HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-19, Page 31 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. •Ss Witter Valuable In Vendee. In Venice water Is aomewhit of st luxury, as the inhabitantit have to de- pend upon the rains, and there le no company for supplying the city. The Water for drinking and domestic 1 uses is collected in subterranean reservoirs, where It is said to be filtered. It is doled out at the public wells, which are open one hour daily for that pur- pose, and then are carefully locked up. Give Lemons Air. To keep lemons, let them Ile loosely, uncovered on a wire tray that will per- mit circulation of air on all sides and underneath. Keep them in a dry and cool room. The Goat. Originally the, common or domestic, goat was a native of the highla ds of ; Asia. Naturalists generally reg rd it . as having descended from an api mal found in the Caucasus mountains and the ;hill country of Persia; called in the P,ersian language the pesang. • Boiled Fish. 'There is nothing more difficult to seeve neatly than a boiled fish. _Do not 61.14 the portions, but 'Carefully separate them where the flakes' re joined. Dagolbert's Throne. Ithe- throne', of, King Dagobert, who reittned in the seventh century, is in the cabinet des Madrenles at the French National library. Dagobert's pron.e., .wItitch is of brass Work, wiatiorged and chiseled by St. Eloi for King Dag - °heft Snakes. Of the 165_kinds of snakes found in the; United States hut'twentyare Veit- oinOis. They are -the copperhead and water moccasin, which are cloSely re- 1atcl; the coral snakes of the sotitla- we t, the two. species of eistrurus and the fifteen species of rattlesnake. The moet dangerous of them, the water moacasin, is not seen north of Tennes- seel _ • Lava. 'lava expands in passing from a ,,liquid to a solid state, the gas in the liquid mass being violently expelled. Goose Legislation. Tinder Henry V. an act of parliament ordered all the geese in England ;to be connted, and the sheriffs of the coun- tee were required to furnish six arrow feathers from each goose: The Spitz Dog. .• The rather dangerous breed of dogs called Spitz or Pomeranian dogs, a va- ,riety of Eskimo, were Stet bred in Pomerania, Prussia, but the popular nettle of Spitz was probably derived from the erroneous notion that - they originated in Spitzbe'rgen. Greek Suicides. Ajax killed himself with his spear. Jocasta, Antigone, Haomon, ,Eurydice, CEdipus and many other Greek heroes and heroines died by their own hands. A Poplar That Does Not Seed. It - does not seem to be generally known that the Lombardy poplar .nev- er seeds. It is simply a variety of an- other poplar and has to be inereated W Oily from cuttings. The pollen bekiring form, so far as known, is not in this country. The plant is wholly A Matter of Temperature. Speaking generaily, wild creatures inhabiting hot countries are more say - age than those of cold or temperate coUntries. The Catty. It IS not generally known that the word cutty as applied to a species of clay pipe very much vied is a corrup- tion of Kutaich, a city in Asia Minor, where a species of soft white stone is found which is exported by the Turks to Germany for the nianufacture of tobacco pipes. Mexico. Mexico* has been estimated to con- tain 479 square leagues of forests, 18,- 134 square leagues of mountain\ land and 4,822 square leagues of ueiculti- vated land. The Tongue. ;A. big tongue indicates frankness; a short tongue, dissimulation; a long and • broad tongue, garrulity and generosity; a -.narrow tongue, concentration and talent; a short, broad tongueegarrulity and untruth. The man with a -very short and narrow tongue is a Ilar of true artistic merit. Pearl Shells. Pearl shells need to grow three or •four years, but as the possible pearl does not depend on the age or size of the shell the small ones are usually as rathlessly opened astliough no law on tbe subject existed. A Lost Mine. •A mine near Phenix, Ariz., disap- peared a week after .the shaft had been sunk. Roman Copper Coins. ;The National museum at Belgrade has a collection of 68,000 Roman cop- per coins, unearthed near a • Servlan viiilage. The oldest of them belong to the time of Caracalla. Prussia's,Itieliteet Town. , The richest town In Prussia is no longer Frankfurt -am -Main, but Char- lottenburg, a Berlin suburb, where the average yearly income for each in- habitant, including, of course, women and children, the aged, the infirm and paupers, amounts to no less than $1,000. An Eccentric Duke. Philip, duke of Burgundy, spent ' much time in contriving trapdoors in his house • and .grounds to souse un- wary strangers in water beneath. - Longevity In Of lturopean nation and Swedish are the 1 Spaniards the shorte Europe. . the Norweglaill ngest lived, the Iyoking the Moon, , A Rou anian girl o seeing the new moon in okes her thist "New queen! In health thou hast fo nd me, in health leave me Thou bast it upat.me unwed; leave me wi a handsbnie' husband." ouse Therm A ther ometerlil indeed, i every' roo any extent as a living many al houseWife prevent that drowsy f from sitting in a roo allowed to becoMe o the day. meters. very "house and, that is used to oom would save • headache and eling that comes that has been erheated during Birmingh 1m. -Birmingham is th oldest seat of manufactory in Euro • e. Russian Arm Doctorir. The pay of a medi al officer in the Russian army 10 on ,ppointnaent $425 a year. After four years he •receives $600 and when promoted major $1,400. Securing' a Bur lig Place. When once filled in, a Moslem grave is never reopened on .; aeeount. To remove the fai test thence of It thus being defiled a yprets tree is planted after every interment, so that the cem- eteries resemble fores s more than any- thing else. Spezia W As many as foUrtee taken from the sto seals have been ach of a sperm whale, and his ordinary diet consists of squids, which often weigh several tens. , ingenious POsachers. poachers in the _Ardennes are In- genious. One had the heels -of his boots fixed under his toes, so that his , 'tracks appeared to be going in an op- posite direction. Hares and other game are sent to Brussels en firkins of but ter, so that the scent shall not betray them. The Paris Opera House. Seats are dearerentethe Paris Opera; House than in any other European capital in spite of the fact that the state gives the building rent free and an annual subvention. i A Savonarola Letfer. In London recently £98 Was paid for a letter by Savonar,ola, 1he fammis Florentine Dominican frlari Regarding cuckOos, it is said that the loag tail of these birds se interfered with their balancing that they have necessarily developed strong feet, with two toes pointing backward and two forward. By this arrangement the cuckoos are able firmly to grasp their perch. • - Russian Ships. Materials of Russian otegIn exclu- sively must be used ha the construc- tion of all Russian ships. European Seacoasts. Great Britain has a longer seacoast line than any other nation in Europe. It mealthes 2,755 -Miles, 4Ita1Y coming second, with 2,472. Russia ranks third and France fourth. Artificial Leather. In France old shoe e are bbught up in quantities by rag dealers .and sold to factories, where they are -taken apart and submitted to long progesses which turn them into paste, from which the material is' tran tion leather, aP finest morocco. formed into an imita- earing mach like the 1 • Giant Tortoiseis. The giant tortoises front the Galin- pagos islands in the Londan zoological gardens are sa d by biologists to be between 2,500 and 3,000 years old. Ox Tail Soup.. Ox tall soup, now regarded as a na- tional English dish, was first made by the very poor Iltiguenot refugees from France, after elm revocation of the edict of Nantes, because ox tails, thed had no market value. A11.rdy Pike. A dealer in th Paris Hailes was un- packing a hamper of fish which had come packed in ice from Gouda, Holland, when pike of four pounds weight was seei to faintly move its fins and was forthwith plunged into a trough of fresh water, where In two hours it was frisking about as lustily, as if it had never been caught. • Why tuatis Dance. A correspondent, noting what is fair- ly well -known among entomologists, that many Sim les of flies congregate together to dan e, says it is well known that this is for a very utilitarian pur- pose -the select on of a mate. Nantucket. The island ol Nantucket rests on a vast peat formation. Odd Birds. Two napoleon bishops and one black headed nun are among the birds which have been presented to the aviaries int the Liverpool parks. Plumy Widlows. In rural England , the blossoming twigs of willow which our children call "pussy willows" are often used in churches on Palm iSunday as the only available bran hes which have yet begun to show ptoofa of returning life. Five Generations. A boy born in Berlin the other day is able to look upon' his mother, grand- mother, great-grandmother and great great-grandmother, the; last being nine- ty-eight years old. 144 • A lititle Surillight Soap will clean cut - glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will waai other things than - 413 clothes. AUC_IONEERS. -111031AS BROWN' Counties of Hu A. 31. Carnpbell's imp Tgs E.XPOBIlfia Offi Satisfaction guarante Lioensed Auctioneer for the n and Perth. °retorts left at uteist warerooms, Searorth, or will receive prompt attention. or no charge. •1708-4f TAMES G. Moki104 L, licensed auctioneer for t.), the county of Hu on. Sales attended tdin any part of the county at ..oderate rates, and satisfaction guaranteed. Orders eft it the Seaforth post offize or at Lot '2, Concession 2, Hullett, willreeeive prompt attention. 1832-tf A UCTIONEERING..-IT4 S. Phillips, Licensed jj Auctioneer for -the counties of HUron and Perth. Being, a print -leaf farmer and thoroughly understanding the *slue of farm stook aod imple- ments, places‘moin a better position to realize good prices. Charges moderate Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. All orderaleft.at Hermit post office or at Lot 98, Concession 24 Hay, will be promptly ttended to. ' 1709-tf PILLS Have Restored thousands of n Cana.dian ometo Health and Strength. There is no need fozf so many women to suffer pain and wea ness nervousness, sleeplessness, anmmi faint and dizzy spells and the nunierlous troubles which render the life of wonian a pound of sick - netts and suffering. Young girls budding into womanhood, who suffer with pains and headaches, and whose fine is pale an4 the blood watery, will find Milburn's Heart -and Nerve Fills help them greatl during this period. Women at the chajige of life, who are nervous, subject to belt flushes, feeling of pins and needles, pal 'tation of the heart, etc., are tided over the -trying time of their life by the, us4 of this wchiderful remIt has a wonderful effect on a womanie system, makes pains and aches vanish, brings color to the pale cheek and sparkle to the eye. They build up the system, renew lost vitality,.improve the appetite, make rich, red blood and clispel that weak, tired, listless, no -ambition feeling. 600. PER BOX, 0.11 3 FOR 61.26 ALL DEALER3. The 1. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. United Typewriter Com- pany Limited. Underwood, Empire, and Blick- • ensderfer. All visible writing machines, for sale or to rent by the month, ribbons, eto,, and all other makes of typewriters, second hand, for sale. Apply to L. G. VAN EGNIOND, Agent. SEAFORTH • - - ONTARIO. 182845 BURDOCK • Blood paters ha's the most natural action on the stomach, liver, bowels and blOod of any medicine known, hence its effeCts are prompt and lasting. It cures, withotit fail, et such diseases as Dyspepsia, ConstiPation, Biliousness, Bad BLOOD Sick Headache, Boils, Pimples, Tumors* Scrofula, Kidney Complaint, jaundice, Coated Tongue, Loss of Appetite and General Debility. The fact that it is guar- anteed to cure 11used according to directions warrants any sufferer in giving a fair trial to Burdock Bleeit Brum KELPION A PERFECT HOME REMEDY. Indorsed by the best English Journals. Supplied to Britidh Soldier s in South Africa. For all Throat and Gland Trould es, Plcuriiy, Lumps, Abscesses, Old Sores. illeers. Felons, 3kin DIseasestEezemn. Pimples. StifirJoints Rheumatism, lumbago, Sprains, Bruises: Mesh Cate, Sore Heet, 1101d by Druggist*, 250. 'Try It ones. Special Attention 1 co lEforseshoebsg and General Jobbing. • RotiOrt Devereux IHACKSMITH and CARRIAGE MAKER 12Zr Goderieh street. - Seaforth r 1903 UNE 19,11103 cottee isle. kt,ti day% - tt tlie din. astte'a hauls, ee the item, tiotr ,a Ettore igreegee o livea in Glare Lizzie, and ereonality, hrr bonnet to vet fa r, whose 014 eatolea hie mother dm. The devioue epee " contrives te beteteea the eimpls Fattier Parclie, the )hotiographer's, tat, ereegor» when. they , where, despite the ets into trouble -all The story may he gentle domestio at- ght " with all the taken Great Britain td genuine humorist tenlarity. 1S 1 • [sit 1903 wend, a hair geode artist, at .t4EAFGRTRI fllian you ex - ethos on. As a rdet.: Come to ua irt any kind of yen cool. They ressed at the :entieds--cooluess _goods you need. torkee np tha ank tthetiros- age b4.1r break at 800 tent:real, P.O. 12 The quantity n any quantity n benefit. bcst goods; tiLd S, L 'redraw, staja iituai Firs mpany. 7-533, TOWN INSURED tt ; Thomas 0.; Thomaa he -S G. Grieve, Win. ; :John Bennewelos rod; John WM*. ltd; John B. Mo Clinton. Eiiftehiey, Seafortk ; J. W. Yee, senees .folin C. Morriwn 'In:Saranac) or arose tat,I attended trr Itttere. addressed tt for 1903. itr.':rop- P. 0. eatertit P. 0- waithrola P. 0. eitavoad P. 0, liar. WinthroP nttarop P. O. rittlrop 1'. 0. EionitarY InsPix't" ca sale in EginOrd^ one cellar,? aud glisrEw altply on the maw* en-ixoNE, Eetttud.' Iettect .1.11POIMANT NOTICES. HsAP MONEY. -Private funds to loan at 4 Per cent on ewe security. Apply to B. R. IG- Brut/eft/dd. 1886-tf iiL4onsa WANTED. -For Union School Section st- 08,..15and s, Townships of Howlett and .gar. Applicant phase state salary and terms. :meet to commence August 17th. Apply to ROBT. HunUngld P. O. 1852x4 °TICE TO PIG BREEDERS. -The undersigned wili keegfor aervice on Lot 82, Concession 9, "jop the tgoroughbred English Berkshire boar, C1hiton. Tenns $1 at the time of service with e of returning if necessary. JAMES A. 1845-tf SALE OR TO RENT. -Lot 88, concession 7, McKillop, containing 104 acres, all cleared and laegood state of cultivation. There is good spring watee, good orchard, well fenced and that class Wane. If not sold will be rented far a term of pin. Apply tO ROBE= CAMPBELL, Seaforth. 1817x8 ARMiO RENT. -A good 100 acre farm In Stan leyto rent for a term of years. • Within two wile. of Brocefield station. Good buildings and sh0a70 acres cleared, well fenced and In a good state of cultivation. A good orchard and plenty of yaw,. Apply to W. SCOTT, Brucedield. 18.36•tt CWANTtifleate, for school section No. 9, Morris, ED.-A teacher holding a second class cer. Buren CouDy, Ontario. Apply personally it pos• sibleor state'salary desired. Dutien to commence sitar the betide} s of 1908. GEORGE R. STUBBS, Seereiary, Brussels P. 0., Ontario. 1861-4 STRAY HOG. -Strayed from Lot 20, Concesdon McKillop, on May 14th, a thoroughbred Yorkshire boar, Any information leading to his •eeteyery-wril be rewarded and -any person fund harboring him will be prosecuted. The owner will llothe nepansible fey anydamage doe by this ani• • salatter this date. JOHN WYATT, .Box 48, Sea - 1851x4 AYR SALE. HOUSE TO RENT. -Mrs. James Sleeth's comfor- table dwelling /situate cp Ord street, Seaforth. remises in good mud itirn and will be rented ream - ably. Appy to JAS. WATSON, Agent, Seaforth.s .1246-tf TEL FOR SALE. -The only licensed hotel be - ti Seaford) and Brussels. In good repair. arm reasonable. Arply to W. BLASHItt, Wal- ter; or to T. RANKIN, Seaorth. 1845-tf Mika SALE. -Second hand, 8 horse power engine J in good repar with nearly new aet Pickering gevernore and balance wheel. Price $40. Aleo wake stack used five yeara about 86 feet long, 12 Inches inside diameter. with guy, wires. Price 81.0 McDONALD, Walton. 1849-tf DR. IticGIHEY'S For Broken -winded Horses. Curea heaves, eave Cure .11r;(0Vir.:Tg.lciit;'::lai],i - the throat and lungs. The only medicine in the -.world that will curc the above dui- oa e making the animal sound in -Wind and useful to bL owner. Price. 41,50 WS DR. McGaurr /dements co.. kereptvine. Out. McGabey,s Condition Blood Tablets and Powders for sick Cattle and Horses, 25o. Sold by J. S. Rob ens, 1.)ruggist, Seaforth. 1842.62 Grand Trunk Railway System Ho I for the Model Farm Big Ekursion to Guelph A Big Exouraion will be run- to the Agricultural College, Guelph Under the auspices of the Huron Ferment' Institutes, On Saturday, June 20th, 1903; The fara from the different etations is as follows: -- Station Adult Child ,J30 rave 81 25 .65 B1yb 125 .65 Lendesboro 1 20 .60 Clinton 1 20 .60 Seaforth 1 16 ., .60 M. Columba° 1 16 .60 Dublin 1 10 .66 Holmeaville 1 20 .60 Goderich 1.26 .66 Brumfield 1 ea .60 Kipper/ 1 25 .65 Heneall •1 25 .66 Exeter 1 26 .85 Centralia 1 20 .60 •- Arriving in Guelph at 10:23 a. En, Tickets will be goad only on one train, valid to return on any train ._ up to and including Monday, June 22nd. A special • tran will leave Centrally at 6:30 a. In. •' Exeter. 6.42 ; ' Mensal', 6.57; Kippen, 7.05 and Brncefield 7 18, con- t. meting with the regular triain at Clinton. Passeng- ers from -other, etatiens will use regular morning train. Re_turning, a spe.lial train will lee.ve Clinton et 10.36 p. ni. for Centralia and intermediate points. One will also leave Clinton at 10.40 p m. for Belgrave and Intermediate points.• This a ill be the only ex- cursion from this county to the Agricultural College this Beason, and every person should take advantage of it. Arrple accommodation will be provided. A substantial lunch will be served at the College by the Governmert. D. MoINNIS, President South Huron ; THOS McMILLAN, PrEsident East .Ffuron ; E. O. ELFORD., Secretary West Huron ; S. SMILLIE, Secretary. 1861-3 _ 3rand Trunk Railway System, Railway Time Table. Trains leave- Seaforth as follows: 0.20 a. m. For Clinton, Goderich Wingham and • Kincardine. 12.40 p. m. For Clinton and Goderich. • 6.15 p. in. For Clinton, Wingham and Kincar- dine. 10.13 p. m. For Clinton and Gederioh. 1.63 a. re.. For Stretford, Guelph, Toronto, Orillis, North Bay and points west; Belleville end Peterbere and points east. 3 1 p. m. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- treal and points east, p. rn. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. • Palmerston and Kincardine. GOING NORTII. Pass. Mixed. Mixed Palmerston........ 7.30 p.m. 12.20 p.m 8.46 a.m. Ethel_ .. 8.07 1.07 9.40- Brunets.- 8.17 1.10 10.00 Bluevale - 8.27 1.30 10.20 Wingbam.. 8.38 1.36 10.80 Goma SOUTH. Pass. Mixed. Paw Wingham.. 6.68 a.m 9 a.m. 8.06 p.m Binevale ..... 7.92 9.17 8.13 Brussels-. 7.18 10.00 8 26 • ... 7,28 10.16 8.86 talmoraVon 8.20 11.30 4.20 London, Huron and Bruce. aiNG Noma- • Passenger. tendert, depart- • . - • • 8.15 A•s. 4.0P.M 5.55 9.80 6.07 9.44 1118 .. 9.50 .6.28 BruceSem am. • • • • •.• e.• • • • • • • 9.58 6.88 10.16 6.55 10.80 7.12- ••• •• •• 10.88 7.20 Centralia • • dy• •J• • • •••••••••••• 9418 r's*'- Exeter - Homan - Clinton_ _ _ _ tondesboro Belgrave_ WYE:wham arrive.... - S0010 BOUM-- " Wingham, depart.. -• • . - vaeltareve. ... . . .• Londetsbore... ..... - Brumfield . . • • KiPpen..-.....• • • • mall__ _ eter...... - •. LWon, (arrive)_ - - 10.60 7.38 11.00 7.66 Passenger. 6.50 a.m. 8.10 P. if 7.01 8.23 7.14 8.35 7.22 8.46 7.47 4.15 8.06 4.40 8.16 4.60 8.22 4.66 8.85 5.10 8.46 5.20 9.46 a. M. 6.20 Red Cedar Shingles. Having on hand a large stook of four of the lead - log brands that are made in Vancouver and having bought a quantity At last year's prices 1 offer them to, the public at prices which defy competition. V/11.1 not be undersold. Call and examines stock and prices before buying. Seaforth Lumber Yard. 1852x4 S. LAMB, Seaforth. MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at sti per oent on goad farm secur ath Apply to JAM. L. KILG:MAN, Barrister, Bea tat en phentone Sone , There is a tract of, land 'near Kim- berley !ivheredthere ate no ants, P1e soil is ;too sulpharoue ter their , ext = . ence. -1 • • ard Heat n A sabaple t st for the heat of lard used in, deep tryiug is to drop in it-priece of bread. 'ea browns while sixty can be counted, e fat is hot enough tor raw material; if it browns while forty Is counted, the heat of the lard is sit factery for . articles prepared frOm cooked material, such as croquettes. The Collie. The -shepherd doge Called collie in Scottaad, frofn the Gaelic colleen, or puppy, gains its titlefrom the feet of its being used to wateh sheep and : teet thena froin marailders of every e• scription. • Cotton an.d, Wood. Cotten has the sanie compo•sition as wood. . c t Bubb! r. The first Mention of rubber Was made by Herrera in his account of the second voyage of Columbus, when he speaks of a ball used by the Indians made from the gum Of a tree. Xt was lighter and bounced far better than the .famous wind balls of Castile. • Speed of Salm.on. Experiments made in England baiVe shOW/3 that a salmon can swim at a speed" of forty miles an hour. Bachelor Lite. 1 The registrar general of vital statis- tics for • Scotland dectared his ophilian that bachelor life wee more destructive to males than the most unwholesoine. trade or the most insanitary sUrround, ings. • To Relieve Quinsy. Bake a large potato,cut it in two and apPly to the bare nee'a as hot as- it can possibly be borne. Tie it ovelevitha band of doubled flannel, andkeep k't etn till nearly cold. Repeat the appliCa- toe, and leave the flannel ba-ndage off _ gradually. 1 itat Catehing SnakeS. Tame snakes are found useful in llo- roceo to. clear houses la rats and ri(pe. • G4a.pg(i.w. It was to • the. tobacco trade that Glasgow first owed its importance to the world of. commerce. This trade began in 1707, and seventy years later we find Glasgow imPorting ,more than hal -the tobacco consumed in Britain. The First Idea of Electricity. The first idea of electricity was giVen by the friction of two globes of quiek- silver in the year 1467. Cooking Vegetables. Alnaost all vegetables are better ca4k- ed with the lidshaff _the pots. The wa- ter tn which °tritons ere boiling shorild be changed several times. A bit of bicarbonate of, soda added tattle iva er makes the skins of peas Mad beans more digestilele. Bread Puddings, When grated bread, pounded, bi_eetlit, crackers, etc., are to b used in peido dings with milk heat the milk, peur it on the bread and let stand, covered, for an hour. 1 Lyenrgusi Proposition. t Lycurgus set about the reforroa on and alteration of the state of .paIrta and-wasadvised by l'one individuali to reduce everything to an absolute pop- ular equality. But Itycurg s astonish- ed him by saying, "Sir, s pose you begin the reform in our o n house' Chinese Goldfish One a the rarest and sive of Chinese goldfishes is tail, a pair of which sells Probably there is no 'other 1 of its size and weight that much money. p_e_Isss in the Seventh Pens were first used e seventh century. They we quills, and steel peas did n use until 1820, when 'the fl them sold wholesale for quality of those pen e was greatly in- ferior to that of those whieih now . est sixpence a gross. t expen- the brush - for $1,000. - Nan" g thing s worth so • PINZ YRUR. • - 1.1easent, Point end Perfect Fere for COSHS, COLDS, 1104RSENESS, SOO THROAT, - D4ONCHITIS, CROUP, and i1 Iltseat amid Lund Tivublia. - 'Obstinate Caughs yield to ita grateful, sooting action, and mai the racking, per - indent cough often present in consump- _ tivo oases it gives prompt and sure re- lief. '1 mril. 8. 1303rd, Pittston, Ont., writes: s"1 hid a severe. cold in my throat and head and was greatly troubied with -hoarseness. '1(wo bottles of D4 Wood's • Norway Pine! Syrup cOmpletely cured . Prise 25 sesta Or WANG. steel,uprig1it heavy hard wirei all in one#800, 14 to the rod. Sold by CHESNEY & SMILEY, SEAFORTH.• 1845-10 McTaggart, Mirth End Store, Exeter. We have a nice clean stock of fresh Oroceries,-which we are selling at very low prices. See our Ready Made Clothing. --- 4sle for our. Fiber Oil Cloths and Carpets. We quote a few prices: 10 lbs 'CarnmeaI,for 25o. lbs Oitmeal for 250. $ Ibe of tapioca for 25o. 13 bars Electric soap for 25o. 4 Ibtafirst class currants for 25o. First olass Coal oil 180. Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder Oil always on hand. _ Floor Oil Cloths. Two yards wide, good material at 50c a yard. One yard wide at 25c. arpets. -1 We have a number of different de- signs in Carp ts ranging in price from 17c pp to 90c Ready Made uits at very low prices. L. -- McTaggart, North En Store, Exeter. 1851-4 ntury. Hy in the .e of coaese t come tato st gros§ of 7 4s. The Turkeys. Turkeys are great foragers and will gather nearly their rentire food from the fields during the summer, at the esame time destroyingmyriads of grass- hoppers, bugs and intects. Women's" Work 1n Ana Women in ancient times 1 strict' seclusion that lspinni and seating were at once tion and pastime. They e lighted in embroidery-, the of needlework which has teed from remote aatiqui nt Times. ved in such g, weaving eir occu.pa- pecially de- iglaest form been peac- St. Mark's Campanile. There is in existenee an eXact replica of St Mark's cam.panile, though en a smaller: scale. It wes built 130 years ago by the Emprese Catherine II. at Narechta, in the province a Kostrotaa. Volcanoes That BeIeh Forth Sil*er. Silver exists in the- ashes of two Vol- ca.noes in the Andes of Echador in South America. The quantity of silaer is exceedingly minute, however, being about two-fifths of an ounce in a ton of ashes at Cotopaxi and abont three - tenths of an ounce at Tunguagua. Silk Cotton Tree. In the West Indies grows the silk Cot- ton or God tree, the fruit of hich ts a rerY beautiful silky fiber, high y elaktic, and used for stuffing cuslitolls.1 MARRIAGE LICENSEE; ISSUED AT THE HURON EXIT51TOR OFFICE, BEL&FORTEt, ONT,AgIQ. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED PFince Edward Island 1Farmer rpelled to stop 'cleari g up his farm. M. Job Costa in, Mininegash, F.B.I., writes I "In th. Spring of 19001 started to clear Bp a piece of land, bUt had not worked many days before I was taken with a vary lame back, and Tfaompolled t stop work. The trouble seem- ed tO be down Ii the centre of my back igul my tight side 4nd I could not stoop over. I got a box of Man's Kidney Fills and befers I had taken th whole box I was completely cured and able to proceed with my work. I take great pIstas re in recommending the to all feirmere whet re troubled as I was." 60oa box, or 3 for V 25. .A.11 dealers or The bean p ey PM Co.. Toronto, Oat. See Seeds -AT THE - The Seaforth Tea 3tore ••••••••••••• All kinds of field and garden seeds- MmmothI long red mangold seed, yel- low inter ediate mangold giant sugar. beet, also giantjong red mangold, tur- nips-Eas Lathing, purple top swedes, and Carte '8 imperial purple top swedes, Sutton's c ampion purple top swedes, Graydon° turnip; golden wax beans, butter beens, peas, white beans, seed corn, Dut h set onions and Charlotte onions,: a1d large cooking on'ons. I have fourj varieties of potatoes, both • eatly, rneIum and late --the early rose, the enifl1oi dollar potato, the beauty of hebrop and the Empire State; early peas and *heane, and all kinds of garden seeds. I have some and' maple syrup at 25o a quart, and honey at 100 a lb. I have some fine spy apples, and the finest oheese-Septeraber make -at the right • price. • Wanted --fresh butter and eggs, for which the highest market price will be paid. AULT StAFORTIL WANTEa. A lau 100 Hu once b 18614 .0.111110•11=1? ber of emari girls and young boys In Water. ton Factory. Meant wages paid. Apply at letter or call at our offloe. RICHARD ROSORMAN* BRO., Waterloo, Ontario. qtre 4coldi in One Day itglei,ocrazt Take Leiative promo Quinine Tablets.eie -9z1 Ca. _ev.ierY Seven Minion boxes sad in past 12 months. This signature, we #4 irvvet••• Poi* 45ce, • ikelnaren. Snakes. More poisonous 'snakes are found in Arizona than in any other part of the United States. Precious StOues as Bullets. Btlipts made of precious stones are not often employed ha warfare, but during some fighting on the Kasten:tin frontier the natives used bullets a garnets incaeed in lead. Marine insurance. Marine insurance is very old. The earliest -voyagers, the Phoenicians, prac- ticed a kind of Ineurance. The master, before_ sending his small bark to the edge of the earth, mortgaged her against her return. If she came back, he returned the loan, with a heavy pre- , minim The Biggest Atlas. The British mtisettre has an atlas seven feet high of the fifteenth eentn- ry. It is supposed to be the largest Wok In the world. Ham 111111111. Take equal parts of, eold boiled pota- toes, cold boiled or fried ham ehopped fine and fine brand crumbs. Season with pepper, e - "ttle salt and fry, in butter er dr ,j.-fer ten minutes. Wherein the Banana 1.:xoe1s Wheat. The banana poasessea all ;the essen- tials to the sustenanee o life. Of wheel alone, or potatoes alone, this Cannot be said. ,When taken as a steady diet the banana:, is cooked - baked dry in the green State, pulped and boiled ha water as SOUD or cut in slices and fried,. Poinpell. At the present rate of excavation Pompeii will not be entirely uncovered before the year 1970. English. Plvecutioners. The public executioner in England as a rule receives 110 every time he ex- ercises his fin:teflon, and in the case of a reprieve he is given 15, provided that he has been retained. Human Hair poPe6. In some Japanese t mples, may be seen suspended great c Its of rope wo- ven from human hair. Such ropes, made of hair sacrificed by thousands of women and girls, were used to hoist stone and timber for the temple and are preserved as /miles. Astronomical Chronometers. The error of an astrononaical chro- nometer is rarely greater than two one -hundredths of a second. Moslem Graves. When once filled in a -Moslem grave is never relepened on any account. To remove the faintest chance of it thus being, defiled a cypress tree it planted after every interment so that the cem- eteries resemble forests more than any- thing else. Steel -like Grass. A Steel -like grass fromethe 'volcanic slopes of Oran, Algeria, is so elastic that it can be used instead of springs fel the roanafactire of furniture. Footless Nen. . • A footless race of men is said to live in New Guinea.. They live in the midst of lakes, moving about on little canoes and possessing a few cabins built on wood piles. Their feet are so undevel- oped as to be practically useless for Walking. . Bear catching Extraordinary. Eight Japanese sportsinen ill British Columbia accomplished the teat of catching alive a full grown mar with- out steel traps or firearms4)ne of the japs jumped on the back o1 the bear when rushing through the rees, and his companions followed and pinioned the beast to the ground. The Time of Noses. Moses lived exactly mid -way between the building of the pyramids, 5000 B. C., and our own day. Sherry In Spain. The sherry district in Spain 15 spelled "Jerez"' on the map, and 'Sherry" Is the way it sounds as the first Englisil- man tried to pronounce it. "Vines de Jerez" is the way it is put on hotel wine lists. Rice Glue. To retake rice glue mix rice flour smoothly with cold water and simmer it over a slow fire, *hen it VII form a delicate and durable cement, not only answering all the purposes of zommon, paste, but well adapted for joining pa- per and. cardboard ornamental work. Elephant Coneetops. An elephant takes up the collectiou in some of the Ttindoo temples. •It goes round with a basket extended from its trunk. Wonders In Eyes and. Muscles. The microscope has revealed many Wonders, among others that the cora- l:I mo caterpillar has 4,000 muscles in his y, that the (Irene bee's eyes each con , ta 1,300 mirrors and that the large, prominent eyes of the brilliant dragon files are each furnished with 28,00 polished lenses. . . Whitewash. A good paint brush makes a good Whitewash brush and dove not spatter so el =h. Boiling whitewash or the Ihn if a little old makes It smooth like p • t. Bulgarian Moslems. B t 2Y2 per cent of the people of Btil- gari are Moslems. por trie has tur •ods Greek Sills Culture. e Greek government annually im- s silkworm eggs from foreign COUR- , distributes them gratuitously and extieriments made in its uric-ni- 1 stations to learn the hest meth - of silk culture for the kingdom. ••••••••••-•••••*••••••• etatft .01te401eandPO4iiirliflare is now, acientleo A ownan NO COST EP 11 FAIL*. FtJM�W WrIVAPikTarloPertent eirstiarits. Bit01.9 Chomlistat 38 Frani SL. West. Toronto. Ont. a ••••0.• 1 e . *Coll 101,N se sa sw..........,,......004..................•40,, . ITIIII.1 III V 1 I . Es .. s s a Illil a* al Ns PI ..ar on I I 1.1111, i us 1 ws Ass, ow 1 i 0 All1111111MIMMISMINIM111.11 giiiillle Lateral asi-ainUillastatilMil wires, all high carbon sprini - - steel,uprig1it heavy hard wirei all in one#800, 14 to the rod. Sold by CHESNEY & SMILEY, SEAFORTH.• 1845-10 McTaggart, Mirth End Store, Exeter. We have a nice clean stock of fresh Oroceries,-which we are selling at very low prices. See our Ready Made Clothing. --- 4sle for our. Fiber Oil Cloths and Carpets. We quote a few prices: 10 lbs 'CarnmeaI,for 25o. lbs Oitmeal for 250. $ Ibe of tapioca for 25o. 13 bars Electric soap for 25o. 4 Ibtafirst class currants for 25o. First olass Coal oil 180. Also Linseed, Machine and Cylinder Oil always on hand. _ Floor Oil Cloths. Two yards wide, good material at 50c a yard. One yard wide at 25c. arpets. -1 We have a number of different de- signs in Carp ts ranging in price from 17c pp to 90c Ready Made uits at very low prices. L. -- McTaggart, North En Store, Exeter. 1851-4 ntury. Hy in the .e of coaese t come tato st gros§ of 7 4s. The Turkeys. Turkeys are great foragers and will gather nearly their rentire food from the fields during the summer, at the esame time destroyingmyriads of grass- hoppers, bugs and intects. Women's" Work 1n Ana Women in ancient times 1 strict' seclusion that lspinni and seating were at once tion and pastime. They e lighted in embroidery-, the of needlework which has teed from remote aatiqui nt Times. ved in such g, weaving eir occu.pa- pecially de- iglaest form been peac- St. Mark's Campanile. There is in existenee an eXact replica of St Mark's cam.panile, though en a smaller: scale. It wes built 130 years ago by the Emprese Catherine II. at Narechta, in the province a Kostrotaa. Volcanoes That BeIeh Forth Sil*er. Silver exists in the- ashes of two Vol- ca.noes in the Andes of Echador in South America. The quantity of silaer is exceedingly minute, however, being about two-fifths of an ounce in a ton of ashes at Cotopaxi and abont three - tenths of an ounce at Tunguagua. Silk Cotton Tree. In the West Indies grows the silk Cot- ton or God tree, the fruit of hich ts a rerY beautiful silky fiber, high y elaktic, and used for stuffing cuslitolls.1 MARRIAGE LICENSEE; ISSUED AT THE HURON EXIT51TOR OFFICE, BEL&FORTEt, ONT,AgIQ. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED PFince Edward Island 1Farmer rpelled to stop 'cleari g up his farm. M. Job Costa in, Mininegash, F.B.I., writes I "In th. Spring of 19001 started to clear Bp a piece of land, bUt had not worked many days before I was taken with a vary lame back, and Tfaompolled t stop work. The trouble seem- ed tO be down Ii the centre of my back igul my tight side 4nd I could not stoop over. I got a box of Man's Kidney Fills and befers I had taken th whole box I was completely cured and able to proceed with my work. I take great pIstas re in recommending the to all feirmere whet re troubled as I was." 60oa box, or 3 for V 25. .A.11 dealers or The bean p ey PM Co.. Toronto, Oat. See Seeds -AT THE - The Seaforth Tea 3tore ••••••••••••• All kinds of field and garden seeds- MmmothI long red mangold seed, yel- low inter ediate mangold giant sugar. beet, also giantjong red mangold, tur- nips-Eas Lathing, purple top swedes, and Carte '8 imperial purple top swedes, Sutton's c ampion purple top swedes, Graydon° turnip; golden wax beans, butter beens, peas, white beans, seed corn, Dut h set onions and Charlotte onions,: a1d large cooking on'ons. I have fourj varieties of potatoes, both • eatly, rneIum and late --the early rose, the enifl1oi dollar potato, the beauty of hebrop and the Empire State; early peas and *heane, and all kinds of garden seeds. I have some and' maple syrup at 25o a quart, and honey at 100 a lb. I have some fine spy apples, and the finest oheese-Septeraber make -at the right • price. • Wanted --fresh butter and eggs, for which the highest market price will be paid. AULT StAFORTIL WANTEa. A lau 100 Hu once b 18614 .0.111110•11=1? ber of emari girls and young boys In Water. ton Factory. Meant wages paid. Apply at letter or call at our offloe. RICHARD ROSORMAN* BRO., Waterloo, Ontario. qtre 4coldi in One Day itglei,ocrazt Take Leiative promo Quinine Tablets.eie -9z1 Ca. _ev.ierY Seven Minion boxes sad in past 12 months. This signature, we #4 irvvet••• Poi* 45ce, • ikelnaren. Snakes. More poisonous 'snakes are found in Arizona than in any other part of the United States. Precious StOues as Bullets. Btlipts made of precious stones are not often employed ha warfare, but during some fighting on the Kasten:tin frontier the natives used bullets a garnets incaeed in lead. Marine insurance. Marine insurance is very old. The earliest -voyagers, the Phoenicians, prac- ticed a kind of Ineurance. The master, before_ sending his small bark to the edge of the earth, mortgaged her against her return. If she came back, he returned the loan, with a heavy pre- , minim The Biggest Atlas. The British mtisettre has an atlas seven feet high of the fifteenth eentn- ry. It is supposed to be the largest Wok In the world. Ham 111111111. Take equal parts of, eold boiled pota- toes, cold boiled or fried ham ehopped fine and fine brand crumbs. Season with pepper, e - "ttle salt and fry, in butter er dr ,j.-fer ten minutes. Wherein the Banana 1.:xoe1s Wheat. The banana poasessea all ;the essen- tials to the sustenanee o life. Of wheel alone, or potatoes alone, this Cannot be said. ,When taken as a steady diet the banana:, is cooked - baked dry in the green State, pulped and boiled ha water as SOUD or cut in slices and fried,. Poinpell. At the present rate of excavation Pompeii will not be entirely uncovered before the year 1970. English. Plvecutioners. The public executioner in England as a rule receives 110 every time he ex- ercises his fin:teflon, and in the case of a reprieve he is given 15, provided that he has been retained. Human Hair poPe6. In some Japanese t mples, may be seen suspended great c Its of rope wo- ven from human hair. Such ropes, made of hair sacrificed by thousands of women and girls, were used to hoist stone and timber for the temple and are preserved as /miles. Astronomical Chronometers. The error of an astrononaical chro- nometer is rarely greater than two one -hundredths of a second. Moslem Graves. When once filled in a -Moslem grave is never relepened on any account. To remove the faintest chance of it thus being, defiled a cypress tree it planted after every interment so that the cem- eteries resemble forests more than any- thing else. Steel -like Grass. A Steel -like grass fromethe 'volcanic slopes of Oran, Algeria, is so elastic that it can be used instead of springs fel the roanafactire of furniture. Footless Nen. . • A footless race of men is said to live in New Guinea.. They live in the midst of lakes, moving about on little canoes and possessing a few cabins built on wood piles. Their feet are so undevel- oped as to be practically useless for Walking. . Bear catching Extraordinary. Eight Japanese sportsinen ill British Columbia accomplished the teat of catching alive a full grown mar with- out steel traps or firearms4)ne of the japs jumped on the back o1 the bear when rushing through the rees, and his companions followed and pinioned the beast to the ground. The Time of Noses. Moses lived exactly mid -way between the building of the pyramids, 5000 B. C., and our own day. Sherry In Spain. The sherry district in Spain 15 spelled "Jerez"' on the map, and 'Sherry" Is the way it sounds as the first Englisil- man tried to pronounce it. "Vines de Jerez" is the way it is put on hotel wine lists. Rice Glue. To retake rice glue mix rice flour smoothly with cold water and simmer it over a slow fire, *hen it VII form a delicate and durable cement, not only answering all the purposes of zommon, paste, but well adapted for joining pa- per and. cardboard ornamental work. Elephant Coneetops. An elephant takes up the collectiou in some of the Ttindoo temples. •It goes round with a basket extended from its trunk. Wonders In Eyes and. Muscles. The microscope has revealed many Wonders, among others that the cora- l:I mo caterpillar has 4,000 muscles in his y, that the (Irene bee's eyes each con , ta 1,300 mirrors and that the large, prominent eyes of the brilliant dragon files are each furnished with 28,00 polished lenses. . . Whitewash. A good paint brush makes a good Whitewash brush and dove not spatter so el =h. Boiling whitewash or the Ihn if a little old makes It smooth like p • t. Bulgarian Moslems. B t 2Y2 per cent of the people of Btil- gari are Moslems. por trie has tur •ods Greek Sills Culture. e Greek government annually im- s silkworm eggs from foreign COUR- , distributes them gratuitously and extieriments made in its uric-ni- 1 stations to learn the hest meth - of silk culture for the kingdom. ••••••••••-•••••*••••••• etatft .01te401eandPO4iiirliflare is now, acientleo A ownan NO COST EP 11 FAIL*. FtJM�W WrIVAPikTarloPertent eirstiarits. Bit01.9 Chomlistat 38 Frani SL. West. Toronto. Ont.