HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-19, Page 8� I 1, . I . � � - , � . h I - —_ — - - - - - , _f — - - - - , - — - I - - -
I I I I .
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I . I
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I I � I
I ; � I . ; � � .
. . : � - . I I 1
1 - �.. � 4 1 , 011 I 'Mr., Alex. Stewart returned was one of the number who partook of the V I -
I .1 I .A boned oi rds, In the form of post cards, frlendis thore.-�,- . .L
: : � . ..
- :1 . I L I � - in Bldevale. We Mi - Give The Followl L
. ... SUMMER. STOVES. Qr4L # each bear' ig a representation of this arch as . GOOD. PLOUR i on Monday from a' trip to Manitoba, where first sacrament `j, - , - ;
, . wilt f9vol expootta I - I �_. livin
. � I ,� 'O of horses. mention -that there are only two -now � I
� - I - 4 was de I rated for the several differelit - � " he had been with a consignment
I � . I L I
: ;: . the !
� . i � __ � . %� . I - I __ ERB - � occasions The first is as ib appeared for It pleases the cook to know that our flour He 4as as far West as Brandon. While who partook of t4ab communion viz. : Mrs.; Som : -
- ;
� I L �. �. � DISTRIPT MATT - _ first coraiiation ceremonies but which had will form the basis of her bread, cakes, pies there- he saw Mr. George Murray, formerly Duncan, wife the deceased, and Mrs. o Thoughts
L � - - . - I -
, -
- I Nothi' ing- is as pleas I tlo be pos� 'I Mi. John Ward Jessie Meager. Oir.'Duncan le-avew-to mourn �
I ` I I L ant in a home poned. The second In as it was and pastry, because it risaia so easily, because Of t6id town- He 080 saw I �
7 -7-1 1
� 30U§UlUJW_WU,,
I ii re -decorated for the pobtponed ceremonies, if is eaSYL � . - I _X 9 Ki 9� N
. .1 . � on hot days-aq a cool kitche.n.- ART ScHooL � CEnTiFicA,TEs.— The'follow.- � to kneed, because it bakes so even. at Carberry, another old Seaforthite. Both his lose his wife 1 and six daughters; Mrs. �
� I . Our " StandarP Blue Flame Ing pupils of the Seaforth Collegiate, Insti. and the �hird as it was again re-deoorated ly. Those whc profib byl her culinary skill gentlemen are doin well. Mr. Murray has. Philip Thomae, Of Bluevale ; Mrs. Charles �
� for the .
- I . . 1�6 tate have been warded certificates in the on the o W"asion of the reception to Viscount also rejoice ov I or outi4amily flour � I his cement briol and tile factory started Mann, of Lurno'den, Assinibois ; Mrs. When.-mak-ing our selections .
!� . __ � Wickless, Stove!�! 'cure this. �, ganod has prospects of a good business. These Frank Ganda a. Fred Marsh, a L
I - : art school oourae� by the Education Depart- Ketche r. The'last, as shown in the pic- Bra � re tb, I Ohio ; Mr summer' trade we missed only the
L L �_ - Ob p, Shorts and other mill Ned alwaj q
I I . , " I � _ - Woodstock; My . Jacob Harper, of Sault mgs You would not have. Does a
I . I ment : Three �cvrtificates, for freehand, ture, is �he nicest They are handsome on hand.' � � bricks and tiles, although new in the North th*
. 111, They burn either cog oil or gasoline odel and meenory drawing, E. Box, 3. souviner#, and art) �)od advertising cards an I I -7- ! went, have b4io- In eneral use here for sev. Ste Marie, and Mrs. T. West now'residing large, well asserted stock attract YOULt
, r . I I -
I I and, no smoke or smell. we . Tever, Rc DAvfia. Two certificates, 8. well. ! . eral yearr, Mrare fecoming more popular with her mother. Another daughter, Mrs. We've got it. Do low prices meta .
- .. . .. . 11 I . @_
� gnarhutee you satisfaction for Bright, D. Hall,PR. Hattry, C. MoMann, E. HAMILTON & KERSLAKE the more of them that are used. , The biicke William MoInt(:sb, died at Regina last something and please you? We hs,V_e -
- I M' stoves Pickard. one Oartifidiate, A.Carn bnell,M. TRAV&PLERs.-The following were tick- an - .,. . look nice, and stani the weatherfully better winter. Mr. Da ican -was a good neighbos, them. Do methods that- are straight.
� - theyare.the best sum er i , Seed Meroh ts I Seefoibb. .
I . . Dloksort, M. Jones, B.'MallafIll, F. pdoLeod, eted by W_ Somerville, Grand Trunk R%il- . __ - I than the ordinary clay brick --Mr. R. N, a kind and indul ,rent father arid a good- -and. forward and transactions with satiefl.e.
. . onthbn�arket. 0alland see one ' ' WAY up4own agent : Misses Mary and litt
. .. A. Petrie,, H. � Roberta, B. Waugh, F. ' "A__ - BretN who always likes to be bhey, in eup. kind husband. The sympathy of the com- - tion guaranteed, interest you 9 � I .
. � - III operation. . � i le, and Nellie McIntosh, MoKillop, and Mrs. a son Ind daughter, the former a brig -ere is y . ev
I L Weiland. M. Q I sple and D. Wilson also .1 uvwy lying the people with a metali0- electrical munity will go a Lb to his aged partner and do, then, h our store, No I"J
. I I- I obtained certificates in the more advancred George *oIntosh, of London, to Cattarau. of about 14, and the latter was born when Esir comb, for which he ham the chief family. . . - . of energy, enterprise, economy,coupI04
� . - I I
I � - Our stock of lawn mowers, screen drawing. - . gn�, NO* York, on a visit to their brother, her mother died. His aged mother in still agency for this district. -Among the num- - - � . with advanced ideas, consoientioug�u -
- I
.1 � Dr. McIntosh ; Miss Flora- McDonald, living. He was the oldest of the family, . ile and studying yo on
,. . . . - doors and windows is complet� OOT HER POOKET PiaxEm-Mrs. Silas Goululook street, to Mount Clemens Michi- and his death makes the first break - in th6 erous; visitors to town on Tuesday, to attend Ray. in data ur eve - ]ji.
L , � .. - � . �_ and prices low. Eyre, of Harpurhey, and h . er mother, Mrs., .gan ; Thomas Mr.Qdade, McKillop, I to Al. family circle, there being three bro . bhers and the racer, was our old an4 worthy friend, STOCK SOLD. --Mr. Henry Daters, of the barest, make speedy sales. in the 7iffer- -
L _ I Mr. Robert McAllister, of ,the Parr line, township of Hay, last week so!d to Mr. � ent, departments hera. .
I I- Get our prices- on nails and builders' Wren, left here on Saturday last, to spend a bany, N -4w York, The following want on two sisters. The remains were laid to rent, 4ay, who still Injoys life, altho " ugh he' in Albert Neal, of 'Hullett, a fine 11 -months- . L - '
� . I month with friends In and around Acton. the hoftie-seekers' excursion on Thursday .. -beside tho-se of his deceased partner, in the nearingthe four.scoore, and was il- Great Collection of Handsome � .
I hardware, eave troughing and.fur- In getting on the train at Stratford, and in J. K. Rtohardson, tar Winnipeg ; Mrs. Rob- Maitiandbank cemetery, L on Thursday after- i.� one of the old Shorbhorn �)urh%rn bull and an
. � . pioneer settlers of that part of the township months -old Shorthorn heifer to Mr. Low
-1 . � I liace work a specialty. the crowd, Mrs. Wren bad the misfortune ert Holland, Walton, to Yorkton ; Eglason noon. He was a Past Master of Britannia � I - 'a Dress Materials. '.
I . L411* -Hay. -Mr. Ed. Christie, the genial post- Sohilbie, .of thel 14th concession of' H%y.
. . . . to have her pocket picked and her &rse Esler, Wilson Armitrong,and John Darrow, Maxonle Lodge, and the members paid a I
rpaster of Exeter, and who, by the w�ay, IF These calves,wero got �y Mr. Dater's stock, Your own Leyes Will tell YOU
� . - I lost tribute of respect to their departed . . T _at 'a glanft
I I y stolen. The puns contained ten dollars in Stauley,Ao Moose Jaw. bull 11 Kihellar pad,11141686. KinellarLsd
-1 .
I . ESNRY & SM]LFI E I , money and her I return ticket. Ib In ea. � I" L — brother, by attending the funeral in a body. an old resident of Seafortb ' * wag here on � . what lovely, flue wofthy stuffs they.%t* -
� . � . , pposed I - Tuesday and Wednesday, acting an a jud "I y imp rted 'Kinellar Stamp, and _ and if you examine them clo3.ely,- I I
I L :, the theft was committed by some of, the WED11im; BELLs.-A pretty wedding was 0 elf
. � - . . a , . 'I the races. -Mr. and Mrs. Alonz Les , his dam was got ylimport6d Oxford. Kin- through, a magnifying glaaa-YOU Will .
, I .: � circus attaches, who are always on the look� celebratid at the residence of Mr. W. D. ,- CIGARETTEs.-The" following resolution f Guyaboro,,Were here this week, attend- ellar Lad in part on arly Well bred an- a of L have further proof of their odne". _
I , out for chances ot this kind, an the circus Bright 6'A Wednesday, when Florence Al- has been adopted by the Seaforbh branch of I g the golden wedding of Mrs, Leach's firiat class qualit . Mr.Dihtors in making a 910
. . HardArare, ;Stoves, Etc. ' . . OnIV the best of 'yarns could be used to
k a miibap, berta Dable, sister of Mrs. Bright, was t - , -good reputation or himself as a breeder of ,
� i I was in SIratford on that day. Th -L he Women's Christian Temperance Union : ments, Mr. and Mrs. Barton, and Mr. and make. light W61ght summer ,material*,,,
� . I . although annoying and inconveniencing, did,' united In' marrlag� to Mr. Kenneth Camp- �,4 Whereas, most stringf-nb laws have been L re. H. Jeffrey, of Wingliam, were here on Shorthorhs, and iffie commenced right, by,
. I
�. , L .1 I not prevbnt the ladies from continuing their bell,' pdstrriaa'ter at Brandon, ' Manitoba. enacted -forbidding the sole of cigarettes he same errand. -Mr. James Scott of -the getting the best. I : look so well -as � L do .these fabrics -
1 7 DOMINION BANK., . . to I i - Voiles, Grenadines, Eolinee, Elootru.
. I . ,. � i6urney. , The cer0moav was perforined at noon by ' a rm of Scott Brothers, has returned after I � I
� - - � __ - I I minors ; whe'reas, the age limit law b Ing
( L . Crepelineg, etc. * The pulse for therij
I Rev. 1. 13. Wallwin, assisted by Rev. � F. H. very difficulb of enforoerpent, because it is two months' spent in Manitoba and the Morris. light weight btuffe is strong,- strongerl,ri
: � - 1,
I . CAPITAL (Paid Up), - $2 500,000 FooTBALL.-The Berlin Rangers and" the Lirkiln. "The bride, who were hbr travelling almost impossible to attiin conviction, be it Territories. -Rev. Wilson Aitcheson, eon of I -
: - , L
� I . - drep NOTEs.-Gbod growing weathir.-The Londoii Paris and New York tha
, f I .. REST, . $2,5010,000 Hurons played a championship game on the 'a, -was given away by Mr. Bright, little resolved by the Women's Christian Temper. Mr. Wm. Aitcheson, of Harpurbey, who has- I I I n:anv. .- -
b. garden party at Walton, on Monday even- --where else, but iu.is quite strong.1uS;&_
I � __ - L � - recreation grounds on Friday evening la5 Margaret. Wilson, acting as flower girl. ance Union, of Seaforih, that we do all in just graduated from Knox College, Torionto, -Statute labor" Is , forth. , Very many women have these -
� \1 �� - 0% The game was called for 6.15' and by that Only tb6 immediate relatives and_ a few . . ing,,was well attended. L
i ;. . . 8.EAFURTH BRANCH, time &'good steady rain was falling �Bnd the intimatd frIandB were present at the care- our power tQ obtain, instead of the age has.received an unanimous call to the eon- oa and we notice that the.noxious weeds tire �, stuffs in mind. They are planning,& dreas.
I I � .--,L I ground was -in anything but fit condition for -mony. Aft% the wedding dinner, Mr. and limit,law, a law prohibiting the manufao- gregations of Rocky Saugeen and Dornoch,. 0,100 mown down. This is as it should be.- that is to be made of some one of the I
, � . Main Street, Seaforth. tnre and sale of the cigarette in Oatario." intheoonnty'of Gray. -Mr.'J ohn T. Dick - Mr. F. M above mentioned fabrics.
; � - I I artin, 6tb line, . took in, the ex-
: I I - S:_ playing. Despite the bad ,weather there Mrs. Campbell left on the afterncoa train — � I . son and his two eldeat daughters returned aion to the Falls last week. -Th . a funeral. �. . .
I tran wee a fair attendance, bat the condition Of amid showers of flowers, for the prominent last week from a abort'trip to Toronto, of the late MrB.-Alex. Nichol, 7th conces- D ty Wash Stuffs For Summer -
- - � A General Banking Business - - - our
� acted.- Farmere Sale Notes collected, the grounds prevented anything like citie of z�'eaatern Canada. The bride has -a LoCAL BRIEFS. -The er-oursion to NI- Ain -
I - .1 and advances made on same sit lowest scientific ball. * Bub -even although the 11 after attending the commencement exerofs6a '810n, took place to Brussels cemetery on
. .1. _v _� host of Mends who will extend very best agra Falls, under the auspices of the Can- at the University of Toronto, when Miss ' Dresses.
� . - . I rates. weatherlwas against them both teams play- wishes. L I adian Order of Foresters, on Friday last, Monday af ternoon., Deceased had been bad- I I
- . - I . . - Drafts sold on all points in Canada, ad with vim and gave the epeet:ktore an . I I well attended. .The special . train eon � Dickson was awarded the degree. of Bachelor fast since November last. The funeral was - We have gathered a comprehensive j,ull
� . I � —0 - � wall . of Arts by the senate of the University. a very large one. The service was conducted .
� idea of what they would have seen under ,q : oisted of six cars all well filled. There were There were other festivities in connection by Rev. John Rose, B. A., of Brussels, I
I . . . he United States and Europe. . GARDt PARTY. -The Ladies' Guild of - characteristic stock, representing -tile '
I � . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest more famorable conditions. The game end. St.Thom�achlirch will hold &garden party on the about two hundred tickets gold here. The highest type of perfect,ou in weaving, L
I -
. -Villiam Go . with this year's commencement, including Red docket is spreading badly all' over the
. L ad in a tie, each side having scored one grou venlook, Hillside, on - bowev6r, was very unfavor'bl" tLe pastoral play in the residence garden, as is L also u
- . goal. Tue�d' of .... r. weather, and art in -e, of -co roe,
. � . � allowed on deposits of One Dollar and -Galt won from the Broadviews in Toronto ay, -.eve Ing June 23rd.. Strawberries, loe country, wild daisy. -The shed . designing. Whit
, . being cold, and rain falling most of the time heads- this vast procession of "Laummer-
i , . . upwards. - Cream, R4fre menta, 88rd Regiment Band In at-' . the planting of the class 'tree, the alumni is finis6d at Sunshine. ---�Bills are cub an- ))
- *
- I I R - . __ S., HAYS , . W. K. PEARCE, on Haturday, giving them a good lead for tendxnce,..� �Admie8loti loc. 1853.1 from the arrival at the , f ails until - leaving tea the alumni dinner,, the girls' luncheon, - ness' and it is fiqing- that It should.-
. . 1. . - .9 the championship. The Hurons have a a �ut J We . nt)UUOiDg a great strawberry festival at '
I u time. This very much warred the pleasure 3 a These white cottion fabrics In their
. . - . Talbq�o Bazaar opens on cr b Jg5 an Igo the farewell reception of the class Knox church, Belgrave, on ,.June 25bb. - 1�
. � . Solicitor Manager. look in for the championEhip if Galt loses 27th. WSit 1:� I % 3-1 of the day. , The excurtionists got back to -J. C y Wingham brass band in aft-endancei.-A, pecullar weaves, glistening in their
. � . I I I I of 1903. -Miss S. beene was ti,3keted
I I . the next two games, one each to Berlin and Every�bod;y come to Seaforth on Jul� lob. Seq,forth about'l o'clock. Saturday morning. to Molita, Manitob and Percy Smith, of mercerized finish, pr6sont a, most plo".;_
I 9 the Broadviews, but that is hardly likely a ChImploDphip lacrosse match, Football �natch and I . James A. Cline, manager of the Owen - Jaw. this . week, by ; L rden'partv - ab ' - and bewitching effect. You feel
- I ULM'S . ri
I I a, vention! -
. farmera At'L they have a splendid team. W. Clarks, on Tuesday evening.-Joh
8 _Mr Leadbury, to Mooa:1. large number attended the ga
. I � . other opotts I� the afternoon and a grand promen- Sound cement works, was in town last week Greig & Stewart, 0. P. R. agents. -Owing . . �e; - Ve.need of some at once* wad why not
. I �
I . I —0 o Wash. attending the funeral of his brother -in law, Agi!a is eomewhat 'letter. -The grader did L .
, . � mde concett In the evening whan the Gedrg . to a recent change in the run�ing of trains ' . get erough for a ehirb waist Or two -
I . . The' National Cream Separator FRo.m GrELrnTO 00DER101f.—A. despatch logton COlorod Orehestra and the 83rd Regiment the late J. P. Brine. -Mr, Joseph Fisher, of good work on the 7th line. -James Smil.- when the material is so stylish, service-
. I . . from Guel h, dated June 13th, says : I 11 It Band will U In attendanoe. Watch out or bills an. the 10bh concession of Tuokeramith, has had on the Grand Trunk, a person can now he went home to Hensall on Monday.- ;
.. - FOR ME BY . . nounoing - able and washes so well.- Th4iv, toot 11.
I . . I is now protable that the Canadian Pacific Particulars. 1852-I leame Toronto at 7 o'clock In the evening Mrs. Cunningham, of the 7th line, is visit- - . I
, . - . . &P�jL - ' a very handsome cem6nt foundation erected there is no lack here in colored muslim,
I W. N, WATSON, North Main Street, Some On _ in Glassware, Chi�. a, Dolls, and reaeh here about the usual time, thus ing in Halton county. ---�George Pearce, 7th I lawns, dimities, organdies ete. ,
I I i Railwaywill extend the Guelph Juncti6n etc., at T41,boVs B-Azaar on Aifte 27th. 1 1863-1 for a large batik barn.he is putting up on his avoiding along aDd,, tedious. wait in 8 brat. ! I .M&uy
. . SEAFORTH. Railway to Goderleb. The whole matter -1 � fine farm this season. -There were 170 _ line, has put up a good wire fence on his �
. - . 'SELLIiNG i UT' Oth Mrs. , fanciful combinations, contrasts,
I . _. � was discussed in Montreal between a depu. � 0, #-After June 2� ticketa sold at Seaforbh for Stratford on ford, mud allowing sk,good, long half day for farm. � I , -
L Rudolph dftero her entire stook of fanoy goods at Sat' business in the eft -A stranger, with a . _ .. harmonies, blev dings, in such quant -1
I I - This sep.N.-Mor is one of the best, manufaotured by ta,tion consisting - of I . ' _a,� . .1 9 - L tin,
� Mr. Win. Bell, presi- cost. Awebe wishos to retire from buBinem every. urday laet,1hat being the day of tha otrouiq I - T. as go to make for the buyer a moat L I be-
, . -
.- �� I I the Raymond Sawing Machine Co., which, has been eg and an arm off, found a gold charm and ', Wing -ham. ' . a L '
L � in business for over 40 years daub of the Guelph Junction Railway ; thing muA go; Wsxi there. Many came in from the country not- . '
, - and a guarantee that . L . - . left it at THE ExrosiToR office to be claim- wilder.ing array. In a word, thera is
the National Separator is a ,strictly first-class, up -to- -Mayor Hamilton, Colonel McDonald, Becre. OS -Oa Thursday ni2ht,Jnn . NOTES. -Mr, S. Bennett made a business good- a showing of waeh fabrice ,on sale
11 - PARMOL L T. e withstanding the web, disagreeable morning.. ad,, and where the owner Can L gab it, on trip �
I . date machino. it is, simple, easy to operate a olose tary of. t" Guelph Junction Riilway ; Col. lltb, bel.ween the Queen's I-rotel, Seaforth- and the -Mr. Brown, hardware Merchant, of Bran- . to Seaforth on Wednesday. -Mr. 1.
skimmer, and durable. All ma,ohlnes guaranteed, . . I proving property. -Mr. C. S. Andrews, of Gutterldge, of Seaforth, was in town on . now as we have ever had, and there is -
. McCrea, With Presidenb Shauganessy, of lot Conaeosion of MoKillop., The' finder will oblige don, Manitoba, was in town over Sunday,
. . and manufactured in three different size& --260 850
. . ces right, call i X. anadi1an Pacific Railway. It io'believ_ by leaving it at. Tim E.u,oBITOR Qffloa, Seatorth. the guest of Mr. L. L. M TFaul. Mrs. Brown the postoffice grocery, has had his delivery Monday. He has a strong force of men at economy to the buyer in cho-osing here.
I �
/1_4 I I and 460 lbs, capacity, Fri md' ex the C I . . 1. . , 1853XL 0 wagon nicely V!inted, giving it quite a city work building Cement abutments Ior the Have you Summer Shift Waists
: - I Amine it. * ed that should the different municipalities All g�ods found in Talbot's Bazaar, on had been here visiting fri ' ends. for*for some appearance. -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sample, . r ,
I . . IV -W r t - a the I
- _ � i Batton, of town. He also has a permanent establish- In Plenty ? ,0I
_A_ TS 0 W,, through which the road passes give suffio'en June 27, are now, for they were all purchased ddring th left on Tuesday and in of Detroit, and Miss Mag?Ato the I
I I _W_ I weeks. *They bo new bridge over the Maitl'nd adjoining
11. . L NORT11 MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. enoclicagemenl), the extc-naion will Eoan be the last two weeks. . i 1853-1 ten"ayiing a -visib to the'Maritime pro. same city, were here over Sun ay, the guests . .
I . I dealer built. R11 -r. Bell states with confidence that . vinbee before tl�eir return to their western ment here for the manufacture of all -kinds I �
� �
I I � Cenaral Fire and Life Insurance Agent, mine � ; 30 paija ladies' Dongola Oxfords, sizes 21, . of Mr. aid M ra. J. W. Beatti 'a. They came If, already safely stored away in your-
! - in Sawing Machinos and Bicycles. . the extension will be i commenced within a� 3 3J, regidar 61 to $1.76, for 63c on Saturday next home. Mr. Brown says Brandon is booming over to attend the funeral of' their 'father, of cement goods, and is so well known in
� - . L � 1630 year. The local directors are expected to - o'nly. !Don't forgel,� Aot on sale until and only on like all other parts of Manitoba. There are Wingharn that. he is almost considered' a bureau drawers, You've not a sufficient,
. -
� I . . I - take the initisti:ve in ascertaining whab the , Saturday., W. H. Mills, R.ole agenb for Dorothy over one fiundred new houses being erected Mr. John Button, of Constance. Mrs, citizen. -Messrs. J. J Sullivan, F. J. Cair, supply of white shirt waists ready to ,
I . . several municipalities will do between here I Dodd shoes for ladies and Goorge A. 81 iter shoes for there this season and there 'Would be more Sample's maiden name was Amanda - But- * don to make the many I
� . � . James Stewarb, R-. A. Hutchison and . L . changes this
I � - � men. I 1 1853-.1 ton, and. they were married only on the 11 ' baiter .
I I . and Goderi6h:" . I , warm weather demands, yoxed
- I For- Spring Trade, � — if -men and L material could begotfor their T omas Gregory started on Thursday for a '' . .
. ,I . � � I I # . oonstruction.---7Mr. Lewis Eberhart, who previous Wednesday, and they had a very t wo m onths' trip to the North west. A fare- provide them soon. Andweletyouwan-.
� WX, A W x—_N- g 5 �1,q N �= I � ; I sorrowful honeymoon trip. They returned -
. I THE EW-VIONDYTILF Soci.%.L -The so3ial- i P0W=-GHAAIPAG,iE,-We take the fol- has been working in ilia foundry here for' well social was given to the Rev. R. Hobbs, der into a fine, fresh field of new white
L � .
. 1 7 1 ' ' ! lowing from a recent Toronto paper - 11 A to their home in Detroit on Monday. -Mr. in the Methodist church, on Wednesday shirt waists for making choice, .
. � r , -
. .
. * & larS asao tment of Sweat Pads, Curry under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the ,. very pretty. event � was ' some time, left on Monday for Thoradale, Alex. Mitchell of Varna, recently sold a - -
_ � Combs, araess Dressings, Brushes, Axle Egmondville church, held on Monday even- i - . the marriage, on where he 'previously was. -The people of I evening. A pleasing feature of the pro' -
1. . � i Tuesday morniug,�une8th,.ab the church very handsome driving colt, three years old -To-Wear
. � Grease, Wool and Rabber Rugs. A new ing last, was a very pleasant affair. The Z Harpurbey are having a piece of cement side � gramme was the presentation to that gentle- Trimmed Hats, Ready
- .
I I 10 � 9 i
I - and unbroken. for $150:��-Mr. James Reid, man of a gold -headed oane." 'The church
� .4 stock of Dusters, Whips, etc. even'ng was pleasant, although, perhaps, .� f the Saar 1 d Heart, Toronto, of Miss Emma walk laid down between 8eaforth and that of McLennan, is here visiting his daughter, has prospered greatly under his four years' Hats, Trimming Materials, - ,
. .1 I Champapne, latoof this city, to Mr. Walter -good m ' ant and they Mrs. James Sproat and other friends.� I
I - I The largest stook ot Trunks and, Valises , somewhat cool for a lawn social, but the' place. This is a ovem
I ,r . : _NValiace .Powlell, � of the Toronto News. The should keep at it until the whole walk is of
. . 84 lowe.Bt prices- ladies had made provision for this and served pastorate. -The Western Foundry Com- ? The deft fingers of our millinere do their-'
� - - � f , Mrs. McKeohnie and, Mrs. (Dr.) Ball, of pany had the foundation laid of a store- ' ; work well, and on ehort notice treate
� I the refreahmento in the basement of the i bride wa18 tastily attired in a dainty ere. that material. The Tuokeremith council Toronto, were here this week, the former house 150x66 feet and an addition to the 'I hate either simple or elaborate, -as de..
. - . church, and had only a tent on the lawn - ; atwn of i a,' delicate color of castor eilk, gave a grant of twenty dollars bo the work �
; - . I I BRODERIOK'S vihere other refreshments'of a lighter order! richly trirp.med with duchess laoe, aud a hat and the McKillop council allow the statute the guest of Mrs. Alex. Wilson, and -the, lat- moulding room 7Oxl8 feet is also in course sired. The trimmed hate now zon Palo
I - � of stylish pictum sh%pe to match. - -7E[er , ter of Mrs. W.. D. ,.Bright. -Mr. George .
- I were served to those wh(f desired the fresh; lahnr +n.lk. --1 ;� 4-1,16 — W ; of erection These fac are enough to are stvIieh a -ad becomin 11:nA In
arness 84op Cady s Block �; sister, Mise Lizzle Champagne, who acted as '.Y*- ' " " Boyd, of Stratford, was in town this week, I � 5
air, although Eomewhat cool, to the quieter; receipt of the year book of Canada for 1902, - testify to the,enterpriae &nd energy of this , any case some slight alterAtion
and more social intercourse of the 'inside.. bridesmaid, was'dressed in an American prepared by Mr. George Johnson, etatisti. taking In the races, and ab the same; time firm and the popularity of the I I Huron" would improve the style to the fancy of
SEAFORTH. blue voila over a foundation of ,bI renewing old acquaintances. City life Seems toves and ranges. � the wearer, it is soon made. And am
— I The band also diacoursed sweet musio, on the I w6r�a, . no silk$ can for the Dominion and Issued by the I �
. � lawn, which was another attraction,eepeci- .�ab pretty pattern,hat.. The Agricultural Department, OLt%wa. It is a to 4 agree with " Geordie." -Rev. Dr. a - - a for the ready-to-wear hate, thiay are
Our Motto: ally for the YOUDg. On the whole t a affair vvas�a�ly�supportadb�_Mr. Normkn 1= most useful production andisinvaluable as De arb,' a prominent divine of the here in great numbers -hate -that are--
' was one of the most pleasant and sucoessf ul of Torpato. The bridesmaid, Miss Lizzie a work of reference. -All should bear in Methodist church, and for many yearn � I Blyth. I both chic and jaun�ty. The woman .Who
"Righ G.rade Work Only " of the many pleasant gatherings of this kind CIA mpagne, was1resented by the groom mind thejarden -party at Hillside, the pro. editor of the Christian Guardian, died'very . NoTF.s.-Aboub *twenty from Blythwent would be well dressed must look to It'
I held there. The ladies had made am with a C�esoent of pearls. After th suddenly In Toronto an Wednesday even- to London on- Monday to take in the Ring- that her hate a -re correct. Everything-
. I pie pro- I . a -,'-,w6d- perty of r. -W. Govenlock, on Tuesday ing.-Mrs. T. P. Bull, of Detroit, is visiting I
. . � vision for the inner man and of the very dii.ig b,veikfast, which was give4 by Ahe evening next, under the auspices of the Mrs. A-. D. VanEgmond and bther. friends ing cirous there. -Blyth mouth organ band- requiredfor the trimming of 1% hat, or- - I
. .
01 � .1 � �_ best, as they always do, so that in this as bride's mother, Mrs. T. Champagne, of' 112 ladies of St. Thomas church. With favor' here for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Bull has go to Auburn next Tuesday evening to pertaining to it you are 'most likely
� . well as in a social wa there was no want. Parliament street, the happy couple left for , charm the people of that burg at the public . able to get here better than elsewhere.
The nrocceds amounted to alinnf. QW) The bride's travelling gown -was . - .
Y the east. . able weather the occasion will furnish a, not been in Seaforth for 20 years. -library concert to be held that evening - . .
j - 2 4 . . � oub pleasant oubing for our cit .
. -
I . � -1 oj:RATFORD, ONT RIO. 9 . aforth izens.---� I -_ - . Mr. F. Metcalfe is attsafflng" the Huron NEW VELVETS, NEW LACES, NEW- - -
- - - — N of blue silk." The groom is an old Se' Messrs. Kennedy Brothers recently P'url- -
. � . , Our graduates secure gool positions be. WEDDI,_�'c, BELLS -A pretty wedding was boy, a so,)a of Air. Robert Powell, of this chased four spr;ng lambs, three months old, The Seaforth Races. . Episcopal Syr;od being held in London this FLOWERS,.NEW Sl�!KS, NEW EM-
I cause our high grade training prepares them celebrated at St, James' bhurch, Seaforth, town, and a graduate of TH�R Expoamp-of- from Mr. William Chesney, of Tackeremith, The fourth annual meet of the Seaforth week. -Mr. Paisley, license Inspector for I � I �
to render firat class services. Enter * now on Tuesday, 9th inEt., wh fiae. M��y friends here will unite with u- West Huron, paid a'quieu visit to the BROIDERMS, NEW FEATHERS,
en Mr. Hiirry _ you s which averaged 57 pounds each. Mr. Chel- Turf Club, held on their track here,on Tu88- neighboring town of Wingham a few even. � I
- : , for a couroe. Beautiful catalogue free. Downey, of McKill in extenqing congratulations to the ng . .
I I . op, and Minnie daughter . ney raises geod lambs and the Maser Kenm' day and Wednesday, Was quite vim success- NEW RIBBONS, NEW VEMING-8j,,
I couple on this auspiol'0119 occasion. . ings ago, and as'a resulb every hotel keeper
- � __ I W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. of Mra. Jarn�s Devereux, of Tul nedy always try for the best. -Mr -P. a (Rev.) ful, if not more so,-"Ahan any preceding in the town was assessed for selling liquor , NEW ORNAMEN
� I ekeremith, I
I .
I . . I � 4444-62 were united in marriage. The i ceremony . I . —0 - __ - i 1@ n I , TS, ETC.
� � 1 . . ��t Hodgins is at Thameeford. this week attend- meet. - - It had all the a -seen t a ecessaryto after hours, enriching the funds of the pro. . I .
� Y I . �_ I I was performed by Rev. Father Downey, of Tnx LATE Dn. LoNVERY. —Ib 'is With ing the golden wedding of her parents, Mr., �
� � . - : _ success, gbod weather, a large field of vince and county to the amount of 8125;- 1 f++ I I ! I I I 1-i4i - -
� Windsor, assisted by the Rev. Fathers deepe6l,t kagret that we chronicle the deith of and Mrs. Freele, who were married fifty horses, and a. big crowd of spectators. On .
� I . _r
� ! . The Canadian Bank Corcoran and , Northgraves of Sea- Dr. Uwpry, V. S., which occurred on Sun- years ago on Tuesday. ---We have received, Tuesday the weather could not!,' have been Mias H. Taylor, of. London, is visiting her
. . T mother here. -Mr. and Mra.� T. W. Scott ' .
22 a o 0
1 I I � forbb, and Durkin, of New York. day, Jupe 6th, ab the Clinton hospital, after from 11 Layman " another letter in reply to' better, while the track was in pilme condi. and children, manager pf the bank of Znmil- The . . . -_ I
�� - _. - � OF COMMERCE. The bride was given away by her a Ehoib illnees. Deceased came to Seaforth 11 H. B. on the dancing subject, but it did tion, and the races were well. contested.
f, I -
7 uncle, Mr. Robert Devereux, and was at-- - � ton, are spending their holidays with friends
. - two Ye � In
. 'in London township. -A good many from
: i -AD OFFIOE,` _ , are ago, as partner to Dr. Fowler, not reaph no in time for this week, but will Wednesday,.however, was the banner day.
. . I HE ORONTO. tended by her siats,r, Miss Nellie, and whom he afterwards bought out.. During appear next week. This will, certainly, There. web a record breaking crowd, and here went to Goderich on Tuesday evening .
� - . I the groom was assistEd by his brother his shoit reeidenoe here he had made many close this controversy. I I Layman" claims big field of'hgrsea in eaofi event, partioularly Et Me—FA UL
Capital (authorized) $10,00,000 Joseph. The bride looked pretty in he , and took in the moon -light excursion on the - —
- - r wa,rm fri?nds, and was generally beloved for his right to have the final reply and In com- so in the free for all, which had the greatest steamer Greyhound, which had conie over I
Capital (paid. up) $ 8,700,000. beautiful cream ,gown of crepe de chene, his sterling worth, integrity and brIght die- men fairness we accord it to him. -Miss array of fas I t horses that have been in one for the'exaurBion to Detroit on the following - _'
. I trimmed with silk medallions. � The brides. Position, and his death is doubly mad coming Doble. oi Brandon, Manitoba, returned race on the efrouit.,' The weathek, however,
Reserve Fund - $ 3;000,000s made worelinen brgandie ov day. -Mr. J. J. Bailey, principal of th�e Dry Goods Co.-
. I er pink silk, as if'did so unexpectedly just as he was en- home lasib week to attend her sister's wed- was against anytxceptionally fast time. The Biybh'publio school, played with the Brus-
. Aggregate Resources with hat to imatch. The organist, Mra. tering on so brighb a career, and more as-- -ding.-�-Three rinks of bowlers went to Mit, f- (74th's Greated Cash �
. leasant rol . - ,sel8football.lolubab Mildmayj, on Monday, ,, I
Is : and assisted -them. in defeating; the Mildmay t
' $78,0()0,000 sisted by Alias Murphy, of Woodstock. Af- the course of a few days. His funeral �buting desoite bad weather. The Nelaforth 8 "Y' . - � .
I over , - - Hargraves, rendered excellent music, as- pecially wi he was to have been married in chell on Friday afternoon and had a N �!ting is a summary of the different
. � I - ..FIRST DAY. _. olub.-Mr. Thomas Jones, of Brucefield, a . Dry Goods',Store,
� .
I -
- . ace 11, _ I - �
� Branches, - - - 105.- ter the ceremony the'bridal party returned ' which was conducted by the Loyal Orange' players were more hospit%bly entertained by 250p - w 'mer citizenof Blyth, andMrs, Jones,- - �
I I -, iothebrida'a home toreceive thecongrat- for 1.
� 11 . - Order, of -iSumm6rhill, was very largely at�. the Mitchq' 11 players. Seaforth won by 13 J.ohn Nolan',, Dr bltley4 Goderich, � , paid a visit to friends here on Sunday. Tom :
. -The Seafdrth Milling Company hav miss may ; Dr Rowe, Blenheim, 3 2 2 .
. f Hon, G. A. Cox; President. ulations of about 75 invited guests. The tended, a, great many going up tram Sea.' shots.' a hoiges had access to a spring creek and thiv�
� . I % present3 were numerous, showink the high forth to'partiolpate in the last tribute of re. got to work at 'the re. erection of their ele- Billy Tarenturn ; A Charlesworth, Egmond. is as genUl. and jolly and looks as well as- creek is under drained labo- b 100 rode.
'. , B, E, Walker, General Manager. -.I-- esteeni in whidi the Young couple are held. spect to the dead. There w" an 'unusual vator. The cement foundation and- b" Ville, . - 2 3 4 when he u -sed to cater to the public in They think that possibly U
I . . iD8 Nettie, D; %�Dunni' ,Ker ood a -dead muskrat
. P9 P 6 4 3 Blyth. -Ata moetingof thebuidness men -
I Mr. and Mrs. Downey left bn tile 3:30 train large ngrpbr,r of florA offerings, including a 'are now,*beiDg built. -Mrs.' 'J., M. Muir. of Joe Stanton ; T Mur och, Iffensall, 6 5 rr ay evening, Meivars. may have lodged in the drain, and In this
e . London, England, Office, - for Buffalo, New York. � beautiffill wreath bearing the one word Waterloo, was visiting -in t-6wn this week.r Jessie Rodgers : T Tigle,.,LeaminLrton, 4 diet. and citizens on Frid way the hoveas have drunk the poison that-
: . ' - ,
- I . Time .24J,* 2.231, 2:2J. Frank Metcalf, A.- E. Bradwin and Dr.
1 60 LOMBARD STREET, E. 0. I " Comrade," from his moat intimate friends She came , t6 attend the wedding of - Miss _Jk � - caused their doatb, but this is only suppoil.
I \1 , GoLD -G. . . . 2:0 trot :- I . Milne were elected water o ' issionera for i .
I . I __ __ I E -N WEDDI., -Mr. and Mrs. Sam. i Seaforfb. Dr.. Lowery was a oonaistent Doble.-Mrs. (Dr.) Burrows lefbon- -Wed Flying Bid ; F Entri an, Tavi3took . . I = mt tion. However, Mr. Mills intends having
. no] Barton, of this town, celebrated thei' . I I I Blyth. The comissionere afterwards -
I r membe A tl[ Episcopal church, being a nesday for Baltimore, to join Dr. Burrowi, Mary Scott ; T Colli Hamilton, ' elected Dr. Milne chairman and Mr. Brad- the water analyzed and will take every pos-,
I r 17 is.,
: H. golden wed,ding at their residence on Men- mernbel4fthechbir and Sabbt%th school, who has been taking a Vost graduate course - Eureka ; F KUvg. 8 forth, 4 a- 3 . eible .means of finding --out the cauce of this -
. - . A genera 1, Ban king businons tran- Ly even � iqg, All the members of their where-li ; �' will be &eatly missed. His death Klondike; Black an I HenLdry, St. Marys, secretary. The duties of the water
. I - in the John Hopkins university. Before re. 3 did. wIn trouble. -Com. I
. sacted. farnily and %'few friends wer� present and ' Tinfe 2:241, 2:291, 2:80J. commissioners are : To.have general super- . I
. . comes as a double bereavement to his fam. turning home they will visit New' York, 2:19 pace- . intendance of all street sprinkling, appoint - 8 .
' Barton were. married fn Dalray, Kirclud wvs rern( I ed -a corpee from the same insti- The dootor intends to be back about July 1. Tom A=l by ; R e Wr, Strattoid, 2 2 2 ee .that � . Xippen.
I I as. Mr. and Mrs. ily, as just a few mr,ntbe previous bis father WashiDgton and other large American cities. Prince Vale ; Swartz & Thompson, Goderich, I I I some -one to operate the sprinkler, a
Farmers' and Graziers' Notes dia- took part in the festivit;
l I c�au nt*d ' and spoolki attention given -
I roperly.
�, to th* collection of Sale Notats., etc. brightehire, Scotland, by Rev. Samnol tution, M gororwing relatives have the —A number from town took in the r Detroit Little ; R T S 0 th, Toronto, 4 8 3 the work is done thoroughly and p D. Hay, Commissioner and Conveyancer.
� . M wills, mortgages and deeds drawn up. Money loaned
Richard A ; P Maher Toronto, . 3 4 r.
. , SAVINGS BANK. - Blair, on Juno 156h, 1853. Immedlat heartfelt i sympathy of a host of friends in excuraion, via Godericb, on Wednadday.— I'll d and receive all complaints and deal with the st thelo,vest rates of 109reot. 1740 -If
. after their marriage they left a er i - Time :19J, 2.181, 2:181. same. I � I
A . . I ntoreat all6wed on deposits of $1 their natiy,e their ad lafiliction. Dr. Fowler vrill continue The Egmondville people are havinj tl e spire a -
- . . and I upwards. Interest is credited to home and came to America on their, wed- his pract ce here. � of their church, whieh was injure - N0Tk9.-=Tho mission band of St. An-
, � i . b�ll light. SLOOND DAY. � i I
- , I stecounts on the 31st of May and the ding tour. After a voyage of eight �week..a . .. ning, two weeks ago, repairei. The dam- 2:30 pace— I I Harloc1c. I drew's church Intend holding a lawn so.dia
—6 . W -r- on the lawn of Mr. James Ch,danoy, th1rd7 -
I .30th of November in each year. - and three days in a Bailing vessel, they k-- — ",�'. age is somei,h%t more serious than as_ at Blucher ; R T Smith,; Toronto, 1 1 1 BRIEFS.—Mies Churchill, of Bluevale, concession of Tuokeramith, earl in, July.
- �
. rived r safely in New York, remaining in IDEATH OF MR. CHARLES WILSO, —Ib was firsb supposed as the West wall of ilia bu d- Walter B ; W Briggs, Port Huron, y
" braachea extending throughoutF with baulings of' Jennie Soott; T Collinio,:Hamiltoni �
The Bank haq 8, thab city for a year. The - � I the sincerest regret, al- ii �. spent last week at the home - of Mr. Jenkins._ They are securing the services of the See-
Ontario, Queboc_ Maultoba, Northwest Tern'toneo, 0 ada I . y then came to iDg was forced cub some inches and very r R Whiting; W Gl"er'. Goderich, —Piayer meetingin the school house, laat forth band for the occasion. Fuller portion-
; British Columbia,. Yukon District, Maritime Pro- an . , firsb locating in Flamboro,- and frorin though not -of surprise, that cur citizens little more would have sha�tered the build- Lug; W Kuntz, Exeter, . - 5 7 4 Thursday evening was largely attended. "' lars will be given Ister.—The Methodist
". . viaces- and the V, oited States. there removed to Galt, where - they resided learned, on Tuesday for Job es- J Den6lpn, -Coldwater, —
� . enoon, of the death ing seriously. The repairs will cost abo ) - 6 5 6 Mr. Argent, our.'worthy- blacksmith, has Sabbath school picnicked. at Bay.field on
� _.� until they came to Seaforbb, in 1878. of Mr,� Charles Wilson. , ub Jessie Rodgers; L Wigle, Leamington 7 6 dr
. - G. E. f'ARKES, Manager. ey .Mr. -Wilson had one hundred dollara.—The Misses Stewart, . .. been trying his skill * in making cement Wednesday. The weather was a little co,01,
I - � F. HOLUESTED, Solioltor. � have a family of two sons and five T' 14 _ been' confined to his residence for . nearly a of Tilbury, are the,guesto of Rev. and Mrs. Time -2:281, 2.231, 2;25 r blocks and has been very successful.—The nevertheless every person seemed to have a
1624 d"g ,_ 0 2:23 pace— � �.
.1c ters and alLwerapreeent at the golden We I year and had,bee !,a severe sufferer for sever- N. -Shaw, at the Egmondville manse. —Mr. Wisdiom King; F Leibler, Tavistock, I I 1 roads in.this vicinriby have all been graded- good time.—The copious rains of t a
. - I ding on Monday evenin . Tiiere has not ais al -months, and for a week paot his friends . . h past
. I 9 � and Mrs, James Pringle, of Stratford, have Maggie L ; A G Bedford, Chatham, 4 2 2 and newly gravelled during the past week. weak have. gladdened the hearts of the lar -
yet be,, a br6ik made in the family. Mr. ed to bear of his death: at any be'e6'1�r,�?yn for a week waiting on iheir Sphinx B ; G Powell. Peterboro, 2 3 4 —Mr. John Mills had the misfortune to m0re.—Mr. Reese, of Hensall, intendastart-
I Crockery! Crockery I and Mrs. Barton were handsomely remem. time. Ae suffered from some kind ,of an son-in-law, Mr. Charles Wilson, who . wi-as Kintuok Frank ; J Hodson, St Catherines, (1 4 8 lose three valuable horses last week. All Ing a singing class In our -village. He .1 , 5 A
Albrino - F Adams. Kineardine �
- bored on this occasion, nob only by their internal growth. ! Mr. WilEon was the aid- very ill and who died on Tue8d&y.—Mr. Tommy ii ; T,. Hodgins, Denfield, _ 5 6 5 died with some throat trouble. A fourtb, clever musician and a good - teach(,r. and -
r i
_. - e8t I
� - children, but by numerous .friends -and rels, son qf the late Alexander Wilson, Of George M urdie has been laid- up with a Time -2:201, 2:21J, 2:21J. and the last horse of Mr. Mille had the will, no doubt, get a good class.—Mr. and .
. There�s now goods arriving every ti,es elsewhere. The we Silver Cr'ek farm, and a native cfteafortb. severe attack of lumbago for a week, but is Free for all— same trouble in a slight degree, but to now Mrs, Martin and obildreD.0 of Manitoba aft
I I 0 rtl]Yr -couple are 0
; week. 8ee the - dinner and tea sets both still hale - and hearty, and bid fair t 1 He was, we migh� say, litble past the prime now -recovering and we hope to I T Waabbum ; A Davidson, Mitchell, :- 1 1 1 improving. —A" ,WFge.number of people from visiting Mpg. Martin's sister, Mrs. 'I I
� T_ 0 .Glibert
now in steck. Also a arate of toilet celebrate theri iliamond wedding, and we of life, bieing only 57 years of age. For MaWs Usher; T Puddicombe,New Hamburg, 6 2 2
f !a I around as sprightly sia usual In a few daY .
A _1-- Dlok Turpin ; P Maher, Toronto, 2 4 5 age.—Mr. and'MrA. John
Abameeting' fthe manageraofthe, Pibs- Master Roy ; L Peters, Dresden, OG .
. are sure that their numordiii nds wifi many ye re he was a member of the mer, here-abtended bbe Good Templare meeting Dick of the �vill
ware just to harid, lovely ."goods and r fi� , r . in Kinburn on Friday evening laot.—At M, regor were - visiting � with thOr ,sort,
. - . . � join with TuE ExPOSITOR in the wish that oantile m of Wjlson & Young, and after� byterian eburcoh, on Monday evening,'oeveral Marshall ; W Briggs, Port Huron, � 3 6 4 New Richmond Methodiab-Epl4copal-church, Archibald, the popular blacksmith ,of Lead- -
.. prices rig,ht. words an aged for a time in the grooery Two Strike ; T Stanley, Paisley, 7 6 6 Wm.
I i �
I � they may still be spared to each other in business 6 tenders for the different departments of bhe jewel, Niagara Falls, r 4 disi Indiana, b Rev. 0. Weston, Mr. Edward bury, lailb wee . _Mr , -of
1�. — . G Robertson ; I Y k . McDougall,
� I health for a'great many years. � n his ovvn account. He owned a proposed church Improvements were re. Time -2:20,.2:171, 2: 19. - G. Mahin, B. A., of Perdue University, the 3rd concession
. large fari� adjoinin � I of iuZ�ramitb, met with
. I
. BEATTIE BROS. — - . g the town and for a time ceived but were not considered satisfactory. I � r I .
� . I was extensively engaged in cattle grazing Lafayette. -Indiana, to Miss Margaret J. a heavy loss dr' tiring- the pr4t week, by hav-
, The 28o Tea Store, THE WIIF-A.T ARc-H.— Moat of our readers and fee& . He� Was a 8hre It was determined, therefore, to put off ther - - Parsons, -daugbt-Ir of Mr... Arthur: Parsons, Ing four goodcxttl�o die frrcin the offects of
. �ig : wd business - .. Bluevale. . urt cane,
EAFORTH - - will have beard or - read of the beautiful man and 'in all these lines was sunessful� work for the present and to call for new I Harlock . poiso!n. It seems that son�e� old pai
IS - ONTARIO ; tenders aboub the first of December, to have DKATH OF A PIONEER. — On Wednesday � HOMES DUD.—Mr. John Mille, of this -which contained some whitel lead, bad beell'.
r . I . - . wheat arch erected by the Canadian author. Previous ito the Allness which terminated 'thfj' work . commenced" about ths first of last, June lOtb, death removed from our place, met with a serious' lo3s, last week, thrown out, and tke cows �,ainlng -seems tQ
I J Ai_ ities in Whitehall, London, England, dur. fatally on Tuesday, he waa remarkably roi� April and completed early in Auguit. This midst one of Turnberry's earliest settlers in lie having lost three horsep two of them the cans, ate the 14d, with, the result that
. � _ r I i
I I Ile time of the coronation of King Ed_ bust and )lad scarcely ever known what ,
I . Bg I
. I I
. '
I � ward. This �roh was oomposef a r day's illnb I a will give the contractors an opportunity to the person of Mr. Robert Danoam, of .this being valuable and the other a . good work.' theydied. Ond o( the COWS', wasin calf, and
I ' .
I . A Worthv- School �_ I of grain I as was. � For many years he was a get in their mateti&I during the winter.— village. Mr. Duncan had been in failing I
-. . - rs In Canada, and created I ing horse. They died of a disease which was- v*alued at $10(1 -r.,McDougall. The I
. L . � �rown � t,h ' a greatest prominent member ofthe volunteer force'. Rev. Mr.- McNab, of Walton, preached In health for some years and had been almost bv M I
r �, interest amon`g the people of th . the veterinarfes call " spinal -minini ti 11 lo W
. � Which converts more raw material into a old world. gi a go ill be a .hes'vy'one.—�arge quantitiew
- .
I -1., r - being a gbod marksman, and retired a few the Presbyterian church here on Thursday Mr. Dun- caused. they claim, by the an m& ' -of baled hay and g+ain are , now fluding
; � � helpless for the last six months.
r � . . I la having � their
I ! , I eatning power, and places more young men So much -so w1as this the case that for weeks, years ago retaining 'the rank of major. He evening and Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Clin. _w, Scotland, on May eaten or drunk some poisonous matter in way to our station. The farmers are mak-
while the ar . §h was left eta force can was bom in Glaego
. . I and women, in good ,povitions, than any in. fiding, it was was a mr1ber of the volunteer , under ton, on Friday afternoon, of last week, 10th, Ir829. He ' on of the late Alex- the form of an"Im-al or vegetable decay. Ing a-final'clean up, pmparatory to storlu- � I
IM , %
. - atitution of the kind in Canada, is the continually sOrrounded by great Orowda of eon an& of Sir, Gafnet Wodlesloy, that both services being preparatory for the auder. Duncan, whwoswi&t1ei his wife, Margaret Certain reports have been circulated for the the new crop.—Th� Mwes M net& -took ii
' people, the crowds sometimes bee i nt to P(,rb Garay, in 1870, to quell the -of this sketch, effect that dead animals had been lefb lyin the Foresters' excursion to Niagara Falls# " .
Central Business (;()Ileg�# oming so we � communion which was celebrated on the fol. Hood, Robert, the subjeeb rd
t W t _ g
I dense that the police had difficulty in keep- first Reit rebellion, and with his comrades lowing Sabbath. This Is the first oppor. and the other members of the famlly,. in around in the manure pile Im in �r, and and report a good time.—Mt. Robert Me- I
' afficb, and marched iron! Port Arthur, over the Daw- turifty the Seaforth people eve had of 1943 left the land of the heather and came then the manure was sprea h pas- Mordie still keeps iLdding to his - herd Of
And 15chooll - of Shorthand, -Typewriting ing the thoroughfare clear for tr' h
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- . .and Telegraphy, no doubt this arch has b�en the means of sonroute i to what is now Winnipeg. At hearing Rev. Mr. MoNab, and we are sure to Canada, settling first on the plains near ture field this spring. Mr. Mills would grazing cattle. having -.recently pr
i directing the attentien of ople to this the close of the rebellion he and a few others, urch.an(I
� TORONTO, ONTARIO, -that -all who were privileged to listen to hin; Brantford. On De ember 15th, 185% Mr. like the public to understand that these seven head from Mr. Walter, of Usbornsit
; r 0
- � . fi 6 country who, but for it, wourd never have remained ifor a time in the country and went on Thursday evening ,will be very pleased to Duncan was united In marriage to Elizabeth reports are utterly false, as there were no for Which he paid a good price.—Mr. George
. Always open. 110, vacations, 12 teachers, n heard of the country, and has been one of on an a - edition is far Worth as Ed' - .
- monton, have another opportunity of hearing him. — McKenzie, of Bogart, dutherlandshirs, Soot- dead aqimala of any kind around the place. Taylor, who is always Improving things, it I
- � eq(lipment. Special Summer Session for the most efficient Inducements to . immi gr making t e entlpe�trip there arid back with In 1855 they moved to Turnberry, Doctors WaRhdrn and McGregor wenb having his outbuildings newly roofed. Mr- -
. . , .1i_ Mr. Donald McKay, who has been a re - pact. land.
I July and August. Particulars free. Write tion to thit country that has been used by ponies an carte. 1 Mr. Wilson was married ' , then called the Queen's bush. where he had throngh the fields and stab � lam -and could Maylor believes In having everything up W
. . , ad resident of Tuckerainith and Egmond-
. W. H. SHAW, Principal. the Canadian authorities. Mr. Robeib to the eld t. daughter of Mr. James Pringle, ville for nearly half a century, intends re- b .
� � � een esident until his death. * Mr. Dun. find nothing that they could 'blame for the the mark.—Oar merohan, and madhanib-0
. � ,� � Yonge an.d 'errwgrd qtv.,r Toronto. I Holmes, M, P., for West Huron, him verT of 8 bratfo�d. She died about twelve years moving to Buffalo shorbly, where he hopes can ;: a charte mermbar of IBlueviLle Orange horses taking the dine One thing they are In the best of humor, h , , g had a Par
I I he r . . .
I . . 126-011 kindly sent us three sate of beavtifully enf. ago and never married again;- He leaves to spend the -remainder of his yean With Lodges - He was a staunch Presbyterian &Ad think mighb have cause6'd It is that the ticularly good seasWe business. .
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