HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1903-06-05, Page 8. 9 -F-A I ; . � - . - , ;;� :�� ; � I . ;. - I . � . m .- I . - i 11111 I I .. � I . i i . .A� � - :, : --- � I I - I � 4, � � . - . ,� . I I . i . : . ., - , - - i. . I I . � I I � ! - -1 �. . -- .- - . . - . . 71 I z, : , , 7 . . . . - f - . � 7 � . i i . - � , I � � I . . I - - -1 . . . . . . . . � �.. : 1. � - �i . .- .� � - . � 11 � . 1. I 1 ;; - - I . . . . ­ I 11 - I . I . - % - - - �­ ­ - I : � � . . . � � � . - . . .. I - � . ` � . . �� I . ;, * I I � � i I . ­ � :- �- - - H . . . � -4 ­.- I I . ; . 1 4 , . , . t - � � I . . i i . . - . 7 - I ��� .1 , �­ - - . M , . , I 1j. - � - I I - I . � 4 - I , -- � . I . -! . . . , L R .... � . , - � � i I � I . i� � 1. � . 7 i ­ r � � T 1. - - � * . -1 . i I . I - i , , i .7 , I . -- - . � I I � - . . � . ; i , ! I - I I . ; : . . � i V : . - � _,- � � � r � : � . . . � � c - , I �, � � ?1;1 - I I � 1, " - � I I I . � ! - - � � A - - ,z � . . , � � ; - " I I I I I I 1. - ,. ; I � . . i I - . I . - I . - . i I : � - . 1 ; - . - - . , � 1, , . . i . . ; e � ti I � Z - . - f :. - i - - . . i . ­ � . . � , - � � , . � � � . 1 ­ . � - . ' i � . I- � - - - , , . � ' , I I 1 4 � , � . . ­ I . � ., � , . I � z . I � I t ­ � � , � , . I : � I � I I ! 1 . . �- r� - - - . . c ; � . . i i q � i�: -e -I-.-. � I � ON - FpIX OSITO �111 . - - . JUNR.5. i9oa � - � . - -1 8 . 'THE t R . 4 : - " --,- ­ . J! i - - � ��:;,; �i : ­ . . I : I . , . . I I - ;_� -!,- -�.� -: - I - .--. I - - —"—""* - . ; .. - I ,,, . " ---- ,:�� r - 4 M!T� —1 I -- . �­ - -1 — -� Z � I ! . - I . 1� - . ,� ; I . ­. � � � . ; . -Alr�2!--!�,�---�1." 6 1 I- . . 1 1 - L- --..--- �� - � i � � and 17, conce -ran � " I -, - ­ - � I I . ; 4T� --: - ­_ by the�trusteis of the church. � The I and both rin d ,00lte.are living and 16 asion 2, F k McCon- i ­ - � - ' ar I I 1, - , , . = - . - T- ' -. ., f ­ 1. I .1 - r - �, ehi:nrather leaves Mr. John p tenant, from public school No. I to 4 . I .. ,.1 . �11 ��11 I ­ - SUMMER STOVES. git w . sudden and uu�xpocted cutting off of, such a G D F DID flour : nellb Ou rs is a it -11, ­ I Ishing. I i 1, I .-la-.... i JOUSY-pooffor "'I"a 1� . ' 8 ore ; - - I - i �.i % � ru; � - : - �­ Iobias Nash owner, :eparate school No. 4. : : . I 7.-- I 1-1. 1� � promlsingjife��ika shook to the oomn�unity I S. Brown's Mare in the shade. -Berlin and ; - I ,".. � -f- r I �­'� - T- ­ - . � . a . . ­ . , an well as a severe trial to the be'eaved the Hurons will play the next home game The aseesement roll s thus amended and. - � . �.. I— I .�, '' S . , .: - ,2. 1 - ­ Z.1.... r, - I r It pleases the cook to k ow thab our flour . � � I ­ I M�.�-01 � I DISTRICIT MATTERS. I " . - : ,!IA. series on the recreation corrGoted was finally passed and court ad- i . . . I ­ 1: - - Fdr Everybod . I I , '. -- C ­ - ; ­; . .relatives. , Tojho paranto a d family', and viill form the basis of her read"bakes, pies in the W. , r 1. ,� : -. �- . I - , I ' i I . �­-- -- . Nothing is as pleasant in a bome the husba�" *ho is left with an infan� son grounchi�n-e 4 riday evening, nue 12bh, at Journed. ounoil met an it e reeve was : I � F��­ 7 r- � I ' I : � Y4 I . . -­­ . . . , and pastry, because It rise, i so easily, because I I I I . ­ ; 1 6 , I � - i --- �4 I. * 4 . I 11 '­_: - I . in their hour of it is easy to kneod,-because it bakes so even- I - authorized by motio wait' on county , � !�, o ­ I on hot days as a. cool kitchen. . HAROLD JARvis Co*arRT.--Tbe coneerb heartfelt sym�athy goes out .15. Berl as a strong team, this year, n to I ; .1.. � -.1. t -- I ,� . ,. I : ; Uln, � � . � . I i ,� ­ I . . in Cardno'a hall, on Tbursday evening - it � 9=9 .1 -.1, ­ I - Our " Standar&' Blue Flartie of wre affliction." The funeral took place an ly � Those wlir� profit by I ier culi nary skill. nd as tbel, urons are working hard, a council with: resolution for ' ' survey of . 1 - . - ider the allspioes of the Ladies' . . I it is 013 benefitting -both � i ; . last week, ui ji�j great inatituti 1, I - T., � I - - - I Thursday of 14at week and theremains were also rejoice over our famil r flour. good game M b x obed.-Mra. Charles of boundary line' of Logan. The good roads ­ - 7- � I I I . ., � ­ Wicklees Stoves secure this. Aid Society of the Methodist church, Was laid to rest in Wingham oem story. - ' Bran, Shorts and other'mill fe!d always Boole ,:..;� e e pe arman, Manitoba, improvement"acheme to get uae of - govern- � -- I . - .- rich and poor. And for overyb6dy ou , ­ I � I 4 Z- ­r,;. , - 1-. I - . lef t to week for C . ­ _,, -­ iv�r P- i� , -�' fairly well attended, but the merits of the � book bristles I . - ,­-- .1 ,; �- --"—& to see her �ghtei-in-law, Mrs. Win. Boole, menb grant, no action was taken or recom- 0 with Variety. ! i . ­­ . I 0 . I f , ­111­4,4,"4� ,,-.,- , - Therburn either coal oil or gasoline . I n hand. I I � . I . - ­.." , , � � a bumper !house. R Tim W,EsT. -The , following p I I f It, t e stock, in Permeated with an atine . �' t­­`]-,.�, - entertainment deserved Fo Orsom - - who is in t � -Mr. James mendation to county council made. Drain- � r I tl­ - - -� I - ,y poor health. _ � ,' - -- � � . .- � 1;;� 1,1� - -, � - �- . and no smoke or smell. We Mr. Harold Jarvis, of Detrolti' always'a were ticketed,to points in the West, on the � ,eatherlandl 0. phere of style -a characterig - I ­�, � I � . : 1 1 - �as iinpiroved the appearance ge b law X 57 was provisionally passed -- . tic Which lr,�U.�,,`­­ i: ­, - HAM 4TON'& , ­­ p � Im � ne I not only covera the moreelaborate Ine.. .: -1, i � �. , - xcursion, on 117hurfiday , orn- . of'his resid4ge on John street by placing a -�' 8 : L- - , guaxantee you shtisfaction for favorite in Sesforth, was moeb enth,nsiasti- home-seekera' o . ZRFLkKZ. I :nd b .'law re -arranging school sections I .. . ': . . . ­ � ­ I- - I �T�- � - L - Y, -� 11 ­ reaches even tothe Mott : . �,L�, I L - I they. are the beat summer s� c"lly received, and eAch of his nuthbe�13 was inA, by Groig:� & Stewart, (). P. R. a Seed M - concrete fd �4ation under ib. -Rev. J. and 9 was p9s.aed andaigned. Lumber and liandise, but I . � toves $ents : ,18roli%nts - . Be forth. . . � .... L � . - - . . , i - T I. -I... - I—- . warmly encored. Mrs. Frank M 11keloan Wm. Fell, St%aa, to Calgary ; Mrs.. Swan I L � Herman B r, of London, will preach - in other expenditures were paid . for to the expensive lines we sell. - - . Call and see one hasa beautifully sweet,ol a L I 55� . , ibis an i I 1..� i -.� - �, -� zi- on the market. ear voice, a;ld her and Miss J; Bell, BrU3efield,i to Moose Jaw; the Metho - Council adjourned to Ind atmosphere of ,mtyle--ftr ; ., . -- I � ­­ i -- I . . . . P church next. Sabbath atir the amount of $352.47. . 'L . ­; - - - - � in operation. i singing was a great treat ,to a Seaforth Sawers deli�ered two excellent i iormons.- - otness in everyth,102 .. I :� � ".. . ril -.1 -1 �� 46 " _ � - ­,­­ ' 'L , - 11 W.J. McAllister, Hills Green,to Mooso- . usual hour 0 r heum," under the meet at G. K. Holland's, BeechwoQJ, on in whichzty =1, � : O-L - -, ! - Is , � - ­ - ", . .I i - , ­.L-� w� � audience. Dr. Elliott, who in takib g Dr. min Mrs, J Ro3s, Beafortb, to o6se M r. W rumi. est3ott left for. Winn peg,where leadereh* , , r. 0. M. Pasemors, intend Tuesday, June 30th, at 10 o'clock, for6loon, n r Iti seeker ii -AW -1 i,:� . I ,,, ip . . Lne ; an the * L L�, , � �, - " � Otir stock of lawn mowers, screen Burrows' practice, ple iffidly j ; i M on I he inbends to work at hi a trad ) for the ualit seeker-linke both together . . t- � - ' , � � I - i i - 1. � I -1 JL gave some a aw ; A. Ross, Seaforth, to Edrn giving's,co b in Cardno's hall on the when tenderewill be received for two drains. � L -. � . ; . � -_ . ,. 7 Ld6org olitc , . I i . � ­ L _ ' . . ; --i � ­­ .- - . 1. Olin selections. Thei dui �t, summer. -, k gentleman from Hi neall who t evening of I iday. the 26th inst.-Mias '-Jchn C. Morrison, Clerk. _ . � �- " a , hn Arm9troog, Bruoefield, to Pilot Mound; I - ere is another feature equally as jZ : . . -­- -,,, . and windows is complete rendered v, . by To ; : � -� � ­ ­ L- r j I I r L - - � quo -t. by Miss Duolopand Mr.J was in towr last week, after t&kjok a look rtant as style And - quali . L ­. �� - . I re arl is was Miss Fowler, $qafortb, to h oo-omin ; Mrs. . t the -home Lof . ; . --l'I :'-1% I and prices -low. Maggie wa,$h is visiting 86 9 . I - 2 .1L ­ ­ �- � certainly one of the best' numbers on the through thc -Bell e gine works, by -right - t Charles Boole Seaforth, to Carmav,'Mani. D Invested Mrs. Jame -Beattie.Lars. (Rew) George I , i L �, . ;, 00ioes. - I 11 '� I - I - , �, . � . - Hills Green. ­. L I Z, progra $10,000 in t ke ato9k of the oomp my. -Mr. I Z '', . 1 7 - A. Me. L * -- �, I ­�'�'­ Oet our prices ails- -and builders' mme. Mise Agves Dunlop, Of Ramil-, toba . John VcGregor an� John Buggin is �ths home of her daughter,, Mrs. You don'b'sibe your -hat -but other folks We* h this advertisement tio interest yo, 4 I. ­ � � - on n. i . - . " . ton, and Mrs. W. D. McLean acf�d as ac- Gregor, jr., Kippen, to Calg lry. N. Campbel , t3ller in the Bank - of - S',��ie, while her husband, M rds home furnishing@ :and .our. I - ­ . I - "i.. � -- - .. , Com- rega I --1 ;-j. ­ , - r. -especially your friends -do. - Why not - ,­­, - : ;1 ­.­ -Z' � - � hardwa:&, eave troughing and fur- compsuists. i . � I � I Jai;�es B ' I I .­­ ! . � . � T­�.­; i.. . - � ! dMr. Stevens, of aggin, i - 0 Ode Stands out coluplo. . A V--- I - - a I meroe, an . the ominion B - ok of theme go , ­- - - — � �,Z�­ �i, i�- - - i - —0— . . 41U.�ending conference at Wing e,, knowing th � " , 7� �, I let them see a stylish on _ . . ­ - , � . I- � I ,: t � 1- , � nace work a specialty. ; a - I .� . -e 1. � . Bank, left o i Tuesday for Sbo y Lake 4 us for its newness, its I .- 1- �-- - ,� -1 i� - WEDDING BF,LLS.-On Tueaday, there was 1 ham. !I, - " ome thinking or have some- good qnslitv . _ I - i- - - ! � � tRAVELTXRS.�The following were, tick- , , near Peterb-ro, where they will a end their ilt - they always do a i d its low prices. -. .­ . . ' tterebtine so a in St, James' thing to say aboui It ? In �our: workroom, lr­ - I � -, L:t` - � ,-, L pretty aiad i I ; I . ­ -- � . jeted by W. Somerville, Grand Trunk Rail. 1 r -- - holidava._rbe committee of m nagemoub- . � -- - . - ' � - � ��-,�­, - , I CHESNEY & RMTLIKY3 way agent, on the home-13eekekW exoutsion Church, Seafor',th h - M kndrew �lynn, of the Prest- yterian oburel meb o Monda A SAiAR ,I OLD GENTLEmEN.-Oar old on short notice, we create the prettiest, A Li - I �� - .: - ' w 'an r- "' .. I , . - arpet Talk. . J­,-�:, 7 -.� --.. - rover. of t o township of fribnd, Mr. � rge Anderzon, of the Parr : I I- ii--- �. !:, � � -Thuraday,-Mrs.' J - a progressive1a, t j, ,,itle 0 . . ­ - to the west, on newest, moob be3ominki �ats that are worn - , I I 1�,� �- � _- - I ames n 0 1 .� i- `.. �, �­ � ,� . . t HullEtb, Wa",,Ioined in rrm�riago to! Miss to CO eider the tenders receive for I , ,- � i � -4: - line, Stanle ear Varria, was in town on on the streets of Seaf6rtb. We have ready- ' 4 Z � - � ­ I .- REAFORTH, I blark and Miss Amanda Clark, Hullett, ta Mary pnreel . f Seaforth, y Rev.,P. Cor, church imp,ovewents. "here ore Our C rpet d6partmeub : . � _:�� - � � . 0 : . only I ' I is coming to be I I I oine I . I , �. 11 . Wednesda Mr. Anderson Is now g bet. . � ­ ;. . , .i � , � - I. Killarney ; Miss Lizzie Deitz, Seaforth, and � . . to-put-Qn-and-wear hats thab are just the � i � - � i i two tenders, and theme we -a so in ter understood. . - � I ' . . ­ I -1 I . I Hard -ware, Stoves, Etc. cor4u. The' groomsman was Mr. Joseph oh higher Seeds ofea I � � . 1 84 yes rnest, lion. . I - : � :--,.� , Deg ; Reino!da, of H-ullett, ani the bridesmaid than the architect's eatior to th I it Was- rods of a di seven. feet wide, through the . , . I � � - �,�', . . Wm. Westoott, bricklayer, to Winni on to a � of age. Last fall he dug 35 kind to be uscd as a knock -about. We have eAf endeavor we did sow., -an . . . . . �� -�� � I 11 d now &rs. 7 r; � 7-, -� , , Miss Bell& Sproat,Belgrave, and Mie , the hat for yot -rand at its 'lowest price . ­ L,: 1. a Lottie P 6- I ,.; - z,,- ­ - - resping a bountiful harveSt of.rogultg �. I . . , ­ - -1 --, Miss Loretta Purcell, sistcr of the bride. deemed adv sable �to delay m for bush, hims IP and besides did most of his The E. M'oF&ul Co., Seaforth. 1851-1 _ 4 �11-1,7� ­ ThompEon, Constance, to McGregor ,- John I I ,- � � , ­ . I : .T- ring the high mass, wh was celebrated I m a - - I Du two weeks With the hope that others, which fall pl . a 1 uch appreciatEd, very I rge patroti. � � r�--;�. , - , � � . . � owin �. . � rt I. � --��,.- " Soarlett, of Leadbury, to Calgary. other This bests Mr. George Hab. I ;:�T.­;,. , . - �i ­ , DOMINION BANK on th occaBlop eral bea tiful selections May be near,r the mark, ir, my be received. ,-,, ' P NoTEs.-Mr. John Cochrane, of Hay, let agia. - r--�---,.,i­ - -, travellers,-Mre. Sinol ir, Tackees,ruibbi, * 'itz,1 who has been Ii i is � . P � �. �� � ,- --7;;, � * a to i e . , sev --; kirk, of cKlillo . Mr. Anderson was one his horse" ' - .. -ii.- - . . ; t ­ & �:,� W , � - were randered,by Mrs. Hargraves and Mr. Miss L-.zzieDe tvl'Dg at of the *firab s %tiers on the Parr line and has ran- &way last week, and as v, ri Our d4aipets for thi hotise-cleaning season. . . . . � � �. . I . I � - Buffalo ; Mrs. Garden and family10 Clevo- , - 11 - � , , - . -- F--'.?�­j � -.:, t , M. Y. M oLt an's icir eight or . n no -years, resided on sult he has been forced to get around with ArO new and most attractive. -­L�,:­ii�� �!.. � P(kt8'r L-nnon. The wedding party, after the . . t � � I- � 1,,-�­ -.,:,- � CAPITAL(PaidL Up), - *2600,000 land, Ohio ; Mr. and 'Mrs. E. Stark, of . - � a same farm for 57 years. The . The neW I . '­­. ­ left on TuseJav for. Wint pg, where a the aid of a cone eince.-Mr. John McAllis- - we4vea and patterns 'have come to hand i I � � '�- ­ . CON 1pi he r �; i. ,.:_ I . � ; I I -� ; -� -1. � �,� - R EST, - - $2,600,000 Sault Ste. Mario,- i6 New York ; Nor imony, drov,e to the residence of Mrs. visit ' firbt wheat he grew on his farm was fall ter has a young lad wor4ing for him and'- in whh their assurance of roli&bility lm� � r i -1. - man Thomas Purcell, the bride's mother, where 9008 to a,brbther an '-other friends, whist and � - . A. ". - , - - I I �. � , - I I . Campbell, of the Bank of Commerce, to I . i I vp6s No. I quality, a much better i � � �­ , I . � , -��.- - - ,they partook of a wedding reakfast. The who raside near there.4-M] Wm� Render- some way he let the teah4 . whtch he was R."V quality, yarns firmly woven and % ;, % ` Sam[ -grownnow. He�-tooka _ . ,,� I )Is than cap be . . - E -- ­ -- Do- _ son, painter, is nursing a I ] SEAFORTH BRANOH, Peterborough ; B. F. Stephens, of the u -sing run away. The b6y was -slightly in- t now color combinati � - � 1� -,-� -�, � newly married �pair left by t - three o?clook ,ery epre hand. load of 30 bbehels to Goderioh, thab being , , one in these I ­�:­­.;:, --I . - minion Bank, to Orilli� ; Thorrias W. Faith- . � . , FFF . Jured and was off work for a -few days, - ' . - . , � . ; . . � train for, a trip'to th He gob it cub by glass. with which he was . bob handsome carpets are even i . �- ki"',��Z-�o �: -: � � . I � ." Main Street, Seaforth. eringham, of Torontoll to Fargo, North e Wee being eadorted working.- re. udolph bar ur hased the his neareab arket. He started with a mmnV nr,w grading , I � �:,, ­ . � - a'lii, ­­ - . the station 4y a 11 rooms in - I E'. -, - X, � - to � umber Of friends. who IoVr and around - -- . - -1 � I . yoke of .oxen in a sleigh about six o'clock Seaforth. �, Dakota; Mrs. E. Had4en and J. A. Had- ce tl . at ,6 further serioi�s damage was done. -Will jn� y � � IT -1 I � . i . ,--,- � I . I- � 1-:Z-- . A General. Banking Business trans- bade them &Aiou with beat w shes that, the re8idenceo Johmstreetre wned and night mind airi�ed in Goderich the next fore- Jarrott and his lady e drove to B&yfield With; t lie high arb designs, the uuufivaa de.. � ; I . � z . . 4i1�'!,,1'-- -, , acted. Farmers': Sale Notes collected den, to Marlette, Michigan. . y occupied by Mr. J. R. Wright, p yiag $700 . on the 2.5uh.-Barn raising .'s all the rage. signs and colorings of � � . : i� I, "' I may enjoy w pleasant honeyn oon and 4 long noon about too o'clock. On the return tr' . � . - ,i � , ;,"'.-,.�', ��: --- . _f L and happy life. I 11? these carpetg W,a � i .� - -i, I - I I '�.L - _ and advandes made on same at lowest for it. The -e are two nice lots d' It is a .,around here just now. Mr. Blackwell its I seem able 6 satisfy the most critl t � . F�5, , . The bride a Whei hu-3band 'A b4 aboub three o'clock in the od _i� _ _ ' - , 1:,�,�- , ­ -1 . 'DEAT11 OF MRS. MCDONALD.—There pass- � he lef b Gods V I � ,L IL .", , r I rates.. have both been hikLly respec �Ied and m- cheap prop ,tL . , - ­ . '. , �, e tyi-Mr. Carter is erecting a I I . - 7 .: ; -, , . 1. --- ., I taste. Takea stroll his way rome day i i - : : ed away ab her hem sates raising his barn and pubting atone stabling � � . - . ­ I 0 in Woodstock, on . I afternoon of' the same day, and got home . . . neat new brick residence oi a fsrm.on the -M � . . .. 1. -� � t I � Drafts sold on all points in Canada, , th - � 6d rrisidents! of the communi y. under it. r. Harry Holden, of Clinton, to Isee our new volvet Carpets, A,x - � - � r- - ' L d Monday, May 25th, one of th � soon after di,�fight next morning, the.rcund � , Min. , I - . .. ­ J I 2nd concession of Hullett, hich he recen I an old Hills Green boy, drove through tha list is I L 'L � i.---- Z-6 - . - In the � . �—* � , . . tIY trip thus occupying two nights and, a day � , Brussels, Ingraing, Unions, Tap_ I -he United States an Europe. Ing pioneers of the county of Oxford, , � t, -, , � . , - . I � I - - , I I " I almoeb a 3.Z : - - purchased from Mr. Fowlrzr.-M ,-, Archie Village on- the 25th. -There' was a lot of esteies and Hempm. - I 'i � 1, , I 11 � . - " �, ";- � �, SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. -Interest pera6n of JanEt Murray, relict of the N. Cluff & Sons will not b andnrs Id-. in ti�4 k velling. Now-a-daye 11 ��- � I I - - 1. I � 7 tra � Z� . :1 ^ - i I -1 L- !:��, -L� . . in the shinxle budness. Get a Scott, of Th !rnton Hall, has just i 30impleted p Way are hard hit if they have damage doneAn this vicinity on Wednesday I f .:. -, - allowed on deposits -*f One Dollar and late Donald McDonald, She had attained i thei price befire You )eople think! t J � � � -:M �. . - buy. N. Oluff & Sons, Noitb leaforth. the erection Df a neab wire fence ii i front of to travel.to � -4detioh of lai week by.the"wind and hail. The A T�,�pg of NeCessity to -day � 11­1�.�'!,_i--.-�"Z-.�-,� , �� the good age of 81 year'. About a year ago . 185141 . , I and back on an ac- . � � " f-ij'�,- ­ � I . upwards. 0 � his farm. -Mr. B. B. Gunn and Mr. John glasain many- windows was broken—.Mr.- ,. , -- � . � aj -­ ­ ­4�. 1 - . . . . � . . I in, leum. � . -,:. I commation '�i Li ; %,1 7" -!i"1­7'�.� - her health comnience�! to fail, and �-`he was t Ain, when they can have their I -1 M* , �� R. S. HAYS, W. K. PEARCE, I -Tendars, either sep. . in Go4rich this breakfast 1. — : I � 7�. z. . i� MoLeav, Tu, ikeramith, are W. J. Hogarth occupicd the organ stool in � . . I I . I _'L tjX-;�. i �% �il confined to her home, but was able to be I an#14upper at home and have half _ I �, , . - � . I L. .­il y:i� , ` Manager. ' arately cr for both, for the boot and programme ad.ng the county - cou�oil -The - I I - - L' .1.11 �­ I - ­ - , , ­ Solicitor - woek atte . the Methodist church on Sunday last. -Mr Lin -Cool in Elimmer, all right in I � ji� -1:1, around until within a .Week of her death, privilegris at the Seaforth Raco3, n June 16th and a day in Gddeirieh for businese. On this oleu�n . - ; ; . - i.,,51 -. 1i re - � . I - � � ._� � ­ ;, . . Broderick, uld - winiter, clean all the year rouna an& . : ­� ;� .­ when she became critietally ill and never held on Mon lay evening next.-M�. Martin, � Itoba and the Northwest. He goes a& . , .� , . "i, 17tb, will be recelted up to June 9 h. M gular meeting of the town couno�l will be occasion tbe��jboob offer Mr. Anderson co W. J. McAllister left on Thursday for Man: . - : i I ­ I � .. I -, I IL, , ­ I SecrqtqTy.- li,851-1'L ; L ' . L .V � I ourn her lops one � . get for his Wheat wa to- spy i . . �­ . DO YOU KNOW rallied. She leaves to � I I . a 50o a bushel and only W re everlastingly. � I � 7 . L , m . I I . . ­ ' - one of Exete., a leading bus as Mon, was in $4 of that w4i to be in cash and the rest in cub the land and if Suited lie may deei4eL to For oiRces and public places, for h . &.11 'bath. � . . . �­­ � - , - I Slater, Mrs. George Ross, of Zorra, aho' six M 0 NV'IY WANTED.-Wantei to borrow for - � , t,� - town on Tue iday. I He ca e he0e with S L locate there. � L N . ; � � 1�1� -� ', � - ., L . a tenn of yoais on, farm roperby, Lbout $2,600. Ap, Store goods. [ When he came to order th�3 rooms and kitchens of privat - Z ; ­ I .- I That in our school we employ Twelve daughters and two sons.' Two of the daugh- 'L � ; L , I e -houses it . iL. ­ - . . t - ­ i'�. LL ply a� Tup Exppsurom Olcej,geAlo.-Ih. 1851x1 friend who il loikIng out f r -a good spot to goods he Wa ound of tea and � . is exactly what Is wanted. Linoleani I I L ! 1�� . .� I , I 1 . I bl;qd to get a p � . � I � I . -typewriting ters are ab home, and besides them there ara start a crack, ry anc ( : . � . � 1 �� . . I - � , - ­, - I Mrs. Douglas Bruce, of Dakota; Mrs. Fran] - and r MOMS. - r L 1- i- . Weachere and use One Hundred Labro3se �hqes, tennis Ehoes, bowling 3 - y code b 9 DOI34-- some nails, but� the shop manwouldnotleb safloor covering containau co I . . . r I ,. machines. Itia a Fact,, and that Is one Ic eL . P a . ., , mblu� : -� I I - shoes, outlDg Btloez, 0. Nice ne,v goods. IV. H. Mr. S. M. Sanders,' one Huron Th e* prettiest muslins of the season -The k !L ­ I _ it'. . reason why we produce the best results. Pillman )and Mrs. W. -A. Reid, of We . . 8 M03t him have the pea or nails on the trade . as . - 1�4, . t - od- , sole arfit for Darothy Dad4 shoes for ladies progreEsive 3oung farmers who -ealdeo *in I I "' . I Willis a4din ef gool qualities which is der-- , � . .- - --i We cannot begin to pply'the demand for BI 01 these were ' sli articles and would be de. coolest, freshest things ! Guaranteed to tmi4ly hard to beat, 4 - , book, an Mrs. R. A. Scotit, of 86a;forth. an&. corge Slater shoos for men, 1851-1 l . , [�",: : - BU a � , - I ' I Stephen, near EZetor, was n towt on Tues- - . I ; . I , I .-,�- .., , gf6dua,tes. Exiter aoy,�-t �are Peter A ducted from the four dollars cash paym V� a tbi� k we have the choicest patter-ris in : I . j)ne. Write for I -, of Detroit,. a;nd To FA-Rizimpus'-Y ent. make any woman bewitching -that is if In .. I �;­.- :4 -., . ou can have all the dam. day. Mr. Sanders is looki g up pi iople who Z , .- - . . . � .- George, of 67r' beamy and daintiness of gown can do it. � . . 1". ! ., _ -efugibg to a � . 1: �- � ­ catalogue. .and Ripida, Minnesota. The aged lzrain yotx want for drawin.- it away at the Mr. Anderson r abind to this had . good quality Linoleums in the ti - . - . , ,,� I I : . I I 1 , deceasedwas a conaistpitt member of the Stewart.Cola Mil9s, Seaforlb. First come best . You get these muslins at loweatprices at the' Z -:�: , -, o investia a Farmers' Co. to take his whpat home and go wit h- and carry them io,.all, the popular S # ; ., L - I oper ­ - . F . : 1! 3 . -� - served. -ativt Rarvestiing Maol tine Company, of ell , . ­ � I I -� I 1-1 I - � Congregation%1 church. The r. mi.ins were � ' &gain 11 - - h0gi width@. , - . 185 out his tea a i 1 nails. This is a Sam -le of E. McFaul Co- )a store, Seafor bh. - � � � I- - ; - r . t Central Business - Q-41lege, ' � Torontoi This co"llipany a establishing a' . p - I Hind in hand with LIU., r ; ." � - a . �:� , . laid to rest in the Preebyteriau o,metery in June weddimig prescubs , i e, what the ve ioaeor settlera of this - I - ?. �� ­ - -; - - 1851-1 I Oe�ms go Floor Oil Ciothig, and wi . � . . ­- * lement 'ma � I I fancy china, etO. mammoth - ufactory, to be i t Irz - TORONTO, Woodstock. ' A speol&l line ol� pepper and salt county, th NOTES. - ' - � � I - 8 1� On ho laid thes foundation, -Thia hay crop will be the lightest, I . -� .., 1; . . ,I think,we have any kind you are . likely I . . -: cruets at reduo�d prices. see our window. D,ly iconducted 0 similar linei to tbe hinder bad to und r Olin tbo3e days. Yet they on record. -Remember the big excursion to , % . L, ,� ­ ; I . i:�-- ­ ., . I ., tq reqnfre. . - . I i HO-XORED i -s DRATIL-We mentioned 4 :. - " � ". . . i . I - undet the towniolock, Seaforth. 1 1851-1.' 'twine establisbment at Br A I . T . -. It, -. ­ .- .1 W. H. SHAW, Principal. I ; antfoi d. The lived thro ' it a mO4 of them became the Model Farm on the 20th of June. I q I I ­� A- . - I , i � 'n I ... s I I � , -.� . After tryi�g all those fad a' mmer drink's shares are placed ab $10 6ac �i, and 5he stock � � �- . � � . I - . . last week the death. of Mr. Edward E. Moran, ilu rich. , 1 . - - I ; . I . �, I ,-� I � Yongo sud Gerrard. sia., Toronto. sensible people come bsok to the old reliable 28c tew of bbe a . Belgrave will be the starting point in this Other- Needs About . 7 I I k - � Z - I r � 4 . '1,01XI,000. The - . r . � � � t� � i � I I ;580.52 10 ompa y is to reach S !! I . I I � locality ; .$1.25 for the round trip. -Potato ' S i , -of Saginaw, Mi higan, and a native of Sea. Why? for satisfawtion, try it. Bontbio Bras, Sea- great object i a to get farme a as stookhold- The ' t o : - - . � . . � I i; forth. The Sai News, of May 21st, forth.i . � :: I o'me. . - I 7 I . . . - ; - - . 1861-1 1 I UBborne. � �planting is all the go. -Some have ploughed I I � I I I � � . . - ' L i 1� I . ; � - ; q w, ­ ore and 'after wards " customers, t) be -sup., . I . ; .� !�, � - ­ tlo�n ! makes the following reference to the.funeral, of your lifo. The great MUNICIPA STATISTICS.- -a the crop was a failure. The ooc�ming warmer weather leads every . . r "�i­ I - I x"Len . and it will, b plied. -direct from the mai The assesamenb i 1� ,.-. t::ii, . . - The revela(ioti up their marigolds & � . . .-C.. Far=W AJL'L a Imist an . -Mrs. -Statute labor will soon be on. -John sb� ; � I., I e readwibh melancholy inter- practic 'rand scientific Dalmist an character read roll of this iy�ship for the present year - thoughtful house wife .to . , � - � . - -_ il . .1 y I . " R. A. Scott, f Harpurhey, was I a Wood- ' ,rowd and : � : iz ­ ., '' . eat by Mr.'Moran's man friends here, as it er,,)th,e great reader cif life's myster e.g. Your entire I . . j, . gives the owing Statistical information : Agin is on the sick list. -Mrs. Patterson, thinking of something she requi - to, I . I . I -1. - - I - Shows the high esteem in which he life from infanoy to old age acou ately portrayed. stock last we k, attending the func ral of her Me . �­ - . I ' ! ; . I . I �. . The National Cream Separator . was held If you are In lou$t, trouble or 4113PCnCe, he Can Number of a res, 42,674 ; nurn who had been IliviDg- with her daughter, - beauLify or add to the corriforb of her - I . : � -� i;"', ! 7 � I in the city, �v'hioh had been his hipme for help you. All buminegg in strict coofideDco and mother, Mrs. Donald McDonald, all old and cleared, 38,3!9 ; tctal valu her of acres Mrs. George HendEraon, of the Bliievale h 3 1 . i � � � - , -FOR SALE BY much belove resident of, hat c,by.-M a of realproperti � 7 � �, 4 � .1 i ., - I . many years. The News _ ome. Among the many things need- -- says : " With private. Now at t -he Royal hotei, eaforth, for one r. : � ­ � I L - - - ­ W. N. WATSON, North Main Street, P $1,814,950 ; �valne road, died on Saturday morning last and k I I � revereat teriderneas the m WCOR only. James Weir is having hi of personal properby, ed-, are Curtains, .Draperies Portleres, - � . . � . - 185LX1 . ) . I erbal remains of' I a residence and I I i I � . , I I � � . I -t- $7,700 ; mmo�nt of taxable income, w" buried 'at Belgrave on Monday of this etil� . � I-, , . r I'�'. 11 SEA -FORTH. Edward E. Moran were laid. t Patent vici'kid, Ideal kid a' ground%;1on Goderioh stre,t, east, nicely 1 $500 ; � I i� i ; - . 4d Corona colt I �, I fixed up. -The portion of tie roof of Stew- total value of real and personal. property week. The funeral was very largely at- We have i ,, : � - - 8hoee:for ladies And gentlemen. N�Vv7auminergoode. . � � morning, an&a very large sefiemblage of - - many choice specials in new goods - . i . - ; i -, - . W. H.; Willis, sole agent for Doroth3 Dodd shoes for art code that have been oi but s- - i ': � - `� aotured by friends gathered to participate in - and taxable i - -, f -� � - . I the last & CO.'s mill which was burned, has been ,�ncome, $1,822,850 ; male, per. -tendcd.-Mr. Denholm, of Blyth, is doing a � - , , This sep3rator Is -one of the best. maDuf ladies� and Ggeqc A. Slater shoc� for men. 18$1.1. solris from � 21 ito � I z . � ­ I � the Raymond Sawing Machine Co., which has been � restorcd and the wall b The London - 60 years, 519 ; does,- 304 , big business in the hay line in Morda.-A ve a ort time, but the bea,aty of -the, . - . . � 1' - - �� ­- " tribute of ra"et to the dead. The cortege . . � ; , - , in buainem for over 40 yearsk and a guarantee that I bitches, 23 ; i lob of hay lefb Belgrave on Mends, de igns, the great variety of choosing, .. � i - -- � Does your watch need rep xiring 9 Give correspondent of re t. T-ues4 . -1 . . - the National Separator1a a strictly first -claw, up -to- left the residenep, 315 South Fourth stree the Glob:i�f total population, 2,195 ; num V of this . 11 1 Z 11 - b, - guara my Says- her of cattle,!. 6,800 ; n ni�er of ebeep, 7B5 - week. -The. apple crop is a light one around w prices create a ten. , - '. � dato machine. it is simple, easy to oi a close at I too to glv3 Vo 1 '6 1 1 u . - i I � �. 8:30 o'clock,'and at, 9 o'clock Father U3 a CE611 with your work, wh u " The East Middlesex FA ,moral oatitute P , th �irresistible lo � satisfaction or your. money refund d' number of hol. hera.-Steami hay presses will soon be all , know � i ­ - i . Price as low I � I skimmer, and durable. All machines guaranteed. Dalton performed .the , services at St. as the lowest. Dx)y, under tho will hold its 17uh annual meetinj . at the 5,095 ; number of horses, n among ladies who reall � i., ­ . I own clock, Sea- 8, �y i � � . and manufactured in. throe'v different sizes -26o, s5o . 1,818 ; nu n r of births the go ; from 35 to 40 tons a day can. be ZIP . . � 1. and 450 lbs. capacity. Marv's church.; From the church many foI. forth. . I 1861-1 WestEra Fair grounds, on Friday a ternoon. , 30 ; deaths, 25 ; appreciateifine and artistic bang-. , . I M . . ­ Prices, right, call and ex. acres of wOR d, 3,904 ; more put through. By the looke,of the crop ;now in' I - , . . - I A feature of tho'gatheriug will be ad- 0 of swamp, , ­ I- - .Anvine it. low;d the reniains. to CsIvary cemetery, S WANTED. -We I pay cash for 'Re. � - --- � , i � . - r and eggs. ress on hors a and cattle,!!by Mr. T omme � I I . them alio for butte an " "'a there will be little or nothirig to press nexb I 7 , i . Be ' h - 742 ; acres bf orchard and garden, 625 ; . year. . . I � -W, -W r , where the body was laid'to rest in a bed of ttle Broo., Sea- -0 , ` - Now At's Lace Curtains. . . ­. . . . _ . MT.� _A_ TS (:) _W .5 I I acres of fal heat, 4,635 ; number of steam t I . I - ­ I . eve fc,rth. . 1801.1 McMillan. of Seaforth.11- r. G. A. K. Me- n � —0 t I , I ­­ . % I . . I NORTH MAIN ST,, SEAFORTH. rigreens. . Tkere was an unusq%l large , Wanted imincidiately to go to Hamilton, boilers, 12. , M . I � attention 'to this I ' Et. I - . I : I -� �� - 0 eneral Fire and Life Th8urance Agent, and deal number of beautiful floraj offeiings, includ. Lood, of Exeter, and Mrs. cLood were the �­ � . And w� call you:r ADle � I : ; . or a competent gwaero][ Barva'at, must )e a good plain g - Belgrave.. . . V - � ing, a brokion-'Wheel from Grinnell Bros' nests of Mr. and Mra, Jo a Grieve, this kinds, because they are the kind -every- i .� .. :- I N: - in Sewing Machines and Bicycles. w � . I cook. Wages8l2amontb. Apply by letter to Mra. week, slid We -e visiting oth r friends in the [Beechwo'od- I NOTES. -Mr. Robert Gallagher returned 0�1� wants and they are the kind . . . .1 - 1880 i � I ­. �, Be place -61 buaine8s closed for the morn- Neil MoPher8on,i 16T Hughson Streo �, South Hamil I . . I b . . � I Vic MoLeol had been quite ill home last week from New 'Ontario, and we! t ell -silky lace '�cnrtainq, oobwe . . : � � I ing,and 'whose ernployees'attended in a body. ton. I . 1851-2 ' laity. Mr We have the best Red Cedar and Pine . - b. , I � ­ - . . . ; , ; �, - - , he4� bo'at Red Cedar shingles the some weel ell a shingles. 0 t c,'ur prices before buying. N. Oluff & like a great many Trore, thinks old Ontario - byli2effect. We can'twordpaintfor . , W Tberewere praerziib froinicub of thecity . for a during th p � I .. . We sell t i t trinfo, but hi I 1851.3 . ; I - : . � . � Miss Maggio.Morar, woney will buy an4 at the be3b prib many friends will be pleased krn that Sons, North Mata street, Seatorth. by far the beat -Rey. E. A. Shaw, of Ben- . you a Spider's web, perfect in -con. , � I - a : _;, I . ` de. - I 0 o i - For S'pring I ra of Seafortb, Ontario - - ,e, N. Cluff & , . - � % I .- . � I � . R. W. Collins, Grand Haven , 8 no, North Main street,-Seaf.)rlh, he is now ric %rly reco Miller, will preach In the Methodist chu � . . and Mra. 0 185 ­tf 3ome black� � dress goods are like Some - tit iu� 3 I " vere .-Dr. wery, I . rch h 1 tion, neither can we convey to you c � � I I .11 I I - I i N AMFT- V. S., of this -own, while 01'1 a prclessional people--Ahey'dou't wear well. -: . er,d ! I " I . 9 =9w=A-,X-R5C91 Lake, Bay City. The pallbearers were: FARA hat ib means to be a a ok I Ours are here next Sunday evening, -Mr. and Mrs. � the real beauty of our Lace C,ur. � . . . � IERS. ' � � 3 1 � � I to - . . . A large assortment of Sweat Pads . , Carry T. 0. Haynes, Wm. Rya6, Clem Gage, j'. M holder in. the Fatinero' Co-operabive Harveatin visibnorth o Dublin, on . Tuesd ty, was thle other sorN All new goods. No 11 heir- Albert Perdue, of Clifford, visited with the taiiiO in their real attraiativenese - I 7 . Combs., Harness Dressings, Bruahe , Robert . a, Thomas Connolly and ' MaLhine Co. Li lt�d. Farm Imple e t t b ig taken sudden y and as , ill. Dr. Rose looms " shown'you here. The best sellers lady's parents last Sunday.-M.r. James -.1 )t I difficult. - ! . . is Axle John Uber ,,,n1:,,a w a e, : - - vi uld be just as m , . - sale price, Ee ito the pockets, was telegraph d for an' was soon ii i attend- the"ie days are: the light -weight black ma- - - It .k .., G,rease, Wool and Rubber Rugs. A horat." . t - f ttrofl4o going it .1 . Wightman in having his kitchen 'and ver� We 8i y say at partol! our business is-. : I . I new I the grasp C 0 0 cir throats re- andah painted this week. -The contractors to I -. �: t �0— - tiev . mb!nos upon � arioe. Here vered aufficie tly to permib terlale,v�ith names such as voile, electra r our. trade the prettiest. I . I . . stock of Dusters, Whips, etc. . ' ed, and ' idl or,6anization of one hundred p ocure fo The largest atock of Trui -GALT.-The :first age you Inay justly feel Laor Curtains obtainable. V7,e ,have - I TnE HuRo,-�s LOSE TO � thousand fa a ova t9 his home In ton the lustre, eoline,,', grenadine, twine effect, eto, - and e . � . . -tks and Valises I - r m eTV, herit of -his rem Clin I have started to build the new chancel '. . I I at lowest prices. home game in the Weateen"' Footbal -- proud to hand dow� to your children. Tin under. eam,c even,ng --Mr. Cossey, who bad been Prices � vestry at Trinity church, Belgrave."' A new do�o no. � m I I I - I Associ are eloquent of economy. -Tho E, I , I e 'D I �J , I I HUA 1 66— � , I 0 1 11 � 11 �, 6 . I , t � � �4r o� ,',;— 44 yd � at e as I a it c I an t I - , I I t �1' ) ; e�,, ! , , . '11t� F iph , e' f 111 9 � I '�' -e _ I I p I ��'. t , 6 I I f I C 0 a , . e ug 0 2 I T f 0 ill, , - � k - � i 9 -�l n 11 � P � M ' 0 � t d I --r � rb J 01 rop � I i . - . . ation senior series was�plved -on the ree- 43ignodiis now eolioitlingstookaubscriptions and will assistant to dr. Phillips, -at the station McFaul Co., foundation will also be put under the Son a . . I � . ve - Se�forth . .. - . — - * - bcpreparcdtog� I%ny information dealred. , 1851-1 . I ovri itthis bimeof year,when there. I . � reation grounds, ng lmt� I I I S' M- here, ban beer appointed ag3it at Dublin, H . ii -Bu church. i. exists in every house-lovifig woinan &- � Z on Friday even Sanders,Xxoter. 2 1851-1 -M rke, of Chicago � . r J ope . I I i - � I d BRODERIOWS between the old time rivals, . Galt and i the A pa�r of l6k gold filled cabO riding bow and has aseumed his new .6utles there.- who was badl hurt y fall 0 desl�4e to freshen the surroundings, .we, " � : I . - -, , guaraIptaed to weir 10 ywirs, fitted with i rank Kling a raising in '�ibert, is fast recovering, and , ensall. ur cultaing - . . Harons. A - b�g cro'w.d turne4 out to see the speota Meears. Collie Kennedy n F . . . ing off'& barn, at . ask . 1 that you nee if 0 . - Harness Shop . CIL111 H H . I I � a pmr nuIneTIl!ntglasB1cnss8:f)r $3,50. 1gyoa, have returned ifrom ,the �ountry. They 'i woiql � I Cady's, Block g -.me, vhile-the Galt. boys, who came up by -- olld i !dn't add to your windows a true I - I : � k�l of I we are please to say will soon be .1 HOUSE FOR SALE CHEA-P. : . � tested D - all right. * A good frame . I . special traia, brouglit a number of theit f rc�c a][Y, 11ccler the town !lock, Seaf r1h. had a pleasanq time and loo well after the - app. - . ad- I 0 . I . � � � Mrs. Burke w 11 return t dwelling house, nearly new. wi 161arance of art and elegance. We- , i SEAFORTH. . r I � 1851-1 ? his week to 111WO th good cellarunder : . - i I Ine r . � mirers with them Bub , it all' went Galt's � trip. -Mr. Ar �trcog ham been painting his an e #in h..;". 4-1 il L L. ath AL�o hard and soft water For further think th- would and -#-. --31 -rat-. t T" . tiT . way, slid the home enthusiasts got lia-In f. -n 'EMN RRS ANTM-Wen T,br night work house on North rpi�"­ strept oce I A U .F;- P. ." . Or tie and is well ticulare apply to G J -Sutli­laind . 4. Ir W-- i , I . . " on blankets, the �eat of wages, gio Nvor . ngiby M 0 f _1111 - -Y 811olign to retorn.—Miss M. Laoey will re- LAYSON, . Seaforth. . . . , - V OHN .r IN- coo; Poo. i , maufa,�turjng Col , Smillie, and bag been fixing up Igeneral- 1851-tf I Our Motto: enthuaeover. The home team lacked !the - npsny, Limited, Br atford. main for a time Mat will be loueEome _ for -BRIEFS. - I ,+-!--I + 1�@I- 1.++*++ � vim necessary to put'up a Brat class' game . I ­ ; —Mr. Wr- MoLaren, of Tucker- . , I � � .18408 ly, so that now the place locke'real, tidy.— awhile after 64e friends leave, but not long, . . I of ball, and seemed to be FtiffLiring 4r6 ' : � Judging fromtbe number of nouirl 9- beh 6mith,'neBr here, had the misfortune to lose I - . - 1. ne.,.. . ,� 11 High 01. radel,- Work Only " In B -Abaenc . 19 as he is prop4ring fo that will a valuable heavy horse this week I � �, - STORE FOR! �IALE. Abaenc from Sea . r company. I . . lack of practise and the effeds of the g%ne forth n1a,kes It i4cooveniout for wo to look After madej. t lie Can %dian 'Order P loreitersex- mai�eritly. —Business is . � , by in . li,i - . I . remain per booming. f1mmmation., ` � -1 I . 11 - 117 in Toronto on the previous Moi2day. The storepremisc8-. 4m:offoriDg it for s�le at a verylow cursion to Niagara, on ,12th, piomimes '—Jarnes Shea lad a very auccessf ul log I � Mr. McLaren would not have I , . . I - 13gure. i A- regpo�alblo person may, June r ging . i . Galt players, on the other hand, we * I If des.1red pay to be t4e.. take: $225 fcr the animal.—At the meet' I ; I 11 re in the ar�a .moit popular trip of the. season. - . A Ing . I - , I .. pink of condition and rushed.' thiDge fr onlyparldown. �,For particulars a dreEs rot . bee last week., Over 70 men and 10 teame -of the South Huron County Orange Lodge, -Eel ; Me FA: ' I I am M. hlegarey, Str�tford, Ontario. I Coming an it d:)38; in a compiratively slaok ! —1 — UL � .1 1 1849 3 � did a job on his farm, on the 4th oo � ! � i . the start, Af ter the whistle blew, Galb took 0 1 It be w 11 pa no88- in Hensal) en Tuekday, the large and en-- . . � . � � I - I time of the,yeE ,r, it is sure t- Sion.—Will give a list of new buildings thusiaBtic-�atherivg' nanimously decided -to . I 8TRATFORD, ON . : I - , TARIO. the ball into the Huron's territory, and in L60AL BitIEVS.—Mrs. G. F. I Garden and ronized by the farming -community; as well next week. "I Y 4 Dry Goods Co. s , Our graduates secure _gcod positions be- leas.than two minutes had scored their firat as the town pe ple. For f till par tic, lar8 see - � � � bold a monster re -union at Heneall,on Mon. I : I I . family left on $ajiurday last for Cleveland, the 49 ad " on the 5b .thin i latue.— 11 day'. July 13th, A delegation of citizens, I page o i , I to rerular-firab class services. Hurons ground for the rest of the half ev; who McKillop business men, - k1dermen and Editor Neelands I I ­ camse our high grade training prepares them goal. The play continued mostly in 'the Ohio, where th�,ey� will join'Mr. lGard CA'ls Greatest Cask' Enter now and The Canadian Drder ,of Foresters and the I * i I . their has a good is tu%tibn in a furniture fabtory Workmen Wiil atbeO service in the Premb . ice. Cedar and Pine -odge and presented the � I fora -course. Bea atiful catalogue free. thavisitors added anoth�r goal to Altf r i Gob our pr' s -on Red waited on the L ry Goods gilrore. score before half time was called. ,there.—Mrs. (4M) Musgrave intends going terian church on y' shingles before buying. We have the bcob shingles town's -claims, backed by a handsome sub- P W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. , to To-outo to reside, Mr. Muggrave having , � u,,2,d a y evening. The and the b.eel pric" the county. N. 01 ' � I I I . -one seemed to biush 1 8 a . uff & Sons, sorip�ion list. The day will be end of the half time the Hui memberat of th, Be lo re requested to North Main stree , S aforbh. 1851-8 i . � 01444-152 ,up Purchased a reddiance there previous to ,his ,� greatest ever witnessed in this soetion of accompa� ad by ber'children, wasin Sox- ' : 8 ,. and did a little rushing on their own , meet at their I all at 6:30 and 0 to church Patent viol kid, Ideal kid and Corona colt Huron.—The new telenhone inoles are -'" \ ac- death.—Alias 111, ella Sproat and Misa Thomp- in a body.—ly. r. T Foth, Z 'I, , shoea for I -Ail— �A T count with the, result that theiv a .,ored two rn ann &I . . . P .. gen amen. x4ew sumnier goods. forth last week ,visiting .her sister, .Mn. . : goale, but their advantage was Lot for long ,son, daughtar of � Mrs. (Dr.) 11 Cooper, left of Mr. W. f Dtheri igham, of Brt �.cefield, w- H. willN, sole�&' ell b for Dorothy Dodd shoes for that w-6 could wieh for, being atrai2ht and p I im unnuunin , isanK as Galt got into the game again and took yesterday an aVi4t to friends to. Manitoba, � who. has Just'p kesed iis final pxaminition as ladies and Qeorgc!A� Slater shoes for men. 1861-t well finished and of a good height, and when. .0 lberb B�11. -Mri. John Seo�t, our worthy . . and will aft-eYwArds spend some tillie with I . - reeve, 6EW purehased Mrs, R. Fulton's I I I - - dwelling.. and isold her, a village ,lot OF COMMERCE. - twomore goals, and thus the a drugght, left this week for Dakot where Dainty Mulli s -the better qualities. painted will present a very creditable al? . . .game - ended, , friends in Dakotai.-Mr. Wm.' Aoutledge re- he li%e purchased , ance.-Mr. George Brown, carriage ,', ' four to two in favor of Galt, with the ball a d1rug business. Mr� A. When hive they not been the aristocrats pear . at Me - READ OFFICE,. - turard from Wingham last Satur rear of hO i father's, Mr. R. MoIrt' dwell- . - - TGRONTO. hovering, continually around the Hu day. He Cardno, who h a a loilve for and devDtea.'his of Summer gown stuffs ? They are "cool, maker, has been elected representative of . . rOn's made the jcurm',ey, both ways cp foot. I ing.-Mi-ei Jame;iLogan, of -Forest, In visit. - go3l. I s of the beat team . He spare time 0 garden�ng. has sevem, pea effective and artistic. sit well as the most Heneall lodge.of Independent Order of Oda- . I r made t lie journey each oh � ing her p rents, r. and Mrs. Joneph,Had- - I I I Capital (paid up) � $ 8.000,000. winning- Our boys have PlElIty of material . way In two days, trees which lie grew rom serviceable of all, fabrics. We have -the fellows, to attend the meeting of th ­ for a championship team, bub what they r which is , the stonei which 6 Grand souk, of th is village. -The friends of Mr. r�-- pletty good tramping. -Mr. John are again, this year loaded with I eaohes. kinds thst tempt buying. Then, too we are Lodge to be held at Hamilton . in the -near , of Usborn I I . Reserve. Fund e- Prang,i who 401 resided in ;Seaforth for Last year they ig showing quantities of pretty val.' loc James X" ` - ---`-'S 2,500,000. ctuir�e is practice and lots of it. We expect � I ave prolific yield t f most -es for future. -The aiinual meeting of the Bouth wilao hambeen sw i . ye I I to see them make a good she 'Wing yet.before Goderi I 0 r O' I over a , - seriously, I I for some tirne,. will. be pleased to- � . Aggregate Resources - ar, removed with his family to delicious fruit. Mr, Cardno also' has peas brimming. And if you would lack nothing, Huron Farmers' InstitHte, for the election learn that he 'is now recovorin I g nicely,.- . the season ends. . ch last -week, where, we I understand, � wear your summer gown beneath one of our of officers and for the transaction i � - . I out in pod, an he expects ' 611 be . . over - - .1 . i he has securtcl; a situation in the organ f ready for It they 4 79 a shady. -The E. McFaul I of other Rev. Dr., ed�d and Rov.F. E. Mallob are in. . � ac- able use hr a week or tei da� . ()O. . 46721000,000 - . ----------*i-- ' paranoia-alw mportant business, will be held in Mille?s � I tory there. -Mr'. Wm. Ament h4s purchased I Winghani!this week attending the Confer- I Tim LATE M1t,1.,. SPARLIZ4,--We referred and he does all the work in li a g rdf him. Seaforth. I hall, Hensall, on Tuesday next, at 9, o'clock. . r osiaelice on Job street. I I I once. - Mir', John Coulter has been appointed - Hon. 0. A. Cox, President. . last week to the death, in wingbarm, the Baitcliffe v t fielf.-An inter Sting i a �n I : 1851-1 -Mrs. James H. Wright, of Sea,for . - . game of arickeb as represe, i Mrs. (Dr.) Sparling. Of is a - nibef comfortable hoine. Mr. Adam played on the r 3orea ion will be THE Tow.X-SH:ir YiTHERS.-The council th. who �txtive of the Canadian Order ef B. E. Walker, General Manager. grotuds this (Fri � I has been spending a few weeks with her We take the follow. - Turnbull, ooliooil - mat an a"courb �of revision at Christopher parents, Mr. Foreati to attend the grand lodge, I � Ing ooncerniDg the sad- even fro' - Ilor of GreyJ and Mrs. day) aftmioon,t8tWEen the ol I fello a from Whi ' -and Mrs, James Troyor, re- m . , I m the Wing Turnbull PaSsOd t4ough town ioll Monday Clint te's, Leadbury, -on Saturday labt. Thera turned home this which ' ' to nexti week at Hamill , n. . .. meek. -Miss Cluff, of ,to - � I � i Mr. Pauih i, a student of Knox college, has, - . I . ham Times of last week : " It was wiDh on their�'- w)ay to visit friends in' . on, and a I similar Yaum)er of 11 has was only one ai� - n Tuckeremitb, and -Miss MoLaren, of Mit- � . . a Acheson, conducted services in Carmel- church with . t4is Southern beens " from S aforth. No F?raon wbo has Mr. Thomas D;dds appealed for a reductio:i chell, were in,the village on Wednesday, � . � I Londop, England, Office, expressions of the deepest. regret that the part of Usboroo.-Rev. Sarnu6i ,peal from the assegome b. . I - . 11ing, of Den- very mucib acceptance during the past two i 60 LOMBARD STREET, E. C. news was received of tha death of Lorett formerly of Ki�pe:h, who has bel played within ve years is )ligible for a on lot 31, concehalon 7. the assessment be- -visiting Miss Whitesides.-Mrs. Yeo, of � . . I Louise, wife of Dr. R. W. Spa � n pastor of plape on the .eame.-Mrs. 11. Mark and ing $3,000 and Jhe court reduced ib to $2,500 Mount Forest, w weeks, and will continu6 thoservices dur- - ver Colorado, and Second dau liter of Mr. a church in Pembina, Dakota, since leaving little daughtier, of $ew Hambur v1pited � as this week the guest of I . I of Wingham. oep�'ed a call to for a few days li t w ek with Mr. a Mrs, also mb,de, the 1propertlea having , changed ing the irlemainder of the movth.-Id-ris, -G.. . I Canada, has received and ac 9P . for 100 sores. The following changes were the, Misses Muidock.-The early i cilosing - sad event took Place on Tuesday eveni g, at iDaikota, and haa� removed.to Jobn Laird. movement. comma ' Thompson !in painting and otherwise imp A 9.9ner&7 Banking business tran ,, , SEAFORTH BRANCH. anWMrs. F. G. Sparling, g The Towner, North' "" 0 n I -T ie ) � Dr. Betl une rO: idence ,hands since the ��� 'easement: need this week-� for Mon- proving tho appearance of li� r dwelling.- � - 8� I . . nacted. that place. -The annual meeti the E Win. Grieve day, Wednee'day and Friday evenings. -Mr. ; the residence of her parents, after an Illness u 1311titute was Ut on Victoria 8 re, a d at pre senb oc oupled v0as %truck off a's wnerof lot 27, oonoession4, and Mrs J h i 0 . Farm'ars' at of short duration H ron Farmers� I 74 Of in rne 7"I ' ' , Mr. John' Hawkins, of near E?:eter, recently, , -id Graziers' Notes die- . Dr. And Mrs. Sp hold B - bv Town Clerl Elliott, has r, ames Bonthron, jr., left ere on . - cavnted, and special attontlon 91von ling, with their infant ar- sole on Tuesday laist.-The winil storm of I ' I . I ,een a ads to and §dwin HUO-t put on as owner ; John Tuesday for their new home in Detroit. sold afino �eam of geldings Ito Mr� David � son ook likemew-by a fr ish coatir g of p kinb.- Henderson was i Which he 7 1 . I ov0d a corner Mrs. John Lair . the sad has secured a Dunford, i for received the � - The doctor of the :: roof from Turner's church in the news, on - 28, c6noession & pind entered as M. F., lot sum of N40. These horses were sired by, , : tQ ths 0-014atton of Sale Notes, etc. on a visit about a month ago Wednesday of last week rem ' reoe ved . �iuok Off as joint owner lot where Mr. Bonthron - . SAVINGS BANK. returned home, and it wasthe Saturday, of th deat� of. her, brother, Mr. 9-2, ooncess situation. They will be missed by a Igaorod I . I lnte�r6nt W lowed on d9posits of !tl Mrs. Sparling to spend the summer with bar e of the George Blanoh ` )f We ge the well jk�own shire horse, Kilhurn, im. I intention of West End of 'Tuckersmith. Som ' ion 4: John Wood was entered circle of relatives and friends. wish , � aTd�,,Jo,o aria. Jr. Blanchard saM.F.Onlot'22. concession 11; n the City ,of ported by! . J. Berry, of ti village. It I pa ,shingles and part of the debris were carried was one of tboiq � rc ok a p,ominet It part McPherson, entered an owner on lots 6 and the Straits.-Mieg Hat to good horses.. -;,'-A meeting of . iand upwards. Interest is criedited t"o rents in order to avoid the excegsiv John them health and prosperity I 5 mile from the building. The walls I pays to bi 'lot WO ther of the southern climate. Short. in the rescue of Mt. Sandf tie 11 i'. I accounts on the 31st of MaY and the ely lislf a . O do wh w ooncesFion 131 and Robert Gray struok off the Wor4' 30th of Movember in each year. ly after arriving here ate complained of not were uninjured. -Rev. Mr. Bond, 'ai former buried in the � J 7, _�iss Dorthy MoDon a Institute, of South Huron, 8 i T ( , so - w 11 at 1 Paris �`e , a,die"s - ell are visiting : I , I ' T I Is preach- Aid of Egmondy � as owner ; Richard Barry was struck off ' n st..-Mr. David Wren- who is co 11. illees hall� Hens]alit an � feeling in the beat of health, but W&4 able to pastor of the Methodist church here, � .friends will be hel in Mi ouglibut � i ..... having owner of west J'�Iot 18 and east half lot ! 11- Basturdany,1I une 6th, at 3 o'clock p. in. A- , � I r - church lost SUnday evening. The a g �r - a ` 19, ducting services as a probat oner at Ruth- oordial in�i,tation in ex. ded to the :, ladios. . The Bank has K branoheq extending th d in that ille � Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, be about as usual. Typhoid: fever developed, reverena gentleman's many old f awborry fistival' on tht veni g of concession I'andJohn J -Flannery. entered as Orford, is spending a week I or two with ton - I I I I I I Brikieb Columbia, -Yukon District, Maritime Pro- and all efforts to check the ra gee of t iiendo here Monday, June 15th, hen stri wberri a and "owner. Arthur Galbraith was entered ow'ner his father and relatives in Hensall and viclo- of Hensal �nd vicinity. . .1. ­ I he were pleased to 11aVe another Opportunity of � vinoes and the United States. � disease proved futile. Dr. v-Saparling was cream, -cake and oth, dellolo a del oacIE' i - - � � listening to him.- 8 of went I lot 19 and east halt lot 20, conces- L � � t dZ � I . ' - , � Ity.-The distrIct . I I ------o V n sent for and . Major An�leraon and will be served by t e ladier. The 33rd Meeting of the Oddfellows t ; . �-. 61 4 . � 9,.and Wh4. Galbraith as owner of west will be held here on Friday evening, June --The t4n council of St, Marys -recently. I STED, Solicitor. . giment band *ill al o be in atten ance. J lot ��C� � 0 . � 11 ­ � 1624 care of those in charge of 1 the sick roo I Th '� ion 9 1 1 3�. HOLM'S . The combined skill of physicians and die some days trimming the trees on'the streets. . Sion Onceso - Patrick Romlind 19th, on wbich.occasion in addition to- the Paseed a byllaw .reducing th6 number of� G. E. PARKES, manager. -arrived laat Thursday moining, Liout.*Watson have been busily engaged for Re . - . ­ 11 M imant evening 0 . I . — = were of no &iiil, Many -of them needi t . Ode who wa�ntlto spend a-ple was entered am own( r of north I lot 9. c I I I his attention badly, bub and at the same' On- presence of Dietrict Deputy Grand Master hotels thei The commissionOrs, acting In. L . taking its fliglit the Spirit of the deceased where there ire so many as in Somforth it Is wi timeEelp theladies along casion 14, and James Campbell struck off, G Gibson, of Lucau, Grand Mast i 11, K. conformity, i wi t,bheld license from Mr. to the great beyond. The a big job to get -over t th the good w�rk should stick a'p in Thon Or a �as Grlmold!by was entered as owner of &wan, barrister, of London, has promised Murphy, of'; the Royal. CA Monday even -- June W eddings, — deceased was in the 3.0bli yea hem all.- r. Robert -this date.- Abo t onel o'clock Wed day corth-out part lot 21, concession 3, � . , . r of her age, McIntosh has been laid off work �for ning the `�e I - and Dr. to be present. The evening promises: to be Ing a petition signed by'250 ratepayers, was I I �1. � . and was born in Seafortb, removing to week through I ople were a -ouvid from 800tt� kitruok off.! W. Harvie Hudie entered one of great interest to Oddfellown, and it presented 6 the council making them to re-- i � line0s.-Mrs. Robert Doble their slumbers- by the errible munds (it the an F.�& on solit� j lot 24, concession 13, ig--expeoted there will be a -g I Wingliam about 14 years ago. She was all and Mine Dqble, Of Whitechuro'h, visited fire wbistle. Tli:)ae w o husti Ood attendance ind their '-law and allow Murphy to have � , he a 0 - - I A n accomplished Musician, being a graduate friends ifi-RimonclVille recently. ' T true- warm and co' . ed out of their Michi I Nevin& '" M- F. On lot 1. ooncea- of the brOdbren from all the distriob lodges. his lioense.t The petiltion was rejected on a. I . ice wc,dding gift is a Dinner, and medallet of Whir,by Ladies' Colleg toes Of the Egmo4dville School I,* � mfcrtabi beds m ere relieved lion q. Ernest Sparling and Francis Klein -Mr. Ume , Tea or Toilet Set. We have a full and her services were much �i sought for "' si im- and agreeably fism e wife and children, of vote of fou : : 11, a I I I int d a find that, were4truck off , to two, and the .81griers -of X I � - connection with local -prov d the School property by having a neat It was a false ala � 8 T I I stock in theS8. lines and Marked a entertainmenta. 'A I m he alarm once tenant and M. F. on lot Milner, North tya'lort's are here. visiting Mr., - 41th the motion of the council. �, - - . .-Mr. from the North I lesion �. Timothy Curtin was and Mrs. James Taoor.-Mrs. _ �. t consistent member of the Meibhoji-t church, wire fence put around two sides 0 it tr wasso ded ,11, .c I Brodki, of -What mighb have been a heavy low ro &I 11 rock bottom prices. Fred Be ain set bo kd some %truck off as owner of eamb I Aob 2, conces. ; , � See our assort- -he took an active par ' � attie, eon of, Mr. James Beattie, hoodlums, who s � I -9 nt In the village, occurredon' Tuesd r morning of last - week. 1 ment and get our prices. . t-111 the work. . si, uld have bee a in be , are Sion !,7. Sspara� school changes. Montreal is at press � I 17 On who is in the 0 ' than Bank, of Com- supposed to- have e' the alarin as-& marb I I ,� -. March 5th, 1902, she was married to Dr, Sam � I -North vioiting her misteri- Mrs'. P. 3feliflli While Mr. a � . , . merce, ,has been removed tol . ot 6, concession 2, Edward Roach o 7-ohnstone was dri - Is lrwr- Sparling, then of Lusk , t wool � wrier Mrs. `15. Muj Henry ---- , Wyoming, 'where lot I - 1r, of-Darleton Place, is iielting well for Mr. iAlex. Stewart, 14th cono ion, . fax branch of tb"e bank. -M _ a a good It iing I the ed from meo4on No. I to No. 3 ; west Mrs. Thommi;� - '- ; . I they resided until six months ago, - when 'Bale, wbb has beeO spending t . George Policeman could .11 ut who, ese smart �406 � coardOn 3, Michael Matthews Mr. D. W. ro ' ves.- Logan, the i ttra* stabic beside the barn .lot 8, con M01 and other relatill they removed to Denver, Col. i � --- e winter Alicks are, so tha exam st 1 -as purchased the fine caughti fire� i ad had ib nob been for the okado. . Dr. with his daughter,, to Hibbert, has return. made of them ax _pl a Gould be gwn;r, from meet' No. 1 to No. 3 ;,lob 17, -parrot recently- I BEATTIE BROS.. and Mrs. SVarling were the first OOU Le id they would be taught . owned by Dr. Graham, of neighbors and villagers with pails and tankk to ed to his � home in' ggmondville. eon, ion 1, John Devereux owner, from Clinton. The parrot is not only a aourae of of water, Wlh� fought hard,pouring water on t the new Methodiab c urch, H. Sawa 8, - 4- . � ' se 4 to eol _,� be married in � Rov. E. better in anners in the I future.i-Mr. !?&brick ti a No. . 3 ; lots 16, concessio The 28c Tea Store, r of Bruoe,�eldl occupied the _pul- McLaughlin, of tie n Intereat to the' " 'Young�- people' 1i t eitt to the barn, the building . I ere presented ra also, as . 1. RIO Wingham, the present pastor, Rev. . slon o Me- .1. a d eaab 1 16i ,concession 2, Timothy elde b t to their the straw n ' Sle pit of the Presbyter�an church here on Sun. Killop, has an old E 6 Oars L is' In appearance ., I .AFO�vTR - -, - ONTA Hobbs, Officiating, and w with day last, both morning and evening. owner, fr ublic school section No . n do I I �4 roll 04 100 I cn", x a, 2 W ` handsome I' and contents! would surely have bee - � , a - OW p , and has In addition quite a v I . . Mr. old, that gave bir 1 t twin 001ti I t to Separs - .1 a . � I -- , . his a ring oosbuls Of etroyed. , The lose was just th straw, how- - . I I � to 50hool Section NO- 3 ; Iota words.-Mriv. Charles Me"ister, of lay, .ever. . � I J . . . i . I - . I i I - . ! � . I . - I I . I '. . . I i . � � � � i i I - I I - I . - � I - i � - : � ! I I . I . : I I I I . I I I I - I � � . I ; I I � � I � . I � � , - - - I . . . � I � i 1 liz I . I - 7 � . - � - I . � i � . I ! I I I I i .� I . � I . I I � - � I � . I ; 1 . I I I � : � . : , . ! - . . I - � . -1 1 � I . . �, , �­ , ­ . � i � — : I r ­-­' -1 - -- � - ­ ­ I � � - � : � - I . . - -1 . .- �t - 4 I , �, -1 . - i -- . : � I— , " " - "' - , * . I I . . . � . . I � � ­ . I : � I . . . ; ;1 - I-, . . . I L I . I I A� . � � � � . - -i 4- - '.- �� - 'A I I � � I . � � i . . I . : I = . � ! I I! I : . Z � . . � - I ! : I . I : I I - :_ - E . il . ; - . . . 7 1 ,- . I : I ­ . I . . . . . ! � I .1 - I . : I I I I I . i k - , -� - � . T : � . I - i I � . - . I : . . . . . I I - - I I � . - . I I . . - . ! . ,. - I I . I i I . I . 11 I f, I . ! I . 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