this locality. --Every one fro Ca e Breton, and remaining there ovbr catd�by his do M. Doig, being at i i but Is not up bo the average of Zo made uig�t was found diad in his bed 1878, in V cinity this week, shaking hands aturday N i 'ht .in the House, on Thurmday 6i last' week. lowing day. He left' home ap on the fol- with old Howick, I was In Harrfaton last Monday. Saj& the befit ;f health and spirits.' �tly in fAiendr. Mr. Doig looks as If Yankee air The cro i � thore was something ego ex-plapati6na did. not thrbw, on the Pare: death wonder6l.. Th ]�Uroft No mireed with bin� i He enjoys of Mr. Innin removes an' a large prac- The Ore o jem6n have LO*_�DO�V- All that was do otlizor of the, old A -Mighty' force when subfeet much n W light ne tne in th6 SOD, mod says the They ';-lgbam,s i4g.-Mr. JobnMicGregor, jr., who bas been would n1c bB in ib wit guard of politicians In this roVince -Tuenday,Auguab 4th,will be W; klaoo Is boom- the roll s'ealled. We tihink H611fiall'a crowd was to officially confirm what had al'ready From 7 to M30 -are now be,comjng fe W6 Civic holiday. h: Harriston's might h d represent- y a first read a ed South - 'Wellington for, 4 y a -Four hundred baskets of, Cho 00 a vihit to frjeikda in Manitoba, ore were. NOMO Sixty Jodge# in re, been made publ, o. Th Premier an a rrie red throng, b to li-ic a were generally understood h in one day r h6me last week,16oking well �aftpr trip, the par d -Mr. H. Torrence, the famed statement to the effect. that on laccouht of cession and It was shipped from Goderic ch he enjoyed very much, b t he still et t, buys up all the atodk in this P that he was booked for the 8 a -The Sovereign Bank Is ma�ing 1 auction' ODA a. He had a differene of opinion between 'Mr, Blefir =pe: 11w Ontario.-;-.4he �garden lar y, held on vicinity, He and Mr. Gillen ship from Cli& Snaps' thae It are Bound to Bring the 'tjrowd, or of 'the L mento for the erection of a n9w bui e lawn of been'editor and chief �roonl :�POIiCY, Guelph Mercury f Clinton. or many ye Id lf�rmar had ltb, on-TueairdY' evening,'undet the sun- or t th 8 )rfngbank butter factor Ten pieceslFactory Cotton to go a' c a ro, but for rJ�amea Chean y, Tucker. ford evbr� week.- Mr. Yohoin, who hauls and his colleagues oh their rapw&y. or, ldi�j in- C' felb 16 his duty', to'-"Wit4draw some time1ad not.�beeu- eng -Some parties broke 'in sin had ed- in any to the hotel at P�cca of the Miesion Band, eam 1) 1 1 yo Puts a yard. lion, one nig wits a very a runawa the other day Whit a.edordingly dun ftomhe Goveram enb, and ha uniness. He was a 'good an 'successful W11 lit ree.ently, and carried off mAd pti ewsrape man "a qu successful Offaii- On &000unb the b6s Mr. Kr� ler's. cream il�e hot in getting Eight cent Fri W"k an lnfluenl�ial and use. d y eon tantity of liqu'or sqore in the Cellar. and sea b we nts, fast colors, to go at 4 cents was 4ollowed by whole rion, has tifere .8�nejwise have beei4, buo still cream ta was smathed' the cream spilt in fast colors, to go at 4 cents a yard. in tendered his rosiRnation and th� resignation Person"lly he woe genial, r-TheColborne hotel, in Goq a there wa ot so largean at�ednance an freighten and broke their tie rope, The had been accepted. This -.a would, ot Eight cent Sheetings, scaled, generous man and1w" greatly ;hmn han4e. The nevF proprii �d ere was a W13 a tor in Mr. tj nice! rowd and all � �secpad to all diree a And one of 'the bonwk ja blind gh Muslib"', half price, 4 cents a yarcL further'explanations from Mr. BImir bimsel beloved by all who j yed b� Acquaint- themselves �o the full. The ladies one, badl huip, It win cost Mr. Yohoan f, Byers, Of Lobdou. at ]a, Ei t cent Art in which he f ally and i alearly ex lained his ;His death willbe deeply�zepretted by ��Mr. A. -Porter, 11 rmer Goderich boy, w io'had charge of the good work are to be some $50 to 341c One dollarNack Silk, to be sold just for these hours to so. osition, and read the correspondence large circle of admirers and friends. died on Friday, loth'i �inst,, in pay for the smaahup,-A lot of P Texas. De- ocngratulated that their efforti: property a changing heads In this - vicinity Ceased had 6on fr�i poor health for some bave been Th bad passed between himself and tfie prem� tf us appreoiate& The proceed# amounted at prosen Mr. George Greg sold his 200 lins,,96t half price, 121c, A case of, couaidera� zoo" zone� nte ;$t to hotel time. td. $43. -Mr. Thomas Doig. who has re farm. hismonJ.P.,for 10,000. Mr. All our, 215c,lvfus "Id I From Mr. Blair's relmarks,' an well nd4b,oro, Weigh Soales Compan tructing the young Idea how to shoot In D knees of Bel keepers was deof ­-Thd LO been so 0 1 ded- by the, Divisloilal, y in* I Fancy Oolored Silk t t-; - A is dges at Torpnto, last 3 grove, sold rllm u a toblet, all f Zrom the correspondence, it is - court havedeclared their firstraividead, at the A4,goma for the pa�t six mont 1,000 vards to fbe put o t o ade per - wee hotel keep- rate of 28 'or -cent. It be, f� i borne far In Dickett 6r $10,000; 1 me k 'b fectl cloar that there was p must be a paying in. Sh6uld make a ig rush for 100 a yard, re ad befvre t We holidave, Mr, Richard � �mlllfo of farm w# ought to years ego by M . Hark- larBIg bore visiting �is. motber, emo, c 8,500, Mr.- Frank Clegg. old his on all lines for the houtly sale." Cleveland, Ohio, it 0 no di.le nee of or was bonv�clb Ice agiS, VeStMeDt. f opinfoat betwean himself and his afleagues for violatio G d lit 'hi of- a rule �Rrg 66TnzQM(Lee)18ri1C owns 1f voteW not contains * I- James Smillieg and other !fric.Dds,- frm to N Huth for 15000, and tb other -for Vr" n p rt, 1 -*142 in rt - 20 and - 4 F+` mer8 have be A A A 04A� 6 P,,,, r i demand Vr" on any other subjeeh than the railway PC'- ade -by the license.-commi ai ners of the en busy with th ir bay for d ohn Hamilton sold his 200 acre in 6 r ha,laat few we nty e in part S 56 t eke and many ba fey, an#1 "tit gible to act aj that on every other subject,f ,ey- cot, to th I iffect that game o c th,3 crop farm t r. Henry Dettman for $$500. were pbrfectly In accord. tnobboph edwithinfice -An apold ivhIch, migh' 5 oly housed, but there is still to of ba The Go in us In this vidinity are out 310sipg my no d promises, e b easily have in this vicinity to be saved, ho y In ffie first via o all of tl e other nationalities In game p stall nt" 4ppened- on the 16th con- k %" Highest PrIOCS 'R21d, for Pro�duza. ae, Mr. Biair s' date.rmin-' rho layed, wan a g sc y ih wh re. Gode6 may the he to r h township, on -Tuesday to - many years, -Rev. J. S. H' $Me �yvrop is the mo abundant ing the, 1i es an adding to their p uperty. e(Ity 6pposedato the conatrdetion of a new The'hotel keeper appealed from 1he debision anion of Orson, -of -Mr. '(11 Mrs. fennox, of Wingliam, visit- Oom Quebec to Monckton, as he' con- of the P6 to to the'eolunty judge, afternoon of l4eb week. lroyouno daugh- Hensall, conducted thi In the ed their r �lative out here on Saturday,- ) road lice magistral ters of Mr, Ch a. Beacom were . driving to who quaabod the codieition on the grounds M 4hodist church here Ise ab �b, In -the There I t e, u tenda ihat such a, road 'will occupy territory Clinton� when ot 9 of the tu hitch- nowl, 4earobing for horson in 11 go came. un that the commissioners,had, no rl , abjaence of the pawbo to I aw 90" orablonial 11bu d I t I r, Rev. Mr. to support thq. Tat a w. M, r, this di ti t.' Ypur stout man h is been which A-- Me ROYD t to pass such a. regulation and eC:u 0 On ed, causing the b )roe 60 k and break the Hindersbu'o many fr 'a and Pic he Ion& here were pleas d rou%d g king them U). -Tho 1! injure, thot road and redu held tha� euchre was whirl bhe buggy ro d,, topsae-11in looking so well, aft -sr in visit t Rev M lbod te chblc cc it to a game aft, and thei un 0, aroun skill, eAd 0 Lev, oonel formerly of AyInur,18 the throwing the girls out, but one of thoul lbb Pacifi3 Comet. -Min Carrie Kehoo, ol now' M odist �ministor herq. GARDNO 13LO011; fi V,l 68 5 rtno bf teo' roi -M RiLY, 1903 M T' --W 1 8 T. F .7 2 9 3 14 11 12, ! 13 I - I 14 16 ['22 16 - 1.7; 18 19 21 23 24- 25. 27 28 29 30' ................ 31 sithply a road fo ij� r . Cal tliafflo. in' the aeo. Thblioenseinxpeotor pluckilyjamp0dup and caught the horse, 84afdrb who had been spendfull i a 'Week .1 100b a giame of chance. I i ond place he I's opp'o -the decision of bhe coutiby, thus tEAFORTH'S LEADING SHOE c-%"rORE. sod t�., -the Govern eat! appealed hom provanti#g a4unsway. Beyond a bad here wi the Mins6a Mettle, hai k,returned ndge �o.ths higher court ! at Toronto, and on scare and a bro�en� buggy no damag W h construabing-a portioa of the trauscoiti an a as ome. at load 'of 'C' as.giventhab the con- 'done-. a priv4to com X viotio6 of the Poli e Magistrate alkould be -Mr.'Hi EAe�nedy, butter Maker for &y. to Saturday a decision w tal ko&4 and giving to n powers to constfoot,the remainlu oro imstalued, and the judgmenb quashing. it Holmesiville Walton. Fre-,-e,,..8hoe' Polish on 9 t�otoryc was married - at St. in tiOo' and leasing the,� Government porti to lot aside* In thus hold by the court, Thomse, on J41y 8th, to Miss M. AconONT,-011 S&tttrd�,V afternoon of itaies there w R%beboul laeb wee firpt, Climb 00mmissioeore have the powerto -in estimable Johnnie, bbe little son of Mr. sma Mv thi, private owners 0 the remalader Of th oung lady of that city. Make a repl4bion -such as that referred to, �Mr. Ed. lPryans, Win, Tiylor, 9th conoessfon,' Morris, Meb ruef i�, r6�aa.:' He would be'willing for ihs' Gov Sin and secondly, that W Greyt has retarnhil turday om an exteboad trip to the old country, with a I Overe accident. While eDgaged in ding bl's vi% the ga 6 of e0chrin must fr a driving 4 horse rake be raked over is nest of to undertake. the constmobion an�' be ranked as a game of hauce� �Perhaps He took his visited :xbez d our mint wheel with him, mad some will feel disposed to dfipute� this , I"b bees, i ;ihich immediately attacked the - 1-T j�jj--j Bell And I X M'" operatjon f the whole road from Queb o tO Many polntq� 0f interest in Scotland and Ira- at the re"� andto delegate the conabru ion even in the face of the decision -of land. horse, I �inging it and causing it to run the raciflol 0 0 V wow A.WWU 0111 V .-4 Ail; J14 sue who, perhaps, have never. r, Ed. , COLO, who -ly disposed ay abGuo and operat an to a commission Appoi recent Q. -morrow (Sattlycl ) wilt De, 0110e roll to nte by, enjoyed a game of euchre. of his harneswilau. rake, head coming In contact with a Riwood tp�nt NEW ADVERT11SEI&ENTig siness in Crediton, has me- bhe Government and to b customers paying CASH on' Saturday, we- have, I botti,6 of j;hoe; a responsible t� the cured a poBition in a wholesale hardware, stone.w Ith'suoh. force as to render hi Lennox in 11110 a f4rumbetween the pAranthm" attay asob Government. he would be illi�g t In referring to the raidis4lbution"of Huron Ldmdon, and lmoved his family to- that city. cousoio4o for aboub throo hou ra. He is now polish" to give away on Saturdayt as follws 8,0061165 she V.aga of the ppar on which recolver�10gpd hopes are entertained that ault Ste. Mar. te-hand the whole bhf nk over to a private in' far Dominion election purpose" 1 the -Clinton. -The trial iof the striking moulders for -,cash purchase of $1.50 or.over, will bo' given' her choice I Every lady making a dyerd06mentwill be: found no seriv is r6pultsill follow. nassaulting a i9an on the nighb of the 13, h. pany,,to be bound by such restrieti n �n Now Bra says thab the divisi6ii adopted by BRix -Mr, and Mrs, DaviO Campbell of a bottle of our special Oil Shoe DreSSing-, oriaibox of Shinolg, hem on Sundki 31ow.Would You Like It--Gralq & Stewart -4 inat" at Winj-ham, tdok place there on Fri - I PhenQtninal Ws --W; Pl6kard, & Co. -5 condiftuns as. thi the committee and which v�e ga�ve,, to, have rolurned from a two months' visit with the modern paste polish'. a Government might #a fi at day, before Major Vabstone and Magistrate Saturday Night Stle-Learoyd & Go -4 to iMPD88, and "the Governmoub to unran week, is not the'diviision fa'Viored by the Dulmage, 00o of:the strikers was flued $10 fri�nd !in Minnesota, Manitoba and tiw�' Every lady making a c e Northovi at Territories, and reporo : I P Willis & Son -4 Conservativ and a plossatit ash purchaso' of $2.50 or ovr, wil too 'the bonds of the po on. - Says oar contemporary costs. St an for tb trip,-' Ve are sorry to hear that Mrs. Thos. 25 cent bottle'of 20th Venturj shoe dressing,. 4 -The Turn�berry voters' list for 1903 has rhunee_.- 1; Cleariz g, gide--ars. G. Raird-8 whole� roate to the er The' suggoated in writing that the West b rinted, " he 111b contains a to Hollaw! is not enjoying very goo bInt of @event y hub we Oore rhe will Roon. recover. -The' Every man buying a pair ol Fine Shoes to the value of $2.150, will be given M -J. McArthur -9 riding remain . as it is ab presont'with the v term, Voters for Legislativre Me fault +.a find V­ BAUk per cenb.,of'.the cost of construction. 9,,' 1- Girl'W luts4­vra. Parkes. -8 addition of Wingbaw and Blyth to It, t at bly% ly, 5 5 for municipal elections only, OY ed a In 4 25 cent bottle of Trilby Polish h Hanoi %Wccurt Notice -J, few cag where farmers a to bay- HAV*7 '011 Own U-2 -A. Xoung-8 should be 14eferred for at toast nti- the East should geb McKillop and that mber of persons qualified as. b Ing now almost flaiah X Alba maintai ed.that t6 6 &1 dsatermin I �a a year, all The ba I= XeplaSyrup-A. 0. Ault --8 in a are 38 Ing ope, Ations to out their fa -11 wheat, Both- The above named dressings are the best on the marketi and �Vill not il�juT�.YOUr bhe Goverl6ment should have more thereat should remain in the a6uth. If 0 seair, dedniti are an *eellent crop and the 00t, toot of eattle� Bro" Thomas Tift,'of the Bribish -Ex- their suggestion had bee'n accepted, ib a We the tbr hing wbiatle shoes. YO M(W - misforoune P will soon Pe board, � in fwffon An t-9 'a PX, UaLannan-6 infor�natioin on the subject before. they 66in Is change hotel, Goderich, had the t i Clara (4--fiemittlie Bros --s would have made the at �irtually a con- th a make room order t thresh oub e wh at't Special prices on all Fine Shoes all day. Satia-rday. Come na see. Pro to trip 'on on upstairs-abop, on Tuesday w mitt0d themselves to an will W lsh,4-R� Willis 8OU-9 y ?scheme. Ti4 servative hive, for the addition of Wingham as well i for oth grain, ev@ning pf last week. In falling her left wriab Govern would hmWe added aboub 126 of a conserva. TnE ATE MR M(,,Doiq�Ll). ++++-I I Mont, however, bav!4g decided r otorO�-A. G. Stuillie-4 W . was broken and her face considerably -The people I majority to it and It would have made Dr d.'- of this 10il3ity 1e'arned with deep ragreb of Big Baja­Ama% lawraoco-5 the '.other plan, tfiat it, to 1coustrueb th bruia� ars�W. S Ruby -5 road from Moucktan bd Wiunf�eg, and 111are, last week. Wan$ed rsk�6 Mmod 'Ids non-tesident in his own con The voter)e list for Grey township for the sudloen death of Mr. Lewis! McDonald, -�W. Thl Th ' f ob that the Vew 1kryle.-A, the same to the GrAnd, et occurred on Saturday even- e ci Conearvativ6- Id03 la in the hands of the olork, being firab which 4d ev R, WILLIS SON, S f6 r t h Trunk Pacific, �Wh posat-would, )For sale-,-Mrp. J. P. Brine -5 ligitlate' Dr. MacDonald sted - tip on Wednesday of ]eat week. Ing Iasi He had been bout his Custom ry Fathor We �o Rent -4 -Thomas Patton -5 of his riding and make West Huron a when Te D"hwo0a; ii] will c6natruct the Obbet part of the road an Mt 12 !names In parb 1 109 in. part duties #util Tuseday afternoon, here are 94, operate the whole . roe' C' rvatiY6 hive in hardly sufficient reason Sole Agents 1or the Slater Shoe for wen and th Empr SO'Shoe f6 women.' oafs Ur.�'Blair ha u( and 16 in part- '111. There arei 671 comPla 060 of not feeling very well. On 0 ther course lef b to h fot rejectf fig i b, mIthough it would be almon Thurnd Jy he was stricken with par&lyai Ira' bu� io resign ro ad to &at as jurors, arunnipg con atura..'for a the Cabivet, as be could" nob racoucile 'imA. ng and McGinnis were c ix been spending the pait week; or two with ntir to human u The order of services In the Methodist! Dre, Ir ailed in, 001hmitt8s haiving a majoriy,of Liberals churches on tbie Walton circuit list been' but me Cal skill proved of no avail, to Guelph. -The threshers- ber sister and fritil 34 here. - -sho- self to the policy of the Govern 00 Marshall went Mont. on -to ssist in the decapibation of changed s:s follows.: Providence. 10:30 Saturdi evening he took sudden] 48 eorgie range y worse are getting theft'nischines ready, and wt Sir Wilfrid Laurier, t f their colt of Clintonj noont part of 1a8b wee][ inaht- 'Of'' neithor In his%ttel wo e4gues n that Way Bethel, 1:30, and Walton, 9:39. This will on d a cDonald' be into the woft in-- about two weeks. Murray d ft bout 7 o'clock. Mr. M b divisf�n equally just� and this, the guest of M ra. wr an �'another was bo at Dufftown,,Banffehire, Scotland,' ! Uquhart,_ vith an air r remarks in the Hobset dfacuesed R-TDAY no in his leave the minister 'at home each 8, a 411y lengbh eibber of �tbo pr Mr. Orawford Wilson and I eistier Mift July 24111, 1 that would nob have that result, could be %bboth evoning af ter his bh-ree services. in bho �ar 1834, At We early agoof 'is Ethel; of Toronto, are_nPI -Amex flarlip-1 OPOSW0115, 61 made. ! Under the Uon ery tive division Hensall Ig their holi_ olu I a andin ap he left fle native land and set mail for the of Ce tthee L be said the time for that had n -Mr. and Mrs. 'W. J. Ch Wn, who Sovereign taul 'a, head office, days with Mr' pm -t week, at come. lit the West riding would be a safe Conserva' have bein esteemed residents of gham A I continent, lauding At Quebec.. nad and Mrs, D, B. McLean, of The 1)oM_1 on Parliament. amid, h6weve l6ntraal. A branch of Tuelteremith.-Mrs. J. P. Ron r,snd his remarks may 6,takaz tive seat w Toronto, executive Office. and datlah. fuderals.-The bereip the East ani South would for upwards of twenty -years, left last k this bank has be6n openead 11 e Came to Tilsonburg in the �To r i, r a h b equally 866 Reform. The only thing xca� Henoall. Your patron, ter, Mine Clara, spent Sabbath vvith The resig'"tion oi Hon. Mr. Blair seems ise furnishiug the foundation of the Go, -orn year IS �22el and engaged in the lumbering age to solicited. zrthur, Manager. here'st present wee for Acton. On Monday evening they were John M to hal paratized V49 law mikers at Ot. antle defenae that th Mr. E. D, Tilson, where he 1868-tf ry eir new b Ines wt i before leaving for th Wee. In favor ofsuoh a divisiar, is thab ib would presented with -a handsome onyx clock by T. J. Ber- I am surpriseda,; t hi i. give' mv the real a minority representation, &in! tawi a little r nobhing iq th� way Of 'statement that the projected 'the Baptiab c0lagregation. rm for about 18 years. While there i)EATH OF MISS STEWAu'T,-We have tbfs home in t10 Queen City. -Mrs. George Angola Ciothyl line �ro'MT ltaudingof.�irtisx inthiscounty, isabout be was arried to Mies Mary Devito, wlio, week to chronicle the death of Miss Margaret Brown and daugbwr,, Mine Pearl, retunQ Hollandt --Mr. Hugh � Williams, one of the old to the proportion of one mamb to two this week fr6m Michigan. where they had C`ora ,,has beendone in Parham r Quebec eattward to Moncton will pal alle, Un' time residents of Brussels, has taken unto survive him* In 1-870 he came :to Grey Stewar�, third daughter of the late( Donald Ronan, Kin ent'since o been spending a mouth with 'Mrs.'Brown's aMCDOM if tbeTe has been, the� roulta arozZ�ppareui I the, InterooloniiI Railway. der the division made by the committee and himselfa. wife, iii-the-peron of Miss Grace towneb 11p, purchasjng a saw mil property Ste 'The terr tor wart of Tuckeramith, which occurred on which is the -one that will be finittly adopted, there,, hich he' oonduated for b brother, Dr. George Blatchford. Dy ree years, to ou re, It ia.t rite the House �,ae'bean 1 served by the new-lina'is not tha Aldridge, also, of Brussels. The ceremo, Thursday evening of last week, at the home They allD from this p�.rish same a I I the East riding will b10 fairly safe for the attended t Pi�rtb League con W LOU. vras when I proper was astro ad y re. of her sister, Mr . . �� 1011 aterritory served by the, performed at the manse, In Egmond- ohn Sheppurd, of this Detroit.-,kirs. ichollm and-'� daughter,,of too, indolent to _t in:803nion. ovory-day, and bho usual time each tercolonial laill Reform caididate, whereas the. Couserva. He the I I came to W Iton, and purchased the village. 'The deceased was born in Fullar- ville, �by,49v., Neil Shaw. Mr. and Mrs, day been o sumed, b way.;,;Between the two lition. there b4 tives will have a good flghting.chatice. in the a Brusselp, were in the village, uring,th -I- t they Could h7ave� on 11, b results Are not It pr party of the late Mr. Adams and ton, and afterwards lived in Tuckeramith, e m Lumer nly &,distance West and South, with f he odds slightly in Williams will probably reside in Seaforth. week, renewing acquaintal4ces.4-mr, IL one. The� Reitijtribu�ion bill has not ]lot 0.: -from Zort afterwi do was joined'in partnership by his near, Chisethureb, with her parents until to favor of Saturday:,night, brothe Charles, who pre -deceased him theii death, when she come to Heneall, and 99 Toronto, he House f( r ratifi- Mae 'Venioncei cqmpaoti 'a ' 8. their opponentm, In point 6f con. nine o'clock on N. MoTa art has returned from at been presented to seventy fiv. miles, bub a chain of inur. lfth inst., firp broke out In the loft of the about are ago. Mr-. McDonald was a made her home with her sister. Never an- was visiting his son,' nee "n contiguity, con. ban. Forbirt commission Vs Mob dent Of 'Huron. dividing the teriftory ;Xttou� the Railwar� Brunevviokotel barns, Wingbam, and for a man of to ling worbb, upright and honor. jo d health, she became much where he bill, &I, 'to served 'by siderations which should always prevail, a Mrs. Wm, MzKav and children are visitt ying very it -'68 passed the iconamiplee of them. The plan which we have ado tec . look at the map will show that one in &'bout time a dlsaetr6m fire seemed imn)iuenb, but 0' Mrs. McKay's;tister. Mra.G.Walker, st1p;12 erlok, Ireland tho4 of � the the vart of the fire' bri Able in IIr his dealings, and as a business worse about Webruary Iseb, and, alt ough all gade whole House has not yet got �njr4urther - for the coustractio 6f the line from o as go?d as -the other. If there is any 4iffelt good wor on' man, h d f W, equals. He was possessed of that medical skill could do, was 6 Ine, ahe meraton. Messrs Willia und Rogrer Rath four yearzagd, ence in these respects,. the Reform divieioa not only prevented the fire spreading but e ton to the Pacific Cast -has b ent, and gradually became weaker, suffering intense wl wnehip af the Grand Trunk Pacific4Railway bill Is still a good nd far-seeing judgm �,11 of Hay, have returned from orple the to sen Ourpi 1Jel3 is, perhaps, th saved the building where 1-0 originated from b best of the two. also a a r6wd speoulator. He also posseewse"d pain.during the laa� monDh or so of her ill- were., ried Sames Carl- onth's trip t..) tha Northivest. They kept 14 the back grou acted so at to ke p in the hande of th entire destruction. ad, and the polipy of so, rara. bt liness taotloo, -.and by industry and none, which she 1�oro with much patience f r I 600k up land- n'04r', perous farrm.ef o- -Miss Ellm Morlook, w highly esteemed as a' of' Edmonton au�l the G�verument in reference to that scheme - Governmenti the ke to the transporbg don close attention to business he acquired a and Christian foxtit'lude. Hiss Stewart was there. They mi -t a ureak many -of their old' Carlin is survi young lady of Exeter, died on Friday, loth ai h and propert. He inberfifty-firstyetir and Was poisemsed of fri to . problem, from the p 'Death of �he Pope. has n6# yet been 0111 3fally made �nown r a io the ocean, an inst., under Very sad circumstances. The vast a 111ount of wealt ends from Ontario, from whom thq- ftj,- D, shauu6n. of. was CIA genial and kindly disposition and many excellent ed the greatest of kindness. - Njiti Aud Mat& at 1, t6 leave to a Popo Leo the Thifteenth, whose life had dooeased vvas�'uffering from at) attack bf ap- won t J The basineva of the Past week ve of a private co qualities. The funeral oar- ce1v been h consisted principally of the Mi ", ber&I ex pen lems, ant� had been operated ouPthe day v 'it church the -initi ti m [adging in tOe balance for several esteem and respect, not only of his ice was held In the Methodi adge, of Thamea Roal, is visiting her. con,-. J�osepb �o mo pny the section of oountr where iiing d &Y10 all, but the general public as well;, SabbAh site' sin, 311 home I"b flund- y weeks, died shoitly after 4 o'clock so Luie ANT-oir. 4ouday previous to her death. The aperatloq was In moon, and of 'which church de pal I ion be was a staunoh Liberal, but ceased was a consistent member. The re- illnes, w-bith .4 planatione respecting the r6signation, of M and enterprine will �o constantly require �afteruoort, His last -moments were compara Sulcessful, butthe complications cauned bar '01 eh we refer -ols' the to miet�the exigencies of in evej. balugin tively peaceful and painlesat never, ought sublic honori, albbough he whs Mitchell. ewberej and 0 and were pre. mains wereinterred in M6T&g att's -came. zesigg"nation, to a eamaine were taken to 0 9 alwaye :ook a eep interest in anything thab bery, and were followed bV a large conqourse situation." ceded by a period of insensibility.' Arouna de3th. Th rediton hundred p4ssi�g of estimatea� TAe several imporC for interment,; I A TANV T'lle �High Court oV nd to the welfare of this, his ad. of friends, testif ing to the respect f It f r J ti b r -1 the bedside at -the final moment were tho -On Tu would x' ee as q i-eved Mr Th�nas Rage quiem &at, me Ore# we have referred to have yet Cardinals,,.the relatives and, members of the 8,9dA'Y evening of last week a very opl;ed ountry. His chief delight was in his the deceased anTsympatby for the sorrow. day� The aerr-1 quiet wedding was 'consummated at the who is well kn�own in this t4?v from Th home family. ng -vb, e to, ba passed'on, and, as it is reaeonabble to Editorial, Not" S. Papal Court. `Before lapoinginto.unconsci- residence f r. and Mrs.- Sandford He withheld nothi -in relatives. conacqueneel of a vtry foall-sh and improvf_ *id Comm t 0 A4 Albert MeXton, ouegess the dying Pontiff f6ebl Stokes, that, w'' Id add to the comforb of one nor miws. sery e at the suppose that each one wilt ba the subject of King'Edward is announcea to- 6 11. moved his I -Mr.: Campbell of New )�ork cit we ta- Goderlob, when Miss Mary Ueredith yt (lent bargaive, by which he gai-e tip all claim lips, his last artieitilate words 'being thowe Rparad, xpense in promoting the education who wa8 *at one time one - of the publishers to -1m lengthy discussion, it looks am if the see- acti , takes, their only daughteri'beca i a considerable turn f on wbi-ch will -realtly please me the wife 0 money or virtually all I DYA I US' i Iec *lno wkre�`a b ed in bestowing a benediction, Gradually and � If are of the otheri The funeral on of the Heneall -,Observer, was in the village Willims, Daly sion may extend well into September, The teetotalers. A naval officer wrote to hi the shadow of death spread oiar th was largel f Mr. Win. X. McNevin, *a miller at the Tues d attended. The remains for &'couple of days last weak renew Do consideration, 'X 6 molal wam -a finin, Of bearers were e Po $500, to which Tho- titled un- Dtiff,' )h0arbor mill of that town. Rev. W. H. mas wasi en + to- bominion Parliament. his ertremitlet; became cold, his feat we intanoeo. Dr. Maodiarmid left lhiellrge on der his father's will.` This me a champion. ti majoBty asking him if he would issue an r rot eir to St. Tames' church, Seaforth.. qual L. )r ur Graham, past�rof Victoria street Methodist ney was to be Wa8ting institution. In this it, is gr ig der that when his health mod the the rigidity of death, and the from ence, after the funeral service, they Wednesday last t -o spend, 4 week or two was toasted It ch, performed the ceremony, y his b �dhur ee paid him b. rollber John, who bad1n. doctor in attendance noted his last flutter. were t an to St. James? cometery for in- a W 10 -,e �c herited thaie fatherls farm John %duca y e. The King re ligi ng D emulate very- Closet the Im -Jarnes M Craoken,­sr., � while pagal well carned holid ys ith relatives and Ou c aurl -Miss-Billings of Whitby is 'visiting Tbomas, who was Do _-r - perial Pa�rlfi�- not be drunk in win ing hearbbe&ts, which gradually became down the bill to Sal1ford bridge, ono day ro. R. M bri lit to 0 a torme The pall bearers were Xesars.. friends. �e lady ilow 0 9 a& Billings, manager of sign all through his secretay that the lorda thl er. and slower, until they i6nally ergusoll, M. Rowland, John Br d. her broffier, Mr. H. 2110 enemies� admira il�y 6 . stop- cently, had the misfortune to fall th agreement givin u is claim o, I would not like his inter e inE e pod. The last foot, omas McFadzean, St con&.cious sot of the ophen Lamb ths Molsoam Bank. -The families of W�Iliam by issuing orders, but he Pontiq wheel he was riding, the result being a sen- agmejn- to work or his this legacy, and would :U was. and Jo McKinnon - The Manitoba Pr oVincial, be gla le the mortal and J. C. Stoneman u n r Ap �,turn his eyes towards the great bus fracture of the hip bone. and whi and thefr eistor, Mrs. brother, in ret r fAD7r w ic e was -tore. their great bere, Mr. Mo- remain i of one so w have it eirculited p ivately that he consi er cruaMt on'the wall, after Which he suffered Craokeu, thong ro uch all and widely known Thomson, together with visitors, spent a oeive board and clothes I M are a Mi tted to the tornb;, a loving and very pleasant 4 a M 8 0 a with a bravery that will xe- lasted. After some years i4mas began to The Ma�itoba Provincial elections on ing it in watDr as by those using wine. be hich bi ' I f rtun ay lastr week at Grand Band. -le Alex. Electiona. ed a toast a3 honored by those drink 1rom a Oaroxyam of chokibg, during w. 11 getting up in yea' , bears 11 On As the money n passed aay, asting memory will long live In the hearts, -A numbeir of other familie's also. enjoyed realize that there w a c6nilitione ill thin i duce tha days paquirad for the fracture to �ay Yvere a surpria bricK e to every perRon, Pope Leo XIII. was'born 'in Central Italy, knit. Sad IiV�a Of the many who now feel ths't a their annual picnic last week at Dryedale, batgain which di� naT rend ib ery ad- X H-Uggius, r he OLtiwa Free Press very properly. ka ly %I on the 2nd of March, 1810, fhoeod a useful life has been taken fr and spent a very pleasaulb outing. -Mips Ir I vaift&geonsto him, a& he br )u, suit to fore, 93 years of age. His' p%ren pathy Smith, who wKs -her on a'vialt from Lon- met it What manner of men can, theyj ave I . T om b to were ham ban again changed hands. Mr.Joseph r The action wo6s ried itit Strat. -A verY sail Mhe 1�ahlin Government has been Butai He, was, there- he Stewart farm, at the east of Wing- by au-overwhelmfn� �dat� and whose heartfelt sym g niaJoriby Every mom. 'd ricken London, Oqtario. ? Here, is a protest Ma Count L6uis Pecol and Anna, Fromperl, both Bow;Zn has: sold his farm to Mr. James goeso b in 11' sincerity to the grieftat don, bas returned. -The orop in thi Justice, Falcql abridge, arid bar oUthe Governmenb has been� e a see- ford b Chief y red on, tbe -C. P. tion are looking welland give promise of a judgment was deliver d at 0 good Hall, in zvorning kaN a looted, of patrWan blood, and of families that had- idow 'nd family in this their krepairable In the local school bosrd, au the Dd' t Armour of East Wavranob, nd the new loan whffe.the,o#ty grou Liberals of - note who have given to the service of Church and State p ieI0, -7Miss -Smith. of 4xeter, was in Toronto, on ANIouday, �iviug no given a 6on many able sons, The Pecoi famil Roman Catholic should be' roprictor will got Possession next. spring. lie plaintiff all. on the high ri Green- laef Olief freight tr aurvired the 'vote are Hon. Thomas tract by the boaid. Imagine each a pre 0.9. of the ?Ideab of the Sienna nobility. y is One Mr. Bowman receives In the neighborhood the Village reoently visitin�. hbr sister, Miss be asked, the $500, with six y, ars' 1 king of a colD jitching into th am, young Pe way, the I -and Ron. 0. J. Miokle,, one teroug proposition, generally extended -in all In bapti Coll recif able increaeb In the price paid by Mr. Bow �-If yc�' try as hard to get the fullefit �,alue ff had r�isedj. eader, of $6,000 for the place, which ka a consider 0. V. Seeds an� Mifig Emma ard $50 damages for that ved the Welsh of London, are vititlng�their parents,. The father Mr. and 44re. Richard Wolah;'-Mies Ethel of these two broth6r, the a at out of: of his- lieutenants. The, Count now star matters, affacti6g our. social economy. -hivn Vincent Raphael Aloyalititv V4uetome last winter. which the plainti s I ids, name of Jose 06 Conservatives, ;'nine, Liberals ; threws till areasoning bigotry was ex m6t, His mother called him in the days -of his wur money as the E. McFaul Co., Ired farmer three men A6nd time suA u man to Mr. Colwill ka spending a Week or so with and lived in and is Will 11% -On July 4th, John Karney, formerly of Seaforl , try to put the greatest valjie into friends in KincarAine e left men were charged with �ep in chi dbood Vincent,'and as such he was vhe7th concession of Grey, paid nature's your d, liars, ihoyPli helve -3 your trade, Nab Miss %z*;l Tait, of London, has been spa tha payment rh : Nviid M ladoubt,andtwo eleotioneyet to.bah I AnOttaws correspoi0eall directs atten a)1d SOuthampton.- -his farm to bin aqn Jon by ild. known to were gel all, until the time his,studies Were nd, The - bhr4e Winnipeg constituencies *ent tion to the eomewhat remarkt c6mplated, when he assumed hi's first name, �fter being in poor I health for some time. !6verythfng needed in Carpets, Our. or two with her aqut, obt at his borne ab Fowlerville, Michigan, o'y in ne di-partment will they have it, f this legacy to Thom". a Conservative, the Hon. J. A Cam kbIw facib t but for the past week ero�u er- Joachim.. Madame Peodi was., a very no- tod Thor. orile. Mzc.Uillau, Dui I 0-t lHe w�s about 90'years of age,and is eur. taina, I �'ejm Goodgt Millinery, and iv -fact 4had a fine crop of all kinds ol small fruits, ther resignasio of Hon. Mr. Blair is the Wre. Neelauds.-Mr. Peter Triggenson has defe; ocassion in the history of Canada h thre ur Dry Goods. 1850- Smale, Yarm Attorney -General, being ated in 6 c6mpliwbed lady she know how to train her ived by his wife, two moos and for all P hild, and the ambitioull mother,even in Winnipeg. The- people of Nanitdba -Mies L. J� MCI, 86140M 1 augbters, Mrs, Win. Hoy, of Wait and is now harvesting large q4anbitiea of BLows, minister of the crown br6ke'away 0 on, a NOTI�'4,-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hdmilton of Poter camVilibmall W those early days,'plauned a gres, in tovvn,-I)r, Moutgomar who 'his I in -o anything by1alves. eceftse -Seafort a t future for d fine raspborries.-R Two aughter, attended the funeral. D , ov. Mr. Sawyer of as, from his colleagues may that she had no as an old resident of Grey, who move my vrith Mr. and Mra. bef n compelled by il or -9 to her boy And who will 11, spent und t.0aboat aid I Govern e -worth, elections ago days' noti Owl& p ure Carmel abandon his Brucefield, ocoupi6d.�ho pulpit of in ichigan a few years ago. In his earAler Consta: 19 question of poliok. Mini part In making the brillianb future that w mddical practice In Mitaen r the present, the Grten Mont M80 a bl istare. have Id't ov d T. M, '�amflton. Mrs,! A ichard Hotbam of church on Sabbath Idst, delivering excel- jq:� I - really lutstore for him ?_ She bad lihn undor and who has boon at h1s f4ther's th the vil- weep, there, being nab more t an h�lf ' )ON and Mr. an4 Mrs. George Dalton a ernments before. minist aye be wa quite a sportsman, of M it( bell, were visitidg Mrs, M, Drake on sermons, -Mise Iffary'ey is in Egmondville ers have gone on her Care for only eight years, and yet in visiting hot ziater, Mrs. R, Bast. to Graven - dc tt lage for some weeko, has gon' -The emlor _�en Q�nservativea elected, 8 rike, ministers have beld up ,he prom er 0:30, o'clock on Friday morn - the follow- -About I this week on Sundaj �-Mr. George Tiott, of Hansall, who in W ial and religiou that sho�t time her good w burst. He i Belle SpArks' returned to Lon - in* election, without any, apparent cause ra arackets of. as tbe'lre- work, as done so og 10th insb.j the boiler In the grist mill a said to10 in 6 �angorous con. Com any bad thoroughly th _h alone has be(� in the"village for the paeb four or don lasteek afterf"vififting her parent#, - medial bill, drove ministers out of the. v- at when he went fort dibion.-Mr. John U.. Xalul, principal of th-i + 6t Bluevale exploded, wrockitig th4 mill five we, iks, taking photographs, lefb last Sot. Mr. G p been in vioe, Were Completely- f4uruedt and the his,feet mever strayed from thepsth she had tty had the misfortune to looms ind giving at least three men CI ornment, but there is no ins the 800 schools, is spending lit@ vacation 090 calls for urday, 4nd will now spend some time at the riends.-Mr. Russet Brown, Mias Liberalat came back with only aboi,' ny marked"oub for him. Last it, a dozen minister, a4 already. said,, resigning, o a roll of bllle� havloo ulled them out'of his heir liven. A boiler had been Installed,and end. Mr. 8 with his f "Af the Adpar if= Vincent Pacci was -on am Webb who was visim hip pocket when taiking oub the key of bin seatI, while Ot the electfoji on Monday they question of policy., ly eight years of age in Brown and Miss Robirfiion, ot� Brussels were as. only it I . I i operation the second day,, WbA ionds lb Moose jaw, and Mr, Wm, Fell shop door, and althbu b a reward is offored, in the village Sunday. -Our 4ty I*f t1he fo wh&n he lefb his fat did not fare even: so well. bees house and his ith 80 PoulidN of steam up, and rated to villagers we mothees arms to goto the Jesuit College at who w visiting fri nds in,041gry, have re, to the finder e date of wrWng the' treated to I's surfeit of phoAlograph . music nitpba correspondent s diapdoed' to Judging, fr AM&' arry 150 pounds, the explosion took turned 1hom am outside appearancea the t gan his course in Italian Both report having had a money. has ti�t fieedreturued,-Mrs. Thomas' laab week by a medic'mo vendqk, It amused 4wided to lay 10 alaut trip, el Riblin Goiernpenb had anything- athw little boys. -Smoking has peou but a good kick againit the aesdimpt' a at the "t Latin and Greek. I a hort time be dis- flx a plly, a y pi Murray, of Owen Sound, 16 vinibing her aid- me a very tur-ned, On VI erbo, and he lac E ithoutanywarning. The engine had Pbeene ver h4a built the- railwa f he orbh topped to nd!Mr. Warder, who TILE W10111EN'S INSTITUTE, -On Monday, kud ye or t popular habit with the villal West. biDguished himself by his study of the Mi a enbie 'Murray.. -Mr. Goo. record, btt it� Blooms to satisfy the people 'Of proprietor, and Walter Patterson, the'ex- July 1 6 J o� boys betwee wc, in W legat6s men do they obtain their suppil contradiobion of this hi classic#, and, later, he wan as successful in M loses 'Hunter and Reynolds, two �joynt is spending a week 6r t was ba- _T6 tomierance elemenb y ,,It its kerienced engineer, werengsged in setblag of the Luck. eight and 16 years Of Age. Why I Ho- taken bu tr p ]Its at t t out by the Ontario Do. no reito6rated th is the opin _h1losophy an he had been with the cifte'sica.... 0 engine to r W. -Miss Woods, of Paisley, was ly !of algarett4w, in juppe-3ed to b�-!,Very" ktrin' ion in ome Mini@. 19 or It was partme of Agriculture, visited Stsff& here heed -ad. -avd + he friends of Mrs. Peter Mel- ceillent as may be ganged from the Uct that he nly place they could have boon to escape, aftermo session Mini, Hunter gave an -in. in town for a good shoemaker. At 0-48 -objeoting work was How sudoessfu a is fitudies ortunate it w�s to, for it was about the Intereft 01 Of thO w6men's institutes.- Ab the 'Pherson. -T opening 9 But the West'has built its own railroads, I he ; a with all h in the laab week visiting her cousin, Mine Ella Me- tobmcvo��and.'pipev ? I�arenta thould al dd Roblin. was oufy in power a few month know thin.-Thero. is an ex ville will be plemeed to learn that she is re- ith a terribli report, heard for milev, the oreeb talk on the preparation of some, of torY a -ad he '-a; well as made the companies w ich operate, leading a large class -of rho t when he turned them down most unmercl- them, rich'enough td�build ols whers, W , toric, had o tered Italian, wan a Latinist to the cbre and covering nicely from her sellioul illuessi- -time we had two good shaVe, §ut -now there r fully and brought down upon him thei ome of the boiler went skyward,' and was gave twenty-fiv million acres of our b t wrQto Greek wl our cc on foods, which was, followed by Among other engagements �meb woe is none in thin line of bu�lno Tliere re th faoilit .. His taste seem- Pound east of Joseph Leech's residence,wil nile aom�e ouq I' d, for our first greaV railro,d add i to worked so hard , Sion. Miss Reynolds read band proVided the M k, our severest madedlerRibe, and it was thought b id to be innf.vernal, and d several good shops vaabt, a rarq th d mold ab pricA8 f Other portions, of , 0 e wreck w' ualoat programme, Ing 12, ore 'lifted I:nn gaper ttowing the great influence of our ta, lawn goo Our tQwn,-Misa R. Xaino, to cher Varth that at the, first rom four to 11Pwouty d 1, at science that he 'took firob'bonors for weetward across tjh� street and ovdr the ome's; -1 hoodly's in Tucker- 6PPortuaity they would fare an j ial of Mr. 0 Ab o -it !upon film. the, acre, Since then,. wehavl§ made ma�'hy chemistry and physics slid was notlar be- dr.roundings, In the evening Miqm smith, JMuch oradib Bay, in visiting under thq pa et&l rot, -punishment h� deserved hotel. "The building v as almoobdemolished, wan given -the band for other liberal donations until �16, have vile- hiiia in Zhe Reynol,!;'. discussed the work by the liffor 'in the guest maticv.-'� His keen er of atthpir hands. The oppor Intellect end will be a soriousil lose to the- proprietor,' Insti the 6Xcellent selections they reuderd.-.1-1r. M1811 Ruth Cart tul 9, and gave eo �newl bunitppame on' coaded In getting rid., ioihis.Zi f eighty and calm ressoningpowers made )hiloso. me prictical ouggevil- oseph Harvey hae beeii spending the set of Miss Maggie- e fStmers -Dats pa. tyj�di p ho.'had spent -considerable lately in fixing ionsfor ��arryiog on this work, Although are very V" bughe milllonacres of the Moot ds in the pby, ior him-, a delightful' study, Honors I week with.his aono, in the busy bsyllog, the was ther be -Ing or.- UonOy laott and the result ohoWir-that th ey U�i , - up. Mr. Pdttor' rece ve a ou To wntship of . monq e at tit t fell thick upon'him end at the end-lof three ead, and Mr, Warder also receiv*d some min Weismiller was' cellent-for, this purpose. We not a factor in the =`Intobt. All, the V t on his th indance wa4 small, the interest' Stanley. -Master Will' World, Railroads cost I d would.b temper&nce in the uIld a few. The :Wee a rely as yoars,he was appointed Ropititor ohown i BUtitf, N4 and flad"Opendent the in Ripley and Kincardine last week. �-Xr. re German (1ollege, where only. the *choicest of candidates built its own roads, yen, and a g at a I ruises o6 his arm. It was bad en-4ugh, but organk g of a branch !not-itute for the diq- Thomas Higgine, barrister of Toronto, was Tuckeramit were. defeated, some of them n6i sain 'their of tbom of the Haet'too.� would have been uoh,worse had any of the trict, vp �ch will m6et on Wednesday afti-r- in the village durin .9- the; ecclesiastical atudentsof Gormanyi F40aj� *r 1000 ot iree men been. �k �Iled. Thebollerwaal I W 0 th6 past week, visiting' WEST D T depoaita', whiler Roblin and hia'Go7eramenb, 6paitted, after a severe "competitive exam. a ng is nearlt Ray 1* too w full noon, J y '29th, atithe residence of Mr. D. his sister, Mrs. McKay, finished, and most of the f wheat, wiliah Per Ion nou ol water at the ti'e of the explosion. Hills, this meeting, the object-@ and ben- of Austral M who have proven therneelven'. �trovgly anbi� inaition, - He was a perfect Classical scholar, la, was in the village this week, Word was received 60 Satur Bi tererm of the y eflti of inabitute will be discussed, and a, fair scientist and an able philofophor. a heavy crop, will be ut 'a week.--w-*- visiting his brother, Mri Wm. McKay, prin- te mperance, havo been sudden death- of Mr. J&2 I r fluata(* by a; over- Meg a e�,- e the nStT of new members received, mallacome and family Vio ted Mrs n ippen. -Mrs. or., ngtoa. The u: are !of gan to atiidy theology at the"Roman College, bu �; The uture, Pontiff was o IY IS when he'be- oipal of 'our pubJio Fohool.-Mips Worthing- Turner Is, d it W leln�-iog majority. for, South Welli p ot weA� ID H cc it ton of Clinton, bas been vialbing Lhe Mibsea at I ego" t, mm asfn�nor and Conveyancer. visiting friends in London 11 -Rev. Col. and at MoBwan -and Mien U he sad event ill be found in a 21 he graduated as Doctor of Di- �4118; moaYagagea and Oeeds drawn up, Money losued Lake4et, MCDO gall, -Mr Har� A. Allan f a opeading this wee -D I -boine er vinit 0. lit The Mini rial Umn. Mr. Innis, it ee'nie',left hia home �ffk final studies were made In bhe at the lo -vest rates of I Interest, 17404f old of Wingham,; formerly of Hensal has in (joderich, txpana.tions- Academy of Nobleti BREE,, 8,-Hayliog Is aboub a thing of 'the i Arqj);iVarb#4 Guelph on Monday to visit all NOTES.' Rev, -Mr. McNeil, of Bayfield, pavt, fo­' nother year, and Ili moot casell.the Myer BI-% d - The explalpatioasconcerning, the rinigna- Id,firlend i Af bar a iery difi.bingulahed career, he was will condueb the aervices in St. Andrew's crop in tter than anticipated, Whest, is 0th7 Read Blair, Ministe Newfoundland. He. got as farJ. as. Sidney,` elected to plie high pospion which was vs. Church next Sabbath.-Mr.'W. r in the. Dominion, Governmen were ath on Monday, in February, b wristerf-of the American So&, wag in thin pant yo, in,this locality. --Every one fro Ca e Breton, and remaining there ovbr catd�by his do M. Doig, being at i i but Is not up bo the average of Zo made uig�t was found diad in his bed 1878, in V cinity this week, shaking hands aturday N i 'ht .in the House, on Thurmday 6i last' week. lowing day. He left' home ap on the fol- with old Howick, I was In Harrfaton last Monday. Saj& the befit ;f health and spirits.' �tly in fAiendr. Mr. Doig looks as If Yankee air The cro i � thore was something ego ex-plapati6na did. not thrbw, on the Pare: death wonder6l.. Th ]�Uroft No mireed with bin� i He enjoys of Mr. Innin removes an' a large prac- The Ore o jem6n have LO*_�DO�V- All that was do otlizor of the, old A -Mighty' force when subfeet much n W light ne tne in th6 SOD, mod says the They ';-lgbam,s i4g.-Mr. JobnMicGregor, jr., who bas been would n1c bB in ib wit guard of politicians In this roVince -Tuenday,Auguab 4th,will be W; klaoo Is boom- the roll s'ealled. We tihink H611fiall'a crowd was to officially confirm what had al'ready From 7 to M30 -are now be,comjng fe W6 Civic holiday. h: Harriston's might h d represent- y a first read a ed South - 'Wellington for, 4 y a -Four hundred baskets of, Cho 00 a vihit to frjeikda in Manitoba, ore were. NOMO Sixty Jodge# in re, been made publ, o. Th Premier an a rrie red throng, b to li-ic a were generally understood h in one day r h6me last week,16oking well �aftpr trip, the par d -Mr. H. Torrence, the famed statement to the effect. that on laccouht of cession and It was shipped from Goderic ch he enjoyed very much, b t he still et t, buys up all the atodk in this P that he was booked for the 8 a -The Sovereign Bank Is ma�ing 1 auction' ODA a. He had a differene of opinion between 'Mr, Blefir =pe: 11w Ontario.-;-.4he �garden lar y, held on vicinity, He and Mr. Gillen ship from Cli& Snaps' thae It are Bound to Bring the 'tjrowd, or of 'the L mento for the erection of a n9w bui e lawn of been'editor and chief �roonl :�POIiCY, Guelph Mercury f Clinton. or many ye Id lf�rmar had ltb, on-TueairdY' evening,'undet the sun- or t th 8 )rfngbank butter factor Ten pieceslFactory Cotton to go a' c a ro, but for rJ�amea Chean y, Tucker. ford evbr� week.- Mr. Yohoin, who hauls and his colleagues oh their rapw&y. or, ldi�j in- C' felb 16 his duty', to'-"Wit4draw some time1ad not.�beeu- eng -Some parties broke 'in sin had ed- in any to the hotel at P�cca of the Miesion Band, eam 1) 1 1 yo Puts a yard. lion, one nig wits a very a runawa the other day Whit a.edordingly dun ftomhe Goveram enb, and ha uniness. He was a 'good an 'successful W11 lit ree.ently, and carried off mAd pti ewsrape man "a qu successful Offaii- On &000unb the b6s Mr. Kr� ler's. cream il�e hot in getting Eight cent Fri W"k an lnfluenl�ial and use. d y eon tantity of liqu'or sqore in the Cellar. and sea b we nts, fast colors, to go at 4 cents was 4ollowed by whole rion, has tifere .8�nejwise have beei4, buo still cream ta was smathed' the cream spilt in fast colors, to go at 4 cents a yard. in tendered his rosiRnation and th� resignation Person"lly he woe genial, r-TheColborne hotel, in Goq a there wa ot so largean at�ednance an freighten and broke their tie rope, The had been accepted. This -.a would, ot Eight cent Sheetings, scaled, generous man and1w" greatly ;hmn han4e. The nevF proprii �d ere was a W13 a tor in Mr. tj nice! rowd and all � �secpad to all diree a And one of 'the bonwk ja blind gh Muslib"', half price, 4 cents a yarcL further'explanations from Mr. BImir bimsel beloved by all who j yed b� Acquaint- themselves �o the full. The ladies one, badl huip, It win cost Mr. Yohoan f, Byers, Of Lobdou. at ]a, Ei t cent Art in which he f ally and i alearly ex lained his ;His death willbe deeply�zepretted by ��Mr. A. -Porter, 11 rmer Goderich boy, w io'had charge of the good work are to be some $50 to 341c One dollarNack Silk, to be sold just for these hours to so. osition, and read the correspondence large circle of admirers and friends. died on Friday, loth'i �inst,, in pay for the smaahup,-A lot of P Texas. De- ocngratulated that their efforti: property a changing heads In this - vicinity Ceased had 6on fr�i poor health for some bave been Th bad passed between himself and tfie prem� tf us appreoiate& The proceed# amounted at prosen Mr. George Greg sold his 200 lins,,96t half price, 121c, A case of, couaidera� zoo" zone� nte ;$t to hotel time. td. $43. -Mr. Thomas Doig. who has re farm. hismonJ.P.,for 10,000. Mr. All our, 215c,lvfus "Id I From Mr. Blair's relmarks,' an well nd4b,oro, Weigh Soales Compan tructing the young Idea how to shoot In D knees of Bel keepers was deof ­-Thd LO been so 0 1 ded- by the, Divisloilal, y in* I Fancy Oolored Silk t t-; - A is dges at Torpnto, last 3 grove, sold rllm u a toblet, all f Zrom the correspondence, it is - court havedeclared their firstraividead, at the A4,goma for the pa�t six mont 1,000 vards to fbe put o t o ade per - wee hotel keep- rate of 28 'or -cent. It be, f� i borne far In Dickett 6r $10,000; 1 me k 'b fectl cloar that there was p must be a paying in. Sh6uld make a ig rush for 100 a yard, re ad befvre t We holidave, Mr, Richard � �mlllfo of farm w# ought to years ego by M . Hark- larBIg bore visiting �is. motber, emo, c 8,500, Mr.- Frank Clegg. old his on all lines for the houtly sale." Cleveland, Ohio, it 0 no di.le nee of or was bonv�clb Ice agiS, VeStMeDt. f opinfoat betwean himself and his afleagues for violatio G d lit 'hi of- a rule �Rrg 66TnzQM(Lee)18ri1C owns 1f voteW not contains * I- James Smillieg and other !fric.Dds,- frm to N Huth for 15000, and tb other -for Vr" n p rt, 1 -*142 in rt - 20 and - 4 F+` mer8 have be A A A 04A� 6 P,,,, r i demand Vr" on any other subjeeh than the railway PC'- ade -by the license.-commi ai ners of the en busy with th ir bay for d ohn Hamilton sold his 200 acre in 6 r ha,laat few we nty e in part S 56 t eke and many ba fey, an#1 "tit gible to act aj that on every other subject,f ,ey- cot, to th I iffect that game o c th,3 crop farm t r. Henry Dettman for $$500. were pbrfectly In accord. tnobboph edwithinfice -An apold ivhIch, migh' 5 oly housed, but there is still to of ba The Go in us In this vidinity are out 310sipg my no d promises, e b easily have in this vicinity to be saved, ho y In ffie first via o all of tl e other nationalities In game p stall nt" 4ppened- on the 16th con- k %" Highest PrIOCS 'R21d, for Pro�duza. ae, Mr. Biair s' date.rmin-' rho layed, wan a g sc y ih wh re. Gode6 may the he to r h township, on -Tuesday to - many years, -Rev. J. S. H' $Me �yvrop is the mo abundant ing the, 1i es an adding to their p uperty. e(Ity 6pposedato the conatrdetion of a new The'hotel keeper appealed from 1he debision anion of Orson, -of -Mr. '(11 Mrs. fennox, of Wingliam, visit- Oom Quebec to Monckton, as he' con- of the P6 to to the'eolunty judge, afternoon of l4eb week. lroyouno daugh- Hensall, conducted thi In the ed their r �lative out here on Saturday,- ) road lice magistral ters of Mr, Ch a. Beacom were . driving to who quaabod the codieition on the grounds M 4hodist church here Ise ab �b, In -the There I t e, u tenda ihat such a, road 'will occupy territory Clinton� when ot 9 of the tu hitch- nowl, 4earobing for horson in 11 go came. un that the commissioners,had, no rl , abjaence of the pawbo to I aw 90" orablonial 11bu d I t I r, Rev. Mr. to support thq. Tat a w. M, r, this di ti t.' Ypur stout man h is been which A-- Me ROYD t to pass such a. regulation and eC:u 0 On ed, causing the b )roe 60 k and break the Hindersbu'o many fr 'a and Pic he Ion& here were pleas d rou%d g king them U). -Tho 1! injure, thot road and redu held tha� euchre was whirl bhe buggy ro d,, topsae-11in looking so well, aft -sr in visit t Rev M lbod te chblc cc it to a game aft, and thei un 0, aroun skill, eAd 0 Lev, oonel formerly of AyInur,18 the throwing the girls out, but one of thoul lbb Pacifi3 Comet. -Min Carrie Kehoo, ol now' M odist �ministor herq. GARDNO 13LO011; fi V,l 68 5 rtno bf teo' roi -M