HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-26, Page 4­­ �-­—­T��r----­T­r ---- ­­­ -- - ­­,------.­— ! ----�---- - ­­­ 2 .:i- .-1--1-- - ­.. - -­­­ - —... , , -------W'%7--%-7f--QJ!-­- i­,r---- � I . ------ - - - - - t . i I I � I I .-. : V ,. � I . I ; - -­-­­---­---­ i � I . : 4 - � I � , - . - � , . . - � � I ; -- ; . .. i i i . : � I . . � � I . . . I i � 1. ; . I : . i � I . I I I ! : . . I I . I ; I I . : � I . I I � � I . : I ; . . . � � � 7 1 1 . i ! . : . � � I � . i I : ; i I I I I I I 11 . � I ] Z I I � I - i . � ! , , I.. - � � 11 - . . ''I � I . � ; . . : . I ; . . - I . I I !, . � I f I I � [ ; I . . . i . . � ­ i t . - I i t, i I " , , r . � I i ., I I � . i �. I � i . �� - I I � I � � �­ � I I I I � � I . i : I . - I . . I I . i � I : , , � I � � I � I I .. . I I : 11 : - i � . ! , - .1� � - . �— - - �1- - .1 I I --4-, -1i ­ I '. I I ! I - I I -;AP- - - - - - � - ­ ­­ ­ -,go� ­­ � - - -: 1 �7 -1 I I I - , � -�­ 1---.- -IJ- — - -­t-­­w 4�—­ �-- ,- ------- , , " .. I --- I : -- - ­ -f � C 1 7 -I- —-4— ,�--:­-t­ - - --7� - ­ �. , ­­ � I �, ., - � - . : — �7 , , I . I . - I - - --� . - .. - -1 � ,-I , . -1 I , I I - 't I ) - ?:-� ; , - t -,-:: --- ,� - t- -�� . - � I ­ . ; - , I I I �.. . . i ,.- � I . � � � I . I I .... I � . . � �f- I : , � - . I , I , , �. - � . , , , , - . I . . I ­ I . - I I - ,� t- . � � � , . - �� . - - Z � - . - �� H-- �. � -,: � I I � : . I , . . , I 7 I . , I � I 1�,; . - . I , , . I I . - Z!. I .: . I . -� I '. 1; . , : - , , , , , - , , - '�' , � * I I � , - - - , --- � � , - � - -, . � , . I �� 1�i - . - ­ � - 11 -- � � � � � . . I- - �z - . . - i i � I i � i . I . � � . 1 I I � � ! - I I I I 4�. � . . ! . . r � I I � � �� . `�,:q -1 � I � - . . r� � � � I - I - I I - , - JI -- - : I r , , , � 4 I t 1 ! � I - I Z � - I - - , ( - � . - -- I - i I I - - . . � - - � . I I I : . � , - . � I I � . � � � . i I . . . i . �, � i . .- � � . . � ! . 11 ,� ; I . k i � � : . I I . . i . � I � i . i 11 � , - :- - . I . , - -1 � I I - � ! i � � �-, - �� -1, .. i i - -, - � . ,� . I , : � i i � t . � - . I . , - � I I � �� ­ . � - : . I I - I f � I - . I - I � . ; - �. - :.z,: �.�, -- � .1 . I I r ! � I � � I I i . - � I , � �� I ­ T 1A . I it I . � I � . i I I - - - � ; M . . I i � � �� - I i . L I I � ,� !.. A I �� I -1 � ­ I I � I I Vt � I � 114 Ix -- -Z I I I W11 H IN - 4 U HUN , U54 4 �: , If -1E, - -!, -- � I -1 . � I � . , ­­ - . - 1* w. i - I . ,� . i I ; �, -I - -- ,�� �� � � _;x*r . Ic -­ ­ � I - �f I - - � - iE I. 1. ' � .. i, � �, . I � I , - -- � - .: �.,�: � � 1,4 - 0 , . � ­ - -- - ­ - . - - I I T 4�. ,. - .- . . ­ � I 140. � 11 I I i - - i I � - . i I I . 11 t - z - . I . I � � I- , � � � � -- . I I � I , T -� - - , �, I � 1 1 1 I � I . . �i � , - �- - - - - -. � t I '� �'- I r -- I � . � : , T:"t,. ,� ly , - c � -: � .- t A , - , %;. . : % F . - � . I . - � I � 2 !--: r . ­ T ; -- --�.�� I : � 1 � �- %.:�. I ­- - :_ �4 ­ . � ­ - . �. , ­ .1�1 r - � �, I'� � -- " - I -- I I - , . . � , - . - 7- ...- .� ,-.- . : � - - 1. .k "".. :�, . �­� - � I " - - � , '� � � I . -. � � . . . - � I I - . � I . � I - ;_ , � 4 I � , ; . � , � ­ ­­ . I , -1 I ­ ­� - :, �­ � . - I- I i�- - , � �t .� A I ­ . - — I , : 1. ��, �-!' , � � . I - i t , -- � I - I a . . - - I I . ;. . I - �, � . � � - , . : IL , Z� . . � . . . . ,. . . I I � r : , ,-. I I , � . . - ; � � -L�­ i . � 2� r � I �t -� : I - - I - - I I - � �, . I - . � I - I w � I - . , I - . � I : . . I 7 � Of I � -1, 11 � - � � - - I . - . F : �. � , ; , . , - , -: , 1� It Z� " - .- 4 .-i : . -� - i� - I � - . � , � : 1 ­ .1 - , � - - ,, I I . � , � . � -1. , -I' � . I 1� i - F � - , : , JUNE, 1903 I � A I �­­ .S. - M ------ T W T 1 ­-- F . S I ­.� I 1 2 - 3 6 06 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � 19 20 I 1 2 23 21 25 ON 27 �� 28. - .+... ��-� 29 J .... 30 I ...... ...... ..... . ..... ...... ...... ...... � .. ... :� I � .. f ... ! , i c railway Commission, knowing that the . 'i I 46 cammisnionera an honest men would 'in- Gforeasethe rateson bbatrailwayin order I 11 to make them uniform wit4 that of thb ., i , " other companies." That isithe secret of the who e business. The 4erloolonfal Rail. way is Zing work for its Oatrons at less than the work is worth, slid the taxpayers of the D6minion have to make,up the deficit i . .t . and the I patrons,- the people of the, Lower �f ''--- Provini.os, reap the_ gain, and the 0ov On - i . I I I . � J er the � 1�rovinclal Secretary t I beaven, wheth . I i) oes or not, 10 and before that God he will �.i iswer. God knows what I say �'ag'avbiva,tcout"e'ally I true, and I leave It to that J- od and to the I abore to decide who. is - pight and who in wrong-" � The speeches of the' Opposition and the applause whidii bhe� gave him while he was ,�peaking, make it alear that they have de- cided to " stand by Gamey " and take him 0 their bosom no matter what the conBe- quenoes may be. That beinq the case, all the oratory tlis.t bas betm Indulged in will . have little or no inAnenoe i the country. 1. proRinent dealers in stockg on the Toro b market, and they would resent the stateme thit �his is gambling. But It is� nothi i I I lose, �nd it -is a healthy sign to see it be! dell noed'by its proper name." We al. 0 11 Dot 0 ths- statement that a good many'.. theiiemberp, both of the Dominion Parlio ment�l and the Ontario Legislature, h%v been badly abruok by the recent disastro i NIU4 In stocks, anti that the motion ins, � 0 by 11�e Opposition leader in the Dominiol Parli4ment lln-favor of an increased duty i , steel'And iron was intended -to give at C stooN � a a b000t in the market, so as to letit" � . . I t . I I - i. - 11 A - , ment Ind Parliament dare not ex4ob I om 'The matter will remain abo t where it'be- thosi who h lost mon y by the deprecia I � - f . � i� � Z - I - I I ; � . d I I - . , I . :­ I— -- : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 11 �, - � li as; se6urities . � � ­ 0 ' - - � I � - I , "I I tam Juat and fair remuneration tto : the . - E --_-��,-� I - * gan- Nile Co#servatives wil still hold out tion of thi y shoving the Ing I � I � � '7 � �- , ; , . ; ' f that there is ipme truth in Gamey's charges off onto the ,cou"ntry. Ihis is a movemen — I - , I . - - n i. ` - �, I service they render, A few years ` ago, it r -- �.- 1 � -� �. :, )�� AW The. figure between the parentheses, attar each - -- - , - - 4 I . : i I---, � - . � d that thO Government has been be- which honest people eho"uld watch. � � - 1 7'. � �� � I an . � . . � I i � - -, .. :-. -1 ne, donotes the page of the p-qiar on whiob thb will be remembered, when Mr. Blipir finit smirched, wh�e the Reformers, on the other I � _: � I- - I . . i � � �- � , , t-1 11 . dver -� 419ament will be fonnd � --T I.� - - "i -I . . I- ;. ' I : , - 5 .� jl­ - -- � ­ � took hold of thc Intercolonial, he e ployed side, will utt�rly discredit Gamey and hold i � - �, ­ - I f I . w � Vaz4ablle Weathei-Greig & stew,aj m JudglDg from a staterperib made by Hon I . -. ­ - � -1 _4---:,-1 i : . I - I . . 1 --, - ! -- 2, .7 , �, m- � . � I � I m Z . -,j,, '� Footwear Speclals-McKinnoa & Co -6 by the report lot the Commission and t he : . ; , -_; �­,' t , ­ Z - " . 1o'rougbly Mr. Blair, and repeated and emphasized b � r- , ­ anewmanaget for the road,a t � � �� :, ,­ ,- - - , , : ­�­% -, c. , , ­ - ­ -1 -­ i - -Earpan Dxys­�-Learayrd & Co -1 �� t --, ­ - I I Government. I But, to the more thinking � -7 �, f � I - � : I J 1- - I -- - � B10-ey Twine -Sills i Iturdio-5 competent railway inap; This manager -- Sir Wilfrid Laurier in t�e Howe a few day 7 I � - W. �­ . -1 4, , . - ­­ - people, who desira to form an honest opinion I 11 I - ­ . 1 4- , 1:., Z ��., ; . � - � 5� � � . - � Ray F6rk. Rope -Reid & Wilson --6 tricd to conduob'the road on business prin- irrespective of p, � - 7 1 ­, 7 I ; I � . 1� , .- 1 � I - - � --- I -- 4 I JohnRulger--6 , there is a prospect'that the Canadia, I �­k , -- For 10- ,libical eonaid6rations, tho 890 . .-- ­ � , � V- I .� had lie been allowed his way investigation wil epable them -to see that � I � �. ; F.1� -. , ­ ­ Uncle Josh Simpkins--Orera Houge-6 cipleiz, and 7 ­ :, � :A -- . . Northern Railway and:the Grand Trun - . ­T� -: I the charges have hot been subst4ntiated in paoific will I I ? -, .- IV . Trunks sod Valises --R. Willis & Son -4 there in no doubt but' long ere this the In- r I . . - i -m -- - - -1, I I - -­�-.,-UE,�L-­:�. -141- Wait-5-TalboVe BwAar--.8 , I be amalgamated or brought ur I � .� . I- , any material point and that the author of S .1 -1 ,� -i � Money Found-Expatity ( jMce-8 tercolonial would have been paying , ti way der one control. Both lines are deFigned't I � I � 1 i�A-c - � .7-,i 1 . t - -jr,---,-j­� , -_ I r - - � . ;�� `� ­ - ,�I A Stiinmer Drink -2-Alex. Wilson --8 I th6m has been so discredited that no person . . � - i ­ I I . - �: ­�, -��TA9 insted of being a burden on tho go 1 4 1�1- .. -- -4 - I - , , - ­-� _Z1, ­-­-� Bl;rCelebratlon in 8esforbh -9 11441 tax could credit bim� without his utterance's be trans-continertal. Oongiderahle portion � � I ­ ­�­­'��; � A " I � i�.7�1'1­ Z,. 19. Tewher Wanted -H. J. Grieve -5 -1- . , �- ��: :,.. payer to the extent of two millions )of dol� being very strongly corroborated. In a few of the former have already been gonstracte ­ , 1 �: ­ �41� �i� -- * .- A'E Boarders Wanted -ad re. G. 0. Ingrarn-8 i . . - , ­ . '.!,- - , , --E . I , I I � i-- _­ . It Sallitir Out -Mrs. Rudolph -8 J%re a -year. Bub the people � who yed the months the mobt that will be left of the %nd a gooddeal of the road ha"6en borruse, � . , . � I � �f I- -� - 1 ­ -.; I�R PotMo. Bug Finlah-Hamilton, & Kenlake-8 unsavory affair will be the bill of costa which both by the Dominion �no Ontaitio Goverj3 I i - -, - - �� , * . I- I 7 , , .E I , road all had votes, and they threats ed the - - 1��,�,` � -, � �,I � . � I i ­ - Auction We-Ure. W. McDonald -5 ; . it enbailed upoq the Province. ments. In the event oX the amal striation � �-:'-� :-�--- Z�!,� . - 3� ; Z - � , I - 9 r . � ,, 1�4i-,-��'r-! � - L It!, . 1� th their vengeance 5 they It was hoped,'a vote would be reached would, no doulit' be effected to th I . ; jr �; . I k- - -1 I - I ­ I r . � �. �­­ - I - q � I I - : � - r %� -, ­ I � -- � V � I perFisted in obo6rging business rates and the Thursday night ; that the other business =ion. T? -� . . � - I I 1:�, -.- --5 - � � �:­, - I w�nld be finished on Frida , and prorog- - I ­ r � � -­ � I I I :,-I-, � - - the 41troll 05*001tor" Government was forced to dismiss their y � , � 11 . 7. - i -11�'j� �- : �.�- . . ation on Saturda or Monday. . ��I- . - : I of . lq I- ­- � -.'. . � y I . g �'&t - - 4 ,, 1 , -- ,-- manager and revert to the old system I . � - I ,r --f �:� --- 7- - � . Huron Notes. � �:­, - : ,� �i � . � I # ­ � , I - I - . -- I , - 1� -- i .� t arrying freight for 50 per cent. less than' , � I . -Some �8 families have engaged room I I . -1 &,�­4�� � - , .- � I 0 i . - - T'� �-,�� - ;� -, - � I-REAFORTH, FRIDAY. June 26th, 1901� the service is worth . � �. i -��,­ --, -, ;-�- I - ��--- , ��- - Editorial Notes and Comments. at the Goderich summer hotel. M,t�, !,�_, I ! , and Parliament ba,o�ed � - 1.; ��7�-i­ -,1--4-,:: - , � . - -, - �: . -A --:7- � - & � - - - i Canada is as far away from h%ViD J -�4iss Julia Sharp, of Morris, has gradu - !­­- �i­ - I ; g a, fast - � � �� them up in their action land the enorta6us � . I --.-:: , � ,�, -- 1�.r ­ - a. . ated from tile Amass Wood hospital, St ��4�­ 1. . 17 - . . -, i " I I., .1 -­= I state Ownership of Radlways. annual deficit in the werking -of Atlantic service as ever it was.- W' �. I -, ­ . � - I � - � 1- � the ropd, e are . I . T � �. c Thongs. . ­ " - - - '. 1. I I r, -: -T, � � - ' I � �. �� 1. ��. il- Z -�, - �, - - r There is & strong agitation ju-A now, both a% admitted by Mr. Blair, is the natural , ii clined to think, a a : -Miss Bella Rose, who has been a mis - I � '­ -­" -11- I - re- 0 however, that this I � .- �.:­:.--, -. vT . . I �ubiject for congratulation rather than fer sionary in China for some is visitini , -- � - : � ­,.� �-­,:_ - M "1 de and outside of Parliament, in favor of flult, ' . - . . ­ - Mai I years, . . . I � ;, - �- 3 -:,. 'i - . ; ;,- I �. -4 - ��, ,�T­ � i:- 71": . � iegret. Two, tenders were received some her cousin, Rev. John Ross, of Brussels. . � _:�f��­­ -1-1 I state owned railways. And iti-sdesiredto No peracri sho�ld blain'e' Mr. Blair for time ago to -establish two steamers running -Mr. T. H. MoQourt,of East Wawanosh �� � ­; , � �- - - I -1 � - � -t . � -1. . " ­ :. � � ; � - -,5 -2 - 1- - --� apply, the principle to Canada. As a com. this. He has to do as he is dcn3 by. He k knots and .' two of sixteen knots. One of has sold his 100-acria farm to Mr. Hugh'Mc I ; i- :. - --;'- - I L I - - - - Z ;­- ­ � � Me �� , -Z 1, noement intbia diraction,it is urged . has conducted the road as economically �,,d the tenderer wanted $1,500,000, in nuiral Lean. of the same township.' The priee pab � � -: ­ 7 7 ­� - . - - - . I . a a ­­ � L.- - �. - - .� i I . 3�� �. . - - . . . . � - _. ­­ - - that the Dominioa- Government, inr.t3ad of 88 f%i,tlY and cfficiontly as r,ny other pe.recn tubsirly. The other aBked for only $1,000,- was $4,350. 1 � ��­ ­:-­:; . � - , � T , -: � I - ; . - `­- . I 000, but there were certain other provisos -Mr. Ike Rabtenbury Read, of Montreal I !� :.- � ,, � - subsidiz'ug the proposed Grand Trunk in his position could. But he cain not L,t -� - � Z ­ � , � I �­�. �. - � em attached, which would run the subsidy up -a former resident of Clinton, was mairied ii � I X I . � � - .- '. ­­ - � 7 i � '-do from the public treasury, should terest which is agdinat him to about $1,300,000. Sir Richard Cart- that city recently to a Miss Grace Robert 1- ­ I - � - a . . I - - �� � I.- - - Pao., the tide of self I I �.-�- 7, � . : i.. ` 7-4 -� �11. -. I I - � I - � - . ­ ­ .wright,-the Miniater of Trade and Com- Bon. ; .. - �-.- .- � conatract a Government road from Quebec and. consequently it il big policy to swim the � � I .- i " - -1 -1 . I - I - t 2�­­ � - I ­­, - - I JI morce, now says that none of these tenders -Mr, and Mrs. W. R. bougb, of blintorl ., f �Zl­­ 7- to Winnipeg and give running powers over tide and profit b 4 the � . . I I 11 .� ­­ .. YE duplicity of some of � ­,-, 7., - - will be accepted. As a matter of fact, were in Toronto recently attending the con � - !­- I I I ­�:- � !�, -, I Ti it to -all other companies desidn -t3 I - - ­ � - , I -, . , �e - I g to 11je i the people and th 1 simpli-city of others. As Canada does not want to pay this amount., vocation, at which their daughter receivo � � I �.-��;- � . � i-� C1 � 1­� -W - - �­ � � 4, H.: :.- z � . - ­ - . - . . I :� . - .r - 11 - ­ ­ h 3ition has, many a,-trao. it has been with the Tatercolonial, so will .t sInce ib can do very well without it. Wilat her degree of B. A.- , . � �:,.-!­ ,­ - I ' � z: �Z, , - -4� : - - - - - _� �­ the Dominion wants moat is a fast freight , -Rev. David Moir, the newly-olectel - � - � , � ;: I L---- -- Z.. - tive features'e6bolit it, and if it could be be with a Gov4rnment conar,ructed and I 1- . ­ � , - . 1, . . I - I . � � I I . . I I . : L T � �. ­­ r- 1" - - - % �� 0mioally as itaft pt ivate as that. proposed from service. 1. president of the Hamilton Methodist confer , � r ; , carried out as econ managed road, stl0i I 11 0 ,. . �, . - i-; . - I , - . 1, 4 . � �11� - I - - ence, is an old Huron boy, and is relat � 1 - 11 - � � - . ed ti I r --,: i . enterprise might be commendable. It'would Quebet! to Winniiieg- Iff the Governnacat President Roasevelt, of the United States, the Moir family, of the HeDsE.11 district. � ,­­ - I I .- - . � � . � �, �. - �. 1. � , V��, . -1 r . . I - .., - - I . secure competritioa and t4a lowest, po8t,ible are wiee theywill, keep, cut of it, and if tl�e has just retur'ned to Washington from an -Over 40 delegates attended the Huroi .. � �e­ , I �. : � ,! � ­ : ;, - . - - I ­ �� . * Anglican Sunuay school convention held h � � ­� -- - � 9 -- I 1 - - - - freight char es for the carriage of the pro- people knqw what is for thdr own int- restsp extensive 11 pouting 11 tour thr,jugh the ,, Clinton -on Thursday, June 11th. lifterest : . . : ­ "�­- - � ; .- - . � I �, I . 0 � I ­ . 1-1: � I � � . ; �­ 1 4. - - -1 � . . -� r-- - i � ­ - ­ � I to the. seabG3,rd and : they will not.eanclItion or countenance any ., - .. - ,-­ �, ,.� I - ' � Western and Southern States. He delivered ' Ing addresses on Sunday school work wer, - I Z�l -- I . .1 I , - I � - I- - would also revoluttoaize the carrying charges such scheme. It is net necessary to- take a great many addresses, on a great var*,et . � �:: I I � � .., Z:�:..- I ­ � 1� I m � � y �given at the afternoon and evening services ­ . �� 1:�- . -, , . �- 1� 1. for the products- of the, E-tetern Pro,vinces to such risks. - The country is under no obliga- of hubjeots, b4t all more or las8 OF a political iniol � . ., I �,l - . � : '� -Mr. H. Ransford, of the Donli i . - I ­ * - ,� . �., nature. His reception was most flatterinp, Bank, Orillia, and'soxi of Mr. John Rana : � 11 ­ I -- I the West. Thio,'togetbLer with the prom- - tioa ta aid arry er � - . � ': ­�. � railway scheme. to a great ' i . ­ I . 1. . and entLue renuin; ford, of Clin1on,waa rpa a I 1;:, . I- �- ' iastic. Mr. Roosevelt is a g rried at Belleville or �, T � � � . � . ; .. �, Ised railway commission, would give the extent than is necessary to secure ite con. � � - ., 1� � I politiciali,- and he knows how to make him- Y. June 17tb, to Miss Grant , : I � � '!­ � I Wednesda : �! .� � � �, people a control o'ver the char as of the struction, and Par �iamenr, can t-tke to itielf, self popular with the massea and generally � : � � ­ I r � . : -. ­ 9 Josephine Ponton, of! that city. . I �- .1 .1 I o -F i . . ;I I , I I rallway ro pora,"ions such as they have never at any time it -wishes, power sufficient to suits his subjocto to the localities in which `Mr. David Scotbj -son of Mr. Jamei . 11 Z - � � -1 i- - i � . I Y 1, . - I- I - - I , he happens to be. It seems to be takcn f r Scott, or., of Clinton,l died in Toronto of . � - �, - ­ � �. before enjoyed. But we say all this subject make all the railways in the ccuntry bov� to I 1-4 1 - ­ 0 - � - � . j­�', t . : � I --- Z . � � 1. granted that he will be the Republican con. June 11th, of Bright's disease, at the agf . ; ­ . . i ­­ � I � I . -- .. a . I , ; to the propositioli that such a work could be their will. Ibis the will and the courage didate for the Presidency next year, and ; . . i -1 . I ! a. . . of 50 years. Mr. Scott Wks born in Antrim, . . - I I . I I I . I � carried out and afterwards conducted as that is needed to do this and not the powc r. 'Tirilssa Somet I I I i,- '- .11 I , -. - -F q , hing very unexpected occurg Ireland, and was married to a 'Miss Lane, t - I . I , - I I . � r . I' t- I I I ,� I � economically under the., Government air un7 , any 0PP08itiofi he may have will only ba a � - ; -- lw� f, rmer Clinton lady. Mr. Scott leaves a I -: �,, Z1, .. - �. .. - 1. . . I : -­ � �-Z_ : .1 - ! der the management of a private. company. ' . I I- matter of forrh. widow, a Bon and aaughter. � . -, � .­ . . . The question thao is now - � . �­ 1. , . � � � The Dom on'Parliament. troubling our peighbord is as to who shall be -Tburaday, June 11th, was the 62n� � 1 7� i..%- ' i There is E bill ve little to no:e fi'am the the President 8 running mate for the '.Vine- anniversary of the edding of 'M , ?I a I The experience it - - - I I . �� V � I . 0 � 1 4 3 � ,- r. and � �� . I -� .. I . the Ixit�i6olonial R%ilway, a rk-� conitruct- seat of political wa lare at' Ottawa.. Asid6 Presiderac � I Mrs. Richard Morrow, of Goderich. Th( - - i - I . I � Y. : 7 � A i I , � . - ' � . . i 1� . - . � ! . I 3 ,.�. . �.. :-1: � -ad and conducted under the auspiceg of the from rop,rdne busi' moet tbat "has* i event was celebrated )y a gathering at thE � L � I 7 . , 7 - I P I Pess, t he ' � � ; , . , � I With the a�pointment of Mr. J. L, Hay- home of their son, in Goderich. Mr. and . � I 11 -1 - I ­ � Government, does not furnish much hope been d6ire darkgg the week has been' t, pms Mrs. Morrow ate aged 82 and 83 years re- , 11 , 1 - � I -- � a I � I . cook, the one itime leader of the Patrons in 1. r - � I I I . . � i . - . t . �. I - - � for the larger enterprise. . I 1� 4 .: 1, �. � peveral clauses of Mr. Blair's Railway Com- � spectively. . I I I ; - 4 - . . tute, t:) the position of inspector, . L � � �. 1� . I � � T :, I ­ ,� ; misBiou bill in� committee of tha v% hole, and . -The Woodmen of thp World, of wbieb 7 - ��- � - Before advocatinv- a Qticbec� Winnipeg the Legiala . . - j- . i I ; I !�:4 � t rdad tinder Government construction and jo go' . k . of binder twine by the Dominion Govern- order the late Joseph W. Chidley, of,Clinton, .� - � I ir ,��. i .�, � t the Grand Trunk Pacific hill through ­ . -1 � r : ,- I I ment. about theLlaet of the' was a member, have rected a monument to � � '. - �, management, it would be wise to, carefully the railway committee an I report it to t lie - leaders of the old the memory of their eceased brot L ) - ! . , ) - Palron party bats been made to sacrifice her. The J � ;i I I ; - � . - : � f -, consider and study thd past history of the Houie. It ia still ilikely to meet with con- ,hiriself on the altar of his country by alip- unveiling of the mont ment took place on . i , - I . . I .� �., � . I i : ' ' To do,- 1his we need not go: aiderable oppositin nrn o Sunday', June 14th ind was witnessed by . j Intercolonial. when it comes before pi 'i, t a tidy Government 'Office.. Moit I � I i - I �. I I . I � i � . k- - � � ParliameGt for 6 al ratification, al,li,.,ui a large number of People, many coming � 7 7 ­ I farther back than the statement recently h bf .Haycook's compatriots have precaeded I I � -1 I . ! I . i why this s e the case, tio man ean him in the same direction. No ' erson will from surrounding towns. . - ­ ,hould : ­ - I � � I I � I made by the Minister of Railways in the tell. The Gav of pinton, whowent west - 4 �` , P : I � orn, c -n', hAve not yat made begrudge them their good luck -Wm. Fisher, � � . ; - - 1. . They did I tt r . � ­ I I Dominion Parliament, Of cour8e,�the Inter- � known thcJr poLl(! as to the nature and some good in their day and generation find early in the.' spring, returned home last , � - � �- r . I I . , : t � , � � CG!ouial was constructed in the first place amGunt of aid the , intend giv;ng the enter- had they nott,� " kicked " they would never week- After disposing of big horses, he � � . I � , - I i, � . ," . , - - - - - - �- � � I M- ,�e a o I La, I ; . .. �. -­ -1 1.� � . ur- �fai . iotribution bill bag made have been noticed by the politicians. it, is made an-eiitended trip through Manicoba � � . I 1. q � for political rather than, for commercial p . rrise. The Red I . I . � : . 1, L 1.� ,- I rly good progresi in commitLee during rhe 'only tbe " kickers " and tb-o.e who can kick and the Northwest w4h a view of future i ; � I � . i . � posea. We think the statement of the past week. The, ridistribution of the Lower ha,rd enough to be felt, that 'C&n secur polit- business. He reportal the outlook in the � I , " � p .. . - I X t. . . ; 1. � I � . : . -.--,. I I Minister shows that ,it is still being operated Provinces has b�en agreed upon, Hud ical preforme4t of this nature. west as goad ; a greatl deal of speculation" is I I � . . . : : t I � � I . .:� . I - ­ 'more for political thaL for commercial pur- Man.itoba is now being considered but Ou- �; - : r 1. � ' : . - . being done in land. Ile expects to go west . . i . I tario has vet to come. The eommittee �.as Hcn. Mr. Blair, We Dominion Minister of again- i � � 4� . - - � - I ik poses. In his explanation to tile House, I ; : -) I not yet sEtuck any formidable knag. The V�;l I � .. � Xf T?l I U 11 1.1 A 41- -A ouieb home weddino, took lace on 11. R L V UW1_ t at on Ore Intercolonial probabilities now are that the bill will be W ck.yaj flis � a a statement the other day Ar I ' Wednesday, June 171b, at noon, at the � 0 that the Government had decided residence � f . Mr. Win. Page, Wingham, 1hhe net receipts exceeded the net expenses gGt through the committee stage this R a- " . that , all of working by sorhe $96,000 in the year eion and that further progress with it 'will railways, wh4her steam or electric, that when his d ughter, Miss Sicily, Was United t be drala,ye,,l until next aessiori. Th,e Post- carried freight, woul'd hereafter be consider--�- . g 19021 and he estimates. a surplus of $125,000 in marria io Mr. W . Dixon. Rev. R. . ma.ster-General has introduced P. bill amund- - Hobbs perr rmed the'ceremony in th6 pres- for the current year. But ' � I it must be re- Ing the -postal laiw, one of the princi -al ed as f�r the Oneral bonefib of Canada, and ence of 3. few of the r�lativea and immedi- � ' P would be taken control of by the Dominion - ' - membered that this does not take any ac- features of which is� a reduction of the pres- ate friends of the contracting parties., i Governinen,t. � This means tha,t a great : oount-Gf very large expenditures on capital eat poitage rate onj*newspDpors issued from many local xo4dg that are now amenable to -One day last week, Mr. Simon Hicks, account, nox does it, allow for deterioration the riffice of public�tioa'-14 one half, tile rd. provincial andirainicipal control will be re- of the 7th concession 4f Howick, had 'the eat d uotion being from half a oeiit .a pmind'Ao a misfortune to fall trom the scaffold in* his . - I of atook nor for iater on capital invested. quarter cent. The� newspaper-m(4l, should moved therefr m and placed under the very barn to the floor below, a distance of about ,e things bless Mr. Mulock.if he succef(I'l in, carrying I e Dominion. 25 feet, alighting on the binder, which was As Mr. Bliir himself showed, if tiles much rr �x control of th thiabill. There iaja�yeb no I Lhe Why this should be, we do not know, al- - were included the road would have to show - . . 'd o, � Ol . 4 , : L 1. . : standing directly below the scaffold raceiv- . wor, tbAll b ;+.- - t, 1, . 1: I - . . � I session coming to close. 5 .. V " Eke W U E e ine, n- I . I � � I I - a surplus of over two millions -of dollars in- � . . ation of Dominion Governments, both Con- - Ing a severe shaking up, and injuring his , . � � I . I I'll I stead of a paltry $96,000. In other words; — - - gervative and fLiberal, since. Confederation. right side. I 9 � � I -A number of the friends of Rev. R. . . . � I I.. .. . it is atill running behind at thei rate' of The' Onta io Legislature. The provinces and municipalities .Ehould Hobbs, Wingba.n, gathered in the Motho. I . � . . . . k make a big kick against this irsurption of : � � I $%009,OW every year, or, this is the amount The Legislature is still in-- session . .. . I . . . . The power by the Dominion, dist church one evening last week fo, present I - I . the people ha,ve to pay out of their taxes report of the Cli)mm issioners on the Gamey I him with a gold -headed cane, and Mrs. . � �1, I every year for the privilege of having a �oharges has been the sole theme of discus- Mr. ,Loughead's bill to prevent foreign Hobbs with a handsome easy chair. -Dur- I I � . . . gion now for nearl two weeks and three agitat4a coming to this oopntry to oem Ing his four yekra' ministry in the Metho- � - . state-owned.. road. Mr. Blair also gives the 4, 1 - f ent dist church Mr. Hobbs has been very highly � I , ..� I I 'ior this enormous deficit, for he is re- le8siOns a day- ; I - I reason . It is a fortunate' thing, for strikes � and look -outs has passed the Senate. thought of by big people, and his services I - I ported as: saying -. the people that there is no Hansard in the It provides that any person not a British have been greatly appreciated. . I . . . . - I I - I I( If the Intercolonial. rates were to be in- Legidature. As'Nve stated last week, the , subject and n ict having bieen domiciled in -The home of Mr. W. Newcombe, of � ,. � - 1 Clinton, had a na,rrow escape from fire one ­�. creased by 50 percent., the railway would ball was'opened by, the Premier who con. Canada for one year, who incites it etrike evening last� wqek. About 11 o'clock Mr. . . show an annual profit of $2,046,000. The cluded by moving airesolution adopting the among workmen or a look-oub on the Part of Newcombe �as awakened by- smoke, and , . I rate.a on the Grand Trunk and Canadian report of the Cem I , is&ioners and ' tbanking .employers, is liable to two years' imprison- on going down stairs, Iound the carpet in I � � I � I I Pacific were from 50 to 100 per cent. higher tham for their asaid I ment. The bill is hardly likely to pass the I . . � I than the latercolouiaL But this differen ce followed by a,reply r ty to duty. 'This was one of the. rooms burnin'g. With aeaistan oe , . Commons. As it originated in the Senate it though he as able to put it out before I I om Mr. VVIltney, the. � of ra,tes maintained hy the Intercalonial left i will yet have to;be adopted by the Commi.iis an � . 1. lead!:,r of the Oppos tion. Both were ver I I 3t y y sorious annage was done. It is sup- � n an before it be,comes aw. I . . . I in -the po,3kets of the people, able delivera ces d the diacussibn might posed a lighted la p left on th3 table had I ' I -- � $-,046,000 id just as much good as if it was well have been. dropped - I As the labor organ m I I where it d-1 Izationa are opp sed to it and R good many � I . right there, as in ,� exploded. I I - v members have tp look to them as I the bal- -Mrs. .(Rev.) Thomas Mason. � in the Dominion treasury." thefloodsof oratory which have silicebeen . I � - ' lance oi� power lin an election, they will be of the . I Now, while Mr. Blair is no doubt quit& poured forth, no new point has been brought I Munsey Indian reserve, spent a few days I . i i i I � . out, except whab maybe drawn from the 'sorriewhat morePareful how they act than recefitly vlsiti�g Mr. James Stevens of I � I correct in his figures, he I.- entirely astray the Seliatont, w . o are independent pf the ) � affidavitq read by Mr. Beattie Nesbit at' -the Clinton, while her husband was attending I . I . C I �� . . I in his conclusions. It is a very great mis- eloae of bii speech. These were labor and every tother vote. I � : . I madd, by . . . � 9 conference in'Wingham. When a young I .7 I take to say that the money that is given to Xr. Leavit, of Toronto, the Corservative I - - man Mr. Mason was for several years pri- -� . I -1 the patrons of the'Iatereo!ouial Railway organizer, and two' men from Rodief,ter, The subject ol�;, gambling and stock epecul- vate secretary of the late Hon. Jobn Bright I . � . named Davis. and Palmer. Theee affidavits ations were leng!thily discussed at the Bpis- and his wife was a London, England, city � . I . through low rates is just so much left in che d which would have been oopal Synod, a� London, last week, and . . V. T 136 . eara ago Mr. I � � - . � a miasionar we -six y : , .1 . pockets of the people and the amount. does given before the commission, but which was rn- Mason wag stationZ in Golbonie town- � 't in. the Do- ruled out as being inadmiasable. It referred . ship. � i an much good as if it were Is, resolution aesed asking the Gove . I - , to sto,toments mad by Mr. Wilson, father -in men't, to. pass a law to suppress bucket -shops. -Theweddirlgof.two of Clinton's popu. I . � minion treasury. Only a, very email minor- . . :. , � . ity of the people of Canada ever use the law of Frank SullivaV, to these parties when Mr. John Rana rd, of Clinton, usually says lar young people took place at high noon on I . -RoL Wednesday, June 17th, at the residEn of � . � � he was iii. -hester aboub the time the cam- what he thinks, and most people will agree ce . 1, Intercolonial Railway or receive any benefit mission, . opened its inquiry. Mr. S. J. Andrews, in the Persons of his I 9 � ' It was to the with him very largely in his remarks at the I - I I . i � . from the abnormally, low'ratea charged on � effect that WilFon had told these men that 8 dougbter, Miss - Maude, and Mr. Will. . I � - ynod. He is reported as follows . 1, Ib - � - I he was to receive $500 for absentin . I it. Gonsequeatly the great mass of the 9 himself was very difficult to make a distinction. He � . - . I . ; Moffatt. The. ceremony was performed by . fiom the country so he would not be ro- himeelf made $5�000 in a stock transaction, the Rev. Adam Glazier, of Cape Croker, � . . I peopl . e are being taxed to (11.0, tune of over quired to give evidence before the cam- tbcuc-h I cle of the btide, �ssisted by Rev. H. . M. 7 . . ull I . lie wasl sorry to say he bad lost . .1 two millions of dollars a, year' in order that mission and that Frank Sullivan had - told 'S,3.000 last apri,og. It was all very well to . I Manning, pastor of Wesley church, and in . I - ' � � . ­ I the patrons of the Government road ma,y him of the Gamey purchase before the pi-tition Parlianietit and to blame bucket- the presence of the immediate relatives of exposure was made and that Sulli�- . --profit to that extent in cheap railway ser- . , ai,ops, but, he thought it was the mar) and the bride and groom. ; � . f - . van's story correHpondiad in fact with the not the buqket�shop which was to be blamed. � � ­ vice., Suraly Mr. Blair nor an other p6reon statement of Gamey. But- it will be remem, It, was not the b r which should be blamed, . . I y I . . I can justify mtch a proceeding as that. Yet be -red that Wilson appeared before tile cOm- but the o6cknowledeed I BlYth. I . . man wh drank. H' I I - I � e - .1 . � that is the very position as outlined by Mr. mission and on oath told an entirely differ- the extent of t , he gambling evil, biit he [Intended for last week], - I Blair himself. eilt story"from this and that he knew noth- thought it was the duty of the clergy to give NOTES.�Frauk Bennett, of Lucknow, . � � � , . � ,I trig of the affair and had not been told any' advice to teach �,en the better way." - was a visitor at his home heire over Sunday. � . - - ' -1 . But, it may be asked, why is it that Mr. thing of it by his son-in-law. So that theee - ton - 7 - � � t -Miss Edna Harn�il and Miss B'dna � Blair does not charge the latercolonial cue- affidavits count for nothing. If Wilson t . , . I - 11 - - . old Mr. Robert , olmes, M. P. for West Oarder are trOng Aheir examinations in I tomers as high ra,tes, as other companies do the truth to these parties he perjur . ed him- Huron, in a lett( r to the Clinton NowErs, xoder1ch this weeik.-Blyth seems , E aElf in the witn?*sa box -and If be told the, I � , mugic at G , ' I to be quite a Sund%V resort for the you � t for similiar services, siad thus relieve the ttuth in the witness box he lied to the menting Mr' , ng, � . r . I from' Ottawa, while compli country from the great burden it has to bear : , men of the surrounding towns. Last Sun- �- . � parties who made the affidavits. . Bourassa on asp 3ch he delivered in the i day there were young man here from - Brus- - . I � � for the., maintenance of this road. This The most remarkable deliverance during House on stock ga:ffibling, makes a some- sels, LuckDOW, Wingham and Clinton. � 7 question was well answered by Mr. D. C the discussion was the so-called speech by I I , . wbat startling statement which, we fear, is I Whether it is that! we are so ceatr4lly Gamoy.himself. We doubt'if its 'equad has . ; located or the popularity of our young I , I I I I Fraser, another Lower Province member. ever been deliver(d in any deliberative body only too true. I a says : '�' Mr. Bourassa, ! ladies, it is hard to say.t.--Dr- Lni? , has �. I - When the railway commission bill was be- in Csnada. He spoke ,for five hours on' , g 1 ' ' i one of the moeb c lever and brainy men of the ' added to - his 8(nbal parlors a, fine new fore the House some members urged that Friday before the house adjourned, sad for House. auggeste that the Governmenb fleal Columbian chair 'which is quite a ' imprdve.. . . . T n I the, Intercolonial Railway shculd. come un- one hour on Monday when the -session was with the matter of stock, gambling. The ' ment for himself and patienta. The d000r' - . . -7-� resumed. His speech, for the- -most part, suggestion is a ti � . . . � der its oporation& as well as other roads was an outpourin - ive abuse on be diffieult t aly one, though it might " is bound to have things convenieut.-Ciur - . . g of viudio� I I a a law that would cover : base ball team visitcd Goderich on Tuesday � . . 's0iich are owned and operated by private. the men,bera of the. commission arid all all forms of stock gambling. If a law was ' a7rid defeated the strong team of that to I r , . � a I wn � others concerned who were o posed to him passed requiiing �he daily publication I . . companies. Mr. Blair, who had charge of P in the by 12 to 10. It took 11 innings to break i I . .0 I . I and was couched in the'most ungrammatical press of till sales i in margins, with the names the tie. -A number of The epqrt,i of town - - I I- the bill and who controls the Intercolonial slang, ard towards the close verged an of- the bu,yers, it., vould Boon put, a stop to a ' to)k in the Seaforth races an THeaday and I I . I for *the Government, resisted this prOPOsi- blasphemy, He has most extraordinary good deal of thid "Orm of gambling, because ! report them good.-ldr. Rollie Cook, en- I . . ,�- , I - . . , tion, and in his retistence he was aided by " nerve " and 11 cheek," ard that is the very few people,, prileas they were per -sons of gincer at the griEt mills, and Mise Main@, , � I -- Mr. 'Fraser, who twitted Mr. Lancaster best that can be said forbim. He made no wealth, would cai�e to have their names pub- I one of Hullett's popular _ young ladies, were I , . L . vrith supporting a proposition to make can- refereacp to the mutilated bank depoFit liahed. It woul imperil their credit. I united in the holy boade of matrimony. at 4 , . � . slips, but totrobed more or l6se upon nearly Amow superinten3ents of Sund i ay gollools, the bride's residence, in Hullett, on Wed. ( � .. I mda free, whereas now " he was anxious to every otfier poin'. Ths following �is h4 ,31er men and I � ho are, iprominent Mr. ai3d Mra. Cook ( . - . � ' gy 81y I nesday of this week. I - - tf. make the Intercolonial subject to the peroration : I I I believe -6ere i God in inoliurob courts,,,, men, w I 1 311 of whom - �ave been are going to make their home in town, - I I - . . . I I I I � I I : I I � � k� . . . . I I � 0 . � I i � I . . - I I - . I . . I I I . � L � . .1 i 1� �- -1- t. . I � I � : - . �- - . . I � j -1 I `- i . i . - . - - � I . I I I . - � . I I .. � I . . - . I i � I - . . I I i . . . . - � . ! I - . - I I . � � . . - . . I I . � I . : I I . � � . - . I I I . . - . � -91 . - I - .-- ­ ­ - - 1-1 - .- .. - -­-­ - - - : I- - -- ­ - - . ­ . ]­;.­­ ­- ­­ -A- ­­ ­.­­ - - -­ n- � -- - - -.-- . ­ - I V I I - I having rented Mr. �ohu MoGill's residence. SEA -Mr. Robert MeXiy refereed a 1garDe of 1.1acrosse1ast Thu�.n ay, ,�or 'WiDg,hamt be- I . . I — I � . t � ,- - ; I , � . � - - � I . - . � S. -Z ,, . � i . I - - I � I . : . -­� t - � . . I - % . .1. . .1 � � t- - - � z - - I . t ­ - � I .—�­­ ­ I -----I-.- ­ I . I — � ----,-- � � . 1* i-- -------, . , ­. � --- .1 — � .. . � - I— . 5. 1 . , . I - i 44 . t il ­ .. - —, . I I � - - . . - - I I - . I . � � . - JUNE 269 1-9, . .03 . i � 9rnRT141'1Q I 1rAF*11Nr. Q-Wf%,V1 4-.-r^r!,,.r" t Ban that tf a ineardine, to the .� satisfaction � 71h patties.-MIr. Lock.- , Tidge, of the Brussels woollen mill 'company, TRU KS AND VALISES , � I . . . ;; waif in town Tuesday purehaaingpulled wool - . �i . from Bainton Brothers. -Quite al number of[ I young people went out to the lawn social AT L WEST PRICES. at Mr. Clark's on Tuesday evoning4" but on I . � I . I ;: 11 At 319W 9 AmkMMqygJTt � account of it being such a naaty night they I "I yn[ - did nob enjoy themselves as W611 ali, they i �. obherwise would have done. �! If yo a iitend taking that trip this season in all probability you will need,& . ' -- � � i trunk or,- a valise and it will certainly pay YOU to get our prices before biiy- � Londesboro. ing. The trunk$ and vaHses we sell arg made in oiae of the leading factor - NOTES, -The social given by the Method- - iea in Canada and as we always carry a good assortment Qf the d-ifferent istsi on the evening of the 23rd, was not as sizes and styles, it is an easy matter for you to make your. selection. successful as would have been - had the to the price -a glance over the following lines will convince you om- pr AZ - I woo ther proved favorablel butl there was a are down to the lowest notch : Marbleized Irort � Tranks ' � I _ie�u � fairly large crowd and the probeeds amonut- - ze Q 1ne]4 ed to over $50. All report In i had $2.25 ; 30 inch, $2.50 ; 32 inch, $2.75 ; 34 ineb, $3.00-' 31arbleized Ivoit ,a Ing a" . enjoyable social evening. Th,e 'linton band Truiiks 'with Iron Bottom, Strap Hinges -28 iiieb, $22:75 ; 30 ineb, $3. 1.0 - - of the prog r mm .-Rev. 32 inch, $3 35 3 34 inch, $3.60.- Large Square Trunk, Iron Botto r� furnished part n e - -M, Rol. - Mr. McCallum is at present visiting his son lers, Deep. -Tray v!ith Hat -Box-The best sell-iing i3izes 32) inch I Dr McCallum, of the village Ele delivered 1 $125 - 3t - an *excellent sermon in the M-etl odist churoh - inch, $3.59, :� . on Sunday lmorning.-Miss C.ar& "Young, I . who has been attending thB Belleville TELESOOPE VALISES. I school, returned home on Saturday laab,- . - I . Quit� a. number fODk in the Guelph excur- I The cheapest and handiest valise made -Size 14'lineh, 50c ; 16 i,nch, 1 6,5; alon on Saturday last. -Mr. John Manning, 18 inch, 75d; 20 incli, -95c ; 22 im,cb, $1.10 ; 24 inch, 81,25; of Woodstock, is visiting his parents here � � " 2 6 in6h, Mr. and Mrs. T. Manning. -The - Presby! $1.35. 1 . I terians will bold their annual cocial on the . I evening of July let, on the lawn of Mr. Olub Bags -and Suit Oases at Lowest Prices. Jameson. . I I . . - -1 . . . -1-1-++++ 1 1��l 1' I I I 14-14 !- i -i i Wroxeter. ! - NOTES. -MISS M. Rutherford, of Wiarton, R. WILLIS & SON is the guest of Miss M. Harris. -A str ' aw- � I-, ., Seaforth, berry festival, under the auspices of the Sole Agents tor the Slater Shoe for nien �n,41 the Tnipress S'hoe for women, Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church, will .r . - �, be held onF. V. Diokeou'aiawu on Thurs- � I - - -Z:- dayevening.-Mrs.1), Scott and Mrs. D. v-.-- '... --- -�� Myles and family left on Monday for their Miss Jessie Hieth. The happy" couple left eromith. The important- ,event will take home in New �isksrd.-A - number from at 7 o'clock r for La Fayettff, where they I place on Wednesday next. Dominion Day. - here went on the �. excursion to the Model will be at home to their friends after July The Misses Cooper, who have been in ' � Farm at Guelph on--VV-edneeday.-R. Fraser, 15th, I at 328 Grant street. The bride - was a Manitoba for some -months, returned home feather renovator, of Walton, has moved to former Huronite, being the daughter of Mr. this week. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert MtDon. the village. -R. Trench shipped a mixed Arthur Parsons, of Harlooki. Onb., and who' aid, of the Thames Road, have been visit - Ing car of hogs and cattle on Moriday.-A. A. has 'been a very successful and popular their son, Mr. John R, MoD.0641d, of Tuck. Etsty has tented.the Walker House to a school teacher in Jackson township for four ersmith. - Although in big 89th - Mr. Currie, from Con r year, Ar. n, who will take pos- years. The groom is a Purdue graduate of McDonald is still hale and hearty, .and is session early Jn July. -The followinj have 1901, and is Dow a member of Purdue smarter than many men hardly h&lf his bad gr ' anolithic walks put in front of their faculty." . years. -He has never known what itwgs ,to residences during the pa'st few weeks, B. --. I- - have ar day's illness, and from present A rp� Mutch, J. Davidson, John Harris and 0, � , - . 1, Xippen. pearances bids fair to reach the century Smitb.-Rov. R. Thynne, a retired mini . . . I is One big afternoon's sport in' Seafoith, on mark. -Miss Maggie McClymont Who h" ter of Arthur, occupied the pulpit. in bhe July let. Two championship games, Laprosse abd been visiting with r her sister, iL n ' MichigaN . . Pr4abyterian church on SuLday.-It is our Foobball . 1-864'i r for some time, has returned home. -Mt. 1. �aad.duty this week to n"ote ,the untimely D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer. T. N. Forsyth has four pupils at ,rClintqn delth of John F. Wright, second son of wills, mortgages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned this Weeke wrirtiDgron the entrance examin. FrAnk W. Wrighf, o ' f Douglas Corners, at at the lo West rate@ of Interest. 17404f 'ation. They ara, Roy MoNevia, Garden the age of a little over 21 years. About ton Mowing nia�hiues and all lines of machine,f Gauld, Nellie McGrpgor. and Magaiia Mel. days ago the young man was attacked with repairing. T. Mellis would remind all that he Is I lie. We hope thA young paoplo will be sno- an affectidn of the brain, and rapidly grew again to the, front for another reason at his old cessful.-Forty-one tickets were sold it-, th'a hobby In the way of all rn.4,chine re Ing. As Tom - � Worse- till Tuesday, when he was appar, pail, station bn SarnrAay last., for tbe exe r in has few equals in this line of work, all work trusted . u 8 IL ently recovering, but a sudden relapse took will receive the best attention. Have your rnowera to the Model F.rm.-Mr. R. Thompson, of _- him off Wednesday morning. The funeral in In good thne in order to avoid the rush in the the London R .,ad, has divpoijed �f aline ,, _ busy time. All plow repairing done and a full stock took place on Friday, afternoon to the of, plow repairs on hand. ' Special attention given to., team of ttrae-ye&r-olds to t4r. C,)I,ln 11,0ir, . Wroxeter cemetery. John was a fine all tire settings. T.Yelliff, Kippen. � 1854-3 of Hav, for -hich he receiveA a b4 urice.- healthy looking young man, a good worker A SPLE"111) SudoEss -The gard zin p arty 4, The - MitBes Kehae, of Seale il-1, ,were' in bhe . and liked by all who knew him. The family held On Lhe manse � grounds here, under the I village the fore part or the wtek, the:gucsts I ' have the sympathy of all in this sad offlic- auspices of the-�Lsdies'Aid of St. Andrew's i of theMisses Mollie.- miss .Na.ud Rieker is tion. -Ross Smith, of Watford,. called on church, on frbutEdlty evening last, was a. I visiting in SeafoTtb,-Messrs. T. Mellisond old friends in the village on Monday. � gratifying success in every respect. Although I - D. Bell took in the Oddfello WE .gathering in . I ' wq� . the weather seemed somewhat threatening t Hensall on Frid-.y evening la -t -Mr.- Wul. � , Buto. Of thn-212d copoeE,vicn of Tu,k,irsmit]4 Zurich. ' during the afternobri, the evening turned ' NoT'fhs.-The excurtionists who went to oubtobe-del.ightll`4 -There wa-5, c(n8e- recently told a flue heavy ho-ne to M-r.David � . . ' I Wren, for which, he received a bard) Guelph on Saturday last all report having quently, an immeamle crowd of people Pros- , some , I - spirit a moat enjoyable i � ime. Several - did ent, both young and old, and all seeuri�d to price. -Many p6re pow doing statute labor. ' not return until Monday, having remained- enjoy themselves to. tbe fullest. Inaeed, ! ' . I over to visit friends by.the waY.-Rov. Mr. many were heard LO say that it was the I Constance. Yager, pastor of the Evangelical church moELt pleasant affair of the kind they had . , here, received a very cordial invitation from ever attended. Bu% notwithstanding the Join the 3rowd At the prominade -concerb Dashwood to attend the Children's Day large attendance, the ladies proved them- In Seaforth, on July lat. Big cro-,7j, lots or music i - celebration there next Sunday and take his selves equal to t6 occasion -as providers, "d fun. . 1854-1 Sunday school with him. -Mr. -Arnold of and there w94 an abundance for all and some If cleanliness is next to Godliness, .you I Higneall, has been appointed manager of'the to spare. The Hehe&ll band added much Want to get next to our stock;of towelaright I I Zurich agency of the Sovereign bank. -Mr. to the pleasure of the evening by their fine al,waY. We are offering at me .splendid , Kebne and wife, from '8ebringville, have music, and t I he remainder of'the programme chances for the housewife miGh an economi. been here viaidng their daughter,- Mrs. J�. consisted of eating, drifiking and social e -n- Cal turn of mind. Not only in Towels do, . . Ortwein and other friends.-TheDashwood Joyment. The pro� , eeds amounted to the we give you . chance for savitig, but also in football club -came here on Friqay evening very handsome surd of $106. The size. of other classes of linens, Ta;bliDgs, Napkins, I last to play a friendly game with the Zurich the crowl may be judged from the receipts. Doylies, Five O'Cloake, Sideboard :Covem club. The Dashwood boys came out ' The ladies are to be congratulated , oa the Tray Cloths, etc. This way for all linens. Viet -ori- I ous by one goal to none. It was, however. success of their- entott-ainment and We have Tb'e E. McFaul Go. Seafotth. 1-8,54-1 -- - " a, very well contested and interesting game. no doubt it is the Wish. of many that. they ,!NoTEs,-Robert Armstrong has gone to Our boys -require more practi.,e and should May do it again. i � reside in Essex county. James Prowor ac - get to know the play of each other better. Nc;Tjqs.-9r. -D.. t. McLean, of Tucker. companied them. They intend io remain REMINiscr,NsEs.-Mr. D. S. Faust, our amith,. Lear Chiselhurst, Who accompanied there during the summer month8�-Missex I I I worthy post master, was .a delegate to the hip. brother c.un�. M1cLeaD, 'of this Brown and Brigham, of Clinton, spent last Evangelical. Sunday school convention held place, t6 ,,,�Ir� try, returned home week in the viklage.-Miso'E�ta Proct(r, has � last week, in North Emthope, near Philips- la8tTburaday-evenici1g. He looks well after returnedhome fromIdabo, where -she has burg. He says he enjoyed it very much and his trip. They took a lot of cattle with resided the past three years.-MisaMeRoris . they had a oplendid meeting. On his return them t-) Glasgow. Mr. R. B. Mc'L��n is isaway this week to Watford, attending I I - home h -u remained off the train at New Ham. itill in the old land and intends remaining bei cousin's wedding there. -Dr. A. M. . there for some time.' His numerous friends Waters of Detroit, called on friends in the'- - burg for the purpose of visiting the place 'of � � # �- t hie birth and viewing some,of the,scenes of here will regreb to learn that his health, is village last week. He was accompan . ied by his youth. Among other things he Was not robust ' and he Intends trying. the Scot- .Mrs. Waters and Mrs. St ra,ith, The ladies I �nxioira to see the place -where he was born, b'sh air to see if it V�ill not rate I'm. intend remaining for some time. The doe. - ind with the help of a friend. he was ens , bled We hope soon to h�ear of his c plate re- tor has a large city practice, and hisfriends bo locate the very spot. Much to his Eur- coviry.-Mr. Roberb MoMordieJvho, was in here are leased to'hear of his prosperity, . prise the old house in 'which he was boin, i Toronto last week', paid a visit t( the Legis- . 1, � . is i atill standing and is occupied, although it is lature and had the leasure of I eating Mr. I ' p I . I Walton. . )ver sixty years since it was.built.. Mr Whitney, the Opposition lead ir, deliverK � Faust has not seen the place:for thirty-eigh� himself on the Gainey report. He also You ge� a whole afternoon?i sport --:two Fears, having left there in 1865, when he heard the first part of the speech pf the Pro- -games- for the one adinibsion' at sesfurth �Jn July PvaB eight years - of age and came with his 7incial Secretary, ard he also sa;w Mr let; 1864-1 Darents. to reside in the township of Hay. Gamey, but did rob.have an opportunity oi " You may take a run, h9p, skip and a jump 3bill there were many features of the old hearing him spe ' ak.-The Sabbath school of any old time, but don't skip this; it rolves I iome and its surroundings which came back St. Andrew's ohiiroh will hold a picnic in the problem, how can. 1, a .woman of taste, 'resh and cle Mr. John M&eviii's grove, on Monday. , get a bummer hat that in going to pleage me . r to his memory. Many , I . � In anges hav � a taken place since next. Should We Weather be- fine there wilf from every point of view? Well, its simple. , ;hen and the old place brought to our friend be a good time f6r both old and young - I When in Seafortb, spend a few minutes in Rev. Mr. Mallo paFtor of the Meth O' � the millinery roomof The E. M cF,sui Wo. nany pleasant � as well as some Lad mem- I 4 odist I )ries. church, will prea"bli his farewell sermon oft st6re.. . 18541, . - Sunday. His removal from this charg'g-wao LOCAL ITH�ts.-Dan!b forget the garden � Harlook. quite unexpeot d is regretted by bpth party at the manse, on Tuesday -evening, . 11 pastor and people. Mrs. Carson Moore, of � June 30th. Bra3sels bamd Will be in at- . NOTES -Many of the people of this viciD- Algoma, is a guest at the home of Mr. Win. - tandance and a good programme will be ty went on the excursion to Guelph and re- Moore, of the village. -Mr. Daniel Bell and given. Come and enjoy a plese )ort haviDg h8d a m08 6 enjoyable tims- - ,ant and .his sister, Mrs. Wi Barns, of Boston, are social evening. -Dr. and Mrs. Waiters, of dr. and Mrs. Cilmmings, of Egmondville, visiting at the home of their parentte, Mr. Detroit, are visiting at Mr. John Berry's, pent Monday with Miss Bella Ne-ilantr. We and Mrs. Andrew Bell. Like all oar y.cung the parental home of M, ".. Waters. The Lre pleased to see that - Mr. Cummings has men who go abroad, thir. Bell is succeeding doictor lcoke as if the climate of Uncle Sam ecovtred from his recett illness.-Misa B. in his profe-ipion as � civil engineer.- The agrees with him. -The roads .in 'our iin. rerria,' of Manitoba, is- the guest of her Sunday school garden part , which was mediate vicinity are . . L13016, Mr. R. Ferria.-Miss Jennie East, o held at 6 y receiving a I goodly . the resid Inca of Mr.. Donald share of fresh gravel. Would it not be )oLroit, was renewing �old acquaintances "I Grassick, of' Stanley,, . . y re- well if a little more attention was - he villalze dur-lig the past week. -Mr. Bert * , I was in ever 'given fe spect a great success. The weather was the cutting of noxious weeds by the road- � Men, who bag bet n, oil a hunting and pl.,a,- fine and the turnout1the largest known 'on sides- Apart froni giving the roads a nester � tire trip to Rainey River diatric�, hag re- any occasion of thatfkin . urned Lo.me.-Miss Ma . d The ladiee did and more tidy appearauce, it wou!d prevent ggie Neilans ,spent their part to perfection and provided a suf- the spreading of foul oeeds on adjoining ;unday under the pa6rental roof. -Miss I ficiency for the large crowd. . Mr. and Mrs. farms. -The barn on the farm of Mr. John oultEr. of Morris, via ' ited friends in the Grassick know how to make the people to Shortreed, jr., has been moved preparatory -' - illage last week. -Mr. � and Mrs. MoEwiDg, feel at-home, and that they were at the to being raised up and a cement block wail � f Palmerdton, were the guests of Mr. John right place to have a� good time. The Hen- placed underneath. It will- 'make an a I - Vatb la�t week. -Many of the young, people sallbaud furnishedlitbe music. The pro- barn when campleted.-Our coligratula- I ? " ! Fthiavicinity attendedthe lawnsocial in ceeda amounted I o S,53. -Invitai i r 11.1 are out , tinr,q are #:xtended to our you ug friend, Mr. ' Jrkbuyn . for the marriage ,of Mr. A. Mi-Gregnr, of F. C. Neal, on h WEDDIN-nl B ­ is succeso athieved at To- .� fLLS OF A HARLOCK GIRL.- Leadbury, and Miss a. Workman, of Tuck- ronto Medical College. �he rollow.in w6i(:h we tAke from the . - ; Record," of New. Richmond, Michigan, ; rill be read with intc�re'st here, where the - - .. 7 � Lir bride ligs many fritnds'and admirrra : � The marriageof Miss Margaret, Geneva P,ir. ini aud Mr. Edward Makin, which occur. B I 9, 'G IN DAY -8 � I A in theNew Richmond Methodist church � . ; I . ; I b four o'clock on June 10-�h, was one of the I I � . ­--��-- � ------- rkt!ie8tJune wFddingstbis neighborhood - i .W1V1%A#*AW#%^ ' aseverseen. The eburch was tastily de- : I )rated for the occasion. in wbite arid green. Eve:ry Day will be a special ,t four o'clock, to the strains of Lohen. I I 1- � - - . - -in's wedding march the glipom and li;s I 0 - . Rat man, Professor L. A. Test, of Purdue, . argai n , . I itered by the right aisle. Then the two B Z Day for 30 Days, zhere, Mr. 'Bert Ba..ile'y and Mr. Arett . rnett went down the con, re aisle and took I a . ' * teir places at the sides � of1he altar. They ! During our -01earing Sale ere followed by the bridesmaid, Miss Ruth - - 36ylor, a cousin of : the bride, who � - as dressed in a dainty gown of I . i ,een organdie and. cat ied 1 everything in our- store re - r a large bunch [ : � white sweet peas and �� maiden h1air fern. � - I � ion came the bride, who made a beautiful . : . cture in her -clinging ewn of white crepe � du�', ed, - Now is your time' , chine over white 9f, taffeta silk, with ain and veil. He- oOlY ornament 'was a m i cklace of pearls, a gift of the groom.. She � !I - rried a bouquet of pirlk la France roses. �for'Big Bargains, � . rtEr the ceremony, the bridal Party left . . 0 church to Mendelasohn's march. Dl- Highest Price,s Paird . foir Produce. , � . ,tly after the wedding a reception was � J�� Id at the home of the bride's uncle, W.W. . C-9 Mlix land. At 6 o'clock the bride and groom I 1 - I the way to the dining room, where cov- - i were laid for tbiity, to partake of F% ". L.EAROYD & CO., I inty Fupper. The tables were beautifully - �.. I -orated with roses and ferns, and were RM low - )aided over by Miss Ruth Badley and IGARDNO B36003K, Er"AFORTIM . I . - 11 ''I i . - a � Join this cro. _A"Jortb,,0,4 Jul -5 1%T,oTss,—Tb -field will AUE 'a R Andrew 13 Am. M.-SUMMI 4,baw UP 11bte; 'Be �ation bag . On 'gon this sea, . � preach � a furl I i I I � . see -the Lac - -July la, St- jlar3� you way b* -6f, but that w 19me Bev A Whi � � Ion, For SUM .:,W&ut some -thin . -bolls, --V-ests, I r Vto" _*.Ud *,e ?I I , UeW noVel, i4se ' �� r V*ul 400., 18P.af szxlous A0 I rinful OCoide] I fisce who rei &�OQ,.r � tt it's( . . )&-r. Aircher w-4 in's Woods neS for Mr. MlistaIr ' - , i .I,pg rolled 1)n h, � . gemenal tmai knee -aZd the I was rewov*d t . . Ergr,=- Bayfiet I I - by Dr, Wood, - - , � _fjared t4at th4 ----besmputate'a i . . I I . . ,Wsa *eat - or- � -Stion it Woe 4 .Umb SU -4 it W� tended to With ` � Are pleaseit tO r - � I ' , 4w �aould be fx - � - ,m r � a,y xwt mow b � r Most r -der the � will be a long - -be lible to be a "will be �Eu� I . ��f 'his removal � I - 4YI-Mpathy is fer ;t - - L OTZS. Thi � "N � pi,crile parties A I I _ to the NOrthv, r I k.berally patroi. � this viein1f',.V.r___� - : In the ,cheap �ex . ,4GU.61 h on Swft Walryfavors Asy, but --moat I . - 3MVing spent S'r jser-iouv accideol m moripa last. S I paniedby Mrs.� son were on thv to take tile -eu their horse wai _ r&-cingon the I r I agea�61e rthreW " _UrC I Stephoulso "a hm since bi but the Dther 1 further than tb4 r Horse -ra-bing 9� there are sum� one land rgplreb-i , I not be passed-ul the offendeirs V should have bad ,that, oar wor,h) .34,eAsh, is impin-c- � property by filli and office with � ,entrance. He b +.he watzer to run late blia gocd,ex-l.' .present. 0, nester -colt, belonging � V I -few- as � - ,ye ago. � �= Th -o beat Y341 I I sealorth, on July I I : Hurons. . L. . . - . Where wg)mei r �easy it is tio dio. � - � hwis 'by their 6, � 1. the unraistakab I the;,creatiou -of I I for t1he pnvpoae-� . a list that is I , the nadk of doij I are -not hlg�b. _11 I I I iI � I ; .. A GOOD . Ro I I I -have the best i I � This is t hit pa I . I Seaforth and N I . Is being used �w I be made Wide, : - , - -to go abre apa, .. I - V and the g -V be the best pie-( 9 � mo Government , I The cott will uj neighboring to) 49ne wii;h this I , - . - . -applying to MI � Ing this vork. I � .1 WHAT hVF0 I Very few poop. aide of the TOW vehiole� It th, , On the Bight i6 -ion the ev,e , ng , , - eral rig's . se except two ? O)� 1he road, with, � Jcwnlrotoeeb. . ehi I " The party Aesi I. -the P�rty be - I- . The driverof t . turn to the - ri vohicle -fping t� , I � and Pat . a -on t'th the law -of the -1 . � obaerv�e it -, . v ,, 4 g< I tim . � , ea acoldvotf I accident wore ahead turning �,, I . driver behiad. t . -side, tbe part3 . I . tould be beildv I 1 : A FAnzw=i . hill ftrewleU Be , 'Sund'o-Y evem. I : . I "Church, near ). be a speciAlol ,should be U te, , - - a I JC. M. I I . A UN -M WItDAR Dodds, of McE Pretty weddin] - it being the i I - , her sAco,Ud dal L J'Ohn A� Sn�ijl] I . . I five &P -lock i -to . I I .1 March, played I-p-aity 4X - I I.. Ma(ter an � . I arch Rronibley __L of 11-1? I inide sina ,� X" I . I. I bride, actied ae . Wale wriormei -.3nondville in t - V 4 1 relatiVft -and 11 After the eore'r 1119 -room to a mcies. to whk - , - remainder of 11 :and �conafc soul I gan an,! 13ort, I drese -o�f tream A Bilk wnd , ea, , rrje I I and the bride - - - .1 and carried DID to the brid��--a - . bridesmaid a the reicipleW ,( . . PrIesents, allow I - -ShO W"'he)d. frielads in ,wish -1 Inarried lifg. . . .. - I - -Mr. Da goile to 'Va-Acal .Z. . . I no in't-ention �Q 1. suita him. : - I - - . - . � - I- - . -- I L ; . - � . 4 L , .. , niel - . -1 - - - i � -, - �. ­- 1 � .f I I ; ,� I I 4 I i . : I ; I - - . - I � I - . Z ­�­ ­ -- -1 � - --a-- -- -