HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-19, Page 6� - � ­� p : - , .- , ., - 11-- -v , T. ---i- ---- 777-_- -_­�7;, ,'-7-------,' , , , - I . � . I 1. 1 _­.",7�, !; . - - . � - - , , . , - - __ - ` - - - ,- � . . I [ , . � , . 1� �� i � : I � - .� - " - -_ , �1� -, � . I � I - I - . I - � - � _ -_ . .. - - - -1 - I � . : - 1. ,�, " � . � � - - I - - - . - . . � . . I i --- . 11 � - , - ­ - - �� I - � 'A , , '-' ` 7 � , , . � - - I . I - Z I . I I - � - - , "I I , & - �, . I �. - ­ , , . I 1 � , . . . , ., � � A, . � � I � � � I I . - � _. . I .. - I- I I I - - � - _11�� V . � : � -.0 I - L-l .. - . . I . � . . � . I . :0 � i- . ­ , � _ , I _. � I I I � � - - . � I � I - �. :� � I! I , - J , ',- ,- [_ : - - � - : , � -*- ,­­ - - . . . - I � - - � - . — ,, , , . I I I t x., � - !� . � - _ - I 1. - i . . I - 1 __ Z - � , , . . -, - . . � I . .. - I - I , � f, — , I , ,+ I 1 , � I . . i , - . � . , __ � . * I . T � � ,� . , , ­ � - . . I � _- I _ - - I I I . 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I , . -, - - . ­ I . . - e I - L_ ­ . . . . .. - I Little Liver Pills. _. -_ - 1 ,-7-. 1 1 . ­ � ' � � I I - I. . - I 11 I Must Bear Signature of � I � I - I I . - . . - I - -1 � . J � � . . ____ I � ;7 . ;P00::S.,.._.0 N� e ,_ . - � 11 - . . '���W�Zp�, , I . - � - I . . . . - � ; I I I '. loto� . I - - e . Z . I �� I � . 5ft Fac.simile wrapper Below. � � � I � - � - I . I . . � , '' I I �._. I . : � SAMAU a- 06 ossar - . � � I - �- - - . 10 -take as supr–, - . � *% � I � - . . � . . ; � � 4 Folf NEAUCHL ; I � I ' . � � - �­ ..- 1. ­ 0MRSFOR DITZINEM &, I . - . ..- I I . FOR 2MOUSNES � �� ITMI . . very MW Mft ,�, I . �� I - � . L tv FOltjORPID LIVU. � . � I � I - � � P I H. roksomsTipmoK � . I - r . ' FOR $ALLOW SKIN., . I I :FOR THECOMPLEXION: . - � 141!V�;iZ11Z__1 � . � - — - , � - I * 1__,bZWGi-�3i161-JW"" *AnMS. I - . . � I ... I .1 I �.� AM -Irwewvereaw - . ... - I I . r L__.: I . V � 1- , �_ . _�, i - .f_� � I ;� I -CURE 310K HEADACHE. I I I � - . . - I . . - � � VETERINARY � . � ' . - � � . ___ OHN ORIEVE, V. S., honor graduate of Ontario � I - I I : - . I ! i . I - if Vatef,hiary College. A -kilsawas of Domead � I . - .. - witinAla treated. Calls. promptly attended to in . i I., I _ thargoo moderate. Veterinary Dentstry a specialty. � I ! � I L I Office and residence on Goderich @treat, one door . ; � L I I - of Or S�OQJVB OffloeL, 80&forib. � 111241 � � . I . I I - . . I - I . . - - . . I - I . - LEGAL I � I : . , . I - L - � I : _;:. I - . . I . -4 ­ __ JAMES L. KILLORAN - - . I Z - I 11 I I � . . . - .11 - . Akrriata 8ollolbor. Conveyancer and Notary I r - - - I . Public. Money to loan. Office over Pickard'& Store � - I I - I � - L Main. Streit, Soaforth. lb2S � I I , � - I L L - . I - . � ­. - R. 8- HAYS9 L ': ­ . - ­ - -V ,xxdstero� Sollolbor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. . . � I I . . I . - I I solicitor for the Dominion Bank. Office --in rear of � . . I I I Dominion Bank, Seaforth, Money to loan. 1286 - . . � L ; i - � I - - - ' ' I � , . . ; . M. BEST. Barrlst�r, Solicitor, Conveyancer . I p . 1. - -_ L' . J a Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0. W I . . . � . - Papsi'a bookstore. Main Street� Seaforkh, Ontario. � I , . 1627 1 I . - a - - � � I . . . I . I - . . . . R BE&TTIR, Barrister, Solicitor, kc I I .1 . - Hl-MLY to loan. dffloe-�:-m:Oadyls Block Sea I I : - , , -.1-1 orth. 09 -if � 'Ili . � . - ___ L . . L � - � � - -HOLMRSTED, successor to the late Arm of . I I 1. I lri- koCaughay &-Holmented, Barrister, Solicitor I I . I I owiveyancer I sad NotalY Solicitor 167 iheCAD . . I *AahBaukof Commerce. Money to lend. Farm - � . . for gge� Mae In � Scott's Block, Main Street . . - . - � . 49siforth. _.- � I � . . . I I - I . .1 , . L - I � i T , -1 w . . .1),ICKINSON AND G&RROW, Barristers, Sclicit- L . . ors, eto., Godericb, Ontario. i - _� . E.7 L. DICKINSON. � : �. ) - I . At � � .- 1833 .,a&RLES GARROW, L. L. B, . � .r : .1 .. I I I . . DENTISTRY. I .- I . . . �_ R� W. TWEDDLE, - .1 . . . . - DENTIST, - DroAuste of Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On. Aarlo, post graduate ,course in crown and brid e work I - . at HeakelVe S3hool, Chicago. Local anasthe%3 for painless extraction of teeth. Office—Over A. Young's grocery store, Seaforth. . 1 1764 r DR. F. A� SELLERY, Dentist, graduate of the Royal College of Dental urgeons, Toronto, also honor graduate of Departmenrof. Dentistry, Toronto University. Office in the Petty block, Hensall. lurill _11.4& U U A --men-in Mon. I . .,KJWy � _-J -_ -.To a ? - " � 1, Jube I@J.-'---: L 1587 . . - I L I . . . I � . 4 1 a L. . . & R. R. ROSS, L. D. S., DeDtist, graduate of I r I L I , I DR. U. D. %, of Ontario, first clan Honor , I graduate of Toronto University. Highest standing : In c3rder of werls in the largest class ever graduated I - . -from 0o college, Modern and up-to-date dentlst,ry I � - L - in all its various forma. Painless extraction of teeth � . - by Local-Anuathetics and without any bad after . - � . effecte. Gas - administered and all operations care-. I 11 fully performed. Office over Dill's Store, Seaforth. I I _ I 1834 -if . � - - � I . - � � - - MEDICAL. � - . . Dr. John McGinnis, . . - - Hon. Gradnats London Weistorn Unive"Ity, member at Ontario Colloge bf Physiciann—and -- Burgeons. ' , I Office and Realdenoe—Formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. 1; 11 � Vokard, Vlokorla Street, next to the Catholic -Church I I , - - WNIght calls attended promptly. WWI . - . I . - I - I . . DR. H. H. ROSS, M. 8'11 ' i I Office over Greig & 8tewart'o Store, Seaforth. Night calls atteaded to at the office. � . . 1802 L -D;R. F. J. BURROWSt . � . Office and -'Resideme—Goderich street, east of the - Atothodi3l, chureh. - ' Tm-p-mioNx No. 46, . I Coroner for the County of Hnron, I ism . k DRS._§COTT & MacKAY, ,- PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS,, L � __ . 49derloh street, Tposite Methodist church,Seatorth G. SCOTT, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and I mombor Ontario College of Phy*claus and . Burgeon& Coroner for County of Huron. I . - - U. MAuKAY, -honer graduate Trinity University, gold medallat Trinity Medical College. Member College of Physicians and Surgeons. Ontario. . . . 1483 1 � ___ — — . - � )_ ­ FURNITURE __ � . , . I . - � —AND— . ; . . I UNDERTAKINC11 Furniture botiaht with care Is e ' :' . a � asily sold. � Many yearW-experienoe enables me to select tasty designs wiLh good constraotioii and I superior finish, and sold at rfilib, prices, makes businesa nrlIttrally'T'leasant and pro- fitable. L Upbo'stering receives special attention. Upholstery coverings and- material kept in stook. � Picture Framino done promptly. Pic- � tures and frames for sale. ' Also Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Cottage Rod&, Pillow Sham Folders and many other such things belonging to- house furnishing. , .- _,� Baby Carriages in the very labest, stylear, ­ and away down in price,* I also sell the vertical feed Davis -_ -----, machines, tl , ian which there is no better in tile country. The vertical feed on these - iiiaohines makes it a pleasure to sew any fabric, and puckering is impossible. The � price puts them within easy, reach Of any " - desiring a firat-class machine. � R , UNDERTAKING , And Embalming carefully and properly done acci)rding to the latest methods. Night . caI4 answered at my residence, south east L ; corner of Jarrnt.e and William streets. . - — . y; Nt -1 , 111 I 'r'y* _ECHT_rJ1L - K]"!"L XJ J -Slvx&s-�coa ,zo JouN LANDSBOROUGH, SEAFORTH. .. 1807 . I I . - L . . I __�_ . . � I I . ' ' . � . - I I . I I � . . � � . � I . � . �, . . I - 1 , c i . . , . � � � I . - I . I - . . . I j. I T I., U R014 EXPOSITOR, i -_ . � I I . � I I - — ; - ­­_ i - - - - .1 I i R, . ., - - I . . . Z I ­ 1-11 � - - I I . - � . . . . 1Z , - .. I I . WistakeEi in Telegraphy. --' 11 A ERR -B OFj GRACE.' - ;; 66 Ing; and she found that .Malcolm had just . � ­_ . I �_� . ­ � . , ; I WA"Ote t6 Dinah In the ; . . — ,,� . i . . A . arrived, and was talking to . Incidents oco6r, in the lives of most peo- , I � . - . � . � ! I �[ . . drawing -room. He was stsudiog before the One of the most danger- I BY -ROSA4 CARRY, 1, � , ous and rei orms of � ple which tend 'to show that the world � 1; - pulsive f .1 _. � . . fir' warming himself aftei his cold drive, I , would be better off without teleAraphs, tele- . - . � e , , plej�ce ! 1619 sued -as Elizabeth enterea he broke off In the - Kidney Dis'ease Ii I phonea. trolley cars, and all the other later- -� . . I - I I I . I I I . � 0 - � . the middle of a sentenne and silently khook day blessings. If is said that when the firit - I I .CM&PTER XXXVI. , ?" - jr I .. 44 � il 0 I havds with her. .Elizabeth felt at once � . . I -HAVE BREN A CO'WARD." � � a -even more . . telegraph line-waa installed in France a cer. ,c ' v though I .onecious that his ,ma er wa - tain,parish priest made a sort of pilgrimage � ' h , ad le I - , , Father ! we. need. Thy minter as T y ! [� constri ned and guav&d than usual, and I I spliug; __ _. I � . I I &I - to' the -home of a bishop, a man of high �! fft . this made her nervous, and for the t . spiritual power and greatly beloved. This R a I We need Thy earttquake as Thy Eummer ; i m:n . , I ' - wit t . khe could Bna nothing to eay. I r priest?a parish was the bishop's birthplace, ' I . Ith,cou Isurvely _�Vi - a A 1_3 I -_ showers .,- - relief to them both when Dinah obi e d in� . I . - *a object was to Inifte the prelate to ! I 1A But through them ill Tbyptrang orma i '��' 0, e for which Dodd's Kidn�y -and hi id . I I 11 . . 9 V her quiet, matter -of -fact way- 1_� attend some loml celebration. He was sue- - carry a j, , - .0 in � I �i wo .� � die.. I 11 Mr. Herrick is No kind � and obliging, . � Pills are the only certain cessful. -and in his enthusiasm thought he Thy ratrmmt 4ear t''bearing large abar 1, . - . cure. In Dropsy the Kid- . J, i . 1;1 Be,tty ; he has promiged not to leave us un 1 neys are actually dammed would surprise.his congregation by sending 1 7 . . c ur g, io -., I I I . , . ttAfter mybal�y me in January, x9oo,7; wrifes t�l quite'le't t .'morrow afternoon ' that will a telegram. His message, in . French, of I - Becauae Tho6 lbvest goodness more th*M- i Xrs� Nancy Abne of St. Paul, Ark., tt I suffered give us plen7�ycof time for a nice talk. You up, and the water, which course, read something like this :-" The . juy . i1_sev'%T )rts of acheq and pains, until see, Cadrid *ill be with us this evgning, and . I should be expelled in the BishoV-and I (et moi) will arrive at such and d.( ' , 'from' I In them Tfo% loveFt, Thou dost let them the �!fol � (, when I read one of I ge form of urine flows back I , .- ro seases. I 0 Ir may find it diffloulb to b rid ,of him, �p I � such at time." When the two men alighted A . _: ­ I patulphIets. irg, t female di A wyrllte� we -is so much that I want to say."' and lodges In the colts of - . grieve . . to, Oil;- Pierce' or a � ice, althou&h'I tho�ight and there the flesh and puffs out � the . they found a hearse .in waiting and a funeral , -GE6-R(*;E MA(,l)aNA-LD. -surdy I woul di as our physician told me I 11 I thick I can take him off your hands," * h � nr- ". , i I . w ,.'more Eab t ; die than to get -well; your - replied Elizabeth ; and then she turned to 1: skin. Remove the filth I procession of mourning peasants. The oper- Ar,d so it was sett'ed-Elizaboth had er Tath6rly advice Ica sed my health to be restored. which pl the dridn. ator bad jumbled the first two word,s' and . H . li -reels Itavorite Pre- Malcolm, though he noticed that she avoided 7 to - turned the 11 et moi " into 11 eSt morb. ., I I.t L_ five botqle.- of Dr. Pi . r i 17. IKdh .. I way.; and after a little they talkcd quiet] , ri'ti�n, three: of ' Golden 'Medical Di.1covery I I , Restore � I y so- looking at him, *ad there was a curious 1, M . i ' h,, ' of their iu',ura Plans. The flitting was to be and: thrce.-.ial& of 'Pellets,� together with your abruptness in her ma��--jer that almost h C 91t h. - There is only,one There In a suit for damages pending in accomplisbcd as soon as roisible.-- The other rein I add I am now able to do all my ey Medicine . . North Carolina, which shown that American - '_ wo i ." ' � ilc wot amounted to awkwardness. -a . message, operators after two-thirds of 67century of - touse would be ready fcr'them -in another -;eiak and IsIA rien are invited to �6 Mr. Carlyon has sent you - telegraphy are liable to just am --disastrous S . week. Dinah would go do%n- &tt to make �coolpult Dr. Pierce, by letter, firee, and Mr. Herrick. He thinks you will be -'sure to Wi artangementio, and Cedric would accompany call at the vioaraue and he would like you to . mistake's. � 11 Operation performed ; patienb her, and stay Let Ventipr until it, was time- so 1�obtain %Nitliout charge or fee the e% , D O'DEYS doing Well ; return home to -night," was the . ' ' . look in at the White Cottage as you pame. . hospital iurgeon's message (the one he tried � ti . for him to retui n to Oxford. The Or -inge a , ce of, a: ., pecialist upon diseases , He says that he would be pleased to shake , f of racene v ould be got d for him, and in P , I liar -to women. All correspondence hands with yoa." . to sdnd) to the anxious family of one of his if a 1`1 ed co� , Adential. Address Dr. R. V. Tercle� - many ways be would be useful to Dinda is, eld as strictly p ivate and sa There was nodcubb that Malcolm Was KIDNEY I . patientq. 11 _O�eratlou.,,performed, patient sen Eliz;belh aho told Dav-d that his father Buffalo - N. Y. surprised. He une4neoiouely atiffEned. I dying, will return him 1 to -night," was. the you had prornibed ti tcavel 'C'own with them ; . � ' 11 He is very kimd,'-' he said rather form. ' way it came out. The irief stricken wite of I li--t he inteE ded to fi d a I tenene fcr The Invita-1 n, to consult Dr. Pierce, � . burried to what sbe supposed was the death- Stokeley, ancl that N M10ii7lu"p, byl letter, ftee, is not to be confuse(I ally ; " but of aourse I mean to call, or at ­ robably re- I _ least leave my card -I had just told your 1111111111I bed,And found her husband feeling very - - - . main witif them for a mont, I r ,,ix lwe6ks , IvIth offers of "free medical advice " sister so." . PILLS smonsomme well considets'ng. The only pleasant feature made and this last iter tion seemed to Made by irreslonsible persons who are� " Perhaps you had better call at the times," went on David. "'She says thsb if Of the transaction was her sudden transla- - � afford David much aatisf nic-n. Bub the no' hysidaus and areii professionally' vicarage first,", returned Elizal,,;--th hurried- you had been their own brother you could tion from misery to . happiness. It would Haist, i' ple ally 4islualified for the * . next moment be observed, 1'. a rath(r wor- = e this Eort of thingif the sending oper­ place . 1, J practice ly.1 " Mr. ()arlyon is rarely cup of his room not h%ve done more; she is so grateful to 8av I - ried tone, I h -At it would be a great expense, of �neficlue. before mid day, and all hours ara alike to you Herrick."t Perhaps he would have said atqr always transmitted the punctuation noon. and that he was afraid Theo wc, Dr. Tierce s Pavorite Prescription is a , arks, instead'of allowing ihe race' nights U'd Object. t Mr. Charri,agton." And when Malcolm more, but Malcolm checked him. _, M I'ver to " Th(o will have to mind her own busi- sa.'G�s and rel� able remedy for the enre of tv,row in commas and periods as he some- sary cl ness," reVuinid Eliz�beth severely. " Your woinanly ilh. It establishes regiila had gravely agreed to this, Elizabeth went " Never mind that, Oarlyon ; it was a maobi rity, upatairs . to prepare for dinaer, ani did iiob great pleasure to me to do it. Now let us times does entirely. at random. John ( father means t) tell her*, that you are ,his � dri)bs weaker in drains, beals inflarnma- I fir.3t duty and of coarse ha is. right." But � tioji and ulcei-ation and cures female appear again until the gong so Unded. talk of something more intereatix)g." And . itoba E I Elizibttli c I arefully forebtr3 to tell David! t�ve4kiiess. She did not forget her promise, Eowever, then for a'Bhort time they talked of Oxford BABY'S WELFARE. -househ � . ay undertaken to pay th i ­r!'RER. 'Dr. Pierce's Common Sense of taking Cedric off Diniah'a hands, and as and the boat race ; and then Ventnor,4hich r __+ . . Thirte thEkt she had alr,f, 6 i I . Eom as they bad finished their -coffee she Malcolm know well -he had even spent an attend expenses of the lo,um teneni for Oxetel Modical AdN.ris tr is seut fi-ee on receip challenged him to a game of chess in the eVening at Red Bras when' Every mother is.anxious for the health - Of Otanips to 1p,,Jy exponse of customs and and welfare of her little ones, .and Baby's months, and by dint of �liser Obstinacy and 1� .the Godfreys club w inner drawing room, where on cold nights a were staying there. " The house is charm- noon I . �iling only. I Send 31 one-cent,stamps . Own Tablets is the best medicine to make feminiae persuasions Ehe bad at lasb inluced i M� * second fire generally burned. Ing," he said entbuaiastically. 11 I know , '� for� that b Mr. Carlyon to accept her bounty. I ,� the book in paper covers, Or 50 stamps The rooms were so large that unless Dinah the rooms you will have, Carlyon, and they -baby well and keep it well. Thousands of find th " My poverty and Loll my will consentp,11 1 f6r;� the cloth ound volume. Address , 1. mothers keep the Tablets constantly in thp, _ I . ., and Malcolm raised their voices. it was im- are delightful." 3 in th be observed sadly. But - RI-.'z.xbeth w6uld i Dr R_ V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. - house -they say they woald not. be* witb6d not listf n to tbis. . ; 0 . I possible to hear their converaatior, and as. David did mob resppnd, and he' was evi- ,them. As proof of this Mrs' George Kit- Kinca )3 . i. , Cedric had his back to them he bad no idea dently-getting1ired, so Maloolm rose to take afternc " Daar Nfr'._ Carfs on, she bad said earn- . I - gore, Wellwood, Man,, says : 11 Having ' eatly, "if you only. -knew tha pleaFaire thi � audi1ere David drew a'b6avy sigh of intense that they were talking more confidEntially his leave� used Baby's Own Tablets for I kome time, I club, t - will give me. I � ­we��)riness. 11 B.ib I was so tired,'and then than usual ; but from Malcolm' ' ,,iti,n " I wish -1 wish I could do something for can truthfully say that they are the beeb t Can you not u aderstarin that ief, I only cared tor my money becou elt would I ki�ew that tl c . bittle would have to bei Elizsbeth'a face stood out in bold re? and -1 you, too�" he said with such sincerity that medicine I have ever used for little ones. WMA I fuujkht all'ovd, again." I I in spite of all his efforts his attention often I David was quite. touched. � Lhink so highly of the Tablets that J al- childre be his, and now mha,t good will ih be to me? , 4'7J am no'j a e that I utderitaniI you, wandered. � t4 I have had my good thifigs," h - ya keep them in the house." Lot me use it for him so IoDg as I can. Lot � e return I At 1 . dea lad." I I - Ylven in those few shorO. weeks since they ed in a low voice, " iind now I must A medicine like Baby's Own Teiblets me do all in my pogver fG-r him and you., too' 44'N b I U I am not making things had . last met he could see , a charige in her. my dree 'ec Be - weird. 1pon't worry, Hetrick -things which so many mothers praise, ig � the right' Cons . -as though-aH thou�gh I were already I clea� ;%Ut 11;ill try to do so', and then you She had grown thinner and paler, and there ' � right in the long run, but we your daughtcr." An -1 then, as she wiped i .- generall� com one for your liffle. ones. They are gua I mult help-'Inu. I have been a coword, was -a deepened sadness in hO ey'e's';�. �and mustnot try"to act Providence too -much., t5ed to contain neither opiates ror other aseume away a few quiet. teari, Mr. Carl5 oa hAd I fathler-th at's � tb e I rath-a nd have rebelled yet in his opinioa she had never looked Gead-bye-God bless you."- The thin hand yielded. . - ! aga nEt my h rd fate-God'swill was not 'more lovely, thoug - lit was more the inward harmful drugs, and can., be -given -to "the lungs Dto,vid strove with bis wonted umelfish 1 �[ ivrung Malcolm's with surprising force ; but youngest iDf.ant,with perfent safety. . Good both f * i my M , an - irante,l to live* and marry than out,ward loveli eas that he meant. I noes to interest h . imself in El,zabeth'a plan ' � . ffllj d , � . I %i d, Malcolm's eyes were a littl"iety ai he for teetbing troubles, constipation, diar- slid fo 8 � Eliil%beth." ' He noticed how mechanically she plays J went out of the room, for he'knew�he rhoea,simple fevers, worms and all the minor others. for hia comfort. He heard h.;w the inner "IlAy, Davi b y, I knr,w." and how the game failed to interest her. knew too well' that in this lite he -should ail ents of childrep. Sold by druggist, or navy 9 � I _. � '- ' drawitig-r(o n at Red Brae ,A -a i u be con- : 'ss�yea ,Von 1k ow,p) with a sad, yeaYning When Cedric c�heckmated her twice, she m vilitad into a bedroom, thpt no ni' :� I I . never see David Carlyon's face again I ight be IOD� at the g4 head bent. now upon the only rose with &4 air-af relief, am though she - may be had by mail at,- 25 cents a box by ventil %ble, w�,hatit fatigue, to t,ike pozaession of , writing to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., as the . -t-e4bling hanP, - 1! You Anow that is how had finished a wearisome task an& came to- ' , I CHAPTER-XXXVII. I The re th.e drawing room couch by the pleasant , . nother felt wbEn she- wenb so far a -- wards them. Brockville., Oat. . - I I P , I . way - INFAY, . - ____ - - - - - - I window, with it3 view of the eekk ;. and how jus " I am cold," she said tzimply, as Dinah mam- PARTir,G OF THE Q. �_ rather my . fr' _ to dir,L-- he * nly' conscntcd to go I - - a small reorn. on the saiM9 --&Ori was to be'- � le `t0"liv6."­ '' . I - diagno, . ,, be she w�n 'B'd made room for her ; 11 we nearly lot the fire Shall I forget on this side of the grave ? - preparcd for his fat,,her. Y'But by and bye, in ",And it bi�k) her heart to leave us," re- Out between us." . But as she sat in her sLug I promise nothing"; you must waJb and see, ation p . I I . -_ �. � _. . spite of his effoxt-i, bi� attention fLigge'd g her liandi-, ahet did not at. . . Patient and brave. -- 19kt NUT01% cxpooftoto metho , . ed his father hnskiIy. 11 Dear heart corner warmin * and he looked so exhosted that Eliz.Abeth 6how,ishe prayc� bhat we might be spared tempt to join in the oonveroatfon. Indeed, (O my soul- watch with him and he with .. the otl refused to suty anothd *ord. I .that 1p:�rting ; Pu; the Divine Will ordered her manner was so absent that Malcolm felt . me I) " DISTRICT MATTERB. - Can on , ­ . � I * )O � .1, � . " I shall give you 3 our Itincheon and then, �, other Ise. convinced that abe heard little of what they Shall I . � and fre � " forget in peace of Paradise ? rbad you to, jeep," she said, in wli-At David � o' have pr yed" too," tn�mured David, said, and he was not surprised that Diniih I promise nothing ; follow, frJend, and see, - oal sigi - called " her ML0er Gamp tone e 11 but he , f an� noticed it -last. - The following local news was intended tubere � P d then , t ark God I the strength and at 7 faithful and wine. - � was to:) worn out to resist- and though for- help JI needed o scraly came. I have felt " You are tired, Betty dear,'? Elie said - (0 my koul'; lead the way he walks with for last week, but came to hancl too the onl getfulness was - not to be'obtain'Ed, wwas 110 p I Ily, aiid now th6 etru id kindly ; 11 I am quite sure that Mr. . me 1) � I . � the m certainly a comfort to lie wi laoeful lat . ggle will 131, I late.] - t I closed eyes begin again." . Herrick will excuse yeu," and Elizabebh ; -CHRISTINA Ro.SETTI. . - I eludes ' . - and listen to Elizabeth's dear vnice, till the "Oh, no, su� ly not, David." .� availed hfraelf at once of this permisbion to I . . Cromartv. I I tioal I ' - . twilig��t compelled her t) close the to)k, an4 '-Ye�-_4ithff'altmuat Ishallgetbottei withdraw. I GoOD TimE.-The lawn social of 6he our es then B e sat by him in silence until he- T) , . ) A few days after the invalid had safel Eociety, hold at the board f I � I for a�� ti�e, a dl I shall ho,ve, the , sunshine, I I She is not at her ease I Malcolm thought reached Ventoor, Dinah wrote one of her �I asked her to light the lamp. ; . I � 9 beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mae- 6xamin 4ni glizabetuh's dear love�'and life will grow bitterly. 11 She seems afraid of me eom& pleasant, chatty letters to Malcolm. Sh Tea was ready befcra Mr. Carlyon retorn, I e Lachlan, on Tueed4y evening, was quite (2). Evi I too precious to, Ire sgaiD� and I shall dis- how ; she will not meet n -,Ly- eyes, and she told him that David had borne the long m , i ed. As he opened the dcor he gave a quickp , hon6� my Maa�-er and put Him to shame, by has scarcely spoken a dozen wordi'-fo -e.yp P I - tbab he and Mr. successful, considering the heavy rains dut- the OP) anxious glance at El*zi.beth. I I i 82) . . D journey fairly well and . Ing the day and the dampriens of the even- for com . I 21 I � wanting to lay � d 'wn my croa � And he sighed, for it seemed the saddest Carlyon were ch0med with Red Bras. 44 I " Come in, did, it is all right, observed I 64 No, Davidi I am not afraid of that-," re- thing to him that he Should suffsk a'nd wish Cedric could have stityed longer," she - Ing. Mies Bennett, of Stratford, soloist, -throug David in a weak voice, but lia a Ae m idi � i ' - � . I . F turnp'd,hia fa er gravely. " My own lay, i4hat he should be powerless,to help her, "d finished. 11 He has been such a dear good please(Fthe audience immensely with'her JOurna his old oberriness. " Wilful man and wil. this �3 only o � singing. So also did Mies Martyu, of Exe- � c the -dark hours, when the ih hie fanciful way he said to himself, 'I ),We boy ; but I am afraid he is still very unhap- - , ful woman, too, n,u3t have iheir way, and I ,,il Pao tomp on in. your weakness ; need are like two travellers walking along stony py. Elfz%beth heard 'from Mrs. L Godfrey ter, and Mr. Miller, of Hensall. To Miss P 11:%ve given ia like a good boy." I re*iind yoft pf what ycu have so often path@ with a. high wall _b6tween us, so that yesterday. Leah has been ill with influenza, Yeo, of Mitchell, much gratitude le felb for . . I " ThsVe a. dea,r'lad,;) returned his fal,her, pre�bbed to- oil ars, that as thy day. thy no helping hand can be strebehed out and no but Mra.'Richardson has nursed her like a thel moat efficient and generous way in - ' 'il D rubbing his co'd hands gleefully together. 0 which she accompanied the other ao'oiats, as ft . I - stre th will j% , and- that help never comes voice of comfort can be heard." ' Atid then I � knew yoa wc,uld make him hear"reason, 4t' wi' mother. Leah'seems devoted to her al- well as to her friend, Mies Bennett. Miss- His 2 'I 9)) � befo,rehiind '�',' he added, " I dare not even tell her that I ready. The poor girl told Mrs. Godfrey Ida Jones, of Stratford, gave several impres. � Elizibeth. 8he is- worth 'the rest of us put "Irue, bu'tJI. eem to forget ever thing." am sorry for herand for him, too." that she had never bad such a kind friend in together, ia eh,e not, Davie ?" y . The� a warnd, omfoiting hand was laid . her life." � . give as well as amusing recitations, which . . Malcolm was alone when he paid his visit were very entertaining. And we must not " Mr. Carlyon;" interrupted Elizabeth, 1D v�d's forehead. to the White Cobtoge. There was no doubt An the weeke went on, Dinah wrote sti - LOVZ It I t(nierly upon D:ivid ia tired ar-d mutt not --t-ilk any � .,��Ishall ' 11 forget the worthy address of our chairn�an, Though re I d you. We Eli%ll ro!., be thatthechaugein David Oarlyon aboaked more cheerily. " The -improvement in Rev. R. A. Cranston, nor the 'young men's more, sad some one else is�,tired, tco." And par ed yet, rn� on, and God will help me to him greatly, though he strove to hide t4is David in quite surprising," she said in- one mark, then Elie (Itiew up an easy -chair by th6 fir �� f o 0 invalid. chorus, both of � which were edifying and carries 0 say, the right i,v ds to you. Ah, David," in r mth of her letters. " Even Dr. Hewlitb seems pleaeing and d'Wy appreciated, and last, I ani gave Mr. Carlyon his tea, and Wked to a 4everent to , ' " 'many lives have their David welcomed him with his old cordial- astonished. He is able- to be oub in his but not.least, was the hospitality of ur I him softly abcut Mr. Char-r"ingtan and Kit, t opeeb 0 � Gotheemanes � only one ever drank the ity ; but Malcolm, who was exceadinglk- bath -chair every day, and on sunny after- 0 Harris bi -r td Ao ; but even it er cl host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. MaoLacbl%n fal he 11 until it was time for hc 1p of Isc -row to the drags without a nervoup, could only stammer out a few com. noona he spends hours on the balcony. Mr. - , I then she refused to bid him good-bye. " I m irmur, and� o ly one had an angel to com- monplaVo. Carlydn is always with him. It Is beautiful and their interesting efforts to make the pills. shall be at the station," -she whi&pored, as fo t Him. � gathefing a h%ppy and-succeseful event. I maeter he kissed hEr forehead ; 11 we can say ��, ge will not be hard On us b0- The b igbt, eager young face that Eliza- to see their . devotion to ,each other. They NOTES.- Miss Woods, of Mitchell, visited go In I things capes, our hu. an will 'abrinks from' some � 0 each (Aher then," and he underrstool liar Lalrd cross of pain, fo I r 'He ktiowebh our bath so !oved was ehruluken and wasted, the seem to think alike on every subject. . He Mrs. McCallough last week. -Miss Park. of me,.' and in ur wea�ness and extramit lips seemed drawfi- fro- m' tho-teetb, and yet ani Elizabeth read aloud by turn@, and I Detroit, is spending a few weeks at her from B and rolded. f r4 Y at) times the old cheery sihile played round like to take my work there and li6t - home. -Mrs. Hodgart-and family, -,of Exe. But la�er on. as . I . � as a a 0 ..i - Mr. Carlyon pat Hp v�jll be our staff and our et%y." And in - them ; bat the voice vr Oil to wreck. -. b�side his son�s bedside' wi�h th I we k nd toneles them." 1'. . ter, visited relat" I now I 6� tr� ,tones lie blessed his boy, and 1 *ling . iyes in the village 'on San - worn lit Je, book . . and ever now and then the -hard, dr ' "A happy, family parby," thought. Mal. ' ly , � y day.---�The Misses imccullougb, of; Mitchell, t . ribute of davotions - out gat beside himlin voicelesi praycr and the I cough seemed to rack him cruelly'. colm a i bbl bitterly, as he put down . 'Mr. of which.sh,e had been reading to him a ill d;ep. inward e,�pplicatior�of exceeding love, . " If you knew how sorry I am' und spent Sunday at the -home of Mr. and, Mrs. - open in ll*s�hand, he was struck wit"i the n tc) see the letter. Even now he codld have fo McCullough. -The Misses Adame, of Win- ple her( � ,,�tr did lie lea4e him un til David had s . unk you like thip," observed Maloolm'kindly. it in his hearb to envy.his rival ; but the throp. visited Mrs. Little recently. --Mr. theyha . . strained, tr1loubled look in David's eyes. 0 an exhaii4ed sleep.i 96 ;� ' " Well, I am rather a pQpr specimen just next moment he dismissed tho unworthy and Mrs, Park and Miss,McLachla. took a ways c What is it, my dear?" he ,said wistful- . !David wa� v feyerieli and unwell the now," returned Davidf�'with s'lau thought. ly, for the eucate-in-Aarge of St.jkqley bad n 6 xb (lay, , anP-VC. C�r`iyori could not leav . I gb-; drive through Kirktan one dsy laiet week, work of -ways and tricks of spe6ch that -_ 0 " bub what can'b be cured must be endured But it was only a - temporary rally. Dr. and report a most enjoyable visit' -with Disease homely little him ;' hub after a few hours he grew batter -eh H ' . �, I � erOck ? I told Eliza6beth "-here a Hewlitt told Dinah privately one day that _ friends there. -Messrs. M. McKellar and -A. endeared him still more to those %ho loved again, and as �he days went on he seemed to shade came over Malcolm's face-" that I there was no real improvement in th p - , 7 An -b . im, anid Elizabeth would often praise the r800ver hirvold cheerfulness. L 8 3 McLachlan spent a few days. recently with slmplicity-7�iii �iinobbiinive goodness that should like'to Phake hands wi',h you. When tient's condition, and at any time there, friends in Parkhill. -Mr. and Mrs. �F. L. � A al I � -1 lone afterbo,n, as Elfz%beth was sitting a fellow is going a long journey "-and here might be a sudden change for the worse ; 11 which e rernindlod bar 6f bavid. . w1ith him so udual-for she always spEnt her amilton left on Tuesday an route forGalp, 4,6 David's hollovO eyes grew a little sad and when they least expected it, hemorrhage or -* . . . - ­ -loud lat Th6re is something on' your mind," be afternoon at the White Cottage -he eur- wistful -('ib seems natural to bid'one)s collapse may set in. Ani the doctor's fears ' . . . The I continued torderly ; " make a 'clean breast p#ised her by 4skirig �f' Malcolm Herrick friends goid-bye. We did not know eaoh� were i verifif d. . Brussels.- I .1 .. .. of.it, my boy. ! Ycu and I understand each �ver came to lie Wood House now." h, Herrick, but I always wanted . 'Oup' day, late in March, David seemed FOOT BALL; -L%# Thursd � ay ititters - I . t Jeathere . . .. T, )) : even-ing, . othtr, don't we, Davie ?" and Mr.-,C&Tlkda ; �!"- How strange that ou should ask that to see more of you, I e foot ball club played houtin � 8 , L, y - , gently patted his son's band, ag".though h ' 14 I unusually well. A gale had blown all night.. Brussels intermiedist' iqiestio3," reburned - Elfzi,beth, coloring You are very good to say, so "-but* if bu b �owards morning the wind. had lulled' their 6nal g4me in thin district with Listo- 8boras. ' were still a little chi'd. " Oat I with i� Is . c ,�Ightly at. themeribion Of *-Malcolm'a name, his life had depended on it ;01%lcolm conl ad set in,- and David had wel,� defeaUvg them very easily by a score ., The n lad -you are not quita happy about V�n -- . d eavy rain b . - I , lor �he 18-60f' ing down this very evening, not have brought himself to may more at vin4 to, of 7 goals to 0, thus giving them the cha '- --in diet nor ?" expr ened some disappointment. at ha � i I' Fa aold Cedric is- e,r,i set that moment. He wished himself a hundred rem& a Indoors ; but Mr., Cfarlyon, who con- PIO I rns. . tber, ho'w could you guess that ?" re. ,ving to Barlefield'to .m uship of the district. In the semi-fina - Amon I him Dinah 4kcd him to come," she �ent miles away. . . turned David in a depreciating voice. "If . W side d himself weather-wise, assured him Wildmay are their opponents and on Tuok�i_ ta� � � ; -" she wanted to talk to him about A quaint smile flittod across David' 1 �16'y,the firab game was played here, result- ter of fs you knew bow I bate ffiya�slf for being so oil fi�ptove later. , - tion t � e cowardly and ungrateful. E Promise me-- COric.�' face ; he couldtad Malcolm's f houghl a. Ing in'a victory for Brussels by a score cif � 'that of -i � 11 HerrIck a Dinah's right hand man of " You have been such a good fellow, The gale had disturbed Elizabeth, and ahe two to one. It was a very hard fought Cario4i prGri iee me,: dad, that you � xvill Dever lit bdainess had found it Impossible to sleop for hourp, . . . . Eliz%beth know bow badly I feel about it -Phe quite swears by him," replied Herrick, and have done so much for - them. � next � morning she game and some excellent playing .was done high, el it Would make her so unhappy." ; , D41vid, embaithing tenderly a ruffled look of all. That was a bad business with 0(dric,, land when she rose the on both sides. The return . match will he I ; -�felt unusually weary and depressed. A tbb fem it !); br�own hair �bat the wind had disordered. but at his age he will get over it -you and strange for6bodi Anot . .so it would, poar girl -so it would &A , � played on Monday next, &rid arrangements I - I suppose he will remain th-3 night? ; I know that." . ng -s sense�-- of separation - rejoined Xr. Carlyon, for I& his eyes Eliz.x- ; . i are being made to :run a special train 'to f ," d 0 h, yes., )f oourRt. Dinah has got a i and lose -seemed to oppres� her, and no In frequ beth was Etill a girl, and the very deareab o "' We do indeed," returned Malcolm, . lea,ve here about 21p. m. The attends -nee at more p daughters to him. - room read,Y:for him ; she told him that she gravely. I legorti oa her part coul I enable her to main- both these games has been very good. the The v � ", � � I tain her WODted cheerfu � 11 would i) �� allow him t� go to tliq, King's " Dinah comes and talks to mei Bome-1 Iness. 'Her dejection eeds &mounting to upwards of $50 at ishment � � � pro, -She and Dinah had planned it all for Atme " was to evidort that David noticed it at lasts each game. )2 ! I I � -_ � � � me, continued David' "I know what �66 , ­411o11P i --- and when Mr. Carlyon had pub on his Old . voice, & I It was 'ri ht for ber to put liar foot I I ! - a sacrifice it is to, DinaW for she does so die- 11 I . . . NoTrus.-Early on Wednesday morning of to came down, . return d David appr6vin ly. "Why � - mackintosh and gone out for it blow oq -the this week the ap;jpit of Jane Fergueonj like leaving ho � . . . me ;�- but Oe is doing -it for o4 earbh need e'scra 9 parade, he genbly- rallied her.on . . buman Elizabeth's aake." . 19 to ac,3ept your b o i - I � . her depres- relict of the late Betija6min Edwards, took I is - - pitality ! 8b chow � Sion., - ,_Comix , always liked Her- . _* .. ._-Comil to Yoft4are doing it for Elizabeth's dake ' ricik, though I am not Eo sure that he re- . " What is it, dearest?" he asked rather its flight. Deceased was in the 85th )ear approac o, are- you not, David ?" asked his fathol tu . ned the co plimenb ; perhaps under the � ankiously. 11 You %to not yor.r bright self of her age, and for a number _ of yeh.ra has voice th � - - quietly. Then the harMsed faide`brightened T I . I at once. I � oir�aumstancea no could hardly expect it." I this morning. You are so. good and unsel. - I . - ­_ -a - you all about it dad," h 1 tlizabeth's f ob grew hot -the subject � On e. ][)olicrw . fish, darling, that you never lot me see � The c - 11 Let me tell " *&� a paitiful tie to her. 41 Never mind . when you are unh - but to -day you can�. This Boy was -. I . of a chil returned eagerly-,, it will be such a ' " What $1.00 will purchase frosh not hide it from a I corn aboift Mr. Hertick, dear," she said hurried- k . MPS, Then he took- her a% fort ; you have often been trj,�� father oonfes ly 4 it D- Diamond Hall ' -. sor before. If you knew hov' my heart P t inah and he are great friends." I � hands and held them so that he could see . _an , I You need not tell me tha . resainr ii .T , � her face. . . Weak and Languid S`CK 1 . They ar� -i �eani,n tond, ; 11 Dinah has excellent tmtg. Glass and Sferling 11 I do not know what, has come over me," Als parents becalluo a1azzued ; � hen Elizabeth begged me to go to Vent t," in rather a A Beautiful Bohemian flo r ' and Yet how was I to r fuse her when, earcE�v bisl.voioe changing to seriousness, .. returned Elizabeth in a mournful voice, Chase's Ntrye I stad vwd J.Dr. The I . , . she amid, with tears in- ler es, that ky', .w nt - Silver Va,% -_ ood with spl,t3gidid reffifts. conec Y0111 to gi've Herrick a message.. I 11 hot all night long and this morni . . . probably gi - � '.ro � 11 im I a ning my a few more weeks of Great tears lum F. BiaisDIN, La�e St' riting td th6 plan would �,, from me. hould like to shake hesit as felt as heavy as lead." MRs. .Gso reet, What 7 , her happinees. You, haride with ,him when lie goesto thevicar. I welled in her eyes, and she suddenly laid Peierboro', On -" One of my chil- know how she meant it?" � �;i states: the boni , i � 2) F . i � I I dren, a boy of about,fifteen yeas, did not have Good an 11 Oh, yes, I know, David"' in the same! age. . . I I I I I � her head 'on his shoulder. 11 Ob, David- I Ing after i Do you' reall� want me to Say David, if I could only go too ;life will be so good hWth f2r a y0ar of rnore. He seemed quiet tone. . � " " i Ly 'this to . entr weak and the dev 11 Of course I could not re 1 him ? and i th;-re was little doubt from . long and difficult without yO1L "' -He stroked to have no )_ languid and . . . 1� suffered from ifti o sness. �use. I daredt, Elizabeth's 4ce Ithat she was relaotant to . her hair for a few minutes K worldly - �1� not be guilty of such selfiah0ess, for,-�_aftarl give im the . without speak. thiit he was gro The doctors said .1 give y i h message. Bab David meant to No. 101 we Irg. She was thinking of ,the parting that too fast, �ut we became all, what dobo a libtle more r0ain mat'4r ?` paythe :� , ship m � � have hie wa 7. t-alarrudd -About him, and ell . -�-- i . I I $1.00 express � mOst eurely come, and he must flnd some : so, unti . - I _�_ - -.- I -_ - ­ " Yes, tel I hirri," he repeatgid. " He and I cbitrges word to comfort her. " If I could only feel I began using Dr. -Chase's - - , I ___ - 1 Cfdrio are E are to walk over in the mornifig � P, t4t you were near me," she whispered, ' � NerveFood. Itwasnot human f - 7 � - the - I . . � I , . I the all -e M � vicar 4nd � Herrick are such cronies, r, A . .11 even though I could not see you or hear !P - 1 long until we noticed a I . � I and w shbuld he pass my door?" And - - yetir voice -that a were still loving me 4P, � gr Truly 11 ! " , [!I0 INIr YO 'apt .eat change in hii con - other's,,; L4 thisi se( med ao plausible that Elizabetb saici I- r . . riches en I I !_ 3 1 I i : and watching over my poor life I " I Ition. - HITS appetite im- . - % I z )i I" , Ir i � . ; - �� no -,mdrb. ; but as elis walked home she won- � proved, he had a better Eitblusiv , : " Deareet," he returned tenderly, -11 I . W_ '' I ! A I der6d more., tha a . � makimg, WC)ND IN mor"aj?,,% ,E�Apr.. WHAriv 7 1 1 once over this atrange have often had these thoughts. More than . I . color and soon became . NURSING AN INFA-ivr,�ANO 1,V 'rPf.& Z fane 'DOia's part. This Is butl one of a large nuigber stronger and healthier. sulbo ab4 moivrHa r)4Ar ; � i There bad been so of extm value cift articles sbavm in 01308 my father and 1 have spoken of ib. ,� I COME 111KOORK THAr : lit - It rtmK, i tie il terebtiraD between the - two young � is his Idea that nothing can divide us from . � - He is still using the Nerve it is diffi : � men -a aeci.f� 8 Our ,316W Illustmted Folder, wWch we . : I i ource of antagonism on . wM send frea of cost to =q adeiress those we love. Continuity of life-continu- Food, and we are perfect- the am 8007"r'S EMUL$iON 1 Male i "cl !s part had been an ( 1 ties whe I ob- it � . ly- confident i . . y,of love, that is his creed." . - ... I that he - is suppLms rmm xxrRA SMeNGrH AND I atacdal v 'fl proffered friendliness, It . Write for a Copy 4� .1 I im]?rlo�ing right al COnsideri . f I Is it yourp, too, David ?" Master 1) ng the daily NOUNISH"'UN'r so ivacEsaARY PON �1 was, e that I A" r. Herrick must pass the � � in 1 under this treatment. 0 1 T.WX HKALrH OF NOrM Af 07WER AND I White Cottagii a a his w�y to the vicarage. (To be Continued.) Dr. Chases Ne�i e Food, the . gre&t biwd jor,ity, to I CHILD, . I Q V -121E B120S. - I ! and�ieven I . � 11 I : I setbi Send for free sample. i wit6o at the � meseage his good JEWELEL>5 . � builder.and nerve 'restorative, 50 cents Z box, - � feellIng w-ouldo'robably t1av -induced him to Comfort for the Aged. ,it all dealers, or Flk manson, Bates and Co. v ciped' , 0 4 SCOTT,& BOWNE, Chcmixt*.� 1, e- I 18- 120. 122 and 124 Judging from the letters of people up in yea . ro, Toronto. 0 ro Cct ro . at .- The , ) U S .9 � . Toronto Ontario.: " sto -inquire after th invalid, but she -' YonAe St., Toronto theleisuope4icinewwhso prom ti f t imif..4:_. felbp and L --- as �hetl i0c. and $1.00; all druggists. David's r,'eqceeb w uld surprise him. - of&, es and pains, and lumm re p rig Go them the portrait an Si iture of r. a � I of the . A* W* Ch"�;_ ______ vertheless, �h 31 t his will and give amous recei t b:)ok authqr, are on , - Ne must I live kidney@ and bowels, as Dr. Ese's Kidney. the f add,cowm , . __ � . , I I . .1 Live, box of his remege.c. _ � _ _V,ry &0�,v,ty, 11,the message. i I . � r Pills. Even when ail other means have failed 6 � old people can turn to this great medicine with full t ! Eliz%beth w'ss later than usual that even. . I I I . cu�'Ition I I t I � . asou ran 3e of relief And cure. . I . . � ; i I � � � I � I I � hW : ppiness I I � : I - .. I I . � 1� � I � I .. - � , � . . � . - - ! , . I - � I � . � . I � . I . . . I I . . . . I , I - I . : - � . I . . �� - . F� I I I I . I - I . I - � 4 1 �v � I . I Z - . i � - . .. I - �1 � . , . . ­ J . I .� , I : . . . : - I q, � � , , T, - " ! DROPSY I I F , d 41 I att a a . L , L in c, a :-),6 , I I N4 I 0 t 6 fil - - I I ! I I I , 'I I I t, n t I n b I I � %._� 7 i - . . __.1. . . . I I ,.. . I ,. � I - , - � . I . � . i I k - . . t i I t ; . I I I I t . . � �, . � �1 1� �_ . ,. � - I .. I . . : I . �1 . i �,! I � i � . . : I , I . � . � � I I i j I . . I .1 - . � - � . . I __L_ I I ­­'. I ­ ­­ - I � .. - 1-1 . ­ ­ _.; .. It, , . - .- -, __ i ", J_ - - A __,_ . ­ ...... _-_____11 __ --__-.__1.1 -----,---.-., ...... .. �- I ­ ­­.. - ---- ­__... ­ _­ -.__1_1-__ - ___._ - _­_­ ­­ 1- ­ I -, -o- - - I- . I - I 1 � I , ­* - - z � - � Z I i I- � I I t �, : �� . , . � " I - I I . i � - I . i . . . - I , � - . I I � . I I - f . , �� 11 - . � JUNE 1.99 1:903 ' �_ __�. ! �_ - - I - - — .1 - I'll 1_ — I t­ t­ t­ --- " - - :�::��� i � . ____ ­ JUN. i - , I � _. 11 17- t . M . '. I - - i - I I - ir IV .... . - I � -, - I i . 7 I , il " ir � , I _1� - I I , � �, A W . � , � I, - � I - . � - � 11 U 4 .. � � i i 10 . , I � - . I I � - - � - I i 1 1T-0 T14C � � . - 1. 1 -5 , - �. - . _49W4 . i � - 0 , 4 C . �� 1� - 'i Ileald Idy hair �vas falling out V .. . '4 1 -ments' ­ � I A and I was greatly ajar m�e,d. 1 14 1 1 :1� I I . �� I Z� en tried Ayer's Ila* 1 � . r Vilabor and � 4 � Every w0l, � 4 I . � h2ir stopped f-illing at once.,, ; , �. ___ T,ed blood 00� ' -s. G. A. McVay, Alexandria, (). __ I - ,W.s3jy th-.o*-g - � . . --- I - � ,lq"- Dr, , kl� . � - wiil W*y _. 4 All - rril, . - .4 - -1 " le i- Ir � fle troLl 0 .3 your hA 7 - me,w;o healtu - � - � �� _ Istrallsthaud' . I I I . ? - ,&ns to per C -S not have life erlough� - I - erg . - ­. � - _ � - f d W-611. 1 Ct prorilptly. Save � - " A YOU ------- r 1-9--., Sion -all -j _. � - r's I ! , jr. Feed it -v,ri,th Aye " � � - _jJ1 the fleerp't - . I 3 , � I . - imows, . � I � � I air Vigor. If the g 1 - i - J)r. willim . 11 My 11 - �_. -4uu reyes a z *0 11 � ' I I i r s a r 1-61 beginning to , , 5- .'e-owks onco I , - I � 9 � , suff-ebring- T] owl Ayrer s 11"air Vig � a J or I P When all ehf3l 1 1 - � . 0 � I Z� � - from ! N� 11 restore col: , evenj . � proof , I -1� _ - � - q, W. T., 4 I - _ I ,. Vv - �f_ �� ne. le. All dra.-flis I � Was greatly;a .s. I � I � --V�. . � . af In -aka the liw ,,=t'--_ I - - I I � . I trli� your drug ist ca , _� -able. I 'Qh�).t Supply Tor[, ­ I - � . d us one dor-lar and W�p will e�pyt I � - ;Z..0WJ3g to t-ji - � so � . .� 4 abottle. Be sure andtivethe;lInAnt � *f Dr. Wiliffi I rour nearestexpresTiofnce. Address .. . �, In � i� � - n have Made 7 J. C. AY-Ult CO-, Lowell, NAU� i - & L � sialost ,cGntin . - A - -- � —, - ,-- ___ : i - �� ��Way,� li � - __ IMOOMW � i her home with her son-in,lavv� I)avl&. -s- burden tt One � � I � . 5 who have we Albert street The funersa took Z � - u. �_ � the pill . - I � t7nink � li io Brussels cemetery on Frid�ay after- j � 4eld to all V71 . -There was no electric -light two _.o . � I - - , � ,R general rl. this week, occasioned by some .�, . �- � . P .,ecft� - - , -1 . . Ail ov,er *h . � N � anges being made in the engine. A I ; � .c= obain nev ­ 2ist from Galt was doing the work.,, - . I . � the use �Of I � . . � __ - ur-rie has decided to move to mau� �, uld be Z � nd will have an auction age - � -sho Of his ,, � . mmawe. 11 D.*% ! z . oldfuralturein the near future,- - � - . - a I � ; people", -oni A - I ed volunteers left here on Tuesday to. . I i . . . - camp at London --Brussels bave bril DOX. Sold!bl' entto Wingliam, on Fr,id-sy af , te . r. I Wfiti-ing to ti ast to play a game with the club -of � I I - ZBrookviue, 0 w,n. Oar boys evidently co-uldtet. I - .; � e ball ' as the score c , ard showed 17 to- I -The eaat� eir opponents, favor.-Tw'o rinks' of �on the �C- P. I - Aine bowlers came down on Tt_eed�y . � Jxhursaay :af, on and played agame with the homer I bride aerwis f he visitors *inning out by 10 shots. , - ---*- I � ling at 3.441% W Johnitan a.11 -d r's, Worm Powders cure fever Im . firemwo " D. � imd 11' were -iaot ka!IR . V. Feai's Drug Store, Seaforth. " -0 a Mira4ble, for I ; . with pass"gi umption in the British lqa.yy I. , the reffi;_, 1�uv aid Siobel says it may be eonlidently Z fti ,death. I -A d that in the navy, as elsewhere, the, ` . ,car w4niti 'ir I - . __ 10to, ,- ire par excellence the favorite -sit . - I es . - train held the . � � � )r infection of the individual patient - , � to the_falet1 a" I r the propagation of the disease, to . . -shifted, leAvi I Tuberculosis costs the English - . eupport - 20,000 per annum. The question -of I 6tion Is of the firbt importance -to far, . � . , I Use LeVer cure of oonriumption is concer"k � : , W,061 -el, - - edy for this disease Is In prevention. I vash . � , than - in cure ;j prompt -1 ft- : I ie. Careful microicopical examin- - I - . - � , . - � robably affords theatirest and earliest I .I .'Binder 1� n, t_ I . � ; ! I of making a reliable diagnotiv. :01M . - li Just no.* & - I r hand-, exce�tionally, the �badilluv _. � 1 '81, to. I ly be demonstrated. after prolonged: - . =rk'Drela _01cuot � � 11 N - quent search of cases in which phyol- � farm, and Mr 11 . - . a point to advanced disease. OnW 11 � � the binder!tw] I I "I . ule baoilla have been demonstrated, � ��._ . I . toba. L�tt, vi y proper course is to at once invili& .� 11 I ' f � � � �� . �111113drtd and - "I n out, of the service. The writer con- � for the we�'teP - by emphasizing two, important prac- - Is 15,000 P,oni oints : (1) We should ,connid-or Ib I . -problem. Whic . I f ,� , ,� . rnest duty, more .particularly on : I � utilizxtion , I hip, to carryout the needful mimple - flsx istraw --Arro! ation of sputilm, systematically. . - the futmero of ' ry medical man, whenever be gets "I - I I . Fla:k bas bten. ortunity, should urge the necessity, . I � and lailt ye'ar 1 ... . . � pulsory notification of tuberculordt � . I I - - -over forty!tb( iout the country. -British Medical - __ I ,11ax stra w' inal . 1. I __ . Irarmera I 5 , pa�y 4)] " a - yearly -lot t- OST.KASTER TALKS. . -,sheaves. Uo I � � Pllilippznels V :)d&s Kidney PAls Ctired . ico, in exellan dicationa -�ha,t ight's Disease and He Tells ing both _00m] all about it. � � ; ­ - E t, P E, . - - i�_ I - � . i The f irs� a t� TT, 01A., June , 15th— (Special)— Ing a homO-m I .f ,a well past the three score and ten - �' .x for tho *I C. A -Harris, postmaster hkre, i,till -_ 'this is �beijag 4 his age well, besides holding the re. � by whic� n , I the entire community. And Mr, � - . plant is � see cr6diti a large share of his wonder- I I .farm by ftub . � 61th and vitality to Dod&g Kidney a satisfaoqtor Speaking of the matter, the pont- -, brancheal has � � says : . Yield of oocd 1897 .1 wax at the point of death, . great. � The -1 -ight's disease. I was a complete 'Pry, . . of ra eh, � . - . I could not even dreso myself. Bnt ,1 . - Just an thia �W iii -,"I" Thay say, a well man, and I at? the modern ' U. ft all to Dodd's Kidney Pills." . profitable! in. . .... farris' experfen3e has led many pe - 0-- still in nee iu� to use Dodd's Kidney Pillso and be Improved -1 ve proved that the remedy tba,t al- , binder tvv'* I %no. ' ures BrighVe Disease makes shorb - I msoehinerj* lo, any of the earlier:etagen of Kidney, .. - "I .,ztraw hait i . I - _1 scale for e�pe � 0 - I of the best el I mals With Human Voices-, --quantides'of . I has been � in eoies of crow in Indis has a note, : xactly resembl 6s the human volce,in machLnerl foi ghing. i, able ;;; � 1. titv� I proven. I I u. r. aughirik jackass, when warning hie � � I . matiolni in I- d mates that daybreak in at hand, I in ; 46 cry resembling a group of boy ... . g countries- 11� 11 next year; In 9, whooping and laughing fn a wild . -1 I , . . Russia. the At ightjar has a cry like one lamon1mg I the bait 3�ur`4 Me. I- experimeAt -,a I � , - , � g birds that have the power of iwi- farmers ca I n -9 he parrot in the beat ; -but, as a mat- I ­aer twine� at t, its voice in decidedly hiferlor-to be added �o I � . the mynah, a species of .starlin - little iner*wv , _g* I I V enough, the male bird speaks in -&- - ; . ear tone, like that,of a cl;ild,, while, . To Oul I ala has a gruff voice. F. al. � Take La-xT.iiv, ier bird I .the morepork of Austr las- � druggists Irefl. ently heard vehemently demanding __ 'E. W, Grove - c -k in a clear, stentorian voice, - � : I hip -poor -will alfo demands hispumma- . . ; . I ; � In a �dlib binet im itation of the bum" , I I I d the command of -the galnwfowl., - . The old'ba - . � i back could easily be mistaken for a,- � 3 He -rat tAlkij � � . voice. I � � may disappea . - , � -11 sud:­ ­.. .� � AT - . , 11 U .n , A&id g to quadrupeds, this cries of nov6- - - - Ion to alo!'tha- hing more closely th%t of the human the barba# D an those of seals when lamentihg� - or capture of their young. I look at it U-1 ry of a wounded hare resembles that - being bA14 �; , I d in distress. I - proper care p I 9 - I I I hair 12,ono *1 RADACRE, however annoying *nd die, I -We Man r*m I and wea.r, - Positively cured -by LAXA-LIVERPM81- I Al easy to take and neyer gilpe. kept cles- th, It Will nailk - - � evelopment ,of Chavactery � - are n rllsl�__ ' I - we have to seek in not wealth And Aces fter s4& 44 14ta e age it confers,but the True, 08 tn d the Beantiful. The preoent 41115v- -1 " Inust be 1�d 4 wealth is but selling our *Ouu to - I Palt of tho I 1, --,for what Is falsely tonsldert& quantity 4f V I prospe,rity . . I., All theme thingis wig each hair, � �ab:, . - On, if . you will fall down and war-, the hm,'r fer di " and how many unconsciously do J opening in'th every high and noble and -tras ! the bodyi f� eeling is gradually obliteraited In, ' I through the J igrossing and albabsorbiug pursuit. __W like the hbat� how ha.rdly khall the I -fluid UT) !0 A I ,y tbab haT Is d terintothe kingdom Of heave"M � forc;d up A attention to ',businoss or mo"Y, 'the hair. '! BA . In ,OrAer t,�..k.A . or to any pansion or -sensud ,Pur- .. �, orbs all the nervous " force " ,91 iand , n the i hodr �c cult, if not impossible, to raviv* . lea oil in -Absl�i I � Le*3 and most refined eusceptlbili­ to allowed � -to A I - n this h3s been long &in . 6aedo I ia -not enovgb 1 ng the anstained attention that . 1� lhftomes diry J callingrequires In the great—ma, I'll �: t -10M thespiti maintain the due balance is alnulob I pr-oee_u cootit � ten prew � 6 ; stilL a complete character ,do, � of, � at , � 1 " Theral -is 11 all sides is what we have to ain- just how 0 V4 too great predominance of the - 118 1 would unfit us for the ,commoner' I I d in thit co� er duties of life ; and yet oOnst0b A is high. -nor, , steady, habitual, persevering oc- 4 *,hai they nrA . I In the patk-of duty is the secret of . I - teelous t*& I ,—O. Bray. - deaden ;4,,2 �an_l � - � - . � influencer': A � � - . "I'll - I � , - . � - I . : f - - I - - �-_ . � " i .1 - , � I .- ,� I . . � - - I . � . � . - - - __ - ! I � � � ­ f � - _____ i _ p I - - � ; . p I �� - I . � I I � I ; - � � I I I - - � - 1. --,--%--NM"&--�Mmm�ilmm-M—.NWj