The Huron Expositor, 1903-06-12, Page 712, 1.903 'g of tbB Peth !e& in Strtfcr , haeI ity btee Log res ha OTOed t th& QOU!y be.. nct tbe engu8 4 a10 sion, tbe I iging to tbB - Lnci tha eounty OUnofl I (urvey to loo & COutLty bo_ !nade ci th crauthorjze the »e townhjp hite. White wa e t&ken, anli �u aZ*I Peo!) tha ros4 a br1dgo :-iANcEs4 jmiltoa aubmttaj a eceipta• and epei.. tonth of tlje tO $24694 98, an -7 39, le&vuzg a i� -ery runob 'thi period Iast year. ccuut ot the amom% ik1: otherwjae improv. - W8. O opinion th he amount reqai ;br. The etjrna ol grant insPeotor' and giant to 1 potage to. tht to eonnty i,00� - 2,20o 3,700 - L3OG 300E. 25OE 17 2O 1,000E i)OO� 4,800 48 $27O0 -dbonture, coupon ii&24, making ao. i -o, Legia- tI:co -1,000: J: 400 O� 6400 2624 100 00 2,000 00 $6i6624 ut reqired, $39,000 • ers for reatiesne- • Store, Seafotth ;�asicaL 'tes for offiea weza i11. the judge had a amat.- 1 the Ooionei had no i t kthe bark off ull tCo1ono1,"say# • xusicn Jew. Now eare the. snap of are aIIewed tz or not They7ve rin,and i'd jnata jha Turks, or th &ns, or any oi them diputandum,» inter' - oared tho CoI�nL • Gure. 5iore, Seaforth. ;int. ite, the president of • ia Soolety for tbe 1 o Aniniala, ditrib- Isovery year to the dene t,hs kindet, 1 behaif during ths addreaa at theao hs saya is a1way& • ib diatribntioa sbe oiety for the pre tiirnai& in France," t eaeh year to appIY ai1y. Iti'e pred. ama to thin ae8o, eho medaL e to deerve r i'a lite, eir, said the been do!ng!' eident, 'you uee? 'ady snffioientiy rs- :L 19 pompt to relieVa soro throat, p1n ia ete. Prce 25c. Speaker8' arnusement of Vhen he wenb tc n 1895, he foufl& been well 8npplietl CompromiO» dour Scot oe to thab the oandidte •U 'CpromTh0j" that. t,he poor t1UJ3 kuow.,» oontilule& 'you reoonoile thab town tho 0onntry ahn 2" - - bean omewbat i -date but eitrI° itaeif 0001pa:red o whOrn Abrab3: Burgh3 wa followlng l th • wera: : fer alteratioM Of oherous friend) - t.he army." 1! eleoted 1 «111 ruove, for jt? tt rs OoL1pouud. 1rOZ tre, Sealorth tt TII� e9ion of tbe oig- tha faob thtth0 oniinion Cab0b tt in any forU esrs. jeIdiOg, er Fitzpatr10k Iin1ster of pabilO Dr. Borden UU& e1ass becafl° bo iL any forni. Suro- vw1ng for blie' 1 STRONG PRA1SBL rorn One Who HaB Proved tho Vaine of flr. WiUiams' Pink Pills. - $( We have used De. Wiiliam Pink P1fl In onr hamo for the paet eight yearn f and have alwaye found the*n ncefuL" Thuewritea Mrs. H. Ueynor, of Wet Gravenhurt, Onv., and ahe dde: "At the ag& of efght years, my Uttie boy w -a attaaked witb Ia grippe, and bbs roubie devoloped into St Vitus' dauee,froni htch he auffere in a aevere form He wae under neveral cicotors ab different imes, bflgonOof.bhsfl hlped hitn. Then 1 de to try Dr. Wilhiazns Piuk Pilis, and - they reasored him to psrfeob heaitb, and thcra has not sinoe been any returo of the • treuble. Mora reeently 1 bave used the pilis yeIf for musoular rhernnatiam, azid they were- equ&lly auoeeBfu1 in effeeting a eure triie pilia hava saved ne many & dollar in dooter's hill, and 1 would like every oae ha l 9ik to try thern." - flr Wilhiams' Pink PLIIR euro all iroubles doato poor or watery bload, or weak and hat - is t]e reason why thoy are the njost popuhr medioiue in the world, and - -bve a muoh largor salo thn any other emedy. They euro sueh troublea as rheu- rnatism, aei&t-ioa, rbi&1 paraly8is, Sr. Vitus • Jsnoe, anaemia, indigestion, nouraigia, berb troubles, and the aihnon't oornmon to inon, ainiply boeaue they make new, lob, red blood, atrengthen the nerves and jhns drive disease from tlia body. Von oaa gettbe pilis from any medieme deaIer, er - they wili be sent poot paid b 500 per box, or BLX boxes !-or $2.50, b addreseing bhe Dr Williams Medioine Oo, Brockville, Ont ee thab the full name "Dr Wilhams' Pink Pilia- for Pale People," ia printed on - the rapper araunci every box. - Perth Notes. - •_Considerable damage was done by bhe • 'win&storm, In iibbert, -on Taeaday o lasb • week. - - _Th stford armory was burglarized the o.ther nigh. Some elothing and sozfle arms were. taken. : - - _R. Baliantyne, son of W. 11Ianfyne, o! Downie, has passd his nal exarnination at the Agrituitural Goliege, Guelph, taking • honors. He nlso oarcted off a soholanhip. • - --On Saturday night, 23rd uit., firs de. troyecl tbe engine roorn and leech house ab - the Listowel tannery. The losa ia about $3,000 ou building and oontents and will be eovered by the insurance. - -About 35 eorda of wood were destroyed by firs at Jarvis' briok yarcl,. near Stratford, the otherlay. A spark frorn ths ohimney of the kilo set fire to the wool, and it soon • go beyond the coatrol ot the ndghbors and help had to be aummoned from Strabford. -Word ha been raceived in 1jtohe1l .:that Mrs. John Mahoney, formorly a rosi- dent of Logan, died in Miohigan some days - ago. Deoeased had reachecL a consiclerable • aga. Stia waa a sister ol •Mra. Jersrniah Crowiey, Rinkora. -Mrs. Jamer W. Pield, of Mitohell, oame neariy losing her ii!o Tuesday forenoon of taot week. The lady t'ok,, by mistake, a • heavy dore ol lodine. She soon discovered. her arrar, and alter swal1owin a glass er two ofaiik, hastened to a doobor, who sed the-nsuaI restoratives and in a libtle. while ati danger was -passed. -A very serioue accideub occurred laat • • &tucday whuie raising Mr. Davay's baru in Logau. Pwo young mao, Mr. James Henry and Mr. Dak'id Brown, while in the aob of pubtingon tho rafbere, in some way loot thoir fooing and fell bo the .ground, dj tanee af 25 teetr, lightng on a pile of ton.es. -- - Mr. Roury received a broken knee oap and • bad soaJj wound, while Mr. Browa's akull badiy oruBhod. -Another of -the early pioneors of Mil- vrtou pisedaway on May 19th, in the perapo �f Mra. 1annah Schruin, widow of ir. Federiok bohram, who both irnmi- • grated to Oanada frorn Germany. Her hus- • band pasa€d away oa January 9bh, ISSG. Mrs. Hannah Sohram Iiugered aboub 11 nionth with dropay, and psaed away at the ripe old age o 8, years, 3 month and 15 cfaye. She leaves Lour daughter. -J. Knox, a weii.to-do fariner, aboub 60 yoaru of age, living ziesr Britton, abouteight milea from Listowel, was founcl by one of hifaniiy near his barn, abont 8 o'olock Sunday morning, with his throat out from ear toear. Ho had bus breakfast as ueual, • quite eariy, and seemed, in his usual health and apiribe, and did hi moraing ohores, his • laniily nob uotieing anything wrong with • hIm Ib is thoughb he meditatecl it for rorne tirne, ae the knife wibh whioh he did the • daed was an oid tabio knifo whioh ho had filed to a sharp edgo, and he had made a case from somo hes-vy olotb, in whioh h had oarried the knifo in his pocket. He leaves & widow and a large family. - -Two Tavistook boys, while oub shoot- ngorowa in the woods owned by Mr. Loon- -- ard- -Sehae[er, near Taviibook Junotion, Saburday morning, found Usa body of a mao • - haugngto e tree. A farmer near by was summoned, and ldeat-t5ed the body as thab -si Henry Habn, of Tavistook, who had boon • - miestng eiuoe the previus Wedneaday. Hahn waa abub 70 year of ago, and work- -ed abot tha Oomtnercial hotel, No rnotive ' an bo asoribed for bbs deecL as Hahn did not seezn to bav-o had any Onancial r obher troubie. In faet, he was of a rather jovial • ieposibion. He was miased from. the hotel on Wednesday and- a searoh was made bub without sucaess. Deueaaed was a widower and leaves one son, John, engincer al the • Taviebook Milhing Oompany's mills. - -The wind storrn on Tueaday- of isab Iwook did eonaidertsble damage in Mitoliell and vioinity. i'.lr. Jatnes Pariah was one of the firat suffer�rs, hia barn being nuroofed and the buitdtng moved from its foundaton • • Mr. Gasay had bis barn uuroofed; also Mr. Georgo Larkwortby, John Tubb, John 1[- liott, Thomas Wataon andothers. W. Uoaey 1u'& als a silo biown over, and Mr. Swin- hurn an outbuilding of aome kind. On towarcia Kinkora there was still moro dam- age done and how far the fury of the etorm oontlnued wo have not heard. The towo su�ered oniy irom thebreaking of fruit and - shade troes, the lattor' siffering very badly. 10 a field near Mr. Larkworbhy's slaughter liouse a Iarge eow was blown elear through & boarcl fene and quito used up from the ;gh experience. - A Scene in the House of Commons. - One nighb 1-atb week, ou coount of an ao- oident at the - eieotrical power house in Ottawa, tba eleotrio lighta in the House of Oomrnona wore Buddeniy e Unguiahed, whiie the Hou.se was in sesaion. The scene that ensued ie thua desoribed by H. F. G. , bbs Clever eorrespondonb of the Toronto Star "But bbs time oame when John Haggart - put asid these taoib disputatioua and rose to his iaet to give voice. He had contended thab Mr. Biajr's fnteroolonial railway sur- - plue are mere book-keeping surpluses, and • Was proeeeding to throw an item of $36,- • 000,000 at tho Minister ef Railwaya when ligbtning struok the electrloal power atatioti, ancl bheUoe was En clarkness. And tbat was wheraHaggart. was when tbe light went eut. Uh Greu Ohamber remalned wrapped in ?100m for haif an hour and, Haggart'a big zntelleot quth working and gave ou no eparks. omobody apoko of Ianterns, bub Ib Was feared that an honeet nan mighti be dssoovered. A levy was made on the under - round regione. The attsrulants appoared wtth an ouxfit something like this -one tai- Iow candle for No. 16, a,,obher for the Speakera gailery, and throe tailow dips, a lazn af the base -burner sorb, and a threc- branohod oandleabrtim for the table of bbs House. The eandleabrum was really grand. 1 Ib rtt of. the masaive plato bolouging to furni th furnture of tue Oommons It bad o' wibh teL graoa banquete In a frlvotone ernamen- fate, tal way, bub thts was probably the firat timo than in any year that it had abone on the 1e-, moab ratloi of a ParIjanessb. It rose bo the- 300 ac 00' son Tba illummatLon waa mellow ad spel; ete :dy,ifib was nob brillianb, and (he sbad. o•w lig bue Iy waof freighe to pek ib well - 0otto babtng, and a wreok wffl he it. THE JEEURON EXPOSITOR. AN INDIAN'S: TEST. JMJJ MASONS WAGER for w hadqte a number moreDieoae - Whlte • . - ..-'- . __,, £Jvp v t-vt& -al&ut C what wo poked.. Mr. TnrnbulI. Iik Man Wai . - Coward. other*, is througli eeethng He' "The Indlan has a queer way of de ras o whab, 50 aoree of oats and . - own 15 fino horsaa and all the . terminlng whether or not a man 13 plenenta tlat ath required to farm G0 acres game, juclglng from an expei1ene 1 was rmanbso. Pspea and oigars were 1 pIovred a day for hu, with four borses nad soine yeats ago," sald 's mao who ted he sweeb sngers of ths House and ewed anotber day He told nie when once made an educational toui of the tributd sentnnental muslo The prss 1 wan oub to sh*ve thexn along, bub 1 Lound west, "and the saine lIttle experlence ery reidered bbs Stesu Song, wabh bine- eut 1 hd nt ned to shove them, but sab eoi-v1nced me that the Indaan's system k acoonpammant where bbs thumpuig there nd hag �nto them. Whenl canie an of re sonin alon thls line Is b no es in Bose, of Viotori, sang one o( 1 toldlhun 1 thd not need to above those a g g y e Gaefto oomo.afl-yea wbich inolude 47 "tellqws." How do yoa keep 60 muoh life means a bad one. 11fl bhen and do so muoh work? He took ' Stories ha been told whlch brought me to fle granary that had aboub 300 bush- about a clash betoreen the Indiai 4nd els ot ats in it, then lis took me to nother a wlute mao Tbe two men orlginally, with over 2,000 buhe1s in ib, and he said had nothlng agalnst eaeh other. The InO sun shmea brsght 00 my th&t'e whcst 1 do It wsth 1 was OVer to sce Indfan Jd a bad reputatlon-tha-t is, entubky Hotne," and ust as bhe sun John and Mrs. Muldoon, brother of George - . • - 1 - •r • • - ne nau tne reputauon OE uelng a LRL o to eiAtne nloely the oirouab was mend- uLuopn. e la anotner 01 the prosperous he power swstohed 00 again, nd the farmer around here He farms over 1,100 man, a desperate, dangerous feilow, anoe of bbs aro lights, fi[tered through acres 1 an flb gorng to bry to tell wbo woutd fit a buzzsaw at the drop lass oihng of the ohamber, costended wbab he has, bu OU� thzng he has got 18 4 of a hat T'he whlte mao who blew moro wibh ltiminoua zubelligenee whaoh big ku24 Ontario hearb Thia Is no doubb 4 J into the section bad m some way, es up Ui Thrnee of Oommons " greab ojuntry for farming, but a. man neede gained a similar reputation. He was - * • 1 fl , ,, jf oon gal bo eDIn tho ver epo So L. up old beg ed, rai the 000 BU dep ee and a ohorus. A Frenoh inember re-. ded i kind, bub in bis own langizage. ebody:suggeate& " Lead Kindly Ligbt." 0. Dvis eon-spronnsed by startitg • r '_"'" .sysn.an..a. nusJuLuu, aMI.L •fl TANT RELIE8 guatanteed by usng flL-. if he h48 -that he oan go abead and make salu to be a dangerous character ancl a NSSTINOEEADAOEIE POWDERS. No some n4oney. theae years." mao who had neyerbeen whlpped. Wo • - - •• -- coneluded that we would have som& NowsNotes ' - • SOME OLD ITKEATERS, futi. We met the Inclian and told h1ni -Rev. ¥onroe Glbson, Q. D., the emin- ent Prsbterian divine, of London, En - laud, who te uow on a viaib,to danacta, enti who preac1ed in Torooto Iae Sunday, is Oau&dian by birtb. He atteued the publip • achoole in be oibyof Hamilton, and gradi ated from Torouto Untverslby anzl Knor Ooilege. Ite waa a sobool ancl coUge rna, • altbough n rolatiion, of Ron. J. M. ibsoni, .ttorney=Genora1 for Ontario. . - -A. corrspondenh wribing from FankI, • the Iibtle town In British Oolumbia reoenbly enhmerged Lby a • mountin land alide, eay thall mtner have nade the fireb entranee tO the Frank oal mine ainQe tlie disater of April 29bh They foani that a powerfuI horse "Big Oh&r1e," as he wae oallcd, WeB aobually aIi'fre in bhe xnino - after31 day of • lmprisonmeib withoub food, and during part • of the time without waber. TLIe poor orcaf ture hd eten faily six inohes dff tho edge of tha coaI 1oar. -All day Big Oharlie was oared for a- an infanh, Manager Gebo him- seif taking 1pharga of the pabient, bub he x- pired nexb khy." • - -Tho qustiou of tko suoeetsful growing wioter whet in Manitobe has bsen aoled hy Wns. Msrtin, owner ef Hope farm, Satnb Jean BaptiHte. It is a shorb distance from • Winnipeg. Mr. Martin has a field of Kanaa red wioter heat, whioh was aown August 1ati 1902, hioh 18 OQW 22 inohes high, is jusb beginnteg to hend, and will be ready for the bin•1ersin another aix weeks. Tbe - pient le strng and gives every evidendoof an abtindan orop. Winter whea8 has boen - grawii snooasfulJy for sotne- yeara in Soubh- ern Alboat butwjnter wbeat on - theT- rioh heavy lande ot the Red Rier VU: is a new deparinre, and further exparirnents along this ijnewill be watclied with jn teresb. -Mrs. Gthbs, who - was seized with a severe 1l1nes while abtending bho Nabiottal Oounail of Women, in Torooto, two weks ago diedo Monday of- leab weok, at Graee Hospital, ix. thab oity. She was a resdent of Porb Arttmr. Her husband, oae eo4 aid a sister, Mrs. Osler, of Cdbourg,,we-rewibh her at the ex3d. Mra. Gibbs took a deop interest in the work of bhe NatlonaI Ooun-- oil of Wonien from the atarb, and was a delegate to: the, latercational - Oounoil, at London, En1and, 1899, and she was alao prominent i the work of the -King's Dasgh- tersand of tho Woman's Auxtllary at Porb Arthur. She was a daughter f Vhs late Lieubenant-Colonel 8. B. Fairbanks of Oshawa, and married Mr. Frnk Gibbs, grain inapector at Porb Arthur, son 0! flon, Mr. T. N. ibba. She leavea bwoe daugh- ters and five sons, one of whom was a tenant in bb laub oontingenb bo Soubh : Af- rios, andiaiow employed s an enginoer ab Johannesbui4g. SIOIC UEA1ThCE, howeve annoyin and di ressin is piive1y cure by LAX&-LItVER PXLLS, They are easy o take and never grlpe. - • The Great Loan Land. Mr. William McFadzean, who iefb Bris. sels a oouple of montha ago to looate n Laudcr, Matitoba, writes from thab plaoe as foliows : We are hwell pleased with the apear. anoe of Laucer and the conntry round about it. Lauder is a nloo, o1en little village, wibh abotth '200 inuiabitants. There &re four gensral ator& and •a tin shop, a Lharnesa shop, bathershop, lurnbsr yard, two Ilaok- arnitb shops -my ow.n being ono -a livry bern, two oal shede, a drug store and butoher aho, juet being bitilt. There are two implemnt aheds and three elevatora. Tha farmerslare going bo build an elevator bhis eutnrner:to cosb about $7M00, and an Amerioan rm Is - taiking abouri buildiug another to hold about 40,000 buehels. Ther is one railroad going through, Lauder, and another one is graded up for ten miles on one aide of the town and five miles on the othar sicte. We did nob find very gooi ac oommodatlon whan we arrived in bbs way of a house, and anybody coming to Lan der will haveto btilld a house afber they get hero or take one wita them Wo havo & shanty 14 by 40 eet,,and we were fohun&te to get that. They are buliding houses here as quiokly as they oan get men to build them, although bbere are ten oarpenberd ;and four masone warking abeady. Town lots here have gone up in the last year. 1 paid $l00 for mine, it being a oornar lob. • 1 f&uud lumber very dear, froth $25 to $35 per M fos poor stu�. t got abarted to wock a weak ago, and hae been kept busy s, far, at good prioes. Forty cents for • : uw he and 20 oet1 for sebbing one, if thhqree atands quiet 1 sat four shoes on a hcre leab night tbat did nct stand very good ; 1 chargecl him $1,aud for a stailion ib is fifty -oenta for setling and $1 for a naw shoe. 1id. MoNaughton and Japk Pepper drove over from DeloraLue lasb week to eec. ua and we were glad to see- them. We etayed wit.h Wat. Turnbull, formerly of W1ton, and brother of Mre. James MoMillan, for two wooke, as -our baggage was just fQur weeks from theda ib loft Bruse1a till ib Ianded here.I wonld advise any one shipping IH rn bago • is Rbeurnatism ofthe back The cauSe is Uric Ack in the b1ood If the kid neys did their work 1he wollld be no Uric AcId and no Luinhago. Mako ths kidneys do their work. Th8 sure, positivo and oitiy euro for Lumb&go I Dodd's Kney i-118 1 Pla-y. one Thnt 1'1ouri!hed i An- • eient Greece and • You may wonde what there be In .urlous to pubile morailty in a tlieat. made of stoZie. -Consu P. Cor- n1ius Sclplo Nasei. knew, but history doesu t telL The fiitst attempt to bjffld a sto e theater in Xtome! 'Vy-as mnd a short ime before he was eievated to his -o lce. It was sanctioned by the censo s and was nearing completlon when Sclpio persuaded the senate to conFnn tnd it -to be pulled down, ad- vfsncli g as liis reason sollcitude for publie inorality. The Rornans did not possess a regn- 1sr st ne theater nutil a very late pe- rlod, and, although dramatic repre- sentat ons vere very popular in early - times, it apears that a wooden stage as ceated 'w4en necessary and was a2teriard pulled down again, and the plays of P1autis - and T'erence were perfrmed on such temporary scaffold- - ings. In the meanwhile many of the :ueighboring towns of Rome had their stone theaters as the iutroduction of Grbelteustom and manners was less strongly opi7oed in tbem than in th city o Thome ltself. Wooden theaters, adorn d wlth th most profuse mztg- - nlflce . ce, ere ereeted at Rorne even durin - the last perlod f the republlc. A mngniflcent wooden theater plan- ned b M. L-hnilius Scaurus was bulit 10 his mdileshlp 58 B. 0. Its seena consls ed1 of thee stories, and the low- er.of t em was made of whlte niarble, the mtldIe oue of glass ad the upper onebt gtltwodd. The eavea contaioed 80,000 pectators. In 55 B. 0. On. Pom- pey b ilt the first stone theater at • Rome, near -the Campus Martlus. It was o great beauty ancl Is said to have been uilt after the model of that of itytile e It contalned 40,000 specta- tors. - 0. 0irio buflt In 50 B, 0. two magnlf- - lcent i1ooden theaters close by one an- other, whlch lnight be changed loto 0110 a phitheater. After the time of Pompe •, however, other stone theaters were reced, as the theater of Mar- cellus, :wMch ras bulit by Augustus and ca Ied after his nephew Marcellus, and th t of Balbus, whence Suetonius usecl t :ie expression, "Per trina thea- tra."- APHORISMS. Patie t waiting is often the hlghest wiy oe doing God's will.-Colller. Both mao and woman kind belie their nature when they are not kind. -Bai- ley. - Dutyand today are ours; results and futurit belong to God. -Horace Gree-. ley. -• The iuture clestiny of the chlld Is al- ways tbe work of the mother. -Napo- leon. - The more tiore yotl speak of yourself the ou are likely to lle.-Zlmmer- mao. Tho twlse are pdlite all the world over; fo1s are polite only at liome.- 1acon. A latgh to be Joyous must fiow froxn a joyo'is heart, for without kindnesa there can be no true joy.-Oarlyle. A grpat deal of knowledge, which le not capabie of making a mao wise, has a natutal tendency to make hlm vain and arrogant.- roni Way. to Health. Hyglenlc living demands lmperative- Iy the absolute purity of the. four fol- lowing necesitles: Alr, water, food and thoughs. Grantcd these, you have the constititents out of whlch nature for- mulatei uah a perfect ereature that :the fnard purity seems to lend a radi- ance tq the personailty. It Is not 1m- - ply a 4ew breaths of fresh alr a haif • dozen tmes ft day that a woman needs, but b. cli.nunuous supply, and just as tlio greater part of women are haif starved for freh aij, so they are also stlnted, oftener ftom ignorance than oecesslty, in the qua-ntity of water the bodyre- quires to keep It cloan and healthy. Pleasule1 a pure, elevating nature has corio to berecognizerd as having a dllstlnelfly therapeutic office and hme to be one o those factors which merit the san e conslderation and attentlan a other ncesstries 111 a well ordered lffe • • Wzen Pene Were Firat Jied. About the year 600 A. D. pens made of qu11s - were Introduced. Thls 1 showrs ib the -faet thatthe word peu- a qJiiIi1 i not,found, it is claimed, In any work bearing an earlie date. Previoiis to that time the word cala- mus, 4gn141ng a r.ed, was exelusive ly exnliloyed as a deslgnation for the vecle used Ju trausferring the lnk to the parebment orother surface se- leQted y the wrfter sf that early age. te1 ptis rst ams bto use in 1803, abput twenty-tw• .ars latel t1.se �po$d if gold zi$1s th.i ippeax- IUCL - Prepar*tle. "!s ioi got a raor y -}oil could Ie' e oiav mersWf 7" ased Mr. Eras tui Fftk1ey. "I'ze gwI$ to de pabty tonlgh • "Wbt's LI. znatter wif yoh own ra • 'WeI, YOU 3& got It strpp up ne thls athnoon, a' 1 haei t 1n11 de edge."- - • -• • - - 1 a long story about h1 new rFl and reminded him that hls Iau-rels wre in aanger and suceeeded 10 gettlng his prlde stirred, and his Indian blood was soon up to the fightlng polnt. Soon after thls we met the white mao, and we flhled him up with the same kind ot talir. He said he w�uld take care of the rmllan all right in due thne, aod, In short, would make him take to the woods. Shortly e met the Indlan aghln and told hfra the desperate whlte nian was after his scaip. Be smiled -and shook lils head • few days later - we were taiking to the white mao when the Indllan came up -to joln the group. He had spotted the stranger and knew liim by slght. Withont- saying a word to him he walked up within arm's reach ansi stuck the whlte mao in the face wlth a rough, beavy giove. He paused for a few secoiads and bit him again. 'Ugh 1' he exclairned as he wheeled around and walked away. The whfte man looked at the Indlan 10 amazement, but made no show ol! resentment. Later 10 tbe day when - we asked the Indlan Why it was thathe did ncit follow up the insult with blow he told us : the white man Was a coward. . In explain - Ing how he knew It he sald tbe man's Uaw dropped' when he struckliim 10 the face the second time wlththe glbve and that thls, with the Indian, was an unfaillng signof cowardice."- • PICKINGS FROM FICTION. It's never too late to laugh. -"Sons of the Morning.". - The nextbest thtng to a somebody Is a nobxiy in a good set. -"A Study In Temptations." - In lffe, as well as racing, all the • worst aceidents happen at little ditches ansi ..cut down fences.-"Plaln Tales From the Hijls." One's parents are a necessity, one's grandparents an ornament ansi one' husband's parents a nuisance. -"A Double Thread." . - The truest philosophy Is not to long for anything in particular, but to ac- eept everything as It cornes ansi find out the reason of its coming. -"A Ro- mance of Two Worlds." - Gb on man has sae muckle- lan4l tha he dlsna ken the folk that sow an' rea it, then a'm judgbn' thathe's ower mukle for the guide o' the comrnon- s4ealth.-"The Days of Auld • Lang Syne." His religion was of the kind that Is carrled into everyday Ilfe, "not a cloak to be thrown around the oi1 begrlmecl vesthsents of shady business life to hide • them on Sunday."-"Ricbard Ilume." - •. -. Propertie oX CellUIoMe; Cellul�se- absorbs water and by tis swelilng provides tbe softest posslblo obstruction. - -On account of lts low speclfic gravity, less than tbat of. corlr, It bs valuable for life belts ansi may be nsed 10 large quantltles t� keep a seri- ous]y darnaged ship afloat. - 0l1u1ose cothpresed and packed bn the cbffer- dam of a ship, to form a leak belt, does not emit any unpbsasant odor ansi •does not decay for two or three years. When penetrated by a projectile It; is not lgnited and does not give off any dis- agreeable emoke, possessbng in this re- spect a great advantage over rubber armor. If dry, loose cellulose -e ignit- ed, It gives out whlte amoke. -. ffighly Recommended. It was fMr time 10 Selklrk, andSan- dy ansi hls sweetheart were waniering round, arm in arm, enjoylng the siiits. Presentiy they' espled a srnart look - Ing pie shop, which they proinptly en- tered., Sandy ordered one ple, sat clown ansi commencedto eat it. 1reanwblle the giri looked shyly on. "Is't fine, Sandy?" she timidly abked. "Aye, 'tis awfu' fine, Jennie," he an- swerec1. "Ye should buy one!"-GlaS- gow Times. Wjien tlie Moon Had a Bad EtTect. Your grandmotlier or veteran aunt can tell you that when bogs were kilied 10 the wrong time of the moou tbe sllces of ham would alirivel up more than halr ansi ffltch woIc1 all fry a'uay, leaving oniy small ci'acklings. Aples or any kind of fruit dried in the wrong time was certain to mold or beconie wormy ansi cider vinegar to refuse to become sharp - -, An fl1utration. . - He -What wouid you call a "polite fiction ?" - Sbe-Why, If 1 sbould sa to you, "Reaily, Mr. Jones, 1 hope you are not thinking of going so soon !"- Spntles nnd a Club. rike (t'niing Pat poker) -Weil, what hov ye got? -• • Pat -Four trowels ansi a blck s]ianl- rock.-Puck. HE WON IT IN GREAT STYLE WITH- OUT "TUNING A HAIR.» tlnfque Euutii4r Eseapade of a Fa.. mous Old Tini Virginia Sp�rteman. - Bird ShootIn That Opene1 a Grhn Old Seotebnia's Eyea. Froin all accoi4nts Jack Mason In his youth was the lvildeat rattling young blacle in the coutry. One of bis sport- ing esctipads is a household traditiofi down in old Quaitico to this day, says Alexander Huntr in Outing. There was a hrge plantatidn In the section owned anl worked by i Scoteb- mao, an elderly rian, who cmployed 00 overseer, but flled the piace bimself. He wa the tpical stern, b• igoted Scotch Coveantr as drnwn b• y the imm�rtal pen o1 the Wizard of the North. He was 4 fanatic in all thbngs and utterly l out of place among -the pleasure iovthg Virginia gentry. It was the irrepresible anttpathy' of the Oavalier and Purtan-the rising of the bristies of the boxr at the appoach of the staghounds. 11e herded by himselt, ansi they left hin severely alone. The cauny Scot was hlmseif no sportsman, nor would he allw any of the ie1gh- bors to fire a gu4 on his piace. Now it bappendthere was a arge bali uear by, wi h Jack Masou i at- tendance, of co se, ansi durin tbe niglit the young Iauters c1iscussel the chances of auto n shooling and- de- ploreq the failure of all their eEoilts to be aIiwed to hu t on the Seotchman's prese4ves. Jick lason offered to bot his fajrorite horse agalnst any Of EquaI value that be w uld shoot over that presexlvo on the orrow ansi wh1 the fuil apd fieecoBs nt of th owuer He was 4sked if be 'new him P6i'SOZilllIY er ha1 unknowu ieansof winning his favorJ He answered 1, th& negtive ansi ndded he had nev r even met the Scot in h4s life. The w ger was closed there andthen. rjLe next morning as the ols1 Cove- nanter was wal1dig up ansi d�wn the porch enjoying hi after -breakfasf pipe ti. strang4 appariton advancd up the grael wak ansi tnok off bus tbree cor- nered hat ansi- i4de him a slvedpiiig bow. The Scot 1nked his ees and looked again. He aw a siender, e1fem- inate looking feilw som twenty-five years old wlio seerued literaily lo have stepped -from the iSaliroom. HiO ruffled shlrt front was qdorned wlth a dia- mond, mother of pbarl button gleamed 011 bus sky blue coat, and -his satin small • clothes gllstened n the sunshlne. pair of silk stocldrjgs wore gartered by a lo's'e knot bow o4 bios rlbbon, and his danclng pumps 'ere decorated by a • -jewelesi buckle. 1[e carried a gun 10 one hand, and twopo1nter. dogs trooped • at his heels. "Well, what do y1ou want?" askedithe plauter. • Ina mlnclng vo1e the intruder asked bbs gracious permiss1on to hoot a few blrds, saylng he llad been dancing all nlght at Wrw1cl bali ansi needed a little morning exerl8e. - The Scot gazed at him wlth the same feellng perhaps th4t his stalwart moun- tain bred ancestor had at the perfumed daintSr fops f 0hsrles II.'s court. • Ha waa about to utter a curt ansi posltlire refusal when his grim Scotch hurnor got the bstter of ibm. He eame near - hilarbous laughter as Ise saw that dell- cately clothed creature standing so clean, jaunty ansi nice ansi then pl- turesi him returning from Ibm hunt, his costly attlre bn ra5, bbs tender llmbS scratched, his mon1ng giory all gone. So he smlid 10 Ilis beard and asked bim If he intended tothunt just as ke was dressed. He was answered in the affirmatlxe. 50 be gave bbs assenttliat bbs unknown guet for that ene day mlght shoot all he ileased, ansi then Iie started o for th low grotmds to at- tend to -the cornsl4ucklng., A hort time aftar bbs negro manager came running u to him and gid: "Marster, there ron't be a bird Ieft 00 dis bere place. 1)o man's a debbil, ansi the doge 18 tho debbil, ansi the gun is a debbll." Dropping bbs wdrk, the owner hur- ried to tha scene, -and he opened bbs eyes very wide incTeed at wbat he saw. In the front of the house vas a stubble field of several hundred acres that had -been harvested iji whe'at tho same year. It was as level as a table and an ideal feecllng plac for tbe quail. For niany years they *ad whistled, mated ansi fed around tbe place ali undis- turbed untll t11ey became aimost as •tnme as barnyard fowis. The owner saw the dogs stanc rnotlonless, saw the dandy spoa-ts*ian iick his way gently vliere thoy were, saw a fcw birds rise ansi two pufts of smoke, foliowesi by a nearly simu1tn1eous report. Two birds di'opped, t1ie tbc dogs retrieved, ansi tlie gatne was hauded to a nonde- script negro lad o'hoin tlie sportsgan ha1 PlCNI Uj) - sornewliere, who had liNi th(' lmtls to a string ansi wrapped theni around liis body ut1I be was hulf hicldrii froin view. '1 !i gun wns lOfl(1ed ansi capped 111-. side 01' a winute. Tbe performance was reicated. TIie niai never htirried, the dogs, beautifully traincd, never bun- gled, tlie gun liever wissed, ansi the dandy had, in spoting parlance, never "turned a hair." Tiie stockings were a littic colored by the chickweecl, but he was ready to 1ad tbe miuuet that moment. rihe Scotchman 4t first was furlously angry, but as he saw the matebless work of the trinity of detructive agents -man, gur, clog -so perfct1y blended lnto one, ansi beheld 1i the af- fected coxcomb tbe same metal whlch - under Rupert ha again ansi again hroken the steel fronted squares of Oromwefl's Ironsi4es, he advanced ansi asked Itis name, atd wben it was given be ansWered, "1 mlght have known it." And that's hoW 4rack Mason wonbls bet - -The Hartnawort. s, the proprlebone o bhe London, England Timos, and oth€r pub' lieatione, are oredite wIbh the intenbion of Inveating $10,000,0I 1 in the production of puip and paper from Newfoundlaud apruce, a mililon aorea of forat land ou the istand baving been acquire1 by them. .A goosi waterpower wlth 85 eeb of head is avallable, andthe outpnt will 1$e 1,000 Jone of paper per week. Thie aperwil1 alt be used in thelr own pubI1patione. - Lond Taik. - "Ilenry, what doos bt meati 10 thls b1storcai novel when It says 'Our guns talked back to the enemyT" "Wby, they had Parrott guns 10 those - days, my love."- -Mr. Moart' bilI to amend bbs Muni. elpaI Drainage Aob was paseed in- tho Legis. labure leab week,wibh some aniondmentL The bffl enablea muni�ipal •coanoiis to appoin-b two reeidenb dr4inage viewere to a000tnpany - bhe engiaeer wheu laying eub drainage works, an'd inaking asecaswenbs to meob bbs ooab of uoh. -As an illusbration of the atrong feeling bebween politioal perbies, ab 000 time, a geatiernan relabes an inoidenb. at a rneeting that was being addressed by - Hon. Edward Blake. While Mt. Biake was eloquently denounoing his 1 oppouents, ona of them rudely lnterrupted him with tbo request, "To go to --.". Mr. Bl&ke paused a mo- ment ansi then prooaeded thua: " Gentle- mao, in the coutae of my polisieat oareer, 1 bave differenb times boeu- invited to rneet Oonservatives ; 1 hve been invited to their ptatform meetlngs, ansi 1 have been invited to their oonventlons ; but this 18 the firet time itt my life that 1 bave bean inrited to thc Conservativo -headquarbera." Lever's V -Z (Wise fl:ead)Disinfectant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both somand disinfeetant. 34 -Mr. Alex. Franor, one of the pioneer lumbermen of bbs Ottawa Vally, ded on - Tuesday, at the age of 74 years. Mr. FMeer had been aoffrthg from bbs effeota of an 111 - nese broughb oa by pnemnonia for some bime. Re was onecf Obbaa'a millioneires and was oonneoted ibh many 1argr euter. prises. •The late Mr Fraser waaa Highland Scotcitman, his parents having ethigrated to Canada in bbs nineteenth oentury. - -Tbe Ottawa diatriet has tot been fav- ored with the- late ram abowere. With bbs bope of break-ing the drougbt thab has ex- iated in that dietriat for the paat aix weeke, the mayor of Ottawa has reque8ted. th� Mlniater of Militia to have the six larg� oannons 00 Wepigon Poinb diseharged sever- al times. There is a bhoory thab haavy ex- plosiona oause ram to fall, and- Ib is wlth: his hope tbab tha rnayor has requested thi firing of aannon. -. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS Epps's Coe�a An admirable food, with alt it -s na. - tural qualitlea Intaot, fitted to build - up ansi - maintain robnat health, ansi ao resieb winter'a ex- treme oold. Sold in quarber-pound tins, labelled JAMES EPPS & 00., Limited, Hom�opathio Ohomista, London, illngland. - Epps's'- C�eoa GIVINU STRENG-TH AND VIGOR. 1819-26 There 18 no form otjddoey troublo,from a baeka'b down to Brigbt's dl8base, that DJan'8 Ki1ney PiUs wIllnot relieve or eure. • If you aro troubledwjth any Idnd of kidnoy cOrn aint, give Doan's Kidney PiI1 a trlal. • -�•*.- - • Fdund at Last. A liver pill that is emall and rure, that acta gen-. tly, qniakly and tboroughly, that doos not gripe Laxa-LIv-er Pilis poeses tbose qualitles, and are a eure cure lor Liver Oompa!nb, Constipation, Siek Headache, eto. • • . - W55rever there are akihly poople with weak hearts - and deranged. nerves, Milburn's HearC and Nerve P1118 will befound an ffeotual medisine. They re- store enfeebled, euevated exhausted, devitalized or over-worked mon and wonten to vigorous healtli. - For Oholera ?,!orbus, Chofera Infantuin, Cratnpe Oolle, Dlah-hoea, Dysentery and SumineF Oompleint, Dr. fowier's Extracb of Wild Strawberry Is a prompb, eafe and sure cure that ha been a popular favorito fax nearly 60 years. - et Rid ot That- Oough. Before th Sumrner oornoa. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup conquere Ocughe, Colda, Soz'e Throat, Huareeve8, Bronehutis, and all Diseaes ef tho Throatand Lunga. • - Ib'snot tbe weather thab'sat tau1. O's your sys tom, alogged wlth poisouous naterials, that makes yau feel dull, drowsy, weak and misorabia Lt Bur- dook Blood Bittera elear away all the poiaons, purlfy and enrlch your blood, niake you isa! brlght and vigorous rand Trunk Railway • . Sysiem. Railway Time Table. - Ttalns loave Seaforth as foliows 9.20 s. m. 12.40 p. m. 6.18 p. m. 10.13 p. m. ,,58 a. m. For .Clinton, Goderioli Wlngham and Klnoardine. - For Clinton and Qoderloh. For 011nton, VIngham and Kinoar. dma. - - For 011nton and Gedoriob. For Stratfold, Guelph, Toronto, OrllhIa, North Bay and points weBI; Bellevile and Peterboro and poiuts eat. - - 3 1 p. n. For Stratford, Quelpb, Torosto, Iton- treal and paints east. p; in. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. Palnierston arid Kincardiue. Goi&o Noars. Palmerston Ethel Brussels....... - Bluevale • Wlngbam..... Gorso Sou'rIL Wlngham 3luevale -Brusseln......... Ethel, lk&hnorston Pass. - Mbed. Mlxed :7.30 p.m. 12.20 p.m 8.45a.i. • . - 8.07 107 9.40 ▪ 8.17 1.10 10)0 8.27 • 1,30 10.20 • • 8.88 . • 1.85 10.80 Pass. Mlxcd. Pase. 658 s.m 9 a.m. 3.05 pm • 7.92 • 9.17 8.13 . 7.18 10.00 826 7.28 10.15 8.35 8.2� -.11.80 4.20 • London 104G Nonrn- Huronand Bruce. London, depart.. - .. -. OentraIla.. .. -. .. Exeter.,. - .. ... - - Hensall_ .. _.. ... ...-.,. - Klppon • -. ........ Bruoefleld_ .... - OUnton.. - -.. -. - Londeaboro -- -. -. -. -. - BIYth _.___.,- Bolgrave_.. _... Wlngbam •arrlve...... 9 -DING Sovr'n- Wlngbam,dopat..... .1. Bolgrsvo._.......... Blyth,.. - - . •. - -. Londesboro....- Cllnton._...... Bruoeflcld,... .- .. . ....... Klpn... ... Exeter.....-. -....-. - Oentralls r4oudon, (arrlve)... - .... - P.,eenger. 8.15 4.50 714 9.18 s.t 9.80 6.07 9.44 6.18 9.50 6.25 9.58 6.88 10.15 6.55 10.80 7.12 10.38 • 7.20 10.50 7.83 11.00 7.55 Paeeenger. 6.50 A.L 8.10 P. 14 7.01 t.23 7.14 . 8.86 7.22 8.45 7.47 • 415 1 8.05 4.40 8.15 4.50 8.22 4.55 8.85 &10 8.46 5.20 2.45 £. 14. 6.20 The McKillop Mutual Fire - InsuranceCompany. FARM AND I8OLATED TOWi'4 - PROPERTY ONLY IN8URED omcw. • J. JL MoLean, Pysaident, Klppen P. 0.; Thomas aaer, vl�e.prealdent, Bruee6eid P. 0.; Thomna 5. 'lays, eoy.TreaL Bealorth .1'. 0.. - nxwrO*L WilItam Oheeney �eeiorth; John 0. Orleve, Win. tarop; Georgo Dale, 8eforth; John Bonnewele, Dublin; Jamee Evane, Beeohwood; John - Watt, • a1ook; Thomes Fraser, Brneefield; John 5. Mo Lep's, Klppen; Janaee (3onnolly, OlInton. TI. Boh*. Smlth. Har1ok 5. lnohley, Seatorth; hmee Oumnl(ng Egmondv e; J. W. Yeo, ilolinep vllIe P. 0.; Gerge Murdie and John 0. ¥orrlaoa audltorr Putlea desironi *0 eoot lnrnlmnoee er 'ab othe. busineps will be promptly ittended 1* pplloaMo *0 any ol tb above soen, addseised t aC1r veppotive DOPt 0T�5& - eKfflop Directory for 1903. MICHAEL MURDIIE Beevo, Winthrop P. 0. JOHN 8. BBOWN dounouior, �e&forth P. 0.. OHAF.LEB LITTLk, Qouncilior, Wtntlunp P. 0, JOHN MTJRRAY, OouneIILor, Beeohwood P. 0. JOHN M. GOVENJ,00K, Oouiiolllor, Wlnthrop P.O. JOHN (1. MORBISON, Oierk, Wlntbrop P. 0. DAVfl) M. 5088 Treseurer, Win*hrop P. 0. SOLOMOIN J. SHANNON, 3. P, g.nIWy inpeotr WinthxopP.O. ¥ou Are Lo&ng Mo ri ey a MEL0YTi Cream Separator. 100,000 in daily usa. The only Separabor nulit with bcauvlfully cTlaiui.ied bowl ec.s!ng, n0r(' duratile thao ttnwarc. 11 diffrent eizc. A groat many othar kinds al mn'atora r.re takca out and eiotts t in p!ae - - . ot tbcni. •e few polnta 01 • - - cJhreo iri this Soparator - 'a . . not foued in any oherkiad ae tnk towcr doa-n, bea-. ier tinwaro, turn eaakr, ekime eleaner, howi bangs plulnb, c)i ha1anciig, has a brcak for stopphg 12, gcarlugall enclo,qd, has a eono-boarisg which ad. juet.a itselt to the wcar, clluminuin di'o, will not roat. tho handje easily takn cft and put ou, ell woaring polnls of eaeehardenea steal. 1 aho handla (arni im- jIcnic-nts ud macbinery inciuding Noon, WjIidn- cnn, ToI€c'n, and White Engince, Seperatocs, and WindmWs. Alt goeds at A. Compbell'a Wnrerooc.i,j, Seaforth. DUNOAN MCOAF,LU&i. 1811.t! Marek lSth. 1903. Thh. 11 t eertify that thc ,No. 1. Melotto Crean. Separatar 1 l'ouht 1 your agent, Dunnan NcOaJtum. gh'cs good stis(ae- tion in cvcry rcspec't. Basily turned, oeii1y cic•aned, and a elean ,,kimn,er. Uave run it ovor two years. and eec no aparent woar on i yot; and 15 my opin- lan, tho prcfits from its nec 'vith 10 cows woulo pay for it In ono seaenn.• MxcnAsa BowTNJ,, WaIton,0n. SE.&vonvII, M.reh 17&b, 1903. To whou 12 may ooneern : llaving purchasrd s P.felotte Cream Separatnr oue year ago from Mr. D. MoCaflnr.i, 1 take plcasurc in recommc.ndthg 1* *0 be r. gaaS 1n&- ehine. It Is eaey operated, and 1 ththk It oan oom- pete witb any maohiue on the markot to•day. Youre trnly, .JOHN IIAY, Seafocth, Ont. LSAnBUaY, February IOLti, 1932. Daar Sire, -1 an well, 8at1p0(11 with thc MI�tL that 1 bought. 1 think 1* would pay for lts1f Ir. a short tirne with 10 cowe, and tbo kim milk is gcod for tho ealvcs. It is perfectiy sate, and 1 cannot epeak too highty in ite prah,c. Youre truly, Ws. ILcawin.t,. Lsannnty, February Ilti., 1902. Ikar Sirs,-ThIs is to certify that tho slzo 2, Melotto Orcam Separ- ator, whiuh 1 purehased 1 ram your agciu, 5. D. Wat- kerjs cn*ircly •atlF.faotory IU evory raat)eOt. Wu 1*05 that we ean make far marc butr than *0 any othor way, end am quito tiefled that with 8 eowe the Separator would pay for itself *0 about 8 months. Thc ekim rnllk Ip excellent for the calves. t te very oasy running macbino, and porfectly sifc. thlnklt the beat Oream Sepr.rat.or on tle znarkot. ours truly, 8. McPhcron. S1G1 , CllCULPt OF T1 SAW CD eSCI2 -rf) w 111 111 e1 0 o . w sa - - `suoan 4opu! 11 - -Staflions For 1903 The foliowing well known :taiboas will trve1 during ttie season ol 1003, as ioilows: ELECTBiC B 'Wiiliam 1erry, Propriebor. Monday-WIll leave his ewn tab1e, mile sonth -01 B rucefield, by way ef tlic Hill road to Diek's liotel, Scaforth for noon, then by way 01 the Ruron road to the Mason botel, Cllnton, for bbs nlgbt Tueeday ...By W5 01 tho Landon road to hle own stable, whxe be •wlfl remain netil Wednesday mornthg. Wcduesday-ToVarna for noon and return to hia ews etabia for nlgbt. Thursday -At hia own stabba alt day Friday -By way of the 2nd ooneemon oI Stanley, *0 Heneall, at T. 5 Berry'e Sale miS change et&ble and rewain there until Saturday morning Saturday -By way of ibe London road bo bus own stabis wbere he will remain untll the 101 lowing Monday morning. 1845-10 OLIMAX Owen Geiger & 0o,, Propriet-ore. Monday-Wi1l leave hip own ebrblc\, I1on'ri}, and proceed eaat 50 Chlsc-lhuret, and nerth *0 Wifliaii Kinauar.'e, lOth conooie!on, Tuekcramitb, for noon ; theri weat and north *0 Stroag'e betel, for riight Tuo.day-To .IPTnCS Diek' hotel, Seaf4rth, for noon and remain thore ovor nlght. Wcdnepday-13y way of tho &l1l road 50 Brjcetiold, *0 WHspri's hotel for noon ; theu eouth 50 Th'nry Shafcr'e iote1, Klppen, for nigbt. Thursday--WII1 prooaed %1-3at *0 Itobcrt Lovo',, Hhlis Grccn, for IiOr.r. Lbtr. wast *0 Mr. Nioho1onh hotel, Blake, *0r n!ght. 1";!day-South • ta John Ge!gcr'a for noon; ttie» *0 Robert John. ston's hotel, Zuricb, for nlght. Satnrday-Eat to tile own tablc, Hema11, wherc bo will reLnain untfl tbc following Monday moruhig. 184741 Oarpenter'e Trotting Borses, HONDU±AS and CH1EF. Weighing 1,375 pounds ansi 1,200 powids W11iniake ptands thie SeaPon at MoGowan's, neer Blytb, Wednesday ght Ws1on, Thursdty noOn, Thin Blgley's, Mcthllap, Thurpaay n1ht; thcn *0 McL;ughiln'e and Repebo's, Brodhage a, and Dublin, Friday night. Saturday.-BecebWOod, Klnburn nd Cllutou for night Soundnes, kinoneas miS compactheae are bbs -special oharaotCrIStICa oI these horses. 18438 1 • Tbe Clyded&ie Stailion DUNRAG IT ansi Vhs Shire Stailion WRFIBLD FITZ-HAROLL) T. J Berry, J'roprletor. Wli1 stand for Vhs season at T. J. Berry's Exchango Stabise, Honiell. - L 1845-10 -3 5